Archaeological Investigations Project 2007 Post-determination & Research Version 4.1 North East Darlington Darlington UA (E.55.2877) NZ28801440 AIP database ID: {92CAA785-3DCB-4399-9CE8-C8E7922AD36E} Parish: Central Ward Postal Code: DL3 7QG CLARK'S YARD, DARLINGTON Clark's Yard, Darlington. Archaeological Monitoring Attwood, G Durham : University of Durham, Archaeological Services, 2007, 10pp, colour pls, figs, tabs, refs, CD Work undertaken by: University of Durham, Department of Archaeology No archaeological remains were encountered during the watching brief. [Au(adp)] OASIS ID :archaeol3-27701 North Yorkshire (E.55.2878) NZ21151595 AIP database ID: {E1393C7E-6F1D-49AC-AA41-D7D5C2F3CEB9} Parish: Piercebridge Postal Code: DL2 3SJ PIERCEBRIDGE MAIN, CALBURY ARMS Negative Watching Brief Report. Piercebridge Main, Calbury Arms, North Yorkshire Fraser, R Barnard Castle : Northern Archaeological Associates, 2007, 3pp, figs, tabs, refs Work undertaken by: Northern Archaeological Associates No archaeological remains were encountered during the watching brief. [Au(adp)] OASIS ID :no (E.55.2879) NZ2020219215 AIP database ID: {8207769B-F6B7-4358-A90D-0D9B9392DA72} Parish: Summerhouse Postal Code: DL2 3UD SUMMERHOUSE Construction of a Residential Dwelling at Summerhouse, Near Darlington, County Durham. Archaeological Watching Brief Report Abramsom, P Newcastle-upon Tyne : Philip Abramson, 2007, 9pp, colour pls, figs, refs Work undertaken by: Philip Abramson The watching brief encountered a mortar floor surface bounded by stone walls. Post-medieval finds were recovered from the topsoil. [Au(adp)] SMR primary record number: 9974 Archaeological periods represented: PM OASIS ID :no (E.55.2880) NZ23301910 AIP database ID: {942DA597-7650-4F29-80B4-E7B90806498B} Parish: Walworth Postal Code: DL2 2LY WALWORTH Walworth, Darlington, County Durham. Archaeological Watching Brief Parker, J H Newcastle-upon-Tyne : Tyne & Wears Museum Archaeology Department, 2007, 16pp, figs, tabs, refs Archaeological Investigations Project 2007 Post-determination & Research Version 4.1 Work undertaken by: Tyne & Wears Museum Archaeology Department No archaeological deposits of any significance were observed during the course of the watching brief, although none of the trenches were located on earthworks. [Au(adp)] SMR primary record number: 9998 Archaeological periods represented: MD OASIS ID :tyneandw3-25002 Durham Chester-le-Street (E.20.2881) NZ27705089 AIP database ID: {BBCD41EF -8816-451D-ABA8-47CA446E6139} Parish: Chester East Ward Postal Code: DH3 3PH ST. CUTHBERTS RC PRIMARY SCHOOL A watching brief at St. Cuthberts Primary School, Chester-le-Street Stewart, I J Gateshead : Ian Farmer Associates, 2007, A4, spiral bound, laminated covers with logos, word processed with maps, drawings and colour photograph prints, Work undertaken by: Ian Farmer Associates A watching brief was undertaken duriing the excavation of a new building footprint within a primary school yard. It was subsequently found that the original ground surface had been truncated and there was no evidence of archaeological deposits other than 19th century field drains. [OASIS(Au)] SMR primary record number: 15882, 1460195 Archaeological periods represented: MO OASIS ID :ianfarme1-33065 Derwentside (E.20.2882) NZ2012547650 AIP database ID: {3803082C-22E6-48F7-9633-1A259D526E7D} Parish: Burnhope Postal Code: DH7 0EE LANGLEY WIND FARM Langley Wind Farm, County Durham. Archaeological Monitoring Robinson, L Durham : University of Durham, Archaeological Services, 2007, 14pp, colour pls, figs, tabs, refs, CD Work undertaken by: University of Durham, Archaeological Services A visual inspection of the site, prior to the commencement of groundwork, noted two large oval-shaped mounds and a track running south-north across the site. Groundwork revealed that the track comprised a single course of re-used red bricks, most of which were fragmented. The bricks were laid on 0.5m of made ground, which had been used to create a level platform. A number of the bricks were stamped with "Washington Station 1922". Grooves were worn into the bricks intermittently along the southwest side of the track. It was probable that this track related to the Pheasant Drift Mine. The western mound was the only one to be affected by the groundwork. It ran alongside the track and was composed of hard sandy gravel, which was probably a product of the Pheasant Drift Mine. A small gully, running south-west to north-east, was present halfway down the access route to the crane pad. No artefacts were recovered from the fill. [Au(abr)] Archaeological periods represented: MO OASIS ID :archaeol3-32363 (E.20.2883) NZ1047855682 AIP database ID: {E8D080C4-9AF6-484A-ADF5-D638B814135C} Archaeological Investigations Project 2007 Post-determination & Research Version 4.1 Parish: Ebchester and Medomsley Ward Postal Code: DH8 0PP VINDOMORA VILLAS, EBCHESTER Vindomora Villas, Ebchester, County Durham. Archaeological Watching Brief Dougherty, E P Newcastle-upon-Tyne : Tyne & Wears Museum Archaeology Department, 2007, 21pp, colour pls, figs, tabs, refs Work undertaken by: Tyne & Wears Museum Archaeology Department The watching brief was required because of the proximity of the works to the Roman Fort of Vindomara, Scheduled Monument 32. Site A lay 150m to the north-east of the Scheduled Area. Site B lay 15m to the north of the fort. No Roman deposits were identified at either site, with post-Roman soils directly overlying the natural subsoil at both locations. At Site B, a fragment of a Roman roof tile was recovered from a post-medieval layer. [Au(abr)] Archaeological periods represented: RO, PM OASIS ID :tyneandw3-26438 (E.20.2884) NZ105415 AIP database ID: {DDC01C96-28FB-4E62-BA7A-52FA4403784D} Parish: Satley Postal Code: DL13 4HN WEST DURHAM WIND FARM West Durham Wind Farm. Archaeological Geophysics Survey Hurst, M J South Shields : Tyne and Wear Museums Archaeology, 2007, Laminated and bound TWM Archaeology standard geophysics report including all relevant tec=xt and figures. Digital pdf version also available. Work undertaken by: Tyne and Wear Museums Archaeology TWM Archaeology carried out a geophysical survey, commissioned by Banks Developments, on farmland 2.5km north-west of Tow Law and 2 km south-west of Satley, County Durham. This survey was required in advance of wind turbine and associated trackway construction and development on the site. A close interpretation of the geophysical data gained in this survey has been made. Although a number of geophysical anomalies were identified, the survey does not show the presence of significant archaeological remains in the development area. [OASIS(Au)] SMR primary record number: 1463055, 15775 Archaeological periods represented: MD OASIS ID :tyneandw3-35965 Durham (E.20.2885) NZ28554216 AIP database ID: {19DFF5BC-F0CC-49D5-9202-F05D711B7068} Parish: Elvet Ward Postal Code: DH1 3LA DURHAM AMATEUR ROWING CLUB, GREEN LANE, DURHAM CITY Durham Amateur Rowing Club, Green Lane, Durham City. Archaeological Monitoring Randerson, M Durham : University of Durham, Archaeological Services, 2007, 12pp, colour pls, figs, tabs, refs Work undertaken by: University of Durham, Archaeological Services No archaeological remains were encountered during the watching brief. [Au(adp)] OASIS ID :archaeol3-23040 (E.20.2886) NZ27784237 AIP database ID: {176BA5FA-B011-40FC-ACEA-334A9174A9A6} Parish: Elvet Ward Postal Code: DH1 3LZ ST. CUTHBERT'S ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH, OLD ELVET, DURHAM CITY St. Cuthbert's Roman Catholic Church, Old Elvet, Durham City Archaeological Investigations Project 2007 Post-determination & Research Version 4.1 Emery, N Durham : Norman Emery, 2007, 9pp, colour pls, figs, refs Work undertaken by: Norman Emery Observations were made of the demolition of a rear wing of the church. Observations found that below the suspended floor of the sacristy, sandstone blocks were laid in regular courses. A well was also present in the north-west corner of the structure. [Au(adp)] SMR primary record number: 24021 OASIS ID :no (E.20.2887) NZ27024524 AIP database ID: {6EBF623A-DD7F-4CE9-8965-56FA2C8F392E} Parish: Framwellgate Moor Postal Code: DH1 5HH FORMER DURHAM COUNCIL DEPOT, PIT LANE, FRAMWELLGATE MOOR Archaeological Excavation at the Former Durham Council Depot, Pit Lane, Framwellgate Moor, Co. Durham Railton, M & Wooler, F Nenthead : North Pennines Archaeology Ltd, 2008, Clear plastic cover, green spine, bound report, plus CD Work undertaken by: North Pennines Archaeology Ltd Archaeological excavation of coking works at Framwellgate Moor Colliery, County Durham, carried out by North Pennines Archaeology Ltd in November 2007. The excavation formed part of the mitigation strategy for a proposed residential development. The excavation confirmed the presence of a late 19th century coking works at Framwellgate Moor Colliery, and identified the form of twelve coking ovens at the site. At least two wagon ways were also identified. No artefacts were recovered with which excavated features could be dated. [OASIS(Au)] SMR primary record number: 1482281 Archaeological periods represented: PM OASIS ID :northpen3-40717 (E.20.2888) NZ27484231 AIP database ID: {C373C7C9-EC9A-4C11-8990-28E456FDF2A1} Parish: St. Nicholas Ward Postal Code: DH1 3EY 5 NORTH BAILEY, DURHAM CITY 5 North Bailey, Durham City. Archaeological Monitoring Armstrong, J Durham : University of Durham, Archaeological Services, 2007, 17pp, colour pls, figs, tabs, refs Work undertaken by: University of Durham, Department of Archaeology A watching brief was carried
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