Prior to the disestablishment of the Church of Ireland by the Irish Church Act of 1869, the fabric of the church, its ornaments, furniture and fittings were under the jurisdiction of the bishop and could only be altered by obtaining a faculty from the bishop’s court.

Most of the records of the ecclesiastical courts were destroyed in the fire in the Public Record Office in 1922 and so there is little surviving documentation about pre-disestablishment church alterations. However, for the post-disestablishment period the Representative Church Body’s records of the consents to alterations, which replaced the pre- disestablishment faculty system, provide a substantial and sustained record of church alterations. These records are available to researchers in the Representative Church Body Library.


Acton (Armagh), 1890, 2/1 1924, 9/128 1948, 14/86 1952, 14/257 1971, 16/106 1994, 20/71 1999, 21/83 Altedesert (Armagh), 1933, 11/87 1992, 20/118 2011, 26/57 2012, 26/13 Aghavilly (Armagh), 1954, 14/337 2008, 24/2 Annaghmore (Armagh), 1903, 5/1 1939, 12/77 1942, 12/161 1954, 14/320 Arboe (Armagh), 1939, 12/73 1946, 14/15 1959, 15/168 Ardee (Armagh), 1897, 4/1 1899, 4/2 1902, 5/2 1998, 21/70 1997, 21/120 2005, 23/65 Ardtrea (Armagh), 1882, 1/2 1892, 3/3 1921, 9/22 1939, 12/82 1960, 15/122 1995, 20/41 Armagh St Mark (Armagh), 1897, 4/3 1898, 1/1 1904, 5/3 1955, 14/377 1960, 15/144 1965, 16/272 1971, 16/94 1976, 16/1 1978, 17/117 1985, 18/114, 18/127 1989, 19/94 2005, 23/40 Armagh St Patrick Cathedral (Armagh), 1894 3/1 1913, 7/185 1925, 9/142 1996, 21/139 2002, 22/62 Armaghbreague (Armagh), 1894, 3/2 1945, 13/364 1996, 20/20 Ardtrea (Armagh), 1882, 1/2 1892, 3/3 1953, 14/305 Ballinderry (Armagh), 1906, 6/1 1912, 7/110, 7/118 1923, 9/96 1949, 14/131 1976, 16/4 Ballyclog (Armagh), 1940, 12/113 1979, 17/86 2007, 24/3 Ballyeglish (Armagh), 1945, 13/345 1978, 17/141 Ballygawley (Armagh), 1900, 4/4 1921, 9/31 1947, 14/63 2009, 25/1 Ballymascanlan (Armagh), 1887, 2/2 1925, 9/151 1950, 14/186 1969, 16/155 2004, 23/73 Ballymore (Armagh), 1926, 10/10 1939, 12/76 1953, 14/306 1965, 16/269 1991, 19/43 2010, 25/2, 25/3 2012, 26/12 2013, 27/20 Ballymoyer (Armagh), 1939, 12/94 1974, 16/39 1975, 16/15 Bessbrook, see Camlough (Armagh) Brackaville (Armagh), 1894, 3/4 1903, 5/4 1922, 9/67 1946, 14/18, 14/19 1947, 14/64 1957, 15/227 1965, 16/271 1980, 17/84 1984, 18/131 1989, 19/121 1998, 21/88, 21/93 2000, 21/30 2006, 24/4 Brantry (Armagh), 1901, 5/5 1939, 12/96 1977, 17/152 1978, 17/130, 17/136 1987, 18/58 Caledon (Armagh), 1901, 5/6 1923, 9/88 1939, 12/99 1963, 15/16 1967, 16/199, 16/226 1991, 19/67 2004, 22/3 2006, 24/5 Camlough (Armagh), 1898, 4/5 1910, 6/3 1956, 15/272 1979, 17/104 Carlingford (Armagh), 1881, 1/3 1923, 9/92 Carnteel (Armagh), 1909, 6/4 1921, 9/12 1972, 16/84, 16/85 1977, 17/147, 17/165 1979, 17/105 1998, 21/87 Castlebellingham, see Kilsaran Castlecaulfield (Armagh), 1909, 6/7, 6/8, 6/9 Charlemont (Armagh), 1897, 4/7 1904, 5/7 Charlestown (Armagh), 1894, 3/5 1899, 4/8 Clare (Armagh), 1997, 21/130 2009, 25/4 Clogherny (Armagh), 1895, 3/6 Clonfeacle (Armagh), 1891, 3/7 1947, 14/80 1948, 14/98 Clonoe (Armagh), 1921, 9/35 1933, 11/76 Collon (Armagh), 1897, 4/9 Creggan (Armagh), 1898, 4/10 1944, 13/335 1954, 14/342, 14/348 1964, 332 Crilly (Armagh), 1930, 10/156 Derrygortreavy (Armagh), 1897, 4/11 1898, 4/12 1949, 14/121 2005, 23/28 2012, 26/28, 26/40 Derryloran (Armagh), 1909, 6/5 1951, 14/235 1959, 15/210 1961, 15/86 1962, 15/76 1971, 16/101 1999, 21/60, 21/67 2001, 21/5, 22/94 2002, 22/78, 22/79 2003, 22/51 2006, 23/1, 23/5 2007, 24/6 2008, 24/7 Derrynoose (Armagh), 1892, 3/9 1901, 5/8 1904, 5/9 1919, 8/124 2007, 24/8 2012, 26/33 Desertcreat (Armagh), 1880, 1/4 1898, 4/13 1901, 5/10 1939, 12/83 1950, 14/170, 14/196 1960, 15/123 1961, 15/106 1962, 15/54 Desertlyn (Armagh), 1979, 17/87 1983, 17/5 1990, 19/69 2002, 22/63, 22/66 2004, 22/20 2012, 26/41, 26/44 Diamond (Armagh), 1949, 14/168 1952, 14/245 Donaghendry (Armagh), 1944, 13/319, 13/338 1949, 14/140 1953, 14/312 1966, 16/252 1975, 16/24 1977, 17/173 1986, 18/89 1990, 19/103 Donaghmore (Armagh), 1897, 4/14 1909, 6/6 1966, 16/246 1979, 17/110 1986, 18/83 2013, 27/42 Donaghmore Upper (Armagh), 1894, 3/10 1986, 18/84 2004, 22/22 Drogheda St Peter (Armagh), 1913, 7/145 1920, 8/266 2000, 21/22 2003, 22/52 Drumbanagher (Armagh), 1895, 3/11 1898, 4/15, 4/16 1954, 14/338 1955, 14/365 Drumcar (Armagh), 1962, 15/70 Drumcree (Armagh), 1904, 5/11 Drumglass (Armagh), 1945, 13/346 1954, 14/334 1956, 15/255 1965, 16/270 1967, 16/213 1983, 17/26 1987, 18/51 1990, 19/113 Drumnakilly (Armagh), 1917, 8/38 Dunany (Armagh), 1953, 14/283, 14/289 Dundalk (Armagh), 1881, 1/5 1887, 2/3 1910, 6/10 1956, 15/254 1965, 16/267 Dunleer (Armagh), 1913, 7/143 1983, 17/15 Eglish (Armagh), 1974, 16/38 1975, 16/18 Errigle Keerogue (Armagh), 1895, 3/12 1902, 5/12 1982, 17/30 1988, 18/20 1992, 20/113 Forkhill (Armagh), 1887, 2/4 1888, 2/5 1898, 4/17 1902, 5/13 1905, 5/14 Gracefield (Armagh), 1957, 15/215 Grange (Armagh), 1897, 4/18 1899, 4/19 1910, 6/11 1929, 10/103 1950, 14/200 1959, 15/176 1964, 16/327 1973, 16/53 2002, 22/84 Heynestown (Armagh), 1939, 12/78 1965, 16/273 1987, 18/57 Jonesborough (Armagh), 1935, 11/141 Keady (Armagh), 1895, 3/13 1944, 13/336 1961, 15/109 1996, 20/4, 20/5 Kilcluney (Armagh), 2014, 27/14 Kildarton (Armagh), 1886, 2/8 1939, 12/79 1939, 12/106 1944, 13/312 1993, 20/91 Killeavy (Armagh), 1959, 15/178 Killencoole (Armagh), 1918, 8/98 Killeshill (Armagh), 1944, 13/329 1952, 14/262 Killylea (Aramgh), 1933, 11/96 1948, 14/105 1978, 17/22 1984, 18/130 1991, 19/49 1992, 19/22 2013, 27/25 Killyman (Armagh), 1894, 3/14 1924, 9/122 1926, 10/1 1950, 4/206 1967, 16/211 1979, 17/101 Kilmore (Armagh), 1899, 4/20 1903, 5/15 1953, 14/285 1986, 18/81 Kilsaran (Armagh), 1953, 14/304 1982, 17/39 1985, 18/112 1995, 20/34 Lisnadill (Armagh), 1939, 12/107 1947, 14/68 2004, 23/72 Lissan (Armagh), 1890, 2/6 1926, 10/4 1949, 14/144 1952, 14/256 1954, 14/332 1967, 16/198 Loughgall (Armagh), 1930, 10/158 1939, 12/102 1990, 19/81, 19/87 1992, 19/4 1997, 21/119 Loughgilly (Armagh), 1886, 2/7 1940, 12/112 1948, 14/112 1983, 17/12, 17/19 1988, 18/10 2003, 22/50 2012, 26/39 Magherafelt (Armagh), 1986, 18/82 1990, 19/82 Markethill (Armagh), 1952, 14/255 Mellifont (Armagh), 1893, 3/18 1894, 3/19 Middletown (Armagh), 1949, 14/142 1967, 16/221 2011, 26/63 Milltown (Armagh), 1909, 6/12 1949, 14/145 1965, 16/266 1967, 16/229 1969, 16/154 1978, 17/116 1983, 18/145 1984, 18/142 2003, 22/49 2007, 24/9 2011, 26/56 Mullabrack (Armagh), 2005, 23/29 2013, 27/13 Mullaglass (Armagh), 1895, 3/15 1903, 5/16 1954, 14/353 1983, 17/14 Mullavilly (Armagh), 1896, 4/21 1939, 12/8 1950, 14/185, 14/192 1954, 14/352 1987, 18/74 1993, 20/81 2007, 24/10 Newtownhamilton (Armagh), 1946, 14/24 1954, 14/318, 14/331 1957, 15/223 1970, 16/126 Pomeroy (Armagh), 1897, 4/22 1948, 14/116 1950, 14/190 1995, 20/38 1997, 21/134 Portadown (Armagh), 1883, 2/9 1894, 3/16, 3/17 1908, 6/13 1920, 8/279 1921, 9/58 1947, 14/42, 14/76 1949, 14/123, 14/125 1950, 14/207 1952, 14/248 1962, 15/47, 15/56 1965, 16/268 1966, 16/237 1967, 16/225 1979, 17/109 1985, 18/124, 18/125 1987, 18/68 1994, 20/70 2009, 25/5 2013, 27/36 Rathcor (Armagh), 1997, 21/123 Richhill (Armagh), 1913, 7/126 1945, 13/343 1991, 19/55 2010, 25/6 2011, 26/52 St. Saviour’s (Portadown) (Armagh), 1954, 14/344 2007, 24/1 2008, 24/11 2010, 25/7 2013, 27/26 Seskinore (Armagh), 1987, 18/78 Sixmilecross (Armagh), 1895, 3/8 1951, 14/226 1958, 15/182, 15/183 1971, 16/96 Tamlaght (Armagh), 1889, 2/10 1908, 6/14 1989, 19/124 Tartaraghan (Armagh), 1889, 2/11 1897, 4/23 1908, 6/15 1910, 6/16, 6/17 1911, 7/49 1929, 10/97 1942, 12/152 1956, 15/253 1961, 15/103 1968, 16/166 1969, 16/140 Tanderagee (Armagh), 1909, 6/2 Termonmaguirke (Armagh), 1966, 16/260 Tullaniskin (Armagh), 1912, 7/102 1921, 9/36 1931, 11/34 1950, 14/174 1978, 17/131, 17/132 Tullyallen (Armagh), 1896, 4/24 1936, 12/14 Tynan (Armagh), 1893, 3/20 1939, 12/105 1946, 14/30 1957, 15/232 1960, 15/141 1986, 18/105 Woodschapel (Armagh), 1887, 2/12 1957, 15/222 1996, 20/10


Aghabog (Clogher), 1912, 7/86 1913, 7/141 Aghadrumsee (Clogher), 1877, 1/6 1919, 8/178 Aghalurcher (Clogher), 1903, 5/17 1927, 10/29 2010, 25/8 Aghavea (Clogher), 1898, 4/45 1965, 16/284 2013, 27/12 Augher (Clogher), 1921, 9/5 Aughnamullen (Clogher), 1920, 8/234 2013/ 27/24 Ballybay (Clogher), 1880, 1/7 1921, 9/52 2003, 22/38, 22/44 Barr (Clogher), 2009, 25/10 Belleek (Clogher), 1912, 7/72 2008, 26/9 Boho (Clogher), 1913, 7/173 1921, 9/51 Carrickmacross (Clogher), 1897, 4/26 1898, 4/27 Carrigans (Clogher), 1921, 9/37 Castlearchdale (Clogher), 1907, 6/18 Cleenish (Clogher), 1906, 6/19 1907, 6/20 1922, 9/80 Clogh (Clogher), 1898, 4/28 1904, 5/18 Clogher Cathedral (Clogher), 1950, 14/204 1962, 15/67 Clogherny (Armagh), 1958, 15/203 Clontibret (Clogher), 1905, 5/19 1911, 7/17 Colaghty, see Lack (Clogher) Colebrooke (see Aghalurcher) Crossduff (Clogher), 1920, 8/229 1921, 9/50 1922, 9/69 Currin (Clogher), 1905, 5/20 2014, 27/11 Derrybrusk (Clogher), 1882, 1/8 1961, 15/81 Derryvullan South (Clogher), 1882, 1/9, 1/10, 1/11, 1/12 Derryvullen North (Clogher), 1896, 4/29 1898, 4/30 1909, 6/21 Devenish (Clogher), 1889, 2/13 1913, 7/164 1986, 18/103 2007, 24/12 Donagh (Clogher), 1897, 4/31 Donaghmoine (Clogher), 1880, 1/13 1934, 11/112 Dromore (Clogher), 2008, 24/15 Drumkeeran (Clogher), 1900, 4/32 1961, 15/82 2006, 24/13 2007, 24/14 2013, 27/10 Drummully (Clogher), 1914, 7/203 1915, 7/259 Drumsnatt (Clogher), 1901, 5/22 Enniskillen (Clogher), 1889, 2/14 1898, 4/33 1921, 9/29 2003, 22/40 2004, 22/9 2006, 23/4 2008, 24/16 2008, 24/17 2010, 26/73 Errigal Trough (Clogher), 1889, 2/15 Fintona (Clogher), 1904, 5/21 Fivemiletown (Clogher), 1890, 2/16 1973, 16/58 2002, 22/65 2007, 24/18 2010, 25/11 Garrison (Clogher), 1899, 4/34 Garvary (Clogher), 1899, 4/35 Inishmacsaint (Clogher), 1898, 4/36 1899, 4/37 1932, 11/72 1940, 12/116 2004, 22/15 Inniskean (Clogher), 1909, 6/22 Irvinestown, see Derryvullan North (Clogher) Killeevan (Clogher), 1909, 6/23 Kilmore (Clogher), 1902, 5/23 1903, 5/24 1911, 7/37 1911, 7/44 Kiltyclogher (Clogher), 2011, 26/60 Lack (Clogher), 1913, 7/247 1963, 15/13 Lisbellaw (Clogher), 1893, 3/21, 3/22 1897, 4/38 1929, 10/115 2005, 23/52 Lisnaskea (Clogher), 2010, 25/12 Magheracloone (Clogher), 1890, 2/17 Magheracross (Clogher), 2013, 27/19 Magheraculmoney (Clogher), 1904, 5/25 1918, 8/109 Maguiresbridge (Clogher), 1904, 5/26 1911, 7/27 1938, 12/58 Monaghan (Clogher), 2007, 24/19 2008, 24/20 Muckno (Clogher), 2009, 25/13 Muckross (Clogher), 1923, 9/103 Newbliss (Clogher), 1939, 12/75 Newtownbutler (Clogher), 2010, 25/9 Newtownsaville (Clogher), 1914, 7/212 Rossorry (Clogher), 2008, 24/21 2010, 25/14 2013, 27/23 Sallaghy (Clogher), 1913, 7/149 1962, 15/48, 15/68 2012, 26/30 Shanco (Clogher), 1906, 6/25 Slavin (Clogher), 1897, 4/39 1910, 6/26 2010, 26/2 2011, 26/61 Stranoodan Chapel of Ease (Clogher), 1909, 6/24 1911, 7/38 Trillick (Clogher), 1890, 2/18 1904, 5/27 Tullycorbet (Clogher), 1903, 5/28 Tydavnet (Clogher), 1885, 2/19 Tyholland (Clogher), 1921, 9/49


Aghadowey (Derry), 2008, 24/22 2009, 25/15 Ardstraw (Derry), 1908, 6/49 2006, 23/9 2006, 24/24 Badoney Upper (Derry), 1911, 7/11 Ballynascreen (Derry), 1887, 2/32 1999, 21/49 2012, 26/23 Balteagh (Derry), 1898, 4/65 1912, 7/195 Baronscourt (Derry), 2012, 26/59 Belmont (Derry), 2012, 26/42 Bovevagh (Derry), 1877, 1/21 1897, 4/66 1904, 5/50 1914, 7/231 Camus-Juxta-Mourne (Derry), 1896, 4/6 1995, 20/46 1999, 21/81 2007, 24/25 2013, 27/3 Cappagh (Derry), 1899, 4/67, 4/68 1901, 5/51 1905, 5/52 1916, 8/9 1921, 9/21 1997, 21/53 2013, 27/22 Carrick (Derry), 1938, 12/56 Castledawson (Derry), 1974, 16/46 1993, 20/102 1994, 20/75 1996, 21/54 Castlederg (Derry), (see Derg) Castlerock (Derry), 2004, 22/24 2006, 23/2 2009, 25/17 2012, 26/32, 26/34 Cloncha (Derry), 1880, 1/22 Clooney All Saints (Derry), 1927, 10/48 1993, 20/103 2008, 25/18 Culdaff (Derry), 1886, 2/33 Culmore (Derry), 1920, 8/225 1997, 21/47 Cumber Upper (Derry), 1904, 5/53 1907, 6/50 1927, 10/54 Derg (Derry), 1896, 4/69 1897, 4/70 1938, 12/53 2011, 26/3 Derry Christ Church Cathedral (Derry), 1920, 8/243 Derry Free Church (Derry), 1881, 1/23 Desertmartin (Derry), 1999, 21/58 2004, 23/41 2013, 27/2 Desertoghill (Derry), 1903, 5/54 Donagheady (Derry), 2012, 27/48 Donaghmore (Derry), 1909, 6/51 Drumachose (Derry), 1881, 1/24 1913, 7/181 1917, 8/55 2008, 24/26 Drumclamph (Derry), 1991, 20/121 1996, 21/46 Drumragh (Derry), 1897, 4/71 1898, 4/72 1931, 11/23 2006, 23/3 Dunnalong (Derry), 2006, 24/27 Edenderry (Derry), 1927, 10/50 1970, 16/128 2000, 21/11, 21/12, 21/13, 21/15, 21/16, 21/17, 21/18 Errigle (Derry), 1908, 6/52 2011, 26/62 Fahan Lower (Derry), 1901, 4/55 Fahan Upper (Derry), 1927, 10/38 Faughanvale (Derry), 1880, 1/25 1991, 19/53 Fermoyle (Derry), 1933, 11/95 Glendermott (Derry), 1982, 17/34 2004, 22/1 2008, 24/28 Kilcronaghan (Derry), 1894, 3/44 1895, 3/45 1918, 8/96 1991, 20/126 Killowen (Derry), 1999, 21/39 1996, 21/43, 21/44 1998, 21/50 2001, 22/56 Kilrea (Derry), 2012, 26/20 Langfield Lower (Derry), 1906, 6/53 1913, 7/162 1992, 20/117 Leckpatrick (Derry), 2004, 23/70 2007, 24/33 Lislimnaghan (Derry), 2009, 25/19 Londonderry St. Augustine (Derry), 2003, 22/57, 22/58 2008, 24/30 Maghera (Derry), 1903, 5/56 Mountfield (Derry), 1913, 7/167 Tamlaght O'Crilly Lower (Derry), 1897, 4/73 1898, 4/74 2012, 26/24 Tamlaght O'Crilly Upper (Derry), 1900, 4/75 1920, 8/240 Tamlaghtard (Derry), 1991, 20/123 Tamlaghtfinlagan (Derry), 1995, 20/48 2003, 23/54 Templemore (Derry), 1885, 2/34 1896, 4/76 2004, 23/71 2006, 23/10 2008, 27/1 Termonamongan (Derry), 1895, 3/46 1896, 4/77 1897, 4/78 1901, 5/57 1907, 6/54 Termoneeny (Derry), 1898, 4/79 2009, 26/10 Urney (Derry), 1996, 21/45 2009, 25/21 2013, 27/45, 27/46


All Saints (Raphoe), (see Portsalon) Ardara (Raphoe), 1877, 1/26 1907, 6/55 1953, 14/292 2006, 24/23 2010, 25/16 Ballymore, see Clondehorkey (Raphoe) Ballyshannon, see Kilbarron (Raphoe) Bunbeg, see Gweedore (Raphoe) Burt (Raphoe), 1912, 7/85 Carrickfin (Raphoe), 1909, 6/56 Clondehorkey (Raphoe), 1992, 20/104 Clondevaddock (Raphoe), 1896, 4/81 1991, 20/127 1992, 19/11 1999, 21/62 Clonleigh (Raphoe), 1994, 20/77 Donagh (Raphoe), 1984, 18/149 Donegal (Raphoe), 1927, 10/43 Drumholm (Raphoe), 1995, 20/44 Dunfanaghy (Raphoe), 1911, 7/28 1927, 10/34 Gartan (Raphoe), 1895, 3/47 1912, 7/121 Glenalla (Raphoe), 1991, 20/124 Glencolumbkille (Raphoe), 1900, 4/82 1901, 5/58 Glenties (Raphoe), 1912, 7/89 Gweedore (Raphoe), 1913, 7/144 Inniskeel (Raphoe), 1885, 2/35 2012, 26/21 Kilbarron (Raphoe), 1902, 5/59 1901, 6/57 1993, 20/100 Killaghtee (Raphoe), 1903, 5/60 Killea (Raphoe), 1896, 4/83 2007, 24/32 2008, 24/29 Killygarvan (Raphoe), 1911, 7/15 Killymard (Raphoe), 1991, 20/122 Kilteevogue (Raphoe), 1911, 7/1 1996, 21/42 Knock (Raphoe), 1925, 9/176 1931, 13/120 Laghey (Raphoe), 1995, 21/52 Lettermacaward (Raphoe), 1903, 5/61 Lough Eske (Raphoe), 1903, 5/62 2008, 25/20 Mevagh (Raphoe), 1893, 3/48 1996, 20/13 1998, 21/48 1999, 21/59 2008, 24/31, 24/34 Milford (Raphoe), 1916, 8/16 Mountcharles (Raphoe), 1898, 4/84 Moville (Raphoe), 1994, 20/78 Newtowncunningham (Raphoe), 1991, 20/125 Portsalon (Raphoe), 1897, 4/80 Raphoe (Raphoe), 1911, 7/14 1996, 21/14 2012, 26/1 Raymochy (Raphoe), 1903, 5/63 1911, 7/24 2013, 27/44 Rossnowlagh (Raphoe), 1897, 4/85 1898, 4/86 1904, 5/64 1994, 20/73 Stranorlar (Raphoe), 1999, 21/55 2000, 21/10 Tullyaughnish (Raphoe), 1900, 4/87 1900, 4/88 1999, 21/66


Ardglass (Down), 1895, 3/49 1930, 13/105 1948, 14/94 1971, 16/110 Ardkeen (Down), 1912, 7/97 1934, 13/220 1966, 16/244 1967, 16/204 1971, 16/102 1979, 17/97 Ballee (Down), 1913, 7/131 1924, 13/44 1933, 13/179 1962, 15/59 1963, 15/37 1964, 16/330 Ballyculter (Down), 1881, 1/27 1953, 14/282 1954, 14/350 1967, 16/233 Ballyhalbert (Down), 1923, 13/21 1931, 13/116 1932, 13/158 1967, 16/234 1968, 16/186 2003, 22/46 Ballyholme (Down), 1960, 15/128 1961, 15/88, 15/113, 15/114, 15/115 1962, 15/53 1963, 15/34 1970, 16/120 1983, 18/152 1986, 18/92 1988, 18/40 1990, 19/110, 19/111 1998, 21/105 Ballymacarrett St Martin (Down), 1993, 20/84 1994, 20/62 2000, 21/61 Ballymacarrett St Patrick (Down), 1931, 13/123 1935, 13/246 1951, 14/240 1966, 16/249, 16/265 1967, 16/231 1968, 16/178 1971, 16/100 1975, 16/16 1976, 17/166, 17/167 1978, 17/113, 17/114 1983, 17/4 1984, 18/150 1988, 18/6, 18/23, 18/24 1992, 19/36, 19/37 1999, 21/78, 21/82 Ballynafeigh St Jude (Down), 1881, 1/30 1898, 4/89 1958, 15/199 1964, 16/314 1970, 16/112 1972, 16/86 1975, 16/12 Ballyphilip (Down), 1918, 8/86 1927, 13/56 1941, 13/298 1948, 14/111 1988, 18/43 Ballywalter (Down), 1890, 2/36 1932, 13/150, 13/151 1996, 20/3 2011, 26/46 Bangor (Down), 1898, 4/90 1934, 13/217, 13/222 1935, 13/234, 13/238 1946, 14/32 1954, 14/356 1956, 15/248 1964, 16/324 1966, 16/238, 16/243 1973, 16/50 1977, 17/172 1979, 17/94 1982, 17/50 2000, 21/27 2013, 27/35 Bangor Abbey (Down), 1939, 13/270 1952, 14/246 1953, 14/300 1959, 15/157, 15/175 2009, 25/22 Belfast St Brendan (Down), 1985, 18/113 1998, 21/104 2013, 27/31, 27/32, 27/33 Belfast St Christopher (Down), 1970, 16/123, 16/125 1976, 16/2 Belfast St Clements (Down), 1931, 13/118 1957, 15/219 1961, 15/102 1963, 15/30 1966, 16/257 1967, 16/232 1976, 16/5 1983, 17/10 1988, 18/11, 18/22 Bright (Down), 1935, 13/261 1945, 13/353 1952, 14/269, 14/270 1964, 16/305 1965, 16/287, 16/288, 16/295 Carnalea (Down), 1986, 18/96 1998, 21/106 2004, 22/4 2013, 27/30 Carrowdore (Down), 1923, 13/18 1933, 13/168, 13/186 1935, 13/250 1947, 14/61 1948, 14/88 1958, 15/188 1960, 15/131 1961, 15/92 1963, 15/31 1975, 16/26 1993, 20/86, 20/87, 20/88 2004, 22/19 2012, 27/50 Carryduff (Down), 1988, 18/7 1992, 19/15, 19/20 2005, 23/32 Comber (Down), 1894, 3/50 1912, 7/96 1944, 13/311 1949, 14/139 1954, 14/327, 14/358, 14/359 1958, 15/181 1959, 15/163 1968, 16/191 1970, 16/117 2003, 22/5 2007, 24/41, 2007, 24/43 Cregagh (Down), 1933, 13/183 1953, 14/294 1957, 15/228 1959, 15/166, 15/167, 15/169, 15/170 1960, 15/127 1962, 15/72 1969, 16/134 1970, 16/114 1975, 16/9, 16/10 1974, 16/48 1979, 17/107, 17/108 1980, 17/81 1983, 17/20 Donaghadee (Down), 1892, 3/51, 3/52 1961, 15/104 1963, 15/41 Donaghadee Church Hall (Down), 1960, 15/146 2002, 22/87 Down (Down), 1955, 14/368 1966, 16/245 1991, 19/76 1992, 20/132 1999, 21/79 Down Cathedral (Down), 1923, 13/31 1928, 13/64 1931, 13/113, 13/114 1932, 13/156 1965, 16/286 2011, 26/65 Drumbeg (Down), 1913, 7/187 1921, 9/39 1933, 11/97 1943, 13/305 1960, 15/136 1962, 15/63 1963, 15/9 1967, 16/222 1969, 16/143 1974, 16/31 1994, 20/66 1996, 20/7, 20/8 2005, 23/66 2007, 24/49 2008, 24/46, 24/47, 24/48, 25/23 2008, 26/5 2013, 27/18 Drumbo (Down), 1995, 20/52, 20/53 2004, 22/16 Dundela (Down), 1924, 13/49 1930, 13/101 1931, 13/129 1939, 13/271 1978, 17/123 1991, 19/51 Dundonald (Down), 1896, 4/91 1897, 4/92 1929, 13/71, 13/74 1933, 13/177 1953, 14/303 Dunmurry (Down), 1934, 13/197 Dunsford (Down), 1895, 3/53 1910, 6/58 1930, 13/90 1931, 13/121 1968, 16/190 1969, 16/135 Gilnahirk (Down), 1958, 15/191 1959, 15/164 1968, 16/180 1977, 17/148 1979, 17/89 1984, 18/135 Glencraig (Down), 1923, 13/10, 13/11 1928, 10/91, 13/67 1930, 13/95, 13/107 1934, 13/198 1939, 13/275 1946, 14/29 1947, 14/49 1948, 14/92, 14/113 1949, 14/169 1953, 14/286, 14/297, 14/298 1958, 15/196, 15/197 1959, 15/172 1967, 16/228 1971, 16/97 1973, 16/47 1978, 17/137, 17/138, 17/139 1995, 20/43 2007, 24/53, 24/54, 24/55 Greyabbey (Down), 1934, 13/209 1948, 14/104 1963, 15/29 1980, 17/85, 17/85 2002, 2002, 22/60 Groomsport (Down), 1928, 13/66 1931, 13/134 1932, 13/159 1933, 13/173 1934, 13/232 1935, 13/260 1947, 14/41 1971, 16/95 1999, 21/63 2001, 21/6 2004, 22/14 2006, 24/56 Helens Bay (Down), 1945, 13/363 1954, 14/357 1966, 16/258 1970, 16/127 1972, 16/80 1980, 17/67 1990, 19/104, 19/105 1991, 19/56 1992, 19/9 Hillsborough (Down), 1908, 6/59 1929, 13/78 1933, 13/176, 13/180, 13/196 1934, 13/205 1935, 13/236, 13/237, 13,258 1952, 14/249 1969, 16/159 1993, 20/101 1996, 20/24, 20/25, 20/26 1997, 21/114, 21/138 2003, 22/48 2007, 24/57 2008, 25/24 Hollymount (Down), 2002, 22/75 Holywood (Down), 1913, 7/127 1923, 13/12 1930, 13/104 1939, 13/281 1941, 13/295 1948, 14/110, 14/119 1958, 15/187 1970, 16/129 2004, 22/18 2005, 23/17 2008, 25/26 2010, 25/25 Inch (Down), 1913, 7/158 1922, 13/2 1924, 13/53 1929, 13/81 1942, 13/301 1947, 14/63 1951, 14/217 Innishargie (Down), 1922, 9/76 1932, 13/144, 13/155 1933, 13/192, 13/193, 13/194, 13/195 1966, 16/247, 16/256 Kilclief (Strangford) (Down), 1954, 14/351 Killaney (Down), 1897, 4/93 1961, 15/101 1997, 21/109 Killinchy (Down), 1933, 13/163 1949, 14/135, 14/136 1950, 14/175 1989, 19/106 1995, 20/45 1998, 21/90, 21/91 2009, 25/28 2013, 27/17, 27/18 Killyleagh (Down), 1877, 1/28 1939, 12/88 1940, 13/286 1950, 14/182 1953, 14/315 1959, 15/155 1960, 15/133 1968, 16/193 1990, 19/86 1992, 20/109, 20/110 1999, 21/84 1997, 21/124 Kilmood (Down), 1906, 6/60 1910, 6/61, 6/62 1911, 7/26 1913, 7/177 1950, 14/209 1954, 14/343 1967, 16/220 1971, 16/92 1966, 19/91 2005, 23/38 2009, 25/27 2013, 27/16 Kilmore (Down), 1964, 16/317, 16/318 2005, 23/62 2008, 24/58, 24/59 Kilwarlin Lower (Down), 2001, 22/88, 2001, 22/90 2004, 22/12 2013, 27/9 Kilwarlin Upper (Down), 1894, 3/54 1898, 4/94 1923, 13/29 1931, 11/44 2001, 22/92 2002, 22/85 2003, 22/47 2004, 22/28, 22/31 Kircubbin (Down), 1877, 1/29 1933, 13/191 1934, 13/211 1935, 13/248, 13/262 1949, 14/166 1965, 16/297 1968, 16/182 Knock St Columba (Down), 1930, 13/103 1931, 13/128, 13/132 1932, 13/140, 13/153 1933, 13/187 1939, 13/272 1945, 13/361 1946, 14/4, 14/13, 14/108 1949, 14/143 1952, 14/261, 14/266 1961, 15/93, 15/94, 15/108 1977, 17/140 2011, 26/51 Knockcolumbkille, see Knock St Columba (Down) Knock, see Knock (Raphoe) Knockbreda (Down), 1883, 2/37 1910, 6/63 1931, 13/139 1932, 13/143 1934, 13/213 1951, 14/242 1958, 15/185 1961, 15/89 1972, 16/68 1978, 17/133 Knocknagoney (Down), 1983, 17/17 1987, 18/31 1989, 19/125 Laganbank (Down), 1933, 13/164 Loughinisland (Down), 1893, 3/55 1930, 13/99 1931, 13/124 1954, 14/335, 14/336 1962, 15/74 1963, 15/21 Magheradroll (Down), 1930, 10/146 Mount Merrion (Down), 1988, 19/132 1996, 20/9 Movilla Abbey (Down), 1983, 17/8 Newtownards (Down), 1939, 13/273 1956, 15/257, 15/258 1957, 15/218 1965, 16/299, 16/300 1967, 16/214 1993, 20/79 1997, 21/103 1998, 21/102 2010, 26/72 Orangefield (Down), 1949, 14/160, 14/161 1952, 14/271 1972, 16/89, 16/91 1973, 16/64 1981, 17/61 1982, 17/31 1989, 19/98 1991, 19/74 1992, 19/24, 19/25 1993, 20/98 1996, 20/11 1997, 21/122 2004, 22/8 Rathmullen (Down), 1878, 1/31 1981, 17/53, 17/65 Saintfield (Down), 1884, 2/38 1968, 16/174 1977, 17/163 1994, 20/72 2012, 26/18 Saul (Down), 1941, 12/170 1961, 15/85 2005, 23/21 St Christopher (Down), 1961, 15/100 1962, 15/61, 15/69 St Donard (Down), 1944, 13/324 1949, 14/124 1956, 15/264, 15/265, 15/267 1962, 15/60 1963, 15/36 1972, 16/69 1973, 16/60 1974, 16/42 1984, 18/141 Seaforde – see Loughinisland (Down) Stormont (Down), 1967, 16/202, 16/230 1972, 16/70 1975, 16/20 1987, 18/63 1995, 20/37, 20/39 2006, 24/64 Sydenham – see Belfast St. Brendan (Down) Tyrella (Down), 1970, 16/121 Tullynakill (Down), 1904, 5/65, 5/66 Willowfield (Down), 1901, 5/67 1921, 9/44 1950, 14/193 1963, 15/38 1964, 16/319 1967, 16/209 1988, 18/50 2005, 23/30


Aghaderg (Dromore), 1877, 1/43 1946, 14/20 1949, 14/127 1953, 14/301 1979, 17/88, 17/99, 17/100 Aghalee (Dromore), 1884, 2/49 1898, 4/103 1924, 13/45 1927, 13/58 1934, 13/199 1959, 15/159 1976, 17/169 1993, 20/94 1999, 21/76 2006, 24/36 2008, 24/35 2011, 26/64 Annaclone (Dromore), 1892, 3/67 1934, 13/204 1946, 14/2, 14/3, 14/9 1966, 16/263 1998, 21/99, 21/100, 21/101 Annahilt (Dromore), 1923, 13/32 1929, 13/75 1950, 14/173 1953, 14/280 1974, 16/44 1988, 18/28 1994, 20/60 1997, 21/112 2001, 21/3 2005, 23/31, 23/35 2007, 24/37, 24/38 2013, 27/8 Annalong (Dromore), 1932, 13/148 1953, 14/295 1958, 15/189, 15/190 1959, 15/154, 15/161, 15/162, 15/173 1962, 15/73 1963, 15/18 1990, 19/112 2002, 22/73 Ardmore (Dromore), 1923, 13/35 1933, 13/185 1948, 14/89 1950, 14/177, 14/178 1968, 16/165 Ballyward (Dromore), 1994, 20/67 Banbridge – see Seapatrick (Dromore) Castlewellan (Dromore), 1931, 13/127 1935, 13/247 1947, 14/78 1966, 16/255 1971, 16/105 2002, 22/76 2008, 24/40 Clonallon (Dromore), 1933 13/169 2002, 22/69 Donaghcloney (Dromore), 1996, 20/18 2007, 24/39 2010, 25/30 Donaghmore (Dromore), 1931, 11/17 1932, 13/142 Dromara (Dromore), 1901, 5/73 1974, 16/37 1978, 17/118, 17/119 1981, 17/62 1988, 18/15, 18/42, 18/45 2011, 26/47 Dromore (Dromore), 1879, 1/44 1894, 3/68 1898, 4/104 1934, 13/227 1948, 14/84 1990, 19/108, 19/109 2005, 23/46, 23/51 2007, 24/44, 24/45 2010, 25/29 2012, 26/14 Drumballyroney (Dromore), 1934, 13/224 Drumgath (Dromore), 1954, 14/345 1960, 15/139 1979, 17/102 2007, 24/42, 24/52 2008, 24/50, 24/51 Drumgooland (Dromore), 1897, 4/105 1929, 13/80 1946, 14/25 1949, 14/120 1969, 16/207 1974, 16/34 1975, 16/27, 16/28, 16/29 2005, 23/55 Garvaghy (Dromore), 1940, 13/284, 13/285 1989, 19/130 2002, 22/67 2012, 26/27 Gilford (Dromore), 1890, 2/51 1929, 13/86 1940, 13/290 1968, 16/185 1992, 19/26, 19/27 2002, 22/70 Kilbroney (Dromore), 1924, 13/47 1934, 13/207, 13/216 1935, 13/255 1948, 14/106 1951, 14/225 1963, 15/14 1984, 18/121, 18/122, 18/123 1989, 19/119 Kilcoo (Dromore), 1933, 13/175, 13/178 1942, 12/159 1971, 16/104 1986, 18/102 2001, 22/89 2012, 26/29 Kilkeel (Dromore), 1885, 2/52 1902, 5/74 1931, 13/131 1934, 13/201 1940, 13/289 1944, 13/326 1964, 16/309 1967, 16/196 1998, 21/92 Kilmegan (Dromore), 1923, 13/6 1934, 13/228 1940, 13/288 1963, 15/28 1969, 16/152 1974, 16/35 Knocknamuckley (Dromore), 1885, 2/53 1897, 4/106 1911, 7/43 1932, 13/146, 13/147 1950, 14/172 1957, 15/238 1991, 19/66 1997, 21/113 2001, 21/4 2002, 22/71 2013, 27/34 Lurgan Shankill, (Dromore), 1942, 12/150 1929, 13/84 1930, 13/109 1931, 13/117 1934, 13/218 1947, 14/46 1948, 14/100 1964, 16/331 1986, 18/95 1993, 20/92 1996, 21/140 2006, 23/18 Lurgan St John the Evangelist (Dromore), 1975, 16/13 Maghera (Dromore), 1923, 13/22 1929, 13/76 1930, 13/98 1947, 14/71 1982, 17/32 Magheradroll (Dromore), 1922, 13/1 1929, 13/89 1950, 14/191 1951, 14/210 1956, 15/252, 15/262 1973, 16/51, 16/52 2013, 27/28, 27/29 Magherahamlet (Dromore), 1981, 17/63 1989, 19/129 1999, 21/75 2000, 21/31 Magherally (Dromore), 1934, 13/202 1957, 15/237 1962, 15/42 Maralin (Dromore), 1890, 2/54 1897, 4/107 1923, 13/17 1935, 13/256 1945, 13/347 1962, 15/77, 15/78 1964, 16/320 1972, 16/73 1973, 16/49 1991, 19/44, 19/45, 19/46, 19/47 2003, 22/42 2004, 22/27 2008, 24/60 Moira (Dromore), 1877, 1/45 1899, 4/108 1934, 13/214 1949, 14/122 1950, 14/195 1991, 19/60, 19/61, 19/62 Newcastle (Dromore), 1901, 5/75 1912, 7/98 1920, 8/253 1935, 13/254 1939, 13/268 1942, 13/302 1943, 13/307 1979, 17/93 Newry St Mary (Dromore), 1885, 2/55 1931, 11/15 1959, 15/158 1966, 16/236 1967, 16/205, 16/218 Newry St Patrick (Dromore), 1885, 2/56 1898, 4/111 1940, 13/283 1969, 16/147 1982, 17/40, 17/47 Rathfriland, see Drumgath (Dromore) Scarva (Dromore), 1935, 13/244 1949, 14/153 1951, 14/230 1977, 17/162 1980, 17/70 Seagoe (Dromore), 1890, 2/57 1895, 3/69 1913, 7/147 1992, 20/116 2006, 24/63 2007, 24/61, 24/62 Seapatrick (Dromore), 1923, 13/36 1939, 13/276 1951, 14/224 1963, 15/15, 15/35 1982, 17/33 1983, 17/7, 17/27 1984, 18/143, 18/147 1986, 18/97 1987, 18/52, 18/55, 18/66, 18/70 1993, 20/107 1996, 20/12 2002, 22/80 2006, 23/16 2009, 25/31 Shankill, see Lurgan (Dromore) St. Donard (Dundrum) (Dromore), 1947, 14/51 1961, 15/110 Tullylish (Dromore), 1895, 3/70 1909, 6/70 1923, 13/9 1930, 13/96 1952, 14/253 1954, 14/322 1963, 15/3, 15/20 1979, 17/106 1980, 17/79 1991, 19/54 1998, 21/96 2005, 23/53 Warrenpoint (Dromore), 1877, 1/46 1878, 1/47 1890, 2/58 1897, 4/109 1898, 4/110 1914, 7/210 1931, 13/135 1983, 17/13 Waringstown (Dromore), 1888, 2/50 1928, 13/62


Agherton (Connor), 1913, 7/140 1914, 7/201 1923, 13/13, 13/24, 13/42 1934, 13/226 1935, 13/253 1939, 13/264 1982, 17/36 1983, 17/6 1992, 19/1 1994, 20/58 1996, 20/2 1999, 21/64 2001, 22/93 2003, 22/37 2008, 25/32 2011, 26/69 Ahoghill (Connor), 1947, 14/70 1957, 15/216, 15/239 1967, 16/224 1993, 20/95 All Saints (Craigy Hill) (Connor), 2002, 22/77 Antrim (Connor), 1880, 1/32 1891, 3/56 1929, 10/116 1930, 13/97 1964, 16/316 1965, 16/29 1988, 18/25, 18/26 1997, 21/115 1998, 21/97, 21/98 Ardclinis (Connor), 1884, 2/39 1935, 13/241 1952, 14/252 1957, 15/225, 15/240 1961, 15/95 1965, 16/285 2007, 24/65 Ardoyne (Connor), 1965, 16/275, 16/276 2004, 22/33 Armoy (Connor), 1931, 13/125 1963, 15/40 1990, 19/85 2006, 23/11, 23/12, 2005, 23/24, 23/25 2009, 25/33 Ballinderry (Connor), 1894, 3/57 1923, 13/27 1929, 13/85 1947, 14/73 1955, 14/367 1965, 16/291 1981, 17/77 1988, 18/16, 18/32 1991, 19/52 2011, 26/54 Ballintoy (Connor), 1957, 15/231 1984, 18/134 1993, 20/80 Ballycarry, see Templecorran (Connor) Ballycastle (Connor), 1933, 13/188 Ballyclare (Connor), 2004, 22/30 Ballyclug (Connor), 1883, 1/33 1951, 14/219 1953, 14/287 1954, 14/330 Ballyeaston (Connor), 1934, 13/206 Ballymacash (Connor), 1990, 19/83 1991, 19/59 1992, 19/13, 19/38 Ballymena (Connor), 1894, 3/61 1923, 13/14 1931, 13/130 1946, 14/6 1946, 14/37 1947, 14/48 1952, 14/276 1954, 14/347, 14/360 1958, 15/200 1977, 17/149, 17/150 1982, 17/44 1983, 17/9 1992, 19/31 2003, 22/39 2007, 24/72 2013, 27/41 2014, 27/7 Ballymoney (Connor), 1895, 3/62 1911, 7/22 1912, 7/81 1935, 11/140 1955, 14/378 1961, 15/87 1989, 19/131 1999, 21/77 2002, 22/68 2007, 24/67 2012, 26/25 Ballyrashane (Connor), 1880, 1/34 1952, 14/259 1960, 15/135 1977, 17/153, 17/154, 17/155, 17/156, 17/157 1987, 18/46, 18/65 2001, 21/8 2011, 26/35, 26/58, 26/66 Ballyscullion (Connor), 1877, 1/35 1894, 3/58 1949, 14/148 1962, 15/52 Ballysillan, see St. Mark’s Ballysillan Ballywillan (Connor), 1923, 13/39 1927, 13/61 1939, 13/266, 13/279 1942, 13/30 1943, 13/309 1980, 17/76 1994, 20/74 1999, 21/80 2000, 21/35 2001, 22/95 2004, 22/11 2007, 24/66 2012, 26/26 Belfast All Saints (Connor), 1930, 13/93 1932, 13/152 1934, 13/233 1947, 14/72 1950, 14/184 1977, 17/161 1985, 18/120 1986, 18/101 1997, 21/131 Belfast Christ Church, (Connor), 1933, 13/171 1934, 13/221 1935, 11/126 1945, 13/341 1952, 14/251, 14/265 1958, 15/186, 15/192, 15/193 1963, 15/17 1967, 16/210 2003, 22/53 Belfast Holy Redeemer (Connor), 1985, 18/128 Belfast Holy Trinity and St. Silas (Connor), 2011, 26/50 Belfast Mariners (Connor), 1909, 6/68 Belfast St Aidan (Connor), 1930, 13/91, 13/92 1951, 14/214 1952, 14/264 1953, 14/299 1962, 15/45 1975, 16/17 1978, 17/135 1995, 20/51 2002, 22/83 Belfast St Andrew (Connor), 1931, 13/115 1933, 13/184 1953, 14/313 1988, 18/1 2008, 24/68 Belfast St Anne's Cathedral (Connor), 1924, 13/50, 13/51, 13/52 1934, 13/231 1936, 12/4 1939, 13/267 1942, 13/303 1943, 13/306 1944, 13/317, 13/318 1967, 16/227 1992, 19/3, 19/5, 19/7 1993, 20/85, 20/89, 20/106 Belfast St Barnabas (Connor), 1923, 13/26, 13/43 1933, 13/161 1962, 15/75 1965, 16/282 1966, 16/274 1968, 16/176 Belfast St Bartholomew (Connor), 1930, 13/111 1931, 13/119 1933, 13/174 1934, 13/229 1935, 13/257 1944, 13/333 1945, 13/362 1964, 16/302 1965, 16/283 1972, 16/75 1987, 18/77 1989, 19/117 1990, 19/80 1992, 19/21 1993, 20/99 1994, 20/61 1996, 20/16 1997, 21/135, 21/136 2000, 21/33, 21/34, 21/38 21/57 2002, 22/74 Belfast St George (Connor), 1882, 1/42 1950, 14/179 1956, 15/251 1961, 15/97, 15/118 1963, 16/326 1966, 16/253 1977, 17/171 1986, 18/107 1992, 19/16, 19/29 1992, 20/131 1998, 21/89 Belfast St James (Connor), 1916, 8/5 1918, 8/117 1923, 13/40 1934, 13/208 1942, 12/162 1967, 16/203 1968, 16/167 1971, 16/108 1973, 16/56 1981, 17/56, 17/75 Belfast St Katharine (Connor), 1974, 16/33 1989, 19/99 Belfast St Luke (Connor), 1923, 13/25 1948, 14/114 1956, 15/263 1961, 15/105 1969, 16/133, 16/138 Belfast St Mary (Connor), 1884, 2/48 1911, 7/56 1960, 15/137 1983, 17/2 1984, 18/133 1995, 20/50 Belfast St Mary Magdalene (Connor), 1930, 13/100 1934, 13/223 1939, 13/278 1953, 14/296 1959, 15/165 1964, 16/321 1972, 16/90 1978, 17/112 1981, 17/52 2001, 22/91 Belfast St Matthew (Connor), 1933, 13/162 1951, 14/222 1963, 15/27 1991, 19/70, 19/77 1995, 20/54, 20/55, 20/56 1996, 20/21, 20/22 2003, 22/43 2005, 23/34 2010, 25/34, 25/35 Belfast St Michael (Connor), 1932, 13/154 1939, 13/277 1960, 15/145 1962, 15/51 1963, 15/33 1964, 16/310 1968, 16/188 1994, 20/59 1997, 21/128 Belfast St Nicholas (Connor), 1919, 8/144 1939, 13/265 1945, 13/365 1947, 14/47, 14/53 1948, 14/109 1950, 14/201 1955, 14/364 1963, 15/1 1964, 16/323 1969, 16/136, 16/189 1970, 16/111, 16/122, 16/124 1971, 16/103 1974, 16/40 1977, 17/158 1987, 18/71 2009, 25/36 Belfast St Ninian (Connor), 1988, 18/5 Belfast St Paul (Connor), 1947, 14/62 1958, 15/195 Belfast St Peter (Connor), 1933, 13/170 1934, 11/119 1935, 13/243 1951, 14/212 1952, 14/258 1956, 15/256, 15/273, 15/278 1991, 19/41 2005, 23/44 Belfast St Philip (Connor), 1923, 13/34 1994, 20/68, 20/69 Belfast St Silas (Connor), 1917, 8/44 1928, 13/88 1966, 16/254 1979, 17/111 1981, 17/55 Belfast St Simon (Connor), 1923, 13/15 1949, 14/163 1959, 15/152 1960, 15/148 1968, 16/168 1972, 16/67 1986, 18/108 1988, 18/27 1999, 21/72 2000, 21/40 2001, 22/96 2002, 22/81 Belfast St Stephen (Connor), 1928, 13/65 1939, 13/269 1951, 14/243 1955, 14/374 1984, 18/138, 18/139 1991, 19/68 1992, 19/42 1998, 21/110 1999, 21/67, 21/68, 21/69 2005, 23/27 2011, 26/45 Belfast St Thomas (Connor), 1919, 8/196 1962, 15/57 1963, 15/26 1988, 18/12 1995, 20/40 2006, 23/6 Billy (Connor), 1890, 2/40, 2/41 1895, 3/63 1924, 13/48 1939, 13/280 1959, 15/151 1968, 16/172, 16/184 1984, 18/153 2006, 23/15 Bright (Connor), 1981, 17/71, 17/72, 17/73 Broomhedge (Connor), 1899, 4/96 1931, 13/112, 13/133 1934, 13/202 1935, 13/249 1964, 16/306 1965, 16/281 1973, 16/59 1987, 18/73 1988, 18/33, 18/34, 18/35, 18/36, 18/37 1990, 19/102 1991, 19/63, 19/64, 19/71 1992, 19/14 Cairncastle (Connor), 1964, 16/303 2007, 24/73 2010, 25/37 2011, 26/36 Carnlough (Connor), 2006, 23/13, 23/14 Carnmoney (Connor), 1966, 16/235 1969, 16/139, 16/153 1970, 16/119 1981, 17/54 1987, 18/67 1992, 19/33 1992, 20/114 2004, 22/13 Carrickfergus (Connor), 1885, 2/42 1929, 13/72, 13/73, 13/83 1932, 13/145 1933, 13/166 1934, 13/230 1945, 13/344 1947, 14/74 1951, 14/237 1962, 15/55 1967, 16/216 1897, 18/48 1988, 18/8, 18/18 2004, 22/2 Church of the Resurrection, Queen’s University (Connor), 2005, 23/57, 23/58, 23/59 Cloughfern (Connor), 1961, 15/83 2003, 22/55 2004, 22/23 2011, 26/53 Coleraine (Connor), 1883, 2/43 1923, 13/30 1927, 13/57 1933, 13/160 1935, 13/235, 13/245, 13/252 1945, 13/354 1953, 14/291 1956, 15/250 1960, 15/138 1969, 16/151 1984, 18/144 1995, 20/36 2013, 27/15 Connor St. Saviour (Connor), 1899, 4/97 1962, 15/43 1964, 16/312 1981, 17/60 1983, 17/3 Craigs (Connor), 1879, 1/37 1888, 2/44 1923, 13/33 1948, 14/85 1962, 15/71 Crumlin (Connor), 1946, 14/5 Culfeightrin (Connor), 1906, 6/65 1922, 13/4 1966, 16/241, 16/259 2008, 24/69 Cushendun (Connor), 1910, 6/64 1935, 13/251 1957, 15/21, 15/243 Derriaghy (Connor), 1903, 5/68 1917, 8/41 1923, 13/8 1924, 13/46 1934, 13/200 1951, 14/228 1995, 20/47 2000, 21/19 2001, 21/7 2002, 22/82 2006, 24/70 2011, 26/55 Derrykeighan (Connor), 1878, 1/38 1928, 13/69 1935, 13/259 1977, 17/142 1979, 17/98 1984, 18/154 Derryvolgie (Connor), 1987, 18/64 1990, 19/79 2005, 23/33 Donegore (Connor), 2008, 25/38 2012, 26/44 Drew Memorial, see Belfast St Philip (Connor) Drummaul (Connor), 1922, 13/3 1923, 13/16 1949, 14/133 1958, 15/209 1961, 15/98 1983, 17/16 1985, 18/110, 18/129 2008, 25/40 Drumtullagh (Connor), 1978, 17/120 Dunaghy (Connor), 1900, 4/98 1940, 12/111 1949, 14/152 Duneane (Connor), 1878, 1/39 1905, 5/70 1909, 6/66 1927, 13/55 1950, 14/189 1987, 18/53 Dunluce (Connor), 1930, 13/110 1949, 14/141 1950, 14/188 1969, 16/161 2000, 21/28 2003, 22/35, 22/36 2009, 25/41 Dunmurry St. Colman (Connor), 1929, 13/70 1948, 14/87, 14/93 1949, 14/162 1950, 14/183, 14/194, 14/199 1954, 14/341 1981, 17/69 1982, 17/28 1983, 17/21 1996, 20/6 1997, 21/116, 21/117, 21/118 2008, 25/39 2010, 26/70 Dunseverick (Connor), 1896, 4/99 1919, 8/160 1931, 13/126 1982, 17/37 1990, 19/92 1996, 20/1 Eglantine (Connor), 1933, 13/181 1948, 14/95 1954, 14/339 1958, 15/205 1969, 16/141 1972, 16/81 1978, 17/124 1988, 18/41 1990, 19/90 Finaghy (Connor), 1931, 13/136, 13/137 1933, 13/167 1945, 13/342 1946, 14/34 1951, 14/216 1968, 16/162, 16/173, 16/187 1969, 16/132 1972, 16/82 1974, 16/43 1977, 17/151 1989, 19/127 1990, 19/126 2012, 26/22 Finvoy (Connor), 1898, 4/100 1940, 13/293 1941, 13/294 1945, 13/359 1987, 18/56 Gartree (Connor), 1987, 18/62 2005, 23/68 2010, 25/43 Glenarm – see Tickmacreevan (Connor) Glenavy (Connor), 1894, 3/59 1932, 13/141 1952, 14/277 1961, 15/80 1962, 15/64 1988, 18/19 2008, 25/44 Glynn (Connor), 1952, 14/267, 14/268 1953, 14/302 1969, 16/158 2000, 21/26 Greenisland (Connor), 1955, 14/363 1959, 15/174 1969, 16/137, 16/148, 16/157 1970, 16/116 1972, 16/62, 16/63 1973, 16/55 1977, 17/143 1980, 17/80 1984, 18/136 1989, 19/101 1992, 19/40 1993, 20/82 1995, 20/57 1996, 20/14 1998, 21/95 2000, 21/21 2004, 22/21 2006, 24/71 2009, 25/45, 25/46 Holy Trinity Joanmount (Connor), 1964, 16/322 1975, 16/21 Islandmagee (Connor), 1918, 8/102 1929, 13/82 1951, 14/227 1973, 16/66 1989, 19/100 2005, 23/64 Joanmount – see Holy Trinity Joanmount Jordanstown (Connor), 1895, 3/64 1929, 13/77 1933, 13/189 1940, 13/287 1950, 14/180 1951, 14/229 1952, 14/250 1953, 14/310 1954, 14/317 1958, 15/208 1961, 15/112 1969, 16/130 1981, 17/51 1982, 17/48 1983, 17/25 1986, 18/106 1988, 18/17 1992, 20/130 1993, 20/105 1994, 20/63 1996, 20/17 Kilbride (Connor), 1881, 1/40 1934, 13/219 1957, 15/244, 15/245 1958, 15/198 1967, 16/197 1974, 16/36 1976, 17/170 1978, 17/125, 17/126, 17/127, 17/128 1981, 17/71, 17/72, 17/73 1988, 18/3, 18/4 1994, 20/64 Kilconriola (Connor), 1991, 19/39 1997, 21/127 Kildollagh (Connor), 1967, 16/208 2000, 21/24 2006, 24/74, 24/75, 24/76 Killagan (Connor), 1902, 5/69 1930, 13/102 Killead (Connor), 1923, 13/41 1948, 14/97 1949, 14/147 1952, 14/247 1985, 18/118, 18/119 1989, 19/120 2005, 23/48 2007, 24/77, 24/78 2008, 25/42 Kilmakee (Connor), 1989, 19/123 Kilroot St. Colman (Connor), 1985, 18/117 1996, 20/15 1997, 21/137 2004, 22/6, 22/7 2013, 27/27 Kilwaughter (Connor), 1892, 3/60 1937, 12/27 1951, 14/215 2007, 24/79, 24/80, 24/81 Lambeg (Connor), 1929, 10/109, 10/110 1934, 13/225 1939, 13/282 1953, 14/314 1956, 15/271 1963, 15/2 1966, 16/250 1969, 16/142, 16/149 1975, 16/14 1977, 17/160 1989, 19/122 1991, 19/72 1996, 20/27 Larne & Inver (Connor), 1966, 16/240 1969, 16/163 1972, 16/78, 16/79, 16/83 1979, 17/103 1981, 17/58 1983, 17/24 1984, 18/140 1992, 19/35 1992, 20/112 1995, 20/49 1997, 21/125 2004, 22/17 2012, 26/38 Layde (Connor), 1907, 6/67 1925, 13/54 1930, 13/94 1942, 12/163 1946, 14/21 1953, 14/290 1957, 15/235 1964, 16/328 Lisburn Christ Church (Connor), 1878, 1/36 1933, 13/172 1939, 13/274 1940, 13/291, 13/292 1945, 13/365 1949, 14/151 1950, 14/171 1951, 14/218 1955, 14/369, 14/371, 14/376 1959, 15/153 1968, 16/175 1982, 17/45, 17/46 1985, 18/115 1988, 18/2, 18/21 1992, 19/2 Lisburn Christ Church Cathedral (Connor), 1884, 2/45, 2/46 1888, 2/47 1897, 4/95 1920, 8/209, 8/241 1923, 13/37, 13/38 1952, 14/274 1954, 14/361 1961, 15/111 1987, 18/49, 18/76 1990, 19/95 2000, 21/20 2005, 23/23 Lisburn St. Paul (Connor), 1982, 17/41, 17/42 1986, 18/79, 18/80, 18/88 1991, 19/78 1992, 19/30 1992, 20/115, 20/119, 20/120 1993, 20/97 1995, 20/28, 20/29, 20/30, 20/31, 20/32, 20/33 1997, 21/111, 21/132 1998, 21/107 2000, 21/32, 21/36 Loughguile (Connor), 1933, 13/190 1949, 14/150 2010, 25/48 2012, 27/47 2013, 27/6 Lower Falls – see St. Luke, Belfast (Connor) Magheragall (Connor), 1897, 4/101 1931, 13/122 1942, 13/304 1951, 14/239 1952, 14/254 1953, 14/278 1954, 14/333, 14/340 1955, 15/279 1956, 15/261 1960, 15/134 1967, 16/215 1982, 17/38 1983, 17/18 2013, 27/21 Malone (Connor), 1921, 9/30 1931, 13/138 1947, 14/79 1948, 14/83 1949, 14/138 1950, 14/203 1951, 14/213 1954, 14/328 1961, 15/99 1963, 15/11 1966, 16/248 1973, 16/54 1974, 16/41 1976, 17/164 Monkstown (Connor), 2005, 23/60 Mossley (Connor), 1982, 17/49 2002, 22/61 Muckamore (Connor), 1933, 13/167 1952, 14/273 1975, 16/23 1983, 17/22 1984, 18/148 1985, 18/126 2005, 23/39 2006, 23/7, 23/8, 23/19, 24/84 2007, 24/82, 24/83, 24/87 2008, 25/52 2010, 25/49, 25/50, 25/51 2012, 27/49 2013, 27/39 Newtowncrommelin (Connor), 1901, 5/71 1910, 6/69 1911, 7/21 1923, 13/7 Portlgenone (Connor), 1922, 13/5 1927, 13/59, 13/60 1930, 13/106 1932, 13/157 1939, 13/263 1945, 13/358 1949, 14/126 1954, 14/323 1986, 18/85 2004, 22/10 2005, 23/49 Portrush, see Ballywillan (Connor) Queen’s University, Belfast (Connor), 1986, 18/90 Raloo (Connor), 1923, 13/19, 13/20 1954, 14/325, 14/355 1972, 16/71 Rathcavan (Connor) Rathcoole (Connor), 1963, 15/12 1965, 16/289, 16/294 1978, 17/115, 17/121 1979, 17/95 Rathlin (Connor), 1912, 7/94 1934, 13/215 1949, 14/146 1992, 19/34 2003, 22/54 Ramoan (Connor), 1929, 13/87 1934, 13/212 1956, 15/269 1960, 15/125 1963, 15/7 1982, 17/29 1983, 17/11 1985, 18/116 1990, 19/57 Rasharkin (Connor), 1895, 3/65 1935, 13/240 1947, 14/54, 14/55 1955, 14/375 1967, 16/195 Skerry (Connor), 1896, 4/102 1928, 13/63 1949, 14/149 1970, 16/115 2013, 27/43 St. Bride’s Church Hall (Connor), 1948, 14/107 St. Mark’s, Ballysillan (Connor), 1949, 14/165 1951, 14/244 1954, 14/324 1955, 14/372 1956, 15/275, 15/276 1957, 15/217 1976, 16/3 1977, 17/145 St. Matthew, Shankill (Connor), 2014, 27/5 St Polycarp, see Finaghy (Connor) Stoneyford (Connor), 1918, 8/77 1934, 13/210 1963, 15/6 1977, 17/159 1987, 18/60 1999, 21/71 Templecorran (Connor), 1935, 13/239 1956, 15/270 1972, 16/72 1976, 17/168 1979, 17/90 Templepatrick (Connor), 1967, 16/223 1987, 18/47 2005, 23/56 Tickmacrevan (Connor), 1894, 3/66 1905, 5/72 1957, 15/241 1964, 16/313 1985, 18/111 1986, 18/87 2005, 23/36 2009, 25/47 2008, 26/7 2012, 26/16, 26/17 Tunny (Connor), 1930, 13/108 1962, 15/58, 15/62 2000, 21/29 Upper Falls (Connor), 1932, 13/149 1941, 13/296, 13/297 1961, 15/91 1968, 16/169, 16/170 1969, 16/156 1971, 16/98 1974, 16/45 1981, 17/57 1983, 17/23 1986, 18/98, 18/99, 18/100 2003, 22/59 Upper Malone (Connor), 1968, 16/179 1986, 18/109 1987, 18/75 Whitehead (Connor), 1933, 13/182 1958, 15/204 1965, 16/277 1978, 17/134 1982, 17/35 1983, 17/1 1987, 18/61 1990, 19/107 1996, 20/19 2005, 23/63 Whitehouse (Connor), 1914, 7/229 1923, 13/23, 13/28 1941, 13/299 1963, 15/23 1964, 16/315 Whiterock (Connor), 1929, 13/79 1935, 13/242 1957, 15/242 1992, 20/128, 20/129 Woodburn (Connor), 2007, 24/85


Ashfield (Kilmore), 2010, 25/53 Aughavas Chapel-of-Ease (Kilmore), 1914, 7/226 Bailieborough (Kilmore), 1896, 4/113 1904, 5/78 1905, 5/79 1930, 10/153 1973, 16/61 Ballaghmeehan (Kilmore), 1898, 4/114 Ballintemple (Kilmore), 1908, 6/71 1932, 11/61 1953, 14/309 Ballyhaise - see Castleterra (Kilmore) Ballyjamesduff (Kilmore), 1953, 14/316 Ballymachugh (Kilmore), 1914, 7/202 1947, 14/40 1953, 14/308 1960, 15/117 Ballymeehan (Kilmore), (see Ballaghmeehan) Billis (Kilmore), 1901, 5/80 1912, 7/82 1921, 9/43 1947, 14/58 1953, 14/293 Carrigallen (Kilmore). 1947, 14/66 Castleterra (Kilmore), 1889, 2/59 1893, 3/71 1903, 5/81 Cavan -see Urney (Kilmore) Cloonclare (Kilmore), 1897, 4/120 1904, 5/90 1937, 12/101 1993, 20/96 Cloverhill (Kilmore), 1896, 4/112 1913, 7/160 Denn (Kilmore), 1910, 6/72 Derrylin (Kilmore), 1976, 16/11 Derrylane (Kilmore), 1909, 6/73, 6/74 1912, 7/88 1940, 12/136 1947, 14/60 1964, 16/307 1968, 16/194 Dowra (Kilmore), 1902, 5/82 1931, 11/27 Drumgoon (Kilmore), 1903, 5/83 1973, 16/65 Drumlease (Kilmore), 1904, 5/84 1940, 12/124 Drung (Kilmore), 1920, 8/228 Glencar (Kilmore), 1910, 6/75 Innismagrath (Kilmore), 1884, 2/60 1892, 3/72 Kildallon (Kilmore), 1896, 4/115 1940, 12/131, 12/132 1968, 16/177 1986, 18/91 Kildrumferton (Kilmore), 1950, 14/187 1954, 14/354 1960, 15/147 Killaughter (Kilmore), 1953, 14/311 Killegar (Kilmore), 1910, 6/76 1966, 16/242 Killargue (Kilmore), 1893, 3/72 Killeshandra (Kilmore), 1882, 1/48 1898, 4/116 1900, 4/117 1920, 8/246 Killesher (Kilmore), 1883, 1/49 1888, 2/61 1946, 14/22 1947, 14/77 1957, 15/234 1964, 16/301 1965, 16/290 1966, 16/251 1968, 16/171 1971, 16/93 2010, 25/54 2011, 26/48 Killinagh (Kilmore), 1915, 7/246 1924, 9/124 1946, 14/35 2010, 25/55 Killinkere (Kilmore), 1948, 14/90, 14/101 1953, 14/288 Kilmore (Kilmore), 1900, 4/118, 4/119 1903, 5/86 1905, 5/85 1925, 9/167 1942, 12/157 1944, 13/316 2010, 25/56, 25/57 Kiltyclogher (Kilmore), 1902, 5/87 1946, 14/36 Kinawley (Kilmore), 1894, 3/74 1906, 6/77 1945, 13/363 1970, 16/113 Knockbride (Kilmore), 1909, 6/78 1962, 15/65 2010, 25/58 Larah (Kilmore), 1890, 2/62 1895, 3/75 1909, 6/79 Lavey (Kilmore), 1904, 5/88 Loughan (Kilmore), 1959, 15/156 Lurgan (Kilmore), 1880, 1/50 1903, 5/89 1930, 10/151 Manorhamilton – see Cloonclare (Kilmore) Mullagh (Kilmore), 1912, 7/76 Munterconnaught (Kilmore), 1913, 7/134 Newtowngore (Kilmore), 1908, 6/80 Rossinver (Kilmore), 1896, 4/121 1960, 15/149 See House (Kilmore), 1963, 15/8 Shercock (Kilmore), 1884, 2/63 Swanlinbar (Kilmore), 1909, 6/81 1938, 12/51 1946, 14/10, 14/11 1948, 14/96 Templeport (Kilmore), 1909, 6/82 1912, 7/87 1955, 15/280 Tomregan (Kilmore), 1909, 6/83 1963, 15/39 1971, 16/109 Urney & Annageliffe (Kilmore), 1883, 2/64 1901, 5/76 1902, 5/77 1948, 14/82 1965, 16/292 Virginia, see Lurgan (Kilmore)


Aghanagh (Elphin), 1965, 16/279 2003, 22/45 2005, 23/42 Ahamplish (Elphin), 1884, 2/65 1911, 7/16 Ardcarne (Elphin), 1947, 14/50 Ardclare (Elphin), 1904, 5/91 Athleague & Tessaragh (Elphin), 1890, 2/66 1911, 7/35 Athlone St Peter's (Elphin), 1901, 5/92 1911, 7/34 Aughrim (Elphin), 1905, 5/93 , see Aghanagh (Elphin) Ballygar - see Killeroran (Kilmore) Ballysumaghan (Elphin), 1887, 2/69 1897, 4/122 Boyle (Elphin), 1939, 12/87 2007, 24/86 Bumlin (Elphin), 1998, 21/56 Calry (Elphin), 1949, 14/128 Castlerea, see Kilkeevin (Elphin) Castleterra (Elphin), (see Kilkeevin) Donamon (Elphin), 1899, 4/123 Drumcliffe (Elphin), 1964, 16/311 1969, 16/160 1989, 19/97 Elphin (Elphin), 1952, 14/275 Kilkeevin (Elphin), 1888, 2/70 1894, 3/77 1896, 4/124 1901, 5/94 1927, 10/52 1959, 15/160 Killenvoy (Elphin), 1886, 2/71 Killeroran (Elphin), 1905, 5/95 Kilmactranny (Elphin), 1887, 2/72 1908, 6/84 Knocknarrea (Elphin), 2010, 26/8 Lanesborough – Rathcline (Elphin) Lissadell (Elphin), 1899, 4/125 1949, 14/167 1989, 19/115 Loughglynn (Elphin), 1911, 7/25 Rathcline (Elphin), 2012, 26/11 Roscommon (Elphin), 1887, 2/73 St John (Elphin), 1888, 2/74 1909, 6/85 1961, 15/107 1991, 19/50 Taunagh (Elphin), 1887, 2/75 1990, 19/88


Abbeylara & Drumlummon (Ardagh), 1885, 2/76 Annaghduff West (Ardagh), 1962, 15/50 Ardagh (Ardagh), 1901, 5/96 1915, 7/243 1981, 17/64 Carrick-on-Shannon (Ardagh), 1909, 6/89 Cashel (Ardagh), 1894, 3/78 1909, 6/86 Clonbroney (Ardagh), 1890, 2/77 1922, 9/77 1941, 12/174 2011, 26/71 Clongish (Ardagh), 1939, 12/97 Clooncumber (Ardagh), 1940, 12/139 Columbkille (Ardagh), 1903, 5/97 Drumshambo (Ardagh), 1895, 3/81 1946, 14/38 2012, 47/51 Fenagh (Ardagh), 1887, 2/78 1900, 4/126 Gowna (Ardagh), 1903, 5/98 Granard (Ardagh), 1889, 2/79 1942, 12/154 Kilcommick (Ardagh), 1885, 2/80 1894, 3/79 (Ardagh), 1909, 6/87 1917, 8/50 Killashee (Ardagh), 1909, 6/88 Kilronan (Ardagh), 1894, 3/80 1904, 5/99 1932, 11/58 Kiltoghart (Ardagh), 1913, 7/146 1920, 8/235 Mohill (Ardagh), 1902, 5/100 1911, 7/30 1942, 12/158 1962, 15/79 Mostrim (Ardagh), 1888, 2/81 1927, 10/57 1945, 13/364 Oughteragh (Ardagh), 1895, 3/76 1911, 7/48 1912, 7/67 1913, 7/153 1965, 16/278 1966, 16/261, 16/262, 16/264 Rooskey, see Termonbarry (Ardagh) Shrule (Ardagh), 1890, 2/82 Street (Ardagh), 1878, 1/51 1882, 1/52 1898, 4/128 1902, 5/101 1966, 16/239 Tashinny (Ardagh), 1895, 3/82 1896, 4/127 1921, 9/28 1941, 12/175 Templemichael (Ardagh), 1892, 3/83 1893, 3/84, 3/85 1901, 5/102 1941, 12/173 Termonbarry (Ardagh), 1917, 8/59 Toomna (Ardagh), 1934, 11/121


Aasleagh (Tuam), 1896, 4/129 1898, 4/130 1910, 6/90 Athenry (Tuam), 1891, 3/87, 3/88, 3/89 1892, 3/90 1893, 3/91 1895, 3/92, 3/93 1899, 4/131 1917, 8/63 Aughaval (Tuam), 1894, 3/106, 3/107 1895, 3/108 1898, 4/148, 4/149 1918, 8/120 Ballinlough (Tuam), 1904, 5/121 1917, 8/45 Ballinrobe (Tuam), 1892, 3/94 1914, 7/221 Ballisodare Chapel of Ease (Tuam), 1920, 8/261 Ballyovie (Tuam), 1897, 4/132 1910, 6/91 1913, 7/132 Burrishoole (Tuam), 1894, 3/95 1898, 4/133 1901, 5/105, 5/106, 5/107, 5/108 1911, 7/41 1921, 9/61 Castlebar (Tuam), 1897, 4/134, 4/13 1901, 5/109 1903, 5/110 1904, 5/111, 5/112, 5/113 1905, 5/114 1919, 8/152 1935, 11/130 Castlekirke (Tuam), 1902, 5/115 1907, 6/92 Claremorris (Tuam), 1911, 7/53 Clifden - see Omey (Tuam) Crossboyne (Tuam), 1910, 6/95 1913, 7/172 1917, 8/74 1918, 8/81 Dromard (Tuam), 1901, 5/126 Dugort (Tuam), 1888, 2/83 1893, 3/86 1912, 7/77 1956, 15/246 Dunmore (Tuam), 1909, 6/93 Errismore (Tuam), 1896, 4/136 Galway St Nicholas (Tuam), 1892, 3/96 1893, 3/97, 3/98 1894, 3/99, 3/100 1895, 3/101 1896, 4/137, 4/138 1897, 4/139 1898, 4/140 1901, 5/116, 5/117 1905, 5/118 1907, 6/98 1910, 6/99 1911, 7/65 1918, 8/80, 8/84 1921, 9/41 2010, 26/63 Headford (Tuam), 1888, 2/84 1897, 4/141 1903, 5/119 1909, 6/94 Hollymount, see Kilcommon (Tuam) Kilcommon (Tuam), 1896, 4/142 1913, 7/161 1918, 8/79 Kilconduff (Tuam), 1927, 10/27 Kilconla (Tuam), 1895, 3/102 Kilcummin (Tuam), 1889, 2/85 1891, 3/109, 3/110 1892, 3/111 1892, 3/112, 3/113 1893, 3/114 1897, 4/143 1897, 4/144 1903, 5/120 Killanin (Tuam), 1878, 1/53 Kilmaine (Tuam), 1897, 4/145 1912, 7/93 Kiltullagh (Tuam), 1895, 3/103 Louisburgh (Tuam), 1896, 4/146 Meelan (Tuam), 1902, 5/103, 5/104 Moylough (Tuam), 1893, 3/104 1898, 4/147 1907, 6/97 Moyrus (Tuam), 1894, 3/105 Newport, see Burrishoole Omey (Tuam), 1910, 6/96 1917, 8/33 1961, 15/84 Tuam St Mary's (Tuam), 1892, 3/115 1894, 3/116 1901, 5/122 1901, 5/123 1920, 8/242 1932, 11/62 Turlough (Tuam), 1892, 3/117 Ballynakill (Tuam), see Clonfert Diocese Ardnaree, see Kilmoremoy (Killala)


Ballysakeery (Killala), 1891, 3/118 1897, 4/150 1902, 5/124 1918, 8/39 Binghamstown, see Kilmore Erris (Killala) Castleconnor (Killala), 1878, 1/54 1897, 4/151 1901, 5/125 Crossmolina (Killala), 1894, 3/119 1900, 4/152 1908, 6/100 2010, 25/59 Easkey (Killala), 1877, 1/55 1921, 9/16 1959, 15/171 Kilglass (Killala), 1897, 4/153 1921, 9/56 Kilmacshalgan (Killala), 1894, 3/120 1896, 4/154 Kilmore Erris (Killala), 1908, 6/101 1911, 7/29 1912, 7/91 Kilmoremoy (Killala), 2008, 25/60 Headford (Tuam), 1888, 2/84 1897, 4/141 1903, 5/119 1909, 6/94 (Killala), 1901, 5/128


Achonry (Achonry), 1915, 7/261 1925, 9/144 Ballisodare (Achonry), 1895, 3/124 1897, 4/157 1910, 6/102 (Achonry), (see Emlaghfad) St Paul (Achonry), 1904, 5/129 Emlaghfad (Achonry), 1883, 1/56 1888, 2/87 1894, 3/125 1896, 4/158 Foxford, see Straid (Achonry) Killoran (Achonry), 1913, 7/155 Kilmactigue (Achonry), 1897, 4/160 (Achonry), 1879, 1/57 Straid (Achonry), 1897, 4/161 1921, 9/38


Balbriggan (Dublin), 1883, 1/58 1884, 2/89, 2/90 1892, 3/126, 3/172 1899, 4/162 1901, 5/130 1903, 5/131 1904, 5/132 1905, 5/133 1907, 6/103 1909, 6/104 1911, 7/13 1919, 8/151 1927, 10/64 1930, 10/172 1934, 11/108 1936, 12/5 Balgriffin (Dublin), 1946, 14/39 Balrothery (Dublin), 1875, 3/127 1900, 4/163 1901, 5/134 1917, 8/67 1928, 10/70 Blackrock All Saints (Dublin), 1895, 3/128 1896, 4/164 1898, 4/165 1899, 4/166, 4/167 1901, 5/182, 5/183 1919, 8/123, 8/169, 8/188 1924, 9/130 1934, 11/120 1937, 12/34, 12/41 Booterstown (Dublin), 1898, 4/168 1907, 6/106 1921, 9/13 1934, 11/116 1936, 12/16 1937, 12/33 1945, 13/352 1952, 14/263 1957, 15/220 1961, 15/96 1969, 16/144, 16/145 Bray Christ Church (Dublin), 1893, 3/129 1894, 3/130 1899, 4/171 1900, 4/172, 4/173 1906, 6/107 1907, 6/108, 6/109 1909, 6/110, 6/111 1910, 6/113 1911, 7/12, 7/54 1913, 7/139 1915, 7/262 1916, 8/17, 8/27 1919, 8/200, 8/201 1920, 8/262 1921, 9/19 1924, 9/137 1925, 9/153, 9/157, 9/158 1927, 10/42 1928, 10/82 1929, 10/105, 10/114 1930, 10/143 1931, 11/39 1935, 11/132 1936, 12/7, 12/9 1937, 12/35 1955, 14/379 1987, 18/38, 18/39 Bray St James (Dublin), 1940, 12/129 Bray St Paul (Dublin), 1892, 3/131 1898, 4/169 1900, 4/174 1910, 6/112 1912, 7/103 1912, 7/111 1912, 7/122 1913, 7/137, 7/138, 7/190, 7/191 1918, 8/82 1930, 10/144 1939, 12/93, 12/103 Carysfort (Dublin), 1895, 3/132 1949, 14/129, 14/134 Castleknock (Dublin), 1898, 4/177 1900, 4/178 1902, 5/135 1903, 5/136 1904, 5/137 1905, 5/138, 5/139 1910, 6/114 1921, 9/24 1923, 9/86 1926, 10/5 1928, 10/23 1930, 10/166, 10/167 1934, 11/117 1944, 13/327 1946, 14/16 1956, 15/249 1991, 19/48 1992, 19/18 Chapelizod (Dublin), 1893, 3/133 1917, 6/115 1920, 8/256 1923, 9/110 1933, 11/75, 11/98 Chapel of St. Columba’s College (Dublin), 1988, 18/29 Christ Church Kingstown - see Dun Laoghaire Christ Church Clondalkin (Dublin), 1893, 3/134 1920, 8/264 1926, 10/8 1927, 10/66 1936, 12/1 1940, 12/137 1957, 15/226 1961, 15/90 Clonmethan (Dublin), 1896, 4/179 Clonsilla (Dublin, 1902, 5/146 1904, 5/147, 5/148 1926, 10/13 1946, 14/26 1927, 10/39 1937, 12/40 1951, 14/220 Clontarf (Dublin), 1880, 1/59 1891, 3/135, 3/136 1898, 4/180 1915, 7/263, 7/267 1920, 8/214, 8/259, 8/273 1922, 9/84 1923, 9/99 1924, 9/129 1950, 14/198 1986, 18/104 1992, 19/28 Coolock (Dublin), 1893, 3/137 1896, 4/186 1900, 4/187 1907, 6/122 1919, 8/180, 8/184 1920, 8/275 1945, 13/349 Crinken (Bray) (Dublin), 1894, 3/138 1895, 3/139 1896, 4/175 1898, 4/176 1919, 8/203 1920, 8/221 Crumlin St Mary (Dublin), 1878, 1/60 1899, 4/188 1901, 5/149 1921, 9/7, 9/8 1929, 10/129, 10/130 1962, 15/46 1967, 16/217 1993, 20/93 Dalkey (Dublin), 1896, 4/189 1900, 190 1902, 5/150 1907, 6/123 1919, 8/187, 8/198 1924, 9/134 1925, 9/155 1930, 10/173 1942, 12/160 1986, 18/93 1988, 18/44 1992, 20/111 Donabate (Dublin), 1894, 3/140 1895, 3/141 1896, 4/191 1899, 4/192 1903, 5/151 1940, 12/121 1981, 17/59 1990, 19/84 Donnybrook (Dublin), 1893, 3/142 1906, 6/124 1922, 9/81 1938, 12/49 1940, 12/114 1964, 16/333 1976, 16/7 1988, 18/9 Drumcondra (Dublin), 1897, 4/181 1900, 4/184 1901, 5/152 1911, 7/7 1920, 8/276 1938, 12/68 1971, 16/107 2000, 21/37 Dublin Christ Church Cathedral (Dublin), 1883, 1/61 1887, 2/88 1896, 4/193 1897, 4/194, 4/195 1898, 4/196 1900, 4/197 1903, 5/153 1921, 9/59 1923, 9/107 1924, 9/133 1936, 12/8 1984, 18/146 2000, 21/23 2008, 25/61 Dublin St Aiden (Dublin), 1907, 6/164 1937, 12/23 1949, 14/156 Dublin St Andrew (Dublin), 1883, 1/62 1901, 5/155, 5/156 1903, 5/157 1909, 6/157 1916, 8/1 1917, 8/99 1955, 14/366 1957, 15/233 1988, 18/30 Dublin St Ann (Dublin), 1891, 3/143 1903, 5/158, 5/159 1908, 6/158 1909, 6/159 1911, 7/58 1916, 8/14 1920, 8/280 1926, 10/16 1927, 10/45 1929, 10/111 1936, 12/21 1937, 12/30 1948, 14/115 1949, 14/132 1968/ 16/192 Dublin St Audoen (Dublin), 1924, 9/139 1931, 11/14 1932, 11/104 1941, 12/171 Dublin St Barnabas (Dublin), 1899, 4/200 1909, 6/160 1920, 8/281 1927, 10/25 1930, 10/170 1937, 12/26 Dublin St Bartholomew (Dublin), 1885, 2/109 1892, 3/144, 3/145 1906, 6/161 1907, 6/162 1908, 6/163 1916, 8/30 1920, 8/274 1924, 9/125 1925, 9/177 1929, 10/118 1930, 10/136, 10/174 1932, 11/56 1935, 11/142 1938, 12/45 1939, 12/104 1940, 12/141 1942, 12/164 Dublin St Catherine (Dublin), 1885, 2/110 1886, 2/111 1895, 3/146 1897, 4/201 1898, 4/202 1912, 7/73 1920, 8/268 1927, 10/35 1964, 15/4 Dublin St. Catherine and St. James (Dublin), 1984, 18/137 1993, 20/90 2007, 24/88 Dublin St George (Dublin), 1880, 1/63 1884, 2/112 1895, 3/147 1903, 5/160 1909, 6/165 1927, 10/40 1928, 10/79, 10/85 1975, 16/22 1977, 17/146 1980, 17/82, 17/83 2006, 23/20 Dublin St James (Dublin), 1897, 4/203 1901, 5/161 1922, 9/72 1923, 9/87, 9/100 1929, 10/98 1931, 11/22 1965, 16/293 Dublin St Jude (Dublin), 1902, 5/162 1919, 8/138 1920, 8/210 1927, 9/71 1928, 10/96 1931, 11/24 1932, 11/59 1945, 13/360 1946, 14/31 Dublin St Kevin (Dublin), 1896, 4/208 1901, 5/163 1927, 10/33 1930, 10/171 1934, 11/123 1941, 12/176 1960, 15/129 Dublin St Luke (Dublin), 1898, 4/204 1903, 5/164 1929, 10/124 1942, 12/149 1955, 15/281 Dublin St Mark (Dublin), 1892, 3/148 1904, 5/165 1906, 6/166 1921, 9/9, 9/12 1923, 9/85 1924, 9/119 1934, 11/103 Dublin St Mary (Dublin), 1909, 6/167 1912, 7/112 1919, 8/131 1935, 11/143 1937, 12/31 1938, 12/72 1942, 12/146 Dublin St Matthew (Dublin), 1909, 6/168 1916, 8/7 Dublin St Matthias (Dublin), 1908, 6/169 1909, 6/170 1928, 10/80 1932, 11/67 Dublin St Michan (Dublin), 1897, 4/205 1926, 10/17 1928, 10/86 1935, 11/145 1957, 15/213, 15/214 1986, 18/94 1990, 19/93 1997, 21/121 Dublin St Patrick Cathedral (Dublin), 1905, 5/154 1929, 10/112 Dublin St Paul (Dublin), 1887, 2/113 1906, 6/171 1920, 8/263 1922, 9/74 1923, 9/109 1924, 9/135 1925, 9/162, 9/173 1928, 10/94 1931, 11/36 1947, 14/56 Dublin St Peter (Dublin), 1882, 1/64 1893, 3/149 1894, 3/150 1896, 4/206 1897, 4/207 1908, 6/173 1917, 8/65, 8/70 1921, 9/40 1923, 9/98 1926, 10/12 1927, 10/32 1928, 10/87 1930, 10/154 1938, 12/52 1944, 13/315 Dublin St Stephen (Dublin), 1914, 7/211 1921, 9/62 1929, 10/104 1948, 14/10 1949, 14/137 1963, 15/25 Dublin St Thomas (Dublin), 1885, 2/114 1911, 7/9 1919, 8/136 1941, 12/169 Dublin St Victor (Dublin), 1921, 9/11 1923, 9/105 1951, 14/231 1965, 16/293 1967, 16/212 Dublin St Werburgh (Dublin), 1878, 1/65 1922, 9/79 1940, 12/140 1916, 15/116 Dun Laoghaire Christ Church (Dublin), 1892, 3/159 1895, 3/160 1902, 5/140, 5/141 1903, 5/142, 5/143 1906, 6/116, 6/117, 6/118 1907, 6/119 1908, 6/120 1909, 6/121 1919, 8/157 1923, 9/95 1931, 11/18 1933, 11/88, 11/100 1934, 11/105 1935, 11/144 Dun Laoghaire Mariners (Dublin), 1896, 4/210 1900, 4/223 1912, 7/108 1919, 8/167 1925, 9/145 1928, 10/76 1937, 12/39 Finglas (Dublin), 1878, 1/66 1901, 5/166 1902, 5/167, 5/168 1902, 5/170 1908, 6/126, 6/127 1920, 8/222 1926, 10/9 1927, 10/41 1933, 11/85 1956, 15/266 1957, 15/236 1997, 21/85 Free Church (Dublin), 1902, 5/169 1942, 12/147 Glasnevin (Dublin), 1887, 2/91 1895, 3/151 1897, 4/235 1899, 4/236 1902, 5/171 1908, 6/174 1909, 6/175 1910, 6/176 1912, 7/119 1919, 8/197 1930, 10/175 1936, 12/12, 12/15 1965, 16/296 1999, 21/86 Glenageary St Paul (Dublin), 1897, 4/211 1898, 4/212 1904, 5/172 1906, 6/172 1919, 8/154, 8/158 1920, 8/223 1924, 9/136 1925, 9/175 1932, 11/54 1940, 12/138 1945, 13/351 1951, 14/223, 14/234 1958, 15/207 1963, 15/44 1991, 19/73 1992, 19/12 Grangegorman (Dublin), 1877, 1/67 1911, 7/47 1923, 9/94 1925, 9/154 1926, 10/18 1941, 12/172 1980, 17/68 Harold's Cross (Dublin), 1907, 6/128 1909, 6/129 1914, 7/225 1915, 7/244 1917, 8/60 1920, 8/230 1921, 9/2 1925, 9/159 1931, 11/33 1946, 14/23 1992, 19/19 Holmpatrick (Dublin), 1894, 3/152 1896, 4/213 1897, 4/214 1910, 6/134 1918, 8/118 1919, 8/193 1921, 9/3 1945, 13/355 1949, 14/154 1962, 15/66 1968, 16/183 Howth (Dublin), 1893, 3/153 1898, 4/215, 4/216 1901, 5/173 1904, 5/174 1905, 5/175 1909, 6/131, 6/132, 6/133 1910, 6/135, 6/136 1918, 8/90 1919, 8/161, 8/206 1920, 8/215 1922, 9/68 1931, 11/10, 11/43 1932, 11/48, 11/49 1933, 11/101 1935, 11/136 1946, 14/28 1947, 14/59 1955, 14/370 1972, 16/74 1992, 19/32 2004, 22/29, 22/32 Irishtown (Dublin), 1919, 8/172 1936, 12/13 1940, 12/134, 12/13 1975, 16/19 Kill (Dublin), 1889, 2/92 1895, 3/154, 3/155 1899, 4/217 1906, 6/137, 6/138 1908, 6/143 1909, 6/144 1920, 8/216 1928, 10/90 1930, 10/137 1932, 11/47 1940, 12/119 1942, 12/151 1947, 14/44, 14/69 1972, 16/87 1982, 17/43 Killiney (Dublin), 1879, 1/68 1884, 2/93 1887, 2/94 1895, 3/157 1896, 4/218, 4/219, 4/220, 4/221 1902, 5/177 1904, 5/176 1906, 6/130 1908, 6/139 1909, 6/140, 6/141 1910, 6/142 1917, 8/35 1918, 8/112 1927, 10/26, 10/67 1932, 11/64 1933, 11/79, 11/86 1934, 11/113, 11/122 1937, 12/28 1939, 12/81 1940, 12/115 1944, 13/332 1951, 14/221 1995, 20/42 Killiney Holy Trinity (Dublin), 1943, 12/177 Kilsallaghan (Dublin), 1910, 6/182 1914, 7/216 1917, 8/32 1930, 10/147 Kilternan (Dublin), 1887, 2/95 1895, 3/158 1898, 4/222 1902, 5/178 1907, 6/145 1908, 6/146, 6/147 1909, 6/148 1912, 7/109 1920, 8/247 1924, 9/115 1925, 9/140, 9/141 1931, 11/21 1933, 11/84, 11/94 1953, 14/279 1996, 20/23 2000, 21/25 Leeson Park, Christ Church (Dublin), 1898, 4/198 1900, 4/199 1903, 5/144 1904, 5/145 1935, 11/133 1937, 12/32 1940, 12/133, 12/134 1979, 17/96 1987, 18/69 1989, 19/128 2005, 23/43 Lucan (Dublin), 2012, 26/43 Lusk (Dublin), 1882, 1/69 1885, 2/97 1889, 2/98 1890, 2/99 1894, 3/161 1899, 4/224 1902/ 5/179 Magdalen Asylum (Dublin), 1939, 12/98 Malahide (Dublin), 1880, 1/71 1891, 3/162 1893, 3/163 1899, 4/225 1903, 5/180 1906, 6/149 1909, 6/150 1921, 9/14, 9/17, 9/63 1922, 9/73 1927, 10/28 1946, 14/27 1949, 14/155 1950, 14/181 2005, 23/37 Mariners Church, Kingstown, see Dun Laoghaire Mariners Milltown (Dublin), 1899, 4/226 1920, 8/224 1934, 11/110, 11/111 1939, 12/86 1958, 15/206 Monkstown (Dublin), 1883, 1/70 1885, 2/100 1890, 2/101 1896, 4/228 1897, 4/227, 4/229 1901, 5/181 1911, 7/19 1914, 7/232 1915, 7/256 1919, 8/192, 8/199 1920, 8/254 1921, 9/66 1927, 10/49, 10/56 1932, 11/53 1960, 15/142 1976, 16/8 2001, 22/86 Monkstown St. John (Dublin), 1958, 15/184 1960, 15/130 Mount Merrion (Dublin), 1941, 12/168 1959, 15/180, 15/202 1961, 15/121 1967, 16/219 Newtownpark - see Blackrock All Saints (Dublin) North Strand (Dublin), 1899, 4/182, 4/183 1900, 4/185 1910, 6/125 1911, 7/5 1916, 8/13 1920, 8/277 1921, 9/4 1938, 12/44 1962, 15/49 1992, 19/8 Ranelagh St Columba (Dublin), 1939, 12/80 Rathcoole (Dublin), 1892, 3/164 1894, 3/165 1896, 4/231 1906, 6/151 1916, 8/2 Rathfarnham (Dublin), 1885, 2/102 1888, 2/103 1889, 2/104 1889, 2/105 1893, 3/166, 3/167 1895, 3/168 1898, 4/232 1902, 5/184, 5/185 1903, 5/186 1907, 6/152 1911, 7/6, 7/57 1917, 8/34 1918, 8/100 1920, 8/271 1925, 9/161 1926, 10/2, 10/20 1928, 10/88 1931, 11/12, 11/20 1946, 14/1 Rathmichael (Dublin), 1888, 2/106 1890, 2/107 1886, 2/108 1895, 3/171 1899, 4/233 1903, 5/187 1906, 6/153 1910, 6/154, 6/155, 6/156 1911, 7/2 1912, 7/120 1925, 9/143 1937, 12/36 1960, 15/124 1967, 16/206 Rathmines (Dublin), 1899, 4/209 1918, 8/78 1921, 9/23 1921, 9/34 1924, 9/127, 9/131 1925, 9/150, 9/156 1927, 10/21 1928, 10/81 1929, 10/120 1936, 12/19 1939, 12/108 1944, 13/322 1948, 14/99 1953, 14/281 1956, 15/260 1961, 15/119 1990, 19/89 2008, 24/89

Sandford (Dublin), 1927, 10/63 Sandymount (Dublin), 1900, 4/234 Santry (Dublin), 1877, 1/72 1889, 2/115 1891, 3/173 1895, 3/174 1921, 9/18 1929, 10/99 1935, 11/129 1938, 12/63 1981, 17/78 St. Doulagh, see Balgriffin (Dublin) Stillorgan (Dublin), 1878, 1/73 1880, 1/74 1893, 3/175 1894, 3/176 1902, 5/188 1903, 5/189 1907, 6/177 1910, 6/178 1920, 8/220 1931, 11/1 1934, 11/118 1938, 12/71 1948, 14/102 1960, 15/126 Swords (Dublin), 1882, 1/75 1906, 6/179 1910, 6/180, 6/181 1911, 7/45 1918, 8/97 1930, 10/149 1931, 11/16 1938, 12/47 Tallaght (Dublin), 1882, 1/76 1889, 2/116 1896, 4/237 1917, 8/66, 8/73 1920, 8/252 1921, 9/55 1930, 10/168 1940, 12/130 1988, 18/14 1989, 19/116 Taney Christ Church (Dubln), 1885, 2/117 1887, 2/118 1896, 4/238 1899, 4/239 1902, 5/190 1916, 8/3 1951, 14/238 1969, 16/131 1991, 19/65 1997, 21/133 Taney St Nahi (Dublin), 1936, 12/6 Taney St Thomas, see Mount Merrion (Dublin) Tullow (Dublin), 1903, 5/191 1905, 5/192 1907, 6/183, 6/184 1916, 8/31 1919, 8/127 1923, 9/91 1927, 10/44 1929, 10/101 1935, 11/128 1937, 12/25 1938, 12/65 1964, 13/308 Whitechurch (Dublin), 1893, 3/177 1947, 14/43 1949, 14/130 1954, 14/321 1960, 15/132 1993, 20/108 1998, 21/74 2005, 23/50 Zion Rathgar (Dublin), 1894, 3/169 1895, 3/170 1896, 4/240, 4/24 1900, 4/242 1918, 8/85 1919, 8/159 1921, 9/20 1927, 10/68, 10/69 1932, 11/51


Arklow (Glendalough), 1900, 4/243 1904, 5/194 1906, 6/186 1908, 6/187 1910, 6/188 1912, 7/106 1913, 7/179 1917, 8/37 1919, 8/130, 8/195 1923, 9/106 1929, 10/121, 10/122 1930, 10/165 1931, 11/9, 11/38 1932, 11/69 1937, 12/29 1979, 17/92 1999, 21/65 Athy (Glendalough), 1888, 2/119 1889, 2/120 1893, 3/178 1898, 4/244 1899, 4/245 1902, 5/195 1905, 5/196 1906, 6/189 1917, 8/64 1918, 8/91 1919, 8/128 1921, 9/47 1944, 13/330 1954, 14/349 Avoca - see Castlemacadam (Glendalough) Ballinaclash (Glendalough), 1882, 1/77 1956, 15/268 1972, 16/76

Ballinatone (Glendalough), 1895, 3/179 1898, 4/246 1908, 6/190 Ballymore Eustace (Glendalough), 1880, 1/78 1894, 3/182 1915, 7/234 1916, 8/22, 8/23, 8/24, 8/2 1917, 8/72, 8/75 1918, 8/94 1931, 11/40, 11/42 Blessington (Glendalough), 1892, 3/185 1907, 6/191 1920, 8/239 1921, 9/65 1922, 9/78 1933, 11/99 1940, 12/128 1946, 14/8 2005, 23/69 Calary (Glendalough), 1914, 7/230 1923, 9/93 1928, 10/78 1929, 10/131 1945, 13/340 Castledermot (Glendalough), 1877, 1/79 1880, 1/80 1896, 4/247 1899, 4/248 1906, 6/193a 1907, 6/194 1926, 10/6 1931, 11/5 1935, 11/137 1937, 12/38 1954, 14/326 1955, 14/373 Castlemacadam (Glendalough), 1881, 1/81, 1/82 1887, 2/125, 2/126 1888, 2/127 1892, 3/180 1898, 4/249 1899, 4/253, 4/254, 4/255 1903, 5/218, 5/219 1908, 6/196 1924, 9/117 Celbridge (Glendalough), 1883, 1/83 1893, 3/186 1900, 4/267, 4/26 1901, 5/197 1902, 5/198, 5/199 1904, 5/205 1914, 7/233 1915, 7/215, 7/249 1919, 8/162 1920, 8/212 1932, 11/71 1991, 19/58 1999, 21/41 Cloghleah -see Blessington (Glendalough) Conary (Glendalough), 1898, 4/250, 4/251, 4/252 1903, 5/217 1906, 6/195 1997, 21/126 Delgany (Glendalough), 1890, 2/121 1898, 4/256 1900, 4/257 1901, 5/200 1909, 6/197 1910, 6/198 1912, 7/74, 7/83 1914, 7/204 1916, 8/4 1917, 8/36 1919, 8/126 1920, 8/226, 8/227 1921, 9/54 1927, 10/65 1944, 13/337 1946, 14/33 1956, 15/274 1972, 16/88 1987, 18/54 1991, 19/75 Derralossary (Glendalough), 1899, 4/258 1905, 5/202 1953, 14/307 Donard (Glendalough), 1951, 14/232 Donoughmore (Glendalough), 1907, 6/199 1923, 9/101 1958, 15/194 Dunganstown (Glendalough), 1899, 4/259 1920, 8/213 Dunganstown Chapel of Ease (Glendalough), 1928, 10/77 Dunlavin (Glendalough), 1895, 3/181 1896, 4/260 1897, 4/261, 4/262 1899, 4/263 1908, 6/200 1917, 8/61 1918, 8/93 1922, 9/71 1946, 14/17 1965, 16/280 Fontstown (Glendalough), 1901, 5/203 1945, 13/350 Glenealy (Glendalough), 1907, 6/201 1913, 7/130 1915, 7/266 1987, 18/59 Greystones (Glendalough), 1898, 4/264 1907, 6/202, 6/203 1911, 7/10 1911, 7/36 1912, 7/117 1919, 8/194 1920, 8/278 1924, 9/132 1926, 10/7, 10/11 1929, 10/106 1930, 10/162, 10/163 1934, 11/109 1936, 12/17 1947, 14/67 1960, 15/150 1963, 15/19 1964, 16/329 2005, 23/47 Inch (Glendalough), 1900, 4/265 1908, 6/204 1920, 8/258 1948, 14/118 1955, 14/380 1955, 15/277 1984, 18/132 Kilberry (Glendalough), 1955, 14/362 Kilbride, Arklow (Glendalough), 1935, 11/135 1938, 12/61 1940, 12/127 1942, 12/153 1992, 19/10 2004, 23/74 Kilbride, Bray (Glendalough), 1889, 2/129 1895, 3/184 1910, 6/192 1911, 7/18, 7/42 1918, 8/110 1926, 10/14, 10/15 1927, 10/53 1931, 11/26 1939, 12/85, 12/95 1992, 19/23 Kilcullen (Glendalough), 1887, 2/130 1899, 4/266 1901, 5/204 1908, 6/205, 6/206 1909, 6/207 1915, 7/265 1920, 8/211 1921, 9/57 Kildrought -see Celbridge (Glendalough) Killiskey (Glendalough), 1895, 3/187, 3/188 1897, 4/269 1903, 5/206 1904, 5/207 1905, 5/208 1906, 6/208, 6/209 1912, 7/125 1913, 7/129 1914, 7/218 1917, 8/51 1918, 8/76, 8/83, 8/104, 8/119 1919, 8/135 1920, 8/231 1921, 9/42 1928, 10/74 1930, 10/148 1932, 11/46 1964, 16/304 Kinneagh (Glendalough), 1906, 6/193b 1931, 11/31 1938, 12/70 1944, 13/331, 13/339 1954, 14/326 Laragh (Glendalough), 1902, 5/201 1931, 11/13 1986, 18/86 1987, 18/72 Leixlip (Glendalough), 1903, 5/209 1909, 6/210 1915, 7/252 1917, 8/47 1932, 11/52 1933, 11/89 1958, 15/201 Lucan (Glendalough), 1910, 6/211 1911, 7/50 1923, 9/111 1924, 9/138 1957, 15/212 Hollywood (Glendalough), 1887, 2/128 1894, 3/183 Magdalen Asylum (Dublin), 1939, 12/91 Maynooth (Glendalough), 1895, 3/189 Narraghmore (Glendalough), 1893, 3/190 Newcastle (Glendalough), 1902, 5/210, 5/212, 5/213, 5/214 1903, 5/211 1904, 5/215 1908, 6/212 1995, 20/35 Newcastle Lyons (Glendalough), 1900, 4/230 1917, 8/54 1929, 10/126 Newtownmountkennedy (Glendalough), 1895, 3/191, 3/192 1897, 4/270 1904, 5/216 1906, 6/213 1907, 6/214 1909, 6/215 1910, 6/216 1911, 7/3 1918, 8/115 1921, 9/32, 9/48 1943, 12/180, 12/181 Nun's Cross, see Killiskey (Glendalough) Powerscourt (Glendalough), 1881, 1/84 1913, 7/135 1918, 8/101, 8/107 1919, 8/133 1928, 10/72 1931, 11/7, 11/8 1932, 11/45 1932, 11/55, 11/57 1945, 13/356 1951, 14/211, 14/233 1956, 15/247 1964, 16/325 Rathdrum (Glendalough), 1895, 3/193 1898, 4/271 1920, 8/272 1922, 9/83 1940, 12/117 1947, 14/75 1950, 14/205 1956, 15/259 1960, 15/143 1997, 21/108 1998, 21/94 Straffan (Glendalough), 1894, 3/195 1938, 12/50 1950, 14/208 Timolin (Glendalough), 1906, 6/217, 6/218 1912, 7/123 2002, 22/64 Wicklow (Glendalough), 1877, 1/85 1882, 1/86 1899, 4/272 1904, 5/220 1911, 7/63 1912, 7/124 1937, 12/22 1940, 12/122


Agher (Meath), 1901, 5/29 1903, 5/30 Almoritia (Meath), 1886, 2/20 1911, 7/31 1960, 15/140 Ardagh (Meath), 1895, 3/23 Ardbraccan (Meath), 1921, 9/46 Ardnurcher (Meath), 1909, 6/27 Athboy (Meath), 1888, 2/21 1927, 10/47 1933, 11/93 Athlone St Mary (Meath), 1881, 1/14 1888, 2/22 1897, 4/40 1898, 4/41 1953, 14/284 Athlone St Peter (Meath), 1884, 2/67 1887, 2/68 Athlone St Peters (see also Elphin) Ballaghtobin (Meath), 1924, 9/120 Ballymore (Meath), 1890, 2/23 Castlejordan (Meath), 1898, 4/42 1914, 7/224 Castlelost (Meath), 1882, 1/20 Castlepollard (Meath), 1898, 4/64 1913, 7/142 Castlerickard (Meath), 1897, 4/43 1909, 6/28 Castletown (Kilpatrick) (Meath), 1922, 6/70 Clonard (Meath), 1894, 3/24 1919, 8/183 Clonfadforan (Meath), 1910, 6/29 1913, 7/152 Clonmellon, see Killallon (Meath) Collinstown (Meath), 1906, 6/3 1907, 6/31 1920, 8/265 Donaghpatrick (Meath), 1895, 3/25 Drogheda St Mary (Meath), 1897, 4/45 Drumconrath (Meath), 1912, 7/66 Duleek (Meath), 1902, 5/32 1910, 6/32 Dunboyne (Meath), 1898, 4/46 1914, 7/200 Dunshaughlin (Meath), 1905, 5/33 1906, 6/33 1907, 6/34 Eglish (Meath), 1885, 2/24 Enniscoffey (Meath), 1890, 2/25 Enniskeen (Meath), (see Kingscourt) Forgney (Meath), 1921, 9/6 Gallen (Meath), (see Ferbane) Galtrim (Meath), 1925, 9/149 Ferbane (Meath), 1894, 3/26, 3/27 1895, 3/28 1898, 4/48 1897, 4/50 Forgney (Meath), 1894, 3/29 1895, 4/49 Foyran (Meath), 1905, 5/41 Julianstown (Meath), 1897, 4/51 1906, 6/35 1919, 8/186 1920, 8/260 1975, 16/25 Kells (Meath), 1894, 3/30 1901, 5/34 1907, 6/36 1909, 6/37 1938, 12/57 Kentstown (Meath), 1883, 1/15 1889, 2/26 Kilbeggan (Meath), 1895, 3/31 1899, 4/52, 4/53 1900, 4/54 1903, 5/35 1927, 10/36 Kilbixey (Meath), 2009, 25/64 Kilbride Castlecor (Meath), 1896, 4/55 Kilbride Tullamore (see Tullamore) Kilcleagh, see Moate (Meath) Kilcock (Meath), 1894, 3/208 1925, 9/163 Kildalkey (Meath), 1898, 4/56 1899, 4/57 1903, 5/37 Killallon (Meath), 1898, 4/58 1917, 8/52 Killeagh (Meath), 1894, 3/35 1895, 3/36 1901, 5/38 Killochonnigan (Meath), 1903, 5/31 1901, 5/39 Killucan (Meath), 1877, 1/16 1891, 3/37, 3/38 1913, 7/148 Kilmessan (Meath), 1896, 4/59 1904, 5/40 Kilnagarenagh (Meath), 1891, 3/39 1917, 8/53 Kingscourt (Meath), 1900, 4/47 2011, 26/49 Kinnitty, see Kinnitty (Killaloe) Lynally (Meath), 1886, 2/31 Leney (Meath), 1880, 1/17, 1/18 1898, 4/60 Liss, see Kilnagarenagh (Meath) Loughcrew (Meath), 1895, 3/40 1897, 4/61 1898, 4/62 1933, 11/92 Mayne (Meath), 1907, 6/39 Maynooth (Meath), 1925, 9/152 1940, 12/119 2001, 21/1 Mullingar (Meath), 1931, 11/28 1998, 21/73 Moate (Meath), 1908, 6/38 Mount Nugent (Meath), 1895, 3/33 1933, 11/91 Moybologue (Meath), 1902, 5/42 1904, 5/43 1935, 11/138 Moyglare (Meath), 1909, 6/40 1917, 8/56 1943, 13/310 Moyliscar (Meath), 1881, 1/19 Moynalty (Meath), 1894, 3/41 1895, 3/42 1907, 6/41 Navan (Meath), 1974, 16/32 Newtownfertullagh (Meath), 1889, 2/27 1894, 3/43 Oldcastle (Meath), 1890, 2/28 2005, 23/67 Painestown (Meath), 1900, 4/63 1901, 5/44 1905, 5/45 Portnashangan (Meath), 1913, 7/182 Rathcore (Meath), 1901, 5/46 Rathgraffe (Meath), (see Castlepollard) Rathmolyon (Meath), 1901, 5/47 1923, 9/102 1975, 16/30 Ratoath (Meath), 1886, 2/29 1895, 3/32 1905, 5/48 1906, 6/4 1917, 8/58 Skryne (Meath), 1902, 5/4 1954, 14/319 Slane (Meath), 1890, 2/30 1921, 9/25 Stonehall (Meath), 1899, 4/60 Syddan (Meath), 2010, 25/66, 25/67 Tara (Meath), 1932, 11/60 1954, 14/319 1961, 15/120 Templeconnor (Meath), 1913, 7/183 Trim St. Patricks (Meath), 1906, 6/43, 6/44, 6/45 Tullamore (Meath), 1892, 3/34 1901, 5/36 1908, 6/46 1908, 6/47, 6/48 1912, 7/70 1919, 8/207 1938, 12/54 Tyrrelspass (Meath), 1899, 4/44 1919, 8/177


Ballinafagh (Kildare), 1898, 4/274 1909, 6/219 1928, 10/71 1930, 10/164, 10/169 Ballyburley (Kildare), 1887, 2/131 1909, 6/220 1924, 9/123 Ballycommon (Kildare), 1907, 6/221 Ballykeane (Kildare), 1899, 4/273 Ballysax (Kildare), 1895, 3/196 1905, 5/221 1909, 6/223 1942, 12/145 Ballysonnon (Kildare), 1942, 12/144 Carbury (Kildare), 1891, 3/197, 3/198 1898, 4/275 1907, 6/224 1917, 8/69 1929, 10/100 1940, 12/142 1942, 12/166 2004, 22/34 Carnalway (Kildare), 1877, 1/87 1888, 2/122 1889, 2/123 1890, 2/124 1892, 3/199 1895, 3/200 1899, 4/276, 4/277 1901, 5/222 1911, 7/40 1921, 9/60 1924, 9/118, 9/121 1947, 14/57 Carogh (Kildare), 1896, 4/278 Clane (Kildare), 1881, 1/88 1891, 3/201 1892, 3/202 1894, 3/203, 3/204 1896, 4/279 1902, 5/224, 5/225 1911, 7/61 Clonaslee (Kildare), 1936, 12/3 Clonbologue (Kildare), 1902, 5/223 1925, 9/166, 9/168 1927, 10/55 1946, 14/14 Clonsast (Kildare), 1891, 3/205 1896, 4/280 Coolbanagher (Kildare), 1908, 6/225 1927, 10/58, 10/59, 10/60 1972, 16/77 Curragh Garrison Church (Kildare), 1963, 15/24 Donadea (Kildare), 1898, 4/281 1924, 9/112 1925, 9/160 1928, 10/89 2002, 22/72 2003, 22/41 Edenderry, see Monasteroris (Kildare) Feighcullen (Kildare), 1931, 11/30 Geashill (Kildare), 1890, 2/133 1907, 6/226 1912, 7/105 1919, 8/145 1929, 10/102 1930, 10/152 Great Connell (Kildare), (see Newbridge) Kilcock (Kildare), 1936, 12/2 Kilcullen (Kildare), 1933, 11/74 Kildare (Kildare), 1886, 2/134, 2/135 1889, 2/136 1896, 4/282 1909, 6/227 1915, 7/238 1915, 7/253, 7/264 1917, 8/68 1918, 8/108 1920, 8/233 1928, 10/95 1929, 10/132, 10/133, 10/134, 10/135 1930, 10/139, 10/140, 10/141 1933, 11/78, 11/83 1935, 11/131 1963, 15/10 Kill (Kildare), 1892, 3/209 1895, 3/210 1905, 5/228 1906, 6/228 1925, 9/148 2009, 25/65 Killashee (Kildare), 1887, 2/137 1899, 4/286 Killeigh (Kildare), 1889, 2/132 1895, 3/206 Kilmeague (Kildare), 1952, 14/27 1963, 15/5 Lea (Kildare), 1892, 3/211 1898, 4/283 Monasterevin (Kildare), 1893, 3/212 1909, 6/231 1918, 8/105 1925, 9/164 1950, 14/197 1969, 16/146 Monasteroris (Kildare), 1906, 6/229 1907, 6/230 1909, 6/232 1919, 8/129, 8/190 1926, 10/19 1951, 14/241 1979, 17/91 Morristownbiller (Kildare), 1887, 2/139 1905, 5/226 Mountmellick (Kildare), 1903, 5/230, 5/231 1904, 5/232 1905, 5/233 1931, 11/19 1939, 12/90 1944, 13/334 Naas (Kildare), 1890, 2/138 1895, 3/213, 3/214 1897, 4/284 1898, 4/285 1900, 4/287, 4/288 1903, 5/234 1906, 6/233 1908, 6/234 1917, 8/42 1922, 9/53 1923, 9/89, 9/97, 9/108 1933, 11/73 1934, 11/115 1981, 17/74 2005, 23/61 Newbridge (Kildare), 1894, 3/207 1911, 7/64 1938, 12/64 1938, 12/66 Phillipstown (Kildare), (see Fiddown, Lismore) Portarlington, St Paul (Kildare), 1886, 2/140 1898, 4/289, 4/290 1899, 4/291 1907, 6/235 1909, 6/236 1920, 8/270 1923, 9/104 1929, 10/113 1967, 16/200, 16/201 Rahan St Ann (Kildare), 1939, 12/109 Rathangan (Kildare), 1891, 3/215, 3/216 1896, 4/292 1897, 4/293 1913, 7/180 Rathmore (Kildare), 1893, 3/194 1902, 5/227 1928, 10/73 Rosenallis (Kildare), 1902, 5/229 1905, 5/235 1930, 10/142 1935, 11/127 1963, 15/32


Ballintemple (Cashel), 1937, 12/37 Cashel Cathedral (Cashel), 1879, 1/160 1897, 4/364 1898, 4/365 1912, 7/92 1948, 14/117 1949, 14/157, 14/158, 14/159 1950, 14/202 1959, 15/177 Clonbeg (Cashel), 1930, 10/159 Clonmel (Cashel), 1883, 2/222 1885, 2/223 1886, 2/224, 2/225 1889, 2/226, 2/227 1891, 3/343 Clonoulty (Cashel), 1899, 4/366 1917, 8/48 Donohill (Cashel), 1894, 3/318 1896, 4/367 Doon (Cashel), 1895, 3/319 1920, 8/236 Fethard (Cashel), 1905, 5/278 Galbally (Cashel), 1910, 6/268 Holycross (Cashel), 1929, 10/119 Kilcooley (Cashel), 1920, 8/244 Kilfithmore (Cashel), 1937, 12/43 Killaloan (Cashel), 1895, 3/322 Killenaule (Cashel), 1909, 6/265 1912, 7/78 Lismalin (Cashel), 1909, 6/266 Littleton (Cashel), 1903, 5/277 Loughmoe (Cashel), 1877, 1/161 1896, 4/368 1927, 10/30 Mealiffe (Cashel), 1896, 4/369 St John's Newport (Cashel), 1897, 4/370 1898, 4/371 1939, 12/92 Templemore (Cashel), 1946, 14/7 1968, 16/181 1971, 16/99 Templeneiry (Cashel), 1924, 9/116 Templetuohy (Cashel), 1885, 2/218 Thurles (Cashel), 1886, 2/217 1896, 4/372 1897, 4/373 1930, 10/145 1938, 12/60 Tipperary (Cashel), 1876, 1/162 1896, 4/374 1897, 4/375 1903, 5/279 1918, 8/57


Clonbeg (Emly), 1901, 5/280 1905, 5/281 Cullen (Emly), 1896, 4/376 1897, 4/377 1898, 4/378 1899, 4/379 1900, 4/380 1901, 5/282 1902, 5/283 1905, 5/284 1909, 6/267 1913, 7/133 Doon, see Doon (Cashel) Galbally (Emly), see Galbally (Cashel) Grean (Emly), 1877, 1/163 1913, 7/163 Knockaney (Emly), 1931, 11/29


Carrick-on-Suir (Waterford), 1880, 1/165 Drumcannon (Waterford), 1906, 6/269 Dunmore East, see Killea Kilculiheen (Waterford), 1892, 3/231 1894, 3/232 1915, 7/245 1920, 8/238 1921, 9/10 1930, 10/138 Killea (Waterford), 1948, 14/91 Kilmacow (Waterford), 1891, 3/244 Waterford Christ Church Cathedral (Waterford), 1884, 2/219 1889, 2/220 1957, 15/221


Ardmore (Lismore), 1881, 1/164 Cappoquin (Lismore), 1889, 2/221 1896, 4/381 1906, 6/270 Castlane (Lismore), 1885, 2/143 1897, 4/295 Clogheen (Lismore), 1950, 14/176 Clonheen (Lismore), 1901, 5/285 Clonmel, see St Mary Clonmel (Lismore) Fiddown (Lismore), 1908, 6/222 1969, 16/150, 16/164 Innislounagh (Lismore), 1905, 5/286 Killaloan (Lismore), 1941, 12/167 Kilmacthomas (Lismore), 1895, 3/323 Kilmeaden (Lismore), 1893, 3/320 1913, 7/176 Kilwatermoy (Lismore), 1938, 12/62 Lismore (Lismore), 1877, 1/166 1898, 4/382 1924, 9/113 1934, 11/124 1977, 17/144 Rossmire (Lismore), (see Kilmacthomas) Shanrahan (Lismore), see Clogheen St Mary Clonmel (Limsore), 1935, 11/134


Aghour (Ossory), 1877, 1/89 1899, 4/294 2011, 26/67 Anatrim (Ossory), see (Offerlane) Ballinamara (Ossory), 1904, 5/237 1905, 5/236 Ballaghtobin, see Ballaghtobin (Meath) Burnchurch (Ossory), 1883, 1/90 Callan (Ossory), 1891, 3/217 1908, 6/237 1919, 8/163 Castlane (Ossory), 1914, 7/222 1915, 7/236 1919, 8/125 1933, 11/82 Castlecomer (Ossory), 1893, 3/219 1902, 5/238 1919, 8/189, 8/208 Clonmantagh (Ossory), 1888, 2/144 1890, 2/145 1886, 2/194 1893, 3/220 1914, 7/217 Clonenagh (Ossory), 1894, 3/288 2005, 23/26 Kilculliheen, see Kilculiheen (Waterford) Durrow (Ossory), 1821, 1/91 1888, 2/146 1892, 3/221 1918, 8/113 1938, 12/67 Ennisnag (Ossory), 1879, 1/92 1885, 2/147 1888, 2/148 1889, 2/149 1895, 3/222 1912, 7/114 Fertagh (Ossory), 1894, 3/223 1897, 4/296 1898, 4/297 1914, 7/209 1919, 8/132 Fiddown (Piltown) (Ossory), 1877, 1/93 1880, 1/94 1882, 1/95 1883, 1/96 1884, 2/150 1888, 2/151 1891, 3/224 1895, 3/218, 3/225 1909, 6/238 1914, 7/207 1916, 8/20, 8/21 Freshford, see Aghour (Ossory) Gowran, see Gowran (Leighlin) Inistioge (Ossory), 1878, 1/97 1880, 1/98 1885, 2/153, 2/160 1890, 2/154 1891, 3/228, 3/229 1893, 3/230 1913, 7/192 1918, 8/103 1919, 8/137 1944, 13/314 1978, 17/129 Kells (Ossory), 1897, 4/298 Kilculiheen, see Waterford Diocese Kilfane (Ossory), 1894, 3/233, 3/234 1895, 3/235, 3/236 1919, 8/149 1932, 11/65 Kilkenny St Canice (Ossory), 1879, 1/100, 1/101, 1/102 1887, 2/155 1892, 3/237 1893, 3/238 1894, 3/239, 3/240, 3/241 1898, 4/299 1908, 6/242 1913, 7/197 1915, 7/248 1918, 8/92 1920, 8/269 1924, 9/114 1925, 9/171, 9/172 1931, 11/3 1933, 11/77 1935, 11/146 1936, 12/20 Kilkenny St John (Ossory), 1892, 3/242 Kilkenny St Mary (Ossory), 1880, 1/104 1882, 1/103 1931, 11/4 Killermogh (Ossory), 1914, 7/198 1919, 8/155 1943, 12/178 Kilmacow (Ossory), 1882, 1/105 1916, 8/10 1918, 8/122 Kilmoganny (Ossory), 1879, 1/106 1881, 1/107, 1/108 Knocktopher (Ossory), 1878, 1/109 1910, 6/239 1937, 12/24 Lacca (Ossory), 1912, 7/116 Macully (Ossory), 1881, 1/99 Mountrath (Ossory), (see Clonenagh) Mothel (Ossory), 1886, 2/157 Odagh (Ossory), 1885, 2/158 1894, 3/245 1903, 5/239 1909, 6/240 Offerlane (Ossory), 1895, 3/246, 3/247 1910, 6/241 1912, 7/196 1927, 10/62 Pilltown (Ossory), 1903, 5/240 1914, 7/214 1919, 8/204 1944, 13/320 Rathdowney (Ossory), 1877, 1/110 1897, 4/300 1925, 9/165 1935, 11/125 1939, 12/74 1940, 12/110 Roskelton (Ossory), 1890, 2/195 Seirkeiran (Ossory), 1882, 1/111 1910, 6/243 1920, 8/217 Thomastown (Ossory), 1887, 2/161 1888, 2/162 Urlingford (Ossory), (see Clonmantagh)


Adamstown (Ferns), 1881, 1/112 1913, 7/188 1914, 7/205 Ardamine (Ferns), 1913, 7/150 1915, 7/235 Ardcolm (Ferns), 1892, 3/249 1902, 5/241 1904, 5/242 Ballycanew (Ferns), 1891, 3/250, 3/251 1918, 8/106 1919, 8/164 Ballycarney (Ferns), 1886, 2/164 1907, 6/105 1912, 7/115 1919, 8/182 Bannow (Ferns), 1879, 1/113 1880, 1/114 1883, 2/165 1893, 3/252 1894, 3/253 1895, 3/254 1939, 12/89 Camolin (Ferns), 1901, 5/243 Carnew (Ferns), 1883, 2/166 1901, 5/244 Clone (Ferns), 1913, 7/175 Clonegal (Ferns), 1883, 1/129, 1/130 1891, 3/265 1904, 5/245 1919, 8/139 Clonevan, see Glascarrig (Ferns) Clonmore (Ferns), 1944, 13/328 Crosspatrick (Ferns), 1919, 8/166 Enniscorthy (Ferns), 1876, 1/116 1919, 8/174 1928, 10/75 1935, 11/139 2012, 27/38 Ferns (Ferns), 1885, 2/167 1901, 5/246 1908, 6/244 1910, 6/245 1916, 8/18 1987, 19/96 2009, 26/6 Fethard (Ferns), 1879, 1/117 1911, 7/51 Glascarrig (Ferns), 1889, 2/168 1914, 7/208 1919, 8/170 Gorey (Ferns), 1885, 2/169 1892, 3/256 1893, 3/257 1895, 3/258 1903, 5/247 1911, 7/62 1920, 8/237 1931, 11/32 1942, 12/165 Horetown (Ferns), 1883, 1/118 Kilbride (Ferns), 1897, 4/318 1903, 5/248 1917, 8/43 Kilcommon (Ferns), 1879, 1/119 1919, 8/165 Kildavin (Ferns), 1915, 2/237 1970, 16/118 Killanne (Ferns), 1890, 2/170 1914, 7/219 1919, 8/191 Killegney (Ferns), 1902, 5/249 1916, 8/25 1919, 8/134 Killesk (Ferns), 1877, 1/120 1881, 1/121 1884, 2/171 1885, 2/172 1888, 2/173, 2/174 1892, 3/255 1902, 5/250 1919, 8/148 1945, 13/348 Killinick (Ferns), 1897, 4/319 1898, 4/320, 4/321 1899, 4/322 1900, 4/323 1901, 5/251 1906, 6/246 1907, 6/247 1912, 7/68 Killurin (Ferns), 1896, 4/324 Kilmuckridge (Ferns), 1877, 1/115 Kilnahue (Ferns), 1892, 3/259 Kilnamanagh (Ferns), 1900, 4/325 1932, 11/70 Kilpatrick (Ferns), 1883, 1/122 1885, 2/175 1896, 4/326 Kilpipe (Ferns), 1883, 1/123, 2/176 Kilrush (Ferns), 1887, 2/177 1886, 2/178 1905, 5/252 1915, 7/251 Kilscoran (Ferns), 1879, 1/124 1893, 3/260 Kiltennel (Ferns), 1876, 1/125 1880, 1/126, 1/127 1884, 2/179 1885, 2/180 1890, 2/181 1892, 3/261, 3/262 1894, 3/263 1895, 3/264 1898, 4/327 1918, 8/116 1931, 11/6 2009, 25/63 Leskinfere (Ferns), 1908, 6/248 1912, 7/95 2007, 24/91 Monart (Ferns), 1906, 6/249 1908, 6/250 1910, 6/251 Moyne (Ferns) (see Leighlin Diocese) Mulkrankin (Ferns), 1879, 1/128 1895, 3/266 1909, 6/252 1938, 12/69 New Ross St Mary (Ferns), 1880, 1/131 1881, 1/132 1882, 1/133 1886, 2/182 1887, 2/183 1892, 3/267 1898, 4/328 1912, 7/75 1913, 7/189 1919, 8/171, 8/175 2011, 26/68 Newtownbarry (Ferns), 1877, 1/134 1901, 5/253, 5/254 1919, 8/185 Old Ross (Ferns), 1889, 2/163 1905, 5/255 1919, 8/168 1920, 8/232 Preban (Ferns), 1897, 4/330 Rathaspeck (Ferns), 1903, 5/258 1920, 8/218 Rathmacknee (Ferns), 1910, 6/253, 6/254 Rosbercon (Ferns), 1890, 2/159 1894, 3/248 Shillelagh (Ferns), 1879, 1/135 1896, 4/331 1897, 4/332 1942, 12/143 Taghmon (Ferns), 1919, 8/205 Templeshanbo (Ferns), 1893, 3/268 1914, 7/223 1914, 7/227 Templetown (Ferns), 1899, 4/333 Templeudigan (Ferns), 1911, 7/39 Tintern (Ferns), 1878, 1/136 1899, 4/334 1901, 5/256 Toombe (Ferns), 1884, 2/184 1918, 8/121 Wexford St Iberius (Ferns), 1889, 2/185 1890, 2/186 1891, 3/274, 3/275 1893, 3/269, 3/270 1894, 3/271 1895, 3/272, 3/273 1897, 4/335, 4/336 1909, 6/255; 1912, 7/113 1920, 8/219 Wexford St. Selsker (Ferns), 1897, 4/337 1901, 5/257 Whitechurch (Ferns), 189l, 3/276 1893, 3/277


Abbeyleix (Leighlin), 1880, 1/137 1885, 2/187, 2/192 1890, 2/188 1894, 3/278 1895, 3/279 1908, 6/256 1922, 9/82 1928, 10/92 1929, 10/117 1936, 12/10 1938, 12/46 1942, 12/155 1944, 13/323 1946, 14/12 Aghade (Leighlin), 1877, 1/138 1884, 2/189 1890, 2/190 1894, 3/280 1898, 4/338 1919, 8/146, 8/181 1944, 13/321 Aghold (Leighlin), 1894, 3/281 1909, 6/257 1915, 7/241 Attanagh (Leighlin), 1889, 2/141 1890, 2/142 1944, 13/313 Ballinakill (Leighlin), 1885, 2/199 Ballintubber (Leighlin), 1892, 3/315 1895, 3/316 Ballyadams (Leighlin), 1877, 1/139, 1/140 Ballynure (Leighlin), 1890, 2/191 1891, 3/282 1893, 3/283 1894, 3/284 1898, 4/339 1899, 4/340 1901, 5/259 1905, 5/260 1920, 8/248 1944, 13/325 Ballyroan (Leighlin), 1901, 5/261 Baltinglass (Leighlin), 1884, 2/193 1919, 8/176 Bilboa (Leighlin), 1911, 7/32 Carlow (Leighlin), 1891, 3/285 1893, 3/286 1894, 3/287 1899, 4/341 1902, 5/262 1914, 7/220 1915, 7/239 1916, 8/6 1921, 9/1 2012, 26/19 Castletown (Leighlin), 1898, 4/343 1899, 4/344 1903, 5/269 1933, 11/81 Clonenagh (Leighlin), 1896, 4/345 1904, 5/264 1916, 8/19 1921, 9/45 Clonmore (Leighlin), 1901, 5/265 1915, 7/258 Cloydagh (Leighlin), 1880, 1/142 1885, 2/196 1887, 2/197, 2/198 1901, 5/266 Corclone (Leighlin), 1898, 4/348 Dunleckney (Leighlin), 1894, 3/289, 3/290 1901, 5/267 Fenagh (Leighlin), 1919, 8/141, 8/142, 8/143 Gowran (Leighlin), 1885, 2/152 1892, 3/226 1895, 3/227 1918, 8/114 1919, 8/147, 8/202 1929, 10/125 Grange Sylvae (Leighlin), 1899, 4/349 Hacketstown (Leighlin), 1895, 3/291 1896, 4/350, 4/351 1897, 4/352 1898, 4/353 1902, 5/268 Killabban (Leighlin), 1897, 4/342 1913, 7/193 Killermogh (Leighlin), 1885, 2/156 1894, 3/243 Killeshin (Leighlin), 1882, 1/144 1883, 2/201, 2/202 1890, 2/203 1894, 3/296 1906, 6/258 1920, 8/251 1942, 12/156 1945, 13/357 Kiltegan (Leighlin), 1878, 1/145 1885, 2/204 1902, 5/270 1914, 7/228 1938, 12/59 Leighlin (Leighlin), 1880, 1/146, 1/147 1887, 2/205 1890, 2/206 1892, 3/310 1893, 3/306, 3/307 1894, 3/308 1895, 3/309 1898, 4/354 1900, 4/355 1916, 8/12 1918, 8/111 1925, 9/147 2012, 26/31 Lorum (Leighlin), 1883, 1/148 1888, 2/207 1889, 2/208 1890, 2/209 1919, 8/156 1943, 12/179 1947, 14/45 2009, 25/62 Luggacurran (Leighlin), 1942, 12/148 Maryborough (Leighlin), 1877, 1/149 1879, 1/150 1880, 1/151 1882, 1/152 1883, 2/210 1891, 3/297 1892, 3/298 1895, 3/299, 3/300 1903, 5/271 1905, 5/272 1906, 6/259 1909, 6/260, 6/261 1911, 7/55 1912, 7/104 1913, 7/194 1924, 9/126 1981, 17/66 2013, 27/37 Mayo (Leighlin), 1886, 2/200 Mountrath, see Clonenagh (Leighlin) Moyne (Leighlin), 1893, 3/301 1900, 4/329 1904, 5/273 Mullinacuff (Leighlin), 1883, 1/153 1890, 2/211, 2/212 1892, 3/302 1894, 3/303 Myshall (Leighlin), 1881, 1/143 1926, 10/3 Nurney (Leighlin), 1878, 1/154 1892, 3/304 1893, 3/305 1920, 8/267 Portlaoise – See Maryborough Rathvilly (Leighlin), 1890, 2/213 1894, 3/311 1902, 5/274 1921, 9/64 Roskelton (Leighlin), 1878, 1/141 1896, 4/346 1900, 4/347 1903, 5/263 1920, 8/257 Shankill (Leighlin), 1896, 4/356 1907, 6/262 1932, 11/63 Staplestown (Leighlin), 1894, 3/312 1895, 3/313 1913, 7/154, 7/178 1913, 7/184 1920, 8/255 1921, 9/26 Stradbally (Leighlin), 1877, 1/155 1879, 1/156 1891, 3/314 1915, 7/255 Stratford-on-Slaney (Leighlin), 1903, 5/275 Tullow (Leighlin), 1877, 1/157 1890, 2/214 1897, 4/357 1898, 4/358 1902, 5/276 1907, 6/263 1917, 8/46 Urglin (Leighlin), 1877, 1/158 1879, 1/159 1890, 2/215 1895, 3/317 1898, 4/359, 4/360, 4/361 1899, 4/362 1900, 4/363 1909, 6/264 2008, 24/90 Wells (Leighlin), 1884, 2/216


Abbeymahon (Cork), 1889, 2/311 Ardnageehy (Cork), 1907, 6/271, 6/272 1947, 14/81 Athnowen (Cork), 1887, 2/229 1892, 3/325 1893, 3/326 Ballinaboy (Cork), 1877, 1/167 1897, 4/393 Ballinadee (Cork), 1895, 3/327, 3/328 1896, 4/385 1907, 6/273 Ballydehob (Cork), 1898, 4/386 1899, 4/387 1905, 5/287, 5/288, 5/289 1902, 5/313 Ballymodan (Cork), 1880, 1/168 1881, 1/169, 1/170 1885, 2/230 1887, 2/231, 2/232, 2/233, 2/234 1892, 3/329 1893, 3/330 1940, 12/123 Ballymoney (Cork), 1902, 5/290 1907, 6/277 1909, 6/275 Bandon (Cork), 1888, 18/13 2001, 21/9 Bantry (Cork), see Kilmocomogue (Cork) Brinny (Cork), 1887, 2/235 1957, 15/224 Caheragh (Cork), 1879, 1/17 1890, 2/236 1909, 6/276 1932, 11/68 Carrigaline (Cork), 1893, 3/331 1895, 3/332 1988, 19/133 Carrigrohane (Cork), 1895, 3/333 1896, 4/388 1902, 5/291 1940, 12/120 2012, 26/37 Coolkelure St Edmund (Cork), 1913, 7/157 Cork St Anne, Shandon (Cork), 1883, 1/173, 1/174, 2/237 1885, 2/238 1888, 2/239 1891, 3/335 1893, 3/336 Cork St Finbarres Cathedral (Cork), 1887, 2/228 1895, 3/334 1902, 5/292 Cork St Luke (Cork), 1887, 2/240 1897, 4/389 1903, 5/293 1912, 7/100 1914, 7/206 1915, 7/257 1925, 9/170 Cork St Mary, Shandon (Cork), 1879, 1/175 1882, 1/176 1885, 2/241 1888, 2/242 1895, 3/338 1901, 5/294 1906, 6/282 1907, 6/283 1972, 16/6 Cork St Michael (Blackrock) (Cork), 1884, 2/243, 2/244 1889, 2/245 1891, 3/340 1892, 3/339, 3/341, 3/342 1908, 6/284 1915, 7/250 Cork St Nicholas (Cork), 1916, 8/15 Cork St Paul (Cork), 1887, 2/246 1888, 2/247, 2/248 1903, 5/295 1910, 6/285 1930, 10/161 Cork St Peter (Cork), 1884, 2/249 1885, 2/250 1904, 5/296 Crookhaven (Cork), 2013, 27/4 Desertserges (Cork), 1904, 5/297 1905, 5/298 Douglas (Cork), 1884, 2/253 1898, 4/390 1901, 5/300 1929, 10/127 1934, 11/114 Drimoleague (Cork), 1883, 2/251 1889, 2/252 1892, 3/344, 3/345 1893, 3/346 1902, 5/299 1915, 7/240 1927, 10/24 Drinagh (Cork), 1909, 6/277 Dunderrow (Cork), 1889, 2/254 Durrus (Cork), 1904, 5/301 1925, 9/146 1932, 11/67 Fanlobbus (Cork), 1890, 2/255 1905, 5/302, 5/303, 5/304 1909, 6/278 Frankfield (Cork), 1940, 12/125 Garrycloyne (Cork), 1893, 3/390 Glanmire (Cork), see Rathcooney (Cork) Glenville (Cork), see Ardnageehy (Cork) Holy Trinity (Cork), 1882, 1/172 1919, 8/150 1920, 8/249 Inniscarra (Cork), 1892, 3/391 Innishannon (Cork), 1881, 1/177, 1/178 1889, 2/256, 2/257 1891, 3/347, 3/348 1892, 3/349, 3/350 1893, 3/351 1895, 3/352 1913, 7/186 Inniskenny (Cork), 1897, 4/391 Kilbrogan (Cork), 1900, 4/392 1910, 6/279 1913, 7/168 1934, 11/107 Killanully (Cork), 1888, 2/258, 2/259 Kilmocomogue (Cork), 1893, 3/358 1896, 4/394 1899, 4/395, 4/396 1900, 4/397 1908, 6/280 1911, 7/60 1918, 8/87 Kilmoe (Cork), 1881, 1/179 1883, 2/260 1891, 3/359 Kilmurry (Cork), 1901, 5/310 Kinneigh (Cork), 1918, 8/95 1919, 8/153 Kinsale (Cork), 1883, 2/261 1884, 2/262, 2/263 1886, 2/264 1890, 2/265 1892, 3/360 1904, 5/305 Little Island (Cork), 1895, 3/337 Magourney (Cork), 1885, 2/299 1897, 4/429 1899, 4/430 1900, 4/431 Marmullane (Cork), 1884, 2/266 1901, 5/306 Monkstown (Cork), 1880, 1/180, 1/181 1882, 1/182 1891, 3/361 1903, 5/307 1904, 5/308, 5/309 Moviddy (Cork), 1881, 1/183 1895, 3/362 1927, 10/46 Murragh (Cork), 1922, 9/75 Nohoval (Cork), 1879, 1/184 1894, 3/363 1898, 4/399 2007, 24/92 Rathclaren (Cork), 1893, 3/364 Rathcooney (Cork), 1887, 2/267 1889, 2/268 1890, 2/269, 2/270 1891, 3/365 1892, 3/366 1893, 3/367 1895, 3/368, 3/369 2010, 26/4 Rincurran (Cork), 1890, 2/271 1891, 3/370, 3/371 1897, 4/400 1913, 7/165 Schull (Cork), 1898, 4/401 1900, 4/402 1901, 5/311 1905, 5/312 1909, 6/289 2005, 23/33 St. Edmund (Cork), 1906, 6/281 Teampol-na-mbocht (Cork), 1900, 4/403 1909, 6/286 1919, 8/179 1931, 11/11 Templebreedy (Cork), 1887, 2/272 1895, 4/404 1897, 4/405 1900, 4/406 1907, 6/287, 1909, 6/288 2004, 22/25, 22/26, 23/75 Templemartin (Cork), 1927, 10/22 Templetrine (Cork), 1900, 4/407 1901, 5/314 1903, 5/315 Tracton (Cork), 1898, 4/408 1904, 5/316


Aghada (Cloyne), 1878, 1/185 1888, 2/273 1890, 2/274 1894, 3/372 Aghern (Cloyne), 1913, 7/170 1936, 12/11 Ardmore (Cloyne), 1894, 3/321 Ardnageehy (Cloyne), 1895, 3/324 1896, 4/383 Ballycotton (Cloyne), 1880, 1/186 1898, 4/415 1900, 4/416 Ballyhea (Cloyne), 1893, 3/395 1920, 8/250 Ballyhooly (Cloyne), 1890, 2/275 1910, 6/293 Brigown (Cloyne), 1880, 1/187 1883, 1/188 1886, 2/276 1895, 3/373 1897, 4/409, 4/410 1911, 7/52 Buttevant (Cloyne), 1897, 4/411 Carrignavar (Cloyne), 1899, 4/384 Carrigtwohill (Cloyne), 1903, 5/317 Castlehyde (Cloyne), 1895, 3/389 1896, 4/422 1902, 5/318 Castlelyons (Cloyne), 1885, 2/277 1913, 7/171 Castletownroche (Cloyne), 1897, 4/412 1907, 6/290, 1908, 6/291, 6/292 1913, 7/174 1915, 7/254 Clonfert (Cloyne), 1888, 2/278 1890, 2/279 1891, 3/374 1892, 3/375, 3/376 1893, 3/377 1895, 3/378 1897, 4/413, 4/414 1908, 6/294 Clonmel (Cloyne), 1884, 2/280 1887, 2/281, 3/379, 3/380 1893, 3/381 1894, 3/382 1928, 10/83 Cloyne (Cloyne), 1881, 1/189, 1/190 1886, 2/282 1892, 3/383 1893, 3/384, 3/385 1901, 5/319 1909, 6/295 1911, 7/8, 7/59 Corkbeg (Cloyne), 1879, 1/191 1892, 3/386, 3/387 1893, 3/388 1896, 4/417 1897, 4/418, 4/419 1898, 4/421 1907, 6/296 Doneraile (Cloyne), 1882, 1/197 1889, 2/283 1890, 2/284 1898, 4/438 1899, 4/439, 4/440 Fermoy (Cloyne), 1879, 1/193 1885, 2/285 1889, 2/286 1890, 2/288 1907, 6/297 1931, 11/41 Gurranekennefeake (Cloyne), 1880, 1/192 1899, 4/423 Farahy (Cloyne), 1913, 7/136 1914, 7/213 Inch (Cloyne), 1884, 2/287 1898, 4/420 1901, 5/320 Inchigeelagh (Cloyne), 1909, 6/300 Kanturk (Cloyne), 1889, 2/289, 2/290 1893, 3/392, 3/393 1894, 3/394 1896, 4/424, 4/425, 4/426 1898, 4/427 Kilbolane (Cloyne), 1893, 3/395 Kilbonane (Cloyne), 1897, 4/398 Kilbrogan (Cloyne), 1891, 3/353, 3/354, 3/357 1893, 3/355, 3/356 Killeagh (Cloyne), 1892, 3/396 1902, 5/321 Kilshannig (Cloyne), 1884, 2/291 1885, 2/292 1886, 2/293 1910, 6/298 Kilworth (Cloyne), 1888, 2/294 1911, 7/33 Knockmourne (Cloyne), 1899, 4/434 1900, 4/435 Macroom (Cloyne), 1881, 1/194 1883, 1/195 1884, 2/295, 2/296 1887, 2/297 1888, 2/298 1897, 4/428 1907, 6/299 1909, 6/301 Magourney (see Cork) Mallow (Cloyne), 1883, 2/300; 1902, 5/322 Midleton (Cloyne), 1883, 2/301 1884, 2/302 1887, 2/303 1890, 3/304 1891, 3/397 1892, 3/398, 3/399 1897, 4/432 1898, 4/433 1903, 5/323 Mogeely (Cloyne), 1913, 7/156 Newmarket (see Clonfert) Queenstown, see Clonmel (Cloyne) Rathcormac (Cloyne), 1893, 3/400 Rushbrooke (Cloyne), 1880, 1/196 1891, 3/401, 3/402, 3/403 1892, 3/404 1895, 3/405 1900, 4/436, 4/437 1901, 5/324, 5/325, 5/326 1930, 10/157 Youghal Chapel of Ease (Cloyne), 1886, 2/309 Youghal, St Mary (Cloyne), 1887, 2/307 1889, 2/305, 2/306 1890, 2/308 1892, 3/406 1893, 3/407, 3/408 1907, 6/302 1913, 7/151 Abbeymahon (Ross), 1896, 4/441 1897, 4/442 Abbeystrewry (Ross), 1886, 2/312, 2/313 1888, 2/314 1890, 2/315 1892, 3/409 1894, 3/410 2001, 21/2 Aghadown (Ross), 1909, 6/303 1912, 7/80 Ardfield (Ross), 1885, 2/316 Castlehaven (Ross), 1880, 1/198 1887, 2/317 1893, 3/411 1900, 4/443 1912, 7/69 Castleventry (Ross), 1884, 2/318 Courtmacsherry (Ross), 1903, 5/330 Glengariffe (Ross), 1881, 1/199, 1/200 1891, 3/412 1894, 3/413 1895, 3/414, 3/415 1899, 4/444 1910, 6/304 1915, 7/260 Kilcoe (Ross), 1892, 3/416 1912, 7/79 Kilfaughnabeg (Ross), 1905, 5/327 1907, 6/307 1909, 6/308 1911, 7/46 Kilgarriff (Ross), 1927, 10/31 1936, 12/18 Kilmacabea (Leap) (Ross), 1878, 1/201 1900, 4/445 1912, 7/71 Kilmeen (Ross), 1901, 5/329 1907, 6/305 1910, 6/306 Kilnagross (Ross), 1882, 1/202 1883, 1/203 1891, 3/417 Lislee (Ross), 1890, 2/319 1891, 3/418 1892, 3/419 1897, 4/446 Myross (Ross), 1899, 4/447; 1901, 5/328 Rathbarry (Ross), 1891, 3/420 1892, 3/421 1894, 3/422 1895, 3/423 1896, 4/448 Ross (Ross), 1884, 2/310 1892, 3/424 Timoleague (Ross), 1882, 1/204 1888, 2/320, 2/321 1890, 2/322, 2/323 1891, 3/425 1892, 3/426 1894, 3/427 1895, 3/428, 3/429 1897, 4/449 1902, 5/331 1905, 5/332 1918, 8/89 Tullagh (Ross), 1918, 8/88 Aghancon (Killaloe), 1902, 5/333 Birr (Killaloe), 1878, 1/205 1909, 6/309 1921, 9/27 Borrisnafarney (Killaloe), 1882, 1/206 1883, 2/324 1907, 6/310 1908, 6/311 Bourney (Killaloe), 1894, 3/430 1897, 4/450 1913, 7/159 1933, 11/80 Clare Abbey (Killaloe), 1902, 5/334 1904, 5/335, 5/336 Clonlea (Killaloe), 1883, 2/325 Corbally (Killaloe), 1882, 1/208 1883, 1/209 1894, 3/431 Corofin, see Kilnaboy (Killaloe) Dorrha (Killaloe), 1912, 7/101 Drumcliffe (Killaloe), 1878, 1/210 1904, 5/337 1921, 9/33 Dunkerrin (Killaloe), 1912, 7/107 1919, 8/173 Ettagh (Killaloe), 1934, 11/106 Finnoe (Killaloe), 1903, 5/338 Kilbarron (Killaloe), 1894, 3/432 Kildysart (Killaloe), 1881, 1/207 Kilfieragh (Killaloe), 1927, 10/37 Kilkee, see Kilfieragh (Killaloe) Killaban (Killaloe), 1886, 2/200 1892, 3/292 1894, 3/293 1895, 3/294, 3/295 Killaloe (Killaloe), 1886, 2/326 1929, 10/108 1994, 20/65 Killodiernan (Killaloe), 1920, 8/245 1929, 10/128 Kilmanaheen (Killaloe), 1894, 3/435 Kilnaboy (Killaloe), 1898, 4/451 1907, 6/312 1931, 11/2 Kilnasoolagh (Killaloe), 1897, 4/452 1902, 5/339 1938, 12/55 Kilruane (Killaloe), 1939, 12/100 Kilrush (Killaloe), 1900, 4/453 Kilsiely (Killaloe), 1882, 1/211 1884, 2/327 1894, 3/433 Kiltinanlea (Killaloe), 1881, 1/212 1890, 2/328 1917, 8/40 Kinnitty (Killaloe), 1904, 5/340 1938, 12/48 1943, 13/308 Lockeen (Killaloe), 1895, 3/434 Lorrha (Killaloe), 1896, 4/454 1927, 10/61 Modreeny (Killaloe), 1897, 4/455 1925, 9/174 O'Briens Bridge (Killaloe), 1882, 1/213 Roscrea (Killaloe), 1880, 1/214 Shinrone (Killaloe), 1882, 1/215 1902, 5/341 Templederry (Killaloe), 1885, 2/329 Terryglass (Killaloe), 1912, 7/90 Tomgraney (Killaloe), 1903, 5/342, 5/343 Tulloh (Killaloe), 1890, 2/330


Ardrahan (Kilmacduagh), 1916, 8/28 Gort, see Kilmacduagh (Kilmacduagh) Kilmacduagh (Kilmacduagh), 1925, 9/169


Ahascragh (Clonfert), 1928, 10/93 Aughrim (Clonfert), 1886, 2/331 1895, 3/436 1898, 4/456 Ballinasloe (Clonfert), 1900, 4/460 1913, 7/166 1931, 11/35 Ballynakill (Clonfert), 1911, 7/4, 7/23 Banagher (Clonfert), 1989, 19/118 Clonfert (Clonfert), 1894, 3/437 1895, 3/438 1896, 4/457 1897, 4/458 1898, 4/459 Clontuskert (Clonfert), 1913, 7/169 Creagh (Clonfert), 1902, 5/344 1992, 19/17 Donanaughta (Clonfert), 1895, 3/439 Lickmolassy (Clonfert), 1900, 4/461 1932, 11/50 Loughrea (Clonfert), 1923, 9/90 Killinane (Clonfert), 1897, 4/462 1898, 4/453 Portumna, see Lickmolassy (Clonfert)


Abington (Limerick), 2005, 23/45 Adare (Limerick), 1989, 19/114 Athlacca (Limerick), 1880, 1/216 Ballingarry (Limerick), 1930, 10/150 Bruff (Limerick), 1899, 4/464 Cahirnarry (Limerick), 1919, 8/140 Chapelrussell (Limerick), 1898, 4/465 Croom (Limerick), 1891, 3/440 Foynes (Limerick), 1947, 14/52 Killeedy (Limerick), 1880, 1/217 Kilmallock (Limerick), 1912, 7/99 Kilmurry (Limerick), 1911, 7/20 Kilpeacon (Limerick), 1905, 6/313 Kilscannel (Limerick), 1895, 3/441 Limerick St Mary's Cathedral (Limerick), 1910, 6/314 1913, 7/199 1930, 10/155 Limerick St Michael (Limerick), 1896, 4/466 1910, 6/315 Limerick St Munchin (Limerick), 1916, 8/26 Limerick St Patrick (Parteen) (Limerick), 1929, 10/123 Nantenan (Limerick), 1912, 7/84 Rathkeale (Limerick), 1937, 12/42 1940, 12/126 1949, 14/164 Shanagolden (Limerick), 1880, 1/218


Abbeyfeale (Ardfert), 1898, 4/467 Aghadoe (Ardfert), 1880, 1/219 1886, 2/332 1994, 20/76 Aglish (Ardfert), 1887, 2/333 Ballycuslane (Ardfert), 1880, 1/220 Ballymacelligott (Ardfert), 1877, 1/221 1916, 8/8 Dromod (Waterville) (Ardfert), 1894, 3/442 1895, 3/443 1899, 4/468 2013, 27/40 Kilconly (Ardfert), 1877, 1/222 Kilcrohane (Ardfert), 1890, 2/334 1891, 3/444 1892, 3/445 1893, 3/446 1903, 5/345 1917, 8/62, 8/71 Killarney (Ardfert), 1880, 1/223 1884, 2/335 1888, 2/336 1993, 20/83 2010, 25/68 Kilmakedar (Ardfert), 1896, 4/469 Kilmoyley (Ardfert), 1930, 10/160 Kilnaughtin (Ardfert), 1876, 1/224 1931, 11/37 Listowel (Ardfert), 1894, 3/447 1915, 7/242 Muckross (Ardfert), 1928, 10/84 Tralee (Ardfert), 1880, 1/225 1954, 14/346