Updated July 2021 Monday

Lens Tranent have a virtual meeting weekly between 10am - 12 Register via email: [email protected] More info on facebook: MotherBaby Together Tranent Breastfeeding Alliance have a weekly walk, talk and feed group starting at Newbattle Community Campus at 10.30am. Register: //forms.office.com/r/iX85xAgRAD More info on facebook: @MidBreastfeeding

S Lens Tranent have a virtual meeting weekly for mothers who use Lens services between 1pm - 3pm

P Contact for details: [email protected]

U More info on facebook: MotherBaby Together Tranent O

R Tuesday G

Lothian Breastfeeding buddies run an in person weekly meeting at Inch Park Community Sports Centre 1.45pm - 3.00pm. Registration required: //tinyurl.com/LBBInPersonDropIn G More info is on their facebook and Instagram: Lothian Breastfeeding Buddies N I

D Wednesday E

E Pregnancy and Parenting Centre meet weekly between 10am -12 at 188 Pleasance

F to provide support during breastfeeding and pregnancy.

T More info is on their webpage: www.pregnancyandparents.org.uk S Dunbar Bump, Breastfeeding and Beyond wa lk and talk group meet weekly with a trained A peer supporter between 10.00am- 11.30am . Meet at Hallhill Sports Centre E Register required via email: [email protected] R More info is on their facebook page: Dunbarbreastfeeding or Twitter dunbarbreast B A virtual meeting monthly with NCT breastfee ding peer supporters for people thinking about breastfeeding between 8pm - 9pm Register via email: [email protected] or //tinyurl.com/y4mrrcua More info is on their facebook and Instagram: Lothian Breastfeeding Buddies

Updated July 2021 Thursday

A virtual meeting weekly with NCT breastfeeding peer supporters between 10.30am- 11.30am on a Thursday. Register via email: [email protected] or //tinyurl.com/y4mrrcua More info is on their facebook and Instagram: Lothian Breastfeeding Buddies

Midlothian Breastfeeding Alliance have a Breastfeeding cafe at 10.30am-11.30am

S in the Nest Cafe at Glencorse Centre. Register via email: [email protected]

P More info is on their facebook page: @breastfeedingCafeEH26


O Friday

R Midlothian Breastfeeding Alliance have a Walk Talk and Feed Group weekly 10am at The

G Steading Rosewell. Register: //forms.office.com/r/iX85xAgRAD More info on facebook: Midlothian Breastfeeding Support G

N La Leche League have 2 virtual meetings weekly at 10.30am and 8.00pm Join at: I www.llledinburgh.co.uk. More info is on social media: @LLLEdinburgh D E Lothian Breastfeeding Buddies Walk and Talk Group meet weekly in

E (Alternates between and Park) between 10am and 11am.

F Registration required: //t inyurl.com/LBBWalkTalk T More info is on facebook and Instagram: Lothian Breastfeeding Buddies S Breastfeeding Lens MotherBaby Together have a virtual meeting weekly between 2pm - 3.30pm A Register via email: [email protected] E More info is on facebook: MotherBaby Together Tranent R

B La Leche League have an indoor meeting at 10.30am on the first Friday of each month at the Cornerstone cafe, St Johns, Corner of Princes Street and Lothian Road. Register via: www.LLLedinburgh.co.uk. More info is on social media: @LLLEdinburgh

Satu rday

La Leche League have a virtual meeting on the first Saturday of every month at 11am, including support around feeding older babies and children. Register via: www.LLLedinburgh.co.uk. More info is on social media: @LLLEdinburgh


Lothian Breastfeeding Buddies provide online 1:1 and video support

Registration required: //tinyurl.com/y4mrrcua or [email protected]

More info is on facebook and Instagram: Lothian Breastfeeding Buddies

S La Leche League provide online 1:1 telephone and video support T More info is on : www.LLLEdinburgh.co.uk or www.laleche.org.uk N E R


P https://services.nhslothian.scot/feedingyourbaby/Pages/default.aspx


O https://www.parentclub.scot/ F

FIRST STEPS NUTRITION TRUST T https://www.firststepsnutrition.org/ R


P https://www.biologicalnurturing.com/index.html P

U YOU TUBE GLOBAL HEALTH BREASTFEEDING SERIES https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=global+health+breast+feeding S

BABY SLEEP INFO SOURCE https://www. basisonline.org.uk

National telephone helplines

National Childbirth Trust La Leche League national helpline 0300 3300 700 0345 120 2918 Updated July 2021