[email protected] for further information about this collection RG‐15.116M 2007.31 Draft translation State Archives in Wrocław Collection Jewish Provincial Committee for Lower Silesia Finding Aid Detailed Inventory Prepared by Marcin Wodzinski Wrocław 2000 1 Contact
[email protected] for further information about this collection INTRODUCTION The Jewish Provincial Committee for Lower Silesia [WKZ] was created in June 1945 in Rychbach (now Dzierzoniow) and, by decision of the Central Committee of Polish Jews [CKPZ], was moved to Wroclaw in April 1‐15 of 1946. With the development of Jewish settlements in Lower Silesia, district and municipal Jewish committees, subordinated to the Provincial Committee, were created as well. In July of 1945 there were 7, in the beginning of the following year – 21, with the goal to reach 47 by middle of the year. Beginning with July 1946, the number of committees, their functions as well as the number of people from the Jewish population belonging to them decreases systematically. The organizational structure of WKZ was not long lasting and was subject to rather frequent changes. In 1945, WKZ was composed of 6 departments: Productivization, Public Welfare, Mother and Child Care, Culture and Propaganda, Health and Records. In the year 1949, WKZ was liquidated and part of its functions – mostly cultural and propaganda – was assigned to the Jewish Socio‐Cultural Society [TSKZ]. At that time, all of the documents of the extinct committee were transferred to TKSZ in Wroclaw. In 1957, following a visit by representatives of the State Archives of Wroclaw, about 200 unclassified documents, in various conditions, were found in the storehouses of TSKZ.