Improving Lives with Poplars and Willows

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Improving Lives with Poplars and Willows ` _______________________________________________________ INTERNATIONAL POPLAR COMMISSION 24th Session Dehradun, India, 30 October-2 November 2012 IMPROVING LIVES WITH POPLARS AND WILLOWS Publications Listed in Country Progress Reports October 2012 Forest Assessment, Management and Working Paper IPC/13 Conservatrion Division FAO, Rome, Italy Forestry Department Disclaimer Most national reports to the 24th Session of the International Poplar Commission have listed a wealth material published in the four years since the last Session. These have been extracted and are presented in this separate publication as a contribution to sharing information between member countries of the IPC. Some countries have also included website addresses, and these have been incorporated as well. Comments and feedback are welcome. For further information, please contact: Mr Walter Kollert Secretary International Poplar Commission Technical Statutory Body Forestry Department Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) Viale delle Terme di Caracalla I-00153 Rome Italy E-mail: [email protected] For quotation: FAO, 2012. Publications listed in country progress reports. 24th Session of the International Poplar Commission, Dehradun, India, 30 Oct - 2 Nov 2012. International Poplar Commission Working Paper IPC/13, FAO, Rome. Web references: For details relating to the International Poplar Commission as a Technical Statutory Body of FAO, including National Poplar Commissions, working parties and initiatives can be viewed on and highlights of the 24th Session of the International Poplar Commission, 2012, can be viewed on INTERNATIONAL POPLAR COMMISSION 24th Session Dehradun, India, 30 October-2 November 2012 IMPROVING LIVES WITH POPLARS AND WILLOWS Publications Listed in Country Progress Reports i ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Opportunity is taken to acknowledge the professional inputs of the National Poplar Commissions of the reporting countries. Ms. Michèle Millanès from the IPC-Secretariat has thoroughly compiled and edited the list of references and Ms. Lucia Cherubini has disseminated it through the worldwide web. ii PREFACE The Country Progress Reports prepared by the National Poplar Commissions of twenty member countries and by one non-member country for the 24th Session in Dehradun, India, in November 2012, yielded a wealth of references published between the years 2008-2011. Country Progress Reports were submitted by Argentina, Belgium, Canada, Chile, China, Croatia, Egypt, Finland, Germany, India, Iran, Italy, the Republic of Korea, New Zealand, Romania, Serbia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, and the Russian Federation, but not all the reporting countries did provide a list of references. This Working Paper IPC/13, which lists the references documented by country and author in alphabetical order, should be read as a supplement to the Synthesis of Country Progress Reports: Activities Related to Poplar and Willow Cultivation and Utilization, 2008 through 20011, International Poplar Commission Working Paper IPC/12, FAO, October 2012. The listed references reflect the diversity and scope of the research and development in poplars and willows globally, but also the different priorities in their culture and use in individual countries. The Working Papers IPC/12 and IPC/13 are available on the FAO website: Walter Kollert Secretary International Poplar Commission iii TABLE OF CONTENTS Argentina..................................................................................................................................... 1 Belgium ..................................................................................................................................... 13 Canada....................................................................................................................................... 16 Croatia ....................................................................................................................................... 33 Finland ...................................................................................................................................... 34 Germany .................................................................................................................................... 35 India .......................................................................................................................................... 41 Italy ........................................................................................................................................... 48 New Zealand ............................................................................................................................. 77 Romania .................................................................................................................................... 79 Serbia ........................................................................................................................................ 81 Spain ......................................................................................................................................... 84 Sweden ...................................................................................................................................... 89 Turkey ....................................................................................................................................... 96 LIST OF IPC PUBLICATIONS ............................................................................................... 98 iv Argentina Achinelli F.G., Angelinetti S., Delgado M., Millán G.J. y V. Luquez. (2010). Influence of plantation techniques on survival and early growth of poplars (Populus spp.) in nonirrigated hapludolls of the Plane Pampas, Argentina. Congreso Forestal Mundial 2010, Argentina. Achinelli F.G., Russo F., Angelinetti S., Delgado M. y J.M. García Conde. (2009). Estructuras y rendimientos de madera resultantes de la aplicación de dos intensidades de raleo en un tallar de diez años de edad de sauce americano (Salix babylonica var. sacramenta) en el Delta del Paraná. Jornadas Nacionales de Salicáceas 2011, Neuquén, Argentina. Achinelli F., Aparicio A., Francisco M., Delgado M., Prada E. y V. Luquez. (2009). Fertilización de arranque en plantaciones de Populus spp. de la Pampa Húmeda: evaluación preliminar de las respuestas a lo largo de la rotación. Jornadas Nacionales de Salicáceas 2009, Mendoza, Argentina. Achinelli F., Russo F., Angelinetti S., Sañudo G. y M. Delgado. (2011). Estudio preliminar de la densidad de tallares de sauce americano (Salix babylonica var. sacramenta) aplicando el índice de densidad del rodal de Reineke. Jornadas Nacionales de Salicáceas 2011, Neuquén, Argentina. Achinelli F. (2011). Manejo del renoval de sauces. Caso del Sauce americano. Jornada Técnica sobre el Sauce en el Delta Entrerriano. Villa Paranacito, 30 de noviembre de 2011 (en edición). Alvarez J. (2010). El Sauce resultará irreemplazable cuando pretendamos aumentar significativamente la superficie forestada en el Delta. En: Actas de Jornada Técnica sobre el Sauce. EEA Delta del Paraná, INTA. ISSN 1514-3910. pp. 62-73. Julio 2010. Alvarez J., Gyenge J., Graciano C. y S. Cortizo. (2011). Estrés hídrico por exceso y déficit en 2 clones de álamo ampliamente difundidos en el Delta del Paraná. Actas V Reunión GENFO. Buenos Aires. Argentina. (ISBN 978-987-679-082-6):29. Amico I., Bava J. y A. Calderón. (2009). Tabla de volumen para Populus nigra cv. ‘Italica’ en plantaciones lineales en el noroeste de Chubut. Jornadas de Salicáceas 2009. Mendoza, 15 al 17 de abril de 2009. ISSN 1850-3543. Amico I., Bava J. y A. Calderón. (2011). Curvas de Índice de Sitio para Populus nigra ‘Italica’ establecido en plantaciones lineales en el noroeste de Chubut. Jornadas de Salicáceas 2011. Neuquén. Marzo 2011. Amico I., Davel M., Picco O. y M.L. Bessio. (2007). Producción de barbados de álamos y sauces. Folleto de divulgación Nº24. CIEFAP, INTA, DGByP del Chubut. Amico I., Bava J. y A. Calderón. (2010). Índices de calidad de sitio de Populus nigra ‘Italica’en plantaciones lineales en el noroeste de Chubut. Revista de la Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias UNCuyo. Tomo 42. N° 1: 147-158. Atencia M.E. (2010). Usos sólidos de madera de sauce: tecnología de corte y secado. En: Actas de Jornada Técnica sobre el Sauce. EEA Delta del Paraná, INTA. ISSN 1514-3910. pp. 62-73. Julio 2010. Borodowski E. (2008). La forestación en el Delta del Paraná Actualidad Isleña (julio 2008), año I, nro. 1, pags. 6 y 8. Borodowski E. (2009). 23ª Reunión de la Comisión Internacional del Álamo: Las Salicáceas en China. Actas Jornadas de Salicáceas 2009. 15-17 abril. Disertación. ISSN 1850-3543 Borodowski E. (2009). Patrones de crecimiento estacional en clones de álamo en el Delta del Paraná y sus implicancias para el manejo. Actas Jornadas de Salicáceas 2009. 15-17 abril. Trabajo técnico. ISSN 1850-3543 Borodowski E. (2009). La actividad forestal y el desarrollo sustentable en la región del Delta del Paraná (Argentina). World Forest Congress 2009. 18 al 23 de octubre de 2009. Buenos Aires, Argentina. Actas en CD. 1 Borodowski E. (2009). Las Salicáceas en Argentina. World Forest Congress 2009. 18 al 23 de octubre de 2009. Buenos Aires, Argentina. Actas en CD. Borodowski E. y P. Escobar. (2009). Oportunidades de desarrollo para la maderas de sauces y álamos. Argentina Forestal (mayo de 2009), año V, nro.
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