WASHINGTON Public Sale. Sale Postponed. Public Sale. MONUMENT LOTTERY.' By virtue of decree of the court of chan­ j fHE fubfcriber will offer tor fale, on Thorf- cery, will be exuofed to Public SaJf, on By virtue of a decree of the Honourable the THE DAT FIXED. will be ekpofed the manageriof faid lottery, day the 2dday of May, at the late reft- Tuefday, the 18th day of. June next, Qmncellor i>f Maryland, smee'inifof the fith day of Tavern, Monoay e»en- dence of John Jacobs, junior, on the head ol at the Union Tavern, ia the city of An- to PuUic Sale, on Monday I held at Gadfby'* Court-liuufe, the ia in«. South RlTer' *' followinK Property, to"wit: . napolis, May next, at Montgomery Yr SOLVED That in cnnleqoenee of the Several valuable negroes, amongfl whicluare A LL that trail or parcel of land called ALL TROIt PART* Of to any in tbe liar r han't /tourney, lying in Amie-A- [^ advanced' ll'aie of the fale of the tickrli, an excellent houfe fervant equal TWO TRACTS OF LAND, j ..imr of the lottery be commenced on county, work horfe*, cattle, hog*, tobacco ruudel county, containing about 5OO acref, The term, of fale Snow. . Hri-ing°the o, i4th of, September..^.__i__ _next, . .and ., tnd mBnr Other article*. and now in the polTe(fioa of Saniucl Hurri- Situate in Montgomery county, called to hi* Manor, and [continued werkly, without any interrupti- »ill be the purchaferi to give notes, with two fon, junior. - den'* Second Addition i approved fernrities, payable in nine month* ; This land i* within one mile of Herring Snowden'i Manor Enlarged, formerly the pro- I whatever until completed. Richard Snnwden, junior, deceafed, JOHN COMEGYS, Prefident. iring intereH Irom the day_of.fale. Bay and navigable water, abound* in timber perty of THOMAS WOODF1ELD. and wood, with a greit proportion of mea­ and fuppofcd to contain abuut 1 ,4OO acrt* ot |ELI SIMKINS, Sec'ry. land. . Ipttfoni defirous of contraftmg for any 1811. dow, in an excellent neighbourhood ; and is land* were by the faid Richard \t of the ticktti remaining unfold, will well improved ; further particulars ate drrm. Thcfe that Snowden, devifed to John Snowden, hi* bro­ Ike application to any of the managers, or ed unnecelTary. Theterm* of fale are, By Authority. one fifth of the purchafe money mult be ther, and Samuel Thuinai, hit nephew, and I tht ftcretary. to be fold, a* not being Patriotic Editor* throughout the U paid on the day of I ale, or ftcured by note, luve been decreed capable of divifmn between the heir* of the I pleafe give thii a tew infer won* in SCHEME OF A LOTTERY with good endorferi, to be paid on the ratifi­ Snowden, and heir* and devlferi of For repairing the Protestant Episcopal Church cation thereof, and the refidue in three equal laid John L,, rtfpeftite paper*. Thomai, to whom the right in the citj of Atmaptlis payments, to wit: one third within fix a certain Richard 13. . ___ munthi, of Samuel Thomai, defcended, ai being hi* 3,000 dll< monthi, one third within twelve 1 Prise of 3,000 dlli. i* third wiihin eighteen months eldclt brother and heir at law. The title of I.50O and llie other of Maryland, sc. 1,500 with iiilereft ; for the which the abue (ketch i* given is indifputa* 1,000 Irom the day of fale, Anac-Anindtl Countj Orphans Court, 25 tickets each with approved en- ble. Plat* of the land* wilt be made out k 1,000 payment whereof notes, March 12, 1811. 500 dlli. be given to the trustee* ; the (hewn on the day of fale. Thefe lands wilt 600 dorfers mud N ipnliciiion, by petition, of John Cnndrll. 200 at 10 o'clock. be fold by the acre- to the higheft bidder, the of Jamei Whittingtmt. Utc 500 Tale to commence idrainimwor JOO SAMUEL MOALE,) Tft puri.hafer or puichaiert giving bond, with ap­ fAnnf-AruixWl county, deccavxl, it is onlerfd 60 500 JOHN BHEWKR, $ proved fecnrity for thi payment of the pur- I he |f,ivt tht notice required l>y law for credi 15 300 against the »»id de 16, 1811. tdi. chafe monry, with interrl), within 12 month* i to bring in their claim* 500 vftnninnapoli*, March icd uul that the tame be published once in lu from the day of fate. The trnftre think* it i wrek. for the ipice of liz luccewrve «eek», 6 5,100 unneceffaty to give any defcription of thefe ' t ManUnd Caictte. DIVIDEND. land i, at he fuppoCe* perfoni inclined to pur. JOHN GASSAWAY. Reg. Willa 950 Prize*, 14,000 dlli. Prefident and directors of the Com­ Mr. for Anfte-Ammlcl County. rhale will view the pirmifet themfcNei. 1850 Blank* Not two to a Prize. mercial and Farmer* Bunk of Baltimore, William I'homai, who livei in the neighbour. The Cafh Priie* fubjecX to a deduction of have thii day declared a dividend of six per hood, and is well acquainted with them, | This is to give Notice, 15 per cent. cent on their capital ftnck, fur the naif ytIicaiion by me fully fo to do. immediately uitwrifed N* B. The reserved numbers are not en­ September. it is thereupon ordered and adjudged, thai thr l»id GIBSON. iflued JOHN titled to draw thofe Ticket prize* in which No certificate* for the flock will be Ttinnias Kamty br c»ufn>s; a c»|iy of thii ortlrr 17, 1811. are complc- to be infcruJ in ih« MaryUnd Gazette once a Jan. fuch number* are refpecYivcly included. until the whole of the payment* ted. Any perfon failing to pay at the time wtcL lor tlirt* months luccrtSyeljr, before trxfirtt This Lottery will pofitively be completed will lofe all benefit of the divi­ da> of September next, give notice to his crctli. MEDLEY, preferibed, tort in appear brfurethe county court on the tbinl in 28 day* drawing from the time of com­ dend inOftober next, nor will fuch perfon fo I FINELY formed and beautiful DAY Monday in Sepiembrr wit, for trw puqwfr af mencement. 100 Ticket* to be drawn each making default, be afterwards entitled to any ih'ir txtxht, and to upwards of fifteen hands high, recommending » iruAra for HORSE, day in every week Sunday* exccptcd. dividend until the expiration ot Fix months OK-W caufc, it any tliey have, why the faidThomat : b» general Rrdgely's celebrated horfe after he Hull have completed his paymenti Kamry (IwuUI not b»v» the henelir ol tht faid »A« out of a full bred mare of colonel NICHOLAS BREWER, this 6*h day of Not more than ten Iharei can be fubfcnb- as tira>ed. Given under my hand ll'i, will (land this ftafon at Weft JAMES P. MAYNAK1), on the fiift day of opening the book* I on Wtrt River, at eight dollar* the fej- LEWIS DUVALL, ed for RICHARD H HARWOOD. in the name of any individual or body coi S ind one dollar to the groom, (pallumgr HENRY MAYNADIER, ) to be paid when the mares are taken SAMUEL R1DOUT, the Board, Notice. r in money, or corn at 3 dollars per bar- JAMKSSHAW, Order nf LEW1SNETH, JUN. GEO. T. DUNBAR, Calhier. L or wheat at 180 cent*, or oat* at 50 cent* 'PHE fubCcriber having, on application CD Ufhel. JOHN COLDER, N.~B. The tranifer book* of tlw bank Ticketi to be had of any of the Manager* will be clofcd on the 20th inll. and will be o- the! orphani court of Ance-Afundel I WILLIAM PR1TCHARD, Manager, Itttni of adminrfiration OH 9 tf. Prefent price 5 dolU. pened on the 7th day of May nex:. county, obtained larch 16, 1811. the perfonal eflate of Frederick Green, late of faid county, deceafrd, icqurfts all peffoa't TICKETS NOTICE. NOTICE. havinv claim* againft the tftate of iheK »nnr>e>l to hi> (>e.nIon, and Jt« immediate payment, and thofe who NOTICE- tlw Uld Charies YVilket having fititfWd me by fubfcribeti have obtained from thr eomrxxtnt tenimony that he h»s rrfided in rhe |»« claims againfl him to prefent their ac- CHURCH LOTTERY, rpHE ttmol M»r>l»nd lor the two Jrmn ImmtdutrW lly authenticated for payment. THE Manager* laving uncier«tood that orphani court of Talhot county, letter* urecrding the linw of his »|iylicaitititi, havinx *"° ROBT. DENNY.Admr. many of the Cilisen* have delayed purchat- teftamcntary on the eftate of Capt. I A MIS lla*rd in UU Miitioo that he U now in confincmeni i, Feb. 25, 1811.______ina TICKETS, from an apprtben»ion that the .....,..--,THOMAS, late of faid county,- a dcceafrd. All for debt, and |ir*ying to be di'Cciutjed from con- having craim. aga.nft iht fald de- ftncrrent, 1 do tberr?oi% order tjul adjudge that would not commence until a distant 1 perfon. lrx,m ma 0.",^ ^-"T.' tlw faid Charles YYilkes be dilcntrgcd Notice. dayT ^'0 remove ,uch impre.iions^.nd with | ceafed,«' ^y.^^/ imnr\fonmeni, and thai by caufiug m copy of this . view to attain tlie objecti contemplated by J with tbe vouchers thereof, to John Thomas, order to be tiifeiwd in. the Maivlsml Cuelra of th* city of Baltimore, at or belote the firft many ptrfon* are in the 1ia- tn« law, a* won a* powible, they confidently weekly f<>r three months fucceffvvly b«ion the /HERE\S 5th day wf Oflober next, they may other, Monday in April next, give notice to his creditors through my farm*, near assure the public, that the s*le of a lew more b't of paffiiig wife by law be excluded from all benefit of to ipp**r btfoii Annt-Arundel county co«n, on taking my boat*, and going Ticket* will jiwtify them in comm«nci«g the ' to*", and fa*d etlate, and thofe indebted are required ISM thlnl Monday In April next, for th« purpofc '* "/is into the woods and dealing wood, drawing } tbeyjlherefore earnestly «olicit all of rrcommciiding a iraflce ft* iWirbmrKt, ajMt to make payment to him. Gifcen under o going with, dogs *ivd gun*, to the gre\t those disposed to purchase to conte forward, to make pay OKW caufe, if uiy lh<) hive, why the faid Cha*k* bat^li, thii Stli day of April, 1 8 1 1. property j rVu it therefore to give ami »a.tify to tome one of the Manager*, our bai^li, th Wilk.s lunuld not bfvc tlx ucnebt of IW. lk>id !». 1*7 of my WILLIAM THOMAS, band this ill per Tons tctfpafling on my what number of Tickets- they we willing to folvtnt laws. Civ«i undw m> lh«t THOMAS, day of JnJv, ilio. law. JOHN nil beprofecuted according to take. Ex'n. of Capt. Jai. Thomai, deceifed. >** 1UCHAROH . HE,N. MAR -" ~ March SO, 1811. I V *

* 4 INFALLIBLE' theoretical good, which i« likely to PAUL'S DOMESTIC PUBLIC SALE. i * _ CO UN lilt expofe them to the affaujts of vanity, or the mifcry of difappointme'm. In the ftalion COLUMBIAN OIL. BY virtue of a decree of the High ( StLECTtD. where Providence has placed ui, our exerti­ HE inventorof thishighly esteemed medicine Chancery of Maryland, win bco,,^ . on is moft required and will be mod benefici- is a native of A.nerica. and tho composition PtMic Sale, to the higheft hiddrr nL^'| Tthe produflion of American soiU consequent. THE SWALLOW. nefday the fi.ft day of May nrx" ^| *'' [J/r*. «'«».] o'clock, if fair, if not, tl,e fu,j j' BY CHARLOTTE SMITH thereafter, on the prcmifrs, I might alfo add, how much this benevo­ is yellow on the heath, great distance that separates A TRACT OF LAND, beinR ,i,,i WASHINGTON THE gorfe lent iniercourle between the rich and poor, obtain information, therefore the pub'ic has bet- The hanks ''


WASHINGTON * Public Sale. . ' Sale Postponed. Public Sale. MONUMENT LOTTERY. By virtur of a decree of the court of than-' 'PHE fubfcriber will offer for Tale, on Tl-.urf- eery, will be exuofed to Public Sale, o-\ By virtue of a decree of the Honourable tlie . THE DAY FIXED. will be expofed lt , meeting of the manager! of faid lottery, day the 3d day of May, at the late red- TuclJay, the 18th day of June next, Chancellor of Maryland, the fah day of Ihcld acGidfby'i Tavern, Monday even- dencc of John Jacobs, junior,on tlie head ot at the Union Tavern, in the city of An­ to Public Sate, on Monday : napolis, May next, at Montgomery Court-huufe, ling, the Ift i»l>. South River, the following property, to wit \tSOLVKU, That in conlequence of the Several valuable negroes, amongft which are jt^LL that tract or parcel of land called AM. THOSE PAHT3 OF an excellent houfe fervant equal to any in tbe Jlarrison's Resurvey, lying in Amie-A- adranced Hate of the Tale of the lickrls, TWO TRACTS OF LAND, jwing of the lottery he commenced on county, work horfes, cattle, hogs, tobacco ruudel county, containing about 500 acre«, Snow. UiriiAy the 4i/i of September next, und and many other articles. The termi of fale and now in tbe polTcifion of Samuel Harri- Situate in Montgomery county, called and tpnon is dcciwj continued weekly, without any interrupt!- will be the purctufers to give notei, with two fon, junior. den's Second Addition to his Manor, approved fecutitir?, payable in nine months ; This land ii within one mile of Herring Snowdrn'i Manor Enlarged, formerly the pro- 1 ulutrver until Completed. dcccaled, JOrlNCOMEGYS, Prefidetit. nqtev bearing interelt trom the day of. fale. Bay and navigable water, abounds in timber perty of Iticliard.Snowdrn, junior, great proportion of mea- ftippofcJ to contain abuut 1,400 acres ot . jiMMNS, Sec'ry* THOMAS WOODFIELD. and wood, with a and Iptrions dclirous of contracting for any 12, 1811.______duw, in an excellent neighbourhood ; and ii land. V of the ticket! remaining unfold, will well improved ; further particulars ate derat­ Thefc landl were by the faid Richard John Snowden, hil bro­ Lke application to any of the manageri, or ed unnrcelTjry. Thetermi of fale-arr, that Snowden, devifed to By Authority. one fifth of the purchafe money muft be ther, and Samuel Thuinai, hit nephew, and |the ftcretary.. at not being 7» Patriotic Editor! throughout the U- paid on the day of Ule, or frcuied l>y notr, luvr been decreed to be fold, the hein of the" . ill pleafe give thii a tew iafernoni in SCHEME OF A LOTTERY with good endorferi, to be paid on the ratifi­ capable of divifinn between Snowden, and heirs and devifers of paperi. For repairing the Proteitant Episcopal Church cation thereof, and the refidue in liner rqnal bid John »,r revive fix certain Richard Thoma«, to whom the right in the eitj of Annaptlis. payment!, to wit: one third within a montht, one third within twelve muntlu, of Samuel Thomas, delcended, ai being IMS 1 Prize of 3,000 dlli. is 3,000 dlls and the other third wr.hio rightrrn months rldrli brother and heir at law. The title of 1 da. 1,500 1,500 |tatc of Maryland, sc. trom the day of fale, with iiitereft ; for the which -.lie abive (ketch ii given is indifputa* , 8 do. 25 tickets each 1,000 Anne-Anindel County Orphans Court, payment whereof notes, with approved rn- ble. Plats of the lands will l>e made out k 2 do. 500 dlli. 1,000 March 12, I8II. dnrfert muft be given tor^ie trustcei ; the Ilicwn on the day of fale. Thefe landl wilt by petition, of John Cramlcll. 3 do. 200 600 kN application, fale to commence at 10 o'clock. he t'uld by the acre to tUe higheft bidder, the } admiimtrator of James \Vhilting1nn, Utr 5 do. 100 500 SAMUEL MOALE purihafer or putchaieri giving bond, with »p- [Annr-Anitwlel county, deceased, it is ordered lOdn. 50 500 Tiufteei. law for crrdi JOHN BMEWER, proved fecnrity for the payment of tlie pur. t ht Rive the notice required hy SO do. 15 300 their claims against the said He March 16, 1811. td<. lhafr monry, with interrlt, within 12 months nobrinfin 500 ^fcnninnapnlii, nil, and that the same be published once in 50 do. lu from the day of fale. The truftre thinks it * . 5,100 |h week, for the space of six successive weeks, 850 do. unnereffaty to give any del'cnption of the He cM*r) land Gazette. DIVIDEND. landi, ai he fuppulrs perfoiu ir.clincd to pur. ' JOHN GASSAWAY. Reg. Wills 950 Prizei, U.OOOdllt. \ Prrfident and diredori of the Com­ rhale will view :he prrmifei themfclvei. Mr. for AniK-Arundcl County. lialtinibir, 1850 Blanks Not two to a Prize. mercial and Farmerf Bank ol Willuin rimmai, who livei in the neighbour. a deduction of of six per The Cafh Prizes Tubjecl to have thii day declared a dividend hood, and i< well acquainted with them, [This is to give Notice, IS per cent. tent on their capital ftnrk, fur the nail yeai will Ihrw thcti to any peifun who will call as follows: THAT the subscriber of Annc-Anrndel county Stationarr Frizes to be determined ending on the ."Oth inllant, which will be up~in Ih obtained from the Orphans Court of Anne- I ft drawn blank a prize of 35 Tickets, pakl to the ftockholderi or their legal rrjwe, The falc will commence at \'l o'clock, at vndtlcounty, in Maryland, letter* nf admmi- from No. I to No. 25 induute. lentativci on or after Uic full day of May Ltiim on the"personal estate of James Whitting- 1ft do. on sth day, prise 100 dll«. next. county, deceased \UD H. SNOWDEN, Tmflee. , Ute of Anne-Arundel I ft do. on 10th day, 20C When the ftock of this hank wai original­ ts. pencns hating claims against the said de shares std, ire hereby warned to exhibit the same, I ft do. on 15 tli day, 20O ly taken. Jive thousand Jive hundred hh the vouchers thereof, to the subscriber, p" III do. on 20ih day, 500 were left uniubfciibed for ; three thouiandjlve Ibrfort the hfiernth day ol Mav ne»t, they may Ift do. on 23d day, prize 75 Ticket!, from hundred of thefe fharei will be offcird to the Anne-AruiKlcl Count}', sc. »i;e by liw be excluded from all brnrrit ol at an advance of Jive dollars per fliaie No. 36. to No. 50, in«lufive. public n- liil mair. Given under my hand this I nh viz. ON apjilication tome, the fubfcriber, In the 1ft do. on 35th day, p'iie 95 do. from No. in the following manner, crfs of Anne Animkl county court, as one of th» fof March, lilt. Subfcription Books will be opened at thr JOHN CKAVDEU., Administrator. 51 to No. 75. includve.. nnciaie Judges of the third judicial itiftriA of Ift do. on 26th day, prize 25 do* from No. Bank on the firft day of May next for the Mar\UnJ, by petition, in Wruinj, of llmnat 76 to No. 100, inclufive. faid three thouland five hundred (hares. The Kurntj. oj Aiux-Aruiidcl county, imying for For Sale, I ft do. on 27th uay, prize 35 do. from No. fum of Jive dollari per lhare to be paid at the IxMitlit ol (he t{\ for the itlief nf fundi) m. thereto be­ f'lvcnt debtors, and the frvcral fuppUments thrre- ; houCe and appertenancei 101 to No. 125, iticlufive. the time of fubfciibing ; tlie further fum ol a in Anna- 10, on the terms memiunrd in the faid a<1>. longing, lately occupied by me I ft drawn ticket on 98th day, Jive dollars on the firft day of June ; the llhedole of >.t> proptfily, and a list of hit trrdi- R, which are very commodious. For termi prize l.SOOdllt. further fum of Jive dollar; on the fit ft day o Ion, «n oath, at far aS he can nfccrttin them, be- further particular! apply to Jonathan The other Ticket Prizei, fiom No, 126 July ; the further fum of Jive dollars on the inj; liilKxnl lo hit |x-lirioii, iml bring filiiBcdby iney, Efq. cafhicr of the tarmeri Bank to No. 300, incluiive, to be marked ABC, I ft day of Auguft, and the remaining fum ol cunt|ittcnt trdimony that the fold Tlion as Ivar* who will contract therefor, tc nry has rrfidcd in thr flair of Maryland two yran [Maryland, Sc to be put in the Wheel at Floating 1'rizei. ten dollari per fliarc on the fecund day ol application me fully fo to do. immediaicU preceding the time n( his niboriCcd by B. The reterved numbers are not en- September. it is ihcrcu|>on ort'.en-d and atljiul^ed, that thr I lid GIBSON. N* JOHN titled to dtaw thofe Ticket prizes in which No certificates for the flock will be ifl'urd Tlinmas Kamry bv ciulini; a copy of thii vnlrr fn\r.ipolii, Jan. 17, 1811. Maryland Gazette once a I'uch number* are refpecYivcly included. until the whole of the payments are comple­ tobeinfcrteJ in the ted. Any perfon failing to pay at tlie time wrcU lur ilirtc months luccriKvely, before ihefirlt This Lottery will pofilively br completed will lofe all benefit of the divi- da) of September next, give notice to his crxili* MEDLEY, prcfciibrd, tots to apprar before the county court on the thinl in 28 days drawing from the time of com­ in Oftober next, nor will fuih peifon fo 1 FINELY foimed and beautiful BAY dend Monday in September nrnt, for thr puqiofr of mencement. 10O Tickets to be drawn each default, be afterwards entitled to any and to ' HORSE, upwards of fifteen hands high, making rrromirending a tiuftrr for th-tr wntlii. day in every week Sundays excepted. until the expiration ol fix months liirw nulc, il any iliry have, why thr laid Thomas : by general Kidgrly'i celebrated horfe dividend have completed hit payment!. K^ntry IhouUt not have thr drnctii til the faid aA« out of a full bred mare of colonel NICHOLAS BREWER, after he Iliali Not more than ten Iharci can be fubfctib. as l>ra\r<(. Ciiven under my hand this 6ih d*y of ell's, will ftand thii frafon at Weft JAMES P. MAYNAK1), on the fiift day of opening the books f on Wrfl River, at eight dollari the fra- LEWIS DUVALL, ed tor R1CHAUD II. IIARWOOD. name of any individual or body coi- J"d one dollar to the groom, (pallut agr HENRY MAYNADIER, in the nil,) to be paid when the mares are taken SAMUEL U1DOUT, poral^poralflu Boaid, Notice. |i» HI money, or corn at 3 dollars per bar- JAMKSSHAW, A Afo^^ordrr of the, G EO. T. DUN BAR, Gamier. Lorvhcatal 180 cents, or oali at 50 cents LEWIS NETH.JUN. «7 A JOHN COLDER, N. B. The transfer bouki of the bank rpHE fubicriber having, on application to Tickets to be hid of any of the Manager! will be clofed on the 20th inll. and will be o- the1 orphans court of Anr.e-Aftindcl WILLIAM PRITCHARD, Manager. Irttru nf adminillration on tf. Prel'ent price 5 dolli. ______pened on the 7lh day of May next. county, obtained h 16, 1811. the perfohit eflate ot Frederick fJrern, late of I* id county, deceaM, tequrfts all perfont TICKETS NOTICE. NOTICE. havinfr claims againft the tftate of the faid claims againft Jamrs the Washington Monumint Lottery of A LL perfoni having deceafrd to pre/rnt the fame, legally autheo. I Baltimore, to'be had at the diftrtrnt Lot- 'PHIS is to give notice lo the heirj of Da- P. Maynard, of the tity of Annapolis, ticated, for lettlrirent, and all perfons indebt. fame, pro- Oglctt, of the Managers arid of JEW niel At«e|l».Ji*< of AswoAruodrl cottn. J are hereby requefled to.Bref«ot.llie ed to the f»id eltate to make immrjjrate pay. fobftriber, (to B»'; nf Mr. William PJ* th« William Atwclt; ufalintf-j\ '. . ibfnncjited, to llie the fa id James P. Maynard has con- and Mr. Hortio 0'. jl/unrjr, trator de bonis non, with the will annexed, whom W M. S. GREEN , AomV. of the laid Daniel, hath made a final fettle- eyed all his properly, in trull, for the ule of the firft Monday tf. meiit of the e'.late of the f.iid deceafed, it lii creditor?,) on or before day a dividend will County, sc. paid) enclofing the cafh, ii therefore rrqnelled that the heirs afoiefaid n Auguft next, on which Annc-Arundel on or before the 26lh day of ic made amongll them of all monies then AHI'LICATION having been made totlic Tub. will be iitrndrd lo. ____ will come forward fcriurr, in the recefs of Annr-Arundel county September next, to receive their proportion n hand. Creditors not complying with thii excluded from all benefit of court, by petition, in writing, of C'.'jr.'ti H'iHti, of the faid eftate. notice will be of faid cuunty. pr»>inR the tunciit of ttie art for NOTICE. the funds on that day in the hands of the letter* of Given under uiy hand thii 20th day of thc-rclitf ol iulvdry inlulvcni ikbim, »nd llw r«. F. f«hfcriber having obtained truftee. THOS. H. JiDWIE, Ttuftre. vcral fupjilements thereto, on the irrms mrmiuned Mlminill.ation on the eftate of Samuel March 1811. jun. April 74, 18l'l. 9j tAl. in the faid alls, a fchedule ol his ptorxrly. and ' rf«, late of the city of Annapolis, decrafcd, JACOB FRANKLIN, oatti. as fir ai ha can Atwell. 6w. a lift ol hil cicdiiors, on T Perfons indebted to him are rrquelled to Agrnt for William fi:«.nain them, brine anrx-ned 10 his yciition, and and thofe who NOTICE. th« laid Charier Wilkcs having fati*fie\t me by M« immediate payment, the to prefent their ac- fubfciiben have obtained from the eompricnt lellimony that he has redded in J« claims agaihll him CHURCH LOTTERY. ttaieof Mar) land for the two ynn Immediately "', legally authenticated for payment. THE Manager! having under stood that orphan! court ot Tallu>t county, letters iiKCfding the <">'< of >» *pplic»iiun, having allb ROBT. DENNY, Admr. many of the Citizens have delayed purchai. teftamenta/y on the eftate of Capt. I AMI* ilaird in liit petition thit he is now in cuntincment Feb. 25, 1811.______ing TICKETS, Irom an appreheniion that the THOMAS, late of fnid county, deceafed. All for dfbt, anil pnyini to be difchargcd from con- 1 lrutt«« f«-r ihcirbcMlit, -~ J > payment to him. Given under of recommending K°'"g «ith dogi and gum, vc, tUe gieav those disposed to purchase to come forward to make Ihvw caule, if any they have, vtjiy the faid Cluii* ' ourliaiuh, thii 5th day of April, 1811. tu «f my property ; thii n therefore to give and notify to lome one of the Manageri Wilkcs thould nut have tlie beiitht of the bid ! "T WILLIAM THOMAS, my hand this >6tli liii'" Hut all peilbni HefpalFingfpalFing on imy what number of TickeU they we willing to // V folvent laws.laws jCivui - uiid«i *, * . vms according to law. %£ ^ JOHN THOMAS, day of July, be profrcuted takr. * Ex'n. of Capt. Ja1!. Thoroai, dece»fed lUCHARD II .HAKWO^D. HEN. MAR. OGLE. March SO, 1811. Two Dollar*?*' \ the Emperor hai determined not .. j tl | deration the propriety of inviting Mr. Pink- Latest from Spain V Portugal. determination abnut the American afTiiri['l previoufly 0. This is pnfitivr. I |-.nj ( FORKIGN INTELLIGENCE. ney jo.ptrtake of a "public dinner, NKW-VOKK, APRIL the prefent. . to liT« dcpartute to America, at » token of Captain B. of the Eliza Grade, failed from cnnfiimatinn of it from the Director ol iu good enough to i^ LONDON, MARCH 18. their relpeft and erteem. Mr. Alexander the 18th March. Heporti in circula­ (^udom-h&iife. Be ugh Lifbon re^ THE KING. Bating wat called to the chair. The meet­ Lifbon when he tailed That the me if an order of thr lame nature tion at ,.i| The town wat thrown into confiderable »- ing TCOJ tut thinly attended. The invitation French army under the command of Maflena your town, and if the Catharine Hay 'u tliit rnorning by a ftatement in the waa agreed to and .tlie gentlemen meet again whofe head quarters were at Santrrem, had included. . _ ' Clirtinitle, purporting to come ftom on Friday next to receive the report. lei fire to faid town and retreated in the night "Youri, A. G." " un()uclti)nable authority," and aftiniiiu.; fiift dividing hii army in two divilion ; the " Wifliing you a good and 4 l thai HORRID MUKDKK. mam body moving towaidi the village of Ba- 11 At 8 o'clock yefltidav morning the Lord I-AMIS, JAN. 39. talha, and the lecond towardi tlie town of 1 am, Sic. the tollow. .Chancellor wailed on his royal higlmeft tlie The Bulletin of the Allier contains Thomar ; the latter on reaching a biancli ot A. VAIL' thf clrared at piince Regent, in order to inform him thiit ing letter addreffcd on the 14th inft. by the river Zrzere, found that Marflial Bern The Catharine Ray was the March, ||| the phyficunt li^d reported :hat « Hin majrf- fub-pretecfl Gannat, to the prelcfl ot ford had already got to the lnuth-eaO fide Cudoni-boiife on the lOih being on bt ty hid rr-lapfed into that fUie in wlncii it department of the Allier ; with a ftrong force of Englifti ft Portugurl'e pafTenger* and the pilot 1 know not how to give of tlie Politj made in court w become neceffary to prevent hi: leeing »- " M. Preleft troop*. The French, aware of the difficulty The Commiffary-general crime com­ fhe got under of the Lo> ry nl hit family." you the narration of a frightful they muft have to encounter in eroding thr ving made hit frarch, ot : the next to fopport I " In confequence of thii information the mitted on the ISth ult. in the commune river, not having a fufficient number of boats came to anchor in the bay drmrd at tiacing Prince and the Duke oY Yoik went down to Biozat. My pen fcemt to recoil moved to the left toward* the main body of ing after, the PrcfrcA embargoed.her, , MALI, of tnwn. as one o woman 23 years Ptcfffl Wiudfor, Sc lud an intrrview with the (J^een. drtmlt fo horrible. A >oung their array, and fell in with them on ihe lO'li was fo until the 17th, when the " D ' ena.e at the enfuing her father, mother, poft ' " We undfrfhnd," addi the Clirunicle, nf agr, has jufl iruidtred March, near the village of Travatoi. This tcr the arrival ot that day'i «« that his m^efty lias not fulfrred any p»- her brother and two fiftert ! movement ot thq French army occafioned a her to fail, which Ihr could """ 0^11"1"*"11 r 13lh of Dec. Amable Albert, of roxydn but trui the degree of imtatiun " On the delay, and afforded time for the advanced J2d, on account nf head wind*. , and an advocate o. a relpec\able man, honour which he hat frit fince the profpeft *at held the Commune of Bioz^tt, guard ol the hnglilli to come up wit^nli^W, P.ITengers, Meffrs, John Dortic, H^ a large family, wat obligtd Q, out nf hii return to public biifineli, hat giv- poor, and with when a fmart fkiiimlliing touk placefrhe rf Dirudnnne, John and P<:ter Bnchey, of hit affairt, to fell a ftnall \ en rife to the doubt on the mind of the phy- by the bad (U:e lult of which wai that the Enghlli took two la, And*. Duchene, Vrrger, Gobrri, Ins property. Hit daughter Madeline Mr, Hciini of the propriety of continuing that part of pieces of cannon, and made 700 prifonert ; nie, John and l.rwii Lahranrhe, of a violent character, of fufpe£\ed HouVmi, ] familiar intercourfe with hit family which Albert, about 200 ot wh/ m artived at LifLon on thr Mr». Herrlliat and ton, Win. ,be- and unfortunately accuftomed to a- andfjn hat ferved to agitate hii fptriu, and to m.irals, lith and 16th inltant. and MM. Uachaud, Mr. I.egrand and mother, reproached her get an impatience of mind unfavourable to bufe her fa.her The evening before the Eliza Grade failed Poadcna, Latimun, Duval, Lecmict, K; is of the l the mull violent on ac­ .ter of the; detei liit recovery; To the flaiement in the Morn­ father in language a report wat in circulation, that on the. 14th ('hampmanoir, Duiat, Lacnflr, have and ended by imperioufly | Anne \runde ing Clironicle, we jo n the following letter count of his (late, of March, Gen. Mallena occupied the town Drlc:nnpo, Con(1 ant Provofl, million DORJ : part of the fum which he had we received tbit morning from Windlbr demanding a of Poinbal ; that he had bit army diawn up b^rrbe and daughter Fleury, and Carat] The father retufed, mentioning to The King walks twice a day on the terrace, received. in line of battle, & on tlie evening of the fame tier. to fame time the Date of hit affairt ; and fo far from any obdaclr bring oppofrd her at the lay, a partial action took place the refult of C>ptain E. White of Newport, B; the adminiftranon of th found '.hat abufed Sim oiitrageoufly. his feeing hi* family, it will be fhe ihfifted and which wai not officially known on the 17th of Button, Mr. Howland (mate of I!K( York vexed and affronted at the in- i b-jth the Prince Regent k the Dnke of The father, March ; but the curirnt report wa«, t^-that Clrarlrs, condemned of Ncw-Ycrl,) j If hit folence of hit daughter, gave her fcveral I l,ad interview! with him yrfterday. Lord Wellington had cut off a part uf the Ion of the Charlei, ai.d 13 faibrs bad tome the fhoulderi, and ordered her to go jrnjedy, 'at it not improbable, blnwj on right wing »f :he French army, and that thr to Ihipt alfo condemned. it was She, obeyed it went to bed. A ^tar­ irritation, in the cnurle of Saturday, to bed. la'.ter had fei fire to the town ot Poinbal, k by hour after (he feized an axejSind Hoi we iindrrftand, deemed at all alarming ter of an retreated in the night towards Coimbra. [.It ST. LOUIS, (Louifianua) MAICI U. been in the without noife towardi the fiie fiV, the phylicians. His vnajrfly has advanced wat before Rated, that Gov. Tiam commands Wr iniderlland 'hat Mr. BIKI, b hurrie* or where her father, mother, and three brothcn, -n TueHjy 23d , ha'ppicd limes of hit life fubjtA to ;hc patrioti at Coimbia, on the Muudego, fu time lince in the exercise of thr goten I...UD, and fiflert were warming tbemfelvet. th by the Rev. Mr irritation. that the French will be placed between the hat trkiifmitted to Mr. (Vittrndrn, riet County, of aimed a blow with the axe at her ot The bulletin of yefterday wai iffued " She two fiirf.j toriiry Grnrial, now on the circuit ill loLRHAnT, com father'! head, laid open the fkull and in fpilc SHOO cnurfe foine hourt after the Chancellor's An account had reached Lifbon of thr fall Genirvieve, information nf thr Drreft, bjt that com- of the criri of her family, (lie repealed her municaUon to the prince, and had of Bauajoz, and that i ho French had got a* Ol'age Indiai'i, of eight men, who K a nature, blows. He wai killed by the full IWUe ; tnunica'.ion been of fo alarming far at L'lvat, 140 miles rait of Lifbon, under .

FRIDAY, MAY 17, 1811.

which never mo*. piifonen. Thi* i* the only account that hai general buile, by an army favoured with 10th, from Philadelphia to the 8th, efTeftive flrength \Ve have been p4^ely been received, and we are inclined to attach ed out of its pofition. The from Boston to the 7th, & from Wash­ been prefervtd. New-York Commercial Adver credit to it, for it will be fren by the Ga- of the Britilh force has thu» the to the 5th, containing among without feeling them, ington sette of Saturday, that the allied array wa« It has infiiaed loffes the 14th instant, from which perfect copy of the to purfue the career tiser-of other things, a to be colleftednn the 26th at Celerico, where and remains adequate non-intercourse law, with the supple­ of Maffena'i army wa* on the of viftory which has been fo glofioully we extract the following the rear guard < ment of Mr. Eppes. preceding day. We know that Ney Com- opened. minifter to tbe court of Very late and Impprtant This document has excited so much mandi the rear' guard, and a* the diflance The new French left Pan*. He re­ FROM LONDON. attention in London, that we have it from Celerico to Oporto i* only eighty mile*, Ruffia, Laurifton, bas NEWS The expeAation that most respectable authority, intelligence from the army to the 30th might place Caolintourt. Defeat of the French in Portugal. from the in her poKtrc* is ministers have it in eafiljr reach Oporto on the 31ft. But another RulFia i* effeAing a change Yesterday afiernoon arrived at this that his majesty's from the North. in letter from Jerfey mention* the velTel to have rtill fupported by letter* fast sailing ship Orbit, capt. contemplation, in about a fortnight, come to a deter* port the failed from Oporto on the 4th, and that the The emperor is faid to have short passage consequence of this hostile measure, his neutrality, and hit Vote, in the remarkable fuccef* over the enemy was gained on the mmation to declare whence to issue another order in council, pro­ with England. The of 93 days from Liverpool, from 3 Ift. We fhall care little about thrdatei, purport of trading even that no merchandise the pro­ on his part to come to ,he sailed on the 18th of April By viding provided facYs be confirmed, and we have e- anxiety diCcovered of the United StaJM corroborates this. A this arrival the Editors of the Mercan. duce or property very reafon to believe it will be, perhap* in terras with Tuikey into ha* commenced. The tile Advertiser have received their re­ of America, shall be imported the courfe oi the day. formal negotiation bot­ arrived at ButhVeft on. files of London papera to the Britain or Ireland in American Two Anholt mail* have arrived. They Ruffian negotiator gular The great difficulty April, inclusive, toms, on the contrary that British Furnifh a new proof of Buonaparte'* fear* of the 1 4th of Dec. evening of the 15th to be that Alex­ and shipping only was to be used. an attempt jn^c Hanfe Towns and their in the way of peace appears t Liverpool paper of tht 17th, of territory from the This step may be delayed, but that vicinity to free themfelves from hit galling ander demands ctfTiorn Lloyd's List* to the 12th, from which as obftinately relufet, probability, be taken, we yoke. All ftranger* within the city and ju- Porte, which the Sultan the following interesting articles arc it will, in ail his preparations for saw rifdiflion of Hamburg are ordered to prefent and therefore continues have no doubt, «s oar informant An uneafy feeling copied. themfelves with their palTport* belnre a ma- the renewal of tlie war. has brought dispatches the draft of the order itself. and in other parts Capt. Vose giftrate, and give a fatiilaftory account of I appears to exid in Sweden us, that It is said that no fresh troops have ol Aiholt {or government. He informs the object of their vilit, with fuietin for I of the Baltic coaft. The defence entered Spain from France, and 4000 Danes, the new British Minister, Mr. Foster, 1 lately their good behaviour. Thofe ho... do__ nnt.. by a handl'ul of Britilh againft known in the Peninsula, rffeA on public and the American minister, Mr. Pink- J that it was comply with this requifition are ordered to quit, cannot Uit to have a good exists between of fo large a Bri. ncy, were both to sail for the U. S. in that a misunderstanding the country. In Holland, too, the rnueiled opinion, and the prefence in preparation, will en­ France and Russia. Report added, vigilance of the new Police evinces the fears 11 fh fleet as that now a few days. in Swrden, the hoftility wt find that the that Buonaparte lias recalled his guards and fufpicions of the Tyrant. No letters courage, efpecially In oui Lloyd's Lists their prrfent oppreffori. from Cowes in contemplation of a war in the mud pafs through the Toft-Office alnne, and of the patriots to U. S. frigate Essex sailed night, fome German papers, are not allowed to be carried by boats or o- Laft Sunday on the 1st of April for Cherbourg, and North. accompanied by letters from ther veffcli. A printing office at Anifterdam, to the 38th ult. returned again to Cowes on the 12th. from the London Gatette. in London. The latter which was the great fuuice of popular fungs, the Baltic, arrived ^ LONDON, APRIL 8. April 13, 1811. Swrdifh government had To his old cufttM|l Dovning-itreet, has been lately fuppreffcd. Buonaparte 'hai mention, that the the «ll PrufTun vrffclt in the poet* oC to promile trut Yesterday morning, (Sunday,) A delpatch of wliich the following ii an i (Tiled a new decree, extending, as a maik nf (irqurflerrd within the Baltic, in rrtaliati. i IhulMiceqaalui Wrangler gun-br'ig arrived at Yar­ extraA, was ycfterday evening received from his regard for the Danes, the time for fend­ 'that kingdom a fimilar meafure adopted by the king receivrtl j jnd mouth from the Baltic, and landed a Lt. Gen. Ld. ViCcoun- Wellington, K. B. by ing in colonial produce dcpofited in the ware- 'on fnr ne lallii Lieutenant with dispatches from the the Earl of Liverpool dated Gouvica, March lioufes of Holftein, to the 30th infl. of Pruflfu. On Saturday laft, the archbifhnp of Can. tern, lie ii una liland of Anholt,. which Island has the 27th, 1811. It it not yet known what courfc government the duke* of Mnntrofe ar.d Yoik, therefore only by 3000 Danish troops, " When I found that the enemy retired mean to purfue, in confluence of the pa (Ting terbury, been invaded Winchelfea and Ayleiford, lord* Ellen- nil be wanting by the lit­ with fuch celerity frnmtMalta, I continued the non-importation act by tlie American rarls who were gallantly attacked and Eldrn, and fir William Grant, ionic tu fi« the purfuit of them with the cavalry and the CongreCs, as (tated in our extract* 1'iom the hnrough tle garrison of British and totally de­ her majrfty's council, again affrmbled nnot omit tliit light divifion under Maj. Gen. Sir William New.York papers to the 10th lift, in the brinn feated, with the loss of the Danish ge­ at Wnulfor, for" the pmpofe ot examining Erfkine only, foppnrting the ft troop* with Globe on Saturday. neral and his aid-de-camp, and upwards the phyficians in attendafice on the ftate of him wuh tl.eir ce the 6th and Sd divisions of infantry, and by Yefterday the following bulletin was ftiewn and file killed, and 600 of hi* mijrfty's health. \Vr.underftand th« re­ in tlii, hnr. of l£| of 100 rink the militia on the right of the Moiidego ; at St. James'* Palace : cut loss is ve­ wot highly fatisfaAnry. in fcl the invaders prisoners. Our wa» induced to halt the remainder of Windtor Cattle, April 13. port i| to acknowledge Bernadotte gran*, ol tins, cni, b'iiif; amiexrd u Gouvria, through the mountaini upon Guar- on Wednrfday (aft he moved a Ruuia Sbttting, Brown of Swede* ; that she hat given up all fu fie ring and White, Muslin handkercKicTi, Benjamin Herder Kurj da, and the remainder of the army by the one hundred thoufand pounds to the American property confiscated in con­ " it had b*en the Ruuia Duck. ice do reient tcl\imony, high road upon Celerico. They have fince peafantry of Portugal, that A la Crcrque ChintieJ, of its coming from the Bri­ the Burtaps, Browr» Roll*. late of Maryland (of « sequence moved more troop* upon Guarda, which po- good fortune of the Prince Regent, during Hesuiant.Ticktciiburg* Undretxd do and thai the government ol the i immediately prtwi*j tish ports, (ilion they Hill hold in ttrenglh. Oar advanced ftiort lime he had held the government Coloured 4t Main Nan i\n«*s«rtment of Cali­ for the intro­ the Britilh na­ coes and Ginghams, sinJ the IheritT of A** intend* issuing licenses guard ii in front of Celerico, toward* Guards, country, to fee the character of keens, ar­ of brilliant do. fashionable Vest 1'at. ing certified ihaltbtU duction of coffee, sugar, and other and at Alverra ; and the Sd divifion in the tion displayed in a greater variety Patent, than had perhaps, ever White Jean*, terns, ultody for debt onlv.' ticles of colonial produce from England mountaini, and 'occupying i'orco, Miferolla and glorious exploits of Dlmi n aksortment of Silk in an equal fpace of time dur­ Anaswmment leedcr luving gi»ru'- into Russian ports. Pradoa. been achieved ties, nd Cotton Hose, and capture >ii pei Tonal appea incttt Foreign Office, April IS, 1811. The allied troops will be collected in the ing any period of our hiftoty." The ndia Cottons, York Stripes, Banda, the battle Superfine Counterjianrt, nty cuui: to anfwrt this day been re­ neighbourhood ot Celerico to-morrow. of the Ifle* of France and Jomettic. do. Dispatches have of all Dombaxtttes and Wild- be roade agaiult ti Charles Sm­ Gen. Ballaftero* furprire-d gen. Ramon on of Barrafo, the forced retreat nf Maffcna, cliier* ceived at this office from prefent a proud kind,, boars, relorr orilrr and the 10th at Palma, and difperfed hi* detach­ and tl.e defence of Anholt, ut, Esq. his majesty's minister at Lis­ in different porti- Jmbnrllil, Dom'iatene, niin IKrJei br di ment, and took from him 500 prifoner*. lift of fucceffes, difplaying Kibboni. he fce. bon, dated the 30th ultimo, stating fliitifli em- Hegcncy Muslin*, intent ; and tl>at h* tf Gen. Ballaflero* had fince retired to Val- on* of the globe the power of the oaoctait*. he. that Sir William Beresford, having u- formidable by kordrrlubeinfcitedink* verde, and 1 hear that gen. Zayas had been pire, and exhibiting us as alike Lisbon, Sherry, Port Coffee. Kite, Atiple*, whole of his force in I'orta- where we Mac«, ot tlte eiiy of itited the detached from Cadiz with 6000 men, includ. land at by Tea, on the continent, and Malaga Wines. Nutmcgt, March, advanced venturing, Clovti, Ginrrr, Pep- r thrre monlli*'i'T'Ji legre on ihe 23d of ing 40O cavalry, to be diferobarked at Huel- dave bren fo often warned from Brandy, Spirit, YVhis- ihc enemy the ocean. To tbefe re- kry, Rum. ptr. Muttani. Salt- nnday in SepseraUr ** «n the 24th, and attacked va to Join gen. Rallaftero*. and on tbe iflands of Pctre. Swrrt Oil. In- They Briton turn* back with ex- H)»on. Young Hyson. e i edt\m* TO »npH»'Wi* i with Kis cavalry on the 2$th. .P. S. Siw. urviting irV "bore I have re­ collections every Sou- digo. fig Blur,6tMth the gloom which Hyson Ski*, k tr.y court it 10 o'cUl-1* Were compelled to abandon Campo Ma­ ceived the report of a gallant action ot one ultation. They d'lffipate cliong Teas. AUum.Cofrmi. How- deflinie* of Eu­ Shot. CMton. lot,Jay in SrjV.enibfr tn<, jor, with the loss of six hundred men of our patrolet yefterday evening, between has fo long hung over tlie Loaf, Lump and Brawn drr. with courage am Sifim, Tract*. Leading ny they have, wl.y tl«uJ and wounded. On the 2(Sih Gen. Alverca and Guarda, under tlie command of rope, and, if followed Sugiri. killed ot proving only a brillinn Spemacetti, Mold aikl Lines. Bed Conl*. rtiould not luvr tl* quarters were at El- Lt. Perfe of the 16th light drtgooni, and wifdom, inftesd White Beretford's head fitting through thedaik Dipt Candles. I fupi»'f meiiffi* p'J Lt. Fofter «f th« Royali, who attacked ade- and tranfient meteor Sc>ihes. Spades, he dc va*. the ruddy ftreak ny luitd UiU It « ' ) '*' * tachment of th« enemy'* cavalry between nef* of the horison, like and many otl>er article* not enu« The enemy had withdrawn their o Thefe, and Guarda, and killed and wound- on the eaft, they will lutbinger a day die at reafnnable pri­ II. whole force, except a weak piequet, to Alverca merated, thry offer for R ed feveral of them, and took the officer and comfort and deliverance, ces, and they flatter themfrlves that their HENRY the other side of the Guadina. to the value of thefe ex Jdoe tliird J,iilaiilU'(|f;a' 37 men prifoner* It greatly adds goods will be found upon examination at lead corps under Marshal Soult hai to the pleafuie of reviewing them Iff M.S. UK KEN. C^ The The enemy have withdrawn from Piohel, ploiti, and equal in quality and a* low in price, as at tailed in the neighbourhood of Llere- that with the exception of th* battle of B«r- acrof* the Coa. a lofs af- other na. APtlL IS. rofa, they have been achieved with PUBLISHED, are fcarccly '« OJfict of tlit J/jy^ Gen. Ballasteroa had returned to Gi- Reported Succen againtt Afatieno't Rear. tonilhingly trilling. Our laurels : TICKETS hU force tinged with blond. The boafted ftrength ol i oreleon on the 29th, where Account* have been received by govern. IN tV Washington Aionumtnt Lottery of Gazette, tbe IQe of France yielded to the veiy pi'pa- hid been increased by the arrival of th"i« morning, from the Prince de Bouil Baltimore, to be had at the different Lot­ \ OF MARYLAND. ment rations for attack. Banda fell by a Uold and ix thousand men under Gen. Zayas. Governor of Jerfey, Hating that a tra% tery Of(tst of the Manager* and of Eli Ion, alraoft bloodlefs row/id* main. Fewer than 400 'IIB».H session, I 810- arrived at Zamo- on the lHh from Oporto, Simkiiu, Sect'ry Baltimore ; of Mr. William Marshal Bessieres der arrived there Anholt againft 4,000 Danes, seven on the 310 ; that Die had men defended and Mr. Ifarjlio 0'. Atuaroe, Auua- T» on the 5th of March with which (he left more than their own number in S.Vrten intelligence of Lord and captured thousand men. brought the important with the lots ot but two men kil- pol'u. rapid and dexterous ifoners, , tfc April 13. Wellington having by a and thirty wounded. And Maffena, after Aug. 18. off Ma(Ten»'. J (poft paid) fnclofing the earn, UNITED STATES. movem«nt, fueceeded in cutting r his wwf by licknefs and want, has |q7>letters Stttet hit nwft>»V for.ticket*, will be attended to. ; A mxii fro** thtvUnhrt i rear were ftade boo. buccd to * retreat a* "ought papers from New-York to the to 8000 meo, the whole of which >Jrvcr fuftVr youiTclf'to think, with partiali. PAUL'S DOMESTIC INFALLIBLE Public Sale. co UN Ku. ty, ol a perfon who is no: guided by religi­ COLUMBIAN Olf,. Hy viitue of a decree of the |,;,i ous principles. A gno-l man alone is capable chancery, of Maryland, will be «,'} SELECTED. of true attachment, tide'.ity, and affection. THE inventor of this highly cstrerrcd medicine J'ul'lif Si:!e, on TuelV.ay the 2||> ^ Others may feel a fugitive pafltnn ; but on ib a native, nt' Anivrica, and the composition .. the pn.diuTion of American soil, consequent- May next, if fair, if not ihc Lex-i"1 Let -IM all be Unhap/y Together this, alai, you can place n.i dependence. No­ >r it is in tvry sense o( the word domestie. it is thereafter, on the premifei, ' *' OH 1 come on cold rainy d?*, thing b*nt religion is permanent, always ion- int piifl'efl up with a numerous train of pompous ALL the ri^bt, title and intcrcn \ When Ihc bird? cannot (how a dry feather, liltenc and always the fame. Look for a per- foreign icriilkatis ol' persons I'mm whom hy the ** heirs of Hichard Ward, Jeu'4;i IJiini' your |it;ns and your tear, Granny Giay, (on of a domcllic call. Ot' what con'.Vquence jrejit distance thar separates us 'lis impossible to and ti) the following UJnit,ni par Let in all be, unhappy together.- the following ecrtiiica' 's of icspc Gallic chara>Vrs, mile of the bay, coiitaiu,< about ISj telTary, yrt it is highly uri'irahle, that the with a great proportion of excellent m, Very late and In We'll talk about mildews and blight!, man v ith whom you are to t'pend your day? whosv nunm are not onlv subscribed, but tlieir Oicafitin'd by bailnel's nf weather, pfrsonsmay lie also Consulted. Ix'ingrcMiKiils with- land already prepared, and much mori^ NEWS FROM LO: Iliould be a man of fentiirien: and ta(\e -in the circle of our own neighbourhood. 'I he 161- made at a finall eNpn.lV. Tit re nr About horrible dreams and dull nights, Thefe qualities will variegate evciy hour with limim; are the complaints in which the Columbi­ Defeat of the French in Ar.d weM all be unhappv together. land a good cnmfortalil^ d*il',in,» h(.U|, Yeiterday afternoon a I'efli pleafure, every fcene witli animated re an Oil har. becrf found so efficacious and rauli c- every other necefY.iry out huufe, 4 vrr I'uils of ifTcAii.g a lure, vi*: lUwuinatisin. And wc'il t.lUof tht pin It \vilhnnl head, marks, and every incident with the livelicd bacco hoiile, and an excellent apjil port the fait sailing »hip That kif.'d moiher Mump in the cellai inierrtt. fortune furely fliould be coiiiijered Ciiiisiimpti'in, rains in any parts of the biKly, Voie, in the remarkable bit pait.cularly in liic hack and brcaM, f^i.lJl1:,j '1 hat Irii>ht(-Med the barber's liny urad, as proportioned to your habit*, educalkin Cv.ixlr,, To .tiiach, I'lcmisii s, Chnl'c, Cramps. fume valuable tim-ior, paKictilarly alii. of S3day» from Liverpool, And we'll all be uti|iap;>y together. and n-ition in life. But if you find the otnci nr.i'. Brilisc-., Sprains ami I inclined to pun haft are invited to vit she sailed on the 18th l.rjt us fancy frclli duty on Inu'T, rrqnilitrs, be as moderate as poflible in this. Wound-, Si aids and Burn'., Whonping Cough !< nrcmifeii. The teuili of arr( ilui thi» arrival the Editors o Mi-.mps, uml Dx'entary or Ulooily rlux. Croup On, lapdngi or m mUrys lo t liver, A morfel thus fweetcncd will be pleal'ant to pnrchafer or piirchaleri lliall give bun], tile Advertiser have rece the tJiftr. tH a cottage fo euli«ffTPllyi.iy will aul in.- summer complaint in < h l;tn n, and in Let's fuppol'i: there's taxes enough, .1 weak tininmh llllt is caused hy indigestion fciurity, lo be approved by llic tiul|tr gular files of London p To nuke ui unhappy together. A fpring. Tie. AUiiighly will look dowr\from constant «,i;ikin;; and loss ol up|it:it.-, it wilt ihe payment of the purchalc nniiiry,»;;t evening of the 15th Ap Heaven with approbation, and crown the nap­ Let's talk of invaii'm.sml lilood, us a I'owirh'l bra er to the relaxed fibre and triell, within twelve month] fiuni a Liverpool paper of t py pair with the choicctl of his blefllngs ! it to us projwr tune1. - tale, and on the raiiiicaticn of the [> < 1)1' devili, blar!i,h1iir t white and yellow, [/ lu tin- In out Lloyd's Lists i .The Ueg'. burft and the gin's run away ; thereto, on the terms nientiosrd in the laid brvuM Will in in Brewer * ails, a fchcdnle of is property and a lilt of U. S. frigate Essex sailt I NfOllMS hit liiendt and the labile wi the lit ol April (or ( his creditor*} nil oflil>( »s - -HQBRT1F1CATHS OF JTS tfH«AOY fallyi th'at he hai°ai;a;ii taken thc'Ciiiij tain them, being annexed to fn peti'ion, ind No. t. ttcpt 1809. I'AVKKK, at Anna|M.lis, whiih he hji«cs| returned again to Cowe TIIF. GLEANER. the faiJ William M. Chanry hiving fatisfird I ilo ccilify, that I have U*n a'.lmj; two pird lor the hill year. To hit old tuCu LONDt me by competent trllimony, that lie hs< re- \e;in \\ith a holic fou^h and Vloli.i.1 miple': i"li " HUMILITY has been jiillly ronfidered at I lie l>rv.i-i 1 appliul to the most t-mnvni pli) lie thinkk it Inllicieiit tn prnmile ttut Yesterday morning, the biightelk ornament and jrwel 6f Chridia- tided in the Pate of Maryland the two Mciaiis ami could p t no rxlivt liom my low Slate liituic accommoJ.itioils (hull bce<)ttiliai Wrangler gun-brig ar nity, the peiuliar grave that dillingiiilhcs it years iui mediately preceding the time of his amv been invaded by 300O improving the heart of him who p«,lTrlf:» it, ft to tlir iiublic. nolhin^ on hit part Hull be wanting up. William M. Chaney be di'.'i barged from his who w«e gallantly atta the condition ot all who are within the reach EI.1SII,\SOWAUD tify ilnilc wl-o may thoole lu fa>nurliisii4 lie garrison of British of its influence ; if we Vwtluier how it alV.iXs iivprif.mtncin, and that hy canlinrj a copy of Baltimore Mo. 16, Water-*.-rvvt, ii^ii of the their culloni. He cannot omit tin* older to be inferted in :hr'Maryland Ga­ plough. feated, with the loss of Its in all the clauses of life ; how nioder.itr niiy of ten.lriii.g hit linccie neral ind his aid-de-can rl us in profpriiiy, bow paliint in ad- zette wre'-ly for three moir.hs lucceffuely who have f.iVi:tirtd him with tl.tir ttii it he.foie the fir ft day of Augull next, give no- No. l. Sept. 10)9. of 100 rank and file kil vr ,U\, hownow con.c.^ucontented in.. *every "l Hate,' how it - t hil crcdltor, to ,p( before Anne lirrc hit comiiKiicuneiit in tlii. line Sin, - . .-. . nr1s, mill willing to appeal to tin-ro In the invaders prisoner** reduces our vam expeaat.ons, check, tlie at n From the great l*n »nd of ourfelvcs ; if thefe things, 1 fay, are benrfit of the laid fever 4! ails as prayed. v.hc.1 1 applied vuur oil (xiern.ill), anil washed The prisoners are alrt duly tllimaied, we Hull lind abundant caufe Given under my hand this 19th day of the part »,IVOcd with Ihe nil tliluud iu tlie unie transports, and will be March, 1811. i|uantiiy of mob»ses, which took war pieces of MARYLAND, ' to confefs, that in learning "of Him who putrid rlc»h and healed my throat jn alMci3ii. who gave »-ver> attention about lo tricl of MaiyUiid, by petition, in viiliiig,^ A gentleman is said t< " (Ihrittian I would you fee a perfect pattern dais bui all lo no eitrA ; ihe child was given up of humility ? Examine ihe liVe and doflrines many of the Citizens have" delayed purchai- Benjamin Ki'eJcr, ut faid county, London from Copenha by the physicians, and had every apprat-ince i,l the oem-tit uf an »c\ for llie relief of of your 1/ird, He was b»rn in a mran and in;; TU.KKTS, Irom uii apprehension that ihi death, when 1 applied trr Paul's Columbian Oil, the island of Zealam low'condition, nl a people in fervituilrv the thawing would not commence until a distant and gave live drupt morning and evening, lui live infolvent drbtorr, palfed al November penhagen stands, is t ri/htci n Iniiidied and fnr, and fc'irn of the liinrtinuliiig nations, and of a day. To remove Midi impressions, and with d<>s, wlien the chiUI IKJJII lo recover, ami is nu\\ F.nglish troops, at t1 in |icrle>1 licalili fupplemcnts thereto, on ihe terms tiibe of that people, wham even the Jews a view to -attain the objects contemplated by Dinei, notwithstandi the law, as soon at possible, they confidently MAHY UNDEKWUUU. in the faid adt\ of his ambitious followers, recommended lo I'aiil't Columbian Oil. 1 pro- ttih ports, and thai svlicn he gi'ded hinifelf with a lowrl, anil what number of Tickets tliev/^aiethey a willing to i invd line phial cf that valuable mtdicine, wliich period of two ytan iminediately ?'<•< w.ilhcd his dilciulrs fe-t ; in every ac'lion and take. has lefluiej me IU a good stale of health a.",am. ibis hit application, ur.J ihe IheritF of A*e- intends issuing licer Manli 20, 1311. THOMAS lit. 10TT. Anutflvl county having certified ihatllxU ductioa of coftee, su (liloimrfc of this Divine Teacher,he gavr the 7 On the HookVtown road near llic turnpike gate sv-o'ld a matililcl'i example of humility/ tn petinoncr is in his cnltody for debt onlr. 1^ tides of colonial prcx .Tor Sale, ihc 1'iid Ueiijamili Ueedtr having givru«> prolUate the pride and vain inv.igiiialioiis ol .{fa,4. Frb i:, 1809. into Russian ports. 1:1 .in at the fomltnol of hit ihtone. 'IMIK boul'c and apperienancoi thereto be- I have great rcaron fc7t»vcf)1 Thinklid tor being cicnt frcunty. for his pcrfonal uppci "" Foreign Odke, " Well dij l,e know the" human heart, win. longing, lately occupied hy me in Anna- riTooilneiided lo I'aiil'k Columbian Oil I lia.l b.'en Anne-AiiiiiJcl county coui. to aril' Dispatches have '.I'.i'.s laid his axe to liie loot of the fee. I'm polif, which are very comnuulicus. For terms affliflcd wilti-a violent pain in my back, so that 1 alleja'jo.n ;n may he made again!' ctived at this office was not able to walk. I pnxurnl one phial of if we examine our'clves, we Hull find, lliat and further partuulars apply lo Jonathan h'u cieditori, 1 thereI'orr t*' |* that Sir William Bi pr'idr. We hear it in the full lifpin^>, is authorised by uie fully^u " fo 10 do; iron- months ago, when I diopjrfd a few Jiopk'if cuuling a copy of this order luhcinfeittiir" JOHN G1BSON. nited the whole of a;.d tract- it in the re(\leU afoirings of a child. I tlie above 01 < n some lint, and applied it lo publit i.ews-paper ot the city of Anr>:; Itgre on the 23d o1 Jt grows with us, from )oiuli to man- Annapolis, Jan. 17, 1811. the looih affecied, and 1 received imiiiediate re­ once ev»ry week lor three month* lucctM lief. before the thitd Monday in Sep'-erate^tW. on the 24th, and ; k hood ; it clin^i tn uijis we go down the hill ELEANOR Kl.lOTT. the funeral poiufi, .the , MEDLEY, t^i«« (Mtks? tn his ciediynil. "ith his cavalry t ,1, tells us that it deltenrit A FTNEL^'Coime'd and beautiful BAY' Anne-Arur.dc! tmnr.y court >t were compelled to i with nt into the grave. Yet, "if v*e look HOUbiv, uptraraS ot'»fifleen hands high, No. 5. M". of the third Mo'uJay in i?_ j°r, with the loss v.lliin us, and irouiid us, and Ice how help. got by general Hnl,;rly't celebrated horle SIR. to fliew caufc, if any they have, »'!.)' killed and wounded Medley, nut of u full bred mare of colonel i 1 cuniplv with your mpwst of HaliiiRiny opini Benjamin Herder (liuiilu not have li'i Beresford's head t Icli, how dependent wr are, we mull cotifelt on (lf I'aul's Columliiuti Oil, tiring un elfcrlusl that " piide was not. ui.idc fur man," O'Doiincll's, will It .ind this feafon at Well rtmol/ (or the teller ix-orni I hive been alrlKicd of the I'a^TJcViiiiJ l'u|i;/.enirn:< »» P'-) 1 vai. [.t/vfli'fvr.] bury on Welt Hiver, at eight dollars the fea- with llic tetirr in my hand for 13 tears, and have Givet/ under ^mjijitiid thi> t»eb'J'' TKe enemy ha Ion, and one dollar to the groom, (paftiiragr made trial of many medicines wliich luve bee .laylay ofo,f blaictfaich, IS1 I. whole force, eicer " If a pfrfnn come to a fcrious tleclaration gratii,) lo be paid when the mares are taken reinmmrmlcd, but all lo no eRecV Hearing o HENRY 1''k Columbian Oil, about the I }tli of January the other side of t ip your favour, afTcA no prucilh airs or re- away in money, or torn at 3 dollars |xrr bar­ /J A ""'"'' te JtidRe thi.d The corps undi rel, or wtuai at 180centi, or oils at SO cents Un, prnving »n eflVc'tutl cure- for the ringworm ^ '!• II lervr. If yon rrally feel an afirrtion-for him, and hmilar comphintt. 1 immediate!) gni a phial Tcli. WM. S. ( halted in the neiu and ca'i indxli-e it with prudence, do not per bulbel. nf )our Oil, and applied it a^reeal.l) to the di na. icrnple to acknowledge- it, or to treat him ""WILLIAM PIUTCHAUD, Manager. itr.'liuni fur alHiul two monihs kiicccv- ivilj when JUST March 16. IKI I. - if. ihe tetter Ull rrle, aiidliatnot niauVii Andftr Sjlt at tlu- of tin Gen. Ballastero svitlithe i',reaicl\ nprnnef> and candour. This kreleon on the 2 will en r.3;;1' forever the eftcem of every libe­ SUSANNA I'UUDEN. had been increas ral and, honrlt man. If ymj cannot receive TICKETS N. B. My Susanna, a child aged :n mouths TIII; LAWS or him as a lover, ynn will notjuil to retain him IN the Washington Jllonumint Lottery of I n days, wan taken allabout the midtlle of July last i« thousand men ai a fiieml. SulVtr not your imitgina'ion td 1 Baltimore, io"be had-at the difl'erenl Lot. \ ttl11' » violentVnuxli. illicit tlie Uei^l'.huurk ha HOVKMVKH SfSIIOH, Marshal Bessit be dazzled with mere fjiletidniir. The £\n- tery i-r.r, of tKe AtMagfrt and of Eli v. r.s ihc \\liiHipin|{ ciu>Kh I 1 Kavl' her si\ drops o y/iVr Cm //'../.'jr. T» on the 5th c the (luhimliiun Oil. which gave imuicjiutv thousand men. ter of wealth and equipage |ia\ induced many Sect'ry Baltimore; of Mr. ll'illijin unil^priivcd an eflec'ti al cure 'a poor Rirl "> fa'-fiiicr her peac»;'at thelhrtne mid Mr. Horatio (J. AJunrje, Anna- Siiaioga iiuet, Laliiinure, Aug. 11 of vani'V ; and her nightly pillow lleeprtl in !'«''«• It/) • ' ' PRINTED B£ JONAS CBI'.t UNITE lean and bitter regiet, has toon told her that • Aug. 18. JL' tf. 'ihc' above valuable Medicine for tale bv A mail from " better is a rriitrtrr-nt herlx wheie love is, |^*Letters-(poft rnrWI) eticlniing tfic cVlTi", —JOH "ought papers fi than a JUIIed ox alid'hatred for ticket^ will ue aitcndcd to. 6 At Mi'. Prict—TvfdDjIlait }-er /r.num. MARYLAND GAZETTE, EXTRA. "•'.,:". i',:'. '-'t:.' FRIDAY, . MAY 17, 1811. .^•"^.t'v'd

mov- it the only account that hai i general tattle, by an army which never lOth, from Philadelphia to the 8th, i prifoneu. Thii (liength \Vc have been politely favoured with received, and we are inclined to attach ed out of its pofitton. The efTecYive from Boston to the 7th, & from Wash­ been been prefervcd. Commercial Adver credit to it, for it will be fren by the Ga­ of the Britilh force hat thus the New-York to the 5th, containing among feeling them, ington zette of Saturday, that the allied army wat It has inflicted loffci without of the 14th inuant, from which things, a perfect copy of the adcn/iate to purfue the career ,,v tiser other to be collected on the 2 6ill »t Cderico, where and remains t aur with the supple­ hat bten fo glorioully !nB cr«li.*i we extract the following non-intercourse law, the rear guard of Mjflcna'i army wai on the of vic\oty which ment of Mr. Kppcs. preceding day. We know that Ney com­ opened. '11* about l:a to ttoe court of Very late and Important This document has excited so much mand* the rear guard, and at thr diftancc The nf w French minifter in* Launflon, hat left Paiii. He re­ "'I r-'uch more -J FROM LONDON. attention in London, that we have it from Celerico to Oporto ii only eighty milri, Ruflia, NEWS Canlincourt. The expectation that •l>. Tl, f , c,,, most respectable authority. intelligence from the army to the 3Uth might place* Defeat of the French in Portugal. from the a change in her politrci is |J *»'!'«!; his majesty's ministers have it in eafily reach Oporto on the 3 1 ft. But another Kulfta ii effecYmg Yeiterday afternoon arrived at this that Hill fupportrd by letter! from the North. ''houlV, 4 capt. contemplation, in about a fortnight, in letter from Jerfey meniioni the »c(Yel to have pott the fast sailing ship Orbit, on the 4th, and that the The emperor ii (aid to have come to a deter­ -'lent apl,|e 0rtJ of this hostile measure, Tailed from Oporto and hit Voie, in the remarkable short passage consequence the enemy wai gained on the mination to declare hit neutrality, J» ot another older in'council, pro­ fuccefi over The of 83days from Liverpool, from whence to issue We (hall care little about ihc datei, pur|K>fe of trading even with England. the pro­ 3lft. to com*- to she" sailed on the 18th of'April By viding that no merchandise facti be confirmed, and we have e- anxiety difcovered on hit part j»viuj to,, the United State* provided thii. A thit arrival the Editors of the Mercan­ duce or property of reaCon to believe it will be, perhapi in termi with Tuikey corroborate* "' '-'I: »" i tint .J O. very commenced. Jhe have received their re­ of America, shall be imported into the lourle ol the day. formal negotiation hat 'l">l'K>vc bnj tile Advertiser at Butliared'on papers to the Britain or Ireland in American bot­ Two Anholt mail* have arrived. They Ruffian negotiator arrived 1 by tl.e t.uii«, gular files of London great difficulty toms, on the contrary that British furnidi a new proof of Bunnaparte'i fears of the 14th of Dec. The thalc money, i ia evening of the 15th April, inclusive, to be that Alex. only was to be used. an attempt in the Hanfe Towni and their in the way of peacr appeari JlltlH f'uni'tbdU a Liverpool paper of th« 17th, and shipping territory from the step may be delayed, but that vicinity to free thrmfelvei frmn liii galling andcr demands ceflion* of itulion of thc (fri Lloyd's Lists to the 12th, from which This at obftinilely relufei, it will, in all probability, be taken, we yoke. All ftrangcn within the city and ju- Porte, which the Sultan the following interesting articles are to prcfcnt and therefore continue! hit preparation! for and noi b for and the objeft of thrir vilit, with Minister, Mr. Foster, lately entered Spain from France, who do. mu I by « ha ml I'll I nf Rritifh again!) 4000 Danei, :livi'»ul the f,,j the new British their good behaviour. Thnfe minister, Mr. Pink- that it was known in the Peninsula, are ordered to quit I lanuot Uil to have a good rft'eiX on public aiidiifr.ich;ti, tml the American comply with thii requifrion a Bri. for the U. S. in that a misunderstanding exists between In Holland, too, the (iinealed opinion, and the prefence of I'o large ney, were both to sail the country. will en- France and Russia. Report added, the new Police evincet the fean fh flrct as that now in preparation, a few days. vigilance of hoftihty that Buonjparte has recalled his guards of the Tyrant. No letter! coura-e, efpecially in Swrden, the In out Lloyd's Lists we find that the and ful'picioni oppreffpri. i Brewer contemplation of a war in the pals through the 1'ofl-Olficr alnne, am) of the patriot! to ilieir prefcnt U. S. frigate Essex sailed from Cowes in muft foroe German paper«( J«and ihe pu --1- .' »'•! - allowed ii, tlut the thc all I'rufTun vrlfelt in the poiti of to prmnile thn Yesterday morning, (Sunday,) A delpatrh of which the following ij an ilTued a new decree, extending, ai a mail; of lequrflerrd within the Baltic, in retaliati­ it Ihallk- equal ta«k Wrangler gun-brig arrived at Yar­ extract, was ycflerday evening received from hit regard for the Danti, the tirfr for fend­ that kingrVnn fiianlar meafure adopted by lh« king recriviil ; JW1 I() mouth from the Baltic, and landed a Lt. Gen. Ld. Vifcoum Wellington, K. B. by ing in colonial produce dtpodted in the wire- on for a lie UlhioiuUe thuiul with dispatches from the Earl nf Liverpool, dated Gouvica, March lioiifei of Holliein, to the 30th inl>. of Pruflia.' Lieutenant the laft, «he archhilhnp of Can. hem, Ic ii un»uU. which Island has 27th, 1311. It is not yet known what courfe government. _ On Satu^lay Itland of Anholt, the the dukei of Mnntri.fe ard Yo>k, therefore Danish troops, " When 1 found that the enemy retired mean to purfue, in confequrnce of ihe pvlfing terbcry, been invaded by 300O Winchelfea and Ayletford, lordi Kllen- lull >c wantin lit­ with fur.h celerity from Malta, I continued the non-imporlatinn ad by the Amrruan rarlt who weie gallantly attacked by the and Elden, and fir William Gram, the pur I'u it of them with the cavalry and the Congrefi, ai Hated in our extracts fioiu ihe bornogh tle garrison of British and totally de her majefly's council, again aflembled emit thiscfan.1 light ilivil'ion under Maj. Gen. Sir William New.York papers to the luth lalt, in the bring in not feated, with the lost of the Danish ge­ Wnullnr, for the purpofe ot examining tl.ailitobfcl Erfkine only, fupporting tliefe troopi with Glol>e on Saturday. at . iinceie his aid-de-camp, and upwards he phyficians in attendance on thc Rate of tl.tir ctfj neral and 6th and SJ divifiuns of infantry, and by Yeftenlay the following bulletin watflicwn i liini with file killed, and 600 of the mnjeily't health. \Yr underftaou thc re­ jme cfU>.| of 100 rank and the militia on the right of the Mondego ; at St. Jamei'i Palacr : hit itut in lift. Our lock i« ve­ port w*t highly falitfalWy.' appeal In tlif-m In invaders prisoner!. ai'.d I W*T induced to trait tKe- r«mjinder of Windsor Cattle, April 13 2 killed favoura­ i to pleafe, he lull 1 ry trifling, only having about the army till the fupplies, which had been Hit Maje (1y rontinuei to go on ciuiiut-xtjl and 16 wounded. We have taken two font round from the Tagui to the Mondego, bly. [Signed by the five DoAort.] STORE. sunk another. the more defir- of their gun-boats, and Ihould arrive. Thii halt wai '" ' "•''Clooe Office, The prisoners are already on board of able at nothing could be found in the coun­ transports, and will be sent immediate­ try, and every day'i march increafing the Accounti have been this day received from Childs Sf Shaw, d',ll mre from the roagatinet on the Tagut Jerfey, which (Ute the arrival nf a veffel Have opened, and offer for tale, at tlxir ly to England. that city on /if county, «. April 10. rendered the fupply of the troopi more difficult there from Oporto, which Ictl Store, adjoining Mr. Joieph Evant' & and prfcariouk ; and the further advance of the 4th inR. Mr. H. G. Muuroe't, oppnlite the fuMinber, inikl The great fleet we are tending to took place on nir, '.he to re­ the main body for a few days did not appear Thry flate, that an action market-house, an Attortment of \iuiulrl county <.wc;,u| the Baltic, gives rise every day lal), in which the rear of MalTcna'i on great events. to be necelTary. the 3111 Seasonable Goods, • ul the third JuJ'iuL'. ports and speculations The cavalry and light troopi continued to army, confiding of 10,000 men, were taken. New fy have arrived in the Articles that tomt >y petition, in A gentleman is said to annoy the enemy'i rear, and to take priToners ; The two armies met at thc point of a road Cjmfrijing moil of denomiiulioni of ut f.iiil county, IMJJ> London from Copenhagen^ who affirms, and the militia under Col. Wilfon had an af­ between Guarda and Almeida. under the of (u»ij| Co­ tranfmitted by the :\ for tlie lelief the iiland of Zealand, on which fair with a detachment of the enemy, on the The above acc< unt wai DRY GOODS & GROCERIES. ilfrd it Ninetnlxrfe is to be occupied by Celerico, in which they governor of-Jerfey to government, who, we penhagen stands, 22d, not far frorr COOD1. ind fi\r, and tktonil desire of the feveral, and took IS under (\aud, give ciedit to it. DRY English troops, at the killed 7 and wounded Siiptifine Cloths and ndia Mull Mull do. , on the tcimtnicriufti'l Dinei, notwithstanding their Anholt prifoneri. The militia under gen. Sil«eira Catiimcret, 'lain Ji FigU Leno do 1 ftludulc ol li'u (xofn) said, refuses alfo took fome prifoners on the 95th. I IVKRPnOL, APRIL 17. 4-4Uith LiMna V Sheet. Nei Scarft, expedition. Russia, it is when :diiori, on oath, s«!»i The enemy retired his left, the 3d corps by It wai well f*id by Mr. Perceval ing*, 4-4 6-4 Canbrick Miu* to acknowledge Bernadotte as Regent of lins, oni, Itriiifr amiexnluUl Gouvria, through the mountains upon Guar. on Wednefday lafk he moved a gran', Ruttia Sheeting, Blown of Sweden ; that she hat given up all fulTerinj and White, Muilin hindkeKHicfi. i Benjamin U ecilcr tw-jl da, and the remainder of the army by the one hundred thoufand ponudi to the American property confiscated in con­ had Uen the KUMU Uu;k, I ice do ipe^nl trllimr>iiy,ttv.«l high road upon Celerico. They have fince peafatury of Portugal, that " it \ la CrcrijiK Chintid, its coming from the Bri- the Burlaps, Brown Rolls, Hate of M sequence 'of more troopi upon Guarda, which po- good fortune of the Prince Regent, duiir.g He>tnant,l'icUlcnburg< do government moved ol the •t immediately t'uh ports, and that the fition they !lill hold in Qrenglh. Our advanced lliort lime he had held the government Colourctl 6t I'Um Nan­ >» rtmeni of Cali­ intro­ Briiilh na­ coes ami Cinghami. ur.J ilie Ilieriu" of Ant­ intends issuing licenses for the guard it in front of Celerico, towardt Guards, country, to fee the character of the keens, of brilliant Pattnt, Jo. Kaihionable Veil Tat. i-ing certified ihatllxU| duction of coftee, sugar, and other ar­ and at Alverea ; and the Sd divifinn in the tion difplayed in i greater variety England exploit! than had perhapi, ever White Jrant, tcins, rultcdy for debt on!r,i ' ticles of colonial produce from mountains, and occupying I'orco, Miferolla and glnrioui An aitortmem of Dimi \n assortment of Silk Kccdir luving gi«ru'»> into Russian ports. been achieved in an equal fpace of time dur­ and Cotton Hose, and Pradoa. capture lies, hit pcifonal uppri ir.««| Odice, April 12. 1811. The allied troopi will be collected in the ing any period of our Inftoiy." The India Cottons, York Stripes, Foreign the haul* Cuuntcrpanrt, ui'.y coui. to aiifmrf v thit day been re- neighbourhood ot Celerico to-morrow. ' of the Iflet of France and B»nd», Domettle. do. Superfine Dispatches have MalTcna, of all Uoinlazf.tCJ iJid Wild- r tic made agaiul! tis Stu­ Gen. Baltafterot furprir.rd gen. Kamon on of Barrafo, the forced retreat nf Hamlkcrchieft ctived at thii office from Charles prefent a proud kindi. boars, rcl'urr t'rrlrr ind the 10th at Palma, and difperfed hit detach­ and tl.e defence of Anholt, Boni'viiene, art, Esq. his majesty's minister at Lis­ in difleirnt porii- iniin KvTiler l»r di ment, and took from him 500 prifonert. lift :? nited the whole detached from Cadiz with 6000 men, includ. land at by fea, on the continent, iml Milaga \Viiw«. Nutmegs, ot advanced venturing, Cloves, Ginger. Pep. r tlirre month* !u(cr!.''r;i legre on the 23d of March, ing 400 cavalry, to br difcmbarked at Hucl- have been fo often warned from Biamly, Spnil, Whis- enemy the ocean. To thefe re- kry. Rum. per, Muttini. Salt. oriday in Sepwraler ft* I on the 24th, and attacked thc va co join gen. Ballaftcroi. and on the illandi of Tcrre. Sweet Oil. In- flritoo luit» tmfc with «x- II) son. Young Iljrjon, .to *ith his cavalry on thc 25th. They P. S. Since writing the above 1 hive re­ colleAioii»'e»eff It Sou- dijo. Vlg Ww.5t«th ciediynis the gloom which II) ton Sim, rc-.y courVn 10 tfcUVM were compelled to abandon Campo Ma­ ceived the report of a gallant aflion ol one ullation. They diflipaic (bong Teas. Alluni.Co|*ni, I'ow- over the detViniet of Eu­ dtr, Shot. Cotton. luiiJjy in i^'.rwV 1 jor, with the loss of six hundred men of our patrolei yeuerday evening, between hai fo long hung Loaf, Lump and Brown followed with courage and Sifirrs, Traces, Leading my they have, wl.y wounded. On the 2 prior vai. Lt. Porter «f the Koyali, who attacked a de­ and tranfienl meieor Kc>ihes, Spades, dc he of ihe horizon, like the ruddy (\reakt had withdrawn their tachment of the enemy'i cavalry between nefs Thefe, and many other articlei not enu« The enemy and killed and wound­ on th< eaft, they will luibinger a day o it reafonable pri. II. force, except a weak picquet, to Alveica and Guarda, meiatrd, they offer for l»le *hole ed feveral of them, and took the officer arid comfort and deliverance. ces, and they Hatter thernfrlves that their HF.NHY the other side of the Guadina. greatly idd» to tl.< value of thefe ex tlii'd 37 men prifonen. Jl goods will br found upon examination at (call mine under Marshal Soult hat Vnd to the plrafuie of reviewing thru (J The corpi 'the enemy have withdrawn from Pinhel, ploits, equal in qualny and at low in price, as a: WM. S. of Llere- the exception of the battle of Bar. lulted in the neighbourhood acroft the Coa. that with other pUce«. IU. APRIL 15. rofa, they hive been achieved with K loft »f- are fcarcely Gen. Ballasteros had returned to Gi- Reported Succeii againtt Afaiteno't Rear, tonifhingly trilling. Our laureli . TICKETS with blond. The bonded ftrengih ot breleon on thc 29th, .where hit force been received by govern tinged |N thc Washington Munumint Lottery of Account! have of France yielded to the veiy piepa- had been increated by the arrival of from the Prince de Bouil­ tlie We Baltimore, to be had at the different Let- ment this morning, for attack, llanda fell by a bold and thousand men under Gen. Zayas. Jerfey, dating that a tra­ rations terf Office*, of the MaAagtrt and of Eli *IK lon, Governor of btoodlefsfou/>dfma/n. Fewer than 4<>0 arrived at Zamo- on the llth from Oporto, almofl Siinkim, Sect'iv Baltimore ; of Mr. W ilium Marshal Bessieret der snived there defended Anholt agamU_4,000 Uanet, with tcven on the 31ft; that (lie had men S.Grctn and MR IfoiMio U. Munr after Aug. April 13. .. vtll.lglv.. ..-.--„ J and thirty wounded. And WitiTena, f _ .1 _ J :«*..•••in cutting inr* r\non KJlNimiena ulT«na'sl s li..__.._.. , \-J* Letters (pott paid) enclofing the c»(h, UNITED----.-.*, STATES...... ». i movement, fucceeded hit army by lickneft and want, ,, iv JONAS the United State* t*».l,i,,

MEDLEY, Y Coined «nd ben

to l money, or corn at 3 do ^.brttitlBOcenii.oroai * |Mjrch_H______v^r Gooi II. G. MUNRO naJjili'on 10 A" £xtfn*»«e / Fine and Fancy ( lerman Linens. Iro Stationary & Grocei received, J/jj ihit daj opened a Cas London Beaver But 'Quality and most j (.oaf, Lump and Pic Cut Nails and ] S ca»lt or, hundred wrig limore Factory Pr Sheriff's S; j virtue of a writ of vendil me direfled, out of the cou the weftern Chore of the fta will be expoled to Public diy, the eighth day of Jui pfemifei, for Cafli, tf-'i^r. LI. the right, title and it OVlfe'fc ard Harrilbn and Walter i two piecet or parcel* of RKKT, in the poffeffion of ifext'•-.hty^'-Y- IUNT'S MOUNT, in the '^V'll'v |.," tier, containing altogethe ei of land, faulted in th .tint-Aruridel county, nea Itrting-Hnufe ; late the urd Harrifon anil Waltrr d taken at tlie fuit of N e to commence at elever JOSEPI La'.e Sheriff Private S PHE fubfctibert being ; KC\orl veftry and churt net'i Parilh, in Anne-A ^lifpofe of the Glebe Land a< .) offer, at private fate, t fi«% part of a traft of 1 |itl ptrini, lying on the ] 9 contain about live hund 1 ii» comfortable dwell . •if.i'i .- nhouft, kc. It it tho |iewi E price made known, t t lubfcriberi. THOMAS 5 JACOB FR A. A.cmmtv. May ? Public" 3r «irtue of an order of Anne-Arundrl county txpofe to fate, at I the Swimp, on Frida t LL \he p-tfonM efto rr.R, decrafed, cou( tie. Farming utcndli, |to commence at 10 exceeding I 1 |itli>ei» oX MFie prop

NOT \VHERF.AS my - h4» without any my Wd and hoard, an to my lionff , althoug to to du. 1 hereby fo g her on my a «"ned tVnm thii date "ntracYmg. I |,«r«b f»id Mary it no« "w hai fo eonducled can l 1 caution all p tll«y give her credit t' "«h»0 of them. M»7 12, 1811. MARYLAND GAZETTE. WEDNESDAY,

J5y Authority. Sale Postponed. MEDLEY, l Sheriff's Sales. By virtue of a writ of Venditioni Exponts, By virtue of a decree of the court of chan­ to me direfted, out of the Court of | OF A LOTTERY cery, will be expofed to Public Sale, on i^ Tuefdav, the 18th day of June next, ® BTof"fufr b«d mare of colonel Ol IVACiyiaou, —... -- —~l——-- . in the ci ty of Annaptlit. at the Union Taveto, in the city of An­ Sa/e, on the premifes, on Saturday the 8th napolis, """" Kl wiUft» at Weft 1 Prize of 3,000 dll,. i* 3,000 dll, 1 ' Vijrht dollar, the Tea- day of June next, at 3 o'clock in the af­ A LL that traft or parcel of land called 1 do. 1,500 1,!>UO Harrison's Resurvey, lying in Anne-A- ternoon, fur Calh, 1,000 L, jnfl 0»c u«...... - A LL the right, title and eftate, of Richard 8 do. 25 tickets each rundel county, containing about 500 acres, [jtiii) to ^ paid when the mare, ai 2 do. 500 did. 1,000 -T corn at 3 dollars per bar- ffarrison,\n and to two traft, or parcels and now in the pofTcflion of Samuel HartU of land called Trent, and Goory hanks, con­ 3 do. 200 600 , or oats at 50 cent*. fon, junior. taining together about two hundred and 12 5 do. 10Q 500 This land i, within one mile of Herring IO do. 50 500 Manager. and an half acre*, fituated in the lower part Bay and navigable water, abound, in timber of Anne-Arundel county, within fight of 20 do. 15 30O and wood, with a gre«»"-- . _»- . 15 per cent. cation thereof, and the refidue in three equal Fine and Fancy* ancy Goods, t .t of yenditioni Exf>onaSt lo Stali ar, «., , le be^^"^'; payment.,^ to wit t one third within fix Lan Linens. Ironmongery, '-j^^J^^fE ^^N^l^. ^ monlh£* dne third within twelve; month,, and the other thitd within eighteen .month* Stationary & Groceries, just J«the *««« £x/)oW w pMic Salt% on |ftI ft dodo.. on stlldlv5th day,, pprise,,,e 106*1,.100 dlli. Irom the day of fale, with intereft ; for the received, Saturday the 8ih day of June next, on the I ft do. on 10th day, 200 payment whereof note,, with approved en* H,, thit dot opened a Case of Men's premiles, for Calh, I ft do. on 15th day, 200 dorfer, run ft be given to the trustee* ; ta* yjjj mi* "ir Ronvpr Hits » ALL ths right, title and intereft, of Doftor I ft do. on 20th day, 500 fale to commence at 10 o'clock. 1ft do.on U2d day, prite 25 Ticket,, from kon'101in Beaver, tiais,, « A Watteraer fiarritont, -, and to the piantati- S -\MUELBHEWER, MO ALE, >~S lnm . *"- B,JI »ufl/iijp fl"** mwr fashionable. on whereon he . now... refides,__r.J.- beingl.*inrv partnirt ofnf a• No. 26 lo No. 50, inclufive. JOHN Loaf, Lump and Piece Sugars, tract or parcel of land called llarrison's Re- 1ft do. on 25th day, prise 25 do. from No. Annapolis, March 16, 1811. tdi» suraej, and containing one hundred and fifty 51 to No. 75, inclufive. Cut Nails and Brads, icrei or thereabouts, fituated in the lower I ft do. on 26th day, priie' 25 do. from No. f c«k or hundred wight, at the Pal part of Anne-Arundel couniy, on Herring 76 to No. 100, inclufive. This is to,give notice, limore Factory Price*. Bay, and wiihin two miles of Friendship ; late I ft do. on 27th day, prise 25 do. from No. rpHAT thr fubfcriber hath obtained from the propci ly of (aid Or. Wilter Harrifon. 101 to No. 125, inclufive. the orphans court of Anne-Arundel coun­ Sheriff's Sale. I ft drawn ticket on 28th day, ty, letter, of adminiftration on the perfonal .:.".r'''.ii.i!' Sciifd and taken at tlie fuit of the ftate of prize 1,500 dll,. , virtue of a iriii of vautitimitxpma*,* Maryland, for the ufe of Thomas Harm, ju­ eflate of John Sand,, deceafed, late of the ci­ |i : ••H'l ' t of the cou.t of appeals for nior, admtninrator of John Gwinn. Sale to The other Ticket Prises, fiom No, 126 ty of Annapolii. All peifoni having claim* • f «• _ _i__j to No. 200, inclufive, to be marked ABC, commence at 13 o'clock. againft faid eftate, are requefted to bring I will be expoftd to Public Sale, on Satur. JOHN CORD, Sheriff Sc to be put in the Wheel a, Floating Vriset. them.forward, legally authenticated, and iliofe Idly, the eighth day of June next, on the A. A. county. N* B. The reterved numbers are not en­ indebted to the eftate to make payment to DELILAH SANDS,. Admimftratrix. I preinifes, for Calh, Mav II, I ft 1 1. ______titled to draw thnfe Ticket prises in which \ LL the right, title and intereft, of Rich, fuch number* are refpecYively included. May 6, 1811. *% V 3sr. ard Harrifon and Walter Harrifon, in and MARYLAND, This Lottery will pofitively be completed i two piece, or parcels of land to wit t in 28 days drawing from the time nf com­ This is to give notice, RENT, in the poffeffion of the former, and Anne-Arundel county, to mencement. 100 Tickets to be drawn each [UNT'S MOUNT, in the poffeflion of the rpHAT the fubfcriber hath taken out Uttera S application to the judges of Anne-A­ day in every week Sundays exrepted. of adminiftiation on the eftate of Rbbtrt tier, containing altogether nearly 300 a- rundel county court, by petition, in writ, NICHOLAS BREWER. H'c/fAi,of John, Ute of Anne-Arundel coun. n of land, faulted in the lower part of of David Jlanljn, of the city of An- JAMES P. MAYNARD, .ntx-Arundcl county, near the Methodift ing ty, drcealed. All perfon, who have claim* n«polis, praying the benefit of the aft for the LEWIS DUVALL, againft fold elUte are tequefted to bring them Iteting-Hnufe ; late the property of Hi- relief of fundry infolvent debtors, pi (Ted at HENRY MAYNAUIER, ard Harrifon anil Walter Harrifon. Seized forward, legally authenticated, and all prr- November fe(T«on, e'-ghteen hundred and five, S>AMfEl.KLl)OUI, I'onk indebted to mkke immediate payment, to 1 taken at tlie fuit of Nicholas Norman. and the feveral fupplement* thereto, upon JAMES SHAW, BENJAMIN \VELCH, Ex'r. pie to commence at eleven o'clock, A. M. LEWIS NETH, JUN. the term, mentioned in an aft for the relief May"•"' 4, 1811.""'• ^X ' 3*- JOSEPH M'CENEY, and benefit olof DavidUavia n«n,u..,Hanlon, rpaffrd -- -at No­- - J"""JOHN "~rCOLDER "', ... »., , «. La'.e Sheriff A. A. County. vember fcfiion,feffion, eighteen hundred and tenten, Ticket» to be• had• J ofr any..... of. the Manager* NOTICE. Private Sale. and alleRing that - he* is-- now )W injn aMual-MIIJ| «>"<'"<-confine _P,elent ptice 5 doll*.______' ment, a Ichedule olof hishi, propeproperty, .. and a I.ft - pHE fubfcriber, being authorifed by the nf his creditors, on oath, as far a< he can nc. fubfcriber having obtained letters of r'Aor, veftry and church wardens, of St. afceitain. them, being annexed to his p tition, ~ adminillratinn on the eftate of Samuel iimct't Paiiih, in Anne-Arundel county, to and the faid David Hanlon having fatitfied Green, late of the city of Annapolis, deceafed, lifpofe of the Glebe Land adjoining Pig Point, the faid court, by competent teftimony, that all perfon* indebted to him are requefted to 1 offer, at private fale, the aforefaio Glebe, he ha* redded in the ftate of Maryland for make immediate payment, and thofe who inng part of a traft of land belonging to the period of two year, immediately preced­ hive claims againft him to prerent their ac- [id parifh, lying on the Patuxent, fuppofrd ing this his application, it is therefore order, ji,JeMlly authenticated for payment. o containmain loomabout liven»c hundreduui »- acre*. On- this ' b , rr , . , ,i._ rjjj David Han- FARMER > X ROBT. DhNNY, Admr. * ed and adjudged, that the faid David Hun. i,, comfortable dwelling-lmufe, kitchen, ed and adiudged. th.t^ the U ^ ILI. cover jinapoTW, Feb. 25, 181 1. houfe,nouic, a.v.kc. 11It i. thought»"«»O"- unneceffary- ---- . to | StT'^u'.TV'.w'.r"SI.Ion be dileh».ged Irom «n»Jir o-dero|der tow W '^^rSamu'erWatLi,,,-,, near |i»t , particular'. . defcription.» .-_ of_r the.u- land,Uo.l a,ai £ nfer'tcd in the Maryland G*.«t« once a wiw clmrell, ftn Mondays and luefday. ... This is to give notice, khfuppofed thofe wilhing to purchafe will we k f^bree fucceflX, month, before the , wcek> it Mr Stephen Beardp£ Jj «J hllh obl,ined fr0in lie. the prermfes. This land will be fold to- The third Monday of September nexO give on Wfd H yi and Y^Vs-JXi 1 Vteljl."i courtof Anne-Arundel-coun. [jther, or in lots, as may be moft accommo. notice to h,,cJitorHi, creoiwM.V tO»« L.p-rrr . : ^or». vth:f, ^^.TiKA »- «' rf ty, letterTteftainent.ryleiieri »ci.••>.«..- — 7 —on the—- J^n.leftat.r---- , l«io(5,on*credilofone, two, three and four WdVouniy court, to be hel«i « the c.ty of «liial annual payments. A>iy perfon deliroiis of James Baldwin,, late of Anne-Arundel Annapoli.i at ten o'clock in the forenoon of corn, payable the 1(1 day of Novembe^next, couiity. deceafed. All perfon, having* a purchafe will be (hewn the premifes, and thef.Ul third Monday-of September next, aor-«v?«''«*"»x± : price made known, by applying to either againll faid eftate are requeftedto bring them for the purpofe of recommending a trullee each mare, will be received in lieu. Farmer in legally authenticated, and thofe indebted ''! fubfcriber,. for their bcSefit, and «« fce« «ulr, .f any "out of ihed.m of Poft Boy, In* fiie by to theeftate to make immediate pajment, to THOMAS SELLM AN, they ve, why the David Hanlon IhouU Neboch.di.etMr; i« >n high ^"J"1'".* EDWARDJUVLDW1N, Ex'tr. 1ACOB FRANKLIN, junior. tnr^ IM r, 7 e _f ^ ftW gft) tnj ll$ teen hands high, feven yea,, old ,n May n x., A. ' " - - ' not Given ucder my hand hi, colt. ar« allowed by judge,, in p..nt of May 7. 1811. %J______3»- ?Uppleme- fite, (hape and .a.vity, to be equal to any thil20th day of April 1811. Public bale. .'fed in Anne-Arundel county, ^ f° CHURCH LOTTERY. 3r ,'ittue of an order of the orphans court of draught or faddle^-Covenng w.llxommenee THE Manager, having under,to.Kl that 'Anne-Arundel county, the fubfcriber will the 29th April, '°" many of the Citisen, have delsyed purcha,- expofe to file, at her dwelling-houfe in ing TICKETS, Irom an app.ehen.ion that the the Swsrop, on Friday the 24th inftant, drawing would not commence until a d.,t.nt ALL the p-tfonM eflat* of JO*»PH JK>*I- To be Rented, Sold, d»*. f« rtrwov. such impres.ion,, and w.lh m, deceafed, confirtinf. of horfes, cat. rtperfhip heretofore fubfiflMtg TV"** to attain the object, contemplated by .USIVM 41. .-„__, He, farming utcnCili, flaves, 8ce. Sw , Thomas Shaw, WCo. Uih.. rpHAT elegant fituation oppnfite to ?he law, a, ,oon a, pow-ble, they confidently diffoived. Thofe who are indexed; to the to commence at 10 o'clock, A. M. _ All of Annapolis,s, adjoiningao Fort I* ,,,ore the public, that the i«le of a lew more f«mi not exceeding 10 dollars to be paid on fi m a e reni.efted to make payment to George ards-—•- of-»' 300*,AA acresal>rr« ofoff excellent Ticket, will juuily them « the Jl * fie property ; and all fums Sh" v, «d thoft «« « have claim, agamft ,t it contain, drawing; they therefore carne.tly sol.cit all d»!lais a credit of 3 months land, with , w prtfent them «o him for fettlement. »arh field, with three negro ...... , those d,,po,ed to purchase to ^'*««>. JENIFER, EK'X. April 30, IB II. ;.n,agJ of keeping a for, boat, hand, »,,d notify to ,nme one of the Manager,, NOTICE. The business vitt te conducted at the same ufed to it, and the convenience to one of the "h.i number of Ticket, ^bey ar. willing to place beft market,, (for the teller,) .n the ftate, i, take.. \VHERF.AS my wife, Mxnt CHAWIY, JenfUSt. l would fe" the f»rm,on »"1om Manh 20, 1811. hai without any jull caule, eloped fjgm m3«S erm*. or exchange it for land on »y Wd and hourd, and ha, refufed to refwn "WHO »»» *9* S*LK| . . he Eaftern Shore, more convenient to me. '» my lioufe, although repeatedly requefted For Sale, i f«tod(i. 1 hereby forewarn all pcrfon, from houfe and apperrenance* thereto oe. ''ufling her on my account, a, 1 am deter­ longing, lately occupied by me in Ann*, mined trom thi, date to pay no debt, of her polir, winch are very commodious. For term, s.aE£^^ffiU'tto fo- ^^o"'-JJ^ and further particular* apply to Jonathan "nirafling. I hereby inform the public, that UU.t. ... . ——. -- dar pods on the bank, of Pinkney, Efq. caftiicr nf the banner, B»nK >«rcontracVing7an"be"recoveredfronicontracting can be recovered from roe ; Book,, Powder Horn«,^ ^^ Telefcope.', I boat* or canoe* into any of ..., i* auihoul'cd. by me fully fo to do. I taking away any fort of wood, at /^/ JOHNGIBSON. »nAVJD 't>«7 give her credit for any thing that (he may Trunk,, wo;n"f . B, Or Ironmonger;. xf. Anfa/lit, Jan. ir,l8H.. J of them. THOMAS CHAN EY. ^ <,«*« « ^"'""L c * May 5, lilt. May 12, 181 1. »» aCT" Book Binding neany to im« mother ot Air irucouncil., pro­ riHictjon «f Haanbarg tn ordered to pte&nt loir any period of oaf hidorr." TKt i PARIS. MARC* FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE. viding that no ' merchandise the pro- ttamfelve* witti their palTport* betote a ma- or the lilts of Frsswt and Bands, tin giftrstxe, and give a fatista&ory account of of Barrafa, the forced retreat of ,o the deputation from f dace or property of the United States Lubeck, and B-*nv NEW-YORL, MAT 14. of America, shall be imported into G. the object ot their viGt, with furetie* for and tl* defence of Anholt, prefent a VERY LATE AND IMPORTANT NtfVVS their good behaviour. Thofe who do not lift of fuccefles, difplaying in diffrrrnt , . preGdent of the d«p FROM I.OMDOH. Britain or Ireland in American bot­ comply with this requifitioh are ordered to quit ons of the globe the power of the B the following addref. » Defeat of tht French in Portugal. toms, on the contrary that British the country. In Holland, too, the increafed pire, and exhibiting u» as following paasap of this_ prodi Yeiterday afternoon arrived at this shipping only was to be used. vigilance of the new Police evinces the fears land as by fea, on the continent, port the fast sailing ihip Orbit, capt. This step may be delayed, but that and fufpieions of the Tyrant. Ko letter* have been fo often warned from vent 17,11 tim«' * it will, in all probability, be taken, we fcesrtsi snd from preterence. 1 Vose, in the remarkable thort passage muft paf* through the Poft.Oflke alone, and and on the iflands of the ccean. To the r which preceded your oa)efty. of 23 days from Liverpool, from whence have no doubt, as our informant saw are not allowed to be carried by boat* or o- collections every Briton turns back with fo, a moment tiea, ot luch he tailed on the 18th of April By the draft -of the order itse4f. ther vePTelij A printing office at Amfterdam, ultation. They dilTipate the gloom and fo agreeable, we baftet thii arrival the Editors ot° the Mercan­ It is said that no fresh troops have which was the great fowceof popular fongs, ha* fo long hung over the deftinits ot *?.- t|ofer the. firft indant your * tile Advertiser have received their re­ lately entered Spain from France, and has been lately fuppreffed. Buonaparte has rope, and if followed with coor«g» "* r re.,lTured the world focial gular files of London pipers to the that it was known in the Peninsula, ilTued a new decree, extending, as a mark of wil'dnm, inftead n< proving only i brj twfubjeO*, fire, cannot fweai evening of the 15th April, inclus'rve, that a misunderstanding exists between his regard for the Danes, the time for fend­ and iranflent meteor fitting through the thful to you than they have « Liverpool paper of the 17th, and France and Russia. Report added, ing in colonial produce depofited in the ware- rief* of the horiaon, like the ruddy be for more than ten yeai has recalled his guards Uoufe* of HolReifi, to the 30th inft. on the eaft, they will harbinger a to your pleature, more Lloyd's Lists to the 12th, from which that Buonaparte Itii not yet known whatcourfe government, comfort and deliverance. the following interesting articles are in contemplation of a war in the fy"em« n>r more d'rP°!:wl mean to purfue, in confluence of the pa fling It greatly add* to the value of theft , the aceompliftiment of y« copied. N approach aW the port* of Danes, notwithstanding their Anholt mountains, and occupying Porco, MJArflb* mankind many degrees. The French are cannot fail to have a good effect oa : taofe under real blockade expedition. Russia, it is said, refuses and Piadoa. V ^V fine and brave foldieri, but the fuperiority of opinion, and the prefence of to large s Hat known ufage fc the dtpul: to acknowledge Bcrnadotte as Regent The allied troops will be collected in the our Englilh horfes, and more particular­ tifh fleet at that now in preparation, wiH Utrecht, may bold ci of Sweden ; that she has given up all neighbourhood ol Celerico to-morrow. ly the fwordmanfliip our fellows fhewed, deci­ courage, efpecially in Sweden, the iw'uh England. A* to them, American prfeerty^confiscatcd in con­ Gen. Ballaftero* furprixrd gen. -Ramon on ded every conteft in our favour ; it was ab- of the patriots to their prefent opprr' i blockaded. Tin decree* of folulcly like a game at prison bars, which sequence of' ill coming from the Bri­ the loth at Palma, and difperfed his detach­ Lad Sunday night, fome German ptft hn, Bowing from the natur you mull have Teen at fchool, except the tish ports, and that the government ment, and took from him 500 prifonert. to the 38th ult. accompanied by letters [i ,11 continue to form tlie public three charges. The whole way acrofs the The hi Gen. Balladeroi had fince retired to Val- the Baltic, arrived in London. are, as long as England n intends issuing licenses for the intro plain was41 fucceflioo of individual contefts vetde, and I hear that gen. Zayaj had been mention, that the Swedidi governireM io council of 1806 am duction of coffee, sugar, and other ar­ here and there, as the cavalry all difperfed detached from Cadifwith 6000 men, includ­ fequedered all Pruflian veflcls in the porn the Population* of the ' ticles of colonial produce from England in fkirmiftiing parties to cover tlieir rear, that kingdom within the Baltic, io re ing 400 cavalry, to be difembarked at Huel- .chiopon this fubjeft. _ into Russian ports. va to jiio gen. Balladeros. Sec. it wa* certainly mod beautiful. The on for a fimilar meafure adopted by the ki Foreign Odice, April 12, 1811. infantry followed in columns, one led by the England acts upon the princi| P. S. Since writing the above I have re­ of Pruffia. T I totmy't merchandite, un< Dispatches have this day been re­ ceived the report of a gallant action done marlhal (Bereiford) and the oiher by gene, On Saturday laft, the srchbifhop of ral Hamilton, but were not at all engaged it might be. The emp ceived at this office from Charles Stu­ of our patreles yefterday evening, between terbury, the duke* of Montrofe acd Yi died to admit the princif only in their movement on the plain. The art, Esq. his majesty's minister at L^s- Alveica and Guarda, under the command of earl* Winchelfra and Aylesf»rd, lordt o*«rchandiFr, or pro French column* retiring rapidly before them, bon, dated the 30th ultimo* stating Lt. Perfe of ihe 16th light dragoons, and borough and Elden, and fir William C commerce of England that Sir William Bereilord,/nfvmg u Lt. Foder «f the Royals, who attacked ade- the cavalry fkirmifhing between, the fire being her majrdy's council, again afle it may be. England Irom the outworks of Badajo* to cover the nited the whole of hi* force in Porta- tachment of the enemy's cavalry between ! at Windfor, for the purpofe ot

, O. /inu urn t. *«.»-...... _ „ to , nant by the crie. of the two dying men, one onion with the empire i* the neteTary re. the authority aforesaid, That in cafe any fe. of Annapolit fold for 1380 dollar*. whom begged of Mr. G. (after findmg it fceuntki, on bond• ' given-:— t~. ,h. fTme confiderable time to extri- j ^u"' '^.Tc'e of ihe" doTy of any auc- NICHS. BREWER, hi*leg«offw,thantxe_||.oo« r % t^wnwt ,ictl)fed in ,,,,ue ol ____HeK. Cur. Can. , my civil uw. you -.ill fcnaji^ po tbe* **r« at length extricated, and furvived won, wmcn '.« y.««.> ^••'^•^^^•^i~~ T** Xht, ordinance, O..II *<, remove frntn^ the about 55 minute, after having their wound. county of Anne-Arondel.or become .nfoUeni, NOTICE. n no longer find in the political Code.——- * n ii j •- - "- t.---»Kt.u*iitnntiim nt mam.ipe commerce which conHUuted dreflVd. the mayor lhall, and nc. robferiber infend, applying to the - judge. ofAnne-Arundel county court, at the next September terra, for v*'- i8n- 8ir- n mall have upward* line, I (ball fubjugate England ma NOTICE. perfon. having claim, agtind Jamea paignt. The feamen of your coalU by or under thi, by-law M.. mttcriati conveyed to the mouth* of youP r . Mayna.d, of the city of Annapoli*, llate of improvement, fuch clfe wh«e tl.e l^od rchy requedrd to p»«fent «he fanie, pro- ncceflVy to niy , '«»y land, of the aU.oneer i, properly^ :attd, to the fuhfcriber, (to

Hirnm xnc c*»iwii.v* ^. - — « Tht account, that have been given me , iulho,ifed to con- fetood 1hr ,„,,! j:f-»r..w.n which animate* your ^ ow eWttn*. have afforded me plealure ; April M, .!•»>» dl k«p» U a fhort time to haWAo praiti i ml tad brwery »C jouc ftamen.'.' p »

.*.,.J« -I1. eir guard, vilio lie nod in tjie way of tbit PAUL'* DOMESTIC INFALLIBLE Ifl" 1'1 M 'V Public Sale. '' .1"'. "" •:'•"! tngrfdui temptation j And whe^ri you look ound you, and fee 1 young man of good By virtue of a:,4*rfe pf «he chancery, of Maryland, will be e« mnctotei yei unsettled by habit, and OniXHt- mediclrt* l^t-THS inveflttirof thiihlgHlreiteemetl Tuefday it* 'Jl irtneo by experience ( htrheart glowing with A 1' » native of Rm?rici, fhd the compositioncom 'Piii/ic 5fl/e,'oo THE PILGRIM. ie (erttimenti of honour, and his cheek kind- U tlK produflion of American toil, conKquent- May next, if fair, if not the DROP by drop the Angel ponri, g «t the flighted raCpkion of reproach ; ly it Is in evrry icnse of the word domestic, it it tliereafier, on the prernilet, ~ Comfort e»ery moment yourt ; onvinced that all it not right within him* not puffed up with a numeron* train of pompous A LL tlie right, title and iftjerefl, foreign certificates a( penoni from wliom by the Guardt the night and cheeu the day, ret afraid of «'Vhe world't drtad laugh ;" heirs of Kicbarj Waid, dereaf great distance that Mpantet lit 'tit irn|x»iib!e to following tr«£U or rwrctU W \ Gently leading life away. almost but not altogether a chrtftian { doet obtutn information, therefore the public has bet­ and to the Every objeCt every thought, not every generout feeling of your nature ter security for their money *t there cannot be to wi; ; Good LueA, part of His Sweetly leen or kindly taught, >rompt you to warn him of the periltjto which the least shadow of 'deception to cover hit medi­ Favour, tc part of date's Hundreds,^} Dropping io the (implr heart, ie it expofed ? To fuch an one would 1 cine, for he simply appears before the community parU tbereof, whereof It ichird Wai4 t with his invention and an experimental detail of Unfeen happineft impart. call, in the language of aflecTion and foltci- felted. This land lies in Culvert «ou«u the various easel in which it really is BO wonder­ the'head wateit of Fifhing creek, tude ; and orge him by all that it noble, and fully efficacious, and in which hi1 in inpportrd by TnV the gloomy (hades nf night nil* of the bn/fcontkins about 1 3 the hills, obfcure the light, dear, and facred, to rejeA the couneil of the the following certificates of resptfliblc characters, o Hide whose names art not only subscribed, rbut their with a great proportion of excellent Cheerful IIOPK, j*Ub kindly ray, ungodly, and fit not in the feat of the fcorn- .Si's, will ftand thit feafon V ful. " Oh, fly," would I fay, «« from their persons may be also consulted, beingresMlents with­ land already prepared, and much ir-o Weft Hiver, at eight dollar! Drops of c"oinTort ftill convey. in the circle of our own neighbourhood. The fol­ at a final I expenfe. There ire rod fociety, who would rob yoa of your comfort be made one dollar to the groom, (f Safely flowing down the tide, lowing are the complaintt in whirh the Columbi­ land a good com for table dwelling rouft, | here, and your hope <>f peace hereafter. Of an Oil has been found to efficacious and rarely e- w be paid when the maret a £?en o'er ocean's hofom wide, what are you afliamed ? Do you blulh to ver fails of effecting a cure, viz; Rheumatism. every oiher neceltary out houfe, * go«4 in money, or corn at 3 dollart Storms and tempeds ceale to frar, honour that Great Being, who firft called Consumption, Pains in any pans of the body. bacco honfe>«nd an excellent apple 7or srheit at 180 cenlt, or oati at Dropi of peace Hull meet you there. you into exiflence, and ftill fuftains, protects but particularly in the back and breast, Colds and with a greet proportion ot w codling Then ceafc to flutter, foolifh FEAR, and blclTci you ? Is gratitude, then, fo Coughs, Toothach, Pleurisies, Cholic, Cramps. onie valuable tim'oet, particularly afh. ~ External and laternaJ Brttitc*, Sprain* and Flesh nclined to purchafe are invited to virtj) Somow, DAKKNF.SS, dwfll no: here defpicable a feeling, that you are albamed to Wottads^cald* and Burns, Whooping Cough & But I.ICHT ami r.oM»'oMT, drop by dro expreft it to your good and gracious Bcne- Mump», «d Dyscntary or Bloody Flux, Croup iremifet. The termi of fale are, that j Raife the hopeful f.iiritt »p. faflor ? .Us*! it degrade you to bend at and th« summer complaint in children, and in )urchafer or purchafert fliall give bond , a weak stomach that it caused by indigestion, a ecurity, to be approved by the trul\rr,j Then banjOi DISCOMTEKT'S f*d pain, that altar, where the beft and wifefl ol man­ kind have rejoiced to worfliip I And are constant sinking and lot* of appetite, it wilt aft the payment of the purcbafe Kionr\, PIETY ne'er hoped in vain ; as a powerful bracer. to the relaxed nbnand restore you afliamed to bear the name of a Savi- tereft, within twelve montht from th Drop by drop'the Angel pourt, it to its proper tone. I ale, and on the ratification of (be lak| PKACE with VIRTUE mud be yours. voiir, who fuffered a life of humiliation, and It seem* also u if nature had ranked it the first a death of dilhonour, for you ? Do you rTot of the rlus of allpcAoraii ao4 cxpeltoralt for the the chancellor and on the payment of i perceive, when the fcoflcr mocks at religion, rrlief of the breast and lutigs, as it scarce ever whole purchafe money, and not before, i that he endangers the ( ace and fliaket the iailt of removing obstniAiqjis, in either, particu trullre will convey to the purchafcr THE GLEANER. laily thoea who are troubled with Phthisicjc or foundations of fociety ? and would it not chafert, hit, her or their heirt, the Imd i «« BUT literature ba«, ot late yean, been Asthmatic complaint*, who in the ait of walking him, her or them fold, free and clear prolliluied to all the purpofet of the bagnio. be gloriou«, to (how your family, your fast, stooping or lying down, arv almost MifTocat friends, and your country, that you dread ed, halt a teatpoonfui of t,H* Columbian Oil will claims wlnuevrr of tlie heirs of tlw fi!4 | Ptetry, in particular, arrayed in her mod be­ clurd WFtl, deansioii to the dipped her hardy wing in the chafteft dewt of Go on, then, young chritViani, ftrong in breast. William Brei Caftalia, fnd fpoke nothing hut what had a the gocdneTt of your caul'e, and alhamed of |NFORMS hit triendt and t|\c public) tendency to confirm and invigorate the man- nothing but vice. Examine the evidences of CERTIFICATES OF ITS EFFICACY. rally, that he has again taken the Ui of a virtuous mind, now breathes your religion, and be ready, at al! times, to No. i, Sept. 1800 ly ardour I do certify, that I have been ailing nraily two TAvtutM, at Annapolii, which lie hit i only the voluptuous ranguilliings of the har­ give the reafon of the hope that it within pied for the lad year. To hit old cuf)« you. Having difcovered that tru'h it on years with a hectic cough and violent impression lot, and like the brood of Ciicr, touches her at the breast—I applied to the most eminent phy he thinkl it fulficicHt }o promife tint Sheriff's Sale charmed cordi with a grace, that while it ra- your fide, have boldneft in the faith be niciaiu and Could get no relief from my low state future accommodation! (hall br equal to i vilhes the ear, deludes and beguiles the fenfe. deadfall, immoveahle and tell the fcoiner, of health, until I got Paul's Columbian Oil, and they have heretofore Vcrived ; and as I call to witnefi Mr. Moore, and the tiibe in the words nf the anodic, " that you are found immediate relief. 1 take this method of in­ become more falhionablc ihtail viitue of a writ of vendilioni forming the public of the efficacy of this valuable mifrt have of imitators which his fuccefi hai railed fortli, not afhamed of the golpcl of CHRIST." Yet due performance of them, he it unwil AC direfted, out of the court ol .call not away the ornament of a meek it qui­ medicine, from the cures which 1 have experienced the tuftem more of the Rate o that my flatement it trur. Lord Strangfoid —I think it an incumbent duty to offer the same make many, and will therefore only fiji has troddeVfaithfully in the flrpi of his pat- et fpiiit. " He who hates another, (laid a ce­ to the public. nothing on hit part (hall be wanting to| vilt be expofed to Public Salt tern. Moore's poemi, and hit tranfUtiont, lebrated convert to Chrif\ianiiy) for not be­ EL1SHA SOWARD. tify thole who may choofe to favour hi diy, the eighth day of June n will, I think, have more influence on the fe- ing a chrillian, provet hy doing fo, that he Baltimore No. 16, Water-street, sign of the their cudorn. He cannot omit this i intaifei, for C»(h, plough. . , t .. .-....,_ LL the right, title and inter* . male fociety of this country ,t fan the Rage hat it not a chri'.tian himfelf." But, above all nity of tendering hit (Were thanks' 'ird Harrilon and Walter Har had in itl WJMI period, the reign of Charles 2d. thinfM, let the whole tenor of your actions who have favoured him with their c« teo pieeet ot parcels of lao Ladles are not afliamed at having the delefta- corrcfpond with the goodnefs of your princi­ No. 3. Sept. icgp. lince hit commencement in this line of I hie Mr. Little on their toilette, which is a ples, and the (Uength and folidity of your Sm, 'ti«T, in the podefiton of thr, Frum the great benefit I received from your Co­ nefs, and willing to appeal to them pretty good proof that his voluptuoufnefs it faith. Uodeviating intregrity, and an UK- •i MOUNT, in the pod. lumbian O.|, 1 am induced to state, 1 was taken unremitting exertions to pleafc, lie fcrjic , containing altogether n< conlideret! at quite veiled hy the fentimental fpotted holinefi of life, will founer filcnce with a violent sore throat, about the >6th ol Aug. fident thw he fltall rcccivea. c^ntinuttttd ef land, fruited ID the U .garb in which it it Clad. But voluptuouCnefs thr ridicule of the fcorner, .than sll the ar­ last, which continued till the firft of the month, their patronage. '^ it not left dasigerous for having foine flight gument! you can bring forward. The infi when I applied tour oil exierrull), and washed :-Arundel county, near tk fembUnce of the veil of modefty. On the del, who affcAt to delpife you, will fecietly the part atie4ed with the oil diluted in the lamp ims-Hoofe ; late jhe fto\ honour you in hit heart. The gay and in- quantity of rnolastes, which took away pieces of MARYLAND, _ Hirrifon and Walter Hai contrary, her fafcinations are infinitely more putrid flesh and healed my throat in about 48 powerful in this retiring habit, than when (he confiderate may be won, by your example, to taken at the fuit of Niche hours. Anne-Arundd county, sc. to commence at eleven o'c boldly protrudes herfelf on the gtxer's eye, think more highly and reverently uf that re­ N. B. I also certify, that I nursed my grand- V , and openly folicitt his attention. The brnad ligion, which thui prefervet you, fiim and child, and infant ol 17 months old which was ta f\H application to me, '.lie fubrcriber,«itai JOSEPH Late Sheriff A. indecency nf Wicheily, and hit cntemporariei, unbending, ii the midd of a crooked genera­ ken about the first of Augutt vvithslow fevers and receft of Anne-Arundel county cawt,ai was not half fn dangerous at this iniinating tion. AH the wife and the virtuous, will Inss of appetite We immediately applied lor a an aflociate Judge of the third Judicial 4 edeem and love you. Good angelt will physician, who gave every attention for about 10 tric\ of Maryland, by petition, in writing and half covered niorA-delicacy, which males days but all to no effect ; the child was given up ufe of the b'ulh of modefty in order to heighl- guard and ftrengthen you ; and HE, of Jlenjamin feeder, ot faid county, praj by the physicians, and had every appearance of THE fubfcriber* being auth the charm of vice." whom you have not been afliamed on earth, death, when I applied for Haul's Columbian Oil, thr benefit of an aft for the relief of fi [Remains of H. K. White.] before men will, ciown and reward you and gave five drops morning and evening, for five infolvent debtors, palled at November rtftor, veftry and church w in the pretence of an alTembled univerlr, and days, when the chiki began to recover, and is now eighteen hundred and five, and the Kt't Paiiili, in Anne-Aium in perfect health. «« WHEN I refleft on the many valuah'e in thr glory of hit father, in Heaven." I'upplemrntt thereto, on the term* t«f the Glebe Land adjon MARY UNDERWOOD. a irrm'nenol fociety, who are almnll entire (Iran- ____ . [/Aid.] in the faid alt, a fchedule erf hit , I »ffer, at private Tale, the Baltimore, bv 1'etcr's Bridge. [ part of a traft of land gcir to the Ucted yolumei, the truthof whofe and a lid of hit creditors, on oath,'as _parini. I)ing on the P»tu all-important contents hit beeiuauerted by Anne-Arundel County, scl he can afcertain the-n/bring annexed to No 3. Sept. tf. conUitv about rive hundied the grraicl\ cha tnct • I innual payments. i (arcnafe will be Ihewn th dwell with rapture on Uie coon-.lcfs and ever tain them, being annexed to hit petition, and recommended to I'aul't Columbian Oil I had been Anne-Arundel county court to anTwrr fwb afHiAcd w"ith a violent pain in my back, so that 1 by a| varying wonders of pitnir, without lament­ the fait1 William M. Chaney having fatisfied allegations at may be made agjinft lii» by |tk (xice made known, was not mule, to walk. I pr<*ur«u one |>hial of hit creditors, I thereforr order and adjtjdfi I the lubt'cribert. ing his melancholy (late, whole ryes are clu- me t\y competent trllimony, that he hat re­ the oil, and I received immediate relief, it I have THbMASSEL Maryland for the twc that the faid Benjamin Reeder be difchMJ^ fed to thit blight difplay of beauty, and to filled in the date of been very well ever since. JACOB FHAN whom all creation prrl'emt nothing but a years immediately preceding the time nf hit N. B. I had a violent toothach about two or from hit imprifonment ; and that ht kf . cniintv. May 9, If blank ? When the found i of hatmony I well application, having alfo dated in hit petition thiee montht ago. when 1 dropped a few drops of ctofing a copy of thitorder to lie infertedhiiiW on my delighted ear, and 1 liflen enchanted thai he it now in Confinement -for debt, and i he above 01 en some lint, and applied it lu public news.paper ol the city of ABnfpdb, the tooth affected, and 1 received immediate re- to the wildi notet of the thnufandt fongll-tt praying to be difcharged from confinement 1 do lief. once every week for three months fucc«,fuv»lr, ortt; of tr>e mortt, can I reprrfs the figh of e»m- therefore order and adjudge, that the faid ELEANOR ELIOTT. before the third Monday in September ntiflVraiiots -for- liios IH]U>£C ears the laaa^l William M. Chaney be dilchargrd from hi» gire nniict to hi* c/cditon to appear brfert heaven has fealetl in perjietual (ilence ? Cold imprifonment, and that by caufing a cnpy of Anne-Arundel county court it 10 o'clock A. indeed tnuft lundt_ «tid );1ad lid ings of Given under my hand iliu 19th day ol and fimilar complaints. I immediate); gut a pliial Ted. WM. S. GHKEN, Clk. Much : ,.,^,j . 4,__. of the Kofpel ; and by an honed exerti4o of of your Oil, and applied it ignraMy to tlie di- my poor abilities, let me endeavour to bi'--g RICHARD H. HARWOOD. refliom for about two months successively when the tetter left me, and hat not made it* appearance JUST PUBLISHED, to the I'hyftciin of foult, thofe unhappy be. Ten. WM. S. GREEN, elk. since. And for Salt at the QJftt of tht a wounded ings, who feel t'«- agoniet of SUSANNA I'URDEN. fpirit, ami me walling »«rty under the mife- Colette, , TICKETS N. B. M; Susanna, a child ajrrd to months «< riet ef aJil'eafed and (alien oautrr." IN the' IPtutiinrton Monummt Loittry of oUTs said rxsiKD MOVIMICB aKUlov, If 10. Baltimore, to be had a< terj Officei, of the Managers and of Eli was the *h,iur,)ng cougli i I gave her ms drop, Of gave immediate relief, Price— One Dollar. jr Offices, of the Man «« BUT, .after all, the fender, it it to be Simldnt, Sect'ry Baltimore ; «f Mr. WiV/iom the Colrnnhian Oil, which | WI'M, Sect'ry Baltimor fearrd, will continue to (hoot hit arrow at the and proved an effcAtul cure S. Grttn and Mr. liar«iio G. Jlunrat, Anna. Saratoga tircet, Baltimore, Aug. ai, 1809. " Or«» uid Mr. Hontio I'acred altar of religion, and the inliimity of polls. ^L/ ANNAPOLIS: nature will dill rnftjnAivcly flumk from nor Atif. )». i %fi tC. TAe abate valuailt Atedit ine for salt (if '" \\ h»cor*t^»Uerefore, a matter of >T7»Letters (pod paid) enclofmg the cafli, molt fcriuui concern, to pu: ihob ou tot tickets, will b< aitcnded t*. C/ulds & Shaw. Prict— Two Dollar t ptr Annum. \\ MARYLAND GAZETTE. MAY 29, 1011. [No. 3359.] YEAR.] WEDNESDAY, By Authority. In Chancery, "Land for Sale. May 13, till. MEDLEY, John Sullivan and John llmrny. formed am] beautiful BAY VVMLL be fold, at private fale, if immedi­ SCHEME OF A LOTTERY IHORSE< upward* of fifteen handi high, valuable Samuel Young. horfe ate application i* made, that the Protestant Episcopal Church I bf general Kidgely1* celebrated the property of For rtpairing object of tbe bill i* to obtain a fal« of colonel farm, lyina; on Herring Bay, in tlu city of Annaptlis. die* out °^ " ^u" m*re containing 972 houfe and lot in the precinct* of A»- at Weft. George- Hogarth, Efquire, dll*. it 3,000 dllt of a loonell't, oil! (land thi* feafon greater part of thi* 1 Prise of 3,000 lor the payment of the debt* doe by dollar* the fea- acre* more or lef«; Tbe 1,500 1,500 napolit, , oo Weft River, at eight it having been in a 1 do. Young, dew a fed The bill (late*, thtt (pafturnge land i* immenfely tich, ticket* each 1,000 John aod one dollar to the groom, and uncultivated lor B do. SS Muir (old the faid houfe and lot to Ab- are taken ftate of improvement, SOO dH«. 1,000 John to be paid when the mare* improvement* are 2 do. Phelpt ami John Young, who paid a per bar- near .twenty year*. The 200 6OO folute money, or corn at 3 dollar* Thefe land% 3 do. the purchale money, and that th* cent* general and of th* bell kind. SOO part of [or wheat at 180 cent*, or oat* at SO could pof- 5 do. * 100 N bit intercft to the fai J poflef* every advantage that nature SOO Taid Phelp* transferred ' proporti­ 10 do, 60 bill alfo ftatcs, that Samuel ! buttiel. fibly btftow no llteflina* very grtat 300 Young The [WILLIAM PR1TCMJRD, Manager fgKlct of 20 do. IS heir at law of John, and re. on nf thit land aboundi in «very SOO Young it the ifirch 16, 1811. /f if. to SO do. Iu ; thai John Muir de­ valuable fliip and oilier limber, fufficieot Tide* out of the Plate fale 850 do. ft 5,100 Murray hi* devi. pay the purchate money. Tlie termi of parted thi* life leaving John GOODS. For letter* of ad* will be moderate ind acc^*»modatinj{. fee, and who ha* lince taken the 950 Prize*, l4,OOOdll». bill further further particular* be pleafcd- to apply to minuration on hi* eftate Thr 1850 Blank* Not two to a Prite. are ftiH cicJitora H. G. MUNROE, underflgned, who i* duly authorised to con. of Rate*, that the complainant* The Cafh Prize* fubject to a deduction and that hi* perfon. to his Extensive Attoriment of traft lor the fatnr. -'* of the faid John Young, .Weft-River. 15 per cent. ha* been inefficient to pay hit ED W ARBO|ALU Priiei to be determined as fallows: at property, <"inc and Fancy Goods, IP> 6w». Stationary dcbt< It it thereupon adjudged and ordered, May 31, 1811. blank a prize of 35 Tickets, of \\\ drawn that thr complainant*, by caufing a copy aan Linens. Ironmongery, from No. 1 to No. 95 inclufive. in each of three 100 dill. thit order to be inferted once 6c Groceries, just l(\ do. on 5th day, prize Maryland Gazette [Stationary Sheriff's Saks. SOO ' fucceflive week* in live . * Ift dn. on 10th day, - June next, give no. received, 200 before the 16th day of Ift do. on I5ih day, abfent defendant ol thii a p. JJti this daj ofxntd a Case of Men'* By virtue of a writ of Vendititnl Exfxmts, " SOO lice to the laid of I It do. on 20th day, and warn him to appear in thit to me direAed, out of tin Court prize 15 Ticket*, from plication, toodon Beaver Hats, the ftatc Ift do. on.33d day, in peifon, or by a folicitor, on or be. Appeal* lor the Weftern Shore of 30, inclufive. court 9*Hitj and most fathionable. to Public Ko. 36 to No. fore the 16th day of OCknber, to (hew caufe,' Bin of Maryland, will be Etfcsed day, prize 25 do. from No. the ttth Ift do. on 25th any there be,) why a decree (tiall ooi pad if, Lump and Piece Sugars, Sale, on the premifei, on Saturday inclufivr. (if in the af­ SI to No. 75, piayrd. Tiue Copy day of June next, at 3 o'cUxk day, prize 2} do. fiom No. at Cut Nails and Brads, Ift do. on 36th T.ft. Cf N1CHS. BREWER. wright, 41 the Bal- ternoon, fur Cadi, No. 100, inclufivr. ^vk cuk or hundred eftatr, of Richard 76 to As Reg. Cur. Can, I'rice-t. A LL the right, title and on 27th day, prize 25 do. from No. timore Faclniy two tra£\* or parceli I (I .do. Harrison,\n and to to No. US, iuclufive. Goorj banks, con. 101 Sale. of land called Trent, and ticket on 38th day, Sale Postponed. Sheriff's tw» hundred and 13 in drawn laining together about prize ' : 1,500 dll>. acre*, fituated in the lower part 126 the court of chan­ writ of vtnditioni exf>onas, let f Annc-Arundcl to No. 300, incjulive, to be marked.A B cery, will be expofed to : directed, late the property of Richard Piizci. day of June next, eflein more of the ftate of Mary rand, Friendship, !t to be put in the Wheel a* Floating Tuefday, the 18th I the Seised and taken at the fuit of the in the city of An­ Ivill be expo fed to Public Sale, on Satur. Harrifon. The reieived number* are not en- at the Union Tavern, of Maryland, for the u(e of William N- B. the eighth day of June next, on the (late draw thufe Ticket prizes in which napolis, Niy, JOHN CORD, Sheriff titlrd to nr parcel of land called I jmmfei, for Cafh, Pinkney. are refpcftively included. j^LL that tract County fuch number* Resurtey, lying in Anne-A* L LL the right, title and intereft, of Rich- will pofttivcty be completed Jtsrrison's and May II, 1811. Thi* Lottery county, containing about 500 acre*, ird Harriloo and Waller Harrifon, in drawing from the time of com­ rondel : in 28 day* in '.he polTetTIan'of Samuel Haiti, ' two piece* or parcrlt of land to wit 100 Ticket* to be drawn chch and now and to mencement. junior. IIIVT, in the poffcllion of the former, By virtue of a writ of Venditiani Exponat, every week Sunday* excepted. fon, of the day in land it within one mile of Herring O*T'» Mount, in the pofftiTion me directed, out of the Court of Appeal* NICHOLAS BREWER, Thii 300 a- Ma­ and navigable water, abound* in timber containing altogether nearly for the Wefter Shore of the State of JAMES P. MAYNAUD, Buy part of on wood, with a great proportion of mea­ i of land, lituated in tbe lower ryland, vill be F.xposed to Public Sale, LEWIS DUVALL, and Melhodifl in an excellent neighbourhood ; and it «-Arundel county, near the Saturday the 8th day of June next, on tbe HF.NRY MAYNADtER, dow, of Ri- .... improved ; further particular* are deem­ in^-Hoofe ; late ^he property premifet, for Cadi, SAMUEL RIDOUT, well Seised ed unneccfTaiy. Tltclcrmi of fate are, that i Hirrifon and Walter Harrifon. ALL the right, title and inttreft, of Doctor JAMES SHAW, be Norman. plantati­ one fifth of the puichafe money muft I taken at the fuit of Nichola* Walter Harn'ion, in and to the LEWIS NETH, JUN. notr, o'clock, A. M. part of a paid on the day of laic, or Itemed by : to commence at eleven on whereon he now refidci, being- JOHN COLDER, ratifi­ MKIENEY, Re- with good endorferi, to be paid on the JOSEPH tract or parcel of land called Harrison's Ticket* to be had of any of the Manager* equal A. A. County. and fifty cation thereof, and the rtfidue in three Late Sheriff survey, and containing one hundred Prefrnt price 5 doll*. fix in the lower paymenti, -to wit: one third wuhin acrea or thereabouts, (i mated twelve muntlu, Private Sale. county, on Herring ntnntht, one tl.ird within part of Anne-Arundel eighteen month* mile* of Friendship ; Ute and the other thlid within Bay, and within two iutereft ; for the being authorifed by the Dr. Walter Harnfuii. Irom the day of fate, with {E fubfcriben the property of taid with approved en. and church warden*, of St. at the fuit of the "Hate of payment whereof notet, itAor,veftry Seized and taken to the trutteci ; tho in Anne-Artindcl county, to the ufc of Thomat Harm, ju­ dorfer* mtift be given a'lPariili, Maryland, for 10 o'clock. tithe Glebe Land adjoining Pig I'oiot, of John Gwinn. Sale to fale to commence at t nior, adminiOraior MOALE,? at private fate, the aforcftid Gkbe, | // S*.MUEL t tffer, land belonging »» I commence at 13 o'clock. $ part of a traft of to] JOHN CORD, Sheriff FARMER. // JOHN BUEWER, fed- March 16, 18.11. td<. Iptnfh, I)ing on the Patuxent, luppofed A. A. county. T Il.L ftand thit feafon, to cover marc*, Annapoln, On thit V^ itoauio.about five hundicd acret. II, 1811. at Col. Samuel Watkini't, near South- kitchen, May in I ita comfartable dwclling-lmufr, River Church, on Monday* anJTuefday* give notice, unnetcffary to fenior, This is to i houfe, tic. It i* thought each week, at Mr. Stephen Beard'*, hath obtained from of the land, a* at Stephen 'VHAT the fuhfcriber » particular description on Wednefday* and Thurfday*, court of Anne-ArunoVI-coun- wilding to purchale will MARYLAND, and Saturday*, the orphan* lufuppofed ihofc Kummel*'* Tavern on Friday* trftamentary on the pofonal eftate Thit land will be fold to- to wit. and an half barrel* of ty, letter* ' the premife*. Anne-Arundelcounty,. . , - . at four dollar*, or one Baldwin, late of Anne-Arundel at may be moft accommo- . the )udS" of Annr-A.. of November next, ol' James |«htr, or in lot*, two, three and four I QN r>Pl '«"°« lo corn, payable the 1ft day drceafed. All per font having claim* bus,, on a credit of one, «rt» bv I*''"'". "V." cent* cafli fent with county, Any perfon delirou. I rundcl «»«!"* eo three dollar* and fifty Paid eftate are requefted to bring them I annual payment*. Hanlon, of the city of An- be received in lieu. Farmer againll ing, of David each mare, will legally authenticated, and thofe indebted will be (hewn the premifei, and the benefit of the ac*l for the of Poft Boy, hit fiie by in laorchafe napolii, praying it out of the dam the ellate to make immediate payment, to made known, by applying to either inlolvriit debtor*, puffed at ; it in high oidrr, full fix- to : price relief of futility Nebuchadnezzar F.UWARU BALDWIN, Ex'tr. ttw fubt'cribert. felunn, eighteen bonJrrd and five, fevcn yean old in May nrxt | November teen hand* high, May 7, 1811. VC^ 3w - THbMASSELLMAN, the feveral fupplemcnl* ilvereto, upon are allowed by judge*, in. point ut junior. and hit colt* JACOB FRANKLIN, the term* mentioned in an aft for the relief lhape and activity, to be equal to any I. 6w. No­ lire, lor i A. C'liintv. May 9, 18 I and benefit of David Hanlon, pafled at raifed in Anne-Arundel county, either CHURCH LOTTERY. ten, that vember Icflion, eighteen hundred and draught or faddle. Covering will commence THE Manager* having umicrttoud JNUT1CL. am) alleging that'he i* now in actual confine­ 1811. many of the Citisent have delayed purcha*. lift the 39th April, that the ment, a khedule of hi* property, and a HENRY JOHNSON. ing TICKETS, from an apptehention \yHEREAS my wife, MAKT on oath, a* far at he can would not commence until a dutant from of hit creditor*, drawing I ha« withbut any juU c«uU, eluprd th«m, bring puncxctl to hi* petition, day. To remove »uch impretiiont, and with to return afcertain To be Leased by 1*7 bed and board, and ha* refufrd and the faid David Hanlon having fatitfitd OF YEARS. a view to attain the objt-ctt contemplated requefted that FOR A TERM confident)/ houle, although repeatedly the faid court, by competent teftimony, fituation oppofite to the city the law, a* *oon a* pomble, thry all p^rfon* fiom for T elegant lew mor« do. 1 hereby turewarn he hat relidcd in the (late of Maryland Fort Madifon^ atture the public, tlut the tale of a a* I am deter- of Annapolit, adjoining the IMing hrr on my account, the period of two year* immediately preced­ of 300 acre* of excellent Ticket* will juitify ihrm in cuinucnting to pay no debt* of her order, it contain* upward* carnettly tolicil all ]ai*cj from thi* date ing thit hit application, it i* therefore uyfter (hell bank* of manure in drawing; they thrrefoie nitorm the public, that David Han­ land, with to come forward, ng. I hrreby ed and adjudged, that the faid three negro men ; and good thoae dtipotrd to pmcliate living in open adultery, and each field, with of the Manager*, |IW fnii Mary it now lon be dilcharged from hi* imprifonment, advantage of keeping a and nalii'v to »omc one *JRY R1DCP.LY, herfelt, tlut no debt of otder to improvement!, the lUcy ire willing to I l*Uat fo conducted that he, (by caulmtr, a copy of thi* hand* ul'ed to it, and tin what number of Ticket* third Jodicill drArid. be recovered from me ; once a ferry boat, having contracting can be inferted in the Maryland Gazrtte to one of the bcft market*, (\or takr. S. GREEN, Clk. all pet font to take ca'e how month* before the convenience <1 1 caution week for three fucceflivc in the ftate, i* very great. Any March 30. »BII. her credil for any thing that Hie may next,) give the (elltr,) give the third Monday of September wifhing to rent, may apply to Mr. thrm. J^HOMAS CHANEY. to apprar before the perfon (Xthafeof notice to hi* creditor* Clement* in Annapolu, or to the lubfcriber For Sale, 13. tUll-Tl ______8 *'_ to be helu at the city of ha* M«V laid county court, at Eafton. 1 obteive that fame per Pun nprxrttnancrt thereto bw> o'clock in the forenoon of the rpHF. hoiife and Anni>poli*, at ten cut feveral cedar polls on the bank* of occupied by me in Anna­ TICKETS Monday of September next, A longing, lately Lottery of the faid third river and creek, I hereby forewarn allprrfon* very commodious. For terma the Washington Manummt of recommending a trultee any of polit, which are different Lot- for the purpofe from bringing boat* or canoe* into particular* apply to Jonathan Baltimore, to be had at the and to Oirw caufe, if any wood, and further and of Eli fur their benefit, my creekt, or taking away any fort of callitcr of the barmcrt Bank, Officei, of ihe Managers why the faid David Haolon Ihould perfon Pinkney, Efq. Mr. William they have, at their peril. To fave trouble no will contract therefor, fc /iu, Sici'ry Baltimore ; of benefit of the faid aft, and iu good fe- of Maryland, vulio AJunr^e, Anua- not have the need tppiy without they can' give fully fo to do. ' . ! ffn aud Mr. florflio O'. a* prayed. Givrb under iny hand it aulliotifed by me fupplemenli, curity if required. J°HN G1BSON, day of Aprij, 1811. PAV ID KERR. tin* 20th ., A. Jaa. 17', 1811. calh, ' By order, 1811. (poft paid) enclofmg the W M.S. GREEN, elk. Mays, I iitkcti, will be attended to. The 1ft premium-awarded to N*. I, and FRENCH BARBARITY. | 50 m«ei ?A Wireft cou MARYLAND GAZfcTTE. the premium to No. 4. The London 'Star, of the 15th til*, nqw hi To cipt. Tafcbn^rivedJ»rirri here yeftt, Candidate! for the long wool prtthtum, were the hand* of the Editor* of the N. York G«. diy* from Lifbon, we ate indcbu ANNAPOLM, WBDNBJfDAY, MAT 19. Grots U>. Fleece bl. aette, contain* a letter, from in officer in tallowing concife ftatement : . No. 6. Mr. Marbury 160 t? 6 ot. Lord Wellington'i army,dated March 30th, " I left Lifbon the laft day of The Frigate Conftiiutioo". arrived off our of nineteen 7. Mr. Gibfon 113 "76 with the following heart rending particiiliri which time lord Wellington1! army uo«a' harbour on Friday evening laft. 8. Wm. Bowie 131 fLl 13 " " To revert back to the fudden movement advanced into tbe country in purfaj ,.but the'urdiner, of it. pn 9. Bazil Darby 113 f9 5 of the French I had been for weeki in view French. It wai repoiled that M«K ''lbe French time to get relnlo Columbian Agricultural Society. 10. Mr. Gibfou'i of Santarem, and faw ai Ijft with great plea- abandoned hii army, and retired wit] VsT.iH«»'Hl Badajo*. It wa* At the general meeting of the Columbian Pizarro 130 1-4 «7 fur e fome indication of their abandoning i'. fion of horfe into Spain ; (the truth :,B Of 6 week* igo, and the rre Agricultural Society it George-Town, on 11. I. Duckelt 111 t8 II The firft wai fetting fire to one of the prin­ I cannot alTert, but believe it xpeaationofit. All the m Wednefday the 15th infl. their exhibition 13. Di't6 131 1-3 f8 9 cipal convent! "in the upper town and part of thought certain that the French »«r( iardi feera to go a fna wjw* held in a pleafant grove, the property of t Walhed. ^Unwarned. the lower town ; the volume nf fmoke wai treating and in Tome diforder. TheyUj like haimony can be e> Thomii Beal of Geo. Kfq. adjoining Mr. Par- Premium 3d awaided to No. 10, and pre­ immenfe for three day*. On the fourth morn the whole country through which ther them k the Britidi h rot'i Rope-Walk, when the following premi­ mium 4 to No. 8. ing, fome.. information to depend on reached ed, deftroying every thing they co»Wim! lu'it win. me to hear of and f« umi, to be paid in plate with fuitable de­ Candidate} for the 5th premium, mere » ui, and the of attack roofed u* from long with them. Ixjrd Wellington «f«na«. being facrificed « the vice*, or the amount in cafl), were awarded, Ewes. Lambs. our pillowt. The haze of the morning clear­ dered the country in lo perfect a It]* contemptible fet of devi \i». Jacob GibfonJ 64 95 ing up, we conld eafily perceive the out fen- curily, thit lie had ordered mod of d Ptemium 1. To the value of fixty dol­ Dr. Wm. A. Dangerfield 59 80 tineli were men of draw, md proved quite nf war md tranfporu home. N« ' GENERAL ORDERS. 6:h March, lar* ; For the belt two toothed Hum Lamb, Wm. Matbury 48 65 paflive. In tilt, a belter managed retreat {lion hid taken plice, bot frequent of the fine wooled breed adjudged In Gen. R. Slaughter, jun. 49 51 wai never executed. Not * vcftige of a dol­ ei, in which the Englifh were iltc dlfadvantag.. under which John Maton, of Anahifton Ifland, Dillricl J. Kent, 40 51 lar'* worth remained. Being at the outpolli ceftful 4000 prifoncri had been enj,y wai begun, were lo ftr of Columbia, for hit blooded The 5th premium awarded to Jacob Gib. with (lie 14th dragoon* and 1ft Royalt, I en. Lifbon a few dayi before I left e(T«.y the It. gen. fliould ft Merino Ram piuomac Chief, of the breed of Ton, Efquire. teied with them | ami three mileraMe defer, populace were ILWagrly enf»ged,ih«'i that he confidered tlie faf (Signed) W. H. Fjote, 'illied army (eircumftaneed a Col. Humphrey'* tl«ik. ten, who had hid themfelvei, were with quired a very ftroVg\guard to protect tht j Premium 2 T<> the value of 60 dollars ; J. Thrcllteld, one too ill to move, the only enen y to be foner* from being niurdered, a* tUy depended on defeating t " For the Ud belt two toothed Ram Lamb, of Gerard Brooki, found. conducted through tl e ftrecti! .... he fincerely lament* the the lonjj wooled breed adjudged to "Jacob , T. Harmood, of Ben. " Such a fcene of horror, mifery anddefo- " A Britilh reinforcement of 5000 i gallant men, he trufh that Cioion, EIV]. of Talbot county, Eaftern Shore Richard K. Meade. lation, fcarce ever Muted the eye of mm. arrived a few dayi before I failed t a neceffiry one. The fnbfcriher* appointed to determine the enemy'* number and pofili Maryland, lor hi* long wooled Ham 1'izarro, Smoaking ruini, the Accumulated filth of been long expected, and it wa* « premiumi for domeftic manufiflurei, adjudge of the CalveTt county breed. monthi, horfei and human bodiei putrid to them that prevented Lord objea* of calculition, lor Ik. „ Prrio«ti'n 3. To the value of 40 dollari: the 6'.h, 7th and I I th premiumi to M«l-ifcf tfufTocation nearly, Cufed 'to many a vomit­ attacking tl* enemy before they be *«. He confided in the kn For the 3d befl two tnnthed R^m Lamb of Ijzabeth B.uly ; the Uth premium to Mri. ing ! The hoi1 I'd ujmurnt with fcarcely a retreat. iilh troop*, and hi* expeAa the fine wool breed adjudged to Mr. Ro­ Martha P. Graham; the 9th premium to veftige of wood floor*, window*, ceilings, " At Lifbon produce of every kind I _^ y fulfilled. J^ Mn. ger Brpjk, of Montgomery county, Mary, Anna M. Mafon ; the 10th premium roof, burnt and where the fick had expired fen confidtiably ; Jlour w«i dull at 15 ti | ne fitigue of a night'* marcT«J land, for hii half-blooded Merino Ram to Mri. Bruce ; the 13th premium to Mri. there left to decay ! The number left wit 1-2, dolt, and a vaft quantity arriving i forgotten by every mm in th Hopewell, of Dupnnt't brtcd. Kimball; the 13th premium lo Mri. Mar)' great. Every church demolilhed, the tombt corn 3 dot*. 35 Ct*. l¥-|,en fuch univerfil praile ii Premium 4. To the value of 40 dollars : Canby ; and the 14ih premium to Mri. Sa­ opened for fearching after hidden plate eve­ " On the 38th of March there wai%* orepanble behaviour of i For the 3d bed two toothrd Ram Lamb of rah M'Garly Mitluli. ry altar*piec«KUiiiverfally deflroyrd, and the lent gale of wind from E. S. E. «*whl)j Mrticulariae byname thole who the long woolrd breed adjudged to William (Signed) JBfliiV Brooke effluvia fo o Hen five at to defy defcrlbing ! In 35 fjil of (hip* on fhore, (two of ' ihtmfelvei all did. Bo-wit, Efcj. of Piince-George'i county, Ma- K. M. Doftr fome garden* the miferable headi undecayed, frigatci) and near one half of the otbct | He requefli, however, thit bri| John Davidson ryland, for hii long wooled Uam, of tlte com. ftuck up like Icarecrow* ; in fome well* a bo­ in the port were materially damaged. md colonel Wheitby John Hoy* * -•^••^^•B mon country brerd. dy fi jating. Down a precipice, to which we rofcltei, md convey to the c lltnry Childt. Premium A. To the value of 40 dollari ; were invited by profpeA to look at the human ralLADKLPMIA, MAT cri of the Corp* competing The Society are under great obligation! to brigade!, md to all the oftu For the Rrcatelt number of Lamb* in pro- anii the auinul carcafei, mingled in de­ IXTIACT TO THE KDIT01 OF TH Mri. Beal tor the politenefi and liberality fArtion to ihe number nf KwevjSlroppeil and cay, repulled oar fenfet, md fhudderingly vi­ •oat. ifTurance* of hi* jnoft^prate II";- with which (he, in the ahfence of Mr. Beal, raifed in oae Il.ick of not left than 40 Cwet j brated the foul ai the favage, horrible, diabo­ of their conduft. afforded them a place fo beautiful k commo- Cadi*, 9th JfarrA, II provided that the number of Lamb* be at lical a ft i of a French army. I uiuft here " On the 5th inftant, i fevere battlt fame teftiroony of gralitt diout for holding their exhibition ; and to leaH rqua' to the number of Ewei -adjudg­ mention one grand precaution ; the Imfpiial fought by the .tioo, i* due to It. col. B; Mr. Parrot for the kind atiention he paid to Britifh ind French troop ed to Jacob Gibson, Efq. of Talbot county, wai guarded immediately from entrance ; k tlte plain of ;h, and lieut. col. Browo of th the member* and th: company ; and for the Barrofi, about fifteea Maryland. I believe no ferioui illneli proceeded from ing flank bituliont, and t ufe of a variety from Cadiz, and five mile* fio« P-eynium 6. To the value of 30 dollari ; of article* necefTary to the the abominable Gtuation in which the French uader them. Maj. Dun convenience or beauty of the fcene. lilt. The French force confiding of For the bel\ piece of cotton cloth, proper for left it. From thii place, a fhort reft obtained, 8,000 and the Britifh of 5,500 n ,ri of the royil artillery, It DAVID WILEY, Stcrtlaty. tbe officer* of tbe1 royal engi women'i drefTei, not left than 10 yards ad­ Gr.oRGK-TowN, COL. * " we rode on, preOing upon them by the good. I which after one of the roof) fanguinary judged to Mn. Elizabeth Daily, of Anoe-A- nefl of our cattle, and the animation of our :he and the officer* of the 't May the 17 (/i, 1811. flifti, proportioned to the .inmhicr*, tbai rundcl county, Md. men, who were deliJwVd to chafe the runa­ occurred (ince'the commencement of tkt intrepid chuge made bj r the bell piece of hempen or flaxen flieet. " In the difpatche* which, under dM£ of fighting our dragoon* got to their rear, k they defperite filuaiioa. Huffi itijf not left than 10 yardt adjudged to | the 35th inft. were fent to me Irom Mjcktvi furrendered, neirly the whole regiment. 11 Thii brive o|d ro»n, (Grihim) hid k KofTead, an eagle md Mri. Bruce, of Alleghany county, Mary- 1'igneU by the Governor, Dun Simon delier- Thefe I had to efcort, and f*w little more ol h*t knocked off by m I8,pnniid that , are the trophic* of ll)e Uml. k V riia, and Don Manuel Salcedo, with all the fighting. , - % Ihortty after had a muflcet ball thi The lofi on both fide*, from Premium 11 . To the value of 30 dlUte ; thrtubcri of committee of fafety ot faid 14 But to fee the country, it *mwe>-p for Tbe Flench turned all their force agau ihe field of battle mull tx For the bed piece of hempen or fbxen Thirt- town, are the following great and inlerefUng the horror* of war. Such horrid exit (Tea 1 Britifh, md nothing but the moft extr Tbe different corp* and dc irig, not lefi than ten yardt adjudged to newt wh ch 1 copy thut at written." never faw before. Kvery to»n, vHlig/c, or niry br»veiy md fteidineft could h»ve (t«i fait lo the aujutant.gen Mri. Elizabeth Buily, of Anne-Aiundel It ii necelTary you Ihould fend me 500 cottage deftroyed. The growing nurfety'atad even i part of tbofe fine felkwi, about wt» i£ble, rcluint of the killet county. Md. men to efcort 304 inl'urgenti taken prifonen the wild grove, each havocked tor dellruAion facrificed to perfidy md cowardice. Tkl in the iftion of ye ft' Premium I J. To the value of 30 dollari; by captain Uullamante with the Bifhopi trea- fake. The pot that refined the ail bioken ; enclofed general order,, ifTued next m corp* d'arroie, comini For the befl piece of hem|>en or tlaxen table furei, and Tome cattle, and alto to conduct he wine prel* burnt, for hurmfig fake ; the will (hew you1 how fenlible gen. Grah«*i linen, not left thin ten yaidt idjudged. to with all lately the general* Hidalgo, Allende, rape vine* deftroyed, and noxiou* weed* ; of hit critical Gtuation had one c< At the bottom of each ret Mri. Kimball, of Frederick-Town, Mary Abfoloi, Aldama, Zapata, Ximenei Lanza. he furniture unburnt, thrown from the win- given way all wa* loft. I at full length, the rani land. gorti, Aranda, Portugal, btc Sec. who were owi, and with carriage!, kc. made a bonfire The Britilh kept p-ITrfTionof the Ut , of each cfficer killet Premium U. To the value of 30 dollari; taken priioiitr* in Acatua Bajan, with a of ; the large librarie* (hewed over the land of battle tint night, ard next day Hie the name of each For the befl piece of twilled bagging ot great booty which they were carrying with emnani* of paper ; the noble convent in to the Ida whtie they dill remain, lr*» d, whether tbe W< ttix, or cotton, not lei* than ten yardi ad. them of g»l*. Sarah garei, and with the remaii>der of my army, lobe committed by human beingt in Ihe heart ftroyed a few fmall batterie*, dorei, kc. aid tli, «e were favoured wi< MCartj Mason of llofl'm Hall, Fairfax 1 begin my march thi* day for the maoour ol of Europe, and the nineteenth century : A ummoned fort Catalina to funender, bat tl* \ of i letter, written county, Virginia. Pato* with a view lo the retaking of Sallillo convent of eleven nuni with two prielli, were udden appearance of about 3000 Pieaft the Prefideni, and t efi a ping in a boat ; unhappily they were too Hrory, May 14th." Premium 15 To the vatoe of 10 dol. which I inform you of for your government roopt, compelled them to embark *i h *" late ; and overtaken near VilU Fianca, the ight to Baltimore by a Urn ; For (hearing a ftieep in the oeateft; and fautfiftion. God preferve you many lofTtble hade, and regain their Otipf, hrMg- yean. prielit were one (hot and one drowned. Ooe ng off aboot 30 priloMrt, with Ute lob *f Lift' Friday, we lay filed and moll expedition manner adjudged only of the nuni wai young ; (he wai in- apulu the Commoiioi to t'.d-a>ard Eno, of Walhington cily Campo de la Noiia, (in my way to Salt)) about 30 men killed and wounded. lo) 38lh Match, 181 1. llaiitly vintated, a* well ai the red ; md the " The Spanirdi arrived a* ufual, < ilc at Havre d« Grace, Premium 19. To the value of S dollan JOSF. MANUEL DE OCHOA. old ige of 65 wn no defence igiind thefe fa. hi* little »fT»ir wai over, and had tbe boogw i ui our Sail tag M»fl For (hearing a Iheep frcond befl at above To the commander in chief, brig. gen. Don vai>et. The very nun* were thui treated Cue- of joining the Rrilifh in their retreat!- E, 40 milei diftant, our adJuJged to Thomas M'dralh of Wadting- Felix Maria C»lleja. celfively by number*, md confined until dif. " Thui hat endedan expedition upon whkk i at Walhington our fi loneity. A* will appear trow the certificate* " And in thii moment I difpatch two ex eafe made them loath'fome (o the hell-houndi much wai calculated. The Uritilh officenfc Captain dining on b of the judge i. tra courier! lo that capital, the one by Hu themfelvei. When a flag of truce introduc­ men exprefi themfelvei iu drong md unit- > 3 o'clack the Gig Candidates for t premium, were aftica, and the other by QM.eretaro that you ed tliem to us, the fight wa* mod (hocking. ferve termt of their difapptobalion of ll* > * h(ad, failing at the hoar, a broad pcndaii , Gross Ik. flttct It. Excellency may he expeduiobfly ipptifed of Every one tried to comfort them, and to the conduct of the Spanl*rJB| the Spaniard!** No. I. Gen. MafWi Pa- thii joyful intelligence. God preferve you immortal credit of CommilTaiy Aylmcy, they the other hand, are lenNb^e they merit il. '* liaat the Commodore .wai e towmack Chirf, . 103 3 6 3*3 many yeari. were conduced from Vilada by water, with hoiit appearing to co»»Ud«rilieaifelvct mail) I* txpetted in a fortnight K«. 2. Tlmina* Pctci>'i St. Luii Potofi, 5«h April, 1811. all the comfort and confolation that war llK obliged to their proteAor* ; from thit fiiuii'' ' called on deck to rec« Montgomery, 84 3-4 5 1-4 FF.L1X CALLEGA. equation could poflibly give on of thing* you mull dnw your cofldufio**- |*itd the gangway, and p: No. 3. Uaail Darby'* . I'o H'n Excellency the Viceroy Don Francii " A ihouhnd more like thefe, I could re It ippenri.that.the Britlth were too miKi hit Cabin. Th< firl Jack, 131 1-4 9 14 oz Xtvier Veuegai. count. No age no rank no rel'pecX. Ji fatigued to purfue the retreating enemy h><* for and remained w No. 4- R- Brook'i Hope- Such maoifrft benefit* of Providence make I covent, I found three unfortunate femalei ing had a long march on tbat day, and it* ' minute*, wheo well, 93 1-4 411 U* hope that in it* ewrnil judgment, il it de­ 78 to 80 yeari of age. .They were literally preceding onei, through acpunlry almoft "» , and difpatched Expri No. I. Mr. Chichefter'l creed that tlie two Spain-, dial! triumph over niked, 41 on entering the world, ftriving '.o ponable from ii* mouflMk and bad M«4*> to'i uwf". Chaplain ,___ . 94 1-»>Y> her enemiet. [Gazette Litre, ot Govt. conceal theaifclvei under liorae ruOiei ant The diftanee from wheW tWy landed (l«''f- It Miformcd that we The above fleece* were all unwarned* Mexico, 9th April.] V- . * Ihiw." ta Al^eli[*i) to the fcene of action '»*M in. A Qf.Law rtiptctitg. Auttionl and Anal- a fine dinner »b!iged X«MM«ft courTe, bat tie had jufl began Dbituarp. - - ntert. .thin JO i"*181 hand* went U> work through ignorance or de- infiantly to'quit it all fbli life, on MooJty E»en'«"g it tt^ablittttd and ordained, by the may. Spanilh. eiiher preparing for fea and diftance of One hun- bending the Tail! tnd lait, after long and tevere illrvtu, Jonti or, rtcortfer^ aldermen, and common ]ta them a tig-zag Doctor wak Tet to to cap the whole, oar KILTY, Etquire, Itte Regiiter of the Land- 0£ \Hf, (- in expectation of it. All the movemenu U AS jud received, a Tupply of ihe mod or highrd bidder pace, lalt evening, when the wind drifted, and we pievmuQy obtained from t Sp»niardt feem to go » fnail'i " fafhionable SPRING GOODS, laid in on unleT* be (hall hnve Kithing like haimony can be expected to .aie now before it< former dock, the clerk a licenfe, under the Teal of the cor- who came from Wafhington, the bed term*, which with hit bet**en thern k lhe Briiifh hereafter. By the officer! wifhing to poration, and given bond, with fecnri:y, at ,! are Tent in puiTuit of the he will fell low for Cash. Thole me to hear of and fee fo many we learn lhat we advantage to herein after directed, on pa n Of lorleiting, "Mi'1 ^'f'mi |w It Mint who had imprefled a pa (Ten- purchafe will find it to their in the caufe of Britifh brigate fuch Tale at auction, the fum of fif­ .'. ''"f l vl-l' 1 '' l^te fellowt being facrificed while beating give him a call M be ia determined to fell for ever)- fet of devila in the ger from a -coader. Yederday ty dollari, to be recovered, one half lo be , mod contemptible a orig going up who Barfraini. down the bay we Tpoke on open paid to the informer, and the oilier half to/ The faw the Britilh Fri­ N. B. All thole indebted to him ORDERS. informed ut that danding, the ufe ol' the city ; provided, that nothing l"°°' GENERAL off the very place where account of more than twelve tnonthi f3:h March, Mill. gate the day before, the bine, or in thit by-law contained (hall extend to an/ Ihe i* not now in fight. We are requeded to call and pay The diladvantage* under whicli the action we now are, bul indebted on fale by auction of property either real, per. I mod complete preparation for cloTe them by note, and thofe Iftfterday wat begun, were lo driking that have made ihe to call tonal or mixed, nude purfuant to, or in exe­ one wifliet.i(. She it exact­ note or bond are earnedly requeded i*ce(T«ry the It. gen. (liould date to the battle. Every Id of Ju cution of, any order, decice, fentence or but we have the Argut with ui, and pay 'tbe Tame on or before the ., that he confidered the fafety of the ly our force, to judgment, of any court of the United Stales, ui are pteaTed with at we ly next, otherwife Tuiu will commence Tillicd army (circumftanced ai it wa* at which none of or of thii date, or a juftice of ihe peace, or of couiage and (kill. Should September Term. / j depended on defeating the enemy, wifh a fair trial made in virtue of any didrefj for rent, or o. not the lead doubt of an May 25, 1811.____/____U|u!y. he fincerely lament! the f»crifice of we fee her, I have llicr caufe, for which a didrefn it alUwrd by [while The commodore will demand men, he trudt that il mud be engagement. law, or made by, or on behalf of, executor* r gallant ; the demand will doubtleft SHAW'S POEMS, ope. the period impreTfed DR. or adminiltratori at I'uch. ght a neceffary the battle will indantly One Dollar,) enemy'! number and pofition were no be refufed ; and (Price 2. And be it established and ordained, by [The workt well and com­ fur tale ai tlie lubtcriber'i of calculation, tor there wai commence. Oar frigate A few Copiei authority aforrsuH, That from and after r objectt in failing. Store Alto the He confided in the known valour pletely beatt ihe A'gut of thii by-law, ihe clerk may, , tetrrat. hat called in ihe boat. the ptff^ge iiilh troopi, and hit expectation* were The commodore / AN INROAD and upon the application of any cilisen Twain, gunner and carpenter, informed them for a fulfilled. flv JURY. or citisent thereof (hall, grant a licenfe and aflced if they were JUPOM THE SACKED TRIAL BT (itigue of a night'i marrc^ff 16 houn, of all circumdancet, not exceeding one year at any one time, Rite ; Ready wa* ihe reply of each. - JOHN SHAW. term i forgotten by every man in the" divifion. ready for aOion to exercife the trade and hu line ft of an auc­ ' \VI*ii fuch univerral praile i! dut to the County, tioneer, «nd fuch liceofe, upon like applica­ ' NKW-rORK, MAT 24. Prince-George's icaniparible behaviour of Ul,it ii impoflible May 22, 1811. tion, may k (hall tioro time to lime renew | tbofe whodiflinguilri- NAVAL ENGAGF.MENT. licenfr fhall be grant­ ipiiticularixe byname to falitfy the T HEREBY ceriify, that Fielder Gantt of provided lhai no fuch did. At length we are enabled the perfon or perfon* ap. i thcmfelvei all rumour* lately Caid county, biought before me, a treT|i4lT- ed or renewed until that brigadier gene. pulilic mind refpecling the me dull lave gixen bond to He rrqucfU, however, iff our cnafl. ing dray on hi* intlofure, a brown HOUSE, plying for the I'* Wheatby will accept circulated of an engagement aldermen, and ctmmon iDilkfi and colonel United State* about nine or ten yean of age ; pacet and the mayor, reenrilrr, to the commanding On Thurfday morning, the city of Annapolii, with fure. i, and convey faw. a canteri, and hit hind feet white, about four­ council, of the compofing their refpec- frigate Preudent, Commodore Rogerr, of ihe mayor, in the tfi of the corpi refembling a teen handi high ; (hod before. Given under net, to the htintkction to all the officer! of them, ((range fail at a great didance, dollar*, with con. t brigidei, and flood for her. my hind,aiid Teal. prnal Him of five hundred of hit jno^ratef^t adrniraii- fhip of war and immrdiately he or thry (hall duly pay and fa. i ilTunnctt M. came up with the /Jk't JOHN B. W ATKINS. diiion llut conduft. About 9 o'clock, P. claimt that may be agamC him their On i nquiring who (he fl\e owner of the above described liotl'e it titfy all jud fame teOirnony of gratitude and higb fhip, and hailed her. auctioneer or auctioneer*, and j The received no anfwer. He requeded' to come and prove hii property, or them, at ition, ii due to It. col. Barnard of the wai the Commodore faithfully execute t lie office and employ. who and what (hip die wai pay chargei, and take him away. will Bth, tnd lieut. col. Brown of the 98th, com- again inquired of an auctioneer, and in all thingt well two cannon balli by way of an- ______FlELDER G»NTT M cut Img flank battalioni, and to all the offi- and received and faithfully prrfoim ihe frveial duiict re­ and the f»er, one of which wounded one of hii fea- uader them. Maj. Duncan, thii, re­ Sheriff's Sale. quired by thin by-law. lo capt. Birch, men. Commodore Rogert, upon and ordained, ty «ri of the royal artillery, by I By virtue of a wiit of vendilioni rxfxinas, tn 3. And be it established engineer!, 10 raaj. turned a Tingle (hot, which wat anlwered no auctioneer I the officeftof t'je1 roy«l lo be I me directed, out of the court of appealt the authority aforetaid, Thai th« 3d hu(Tin. a full broadfide. The commodore, not aforefaid, llallde- and the officer* of a for the weflern fhore of ihe (late of Mary­ or auctioneer*, liceufed at by * fquadron behind hand with hit antagonid, returned any perfon »halevert The intrepid charge made ter* land, will be expojed to Public Sale, on nvand or receive from capt. Bofihe, »t- broadfide from the Prefident, which foon hit or their fervice*, f I!K hufTiri. Iteadrd by Friday the 14th day of June next, at 4 directly or ind'nctly, fur one. Tlx lieut. min*ted tti^cooted. rate of two and I tbe notice °(^^ry o'clock in the afternoon, on the premifci, a commiffuin excreding ihe col. Macdonald, Com. ff>grri, remained by t neve (Tel until purchafe 'money al'i obligation! to n. for C»fh, a half per centum ot the and- the officer! morning, when he fe°nt hii boat on board, k ol' any propetty, boa. It. col. Gathcart, Ma- ALL the right, title and edate of Archibald a'ifing by Ihe Tale at auction\er general1! wai informed that (he wai hit Britannic fur c^lli, or otherwife. I tk adjutant and Bing- Chishotm, in and to a two doiy framed wlirlher the falet be to capt. Hope, and all the jedy'i floop of war Little Belt, Capt. and ot ard everv fale, )lj impicdcd The captain k taken awhe Tuii of Benjamin Harrifon, for the monies arifing B'ltifh troopi faw with admiration how fhip wai very much fhattered. and pay lo the Irealurer, for the ufe of I Tkc dated, that he had the ufe of \jiotnat Harrit, JUP. adminidratoi return the detachment of the 20th Poituguefe, of the Little Belt further ai ihe raie of one half per ceni. f to have been a French of John Gwinn. JOSEPH M'CENEY, ihe city, i It. col. Bufchf, upheld the charaAer Tuppofed the Prefident hundred dollart on ihe amounl of very much that he had Late flier iff A. A. County. for every alliei have fo furtunatcly eflablilhed. frigate, and regreted made by him or them, lobe by him r Rogen offered the May 28, 1811.______all the fale* It. gen. requefli that maj. gen. Whit- fired into her. Com. at the lime of Tale (mm the perfon The Bell every aflidance in collected ' and capti. Miranda and Noughton, captain of the Little nr perfon* whnfe property he ha* Told ai auc­ wat not accepted, ai the Taxes are Certajn. ike Spanilli fervice, will accept hii Ixft hit power, which my and (lull once in every fix monlln, ! go to Halifax k repair. BEG leave reTpectfully, to notify tioneer, at* for tlieir teal and gallantly. capt. dated he could oath, or animation, account lor and pay hai received no ii>ju>y, and friendt, that I have again been appointed, on The gen. o( diviliou Huffin, the gen. of The Prefident of Anne- the fame to the ire,afurrr ; and lo ihe end wounded (lightly. I and have duly qualified, a* Collector L ' ak KulTeau, an eagle and 5 piecciof ar- had only one boy them that lhai fuel, account* may be arcu'tlely ket,l k anchored off Sandy Hook I Arundel county ; and lo remind y, are the tiopbiei of the day. The Present of ihe rendered, it it hereby made the duty of every o'clock, and Commodore I the annual period lor the performance | The lofi on both fidei, fiom the appearance. yederday fcbnut 13 to enter Irom day lo day, at often officer! to thii city, irud it faft approaching, when, I fincerely auctioneer 6tld of battle mull be, fevere. Rogert difpaicbed two their- fale (hall be made, in book lo bo I the in fuhdance the a- hope, they will, with convenience to t any The different corp* and detachment! will from whom we received refpec. for lhai puipofe, ihe amount of the re. One of them proceeds .to felvet, be found prepared to pay their kept ifait to the adjutant.general ai loon ai. Hove account. known fpective falet made by him or them, which thii morning with llie official live accuunlt. From the well U>le, rrtuini of the killed, wounded and Wafhington by ihe ciilxent of book Oiall, upon application, be fubmitted for ' the account of thit affair. lion generally manifcdrd of for. Eng, in the action of yefterday, with, counly lo difcharge their tax- examination to the i'cafnrer, on pain N. B. ThePreGdeni Tailed from Annapolii Anne-Arundel fuch lunch corp! d'armie, commanded by marlhal it i* evident iheyVirr ('riling, fnr eveiy tefuTal to comply with on ihe 1 3th hid. with otdert, (we under, el, ar.d in due time, idor. important reTpoiifibiniy requell, llie fum of fifty dullart. fpe- in cruise beiwcen ihe Cape* of Vir­ fully apprised ol the bj. At the bottom of etch return dand) of ihe collector ) lhat I.e 3. And be it established and ordained, re. ginia and Sandy Hook. and fatiguing labour perfon I at lull length, the rank, name and in regard to the deblort the authority afaretaid, That every k i* merely an agent fur each t, of each tfficer killed or wounded, the county, and that too obtaining licenle a* aforefaid (lull, will be [Th* preceding i* from llie Mercantile Ad. and crediiort of clerk, for Ute the name of each officer cannot be fliewn to one and every fuch licenfe, pay lo the be fevere, venifcr i the following ii from ihe New- much indulgence of ten dollar*, mioned, whether tbe wound injury to anolher | and of courfe the ufe of the city, the fum York Gtmte.] without ufe of tht clerk. (cioui or flight. the powert are liroitted by duty. and five Diillin^ lor the GRAHAM*. Particular! of the engagement between hit diCcreiinnary and orjjinid, ly (Signed) Bri- Many individuali obligingly facilitated^)- 6. And bt it established U. State* frigate Com. Rogert, and ihe That in cafe any fe. Bingham. collection lad year by fending the amount 61 the authtrity aforesaid, Commercial Advert iier. lifli Sloop of war Liltle Belt, Capt. on bond given for the trtm the ff. T. ind. at a- their accounn in lown, for which I beg ihem curity or lecuritici, PRESIDENT. On the night of the 16th May of the duty of any auc­ FRIGATE fell in with the to accept my Tuicere ihanki, and flatter my- taithful performance at our paper wat prepared for ihe houi 9 o'clock ihe frigate auctioneer t licemed in virtue of ]>(l N. E. of Cape fetf I (hall receive fimilar farourt the prrfeni tioneer or we were favoured wiih the following (loop of war about SO mile*' (lull die, remove from the td, pidol fliol of her year ; anil I beg leave to infoim them that thit ordinance, "i of a letter, wriileo by an Officer on Henry, and when within of Annr. Arundel, or become infolvrnt, Wiled her no anfwer aJI paymentt made to Mr. William Wa/ticld, county the Prefident, and dated " Off Cape commodore Roger! mayor (hall, and be i* hereby authorised Rogert hailed her a fe. at Mr. Jofeph Kvant't ftore, will be grate­ the r, May 14th." 'Ihe letter wat given commodore empowered, to demand other fecurity or act of hailing a (hot fully acknowledged. and hi to Baltimore by a Pilot Boat. cond time, and in the for the fame ; and in cafe of ne­ floop of war, inlo ihe fri­ i R. WELCH, of Ben. Tecuritie* t " Lift 'Friday, we lay fafely moored at wai fired from the or refufal, the licrnfc To granted (hall her mainmafh The fri­ / Collector A. A. Counly. glect * xpulia in* Commodore wai with hit gate, which druck from thenceforth become, ami it hereby de. fired into the floop of war, May 25, 1811. ______3«e, at Havre d« Grace, about Tlprnilei gate immediately dared to be, null and vniJ, to all intent* and Mader wai af Balti- Ihe then fired a broadfide inlo ihe frigatr. never been granted. |*M ui our Sailing a- Tin's is to give notice, purpofei, at if the famehad our Purfer and Chap, Here the action commenced and continued ntj/'lit/icj and ordained, by i 40 milet didant, of war T the fubtcriber of Prince-George'* 7. And be il our fail* all unbent, and bout 15 mirutet *»h*jn the floop Chat all the fum farfet. i at Walhington near her county hat obtained from the orptiani the authority afarttaid, on board ihe Argut, ceafed firing. The frigatr remained by or under thit by-law in­ Captain dining commodore court of laid counly, in Maryland, Iritert turet or penaltjet, Gig w»t feen aboui 5 all night. The next morning iu fuch caTet where Ihe bond o'clock ihe offer any tedameniary on riM perfonil 'edate of Philip curred, (except at the rate of ten milet Rogeit fenl an officer on board to it properly fuable,) jrtay be i a btad, failing to expreft ft'ichollt, laje of Prlhce.Georgr'i county, de- of the auctioneer pendant flying denoting aflidance they might require, and by prcHentmeiu ei indictment in the hoar, » broad had occur- ceiled, all perTont indebted la Taid edate ire recovered .wai on board, although hit regret ai the circumdance that court, or before either tbe mayor or thry merit il, "4 |*»t the Commodore floop of war defired lo make immediate payment to the nuyor'i in a fortnight. All the othcen ed the preceding evening. The or any due of the aldermen ; proviJ. mlule' tlif cnfcUn muik fted capt. Bingham, Tubl'criber, and all perfont having claim* » rrrnrdrr, called on deck to receive him. He en- proved to be the Little Belt, ed never theleTt, that an appeal may be had .on , frnni thi< Cuuiii- |*"r a* a reafon for firing gaiiid ihe faid deceafed, are hereby< warned gangway, and pafTed rapidly down who apologised and gave from fukli drcifion to llif mayor'i court, IB di«w your conclufioat. |*itd the TuppoTcd him lo be to exhiBit the fame, with the voucher* there­ Cabin. Trw firfk Lieutenant wat into the frigate, thai he the Tame manner ai it now praclifed un ap­ Qriiilh were too nuxk hit declined any affift. of, to the fubTcriber, al or before the 25th hai- fir and remained with ihe commodore a Frenchman and politely by f i oui a judice of the peace to tbe court- retreating enemy would be able to reach day of Augud next, they may otlieiwife peal* the * it five minutet, wheq he returned to the Mce a* he believed he ly court*. on tbat d^y, and Little Belt loft in kill, law be excluded from all benefit of the Tiid alnwll i"- ' tnd tlifpatched ExprelTei for rlie Sailing a port in fafety. The May IB, IS 1 1 » Read the fird and Tecood ;h acpuntiy 30 men, wai very much in­ edate. Given under my hand iliit 2Jmjyd«y bad .-^ ku-JUWfcr, Chaplain, kc. The Cap- ed and wounded lime and wjll paf*. AMk and nearly all her madt andrfjaar* of May, ISM. i pWOiy landed (1'aiif- ' «|t informed that we were under failing jured, having By order, _., JOHN BREWER, Ok. (hot array befide* Gtveral dtot in hec hufT iDWARB HAZLE, Iccuc of aitioti i> ** m. JL It it for want of knowing or at lean eon- 1 PAUL'S DOMESTIC INFALLIBLE Anne-Arunflel County, POET'S CORNER. (iuVring thii, that W» fee fuel) a mixture' of ridicule in the live* of fame people. You COLOMBIAN OIL. APPLICATION being ** ftbfcriber, in the recefa of SELECTED. foe therrt flrift a* to Come time* and place* of HE inventnrofthliriighly esteemed medlcin* devotion ; but when the feivice of the church T Is a native of America, and the composition dd county court, by petition, in i* over, they are like thofe that feldom or ne­ is the produclion of American soil, consmuent- William M. Chanty, of faid county, , SUCH THINGS WERE. ver come tliere. -In their Way of life, their ly it is in eVftry Muse of the word domestic, it is tb« benefit of the aft for the relief o{| of my yoa'.h ! ye once were detr, and money, not puffed up with a numerous train of pompous nfolvent debtor*, and thefeveral fup SCENES manner of fpending their time foreign certificates of jienons from whom by the Though ftdly I your chsxin* Purvey ; in their cares and trau, their pleaftue* and great distance that separates as 'tis Impossible to thereto, on the teimi mentioned in 1 once wa* wont to linger here, indulgenciei, in their labour and diverfioni, obtain Information, therefore the pub ic ha* bet­ , a fchedule ot' hit property and! | From early dawn to doling day. they are like the relt of the woild. -It ii ter security for their money a* there cannot be creditor*, on oath, at fir ai he cats Scenei of my youth ! pale forrow fling* thi* which make* the loofe part of the woild the least ahadow of deception to cover his medi­ tain thein, being annexed to hit petitio«~2 A (hade o'er all your beauties now,'' againft lliofe that are de­ cine, for he simply appears before the community the fa'id William M» Chaney having | point their ridicule with his invention arid an experimental detail of And rob* the moments of their wings, vout ; becaufe they fee their devotion goe* the various cases in which it really is so wondtr- me by competent teltimony, that b« That fcalter pleafure a* they flow, no farther than their prayer* ; that they live fully efficacious, and in which he is supported by Tided in the flute of Maryland for ( While to heighten every care, by the fame humour or fancy, and in a* full the f&llo-.vinn certificates of mpel\al>><: chambers, year* immediately preceding the titM-jj Reflection teU* me Such thing* were. an enjoyment of all the follies of life, ai o- whose names are not only subscribed, but their application, having all'o Rated in hi* ther people. Thii t* the reafon why they are persons may be also consulted, being residents with­ thai he it now in confinement for dt 'Twai here a tender father O.rove in the circle of our own neighbourhood. The fel­ jeft and fcorn of the irreligious, not be­ praying to be diCcharged fromcono'neineaSl To keep my happinefr in view ; tlie low ing are the complaints in which the Columbi­ caufe they are really devoted to God, but therefore order and adjudge, that tl« | 1 fmil'd beneath a mother'* li-ve, an Oil has been found saofncacious and rarely e they appear to have no other devoti ver fails of effecting a cure, via: Rheumatism, WiNiam M. Chancy b: difcharged frao Who foft compaflion ever knew, becaufe of occadonal prayer*. Consumption, I'ains in any parts of the boJy iirrprifonment, and that by caufing a COMJ the virtue* all combin'd, on but tha: It) them [ Monitor.'} but particularly in the back and breast, C»ld* and th'u Older to be infer ted in the MaryUuJ ty On them 1 cq.uld with faith rely, Coughs, Toothach, Pleurisies, Chotic, Cramps xette weekly for three month* foccefit External and Internal Braise*, Sprains and Klesl V-'L, To them my heart and foul were join'd, before the firft day of Augnll next, gift i By mild affrttion's primal tie ; Wounds, Scalds and Burns, Whooping Coogh It B. CURRAN, Mumps, and Dysentary or Bloody Hux, Crcni] tice to hit creditor* to appear before Who fmile in hcav'n exempt from care, Hai opened at the ftnre formerly rccupird by and the summer complaint in children, and ii Arundel county court on the third thing* were. "Whilft I remember Such the late firm of* Michael fc B. Curran, a weak stomach that is caused by indigestion, a in September next, to (hew caufe whf Twa* here, where c»lm and tranquil reft constant sinking and loss ol appetite, it will a3 William M. Chancy fhould Dot ba«« A HANDSOMK ASSORTMENT Of bnuer to the relaxed fibre and restore aid toil, » a powerful O'erpays the prafant for hi* it to its pioper toi :. >enefit of the fa id feveral aQi aa prayai, That Tuft in bldling I was bled, Spring Goods, It seems also as if nature had ranked it the first Given uixier my hand ihn 19th tW , With jflowing friendfhip's open fmile. Purcliafed at Philadelphia on the beft terms of the (lass of all pcAorals and cxpcAorah for the March, 1811. My friend far diftant do< m'd to roam, Confilling of the following article*, viz : relief of the breast and lungs, as it scarce ever IUGHARD H. HARWOOIX Now bravei the fury of the fea* ; *" Cloths and Caflimerei, ^ (ails of removing obstructions in either, particu Ten. Uily those who are troubled with I \ithisick or Hr fled hit peaceful, happy home, Long and fhort Nankeen*, i WM. S. GREEN, eft. .. K. r '' Asthmatic complaints, who in OK art of walking Suiienary & Grocerict Hit little fortune to increale ; Blue Nankeen* and Seerfuckert, fast, stooping or lyini down, are almost suBucal While bleeds at'relli the wound of care, \Vhiie Mailcilles, Jeanes and Royal cd, half a tcaspnonfiu of the Columbian Oil will When I remember Such thing* were. Rib vVaiftcoating, render some relief instantaneously, and if conti­ William Brewer nued agreeable to the directions in such cases, will JNFOHMS bis friends and the public ( here, e'en in thi* bloomy grove Cotton Cafftmerei, Viflory Wave and ''Twrat prove a radical cure by pn«lucing the lull power _ rally, that he has again taken th« Ul .. London Beaver H I f«ndly gai'd on Laura'* chaims, Printed Coatings, of inflation to the lungs and free expansion to the TAVE»H, at Annapolis, which h« ka«s« blufliing own'd a mutual love, Ladies and Gentlemen'* Silk k Cotton Who breast. Di«14br the lilt year. To hi* old cs And ligh'd repnnfive in my arm-. Stockings, and Short, White and he think* it futficieot to promifc that Though IVkrJ the foul contliAing tlnfe, Kxtra Long CERTIFICATES O? ITS EFFICACY. Cam future accnmmodavion* (hall be equal 101 Yrt Fate, the cruel tyrant, bore Colouird Rid k lieaver Glove*, No. i. Sept. 1809. I do certify, that 1 have been ailing nearly two they have heretofore received ;«ud a* from my tight the charms of life, brie and Common Dimities, Far yean with a heAtc cough and violent impmsiui roifcs have become mote falhionable thtt't The lovely miid whom 1 adore j Cambric and Fancy Muffins, and Shaw' at the breast 1 applied to the most eminent phy due performance of them, he U u eafe my foul of all my carp, A variety of Calicoes from my low state 'Twould siciann and could get no relief make many, and will therefore only fsy ii»| C-uld I forget that Such thing* were. Figured and Plain Leno Mulli of health, until 1 got I'auPs Columbian Oil, am V ic\ory Net ind Leno, woikcd, found immediate rtliel. 1 take this method of in­ nothing OD hi* part (hall be wantiuj t« pwl Here fir ft I faw the morn appear Handkerchiefs, forming the public of the efficacy of this valuable tify thole wbo may cboofe to favour hi* i Virtu* of a writ of »«m/iiioni Of guiltlef> pleafure'» mining day ; Leno Long Shawls ami Veil*, . . medicine, from the cures which I have experienced tlveir cullom. He cannot omit thii direc\rf»6«t of the ««mrt ol 1 met the daazling brigbtneis here, 4.4 78 and 3-4 Infli Linens, I think it an incumbent duty to offer the uinc nity of tendering hi* fincera thank* lot e of Here mark'd the foft declining ray. Cotton Table Cloths and Diaper, to the public. * who have favoured him with their ti Behold thr (kit*, whofe (\reaming light, EMSHA SOWARD. lied Ticking and Furniture Calicoes, Baltimore No. 16, Water-Meet, sign of the tioce hi* commeocement in thi* line of Gave fplendor to ihe parting fun> Whiie and Blue India Cottons, plough. nefs, and willing to appeal to them for a*J Now loft in fvrrow'i fable ni||ht, Stripe*, Checks, and Romal, H'kft. unremitting exertion* to pleafe, lie (eelsen And all their mingled gloric* gone ! Cotton Lace and Ribbons, No. a. Sept. 1019. fident that he Hull receive a continuaoct *t| Till death in pity end my cate, Sewing Silk and Thieadt, their patronage. //) lf- 1 mud remember Such thing* Bandanna Handkerchief* and M. Ma. From the great benefit I received from your Co­ draft, do. lumbian Oil, I am induced to slate, I was taken White Florence Silk and Italian Crape, with a violent torethroat, about the lAth of Aug. MARYLAND, last, which continued nil trie firft of the month, THE GLEANER. Black Sattini, Florentine and Silk, when 1 applied tour oil externally, and washed DEVOT10M is neither firirait nor Sufprnder* of variou* kinds, the part aHettcd with the oil diluted in the same Anne*Arundel county, sc. public prayers ; but prayer*, whether private Silk and Cotton Umbrellas, quantity of molasses, wbich took away pieces of to me, the fubfcriber, Ut putrid flesh and healed my throat in about 4! YN application or public, are particular pirt* or inllancei And many o'.her article* in the dry good way recefi of Anne-Arundel county cotm,*)! not enumerated, all of which will be fold low hours. of devotion. Devotion fignifiea a life giv­ N. B. I also certify, that I nursed my grand­ n aflociate Judge of the third Jud'iciilasvl en or devoted to God. for cafh. 9 child, and infant ol 17 months old which was la rift of Maty land, by petition, in writn|,sf | He, theiefore, it the devout man, who Aunapolii, May 72, 1811. ken about tbe first of Augud withslow fevers and Itnjamin Rtedtr, ol faid county, p live* no longer to hi* own will, or the way loss of appetite. We immediately applied lor a he benefit of an aft for the relief of fudrf] and fimit of the world, but to the fole will physician, who gave every attention l»r about to In Chancery, \ days but all to no elect i the child was given up nfolvent debtor*, palled at November hfl of God ; wh-i conP.lert God in every thing, May 18, 1811. by the physicians, and had every appearance of eighteen hundred and five, and the f<< who fervet God in eveiy thing, who makes That the Tale made and re- death, wben I applied for Paul's Columbian Oil, 'upplemenu thereto, on the term* mentMnil QRDEKED, fobfcribn* being »u* all the patti of his ctmmon life, part* of pie- ported by James Hunter, trullee for the and gave five drops morning and evening, for rive n the faid aft, a fchedule of hi* pfoperttJ dav». when the child began to recover, and is now eftr «M ehorch w ty, doing eveiy thing in the name of God, (ale of the real eftate of William Glover, de- and a lift of hi* creditor*, on oath, as rstsi| and under fuch rule* a* are conformable to in perfect health. ceafcd, be ratified and confirmed, unlcft caufe MARY UNDERWOOD. he can afcertain them, bring annexed 1*1 hi* glory. to the contrary be Oiewn on or before the Baltimore, bv Peter's Bridge. pe:ition,and the faid Benjamin Reeder barks, \Ve readily acknowledge, tliat God alone I itli day of July next; provided a copy of fatiified me, by competent teftimouy, tint \ it to be the rule and meafure of our prayers, ih'rt order be inferted once in each of three No 3. Sept 6. ha* redded in the (late of Maryland for Ut| that in them we aie to look wholly unto him, fuccellive wreks in the Maryland Gazette, I hereby certify, that I had a cough ai.d pain in period of two year* immediately ptccc and* aft wholly for him -, that we are only to before the ISth day of June next. Tlie te- ny nomach for upwards of two yean, when I wa this hit application, and the Iberia of An** I pray in fuch a manner, lor fuch thing*, and port ftatei, that a houie and lot in the city I ncommerakd to 1'aul's Columbian Oil. I pro­ Arundel tounty having certified tbat UK fail fucb ends, a* are f.iitable to hit glory. Now, cured one nhial of that valuable medicine, whit.! i* in hi* cuftody for debt only! »4| of Annapolis fold for IU80 dollar*. I ha* reftored m* to a good state of health again. petitioner let any one but find out the leafon why he True copy the faid Benjamin Herder having givrn Mfcl hit prayer*, and THOMAS EUOTT. i* to be thut ftriftly pious in Teft. NICHS. BREWER, On the Hook's-town road near the turnpike gate cient fecurity Cor hit pcifonal appea ano!*| he will find the fame at ftrong a rtafon to be _____.*/ Rfg. Cur. Can.___ Anne-Aiundel county court to anfssrr fv* 4 the prcmtfe*. Th\f land at ftriftly piou* in all the other part* of hi* No. 4. Feb ii, 1809. allegation* at may be made againft bi*)l ir, er '.o tM*. wwayte life. For tl.e only teafon why our prayers NOTICE. ' I have great reason to be very thankful for be in hi* creditori, I therefore order and tdj»' |, on a credit of one, two Ihould have nothing in them but what i* wife, recommended to I'aul's Columbian Oil I bad be* that the faid Benjamin Reeder be difchl Ifcjnl annul wymenrt. An> rpH E* fubfcriber intend* applying to. the afSifled with a violent pain in my back, so that and holy, and heavenly, it, that our live* from hi* imprifonment ; and that Kt *t| may be of tbe fame nature, full of the fame judge* of Anne-Arundel county court, at was not able to walk. 1 procured one phwl o the oil, and I received immediate relief, (r 1 nave caufing a copy of thii order to he mfertedipC , holinefs, and heavenly temper*, that the next September term, fur the benefit of the infovent law and it* fupplcment*. been very will ever since. public newi-papcr ol the city of Annii^l we may live unto tied in the fame fpirit lha' N. B. I had a violent toothach about two or ~* JEREMIAHCOOKE. once every week for three month* fticcefiwljtl we pray unto him. Weie it nut our f\rlft thiee months ago, when I dropped a few drops of before the tbiid Monday in September ^PVI duty to live by reafon, to devote all the ac­ A. county, May 31, 1811. 8w. i lie above 01 UP some lint, ami applied it tu the tooth affcAed, and I received immediate re­ give notice to hi* creditor* to, appear brfmi tion* of our live* unto God, were it not ah- Anne-Arundel county court it 10 o'clock A.I nccrflVy to walk before him in wil- NOTICE. lief. iolutely ELEANOR ELIOTT. M. of the third Monday in September orJt,| , '< R dom and hiilineft, doing every thin({ in hit A LL perfont having claim* againft Jamei to (hew caufe, if any they have, why tbe tit\ name, and for W» K'4Mf **??' *oulj be ** P. Maynaii, of the fity of Annapolis, j. Benjamin Reeder fliould not have Uic beitilj excellency or wildom in the moU heavenly to prefent the famr, pro- 1 No. ate hereby refuelled St.. of the faid aft and fupplcment* a* prayf! prayer*. Nay, f'uth prayer* would be abfur- perly authenticated, to the fubfcriber, (to 1 comply with your request of stating my opini­ Given under my hand thi* twenty-fid ditiei ; they would be like prayers for wings, whom the faid Jamei P. Maynard hat con- 1 on of Caul's Columbian Oil, being an day of March, 1811. when i: wat no part of our duty to fly. veyed all hi* property, in trull, for the ulVof remedy for the tetter worm. I have been afflicted HENRYR1DGEI.V, As lure, therefore, a* there i* any wifdom bit creditor*,) on or before the full Mondiy with the tetter in my hand for 11 years, and have Artocute Judge in praying for the fpirit of God. fi» fure i»it,| will made trial of many medicine* which have been in Auguft next, nit which day a dividend Hearing of third Judicial JiftriA. rule of all recommended, but all to no etTect. that we aie to make that fyirit the be made amongtk them of all monies then Haul's Colombian Oil, about the 15th of January Teft. our aftiont. A* lure at it is our duty to in hand. Creditori not complying with this last, proving an Sexual cure lor the ringworm WM.S. GREEN, CIV. look wholly untu God in our prayer*, fo fure notice will be excluded from all benefit ol >nd limilar complaints. I immediately got a phial, thut it it our duty to live wholly unti> the funds on that day in the hinds ol thr of your Oil, and applied it agrecalily to ill* di­ God in our lives. So that unreasonable and tiuftee. THOS. H. BOW1E, Truftee. rections fur about two months successively when JUST PUBLISHED, I IK tetter left me, and has not made its appearance Anttfjr Suit at the Qftf of the Ithfurd way* of life, whether in labour or di- April 34, 1811'. ff" . ' tAI. sine*. verdon, whether they conl'ume our time, or SUSANNA PUUDEN. tiateltc, our money, arc like uiueMioiiable and aUCurd NOTICE. N. B. My Susanna, a child aged Jo months * THE LAWS Qf-MARYLAND/ piayers( and are at truly an offence uiitoGod. f> days, was taken about tlie middle of July last, rpHF. fubfcriber having obtained letter* of PAIltD *OV«>«alil SIJ5IOX, III"' on the eftate of Samuel with a violent cough, wbich the iwi^hbourt said adinimlliation - /Virr_0nr Dallar. feleftion I am indebted to Law'i was rh? whooping coagh; 1 gnvc bcr mx drops of For this Green, late of the city of Annapolis, drceafed, ttut Columbian U.I, whiih gave imnu.dutc rclwf, f •W/'. Striout Call, * work which fland* high in all perfons indebted to him are rcquefted to . .nd pniyed an effectual cure li' yJMJ,i-M tbe eflimation of chritVuns ol every denomi­ make immediate payment, and thofe who Saratoga street, Baltimore, Aug. it, 1809. ANNAPOLIS: nation, and of which it i* no mean praife to have claim* again H him to prefent their ac- fay that Dr. Johnfon acknowledged, that it touuts, legally authenticated for payment. The about valuablt Medicine for tale by PRINTED BY JONA& %4i the fiift which aroufed him to the conH- HOBT. DhNNY, Adrar. deration of rel'gioui truttu, Feb. 2J, 18U. Y Childs. & Shaw. . Prict—Tvo Do&urt ptr Annum* tkUeva, wslt IK a«cr>