Is a Model of TNNT1 Congenital Myopathy Joshua S

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Is a Model of TNNT1 Congenital Myopathy Joshua S Clayton et al. acta neuropathol commun (2020) 8:142 RESEARCH Open Access Ovine congenital progressive muscular dystrophy (OCPMD) is a model of TNNT1 congenital myopathy Joshua S. Clayton1,2†, Elyshia L. McNamara1,2†, Hayley Goullee1,2, Stefan Conijn3, Keren Muthsam4, Gabrielle C. Musk4, David Coote1,2, James Kijas5, Alison C. Testa1,2, Rhonda L. Taylor1,2,6, Amanda J. O’Hara7, David Groth8, Coen Ottenheijm3, Gianina Ravenscroft1,2, Nigel G. Laing1,2* and Kristen J. Nowak1,2,6,9 Abstract Ovine congenital progressive muscular dystrophy (OCPMD) was frst described in Merino sheep focks in Queensland and Western Australia in the 1960s and 1970s. The most prominent feature of the disease is a distinctive gait with stifness of the hind limbs that can be seen as early as 3 weeks after birth. The disease is progressive. Histopathological examination had revealed dystrophic changes specifcally in type I (slow) myofbres, while electron microscopy had demonstrated abundant nemaline bodies. Therefore, it was never certain whether the disease was a dystrophy or a congenital myopathy with dystrophic features. In this study, we performed whole genome sequencing of OCPMD sheep and identifed a single base deletion at the splice donor site ( 1) of intron 13 in the type I myofbre-specifc TNNT1 gene (KT218690 c.614 1delG). All afected sheep were homozygous+ for this variant. Examination of TNNT1 splicing by RT-PCR showed intron+ retention and premature termination, which disrupts the highly conserved 14 amino acid C-terminus. The variant did not reduce TNNT1 protein levels or afect its localization but impaired its ability 2 to modulate muscle contraction in response to Ca + levels. Identifcation of the causative variant in TNNT1 fnally clari- fes that the OCPMD sheep is in fact a large animal model of TNNT1 congenital myopathy. This model could now be used for testing molecular or gene therapies. 2 Keywords: Congenital myopathy, Sheep model, Troponin T1, TNNT1, Splicing, Ca + sensitivity, Neuromuscular disease, Skeletal muscle, OCPMD, Muscular dystrophy, Nemaline myopathy Introduction focks [2]. Herein, we will use the term OCPMD to Ovine congenital progressive muscular dystrophy describe the Western Australian fock. Te most promi- (OCPMD) was frst described in a Merino sheep fock nent feature of OCPMD is a distinctive gait with stif- in Queensland, Australia in 1969 [1]. Further cases were ness and reduced fexion of the hind limbs that is more subsequently characterized in Merino sheep in West- pronounced after exercise [3]. Te frst signs of the dis- ern Australia in 1979 [2]. Although the clinical and ease are observed within 1 month after birth [3]. Many pathological features of both focks are highly similar, afected sheep develop a bloated, pot-bellied appearance there is no known breeding connection between these at 9–12 months of age and some exhibit respiratory dis- tress following mild exercise [2]. Most afected animals *Correspondence: [email protected] are either culled or die of other causes before 2 years †Joshua S. Clayton and Elyshia L. McNamara are frst authors of age [2]. Afected sheep exhibited higher resting and 1 Harry Perkins Institute of Medical Research, Queen Elizabeth II Medical post-exercise creatine kinase and lactate dehydrogenase Centre, Nedlands 6009, WA, Australia Full list of author information is available at the end of the article levels [3]. Afected muscles were type I (slow/oxidative) © The Author(s). 2020 Open Access This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits use, sharing, adaptation, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, as long as you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons licence, and indicate if changes were made. The images or other third party material in this article are included in the article’s Creative Commons licence, unless indicated otherwise in a credit line to the material. If material is not included in the article’s Creative Commons licence and your intended use is not permitted by statutory regulation or exceeds the permitted use, you will need to obtain permission directly from the copyright holder. To view a copy of this licence, visit http://creat iveco mmons .org/licen ses/by/4.0/. The Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver (http://creat iveco mmons .org/publi cdoma in/zero/1.0/) applies to the data made available in this article, unless otherwise stated in a credit line to the data. Clayton et al. acta neuropathol commun (2020) 8:142 Page 2 of 14 myofbre-predominant [3]. As a progressive disorder, Wild-type, carrier and afected sheep were all housed skeletal muscle wasting continues throughout life and together in small sex-specifc groups of 2–15 sheep. skeletal muscles, especially those with high proportions Sheep were maintained on a weighed ration of commer- of type I myofbres, are gradually replaced by fat [3]. His- cial ewe and lamb pellets (17.2% crude protein) along topathology [4] and myofbre morphometry [5] indicated with oaten chaf and a loose sheep mineral mix. For preg- confnement of OCPMD pathology to type I myofbres. nant and lactating ewes, mineral mix was supplemented Electron microscopy showed large numbers of nemaline with di-calcium phosphate. Tey also had access to a bodies in the afected myofbres [6]. variety of grass and legume species in the paddock. Oaten OCPMD has a recessive inheritance pattern [7]. Given hay was provided during times of low pasture availability, that type I myofbres are selectively afected, we hypoth- and Lucerne hay was provided to late pregnant ewes, at esized that the causative mutation would be within a gene lambing, and until weaning time. coding for a protein expressed in type I skeletal myofbres. Sheep were maintained using industry best prac- We previously used protein analysis methods to assess tar- tice procedures. Lambs were vaccinated against Case- gets with known involvement in skeletal muscle disease ([8] ous Lymphadenitis and fve clostridial diseases at 4 and and unpublished data), but these failed to yield any strong 8 weeks of age and then annually (Glanvac 6, Zoetis candidates. Here, using whole genome sequencing (WGS), Australia Pty Ltd); contagious ecthyma once as lambs we identifed a single base deletion within the essential (Scabigard, Zoetis Australia Pty Ltd); and Ovine Johne’s splice donor site of intron 13 of the TNNT1 gene, which Disease once as lambs (Gudair, Zoetis Australia Pty Ltd). codes for the type I myofbre-specifc troponin T protein Individual faecal egg counts were performed at regular (TNNT1). Using functional analyses we investigated the intervals throughout the year, and individual sheep were mechanism by which the variant causes disease, and clarify administered an anthelmintic (rotating drugs) if indicated OCPMD as a model of TNNT1 congenital myopathy. by a high egg count. A preventative of-shears lice treat- ment (Spinosad, Extinosad Pour On, Elanco, Australia) Materials and methods was applied at shearing time. Te sheep were weighed Phenotypic characterisation monthly and body condition scored on a weekly basis. Afected animals and carriers were all derived from the Low stress sheep handling techniques were used and original Western Australian fock of OCPMD sheep [2]. long-distance walks during hot weather were avoided. Disease status was scored based upon the following crite- Breeding was performed either by timed mating with ria: (1) noticeably stifened gait in the hind limbs, leading natural sires, or by artifcial insemination and embryo to reduced ability to run efectively (in comparison to unaf- transfer (Genstock Pty Ltd, Kojonup, Western Australia). fected individuals), (2) skeletal muscle tissue wasting in Oestrous cycle in ewes was synchronized using a con- afected muscle groups with adipose replacement, (3) pres- trolled internal drug release device. Rams used for nat- ence of nemaline bodies in afected muscle tissues at biopsy, ural mating wore breeding harnesses in order to record and (4) raised creatine kinase at rest, and particularly after mating dates. Afected rams had no apparent issues with exercise (in comparison to unafected individuals). ‘Afected’ natural mating, although breeding groups were housed in individuals could be descended from: (1) two afected indi- small yards to reduce the distance to ewes, and the ratio viduals (100% chance), (2) an afected and a carrier, along of ewes to rams was 4:1. Ewe lambs were not naturally with phenotypic presentation of disease pathology (50% mated until at least 12 months old. One month prior to chance), or (3) from two known carrier individuals, along expected lambing date, ewes were moved to a paddock with phenotypic presentation of disease pathology (25% with additional shelter. As lambs were born, the ewe and chance). ‘Carrier’ individuals were descendants of either an lamb were placed in individual temporary pens (lambing afected and a carrier (50% chance), or from an afected and ‘jugs’) for 2–7 days to ensure good maternal behaviour an unafected individual (100% chance). ‘Wild-type’ indi- and to allow close monitoring. Lambs were weighed and viduals did not show any clinical signs of disease and were tagged 1–2 days after birth for identifcation purposes descended either from two animals outside the directed and released with the ewe into the paddock. Lambs had pedigree (close to 100% chance) or from two carrier indi- access to supplemental feed (alongside their mothers) viduals (25% chance). A full pedigree of the sheep fock ana- from day one. Lambs were weaned at 3–4 months old, at lysed in the present study may be found in Additional File 1: which point they were weighed weekly for 1–2 months to Fig S1. ensure good growth. Animal husbandry and care SNP array and linkage analysis Sheep were housed outdoors in 0.5–1.0 acre paddocks Genomic DNA from 14 afected sheep and 6 carriers exposed to ambient weather, with natural shelter (trees).
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