Digital Marketing Interview Questions and Answers for Freshers and Experienced Candidates

Let’s look into the digital marketing interview questions and answers for Freshers.

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) 1. What is SEO & why is it essential?

SEO(Search Engine Optimization) indicates to any activity performed for the growth of Search Engine rankings of websites, services, products, or other content. It reveals unpaid results which are also referred to as “free,” “organic,” “natural” or “earned” results.

The importance of SEO begins with the desire of the companies to increase more traffic to their websites. The ranking search engines matters because users pay more heed to the first 5 searches on . Besides, the users point to trust Google’s clean search results because they consider these searches to be more authentic and precise.

2. What is a Search Engine?

A search engine is a web-based software system which is created to search and find relevant information on the World Wide Web. Search engines generally answer the questions entered by the users and provide them a list of search results.

3. What is a Domain?

The domain is merely a part of the system address and serves as a descriptor for sites. It incorporates email addresses, site addresses, and addresses of Internet Protocols, for example, SSH, IRC, and FTP. For example, in, punith is the domain.

4. What is a Web server?

A web server is a computer program with domain names and IP address that show web pages to clients when asked. The web server accepts and processes requests sent utilizing HTTP. For example, when you insert the URL ‘’ over the browser, the request is ​ ​ sent to the web servers which show ‘’ as the domain name.

5. What is Web Hosting?

Web hosting points to any service providing space for websites over the Internet. The web host allows your site to be viewed by others through modem or network by making space over its server. There are multiple types of web hosting services available today which are utilized as per the needs and prerequisites of the web developers.

6. What is Crawling?

Crawling refers to an automated process into which search engines tools filtrate web pages for proper indexing.

Web crawlers go through website pages, look for relevant keywords, content, hyperlinks, and take information back to the web servers for ordering.

As crawlers like Google Bots likewise go through other connected pages on sites, organizations build for accessibility and navigation.

7. What is Indexing?

Indexing begins when the crawling process takes over during a search. Google utilizes crawling to gather pages relevant to the search queries and makes an index that incorporates particular words or the search terms and their location. Search engines answer questions of the users by looking up to the index and displaying the most appropriate pages.

8. What is SERP?

SERP(Search Engine Result Pages) refers to the page that is displayed when a particular search query is entered over the search engine. Apart from showing a list of search results, SERP might also include advertisements.

9. What is an organic result?

An organic result in SEO indicates to the listing of the web pages that are most related to the search query entered by the user. It is also pointed to as “free” or “natural” result. In contrast, non-organic search results may cover pay per click.

10. What are paid results?

Paid results in SEO refer the right opposite of organic results. It commonly indicates that are shown over the organic results. Several website owners make payments to Google to display their sites for specific search terms or keywords. Paid results show up when some user enters a search query with those keywords.

11. What is On-Page SEO?

On-Page SEO refers to every one of the activities performed on the websites to get higher ranking and more consistent traffic from the search engines.

On-Page SEO is related to the optimization of the content and also the HTML source code of any web page. Some of its aspects incorporate meta tags, title tags, meta description and heading tags. 12. What is Off-Page SEO? Off-Page SEO relates to the other aspects that impact the search ranking of websites on the Search Engine Result Page. It refers to the promotional activities, for example, content marketing, social media and link building performed outside the limits of any web page to enhance its search ranking.

13. What is the definition of a keyword?

Keyword intends any word serving as a key. Keyword in SEO refers to the key phrases and words incorporated into the web content which encourages the users to find the particular site by entering relevant search queries over the search engines.

14. What is a long tail keyword?

Long tail keywords are phrases containing over 4+ words that make search results highly specific. These long phrases are utilized by smart SEO specialists when they attempt to draw quality traffic to their sites rather than having random traffic and build their lead conversion rates. Additionally, long tail keywords are easy to rank compared with single word keyword.

15. What are Heading tags?

In SEO, heading or header tags are utilized to order the heading and sub-heading of any substance from the rest of the web page. There are 6 heading tags used as a part of SEO in a top-down hierarchy. Extending from h1 to h6, header tags get coherence in content along with relevancy and keyword consistency in the search results revealed on SERPs.

16. What is a Do-Follow link?

Dofollow links enable search engines to follow them and reach our website. If a webmaster is connecting back to you with this link, both Search Engine and Humans will be able to follow you. The best way to give someone do-follow link is allowing keyword in the anchor text.

17. What is a No-Follow link?

A No-Follow link is accurately the opposite of a Do-Follow link as such the link attributes do not support the Google to follow them. Robots can’t follow these links; only humans can do it.

The No-follow link attributes are structured in the following manner:

Link text

18. What is internal linking?

An internal link is a sort of hyperlink on a webpage to another webpage or resource, such as a document or image, on the same domain or website. Hyperlinks are considered either

“external” or “internal” depending on their target or destination. Internal linking helps search engine spiders to crawl, and index all the inner pages of a website/blog quickly.

19. Why are backlinks important in SEO?

A large number of backlinks a website has is an excellent indicator of its popularity or importance with search engines. It is easy to get a higher ranking utilizing backlinks than it is to influence search engines with external backlinks from other websites, which is why backlinks matter so much in a search engines algorithm.

20. What is robots.txt?

The robots exclusion standard, also known as the robots exclusion protocol or simply robots.txt, is a standard used by websites to communicate with web crawlers and other web robots. Robots.txt is one method of telling the Search Engine Bots about the web pages on your site which you do not require them to visit. It is useful for preventing the indexation of the parts of any online content that site owners do not need to display.

If you need to block all search engine robots from crawling your website, just put the following code:

User-agent: *

Disallow: /

If you need to block Google from crawling your website, just put the following code: User-agent: Disallow: /

It is essential to decide the location of Robots.txt very carefully, or else errors might happen while displaying the website.

21. What is HTML Sitemap?

An HTML sitemap allows site visitors to navigate a website quickly. It is a bulleted outline text version of the site navigation. This Sitemap can also be generated in XML format and submitted

to search engines so they can crawl the site more efficiently. HTML sitemap includes all formatted text and linking tags of any website.

22. What is XML Sitemap?

A good XML sitemap tells the search engines about the number of pages present on a particular website, the frequency of their updates and the time of the last modifications performed on them, which assists in proper indexing of the site by the search engines.

23. What are 404 errors?

404 errors are considered as one of the most potential impediments in the way to successful SEO. When a particular URL is renamed or becomes non-existent, any links connecting to that URL would result in 404 errors.

24. What is anchor text?

The Anchor text is the clickable text in a hyperlink. SEO best methods deliver that anchor text is relevant to the page you are linking to, rather than generic text. The anchor text means to a visible hyperlinked text that can be clicked through. Such hyperlinked texts link to different documents or locations available on the web.

25. What is Image Alt Text?

The Image Alt text is commonly considered as alternate text for an image, which gives a textual alternative to the crawlers to index the web page displaying the image. Google Bots cannot process images on the web. Hence, it makes use of the alt attributes to understand what an image is all about.

Well phrased alt tags boost the SEO ranking of your website’s images in search results, as they perform to add more value to the user experience.

SMM (Social Media Marketing)

1. What is the importance of Social Media?

Since social media is deeply customizable in nature with social media ads, it is imperative for each business, be it small or large. Social media marketing benefits to validate your brand. A company’s social media presence, when done accurately, tells buyers that their brand is active

and focused on thriving communication with customers. Social media marketing has the power to improve customer loyalty.

2. Do you know what Facebook Edgerank is? Why is it important?

Facebook Edgerank is the algorithm utilized by Facebook to decide whether your posts should be put up or not in the news feed of your page and your follower’s page as well as what should be their position.

Edgerank measures

● The affinity between you and your followers ● How links, video, images, and content engages the reader ● And the time of the post.

All these impacts the marketing strategy of your Facebook Business page which makes it so essential to understanding Edgerank.

3. What are the social media success tracking tools?

It is essential to track the social media success to know if you are on the correct track or not and if not, then what could be made to improvise the performance. The related metrics that could be utilized to track social media success are:

Google Analytics

To measure how much traffic is being delivered to your website from various social media channels.

Quality and relevancy content

By monitoring the single page views, total pages viewed, and the time spent on a page can be utilized to review the quality of content.

Observe the conversations about your company

The share of voice is nothing against discussions about your organization vs. your competitor’s. You can watch this by a simple yet efficient formula, i.e., organization’s notices on social media platforms and the notices of your competitor’s name on the same.

5. What are the best practices on Twitter?

Some of the best methods to use Twitter are:

● Using no more than 2 hashtags each tweet. ● Keeping the tweets around 100 characters. Make your tweets short and hitting. ● Schedule and prepare your tweets with the cooperation of Buffer or TweetDeck. ● With the aid of Twitter Advanced search, you can control your Twitter Marketing activities. ● Keeping a check on Twitter Analytics to know what could be done to improvise the strategy.

6. What is your most successful social media campaign? Why?

Everyone present their achievements in their CV and the possibilities are high that you have done it too. Well, they need to know about your achievements in your words. They need to know how you began a particular social media campaign, how you pursued the success, and what profit it earned for the company. While you are talking about your previous social campaigns, they will decide you on your interest for the industry and how passionate you are.

7. What are top Social Media Marketing Tools to consider?

Here are the best social media tools:


This tool manages various pages, searches, and brands. It allocates the task to team members, post analytics, competitor research, and reporting.


It is utilized for search or monitoring, reporting, social media dashboard, and team management.

Radian 6

It is an enterprise social media management application for post analytics, research, listening, and campaigns.


Zendesk for collecting from social into one collaborative inbox, consumer engagement platform, e-mail voice, etc.


It is similar to HootSuite, TweetDeck helps to handle multiple social media platforms like LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Foursquare, and MySpace.

8. What set of skills needed to become a Social Media Marketer?

To become a Social Media Marketer, you need to have a

● Native understanding of all social media network. ● Knowledge to combine corporate objectives with messaging, content and campaigns. ● Skillset to write concisely. ● Ability to understand, engage and effectively communicate with a different range of peoples and opinions. ● In-depth understanding of the products or services the company renders.

9. How do you measure social media success?

Use different tools to check the website optimization, the parameters to monitor the success of social media success are:

● Rise in the number of followers. ● Growth in the number of leads. ● The number of Inbound links to your website into social sites. ● The number of comment, social shares and traffic generated. ● Increase in the total sales made online. ● Number of Posts published. ● Account Creation. ● Query form submission. ● Conversion- Number of subscription.

10. Describe how to measure social return on investment (ROI)?

To measure the ROI (Rest On Investment) that you invested in social media, you can consider utilizing tools like the Conversation Measurement Tool on Facebook and optimized CPM. You can also use or LinkedIn, which have their own analytics. The criteria remain same to track the traffic like clicks, shares, purchases, number of likes, etc. ROI metric may also include

● e-mail subscription ● Webinar registration ● Website blog traffic ● Registration for content downloads,etc.

Content Marketing 1. What Is Content Marketing Exactly?

Content marketing becomes traditional marketer on its head. Instead of concentrating on a company and its products or services, it focuses on the customer’s needs first. The goal of content marketing is to deliver valuable, genuinely helpful information to customers for free. To build a relationship with them based on trust, which eventually leads them to make a purchase.

2. What do you enjoy about writing?

Look for signs of excitement and interest. You likely have a keeper if the person praises the personal benefits of creating great content.

3. How did you decide the style, tone, and voice for a recent piece of content you wrote? Content marketers have their own voice and writing style. However, they also require being able to adapt to fit the company, the audience, and the content format. Ask for particular examples of how they’ve modified their style — and why doing so was important.

4. What makes content successful?

Candidates must have the capacity to define what “success” is when it comes to creating content. As they react, you should hear the words “traffic,” “repeat visitors,” “retweets and likes,” and “search engine ranking” to demonstrate their comprehension. Even better if they give insights into their own successes in those areas.

5. How do you determine what content to create?

The perfect candidate will talk about industry news and trending topics, and explain how to utilize Google AdWords to discover topics that will drive the more traffic to your website.

6. After publishing your content, how do you promote it?

I will lay out a marketing plan, including sharing it on numerous social media accounts, repurposing it in outgoing newsletters and emails, and discovering influencers to link to it.

7. How do you know if your content has played well?

Sending content into the world is not enough. We should know how to control and analyze content by tracking social media shares and utilizing Google Analytics to evaluate the success of every piece.

8. Is Guest Blogging Part Of A Content Marketing Strategy?

Yes! Content marketing is content creating, whether it will appear on your website or someone else’s. Of course, guest blogging is also an essential part of outreach or digital PR, but the principles of content marketing still apply.

9. How Important Are Keywords In Content Marketing?

Keywords are really important for content marketing. Without keyword, SEO is not possible. The keywords should be used in the right proportion to get good ranking and generate more traffic to the website. Keywords play an essential role in SEO and Content marketing. In content marketing require keywords, without keywords how to make proper content and how to get the ranking and Our priority is always to write for humans, not search engines. 10. What Are Some Common Content Marketing Mistakes?

● Not researching what content your audience wants ● Not using multiple forms of content ● Your content isn’t evergreen ● Not having any (or enough) CTAs

Search Engine Marketing(SEM) – PPC & AdWords 1. What do you understand by AdWords?

Google invented AdWords with an aim to help in marketing product and services in a search engine. The AdWords program enables businesses to set a budget for advertising and only pay when people click the ads. The ad service is focused mainly on keywords. Businesses that use AdWords can create relevant ads using keywords that people who search the Web using the engine would use.

2. Explain the working of Google auction.

An auction works billion of times each month, and the results are such that users discover ads that are related to what they are looking for. Google processes the request and runs the auction that decides the ad position and CPC of each advertiser.

3. What is Quality Score in Google AdWords?

Quality Score is Google’s rating of the quality of landing pages and relevance of both your keywords and PPC advertisements. It is utilized to determine your cost per click (CPC) and multiplied by your maximum bid to determine your ad rank in the ad auction process. Higher quality score keywords will save your money and get better ad ranking.

4. Do you know what an ad group is on Google AdWords?

The ad group is a container of your landing pages, advertisements, and keywords. Google rewards advertisers who prepare AdWords Campaigns with tightly structured ad groups. Adding all keywords to the single ad group is not advisable instead it is better to organize keywords into themes. 5. Name some of Google AdWords Ad Extensions.

There are different ad extensions to boost the traffic. Some of the common ad extensions include:

● Sitelink Extension ● Callout Extension ● Structured snippet extension ● Call Extensions ● Message extension

● Location extension ● Affiliate location extension

6. What is CTR and how one can calculate it?

Click Through Rate (CTR) tells the number of visitants visited on your ad on the web page. The formula of to calculate CTR,

Number of clicks/Number of impressions X 100 = CTR

The answer will be in percentage which describes % of consumers who have viewed your ad.

7. Why is Search Engine Marketing important?

The Search Engine Marketing is a method of marketing business using paid advertisements that appear on search engine results pages (or SERPs). None another advertising medium can do this, which is why the search engine marketing is so efficient and such an amazingly great way to grow your business. Therefore, the company can build an excellent avenue for cost-effective and brand building at lead generation and online sales. If the company doesn’t have a search engine marketing strategy, they are behind the curve.

8. What are the PPC tools would you suggest to a PPC fresher?

According to me, some of the essential PPC tools that a PPC fresher should know about are-

● Change History ● Keyword Planner ● Display Planner ● Ad Preview and Diagnostics ● Labels ● Automated Rules

9. What factors affect Quality Score?

Here are the essential factors affecting the Quality Score:

● Landing page quality ● Relevance of keywords ● Relevancy of Ads

● CTR of the keyword ● Historic Account data

10. Explain the role of negative keywords in PPC with an example?

Negative keywords prevent your advertisements from displaying for appropriate keyword phrases. The operation of adding in negative keywords to a PPC(paid search) account is an essential part of the optimization process. It enables you to eliminate search queries which are unlikely to turn into a sale. For example, an individual may need to advertise for “hotel in Toronto,” but does not need to display advertisements for the keyword “hotel jobs in Toronto.” In this instance, the term “jobs” would be added as a negative keyword.

Let’s look into the digital marketing interview questions and answers for Experienced Candidates.

SEO (Search Engine Optimization):

1. How to cross check if SEO campaign is working or not?

Initially, an attempt would be made to examine all the search engines utilizing relevant key phrases and keywords that are to be optimized. After the analysis, the outcomes will bring up whether the techniques for optimization have worked or not. The report is to be analyzed all the time. Moreover, another aspect of website statistics would likewise be taken care of which talks about the origin of the traffic.

2. How will you start keyword research? Which tools would you utilize for doing it?

Firstly, I can choose the topic that may bring traffic to a website. For that, I can utilize or use on Twitter' trending topics (based on geographical locations) to get the ideal topic. Few number of tools to choose keywords are, SEMrush,, and Google Keyword Planner to discover related keywords and also their search volume.

3. What do you understand by Keyword streaming?

Keywords Streaming means analyzing and choosing the best keyword for your site and targeting to your site. One reduces each word to its stem. For example, "investigating", "investigates", "investigated" all turn out to be only the root word or stem "investigate" in a

search index. It is utilized for search functionality which means allowing any form of the search term to discover all variations of the provided keyword. It thus increases the search experience.

4. Explain about canonical tag? How to resolve the canonical issue?

The canonical issue relates to duplicate pages. For instance, if a site has 2 pages of same content but different URLs and you can’t redirect it, then you should use a canonical tag. It is to be used in the head section on your site.

For fixing a canonical issue, you have to do a canonical redirect the visitors to a correct version when they try to go to the wrong URL.

5. How will you check the number of backlinks to your competitor’s site?

To check the backlinks of competitors' site, use link operator on Google and various external tools like Backlink finder, Open Site Explorer, Backlink Watch, Alexa, SEMrush, etc., 6. What are the common SEO mistakes while producing digital content? People usually make the following common SEO mistakes while writing content on digital platforms:

● Using wrong words ● Problems with redirection ● Falling prey to SEO myth

7. Explain about doorway pages?

Doorway Pages, also known as gateway pages, portal pages or entry pages, refer to web pages or websites that are developed for a higher ranking when specific search queries are entered. Such pages give way multiple web pages on the SERP which lead users to the same web destination. These can also funnel the users to intermediate pages that does not hold as much importance as the final webpage. Two common forms of doorway pages are cloaking and redirecting pages.

8. What are 404 errors?

The 404 errors are considered one of the most potential obstruction in the way to successful SEO. When a specific URL is renamed or becomes non-existent, any links connecting to that URL would result in 404 errors.

Interesting thing is, Google does not penalize any website for 404 errors. However, if the search engines consistently fail to crawl the internal links of any website, the search ranking of that site is very likely to drop with low traffic.

9. Explain about HTTPS/SSL Update?

HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure) is the protocol for secure communication on the World Wide Web. It prevents eavesdroppers from seeing information that visitors send or receive over the Internet. HTTPS/SSL is important for SEO. Because Google is giving secure sites a ranking boost

10. Explain about ?

Knowledge Graph is a knowledge base utilized by Google to enhance its search engine’s results with semantic-search information collected from a wide variety of sources.

Google Knowledge Graph ensures a visually appealing and intuitive graphical presentation of information related to queries.

It organizes data for presentation around what it calls entities, which include individuals, places, organizations, sports teams, works of art, movies, etc.

11. Explain about Google My Business?

Google My Business is an easy-to-use and free tool for businesses, brands, artists, and organizations to maintain their online presence across Google. By verifying and editing your business information, you can both assist customers to find you and describe them the story of your business. In addition to giving the information for your Local Search listing, the Google My Business page connects you to your Google+ Page, Google Analytics, and Adwords Express. It includes:

● Updating business information ● Adding photos of your business ● Connecting directly with customers ● Monitoring and responding to Google reviews ● Managing information

12. Explain about cloaking and its purpose?

Cloaking is a technique utilized to deliver the content on a Web page to a search engine in a way that is contrary to what the user was looking for. The purpose of cloaking is to boost a website’s search engine rank for specific keywords. Cloaking takes a user to the other websites than what he expects by changing those sites’ actual content.

13. Explain about Google Fetch?

Fetch is a Google tool which enables you to test how Google renders a URL on your site. You can utilize Google Fetch to see whether Googlebot can access a page on your website, how it renders the web page, and whether any page sources are blocked to Googlebot. This tool can be utilized efficiently for the following purposes: Troubleshooting web pages to improve the performance of SEO. Submitting pages for indexing whenever the content is changed significantly.

14. Name a few Black Hat SEO techniques?

A few black hat SEO techniques are:

● Link Farming ● Hidden text ● Gateway or Doorway pages ● Cloaking ● Keyword Stuffing

15. How do you reduce bounce rate? There are a few things to reduce bounce rate.

● Focus on Attracting the Right Audience ● Reconsider Your Site Navigation ● Show Targeted Content to First Time Visitors ● Use Content Recommendations to Increase Engagement ● Be Mobile-Friendly

SMM (Social Media Marketing):

1. Explain how you can boost Facebook reach?

Some of the tips to boost your reach on Facebook are:

● Buy some ads. ● Stop using third party tools. ● Grow your Facebook EdgeRank. ● Keep developing your own Website and Email list. 2. What is the most important task of a social media manager?

The essential task of any social media manager is not to get likes or shares on the posts shared. Need to engage the followers regularly. It is necessary to make your followers feel that you are there for them and care for them. Giving them the interest to have them as a consumer will do the trick!

3. Can you explain your biggest social media failure?

Almost everyone has failures, some larger than others. Of course, what you need to know, is how they dealt with it. Get insight into their managing skills and how they deal with negatives by monitoring to how the issue was resolved. Pay attention to what they did to assure that the failure would not happen again.

4. How do you stay on top of the latest updates, innovations, as well as new platforms in social media?

Social media is an ever-changing landscape that needs constant and ongoing learning and adaptation. Even the expert social media managers must refine their skills. They update their strategies, learn and practice new techniques and stay on top of the latest changes to new and existing platforms.

5. What are your thoughts on Google+?

There are various schools of opinion on this matter, and there is no right answer. As of this writing, G+ should be utilized mostly for SEO purposes as well as local search results if nothing else. It’s a strange and fine line to consider this platform as a pure social network – it does not appear to hold much weight. But the added effects of using it are still powerful.

6. Explain how you would allocate our social media budget?

Particular metrics and KPIs should be discussed and what should go where percentage-wise. For example, a decent percentage can be allocated to Facebook Advertisements – a medium-sized organization can pay as much as $500 per month on paid advertising. Human capital, social media tools, and training are likewise necessary for high ROI.

7. What set of skills needed to become a Social Media Manager?

To become a Social Media Manager, a person needs to have a

● Native understanding of all social media network. ● Knowledge to connect corporate objectives to messaging, content and campaigns. ● Knowledge to write concisely. ● Knowledge to sympathize, engage and effectively communicate with different types of people and opinions. ● Provide consumer service and handle complaints. ● In-depth understanding of the products or services the company renders. ● To intuitively know how your audience experience the brand, communicate online and how to use those opportunities.

8. How can you use Facebook for Conversion Measurement?

For Conversion Measurement in Facebook, I can utilize the feature “ Conversion .” It is nothing but a piece of that you paste in your website. It will measure the conversion rate of the product or service you render.

Facebook tracks conversion for adverts that happens within 1 day, 7 days and 28 days after a person click on the advert and also for viewing an advert.

9. List out the tips to promote your content or blog on social media websites?

I can promote my content or blog on the social media website using Co-Schedule.

● Social Sharing Schedule can increase your traffic.

● Use different title for the same blog and schedule the blog post ● Schedule posting differs for various social sites. ● Plan out your blog post promotion with simple strategy with a simple Timeline.

Content Marketing

1. How to decide what topics to concentrate on and what format to use?

It is essential to know candidates’ thinking process when it comes to creating ideas or deciding which are worth pursuing. You need someone who has a plan for surfacing the best ideas rather than relying on a supervisor to instruct them what to do. 2. How Do You Combine SEO Best Practices Into Your Writing?

The SEO is no longer a “nice to have” element of a content strategy. Hiring writers who are familiar with SEO best practices and who know how to utilize keywords efficiently in their articles means your content will rank better and save your team time during the editing process. Having a contributor who submits keyword-optimized articles from the get-go will yield long-term benefits for your content’s ROI.

3. Explain What Are The Steps To Developing A Content Marketing Strategy?

First, decide who your target audience is. Develop a consumer persona to whom your content should deliver. Then, based on that persona and your company’s brand image, determine on your company’s voice, and the type of content you will be building. Your content requires being informative and valuable, as well as exciting and engaging to your target demographic. And once you start making content, constant tweaking of your strategy is in order, based on how successful each post is.

4. How Often Should I Fresh Content On My Site?

Fresh content should be posted no less often than two times a week. As for an upper limit, there is none – studies seem to the point that posting once a day (or) even various times a day, is a beneficial way to drive traffic to a site. It’s just a matter of concluding how much time and effort you can devote to building content. Google is known to provide more influence to websites that update their data on a regular basis.

5. How Can I Include Big Content In My Content Marketing Plan?

Big content, such as that included in white papers and ebooks, is an essential part of any

content marketing strategy. Not only does it show to your audience that you are enough of a specialist in your field to be ready to write an entire ebook or white paper about a subject, as exposed to writing only short and simple blog posts. But it additionally gives you a tool for attracting email subscribers. By providing a piece of big content as an incentive to join your email list, you guarantee that you have access to an audience interested in your content and your company.

6. Is Long-form Or Short-form Content Better?

Some studies seem to recommend that short and sweet is best – that customers need to skim a short blog and be ready to know the message quickly. Other research reveals that long, in-depth, detailed posts are best at converting.

7. How Do I Get People To Read My Content? Promoting your content by email and social media is vital, but a miserable title can stall even the best promotion efforts. Make sure that your content headline should be interesting and informative. It should convey an idea of what the content contains, while including hooking people’s interest.

Search Engine Marketing (SEM) - PPC & AdWords

1. Explain how does Ad rank impact Cost-Per-Click?

The Ad rank plays a massive role in defining the actual cost-per-click that your opponents pay when someone clicks on their advertisement. Your CPC can be calculated by the following method Your Price = The ad rank of the person below your quality score + $0.01

2. Explain about optimizer in Google Adwords?

Conversion Optimizer is a tool used by Adwords for bid manipulation and determines which clicks on the advertisement will be valuable. It can encourage you to return maximum on your investment.

3. Can you mention which options can’t be changed after creating an account in Google AdWords?

After creating account Currency and Time Zone, cannot be changed.

4. Explain how you can improve conversion rates?

By creating the advertisement that matches appropriately with keywords and creates tightly themed ad groups, you can target users to the campaign that benefits in conversions.

5. Explain about Google Ad API?

Google Ad API is designed for representing large, tech-savvy advertisers and third parties. It enables developers to build an application that directly interacts with Google Adwords server.

6. What are the hallmarks of a good PPC landing page?

The hallmarks of a better PPC landing page considers the following aspects:

● An attractive and powerful headline. ● A supportive tagline. ● Trust symbols. ● A list of advantages. ● A clear CTA (call to action). ● A lead capture form. ● Use an image showing the context of use or a graphic that appeal to the visitors’ emotional side.

7. How to track conversions in Google AdWords?

In Google AdWords, conversion tracking can be done by:

● Allowing your rotation setting to optimize for clicks. It means Google AdWords will help the ads it feels are expected to be clicked. ● View-through conversions window option tracks when a person sees your advertisement but doesn’t click it. It is called impression. ● Tracking purchases by involving basic tracking code given by Google AdWords and modifying it with an additional code unique to your particular e-commerce platform. ● A person can know when consumers click on their advertisement for the first time and how frequently they viewed your ad before converting by accessing search funnels inside tools and analysis.

8. Differentiate Google Attribution and Google Attribution 360?

To fulfill advertisers’ want to analyze their campaigns, Google introduced Google Attribution. It includes most advanced machine learning that lets marketers measure the impact of their marketing campaigns on various devices and marketing channels.

Google Attribution 360 is the updated version of Google Attribution. It combines Google Analytics, DoubleClick Bid Manager, DoubleClick Campaign Manager, and DoubleClick Search to let you get all your marketing event data within 48 hours.

9. What are PLA Ads?

PLA stands for product listing ads. This advertisement strategy is utilized to advertise products ads on Google search and partners. This campaign is also called as Shopping campaign mostly done by E-commerce websites.

Email Marketing

1. List The Laws Of Email Marketing?

It's good to email people you know. However, some email lists might include people from bought lists or lead gen services (which you should avoid). We don't recommend buying lists because there are laws in place to protect people from receiving certain types of offered communications.

2. How To Grow Email Subscriber List?

The Email marketing is only as successful as the email list. An extensive email list does not automatically equal success, though so make sure that you are growing your list with the right people. If they are not actively involved with you (or engaged in what you have to say), your email marketing works will be for naught.

3. Explain about Wrap-up?

Many variables affect the success or failure of your email marketing program. While it's nice to know some of the industry standards and best practices for email marketing, the most significant takeaway is that everyone's stats will be changed as a result of these variables.

4. What Are The Types Of Email Marketing?

Email marketing is directly marketing by utilizing electronic mail as the communication medium for commercial marketing or advertising to a group of people at a time. This digital marketing strategy works by utilizing emails to send an advertisement, request business or request sales or donations and any form of email communication that is meant to build consumer interest, loyalty and expanding the current customer base. It mainly aims at encouraging ‘repeat business'.

5. Explain about Can-spam Act?

The CAN-SPAM Act spells out the laws for email marketers, whether their intentions are good or bad. If you are sending emails for commercial use, you need to do the following:

● Unsubscribe someone when they request it, and do it on time. ● If sending for commercial uses, you have to include a physical address. ● While not explicitly banned, sending to people who have not opted in is discouraged.

6. How Many Emails Should I Send To My Customers?

If you need to keep your name in front of someone, sending emails once a month would be fine. You can also increase the frequency of sending emails but you ought to have a tight check over open and unsubscribe rates. If you see a decline in your engagement, you have to decrease your mail sending frequency.

7. Explain about Email Deliverability?

Email deliverability is the ability to send emails to subscribers' inboxes. Email deliverability rate (or acceptance rate) be understood as the success rate of getting an email delivered to the email address of your target audience. The formula to calculate Email Deliverability: Number of Emails Delivered/ Number of Emails Sent.

8. What are the Advantages and Disadvantages of Email Marketing?

Advantages of Email Marketing:

● Wider audience base to target. ● Internet users regularly check emails. ● If planned immaculately returns on investment can be quite massive.

● Email is the most basic and popular service of internet and thus most people are familiar with it. Disadvantages of Email Marketing:

● Filtering lets a large number of emails become undelivered. ● Spamming may cause legal action and can also cause inconvenience to target customers. ● Have to be accurately planned because even a simple factor can let an Email become undelivered or filtered out.

9. What is a good email open rate?

A good email open rate is determined to take into consideration the emails are received and read by the recipient. The variety of excellent email open rate is between 15 to 25 percent for marketing emails.

10. Explain the difference between hard and soft bounce email?

Hard Bounce: The hard bounce is an email message with a permanent delivery failure. It could be due to the incorrect or invalid email address, old domain, etc.

Soft Bounce: The Soft bounce is an email with a temporary delivery failure. It could be due to a temporary problem with the recipients' server like the full mailbox, typed incorrect email address, etc.

Conclusion: I hope these digital marketing interview questions and answers will be helpful for freshers and experienced candidates. If you have any doubts and questions, let me know in the comments.