Zürich Press Release June 2012 June Release Press Sa Sa ss ss o o o o D a Pi a s Opening summer2012 Opening an Gottardo Gottardo an g ozr Kobler Holzer na, Berlin

Holzer Kobler Architekturen GmbH Ankerstrasse 3 CH - 8 0 0 4 Zürich T +41 44 240 52 00 F + 41 44 240 52 02 [email protected] www.holzerkobler.ch Architekturen government.cantonal as central and as well foundations partners ofbusiness thefinancialsupport with andThe realised projectGottardo commissioned was bytheFondazione San Sasso kilometres. two ofalmost distance overa extend and historicfortifications The thematicexhibition inafortress. life and therealitiesofeveryday construction forbeing openeduptothepublic thefirsttime, and revealsbackground the tothe from World installations theSecond War. totheformerving testament artillery is It Part ofthehistoric Pigna” da “Sasso isaprotected monumentli- and a fortifications Planggenstock. ofthe separate roomtheuniquegiantcrystals isdevoted tothemountain’s gift: relevance, and local of historical questionsaboutthefuture. thenmovesontoask A munity, and isgeared ofcurrent tothefindings research. byexamining issues It starts com- and thescientific beendeveloped has bition thehelpofbusinesspartners with “Climate”, and Living Space”,“Mobility “Energy” and „Security”. The contentoftheexhi- ourresourcesling infiveimaginatively designed, themed rooms devoted to“Water”, caverns themountain, within ofhand - toexperiencethechallenges allowsvisitors it hard Pass insummer 2012. oftunnels and and atmospheric Amidthestriking setting - oftheGott doorsatthesummit opensits themedexhibition Gottardo San The Sasso mentality, fortress the and meet. future and past ambivalence, naturetechnology, where and economics,openness and ecology of isaplace massif environment.Alpine Gotthard isthe rangethat mountain The the beings on wroughtby human changes the and jams hugetraffic progress: Yet brilliance. engineering and progress of technical limits the wesee here too of frontiers; asymbol modernity, crosses and south and links north that place power. primordial natureits and displays devils by arebuilt bridges where isa It legends, and ofidentity, national fablesand of myths isaplace Gotthard The Gottardo San Sasso Model ozr Kobler Holzer 2/5

Architekturen F: +41442405202 2999932 direkt:+41 T: +41442405200 [email protected], [email protected] www.holzerkobler.ch CH-8004 Ankerstrasse 3 Stadler Monica KoblerHolzer Architekturen contact: Press Swiss Confederation, of Cantons , Uri, Graubündenand Valais Foundation, Swiss PostGroup, Office,Securitas the Swiss SBB FederalRailways Elettrica Azienda AET Ticinese,Partners: Swiss AlpsAG, Andermatt Credit Suisse Swisscom AG partner: Principal SA Gottardo San Sasso Operator: Ltd (Switzerland) Nüssli General contractor: Curator: Lisa Humbert-Droz Kobler design:Holzer exhibition Architekturen and Concept Gottardo Fondazione San Client: Sasso data Publication hours approx. Exhibition: ofDuration visit: approx. 11/2hours, fortifications: Historic 11/2 2217mabovesealevel point: Highest 2096mabovesealevel atentrance: Altitude Total of tunnels: length 3140m2 area: fortifications Historic 3440m2 area: Exhibition Total 7550m2 area: Summer 2012 Opening: Facts 1789m ozr Kobler Holzer 3/5

Architekturen zer Kobler”. onsubstance, –there’s brandisbuilt not style Our astypical thing nosuch - “Hol enrich oursociety. tofocusring instead onapproaching designafresh each and creating that new styles owninterest trademark its as design language style, in propagating prefera particular - and future and reinterprets thewhole. Kobler Holzer Architekturen never has taken an past, thatbringstogether task andlocation find aeach to solution specific present thecompany oftheprojects worked has onstemsfromto claim The diversity visual its common ground and synergies are sought. res, from urbanplanning tovast projects, elements, thesmallest exhibitions unifying the processes ofarchitectural thought, and research. action Amongthese architectu- ofarchitectures openingupand aplurality extending butas asingleentity ched as architecture,including and design. exhibitions fact, In architectureisnotapproa - itself KoblerHolzer Architekturenfields, ofvisual fascination for thrivesawidevariety onits founded was 2012. inapril inBerlin studio business, encompassing network knit academia, research, and culture. arts Asecond isintegralKoblerand privatesectors toHolzer Architekturen projects, isatightly as special approachshapes its toprojects. inbothpublic clients Close with collaboration comprising team architects,multidisciplinary designers, and curators graphic artists from urbanplanning toarchitecture, from scenography curatorship. toexhibition A Kobler.tan The operates studio internationally, coveringabroad ofactivities spectrum KoblerHolzer Architekturen and formedHolzer was inZurich2004byBarbara Tris - Kobler Holzer A rchitekturen ozr Kobler Holzer 4/5

Architekturen 2010 2010 2010 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2012 2012 2012 2001 2002 2012 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2012 2012 2012 2013 2013 2014 2014 2014 A rchitecture/Urban Planning rchitecture/Urban “Arteplage Yverdon”,“Arteplage expo.02, Yverdon-les-Bains, “Time and the Worlds of Messel”, “REALSTADT. Doors” onReality’s Knocking Wishes nature “Path inthe – of forest people” a history and “BAU.ART.Thüringen”, Germany Erfurt, Rise “High – Reality”, and Idea Museumfuer inder Schweiz”, Armee Bourbaki “Die permanent Design International TriennialFirst Beijing – Ren: permanent Dresden, History of Military Museum Army “Warning: Communicating isdangerous“, Communicating “Warning: exhibition &Region”,“Forum Airport permanent exhibition, Gottardo”, San “Sasso Pigna, da Sasso Gottardo, San “Mathematisch-physikalischer Salon”,“Mathematisch-physikalischer permanent inaRoom”,“Room interiordesignfor lofts, Berlin, Mondial”, Rouge”,“Theater “Bar Masterplan Visitor Center Center permanent Visitor Speere” “Schöninger “BarRouge”, barundinteriordesignonthetopfloor “Eichstrasse 25/27”, refurbishment ofabusiness Schönbühl”, Center “Shopping renovation and “Nebra Ark”, tower, centerand observation visitor “Cattaneo”, mixed use development, conversion Square-Theater Canal “Grand Dublin VIP-Lounge”, “Edelreich”, Fashion-Outlet-Center, Wigoltingen, “Suurstoffi”, mixed-use development, RischRotkreuz, pbrand Center with Visitor Speere” “Schöninger residence Ost, building,Schönberg Bern, Switzerland imWasserschloss”,“Wohnen residence building, “Puls Thun, Rex Thun”, mixed use development, Thun, “Stadtzentrum Spreitenbach”, “Inside”, center, retail and office Volketswil, Switzerland exhibition, Panorama, MuseumBourbaki Lucerne, exhibition (with HG Merz), HG (with exhibition Dresden, Germany exhibition, Dresden, Germany (inprogress) exhibition, Schöningen, Germany (inprogress) of businesstowerinBasel, , Switzerland Gestaltung, Zurich, Switzerland China Germany permanent exhibition, CentreVisitor Hans-Eisenmann- Good Design, GOODGood GUYS, Museum, National Beijing, (in progress) (in progress) (in progress) redesign areas, and public ofmall Lucerne, Switzerland at the MesselPit, orCenter Visit an Unesco-World- architecture and design, MuseumofCommunication, Vogelsang, (inprogress) Switzerland and new buildings, Dietikon, Switzerland with Heller Enterprises and Angelika Fitz, Kraftwerk Fitz, Enterprises and Angelika Kraftwerk Heller with Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland (inprogress)Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland (inprogress)Switzerland (inprogress)Switzerland Switzerland, (inprogress) Mitte-Berlin, Germany Mitte-Berlin, Heritage-Site, Messel, Germany Haus, Park National Centre Lusen, Germany Berne, Switzerland Kelsterbach-Frankfurt, Germany (inprogress) Nebra, Germany interior design, Dublin, Irland civiccenter,including residences, hoteland house intolofts, Zurich, Switzerland business, Spreitenbach, (inprogress) Switzerland topotek 1, center, visitor Schöningen, Germany E xhibition xhibition D esign mixed use development permanent exhibition ozr Kobler Holzer 2007 2007 2002 2003 2004 2005 2008 2009 2010 2009 2009 2009 2007 2007 2008 2008 2008 2009 2009 2011 2010 2010 2010 2011 2011 2012 2010 2009 since 2010 since 2011 “The Sky Disk”, Sky “The permanent exhibition Center Visitor “All weneed”, Lux 07, Culture Luxemburg, Captial “sWISH*”, “Biopolis”, “Heimatfabrik”, Expo.02, Weapons”, casting “Shadow Swiss Museum National “10+5 =God”, Jewish MuseumBerlin, Berlin, Germany Wall”,“The permanent exhibition, Alpinarium Galtür, “Annemarie Schwarzenbach – To see a women”, Raffinerie with for 2000-Watt-Society” “Building the “Rumor”, MuseumofCommunication, Berlin, Germany/ “focusTerra”, oftheSwiss permanent exhibition Natural Gallery”, und“Collections of Switzerland” “History Winner with Winner with Awards, Community World Architecture of Saxony-Anhalt, AwardofState the Architecture of the Museum European Year Award,Alpinarium Prize Colour Architecture – Texture – 2008, Surface Tourism Germany, AwardSaxony-Anhalt, awarded 2008,awarded Design Prix Grand bytheSwiss awarded Prize, Meyer Hannes of bytheAssociation focusTerra nominationwith Prize, Design Swiss Award for Marketing nominationwith + Architecture, Grosse Nike, Monograph Monograph “Holzer Kobler en Architekturen. Mise ex.545”, enscène “Mise Kobler Holzer Architekturen Design, Architectural AwardforState Exemplary Realstadt nominationwith Prize, Design Swiss Award,AwardAIT PublicBuildings/Interior: Selection Guest Professorship at ECAL Haute école d’art Professorship d’art Guest atECALécole Haute Guest Professorship at the Swiss Federal Institute exhibition about the life of Annemarie Schwarzenbach, Austria AG fürGestaltung, Selnau, EWZ Zurich, Switzerland Zurich, Switzerland Anhalt, Germany, for NebraArk Center Visitor Architects (BDA), nomination with Nebra Ark Visitor Center Switzerland (Tristanet de design, Switzerland Lausanne, Kobler) of Technology Holzer (Barbara Switzerland Zurich, Germany, awarded for NebraArk Cente Visitor Galtür Confederation for thecompleteworks German Architects (BDA), Architects German Saxony- Regional Association Collections Gallery History ofSwitzerland, FocusTerra. History Gallery Collections permanent exhibition, Swiss Museum, National Zurich, nomination with NebraArk nomination with Center Visitor recognition for MesselPit Center Visitor scène”, Niggli Verlag,Zurich, Switzerland und Tristan Kobler) at Architektur Galerie Berlin,at Architektur Galerie Germany awarded ofHessen, bytheState Germany, special for the2000-Watt-Society Building and with Switzerland Sciences Collection,Sciences of Natural Sciences Department Switzerland Selection Conversion: Realstadt Conversion: Selection Berlin, Germany and Rätisches Museum, Chur, Switzerland Museum Strauhof, Zurich, Switzerland; Literaturhaus Nebra Ark, Nebra, Germany Esch-Belval, Luxemburg ETH Zurich, Switzerland Museum ofCommunication, Berne, Switzerland Nebra Ark Center Visitor for NebraArk Center Visitor focusTerra Professorship of atPeter BehrensSchool d’art école Professorship Haute atHEAD et de design, (Tristan Switzerland Geneva, Kobler) Architecture PBSA, Düsseldorf, PBSA, Germany Architecture (Barbara Holzer) (Barbara A wards/Publication wards/Publication awarded by the Association of German T eaching 5/5 All projects on: www.holzerkobler.ch on: projects All
