Published twelve times a year by the International Men’s Club of Zug, P.O. Box 7212, 6304 Zug I Editor: Muthana Kubba • e-mail:
[email protected] I Co-editor: Andrew Schofield • e-mail:
[email protected] IMCZ NEWS DECEMBER 20 15 Climate IMCZ EDITORIAL Change Introducing…New members Climate change has been a very controversial issue. In the THE IMCZ WELCOMES: nineties, average temperatures were rising so fast that Andy Baumli scientists panicked, warning the world of an impending Andy returned in 2009 to catastrophe of unimaginable dimensions. Carbon taxes Switzerland after spending 18 and certificates were introduced in an effort to limit the years in Australia, working for global warming. Zurich International, Swiss Re However, after 1998 to everyone’s surprise the average and Winterthur International. He world temperatures did not rise, in fact they even went down is a highly qualified senior year after year. The scientists were speechless and tried to executive with strong knowledge in think of all sorts of excuses. Many people thought the whole international insurance, reinsurance and issue was simply another racket to make money out of fear. brokering business as well as client However, 18 years later, the warming did come back in a big management experience across all industries, way. 2014 was the hottest year on record. multinational and local complex risks. Andy In spite of the fact that our understanding of global weather is works for 3A Alternative Assurance Agency in definitely not complete, and in spite of the 18 years lull, it is Baar. Andy has one son and one daughter, both unquestionable that manmade activities are causing the rise living and studying in Australia.