Evidence from Sandra Rigo on Planning For
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Melbourne Airport Environs Safeguarding Standing Advisory Committee Expert Planning Statement of Sandra Rigo Instructed by Rigby Cooke Lawyers 23 December 2020 Urban Planning I Urban Design I Landscape Architecture © Hansen Partnership 2020. This document has been published by Hansen Partnership Pty Ltd. Hansen Partnership Level 4 136 Exhibition St Melbourne VIC 3000 T 03 9654 8844 E [email protected] W hansenpartnership.com.au ABN 20 079 864 716 This document is copyright. Apart from any use as permitted under the Copyright Act 1968, no part may be reproduced by any person or process without the prior written permission of Hansen Partnership. Melbourne Airport Environs Safeguarding I Standing Advisory Committee Contents 1. Introduction ...................................................................................................................3 2. Subject Land and Environs ............................................................................................5 2.1.1. Subject Land ................................................................................................................... 5 2.1.2. Environs ......................................................................................................................... 12 3. The Planning Context ..................................................................................................14 3.1. Planning Policy Framework (PPF).............................................................................................. 14 3.2. Land Use Zones ....................................................................................................................... 15 3.3. Overlays ................................................................................................................................... 17 3.4. Relevant Amendments ............................................................................................................ 23 3.5. Strategies and Policy Documents ............................................................................................ 23 3.5.1. National Airports Safeguarding Framework (NSAF) ....................................................... 23 3.5.2. Australian Noise Exposure Forecast (ANEF)................................................................... 24 3.5.3. Melbourne Airport Master Plan 2018 ............................................................................ 24 3.5.4. Melbourne Airport Environs Strategy Plan 2003 ............................................................ 25 3.5.5. Plan Melbourne 2017-2050 ........................................................................................... 26 3.5.6. Brimbank Housing Strategy, Home and Housed (2014) ................................................. 26 4. Key Strategic Planning Considerations......................................................................... 27 4.1. What does strategic planning policy say in relation to planning for use and development within airport environs? ...................................................................................................................... 27 4.2. Is there a strategic need to focus residential development within the subject land? ................ 29 4.2.1. Sunshine National Employment and Innovation Cluster (NEIC)....................................... 29 4.2.2. Housing Need in Brimbank ............................................................................................ 30 4.3. How does the MAEO manage use and development within the Melbourne Airport Environs? . 33 4.4. Is the density requirement of the MAEO2 appropriate? ............................................................ 35 4.5. Would a noise attenuation approach to the MAEO2 affect the operational requirements of the Melbourne Airport and impact upon its curfew-free status? .................................................... 37 5. Conclusion ..................................................................................................................40 Hansen Partnership Pty Ltd 1 Melbourne Airport Environs Safeguarding I Standing Advisory Committee Figures Figure 1: Subject site aerial ............................................................................................................................ 6 Figure 2: Recently extended River Valley Boulevard (north of roundabout with Halong Drive) .......................... 7 Figure 3: Looking towards Maribyrnong River environs (south) from new stage of subdivision near roundabout 7 Figure 4: Looking south from new lots created off extended River Valley Boulevard ........................................ 8 Figure 5: View north from upper road west of extended River Valley Boulevard .............................................. 8 Figure 6: View towards 71 Penna Avenue (north) from edge of existing subdivision ........................................ 9 Figure 7: Medium density development along Duke Street .............................................................................. 9 Figure 8: Old quarry lake ............................................................................................................................... 10 Figure 9: View towards city over 71 Penna Avenue ...................................................................................... 10 Figure 10: Maribyrnong River environs adjoining Halong Drive ...................................................................... 11 Figure 11: Typical development within the estate adjacent to Maribyrnong River environs ............................ 11 Figure 12: Environs aerial ............................................................................................................................. 13 Figure 13: Zoning Map ................................................................................................................................. 16 Figure 14: Melbourne Airport Environs Overlay – Schedule 2 (MAEO2) map ................................................. 19 Figure 15: Development Plan Overlay - Schedule 3 (DPO3) .......................................................................... 21 Figure 16: River Valley Estate Staging Plan ................................................................................................... 22 Figure 17: River Valley Estate Development Plan .......................................................................................... 22 Figure 18: AS2021 Building Site Acceptability Based on ANEF Zones ........................................................... 24 Figure 19: ANEF for Melbourne Airport, 2018 Melbourne Airport Master Plan, page 111 ............................. 25 Figure 20: 2018 Melbourne Airport Master Plan 20 ANEF across the subject site, YouLand Developments’ submission (Tract) ........................................................................................................................................ 25 Figure 21: Sunshine National Employment and Innovation Cluster, Plan Melbourne 2017-2050 .................... 30 Figure 22: Strategic Framework, Clause 21.04 (Strategic Land Use Vision) ................................................... 32 Appendices Appendix 1 Response to Planning Panels Victoria Expert Witnesses Guide and CV Hansen Partnership Pty Ltd 2 Melbourne Airport Environs Safeguarding I Standing Advisory Committee 1. Introduction 1. The Melbourne Airport Environs Safeguarding Standing Advisory Committee has been appointed by the Minister for Planning pursuant to Section 151 of the Planning and Environment Act 1987 to provide advice on planning provision improvements to safeguard the Melbourne Airport, its curfew-free status, and its environs. As Victoria’s primary gateway for freight and passenger aircraft, the Melbourne Airport is a vital and critically important infrastructure asset that supports the State’s social and economic prosperity. 2. The purpose of the Committee as outlined within the Terms of Reference is in two parts: ▪ To advise on planning proposals of strategic importance and which may impact on the airports operations within the Melbourne Airport Environs Area, approved Melbourne Airport Master Plan noise contours, or Melbourne Airport Environs Overlay (MEAO). This is identified as Part A. ▪ To review the planning provisions safeguarding the Melbourne Airport and environs and to advise on improvements to zones, overlays, the Planning Policy Framework, guidance material, and other related mechanisms, tools, and processes. This is identified as Part B. 3. The Committee has been appointed by the Minister for Planning under Part B of its Terms of Reference, and will consider: ▪ The Planning Policy Framework, zones, overlays and any other related planning provisions; and ▪ Relevant guidance material and any complementary safeguarding tools and processes. 4. I have been engaged by YourLand Developments who is the representative of Maribyrnong Riverside Developments Pty Ltd and Atlantic Link Pty Ltd, the owners of land at 14A Halong Drive and 71 Penna Avenue, Sunshine North (the subject land). 5. I have been instructed by Rigby Cooke Lawyers to review the submission made by YourLand Developments and the relevant planning provisions that are the subject of the Committee and to formulate my own opinion, with a focus on the matters raised within the submission. 6. The subject land forms part of the River Valley Estate located west of the Maribyrnong River in Sunshine North. The Melbourne Airport Environs Overlay – Schedule 2 (MAEO2) currently affects