Lalit Narayan Mithila University
LALIT NARA'YAN MTTHILA UNIVERSITY 3- Darbhanga'846oo4 ./ l(arilG3hwarana$ar, NqTIFICATION to them for polting Stations and the voters allowed and attached The list of g.'s (as amended up-to- senate u- Act' 1976 etection to the UiJ'iii;t;rtr*'" memo no UB-535/19 dated date) to be held o., z: rizdi;';t;";ifi;'-u"der op. ri.zo r s, is modine<r' J?f;it$;*u*^o* vvrp^.vr. Irfrs1]TETiqreE@cIg8 .mfiE!,E3ffiIeEED-- NAME OT'[HE COLLEGE (C) POLLING IiLE,CTORAL col,l,EGtt (B) ELECTORAL NO, riLocl'oRAl" s't Al loN coL|.ECE (A) Irriv. DuPtt. of ,^ll (ho Volcrs of Botany, Lrnivcrsity DoPilli.' NIL NIL I r..N.M.(.1., L.N.M.tJ.' (ti4) Dtrbhanga Darbhonga t. L,M, )C.l,Oll€ts€' uuru"i[Eq \'"/ f . fit3ilb8rffifie!$t, 2. M,M, Collcgc, Darbhanga (6'{) 2. C.M. Collcge, DsrbhonSs (4?) C.M. Sc. Collcgc,- N II. (03) 2. 3. C. i\.1. Law Colloge, Darbh6oga Dnrbhflngt M rr M a6lleoe. Dnrbhanca (2l) . Collcge, Laherras&rar ]ITSGIGET-ahgiasarai tzol t. N.J.M. (17) 2 Millst Collcge. l.,ohcriassrui Jl?i,t.". collcgc, AnandPur' Colloge' l-sheriasarai (ls) , K.S. Collcgc' Nl t, I M.K. Dsrbhenga (8I) 3, Lrhcrlasorai 4. Morwuri Collcge, Darbhtnga (17) < r) x,i a^lloo. n^heri (09) ^ Colloge' Dsrbhanga I N4.1,.S,M. Collag0, l,'aronarrtsd tuo/ t. MMJr.M. M.L.5,M. College' ,) 4. NII, 11? s. cott"oo. uurut ons" trrl Darbhrngl r--:=--x'ii:::--;::i--F;r.r.andh r.-IKEi14i ttiraut torl l.
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