IBEX Fact Sheet

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IBEX Fact Sheet

Credit: WaltCredit: Feimer speed atomsthatare radiating outofthisregion. shock andareas beyond by usinghitsfrom high- craft willbuildupanimageofthetermination new InterstellarBoundaryExplorer (IBEX)space- age from countlesstinystrokes ofpaint,NASA’s time. Justasanimpressionist artistmakesanim- view thischaotic,butunseen,realm forthefirst A NASA-sponsored team isdevelopingawayto fields. expanse ofturbulentgasandtwistingmagnetic ginning ofoursolarsystem’s finalfrontier, avast ary, calledtheterminationshock,marksbe- against thegasininterstellarspace.Thisbound- invisible shockformedasthesolarwindpilesup then 26-yearcruisethrough thesolarsystem—an something neverbefore experiencedduringits 2004, theVoyager 1spacecraftencountered At theedgeofoursolarsysteminDecember “Impressionist” SpacecrafttoViewSolarSystem’s InvisibleFrontier NASA’s InterstellarBoundaryExplorer Mission National Aeronautics andSpaceAdministration region ofspacecontrolled byEarth’s magnetic rocket inOctober2008.It needstogobeyondthe IBEX isscheduledtobelaunchedonaPegausus frontier.” provide afirststeptoward exploringthegalactic aries neighboringoursolarsystem,IBEXwill making thefirstimagesofinterstellarbound- the historyofsolarsystem.Ultimately, by time andexplore howitmay haveevolvedover let usvisualizeourhomeinthegalaxyforfirst Institute (SwRI)inSanAntonio,Texas. “IBEXwill pal Investigator(PI)from theSouthwestResearch planets,” saysDr. DavidJ.McComas,IBEXPrinci- permeate thespacearound theEarthandother of thedeadlycosmicraysthatwouldotherwise is criticalbecauseitshieldsoutthevastmajority at theveryedgesofoursolarsystem.Thisregion tions oftheregion beyondtheterminationshock “IBEX willletusmakethefirstglobalobserva-

NASAfacts field, called the , because this region generates Spacecraft Weight: Spacecraft (empty) = 80 kg (176 lbs); radiation and the same high-speed atoms (Energetic Neutral spacecraft (with fuel) = 107 kg (236 lbs); payload = 26 kg Atoms or ENAs) that IBEX will use to make its pictures. To (57 lbs); flight system (includes IBEX’s solid rocket motor and avoid contamination from local ENAs produced in the mag- associated hardware) = 462 kg (1016 lbs). netosphere, IBEX’s will take it up to 200,000 miles from . Six months into the mission, IBEX will have observed Spacecraft: Size = 23 inches high x 38 inches across (eight- the entire sky, and will reveal the global structure of the he- sided shape, like a STOP sign). liosheath and termination shock for the first time. Power: During nominal operations, the spacecraft uses “The solar system’s frontier is billions of miles away, so it’s 66 Watts; payload uses 16 Watts. The solar array produces difficult for us to go there, but interesting things happen at 116 Watts. boundaries, and with IBEX, we will see them for the first time,” said Dr. Robert MacDowall, IBEX Mission Scientist at NASA’s Propulsion: The spacecraft is coupled with an ATK Star 27 Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Md. solid rocket motor, which will boost it from its high-injection orbit to its high-altitude apogee. IBEX features a hydrazine The IBEX mission is funded by NASA’s Small Explorer pro- propulsion system with significant excess capacity. gram. It is a PI-led mission being run by SwRI, which is responsible for all aspects of the mission. Orbital Science Communication: IBEX has two hemispherical antennas with Corporation in Dulles, Virginia, is SwRI’s subcontractor for the a 3 dB coupler and diplexer that will provide virtually spherical IBEX spacecraft and also provides the Pegasus launch. The coverage for uplink and downlink. Downlink data rate = 320 kbps Explorer Project Office at NASA Goddard oversees all Small (nominal); 2 kbps for the Tracking and Data Relay Satellite Explorer missions, including IBEX. System (TDRSS). Uplink data rate = 2 kbps.

Launch: July 2008. An L-1011 “Stargazer” aircraft will take Ground Operations: Mission Control Center at Orbital the Pegasus launch vehicle to a high altitude and release it. Sciences Corp. in Dulles, Virginia; IBEX Science Operations The Pegasus rocket will carry IBEX into a low-Earth orbit (60 Centers at Southwest Research Institute in San Antonio, miles altitude). The IBEX spacecraft’s own solid rocket motor Texas, and Boston University in Boston, Massachusetts. The will then propel it into a very high altitude orbit (with apogee mission will utilize Universal Space Networking ground sta- ~200,000 miles). tions.

Launch Vehicle: Pegasus XL. Launch will be from Kwajalein Mission Duration: 24 months after turn on and initialization Island in the Marshall Islands, South Pacific. Launch from (nominal) with the possibility of mission extensions. this site takes advantage of the energy of the Earth’s rotation, which is greater near the equator than at higher latitudes.

Instrumentation: Two very large aperture single pixel “cam- For more information about IBEX, visit: eras” that measure energetic neutral atoms with energies of http://www.nasa.gov/ibex 10 eV to 2 keV (IBEX-Lo) and 300 eV to 6 keV (IBEX-Hi).

National Aeronautics and Space Administration Goddard Space Flight Center 8800 Greenbelt Road Greenbelt, MD 20771

NASA Facts


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