THE PEARLS OF THE NECKLACE OF NORTH TO RE URIST BROCHU THE PEARLS OF THE NECKLACE OF NORTH TOURIST BROCHURE PB 1 The project is realized within the framework of the Sectoral Operational Program „Restructuring and Modernization of the Food Sector and Development of Rural Areas 2004–2006”, Action 2.7. ”Pilot Program Leader+”. Funded by the EU and state budget.. Dear Sirs LOCAL FOUNDATION We are a non-governmental organization of the tasks realized within the framework of the ACTION GROUP – NECKLACE OF NORTH established in 2006 as a result of realising the Foundation’s project entitled ”Value of the Necklace 26 Ogrodowa St Scheme of the 1st Pilot Program Leader+. In our is bead to bead… - implementation of Integrated tel. (0-59) 83 35 930, tel./fax: (0-59) 83 35 931 activities we combine different economic entities, Strategy for the Development of Rural Areas with skype: lgd-naszyjnikpolnocy non-governmental organizations, self-governing the use of local potential of the region” and aimed
[email protected] authorities and institutions, which declare to be at promoting our region. The publication includes willing to act for the benefit of sustainable devel- information about natural and cultural attrac- PHOTOGRAPHS BY: opment of the areas of 11 communes from three tions, possibilities of active rest and tourism and Krzysztof Bielecki, Jarosław Dymek, Katarzyna Jankowska, Krzysztof Kobak, Małgorzata voivodships: the Pomeranian voivodship – the is complemented by a catalogue of address data Margaś, Dorota Murach, Joanna Myszka, Danuta Nowak, Magdalena Paciorek, Jerzy Podlewski, Tadeusz Przybył, Wiesław Puzio, Konrad Remelski, Anna Roman, Bartosz Czarne, Człuchów, Debrzno, Koczała, Przechle- concerning accommodation and catering.