The Ukrainian Weekly 1965, No.35
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File Type:pdf, Size:1020Kb Address: The Ukrainian Weekly "WE INTEND TO BURY 81-83 Grand Street NO О N E AND W E D О Jersey City, N.J. 07303 Tel. HEnderson 4-0237 NOT INTEND TO BE SVOBODA New York's Telephone: BUR1ED." УКРАЇНСЬКИЙ ЩОАЕННИК UKRAINIAN DА ІLV BArclay 7-4125 Lyndon B. Johnson Ukrainian Natioanal Aas'n Tel. HEnderson 5-8740 h. Ш^ікгашшп пЩ Btttian РІК LXXII 4. 168 SECTION TWO SVOBODA. THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER n. i965 15 ЦЕНТІВ - 15 CENTS No. 168 VOL. LXXH ODWU Delegates Assemble in LehTghton for 27th Annual CONVENTIONS, RALLIES, ATHLETIC MEETS HIGHLIGHT LONG LABOR DAY WEEKEND Convention League of Ukrainian Catholics 10th Annual Tennis Tournament, UYL-NA Holds 32nd Convention LEHTGHTON. Pa.-in the branches and six local repre- Meets in New York for Annual Swimming, Meet at 'Soyuzivka' in Allentown aftermath of three days of sentations. Presenting an ex- plenary sessions and confer- haustive expose clarifying the Convention POLEWCHAK HEADS YOUTHFUL SLATE OF OFFWERS enees which highlighted the organization's stand on the NEW YORK, N. Y.—More the N. Y. World's Fair's vati- By HELEN P. SM1NDAK 27th annual convention of the major issues confronting the than 300 delegates and hun- can Pavilion on Friday. Sep- Organization for the Rebirth Ukrainian community in the drede of members from across tember 3. Metropolitan Seny- ALLENTOWN, Pa. - in a member of Theta Хі Fraterni- of Ukraine (ODWU) in Le- Free World was Mr. Y. Hay- the nation took part in the shyn was the League's guest move intended to put the ac- ty. highton, Pa., over the Labor was, second vice-president 27th.annual convention of the speaker at the Communion cent back on youth and ac- Other officers, who will as- Day weekend. September 4th and chairman of external af- League of Ukrainian Catho- Brunch on Sunday, September tion, the Ukrainian Youth sist Mr. Polewchak in a pro- through 6th, the organization fairs who is also ODWU's of- lics held here at the Statler 5, after he had officiated at League of North America last gram of rejuvenating the appeared moving toward ficial representative on the Ex- Hilton Hotel over the Labor a Holy Mass in the Hotel's weekend elected a predomin- once-vigorous League, are: a more assertive stand on a ecu tive Board of the UCCA. Dav weekend. Georgian Room. Ray Mandzuk, Toronto, Cana- antly youthful slate of officers series of issues and problems Mr. Haywas dealt with the Scores of leading clergy, dian vice-pr e s і d e n t; Nick for 1965-66 and placed at its confronting the Ukrainian question of the T. Shevchen- led bv Metropolitan Ambrose Concert on Sunday Katchmer, Niles, O., male jommunity in the Free World. ko Monument in Washington 4envshyn of Philadelphia and helm a veteran of several vice-president; Elaine Kurko, in an obvious show of con- D. C, the problem of cultural Bishop Jaroslav Gabro of Chi- Soprano Mary Lesawver of years' executive experience in Chicago, female vice-presi- fidence, the seventv-two vot- exchanges, the world con- cago. and a number of promi- the New York Citv Center the League. dent; Taras Herbowy, Utica, ing delegates re-elected the gress of free Ukrainians and nent civic and political leaders Opera Company headlined the. William Polewchak of Clark. N. Y.; financial secretary; same slate of officers, with the upcoming convention of attended the five-day gather- concert program presented N. J., a man with a reputation j Patricia Blaschak. Allentown, пшіог changes, for a new the Ukrainian Congress Com- for getting things done, was corresponding secretary; and ing which consisted of busi- Sunday afternoon in the ho- Bohdan Rak, tennis tournament supervisor, addresses the term. Heading the newly elect- mittee of America. The speak- ness sessions. World's Fair c h о в e n president of the j Robert Hussar, Rochester, tel's Georgian Room. She was gathering of athletes and spectators during the opening ed Central Executive Commit- er called for greater partici- tours, social and convivial iccompanied at the piano by League at the 32nd annual N. Y., treasurer. ceremonies on Saturday, September 4. tee is Prof. Bohdan Hnatiuk. pation in national affairs and functions, religious services Olya Dmytriw. Other featur- UYL-NA convention, held Advisors are John Kuchmy, president, who is joined by stressed the need for stronger Sunday afternoon concert xl soloists were 11-year-old KERHONKSON, N. Y. - Rak's remarks to the assmebl- ( here at the Americus Hotel Rochester, N.Y. past presi- the following members: Ste- assertion of ODWU's views banquet and ball. Denise Marusevich, who saner Beautiful weather, a record ed players and spectators, the during the Labor Day week- dent; Anne Petras. Johnson phen Kuropas, Dr. Denys on the forum of the UCCA. ;n English, italian and U- number of athletes, hundreds flags were hoisted to the end. City, N. Y., immediate past Kwitkowsky and Yaroslav in the course of Sunday's National Board Re-elected Чгаіпіап, and pianist Andy v. of avid sports buffs and thou- masts, the national anthems j A project engineer for the president; Charles Tyrawski, Haywas. vice-presidents. Dr. plenary session, the conven- Szul. sands of vacationing guests were played and Mr. v. Kizy- j Shell Oil Co., Mr. Polewchak Wilmington, Del.; Doris Dar- Roman Klufas. secretary. Dr. tion heard a major address Chairing the business ses Historical ballads and folk who flocked to this UNA re- ma, vice-president of USCAK,; was president of the Youth mopray, Philadelphia, and - volodymyr Mykhailiw. chair- on "Some Problems of U- sions. which commenced or songs were performed by the sort were all part of a splen- pronounced the tournament League in 1951-52 and was Walter Pryima, Dalton, Pa. Walter Bacad of New York man of the Liberation Fund. krainian Nationalism and the Fridav, September 3, was Pe Bandura Ensemble, a quartet did sports panarama that un- officially opened. Greeting the highly instrumental in bring- and Walter Bodnar of New- Roman Shramenko, Omelian Responsibilities of the Press" ter Kuzma who was alsr of singers from New Jersey rlded here over the Labor athletes in behalf of the UNA! ing to publication Ukrainian ark were elected to three- Sukhoversky. Roman Kudelia, .by Dr. Kwitkowsky of Det- chairman of the conventior led by Roman Lewycky. g year and two-year trustee- Peter Baybak, members. 1. roit. After an exhaustive dis- committee. Following the pre- Ted Carpluk's New Dance ay weekend in what was the was Dr. Jaroslaw Padoch, Su- j Arts, a book on Ukrainian Charambura was elected chair- cussion on the reports and ad- sentation and discussion of Ukraine 'of Brooklyn, billed 104h Annual All-Ukrainian preme Secretary, who attend- arts and crafts which is be- man of the Auditing Commit- dresses, the delegates pro- reports by individual officers as "Texans in Fur Hats," pre- Tennis Tournament andSwim- ed the ceremonies along with lieved to be the first of its .ships in the League's cultural tee. ceeded to the election of the the delegates re-elected un- sented a medley of Ukrainian thing Meet held under the au- UNA Supreme vice-Presi-' kind printed in the English j division, the UYL-NA Foun- The convention, which open- governing organs and the animously the present nation- dapces comparing Ukrainians Ukrainiaspices ofn thSporte Associatios Clubsn of dentess, Mrs. Ann Herman, languagHe is a egraduat in the Unitee of dth Statese Uni-, j dationThe . convention, generally ed on Saturday. September 4. adoption of resolutions. Spe- al board for another two year and their traditional activities North America (USCAK) for Durbak Captures UNA versity of Michigan and a (Continued on Page 4) devoted a great deal of time cial letters were sent to Pres- term. Heading the slate o^ to those of Texans (the quiit- the UNA, "Svoboda" and Trophy fo:jreports delivered by indivi- ident Johnson and to His functionaries is Stephen Pos- ing bee and the hoe-down). "The Ukrainian Weekly" tro- j dual members of the execu- Eminence Josyf Cardinal Sli- tupack president; Paul Hen- Finale of the show was pre- phies. As in previous years.' Top-seeded John Durbak Plast Youth Gathers for National tiyet committee and delegates РУІ- cher, executive vice-president- sented by the Ukrainian tne Carpathian Ski Club (KLK) encountered little of the twenty-five operating (Continued on p. 3) John Ritzko, vice-president Dancers of Astoria, directed (KLK) was the organizer of trouble in winning the UNA Conference at Camp Site Harry Potupack. treasurer by MrSrjElaine Oprysko, witfi tne two sports events, with trophy and the title of cham- EAST CHATHAM. N.Y.- taining Plast goals, in line First Ukrainian Division Convenes and parliamentarian: iJoee- interpretations of perennial НІГ. Bohdan Rak supervising "pion in men's division for Labor Day weekend -brought with this-program. a panel phine Rudyk. financial secre- favorites such as Arkan and the tennis tournament and 1965. Showing e x c e 11 e n t f together here, at the camping was held on the subject "The Future of Plast si "Seen by At Glen Spey tary; Mary Ann Kramer. rec- ZhentsL The youngest mem- Mr. Jaroslaw Rubel in charge ground strokes, a baffling j site of Plast Ukrainian Youth GLEN SPEY. N. Y. - The Many greetings, sent by pro- ording secretary; Eva Schus- bers of the group, a number of swimming competition. І variety of volleys and a sur- Organization, close to 400 Older Scouts." Other prob- 9th National Convention of minent individuals andorgani- ko, secretary; Mildred Yawor- of four and five-year-olds, A record number of tennis prisingly powerful net game, j young men and women for lems touched upon in indivi- the'brotherhood of Former zations.