Nova Série, Vol III, N.o 19, pp. 503 - 528 30 de Maio de 2003




This is lh e fifth sup plemenl lo The birds oflhe Cape Verde Islands (HAZEVOET, 1995). Previous updates were presented by HAZEVOET( 1997, 1998, I 999a) and HAZEVOET el 01. ( 1996). Most data in lh e currenl report concem lh e years 1999-2002, but records fmm earli er years lhat came to li ght after lhe pub li cat ion ofprevious supplements are also included. Wit h an ever increasi ng number af natu rali sts visiting lh e islands , it is not surprisin g lh al reeords of ' new' taxa can be added to the Cape Ve rd e I ist al a steady rate. Additiona ll y, several taxa lhat were on ly rarely recorded in lhe past are n QW known to be regul ar visitors. The growing interest in lhe birds af lhe Cape Verde Islands prov ides an exce ll ent opportu ni ty to leam more aboLlt lh e tempo ral and spati al distribution ofboth lhe resident and migra nt av ifa un a and it is hoped lh at observers w i]] co ntinu e to submit their records for inc lu si on in these reports. As detai led be low, the situation of seve ra l ofthe endemic breedi ng birds is less promi si ng. Whi le some are on the brink of extinct ion (e. g. Ardea bournei), ot hers (e.g. Mi/vlIs fosciicauda) may already have bee n gone forever. Attempts ove r the past

(I) M use u e Laboratório Zoo lóg ico c An tropo lóg ico (Museu Bocage). Museu N acional de lIistór ia Natural. Ruada Escola Politécnica 58.1250- 102 Lisboa. Portugal (cjha zcvoc t@ fc_uLpt) 504 Cornelis J. Hazevoel decades to develop progralTI mc s and proj ec ts to safeguard the rarer end emic birds have had liule or no effeel. This is at least partly due to the laek ofloeal naturalists as we l! as to lh e absence Df non-govc rnm ent al organi sat ions concerned with lh e preservatiol1 ofnature and bi odiversity. Moreover, conservation ofthe rcmaining and impoverished endemic fau na has clearly n01 becn hi gh 011 the agenda of subsequent Cape Verde governmenls an d environmcntal awarcness among the population is minimal or absent. Nevertheless and against ali odds, a handful Df de voted expatriatc work ers continue with th eir allcmpts to raise local interest in lhese issues and wc can only hope th at their elforts will be rewarded one day. Unl ess stated ot herwise, genera l data on di str ibution , statu s, numb erofrecords, etc. in the following are taken from HAZEVOET ( 1995, 1997, 1998, I 999a) and HAZEVOET et aI. ( 1996). ln lh e taxon accounts, island s are li sted in clock-wi sc arder, starting wi th lhe main island o fSantiago. Taxonomy follows HAZEVOET ( 1995) and SANGSTER el ai. ( 1999). As in previous reports, reeords ofrare taxa were serutinized by Helder Costa (Portuguese rarit ies committee), C.S. Rose laar (Dutch rarities committee), and the author. Abbreviati ons used to indicate observe rs are as follo ws: BA - Bud Anderson ; BC - Max Berlijn & Tony Clarke; BF - Leo Boon & Tommy Frandsen; CD - Colin Dodsworth el ai.; HB - I-Ian Blankert; JPS - Jean-Philippe Siblct el ai.; MHK - Manrred & Heidi Koeh; MP - Marce l Peters el ai.; PC - Paul Carler; PD - Paul Donald el aI.; PG - Phil ippe Geni cz; TRS - Tito & Rafa Salvadores.


ln thi s seclion , additional data 0 11 Cape Verde breedin g birds are presented, in cluding range expansion s wi thin lh e archipelago, new bree ding sites , data 011 rare endemic taxa, new ar rare rcco rds for a part icular island , as we ll as ot her notewo rthy observat ions.

Phaethon aelhereus LINNAEUS, 1758

SA NTO ANTÃO: a 5mall co lony af abou t 10 pairs along lhe coast c. 3 km narth af Ta rrafal, 17 April 200 I (JPS). This foll ows the earli er re pol1 of c. 15 birds in lh e sa mc area in Febru ary 1995 an d co nstilules a hitherto unknown breeding site of Red-billed T ropi cbird, th e only one known 011 Santo Antão.

Ardea cinerea L1NNAEUS, 1758

SANTO A NTÃO: a nest with you llg a1 Tarrafal, 2 Ju ne 20 00 (PALACIOS & BARONE, 200 1), and again a breedillg pair there, 17 Apri l 200 1 (JPS). Grey Heron is a not Fifih reporl on birds from lhe Cape Verde Islands 505

uncommon migrant visitor to the Cape Verde Islands, but th ese are the first breeding record s.

Ardea bournei DE NA UROIS, 1966

Co un ts of th e endcmic heran in lhe colony at Banana, Ribeira , Santiago, in th e years 2000-2002, yield ed the fo ll owing results: e ight adults and 10 j uveni les, 15 March 2000 (BC), six adults and four j uveniles, 28 Decembcr 2000 (HB), eight (including juveniles), with about fi ve out of c. 15 nests appearin g busy, 9 November 200 I (PC), eight adults and sixj uveniles, 29 November-I December 200 I, wh ile young in one nest we re sti ll be in g fcd and adults were busy bui lding nests for a second brood (MP), and at least 13- 15 (including juveniles), 2 March 2002 (BF). Due to abundant rai ns during th e last months of 1999 and 200 I, the food situation \Vas probably rather favourable and breeding at th e Banana colony appears to have becn re lative ly successfu l. At Boa Entrada, lhe only other knowll breedin g site 011 Sa nti ago, a dea d but full grown youn g and tWQ poss ibl y rece ntly uscd nests were found, 15 March 2000 (BC). During subsequent visits on 28 December 2000 (HB), 20 April 200 I (JPS), 7 November 200 I (PC), 30 November 200 I (MP), and 2 March 2002 (BF), no herons were present and the colony has apparently been aband oned, probably due to the constant ha rassment by youth fro m the nearby v ill age and other distu rbances, including shooting (cf. HAZEVOET, 1999a). Today lh e entire po pu latioll ofthe endemi c heron appcars to be concentrated at the Banana co lony. The taxon may ncvcr have been parti cularl y nu merou s, but during th e 1960s th e population numbered at least c. 100 birds (HAZEVOET, 1992, 1995). A colony at São Dom ingos, \V hi ch held 30 pairs in 1963 and 50-60 pairs in 1966, disappeared in the early 1970s when th e trees we re felled. At present the total population does probably not exceed c. 20 birds. The news that villagers at Banana had caught and eaten at least 10 herons during th e fi rst months of 2000 (HAZEVOET, 200 I) is not particularly encouragin g in this respect.

Milvus fasciicauda I-IARTERT, 19 14 Milv us migra ns (BODDAERT, 1783)

SANTO ANTÃO: seven sigh tin gs or kites (Iargest group-size tive) in the Ribeira Grande area, 24 March-6 Apri! 1998, were inferred to befasciicallda(BA). SÃo VICENTE: two ki tes near Mi ndelo, 12 March 2000, were said to be ei th er fasciicallda or jasciicauda x migrans (Be). RAso-BRANCO: one migrans f1y ing ove r sea bel ween lhe islets, 25 February 2002 (CD). BOAV ISTA : a kite near Cabeço de Ta rafes-, 15 July 1997 (PG; GEN IEZ & LOPEZ-JURADO, 1998), was cl aimed to befasciicallda. ln ad dit ion, there we re report s of four kites on Boav ista and up to 10 on M aio in Ju ly­ August 200 I, a ll eged ly inc lu ding fasciicallda, migrans, as well as hybrid s fasciica llda x migrans (P. LOPEZ SUAREzper BF) . 506 Cornelis J. Hazevoet

ln view of the taxonomic complexity of the Cape Verde kite situation (cf. OE NAUROIS, 1972; HAlEVOET 1995), ali ofthese record s should be viewed cautiously as to which taxa we re involve d. ln facl it may we ll be the case lhat the few kites surviving in lh e Cape Ve rdes cannot be ass igned to any spec ies-I eve l taxoll in part icular, with in dividua is showing a vary ing mixture of characte rs ofboth migrans andfasciicauda. The current situation of fasciicauda and migrans in lhe Cape Verdes was discussed by HILLE & T"'OLLAV (2000), who concluded that both are in immediate da nger ofextin cti on ifnol already 'techn ica lly extinct', Surveys 0 11 ali maio islands, ex ce pt São Nicolau and Maio, in March -Jun e 1999 resulted in onl y twofasciicauda be in g detcc ted on Sa nto Antão and a single migrans on Boavista ( H rLLE & Tt'1I0LLAY, 2000). The records reported above may thus provide a last g limmer of hope for the surviva l ofkites in lhe Cape Verdes. Attcmpts to capture the kites present on Boavista in the summer of200 1 for an envisioned capt ive breed ing programme were unsuccessful (cf. WATSON, 200 I ; WI LLM ARTH, 200 I).

Buteo bannermani SWANN, 19 19

ln the years 1999-2002, the usual numbers ( 1-5) ofbuzzards were reported fTom the interior Of SANTIAGO and from northem SANTOANTÀO (BC, BF, J PS, MP, BARONE el 01., 1999). Espec ially intriguing was the sighting ofa buzzard near Pico Santo António, BOAVISTA, 25 March 200 I (BA). Although sma ll and probably not exceedin g a total of some tens of pairs, the populations on Santiago and Santo Antão appear to be relatively stable, with no signi ficant tluctuations being apparent duri ng the last decades. Other recent (i.e. post- 1980) records are from Fogo (2), Brava ( I), and São N icolau ( I), but there have as yet been no ind ications ofbreeding there. The bU llard probably bred on São N icolau until at least lhe late 1960s. Furthermore, there are old records ofspec imens collected on São Vicente (19 13) and Boavista ( 1897, 1924). The two specimens from Boavista are ofspec ial interest becau se th e first was prov isionally identified as Buleo cirtensis by JAMES ( 1984), while the other is a juve nile, indicati ng local breed in g. The possi bil ity re main s lhat th e bu zzard see n on Boavi sta in March 200 I was a vagrant cirtensis from the Afri can mainland rather lhan bannerlllani. A recent study or phylogenetic relation ships among va rious Palearct ic and Afrotropical buzzards based on cytochrome 6 gene sequences (CLOUET & WINK, 2000), showed that bannermani does not belong 10 the bllleo clade. Instea d, bannermani share s a more recent common ancestry with the rllfinus-cirlensis group than with 6111eo, corroborating the view postulated by HAZEVOET (1995). Like the kites, the bU llards oflh e Cape Verde Islands pose a taxonomi c puzzle that has as yet not been resolved. Fifih reporl 0 17 birds ji-om lhe Cape Verde Islands 507 Falco madens RIPLEY ANO WATSON, 1963

ln the years 1997 and 2000-2002, up to 25 sightin gs ofthe endemic peregrine were reported from SANTIAGO, FOGO, S ANTO A NTÃO, RAso, SÃO NICOLAU, and B OAVISTA (BA, BC, BF, MP, PD, PG). Clearly, madens is widespread in small numbers throughout lhe archipelago, especiall y in the mountain ous reg ions. A lthough th ere are several records from Sa l and Boav ista , breed ing in these eastem islands has not becn confinned so far. Despite bein g wid espread, the total popul ation does probably not exceed a few tens of pairs. The statu s af madens was recently reviewed by ANDERSON & WHITE (2000).

Cursorius cursor (LATHAM, 1787)

RAso: one present, I I October 200 I (PD). Cream-coloured Courser is widespread on Santiago, São Vi cente, São Nicolau, Sal, Boavista, and Maio, and has also been record ed on Santo Antão and Santa Luzia. There was only a single record from Raso ofa bird collected in May 1922.

Tytodctorta HARTERT, 1913

ILHÉUS DO ROMBO: an abandoned nest was found on Ilh éu Grande, 23 July 1997, and identified as that of a barn owl through th e presence of pell ets, an infertile egg, and a feather (PG ; GEN IEZ & LOPEZ-J uRADO, 1998). Little is known orthe breeding birds of Ilhéu Grande (wh ich are presumably few) and this is the first indication of delorla breeding there. BOAV ISTA: surveys during 1999-200 I estab li shed th e presence of at least seven breeding pa irs on the island (SIVER IO el ai., in press). Previously, the barn ow l was only known 011 Boavista frem pe ll et finds and anecdota l ev idence. M AIO: a ne st with a young was found near Cal heta, 25 Ma rch 2000 (SI VERia el ai. , in press) and one was seen at Vil a de Maio, 20 October 2000 (B ARON E el ai., 200 I). These are the first rccord s for Maio .

Apus alexandri HARTERT, 190 I

IU·IÉus DO ROMUO: one observed for several hou rs on Ilh éu Grand e, 23 July 1997, was sec n enterillg a cli ffhole 011 seve ra! occasion s, thu s suggestin g breed in g on the islet (PG ; GEN IEZ & LOPEZ-J URADO, 1998). Although the endemi c swift is cOlTImon 0 11 nearby Bra va and Fogo, there were no in dicat ions for breeding in the Ilhéus do Rombo so faro 508 Carne/is J. Hazevoel

Erernopterix nigriceps (Gou ld, 1841)

SÃO VICENTE: five near Calhau, 28 September 1997 (PG; Geniez & López-J urado, 1998). RAso: a single female, I I October 200 I (PD). Sal: several singing males north of Baia da Mordeira, 4-6 and 17 November 1999 (M HK). These are the first records of Black-crowned Finch Lark for São Vicente and Raso. The record from Sal is only lhe second observation for the island and fo ll ows th e repoli ofsinging males there in October 1998. A locally common breeding bird on Sa ntiago, Fogo, Boavista, and Maio, it has also been recorded on Brava, São N icolau, and Sal, but there is as yet no definitive proofofbreeding for the latter three islands. First recorded on São Nicolau during lhe 19705, the finch lark apparently continues its westward expansion into Raso and São Vicente.

Alaernon alaudipes (DESFONTAINES, 1789)

SAL: several north af Santa Ma ria, along the southeastern coast, and at Terra Boa, 10-24 March 200 I (MHK); one c. 3 km south ofthe airport, 19 Apri l 200 I (JPS); one near Santa Maria, 25 September 200 I (PD). These observations prov ide further evidence for the existence ofa small - but apparently expanding - population on Sal, where it was first observed in 1995 and found breeding in October 1998. Elsewhere in the Cape Verde Islands, Hoopoe Lark is onl y known from Boavista and Maio, where it is common and widesprcad.

Hirundo rustica LINNAEUS, 1758

BOAVISTA: one or tWQ pairs were regularly obse rved enlering an abandoned house at , 9- 19 July 1997, with at least one bi rd carrying food and/or nesting material (PG; GENIEZ & LOPEZ-J URADO, 1998). Even though bree ding was not fully established, behaviour was strongly suggesti ve of nesting activities. This is thc first record ofBarn Swa llow in Jul y and the first indication ofbreeding in the Cape Ve rdes.

Delichon urbica (LINNA EUS, 1758)

BOAVISTA: two pairs were found breeding aI Sal Rei, 9-19 July 1997 (PG; GENIEZ & LOPEZ-JURADO, 1998). T hi s co nstitu tes the first confirmed breeding ofHouse Martin in the Cape Ve rd e Island s. Previously, breeding had bee n reported from Brava in Jun e 1982 (NORR EVANG & DEN HARTOG, 1984), but th is was later wilhdrawn (DEN I-IARTOG, 1990). Fifih reporl on birds ji-om lhe Cape Verde Islands 509

Acrocephalus brevipennis (Keu lemans, 1866)

SÃO NI COLAU: seven (tive ofwhich sin gin g males) at , 13 April 200 I (JPS); tive or six sin ging at Ribeira Tucudo, 6 October 200 I, and at least four si ngin g at Ribeira da Prata, 17 October 200 I (PD). The endemic warbler is only known from Santi ago, Brava, and São Nicolau. Until February 1998, when eight territories were located in lhe central mountain area, th e only 20th century records from São Nico lau (the type locality) were ofthree birds co ll ected in 1924 and a singleton collected in 1970 (cC HAZEVOET el 01. , 1999). The Cane Warbler is locally not uncommon on Santiago, but was last reported from Brava in 1969 and its prese nt statu s on lhat island rem ain s uncertai n.

Passer hispaniolensis (TEMMINCK, 1820)

SANTO ANTÃO: one at Tarrafal, 17 Apri l200 I (JPS). 50 farthe on ly tinn evidence of the occurren cc of Spanish Sparrow on Santo Antão was a single male coll ected at in November 1972 (cf. HAZEVOET, I 999b).

Passe r iagoensis (GOULD, 1837)

FOGo: severa I observed atAtalaia, in the nonh ofthe island, 28 Jul y 1997 (PG; GEN IEZ & LOPEZ-J URADO, 1998). This is the first continned record ofthe endemi c sparrow for Fogo. So far, its occurrence th ere was uncertain , lh e alleged presence being based on hearsay and Ii stings without fu nher detai Is on Iy. I LHÉU GRANDE (I LHÉUS DO ROMBO): several around the ru in s ofan abandoned house and two pairs nesting, 23 Jul y 1997 (PG; GEN IEZ & LOPEZ-J URADO, 1998). The onl y previous record from Ilhéu Grande was of un speci ti ed numbers in January 1965. SANTA LUZI A: C. 10 at Ribeira Penada and probably breeding in the rui ns there, I August 1997 (PG ; GENIEZ & LOPEZ-J URADO, 1998). This adds to onl y a handful of record s for the island .


ln the follo wi ng, lhe numbers in brackets at lhe beginning ofeach entry in dicate I) the number ofrecords up to I January 1980 and 2) th e number ofrecords sin ce that date. Rec ord s of taxa, prev iously included in the se reports, of whi ch the re are now more than 20 reco rd s sin ce I Janu ary 1980 (viz. Plalalea leucorodia, Colidris alpina, Philomachus pugnax, Limosa lapponica, Trin ga 10 1011//S, T glareolo, Larus ridibundus ) are report ed on[ y when an obse rvat ion represe nts a new island record 01' 510 Carne/is J. Hazevoel if there are oth erwi se remarkable circumstances (e.g. unusual num bers or date), in whi eh case the total number ofreeords sinee I January 1980 is given as >20. When the numberofreeords before I January 1980 is uneertain this is indieated as (--). Taxa new to the Cape Verde Islands are marked with an asterisk.

Anas ereeea LI NNAEUS, 1758

(2,5) SÃo VICENTE: a female at the sewage ponds, 12 Mareh 2000 (BC), a juvenil e or fema le lhere, 3 November 200 I (PC), and a fe male aI the sa me loeation, l-IS Mareh 2002 (BF, CD). Teal has been reeorded (November-March) from São Vicente (5) and Boavista (2). The two pre-1980 reeords are ofbird s eo ll eeted on Boavista and São Vicente in 1898 and 1924 respectively. It \Vas only next reeorded in Oeeember 1993 , when a floek af six was seen on Boav ista. There are n QW records a1 lh e São Vicente sewage ponds in four subseque nt years, 1999-2002

• Anas querquedula LINNAEUS, 1758

(O, I) SÃo VICENTE: a male at the sewage ponds, 14-18 Apri l200 1 (JPS). This is the first reeord of Garganey for the Cape Ve rd e Island s. This Palearctie duck is a loca lly common to abundant winter visitor to southern Mauritania and Senegambia (LAMARcnE, 1988; MOR EL & MOREL, 1990; BARLOW e1 aI. , 1997) and arare visitor to the Canary Islands (GARCiA DEL REY, 200 I), but lhe re appear to be no records fTOm Made ira (ef. ZINO e1 ai., 1995).

* Anas discors LINNAEUS, 1766

(O , I) SÃo VICENT E: a male at th e sewage ponds, 12 March 2000 (BC). The first record of Blue-winged Teal for the Cape Ve rde Islands and lh e third Nearcti c anat id observed there (see Aylhya collaris below). Recorded as a vagrant in lhe Canary Islands and Senegal (MOREL & MOREL, 1990; GAR CiA DEL RE Y, 200 I) and regularly observed in the Azores (e.g. LE GR AND, 1983; CLARKE, 1999b).

Aythya fuli gu la (LINN AEUS, 1758)

( I, I) SAL: a male (p holographed) aI Ribei ra da Madama, 3- 17 November 1999 (MHK). Thi s is onl y lhe second record ofTufted Ouek for lhe Cape Verde Islands, th e prev ious being af a flock ofth ree on Santiago in February 1966. 5 12 Carne/is J. Hazevoel

Ardeola ralloides (ScoPOu, 1769)

(2, I) SANTIAGO : one at Tarrafal, 29 November 200 I (MP). There were on ly two o ld records ofSquacco Heron for the Cape Verde Islands, i.e. a bird collected on Sal in 190 I and one observed on Santiago in 1963.

Egretta gularis (Bosc, 1792)

(2, >20) SANTIAGO : one dark-phase and three white phase birds at , 28 November-3 December 200 I, and up to four whi te phase birds atTarrafal, 28 November- 2 December 200 I (MP); one dark-phase aI Praia, 24 February and 3-4 March 2002 (BF, CD). BOAVISTA: a dark-phase bird at Baia da Gata, 10 April 1999 (BARONE el ai. , 1999), and one at Sal Rei, 22 April 200 I (JPS). Only rarely recorded in the past, but there are now c. 25 records since 1980 and Western ReefHeron appears to be a regular visitar in small numbers to lh e Cape Verd e Island s. The majority ofrecords comes fram San tiago an d Boavista, with sin gles fram São Vicente, Raso, and Maio. Recorded in ali months except June and Augusl.

Egretta in termedia (WAGLER, 1829)

(1,7) SÃo VICENTE: one (videoed) at the sewage ponds, 1-15 March 2002 (BF, CD; BOON, 2003). BOAVISTA : one (videoed) at Lagoon, 22 April 200 I (JPS). Intermediate Egret has been recorded (Janu ary, March-May) from Santiago (2), Santo Antão ( I), São Vicente ( 1), Sal ( I), and Boavista (3). The pre-1980 record is of one coll ecled on Santiago in 1965, ali others be in g since 1983. A record offour on Santo Antão, October-November 1972, is no longer accepted (cr. HAZEVOET, 1999b).

* Ardea hcrodias LINNAEUS, 1758

(O, I) BOAV ISTA: one (videoed) at Rab illagoon, 4-5 March 2002 (CD). This is th e fi rst record ofGreat Blue Heron for the Cape Ve rd e Islands. Elsewhere in lhe eastern At lanti c islands, thi s Nearctic taxon has be en recorded in the Azares and Canary Islands (LE GR AND, 1986; CLARKE, 1999a, b).

Ardea purpurca LI NNAEUS, 1766

(2, 4) BOAVISTA: 2-3 at Ribeira de Água, 10 and 16 Ju ly 1997 (PG; GENIEZ & LOPEZ­ JURADO, 1998), and one at Rabi llagoon (videoed) , 4 -20 March 2002 (BF, CD). Fiflh reporl 0/7 birds from lhe Cape Verde Islands 513

Purple Heron has been recorded (September, December, January, March, April , July) from Santiago (I), São Vicente (2), and Boavista (3). The two pre- 1980 records are of birds coll ected on São Vicente in 1897 a l1 d 1924, th e recent ones of birds observed on Santiago in 1986 and Boavista in 1988.

Plegadis fa lcinellis (LI NNAEUS, 1766)

( 1,2) BOAVISTA: one (photographed) south ofRabil, 18-22 March 200 I (MHK). MAIO: fi ve near , 22 October 2000 (BARONE el ai., 200 I). These are the second and thi rd records ofGlossy Ibis fo r the Cape Verde Islands, the previous being of one coll ected on Santiago in April 1924. It is possible that the bird seen on Boavista in March 200 I was one ofthe party offive that was present on Maio the previous autumn.

Platalea leucorodia LI NNAEUS, 1758

(4, >20) SANTIAGO: one ofthree Spoonbills at Tarrafal, 29 November 200 I, was colour-ringed as a nestling on the Frisian island of Vlieland, Netherlands, 25 June 2001 (MP). This is the second colour-ringed Spoonbill from the Netherlands found in the islands, the previous bein g of one ringed on th e island ofTerschelling, 26 May 1994, and seen on São Vicente during the years 1996- 1998 (cr. HAZEVOET, 1997, 1998; VAN DU K& BAKK ER, 1998). Although there we re only fo ur records before 1980, with over 30 records from Santiago, São Vicente, Sal, and Boavista since, it is clear that European Spoonbills regularly winter in the Cape Verde Islands in small numbers, with some immatures over-sulTIm ering there.

Circus aeruginosus (LINNAEUS, 1758)

(O, >20) BR ANCO: a fema le, 6 January 200 I (HB). RAso: an immature ma le, 30 September-4 October 200 I, and a presumed difTerent bird , 7-12 October200 I (PD). SÃo NICOLAU: one at Ribeira da Prata, 28 September 200 I, and another at Ribeira Tucudo, 29 September 200 I (PD). SAL an im1l1ature at Ribeira da Madama, 6 November 1999 (M HK), and a fema le at the sah-pans, 6 March 2000 (BC). BOAVISTA : an im1l1ature southwest of Povoação Velha, 14 Nove1l1ber 1999 (MHK), and a total ofup to fou r immatures/fe1l1a les at Curral Vel ho, Sal Rei, and Rabi l lagoon, 3- 19 March 2002 (BF, CD). MAIO: ol1e immature/fe1l1a le between Cascabulh o and lh e northern coast, 20 October 2000 (BARO NE el ai., 200 I). 514 Carne/is 1. Hazevoet

Although only first recorded in the Cape Verde Islands in 1983, there are now 22 records and Marsh Harrier apparently winters regularly in the archipelago. Recorded (Septeniber-November, January-March) from Santo Antão ( I), Branco (I), Raso (4), São Nicolau (2), Sal (4), Boavista (9), and Maio (I).

* Falco eleonorae GENE, 1839

(O, I) SÃo VICENTE: the carcass ofan immature male was found at Praia do Norte, 4 September 1998 (HEIN ZE & RISTOW, 2003). The carcass had apparently been washed ashore and the bird may have died at sea, but it seems unlike)y that this happened far from the islands as it surely would not have remained intact for longoBreeding in the Mediterranean regian and north-west Africa, inc luding the Canarian island of Lanzarote, Eleonora's Falcon is thought to exclusively migrate to winter quarters in East Africa and Madagascar. Recorded as a vagrant in Madeira and Mauritania (LAMARCHE, 1988; MEIN INGER et ai., 1990; ZINO el ai., 1995).

Gallioula chloropus (LINNAEUS, 1758)

(-,2) SANTIAGO: ao immature at a pool about ooe third between and Tarrafal,2 December 200 I (PC). A former breediog bird on Santiago and Boavista, this is ooly the secood record ofMoorhen since 1969, the other being from São Vicente in February-March 1999.

Haematopus ostralegus LI NNAEUS, 1758

(2, 10) SANTO ANTÃO: one at Tarrafal, 16-18 November 200 I (PC). SÃO VICENTE: one near Calhau, 28 September 1997 (PG). SÃo NICOLAU: one at Tarrafal, 10 April200 I (JPS). Oystercatcher has been recorded (August-April) from Santiago ( I), Cima (I), Santo Antão (I), São Vicente (4), Branco ( I), São Nicolau (I), Sal ( I), aod Boavista (2).

Recurvirostra avosetta LINNAEUS, 1758

(1,8) MAIO: one near Vila de Maio, 22 October 2000 (BARONE el ai., 200 I). Avocet has been recorded (October-April) from São Vicente ( I), Sal (2), Boavista (3), and Maio (3). Fifth reporl on birds Irol11 lhe Cape Verde Islands 515

Charadrius dubius SCOPOLI, 1786

(2, 14) SÃO VI CENTE: one at the sewage ponds, 18 April200 I (JPS), and 1-2 there, 28 February-2 March 2002 (CD). BOAVISTA : one south ofRabil, 20-22 March 200 1 (MHK). Little Rin ged Plover has been recorded (August-May) from Santiago (9), São Vicente (5), and Boavista (2), and is probably a regular mi grant visitor in small numbers, largely overiooked in the past.

Charadrius semipalmatus BONAPARTE, 1825

(0,2) SÃO VICENTE: an adult at the sewage ponds, 27 February 1999 (S. ROD EBRAND elal.). Brief1y mentioned in HAZEVOET ( 1999a), this record was previously rejected because on ly an inconclusive description was avai lab le. Further deta il s have been received s ince and the record has nQW been accepted. This was the first observation ofthis Nearctic plover in the Cape Verdes. A subsequent record was of one on Sal, 6 March 1999.

Pluvialis dominica (S. MÚLLER, 1776)

(3,4) SÃO VICENTE: an adult in winter plumage (videoed) at the sewage ponds, 14 April200 I (JPS), and an adult there, 14 November 200 I (PC). Five ofthe seven records (October-November, January-April) ofA merican Golden Plover are fram São Vic ente, where the sewage ponds apparently provide a suitable habitat. However, two ofthe São Vicente records (1924, 1966) antedate the construction ofthese in sta llations. The other two records are fram Santiago and Santo Antão.

'Vanellus spinosus (LINNAEUS, 1758)

(O , I) SÃo NICOLAU: an adu\t in breeding plumage (videoed) atTarrafal, I I April 200 I (JPS). This is the first record for the Cape Verde Islands. Spur-winged Plover is a widespread and comlTIan breeding bird in most of sub-Saharan Africa, including south ern Mauritania and Senegambia, where it is dispersive to re sid ent (LAMARCHE . 1988; MOR EL & MOR EL, 1990; BAR LOW et 01., 1997).

Calidris canutus (LINNAEUS, 1758)

(1 , 7) SÃo VICENTE: two atthe sewage ponds, 12 March 2000 (BC). BOAVISTA: one at Ribeira de Agua, 16 July 1997 (PG; GEN IEZ & LOPEZ-J URADO, 1998); seven at Sal Rei, 22 March 200 1 (MH K); three at Rabillagoon, 4-17 March 2002 (BF, CD). 516 Carne/is J. Hazevoet

There was only a single reeord before 1988, but records sinee indieate that Knot is probably a regular winter visitor in small numbers. Reeorded (November, Mareh, July) from Santiago (2), São Vicente (I), Boavista (4), and Maio (I).

Calidris pusilla (LINNAEUS, 1766)

(0,2) SÃo VICENTE: one at the sewage ponds, 12 Mareh 2000 (BC). This is the seeond record ofSemipalmated Sandpiper for the Cape Verde Islands, the previous bein g of one on Boavista in Mareh 1999.

Calidris minutilla (VI EILLOT, 1819)

(0,2) SÃo VI CENTE: one at the sewage ponds, 12 Mareh 2000 (BC). This is th e seeond reeord of Least Sandpiper for the Cape Verde Islands, the previous being of one at the sarn e loeality in Mareh 1996.

'Calidris melano!os (VI EIL LOT, 1819)

(O, I) SANTIAGO: two at the lagoon near Tarrafal, 16-17 Oetober 200 I (TRS). This is the first reeord ofPeetoral Sandpiper forthe Cape Verde Islands. Elsewhere in the eastern At lantic island s, this Nearctic wader has been recorded frcm the Azares (LE GRANO, 1983; CLARKE, I 999b), Canary Islands (GARCiA DEL REY , 200 I) and Madeira (ZINO et ai., 1995), while in West Afriea there are seattered reeords frem Mauritania to Gabon (BORROW & DEMEY , 200 I).

Gallinago gallinago (LINNAEUS, 1758)

(O , II) SANTIAGO: 1-2 at Tarrafal, 29 November-2 Deeember 200 I (MP, PC). SÃO VICENTE: two at the sewage ponds, 12 Mareh 2000 (BC), one there, 14 November 200 I (PC), and again one th ere, I Mareh 2002 (CD). BOAV ISTA : one sou!h ofRabil, 18 Mareh 2001 (MHK). With II records since 1996, it appea rs that Snipe is a regular winter visitar in small numbers. It has been reeorded (Oetober-Mareh) from Santiago (2), São Vicente (6), Sal (I), and Boavista (2). Snipes observed in the Cape Verdes are probably migrants from the Palearctic, but the possibility ofNearctic G delicata occasiona ll y occurring cannot be exc\uded. Hence, records are accepted here as G gallinago sensu laIa. Fifih reparl an birdsfram lhe Cape Verde Islands 5 17

Limosa limosa (LI NNAEUS, 1758)

(2,3) MAIO: a flock of 16 near Vi la de Maio, 22 October2000 (BARONE ef 01., 200 I). This is the first record of Black-tailed Godwit since 1988. Recorded (August­ October, December-January) from São Vicente ( I), Sal (I), Boavista (2), and Maio ( I). COlTImonly wintering in marsh areas and ri ce fie lds in Senegal and Gu in ea-B issau, the Cape Verde Islands have very little suitable habitat to offer forthis prolific wader.

Numenius arquata (LI NNAEUS, 1758)

(0,7) BOAVISTA: one at Curral Ve lho, 18 March 2002 (BF). ln contrast to the comlTIon ly occurring Whimbrel N. phaeopus, Curlew is on ly rarely seen in the Cape Verde Islands. There are records (November, January-April) from Santo Antão ( I), Raso (I), Sal ( I ), Boavista (3), and Maio ( I).

Tringa erythropus (PALLAS, 1764)

(0,8) SÃo VICENTE: two at the sewage ponds, 12 March 2000 (BC). BOAVISTA : one at , 14 November 1999 (MHK). Spotted Redshank was first recorded in the Cape Verde Islands in 1988 and there are now records (September, November, January-March) !Tom Santiago (I), São Vicente (4), and Boavista (3).

Tringa totanus (LINNAEUs, 1758)

( I, >20) MAIO: one near Vila de Maio, 22 October 2000 (BARONE el 01. , 200 I). Although there was only a single pre- 1980 record, Redshank has been regul arly reported from São Vicente and Sal during th e last decades, but only rarely 50 on other islands, viz. Santiago (I), Boavista (4), and Maio ( I).

*Tringa melanoleuca (GM ELlN, 1789)

(O, I) SANTIAGO: one at the lagoon near Tarrafal, 16-1 7 October 200 I (TRS). This is the first record ofGreater Yellowlegs for lhe Cape Ve rde Islands. Elsewhere in the eastern At lantic island s, thi s Nearct ic wader has been recorded from th e Azores (LE GRANO, 1983) and Canaly Islands (GARCiA DEL REY, 200 1), butthere appearto be no record s from West A frica (cf. BORROW& DEMEY, 200 I). 518 ",i Cdrnelis J. Hazevoet

Tringa navipes (G MELlN, 1789)

(0,4) SAL: one at th e Pedra de Lume saltpans, 26 September and 2 1 October 200 I (PO), and again one there (videoed), 6-20 March 2002 (BF, CD; BoON, 2003). BOAVISTA: one at Rabi llagoon, 13 March 2000 (BC). Lesser Ye llowlegs was only fi rst recorded in the Cape Verde Islands in 1999, but this Nearctic wader has now been record ed in four subsequent years - Sal (2), Boavista (2) - with three out offour records in mid-March. The possibili ty remains that some records, even from different years, concerned the sarn e in di vidua l.

Aclilis macularia (LINNAEUS, 1766)

(0,2) SÃo VICENTE: one (photographed) at the sewage ponds, IS March 2002 (BF). The on1y previous record ofthis Nearctic wader in the Cape Verde Islands was in February-March 1999, when a Spotted Sandpiper stayed at the above locality for severa! weeks.

Phalaropus fulicarius (LINNAEUS, 1758)

(- , II ) SAL: one (photographed) at lagoon north ofSanta Maria, 4-6 November 1999 (MHK). CAPE VERDE SEAS: two between Raso and São Nicolau, 7 March 2000, and two between São Vicente and Santo Antão, 10 March 2000 (BC). T he one on Sal was the first is land observation of Grey Phalarope, ali other records (October-May) being pelagic. Presumably more common at sea than the few records indicate.

Slercorarius skua (Brünnich, 1764)

(3 ,6) CAPE VERDE SEAS: one between Raso and São Nicolau, 12 April2001 (JPS). A li post-I980 records of Great Skua are from the Branco-Raso area, the three earl ier being of one west of Santo Antão in April 1976 and of birds ringed in U.K. recovered on Sal in April 1968 and São Vicente in Febru ary 1970.

Larus ridibundus L INNAEUS, 1766

(2, >20) Formerly considered ra re, but th ere are nQw c. 35 records (September­ March) ofBlack-headed Gull , mostl y from Santiago, São Vicente, Sal, and Boavista, with single records from Fogo and S<1 nto Antão. To these, tWQ more islands can now Fifih reporl on birds Iram lhe Cape Verde Islands 5 19 be added - SÃO NICOLAU: an immature at Tarrafal, 25 September 1997 (PG; GEN IEZ & LOPEZ-JURADO, 1998), and MAIO: an imlllature near Vila de Ma io, 22 October 2000 (BARONE el 01., 200 I).

*La rus delawarensis ORD, 1815

(O, I) BOAVI STA: one in first winter plumage (photographed) at Rab illagoon, 22 April 2001 (JPS). Thi s is the first record for the Cape Verde Islanils and the first Nearctic gull recorded in the archipelago. Elsewhere in the region, Ring-billed Gull has been recorded in Madeira, Canary Islands, Morocco, Mauritania, and Senegal (LAMARCHE, 1988; BARLOW el 01., 1997; SNOW & PERRINS, 1998).

Larus michahellisNAUMANN, 1840

( I, 19) RAso: one, II October 200 I (PO); a pinioned bird at Tarrafal, São N icolau , 27 February 2002, was said to be caught on Raso several weeks earli er (CO). SÃO NICOLAU: an immature (2nd winter) at Tarrafal, 7-8 March 2000 (Be); three at sea between Raso and São Nicolau, 12 October 200 I, and 10 at Tarrafal, 13 October 200 I (PO). SÃo VICENTE: four immatures at Min delo, 10-12 March 2000 (Be), and three in fi rst wi nter plumage there, 15-1 8Apri1200 I (JPS). The sightings off Raso and São Nicolau , I 1-1 3 October 200 I, are here counted as a single recordo With almost 20 records (October-June), invo lving many more individuais, it is clear that Ye ll ow-I egged Gull is a regular visitor to the Cape Verdes. Whether these birds be long to nominate rnichahellis or to northern Macaronesian allanlis has still to be clarifi ed, but the latter is suspected to constitu te the majority of birds seen in the islands. One coll ected in 190 I was allanlis, wh il e severa I birds observed in 1999 were thought to be referable to that taxon as well (cf. HAZEVOET, I 999a).

Sterna paradisaea PONTOPPIDAN, 1763

(-, 3) RASO: one in apparentl y exhausted condition, 12 October 200 I (PO). Arctic Tern is probab ly a not unc omlTIon passage migrant, but only few definite records ex is!. LAM ilE RT (1980) reported flocks offSanto Antão, São Vicente, and Maio, and a single bird offPraia, Santi ago, in April-May 1976. Next was the record ofa fl ock between Maio and Santiago in Apri l 1989, and the remains of an Arctic Tern were found on Sal in August 1997. See also account on un identified terns be low. 520 Cornelis J. Hazevoel

Slerna caspia PALLAS, 1770

(0,6) BOAVISTA: an adull (pholographed) aI Rabil Lagoon, 23 Apri l 200 1 (JPS). First recorded in 1993, Ihere are now records (January-April) of Caspian Tem from São Vicenle (I), Boavista (4), as well as one at sea between Branco and Raso.

Sterna maxima BODDAERT, 1783

(0,2) BOAVISTA: three adulls (pholographed) aI Rabil Lagoon, 16 March-23 Apri l 200 I (JPS, MHK). This is lhe second record ofRoyal Tem for the Cape Verde Islands, lhe previous being of one on Sal in February 1995.

Stcrna sandvicensis LATHAM, 1787

( I, II ) BOAV ISTA: one at Rabillagoon, 13 March 2000 (BC). SÃO NICOLAU: one off Tarrafal,7 March 2000 (BC). These are lhe firsl records of Sandwich Tem since 1993. Recorded (Oclober­ January, March) fram Sanliago (I), São Nicolau (3), Boavisla (4), Maio (I), and Cape Verde seas (3). The single pre-1980 record is ofa bird ringed in U.K. and recovered on Boavista in October 1963.

Slerna albifrons PALLA S, 1764

(O, 14) BOAVISTA: two at Rabillagoon, IS November 1999 (M HK), Iwo present near Sal Rei during January 2000 (S. Hille), 1-2 at Rabil Lagoon, 16-22 March 200 I (MHK), and one (photographed) there, 23 April 200 I (JPS), four at Rabillagoon, 4-5 March 2002 (CD). Liu le Tem was first recorded 011 Maio in 1988, but ali subseq uent records are frol11 lh e sam e lagoon and nea rby shore 011 Boavista, where a few appea r to be present every year from October lo Apri!.

Slerna inde!.

SANTO ANTÁO: two olfPonta do Sol, 16 April 200 I (JPS). SÁO VICENTE : one olfSão Pedro, 20 April 1999 (BARONE el ai., 1999). SAL: one at th e southeastern shore, 29 March 200 I, was "probably S. paradisaea" (M H K). MAIO: one along the coast near Ponta Prela, 19 October 2000, and another near Ponta do Morro, 22 OClober 2000 Fifih reporl on birds from lhe Cape Verde Islands 521

(BARONE el aI. , 200 I). CA PE VERDE SEAS: one between Raso and São Nicolau, 7 March 2000 (BC). These record s ofunidentified tern s are includ ed in view ofthe general scarcity oftern observations in th e Cape Verdes. Presum ably, th ey conc ern ed S hirundo or S paradisaea, while S dougal/ii (ofwhi ch there is a sin gle record) cann ot be exc luded either. See al so aceount on S. paradisaea above.

*Clamator glandarius (LINNAEUS, 1758)

(O , I) BOAVISTA: an immature (photographed) at an undisclosed locality and date, probably 2000 (A. MURADAS AMARO & P. LOPEZ SUAREz per BF). This is the first record for th e Cape Verde Islands. ln Mauritania and Senegambia, Great Sponed Cuckoo is both a local breeder and a migrant visitor from the Palearctic (LAMARCHE, 1988; MOREI. & MOREL, 1990; BARLOW el 01., 1997), and it has been recorded as a vagrant in Madeira and the Canary Island s (ZINO el 01., 1995; GARC iA DEL REv, 200 1).

Asio flammeus (PONTOPPIDAN, 1763)

(0, 7) RAso: one, 18 October 200 I (PD). SAL: one near Santa Maria, 4 December 200 1 (MP). OFFSHORE: one fly ing alongsid e ferry boat, c. 15 km offnorth-western Santi ago, 5 November 200 1 (PC); one (photographed) fl ying over ship at 15° 14 'N, 24° I O' W (northeast ofFogo), 16 October 2002 (A. Cooley el 01.). First recorded in 1983, th ere are now records (October- December, Febru ary­ March) ofShort-eared Owl from Raso (2) and Sa l (3), with another two seen at sea as reported above. One ofthe record s from Sal, whi ch was the first for the Cape Verdes, co ncern ed lh e remains of a dead bird.

*Apus unicolor (J ARDINE, 1830)

(0, 2) BOAVISTA: fOllr lInidentified swifls at Rab illagoon, 22 February 1999 (cf DE RoucK, 200 I), we re sll bseqll ently id entified as unicolor (H. DUFOURNV in /iII. , 2002); one was seen at the same locati on, 13 Ma rch 2000 (BC). 8reeds in Made ira and the Canary island s, where al50 present in reduced numbers in winte r. Although likely to be si tuated in We st Africa, lh e main winter in g quarters of Plain Swifl are stillllnknown. There are severa I repo rts (December-April ) ofsll spected Plain Swifls from Morocco and Mallritania (MEIN IGE Re l 01. , 1990; VERNON, 2002), but ev id enc e frol11 speC il1l ell S is required to fu ll y estab li sh th e ta xo nomic id entity ofthe swifts invo lved. 522 Carne/is J. Hazevoet

Apus pallidus (SHELLEY, 1870)

(0, 2) SANTIAGO: lwo along lhe cliffs j ust east ofPraia harbour, 2 December 200 I (MP). Thi s is the second record ofPall id Swift forthe Cape Ve rde Islands, the previous bein g oftwo on Santo Antão in Apri l 1999. Because ofthe lack of documentation, a number ofearlier reports (cC HAZEVOET, 1995) are now considered to be claims only. lt seems likely that the taxon is under-recorded due to identification problems.

Mer ops apiaster LI NNAEUS, 1758

( 1, 2) BOAVISTA: one at , mid May 1999 (precise date not given) (S. Hille). The only recent record ofBee-eater was oftwo birds on Sal in May 1997; the sing le pre-1 980 record is ofthree collected on São Nicolau in February-March 1924.

Upupa epops LI NNAE US, 1758

( 1, 4) BOAVISTA: one near Sal Rei, 9 April 1999, and another at Ponta do Ervatão, I I April 1999 (BARONE el aI, 1999). These are the first records af Hoopoe in almast a decade, previous records being ofsin gle birds on São Vicente in January 1966, Santo Antão in August 1988, and Sal in September 1990.

' Calandrella brachydactyla (LEISLER, 1814)

(O , I) SÃo NICOLAU: one (videoed) at Barril, 11-1 3 Apri l 200 I (JPS). This is the firsl record ofShort-toed Lark for the Cape Verde Islands. Short-toed Lark is a com mon Palearct ic winter vi sitar to Mauritan ia and Senega l (LAMARCHE, 1988; MOREL & MORE L, 1990), a not un common migrant in lhe Canary Is lands (GARCIA DEL RE Y, 200 I), and a vagrant to Madeira (ZINO el aI., 1995).

Riparia riparia (LI NNAEUS, 1758)

(2, 12) RAso: one or Iwo present, I OClober 200 I, and several days th ereafler (PD). SÃo NI COLAU: two aI Barril, II April 200 I (JPS), and sin gles near Tarrafal, 28 and 30 September 200 I (PD). SAL: c. 10 aI lhe Santa Maria saltpans, 25 Seplember 200 I (PD). Fifth reporl on birds ji-OI11 lhe Cape Verde Islands 523

There are records (August-October, February-April ) ofSand Martin from Santiago (2), São Vicente (4), Raso ( I), São Nicolau (2), and Sal (5). The two pre- 1980 records are of one coll ected on São Vicente in 19 12 and ofa bird ringed in U.K. and recovered on Santiago in 1969, ali other records being since 1988.

Hirundo daurica LINNAEUS, 1771

(0,9) BRANCO : two fl yi ng near the cl iff-wa ll as if prospecting breedin g site, II April 200 I (JPS). Onl y first recorded in 1996, th ere are now records (February-April ) of Red­ rumped Swallow from Santiago (2), São Vicente (2), Branco ( I), São Nicolau (I), and Sal (3), with fo ur birds seen together being the la rgest group-size.

Anthus trivialis (LINNAEUS, 1758)

(0,4) SÃO NICOLAU : one (photographed) at Barril , 13 April 200 I (J PS). Tree Pipit was fi rst recorded in th e Cape Verdes in 1988 and th ere are now records (September, March-April) from São N icolau ( I), Boavista (2), and Maio (I ), wÍ th four birds be ing the largest number see n together.

Motacilla nava LINNAEUS, 1758

(0,5) BOAVISTA: one at Ponta do Ervatão, II April 1999 (BARONE el 01., 1999). Blue-headed Wagta il was fi rst recorded in the Cape Verde Islands in 1988. There are now records (October-November, March-April ) from Santi ago ( I), Raso ( I), Sal (2), and Boavista ( I).

Motacilla alba LINNAEUS, 1758

( I, 10) SANTI AGO : one at Tarrafal, 29 November 200 I (MP). RAso: a single, 9 October 200 1 (PD). White Wagtail has been recorded (October-March) fro m Santiago (2), São Vicente (4), Raso ( I), São Nicolau ( I), and Sal (3). The si ngle pre-1980 record is ofone collected on São Vicente in 1924 - ali others are since 1989.

Oenanthe oenanthe (LINNAEUS, 1758)

(2, 16) BRANCO : a fe male, 8 Ma rch 2000 (BC). SAL: two j ust north ofSanta Mari a, 7 November 1999, and one no rth of Terra Boa, 9 Novem ber 1999 (M HK ); a male (Iellcorrhoa) at Pedra de Lume, 6 March 2000 (BC). BOAV ISTA: a male near , 13 March 2000 (BC). 524 Cornelis J. Hazevoel

Wheatear has been record ed (November-April ) fro m Santi ago ( I), Branco (I), Raso ( I), São Nicolau (2), Sal (6), Boavista (5), and Ma io (2). The two old records are of birds collected on Maio in 1897 and São Nico lau in 1924, ali other records bein g since 1985.

'Sylvia borin (BODDAERT, 1783)

(O, I) RASO: one, I October 200 I, j oin ed by a second the nex t day, and one sti ll present , 4 October 200 I (PO). This is the first record for th e Cape Ve rde Island s. Ga rden Wa rbler is a regul ar Palearctic winter visitar in southern Se nega l, with autumn passage th ro ugh northern Senegal and Mau ri tani a peaking October-November (LAMARCHE, 1988; MORE L & MOREL, 1990; BARLOW e/ ai. , 1997), arare migrant visitor to the Canary Islands (G ARCiA DE L REY, 200 I), and a vagrant to Madeira (ZI NO e/ ai., 1995).

· Sylvi. mel.nocephala (GMELlN, 1789)

(O, I) RAso: a fema le, 11-1 2 October200 1 (PO). This is th e fi rst record for the Cape Verde Islands. Sardi nian Warbler is a not un comm on Palea rctic winter visitar to southern Maur itani a and nonhern Senegal (L AMARCHE, 1988; MOREL& MOREL, 1990). It has been recorded as a vagrant in Madei ra (ZINO e/ ai., 1995), whil e those breeding in the Canary Islands are presumed to be res id ent (GARCiA DEL REY , 200 I).

Phyll oscopu s trochilus (LI NNAEUS, 1758)

(0,6) RAso: one, 2 October 200 I (PO). SÃo NICOLAU : one at Fajã da Cim a, 14 October 200 I (PO). Will ow Warbler was fi rst recorded in th e Cape Ve rdes in 1988 and lh ere are now records (March, Seplember-October) from Raso ( I), São Nicolau (3), and Boav ista (2). One ofthe records frcm Boav ista concerned at least 10 birds at different locations, 19- 22 September 1988.

Phyll oscopus co llybita (V IEILLOT, 1817)

(0,2) RAso: a freshly dead bi rd was found along the southern shore, 26 Septembe r 1997 (PG; GE NIEZ & LOPEZ-JURADO, 1998). Whil e GEN IEZ & LOPEZ-JURADO (1998) left open lhe poss ibi lity of thi s being Fifih reporl on birds Fo", lhe Cape Verde Islands 525

P. ibericlls TICEHURST, 1937 1, subsequent examin ation ofthe specimen confirmed it to be collybila (P. GENIE Z, in lill. 1999). The onl y prev ious record of Chiffchaff was of one on Boavista in Dece mber 1989.


Compilation of this report wou ld not have been possible without the help of Bud Anderson, Rubôn Barone, Max Berlijn, Han Blankert, Leo Boon, Paul Carter, Tony Clarke, Art Cooley, Col in Dodsworth, Pau l Donald, Hugues Dufoumy, Philippe Geni ez, Gerd- Miehael Heinze, Sab in e Hille, Manfred and Heidi Koeh, Marce l Peters, Staffan Rodebrand, Tito and Rafa Salvadores, and Jean-Philippe Sibl et.


Recent data on status and di stribution ofresident and migram birds in lhe Cape Verde Islands are presented, inc luding records Df 15 taxa new to the archipe lago. viz. Anos querquedula, A. discors, Aythya coliaris, Pelecanus onocrolalus, Ardea herodias, Folco eleonorae, Vane/lus sp inoslIs, Calidris me/an%s, Tringa me/ano/euco, Larus delawarensis, C/amalor glandarius, Apus unicolor, Calandrella brachydacry/a, Sy/via borin, and S. melanocephala. The current situation of some endemics (e.g. Ardea bournei, MilvlIsfasciicallda) is criticai and measures to save them from extin ction are urgently needed. Othcr endemics (e.g. Falco madens, Acrocephalus brevipennis) have been found to be more widespread than formerly known, but even so their total populations remain small and vulnerable.


Neste artigo são apresentados os dados recentes sobre o estado e a distribuição de aves resid entes e mi gratórias nas Ilhas de Cabo Verde, incluindo 15 novos registos para o arqu ipélago, nomeadamente Anas querquedula, A. discors, Aythya collaris, Pelecanus onocrotallls, Ardea herodias, Falco e/eonorae, Vanellus spinosus, Calidris me/anotas, Tringa melanoleuca, Larus delawarensis, C/amalor glandarius, Apus unicolor, Calandrella brachydactyla, Sy/via borin, e S. me/anocephala. A situação actual de algumas aves endémicas (por exemplo Ardea bournei, Mi/vus fasciicauda) é crítica, tornando urgente a tomada de medidas que as salvem da extinção. Verificou-se, entretanto, que outras aves endémicas (por exemplo Falco madens, Acrocephalus brevipennis) apresentam uma di stribuição maior do que anteriorment e se pensava; contudo, as populações mantêm-se pequenas e vu ln eráveis.

I For disc ussion s on the corrcct namc or the Iberian ChifTchaff. traditional ly rcfcrrcd to as Phy/loscoplls brehmii (llOMEYER. 1871). sec $VENSSON (200 1) and $AlO:-'ION el ai. (2003 ). 526 Cornelis J. Hazevoet


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