34B Haddington Place, Edinburgh, EH7 4AG Erection of Mixed Use Development Comprising Student Accommodation, Retail, Cafe and Restaurant Uses
Development Management Sub Committee Wednesday 17 December 2014 Application for Planning Permission 14/03513/FUL At 34B Haddington Place, Edinburgh, EH7 4AG Erection of mixed use development comprising student accommodation, retail, cafe and restaurant uses. Item number Report number Wards A12 - Leith Walk Summary The site is within the urban area in the Edinburgh City Local Plan. The proposed student housing use is acceptable in terms of the locational guidance, but does result in the 30% threshold being exceeded. The breach is considered to be relatively minor in the context of the location of the site and the character of the area. The proposal will not result in an excessive concentration of student housing and therefore complies with Edinburgh City Local Plan Policy Hou 10 Student Housing. The retail and café/restaurant uses are also appropriate uses within the town centre. The design, height and scale of the building are acceptable and alongside the proposed materials will not be detrimental to the conservation area, adjacent listed building or inventory site. The proposal will not be detrimental in terms of amenity, is acceptable in relation to the proposed transport measures, sustainability, drainage and archaeology. There are no material considerations which outweigh this conclusion. Links Policies and guidance for LPC, CITD1, CITD3, CITD4, CITD5, CITD6, CITD12, this application CITE3, CITE6, CITE7, CITE8, CITE9, CITE12, CITE16, CITE18, CITH10, CITR2, CITR12, CITT2, CITT3, CITT4, CITT5, CITT6, Development Management Sub-Committee – 17 December 2014 Page 1 of 38 14/03513/FUL Report Application for Planning Permission 14/03513/FUL At 34B Haddington Place, Edinburgh, EH7 4AG Erection of mixed use development comprising student accommodation, retail, cafe and restaurant uses.
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