Yungkang Street—An Urban Gastronomic Cornucopia


Yungkang Street: known by the people of as a place to catch their breath in their otherwise hectic lives and by the people of as a gastronomic mecca. Cuisines of all kinds, from Chinese and Southeast Asian to European and Japanese compete here for the eye and the finicky taste bud. Other attractions include traditional teas, fine coffees, and fruit-topped shaved ices.

The word “food” doesn’t even begin to describe this area centered about Yungkang and Lishui Streets. Everything, from the antiquated Japanese-style homes that dot the alleys and the park bristling with towering trees (perfect for relaxing under after a meal) to the delightful personalized boutiques and tasteful art and antique shops, blends together to create a quaintness which makes you want to linger.

There is more to Yungkang Street than meets the eye. In our quest to define what it “is,” it would probably be easier to start with what it “isn’t.”

Yungkang Street offers a myriad of tasty delicacies. But they are not typical night-market street vendor snacks or exorbitantly priced repasts served in ritzy restaurants. Yungkang Street offers a common-man-on-the-street dining that falls somewhere in between the two—bistros offering relaxed, homey atmospheres and exceptional meals.

Yungkang Street may be characterized by bustling crowds and booming businesses, but it differs from other hotspots, like East Taipei and the Hsinyi District. It’s also bereft of large discount outlets. Visitors are drawn by the unique personalized shops.

Yungkang Street’s cultural ambience is the result of a combination of factors. It is near two universities (National Taiwan Normal University and National Taiwan University) and during the Japanese occupation and the early years of the Nationalist government, this area housed government workers. In contrast to university areas, however, Yungkang Street’s ambience is more relaxed and less bookish, and has more of a warm community feeling.

Many of the “not too rich, not too poor,” “not too old, not too young,” “not too chic, not too frumpy” come to Yungkang to let their hair down.


Where East meets East The Chinese food served up in the Yungkang area is world renowned. Examples include (near the entrance to Yungkang Street and next door to Kingstone Books) which has been serving up Shanghai delicacies for over three decades, Kao-chi (just up the street and in business for more than half a century), which is known for its Jiangsu and Zhejiang cuisines, and Hsiulan (across the street), which has specialized in fine Shanghai cuisine for the past 20-plus years. These three eateries command strategic locations along Yungkang Street and have been in business for a combined total of more than 100 years, which gives an idea just how deeply rooted fine food is in this neighborhood.

In addition to southeastern Chinese cuisines, Yungkang Street is also known for its Sichuan-style beef noodle soup. The “Sichuan” part is really a misnomer as this dish is a Taiwanese creation. Years ago, air force personnel residing in a military dependants’ village in Kangshan, Kaohsiung County, homesick after coming to Taiwan with the Nationalist government, tossed noodles in with Chengdu braised beef soup. After retiring from the military, veterans gradually spread this delectable dish (unknown in Sichuan) to every corner of Taiwan.

If you walk over to Alley 31 of Chinshan South Road Section 2, which branches off of nearby Lishui Street, you’ll see Lao Chang’s Sichuan Style Beef Noodles and the Yungkang Beef Noodle Restaurant. The beef noodles served in these two shops are regarded by enthusiasts as classics and attracted a lot of attention during last year’s Taipei Beef Noodle Festival. Today, you’ll find them packed every day.

A stone’s throw away are other classics, including the Tungmen Jiaozi Restaurant, Lao Kuo’s Sichuan Restaurant (on Lishui Street), which is famous for its bean paste fish, and a little further down is Liupin, known for its spicy shredded beef and dried tofu.

Near Yungkang Park are the Chungli Beef Restaurant, which has served beef viscera soup and satay sauce beef for over 20 years, the Lusang Restaurant, dedicated to Ilan cuisine, and Sit-Fun Shih Tang, which specializes in local Taiwanese dishes.

Competition goes international Inaugurated a few years back, the two-day weekend has netted crowds out enjoying their leisure time. Now, all kinds of exotic fares are competing with their Chinese counterparts up and down Yungkang Street, making this narrow and crowded strip of pavement a bustling tiny United Nations of sorts.

Din Tai Fung’s reputation has drawn many Japanese tourists, helping to kindle an interest in


Japanese cuisine here in recent years. For example, the very popular Heiseiya hotpot restaurant, located across from Yungkang Park, specializes in Japanese-style sukiyaki and the Red Dragonfly, a Japanese-style beer house and barbecue near Chinhua Street, teems with young crowds.

The popularity of Japanese fare has made Yungkang a virtual battleground of Japanese-style noodle shops. Over the past two years, a number of Japanese noodle franchises have set up shop here, making Yungkang a paradise for ramen lovers. Examples include Netsuretsu Ichiban Tei, which serves all the kimchi you can eat, Rose Green, which offers Kumamoto ramen made with pork stock, Akasaka Ramen, which won first place in a noodle competition on ’s TV Champion show, and Wadaya, which boasts flavors from all over Japan.

Another must-try is the Chengchi Vietnamese Noodle Restaurant, which has been serving such delicacies as satay beef on hefen (wide rice noodles), Vietnamese spring rolls, and marinated pork livers for some 20 years. Then there’s Indian curry. There’s enough around Yungkang Street to make a curry lover’s head spin, starting with Green Curry at the entrance, Indian Fans in the middle, and Janny’s Curry House towards the back close to Chinhua Street.

Oma Ursel’s Café dishes out genuine German homestyle cooking, including such classics as pork knuckles, sausage, and mouth-watering Black Forest gâteau. A number of bistros and tea shops with European themes line the little alley just behind Yungkang Park. Cello is a well-known Yungkang Street pasta restaurant owned by Fan Zong Pei. It’s not uncommon to see the burly figure of this bearded cellist heading up the kitchen, serving plates of steaming noodles to crowds of pasta lovers.

Refreshments and shaved ice If you’re in the mood for coffee, tea, and some tête-à-tête with a few good friends, Yungkang is just the place to go. At the entrance to Lishui Street, you’ll find Ten Ren Tea which has set up branches worldwide under the name Cha for Tea. Many Japanese tourists like to shop there after enjoying a meal at Din Tai Fung.

If you fancy Western beverages more, you’ll find that Carvalli, situated on nearby Hsinyi Road, is a great place to get away from the hustle and bustle. Cultured intellectuals come here to enjoy a bit of conversation over a cup of the owner’s superlative coffee. Inside Cozy, a trendy café just off Chingtien Street, you’ll always find people quaffing cups of quality Italian coffee as they surf the net on their notebooks. Back by Yungkang Park is Alpine Garden, a favorite of the ladies, known for its Swiss cake and herbal teas, both healthy and organic.

Business at Ice Monster, located just in front of Yungkang Park—the undisputed epicenter of


the neighborhood—has boomed in recent years. Long lines of young people and tourists wait to enjoy such house specialties as Mango Ecstasy and Strawberry Ice. Its popularity has resulted in a number of copycat shaved ice shops sprouting up nearby.

A place for all The sheer quantity of fine food in the area makes compiling an exhaustive list a daunting challenge. Diehard gourmands will find making frequent trips here on search and devour missions more than worth their while. Furthermore, the food and entertainment found here reflect the inclinations of the urban middle class and together form a relaxed, yet tasteful, homey ambience.

Along Lishui Street, for example, you find a number of shops dedicated to ethnic clothing and accessories, Taiwanese art, household items, and antiques. Yungkang Street boasts pet supply stores and European art and home décor shops guaranteed to please the gamut of middle-class tastes.

It is very difficult to sum up this neighborhood in one word comprised as it is of large portions of mainland Chinese, foreign, and local elements as well as a hefty dash of culture. Visitors all see a world detached and visions of a more wonderful life. Yungkang Street offers a little something for everyone.

Lee Chin-chi, associate professor with Shih Chien University’s Department of Architecture, points out that the area, which encompasses Yungkang Street, Hoping East Road, National Taiwan Normal University, and National Taiwan University, is rich in culture much like Paris’ Left Bank. You might call it Taiwan’s “Latin Quarter.” The many teashops and cafés scattered around its tangle of alleys are favorite hideaways for intellectuals and people of letters.

Known as the “urban detective,” Lee is particularly fond of the more secluded, quiet, and attractive area toward the far end of Yungkang Street by Chingtien Street. The buildings are not too high, the occasional coffee shop calls on visitors to sit back and relax, and beautifully designed stores and antique shops give the area a carefree pace—“It’s an urban cultural corridor,” says Lee.

Improving business in recent years has attracted more shops and crowds, while forcing the extinction of some landmarks of yesteryear, like the Paokung Theater and the Ching Chao Restaurant. The winds of change have also accelerated the pace of life in this long-standing district.

But as long as those restaurants and cafés still dot these alleys and lanes, the people of Taipei will continue to have a place to escape from their fast-paced lives.


No matter what kind of person you are, what likes and dislikes you have in regard to dining and life in general, you will most likely be able to find your own little corner of heaven on Yungkang Street, a secret garden for you and yours.

The people of Yungkang Street, residents, business owners, and visitors alike, are all searching for a little oasis of calm to escape to. That’s the beauty of Yungkang Street and the charm of this neighborhood.




舉凡華人菜餚、東南亞料理、歐風餐點、和式拉麵,乃至傳統茶藝、經典咖啡、水果冰 品等,皆在此爭奇鬥豔,挑逗饕客們的好胃口。


無論是那舊式樣貌的巷弄矮房、餐後輕鬆納涼的大樹公園、精品風格的個性小店,以及 精緻品味的古董藝品,都顯現出此地「小而美」的細膩氣質,讓人流連忘返。

永康街看似簡單,實則複雜。要瞭解它「是」什麼,恐怕還不如從它「不是」什麼入手, 還容易些。

永康街有經典美食,但它不是夜市型的攤販小吃,也不是高級餐館的天價珍宴,毋寧是 介乎兩者間的庶民餐館性質,具有家常式的輕鬆氣息,但對食物的美味十分考究。 永康街很熱鬧,商業活動興盛。但它不是台北東區或信義區那種時尚特區,也沒有量販式的 大賣店,而是以風格獨具的個性小鋪為主。

永康街有人文氣息,這和它曾為日治時代及國府早期的公家宿舍區,並鄰近台、師大所 謂的「溫羅町」(以溫州路、羅斯福路為主的地帶)區域有關。但和後者相比,永康街少了 些嚴肅的學院氛圍、缺了些勤學論辯的知識份子,卻多了些讓人怡然自得的社區氣息。

永康社區,因此被不少經濟上屬中產階級、年紀上屬中壯歲數、品味上不想流俗從眾, 卻也不至標新立異的台北人,當作一個放鬆身心的好去處。


外省本土美食總匯 永康社區的華人美食世界馳名。從街口與「金石堂書局」比鄰而居、永遠大排長龍的三 十多年老店「鼎泰豐」上海點心,到右邊巷內有五十多年歷史的「高記」江浙麵食,再到左 邊巷內開店二十多年,走高價路線的上海菜「秀蘭小吃」,3 家上海江浙風的老店在街口各 據一角,創業時間合計超過百年,足見此區美食火候之深。

永康街除了是江浙上海料理重鎮,也被視為台北重要的川味牛肉麵據點。所謂的川味牛 肉麵,乃是台灣獨創的美食。早年由於高雄縣岡山的空軍眷村官兵們思鄉心切,將成都料理 「小碗紅湯牛肉」加上麵條而成,四川本地並沒有這項麵食傳統。這些老兵退役後,逐漸將 這項美食傳遞至全台各處。

走到鄰近麗水街的金山南路 2 段 31 巷,可見到並排的「川味老張牛肉麵」及「永康牛 肉麵館」,二者不但被牛肉麵迷視為經典老店,並在去年的「台北牛肉麵節」裡大受矚目, 如今每天人潮踴躍,生意興隆。

離此處不遠,還有老字號的「東門餃子館」、麗水街上以豆瓣魚聞名的「老郭川菜」,以 及豆干牛肉絲香辣夠味的「六品小館」。

接近永康公園處,則有以牛雜湯及沙茶牛肉為賣點的二十多年老店「中壢牛家莊」、以 宜蘭美食為特色的「呂桑食堂」、和台菜為主的「喫飯食堂」,形成獨樹一格的本土風味。

國際餐點大競逐 永康街除了中式佳餚,近年來由於週休二日帶來休閒人潮,使得各種異國料理也爭相卡 位,讓這條狹窄、擁擠的街道儼然「小聯合國」,好不熱鬧。

「鼎泰豐」名氣之大,吸引許多日本觀光客造訪此處,讓永康社區的美食風景,洋溢起 一片東洋風。例如永康公園旁的「平成屋涮涮鍋」,以日式壽喜燒鍋為號召,頗受好評;接 近金華街處的「紅蜻蜓食事處」,則走居酒屋風格的日式燒烤,擁擠熱絡的店面裡總塞滿一 群年輕人。

永康社區東洋風之盛,使得此地現在也成為日式拉麵業者的「激戰區」!舉凡台灣目前 較著名的連鎖拉麵店,如泡菜無限供應的「熱烈一番亭」、以猪骨湯底的熊本拉麵為號召的 「玫瑰緣別館」、曾獲日本「電視冠軍」拉麵比賽首獎的「赤阪拉麵」,以及各地風味兼備的 「和田屋」等,都在近兩年間陸續入列,成為拉麵迷的朝聖地之一。

漫步永康街,也不能錯過創業超過二十年的「越南誠記麵食館」,其沙茶牛肉河粉、越 式春捲、滷猪肝等料理都極為細緻美味。永康街也是印度咖哩重鎮,街口的「綠色咖哩」、



「歐嬤烏蘇拉」則以道地德國家常菜見長,德國猪腳、香腸、配上各類可口的黑森林蛋 糕,都是這家店的經典菜色。永康公園後方的小巷弄區,也聚集了不少歐風為主的餐廳與茶 店。其中大鬍子音樂家范宗沛經營的「騎樓義大利麵舖」,常可見身材壯碩的大提琴家親自 擔任主廚,服務眾多熱愛義大利麵的饕客,如今也成為永康街著名的美食風景。

永康社區還有不少標榜健康飲食的餐廳。其中「回留」標榜不加調味添加劑、講求清淡 原味、不用大油大火烹調,並以結合東西菜色的創意素食料理,讓人在用餐之餘,身心沒有 任何多餘負擔,是現代人大吃大喝以外的另類選擇。

茶點冰品閒適風 若是想與三五好友喫茶或嗑咖啡聊天,永康區也是名店聚集處。麗水街口首先可見已在 全球各地以「cha for tea」之名設立分店的「天仁茗茶」,不少日本客在逛完鼎泰豐後,會選 擇來此購買茶品。巷內其他茶莊如「沁園」、「別茶院」等,也都獨具素雅風味。

西方飲品方面,鄰近信義路的「卡瓦利」鬧中取靜,除了老闆的一手好咖啡外,此處亦 是不少文人雅士清談闊論的人文沙龍。青田街附近的「Cozy」則走時尚路線,裡面總有成 群的人一邊用 notebook 上網,一邊品嚐口味頂級的義式咖啡。靠近永康公園的「阿爾卑斯 花園」,則以來自瑞士蛋糕與健康有機花茶為號召,深受女性歡迎。

永康公園無疑是永康街的心臟地帶。公園前的「冰館」近年來大紅特紅,店前總有大排 長龍的年輕人與觀光客,等著品嚐招牌的「芒果爽」與「草莓冰」。裙帶效應下,使得永康 街周邊近年來出現不少性質類似的冰果店。

而每逢週末假日,總有各路街頭藝人到永康公園獻藝。這些表演者來來去去,最著名也 最傳奇的是一個由幾個日本人主導、成員包括台灣人與美國人的 7 人樂團「SPOON de CHOP」。

這些來自不同國度的年輕人,只要心情來了、感覺對了、時候到了,就會不定期地在永 康公園大聲唱歌,他們彈奏吉他、斑鳩、手鼓等不插電樂器,用日語、美語、與國語交錯的 三聲道語言、自由隨性地吟唱各地歌謠。斗大的海報上寫著:「我們不要錢,只要啤酒!」 熱鬧活潑的個性,使他們輕易地與往來民眾打成一片。

中產階級情調與人文氣質 永康街美食佳餚之多,極易掛一漏萬,對嗜吃美食者而言,值得多次尋覓探訪。而此處 的吃喝玩樂,反映出都會型中產階級的偏好,以及一種輕鬆、家常、重視品味的氛圍。


例如麗水街一帶有眾多的民族服飾、本土民藝、生活雜貨、與古董精品店。永康街一帶, 則有不少家寵物用品店與歐風藝品家飾店,討好中產階級生活上的各種趣味。

永康社區的「街風」,也很難「一言以蔽之」,其中包含外省風、異國風、本土風,以及 濃烈的人文風。而無論是何者,往來其間的人們,彷彿都在此看到另一種超脫俗世生活、生 活更加美好的願景。無論那是思鄉式的懷舊口味、歐式的生活想像、或本土味的故鄉情懷, 永康街,都提供了種種彷彿就在眼前的「選擇」。

實踐大學建築系副教授李清志認為,從永康街一直往後延伸,穿越和平東路直到師大、 台大等地,具有濃厚的人文特質,就像法國巴黎左岸一樣,人文薈萃,或可稱為台北的「拉 丁區」。而許多隱藏在胡同巷弄裡的茶藝小舖或極品咖啡,都是文人雅士交流互動的私密場 域。

素有「都市偵探」之名的他,尤其喜歡永康街後段,鄰近青田街周邊較為清幽閑靜的路 段。這裡房子不高,巷弄間偶有幾處讓人歇腳的咖啡廳,又有一些具有設計感的生活小舖或 古董店,給人一股自由自在的步調,「就像都市裡的文化走廊一樣,」李清志說。

近年來永康社區在商業化的開發壓力下,店鋪越開越多,人潮越來越擠,而許多昔日令 人懷念的地標如寶宮戲院、京兆尹、魚夫家飯等,物換星移下都已經消失;原本有著優雅步 調的老社區,近年來在商業力運轉下快速蛻變,令人目不暇給。

但只要那巷弄小道裡的館子仍在、胡同角落的咖啡依舊,或許台北人就能在忙碌急促的 生活裡,找到安身立命的喘息空間。

不管你是怎樣的人,有著什樣的飲食癖好與生活習慣,似乎都能在永康街找到屬於自己 的角落。而這首都的一角,也就成為你與至親好友的祕密基地。

永康街裡的「人」,無分住戶、商家、與過客,都努力尋找生活中那片刻寧靜、逃逸俗 務的空間。這就是永康街式的「人文」風景,也正是這片社區的魅力所在。


(1) hectic (a.) 忙亂的 Sally had a very hectic week full of meetings and presentations. 莎莉一整個星期都在開會和簡報,非常繁忙。

(2) mecca (n.) 聖地,許多人想去的地方


Vienna, Austria, the birthplace of many great composers, is a mecca for classical music lovers. 奧地利的維也納是許多偉大作曲家誕生之地,也是古典樂迷心中的聖地。

(3) antiquated (a.) 過時的,陳舊的 Julie called her husband’s idea that she give up her job and stay home antiquated. 茱莉認為她先生叫她放棄工作待在家裡是陳舊的觀念。

(4) exorbitantly (adv.) 過分地,過高地 When the girl saw just how much the exorbitantly priced ring cost, she sighed. 當這女孩看到這只昂貴戒指的標價,她嘆了口氣。

(5) ambiance (n.) 氣氛,周圍環境 When choosing a restaurant, consider the ambiance in addition to the food. 選餐廳的時候,除了食物之外還要考量氣氛。

(6) renowned (a.) 有名的 Claire listened carefully as the renowned psychologist spoke. 克萊兒認真聽這個知名的心理學家演講。

(7) counterpart (n.) 對應的人(物) The French president and his British counterpart signed the trade agreement. 法國總統與英國首相簽訂了貿易協定。

(8) burly (a.) 高大結實的,魁梧的 Even the burly man could not help get the car out of the muddy ditch. 就連這彪形大漢也無法幫忙把車子從泥濘的溝裡拖出來。

(9) quaff (v.) 狂飲,痛飲 When the hiker reached the top of the mountain he happily quaffed down some water. 當這個健行者走到山頂,他開心地大口飲水。

(10) gamut (n.) 整個範圍,全部 Opinions about the movie ran the gamut from excellent to terrible. 對這部電影的評價從頂尖到差勁透頂都有。

(11) secluded (a.) 隱蔽的,與世隔絕的 The couple walked through the park in search of a secluded spot. 這對夫婦在公園裡散步,尋找僻靜之處。


(12) accelerate (v.) 使加快,促進 The coming snowstorm accelerated their departure. 即將來臨的暴風雪加快了他們離開的腳步。


(1) be bereft of 缺少……的,失去……的 The woman was bereft of all feeling when she heard the horrible news. 當這女子聽到那個令人震驚的消息時,她喪失了知覺。

(2) a stone’s throw 一箭之遙,不遠之處 Even though Hank’s apartment is only a stone’s throw from campus, he’s always late for class. 儘管漢克的公寓離學校校園只有一箭之遙,他仍然老是遲到。

(3) teem with 充滿 The lake was teeming with different kinds of fish. 這個湖充滿了各種不同的魚類。


第 1 部分:課文理解

1. Which of the following statements best describes the dining experience on Yungkang Street? (A) Excellent street vendor food specializing in local Taiwanese delicacies. ˇ(B) Good tasting food that can be enjoyed in a quiet, relaxed environment. (C) High-priced food like the kind you get at only the fanciest restaurants. (D) Big crowds and booming business, especially at the chain restaurants.

1. 下列何者是對於永康街美食經驗的最佳描寫? (A) 提供台灣地方小吃的一流路邊攤。 ˇ(B) 在寧靜、輕鬆的環境中享受美食。 (C) 如同頂級餐廳的高價美食。 (D) 人潮與繁榮,尤其是連鎖餐廳。

2. According to the article, which of the following is NOT available in the area around Yungkang Street? (A) Excellent Italian coffees and Swiss cakes.


(B) German pork knuckles and black forest gateau. ˇ(C) Authentic Latin fare like tacos and fajitas. (D) Japanese ramen noodles from well-known franchises.

2. 根據本文,下列何者在永康街一帶找不到? (A) 一流的義式咖啡與瑞士蛋糕。 (B) 德國猪腳與黑森林蛋糕。 ˇ(C) 如玉米脆餅與墨西哥法士達之類的純正的拉美食物。 (D) 知名的日本連鎖拉麵。

3. What about the Yungkang Street area does the article compare to Paris’s Left Bank? (A) The galleries that show many beautiful works of art. ˇ(B) The teashops and cafés are popular with intellectuals. (C) The Paris-style restaurants serving authentic French cuisine. (D) The closing of landmarks and the changing face of the area.

3. 本文將永康街哪個地帶比喻成巴黎的河左岸? (A) 展示許多美麗藝術品的畫廊。 ˇ(B) 知識分子鍾情的茶館與咖啡館。 (C) 供應純正法式料理的巴黎風格餐廳。 (D) 靠近地標,以及改變中的地方風貌。

第 2 部分:字彙題 1. Chongqing South Road in Taipei is a mecca for the city’s book lovers. 重慶南路是台北愛書人的聖地。 2. The old man’s condition accelerated and doctors feared he didn’t have much time left. 這老人的病況加劇了,醫生說恐怕他來日不多。 3. The principal met with her counterpart from the neighboring school to discuss possible cooperation. 本校校長與鄰近學校的校長會面,討論可能的合作事宜。

第 3 部分:片語題 1. The station is not far from my apartment, a mere ______throw . (A) bird’s ˇ(B) stone’s (C) dollar’s


(D) ball’s

1. 地鐵站離我家不遠,只有一箭之遙。 (A) 小鳥的 ˇ(B) 石頭的 (C) 錢的 (D) 球的

2. The record store teemed ______people buying CDs, chatting, and watching videos. (A) for (B) about (C) over ˇ(D) with

2. 這家唱片行裡充滿了買 CD、聊天與看影片的人潮。 (A) for (B) about (C) over ˇ(D) with

3. The professor thought that the student’s paper was of any new ideas. (A) teemed (B) gamut (C) devoured ˇ(D) bereft

3. 教授覺得這個學生的報告了無新意。 (A) 充滿 (B) 範圍 (C) 吞噬 ˇ(D) 喪失

第 4 部分:寫作練習

This article introduces one of Taipei’s more popular areas, Yungkang Street, and contains numerous reviews of the different shops and restaurants located on and around this special street. It also tries to explain the unique environment of the area, contrasting and comparing it with other


places like Taipei’s Eastern District and Paris’s Left Bank. Like any good review, it also mentions the history of the area and any other special characteristics.

Following the examples in the article, write a brief review of your favorite spot—this could be a restaurant, café, or shop. It could be in your hometown, or even somewhere overseas. Explain why you like it and think others would also. Remember: an effective review is one that helps people not only understand a place, but also want to go and see it for themselves. Keep this in mind when you are writing.

這篇文章介紹永康街這個台北的超人氣地區之一,對座落於永康街及其周邊一帶形形色色的 店舖與餐廳做了評論。同時也敘述了它獨特的環境,並將之與其他地區進行對照相較,例如 台北的東區與巴黎的河左岸。正如同所有好的評論文章一樣,本文提到永康街的歷史,以及 任何其他獨特的特色。

請以本文為範例,針對你最喜歡去的地方寫一篇短評――餐廳、咖啡館或店舖都可以。這個 地方可以在你的家鄉,甚至在外國某地。說明你喜歡它,而別人也應該會愛上它的理由。謹 記:有效的評論不但要幫助人們了解一個地方,也會讓讀者產生到此一遊的念頭。寫作時切 記此點。

Example: Few restaurants make you feel cool when you go there but Hui Liu is definitely one of them. Hui Liu offers cuisine that is light, pleasing, and, it should be said, exclusively vegetarian. There are wonderful appetizers to choose from, including clay pot vegetables, a delightful pocket salad, and a scrumptious little pizza on a whole-wheat crust.

The entrees are of course also delicious. For the adventurous among us there is a dish called “Chef Goes to Market,” a daily mélange of organic vegetables, hand-selected and specially prepared. Or try the Marco Polo dumplings or the wonderful pesto. The sesame noodles are sure to please as well. Set meals including soup, salad, tea and a light dessert are a wonderful, healthy option.

The spot itself is ultra cool—very hip in an earthy sense—but also comfortable and without any pretense. The hand-made pottery of co-owner Evan Shaw is for sale, with its rich colors and glazes. On what else could Hui Liu serve its special vegetarian eggplant plate and homemade rye crackers?

While dinner for two at Hui-Liu could cost over NT$1000, it is well worth it. Because you’re hip, you’re in Taipei on Yungkang Street, and you’re enjoying wonderful food. What more could you ask for?



很少餐廳會讓你走進去感覺很酷,但「回留茶藝素食」絕對讓你有這種感受。回留提供的食 物清淡、愉快,而且純粹是素食。光是開胃菜就已經美不勝收,包括陶盆青蔬、令人陶醉的 口袋沙拉,以及全麥麵皮的美味小比薩。

主菜當然精緻。敢於嘗鮮的就點「大廚上菜場」,內容是每天不同的有機蔬菜組合,由主廚 親自挑選烹調。不然可以選「馬可波羅餃子煲」或是香蒜麵。蔬菜麻醬麵也一樣挑逗你的味 蕾。包含湯、沙拉、茶與清淡甜點的套餐是美味又健康的首選。

餐廳本身裝潢超酷――平實又時尚――同時又很舒適而不造作。店主之一的伊凡蕭在店裡寄 賣釉彩豐富的手工陶器。還有什麼食器能這麼速配回留特製的素食茄子拼盤與黑麥手工脆餅 呢?

雖然在回留,兩人份的餐點可能就要超過新台幣一千元,但絕對值得。因為你懂時尚、你身 處台北的永康街,還可以享受美味佳餚。夫復何求?