Japan 日本 | 2017 | Japanese DCP | Color | 140min

Director Kurosawa Kiyoshi Original Author Maekawa Tomohiro Scriptwriter Takahashi Hiroshi, Kurosawa Kiyoshi Cinematographer Ashizawa Akiko Editor Takahashi Koichi Art Director Ataka Norifumi Music Hayashi Yusuke Sound Watanabe Shinji Cast Kaho, Sometani Shota, Higashide Masahiro, Osugi Ren Producer Aoki Takehiko, Takashima Tomomi, Arakawa Yumi, Iizuka Nobuhiro Production / World Sales Wowow

YOCHO (Foreboding) 預兆

The film explores the theme of premonition based on only three [導演的話] main characters. People close to us, in the family, workplace or 這部電影只從三個人物,探索預兆的主題。我們身邊的 even the world at large, are gradually changing. Eventually, in a city 人,無論是在家庭、工作場所、甚至整個世界,都慢慢 where everyone has disappeared, how can Etsuko, our protagonist, 地發生了變化。在影片的城市裏,最終所有人消失,剩 face the reality? And what kind of determination and strength does 下夏帆飾演的女主角悅子獨自面對現實。她需要有多大 she need in order to keep going? I tried to depict this magnificent 的勇氣和決心,才能繼續前行?我盡量令影片中恢宏而 yet absurd story as realistic as possible. This is a film heading to 荒謬的情境真實地呈現。電影最終是走向盡頭。我希望 the end. I hope that this ending will never become a reality. 這結局永遠不會出現。 Kurosawa Kiyoshi [簡介] Etsuko is the only one who senses early on that something is odd 悅子發覺同事行為異常,竟將父親當成幽靈,便帶她到 when her colleague treats her father as a ghost. The doctor delivers 丈夫工作的醫院就診,心理醫生說她失去「家人」的概 an unsettling diagnosis: she no longer understands the concept of 念。醫院內,悅子巧遇新來的外科醫生,感受到一股異 “family”. After encountering the new doctor with an uncanny air 於常人的氣場。丈夫行徑變得詭異,身邊怪事連連,令 in the hospital where her husband works, Etsuko gradually learns 她內心萌生一股不祥預兆。為拯救丈夫,悅子決意以身 the truth, and is determined to risk her life to save her husband. 犯險。黑澤清以強烈影像風格建構末世意象,從日常生 Creating a dark and creepy otherworld of chilling fantasy, Kurosawa 活提煉出非比尋常的驚慄與陰沉,直探人性本質。 Kiyoshi continues his explorations of the complexity of humanity.

KUROSAWA Kiyoshi was born in Kobe, Japan in 1955 and graduated from Rikkyo University. He began making films in college. Selected Filmography: Kandagawa Wars (83), Sweet Home (89), Cure (97), Serpent’s Path (98), Eyes of the Spider (98), (98), Charisma (99), Barren Illusion (99), Seance (00), Pulse (01), Doppelganger (03), Bright Future (03), Retribution (06), (08), Real (13), (15), Creepy (16), Daguerrotype (16), (17), YOCHO (Foreboding) (17). 黑澤清 1955 年生於日本兵庫縣,立教大學社會系畢業;求學時期開始拍攝八米厘影片。主要作品包括:《神田川淫亂戰爭》(83)、《他來 自地獄》(92) 、《X 聖治》(97)、《蛇之道》(98)、《蜘蛛之瞳》(98)、《人間合格》(98)、《大樹精靈》(99)、《荒涼幻境》(99)、《降靈》(00)、《惹 鬼回路》(01)、《鏡花水母》(03)、《惹鬼狂叫》(06)、《東京奏鳴曲》(08)、《第七碼》(13)、《身後戀事》(15)、《鄰家怪嚇》(16)、《顯影亡 靈》(16)、《預兆》(17)。