
Zoölogisch Museum


Vol. 15 No. 13 1997

Notes on distribution, conservation, and OF from the Cape

Verde Islands, including records of six species new to the archipelago

Cornelis J. Hazevoet

Key words: Islands, Aves, distribution, conservation, taxonomy.


Recent data on the distribution of birds in the Cape Verde Islands are presented, including records of six species new to the archipelago, viz. Pintail Anas acuta, Least Sandpiper Calidris minutilla, Snipe Gallinago gallinago, Red-rumped Swallow Hirundo daurica, African Sand

Martin Riparia paludicola, and Song Thrush Turdus philomelos. Also included are data on extentions in range and time within the islands of migrant visitors as well as observations of rare and threatened resident species. Extralimital records of migrant Cape Verde are summarized and news and views relating to the conservation of threatened endemic taxa are discussed. In addition, some recent studies bearing on the systematics of endemic Procellarids are reviewed.

INTRODUCTION the to be and visits among species expected during migra-

This is the second supplement to The birds of the Cape tion seasons will continue to be worthwhile in this respect.

Verde Islands (Hazevoet 1995), an earlier update being Records of new species reported herein have been scruti- presented by Hazevoet etal. (1996). With few exceptions, nized by the author in consultation with members of the the present contribution concerns data collected in 1996. It Dutch rarities committee. includes reports of six species new to the archipelago, viz. In 1996, some remarkableevents took place in relation

Pintail Anas acuta, Least Sandpiper Calidris minutilla, to the occurrence of migrant birds in the Cape Verde

Swallow Islands. the oth- Snipe Gallinago gallinago, Red-rumped Hirundo Early in the year, heavy rains occurred on

daurica,African Sand Martin Riparia paludicola,. and Song erwise arid island of Sal, causing the flooding of ribeiras

Thrush Turdus philomelos. Other additions to the Cape and the formation of a temporary lake near the mouth of

Verde avifauna have been reported by Hazevoet (1996a) Ribeira da Madama. This attracted several rare species, and Hazevoet al. of ducks et (1996). This brings the total number including and gulls, offering an unsual sight on this the islands desert island that birds species reliably reported from at 154, and demonstrating some may react

two introduced that have establised when favourable conditions excluding species may rapidly occur, luring even

in i.e. Parakeet these populations recent years, Ring-necked species seldom or never seen there before to

Psittacula krameri and Village Weaver Ploceus cucullatus. remote oceanic islands. By mid April, however, the 'lake'

The number of birds known to have occurred in the and the island returned A Cape was gone dry as ever. compara-

Verde Islands is only modest but, since interest in the ble situation was observed on Santiago in November

in it is when filled islands has grown considerably recent years, 1988, heavy showers the Pedra Badejo expected that 'new' species will continue to be reported. lagoons with water, mud, and debris, attracting unusually More specifically, several passerines, commonly wintering large numbers of waders (Hazevoet 1992a). in West Africa but still unrecorded in the Cape Verdes, are An influx of migrant hirundines occurred on Sal during 90

the second week of April. For days the island was invaded makers in conservation biology (Hazevoet 1996b).

by hundreds of Swallows Hirundo rustica and lesser num- Because Nunn & Zino's (in press) study did not include

bers of House Martins Delichon urbica. Accompanying P. feae sensu stricto (i.e. the Cape Verde taxon) but only

these at least Swallow H. daurica P. feae were one Red-rumped sensu lato (by way of a sample of deserta from the

and several African Sand Martins Riparia paludicola. Terra Deserta islets), the taxonomic status and phylogenetic

Boa, an agricultural area in the north of the island, offered relationship of feae (Cape Verde Is.) and deserta (Deserta special attraction to the birds, with large numbers feeding Is.) remains unsettled. Although feae and deserta have

over the fields and using the dry corn as a roost. Within a often been considered morphologically indistinguishable

week, however, the majority of these hirundines had left (i.e. only differing in the means of certain morphometric

the island and numbers were back to normal for the timeof dimensions, mainly bill-depth), a further cladistic analysis

year, with a few seen every now and then. It is remarkable should include both taxa, in addition to the other North

that such large mixed flocks occur far off continental Atlantic Pterodroma , in order to clarify their relative Africa. position within this apparently monophyletic group.

Thanks to the efforts of two dedicated Dutch bird Bretagnolle (1995) made a phenetic assessment of

watchers, Theo Bakker and Klaas van Dijk, who visited the similarity in vocalizations and morphometries in the

islands in search of endemics and to conduct wader ‘Pterodroma mollis complex' and concludedthat two 'poly-

counts (see Bakker & van Dijk 1996, van Dijk & Bakker typic' species should be recognized, viz. P. mollis and P.

1997), the first recoveries of colour marked birds in the feae, the latter including feae, deserta and madeira. As

Cape Verde Islands were obtained. Details are given Bretagnolle (1995) did not discriminate between pie-

under the relevant species entries in 'Notes on distribu- siomorphic and apomorphic character states and neither

tion'. Also in 'Notes distribution' his data aid incorporated on are employed outgroup comparison, may perhaps

extralimital records (both published and unpublished) of in diagnosing different taxa but, as he duly admitted, his

migratory Cape Verde Procellarids. Topics relating to the study "did not greatly improve the understanding of the

conservation of threatened Cape Verde birds are dis- systematics of the P. mollis complex".

cussed in 'Notes on conservation'and some recent studies Austin (1996) conducted a phylogenetic analysis of 19

the of on phylogeny Procellarids, bearing upon the system- taxa of Puffinus , with Fulmarus glacialis as

atics of Verde reviewed in 'Notes the mitochondrial b Cape endemics, are on outgroup, based on cytochrome gene

taxonomy'. sequences. As in the Pterodromapetrels, several tradition-

ally recognized 'polytypic' species were shown to be para-

NOTES ON TAXONOMY phyletic. Austin (1996) employed 'specific' and 'subspecif-

A recent phylogenetic study of Pterodroma petrels using ic' nomenclature without commenting on the paraphyly of

mitochondrial & Zino these traditional As the inclusion of taxa in cytochrome bgene sequences (Nunn groupings. any

in press) showed that traditional classification of North higher taxonomic category (including so-called 'polytypic

Atlantic taxa as close relatives of southern P. mollis (either biological species') should imply a hypothesis of monophy-

the level members so-called nomenclatural at 'subspecies' or as of a ly, certain consequences must be drawn

'superspecies') accounts for a paraphyletic taxon. In two from Austin's (1996) study, providing that we want taxo-

most four Atlantic taxa nomic and nomenclature parsimonious trees, North (hasitata, allocations to have any meaning

cahow, feae, madeira), clustered on a clade separated at all, a preamble perhaps not supported by followers of from P. mollis by another clade made up of southern taxa the isolation view of species. These nomenclatural

(magentae, incerta, lessonii, macroptera). These two changes do not merely concern ranking issues (such as clades constituted the sister of P. the latter the group mollis, the 'splitting' and 'lumping' practices encouraged by

basal to the others. This rather different isolation view of but rather the eliminationof being implies a species) para- phylogenetic and zoogeographical history than traditional phyletic taxa. For instance, the phylogeny of Puffinus puffi- classification suggests and shows that it is no longer ten- nus, P. yelkouan, and P. mauretanicus (formerly treated as able to asign P. feae and P. madeira to the ‘P. mollis 'subspecies' of a 'polytypic' species P. puffinus) shows that species group' (cf. Hazevoet 1995, 1996b). The above elevating ('splitting') yelkouan to species rank because of example offers just another case in which traditional allo- its 'sufficiently' differentiated morphology but at the same cation of time 'subspecies' (or species) into a 'polytypic' species retaining ('lumping') mauretanicus as a 'subspecies'

(or 'superspecies') has given rise to a paraphyletic (i.e. in a 'polytypic' species P. yelkouan, as advocated by

Bourne non-historical) taxon. Such long-standing taxonomic prac- etal. (1988) and Wink ef a/. (1993), is just as mis- tice has been based of the traditional inclusion these on phenetic assessments similarity leading as of taxa in a para- in combination with speculations about the 'potential' abili- phyletic 'polytypic' P. puffinus. Because all these taxa are ty for gene exchange, in order to fulfil the requirements of allopatric, considering them conspecific in whatever combi- the isolation (Mayrian or 'biological') concept of species. nation merely boils down to speculations about their

This has driven many unique and rare island forms into the 'potential' ability for gene exchange. However, whether or

of the allocation which not these taxa have retained the for obscurity 'subspecies' category, an capacity gene offers little security in terms of conservation policy because exchange is irrelevant because this would merely indicate trinomials are usually considered irrelevant by decision a symplesiomorphic condition (shared ancestral trait) 91

which is phylogenetically uninformative. Moreover, not a because bailloniis the sister taxon of yelkouan-mauretani

of between of these clade basal to that other single example gene exchange any cus, a a larger one encompasses

taxa has ever been documented. As amply demonstrated small shearwaters and puffinus-newelli (J.J. Austin unpub-

by Altaba (1993), there does not exist any a priori reason lished data).

to consider these three taxa to be conspecific because With the possible exception ot some that have been

each consitutes a diagnosably distinct taxonomic entity in separated on account of differences in the means of vari-

its own right. Indeed, in each tree (maximum likelihood, ous morphometries, most of the c. 20 taxa of small shear-

maximum parsimony, neighbor-joining), P. puffinus figures waters, traditionally treated as 'subspecies' of either P.

in a clade remote from the P. yelkouan-P. mauretanicus Iherminieri or P. assimilis, are distinct in qualitative charac-

clade, in which the latter are sister taxa (Austin 1996: Fig. ters. Their inclusion in one or two 'polytypic' species pre-

4). A cladistic analysis of osteological data of both Recent tends knowledge of their phylogenetic affinities that has,

and extinct Plio-Pleistocene taxa from the Balearic and however, simply been lacking and is only emerging for a

Canary Islands (see Alcover 1989, McMinn et al. 1990, few of the taxa involved. It is becoming increasingly clear

Walker et al. 1990) should further improve our understand- that 'polytypic' P. Iherminieriand P. assimilis constitute

of the Atlantic- In order conditions ing phylogenetic relationships among paraphyletic assemblages. to provide

Mediterranean Puffinus shearwaters and corroborate it will be may for a meaningful phylogenetic analysis, necessary

Austin's (1996) molecular study through an independent to delimit taxa which are diagnosably distinct in qualitative

data set providing congruence of phylogenetic hypotheses. characters without ad hoc inferences about their taxonom-

Although the three Puffinus shearwaters discussed ic affinities and refer to them binomially. above do not breed in the Cape Verde Islands and only The main conclusion to be drawn from the phylogenet- two of them ( puffinus and mauretanicus) are occasional ic studies discussed above must be that there exists no

migrant visitors in Cape Verde seas, their phylogeny does correlation between the 'polytypic' species in which various

of the bear on the taxonomy and systematic position single taxa of petrels and shearwaters have been included and

their real-world lends further breeding représentant of the genus in the islands, the phylogeny. This support for

Cape Verde Little P. boydi. Traditionally, boydi the use of a phylogenetic approach to species-level taxa has been treated as a 'subspecies' of either P. Iherminieri (e.g. Nixon & Wheeler 1990, Davis & Nixon 1992, Baum & or P. assimilis (e.g. Murphy 1927, Cramp & Simmons Shaw 1995, Zink & McKitrick 1995, Davis 1996) and for

1977), while other authors have advocated the lumping' of abandoning the isolation view of species. During the last

P. Iherminieri and P. assimilis (together encompassing c. decades, it has become abundantly clear that the latter,

20 'subspecies') into a single multitypic 'species' (e.g. due to its non-dimensionalproporties and inapplicability in

Vaurie 1965, Bourne 1986). The rationale behind such allopatric situations, hampers the recognition and under- proposals has been devoid of phylogenetic reasoning but standing of historical patterns of biological diversification at

be the so-called the level Under the seems to inspired by 'intermediacy' of 'species' to a devastating degree. par- some of the taxa involved in combinationwith a longing for adigm of the isolation view of species, taxa are 'intuitively'

'taxonomic convenience'. Thus, Vaurie (1965) found that (i.e. based on phenetic assessments of overall resem- boydi and baroli (Azores, Madeira, Selvagens, Canary Is.) blance and/or genetic distance) included in one or another are 'intermediate'(in unspecified characters) between Iher- 'polytypic' species. In avian taxonomy, this has led to an minieri and assimilis and, therefore, "found it wiser [..] to abundance of paraphyletic taxa which are in direct conflict recognize only a single species", while Bourne (1986), with contemporary systematic theory and methodology. because of the fact that "confusion has prevailed", thought it to be "the best solution to combine them all into one NOTES ON CONSERVATION species". Such 'solutions' appear to be acts of defeatism Numbers of seabirds in the Cape Verdes have been great- and despair rather than serious attempts at unravelling the ly reduced due to the constant persecution by local fisher-

of the small shearwaters and for decades these who harvest and for food and phylogeny men, eggs young destroy and similar actions have clouded our understanding of adults without particular purpose. The populations of Red- real-world biodiversification. If solutions at all, they can billed Tropicbird Phaethon aethereus and Brown Booby only be regarded as temporary ones, pending further data Sula leucogaster are estimated to have declined from c. and improved methods that will assist in elucidating the 1,000 and c. 10,000 during the late 19th century to c. 100 phylogenetic relationships of these cryptic taxa. and c. 1000 respectively today (Hazevoet 1994, 1995).

In old the three phylogenelic trees (ml, mp, nj), Iherminieri According to sources, Magnificent Frigatebird

(West Indies), baroli and boydi branch on a clade constitut- Fregata magnificens was still widespread during the 19th ing the sister group of puffinus and newelli(Hawaii), while century and colonies, now disappeared, probably existed assimilis (Lord Howe Is.) and haurakiensis (New Zealand) on llhéu dos Pâssaros (off Sâo Vicente), llhéu de Rabo de

the sister of the former two clades 1996: Junco and elsewhere in the are group (Austin (off Sal) archipelago (see

Fig. 4). In an additional study, bailloni (Réunion) was Hazevoet 1994,1995). Today, breeding is restricted to two added to the 19 taxa of the earlier analysis. This taxon has islets off Boavista and only about five pairs are left. been treated traditionally as a 'subspecies' of P. Iherminieri The traditional annual harvest of young Cape Verde but this allocation is incompatible with branching order Shearwaters edwardsii, which are taken from 92

the nest just before fledging in October-November, has largely due to a single cause. In the Cape Verdes, feral

brought the total population down to c. 10,000 pairs. It is dogs are common in and around villages and towns. In

that taken reduce their estimated even today 4,000-6,000 young are order to numbers, it is common usage to lay

it is difficult to former every year. Although reconstruct out poisoned meat. From time to time, large numbers of

numbers, old sources indicate that the species was once poisoned dogs (up to 50 at a time) are collected and

much more abundant. Apart from the Little Shearwater dumped in the countryside. The destructive effect of this

Puffinus the Procellarids boydi, smaller are not actively practice on raptors will be obvious. If not killed directly by

persecuted but at times their colonies suffer greatly from eating the poisoned meat, kites, buzzards, and Egyptian

of fishermen the trampling nesting burrows by who search Vulture Neophron percnopterus (also declining at an

the islets' shores for shell-fish and debris. alarming rate) will succumb from scavenging on dead

In if 1990, some of the important sites for breeding dogs. Even not affected directly, the effect on breeding

seabirds in the Verde Islands declared nature success be with decreased Cape were may fatal, fertility being among law the and reserves by and, according to law, access to the most obvious consequences. Indeed, infertile eggs of

of to Verde Buzzard have been utilization these reserves are now subject govern- Cape reported as long ago as

mental authorization. Areas to which the law applies the 1960s (de Naurois 1969, 1973) and the situation

include the islets of Raso, Branco, llhéus do Rombo, llhéu seems to have only worsened since. If the endemic raptors

de Curral Velho, and llhéu de Baluarte. Despite the legally of the Cape Verde Islands are to be saved from extinction,

of the protected status some islets, massacres among the practice of poisoning feral dogs has to be stopped at

seabirds there effective continue as before, being no once, an objective probably not easily achieved in view of

means (or intention) to enforce the law. During the years the general indifference towards conservation issues in the

1988-1992, the author found the remains of numerous islands.

slaughtered Red-billed Tropicbirds and Brown Boobies on During the last decade, much effort has been directed

Raso, and large piles of feathers and wings of culled at the implementation of programmes (both educational

Verde had accumulated both young Cape Shearwaters on and legislative) aimed at the preservation of the remaining

Raso and Branco. In March 1996, remains of 72 adult natural heritage of the Cape Verdes (e.g. Hazevoet &

Red-billed Tropicbirds and 58 adult Brown Boobies were Haafkens 1990, Miller 1993, Hazevoet 1994). However,

there is found on Raso, apparently killed for 'sport' by fishermen still a long way to go before an effective level of

(Bakker & van Dijk 1996). In February 1994, a dog was sensibility about conservation issues has been reached

encountered the islet both the on Raso, apparently brought to by among general public and administrators of the

fishermen (C.G. Goblet in litt. 1994). Dogs are a potentially country. Recently, the Primeira Lista Vermelha de Cabo

disastrous threat to ground breeding species such as the Verde (First Red List of the Cape Verdes) has been pub-

endemic Raso Lark Alauda razae and may also take their lished (Leyens & Lobin 1996), presenting basic data on all toll taxa of native among seabirds, particularly the boobies. threatened plants, invertebrates, and verte-

A Verde book brates. This the Verde recently published Cape cooking (J.P. provides responsable Cape agen-

Chantre d'Oliveira 1996, Santo Antão - cozinha regional) cies with an indispensable source of information for the includes for assada of effective conservation recipes cagarra (roasted shearwater) implementation an strategy. and codorniz frita informed (fried quail). We are also that Clearly, if some of the endemic and other threatened taxa among other Santo Antâo specialities bioro (= Pterodroma are to be saved from extinction, a substantially more active

and feae) pedrer (= Puffinus boydi) are especially recom- attitude by the Cape Verdeauthorities is warranted. mended. Thus, while on the one hand much energy is directed to prevent these endemic species from being NOTES ON DISTRIBUTION exterminated, on the other hand it is apparently not consid- In the following 'Notes on distribution', records of migrants, ered assault of civil conduct the considered an to promote consump- vagrants in the past but now known to be regu- tion of these threatened birds. Typically, in the Guia lar visitors (e.g. Little Stint Calidris minuta,. Bar-tailed , „

Tun'stico Oficial (Official Tourist Guide), sea turtle eggs Godwit Limosa lapponica, Redshank Tringa totanus, Wood and the T. Black-headed meat are recommended among gastronomic spe- Sandpiper glareola, Gull Larus cialities of the island of Maio. Moreover, in 1996, souvenirs ridibundus), have not been included, except in those cases

turtle still sale when time of of made of sea products were on at Sal inter- year, locality, or number birds diverged national airport while also being advertized by the local from the known pattern of distribution as summarized by carrier TACV. This is, of course, in flagrant conflict with Hazevoet (1995). Equally, records of some rare and international legislation on the trade in sea turtle products. threatened resident species (e.g. Magnificent Frigatebird

Another matter of concern relates to the alarming Fregata magnificens, Cape Verde Kite Milvus fasciicauda) decline of raptors in the Cape Verde Islands, particularly have not been included when these concerned usual sites the endemic kite Milvus fasciicauda and buzzard Buteo and numbers. However, in view of the importance of long- bannermani (Hazevoet 1992c, 1996c). These two species term monitoring of both migrants and residents, observers now only number some tens of pairs each and will soon be are asked to continue to submit all records.

the brink In When on of extinction, if not already. recent years, it no source is given for general data, such as the has become clear that this disastrous development is number of Cape Verde records, spatial and temporal distri- 93

bution within the archipelago, population size, etc., these degree of confidence, it would still be possible that these

have been taken from Hazevoet (1995), with additions in birds originated from Bugio islet, off Madeira, or from the

Hazevoet et al. (1996). For general information on geogra- Azores, where the existence of a small and formerly over-

phy, climate, habitats, etc., the reader is referred to looked population of Pterodroma petrels, closely resem-

Hazevoet (1995). Species new to the Cape Verde Islands bling P. feae, is suspected (see Bibby & del Nevo 1991,

are marked with an asterisk. Observers are referred to by Monteiro & Furness 1995). Individuals from these popula-

their initials as follows: TJB (Theo J. Bakker), KvD (Klaas tions and from the Cape Verdeswould be indistinguishable

van Dijk), CJH (Cornells J. Hazevoet), FWW (Frederick W. at sea.

Wenzel), HHW (Hans-Hinrich Witt). Re-examinationof a specimen found dead in Israel in

February 1963 and formerly assigned to P. feae (Bourne

Cape Verde Pterodroma feae 1983), indicated that this actually concerns P. mollis of the

southern oceans (B. Zonfrillo in Shirihai 1996).

During a seawatch on Santo Antâo (16:30-18:15), > 100

Cape Verde Petrels were counted off Vila da Ribeira Bulwer’s Petrel Bulweria bulwerii

Grande, 8 March 1996, while earlier that day at least 20

Ponta do Views were seen off Sol (TJB, KvD). (using a A total of 19 dead Bulwer's Petrels were found scattered

and several occasions these telescope) were good on over the islet of Raso, 12-13 March 1996 (TJB, KvD). In

petrels could be compared directly to Cape Verde view of their desiccated condition, most had apparently

Shearwater Calonectris edwardsii, of which > 100 were been dead for quite a long time and there was no indica-

counted as well. During late afternoon of 14 and 16 March tion that these birds had been deliberately slaughtered. No

1996, 10+ Cape Verde Petrels were seen off Estançia other reports of Bulwer's were received. The only known

Bras, along the northern coast of Sâo Nicolau (TJB, KvD). breeding stations in the Cape Verdes are on llhéu de Cima

Only few observations of P. feae from Cape Verde seas and Raso. The total number of breeding pairs has been

have been while published. Lambert (1980), cruising difficult to establish but probably does not exceed some

in among the islands April 1976, identified three main hundreds of pairs.

areas in which the species was encountered, viz. 1)

around the islands of Santo Antâo and Sâo Vicente, and Cory’s Shearwater Calonectris diomedea

eastwards to Santa Luzia, 2) from the south of Boavista to

Maio and the southwest of Santiago, and 3) around Fogo, One was seen from the ferry boat between Sâo Vicente

Brava, and the llhéus do Rombo. Usually 1-3 birds were and Santo Antâo, 7 March 1996 (TJB, KvD). There are

seen, with the largest number together (eight) off the only few records from Cape Verde seas, probably largely

northwest coast of Santo Antâo. Away from these three because many earlier observers did not distinguish

areas the species was only rarely seen. The general pat- between C. diomedea and C. edwardsii. It seems proba-

of distribution Lambert with tern reported by (1980) agrees ble, however, that C. diomedea (sensu lato, viz. C.

that diomedea C. found during seven pelagic trips in Cape Verde seas, and borealis) is a regular passage migrant in

in the these So observations December-March, years 1985-1989 (M.A.S. waters. far, all have been made in

Beaman, C.J. Camphuysen, C.J. Hazevoet, S.C. Madge, February-March, presumably of birds returning to breeding

R.P. Martins, K.M. Morgan unpublished data). grounds in the East Atlantic (borealis) and Mediterranean

The increase in records of Pterodroma petrels (includ- (diomedea) from their wintering quarters in the South

ing birds possibly referable to P. feae) in the North Atlantic Atlantic.

during the last decades has provoked considerable debate

as to the specific identity and geographic origin of these Cape Verde Shearwater Calonectris edwardsii

birds but no consensus seems to have been reached so far (e.g. Haney et al. 1993, Tove 1993, 1994, Zonfrillo Of 38 shearwaters Calonectris spp. observed during five

1994, Gantlett 1995). Most of the reports off eastern North pelagic trips approximately 30 km west of Pointe des

America (c. 20) were in late spring (May-June) but, in con- Almadies, Sénégal, 12-21 October 1995, all seen well trast, most reports off western Europe (also c. 20) were in enough (20+) were C. edwardsii (R.F. Porter). During late summer and autumn, mainly August-September, with observations in the same area, 6-16 October 1996, a total

few in a October-November (Lee 1984, Bourne 1992, of 3,039 C. edwardsii were counted, with maxima of c.

Costa & Farinha 1994, Moore 1994a, Stegeman et al. 1,700 and c. 1,000 around fishing trawlers on 9 and 11

1995, DeBenedictis 1996). Because of the uncertainties October respectively (R.F. Porter). The numbers observed surrounding the identificationof these petrels, it is impossi- in October 1996 imply that c. 10% of the postbreeding ble to say at present whether this temporal and spatial pat- population was present in the area at the time. of tern records reflects the true migration scheme of a par- Postbreeding dispersal from the Cape Verdes is thought to ticular taxon or is only an artifact resulting from identifica- take place mainly from late October to mid November but tion the of problems. Consequently, pelagic distribution the observations off Sénégal may indicate that consider-

Cape Verde Petrel remains largely unknown. Even if North able numbers leave the colonies from early October

Atlantic records could be P. feae with onwards. the concentration of birds assigned to any Alternatively, may 94

have consisted of adults attracted to the rich feeding Cape Verde area, although small shearwaters of unknown

grounds of the Sénégal upwelling zone. According to provenance are widespread in the tropical Atlantic.

Jouanin Bt al. (1995), Calonectris spp. may feed up to 500

km from the breeding grounds and the birds off Sénégal Red-billed Tropicbird Phaethonaethereus

may have been adults with youngat the nest.

Three shearwaters at 38°36'S, 53°30'W, off Argentina, The following observations were reported in 1996. On Sal,

considered C. edwardsii llhéu 18 February 1992, were to be a maximum of nine were present at the cliffs opposite

(Curtis 1994). This part of the South Atlantic is known to de Rabo de Junco, along the island's west coast, entering

be a main wintering quarter of C. borealis (Mougin et al. holes and presumably breeding, 9 April-8 May (CJH,

1988). The southernmost observation of C. edwardsii to FWW). At Ponta da Fragata, an only recently reported

25°48'W the date was at 24°36'S, (Hazevoet 1995) and, pro- breeding site along southeast coast of Sal (Hazevoet

that the birds the record et al. to nine birds with in viding were correctly identified, off 1996), up were seen some sitting

Argentina would imply a considerable southward extension cliff-holes, 12 April (CJH, FWW). On Boavista, a maximum

of counted at off Sal 21-22 March of the species' (poorly known) wintering range. eight were sea Rei,

(TJB, KvD), one was seen there, 15 April (FWW), and 4-5

Great Shearwater Puffinus gravis off (c. 5 km north of ), 20 April (R.

Clark), providing further evidence for the existence of a

in One was photographed c. 7 km east-southeast of Santa breeding site the Ponta doSol area, along the northwest

Maria, Sal, 17 February 1990 (FWW). So far, the majority coast of the island (cf. Hazevoet et al. 1996). On Santiago,

of records in Cape Verde seas were in September, with 10 were present at the cliffs just east of Praia harbour (a

one each in October, November, and December. Autumn long established breeding site), 25 March (TJB, KvD). On

records are in agreement with the general pattern of occur- Raso, 40-50 were counted offshore and in the colony

rence at these eastern Atlantic latitudes (cf. Voous & along the southern coast, 12-13 March (TJB, KvD). No

Wattel 1963, Bourne 1995). The height of the breeding information was received from other colonies on Santiago

in the Tristan da is and those do Rombo and Brava. season Cunha group, South Atlantic, on llhéus from December-March (Rowan 1952). The present record shows that at least some non-breeding birds (presumably Brown Booby Sula leucogaster

immatures) stay away from the colonies during the breed-

ing season. On Raso, 150-200 birds were counted along the south

coast and in the colony, 12-13 March 1996 (TJB, KvD). As

Cape Verde Little Shearwater Puffinus boydi in 1995, no breeding boobies were found at llhéu de Rabo

de Junco, Sal, in April-May 1996 (CJH). Apparently, this

At Pointe des Almadies, the westernmost point of Sénégal, former breeding site has now been completely wiped out.

57 small shearwaters were counted from the shore, 6-16 No information was received from colonies on Boavista,

October 1996, but none were seen during three pelagic Santiago, llhéu de Cima, and Brava.

in the The birds allowed close trips area. offshore for very views to be obtained, enabling their identification as boydi Cattle Egret Bubulcus ibis because of the dark head to at least eye level where it

with the white the unlike the white A situated in bushes the farm merged on face, quite large roost was near sewage face and isolated of northern Macaronesian baroli 540 eye on Sâo Vicente, where a maximum of birds were

(R.F. Porter). counted, 9-10 March 1996 (TJB, KvD). The largest roost

A stray bird found alive at the Kruger National Park, reported so far was at Vila da Ribeira Brava, Sâo Nicolau, eastern Transvaal, South Africa, 15 September 1988 with c. 250 birds in March 1990 and March 1992. Breeding

(specimen in the Transvaal Museum; Berruti 1990), has Cattle Egrets have not been reported since the late 1960s been claimed to be referable to P. boydi (Shirihai et al. but the species has been recorded in the islands in all

If 1995). indeed correctly identified, its inland appearance months, with numbers peaking March-April. Presumably, in southern Africa seems extraordinary, particularly birds in the Cape Verde Islands are migrants from the because there had been no major weather event that may West African mainland. In Mauritania and Senegambia have caused it to be blown inland (Berruti 1990). Cape breeding occurs mainly from June to October (Lamarche

Verde Little Shearwater was not among the taxa of small 1988, Morel & Morel 1990), during which months only shearwaters identified in South African seas or washed small numbers are present in the Cape Verdes. The few ashore there previously (Sinclair étal. 1982) and a further breeding records in the islands were in February and examination of the Transvaal specimen seems warranted. November.

Another small shearwaterof unsettled taxonomic affinities, but possibly referable to boydi, has been caught on St. Western Reef Heron Egretta gularis

Helena in February 1976 (Bourne & Loveridge 1978).

offshore Apart from the recent observations in Sénégal, no On Santiago, Western Reef Herons were seen at Praia, 4- conclusive records of P. boydi are known away from the 5 March (2) and 25-26 March, and at the Pedra Badejo 95

lagoons, 26 March 1996 (TJB, KvD). There were only two obtained from the recently discovered colony at Banana,

records before 1986 but the species is apparently a regu- Ribeira Montanha (see Hazevoet 1992b). With some 20

lar Afrotropical visitor in small numbers. There are now 10 pairs at most, the total population of this endemic heron

records, February-September, from the islands of remains at a perilous low level and effort should be direct-

Santiago, Boavista, and Maio. All reports concerned dark ed at the protection of the two known breeding colonies,

morph birds and the possibility remains that white morph each situated in a single tree. birds have been erroneously assigned to Little Egret E.

garzetta. Spoonbill Platalealeucorodia

LittleEgret Egretta garzetta During March-April 1996, three immatures were present at

the farm Sâo island which the sewage on Vicente, an at

A observed at for ringed bird with wing tags was lagoon, species had only been recorded the first time the year

Boavista, 21-22 March 1996 (TJB, KvD). It had been before (Hazevoet et al. 1996). The birds were first ringed and marked as a nestling near Aigues-Mortes, observed on 9-10 March (TJB, KvD) and again on 24 April

Camargue, France (43°34'N, 04°11'E), 6 July 1995 (data (CJH). One of the birds was colour marked and had been

Frisian island of Station Biologique Tour du Valat). Little Egret is a not ringed as a nestling at the Terschelling, uncommon resident breeder in the Cape Verdes and this The Netherlands (53°25'N, 05°29'E), 26 May 1994, and is the first confirmed record of a northern migrant visitor, was subsequently seen at Ameland (another Frisian the occurrence of which had been based on conjecture island) until 10 September 1994 (data Working Group only. In West Africa, Little Egrets ringed in the Camargue Spoonbill, The Netherlands). The record on Sâo Vicente in have been recovered in The Gambia, Mali, and Ghana, July 1995 (at the same site) also concerned three imma- birds from Spain in Mauritania and Sénégal, and birds tures and, although no colour markings were noted then, it ringed in Tunisia and Ukraine in Sierra Leone and Mali seems possible that both records concerned the same respectively (Voisin 1985). birds, indicating that at least some immatures do not return

to the breeding grounds until fully adult. With 18 records,

Intermediate Egret Egretta intermedia of which 14 since 1988, the Spoonbill's status as a regular

visitor in small numbers seems to be well established now.

from the Sâo Vicente mentioned Two were present along Rabil lagoon, Boavista, 20-22 Apart records above, all

March 1996, and both birds were photographed (TJB, others were from Santiago and Boavista. In view of the

There five records extreme of inlandsurface the KvD). are now (October-May), involving scarcity water, species' regu- c. 12 birds, from the islands of Santiago (2), Santo Antâo, lar occurrence in these arid islands, 500 km off the West

is Sal, and Boavista, and the species appears to be an irreg- African mainland, surprising. ular and uncommon Afrotropical migrant visitor.

*PintailAnas acuta

Grey Heron Ardea cinerea

A female at Ribeira da Madama, Sal, 12 February 1996

One at Ponta Prêta beach, along the southwest coast of (HHW), was the first record for the Cape Verde Islands. In

Sal, 6 April 1996 (FWW, R. Clark). Although the species is addition, an unidentified duck, possibly A. acuta, was flying a regular and widespread migrant visitor (with records in east at sea off Vila da Ribeira Grande, Santo Antâo, 8 all months) on most islands, there are only few (< 10) March 1996, but was seen too short to ascertain its specif- records from Sal. ic identity (TJB, KvD). In southern Mauritania and Sénégal,

Pintail is a common winter visitor, mainly September-

Cape Verde Purple Heron Ardea bournei February, with some staying until April (Lamarche 1988,

Morel & Morel 1990).

On 5 and 24 March 1996, there were four occupied nests in the colony at Boa Entrada, Santiago. On the first date, Pochard Aythya ferina two dead nestlings (less than two days dead) were found under the nesting tree. On the second date, one nest con- Two males and three females at Ribeira da Madama, Sal, tained a nestling older than two weeks, two other nests 12 February 1996 (HHW). This is only the third record for had young of 1-2 weeks old, while an incubating adult was the Cape Verde Islands, previous records being from Sào

collected and sitting at the fourth nest. In addition, an adult was seen fly- Nicolau (one 2 December 1898) Santiago (a ing over dry hillsides c. 5 km south of Sâo Domingos, flock of eight at the Pedra Badejo lagoons, 6 February along the road to Praia, on 5 March (TJB, KvD). The nest- 1966). The species is a regular but rather uncommon win- ing data imply an extention of the known breeding season ter visitor to Sénégal but only rarely observed in Mauritania with at least one month. The latest date of a juvenile in the (Lamarche 1988, Morel& Morel 1990). colony was 21 March. The Purple Heron of Cape Verde has a double breeding season, with nesting occurring in both autumn and spring. In 1996, no information was 96

Cape Verde Buzzard Buteo bannermani Little Ringed Plover Charadrius dubius

Two at Ribeira de Santo 7 and one Three at the Sâo Vicente 9 March and Torre, Antâo, March, sewage farm, 1996,

near Fajâ de Baixo, Sâo Nicolau, 15 March 1996 (TJB, a single bird there the following day (TJB, KvD). This is the

KvD). There were no observations of this rare endemic first record for Sâo Vicente, others being from Santiago (7) from Sâo Nicolau since the 1960s and it remains and Boavista Six raptor (1). of the Santiago records are from a

questionable whether there still exists a breeding popula- single locality, viz. the Pedra Badejo lagoons. There were

tion on the island. Inter-island movements, however, seem only two records up to 1988 but the increase in observa-

to be not exceptional and resettlements may be possible. tions since shows it to be a regular winter visitor (August- In view of the dwingling numbers of the Cape Verde May) in small numbers.

Buzzard (see also 'Notes on conservation' above), it

remains important that all observations are reported. *Least Sandpiper Calidris minutilla

Falco Cape Verde Peregrine madens One at the sewage farm, Sâo Vicente, 9-10 March 1996

(TJB, KvD). The bird was in first winter plumage, perhaps

An adult at the cliffs just east of Praia harbour, Santiago, 4 slightly moulting into summer plumage. The bird's identity

March 1996 (TJB, KvD). Very little is known about the dis- was confirmed by a detailed description, supplemented

tribution and numbers of this rare endemic falcon and only with photographies, ruling out similar species such as Little

few observations are on record. It had been seen before at C. minuta, Temminck's C. temminckii, and Long-toed Stint

the above site in December subminuta. On 1987, suggesting a more regu- C. some occasions, the bird was feeding

lar there and the breed in the next to Little for direct be occurrence species may a Stint, allowing a comparison to

area. So far, breeding has only been established on llhéu made. This is the first record for the Cape Verde Islands

Cima de during the 1960s. The remaining records are and only the third Nearctic wader reported from the

mostly of singles at different sites on different islands and islands, there being previous records of American Golden

these do not show a distinctive pattern of distribution. Plover Pluvialis dominica and American Whimbrel

Likely, the species is unevenly distributed in small num- Numenius (phaeopus) hudsonicus. Among other eastern

bers throughout the archipelago, especially along cliffs, Atlantic islands, the species has been recorded in the

with a total population not exceeding some tens of pairs. Azores (LeGrand 1983, de Juana et al. 1992, 1996) and

the Canary Islands (Emmerson ef al. 1994), but there

Numida Helmeted Guineafowl meleagris appear to be no records from continental West Africa.

Two along Ribeira do Rabil, 20 March, and two along Rabil Dunlin Calidris alpina

lagoon, 22 March 1996, both Boavista (TJB, KvD). Apart

from feathers found in April 1991, there were no records Two at the Pedra de Lume saltpans, Sal, 22 April 1996

from Boavista since 1924. The has the first record in species apparently (CJH), was that month. There are only c.

been in reintroduced to the island recent years. 15 records and the species is an uncommon migrant visi-

In of tor. contrast to some the other migrant waders, no

Oystercatcher Haematopus ostralegus apparent increase in records has occurred during the last

decades and Dunlin is only seldom reported. There are

One intertidal rocks at 30 records from with feeding on Sal Rei, Boavista, now October-April, one in July but none January 1997 (M. Rogerson). This is only the sixth record in December.

for the Cape Verdes, earlier records being from Santiago,

llhéu de Sâo and all Philomachus Cima, Vicente, Branco, Boavista, Ruff pugnax

along the shore, August-March. There were two old

records and one each in the 1985-1987 but the One at farm years the sewage on Sâo Vicente, 9-10 March 1996

species had not been reported since. (TJB, KvD). This is only the second record from Sâo

Vicente, others being from Santiago (5), Sal (2), Boavista

Avocet Recurvirostra avosetta and Maio There records (2), (2). were only two up to 1986 but eleven sightings have been reported since, confirming

Four at near Vila do 9 December its status and winter saltpans Maio, Maio, as an uncommon passage visitor, 1995 (M. Haffner Gullesen). There are now five records, all August-May, with numbers perhaps increasing during from the eastern islands, viz. Sal (1), Boavista (2), and migration, October and February-March.

Maio (2). There was only one old record but the recent

increase in observations (since 1987) suggests that the *Snipe Gallinago gallinago

be species may a regular winter visitor in small numbers.

Records are from November, and One at December, February (2), the sewage farm, Sâo Vicente, 9 March 1996 (TJB,

April. KvD). The bird was flushed from the edge of one of the

basins but alighted and could then be closely observed for 97

which found Black-backed Gull c. 10 minutes, after it flew away and was not Yellow-legged/Lesser

back again. The description ruled out both Jack Snipe Larus cachinnans/fuscus

Lymnocryptes minimusand Great Snipe G. media, but the

" possibility of American Snipe G. (gallinago) delicata could On Sal, immatures were seen at Ribeira da Madama, 17

not be excluded. The record is here accepted as G. galli- and 25 February, and another at Palmeira, 22 February

is the for the Verde 1996 As several earlier occasions, these nago (sensu lato) and first Cape (HHW). on Islands. records of immature large gulls could not be assigned with

certainty to one or the other taxon, although fuscus is the

Wood Sandpiper Tringa glareola more commonly occurring. Moreover, the possibility of

American Herring Gull L. argentatus smithsonianus should

On Sâo Vicente, 8-10 Wood Sandpipers were present at also be considered as there are transatlantic records of

smithsonianus from Ireland and the sewage farm, 9-10 March 1996 (TJB, KvD). immature Portugal

Moore Previously, there was only one record from Sâo Vicente (at (Mullarney 1990, 1994b).

the same site), presumably reflecting a dearth of observers

rather than the absence of birds. Although there were only Common Tern Sterna hirundo

three records before 1985, the species is now known to be

a regular winter visitor. The majority of observations are On Sal, singles were present at Santa Maria and at

from the Pedra Badejo lagoons, Santiago, where small Pesqueirona, 9 April, again one at Santa Maria, 21 April,

numbers (1-10) are regularly present, September-May. and two along the southeastern coast, 22 April 1996 (CJH,

Other records are from Boavista (3) and Maio (1). FWW). There were only seven records (December-

January, May-June) and these are the first in April. The

is in Turnstone Arenaria interpres species probably a regular passage migrant small

numbers, mainly in the three eastern islands. Records

A ringed bird was observed at Sal Rei, Boavista, 22 March include recoveries of birds ringed in Finland and Sweden,

1996, and its ring read in the field (TJB, KvD). It had been but the possibility of North American birds occurring in the

full bird Finland islands should be in mind these have been ringed as a grown at Sâppi, Luvia, kept as recov-

(61 °29'N, 21°21'E), 9 July 1990 (data Finnish Ringing ered in the Azores, Ivory Coast, Togo, and Nigeria (Nisbet

This is the first of Turnstone in Centre). ringing recovery & Safina 1996). the Cape Verde Islands, where it is a common and wide- spread migrant visitor with records throughout the year. Common/Arctic Tern Sterna hirundo/paradisaea

Pomarine Skua Stercorarius pomarinus A flock of c. 100 terns foraging at sea between Sal and

Boavista, 21 April 1996, were probably S. paradisaea but

One at sea between Sal and Boavista, 21 April, and sin- identification could not be fully established due to distance

gles along the southeastern coast of Sal, 1 and 12 May and sea conditions (FWW). There is only a handful of

1996 (FWW). There were no records before 1973 but observations of Arctic Tern from Cape Verde seas, all observations since show that the species is a regular visi- April-May, but it seems likely that the species is a regular tor to Cape Verde seas. There are now c. 10 records pelagic migrant, passing through the archipelago largely

(totalling c. 40 birds), with the above being the first in May. undetected.

Previous records were in October and February-April. All

vessels Little Tern Sternaalbifrons observations were made aboard at sea, although often not far offshore. The main wintering area of

Pomarine Skua is in the between As in Little Terns observed at Rabil Sénégal upwelling zone previous years, were latitudes 08°-20°N but apparently only small numbers lagoon and along the nearby shore on Boavista, where 1-2 occur west of longitude 20°W, presumably because of the adults and an immature were present, 18-22 March 1996 lower planctonic production of these waters. (TJB, KvD). There are now seven records from October-

April. Apart from one record from Maio, all observations

Black-headed Gull Larus ridibundus are from the same site on Boavista. Although only first

recorded in the Cape Verde Islands in 1988, the species is

Five to six birds were regularly seen at Ribeira da apparently a regular migrant visitor in small numbers.

Madama, Sal, 17-25 February 1996 (HHW). There were only two records before 1983 (not one, as erroneously stated in Hazevoet et al. 1996) but there are now 25+ Hoopoe Lark Alaemon alaudipes

records (September-March), confirming its status as a reg-

ular winter visitor in small numbers. Most records are of In 1996, five pairs and a juvenile were found in the dunes singles or pairs and small parties like that reported above 3-4 km north of Santa Maria, Sal, 12-26 February (HHW), are rare. and at least three pairs were present there during mid April

first from (CJH). The species was only reported Sal in 98

A. 1995 (Hazevoet et al. 1996) and the record of a juvenile in trivialis. Nevertheless, it is reported here because of the

1996 is the first indication of breeding on the island. In rarity of pipit observations in the islands, there being two

addition, there is a tentative observation (requiring further records of Tree Pipit and one of Tawny Pipit A. campestris.

confirmation) from the island of Santiago, where the Tree Pipit is a common winter visitor in West Africa

species was reported east of Ribeira da Barca, 4 (Cramp 1988, Keith era/. 1992). Meadow Pipit is a com-

December 1995 (M.M. Pinheiro). Hoopoe Lark is common mon winter visitor in Northwest Africa, especially abundant

and widespread on Boavista and Maio, but previous to in Morocco, but only small numbers visit Mauritania and

it from in 1995 had not been reported any other island the there are no records further south (Cramp 1988, Lamarche

archipelago. 1988, Morel& Morel 1990).

*Red-rumped Swallow Hirundo daurica White Wagtail Motacillaalba

One Ribeira da 25 1996 at Madama, Sal, February (HHW), One (photographed) at the sewage farm on Sâo Vicente,

and another, together with c. 50 Swallows H. rustica and 9-10 March 1996 (TJB, KvD). This is only the fifth record

3-4 African Sand Martins Riparia paludicola (see next), at for the islands and the first one in March, other records

Terra Boa, Sal, 14 April 1996 (CJH). These are the first being in December (1), January (2), and February (1).

records for the Cape Verde Islands. In West Africa, the There was only one old record but the recent increase in

species is a widespread winter visitor as well as a local observations (since 1989) suggests that White Wagtail is a

breeder. Movements of the former are hard to follow due regular winter visitor in small numbers, with records from

to the difficulty of distinguishing between northern migrants Sâo Vicente (3) and Sal (2).

and local birds (Morel & Morel 1990, Keith etal. 1992).

Wheatear Oenanthe oenanthe

*African Sand Martin Riparia paludicola

On Sal, three were seen northwest of Santa Maria, 14

Three or four were feeding over Terra Boa, Sal, 14 April February, and singles near Ribeira da Madama, 17 and 25

1996 (CJH). The species had not been recorded before in February 1996 (HHW). There were 10 records (of which

the Cape Verde Islands. Status and movements of African eight since 1985) and Wheatear is apparently a regular

Sand Martin in West understood. and winter visitor in small numbers. Records Africa are poorly passage are

Breeding has not been established in neighbouring main- from November-April, with most observations in February-

land Africa (Mauritania, Senegambia, Guinea-Bissau) but March.

has been suspected in Guinea-Conakry and its occurrence

in the region is rather irregular (Walsh 1987, Lamarche *Song Thrush Turdus philomelos

1988, Morel & Morel 1990, Hazevoet 1996d). Breeding

occurs in Morocco and from Mali eastwards to Nigeria and One was regularly seen in a hotel garden at Santa Maria,

Chad but both the Moroccan and Nigerian populations are Sal, 13-26 February 1996 (HHW). This is the first record said to be sedentary (Etchécopar & Hue 1964, Keith et al. for the Cape Verde Islands. Song Thrush is a common

1992). winter visitor in Northwest Africa, but only small numbers

The uncertainties surrounding the origin of the African migrate as far south as Mauritania and there is a single

Sand Martins seen in the Cape Verde Islands and their record from northern Sénégal (Cramp 1988, Lamarche

Africa of status in Northwest and West are reminiscent the 1988, Morel & Morel 1990). More birds move south if situation for Blue-cheeked Bee-eater Merops persicus, as weather is severe (Cramp 1988) and the cold European discussed Hazevoet Both aerial winter have by (1996a). taxa are of 1995-1996 may brought larger than usual insect feeders, breeding in excavated burrows in river- numbers to northern Africa, resulting in the surprising

breed- banks etc. and, presumably, both are opportunistic appearanceof a Song Thrush in the Cape Verde Islands. ers which may take rapid advantage of locally favourable conditions, dispersing after breeding without clear pattern Willow Warbler Phylloscopus trochilus of migration. Moreover, both Blue-cheeked Bee-eater and

African Sand Martin breed in Northwest as well as in West One (singing) in bushes near Cachaço, Sâo Nicolau, 15

Africa, making movements of different populations in West March 1996 (TJB, KvD). The only previous records were of

Africa difficult to follow. one on Sâo Nicolau, 17 March 1990, and at least 10 birds

at different locations on Boavista, 19-22 September 1988.

Meadow/TreePipit Anthus pratensis/trivialis Although only rarely reported, the species is probably a

but scarce regular passage migrant.

A pipit claimed to be A. pratensis (a species not recorded

Passer before in the Cape Verdes) was seen in grassy vegetation Spanish Sparrow hispaniolensis

outlet and near a sewage at Santa Maria, Sal, 16 24

February 1996 (HHW). However, insufficient details on At least two females were regularly seen at Santa Maria, identification were provided to rule out the possibility of Sal, 17 April-19 May 1996 (CJH). Although common and 99

widespread on some islands (Santiago, Fogo, Boavista, Birding World 5:382-390.

Bourne, W.R.P. 1995. The movements of Bulwer's Petrel and the Maio), it has only sporadically been reported from Sal. larger shearwaters in the Atlantic Ocean. Sea Swallow 44: Previous records from the island in the 1987- were years 49-52. 1988, when a few were present in palm trees at Terra Boa, Bourne, W.R.P. & Loveridge, A. 1978. Small shearwaters from but there were no subsequent sightings during 1989-1995. Ascension and St. Helena, South Atlantic Ocean. Ibis 120:

On Sâo Nicolau, 15 were counted at Vila da Ribeira 65-66. Bourne, W.R.P., Mackrill, E.J., Peterson, A.M. & Yésou, P. 1988. Brava, 17 March, and a singing male at Campo da The Yelkouan Shearwater, Puffinus (puffinus?) yelkouan. Preguiça, 18 March 1996 (TJB, KvD). Its occurrence on Sit Birds 81:306-319. Sâo Nicolau to be rather irregular. It was reported appears Bretagnolle, V. 1995. Systematics of the Soft-plumaged Petrel the late 19th but not until 1982 and during century again Pterodroma mollis (): new insights from the found in the 1991- of vocalizations. Ibis 137:207-218. 1988-1990, but it was not there years study H. & J.C. 1994. Lista das de 1995. Apparently, nomadic behaviour of the Spanish Costa, Farinha, observaçôes aves de ocorrência rara ou acidental em Portugal homologadas Sparrow in the Cape Verdes is still well developed and, pelo Comité Ibérico de Raridades. Airo 5:37-40. although common on some, its presence or absence on Cramp, S. (Ed.) 1988. The birds of the Western Palearctic. Vol. other islands hard to are predict. 5. Oxford University Press. Cramp, S. & Simmons, K.E.L. (Eds.) 1977. The birds of the Western Palearctic. Oxford Press. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Vol. 1. University Cramp, S. & Simmons, K.E.L. (Eds.) 1983. The birds of the I wish to thank Theo Bakker, Rebecca Clark, Klaas van Western Palearctic. Vol. 3. Oxford University Press. Dijk, Mette Haffner Gullesen, Margarida Pinheiro, Richard Curtis, W.F. 1994. Further South Atlantic records. Sea Swallow

Porter, Michael Rogerson, Frederick Wenzel, and Hans- 43:19-28.

Hinrich Witt for communicating their observations to me. Davis, J.1. 1996. Phylogenetics, molecular variation, and species BioScience 46: Mark Beaman, Kees Camphuysen, Steve Madge, Rod concepts. 502-511. Davis, J.l. & Nixon, K.C. 1992. Populations, genetic variation, Martins, and Kevin Morgan provided unpublished data of and the delimitationof phylogenetic species. Syst. Biol. 41 : their trips in the Dr Gary Nunn sup- pelagic archipelago. 421-435.

a draft of his on Pterodroma and Dr plied paper phylogeny DeBenedictis, P.A. 1996.1995 ABA checklist report. Birding 28: Austin Puffinus Jeremy provided unpublished data on sys- 299-405.

K. van & Bakker, T. 1997. Dutch Platalea leu- tematics. The author's observations in 1996 were made Dijk, Spoonbills corodiaand a Finnish Turnstone Arenaria interpres on tropi- during his participation in the Cape Verde Humpback cal islands: counts of shorebirds in the Cape Verdes in and thank Project I want to my colleagues, Rebecca Clark, March 1996. WaderStudy Group Bull.: in press. Drasko and Frederick for their and Holcer, Wenzel, help, Emmerson, K., Martin, A., Bacallado, J.J. & Lorenzo, J.A. 1994. the Netherlands' Ministry of Agriculture, Nature Catâlogo y bibliografia de la avifauna Canaria. Museo de Ciencias Naturales de Publicaciones Cientfficas 4. Management and Fisheries (Division of International Tenerife, Etchécopar, R.D. & Hue, F. 1964. Les oiseaux du Nord de Affairs) for financial support. l'Afrique. Boubée, Paris. Gantlett, S. 1995. Identification forum: field separation of Fea's, REFERENCES Zino's and Soft-plumaged Petrels. Birding World 8: 256-

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Dr C.J. Hazevoet

Institute for Systematics and Population Biology

(Zoôlogisch Museum)

University of Amsterdam

P.O. Box 94766

1090 GT Amsterdam Received: 7 March 1997.

The Netherlands Distributed: 12 May 1997.