Archaeological Investigations Project 2007 Post-determination & Research Version 4.1 North East Darlington

Darlington UA

(E.55.2877) NZ28801440 AIP database ID: {92CAA785-3DCB-4399-9CE8-C8E7922AD36E} Parish: Central Ward Postal Code: DL3 7QG CLARK'S YARD, DARLINGTON Clark's Yard, Darlington. Archaeological Monitoring Attwood, G Durham : University of Durham, Archaeological Services, 2007, 10pp, colour pls, figs, tabs, refs, CD Work undertaken by: University of Durham, Department of Archaeology No archaeological remains were encountered during the watching brief. [Au(adp)]

OASIS ID :archaeol3-27701 North Yorkshire

(E.55.2878) NZ21151595 AIP database ID: {E1393C7E-6F1D-49AC-AA41-D7D5C2F3CEB9} Parish: Piercebridge Postal Code: DL2 3SJ PIERCEBRIDGE MAIN, CALBURY ARMS Negative Watching Brief Report. Piercebridge Main, Calbury Arms, North Yorkshire Fraser, R Barnard Castle : Northern Archaeological Associates, 2007, 3pp, figs, tabs, refs Work undertaken by: Northern Archaeological Associates No archaeological remains were encountered during the watching brief. [Au(adp)]


(E.55.2879) NZ2020219215 AIP database ID: {8207769B-F6B7-4358-A90D-0D9B9392DA72} Parish: Summerhouse Postal Code: DL2 3UD SUMMERHOUSE Construction of a Residential Dwelling at Summerhouse, Near Darlington, County Durham. Archaeological Watching Brief Report Abramsom, P Newcastle-upon Tyne : Philip Abramson, 2007, 9pp, colour pls, figs, refs Work undertaken by: Philip Abramson The watching brief encountered a mortar floor surface bounded by stone walls. Post-medieval finds were recovered from the topsoil. [Au(adp)]

SMR primary record number: 9974 Archaeological periods represented: PM


(E.55.2880) NZ23301910 AIP database ID: {942DA597-7650-4F29-80B4-E7B90806498B} Parish: Walworth Postal Code: DL2 2LY WALWORTH Walworth, Darlington, County Durham. Archaeological Watching Brief Parker, J H Newcastle-upon-Tyne : Tyne & Wears Museum Archaeology Department, 2007, 16pp, figs, tabs, refs Archaeological Investigations Project 2007 Post-determination & Research Version 4.1

Work undertaken by: Tyne & Wears Museum Archaeology Department No archaeological deposits of any significance were observed during the course of the watching brief, although none of the trenches were located on earthworks. [Au(adp)]

SMR primary record number: 9998 Archaeological periods represented: MD

OASIS ID :tyneandw3-25002 Durham


(E.20.2881) NZ27705089 AIP database ID: {BBCD41EF -8816-451D-ABA8-47CA446E6139} Parish: Chester East Ward Postal Code: DH3 3PH ST. CUTHBERTS RC PRIMARY SCHOOL A watching brief at St. Cuthberts Primary School, Chester-le-Street Stewart, I J : Ian Farmer Associates, 2007, A4, spiral bound, laminated covers with logos, word processed with maps, drawings and colour photograph prints, Work undertaken by: Ian Farmer Associates A watching brief was undertaken duriing the excavation of a new building footprint within a primary school yard. It was subsequently found that the original ground surface had been truncated and there was no evidence of archaeological deposits other than 19th century field drains. [OASIS(Au)]

SMR primary record number: 15882, 1460195 Archaeological periods represented: MO

OASIS ID :ianfarme1-33065


(E.20.2882) NZ2012547650 AIP database ID: {3803082C-22E6-48F7-9633-1A259D526E7D} Parish: Burnhope Postal Code: DH7 0EE LANGLEY WIND FARM Langley Wind Farm, County Durham. Archaeological Monitoring Robinson, L Durham : University of Durham, Archaeological Services, 2007, 14pp, colour pls, figs, tabs, refs, CD Work undertaken by: University of Durham, Archaeological Services A visual inspection of the site, prior to the commencement of groundwork, noted two large oval-shaped mounds and a track running south-north across the site. Groundwork revealed that the track comprised a single course of re-used red bricks, most of which were fragmented. The bricks were laid on 0.5m of made ground, which had been used to create a level platform. A number of the bricks were stamped with "Washington Station 1922". Grooves were worn into the bricks intermittently along the southwest side of the track. It was probable that this track related to the Pheasant Drift Mine. The western mound was the only one to be affected by the groundwork. It ran alongside the track and was composed of hard sandy gravel, which was probably a product of the Pheasant Drift Mine. A small gully, running south-west to north-east, was present halfway down the access route to the crane pad. No artefacts were recovered from the fill. [Au(abr)]

Archaeological periods represented: MO

OASIS ID :archaeol3-32363

(E.20.2883) NZ1047855682 AIP database ID: {E8D080C4-9AF6-484A-ADF5-D638B814135C} Archaeological Investigations Project 2007 Post-determination & Research Version 4.1

Parish: Ebchester and Medomsley Ward Postal Code: DH8 0PP VINDOMORA VILLAS, EBCHESTER Vindomora Villas, Ebchester, County Durham. Archaeological Watching Brief Dougherty, E P Newcastle-upon-Tyne : Tyne & Wears Museum Archaeology Department, 2007, 21pp, colour pls, figs, tabs, refs Work undertaken by: Tyne & Wears Museum Archaeology Department The watching brief was required because of the proximity of the works to the Roman Fort of Vindomara, Scheduled Monument 32. Site A lay 150m to the north-east of the Scheduled Area. Site B lay 15m to the north of the fort. No Roman deposits were identified at either site, with post-Roman soils directly overlying the natural subsoil at both locations. At Site B, a fragment of a Roman roof tile was recovered from a post-medieval layer. [Au(abr)]

Archaeological periods represented: RO, PM

OASIS ID :tyneandw3-26438

(E.20.2884) NZ105415 AIP database ID: {DDC01C96-28FB-4E62-BA7A-52FA4403784D} Parish: Satley Postal Code: DL13 4HN WEST DURHAM WIND FARM West Durham Wind Farm. Archaeological Geophysics Survey Hurst, M J : Museums Archaeology, 2007, Laminated and bound TWM Archaeology standard geophysics report including all relevant tec=xt and figures. Digital pdf version also available. Work undertaken by: Tyne and Wear Museums Archaeology TWM Archaeology carried out a geophysical survey, commissioned by Banks Developments, on farmland 2.5km north-west of Tow Law and 2 km south-west of Satley, County Durham. This survey was required in advance of wind turbine and associated trackway construction and development on the site. A close interpretation of the geophysical data gained in this survey has been made. Although a number of geophysical anomalies were identified, the survey does not show the presence of significant archaeological remains in the development area. [OASIS(Au)]

SMR primary record number: 1463055, 15775 Archaeological periods represented: MD

OASIS ID :tyneandw3-35965


(E.20.2885) NZ28554216 AIP database ID: {19DFF5BC-F0CC-49D5-9202-F05D711B7068} Parish: Elvet Ward Postal Code: DH1 3LA DURHAM AMATEUR ROWING CLUB, GREEN LANE, DURHAM CITY Durham Amateur Rowing Club, Green Lane, Durham City. Archaeological Monitoring Randerson, M Durham : University of Durham, Archaeological Services, 2007, 12pp, colour pls, figs, tabs, refs Work undertaken by: University of Durham, Archaeological Services No archaeological remains were encountered during the watching brief. [Au(adp)]

OASIS ID :archaeol3-23040

(E.20.2886) NZ27784237 AIP database ID: {176BA5FA-B011-40FC-ACEA-334A9174A9A6} Parish: Elvet Ward Postal Code: DH1 3LZ ST. CUTHBERT'S ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH, OLD ELVET, DURHAM CITY St. Cuthbert's Roman Catholic Church, Old Elvet, Durham City Archaeological Investigations Project 2007 Post-determination & Research Version 4.1

Emery, N Durham : Norman Emery, 2007, 9pp, colour pls, figs, refs Work undertaken by: Norman Emery Observations were made of the demolition of a rear wing of the church. Observations found that below the suspended floor of the sacristy, sandstone blocks were laid in regular courses. A well was also present in the north-west corner of the structure. [Au(adp)]

SMR primary record number: 24021


(E.20.2887) NZ27024524 AIP database ID: {6EBF623A-DD7F-4CE9-8965-56FA2C8F392E} Parish: Framwellgate Moor Postal Code: DH1 5HH FORMER DURHAM COUNCIL DEPOT, PIT LANE, FRAMWELLGATE MOOR Archaeological Excavation at the Former Durham Council Depot, Pit Lane, Framwellgate Moor, Co. Durham Railton, M & Wooler, F Nenthead : North Pennines Archaeology Ltd, 2008, Clear plastic cover, green spine, bound report, plus CD Work undertaken by: North Pennines Archaeology Ltd Archaeological excavation of coking works at Framwellgate Moor Colliery, County Durham, carried out by North Pennines Archaeology Ltd in November 2007. The excavation formed part of the mitigation strategy for a proposed residential development. The excavation confirmed the presence of a late 19th century coking works at Framwellgate Moor Colliery, and identified the form of twelve coking ovens at the site. At least two wagon ways were also identified. No artefacts were recovered with which excavated features could be dated. [OASIS(Au)]

SMR primary record number: 1482281 Archaeological periods represented: PM

OASIS ID :northpen3-40717

(E.20.2888) NZ27484231 AIP database ID: {C373C7C9-EC9A-4C11-8990-28E456FDF2A1} Parish: St. Nicholas Ward Postal Code: DH1 3EY 5 NORTH BAILEY, DURHAM CITY 5 North Bailey, Durham City. Archaeological Monitoring Armstrong, J Durham : University of Durham, Archaeological Services, 2007, 17pp, colour pls, figs, tabs, refs Work undertaken by: University of Durham, Department of Archaeology A watching brief was carried out during the construction of a shower block. A badly robbed-out north- south wall was encountered, with two deposits found to abut against this feature. A later paved surface and a brick drain were noted. [Au(adp)]

Archaeological periods represented: MO, UD, PM

OASIS ID :archaeol3-27738

(E.20.2889) NZ27464222 AIP database ID: {13728C70-721A-4FC1-AB45-FB3B199E2A02} Parish: St. Nicholas Ward Postal Code: DH1 3RQ BAILEY COURT, HATFIELD COLLEGE Archaeological Monitoring at Bailey Court, Hatfield College Armstrong, J Durham : University of Durham, Archaeological Services, 2007, 1p Work undertaken by: University of Durham, Department of Archaeology No archaeological remains were encountered during the watching brief. [Au(adp)]

Archaeological Investigations Project 2007 Post-determination & Research Version 4.1


(E.20.2890) NZ3219446737 AIP database ID: {B62E20E1-78EF-450A-9ECD-9AE2DE310C14} Parish: West Rainton Postal Code: DH4 6PQ EBENEZER METHODIST CHAPEL, WEST RAINTON Ebenezer Methodist Chapel, West Rainton, County Durham. Archaeological Assessment and Recording Robinson, L Durham : University of Durham, Archaeological Services, 2007, 26pp, colour pls, figs, tabs, refs, CD Work undertaken by: University of Durham, Archaeological Services There were no indications that the proposed development area was occupied during the prehistoric or Romano-British periods. West Rainton had its roots in the medieval period, and the village grew significantly after the development of the coal mining industry. During the medieval period it was probable that the core of the settlement, lying a little way to the north of the study area, consisted of a series of tenements stretching back from the edge of the former street or green. The Ebenezer Chapel was erected for the local Wesleyan Methodists in 1822, and was remodelled about fifty years later, perhaps because of the growth of the local population. The land in the immediate vicinity had been greatly disturbed by the construction of a housing estate. It was recommended that the interior of the building should be photographed when the floor had been removed, and before the new leaves were built inside the walls. This would provide a record of the interior as a single space. [Au(adp)]

Archaeological periods represented: PM

OASIS ID :archaeol3-26084


(E.20.2891) NZ27472173 AIP database ID: {5B8FF22F-606D-43C8-B234-49ED9135BAB8} Parish: Great Aycliffe Postal Code: DL5 6NE PROPOS ED LIDL DISTRIBUTION DEPOT, NEWTON AYCLIFFE Proposed Lidl Distribution Depot, Newton Aycliffe. Archaeological Monitoring of Geotechnical Investigations Holland, K Leeds : Faber Maunsell, 2007, 26pp, colour pls, figs, refs Work undertaken by: Faber Maunsell During the excavation of trial pits, no evidence of archaeological activity was recorded. [Au(adp)]


(E.20.2892) NZ26903450 AIP database ID: {1ED6C5A8-1452-4BCE-B968-7560BB51FA6F} Parish: Spennymoor Postal Code: DL16 6XA BUTCHERS RACE, SPENNYMOOR Butchers Race, Spennymoor, County Durham. The Results of Archaeological Trial Trenching and Excavation Rose, M Morley : Archaeological Services WYAS, 2008, 38pp, colour pls, figs, tabs, refs Work undertaken by: Archaeological Services WYAS 2nd-3rd century remains were recorded within the north-east corner of the proposed development site. These consisted mainly of gullies that had become very truncated due to medieval and later ploughing. The archaeological remains seemed to form enclosures, although the limited excavation of the features made it difficult to establish a function for the excavated features. Trial trenching found a continuation of the ploughing regimes over the entirety of the area but the only feature revealed was an old field boundary in the form of a double ditch. [Au(adp)]

Archaeological Investigations Project 2007 Post-determination & Research Version 4.1

Archaeological periods represented: UD, RO, MD

OASIS ID :archaeol11-37996


(E.20.2893) NZ13102450 AIP database ID: {6F6AF2F5-17F8-4253-A9E5-ABD0DC052573} Parish: Cockfield Postal Code: DL13 5BJ COCKFIELD FELL, COCKFIELD Cockfield Fell, Cockfield, County Durham. Archaeological Monitoring Rae, A Durham : University of Durham, Archaeological Services, 2007, 18pp, colour pls, figs, tabs, refs, CD Work undertaken by: University of Durham, Department of Archaeology Two test pits and a borehole were excavated in relation to a utilities upgrade at the site, a Scheduled Ancient Monument. No archaeological remains were encountered during the watching brief. [Au(adp)]

OASIS ID :archaeol3-29900

(E.20.2894) NY86002800 AIP database ID: {9BF590F9-EC43-40E3-8AFD-447CC249930C} Parish: Lunedale Postal Code: DL12 0EW CRONKLEY FARM, TEESDALE Cronkley Farm, Teesdale. Archaeological Monitoring Randerson, M Durham : University of Durham, Archaeological Services, 2007, 18pp, colour pls, figs, tabs, refs, CD Work undertaken by: University of Durham, Archaeological Services The construction of over 3100m of fencing was monitored. No archaeological remains were encountered. [Au(adp)]

OASIS ID :archaeol3-32812

(E.20.2895) NY8829927555 AIP database ID: {65B2832A-97B1-49EC-A5BF-87F70EEA46CA} Parish: Lunedale Postal Code: DL12 0XQ HOLWICK FELL, TEESDALE Archaeological Watching Brief on Holwick Fell, Teesdale Co. Durham. In Connection with the Erection of "Juniper Fences" Brigantia Archaeological Practice Barnard Castle : Brigantia Archaeological Practice, 2007, 21pp, colour pls, figs, refs Work undertaken by: Brigantia Archaeological Practice A watching brief recorded small cairns, modern drains, shooting butts, boundary walls, a charcoal pit, a curvilinear enclosure, and the undated rubble ruins of a building. During the course of the fieldwork a single flint artefact was recovered from a molehill, a finely made leaf-shaped arrowhead. [Au(adp)]

SMR primary record number: 9694 Archaeological periods represented: NE, MO, UD, PM, PR


Wear Valley

(E.20.2896) NZ21003025 AIP database ID: {F03A5C8F-1AC2-462D-97B6-35E2CE8CC7AE} Parish: Bishop Auckland Town Ward Postal Code: DL14 7QE Archaeological Investigations Project 2007 Post-determination & Research Version 4.1

WEAR CHARE, BISHOP AUCKLAND Wear Chare, Bishop Auckland, County Durham. Archaeological Monitoring Adams, J Durham : University of Durham, Archaeological Services, 2007, 27pp, colour pls, figs, tabs, refs, CD Work undertaken by: University of Durham, Department of Archaeology During monitoring of boreholes, two stone culverts were the only archaeological remains identified. [Au(adp)]

Archaeological periods represented: UD

OASIS ID :archaeol3-32885

(E.20.2897) NZ20863139 AIP database ID: {AF33E3DE-EE69-4DAC-9E40-53CC63B06E28} Parish: Coundon Ward Postal Code: DL14 8DJ BINCHESTER HALL FARM, BISHOP AUCKLAND Binchester Hall Farm, Bishop Auckland, County Durham. Archaeological Monitoring Adams, J Durham : University of Durham, Archaeological Services, 2007, 17pp, colour pls, figs, tabs, refs Work undertaken by: University of Durham, Archaeological Services Disturbance was minimal to the existing deposits during the extraction of the concrete foundations. A layer of black-brown stone and hardcore aggregate material overlay deposits that formed a probable cobbled surface. A date could not be assigned to the cobbled surface during the monitoring work as no new areas were disturbed or exposed. The building did, however, stand on the line of the Roman Road, Dere Street, that ran through the centre of the fort. Two sherds of Roman pottery were recovered from this layer. Finds from unstratified contexts included a fragment of worked animal bone, possibly used in weaving. Burnt animal bone, 19th -century pottery fragments and a fragment of naturally-occurring iron pyrites were also recovered. [Au(abr)]

Archaeological periods represented: RO, UD

OASIS ID :archaeol3-35126 Former County of Tyne & Wear


(E.05.2898) NZ19416216 AIP database ID: {F2021081-24CD-4055-A55F-8D14296C6958} Parish: Ward Postal Code: NE21 5PB 33 AXWELL PARK ROAD, BLAYDON, GATESHEAD 33 Axwell Park Road, Blaydon, Gateshead An Archaeological Watching Brief Scott, J Newcastle-upon-Tyne : Tyne & Wears Museum Archaeology Department, 2007, 10pp, figs, tabs Work undertaken by: Tyne & Wears Museum Archaeology Department The watching brief did not encounter any archaeology as the depth of the disturbance did not extend below the uppermost layer of modern topsoil, any archaeological remains present on the site could be classed as preserved in situ. [Au(adp)]

SMR primary record number: 2007/73

OASIS ID :tyneandw3-27256

(E.05.2899) NZ25106360 AIP database ID: {41F6A259-B9DE-4CE6-BF07-AA0449E389D6} Parish: Bridges Ward Postal Code: NE8 2BN REFURBISHMENT OF THE HIGH LEVEL BRIDGE Archaeological Investigations Project 2007 Post-determination & Research Version 4.1

Archaeological Monitoring During Refurbishment of the High Level Bridge. Notes on Work in Progress, September 2007 Williams, A High Heaton : Alan Williams Archaeology, 2007, 13pp, colour pls Work undertaken by: Alan Williams Archaeology A watching brief was carried out during the refurbishment of the High Level Bridge from 2005 to 2007. In 2007 substantial cast iron rubbing strips and an early "Y" shaped drainage fixture in the east abutment of span 5 were recorded. There were plans on presenting a final report on all subjects such as roadway, tension chains, lamps, rubbing strips and early drainage systems. [Au(adp)]

SMR primary record number: 2007/120 Archaeological periods represented: PM

OASIS ID :alanwill1-44186

(E.05.2900) NZ24606210 AIP database ID: {A8A17F37-2D71-4090-A0BB-3768CD2C0495} Parish: Lobley Hill and Ward Postal Code: NE8 2US STANLEY CASINO, FOURTH STREET Stanley Casino, Fourth Street, . Report on an Archaeological Watching Brief Carlton, R J Newcastle-upon-Tyne : The Archaeological Practice Ltd., 2007, 14pp, colour pls, figs, refs Work undertaken by: The Archaeological Practice Ltd. The extent of ground disturbance made during the development works was superficial and no significant observations were made with regard to cultural heritage remains. [Au]

SMR primary record number: 2007/149


(E.05.2901) NZ30786173 AIP database ID: {69EC991F-521C-466E-BB8D-C8CBF7A598AE} Parish: Wardley and Leam Lane Ward Postal Code: NE10 8AL SOUTH WARDLEY FARM, WARDLEY LANE, GATESHEAD South Wardley Farm, Wardley Lane, Gateshead, Tyne and Wear. Archaeological monitoring and building recording Claydon, M, Randerson, M & Annis, R Durham : University of Durham, Archaeological Services, 2008, 29pp, colour pls, figs, tabs, refs, CD Work undertaken by: University of Durham, Department of Archaeology The monitoring exercise revealed no archaeological remains. The building recording exercise recorded three agricultural buildings, a gin-house, a bungalow and a farmhouse. All dated from the mid-19th to mid-20th centuries. [Au(adp)]

Archaeological periods represented: MO

OASIS ID :archaeol3-41902

(E.05.2902) NZ18355860 AIP database ID: {154B5242-83A9-4D56-B01C-6E9F6D0FD631} Parish: South and Sunniside Ward Postal Code: NE16 6AA CUT THORN FARM, GIBSIDE ESTATE Cut Thorn Farm, Gibside Estate, Tyne and Wear. Report on a Watching Brief During New Drainage Works for the National Trust, North East Region Nolan, J Durham : Northern Counties Archaeological Services, 2007, 18pp, pls, colour pls, figs, refs Work undertaken by: Northern Counties Archaeological Services A watching brief was carried out at the site and revealed a wall line which was identified as farmyard buildings abutting the present garden wall. A drainage channel and a cobbled surface may have indicated the presence of livestock within the structure. [Au(adp)] Archaeological Investigations Project 2007 Post-determination & Research Version 4.1

Archaeological periods represented: MO, UD, PM, UD


Gateshead, Newcastle-upon-Tyne

(E.05.2903) NZ21946164, AIP database ID: {BA88BF97-3691-4A79-986A-1FB2F8A887A9} NZ21906460 Parish: Dunston Hill and Whickham East Ward, Elswick Ward Postal Code: NE11 9QT, NE4 8XJ CONDERCUM ROAD & WEST ROAD, Condercum Road & West Road, Benwell, Tyne and Wear. Archaeological Watching Brief Muncaster, W Newcastle-upon-Tyne : Tyne & Wears Museum Archaeology Department, 2007, 6pp, figs, tabs Work undertaken by: Tyne & Wears Museum Archaeology Department The watching brief encountered no archaeological deposits of significance. The northern end of Trench Two which lay alongside the projected line of the wall was truncated by services. [Au(adp)]

SMR primary record number: 2007/138

OASIS ID :tyneandw3-31804


(E.05.2904) NZ21506470 AIP database ID: {A49695AE-E7B8-46CF-977A-71D2957C212D} Parish: Benwell and Scotswood Ward Postal Code: NE15 6QH 52 DENHILL PARK, WEST ROAD, NEWCASTLE-UPON-TYNE 52 Denhill Park, West Road, Newcastle-Upon-Tyne. Report for an Archaeological Watching Brief Ian Farmer Associates Gateshead : Ian Farmer Associates, 2007, 44pp, pls, colour pls, figs, tabs, refs Work undertaken by: Ian Farmer Associates The watching brief encountered one Roman stone structure of uncertain function, together with two Roman building walls. One of the stones built into lowest course had a crude carving of a phallus on its east face. The evidence suggested that these walls had been previously uncovered during earlier excavations prior to the building of the housing estate. The backfill of the excavations contained fragments of Roman pottery, ceramic building material and animal bones. One post-medieval wall fragment was uncovered which may be associated with the use of the area as a park in the 18th and 19th centuries. The limitations of trench sizes meant that little further information could be added to what was already known about the fort. [Au(adp)]

SMR primary record number: 2007/174 Archaeological periods represented: PM, RO

OASIS ID :ianfarme1-33625

(E.05.2905) NZ20216525 AIP database ID: {A2CB70E2-A3F4-4248-B936-9DD71DAF148F} Parish: Benwell and Scotswood Ward Postal Code: NE15 7AB 7 COUNTESS DRIVE, BENWELL 7 Countess Drive, Benwell, Newcastle-upon-Tyne An Archaeological Watching Brief Scott, J Newcastle-upon-Tyne : Tyne & Wears Museum Archaeology Department, 2007, 6pp, figs Work undertaken by: Tyne & Wears Museum Archaeology Department A watching brief encountered no archaeological deposits within the trench, due to a high level of disturbance from previous service trenching. Although the trench fell within the course of the vallum, no finds were encountered. [Au(adp)]

Archaeological Investigations Project 2007 Post-determination & Research Version 4.1

SMR primary record number: 2007/57

OASIS ID :tyneandw3-27385

(E.05.2906) NZ20506500 AIP database ID: {ED70E31D-7352-4A10-AE95-6D2EEFAD9863} Parish: Benwell and Scotswood Ward Postal Code: NE15 7DL BENWELL HILL CRICKET CLUB Benwell Hill Cricket Club, Newcastle Upon Tyne. Archaeological Watching Brief Carlton, R J Newcastle-upon-Tyne : The Archaeological Practice Ltd., 2007, 14pp, colour pls, figs, refs Work undertaken by: The Archaeological Practice Ltd. A watching brief revealed no archaeological significant finds or deposits. [Au(adp)]

OASIS ID :thearcha2-28807

(E.05.2907) NZ21586471 AIP database ID: {DCFBA0C3-C777-4401-9843-214C3DB7A7DD} Parish: Elswick Ward Postal Code: NE15 6QH 59 DENHILL PARK, BENWELL, NEWCASTLE Report of Site Visit to 59 Denhill Park, Benwell, Newcastle Heslop, D Newcastle-upon-Tyne : David Heslop, Tyne & Wear County Archaeologist, 2007, 6pp, colour pls, figs, refs Work undertaken by: David Heslop, Tyne & Wear County Archaeologist An archaeological watching brief was carried out after some pottery was found during a domestic extension. Although an archaeological condition was placed on the planning application to notify the county archaeologist five days before work commenced, this was not carried out. [Au(adp)]

SMR primary record number: 2007/140 Archaeological periods represented: RO


(E.05.2908) NZ21956763 AIP database ID: {BD25B128-B27F-414E-963B-573BF461BD00} Parish: Kenton Ward Postal Code: NE3 3EB KENTON SCHOOL, DRAYTON ROAD An Archaeological Watching Brief at Kenton School, Drayton Road, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Tyne and Wear Henderson, C & Taylor-Wilson, R Durham : Pre-Construct Archaeology Ltd., 2007, 18pp, colour pls, figs, tabs, refs Work undertaken by: Pre-Construct Archaeology Ltd. An archaeological watching brief was carried out and encountered a crude sandstone surface possibly related to the manor house complex ,and a brick lined pump shaft for Kenton Colliery these were the only two features of archaeological interest. Extensive evidence of landscaping in this part of the school was recorded. This probably dated from the construction of Kenton School. [Au(adp)]

SMR primary record number: 2007/160 Archaeological periods represented: PM, UD

OASIS ID :preconst1-35125

(E.05.2909) NZ18606560 AIP database ID: {3F97727B-BBD9-499E-A29D-807B943C887E} Parish: Ward Postal Code: NE15 7LN Archaeological Investigations Project 2007 Post-determination & Research Version 4.1

WEST DENTON ROAD, NEWCASTLE-UPON-TYNE West Denton Road, Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Archaeological Watching Brief Carlton, R J Newcastle-upon-Tyne : The Archaeological Practice Ltd., 2007, 8pp, colour pls, figs Work undertaken by: The Archaeological Practice Ltd. The watching brief encountered no archaeological significant deposits. [Au(adp)]

SMR primary record number: 2007/77

OASIS ID :thearcha2-28858

(E.05.2910) NZ17206651 AIP database ID: {80256E93-6B2C-444F-9AFD-1B61EE0827A9} Parish: Ward Postal Code: NE15 9SR ROAD, Hexham Road, Walbottle, Tyne and Wear. Archaeological Watching Brief Parker, J Newcastle-upon-Tyne : Tyne & Wears Museum Archaeology Department, 2007, 6pp, figs, tabs Work undertaken by: Tyne & Wears Museum Archaeology Department An archaeological watching brief was carried out and revealed modern services and no finds. [Au(adp)]

SMR primary record number: 2007/141

OASIS ID :tyneandw3-32289

(E.05.2911) NZ16476675 AIP database ID: {BE24932F-7BB4-4682-A9C8-8BA885591BA7} Parish: Newburn Ward Postal Code: NE15 9RX NO. 44 HEXHAM ROAD, No. 44 Hexham Road, Throckley, Newcastle upon Tyne. Report on an Archaeological Watching Brief The Archaeological Practice Ltd Newcastle-upon-Tyne : The Archaeological Practice Ltd., 2007, 10pp, colour pls, figs Work undertaken by: The Archaeological Practice Ltd. An archaeological watching brief was carried out and revealed modern mixed deposits covering existing services. [Au]

SMR primary record number: 2007/150 Archaeological periods represented: MO

OASIS ID :thearcha2-34331

(E.05.2912) NZ16806520 AIP database ID: {A5196C69-518B-47D2-80B7-6361A861DFF3} Parish: Newburn Ward Postal Code: NE15 8LQ OWNERS EXTENSION, NEWBURN Owners Extension, Newburn Geotechnical Test Pit Observe and Record Aspden, D Bristol : Scott Wilson, 2007, 18pp, colour pls, figs, tabs, refs Work undertaken by: Scott Wilson Monitoring of geotechnical investigations were undertaken on the site and supported the conclusions made in the modern disturbance review. In all test pits the stratigraphy indicated several phases of demolition and levelling at the site. This has resulted in a significant degree of ground truncation accompanied by ground make-up activity. No archaeological features or deposits were observed within any of the test pits. [Au(adp)]

SMR primary record number: 2007/9

OASIS ID :no Archaeological Investigations Project 2007 Post-determination & Research Version 4.1

(E.05.2913) NZ16996619 AIP database ID: {8CF04441-426D-4852-8984-C2DB244884F0} Parish: Newburn Ward Postal Code: NE15 9TJ SEGPOOL HOUSE, WALBOTTLE, NEWCASTLE-UPON-TYNE Segpool House, Walbottle, Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Archaeological Recording Rae, A Durham : University of Durham, Archaeological Services, 2007, 9pp, colour pls, figs, tabs, refs, CD Work undertaken by: University of Durham, Department of Archaeology There was no evidence of any activity that predated the 19th century buildings on the site. No further work was recommended. [Au(adp)]

OASIS ID :archaeol3-26760

(E.05.2914) NZ24306993 AIP database ID: {B0BFA570-0419-4B33-927E-A446F46E83A7} Parish: North Postal Code: NE3 2DT NORTHERN FOOTBALL CLUB, MCCRACKEN PARK, GREAT NORTH ROAD, GOSFORTH Negative Watching Brief Report. Northern Football Club, McCracken Park, Great North Road, Gosforth Johnson, P Barnard Castle : Northern Archaeological Associates, 2007, 3pp, figs, tabs, refs Work undertaken by: Northern Archaeological Associates No archaeological remains were encountered during the watching brief. [Au(adp)]


(E.05.2915) NZ25506420 AIP database ID: {99E38EC2-D448-4E10-B51F-44B900384455} Parish: Ward Postal Code: NE1 2HW JUBILEE ROAD, BATTLEFIELD Jubilee Road, Battlefield, Newcastle Upon Tyne. Archaeological Watching Brief Telford, A Newcastle-upon-Tyne : Tyne & Wears Museum Archaeology Department, 2007, 17pp, colour pls, figs, refs Work undertaken by: Tyne & Wears Museum Archaeology Department This watching brief ensured that any archaeologically significant deposits associated with the Hadrian's Wall system were not impacted by the works carried out. [Au]

SMR primary record number: 2007/99 Archaeological periods represented: MO

OASIS ID :tyneandw3-30260

(E.05.2916) NZ25406390 AIP database ID: {4E4AEAD6-830D-4147-828B-0C97319866CC} Parish: Ouseburn Ward Postal Code: NE1 3DB LIVE THEATRE, NOS 27-29 BROAD CHARE Live Theatre, Nos 27-29 Broad Chare, Newcastle Upon Tyne. Building Recording, Archaeological Evaluation and Archaeological Watching Brief Draft Mabbitt, J, McKelvey, J, Agnew, J & Stobbs, G Newcastle-upon-Tyne : Tyne & Wears Museum Archaeology Department, 2007, 68pp, colour pls, figs, tabs, refs Work undertaken by: Tyne & Wears Museum Archaeology Department A building recording was carried out in advance of the refurbishment as part of the Live Theatre redevelopment. The evaluation encountered post-medieval walls, after consultation with the County Archaeological Investigations Project 2007 Post-determination & Research Version 4.1

Archaeologist the area was excavated to the depth required for the construction of a lift shaft. The earliest extant fabric of the building appeared to date from the late medieval period. A watching brief was carried out and showed that few archaeological deposits of significance were disturbed but revealed further details of the construction of the Dobson Warehouses. [Au(adp)]

SMR primary record number: 2007/71 Archaeological periods represented: PM, UD, MD, MO

OASIS ID :tyneandw3-25445

(E.05.2917) NZ26196460 AIP database ID: {08349940-E8D1-45F1-8430-BC15BCC4FDC8} Parish: Ouseburn Ward Postal Code: NE1 2PW STEPNEY BANK/LIME STREET, Stepney Bank/Lime Street, Byker, Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Archaeological Watching Brief Telford, A Newcastle-upon-Tyne : Tyne & Wears Museum Archaeology Department, 2007, 10pp, figs, tabs Work undertaken by: Tyne & Wears Museum Archaeology Department An archaeological watching brief was carried out on a site that lay within the Lower Ouseburn Conservation Area. Three trenches were excavated, but no archaeological significant deposits were encountered during the watching brief, the trenches did not penetrate beneath nineteenth century levels. [Au(adp)]

SMR primary record number: 2007/53 Archaeological periods represented: MO


(E.05.2918) NZ25486418 AIP database ID: {B05030E4-B5C6-4260-995C-B36F91470DB3} Parish: Ouseburn Ward Postal Code: NE1 2HY TOWER STREET, CAUSEY BANK Tower Street, Causey Bank, Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Archaeological Watching Brief Carter, G Newcastle-upon-Tyne : Tyne & Wears Museum Archaeology Department, 2007, 5pp, figs, tabs, refs Work undertaken by: Tyne & Wears Museum Archaeology Department The watching brief encountered no clear archaeological deposits, with all layers being either natural or post-medieval, even though the trench crossed the projected line of Hadrian's Wall opposite the entrance to Wall Knoll Tower House. Post-medieval deposits formed the entire section in the northern half of the trench to a depth of 1.2m. [Au(adp)]

SMR primary record number: 2007/172 Archaeological periods represented: UD

OASIS ID :tyneandw3-35227

(E.05.2919) NZ25206430 AIP database ID: {369E8508-776C-4CB1-BC5B-C59B14527FD6} Parish: Westgate Ward Postal Code: NE1 1BA CARLIOL SQUARE, NEW CASTLE-UPON-TYNE Carliol Square, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Archaeological Watching Brief Carlton, R J Newcastle-upon-Tyne : The Archaeological Practice Ltd., 2007, 11pp, colour pls, figs Work undertaken by: The Archaeological Practice Ltd. The watching brief encountered no archaeological significant features or finds. [Au(adp)]

SMR primary record number: 2007/85 Archaeological Investigations Project 2007 Post-determination & Research Version 4.1


(E.05.2920) NZ24606460 AIP database ID: {DA6B5FE4-1D4D-4434-A5C0-A1E25493275C} Parish: Westgate Ward Postal Code: NE1 7RR ELECTRICITY SUPPLY TRENCHES, PERCY STREET, NEWCASTLE-UPON- TYNE Electricity Supply Trenches, Percy Street, Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Report on Archaeological Watching Brief Carlton, R J Newcastle-upon-Tyne : The Archaeological Practice Ltd., 2007, 14pp, colour pls, figs Work undertaken by: The Archaeological Practice Ltd. The watching brief encountered no features or finds of archaeological significance in Trench One other than the footings of a wall of probable post-medieval or modern origin. The position of the wall was consistent with the position 18th and 19th century historic maps of residential and commercial properties lining the east side of lower Percy Street. The remains of this wall were left intact by the trenching and subsequent back-filling. [Au(adp)]

SMR primary record number: 2007/177 Archaeological periods represented: PM

OASIS ID :thearcha2-35461

(E.05.2921) NZ24606370 AIP database ID: {0A545A95-F6C1-442E-BCF0-BA2EE44B745E} Parish: Westgate Ward Postal Code: NE1 3NJ FORTH STREET RAILWAY ARCHES Forth Street Railway Arches Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Report on an Archaeological Watching Brief Rushworth, A Newcastle-upon-Tyne : The Archaeological Practice Ltd., 2007, 21pp, colour pls, figs, refs Work undertaken by: The Archaeological Practice Ltd. The watching brief revealed no structures, deposits or finds of archaeological significance. [Au]

Archaeological periods represented: UD

OASIS ID :thearcha2-25500

(E.05.2922) NZ24866516 AIP database ID: {72497790-8745-4374-9409-A132622FDA60} Parish: Westgate Ward Postal Code: NE1 7RX HANCOCK MUSEUM, BARRAS BRIDGE, NEWCASTLE-UPON-TYNE Hancock Museum, Barras Bridge, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Tyne and Wear. Archaeological Monitoring Beveridge, J Durham : University of Durham, Archaeological Services, 2007, 21pp, colour pls, figs, tabs, refs, CD Work undertaken by: University of Durham, Archaeological Services Two stone-filled gullies in rooms 1 and 2 were identical in construction and were either drainage channels or robbed out foundations of an earlier building. They were probably foundation trenches from either St. James’s Chapel or St James’s House. A stone surface found in room 2 was from an earlier phase of occupation on the site which predated the foundation trench. This surface was similar to the cobbles found in room 3. The sandstone footings for the brick foundations of the Museum were all reused blocks of masonry. The reuse of masonry in the fabric of the Museum was also seen in room 4 in the construction of underfloor ventilation ducts. This masonry probably originated from St James’s House. [Au(abr)]

Archaeological periods represented: UD, MD Archaeological Investigations Project 2007 Post-determination & Research Version 4.1

OASIS ID :archaeol3-28476

(E.05.2923) NZ24776394 AIP database ID: {96C5EC27-D65E-4777-927A-8F0CF017B030} Parish: Westgate Ward Postal Code: NE1 1SY ORCHARD STREET Orchard Street, Newcastle-upon-Tyne Archaeological Watching Brief Telford, A Newcastle-upon-Tyne : Tyne & Wears Museum Archaeology Department, 2007, 8pp, figs, tabs Work undertaken by: Tyne & Wears Museum Archaeology Department The watching brief was carried out during renewal of paving and kerbstones. The area was archaeologically sensitive as it lay within the Hadrian's Wall corridor, a UNESCO World Heritage Site and an Scheduled Ancient Monument. No deposits or features or finds of archaeological significance were recorded during the watching brief. [Au(adp)]

SMR primary record number: 2007/10


(E.05.2924) NZ24806360 AIP database ID: {EF54CA06-0E53-4C9E-ABDB-441BFACAC40C} Parish: Westgate Ward Postal Code: NE1 3NB THE BONDED WAREHOUSE An Archaeological Watching Brief at The Bonded Warehouse, Newcastle-upon-Tyne Carey, C & Stafford, L Bakewell : Archaeological Research Services, 2007, 24pp, colour pls, figs, refs Work undertaken by: Archaeological Research Services The sedimentary sequence in the trench was recorded and contained old foundation deposits and fluvial material at the top of the sedimentary sequence and changed to sand at the base of the excavated trench. The trench varied in height between 2.5m and 3.0 m in depth below the present ground level. No features or buried land surfaces were revealed. [Au(adp)]

SMR primary record number: 2007/103 Archaeological periods represented: UD, PM

OASIS ID :archaeol5-16874

(E.05.2925) NZ25006420 AIP database ID: {E15C0FCC-FFC1-4ABA-8B90-B4CF1BC97816} Parish: Westgate Ward Postal Code: NE1 6QA THE MARKET LANE TAVERN, PILGRIM STREET The Market Lane Tavern, Pilgrim Street, Newcastle Upon Tyne. Historic Building Survey and Watching Brief Carlton, R J Goring on Thames : The Archaeological Consultancy, 2007, 26pp, pls, colour pls, figs, tabs Work undertaken by: The Archaeological Practice Ltd. A building recording and watching brief was carried out at the site. No structures or features of historic importance were impacted upon during the refurbishment of the building. [Au(adp)]

Archaeological periods represented: PM

OASIS ID :thearcha2-31252

North Tyneside

Archaeological Investigations Project 2007 Post-determination & Research Version 4.1

(E.05.2926) NZ33506780 AIP database ID: {CCCE37C9-1E6E-479E-8B0B-4C8491A62D85} Parish: Chirton Ward Postal Code: NE29 7AP SMITH'S DOCK, Smith's Dock, North Shields. Archaeological Watching Brief Inkster, K Newcastle-upon-Tyne : Tyne & Wears Museum Archaeology Department, 2008, 23pp, colour pls, figs Work undertaken by: Tyne & Wears Museum Archaeology Department The watching brief was carried out at the site during the demolition and landscaping phase of the Bull Ring area, and the lower slope towards and including the dock structures adjacent. Several walls and structures were recorded, all associated with structures previously located. [Au(adp)]

SMR primary record number: 2008/3 Archaeological periods represented: UD


(E.05.2927) NZ35606790 AIP database ID: {3F6D33FD-04E1-471B-A773-786BB4C44657} Parish: Riverside Ward Postal Code: NE29 6LF JUNCTION OF BOROUGH ROAD AND CLIVE STREET, NORTH SHIELDS Junction of Borough Road and Clive Street, North Shields. Archaeological Photographic Recording and Watching Brief Parker, JH Newcastle-upon-Tyne : Tyne & Wears Museum Archaeology Department, 2007, 26pp, colour pls, figs, tabs, refs Work undertaken by: Tyne & Wears Museum Archaeology Department A watching brief and photographic survey were carried out at the site. During the watching brief a number of stone walls which formed the walls of St. Peter's Church were observed at a depth of 1.10m to 1.25m below the ground surface. An arch found in one of the test pits suggested that this church had vaulted cellars. Brick walls which post dated the stone walls were also found during the watching brief, probably the remains of the electrical engineering company which was shown on the site on the Fourth Edition Ordnance Survey Map of 1955. The west retaining wall which was part of the photographic survey probably formed the east wall of the school shown on the Second Edition Ordnance Survey Map of 1898. The sills within the wall would have been for windows in the school building. [Au(adp)]

SMR primary record number: 2007/83 Archaeological periods represented: UD, PM, MO

OASIS ID :tyneandw3-27206

(E.05.2928) NZ36106840 AIP database ID: {A3EEBC67-9567-4C10-A33E-A7729F5F4CAA} Parish: Ward Postal Code: NE30 1HL WC AT UNION QUAY, NORTH SHIELDS WC at Union Quay, North Shields. Report on an Archaeological Watching Brief Carlton, R J Newcastle-upon-Tyne : The Archaeological Practice Ltd., 2007, 12pp, colour pls, figs Work undertaken by: The Archaeological Practice Ltd. The watching brief encountered no archaeological deposits, as only the concrete surface was removed and not the levelling deposits underneath. [Au(adp)]

SMR primary record number: 2007/86

OASIS ID :thearcha2-28810

(E.05.2929) NZ30057230 AIP database ID: {A8C32F24-675F-499A-B577-B6827BA2F28D} Archaeological Investigations Project 2007 Post-determination & Research Version 4.1

Parish: Valley Ward Postal Code: NE27 0AW EAST FARM, East Farm, Backworth, . Archaeological Monitoring Rae, A Durham : University of Durham, Archaeological Services, 2007, 12pp, colour pls, figs, tabs, refs, CD Work undertaken by: University of Durham, Department of Archaeology No archaeological remains were encountered during the watching brief. [Au(adp)]

OASIS ID :archaeol3-28099

(E.05.2930) NZ29907240 AIP database ID: {2A990AEB-E44F-4010-B48F-1CC09E1713D8} Parish: Valley Ward Postal Code: NE27 0AP MIDDLE FARM BACKWORTH, NORTH TYNESIDE Middle Farm Backworth, North Tyneside (NZ299 724) Recording of Ridge and Furrow and Monitoring During Site Strip for Horse Exercise Area May/June 2007 Williams, A High Heaton : Alan Williams Archaeology, 2007, 13pp, colour pls, figs Work undertaken by: Alan Williams Archaeology Archaeological recording of ridge and furrow cultivation earthworks on land to be developed as a horse exercise area to the north of Middle Farm was carried out. An archaeological watching brief was carried out during subsequent site strip. No archaeological remains other than ridge and furrow earthworks were disturbed or revealed during the soil strip, even though the site lay close to the findspot of the Backworth Hoard. [Au(adp)]

SMR primary record number: 2007/74 Archaeological periods represented: MD

OASIS ID :alanwill1-31558

(E.05.2931) NZ30006610 AIP database ID: {7C975612-F87A-433D-B872-9A28D30171E5} Parish: Ward Postal Code: NE28 6EG BUDDLE STREET, WALLSEND, TYNE AND WEAR Buddle Street, Wallsend, Tyne and Wear. Archaeological Watching Brief Muncaster, W Newcastle-upon-Tyne : Tyne & Wears Museum Archaeology Department, 2007, 23pp, colour pls, figs, tabs, refs Work undertaken by: Tyne & Wears Museum Archaeology Department An archaeological watching brief was carried out and revealed archaeological features. In Trench Five, the northern face of a wall that belonged to a barrack block from the front range of Segedunum Roman fort was recorded. It was a significant discovery, indicating that well preserved Roman deposits survived beneath the line of Buddle Street. Trenches 8 and 9 both contained gullies also of possible Roman date. Trench 4a contained a pre-modern buried soil horizon. [Au(adp)]

SMR primary record number: 2007/139 Archaeological periods represented: RO

OASIS ID :tyneandw3-31222

South Tyneside

(E.05.2932) NZ36506799 AIP database ID: {B2749B6F-8F52-4F57-811A-70273F859B6D} Parish: Beacon and Bents Ward Postal Code: NE33 2AX 197 ROMAN ROAD, SOUTH SHIELDS 197 Roman Road, South Shields. Archaeological Observation Archaeological Investigations Project 2007 Post-determination & Research Version 4.1

Frain, T Newcastle-upon-Tyne : Tyne & Wears Museum Archaeology Department, 2007, 8pp, colour pls, figs, tabs Work undertaken by: Tyne & Wears Museum Archaeology Department The watching brief encountered a wall which appeared to represent the retaining wall for the eastern fort wall rampart. To the southwest of this wall were occupation deposits within the interior of the fort, with the green silt representing a fill within the inter-vallum drain at the foot of the rampart. To the northeast of this wall above the windblown sand levels, were deposits associated with the construction of the rampart itself against the fort wall. [Au(adp)]

SMR primary record number: 2007/148 Archaeological periods represented: UD, RO, MD


(E.05.2933) NZ35916766 AIP database ID: {210AB854-6E35-45F9-862A-A5C82D2822E6} Parish: Beacon and Bents Ward Postal Code: NE33 1LF LAND AT MARKET DOCK NORTH, LONG ROW, SOUTH SHIELDS Archaeological Watching Brief Report on Land at Market Dock North, Long Row, South Shields, Tyne and Wear Peters, C Alston : North Pennines Archaeology Ltd., 2007, 26pp, colour pls, figs, refs Work undertaken by: North Pennines Archaeology Ltd. The watching brief was carried out and revealed a continuing history of land use on the site, relating to shipbuilding activity in this part of South Shields. The earliest feature in situ was the remains of the mid-18th century dock, discovered in the southern part of the site, within Plot A and the most recent feature, early 20th century dock remains, which survived in a good state of preservation and were located across much of the central portions of plots B and C. [Au(adp)]

SMR primary record number: 2007/124 Archaeological periods represented: UD, MO

OASIS ID :northpen3-30266

(E.05.2934) NZ33806540 AIP database ID: {11C3EA67-9C1D-42F0-B606-BD5EF9A8CA26} Parish: Bede Ward Postal Code: NE32 3DY DREWETT’S PARK, Drewett’s Park, Jarrow, Tyne & Wear. Geophysical Surveys and Archaeological Excavation Adams, J & Hale, D Durham : University of Durham, Archaeological Services, 2007, 28pp, colour pls, figs, tabs, refs, CD Work undertaken by: University of Durham, Archaeological Services The geophysical surveys identified a number of potential archaeological features which probably related to the raising of the ground level in the later 19th and early 20th century, and the subsequent use of the area. The trenches identified evidence for the landscaping of the area, comprising the raising of the ground level. It was thought possible that unidentified significant archaeological deposits survived at greater depth. Significant quantities of finds were recovered of 17th to 20th century date, along with three sherds of medieval pottery. [Au(abr)]

Archaeological periods represented: MD, MO, PM

OASIS ID :archaeol3-28862

(E.05.2935) NZ33066503 AIP database ID: {94447110-AD3E-4B28-9B70-2C45E56CEE3C} Parish: Primrose Ward Postal Code: NE32 3AH NEW TYNE TUNNEL, JARROW New Tyne Tunnel, Jarrow, . Archaeological Monitoring Archaeological Investigations Project 2007 Post-determination & Research Version 4.1

Rae, A Durham : University of Durham, Archaeological Services, 2007, 19pp, colour pls, figs, tabs, refs Work undertaken by: University of Durham, Department of Archaeology No archaeological remains were encountered during the watching brief. [Au(adp)]

OASIS ID :archaeol3-30936

(E.05.2936) NZ36406780 AIP database ID: {20E6D5F8-247C-49FF-A502-1788E6F07CCC} Parish: Beacon and Bents Ward Postal Code: NE33 2BG ARBEIA STREET LIGHTING, SOUTH SHIELDS Arbeia Street Lighting, South Shields, Tyne and Wear Archaeological Watching Brief Richardson, D S Newcastle-upon-Tyne : Tyne & Wears Museum Archaeology Department, 2007, 22pp, pls, figs Work undertaken by: Tyne & Wears Museum Archaeology Department The archaeological watching brief was carried out on the site during works to upgrade the street lightning around Arbeia Roman Fort. No features associated with the Roman fort or the associated vicus settlement were disturbed during the works. Pre-modern deposits were identified in a number of trenches. The identification of these deposits represented a useful contribution to the understanding of the topography of the setting of the fort. [Au(adp)]

SMR primary record number: 2007/62 Archaeological periods represented: RO


(E.05.2937) NZ35206090, AIP database ID: {D4CAB68C-382C-491A-BB28-05E24B28B027} NZ35206090 Parish: and East Boldon Ward Postal Code: NE36 0PX HALL GREEN FARM, WEST BOLDON Hall Green Farm, West Boldon, Tyne and Wear Archaeological Watching Brief Parker, J H Newcastle-upon-Tyne : Tyne & Wears Museum Archaeology Department, 2007, 13pp, colour pls, figs, tabs, refs Work undertaken by: Tyne & Wears Museum Archaeology Department An archaeological watching brief was carried out and revealed structural remains in the form of a stone walled pit with a stone lined drain running towards it. The pit and drain probably dated to the first half of the 19th century. No finds were recovered. [Au(adp)]

Archaeological periods represented: MO

OASIS ID :tyneandw3-25379


(E.05.2938) NZ33145215 AIP database ID: {B8851218-CB3B-46FF-919E-65B3D76F5699} Parish: Copt Hill Ward Postal Code: DH4 4XQ LANGLEY STREET, NEW HERINGTON, Langley Street, New Herington, Sunderland, Tyne and Wear. Archaeological Monitoring Rae, A Durham : University of Durham, Archaeological Services, 2007, 18pp, colour pls, figs, tabs, refs, CD Work undertaken by: University of Durham, Department of Archaeology No archaeological remains were encountered during the watching brief. [Au(adp)]

OASIS ID :archaeol3-33766 Archaeological Investigations Project 2007 Post-determination & Research Version 4.1

(E.05.2939) NZ40505710 AIP database ID: {BD650FB1-9A0A-41C6-9DBA-A7C57CB7CC66} Parish: Hendon Ward Postal Code: SR1 2HU FORMER DONNISON SCHOOL, CHURCH WALK, Former Donnison School, Church Walk, Bishopwearmouth. Archaeological Watching Brief Frain, T Newcastle-upon-Tyne : Tyne & Wears Museum Archaeology Department, 2007, 23pp, colour pls, figs, tabs, refs Work undertaken by: Tyne & Wears Museum Archaeology Department An archaeological watching brief was carried out as human remains were found during restoration of the school. As the remains had clearly once been buried in the consecrated ground of the churchyard, it was decided to carry out further groundwork under archaeological supervision. The loose material behind the revetment wall at the western end of the site consisted of dark loamy material with a high proportion of disarticulated human bone. This appeared to be a deposit of graveyard soil deriving entirely from inhumations disturbed by subsequent burials. This had built up to a depth of around 1.2m. Elsewhere, yellow clay subsoil was visible and archaeological intervention consisted of a sweep of standing sections and surfaces for human remains and cultural material. There was a copper pin through a skull and cut marks on a tibia, which was attributed to previous excavation. [Au(adp)]

SMR primary record number: 2007/170 Archaeological periods represented: UD, PM

OASIS ID :tyneandw3-32172

(E.05.2940) NZ39205690 AIP database ID: {B910EAFE-E13F-46F9-9024-FEBB3840D143} Parish: Millfield Ward Postal Code: SR1 3PY TOWN PARK, SUNDERLAND An Archaeological Watching Brief at Town Park, Sunderland Carey, C Bakewell : Archaeological Research Services, 2007, 22pp, colour pls, figs, tabs, refs Work undertaken by: Archaeological Research Services A watching brief was carried out during groundwork for the removal and replacement of a retaining wall around the south-west corner of the Green. The study area lay within the former extent of Bishopwearmouth medieval village which was founded as early as 930 AD. There was potential for medieval, post-medieval and even prehistoric archaeology to exist on the site. Developments which raised the ground level and re-landscaped the site in 1980 had truncated the undisturbed ground level. Any archaeology that may have been present on the site was probably removed by these developments. [Au(adp)]

SMR primary record number: 2007/31 Archaeological periods represented: UD, MO

OASIS ID :archaeol5-25548

(E.05.2941) NZ3582754897 AIP database ID: {1C8C6924-5DBE-4E1E-B572-864F34E5679E} Parish: Sandhill Ward Postal Code: SR4 9QZ FORMER JIREH BAPTIST CHAPEL, SUNDERLAND Former Jireh Baptist Chapel, Sunderland, Tyne and Wear. Archaeological Monitoring Attwood, G Durham : University of Durham, Archaeological Services, 2007, 10pp, colour pls, figs, tabs, refs, CD Work undertaken by: University of Durham, Archaeological Services No archaeological remains were encountered during the watching brief. [Au(adp)]

OASIS ID :archaeol3-33599

Archaeological Investigations Project 2007 Post-determination & Research Version 4.1

(E.05.2942) NZ38905340 AIP database ID: {E8431FCF-4107-4159-897D-03E891352174} Parish: Silksworth Ward Postal Code: SR3 2BE 3 TUNSTALL VILLAGE ROAD, TUNSTALL, SUNDERLAND 3 Tunstall Village Road, Tunstall, Sunderland, Tyne and Wear. Archaeological Monitoring Platell, A Durham : University of Durham, Archaeological Services, 2007, 11pp, colour pls, figs, tabs, refs. CD Work undertaken by: University of Durham, Archaeological Services No archaeological remains were encountered during the watching brief. [Au(adp)]

OASIS ID :archaeol3-32552

(E.05.2943) NZ39705620 AIP database ID: {AFB1973D-BBDD-435B-BE6E-D386E0CAD7BA} Parish: St. Michael's Ward Postal Code: SR2 7BL 1 THE ESPLANADE, SUNDERLAND 1 The Esplanade, Sunderland, Tyne and Wear. Archaeological Watching Brief Scott, J Newcastle-upon-Tyne : Tyne & Wears Museum Archaeology Department, 2007, 8pp, colour pls, figs Work undertaken by: Tyne & Wears Museum Archaeology Department The watching brief was carried out during renovation work in the basement level of, 1 The Esplanade, which had been converted to a World War II air raid shelter and served as the headquarters of the Sunderland APR during the war. The aim of the watching brief was to record the structural elements of the air raid shelter as they were removed. [Au(adp)]

SMR primary record number: 2007/187 Archaeological periods represented: MO

OASIS ID :tyneandw3-35916

(E.05.2944) NZ40605850 AIP database ID: {5C639785-4C94-4D90-8212-98EA5533858A} Parish: St. Peter's Ward Postal Code: SR6 0NL NORTH DOCK, SUNDERLAND An Archaeological Watching Brief at North Dock, Sunderland Amat, D Bakewell : Archaeological Research Services Ltd, 2007, 14pp, pls, colour pls, figs, tabs, refs Work undertaken by: Archaeological Research Services Ltd The watching brief encountered no archaeological remains or finds. [Au(adp)]

SMR primary record number: 2007/159

OASIS ID :archaeol5-33471

(E.05.2945) NZ40315778 AIP database ID: {C89DA62B-19EB-44BC-BC5B-1E5D460CBF62} Parish: St. Peter's Ward Postal Code: SR6 0DY ST. PETER’S CHURCH, , SUNDERLAND St. Peter’s Church, Monkwearmouth, Sunderland, Phase 2, Cable Diversion Works. Archaeological Excavation Robinson, L Durham : University of Durham, Archaeological Services, 2007, 11pp, colour pls, figs, tabs, refs, CD Work undertaken by: University of Durham, Archaeological Services No archaeological features were encountered during the excavation, and no finds were evident. [Au(adp)] Archaeological Investigations Project 2007 Post-determination & Research Version 4.1

OASIS ID :archaeol3-29491

Hartlepool UA

(E.59.2946) NZ5267633649 AIP database ID: {614A7A11-296C-4ED7-95EA-4113B21CF7FF} Parish: Headland Postal Code: TS24 0JF 41 TOWN WALL, HARTLEPOOL 41 Town Wall, Hartlepool. Archaeological Watching Brief Green, G Hartlepool : Tees Archaeology , 2007, 9pp, colour pls, figs, tabs, refs Work undertaken by: Tees Archaeology A watching brief took place following the excavation of trenched foundations for a sizeable domestic extension to the rear of 41 Town Wall. The sections and bases of the trenches were inspected. Two features were noted. These comprised limestone rubble walls, bonded with mortar and post-medieval in date, probably at least 18th century in date and overlain but the more recent house. [Au(adp)]

Archaeological periods represented: PM

OASIS ID :no Hartlepool

(E.59.2947) NZ5269733620 AIP database ID: {557A53C2-1AC2-4A2F-B83A-D86FE460F8EC} Parish: Headland Postal Code: TS24 0JF 5 BAPTIST STREET, HARTLEPOOL 5 Baptist Street, Hartlepool. Archaeological Watching Brief Green, G Hartlepool : Tees Archaeology , 2007, 9pp, colour pls, figs, refs Work undertaken by: Tees Archaeology The watching brief revealed a 19th or 20th century demolition horizon with abundant brick and mortar inclusions. No archaeological remains were encountered during the watching brief. [Au(adp)]


(E.59.2948) NZ5315033875 AIP database ID: {480D1A82-6304-4592-BC12-F7A5C7477C0A} Parish: Headland Postal Code: TS24 0PS HEUGH GUN BATTERY Archaeological Building Recording Project and Watching Brief at Heugh Gun Battery, Hartlepool, Teeside Wooler, F & Liddell, T Alston : North Pennines Archaeology Ltd., 2008, 40pp, colour pls, figs, tabs, refs Work undertaken by: North Pennines Archaeology Ltd. The watching brief took place at the installation of services across the parade ground at the site. The work recorded a number of foundations of former buildings within the parade ground, although the service trenches were generally shallow in depth, narrow in width and provided a limited window of examination. [Au(adp)]

Archaeological periods represented: MO


Castle Morpeth Archaeological Investigations Project 2007 Post-determination & Research Version 4.1

(E.50.2949) NZ20588206, AIP database ID: {DCA5B765-77A0-4271-9A42-3A5FF05C43E7} NZ19258478 Parish: Stannington, Morpeth Postal Code: NE61 6DH, NE61 2RH SOUTHERN TRUNK MAIN, WARKWORTH TO NORTH GOSFORTH Southern Trunk Main, Warkworth, , to North Gosforth, Tyne and Wear. Archaeological Watching Brief Parker, J Newcastle-upon-Tyne : Tyne & Wears Museum Archaeology Department, 2007, 19pp, colour pls, figs, tabs, refs Work undertaken by: Tyne & Wears Museum Archaeology Department No archaeological remains were encountered during the watching brief. [Au(adp)]

OASIS ID :tyneandw3-38715 Northumberland

(E.35.2950) NY98206500 AIP database ID: {E2AB8135-0278-4EAC-8905-F36B08F9EB34} Parish: Corbridge Postal Code: NE45 5NT CORSTOPITUM, CORBRIDGE An Archaeological Watching Brief at Corstopitum, Corbridge Stafford, L Bakewell : Archaeological Research Services, 2007, 19pp, colour pls, figs, tabs, refs Work undertaken by: Archaeological Research Services The only archaeological remains recovered during the watching brief were a shallow, modern dry-stone wall and a modern plough blade. [Au(adp)]

Archaeological periods represented: MO

OASIS ID :archaeol5-31763


(E.35.2951) NU18681348 AIP database ID: {BAC17D1B-6C1B-4287-9336-1FDC52FFFA72} Parish: Alnwick Postal Code: NE66 1NQ ALNWICK CASTLE CAR PARK Alnwick Castle Car Park, Alnwick, Northumberland. Archaeological Monitoring Rae, A Durham : University of Durham, Archaeological Services, 2007, 18pp, colour pls, figs, tabs, refs, CD Work undertaken by: University of Durham, Archaeological Services No archaeological remains were encountered during the watching brief. [Au(adp)]

OASIS ID :archaeol3-33764

(E.35.2952) NU18751355 AIP database ID: {0FB048FE-E738-410C-B5C1-F6FBB86456E4} Parish: Alnwick Postal Code: NE66 1NQ ALNWICK CASTLE, ALNWICK Alnwick Castle, Alnwick, Northumberland. Archaeological monitoring Robinson, L Durham : University of Durham, Archaeological Services, 2007, 10pp, colour pls, figs, tabs, refs, CD Work undertaken by: University of Durham, Department of Archaeology An archaeological watching brief was carried out at the site. The depth of excavation in both trenches was too shallow to reach beyond material deposited as a result of relatively recent activity. No Archaeological Investigations Project 2007 Post-determination & Research Version 4.1 archaeological features were uncovered and no finds were recovered during the works. Because of this, no further archaeological work was recommended here. [Au(abr)]

OASIS ID :archaeol3-25318

(E.35.2953) NU18401330 AIP database ID: {42A7C881-B277-44E3-B2AC-18FFD4A4C299} Parish: Alnwick Postal Code: NE66 1LN THE MALTINGS AND BOLAMS MILL, ALNWICK The Maltings and Bolams Mill, Alnwick. Archaeological Monitoring Swann, N Durham : University of Durham, Archaeological Services, 2007, 20pp, colour pls, figs, tabs, refs, CD Work undertaken by: University of Durham, Archaeological Services A soil of earlier medieval date was recorded, which may have related to agricultural activity. Two wells, probably constructed for use by The Maltings, were discovered. One lay in the north-west of the site beneath a modern extension to The Maltings, and another in the east of the site beneath the access road between the two buildings. A stone culvert adjoining the Bolams Mill building was discovered. This was probably constructed at the same time as the well, and used to divert the course of the Bow Burn for use by the mill. A full record of the archaeological resource had been made, and no further work was recommended. [Au(abr)]

Archaeological periods represented: UD, EM

OASIS ID :archaeol3-33152

(E.35.2954) NU19481208 AIP database ID: {1E7C37A7-5CFC-4822-A4C6-13B056EB81EB} Parish: Alnwick Postal Code: NE66 2DB WILLOWBURN AVENUE, ALNWICK Willowburn Avenue, Alnwick, Northumberland. Archaeological Monitoring Randerson, M Durham : University of Durham, Archaeological Services, 2007, 20pp, colour pls, figs, tabs, refs, CD Work undertaken by: University of Durham, Archaeological Services The heavily truncated bases of several medieval plough furrows were recorded during the course of the monitoring programme. No other features of archaeological significance were observed. [Au(abr)]

Archaeological periods represented: MD

OASIS ID :archaeol3-32906

(E.35.2955) NT95510266 AIP database ID: {D420D027-05D9-4321-BDAE-C0701A4AA424} Parish: Harbottle Postal Code: NE65 7AJ HOLYSTONE Land at Holystone, Harbottle, Northumberland. Geophysical Surveys Hale, D N Durham : University of Durham, Archaeological Services, 2007, A4, wirebound, grey covers Work undertaken by: University of Durham, Archaeological Services Second programme of survey with the Holystone History and Archaeology Group, this time hoping to detect remains associated with Holystone Priory, amongst other things. Several small areas surveyed around existing church and elsewhere. Whilst the remains of a a number of walls have been detected to the south and probably west of the church, these can be accounted for by reference to 18th and 19th century plans which show former cottages and garden boundaries. None of the geophysical anomalies detected in these surveys is thought likely to reflect features associated with Holystone Priory. [OASIS(Au)]

Archaeological Investigations Project 2007 Post-determination & Research Version 4.1

SMR primary record number: 1462265, 13999 Archaeological periods represented: MD

OASIS ID :archaeol3-35531

(E.35.2956) NU29300450 AIP database ID: {BD7929D7-5706-431F-88FE-0D3BA25A15D6} Parish: Hauxley Postal Code: NE65 0SF COQUET ISLAND LIGHTHOUSE Coquet Island Lighthouse, Northumberland. Report of Archaeological Monitoring and Building Recording Bamburgh Research Project Bamburgh : Bamburgh Research Project, 2007, 25pp, colour pls, figs, tabs, refs Work undertaken by: Bamburgh Research Project Limited excavation was carried out at the site to a maximum depth of 1m in two service trenches. A single feature of archaeological significance was recorded, a series of sandstone flags immediately inside the southern compound of the lighthouse. These were left in situ. In addition, a series of photographs of the elevations of the standing remains of the medieval monastic cell and the lighthouse were taken as a basic record of the structure. [Au(adp)]

Archaeological periods represented: PM, MD

OASIS ID :bamburgh1-40051

(E.35.2957) NU22791085 AIP database ID: {F53A18A5-EAC5-4C08-89AB-155AF2AA15BB} Parish: Lesbury Postal Code: NE66 2SX SEA VIEW, BILTON Sea View, Bilton, Northumberland. Report of Archaeological Monitoring and Recording Bamburgh Research Project Bamburgh : Bamburgh Research Project, 2008, 15pp, colour pls, figs, tabs, refs Work undertaken by: Bamburgh Research Project No archaeological remains were encountered during the watching brief. [Au(adp)]

OASIS ID :bamburgh1-39630

(E.35.2958) NU23531737 AIP database ID: {0FBD59D8-3143-44D8-B5C7-3DAB5B4723DA} Parish: Longhoughton Postal Code: NE66 3LJ HOWICK QUARRY Desk-based Assessment of Howick Quarry, Northumberland Amat, D, Carey, C & Johnson, B Bakewell : Archaeological Research Services, 2007, 21pp, colour pls, figs, tabs, refs Work undertaken by: Archaeological Research Services The site was not known to contain any archaeological remains, however, an aerial photograph showed what appeared to be a cropmark that may have been worthy of further investigation. Due to the nature of finds and features located within the vicinity of the site, it was thought that there was potential for the discovery of archaeological remains. Further work was recommended. [Au(adp)]

OASIS ID :archaeol5-30074

(E.35.2959) NU2353917375 AIP database ID: {B6B95388-CAB6-4686-996F-B0614B958421} Parish: Longhoughton Postal Code: NE66 3LJ Archaeological Investigations Project 2007 Post-determination & Research Version 4.1

HOWICK QUARRY An Archaeological Watching Brief at Howick Quarry, Northumberland Hewitt, R Bakewell : Archaeological Research Services, 2007, 8pp, colour pls, figs, tabs, refs Work undertaken by: Archaeological Research Services No archaeologi cal remains were encountered during the watching brief. [Au(adp)]

OASIS ID :archaeol5-26390

(E.35.2960) NU24381510 AIP database ID: {B78A4FBE-4B62-4186-9172-7D6860B6AFEF} Parish: Longhoughton Postal Code: NE66 3AG SHAFTOE COTTAGE, 16-18 NORTH END, LONGHOUGHTON Shaftoe Cottage, 16-18 North End, Longhoughton, Northumberland. Report of Archaeological Monitoring and Recording Bamburgh Research Project Bamburgh : Bamburgh Research Project, 2007, 18pp, colour pls, figs, tabs, refs Work undertaken by: Bamburgh Research Project No archaeological remains were encountered during the watching brief. [Au(adp)]


(E.35.2961) NU05850185 AIP database ID: {5A04EBB2-036D-4541-B38D-EF14D1ED3349} Parish: Rothbury Postal Code: NE65 7PB COPLISH BURN CULVERT, HIGH STREET , BREWERY LANE AND ROTHBURY Coplish Burn Culvert, High Street , Brewery Lane and Rothbury, Northumberland. Report on Archaeological Watching Brief The Archaeological Practice Ltd Newcastle-upon-Tyne : The Archaeological Practice Ltd., 2007, 12pp, colour pls, figs, tabs, refs Work undertaken by: The Archaeological Practice Ltd. No archaeological remains were encountered during the watching brief. [Au(adp)]

OASIS ID :thearcha2-33640

(E.35.2962) NU05830184 AIP database ID: {3AD0D68E-3486-4F82-A77D-2FB525DDBF29} Parish: Rothbury Postal Code: NE65 7PB HIGH STREET AND BREWERY LANE, ROTHBURY Electricity Supply Trenches, High Street and Brewery Lane, Rothbury, Northumberland, Report on Archaeological Watching Brief The Archaeological Practice Ltd Newcastle-upon-Tyne : The Archaeological Practice Ltd., 2007, 14pp, colour pls, figs, refs Work undertaken by: The Archaeological Practice Ltd. No archaeological remains were encountered during the watching brief. [Au(adp)]


(E.35.2963) NU05880159 AIP database ID: {FEDF2715-0355-4CC9-AEEE-FE9FC24FCAE8} Parish: Rothbury Postal Code: NE65 7SQ ROTHBURY BRIDGE Archaeological Monitoring and Recording on Rothbury Bridge, Rothbury, Northumberland Archaeological Investigations Project 2007 Post-determination & Research Version 4.1

Pre-Construct Archaeology Ltd Durham : Pre-Construct Archaeology Ltd., 2007, 48pp, colour pls, figs, tabs, refs Work undertaken by: Pre-Construct Archaeology Ltd. A watching brief was carried out on the bridge, Thirty trial holes were excavated, with the majority exposing the fabric of the bridge. [Au(adp)]

Archaeological periods represented: PM

OASIS ID :preconst1-29150

Berwick upon Tweed

(E.35.2964) NU17833482 AIP database ID: {898DCD80-D15F-4151-A7F5-5EEDA0D40BBA} Parish: Bamburgh Postal Code: NE69 7AD GRACE DARLING MUSEUM, BAMBURGH Grace Darling Museum, Bamburgh, Northumberland. Report of Archaeological Monitoring and Recording Bamburgh Research Project Bamburgh : Bamburgh Research Project, 2007, 36pp, colour pls, figs, tabs, refs Work undertaken by: Bamburgh Research Project Excavation within the development area revealed a substantial north to south oriented ditch, extending on past the crosswall in the northern part of the development through to the later 18th century wall of the walled garden. The pottery recovered suggested that it was a long-lived boundary, opened between the 12th and 15th centuries and later perpetuated by the brick wall. Two substantial probable pits were also recorded, and dated to around the 13th century. [Au(adp)]

Archaeological periods represented: MD, PM


(E.35.2965) NU17893473 AIP database ID: {361AC428-C52A-4567-998F-192A3296CB2B} Parish: Bamburgh Postal Code: NE69 7BS MIZEN HEAD HOTEL, BAMBURGH Mizen Head Hotel, Bamburgh, Northumberland. Archaeological monitoring Claydon, M Durham : University of Durham, Archaeological Services, 2007, 15pp, colour pls, figs, tabs, refs, CD Work undertaken by: University of Durham, Archaeological Services No features or deposits of archaeological significance were encountered during the monitoring programme. Any surviving deposits were likely to lie at a greater depth, below up to 2m or more of made ground. [Au(abr)]

OASIS ID :archaeol3-32814

(E.35.2966) NU07502560 AIP database ID: {3D8FAB49-3466-4A21-99E6-8A7571EEDF00} Parish: Bewick Postal Code: NE66 4EG CHILLINGHAM WILD CATTLE PARK An Archaeological Survey of Chillingham Wild Cattle Park, Northumberland Johnson, B, Carey, C & Stafford, L Bakewell : Archaeological Research Services, 2007, 75pp, colour pls, figs, tabs, refs Work undertaken by: Archaeological Research Services The survey found no evidence for pre-Iron Age archaeology at the site. The Iron Age itself was represented by Ros Castle, a hillfort of substantial earthworks, and a previously unrecorded Late Iron Age/Roman ditched enclosure. Two other enclosures, one univallate and one multivallate, were also Archaeological Investigations Project 2007 Post-determination & Research Version 4.1 located. Hollow ways were present throughout the park, most over 1.5m deep, and were thought to have origins dating to the Iron Age. The Chillingham Estate was founded in the 13th century, and since then had its boundaries built, reworked and removed. The survey also recorded a post-medieval deer hemmel and around 20 sandstone pads of an unexplained nature. Nine sandstone culverts/bridges were surveyed, and two Jacobean rifle butts were found. The First World War saw mill survived as a concrete plinth with an excavated part of the hillside to the north. [Au(adp)]

Archaeological periods represented: MO, PM, MD, UD, IA, LIA

OASIS ID :archaeol5-27279

(E.35.2967) NU05502835 AIP database ID: {8E19E0EB-B61A-4554-9E41-FB3D82002A5F} Parish: Chatton Postal Code: NE66 5PP LAND AT MILL HILL FARM, CHATTON Land at Mill Hill Farm, Chatton, Northumberland. Report of Archaeological Monitoring and Recording Bamburgh Research Project Bamburgh : Bamburgh Research Project, 2007, 17pp, colour pls, figs, refs Work undertaken by: Bamburgh Research Project No archaeological remains were encountered during the watching brief. [Au(adp)]


(E.35.2968) NU14683346 AIP database ID: {84F97CFC-EC40-48A9-AD2D-1F5C1FEFB4F0} Parish: Easington Postal Code: NE70 7ED LAND AT OUTCHESTER FARM, BELFORD Land at Outchester Farm, Belford, Northumberland. Report of Archaeological Monitoring and Recording Bamburgh Research Project Bamburgh : Bamburgh Research Project, 2007, 18pp, colour pls, figs, tabs, refs Work undertaken by: Bamburgh Research Project The watching brief was carried out during the conversion of the ducket into a holiday let. The ducket was a Listed Building situated within a Scheduled Ancient Monument. No significant unknown archaeological remains were encountered during the watching brief. [Au(adp)]

Archaeological periods represented: PM


(E.35.2969) NU00035275 AIP database ID: {A44919AD-5472-4CBE-B593-01AE2827BA71} Parish: Elizabeth Ward Postal Code: TD15 1HX 5 RAVENSDOWNE, BERWICK-UPON-TWEED 5 Ravensdowne, Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland. Report of Archaeological Monitoring and Recording Bamburgh Research Project Bamburgh : Bamburgh Research Project, 2007, 16pp, colour pls, figs, tabs, refs Work undertaken by: Bamburgh Research Project No archaeological remains were encountered during the watching brief. [Au(adp)]


Archaeological Investigations Project 2007 Post-determination & Research Version 4.1

(E.35.2970) NT99775293 AIP database ID: {58EEC6EB-B1CD-4127-844C-A44D7B47616D} Parish: Elizabeth Ward Postal Code: TD15 1BB 77 MARYGATE, BERWICK-UPON-TWEED 77 Marygate, Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland. Archaeological Test-pitting. Data Structure Report CFA Archaeology Ltd Musselburgh : CFA Archaeology Ltd., 2007, 19pp, colour pls, figs, tabs, refs Work undertaken by: CFA Archaeology Ltd. Five test-pits were excavated by hand with a view to assessing the deposits. All contained evidence for the demolition of recent stone layers. These overlay post-medieval buried soils containing sherds of pottery, bones and various other artefacts. The results confirmed those of other investigations in the vicinity. [Au(adp)]

Archaeological periods represented: PM, MO

OASIS ID :cfaarcha1-34826

(E.35.2971) NT98765407 AIP database ID: {F02CBF56-2530-47BE-94A2-21FBD2518A54} Parish: Elizabeth Ward Postal Code: TD15 1NL CASTLE TERRACE, BERWICK-UPON-TWEED Castle Terrace, Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland. Results of an Archaeological Excavation Area 1 Jones, E Edinburgh : Headland Archaeology, 2007, Unpublished grey literature- client report Work undertaken by: Headland Archaeology Headland Archaeology Ltd was commissioned by Hudson Homes to undertake an archaeological excavation at Castle Terrace, Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland. The site lies adjacent to Cheviot House, the recorded site of the medieval church of St Lawrence's and is within the general area of the abandoned medieval settlement of Bondington. Previous evaluation of the site in 2004 had identified a concentration of features thought to be associated with the remains of the medieval settlement or with the church itself in the areas immediately west of Cheviot House. A number of undated features spread across the site were also recorded. The excavation was undertaken to the west of the area of structural remains, which were preserved in situ. The site comprised a series of ditches, thought to demarcate plot boundaries and a number of isolated features thought to be associated with backlands activities. A number of possible robbed out stone structures were identified, one associated with a well-made stone culvert. The final phase of the site saw a series of drystone wall foundations built on top of hillwash that had developed over the site. The earliest phases of the site date to the 12th-14th centuries, corresponding with the proposed origin of Bondington in the 12th century and its abandonment in the 14th. There is a lack of finds from the 15th-17th centuries, when the site was abandoned and it appears to have been reoccupied by the 18th century when the stone field walls may have been established. The similarity of orientation of the walls and the ditches may merely reflect alignment with the road rather than continuity of occupation. [OASIS(Au)]

SMR primary record number: 1453779 Archaeological periods represented: MD

OASIS ID :headland1-23696

(E.35.2972) NT98765407 AIP database ID: {BEDA53D2-70F2-462A-8FF2-F38BC0ED7596} Parish: Elizabeth Ward Postal Code: TD15 1NL CASTLE TERRACE, BERWICK-UPON-TWEED Castle Terrace, Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland. Results of an Archaeological Watching Brief Atkinson, D & Jones, E Edinburgh : Headland Archaeology Ltd., 2007, 40pp, colour pls, figs, tabs, refs Work undertaken by: Headland Archaeology Ltd. Archaeological Investigations Project 2007 Post-determination & Research Version 4.1

An archaeological watching brief and excavation were carried out over two areas of the site. In Area 2, no archaeological remains were recorded. An excavation in Area 1 revealed a series of ditches demarcating plot boundaries, features demonstrating backlands activities and a number of possible robbed-out stone structures, one possibly relating to a well-made stone culvert. A series of drystone wall foundations were later built on top of hillwash that had developed over the site. The site was thought to date from the 12th-14th centuries, was then abandoned and later reoccupied in the 18th century. [Au(adp)]

Archaeological periods represented: MD, PM

OASIS ID :headland1-26658

(E.35.2973) NU12554184 AIP database ID: {9FFB1BBC-662B-4F1A-BF31-CEC83B702855} Parish: Holy Island Postal Code: TD15 2RX CASTLEREIGH, HOLY ISLAND Castlereigh, Holy Island, Northumberland. Report of Archaeological Monitoring and Recording Bamburgh Research Project Bamburgh : Bamburgh Research Project, 2007, 16pp, colour pls, figs, refs Work undertaken by: Bamburgh Research Project No archaeological remains were encountered during the watching brief. [Au(adp)]


(E.35.2974) NU12564183 AIP database ID: {2AE1BB5F-9F7B-47A9-B64D-F9C64EC238A2} Parish: Holy Island Postal Code: TD15 2RX THE CHURCH OF ST. MARY, HOLY IS LAND The Church of St. Mary, Holy Island. An Archaeological Watching Brief Ryder, P F Riding Mill : Peter F Ryder, 2007, 4pp, colour pls, figs, refs Work undertaken by: Peter F Ryder A watching brief was carried out on the interior of the church. In the west end of the nave, it seemed unlikely that an east-west strip of paving that had been recorded was older than the post-medieval period. The west end of the north aisle, the 13th century widening of the aisle was detected. [Au(adp)]

Archaeological periods represented: MD, PM


(E.35.2975) NT89562791 AIP database ID: {D0950F13-BA36-4F18-9FB1-7A0DC8709E6A} Parish: Kirknewton Postal Code: NE71 6TW HETHPOOL MILL AND STONE CIRCLE, HETHPOOL Hethpool Mill and Stone Circle, Hethpool, Northumberland. Report on Archaeological Watching Brief Carlton, R Newcastle-upon-Tyne : The Archaeological Practice Ltd., 2007, 10pp, colour pls, figs, refs Work undertaken by: The Archaeological Practice Ltd. No archaeological remains were encountered during the watching brief. [Au(adp)]

OASIS ID :thearcha2-24582

(E.35.2976) NT90303030 AIP database ID: {5E3660C5-4A7C-477D-993D-2F034CF8B96D} Archaeological Investigations Project 2007 Post-determination & Research Version 4.1

Parish: Kirknewton Postal Code: NE71 6XL WESTNEWTON HOUSE, KIRKNEWTON, WOOLER Westnewton House, Kirknewton, Wooler, Northumberland. Archaeological Monitoring University of Durham, Archaeological Services Durham : University of Durham, Archaeological Services, 2007, 6pp, colour pls, figs, tabs, refs Work undertaken by: University of Durham, Archaeological Services No archaeological remains were encountered during the watching brief, carried out in advance of the construction of a tennis court. [Au(adp)]

OASIS ID :archaeol3-28067

(E.35.2977) NU01643971 AIP database ID: {5F498202-DFF2-42C9-894D-D80BF0AC3334} Parish: Lowick Postal Code: TD15 2UA 44 TO 46 MAIN STREET, LOWICK 44 to 46 Main Street, Lowick, Northumberland. Report of Archaeological Monitoring and Recording Bamburgh Research Project Bamburgh : Bamburgh Research Project, 2007, 17pp, colour pls, figs, tabs, refs Work undertaken by: Bamburgh Research Project No archaeological remains were encountered during the watching brief. [Au(adp)]


(E.35.2978) NU06103990, AIP database ID: {CC4AE9BA-D78C-44D9-A522-6AA7E54314CC} NT97003900 Parish: Lowick, Kyloe Postal Code: TD15 2QD, TD15 2PH MAINS REFURBISHMENT, BARMOOR RIDGE TO FENWICK Mains Refurbishment, Barmoor Ridge to Fenwick, Northumberland. Archaeological Monitoring Claydon, M Durham : University of Durham, Archaeological Services, 2007, 15pp, colour pls, figs, tabs, refs, CD Work undertaken by: University of Durham, Archaeological Services No archaeological remains were encountered during the watching brief. [Au(adp)]

OASIS ID :archaeol3-32189

(E.35.2979) NT94283332 AIP database ID: {7D1515BE-8F47-4029-A6B6-6EAE76C0D5EA} Parish: Milfield Postal Code: NE71 6HP FORMER MAXWAY SITE, MILFIELD Former Maxway Site, Milfield, Northumberland. Second Phase Archaeological Watching Brief Report Bamburgh Research Project Bamburgh : Bamburgh Research Project, 2007, 21pp, colour pls, figs, tabs, refs Work undertaken by: Bamburgh Research Project No archaeological remains were encountered, although there was some evidence for the relocation of the proposed development within the property. [Au(adp)]


(E.35.2980) NU21273152 Archaeological Investigations Project 2007 Post-determination & Research Version 4.1

AIP database ID: {A1AA4D77-81B0-4AA0-B906-7BA7EC25F6A0} Parish: North Sunderland Postal Code: NE68 7TT 153 MAIN STREET, NORTH SUNDERLAND 153 Main Street, North Sunderland, Northumberland. Archaeological Monitoring Claydon, M Durham : University of Durham, Archaeological Services, 2007, 21pp, colour pls, figs, tabs, refs, CD Work undertaken by: University of Durham, Department of Archaeology No archaeological remains were encountered during the watching brief. [Au(adp)]

OASIS ID :archaeol3-32170

(E.35.2981) NT97005070 AIP database ID: {1177553C-1E9C-4DFA-9FCB-E2273103C601} Parish: Ord Postal Code: TD15 2LZ MIDDLE ORD MANOR, BERWICK Middle Ord Manor, Berwick, Northumberland. An Archaeological Watching Brief Phase II Stafford, L & Amat, D Bakewell : Archaeological Research Services, 2007, 21pp, colour pls, figs, tabs, refs Work undertaken by: Archaeological Research Services The evaluation was carried out within a walled garden, built in 1788, with a dovecote situated in the north-east corner. The walls and dovecote were Grade II Listed. The excavated areas showed no evidence of archaeological remains. [Au(adp)]

Archaeological periods represented: PM

OASIS ID :archaeol5-16874

(E.35.2982) NT99655230 AIP database ID: {31881F1D-03A1-403E-B022-11E45C49848D} Parish: Seton Ward Postal Code: TD15 2GZ THE FORMER COATING AND BLENDING WORKS, BERWICK-UPON-TWEED Archaeological Evaluation and Watching Brief at The Former Coating and Blending Works, Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland Hatherleym C & Dalland, M Edinburgh : Headland Archaeology Ltd., 2007, 8pp, colour pls, figs, refs Work undertaken by: Headland Archaeology Ltd. An evaluation and watching brief was carried out in two phases from 2004-2007. No archaeological remains were encountered. [Au(adp)]

OASIS ID :headland1-5678

(E.35.2983) NT99192804 AIP database ID: {24D2D357-5AE9-476A-9403-60B6A8D76AEE} Parish: Wooler Postal Code: NE71 6LF THE BLACK BULL, WOOLLER Two Test Pits at The Black Bull, Wooller, Northumberland Miket, RWooler : Roger Miket, 2007, 7pp, figs, tabs, refs Work undertaken by: Roger Miket No archaeological remains were encountered during the watching brief. [Au(adp)]


Blyth Valley Archaeological Investigations Project 2007 Post-determination & Research Version 4.1

(E.35.2984) NZ24877808 AIP database ID: {BD2DBCD6-8548-43BD-AD0C-5D1C18E7B71F} Parish: Cramlington West Ward Postal Code: NE23 1WE LAND TO THE SOUTH-EAST OF BAKER ROAD, NELSON PARK WEST Land south-east of Baker Road, Cramlington, Northumberland. Archaeological Monitoring Claydon, M Durham : University of Durham, Archaeological Services, 2007, bound report and CD Work undertaken by: University of Durham, Archaeological Services archaeological monitoring of topsoil removal [OASIS(Au)]

SMR primary record number: 1448878, 13881 Archaeological periods represented: MD

OASIS ID :archaeol3-20173

(E.35.2985) NZ28958189 AIP database ID: {BC546544-D44C-48C0-B48D-EE55B18B04AC} Parish: Kitty Brewster Ward Postal Code: NE24 5NB LAND TO THE REAR OF 475 COWPEN ROAD, BLYTH Land to the Rear of 475 Cowpen Road, Blyth, Northumberland. Report of Archaeological Monitoring and Recording Bamburgh Research Project Bamburgh : Bamburgh Research Project, 2007, 17pp, colour pls, figs, tabs, refs Work undertaken by: Bamburgh Research Project No archaeological remains were encountered during the watching brief, and no finds recovered. [Au(adp)]


(E.35.2986) NZ30437998 AIP database ID: {34D22855-98D7-41EA-8786-356088FD68EF} Parish: Plessey Ward Postal Code: NE24 3LT PLESSEY ROAD, BLYTH Plessey Road, Blyth, Northumberland. Archaeological Monitoring for a New Water Main Rae, R Durham : University of Durham, Archaeological Services, 2007, 9pp, colour pls, figs, tabs, refs, CD Work undertaken by: University of Durham, Archaeological Services No archaeological remains were encountered during the watching brief. [Au(adp)]

OASIS ID :archaeol3-23098

Castle Morpeth

(E.35.2987) NZ13246699 AIP database ID: {6A49AEC1-1567-4834-BF3B-C64AB34456FA} Parish: Heddon-on-the-Wall Postal Code: NE15 0BG 4-5 HEXHAM ROAD, HEDDON-ON-THE-WALL 4-5 Hexham Road, Heddon-on-the-Wall, Northumberland. Archaeological Monitoring Randerson, M Durham : University of Durham, Archaeological Services, 2007, 82pp, colour pls, figs, tabs, refs, CD Work undertaken by: University of Durham, Archaeological Services The north side of the Vallum ditch, an earthwork which marked the southern extent of the Hadrian’s Wall corridor, was exposed across the south side of the site. The upper layers of this feature were Archaeological Investigations Project 2007 Post-determination & Research Version 4.1 visible, although it was only excavated at the very west end of the new construction. Part of the north edge of the Vallum was visible near the south boundary of the site, although this was not fully exposed. To the east of the site, the line of the north edge of the Vallum was just visible, but was not disturbed by any foundation excavations. Nothing of archaeological interest was exposed at the north of the site. [Au(abr)]

Archaeological periods represented: RO

OASIS ID :archaeol3-35525


(E.35.2988) NY96505035 AIP database ID: {1C187D76-BBC2-4A20-89B3-21142B5AC0F8} Parish: Blanchland Postal Code: DH8 9UA POST OFFICE AND GALLERY, THE SQUARE, BLANCHLAND Post Office and Gallery, The Square, Blanchland, Northumberland. Archaeological Watching Brief During Developments Williams, A High Heaton : Alan Williams Archaeology, 2007, 28pp, colour pls, figs, tabs, refs Work undertaken by: Alan Williams Archaeology The watching brief revealed a series of deposits had built up relating to a thoroughfare. There was little indication that these deposits had been churned or disturbed as might have been expected with any volume of wheeled traffic passing across the ford to the west. [Au(adp)]

OASIS ID :alanwill1-32122

(E.35.2989) NY98906450 AIP database ID: {AC42BA6D-C8E0-432A-9127-60A44E3DBA04} Parish: Corbridge Postal Code: NE45 5BG 1 & 2 DUKES COTTAGES, ST. HELENS STREET, CORBRIDGE 1 & 2 Dukes Cottages, St. Helens Road, Corbridge. Report for an Archaeological Watching Brief Ian Farmer Associates Gateshead : Ian Farmer Associates, 2007, 18pp, colour pls, figs, tabs, refs Work undertaken by: Ian Farmer Associates No archaeological remains were encountered during the watching brief, despite the site's location on the northern edge of the medieval core of Corbridge. [Au(adp)]

OASIS ID :ianfarme1-33441

(E.35.2990) NY99776268 AIP database ID: {78B8D6AC-546E-4989-8D91-FEC1E4E9FDBF} Parish: Corbridge Postal Code: NE45 5RP FARNLEY GRANGE, CORBRIDGE, An Archaeological Watching Brief at Farnley Grange, Corbridge, Tynedale, Northumberland Pre-Construct Archaeology Ltd Durham : Pre-Construct Archaeology Ltd., 2007, 11pp, colour pls, figs, tabs, refs Work undertaken by: Pre-Construct Archaeology Ltd. No archaeological remains were encountered during the watching brief. [Au(adp)]

OASIS ID :preconst1-26609

(E.35.2991) NY9887064570 AIP database ID: {6600E398-2302-46E2-900C-F79A71CAE3C0} Parish: Corbridge Postal Code: NE45 5HQ Archaeological Investigations Project 2007 Post-determination & Research Version 4.1

FORMER RED CROSS HALL SITE, ST. HELEN'S STREET An Archaeological Excavation at the Former Red Cross Hall Site, St. Helen's Street, Corbridge, Tynedale District, Northumberland Goode, A & Taylor-Wilson, R Durham : Pre-Construct Archaeology (Lincoln), 2008, A4 sheets of paper, with card covers, heat bound within integrated plastis spine/acetate covers. Work undertaken by: Pre-Construct Archaeology (Lincoln) A programme of archaeological investigations included: an initial open area excavation in two areas on the street frontage prior to demolition of standing buildings; followed by archaeological monitoring and recording during bulk ground reduction and localised deeper excavations across the remainder of the site at the onset of construction. A linear feature in the central northern portion of the site was of probable Roman origin. Medieval (probably 13th century) refuse pits, postholes, linear features, stone surfaces and substantial possible 'robbed-out' building were the earliest definitively dated remains to be recorded. Street frontage flagstone surfaces and other structural remains, such as a stone-lined drain, of post-medieval date , were also recorded. [OASIS(Au)]

SMR primary record number: 1465804, 13959 Archaeological periods represented: PM, RO, MD

OASIS ID :preconst1-38135

(E.35.2992) NY98976431 AIP database ID: {5B86DB0D-DE97-453A-A3F7-DFE8DE4367AA} Parish: Corbridge Postal Code: NE45 5LB LAND AT THE ANGEL OF CORBRIDGE, MAIN STREET, CORBRIDGE Archaeological Watching Brief and Excavation of Land at The Angel of Corbridge, Main Street, Corbridge, Northumberland North Pennines Archaeology Ltd Alston : North Pennines Archaeology Ltd., 2007, 68pp, colour pls, figs, tabs, refs Work undertaken by: North Pennines Archaeology Ltd. The watching brief uncovered human remains and part of a medieval structure. As a result a contingency clause of the original Specification of Work was invoked, and an excavation carried out. This uncovered a further human skeleton and the remains of five medieval buildings, a small 12th-15th century horticultural plot and numerous areas of metalworking of copper and bronze, the latter considered to be of national importance owing to the scarcity of similar sites in the UK. The western boundary wall was removed and revealed evidence for medieval industrial activity below the depth of the development. [Au(adp)]

Archaeological periods represented: MD

OASIS ID :northpen3-25609

(E.35.2993) NY99086435 AIP database ID: {40524C0A-7486-421F-A4C0-8A2068FC3776} Parish: Corbridge Postal Code: NE45 5LD LAND TO THE REAR OF SMITHS GORE, MAIN STREET, CORBRIDGE Archaeological Watching Brief on Land to the Rear of Smiths Gore, Main Street, Corbridge, Northumberland Beaty, J & Peters, C Alston : North Pennines Archaeology Ltd., 2007, 23pp, colour pls, figs, tabs, refs Work undertaken by: North Pennines Archaeology Ltd. The site was located within an area of high archaeological potential relating to medieval and post- medieval settlement within the historic town of Corbridge. The works involved the excavation by hand of a foundation trench for the footings for the replacement building. The trench was split into four for recording purposes and in the corner of Trenches 1 and 2 were the dumped remains of a nearby furnace. No dating evidence was recovered from the kiln fragments themselves, but pottery of a medieval date was recovered from the same context. A stone built, corn-drying kiln, was excavated. The finds recovered from the trenches ranged from a single Roman coin dated to the later 3rd century to post-medieval pottery. In addition, waste products indicative of a nearby ironworking furnace were Archaeological Investigations Project 2007 Post-determination & Research Version 4.1 recovered, corroborated by the environmental samples of the deposit. It may be of medieval origin. The medieval subsoil deposit continued for 3 of the 4 trenches producing pottery all of similar date. [Au(abr)]

Archaeological periods represented: UD, MD, RO, PM

OASIS ID :northpen3-42822

(E.35.2994) NY99176431, AIP database ID: {12DF81AF-3C47-4A07-B102-DE741F89B359} NY98956434 Parish: Corbridge Postal Code: NE45 5AT, NE45 5LQ MAIN STREET, CORBRIDGE An Archaeological Watching Brief at Main Street, Corbridge, Tynedale District, Northumberland Pre-Construct Archaeology Ltd Durham : Pre-Construct Archaeology Ltd., 2008, 25pp, colour pls, figs, tabs, refs Work undertaken by: Pre-Construct Archaeology Ltd. The watching brief was carried out over one of the oldest thoroughfares in town, and recorded important archaeological remains in section towards the western end of the cable route. Part of a substantial feature containing more than 20 sherds of medieval pottery and a small assemblage of animal bone was recorded, and interpreted as a refuse pit. Less important post-medieval and modern features were also noted. [Au(adp)]

Archaeological periods represented: PM, MO, MD

OASIS ID :preconst1-39547

(E.35.2995) NY99506990 AIP database ID: {E2B9169E-4363-451E-AE9E-8B83C4D7877B} Parish: Corbridge Postal Code: NE19 2HD NEW WATER MAIN, WALL MILE 26, LOW BRUNTON New Water Main, Wall Mile 26, Low Brunton, Northumberland. Archaeological Excavation and Recording Telford, A Newcastle-upon-Tyne : Tyne & Wears Museum Archaeology Department, 2007, 28pp, colour pls, figs, tabs, refs Work undertaken by: Tyne & Wears Museum Archaeology Department The watching brief was carried out during Scheduled Monument Consent for the excavation of a water pipeline. The excavation of the Military Way revealed that the surface revealed in Trench Four of the earlier evaluation was original, and not resurfaced. No dating evidence was forthcoming. To the south- west limit of the Military Way, a gully was identified but was not thought to bear any relation to Hadrian's Wall. The vallum ditch was hand excavated where the pipeline crossed it to the required depth of the pipe. A metalled surface reflected the possible use of the vallum as a hollow-way after the ditch had silted. [Au(adp)]

Archaeological periods represented: UD, RO


(E.35.2996) NY90618282 AIP database ID: {69CEC04F-0C96-46E6-B3E3-FAD705460DCF} Parish: Corsenside Postal Code: NE48 2EY FOURLAWS FARM COTTAGE, BELLINGHAM Fourlaws Farm Cottage, Bellingham. District of Tynedale, Northumberland. Archaeological Watching Brief During Developments Williams, A High Heaton : Alan Williams Archaeology, 2007, 18pp, colour pls, figs, refs Work undertaken by: Alan Williams Archaeology No archaeological remains were encountered during the watching brief. [Au(adp)] Archaeological Investigations Project 2007 Post-determination & Research Version 4.1

OASIS ID :alanwill1-32372

(E.35.2997) NY89148680 AIP database ID: {9AFF8F06-1CC2-48F4-80B6-37D67ED6C672} Parish: Corsenside Postal Code: NE48 2RU WEST WOODBURN Archaeological Watching Brief at West Woodburn, Northumberland Carey, C & Stafford, L Bakewell : Archaeological Research Services, 2007, 30pp, colour pls, figs, tabs, refs Work undertaken by: Archaeological Research Services No archaeological remains were encountered during the watching brief. [Au(adp)]

OASIS ID :archaeol5-26481

(E.35.2998) NY72208750 AIP database ID: {B53789F2-0493-4DBA-9E0B-86F7A1108394} Parish: Falstone Postal Code: NE48 1AT ELM CROFT, FALSTONE, HEXHAM Elm Croft, Falstone, Hexham, Northumberland. Archaeological Monitoring Villis, R Durham : University of Durham, Archaeological Services, 2007, 14pp, colour pls, figs, tabs, refs Work undertaken by: University of Durham, Archaeological Services No archaeological remains were encountered during the watching brief. [Au(adp)]

OASIS ID :archaeol3-28990

(E.35.2999) NY72308740 AIP database ID: {385EE156-24C0-4876-A147-2DA8C61BC5DD} Parish: Falstone Postal Code: NE48 1BE THE OLD GARAGE SITE, FALSTONE The Old Garage Site, Falstone. Archaeological Watching Brief The Archaeological Practice Ltd Newcastle-upon-Tyne : The Archaeological Practice Ltd., 2007, 11pp, colour pls, figs, tabs, refs Work undertaken by: The Archaeological Practice Ltd. No archaeological remains were encountered during the watching brief. No conclusions could be derived from this work with regard to the position and character of the putative medieval and early post-medieval village of Falstone. [Au(adp)]

OASIS ID :thearcha2-28854

(E.35.3000) NY93506410 AIP database ID: {0596E34B-1090-4E9F-9CA4-15E89C809A32} Parish: Hexham Postal Code: NE46 3NQ HEXHAM ABBEY Hexham Abbey, Hexham, Northumberland. Archaeological Watching Brief Inkster, K Newcastle-upon-Tyne : Tyne & Wears Museum Archaeology Department, 2007, 9pp, colour pls, figs, tabs, refs Work undertaken by: Tyne & Wears Museum Archaeology Department No archaeological remains were encountered during the watching brief. [Au(adp)]

Archaeological Investigations Project 2007 Post-determination & Research Version 4.1

OASIS ID :tyneandw3-26270

(E.35.3001) NY93416411 AIP database ID: {3BDBC2ED -77E0-4CE3-A574-C46E3A5DAF75} Parish: Hexham Postal Code: NE46 3NE HEXHAM WATER MAINS REFURBISHMENT Archaeological Watching Brief on Hexham Water Mains Refurbishment, Northumberland Peters, C G Nenthead : North Pennines Archaeology Ltd, 2007, A 160- A4 white paper report bound including text, 4 appendices and accompanying figures. Work undertaken by: North Pennines Archaeology Ltd A Watching Brief was undertaken of 376 test pits excavated for water mains refurbishment in Hexham by Fastflow on behalf of Northumbrian Water plc. [OASIS(Au)]

SMR primary record number: 13860, 1451276 Archaeological periods represented: MD

OASIS ID :northpen3-21389

(E.35.3002) NY96608405 AIP database ID: {38E71873-6CC8-418C-89FE-66A982D68E41} Parish: Kirkwhelpington Postal Code: NE19 2RE THE PROPOSED RAY WIND FARM DEVELOPMENT Erection of Wind Monitoring Masts for the Proposed Ray Wind Farm Development, Northumberland. Archaeological Watching Brief Hill, I Musselburgh : CFA Archaeology Ltd., 2007, 8pp, colour pls, figs, tabs, refs Work undertaken by: CFA Archaeology Ltd. No archaeological remains were encountered during the watching brief. [Au(adp)]

OASIS ID :cfaarcha1-43655

(E.35.3003) NY86309320 AIP database ID: {E877E978-FDE1-477C-92FC-4E1B0335ED0F} Parish: Otterburn Postal Code: NE19 1LB WINDY HAUSE DESERTED SETTLEMENTS, OTTERBURN ATE Topographic Earthwork Survey. Windy Hause Deserted Settlements, Otterburn ATE, Northumberland Tabor, J Barnard Castle : Northern Archaeological Associates, 2007, 88pp, colour pls, figs, tabs, refs Work undertaken by: Northern Archaeological Associates The site as a whole comprised three recorded areas of settlement, Windy Hause East, West and South. The settlements were located to the south of Ridlees Burn on a platform with a broad meander in the watercourse. The archaeological remains represented three of four farmsteads, likely to have exploited the uplands with cattle and sheep farming. Traces of ridge and furrow also indicated cultivation of the area. The nature of the remains was hard to interpret and phase, and may have belonged to a broad period stretching from the 12th to the 19th centuries. In general the condition of the features was at best fair and at worst poor and in decline. Very few features had been unaffected by impact craters. Although damaged, the remains at Windy Hause were an important example of upland settlement. [Au(adp)]

Archaeological periods represented: MD, PM


(E.35.3004) NY63746630 AIP database ID: {16E03E61-FCE5-485A-8A3D-610C4965359D} Parish: Thirlwall Postal Code: CA6 7ED Archaeological Investigations Project 2007 Post-determination & Research Version 4.1

FORMER BARWICKS SITE, ALPHA MOUNT, GILSAND Former Barwicks Site, Alpha Mount, Gilsand, Report for an Archaeological Watching Brief Ian Farmer Associates Gateshead : Ian Farmer Associates, 2007, 22pp, colour pls, figs, tabs, refs Work undertaken by: Ian Farmer Associates No archaeological remains were encountered during the watching brief. [Au(adp)]

OASIS ID :ianfarme1-31755

(E.35.3005) NY63706628 AIP database ID: {3C30F787-EDBE-499B-BB5D-60B5434CF528} Parish: Thirlwall Postal Code: CA6 7EB LAND NEAR GAP FARM, GILSLAND An Archaeological Watching Brief at Land Near Gap Farm, Gilsland, Northumberland Pre-Construct Archaeology Ltd Durham : Pre-Construct Archaeology Ltd., 2007, 12pp, colour pls, figs, tabs, refs Work undertaken by: Pre-Construct Archaeology Ltd. No archaeological remains were encountered during the watching brief. [Au(adp)]

OASIS ID :preconst1-26553

(E.35.3006) NY88507110 AIP database ID: {AB002FE8-872B-4D90-BED2-A11C0137A6A7} Parish: Warden Postal Code: NE46 4BZ B6318 MILITARY ROAD AT BLACK CARTS FARM, NEAR WALWICK, TYNEDALE An Archaeological Watching Brief at B6318 Military Road at Black Carts Farm, near Walwick, Tynedale, Northumberland Pre-Construct Archaeology (Lincoln) Saxilby : Pre-Construct Archaeology (Lincoln), 2007, 4pp, figs, tabs, refs Work undertaken by: Pre-Construct Archaeology (Lincoln) No archaeological remains were encountered during the watching brief, carried out as a condition of Scheduled Monument Consent for a drainage scheme. [Au(adp)]

OASIS ID :preconst1-27684

(E.35.3007) NY90526613 AIP database ID: {4E3336E5-29FB-4209-9EB7-9B320626AFB6} Parish: Warden Postal Code: NE46 4ST WARDEN FLOOD ALLEVIATION WORKS Warden Flood Alleviation Works, Northumberland. Archaeological Watching Brief The Archaeological Practice Ltd Newcastle-upon-Tyne : The Archaeological Practice Ltd., 2007, 14pp, colour pls, figs, tabs, refs Work undertaken by: The Archaeological Practice Ltd. No archaeological remains were encountered during the watching brief. [Au(adp)]

OASIS ID :thearcha2-32075

(E.35.3008) NY91026645 AIP database ID: {23345C59-8B43-4EC2-A48E-C126E0A466F9} Parish: Warden Postal Code: NE46 4SL WARDEN LONG MOUND VOLUNTEER PROJECT Warden Long Mound Volunteer Project Survey and Excavation. Interim Report Archaeological Investigations Project 2007 Post-determination & Research Version 4.1

Edwards, B Durham : University of Durham, Archaeological Services, 2007, 16pp, colour pls, figs, tabs, refs Work undertaken by: University of Durham, Archaeological Services The report presented the preliminary results of the 2007 field season of excavation at the site, a monument believed to be a long barrow/cairn of Early Neolithic date. No burials were located, however, significant structural traces were recovered and it was proved that the mound was at least of human origin. The form of the monument suggested an Early Neolithic date. [Au(adp)]

Archaeological periods represented: ENE


(E.35.3009) NY940647, NY895686 AIP database ID: {53C7F1E9-7CFA-4135-8847-1B5CC4C5F916} Parish: Warden, Hexham Postal Code: NE46 4JJ, NE47 5DX FOURSTONES TO EGGER (UK) LIMITED, HEXHAM An Archaeological Watching Brief between Fourstones and Hexham, Tynedale, Northumberland Henderson, C Durham : Pre-Construct Archaeology Ltd., 2007, A4 paper sheets, with card covers front and back, heat bound in integral plastic spine/acetate covers Work undertaken by: Pre-Construct Archaeology Ltd. Watching brief undertaken with trenching for an underground electricty supply. No remains of note exposed, apart from the trackbed of a 19th century railway. [OASIS(Au)]

SMR primary record number: 13930, 1462200 Archaeological periods represented: PM

OASIS ID :preconst1-26700

(E.35.3010) NY94006470, AIP database ID: {543F356B-C887-4C83-8533-2438922A122B} NY89506860 Parish: Warden, Hexham Postal Code: NE46 4JJ, NE47 5DX LAND BETWEEN FOURSTONES AND HEXHAM, TYNEDALE An Archaeological Watching Brief between Fourstones and Hexham, Tynedale, Northumberland Wilson, R Saxilby : Pre-Construct Archaeology (Lincoln), 2007, 28pp, colour pls, figs, tabs, refs Work undertaken by: Pre-Construct Archaeology (Lincoln) A watching brief was carried out during cable laying that crossed the . No archaeological remains were encountered. [Au(adp)]


(E.35.3011) NY92426979, AIP database ID: {78ABA02A-A4AC-4800-82EC-F49839BF8A9C} NY65846559, NZ00746857, NY76716731, NY65606606 Parish: Whittington, Wall, Thirlwall, Henshaw, Greenhead Postal Code: NE45 5QA, NE46 4EJ, CA6 7HN, CA8 7HJ, NE47 7AJ LAND ALONG THE B6318 BETWEEN HALTON SHIELDS AND GREENHEAD, TYNEDALE An Archaeological Watching Brief along the B6318 between Halton Shields and Greenhead, Tynedale, Northumberland Archaeological Investigations Project 2007 Post-determination & Research Version 4.1

Pre-Construct Archaeology Ltd Durham : Pre-Construct Archaeology Ltd., 2007, 27pp, colour pls, figs, tabs, refs Work undertaken by: Pre-Construct Archaeology Ltd. No archaeological remains were encountered during the watching brief. [Au(adp)]

OASIS ID :preconst1-26550

Tynedale, Newcastle-upon-Tyne

(E.35.3012) NY634664, NZ146669 AIP database ID: {B506D417-408E-48AB-A5C8-833C5497DD56} Parish: Newburn Ward, Thirlwall Postal Code: CA6 7BD, NE15 9RA B6318 MILITARY ROAD, THROCKLEY TO GILSLAND An Archaeological Watching Brief in association witha Coring Survey along the B6318 Military Road, Throckley-Gilsland, Tynedale, Northumberland Henderson, C Durham : Pre-Construct Archaeology Ltd., 2007, A4 sheets of paper, within card covers, front and back, heat bound within integral plastic spine/acetate cover. Work undertaken by: Pre-Construct Archaeology Ltd. Monitoring and recording exercise underatken in association with coring survey on the Military Road through Northumberland. 24% of the (162) cores encountered deposits interpreted as being the rubble core and/or levelled foundations of Hadrian's Wall. [OASIS(Au)]

SMR primary record number: 1455589, 14056 Archaeological periods represented: RO

OASIS ID :preconst1-27160


(E.35.3013) NZ30508750 AIP database ID: {8302CF7E-2110-4A15-9092-D1B399C3FA46} Parish: Newbiggin West Ward Postal Code: NE64 6RN NEWBIGGIN-BY-THE-SEA Newbiggin-by-the-Sea, Northumberland. Archaeological Watching Brief Muncaster, W Newcastle-upon-Tyne : Tyne & Wears Museum Archaeology Department, 2007, 45pp, colour pls, figs, tabs, refs Work undertaken by: Tyne & Wears Museum Archaeology Department The watching brief recorded a total of 64 sherds of pottery, from six of the 32 trenches excavated. Three trenches contained medieval walls, and in other areas, a clay hearth and a layer of burnt stones were observed. [Au(adp)]

Archaeological periods represented: MD

OASIS ID :tyneandw3-31208

(E.35.3014) NZ27638441 AIP database ID: {B23B92E8-FD65-41E5-955E-035BD8EDBBBB} Parish: Sleekburn Ward Postal Code: NE22 7LQ WEST SLEEKBURN INTEGRATED WASTE MANAGEMENT FACILITY West Sleekburn Integrated Waste Management Facility, Northumberland. Archaeological Monitoring Adams, J Durham : University of Durham, Archaeological Services, 2007, 14pp, colour pls, figs, tabs, refs Work undertaken by: University of Durham, Archaeological Services No archaeological remains were encountered during the watching brief. [Au(adp)]

Archaeological Investigations Project 2007 Post-determination & Research Version 4.1

OASIS ID :archaeol3-34890 Redcar & Cleveland

Redcar and Cleveland UA

(E.76.3015) NZ5830019748 AIP database ID: {4C554055-33FC-4AF7-8648-B0E749430715} Parish: Eston Ward Postal Code: TS10 4QX ST. CUTHBERT'S CHURCH, WILTON St. Cuthbert's Church, Wilton. Archaeological Watching Brief Sherlock, S Hartlepool : Tees Archaeology , 2007, 1p Work undertaken by: Tees Archaeology The watching brief was carried out after archaeological trial trenching at the site. No archaeological remains were recorded except for five fragments of human bone, which were reburied. [Au(adp)]

Archaeological periods represented: UD


(E.76.3016) NZ5688718303 AIP database ID: {9B4DFDD0-E630-401D-AB96-52742C212B07} Parish: Guisborough Postal Code: TS6 8HT LAND EAST OF ESTON NAB Archaeological Monitoring of Eston Nab, Cleveland Grahame, R Hartlepool : Tees Archaeology , 2007, 5pp, colour pls, figs, tabs, refs Work undertaken by: Tees Archaeology The watching brief took place during the construction of a footpath to the east of Eston Nab. A number of observations were made of 19th and 20th century material, but nothing predating this was disturbed. [Au(adp)]

Archaeological periods represented: MO

OASIS ID :teesarch1-35420

(E.76.3017) NZ6884219755 AIP database ID: {44BA840F-57DF-47E4-AEB7-B34AC64197BA} Parish: Skelton and Brotton Postal Code: TS12 2PP CHERRY TREE CROFT, BROTTON Cherry Tree Croft, Brotton. Archaeological Watching Brief Rowe, P Hartlepool : Tees Archaeology , 2007, 7pp, colour pls, figs, tabs, refs Work undertaken by: Tees Archaeology No archaeological remains were encountered during the watching brief. Three sherds of Tees Valley ware pottery, dating from the 12th century, were recovered from spoil. [Au(adp)]

Archaeological periods represented: MD


Stockton-on-Tees UA

(E.76.3018) NZ44391855 AIP database ID: {C09C9E46-D81F-4E87-9B08-AB531CD17312} Parish: Stockton Town Centre Ward Postal Code: TS18 3DN HOLY TRINITY CHURCH Archaeological Investigations Project 2007 Post-determination & Research Version 4.1

Archaeological Monitoring at Stockton Parish Church (St Thomas) and Holy Trinity Church, Stockton-on-Tees Grahame, R Hartlepool : Tees Archaeology , 2007, bound A4 Work undertaken by: Tees Archaeology Excavation of pits for tree planting in the former churchyard of Holy Trinity Church in Stockton-on- Tees necessitated archaeological monitoring. The work took place in March 2007 and was monitored by Rachel Grahame. No archaeological features pre-dating the 19th century were seen throughout the works. [OASIS(Au)]

SMR primary record number: 1459588

OASIS ID :teesarch1-32294

(E.76.3019) NZ44571925 AIP database ID: {A87F15F5-F190-4523-A1E0-32BC122CB030} Parish: Stockton Town Centre Ward Postal Code: TS18 1TX STOCKTON PARISH CHURCH Archaeological Monitoring at Stockton Parish Church (St Thomas) and Holy Trinity Church, Stockton-on-Tees Grahame, R Hartlepool : Tees Archaeology , 2007, bound A4 Work undertaken by: Tees Archaeology Installation of new lighting in the churchyard of Stockton Parish Church in Stockton-on-Tees necessitated archaeological monitoring. The work took place in March 2007 and was monitored by Rachel Grahame. No archaeological features pre-dating the 18th century were seen throughout the works. [OASIS(Au)]

SMR primary record number: 1459245

OASIS ID :teesarch1-32185 Stockton-on-Tees

(E.82.3020) NZ4205313140 AIP database ID: {F028EBC5-B0ED-415A-BBE0-7DAF1DA90983} Parish: Egglescliffe Postal Code: TS16 9DQ CHURCH OF ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST, EGGLESCLIFFE Archaeological Monitoring at the Church of St. John the Baptist, Egglescliffe, Stockton-on-Tees Grahame, R Hartlepool : Tees Archaeology , 2007, 21pp, colour pls, figs, tabs, refs Work undertaken by: Tees Archaeology The watching brief took place during the dismantling and rebuilding of the south-western section of churchyard wall at the site. Other than charnel found within topsoil and subsoil, there were no finds or features of archaeological interest. [Au(adp)]

Archaeological periods represented: PM

OASIS ID :teesarch1-36405

(E.82.3021) NZ43281515 AIP database ID: {9768D5CB-F118-4774-B30C-6FDEF5AA593C} Parish: Ingleby Barwick Postal Code: TS17 5LF THE AVENUE, EAGLESCLIFFE The Avenue, Eaglescliffe, Stockton on Tees. Archaeological Watching Brief Haskins, A Lancaster : Oxford Archaeology North, 2007, 14pp, colour pls, figs, tabs, refs Work undertaken by: Oxford Archaeology North During the watching brief for the creation of a car park, evidence of the former Stockton and Darlington Railway embankment was encountered, formed from redeposited boulder clay. [Au(adp)]

Archaeological Investigations Project 2007 Post-determination & Research Version 4.1

Archaeological periods represented: MO


(E.82.3022) NZ4464722252 AIP database ID: {3D74B64B-89C6-42AC-9F9F-5B42471357D3} Parish: Norton North Ward Postal Code: TS20 1LD 3 BRADBURY ROAD, STOCKTON 3 Bradbury Road, Stockton. Archaeological Watching Brief Rowe, P Hartlepool : Tees Archaeology , 2008, 6pp, colour pls, figs, tabs, refs Work undertaken by: Tees Archaeology No archaeological remains were encountered during the watching brief. [Au(adp)]


(E.82.3023) NZ4446422020 AIP database ID: {3E90EA54-2C31-4837-AF58-FDACD2CA71E2} Parish: Norton North Ward Postal Code: TS20 1EH 5 THE GREEN, NORTON 5 The Green, Norton. Archaeological Watching Brief Rowe, P Hartlepool : Tees Archaeology , 2007, 8pp, colour pls, figs, tabs, refs Work undertaken by: Tees Archaeology No archaeological remains were encountered during the watching brief. One sherd of possible 14th century reduced green glazed ware was recovered from the spoil heap, as well as three further sherds of imported green/brown glazed ware dating from the 15th century. [Au(adp)]

Archaeological periods represented: MD


(E.82.3024) NZ4468822493 AIP database ID: {E1D4EA02-E851-4031-951E-B924DBBB329F} Parish: Norton North Ward Postal Code: TS20 1LH 8 FIELDFARE LANE, STOCKTON Land to the rear of 8 Fieldfare Lane, Stockton. Archaeological Watching Brief Parker, J Hartlepool : Tees Archaeology , 2007, 11pp, colour pls, figs, tabs, refs Work undertaken by: Tees Archaeology The watching brief took place during topsoil stripping and foundation trenching of a new access road and three new properties. No archaeological remains were encountered during the watching brief. [Au(adp)]


(E.82.3025) NZ4458619200 AIP database ID: {57D4A1D7-C444-431D-A4AA-F93E017CF705} Parish: Stockton Town Centre Ward Postal Code: TS18 1YA CHURCH OF ST. THOMAS & HOLY TRINITY CHURCH, STOCKTON Archaeological Monitoring at Stockton Parish Church [St. Thomas] and Holy Trinity Church, Stockton-on-Tees Grahame, R Hartlepool : Tees Archaeology , 2007, 15pp, colour pls, figs, tabs, refs Work undertaken by: Tees Archaeology The monitoring was carried out at two sites. No finds or features of archaeological interest were encountered at the Holy Trinity Church, whilst at the Church of St Thomas the foundations of a former Archaeological Investigations Project 2007 Post-determination & Research Version 4.1 mortuary chapel were noted. Stray finds included part of and 18th or early 19th century grave marker to "John Grant". [Au(adp)]

Archaeological periods represented: PM

OASIS ID :teesarch1-teesarch1-32185 & teesarch1-32294