Fiedler, 1981; Kondrashov and Sokolova, 1990); however, most natu- ral populations grow in areas receiving 400 to 600 mm of annual precipita- tion. Myakushko et al. (1986) recom- mended that sea buckthorn not be grown on dry soils, and Lu (1992) noted the need for irrigation in regions receiving <400 mm of rainfall per year. Some species or subspecies of sea buck- Review thorn can endure inundation but can- not be grown on heavy, waterlogged soils (Myakushko et al., 1986), al- though they take up water rapidly (Heinze and Fiedler, 1981). Sea buck- thorn develops an extensive root sys- tem rapidly and is therefore an ideal for preventing soil (Cireasa, 1986; Yao and Tigerstedt, Sea Buckthorn ( 1994). It also has been used in land rhamnoides L.): A Multipurpose Plant reclamation (Egyed-Balint and Terpo, 1983; Kluczynski, 1979; Schroeder and Yao, 1995) for its ability to fix Thomas S.C. Li1 and W.R. Schroeder2 nitrogen and conserve other essential (Akkermans et al., 1983; Andreeva et al., 1982; Dobritsa and Novik, 1992) Sea buckthorn was imported origi- ADDITIONAL INDEX WORDS. , , farmstead protection, nally into Canada from to the nutritional and medicinal values Morden Research Station, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Morden, SUMMARY. Sea buckthorn ( L.) is a multipurpose, hardy, , an ideal plant for soil erosion control, land reclamation, Manitoba, in 1938 (Davidson et al., wildlife enhancement, and farmstead protection. It has high nutritional 1994). Plantings were limited to orna- and medicinal values for humans. The majority of sea buckthorn research has mental landscapes, except in the prov- been conducted in Asia and Europe. It is a promising new crop for North inces of Saskatchewan and Manitoba. America, and recently it has attracted considerable attention by researchers, The Shelterbelt Centre of the Prairie producers, and industry. Farm Rehabilitation Administration (PFRA) of Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (Indian Head, Saskatchewan) have been growing sea buckthorn for ea buckthorn (Hippophae out temperate zones between 27° and 30 years. It is one of the hardiest and rhamnoides) is a hardy, de- 69° N latitude and 7° W and 122° E most adaptable woody used in S ciduous shrub with yellow or longitude (Pan et al., 1989; Rousi, prairie conservation programs berries (Fig. 1) (Bailey and 1971) including , Mongolia, (Schroeder, 1988). More than one Bailey, 1978), which has been used for Russia, Great Britain, France, Den- million seedlings have been distrib- centuries in Europe and Asia. In an- mark, , , Poland, uted, and more than 250,000 mature cient Greece, of sea buckthorn , Sweden, and Norway (Fig. 2) fruit-producing plants grow on the added to horse fodder was well re- (Wahlberg and Jeppsson, 1990; Yao prairies for enhancement of wildlife puted to result in weight gain and and Tigerstedt, 1995). During the last habitat, farmstead protection (Pear- shiny hair; thus, the Latin name ‘Hip- decade, it has attracted considerable son and Rogers, 1962), erosion con- pophae’ meaning shining horse (Lu, attention from researchers around the trol (Cireasa, 1986), and marginal land 1992). Sea buckthorn occurs as a na- world, and recently in North America, reclamation (Balint et al., 1989; tive plant distributed widely through- mainly for its nutritional and medici- Kluchzynski, 1989; Schroeder, 1990). nal value. Sea buckthorn can be used for many purposes (Fig. 3) and, thus, has 1Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Research Centre, Sea buckthorn can be cultivated, Summerland, B.C., Canada VOH 1ZO. but fails to set fruit, at an altitude of considerable economic potential. A 2Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, P.F.R.A., 3900 m (Rousi, 1971). In Russia, large, natural sea buckthorn habitat can yield Shelterbelt Centre, Indian Head, Saskatchewan, Canada native populations grow at altitudes of 750 to 1500 kg·ha–1 of berries (Lu, SOG 2K2. 1200 to 2000 m above sea level (Eliseev 1992), shelterbelt plantings 4 to 5 Contribution no. 971. and Fefelov, 1977). It can withstand t·ha–1 (Schroeder and Yao, 1995), and The cost of publishing this paper was defrayed in part by temperatures from –43 to 40 °C (Lu, orchard plantings, up to 10 t·ha–1 (C. the payment of page charges. Under postal regulations, this paper therefore must be hereby marked advertise- 1992). Sea buckthorn is considered to McLoughlin, personal communica- ment solely to indicate this fact. be drought resistant (Heinze and tion). The and E contents

370 HortTechnology ● Oct./Dec. 1996 6(4) REVIEW

son (Bernath and Foldesi, 1992). The male inflorescence consists of four to six apetalous flowers. is released in large quantities when the air tem- perature reaches 6 to 10 °C. The fe- male inflorescence usually consists of one single apetalous flower with one ovary and one ovule. The plant de- pends entirely on the wind for pollina- tion: neither the male nor the female flowers have nectaries and do not at- tract insects. Cultural management Sea buckthorn normally is trans- planted or directly seeded in the spring. Best growth occurs in deep, well drained, sandy loam soil with ample organic matter (Wolf and Wegert, 1993). In arid or semiarid areas, water must be supplied for establishment. Information in the literature re- Fig. 1. Sea buckthorn berries. rope—on river banks and coastal dunes garding the cultivation of sea buck- along the Baltic Coast of Finland, Po- thorn is limited. In Saskatchewan, land, and Germany (Biswas and Biswas, Canada, seedlings planted in are as high as 600 and 160 mg/100 g 1980; Kluczynski, 1989; Rousi, 1971) shelterbelts are often under stress due of fruit, respectively (Bernath and and on the western coast and along the to lack of proper management. For Foldesi, 1992). Its pulp and seeds con- Gulf of Bothnia in Sweden. In Asia, sea commercial production in orchard-like tain essential oil important for its me- buckthorn is distributed widely through- plantations, cultural management is dicinal value, such as superoxide out the Himalayan regions including clearly important. Good growing con- dismutase activity in mice, and it has India, Nepal, and Bhutan and in the ditions produce higher yield and good- enhanced the activity of NK cells in northern parts of Pakistan and Afghani- quality fruit (Walhberg and Jeppsson, tumor-bearing mice (Chen, 1991; Dai stan (Lu, 1992). 1990; Wolfe and Wegert, 1993). Crop et al., 1987; Degtyareva et al., 1991). Description management of sea buckthorn should include fertilization and cultural prac- Sea buckthorn is a deciduous, dio- tices such as spacing, pruning, irriga- Hippophae belongs to the family ecious shrub, usually spinescent, reach- tion, and weed control. . Arne Rousi (1971) clas- ing 2 to 4 m in height. It has brown or SOIL TEXTURE AND PH. In its sified Hippophae (2n = 24) into three black rough bark and a thick grayish- natural environment, sea buckthorn based on morphological varia- green crown. Leaves are alternate, nar- plants are found on slopes, riverbanks, tions: H. rhamnoides L., H. salicifolia row, and lanceolate with a silver-gray and seashores. Soil acidity and alkalin- D. Don, and H. tibetana Schlecht. color on the upper side (Synge, 1974). ity, except at extreme levels ,are not Hippophae rhamnoides was divided This calcicolous species tolerates low limiting factors. In China, plants have further into nine subspecies: carpatica, temperatures, high soil pH of 8.0, and been found in soils ranging from pH caucasica, gyantsensis, mongolica, sin- salt spray (Bond, 1983). The plant’s 5.5 to 8.3, although Lu (1992) re- ensis, turkestanica, yunnanensis, extensive root system is capable of ported that sea buckthorn thrives best rhamnoides, and fluviatilis Rousi. Liu holding the soil on fragile slopes. Sea at pH 6 to 7. Wolf and Wegert (1993) and He (1978) described a fourth buckthorn can be planted in marginal reported actinomycetes, which have a species, H. neurocarpa Liu & He, soils due to its symbiotic association low tolerance for acid soil, living in found on the Qinghai-Xizang plateau with nitrogen-fixing actinomycetes symbiosis with sea buckthorn, which of China. These classifications were (Akkermans et al., 1983; Dobritsa and has a favorable range of pH 5.4 to 7.0. accepted generally by Lian (1988), Novik, 1992). Roots of sea buckthorn Sea buckthorn is salt tolerant. An but taxonomists still disagree on the also are able to transform insoluble unconfirmed report indicated that precise classification of the . organic and matter in the soil 0.15% NaCl added to the growing into more soluble states (Lu, 1992). media increased the growth of some Natural distribution The plant rapidly spreads by rhizoma- varieties of sea buckthorn in the labo- Sea buckthorn is native to Europe tous roots, and will quickly colonize ratory (Lu, 1992). Furthermore, soak- and Asia (Fig. 2). The total area of sea adjacent areas. ing seeds for 24 h in 0.15% NaCl buckthorn in China, Mongolia, and The sex of seedlings cannot be before sowing increased the number Russia is about 810,000 ha of natural ascertained until they start to flower of vigorous seedlings. stands and 300,000 to 500,000 ha (Synge, 1974). Flower buds are formed PRECIPITATION AND SOIL MOIS- planted (Sun, 1995). Natural sea buck- mostly on 3-year-old wood, differenti- TURE. Most natural populations of sea thorn stands are also widespread in Eu- ated during the previous growing sea- buckthorn grow in areas receiving an-

HortTechnology ● Oct./Dec. 1996 6(4) 371 –1 –1 nual precipitation of 400 to 600 mm. >70% soil moisture compared with a t·ha and 50 kg·ha each of N, P2O5, For economic reasons, sea buckthorn nonirrigated plot with soil moisture of and K2O. In Siberia, 5-year total fruit orchards should be restricted to areas 50% to 60%. These reports suggest yield increased by 23% when N, P2O5, –1 receiving a minimum of 400 mm of that irrigation may be beneficial dur- and K2O at 60 kg·ha each were ap- annual precipitation. Sea buckthorn is ing periods of extended drought, es- plied to a black calcareous soil sensitive to severe soil moisture defi- pecially during flowering and fruit de- (Predeina, 1987). Montpetit and cits, especially in spring when plants velopment stages. Lalonde (1988) cautioned that nitro- are flowering and young fruit are be- SOIL FERTILITY. Most of the soil gen fertilization can adversely affect ginning to develop. Under extended fertility research on sea buckthorn was root nodulation and it delays the de- drought situations (i.e., >30 centibars), conducted in Russia and indicates that velopment of nodules after inocula- young fruit may dehydrate or abscise sea buckthorn, like any other crop, tion with . Similar results have (Lu, 1992). Buglova (1978) reported requires adequate soil nutrients for a been shown for other nitrogen-fixing that weather conditions, especially pre- high yield of good-quality fruit. Sea woody plants (Mackay et al., 1987). cipitation, could affect fruit weight. In buckthorn responds well to phospho- Mishulina (1976) reported that foliar Belarus Academy of Science, Russia, rus fertilizer, especially in soils low in sprays with micronutrients—Cu, Mo, Garanovich (1995) reported that irri- phosphorus. Application of 600 to 800 Mn, I, B, Co, and Zn—increased fruit gation was necessary during dry grow- kg·ha–1 of calcium superphosphate weight by up to 34.5%. In China, ing seasons. In an unconfirmed report, plowed deeply into the soil has been application of 100 to 150 t·ha–1 of Lu (1992) indicated that the mini- recommended (A. Bruvelis, personal compost or 400 to 500 t·ha–1 of green mum soil moisture levels needed to communication). Garanovich (1995) manure is recommended before plant- cultivate sea buckthorn in medium reported that, in Belarus, a single win- ing (Lu, 1992). Wolf and Wegert clay loam, heavy clay, slightly sandy ter top dressing with mineral fertilizers (1993) noted that precise fertilizer –1 soil, and sandy loam were 70%, 80%, 100N–200P2O5–100K2O (kg·ha ) recommendations should be deter- 60%, and 65% to 70%, respectively. Li improved fruit size, yield, and quality. mined by soil sampling and analysis. (1990) reported that crown diameter Martemyanov and Khromova (1985) and fruit yield increased 56% and 47%, indicated that best growth was ob- Fig. 2. The distribution of sea buckthorn respectively, in an irrigated plot with tained by applying peat compost at 60 in Europe and Asia.

372 HortTechnology ● Oct./Dec. 1996 6(4) REVIEW

TEMPERATURE. Sea buckthorn can and Triquart, 1992) and Sweden (S. the branches all winter, perhaps due to endure the extreme minimum air tem- Olander, personal communication). the absence of an abscission layer. This perature of –43 °C without sustaining WEED CONTROL. Weed control or results in an attractive ornamental plant long-term damage (Lu, 1992). Con- vegetation management is very impor- in winter, but it is undesirable for versely, it can survive summer tem- tant in sea buckthorn plantings. Proper harvesting. In Saskatchewan, Canada, peratures up to 40 °C, although Lu weed control promotes growth of the total labor cost for harvesting an (1992) reported that temperatures newly planted seedlings. Cultivation orchard of 4 ha was estimated to be above 30 °C burned leaves on newly in new plantings should not disturb 58% of the total cumulative produc- planted seedlings. The latter observa- the soil 8 to 10 cm below the surface so tion cost over 10 years. In Asia, har- tion may be the reason why efforts to that shallow roots are not damaged vesting is still done by hand or with introduce sea buckthorn from moun- (Gonchar and Saban, 1986). Herbi- picking tools. This difficult and labor- tain areas to the plains of Asia often cides for sea buckthorn plantations intensive process requires about 1500 have failed. currently are being evaluated by the h·ha–1 (Gaetke and Triquart, 1993). SPACING. The largest sea buck- PFRA Shelterbelt Centre. Several Wolf and Wegert (1993) and Olander thorn population in North America is chemicals are registered in Canada for (1995) reported that difficulties asso- in the Canadian prairies, where about weed control in sea buckthorn ciated with harvesting are major barri- 1000 km of field shelterbelts are planted shelterbelts (Schroeder and Alspach, ers to orchard production of sea buck- annually (Schroeder and Yao, 1995). 1995). Albrecht et al. (1984) cautioned thorn in Europe. Therefore, one of the Two-year-old seedlings are planted for that only low concentrations of herbi- most important factors for the success shelterbelts normally in one to three cides should be used. Low rates of si- of sea buckthorn as a viable cash crop rows, 1 to 2 m apart within rows and 5 mazine and lenacil applied to cuttings of is a better and more economical har- m between rows. Wolf and Wegert sea buckthorn 10 days after planting vesting method. (1993) recommended a spacing of 1 m and again 2 months later gave effective Koch (1981) harvested entire within the row and 4 to 4.5 m between weed control and increased survival rate fruiting shoots with pneumatic shears. rows to allow equipment access, with and growth (Shlyapnikova, 1985). Botenkov and Kuchukov (1984) de- rows oriented in a north–south direc- MALE : FEMALE PLANT RATIO IN veloped a device for hand-picking that tion to provide maximum light. THE PLANTING. For economical rea- consists of two hinged jaws with teeth Beldean and Leahu (1985) reported sons, the ratio of male to female plants and brushes. The development of that fruit yields are greatly influenced is important, as the number of fruit- mechanical harvesting techniques for by exposure to sunlight, as sea buck- bearing trees should be maximized. In sea buckthorn has attracted consider- thorn will not tolerate shade. High Canada, sea buckthorn plants for able attention. Savkin and density orchards (1 × 1 m) are being shelterbelts are grown from seeds. Con- Mukhamadiev (1983) designed a prun- considered in Europe to facilitate over- sequently, seedlings of unknown sex ing machine to trim sea buckthorn the-row harvesting equipment are planted, which results in an uneven into a hedge suitable for mechanical (Olander, 1995). distribution of male and female plants harvesting. Mechanical harvesters have PRUNING. The purpose of prun- within each planting. This practice has been developed in Sweden, Germany, ing sea buckthorn is to train branches, long-term effects on total yield. To and Russia (Olander, 1995). How- promote growth, and facilitate har- avoid this problem, the easiest ap- ever, most have disadvantages, such as vesting (Albrecht et al., 1984). Savkin proach would be vegetative propaga- fruit and bark damage and low effi- and Mukhamadiev (1983) reported tion from promising mature plants of ciency. Harvesting equipment tested that moderate pruning will increase known sex. Recommendations for male include shakers (Affeldt et al., 1988; the yield and fruiting life of the plants. : female ratio vary. Gakov (1980) con- Gaetke et al., 1991), vacuum suction Sea buckthorn grows up to 2 to 3 m in sidered that 6% to 7% male trees is (Varlamov and Gabuniya, 1990), and 4 years and forms its crown at the base adequate for , whereas quick freezing (Gaetke and Triquart, of the main trunk. The crown should Albrecht et al. (1984) and Wolf and 1993). Many harvesters are based on be pruned annually to remove overlap- Wegert (1993) recommended 8% to the principle of cutting off fruit-bear- ping branches, and long branches 12%. The Siberian Institute of Horti- ing branches (Gaetke and Triquart, should be headed to encourage devel- culture in Russia recommended one 1992; Olander, 1995). Olander (1995) opment of lateral shoots. In about the male : female mixed row for every two reported development of an over-the- fifth year, the main trunk stops grow- rows of female plants. In the mixed row mechanical harvester that removes ing, and branches begin to grow from row, every fifth plant is a male. fruit-laden branches and extracts the lateral buds. Mature, fruiting plants Goncharov (1995) reported that this fruit by shaking the branches in an should be pruned to allow more light design gave significantly higher fruit axial direction. penetration if the bush is dense. To yields compared to other designs. For In Germany, considerable work prevent sea buckthorn from prema- effective pollination, the male variety on mechanical harvesting of sea buck- ture senescence, 3-year-old branches should be cold resistant and have a thorn has been completed. Wolf and should be pruned for rejuvenation (Lu, long flowering period, an adequate Wegert (1993) reported techniques in 1992). In Russia, pruning trials were amount of pollen, long-lived, and good which fruiting branches were removed carried out with sea buckthorn with vigor (Garanovich, 1995), since a pol- and frozen overnight at –36 °C. Fro- the goal of creating a hedge to allow linator had an appreciable effect on zen fruit were removed by beating the efficient mechanical harvesting (Savkin fruit weight, flavor, and ripening branches. This method provided ber- and Mukhamadiev, 1983). Similar (Buglova, 1981). ries with excellent quality, but it was work is underway in Germany (Gaetke HARVESTING. Berries persist on labor intensive (about 450 h·ha–1).

HortTechnology ● Oct./Dec. 1996 6(4) 373 Gaetke and Triquart (1993) devel- The use of hormone treatments oped a harvester that works on the to facilitate fruit release is promising. riddle principle. In this system, pruned Trushechkin et al., (1973) reported that branches are hand fed into the har- Ethrel (ethephon) at 2000 mg·L–1 of vester, and the fruit is separated from water decreased fruit detachment force Fig 3. Possible uses for components in branches and leaves by screen convey- by 30%. Demenko et al. (1986a) sug- different sea buckthorn plant parts. ors and fans. gested that the inability of ripe fruit to

374 HortTechnology ● Oct./Dec. 1996 6(4) REVIEW abscise is caused by compartmentation conducted for decades in Russia Propagation of internal ethylene in seeds. Ethylene (Goncharov, 1995), (Gladon treatment induced the formation of an et al., 1994), China (Huang, 1995), The most common methods for abscission layer, which could make and Finland (Hirrsalmi, 1993). The propagating sea buckthorn are by seed, harvesting more efficient (Demenko first breeding programs began with softwood or hardwood cuttings, and et al., 1986b; Demenko and mass selection from natural popula- layering and suckers. Micropropaga- Korzinnikov, 1990). tions. This method is still common tion using meristem culture has been YIELD. Like any other crop, yield practice (Wahlberg and Jeppsson, investigated (Burdasov and Sviridenko, of sea buckthorn is affected by various 1990) but is gradually being replaced 1988; Montpetit and Lalonde, 1988) factors such as genotype, soil condi- by hybridization (Huang, 1995; Yao but is not commonly used. tions, annual precipitation, tempera- and Tigerstedt, 1994). Polyploid SEEDS. Propagation from seed is ture, crop management, numbers of breeding was reported in Russia where relatively simple and produces a large fruit-bearing branches, and time and autotetraploids were induced by colchi- number of seedlings at fairly low cost methods of harvesting (Kondrashov, cine (Shchapov and Kreimer, 1988). compared with other propagation 1981). Yield data of sea buckthorn are There have been no reports of genetic methods. Storage affects seed viability. scarce, since most fruit collection is engineering in sea buckthorn breed- Smirnova and Tikhomirova (1980) from natural , plantations for ing. reported that seeds of Hippophae controlling soil and water erosion, Breeding programs exist in Swe- rhamnoides lost 60% of viability after 4 and field shelterbelts. Wolf and Wegert den (Wahlberg and Jeppsson, 1990, to 5 years of storage. (1993) reported yield of 5 t·ha–1 from 1992), Finland (Hirrsalmi, 1993; Yao Internal seed dormancy can be an orchard plantation in Germany. and Tigerstedt, 1994), and Germany broken by stratification in moist sand Total yields reported in the literature (Albrecht, 1993; Muller, 1993). Finn- for 90 d at 5 °C (Siabaugh, 1974). from various regions were mostly esti- ish and Swedish programs have con- Seeds of sea buckthorn need high tem- mates from experimental plots, culti- centrated on mass selection and hy- perature to germinate. At 10 to 12 °C, vated under ideal conditions and man- bridization. In Germany, the objective Lu (1992) reported 13.2% germina- agement (I.M. Garanovich, personal was to establish a collection of sea tion after 47 d compared to 95% in 6 d communication). In Saskatchewan, buckthorn representing the genetic for seeds at 24 to 26 °C. Vernik and Canada, fruit production in spectrum of the species (Muller, 1993). Zhapakova (1986) also reported more shelterbelts ranges from good to ex- A sea buckthorn breeding program rapid germination at 25 to 27 °C than cellent, some selected plants produc- has been initiated recently in Canada at 20 °C. Good results also can be ing 5 to 7 kg annually. This equates to (Schroeder, 1995). It includes a long- obtained by soaking seeds in hot water yields of 4 to 5 t·ha–1. Canada Sea term breeding population made up of (70 °C) for 24 to 48 h, stirring fre- Buckthorn Ltd. (British Columbia) progeny from diverse foreign wild col- quently, then letting the water cool to estimated an average of 3.25 kg/tree lections and a short-term breeding room temperature (Lu, 1992). After (6-year-old) collected from shelterbelt population of superior individual plants soaking, seeds should be air dried be- plantings (C. McLoughlin,, personal selected from local plantations. fore sowing. This technique is useful communication). Orchards with 4000 Important characters that need when sowing outdoors in spring or trees/ha and a 1:6 male and female improvement in sea buckthorn are yield indoors in a greenhouse. At the PFRA ratio should yield about 11 t·ha–1. (Kondrashov, 1986a; Huang, 1995), Shelterbelt Centre, Saskatchewan, Detailed study is underway in Canada fruit size (Buglova, 1978), winter har- nonstratified seeds sown in late Sep- on the effects of crop management on diness (Kalinina, 1987), thornlessness tember at a depth of 1 cm and a rate of yield. (Hirrsalmi, 1993; Albrecht, 1993), 100 seeds/m in rows 60 cm apart Breeding and selection fruit quality and early maturity (Yao emerged the following spring with a and Tigerstedt, 1994), growth habit 90% germination rate. There is a wide range of morpho- and long pedicel for mechanical har- CUTTINGS. Cuttings produce logical diversity among sea buckthorn vest (Wahlberg and Jeppsson, 1990), rooted plants with the same genotype seedlings and mature plants within and nitrogen-fixing ability (Huang, as the parent plant. The cuttings will each subspecies, which is a good indi- 1995). Kondrashov (1986a, 1986b) bear fruit 1 to 2 years earlier than seed- cation that there are excellent oppor- reported that average fruit weight and propagated trees. Sea buckthorn can tunities for plant improvement by number of flower buds per unit length be propagated using either hardwood breeding or selection for desired char- of branch are the most reliable traits or softwood cuttings. acteristics. Phenological observations for yield selection in the Altai region of HARDWOOD CUTTINGS. The per- have shown a clear gradient of growth Siberia. P.L. Goncharov of Russia (per- centage of successful rooting from rhythm and plant size corresponding sonal communication) pointed out that hardwood cuttings varies. Avdeev to geographical distribution (Yao and thornlessness could be selected in (1984) reported 86% to 100% success. Tigerstedt, 1994), which indicates that young seedlings; however, yield of each Garanovich (1984) reported that, in selection based on responses of plants breeding line cannot be determined the greenhouse under artificial mist, to a specific growing region is impor- until at least the fourth year. Fruit size, rooting success was 20% lower with tant. This selection procedure is im- thorniness, and hardiness reportedly hardwood cuttings than with softwood portant in any country before sea buck- are controlled by quantitative genes, cuttings, but plants from hardwood thorn can be developed into a new and selection for one of these charac- cuttings attained heights of 90 cm by viable crop. ters will not adversely affect others the end of the first growing season and Breeding sea buckthorn has been (Huang, 1995). could be planted out the next spring,

HortTechnology ● Oct./Dec. 1996 6(4) 375 whereas plants from softwood cut- conditions before planting by placing moisture, lipids, acids ,and vitamins A tings needed 1 to 2 years before trans- pots in a shady area for 1 week. The and C were found among the large and planting to the field. Kondrashov and best results were obtained in sandy small fruit (Chen et al., 1991) and Kuimov (1987) reported that hard- loam at pH 6 to 6.5 with medium among subspecies (Lu, 1993) and geo- wood cuttings with apices removed humus content. Sea buckthorn easily graphic locations (Wang, 1990). were rooted successfully outdoors un- produces suckers within a few years of Eliseev (1976) indicated that the levels der plastic in pure sand or a sand and planting, which is a good source for of the biologically active substances peat (1:1) mixture. In a separate ex- propagation (Kondrashov and Kuimov, such as ascorbic acid and carotene periment, they showed that 2-year-old 1987). The possibility of invasiveness were higher in tree-like forms than in wood, cut before budbreak and stored by suckers to surrounding areas is high; bush forms. Franke and Muller (1983) for 10 d in sawdust at 10 to 15 °C, gave routing cultivation and herbicide ap- analyzed the fat of fruit and seeds and 100% rooting in the field. Kuznetsov plication are the best control measures found 47%, 21% saturated fatty acids (1985) recommended taking cuttings for this potential weediness character- and 53%, 39% unsaturated fatty acids before bud break, soaking in water (18 istics of sea buckthorn. respectively. to 20 °C) for 7 days, and planting in NUTRITIONAL VALUES. The value the field with dark polyethylene mulch. Multipurpose use of sea buckthorn is often based on the In British Columbia, we obtained 90% ENVIRONMENTAL VALUE. The wide nutritional value of its fruit (Magherini, rooting of cuttings taken in mid-March, adaptation, fast growth, strong 1986). Sea buckthorn berries are stored in plastic bags at 0 °C until May, coppicing, and suckering habits, among the most nutritious and vita- and placed in pots filled with peat in a coupled with efficient nitrogen fixa- min-rich fruit known. The fruit, in- heated propagation box (18 to 22 °C) tion, make sea buckthorn particularly cluding seeds, contain a large amount indoors under fluorescent light. Lu suitable for planting in degraded soils. of essential oils and vitamin C (1992) reported that hardwood cut- In China, sea buckthorn has controlled (Centenaro et al., 1977; Novruzov tings have not been used widely in soil erosion and water loss effectively and Aslanov, 1983). The vitamin C nurseries. and increased land reclamation. In concentration in berries varies depend- SOFTWOOD CUTTINGS. Avdeev addition, the harvest of sea buckthorn ing on species, geographical location, (1976) reported that softwood cut- fruit has provided value-added indus- and physiological maturity (Bernath tings collected from an 8-year-old tree tries to support the economy of rural and foldesi, 1992; Zhou et al., 1991) in early spring, treated with IBA (50 regions of Asian countries. In Canada, from 360 mg/100 g of berries for the mg·L–1) solution and planted in a peat sea buckthorn has proved highly ben- European subspecies rhamnoides and sand (2:1) mixture under mist, eficial for enhancement of wildlife habi- (Rousi and Aulin, 1977; Yao et al., had 96% to 100% rooting in 9 to 11 d. tat, farmstead shelterbelts, erosion con- 1992) to 2500 mg/100 g of berries Balabushka (1990) compared the ef- trol, and mineland reclamation. for the Chinese subspecies sinensis (Yao fects of IAA, IBA, and chloro- CHEMICAL COMPONENTS. Sea and Tiherstedt, 1994), which is higher phenoxyacetic acid on rooting of sea buckthorn fruit is rich in carbohy- than strawberries (205 mg vs. 64 mg/ buckthorn and found that IAA root drates, protein, organic acids, amino 100 g; Gontea and Barduta, 1974), dips were superior to the other hor- acids, and vitamins (Bernath and kiwi fruit (300 to 1800 mg vs. 100 to mone treatments. Ivanicka (1988) re- Foldesi, 1992). Fruit contain 16 to 28 470 mg/100 g), orange (50 mg/100 ported that, with or without IBA (0.1% mg /100 g fruit, which g), and tomato (12 mg/100 g) (Lu, to 0.3%) treatment, semi-lignified can be used as food additives 1992). Sea buckthorn is also high in Hippophae rhamnoides cuttings rooted (Kudritskaya et al., 1989). protein, especially globulins and albu- readily in a peat, polystyrene granules content in leaves and fruit ranges from mins (Solonenko and Shishkina, 1983), and sand (1–2:1 :0.5) mixture under 310 to 2100 mg/100 g air-dried carotene (Kostyrko, 1990), fatty acids mist in a plastic house. Timing of and 120 to 1000 mg/100 g fresh fruit, (Loskutovaet al., 1989), and vitamin cutting collection is important. Kniga respectively (Chen et al., 1991; E (Bernath and Foldesi, 1992). Fatty (1989) reported that, in the Kiev re- Glazunova et al., 1984, 1985). Total acids and content are higher gion of Ukraine, the optimum time volatile oil from the fruit is 36 mg·kg–1 than in wheat, safflower, maize, or was late May. Kondrashov and Kuimov (Hirvi and Honkanen, 1984), dry soybean (Lu, 1992). The leaves of sea (1987) reported that cuttings taken in matter is 24.6% to 33.8% (Igoshina et buckthorn contain many nutrients and late June from severely pruned branches al., 1987), and essential oil extracted bioactive substances, such as urtica (pruning was conducted in early spring from seeds ranged from 8% to 12% dioica, vaccinium myrtilis, and berberis before budbreak) successfully rooted (w/w) (Lu, 1992). vulgaris, which are suitable for animal (95% to 98%) in the greenhouse under Bounous and Zanini (1988) feed (Morar et al., 1990). mist. found that fruit maturity affects N, Ca, MEDICINAL VALUE. Medicinal uses LAYERING AND SUCKERS. Root K, Na, Mg, Cu, Fe, Zn, Mn, titratable of sea buckthorn are well documented cuttings also can be an effective propa- acidity, pH, moisture, , fruc- in Asia and Europe. Clinical investiga- gation method for sea buckthorn (A. tose, and ascorbic acid content. Harju tions on medicinal uses were initiated Bruvlis of Latvia, personal communi- and Ronkainen (1984) reported that in Russia during the 1950s (Gurevich, cation). Root cuttings were planted in the trace elements found in liqueurs 1956). is approved pots and placed in a greenhouse for 6 prepared from sea buckthorn included for clinical use in hospitals in Russia weeks before being transplanted to the Al, As, Ca, Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, and in China, where it was formally field at a spacing of 8 × 20 cm. Cut- Na, Ni, Pb, Rb, and Zn. Differences in listed in the Pharmacopoeia in 1977 tings need to be acclimated to field chemical composition, carbohydrates, (Xu, 1994). More than 10 different

376 HortTechnology ● Oct./Dec. 1996 6(4) REVIEW drugs have been developed from sea America. Development of a North Sea buckthorn as suitable plant for recla- buckthorn in these countries and are American sea buckthorn industry pre- mation of red mud impoundments in Hun- available in different forms (e.g., liq- sents a unique opportunity for agricul- gary, p. 268–274. In: Proc. Intl. Symp. Sea uids, powders, plasters, films, pastes, tural production of a value-added crop Buckthorn (H. rhamnoides L.). Xian, China. pills, liniments, suppositories, aerosols, on marginal land. The Secretariat of Intl. Symp. on Sea Buck- thorn. Oct. 1989. etc.) and can be used for treating oral mucositis, rectum mucositis, vaginal Beldean, E.C. and I. Leahu. 1985. mucositis, cervical erosion, radiation Literature Cited Hippophae rhamnoides—A valuable - damage, burns, scalds, duodenal ul- Abartene, D.Y. and A.I. Malakhovskis. producing pioneer species. Forstarchiv cers, gastric ulcers, chilblains, skin ul- 1975. Combined action of a cytostatic 56:249–253. cers caused by malnutrition ,and other preparation and sea buckthorn oil on bio- Bernath, J. and D. Foldesi. 1992. Sea buck- skin damage (Abartene and chemical indices. part 2 hisphen. Lietuvos thorn (Hippophae rhamnoides L.): A prom- Malakhovskis, 1975; Buhatel et al., TSR Mokslu Akademijos Darbai Serija C ising new medicinal and food crop. J. Herbs, Biologijos Mokslai 1:167–171. 1991; Chen, 1991; Cheng et al., 1990; Spices Medicinal Plants 1:27–35. Dai et al., 1987; Kukenov et al., 1982). Affeldt, H.A., D.E. Marshall, and G.K. Biswas, M.R. and A.K. Biswas. 1980. In The most important pharmacological Brown. 1987. Relative dynamic displace- , control the deserts and cre- functions of sea buckthorn oil can be ments within a trunk shaker clamp. Trans. ate pastures. Environ. Sci. Applications summarized as diminishing inflamma- ASAE 31:331–336. 12:145–162. tion, disinfecting bacteria, relieving Akkermans, A.D.L., W. Roelofsen, J. Blom, Bond, G. 1983. Taxonomy and distribution pain, and promoting regeneration of K. Hussdanell, and R. Harkink. 1983. Uti- of non-legume nitrogen-fixing systems, p. tissues. It also can be used for skin lization of carbon and nitrogen compounds 55–87. In: J.C. Gordon and C.I. Wheeler grafting, cosmetology, and treatment by Frankia in synthetic media and in root (eds.). Biological in for- of corneal wounds. In an unconfirmed nodules of Alnus glutinosa, Hippophae est ecosystems: Foundations and applica- report from China, 350 patients treated rhamnoides, and Datisca cannabina. Can. tions. Martinus Nijhoff, Dr. W. Junk Pub- with beauty cream made from sea buck- J. Bot. 61:2793–2800. lishers, The Hague. thorn oil had positive therapeutic ef- Albrecht, H.J. 1993. New demands faced Botenkov, V.P. and N.M. Kuchukov. 1984. fects on xanthopsis, melanosis, senile by buckthorn breeding, p. 57–60. In: Cul- Device for collecting fruits of Hippophae skin wrinkles, and freckles (Zhong et tivation and utilization of wildfruit crops. rhamnoides. Lesnoe Khozyaistvo 2:46–47. al., 1989). Russian research reported Bernhard Thalacker Verlag Gmbh & Co. that 5-hydroxytryptamine (hippophan) (in German). Bounous, G. and E. Zanini. 1988. The variability of some components and bio- isolated from sea buckthorn bark in- Albrecht, H.J., J. Gerber, H.J. Koch, and D. hibited tumor growth (Sokoloff et al., metric characteristics of the fruits of six tree Wolf. 1984. Experience in growing sea and shrub species, p. 189–197. In: 1961). More recently, studies on the buckthorn. Gartenbau 31:242–244. (Hort. Lampone, mirtillo ed altri piccoli frutti anti-tumor effects of sea buckthorn oil Abstr. 54:9033). Atti, convegno, trento, 1987. Rome, have shown positive results in China Andreeva, I.N., E.E. Fedorova, V.B. Ministero agricoltura e foreste, 1988. (Zhong et al., 1989). Il’yasova, and A.A. Tibilov. 1982. Ultra- (Hort. Abstr. 60:4153). structure of nitrogen-fixing and wintering Conclusion Buglova, T.L. 1978. Fruit size in some nodules in one-year seedlings of sea buck- ecological and geographical groups of Hip- Sea buckthorn is a unique and thorn and oleaster Hippophae rhamnoides, pophae rhamnoides and the inheritance of Elaeagnus argentea. Soviet Plant Physiol. valuable plant species currently being large-fruitedness in the hybrid progeny. (USA) 29:109–116. domesticated in various parts of the Nuach. tr. Omsk. s.-kh. in-t 175:26–29. world. The species has been used to a Avdeev, V.I. 1976. Propagation of Hip- (Plant Breeding Abstr. 50:4357). limited extent in North America for pophae rhamnoides by softwood cuttings conservation plantings, but the use of under mist. Kratkie Tezisy Dokl 2-i Vses. Buglova, T.L. 1981. Effect of male plants of food and nonfood sea buckthorn prod- Konf. Molodykh Uchenykh po Hippophae rhamnoides on the yield of a ucts has not been pursued. The plants Sadovodstvu (1976) 72–74. (Hort. Abstr. plantation. Lesnoe Khozyaistvo 11:39–40. are easily propagated and yields are 48:318). Buhatel, T., S. Vesa, and R. Morar. 1991. relatively high, and production is reli- Avdeev, V.I. 1984. Propagation of fruit Data on the action of sea buckthorn oil able, with the potential market mainly crops by cuttings in upper Tadjikistan. extract in the cicatrization of wounds in in Europe. The main constraint to Intensivnye Sposoby Vyrashchivaniya animals. Buletinul Institutului Agronomic large-scale fruit production in North Posadochnogo Materiala Sadovykh Kultur Cluj-Napoca Seria Zootehnie si Medicina America is harvesting. This problem is (1984):51–56. (Hort. Abstr. 55:40). Veterinara 45:129–133. being addressed through breeding pro- Bailey, L.H. and E.Z. Bailey. 1978. Hortus Burdasov, V.M. and E.I. Sviridenko. 1988. grams and equipment development. Third, A concise dictionary of plants culti- Production of regenerates of sea buck- Most sea buckthorn research has been vated in the United States and Canada. thorn from apical meristems in in-vitro conducted in Asia and Europe, specifi- MacMillan Pub. Co. culture. Sibirskii Vestnik Sel’skok- cally China, Russia, and Germany. hozyaistvennoi Nauki 3:106–110. Recently interest in western Europe Balabushka, V.K. 1990. Results of the trials of growth regulators on summer cuttings Centenaro, G., G.P. Capietti, F. Pizzocaro, and Canada has increased, and active and A. Marchesini. 1977. The fruit of the research programs are underway. of introduced woody plants. Byulleten Glavnogo Botanicheskogo Sada 156:65– sea buckthorn Hippophae rhamnoides as a Unique plant products, especially 67. (Hort. Abstr. 61:5083). source of vitamin C. Atti della Societa those with proven nutritional quality, Italiana di scienze Naturali del Museo civico are gaining popularity in North Balint, K., A. Terpo, and L. Zsoldos. 1989. di storia Naturale di Milano 118:371–378.

HortTechnology ● Oct./Dec. 1996 6(4) 377 Chen, J.H. 1991. Effect of the Eliseev, I.P. 1976. Biologically active sub- 57:3263). immunomodulating agents (BCG) and the stances in the fruits of Hippophae juice of HRL on the activity of splenic NK rhamnoides in Central Asia and the Gonchar, M.T. and B.A. Saban. 1986. cells and LAK cells from tumour bearing Caucasus. Biol. aktiv. veshchestva plodov i Choice of tree and shrub species for affor- mice. Chinese J. Microbiol. and Immunol. yagod. (1976) 161–163. (Plant Breeding estation of sites after opencast mining of 11:105–108. Abstr. 48:5917). sulphur. Lesnoe Khozyaistvo 9:47–49. Chen, T.G., M.K. Ni, R. Li, F. Ji, T. Chen, Eliseev, I.P. and V.A. Fefelov. 1977. Mate- Goncharov, P.L. 1995. Sea Buckthorn in M.K. Ni, R. Li ,and F. Ji. 1991. Investiga- rial for studying Hippophae rhamnoides in Siberia: Problems and solutions. In: Proc. tion of the biological properties of Central Kabardino-Balkaria. Trudy Gor?kovskogo Intl. Sea Buckthorn Workshop, Beijing, Asian Sea Buckthorn growing in the prov- Selskokhozyaistvennogo Instituta 105:3– China. Dec., 1995. ince of Kansu, China. Chemistry of Natu- 7. Gontea, I. and Z. Barduta. 1974. The nu- ral Compounds 27:119–121. Franke, W. and H. Muller. 1983. A contri- trient value of fruits from Hippophae Cheng, T., T. Li, Z. Duan, Z. Cao, Z. Ma, bution to the biology of useful plants. 2. rhamnoides. Igiena 23:13–20. (Nutr. Ab- and P. Zhang. 1990. Acute toxicity of flesh Quantity and composition of fatty acids in str. and Rev. 45:8559). oil of Hippophae rhamnoides L. and its the fat of the fruit flesh and seed of sea Gurevich, S.K. 1956. The application of sea protection against experimental hepatic in- buckthorn. Angewandte Botanik 57:77– buckthorn oil on ophthamology. Vesttn. jury. Chung Kuo Chung Yao Tsa Chih 83. Ottamologu 2:30–33. 15:45–47. Gaetke, R. and E.Triquart. 1992. Pruning Harju, K. and P. Ronkainen. 1984. Metals Cireasa, V. 1986. Hippophae rhamnoides machine for mechanized harvest of sea in Finnish liqueurs. Zeitschrift fur L. extension on Rufeni Hill, Iasi district. buckthorn. Gartenbau Magazin 1:57–58. Lebensmittel Untersuchung und Lucrari Stiintifice, Institutul Agronomic Forschung 178:393–396. “Ion Ionescu de la Brad”, Horticultura Gaetke, R. and E. Triquart. 1993. First 30:75–77. (Hort. Abstr. 58:6535). results with an improved sea buckthorn Heinze, M. and H.J. Fiedler 1981. Experi- harvesting technology, p. 37–41. In: Cul- mental planting of potash waste dumps. I. Dai, Y.R., C.M. Gao, Q.L. Tian, and Y. tivation and utilization of wild fruit crops. Communication: Pot experiments with Yin. 1987. Effect of extracts of some me- Bernhard Thalacker Verlag Gmbh & Co. trees and under various water and dicinal plants on superoxide dismutase ac- (in German). conditions. Archiv fur Acker- und tivity in mice. Planta Medica 53:309–310. Gaetke, R., G.Klein, and D. Wolf. 1990. Pflanzenbau und Bodenkunde 25:315– 322. Davidson, C.D., R.J. Enns, and S. Gobin. Composition of sea buckthorn and its de- 1994. Landscape plants at Morden Arbore- velopment during maturation. Hiirsalmi, H. 1993. The role of natural tum. Agriculture & Agri-Food Canada, Erwerbsobstbau 32:224–226. small fruits in Finnish plant breeding. Morden, Manitoba, Canada. Gaetke, R., M. Schmidt, E. Triquart, and F. Aquilo. Ser. botanica 31:59–67. Degtyareva, I.I., E.T. Toteva, E.V. Wegert. 1991. Ernteverfahren sanddorn. Hirvi, T. and E. Honkanen. 1984. The Litinskaya, A.V. Matvienko, N.H. Erwerbsobstbau 2:49–51. aroma of the fruit of sea buckthorn, Yurzhenko, L.N. Leonov, E.V. Khomenko, Gakov, M.A. 1980. Prospects for the devel- Hippophae rhamnoides L. Zeitschrift fur and V.P. Nevstruev. 1991. Lipid opment of Hippophae rhamnoides in the Lebensmittel-Untersuchung und- peroxidation level and vitamin E concen- Tuva, USSR. Lesnoe Khozyaistvo 2:51– Forschung 179:387–388. (Hort. Abstr. trations in the treatments of ulcer patients. 52. 55:2548). Klinicheskaya Meditsina 69:38–42. Garanovich, I.M. 1984. Features of the Huang, Q. 1995. A review on Hippophae Demenko, V.I. and Y.S. Korzinnikov. 1990. vegetative propagation of Hippophae breeding in China. Proc. Intl. Sea Buck- Effect of surface-activity compounds and rhamnoides for introduction in Belorussia. thorn Workshop Dec. 1995. Beijing, China. copper ions on ethylene producers induc- Lesnoe Khozyaistvo 2:27–29. Igoshina, V.G., M.A. Korovina, V.E. ing fruit abscission in the sea buckthorn. Lobzhanidze, and I.P. Eliseev. 1987. Diver- Fiziologiya Rastenii 37:596–601. Garanovich, I.M. 1995. Introduction and selection of Hippophae in Belarus. In: Proc. sity of forms of Hippophae rhamnoides L. in Demenko, V.I., M.B. Levinsky, and O.D. Intl. Sea Buckthorn. Dec., 1995. Beijing, Georgia. Rastitelnye Resursy 23:190–196. Mikityuk. 1986a. Abscisic acid, ethylene, China. (Plant Breeding Abstr. 57:11129). growth and abscission of sea buckthorn Gladon, R.J., D.J. Hannapel and M.V. Ivanicka J. 1988. Propagation of unusual fruits (Hippophae rhamnoides L.). Acta fruit crops from softwood cuttings under Hort. 179:639–644. Kolomiets. 1994. Small-fruit and tree-fruit research centres in Ukraine. HortScience mist. Vedecke Prace Vyskumneho Ustavu Demenko, V.I., O.D. Mikityuk, and M.B. 29:1214, 1393–1395. Ovocnych a Okrasnych Drevin v Bojniciach Levinskii. 1986. Abscisic acid, ethylene, 7:163–170. (Hort. Abstr. 59:3687). growth and fruit drop in sea buckthorn. Glazunova, E.M., N.D. Gachechiladze, V.V. Bondar, Y.S. Korzinnikov, I.M. Potapova, Kalinina, I.P. 1987. Breeding of sea buck- Fiziologiya Rastenii 33:188–194. (Hort. thorn in the Altai, p. 76–87. In: A.B. Abstr. 56:7655). and A.F. Gur’yanov. 1984. Biochemical fruit characteisitics of Hippophae Kryukov (ed.). Advances in agricultural Dobritsa, S.V. and S.N. Novik. 1992. Feed- rhamnoides L. growing in the Western science. Moscow, Russia. (Plant Breeding back regulation of nodule formation in Pamirs. Rastitel’nye Resursy 20:232–235. Abstr. 58:6090). Hippophae rhamnoides. Plant and Soil (Hort. Abstr. 54:6135). Kluczynski, B. 1979. Suitability of selected 144:45–50. tree and shrub species for the reclamation Glazunova, E.M., N.D. Gachechiladze, V.I. of ash wastes from power stations. Arbore- Litvinenko, and T.P. Popova. 1985. Fla- Egyed-Balint, K. and A. Terpo. 1983. Ef- tum Kornickie 24:217–282. fect of red mud on growth and element vonoids in leaves of sea buckthorn growing accumulation in some plant species. in the Western Pamir mountains. Kluczynski, B. 1989. Effects of sea buck- Kerteszeti Egyetem Kozlemenyei 47:127– Fiziologiya i Biokhimiya Kul’turnykh thorn (Hippophae rhamnoides L.) cultiva- 136. Rastenii (1985) 107–109. (Hort. Abstr. tion on post-industrial wastelands in Po-

378 HortTechnology ● Oct./Dec. 1996 6(4) REVIEW land, p. 275–287. In: Proc. Intl. Symp. Sea lings. Hippophae 1:18–19. (in Chinese). Myakushko, V.E., V.M. Kosenko, and A.S. Buckthorn. Xian, China. Oct. 1989. Bedritskii. 1986. Hippophae rhamnoides in Lian, Y. 1988. New discoveries of the stands of gulley and ravine systems. Lesnoe Kniga, N.M. 1989. Characteristics of root- genus Hippophae. Acta Phytotaxonomica Khozyaistvo 10:30–34. ing softwood cuttings of top and small fruit Sinica 26:235–237. species in relation to natural photoperiod. Novruzov, E.N. and S.M. Aslanov. 1983. Fiziologiya i Biokhimiya Kulturnykh Liu, S.W. and T.N. He. 1978. The genus Studies on the dynamics of ascorbic acid Rastenii 21:403–409. Hippophae from the Quin-Zang Plateau. accumulation in sea buckthorn fruits. Acta Phytotaxonomica 16:106–108 (in Doklady Akademii Nauk Azerbaidzhanskoi Koch, H.J. 1981. Cultivation of sea buck- Chinese). SSR 39:59–63. (Hort. Abstr. 54:8057). thorn for fruit production for the fruit processing industry. Gartenbau 28:175– Loskutova, G.A., V.G. Baikov, A.V. Starkov, Olander, S. 1995. Mechanical harvesting of 177. and F.A. Medvedev. 1989. The composi- Sea Buckthorn. Proc. Intl. Sea Buckthorn tion of fatty acids from the lipids of Workshop 1995. Beijing, China. Kondrashov, V.T. 1981. Structural elements Hippophae rhamnoides L. fruits. Rastitelnye of sea buckthorn productivity. Bio- Resursy 25:97–103. (Hort. Abstr. Pan, R.Z., Z. Zhang, Y . Ma, Z . Sun, and logicheskie Nauki 7:81–85. 59:7303). B . Deng. 1989. The distribution characters of sea buckthorn (H. rhamnoides L.) and Kondrashov, V.T. 1986a. Study of yield in Lu, R. 1992. Sea buckthorn: A multipur- its research progress in China. Proc. Intl. Hippophae rhamnoides in relation to breed- pose plant species for fragile mountains. Symp. Sea Buckthorn, Xian, China. The ing. Sostoyanie i perspektivy razvitiya Intl. Centre for Integrated Mountain De- Secretariat of Intl. Symp. Sea Buckthorn. kul’tury oblepikhi v Nechernozemnoi zone velopment, Katmandu, Nepal. p. 1–16. RSFSR. Materialy Soveshch., Moskva, 19 fevr., 1982. 23–27. (Plant Breeding Abstr. Lu, S. 1993. The chemical compositions of Pearson, M.C. and J.A. Rogers. 1962. Bio- 57:11133). Hippophae fruits in China. Proc. 2nd Intl. logical flora of the British Isles. No. 85. Sea Buckthorn Symp. 338–412. Hippophae rhamnoides L. J. Ecol. 50:501– Kondrashov, V.T. 1986b. The productivity 513. of sea buckthorn varieties in relation to Mackay, J., L. Simon, and M. Laionde. breeding. Sbornik Nauchnykh Trudov, 1987. Effect of substrate on the perfor- Predeina, R.V. 1987. Fertilization of Vsesoyuznyi Nauchno-i Issledovatelskii mance of in vitro propagated Alnus Hippophae rhamnoides in the Altai region. Institut Sadovodstva imeni I. V. Michurina glutinosa clones inoculated with Sp+ and Sadovodstvo 6:13–18. (Hort. Abstr. 46:86–89. (Plant Breeding Abstr. 58:838). Sp– Frankia strains. Plant and Soil 103:21– 58:2046). 31. Kondrashov, V.T. and V.N. Kuimov. 1987. Rousi, A. 1971. The genus Hippophae L. A Vegetative propagation of Hippophae Magherini, R. 1986. Considerations on taxonomic study. Ann. Bot. Fennici 8:177– rhamnoides. Sadovodstvo 6:13–16. (Hort. the biological potential of Hippophae 227. Abstr. 58:2047). rhamnoides L., p. 397–410. In: Atti. Convegno sulla Coltivazione delle Piante Rousi, A. and H. Aulin. 1977. Ascorbic Kondrashov, V.T. and E.P. Sokolova. 1990. Officinali, Trento, 9–10 Oct. 1986. (Hort. acid content in relation to ripeness in fruit New wilt-resistant forms of Hippophae Abstr. 58:6533). of six Hippophae rhamnoides clones from rhamnoides. Byulleten Moskovskogo Pyharanta, SW Finland. Ann. Agr. Fenn. Obshchestva Ispytatelei Prirody, Martemyanov, P.B. and T.V. Khromova. 16:80–87. Biologicheskii 96:146–153. (Plant Breed- 1985. Agrotechnical measures for advanc- ing Abstr. 62:733). ing woody plant growth. Byulleten’ Savkin, V.A. and S.M. Mukhamadiev. 1983. Glavnogo Botanicheskogo Sada 138:45– Effect of branch detachment from sea buck- Kostyrko, D.R. 1990. Introduction of use- 48. (Hort. Abstr. 56:8066). thorn bushes on their regeneration and ful food plants into the Donetsk Botanic fruiting. Ekologiya Rastenii i Zhivotnykh Garden of the Ukrainian Academy of Sci- Mishulina, I.A. 1976. The effect of foliar Zapovednikov Uzbekistana (1983) 29– ences. Introduktsiya i Akklimatizatsiya nutrition with minor elements of Hippophae 32. (Hort. Abstr. 54:8055). Rastenii 14:31–34. (Hort. Abstr. 61:3368). rhamnoides on the fruit content of biologi- cally active substances. Biol. Aktiv. Schroeder, W.R. 1988. Planting and estab- Kudritskaya, S.E., L.M. Zagorodskaya, and Veshchestva Plodov i Yagod (1976) 97– lishment of shelterbelts in humid severe- E.E. Shishkina. 1989. Chemistry of Natural 99. (Hort. 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