![MARYLAND GAZETTE. [[Lxviith YEAR.] WEDNESDAY, MAY 1, 1811](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
MARYLAND GAZETTE. [[LXVIIth YEAR.] WEDNESDAY, MAY 1, 1811. [No. 3355.] WASHINGTON Public Sale. Sale Postponed. Public Sale. MONUMENT LOTTERY.' By virtue of decree of the court of chan­ j fHE fubfcriber will offer tor fale, on Thorf- cery, will be exuofed to Public SaJf, on By virtue of a decree of the Honourable the THE DAT FIXED. will be ekpofed the manageriof faid lottery, day the 2dday of May, at the late reft- Tuefday, the 18th day of. June next, Qmncellor i>f Maryland, smee'inifof the fith day of Tavern, Monoay e»en- dence of John Jacobs, junior, on the head ol at the Union Tavern, ia the city of An- to PuUic Sale, on Monday I held at Gadfby'* Court-liuufe, the ia in«. South RlTer' *' followinK Property, to"wit: . napolis, May next, at Montgomery Yr SOLVED That in cnnleqoenee of the Several valuable negroes, amongfl whicluare A LL that trail or parcel of land called ALL TROIt PART* Of to any in tbe liar r han't /tourney, lying in Amie-A- [^ advanced' ll'aie of the fale of the tickrli, an excellent houfe fervant equal TWO TRACTS OF LAND, j ..imr of the lottery be commenced on county, work horfe*, cattle, hog*, tobacco ruudel county, containing about 5OO acref, The term, of fale Snow. Hri-ing°the o, i4th of, September..^.__i__ _next, . .and ., tnd mBnr Other article*. and now in the polTe(fioa of Saniucl Hurri- Situate in Montgomery county, called to hi* Manor, and [continued werkly, without any interrupti- »ill be the purchaferi to give notes, with two fon, junior. - den'* Second Addition i approved fernrities, payable in nine month* ; This land i* within one mile of Herring Snowden'i Manor Enlarged, formerly the pro- I whatever until completed. Richard Snnwden, junior, deceafed, JOHN COMEGYS, Prefident. iring intereH Irom the day_of.fale. Bay and navigable water, abound* in timber perty of THOMAS WOODF1ELD. and wood, with a greit proportion of mea­ and fuppofcd to contain abuut 1 ,4OO acrt* ot |ELI SIMKINS, Sec'ry. land. Ipttfoni defirous of contraftmg for any 1811. dow, in an excellent neighbourhood ; and is land* were by the faid Richard \t of the ticktti remaining unfold, will well improved ; further particulars ate drrm. Thcfe that Snowden, devifed to John Snowden, hi* bro­ Ike application to any of the managers, or ed unnecelTary. Theterm* of fale are, By Authority. one fifth of the purchafe money mult be ther, and Samuel Thuinai, hit nephew, and I tht ftcretary. to be fold, a* not being Patriotic Editor* throughout the U paid on the day of I ale, or ftcured by note, luve been decreed capable of divifmn between the heir* of the I pleafe give thii a tew infer won* in SCHEME OF A LOTTERY with good endorferi, to be paid on the ratifi­ Snowden, and heir* and devlferi of For repairing the Protestant Episcopal Church cation thereof, and the refidue in three equal laid John L,, rtfpeftite paper*. Thomai, to whom the right in the citj of Atmaptlis payments, to wit: one third within fix a certain Richard 13. ___ munthi, of Samuel Thomai, defcended, ai being hi* 3,000 dll< monthi, one third within twelve 1 Prise of 3,000 dlli. i* third wiihin eighteen months eldclt brother and heir at law. The title of I.50O and llie other of Maryland, sc. 1,500 with iiilereft ; for the which the abue (ketch i* given is indifputa* 1,000 Irom the day of fale, Anac-Anindtl Countj Orphans Court, 25 tickets each with approved en- ble. Plat* of the land* wilt be made out k 1,000 payment whereof notes, March 12, 1811. 500 dlli. be given to the trustee* ; the (hewn on the day of fale. Thefe lands wilt 600 dorfers mud N ipnliciiion, by petition, of John Cnndrll. 200 at 10 o'clock. be fold by the acre- to the higheft bidder, the of Jamei Whittingtmt. Utc 500 Tale to commence idrainimwor JOO SAMUEL MOALE,) Tft puri.hafer or puichaiert giving bond, with ap­ fAnnf-AruixWl county, deccavxl, it is onlerfd 60 500 JOHN BHEWKR, $ proved fecnrity for thi payment of the pur- I he |f,ivt tht notice required l>y law for credi 15 300 against the »»id de 16, 1811. tdi. chafe monry, with interrl), within 12 month* i to bring in their claim* 500 vftnninnapoli*, March icd uul that the tame be published once in lu from the day of fate. The trnftre think* it i wrek. for the ipice of liz luccewrve «eek», 6 5,100 unneceffaty to give any defcription of thefe ' t ManUnd Caictte. DIVIDEND. land i, at he fuppoCe* perfoni inclined to pur. JOHN GASSAWAY. Reg. Willa 950 Prize*, 14,000 dlli. Prefident and directors of the Com­ Mr. for Anfte-Ammlcl County. rhale will view the pirmifet themfcNei. 1850 Blank* Not two to a Prize. mercial and Farmer* Bunk of Baltimore, William I'homai, who livei in the neighbour. The Cafh Priie* fubjecX to a deduction of have thii day declared a dividend of six per hood, and is well acquainted with them, | This is to give Notice, 15 per cent. cent on their capital ftnck, fur the naif yt<ir will (hew then to any petfon who will call as follows: will be THAT tht tobtcribtr af Anne-Anmdel county Stationarf'Prites to be determined ending on the 50th inflant, which upon l.im. obtainnl from the Orphan! Court of Anne- I ft drawn blank a prize of 25 Tickets, paid to the flockholder* or their legal rrpre, The file will commence at \'i o'clock, It ndtl county, in Maryland, letter* of ulmmi- from No. I to Nn. 25 inclufive. tentative* on or after the Gilt day of May Lucn on tht pcnnni) rotate of J»me» Whining- Ift do. on 5th day, prise 100 dllt. next. AUD H, SNOWDEN, TruArc. Uie of Anne-Anindel county, deceased Ift do. on 10th day, __< 20C When the ftock of this hank was original* u. penoni hatiug clilmi againtt the said de thousand Jive hundred shares cd, ire horby warned to exhibit the same, Ift do. on 15th day, 2CO ly taken. Jive fch the Touchers iheretif. to the subscriber, on III do. on 20th day, SOO were left unlubfcribed for ; three l/iouio*J/tic fore the hliwnth day of May ne*t, they may 1ft do. on 22d day, prise 25 Ticket*, from hundred of thcfe (hares will be offered to the Anne-Arundel County, sc. tat by li«r be exilwlnl from.»ll benefit at No. 26 to No. 50, incluGve. public at an advance of Jive dollars per fliaie aid malt. (Jivrn under my hand thii i ith ON application to me. the fubfc-iber. In the re- 1ft do. on 25th day, prise 25 do. from No. in the following manner, viz. eefs nf Anne Arunrlcl county court, u one of th» r of March, till. ~ Subfcription Book* will be opened at the JOHN CRANDEL.L, Administrator. 51 to No. 75, inclufive. ITncialc judges of the third Judicial diftriA of I ft do. on 26th day, prise 25 dot from No. Bank on live firft day of May next for the MarilinJ. by petition, in writing, of Ihmna* 76 to No. 100, inclufive. (aid three thoufand five hundred (hares. The Karat), ol Amw- Atuixlrl couim , praying for in. For Sale, I ft do. on 27th day, prise 25 do. from No. fum of Jive dollars per (hare to be paid at tlie Iwntfil ol the alt fnr the relief of Cundr) '. houfe and appertenance* thereto be­ fum of filvcnt debtors, and the frvtral f\ipp)emtnts thrnc- 101 to No. 125, inclufive. the time of fubfcribing ; the further lo, on the terms memiuntd in the fanl a<1s, longing, lately occupied by roe in Anna- I ft drawn ticket on 28th day, Jive dollars on the firft day of June ; the fchedole of l.is (iropcny, and a list of bis credi­ it, which are very commodious. For term* prize 1,500 dlli. further Turn of Jive dollars on the firft day ol tor*, » oalh. a* far »» he can tfccnain them, br­ farther particular.! apply to Jonathan The other Ticket Prise*, fiom No, 126 July i the further fum of Jive dollars on the ing annexed to his |vtiiion, and bring (ttiifitdby K.ir- tney, Efq. cafhier of the banners Bank to No. 200, inclusive, to be marked ABC, ,1ft day of Auguft, and the remaining fum of cum|ietent icftimony that the fml Thomas [Mirylind, who will contract therefor, Sc day oi ix-y has re Tilled in the flatt of Mainland two yean Sc to be put in the Wheel a* Floating Prise*. ten dollar* per (hare on the fecund preceding the time of his apt>Iicaiion by me fully fo to do. immediately uitwrifed N* B. The reserved numbers are not en­ September. it is thereupon ordered and adjudged, thai thr l»id GIBSON. iflued JOHN titled to draw thofe Ticket prize* in which No certificate* for the flock will be Ttinnias Kamty br c»ufn>s; a c»|iy of thii ortlrr 17, 1811. are complc- to be infcruJ in ih« MaryUnd Gazette once a Jan. fuch number* are refpecYivcly included. until the whole of the payment* ted. Any perfon failing to pay at the time wtcL lor tlirt* months luccrtSyeljr, before trxfirtt This Lottery will pofitively be completed will lofe all benefit of the divi­ da> of September next, give notice to his crctli. MEDLEY, preferibed, tort in appear brfurethe county court on the tbinl in 28 day* drawing from the time of com­ dend inOftober next, nor will fuch perfon fo I FINELY formed and beautiful DAY Monday in Sepiembrr wit, for trw puqwfr af mencement.
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