MARYLAND GAZETTE. [[LXVIIth YEAR.] WEDNESDAY, MAY 1, 1811. [No. 3355.] WASHINGTON Public Sale. Sale Postponed. Public Sale. MONUMENT LOTTERY.' By virtue of decree of the court of chan j fHE fubfcriber will offer tor fale, on Thorf- cery, will be exuofed to Public SaJf, on By virtue of a decree of the Honourable the THE DAT FIXED. will be ekpofed the manageriof faid lottery, day the 2dday of May, at the late reft- Tuefday, the 18th day of. June next, Qmncellor i>f Maryland, smee'inifof the fith day of Tavern, Monoay e»en- dence of John Jacobs, junior, on the head ol at the Union Tavern, ia the city of An- to PuUic Sale, on Monday I held at Gadfby'* Court-liuufe, the ia in«. South RlTer' *' followinK Property, to"wit: . napolis, May next, at Montgomery Yr SOLVED That in cnnleqoenee of the Several valuable negroes, amongfl whicluare A LL that trail or parcel of land called ALL TROIt PART* Of to any in tbe liar r han't /tourney, lying in Amie-A- [^ advanced' ll'aie of the fale of the tickrli, an excellent houfe fervant equal TWO TRACTS OF LAND, j ..imr of the lottery be commenced on county, work horfe*, cattle, hog*, tobacco ruudel county, containing about 5OO acref, The term, of fale Snow. Hri-ing°the o, i4th of, September..^.__i__ _next, . .and ., tnd mBnr Other article*. and now in the polTe(fioa of Saniucl Hurri- Situate in Montgomery county, called to hi* Manor, and [continued werkly, without any interrupti- »ill be the purchaferi to give notes, with two fon, junior.
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