Differentia: Review of Italian Thought

Number 8 Combined Issue 8-9 Spring/Autumn Article 60



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BIANCOFIORE, ANGELA. Studied philosophy of language at the University of Bari and is presently professor of Italian at the University Paul Valery in Montpellier. She has exhibited widely in Europe and Africa, and held her first New York show, Maps and No Territories, at Queens College in April, 1996. She has published poetry and is author of L'opera e ii metodo (Lecce, Milella, 1991), and Benvenuto Cellini, artiste-ecrivain (Paris: L'Harmattan, 1998).

BINETII, VINCENZO. Teaches contemporary Italian literature and cinema at the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor. He has recently published Cesare Pavese. Una vita perfetta. La crisi dell'intellettuale nell'ltalia del dopoguerra (Longo, 1999).

BARBIERO, DANIEL. Archivist with the National Academy of Sciences; has recently published articles in Substance 75, Philosophy Today, and Man and World, and is currently working on a series of essays on pittura metafisica.

BOSTEELS, BRUNO. Assistant Professor of Italian at Columbia University, has written on philosophy, Gramsci, Borges, and has recently completed a book on Southern Italian Culture.

BURCH, ROBERT. An associate professor in the Department of Philosophy, University of Alberta , and the former editor of Canadian Philosophical Reviews. His publications are in the areas of phenomenology, hermeneutics, and the philosophy of technology.

CAMAITI HOSTERT, ANNA. Professor at Loyola University in Chicago, and author of several articles in political theory, feminism, and cultural studies. Her latest book is Passing (Castelvecchi, 1997).

CARRAVETTA, PETER. Professor of Italian and Comparative Literature at Queens College and the CUNY/Graduate Center, and Founding Editor of Differentia. He has published Prefaces to the Diaphora. Rhetorics, Allegory, and the Interpretation of Postmodernity (Purdue UP, 1991), II fantasma di Hermes. Metodo, Retorica, lnterpretare (Milella, 1996) and The Sun and Other Things (Guernica, 1997).

CARRERA, ALESSANDRO. Italian Lettore at New York University. He has published a novel, three collections of poetry, as well as various studies in phi­ losophy, literature, and aesthetics. Among his books, La musica e la psiche (Riza 1984), and L'esperienza dell'istante (Lanfranchi, 1995). 448 DIFFERENT/A

CASILLO, ROBERT. Professor of English at the University of Miami. He has written on several aspects of American, Italian, and Italian American literary culture. He has published Anti-Semitism, Fascism and the Myths of Ezra Pound (Western UP, 1988).

D'AMBROSIO , MATTEO. Researcher at the University of Naples, teaches History of Literary Theory, has written extensively on semiotics, art criticism, the avantgardes . Has edited II testo, l'analisi, l'interpretazione (Napoli, 1995), II Futurismo a Napoli (Napoli, 1996) and the Catalogue of the Exhibit Marinetti e ii Futurismo a Napoli.

DE LUCCA, ROBERTO. Has worked as a writer and translator for 15 years. His translation of Giordano Brunos De la causa, principio e uno, and of C.E.Gaddas Quer Pasticciaccio brutto de via Merulana are to appear in 1999. He is currently teaching Italian at Pace University.

DE PALCHI, ALFREDO. Italian poet residing in New York for the past fortyfive years, and widely published in journals here and abroad, is author of Sessioni con l'analista (Mondadori, 1967; Eng. Transl. October House , 1970), Mutazioni (Campanotto, 1988), The Scorpion's Dark Dance (Xenos Books, 1993) , and Anonima costellazione/ Anonymous Constellation (Xenos Books, 1997).

DOMBROSKI, ROBERT. Distinguished Professor of Italian Studies at the CUNY/Graduate Center; has written extensively on Italian literary history and the novel. His book, Properties of Writing (1996) received the MLA Marrara Prize Award. He has most recently published Creative Entanglements. Gadda and the Baroque (U Toronto P, 1999)

FAGIANI, GIL. A social worker and on the Board of Directors of the Brecht Forum, and co-founder of Italian Americans for a Multicultural U.S. (IAMUS) and the East Harlem Historical Organization.

FRANCESE, JOSEPH. Professor of Comparative Literature , Italian , and Humanities at Michigan State University. He has recently published Narrating Postmodern Time and Space (SUNY P. 1997); Cultura e politica negli anni cinquanta: Salinari, Pasolini, Calvino (Roma, Lithos, 1999).

GALLUCCI, CAROLE C. Assistant Professor of Italian at the College of William and Mary. She is the co-editor of the forthcoming anthology, Writing Beyond Fascism: Cultural Resistance in the Life and Work of Alba de Cespedes (Fairleigh-Dickinson UP). She is currently working on a book on gender in Italian Fascism.

GIOSEFFI, DANIELA. Winner of an American Book Award with Women on DIFFERENT/A 449

War; Global Voices for Survival (Touchstone, 1990), author of nine books, poet, novelist and translator, editor of On Prejudice: A Global Perspective (Doubleday 1993), which received a World Peace Foundation Grant Award. Her latest book is Word Wounds and Water Flowers (VIA Folios, 1995).

GIUNTA, EDVIGE. Assistant Professor of English at New Jersey City University, has written on James Joyce, ancient Sicily, translation and contem­ porary poetics. She has edited the special issue of VIA Voices in Italian Americana on Italian American Women Writers and co-edited A Tavola: Food, Tradition and Community Among Italian Americans (NY, AIHA, 1999)

GODORECCI, BARBARA. Associate Professor of Italian at the University of Alabama/Tuscaloosa, is the author of After Machiavelli: Re-writing and the Hermeneutic Attitude (Purdue UP, 1993).

GODORECCI, MAURIZIO. Assistant Professor of Italian at the University of Alabama/Tuscaloosa, has written on Vico, Gentile, Ungaretti, as well as on hermeneutics and poetics. Author of Fra ottocento e novecento. Ombre e corpi di Fedele Romano (Editrice Eco, 1993).

GULLI, BRUNO. Presently completing his doctorate in Comparative Literature at the CUNY/Graduate Center, he is pursuing research in the areas of philoso­ phy, politics and literature.

HARDMAN, FRANCISCO FOOT. Critic and artist at the lnstituto de Estudos da Linguam, UNICAMP, author of Trem fantasma: a modernidade na salva (Sao Paulo, 1988) and Cronica. 0 genero, sua fixacao e suas transforma­ coes no Brasil (Campinas, 1993).

HARRISON, THOMAS. Associate Professor of Italian at University of California/Los Angeles, critic and translator, author of Essayism. Conrad, Musil, Pirandello (U California P, 1992) and 191 O. The Emancipation of Dissonance (U California P, 1996).

HARROWITZ, NANCY. Teaches Italian Literature and Holocaust Studies at Boston University. Author of Antisemitism, Misogyny and the Logic of Cultural Difference: Cesare Lombroso and Matilde Serao (1994), editor of Tainted Greatness. Antisemitism and Cultural Heroes (1994) and co-editor of Jews and Gender: Responses to Otto Weininger (1995). She is currently writing a book on Primo Levi.

HOHENWALLER, WOLFGANG. Born in Salzburg in 1939, studied music and medicine and has exhibited widely in Europe and North America. Author of several essays, a video film The Soul of the Artist (1991 ), Catalogue Life, Love, Challenge, a traveling show in Canada (1992-94), represented by 450 DIFFERENT/A

Gallery HW in Linz. His Queens College Art Center exhibit, Oct-Nov. 1966, which included 55 eye-opening works on paper and canvas, was his first in the United States.

HOLUB, RENATE. Teaches in the Department of Rhetoric at the University of California/Berkeley and has written on Vico, Habermas, feminism, ecology, political theory, sociology of knowledge. Author of Antonio Gramsci. Beyond Marxism and Postmodernism (Routledge, 1993).

IVES, PETER. Received his Ph.D in Social Political Thought at York University (Toronto). He has written on Gramsci and on topics in linguistics.

JACOBITII, EDMUND E. Professor Emeritus at Southern Illinois University in Edwardsville. Author of studies on Humanism, Vico, Croce, and is presently working on an Italian intellectual history from Machiavelli to Vattimo.

KORNFELD, ANNE. Scholar and translator, residing in Rome.

LA BARRE, ADELE L. Widely published writer and performer, winner of first prize in fiction from Turnstile Magazine (1995), she has taught at Drew University and is now a consultant on Byzantine textiles and on Italian needle­ work in Italian American art. Her piece, Advice to a Daughter/Qualche con­ siglio per una figlia, has been performed on radio, at conferences , in galleries, cafes and many colleges.

MANGONE, FRANCESCO. Teaches Italian in a High School in a town near Sybaris () and does research in poetics and ancient history.

MAZZARELLA, EUGENIO. Professor of philosophy at the University of Naples. He has written Tecnica e metafisica (1981 ), Nietzsche e la storia (1983), Pensare e credere. Tre scritti cristiani (Napoli, 1998), and edited recently the volume Heidegger oggi (II Mulino, 1998).

MOLESWORTH, CHARLES. Professor of English at CUNY/Queens College, and author of poetry and studies and essays on various aspects of Modernism, has written a biography of Marienne Moore and is presently at work on an intellectual biography of Edna St. Vincent Millay.

MILAZZO, RICHARD . Art critic, curator, and collector, he is author of According to What: Essays on Art in the 1900s (Editions d'Afrique du Nord, Tangiers, 1997), and in his own publishing label, The 80s - A Reality Stranger Than Fiction: An Essay on the History and Art of the Decade (Edgewise Press, N.Y., 1996).

NOCERINO, KATHRYN. A writer and reviewer of poetry and short fiction, DIFFERENT/A 451 author of The Death of the Plankton Bar & Grill (New Rivers Press, 1987) and Wax Lips (New Rivers Press, 1980). Ms. Nocerino has received residen­ cy fellowships in writing from MacDowell, Yaddo, and Ragdale Foundations.

PALLITTO, ELIZABETH. Doctoral candidate in Comparative Literature at the CUNY/Graduate Center, she is currently working on the writing and philosophy of Tullia DAragona, a Renaissance courtesan and woman of letters.

PANKIEWICZ, FLAVIA. Italian journalist and writer. She contributes regularly to La Gazzetta def Mezzogiorno (Bari) and is the founding editor of BRIDGE APULIA-USA; she has written the novel Border to Border (1989) and most recently the collection of poems American Eclipses (Bordighera, 1999)

PETRILLI, SUSAN. Lecturer in the Department of the Philosophy of Language at the University of Bari, has edited Man as a Sign (Berlin, 1990) and co-edit­ ed La ricerca semiotica (Bologna, 1993).

PICCIOTTO, ROBERTO. Born in Buenos Aires, Emeritus Professor of Spanish at Queens College/CUNY, he is the author of several volumes of poetry, among which Tablas (Buenos Aires, 1988). Currently he divides his time between a village in the south of and his sailboat wherever it may be moored.

PONZIO, AUGUSTO. Professor at the Philosophy of Language at the University of Bari, he has published widely in the areas of semiotics, writing and dialogics. Among his publications: Soggetto e alterita. Da Levinas a Levinas (Bari, 1989), Tra semiotica e letteratura. lntroduzione a M. Bachtin (Milan, 1992), Signs, Dialogue and Ideology (Amsterdam, 1993).

PROIETTI, M. LETIZIA. Researcher in the History of Art Criticism in the Department of Philosophy and Epistemology at the University of Rome/La Sapienza; she is also a member of the Roster of Italian Psychologists and Psychotherapists. Author of La cosa poetica in Heidegger (Bulzoni, 1985), Figure della differenza: in margine a Nietzsche e Derrida (Lithos, 1995) and La questione dell'immaginazione tra coscienza e inconscio (Quasar, 1997).

RAIZISS, SONIA. Widely published scholar, poet and translator, author of The Metaphysical Passion (Greenwood P, 1977), and Bucks County Blues (New Rivers P, 1977).

RICCHI, RENZO. Poet, dramatist and prose writer, works for Italian Television network, has published La punizione (Vallecchi, 1985), Le radici dello spiri­ to (Vallecchi, 1992), Five one-act plays (University College, Dublin, 1996), Selected Poems (Lee Abbey Press, 1997), Racconti (Baroni, 1998), 452 DIFFERENT/A

RISTORI, SANDRO. Born in Trento and working out of Genoa (Unimedia, Caterina Gualco), has had personal shows in Albenga (1986), Savona (1989), Genoa (1991), Berlin (1993), Milan (1994), Genoa (1995); has been included in numerous group exhibits in and Europe. Has edited Ring (Genoa, 1992), II ventilatore si sveglia (1993), II bagno; manifesto VIDEO:BOX (Ravenna, 1993).

RUSSO, JOHN PAUL. Professor of English at the University of Miami, author of I.A. Richards. An Intellectual Biography (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins UP, 1994) and many studies in Anglo-Italian cultural relations.

RUTHENBERG, MYRIAM S. Assistant professor of Italian and Comparative Literature at Florida Atlantic University. Her publications and research are in late medieval and contemporary Italian literature. She has also translated Erri De Luca's I colpi dei sensi (The Senses of Memory).

SAVIANI, LUCIO. Researcher at the University of Naples, editor of the collec­ tion Segnalibro. Voci da un dizionario della contemporaneita (Napoli, 1995) and author of the following books: II gioco delloltre (1985), Limina coralia (1992), A dadi con gli dei. Su Nietzsche (1994) and Ermeneutica del gioco (Napoli 1998).

SHIRVANI, HAM. Vice-President for Graduate Studies and Research at Queens College/CUNY. Holds degree from Polytechnic of Central London and PhD in architecture from Princeton; author of three books, he has written on a variety of topics in social planning, urban space and aesthetics.

SIDOLI, GRAZIELLA. Teaches Romance Languages in New York City, is a candidate for the PhD at New York University, has translated poetry from the Italian into English and is the founding editor of the literary journal PolyText.

SOLIMINI, MARIA. Professor of Cultural Anthropology and Science of Language at the University of Bari, has written widely on cultural semiotics and the philosophy of language.

STARA, FLAVIA. Laurea in philosophy from Italy and presently finishing her Ph.D in Italian Literature at Harvard University. Her research interests include cultural studies, contemporary Italian literature and philosophy.

SUSSMAN, LEONARD. He has been photographing in Italy since 1984 and in Sardinia since 1991. His photographs have been exhibited in Italy and the United States. He is represented by the Witkin Gallery in New York and IF (lmmagine Fotografica) in Milan. DIFFERENT/A 453

VALESIO, PAOLO. Professor of Italian at Yale University, has written widely from rhetorical theory to medieval religious poetry to modernism and its after­ math. Among his publications, Novantiqua (1980), II regno doloroso (1983), Dialogo del falco e dell'avvoltoio (1987), The Dark Flame (1992).

VERDICCHIO, PASQUALE. Associate Professor of Italian at the University of California/San Diego. Essayist, poet and translator, author most recently of Bound by Distance. Rethinking Nationalism through the (Fairleigh Dickinson UP, 1997) and Devils in Paradise. Writings on Post­ Emigrant Cultures (Guernica, 1997)

VIANO, MAURIZIO. Professor of Italian at Wellesley College, has written on contemporary Italian culture, politics and cinema. He is author of A Certain Realism: Making Use of Pasolini's Film Theory and Practice (California UP, 1993).

VITIELLO, JUSTIN. Professor of Italian at Temple University, and author of several critical studies in English, Italian and comparative literature. His literary production includes Confessions of a Joe Rock (Lincoln Spring P, 1992), Subway Home (Lincoln Spring P, 1994).

WHITE, HAYDEN. Professor of the History of Consciousness at University of California/Santa Cruz, and author of several seminal works in literary theory, history and cultural criticism, among which are The Content of the Form (Johns Hopkins UP, 1987) and Figural Realism. Studies in the Mimetic Effect (Johns Hopkins UP, 1999).

ZANINI, ADELINO. Is Tutor at the Sheffield City Polytechnic and Professor of Economic Theory at the University at Padova. Among his books, Filosofia del soggetto (1982), Keynes, una provocazione metodologica (1985), Schumpeter impolitico (1987) and II moderno come residuo (1989).

ZIMMERMAN, SUSAN. Associate Professor of English at CUNY/Queens College, has co-edited several collections of papers, including Erotic Politics: Power of Desire on the Renaissance Stage (Routledge, 1992), and is presently finishing a book provisionally titled Witnessing the Unpresentable: The Corpse as Idol on the Jacobean Stage.