ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The Traditional Owners Gippsland Medicare Local acknowledges the GunaiKurnai people as the traditional owners of the land in Gippsland and pays their respects to Elders past and present. There are approximately 3,000 GunaiKurnai people located in Gippsland and are made up of five major clan groups.

The Artist Local Aboriginal artist Dale Hayes (Brayakoloong Art Group) was commissioned to create the artwork ‘Kurnai Family Group’.

The Aboriginal Community We wish to convey heartfelt thanks to the Aboriginal community members who have supported this project and provided information and valuable feedback. The name Gippsland Black Pages was borne out of a consultation process with Aboriginal community members, and specifically Karen Mobourne.

The Supporting Organisations This resource was originally developed by Central Division of General Practice with general practitioners and the Aboriginal community in mind. Gippsland Medicare Local (GML) commenced in July 2012, building upon the strong relationships forged by the previous Divisions of General Practice in Gippsland. GML has supported the review and redevelopment of this resource to include all of Gippsland.

Additional funding to support the development of this resource was also received from the Central and West Gippsland Sub Regional Close the Health Gap Consortium and the Australian Government Department of Health under the Closing the Gap Improving Indigenous Access to Mainstream Primary Care Program. We acknowledge their generous contribution.

The Printing Company Print and design was provided by Easyaz.

The Project Developer Consultation and project development was provided by Sharyn Thompson Consulting STC.

DISCLAIMER GML takes no responsibility for incorrect information contained in this document. All information was correct at time of printing, to the best of our knowledge. BACKGROUND GML is part of a national network of 61 Medicare Locals set up by the Australian Government to coordinate primary health care delivery, tackle local health needs and fill identified service delivery gaps.

GML aims to partner with all local primary health care providers supporting them to connect and share the information they need to responsively and effectively treat and manage individual patient’s conditions. This coordinated approach will also help to reduce the duplication of services and improve the quality and safety of health care delivery in Gippsland. GML supports the Commonwealth Government’s ‘Close the Gap’ initiatives that focus on addressing inequalities in health status between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal Australians.

Close the Gap measures target better prevention practices, enhanced treatment, management of chronic diseases for Aboriginal Australians and support better access to culturally appropriate mainstream primary healthcare services.

ABORIGINAL HEALTH GAP Aboriginal people experience disease two-and-a-half times more than that of other Australians. Cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes and respiratory diseases are the major contributing factors to an unacceptable gap in life expectancy. If closing the gap in health outcomes between Aboriginal Australians and the general population is to be achieved, it is essential that comprehensive and accessible primary healthcare is provided by Aboriginal services and mainstream health services.

GIPPSLAND DEMOGRAPHICS The Aboriginal population of Gippsland is approximately 3,811 and makes up 1.5 per cent of the total Gippsland population.

Aboriginal communities are dispersed across Gippsland with the largest concentration in Shire, and the smallest in . As general practice health professionals across Gippsland become more aware of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander needs and cultural requirements, more Aboriginal people are using services. Data indicates that approximately 50 per cent of the Aboriginal population use mainstream services for their health requirements (Aboriginal Service Plan 2010-2011 Department Human Services and Department of Health).

AIM OF RESOURCE This document aims to provide information about Aboriginal services across Gippsland. The document will be available electronically via the Gippsland Medicare Local Website (

It will offer health providers a reference point for Aboriginal specific services in Gippsland, and enable appropriate referrals. It is hoped the Gippsland Black Pages Aboriginal Service Directory will be widely used and shared between all service providers to assist with targeted and culturally-sensitive care. It also serves as a starting point for the development of relationships between organisations which we hope will lead to information exchange, transfer of knowledge, further discussion and a greater understanding around Aboriginal health. The document also recognises, but does not include, the health services provided across the region by hospitals, community health centres and other services that are not Aboriginal specific but are available to all people. Many of these organisations provide Aboriginal Liaison staff who are able to provide assistance to access services.


ABORIGINAL CO-OPERATIVES ABORIGINAL COMMUNITY CONTROLLED HEALTH ORGANISATION (ACCHO) Aboriginal Cooperatives are key stakeholders in Aboriginal health and provide health and community services to Aboriginal communities across . Aboriginal Cooperatives also provide a meeting point for Aboriginal people locally and visitors to the region as well as providing valuable information about:

• Cultural awareness • Local Aboriginal issues • Local landmarks and sacred sites • Deaths in the community • Funeral dates and times • Confirmation of Aboriginality • Referrals to Aboriginal services and mainstream health services

GIPPSLAND & EAST GIPPSLAND ABORIGINAL CO-OPERATIVE (GEGAC) GEGAC has its primary location in and delivers health and community services to Aboriginal people throughout Gippsland. GEGAC also provides the Krowathunkooloong Keeping Place museum in Bairnsdale and has a site for service delivery in .

37-53 Dalmahoy St 9 Maryvale Crescent Bairnsdale 3875 Morwell 3840 Phone: 03 5150 0700 Phone: 03 5134 3816 Web

LAKE TYERS ABORIGINAL TRUST – LAKE TYERS HEALTH AND CHILDREN’S SERVICES (LTHCS) LTHCS is the Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisation based at Lake Tyers Trust and provides a range of wholistic health services including preventative health screening and empowering the community to stay healthy.

1 Rules Road Lake Tyers 3887 Phone: 03 5156 5554 Web LAKES ENTRANCE ABORIGINAL HEALTH ASSOCIATION (LEAHA) LEAHA commenced in 2004 as an Elder’s group working in partnership with Gippsland Community Health (GLCH). LEAHA aims to improve the health and wellbeing of Aboriginal community members in and around the townships of Lakes Entrance, and Swan Reach. LEAHA prides it’s self in creating partnerships with mainstream organisations to produce quality services to the Aboriginal community members in and around the townships of Lakes Entrance, Metung and Swan Reach.

18-26 Jemmeson Street Lakes Entrance 3909 Phone: 03 5155 8465 Web /

MOOGJI ABORIGINAL COUNCIL Moogji is an Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation providing services to the East Gippsland community.

52 Stanley Street 3888 Phone: 03 5154 2133 Web

RAMAHYUCK DISTRICT ABORIGINAL CORPORATION (RDAC) Ramahyuck District Aboriginal Corporation delivers a range of health and community development services to the Indigenous and wider community across Gippsland.

Head Office Aboriginal Health Service 117 Foster Street 15-17 Buckley St Sale 3850 Morwell 3840 Phone: 03 5143 1644 Phone: 03 5136 5100 Web

West Gippsland Aboriginal Health Service South Gippsland Aboriginal Health Service 25 Young Street 64 Watt Street Drouin 3818 3995 Phone: 03 5625 6500 Phone: 03 5672 1444

VICTORIAN ABORIGINAL COMMUNITY CONTROLLED HEALTH ORGANISATION (VACCHO) VACCHO represents all Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisations in . VACCHO also provides direction in Aboriginal health policies and also supports local initiatives. While VACCHO do not provide health services, they are involved in a number of programs including a sexual health program which supports member organisations to provide up-to-date sexual health care.

17-23 Sackville Street Collingwood 3066 Phone: 03 9411 9411 Web


ABORIGINAL MEDICAL SERVICES GIPPSLAND & EAST GIPPSLAND ABORIGINAL CO-OPERATIVE (GEGAC) GEGAC provides an Aboriginal Medical Service to the community in East Gippsland Monday to Friday 9.00 am to 5.00 pm. Medical appointments and appointments for all allied health services are made by calling medical reception. Nursing staff are available for all medical needs with no appointment necessary. Nurses also provide: pathology, wound dressings, social and emotional support, general medical needs, home visits, chronic disease management and immunisations. We also provide sexual health education, including pap smears and women’s health. Aboriginal Health Workers provide transport to medical appointments, health screening and health promotion.

37-53 Dalmahoy St Bairnsdale 3875 Phone: 03 5150 0760 Web

MOOGJI ABORIGINAL COUNCIL The health clinic provides services to Aboriginal people in East Gippsland. The clinic has visiting general practitioners and a nurse available on clinic days and Thursdays.

52 Stanley Street Orbost 3888 Phone 03 5154 2133 Web

RAMAHYUCK DISTRICT ABORIGINAL CORPORATION (RDAC) Provides a range of health services to the Aboriginal communities of Latrobe, Baw Baw, South Gippsland, Bass Coast and Wellington shires.

Head Office Central Gippsland Aboriginal Health Service 117 Foster Street 15-17 Buckley Street Sale 3850 Morwell 3840 Phone: 03 5144 6511 Phone: 03 5136 5128 Web

West Gippsland Aboriginal Health Service South Gippsland Aboriginal Health Service 25 Young Street 64 Watt Street Drouin 3818 Wonthaggi 3995 Phone: 03 5625 6500 Phone: 03 5672 1444 ALCOHOL TOBACCO AND OTHER AND DRUG SERVICES GIPPSLAND & EAST GIPPSLAND ABORIGINAL CO-OPERATIVE (GEGAC) Alcohol and Drug Services Provides case management, support and counselling for Aboriginal people with alcohol and drug issues in Latrobe, Baw Baw and East Gippsland catchment areas. GEGAC is trialing an alcohol and drug service in Moe, for a period of six months. It is open four half days a week. For hours of opening and location of service please contact the Morwell office. Alcohol and Drug Community Linkages Provides supported referrals for Aboriginal people with alcohol and drug issues in Latrobe and Baw Baw shires. Alcohol and Drug Workers Provides assessment, support, counselling and referral for Aboriginal people with alcohol and drug issues Alcohol and Drug Nurse (Bairnsdale) Provides health assessments and withdrawal support for Aboriginal people with alcohol and drug issues.

372 Main Street 9 Maryvale Crescent Bairnsdale 3875 Morwell 3840 Phone: 03 5153 0125 Phone: 03 5133 9276 Web

HEADSPACE Provides support and counselling to young Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal people experiencing issues with drug and alcohol aged 12-25 years.

99 Buckley Street 34 Queen Street Morwell 3840 3820 Phone: 03 5136 8300 Phone: 03 5622 3677 Web

LAKE TYERS HEALTH AND CHILDREN’S SERVICES (LTHCS) Provides drug and alcohol counselling and referral for the Lake Tyers community.

Needle and Syringe Program Provides confidential access to injecting equipment and information regarding safe injecting.

1 Rules Road Lake Tyers 3887 Phone: 03 5155 8500 Web


LAKES ENTRANCE ABORIGINAL HEALTH ASSOCIATION LEAHA works in partnership with Tandarra Drug and Alcohol services from GEGAC to provide services once a week working out of the LEAHA building. No appointments needed Regional Tobacco and Healthy Lifestyle team is based at LEAHA providing support to the community and linking them with Quit Smoking and other related services.

18-26 Jemmeson St Lakes Entrance 3909 Ph: 03 5155 8465

LATROBE COMMUNITY HEALTH SERVICE (LCHS) Koorie Alcohol and Drug Worker (Baw Baw and Latrobe) Provides culturally appropriate alcohol and drug counselling and support services to facilitate harm minimisation for individuals over 16 years of age, their families and communities. Koorie Alcohol and Drug Diversion Worker Provides a link between the Koorie Court, the Aboriginal community and the Drug Treatment Service System. Koorie Alcohol and Drug Worker Provides confidential assessment, counselling, support, referral and education for Aboriginal people with alcohol and drug issues. Breaking the Cycle Provides withdrawal support for young Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal people between 12 and 21 years with alcohol and drug issues. It also provides education, pre and post withdrawal support and outreach.

81-87 Buckley St Morwell 3840 Free call: 1800 242 696 Web

QUITLINE Provides tailored and culturally appropriate support from Aboriginal Quitline Counsellors.

Phone: 137848

RAMAHYUCK DISTRICT ABORIGINAL CORPORATION (RDAC) Drug and Alcohol Worker Provides drug and alcohol counselling and referral.

117 Foster Street Sale 3850 Phone: 03 5143 1644 Web YOUTH SUPPORT AND ADVOCACY SERVICE (YSAS) Provides a range of Indigenous youth-specific services including drug and alcohol outreach, treatment, withdrawal, rehabilitation and support programs.

108 Buckley Street Morwell 3840 Phone: 03 5133 3411 Free call: 1800 014 446 Web:


GIPPSLAND & EAST GIPPSLAND ABORIGINAL CO-OPERATIVE (GEGAC) Provides Allied Health services to the East Gippsland Aboriginal community including; podiatry, diabetes education for people at risk, diabetes education, diabetes clinic, physiotherapy and dietician (including outreach to Lake Tyers).

37-53 Dalmahoy St Bairnsdale 3875 Phone: 03 5150 0760 Web

GIPPSLAND LAKES COMMUNITY HEALTH SERVICE Lakes Entrance Aboriginal Health Association The Chronic Disease Management Clinic at LEAHA provides additional and specific health services and support to all members of the Lakes Entrance Aboriginal community. The Clinic focuses on chronic disease prevention and management, and acknowledges the spiritual and cultural wellbeing of Aboriginal people, not just physical problems.

Wednesday 9.00 am to 1.00 pm 18-26 Jemmeson Street Lakes Entrance 3909 Phone: 03 5155 8300

LAKE TYERS HEALTH AND CHILDREN’S SERVICES Provides optometry, hearing services and podiatry for the community at Lake Tyers

1 Rules Road Lake Tyers 3887 Phone: 03 5155 8500 Web


LAKES ENTRANCE ABORIGINAL HEALTH ASSOCIATION LEAHA works in partnership with Gippsland Lakes Community Health (GLCH) who provide podiatry services from the LEAHA building every three months. LEAHA has the capacity to link in with other related services through GLCH such as dietitians, speech therapy etc.

18-26 Jemmeson St Lakes Entrance Vic, 3909 Phone: 03 5155 8465

LATROBE COMMUNITY HEALTH SERVICE (LCHS) Day Stay Unit ‘Yarning With the Mob’ Walk in Clinic Provides allied health assistance and care co-ordination for the management of diabetes including physiotherapist, dietician, occupational therapy, podiatry and diabetic educator. GP referral recommended. Thursdays 11 am to 5 pm.

81-87 Buckley St Morwell 3840 Free call: 1800 242 696 Web

RAMAHYUCK DISTRICT ABORIGINAL CORPORATION (RDAC) In conjunction with West Gippsland Healthcare Group this service provides; cardio pulmonary rehabilitation, continence advisory service and dietetics.

Head Office Central Gippsland Aboriginal Health Service 117 Foster Street 15-17 Buckley Street Sale 3850 Morwell 3840 Phone: 03 5144 6511 Phone: 03 5136 5128 Web

West Gippsland Aboriginal Health Service South Gippsland Aboriginal Health Service 25 Young Street 64 Watt Street Drouin 3818 Wonthaggi 3995 Phone: 03 5625 6500 Phone: 03 5672 1444


LAKE TYERS HEALTH AND CHILDREN’S SERVICES Provides hearing services for Aboriginal people in East Gippsland.

1 Rules Road Lake Tyers 3887 Phone: 03 5155 8500 Web

LAKES ENTRANCE ABORIGINAL HEALTH ASSOCIATION LEAHA has the Australian Hearing visiting every three months conducting hearing checks and providing ear hearing aids and other equipment.

18-26 Jemmeson St Lakes Entrance 3909 Ph: 03 5155 8465

RAMAHYUCK DISTRICT ABORIGINAL CORPORATION (RDAC) All sites offer free audiology services to Koori patients by appointment.

Head Office Central Gippsland Aboriginal Health Service 117 Foster Street 15-17 Buckley Street Sale 3850 Morwell 3840 Phone: 03 5143 1644 Phone: 03 5136 5128 Web

West Gippsland Aboriginal Health Service South Gippsland Aboriginal Health Service 25 Young Street 64 Watt Street Drouin 3818 Wonthaggi 3995 Phone: 03 5625 6500 Phone: 03 5672 1444


GIPPSLAND & EAST GIPPSLAND ABORIGINAL CO-OPERATIVE (GEGAC) Diabetes education / diabetes clinic providee information and support for people with diabetes and those at risk of developing diabetes. Podiatry services are available to diabetic and general clients once a fortnight for half a day. A Dietician is available for individual appointments and health promotion activities. Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and outreach to Lake Tyers. Physiotherapy services are available once a fortnight for half a day.

37-53 Dalmahoy St Bairnsdale 3875 Phone: 03 5150 0760 Web HEALTH SERVICES Gippsland BLACK PAGES Gippsland BLACK PAGES HEALTH SERVICES

GIPPSLAND MEDICARE LOCAL Care Coordination & Supplementary Services (CCSS) Program aims to assist Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people with chronic health conditions through better access to coordinated and multidisciplinary care. The CCSS Program also aims to increase the support to Indigenous patients through their GPs and provide more proactive management.

16 Kirk Street Moe 3825 Phone: 03 5126 2899 Web

LAKE TYERS HEALTH AND CHILDREN’S SERVICES Provides diabetes education for the community at Lake Tyers.

1 Rules Road Lake Tyers 3887 Phone: 03 5155 8500 Web

LAKES ENTRANCE ABORIGINAL HEALTH ASSOCIATION LEAHA provides and number of chronic disease management services to the Aboriginal community members in and around the townships of Lakes Entrance, Metung and Swan Reach. Services include: • General practitioner visiting once a week. • Respiratory clinic conducted every three months. • Diabetes clinic conducted every three months. • CCSS worker and registered nurse available three days a week. • Full time Aboriginal health workers. • Medical transport provided for medical appointments.

18-26 Jemmeson St Lakes Entrance 3909 Phone: 03 5155 8465

LATROBE COMMUNITY HEALTH SERVICE (LCHS) Day Stay Unit ‘Yarning with the Mob’ Walk in Clinic Provides allied health assistance and care co-ordination for the management of diabetes including; physiotherapist, dietician, occupational therapy, podiatry and diabetic educator. A GP referral is recommended. Thursdays 11 am to 5 pm.

81-87 Buckley Street Morwell 3840 Free call: 1800 242 696 Web RAMAHYUCK DISTRICT ABORIGINAL CORPORATION (RDAC) In conjunction with West Gippsland Healthcare Group this service provides; cardiopulmonary rehabilitation, continence advisory service and dietetics.

Head Office Central Gippsland Aboriginal Health Service 117 Foster Street 15-17 Buckley Street Sale 3850 Morwell 3840 Phone: 03 5136 512 Phone: 03 5144 6511 Web

West Gippsland Aboriginal Health Service South Gippsland Aboriginal Health Service 25 Young Street 64 Watt Street Drouin 3818 Wonthaggi 3995 Phone: 03 5625 6500 Phone: 03 5672 1444 DENTAL SERVICES GIPPSLAND & EAST GIPPSLAND ABORIGINAL CO-OPERATIVE (GEGAC) Aboriginal Dental program A dentist provides general dental services for the Aboriginal community of East Gippsland as well as partners and parents of Aboriginal people. A dental therapist provides basic dentistry (eg. fillings, taking out baby teeth, taking x-rays, teaching kids and young adults how to clean teeth properly and how to manage a healthy mouth) for clients up to 25 years of age. An oral therapist who is especially trained at cleaning teeth and caring for gums and can also provide basic dentistry and is able to treat patients of any age.

37-53 Dalmahoy Street Bairnsdale 3875 Phone: 03 5150 0760 Web

LAKES ENTRANCE ABORIGINAL HEALTH ASSOCIATION LEAHA works in partnership with GEGAC Dental and has three appointment times allocated specifically for LEAHA clients every Monday.

18-26 Jemmeson St Lakes Entrance 3909 Ph: 03 5155 8465

LATROBE COMMUNITY HEALTH SERVICE (LCHS) Koorie Dental Service Provides dental services for eligible Koorie clients The service is free for those that are eligible under the special needs groups, and children who are dependents of current health care/ concession card holders.


Koorie Kids Dental Service Provides transport for Aboriginal children from school to the LCHS dental service weekly.

81-87 Buckley Street Morwell 3840

Free call: 1800 242 696 Web

RAMAHYUCK DISTRICT ABORIGINAL CO-OPERATIVE (RDAC) Ramahyuck Gippsland Dental Clinic Dental services free to health care card holders. Non-health care card holders will be charged a fee. Transport provided. Appointment required.

117 Foster St Sale 3850 Phone: 03 5144 4869 Web


ABORIGINAL FAMILY VIOLENCE PREVENTION AND LEGAL SERVICE (FVPLS) VICTORIA Provides counselling and legal support to victims/survivors of sexual assault and works with families affected by violence.

210 B Main Street Bairnsdale 3875 Phone: 03 5153 2322 Free call: 1800 105 303 Web

ELIZABETH HOFFMAN HOUSE ABORIGINAL WOMEN’S REFUGE Elizabeth Hoffman House provides a range of support to Aboriginal women and children experiencing family violence from crisis to recovery programs and 24 hour crisis support.

Phone: 03 9482 5744 GIPPSLAND & EAST GIPPSLAND ABORIGINAL CO-OPERATIVE (GEGAC) Children Youth and Family Services Willaneen Women’s Shelter Willaneen is a short term crisis accommodation for Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal women and children who are experiencing or are escaping family/domestic violence. Willaneen provides a communal living arrangement. Willaneen has an after hours outreach component linked with Quantum Support Services and Women’s Domestic Violence Crisis Service.

Contact: Safe Steps Family Violence Response Centre or Victoria Police - 000.

Family Violence Outreach The Family Violence Outreach program aims to provide culturally appropriate and holistic support to females and their children living with family violence. This is a voluntary referral service for victims of family violence.

3/07 Nicholson Street Bairnsdale 3875 Phone: 03 5150 0712 Web

GIPPSLAND CENTRE AGAINST SEXUAL ASSAULT (GCASA) The Gippsland Centre Against Sexual Assault (GCASA) provides a free and confidential service for women, men and children.

Phone: 03 5134 3922 Free call: 1800 806 292 Web

LATROBE COMMUNITY HEALTH SERVICE (LCHS) Case Management for Indigenous Men Who Use Violence Provides case management Gippsland-wide and includes ability to house men who have been left homeless due to family violence. Individual counselling is provided by a non-Aboriginal counsellor with secondary consultation and cultural support from a Koorie worker. Brokerage money is also available to assist with private rental and furniture provision.

81-87 Buckley Street Morwell 3840 Free call: 1800 242 696 Web


Koorie Men’s Behaviour Change Program (CHOICES) In partnership with Gippsland & East Gippsland Aboriginal Co-operative provides a 16-week structured mens behaviour change program – responding to family violence. Groups are provided in East Gippsland and Latrobe and at Wulgunggo Ngalu.

81-87 Buckley St Morwell 3840 Free call: 1800 242 696 Web

QUANTUM SUPPORT SERVICES Family Violence Services Quantum provides a specialist family violence support service to women and their children within the Baw Baw, Latrobe and Wellington Shires. Family violence workers deliver outreach and office-based services from Warragul, Morwell and Sale offices. The program offers a central intake service from the Morwell office to women and their children providing crisis assistance, advice and referral for on-going family violence case management support. The After-Hours Family Violence Service is managed by Quantum.

227 Princes Drive Morwell 3840 Free Call: 1800 243 455 Web

VICTORIAN ABORIGINAL CHILD CARE AGENCY (VACCA) The Morwell office provides a range of VACCA’s Aboriginal child and family services to the Aboriginal community located in the eastern regional area surrounding Morwell.

Family Violence Intake Indigenous intake for Family Violence in Latrobe Baw Baw and Wellington.

Indigenous Family Violence Case Worker Provides support for clients with family violence issues.

Partner Contact for Indigenous Men Who Use Violence Program Facilitates partner contact for families in conflict through Koorie Women’s Services.

25–27 Rintoul Street Morwell 3840 Phone: 03 5135 6055 Web VICTORIA POLICE - SEXUAL OFFENCES AND CHILD ABUSE UNITS Sexual Offences and Child Abuse Units (SOCA) are staffed by experienced and qualified police members specially trained to assist with responding to, and investigating, adult sexual assault and child abuse.

Phone: 03 5131 5000 (Morwell Police main line) Phone: 03 5143 5022 (Sale direct) Phone: 03 5150 2675 (Bairnsdale) Web

WOMEN’S DOMESTIC VIOLENCE CRISIS SERVICE OF VICTORIA 24 hour crisis support including: crisis telephone support, safety plan and emergency accommodation.

Free call: 1800 015 188

YOOWINNA WURNALUNG HEALING SERVICE The Yoowinna Wurnalung Healing Service was established in 2007 to address the serious issue of family violence in the Gippsland and East Gippsland Aboriginal community. Specifically, the Yoowinna Wurnalung Healing Service has focused on providing holistic culturally responsive education, prevention and counselling services and other programs to members of the Aboriginal community who are victims and perpetrators of family violence in the Gippsland and East Gippsland region of Victoria.

The YWHS Men’s Time Out Service provides specific holistic programs and services to Aboriginal men and youth for them to feel connected, safe and supported through a cultural framework they understand and feel comfortable with. These include social, recreational, cultural and leadership programs, including the Strong Men, Strong Communities Program.

11 Heatherlea Grove Lakes Entrance 3909 Phone: 03 5155 8420 Web



Bairnsdale Bairnsdale Medical Group Latrobe Community Health Service 438 Main Street 11 Phillip Parade Bairnsdale 3875 Churchill 3842 Phone: 03 5152 4123 Free call: 1800 242 696

Gippsland & East Gippsland Aboriginal Cowes Co-operative Cowes Medical Centre 37-53 Dalmahoy Street 164 Thompson Avenue Bairnsdale 3875 Cowes 3922 Phone: 03 5150 0700 Phone: 03 5921 1800

Macleod Street Medical Centre Dargo 93 Macleod Street Dargo Bush Nursing Centre Bairnsdale 3875 72 Lind Avenue Phone: 03 5152 5145 Dargo 3862 Phone: 03 5140 1246 Bruthen Bruthen Community Health Project Drouin 51 Main Street Bank Place Medical Centre Bruthen 3885 1 Hopetoun Rd Phone: 03 5157 5744 Drouin 3818 Phone: 03 5625 3000 Buchan Buchan Bush Nursing Centre Central Clinic (Drouin) 61 Main Road 61 Commercial Place Buchan 3885 Drouin 3818 Phone: 03 5155 9222 Phone: 03 5625 5044

Civic Park Medical Centre Cann River 79 Young Street Cann Valley Bush Nursing Centre Drouin 3818 27 Monaro Hwy Phone: 03 5625 3355 Cann River 3890 Phone: 03 5158 6210 West Gippsland Aboriginal Health Service Churchill 25 Young Street Hazelwood Health Centre Drouin 3818 9a Georgina Place Phone: 03 5625 6500 Churchill 3842 Phone: 03 5122 2555 Ensay Ensay Bush Nursing Centre Lakes Entrance Aboriginal 5063 Health Association

Ensay 3895 LEAHA works in partnership with Phone: 03 5157 3215 Gippsland Lakes Community Health providing a GP to conduct a chronic Foster disease clinic for LEAHA clients, Foster Medical Centre in addition the nurse and the two 97 Station Road Aboriginal health workers are able to Foster 3960 triage LEAHA clients and get them an Phone: 03 5682 2088 emergency appointment with a GP at GLCH if needed on other days. 18-26 Jemmeson Street Gelantipy Bush Nursing Centre Lakes Entrance 3909 1 Saleyards Road Phone 03 5155 8465 Gelantipy 3885 Phone: 03 5155 0274 Lake Tyers Lake Tyers Health & Children’s Service Heyfield 1 Rules Road Heyfield Medical Centre Lake Tyers 3887 19 Tyson Road Phone: 03 5155 8500 Heyfield 3858 Phone: 03 5148 2201 Leongatha Leongatha Healthcare Pty Ltd Inverloch 14 Koonwarra Road Leongatha Healthcare Pty Ltd Leongatha 3953 18 Reilly Street Phone: 03 5662 2201 Inverloch 3996 Phone: 03 5674 2700 Long Street Family Medicine 1 Long Street Leongatha 3953 Korumburra Medical Centre Phone: 03 5662 4455 50 Radovick Street Korumburra 3950 Loch Sport Phone: 03 5655 1355 Loch Sport Community Health Centre Cnr National Park Road & Lakes Entrance Graham Street Cunninghame Arm Medical Centre Loch Sport 3851 8 Whiters Street Phone: 03 5146 0349 Lakes Entrance 3909 Phone: 03 5155 2300 Maffra Johnson Street Clinic 2/119 Johnson Street Maffra 3860 Phone: 03 5141 1889


Maffra Medical Group Moe Newborough Health 160 Johnson Street 30 George Street Maffra 3860 Moe 3825 Phone: 03 5147 1011 Phone: 03 5127 2700

Mallacoota Rutherglen Medical Centre Mallacoota Medical Centre 27 Rutherglen Street 21-23 Maurice Avenue Newborough 3825 Mallacoota 3892 Phone: 03 5126 4344 Phone: 03 5158 0777 Tanjil Place Medical Centre 46-48 Albert Street Metung Moe 3825 Metung – Gippsland Lakes Community Phone: 03 5126 1344 Health Metung and Hardy’s Roads Metung 3904 Morwell Phone: 03 5155 8300 Buckley St Family Practice Cnr Buckley and Hopetoun Street Morwell 3840 Mirboo North Phone: 03 5133 7999 Mirboo North Medical Centre 27a Giles Street Central Gippsland Health Service Mirboo North 3871 (Ramahyuck) Phone: 03 5668 1234 Cnr Buckley and Collins Street Morwell 3840 Moe / Newborough Phone: 03 5136 5128 Central Gippsland Family Practice 28 George Street Consulting Suites Maryvale Private Moe 3825 Hospital Phone: 03 5127 9800 286 Maryvale Road Morwell 3840 Moe After-Hours Medical Service Phone: 03 5132 1289 (MAHMS) 42 Fowler Street Headspace Morwell Moe 3825 99 Buckley Street 7 days a week Morwell 3840 7.30-10.30 pm Monday to Friday Phone: 03 5136 8300 4.30-10.30 pm Saturday 2.30-10.30 pm Sunday and public Hollie Drive Medical Centre holidays 5 Hollie Drive Phone: 03 5127 9111 Morwell 3840 Phone: 03 5135 3555 Moe Medical Group 5-7 Lloyd Street Latrobe Community Health Service GP Moe 3825 Clinic Phone: 03 5127 3333 81-87 Buckley Street Morwell 3840 Free Call: 1800 242 696 Medical Centre Paynesville 7 Hopetoun Avenue Paynesville Medical Centre Morwell 3840 6 Fleischer Street Phone: 03 5134 4333 Paynesville 3880 Phone: 03 5156 7243 Mid Valley Family Medicine Shop 59 Mid Valley Shopping Centre Morwell 3840 Rawson Phone: 03 5134 3888 Rawson Community Health Centre Pinnacle Drive The Healthcare Centre Rawson 3825 185a-189 Princes Drive Phone: 03 5165 3236 Morwell 3840 Phone: 03 5133 9966 Rosedale Rosedale Community Health Centre South 2-8 Cansick Street Medical Centre Rosedale 3847 85-87 Main Neerim Road Phone: 03 5199 2333 Neerim South 3831 Phone: 03 5628 1302 Sale Clocktower Medical Centre Nowa Nowa 284 Raymond Street Nowa Nowa Community Health Sale 3850 Centre Phone: 03 5144 4788 Princes Hwy Nowa Nowa 3887 Inglis Medical Centre Phone: 03 5155 7294 12 Inglis Street Sale 3850 Omeo Phone: 03 5143 7900 Omeo Medical Centre Ramahyuck District Aboriginal Sebastopol Hill Rd Corporation Omeo 3898 117 Foster Street Phone: 03 5159 0140 Sale 3850 Phone: 03 5144 6511 Orbost Moogji Aboriginal Council Sale Medical Group 52 Stanley Street 49 Desailly Street Orbost 3888 Sale 3850 Phone: 03 5154 2133 Phone: 03 5144 5766

Orbost Medical Clinic San Remo 60 Tyndall Street San Remo Medical Clinic Orbost 3888 123 Marine Parade Phone: 03 5154 6777 San Remo 3922 Phone: 03 5678 5402


Swifts Creek Bush Nursing Centre McMillan Street West Gippsland Medical Swifts Creek 3896 Clinic Phone: 03 5159 4210 11 Barkly Street Warragul 3820 Traralgon Phone: 03 5623 2251 Breed Street Clinic West Gippsland Medical Clinic 37 Breed Street 199 Sutton Street Traralgon 3844 Warragul 3820 Phone: 03 5176 1933 Phone: 03 5623 2251 Hillcrest Family Medicine Warragul Family Medicine 26 Seymour Street 77 Victoria Street Traralgon 3844 Warragul 3820 Phone: 03 5174 2345 Phone: 03 5622 2973 Dr Bernard Rooney Suite 2/12 Deakin Street Wonthaggi Traralgon 3844 South Gippsland Family Medicine Phone: 03 5174 6711 Shop 4-6/1 Billson Street Wonthaggi 3995 Traralgon Doctors Phone: 03 5672 4111 124 Traralgon 3844 Wonthaggi Medical Group Phone: 03 5174 6766 42 Murray Street Wonthaggi 3995 Saint Luke’s Medical Centre Phone: 03 5672 1333 2/33-35 Grey Street Traralgon 3844 Yarram Phone: 03 5173 6464 Yarram Medical Centre 91 Commercial Road Traralgon Medical Centre Yarram 3971 11 Kay Street Phone: 03 5182 0333 Traralgon 3844 Phone: 03 5174 5350 Yarram Practice (King Street Clinic) 6 King Street Warragul Yarram 3971 Central Clinic Phone: 03 5182 5533 170 Normanby Street Warragul 3820 Yinnar Phone: 03 5622 3377 Yinnar Medical Centre 42 Main Street Headspace Warragul Yinnar 3869 34 Queens Street Phone: 5163-1633 Warragul 3820 Phone: 03 5622 3677 HOSPITAL SERVICES BAIRNSDALE REGIONAL HEALTH SERVICE (BRHS) As the largest healthcare provider in East Gippsland, BRHS provides services including; comprehensive primary care, acute care, aged care, community and home based health services.

Koori Liaison Officer Ensures that Aboriginal people attending BRHS have support from an Aboriginal Liaison worker to provide best possible outcomes for their stay.

122 Day Street Bairnsdale 3875 Phone: 03 5150 3333 Web

CENTRAL GIPPSLAND HEALTH SERVICE (CGHS) CGHS is the major provider of health services and residential aged care services in Wellington Shire. It provides 70 acute beds, close to 180 high and low care residential aged care beds, and 15 independent living units. Its acute services include a 24 hour seven day a week emergency department, operating theatres, and day procedure unit, oncology and dialysis services.

Koori Liaison Officer Provides support to Aboriginal patients.

Sale Hospital Heyfield Hospital Guthridge Parade 14 Licola Road Sale 3840 Heyfield 3858 Phone: 03 5143 8600 Phone: 03 5139 7979

Maffra Hospital 48 Kent Street Maffra 3860 Phone: 03 5147 0100 Web

LATROBE REGIONAL HOSPITAL (LRH) Acute/Sub Acute Liaison Services Koori Liaison Officer LRH provides a Koori liaison officer to assist the Aboriginal community members accessing services at the hospital. LRH ensures that patients are linked to the Aboriginal Health Service and other local health providers, ensuring total health care to our Indigenous population.

Princes Highway Traralgon West 3844 Phone: 03 5173 8000


Mental Health Koori Liaison Services To ensure Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities receive access to appropriate mental health care, LRH offers Aboriginal liaison services to meet the needs of those communities.

Princes Highway 20 Washington St Traralgon West 3844 Traralgon 3844 Phone: 03 5173 8000 Phone: 03 5128 0100 Web

ORBOST REGIONAL HEALTH (ORH) ORH provides; acute, emergency, medical, surgical and obstetric services, and is a leader in the provision of small town rural birthing services in Victoria. Boasting a staggering array of community health, welfare and aged care services, ORH strives to meet the community needs utilising a flexible funding model. Koori Liaison Services Provides support to Aboriginal clients at ORH.

104-107 Boundary Road Orbost 3888 Phone: 03 5154 6666 Web

WEST GIPPSLAND HEALTHCARE GROUP West Gippsland Healthcare Group provides acute medical and surgical, obstetric, emergency, community and aged care services primarily in the Shire of Baw Baw. Koori Liaison Officer This program provides support and assistance to Aboriginal community members attending the hospital.

Landsborough Street Warragul 3820 Phone: 03 5623 0611 Web

ABORIGINAL HOSPITAL LIAISON OFFICERS IN SELECTED METROPOLITAN HOSPITALS Alfred Hospital, Prahran Phone: 03 9076 5387 Austin Hospital, Heidelberg Phone: 03 9496 5638 Dandenong Hospital, Dandenong Phone: For adults - 0410 423 963. Children and pregnant women - 0418 661 295 Frankston Hospital, Frankston Phone: 03 8345 3048 Mercy Hospital for Women, Heidelberg Phone: 03 8458 4393

Monash Medical Centre, Clayton Phone: For adults - 0410 423 963. Children and pregnant women - 0418 661 295 Royal Children’s Hospital , Parkville Phone: 03 9345 6111 Royal Dental Hospital of Melbourne, Carlton Phone: 039341 1163 Royal Melbourne Hospital, Parkville Phone: 03 9342 7440 Royal Women’s Hospital, Carlton Phone: 03 8345 3048 St. Vincent’s Hospital, Fitzroy Phone: 03 9231 3436


GENERAL PRACTICE Immunisation Immunisation is provided at all general practices, Aboriginal Medical Services and Maternal and Child Health Centres throughout Gippsland.


Aboriginal Family Led Decision Making (AFLDM) AFLDM provides a culturally respectful process that allows Aboriginal families and Aboriginal communities to have a voice in decision making for their children, in relation to child protection matters.

Aboriginal Family Preservation (AFP) Is a 12 week program that works intensively with families to support families with child protection involvement, reunification and out of home placement prevention.

Aboriginal In Home Support This program is targeted to all Aboriginal women with new babies who may also have other small children and their families. The support is available from birth through to three years to those who wish to participate and who live within one of the five catchment areas.

Boorai - Indigenous Supported Playgroup The Indigenous supported playgroup provides opportunities for children and parents to interact through play. It provides opportunities for young children to develop and grow, to learn and practice new skills including social skills in a place where they can have fun playing with other children, their parents and other adult caregivers. It also provides a safe and nurturing environment for Aboriginal children and their families.

Cultural Support Planning This service provides a cultural support plan for children in the child protection system. The plan is developed by workers, carers and family members in order to allow the child in care to develop, maintain and establish links to country, community and family in a safe and appropriate manner.


Integrated Family Services – Indigenous (IFSI) IFSI is a program that works to promote the safety, stability and development of children, young people and their families. IFSI aims to provide a culturally appropriate service to families gto assist them in providing a safe, healthy, nurturing family environment.

Home Based Care – Koori Kare (Foster Care) Accredited carers provide a safe and stable home for a child who is temporarily unable to live at home. Koori Kare provides a 24 hour telephone response for after hours emergencies.

Kinship Care Kinship Care is a safe home provided by extended family or friends for children who are unable to be cared for by their own parents. This ensures family connections and cultural identity are retained.

Koori Maternity Service (KMS) This program provides culturally appropriate ante natal and post natal care and support to women and families. The service aims to improve health outcomes for mothers and babies. A Koori maternity service midwife and health worker are available Monday to Friday 9.00 am to 5.00 pm. The program also provides an outreach service to Lake Tyers and Lakes Entrance and provides a supported referral process to other appropriate services.

The KMS program has strong linkages with the local hospital, Aboriginal hospital liaison officers, and the in-home support team through GEGAC’s Children Youth and Family Services and Gippsland Lakes Community Health’s Maternal and Child Health Nurses.

37-53 Dalmahoy St Bairnsdale 3875 Phone: 03 5150 0760 Web

LAKE TYERS HEALTH AND CHILDREN’S SERVICES Koori Midwife A midwife provides services to Aboriginal women in the Lake Tyers Community. Immunisation services are provided to the Lake Tyers community.

1 Rules Road Lake Tyers 3887 Phone: 03 5155 8500 Web LOCAL GOVERNMENT Local governments provide scheduled immunisation services at sites across Gippsland. Contact your local government for times and locations. A schedule is available on each local government web site.

Bass Coast Shire Council Phone: 1300 226 278 Web

Baw Baw Shire Council Phone: 03 5624 2411 Web

East Gippsland Shire Council Phone: 03 5153 9500 Web

Latrobe City Council Phone: 1300 367 700 Web

South Gippsland Shire Council Phone: 03 5662 9600 Web

Wellington Shire Council Phone: 1300 366 244 Web

RAMAHYUCK DISTRICT ABORIGINAL CORPORATION (RDAC) Koori Maternity Service Co-ordinated through Victorian Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation (VACCHO), the service provides culturally appropriate maternity services to Aboriginal women and provides services to women with children 0-8 years to improve health outcomes.

158 Mary Street Morwell 3840 Phone: 03 5133 8273 Web



GIPPSLAND MEDICARE LOCAL Access to Allied Psychological Services (ATAPS) The Access to Allied Psychological Services (ATAPS) is a free program funded by the Commonwealth Department of Health. The ATAPS program provides access to effective, low cost treatment for people with a mental illness who may not otherwise be able to access services. ATAPS is for any individual with mild to moderate mental illness who would benefit from short term focused psychological strategies.

Phone: 03 5126 2899 Web

Partners in Recovery Partners in Recovery (PIR) aims to support Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people experiencing severe and persistent mental illness and is also designed to assist their carers and families. The program aims to ensure that services required are working together to enable recovery.

Phone: 03 5126 2899 Web

HEADSPACE headspace Central West Gippsland provides support to young people aged 12-25 years, their families, carers and friends in Baw Baw and Latrobe local government areas. headspace also provides access to GPs, psychologists, counsellors, and youth workers.

99 Buckley Street 34 Queen Street Morwell 3840 Warragul 3820 Phone: 03 5136 8300 Phone: 03 5622 3677 Web

LATROBE REGIONAL HOSPITAL (LRH) Mental Health Koori Liaison Services To ensure Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities receive access to appropriate mental health care, LRH offers Aboriginal liaison services to meet the needs of those communities.

Princes Highway Traralgon West 3844 Phone: 03 5128 0100 Web MIND AUSTRALIA Wannik Gunyah Program Wannik Gunyah is a flexible residential psycho-social recovery program for young people who have experienced serious mental health issues. Wannik Gunyah also offers an outreach service for young people with dual-diagnosis, aged 16 – 24, who have the skills to live in the community with outreach support.

Confidential address Traralgon 3844 Phone: 03 5176 1800

PERSONAL HELPERS AND MENTORS PROGRAM (PHaMS) Gippsland PHaMs offers an outreach service for people whose ability to manage their daily activities is impacted by mental illness and who have the skills to live in the community with outreach support.

1 Hoyle Street Morwell 3840 Phone: 03 5100 1000

RAMAHYUCK DISTRICT ABORIGINAL CORPORATION (RDAC) Aboriginal Psychiatric Disability Rehabilitation Support Service (PDRSS) This service aims to improve access for Aboriginal people to mainstream mental health services. It also recognises the central role of the family and the need for an integrated approach to Aboriginal mental health. Head Office Central Gippsland Aboriginal Health Service.

117 Foster Street 15-17 Buckley Street Sale 3850 Morwell 3840 Phone: 03 5144 6511 Phone: 03 5136 5100 Web

West Gippsland Aboriginal Health Service South Gippsland Aboriginal Health 25 Young Street Service Drouin 3818 64 Watt Street Phone: 03 5625 6500 Wonthaggi 3995 Phone: 03 56721444

Aboriginal Youth Suicide Prevention Program This project gives priority to young Aboriginal people between the ages of 10 - 25 years who have been identified as having high risk behaviours. It enhances the networks and referral pathways in caring for ‘at risk’ Aboriginal young people and their families with mainstream health and community services.

15-17 Buckley Street Morwell 3840 Phone: 03 5136 5100 Web


MENTAL HEALTH ADVICE LINE The Mental Health Advice Line is a telephone service established to provide Victorians with one source for expert advice, information and referral on any mental health issue.

Phone: 1300 280 737

SNAP Gippsland SNAP Gippsland delivers psychosocial rehabilitation, recovery services and education programs to adults with a severe and persistent mental illness, their families and carers. Programs and services support individuals to self- manage, live well with their symptoms and participate as full citizens in their communities. ‘Safe as Houses’ mental health support for secured tenancies provides a service for people (16 to 64) with mental illness who are homeless or at risk of homelessness. Service is available in East Gippsland, South Gippsland, Bass Coast and Wellington Shires. Workers are co-located at GEGAC and Ramahyuck.

265 Main Street Sale Bairnsdale 3875 12 Inglis Street Phone: 03 5153 1823 Sale 3850 Web Phone: 03 5143 0110

South Gippsland / Bass Coast Gippsland Prevention and Recovery Care (PARC) service 3 Church Street 54 Moroney Street Leongatha 3953 Bairnsdale 3875 Phone: 03 5662 5188 Phone: 03 5153 1823


LAKES ENTRANCE ABORIGINAL HEALTH ASSOCIATION LEAHA has the College of Optometry visiting every three months providing two optometrists to conduct eye examinations and prescription glasses if needed. LEAHA is able to arrange appointments with the Lakes Entrance Optometrists if needed. All eye wear is funded by the Spectacle Subsidy Scheme for Aboriginal clients only costing the client a contribution of $10.

18-26 Jemmeson St Lakes Entrance 3909 Ph: 03 5155 8465

VICTORIAN EYE CARE SERVICE Spectacle Subsidy Scheme for Aboriginal Victorians The Victorian Government funds the Australian College of Optometry to implement the Spectacle Subsidy Scheme for Aboriginal Victorians. The scheme allows patients to access specifically designed frames along with the prescribed lens for a $10 contribution. Call for an application form.

Phone: 03 9349 7434 Web Subsidised Spectacle providers: Glen and Judy Wicks Optometrist Jackson and Lawry 29 Service St 70 Blair St Bairnsdale 3875 Leongatha 3953 Phone: 03 5152 4380 Phone: 03 5662 3485


LAKES ENTRANCE ABORIGINAL HEALTH ASSOCIATION (LEAHA) LEAHA is in partnership with GLCH allowing Aboriginal health workers to link in with their services when needed.

18-26 Jemmeson St Lakes Entrance Vic, 3909 Ph: 03 5155 8465

LATROBE COMMUNITY HEALTH SERVICE Home and Community Care (HACC), District Nursing and Palliative Care A Koori allied health assistant engages the local Aboriginal community with district nursing and palliative care services. LCHS provides palliative care services to clients living in Latrobe City.

81-87 Buckley St Morwell 3840 Phone: 03 5136 5444 Free Call: 1800 242 696 Web


BAIRNSDALE REGIONAL HEALTH SERVICE (BRHS) As the largest healthcare provider in East Gippsland, BRHS provides services including; comprehensive primary care, acute care, aged care, community and home based health services.

Koori Liaison Officer Ensures that Aboriginal people attending BRHS have support from an Aboriginal liaison worker to provide best possible outcomes for their stay.

122 Day Street Bairnsdale 3875 Phone: 03 5150 3333 Web


CENTRAL GIPPSLAND HEALTH SERVICE (CGHS) Koori Liaison Officer Provides support to Aboriginal patients.

Sale Hospital Heyfield Hospital

Guthridge Parade 14 Licola Road Sale 3840 Heyfield 3858 Phone: 03 5143 8600 Phone: 03 5139 7979

Maffra Hospital 48 Kent Street Maffra 3860 Phone: 03 5147 0100 Web

CENTRELINK Indigenous Specialist Officer Provides information to Aboriginal people about services and programs that Centrelink offers.

150-154 York Street Sale 3850 Phone: 13 63 80 Free Call: 1800 050 004 Web

CHILD PROTECTION Koori Liaison Worker Provides support to Aboriginal clients.

7-11 Hazelwood Road Morwell 3840 Phone: 03 5136 2400 Web

DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES (DHS) Senior Aboriginal Planning Officer Provides advice and assists with maintaining and building relationships between DHS and Aboriginal organisations.

64 Church Street Traralgon 3844 Phone: 03 51772 500 Web KURNAI LEGAL PRACTICE BARRISTERS AND SOLICITOR Kurnai Legal Practice is a criminal defence firm, specialising in representing Indigenous people within all criminal jurisdictions. We regularly represent people in the magistrates’ court, children’s court, county court and all Koorie courts within those courts. We are happy to provide people with an initial free consultation and legal aid is available.

215 Princes Drive Morwell 3840 Phone: 03 5133 6433 Web

GIPPSLAND MEDICARE LOCAL (GML) Aboriginal Liaison and Support Services GML provides Aboriginal chronic disease coordinators and Aboriginal outreach workers to support Aboriginal patients in the community.

16 Kirk Street Moe 3825 Phone: 03 5126 2899 Web

LATROBE CITY COUNCIL Koori Liaison Officer Provides a link between the Aboriginal community and Latrobe City Council services.

Freecall: 1800 242 696 Web

LATROBE COMMUNITY HEALTH SERVICE Koori Liaison Officer Provides Koori liaison officers in program areas across the organisation to support Aboriginal community members to easily access services.

Freecall: 1800 242 696 Web

LATROBE REGIONAL HOSPITAL (LRH) Acute/Sub Acute Liaison Services Koori Liaison Officer LRH provides a Koori liaison officer to assist the Aboriginal community members accessing services at the hospital. LRH ensures that patients are linked to the Aboriginal health service and other local health providers, ensuring total health care to our Indigenous population.

Princes Highway Traralgon West 3844 Phone: 03 5173 8000


Mental Health Koori Liaison Services To ensure Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities receive access to appropriate mental health care, LRH offers Aboriginal liaison services to meet the needs of those communities.

Princes Highway 20 Washington St

Traralgon West 3844 Traralgon 3844 Phone: 03 5173 8000 Phone: 03 5128 0100 Web

ORBOST REGIONAL HEALTH (ORH) Koori Liaison Services Provides support to Aboriginal clients at ORH.

104-107 Boundary Road Orbost 3888 Phone: 03 5154 6666 Web

UNITINGCARE GIPPSLAND Integrated Family Services Worker Provides support to Indigenous families through the Family Services program in Wellington.

126 Raymond Street Sale 3850 Phone: 03 5144 7777 Web

VICTORIAN ABORIGINAL LEGAL SERVICE (VALS) Customer Service Officer VALS plays an important role in providing referrals, advice, information, duty work or case work assistance to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in Victoria. Solicitors at VALS specialise in one of three areas of law; criminal law, family law or civil law.

16 George Street Morwell 3840 Phone: 03 5133 9853 Web VICTORIA POLICE Aboriginal Community Liaison Officer This position aims to build trust and understanding between Victoria Police and the Aboriginal community.

Morwell Police Complex Bairnsdale Police Station 8-10 Hazelwood Road 45/47 Main Street Morwell 3840 Bairnsdale 3875 Phone: 03 5133 9853 Phone: 03 5150 2600 Web

WEST GIPPSLAND HEALTHCARE GROUP Koori Liaison Officer This program provides support and assistance to Aboriginal community members attending the hospital.

33 Young Street Drouin 3818 Phone: 03 5625 0200 Web


GIPPSLAND & EAST GIPPSLAND ABORIGINAL CO-OPERATIVE (GEGAC) Krowathunkooloong Keeping Place The Keeping Place is a museum housing a vast collection of artefacts, art and information about the culture and history of the Aboriginal people of East Gippsland. It provides an opportunity for visitors to learn the history, heritage and culture of Aboriginal people. Personalised tours for groups and individuals are available.

37 – 53 Dalmahoy Street Bairnsdale 3875 Phone: 03 5150 0700 Web


GIPPSLAND & EAST GIPPSLAND ABORIGINAL CO-OPERATIVE (GEGAC) Dala Yooro Dala Yooro is an inclusive service that will enable children to develop to their full potential regardless of gender, level of ability, social connections or cultural background. The development of children will be supported in the context of family, the community and access to services.

37 – 53 Dalmahoy Street Phone: 03 5152 0810 Bairnsdale 3875 Web COMMUNITY SUPPORT Gippsland BLACK PAGES Gippsland BLACK PAGES COMMUNITY SUPPORT

RAMAHYUCK DISTRICT ABORIGINAL CORPORATION (RDAC) Gunai Lidj Multifunctional Aboriginal Children’s Service (MACS) Meets the cultural, social and development needs of Indigenous children and their families and provides flexible services, which offer a range of child care services including long day care and outside school hours care. Capacity for visiting services such as maternal and child health care.

15-17 Buckley Street Morwell 3840 Phone: 03 5136 5100 Web

VICTORIAN ABORIGINAL CHILD CARE AGENCY (VACCA) The VACCA seek to promote strong connection to culture and community, by promoting Aboriginal child rearing.

Support Programs Parents and carers of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander children receive crisis support, information and advice about available services, opportunity to network, cultural and other resources.

25-27 Rintoul Street Morwell 3840 Phone: 03 5135 6055


DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES (DHS) Koori Liaison Worker Provides support and networking for Aboriginal families and child protection workers.

7-11 Hazelwood Road Morwell 3840 Phone: 03 5136 2400 Web

GIPPSLAND & EAST GIPPSLAND ABORIGINAL CO-OPERATIVE (GEGAC) Aboriginal Family Led Decision Making (AFLDM) This program has as its primary goal the safety and wellbeing of Aboriginal children and young people who are at risk of abuse and neglect. Aboriginal Family Decision Making is an approach to decision making and planning that is guided by cultural tradition, actively involves the child’s family and Aboriginal community and is grounded in a partnership between regional Departmental Child Protection Services and the local Aboriginal community. Cultural Support Planning A cultural support plan is a way in which workers, carers and family members can come together in order to allow the child in care to develop, maintain and establish links to country, community and family in a safe and appropriate manner. It also enables children who haven’t been placed in the out of home care system to continue to have contact and connections with their siblings. Given the importance of ‘family’ and the need for a connection to country and community, this is a crucial factor.

Out of Home Based Care – Kinship Care Kinship Care is the care provided to a child or sibling group by their extended family or friends, when they are unable to be cared for by their own parents. This Kinship arrangement may come about through informal family arrangement, Child Protection intervention, and permanent care or Family Court involvement.

Kinship Care Is the care provided to a child or sibling group by their extended family or friends, when they are unable to be cared for by their own parents. This kinship arrangement may come about through informal family arrangement, child protection intervention, and permanent care or family court involvement.

Kinship Care: Placement Establishment and Support The program is designed to facilitate kinship carer placements by providing a high level of support and consultation with relevant parties at the start of kinship placements.

Family Group Home Family Group Home is a residential unit that provides a safe and caring environment for children that are under the care of the Department of Human Services, which caters particularly for large sibling groups.

Integrated Family Services (IFSI) IFSI is a program that works to promote the safety, stability and development of children, young people and their families. It aims to provide a culturally appropriate service to families to assist them in providing a safe, healthy, nurturing family environment.

37–53 Dalmahoy Street Bairnsdale 3875 Phone: 03 5152 0810 Web

RAMAHYUCK DISTRICT ABORIGINAL CORPORATION (RDAC) Central Gippsland Aboriginal Health Service Wanjana Lidj The Family Preservation Program provides and intensive home based, family centred program to keep Koori families together and prevent out of home placement for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children who are at risk.

The program protects Aboriginal children and young people from abuse and neglect. It also assists in the reunification of families where children and young people are currently in care and prevents their placement in substitute care. The family workers visit and assist families for three to four months providing practical and emotional support.

72 Latrobe Road Morwell 3840 Phone: 03 5133 8200 Web


ELDER’S SERVICES GIPPSLAND & EAST GIPPSLAND ABORIGINAL CO-OPERATIVE (GEGAC) Elder’s Program Home and Community Care (HACC) Services Property maintenance – lawn mowing and hard rubbish removal (twice yearly) Home care – general housework, washing, hanging, folding and ironing clothes, sweeping, mopping and vacuuming as well as shopping Meals – delivery of Meals on Wheels or assistance to prepare meals.

Planned Activity Groups (part of HACC services) Provides day outings, group meals, occasional trips to visit other centres, games such as bingo and other social activities including fishing, pictures and shows.

37-53 Dalmahoy Street Bairnsdale 3875 Phone: 03 5150 0760 Web

GIPPSLAND LAKES COMMUNITY HEALTH SERVICE Lakes Entrance Aboriginal Health Association (LEAHA)

The Koori Elders group meets every Friday and provides a chance for local Elders to catch up, have lunch together, and participate in cultural, art and craft activities and exercise programs. Occasional day trips are also organised on these days.

18-26 Jemmeson Street Lakes Entrance 3909 Phone: 03 5155 8300 Web LAKES ENTRANCE ABORIGINAL HEALTH ASSOCIATION LEAHA Elders planned activity group occurs every Tuesday and Friday providing a culturally safe environment for a positive social and emotional experience. This program provides a wide range of variety of both recreational and health promotional activities for the elders to enjoy.

18-26 Jemmeson St Lakes Entrance 3909 Phone: 03 5155 8465 LATROBE CITY COUNCIL Provides health and wellbeing activities including; light exercise program, water aerobics, gym program, community meals and social activities including visits to other Elder groups. The group also acts as an advisory group on issues when requested.

141 Commercial Road Morwell 3840 Phone: 1300 367 700 Web

Braiakaulung Committee Facilitated by Latrobe City Council, this group provides a consultancy approach for Latrobe City to ensure it meets the needs of the local Aboriginal community.

141 Commercial Road Morwell 3840 Phone: 1300 367 700 Web

LATROBE COMMUNITY HEALTH SERVICE (LCHS) Mayfair House - Koorie Elder’s Group The Koorie Elders Group runs weekly at Mayfair House. Lunch and transport are provided. A variety of activities are provided or you can just have a chat and a cuppa with other Koorie Elders. You can bring one or two people with you.

Overnight Respite Mayfair House is a three bedroom house where Koorie Elders can stay for a night, or up to a week. It provides a rest from home or just a break. A worker is available at Mayfair House for support.

7 Mayfair Court Traralgon 3844 Free call: 1800 242 696

Commonwealth Respite and Carelink Centre Identifies and provides respite care for Indigenous carers.

81-87 Buckley Street Morwell 3840 Phone: 1800 242 696 Web


GATHERING SPACES ANGLICARE Kommall Gathering Place Available to any Koorie Community groups in order to provide opportunities for social contact. Programs are available for all ages and members of the Koorie community and include mens woodworking, womens drumming and Church services.

Bragun Men’s Group Provided in partnership with Gippsland & East Gippsland Aboriginal Co-operative. The Bragun Men’s Group provides activities in a culturally safe and substance free environment. The groups promote healthy active lifestyles and social links while providing forums for discussion around community issues, cultural strengthening and celebrating culture.

Hourigan Rd Morwell 3840 Phone: 03 5135 9555 Web

GIPPSLAND & EAST GIPPSLAND ABORIGINAL CO-OPERATIVE (GEGAC) Provides a space for meetings and gatherings for Aboriginal community members and organisations.

37-53 Dalmahoy Street 9 Maryvale Crescent Bairnsdale 3875 Morwell 3840 Phone: 03 5150 0700 Phone: 03 5134 3816 Web

LAKES ENTRANCE ABORIGINAL HEALTH ASSOCIATION LEAHA provides a culturally safe environment and a sense of belonging for the Aboriginal community to utilise when needed.

18-26 Jemmeson St Lakes Entrance Vic, 3909 Ph: 03 5155 8465

RAMAHYUCK DISTRICT ABORIGINAL CORPORATION (RDAC) All sites provide a space for meetings and gatherings for Aboriginal community members and organisations.

Head Office Central Gippsland Aboriginal 117 Foster Street Health Service Sale 3850 15-17 Buckley Street Phone: 03 5144 6511 Morwell 3840 Phone: 03 5136 5100 West Gippsland Aboriginal Health Service South Gippsland Aboriginal 25 Young Street Health Service Drouin 3818 64 Watt Street Phone: 03 5625 6500 Wonthaggi 3995 Web Phone: 03 5672 1444


BAW BAW SHIRE COUNCIL The HACC program provides a range of support services. To be eligible for HACC services you need to be frail aged and/or have a disability.

Civic Place Warragul 3820 Phone: 03 5624 2411 Web GIPPSLAND & EAST GIPPSLAND ABORIGINAL CO-OPERATIVE (GEGAC) Elder’s Program Home and Community Care (HACC) Services Property maintenance – lawn mowing and hard rubbish removal (twice yearly); home care – general housework, washing, hanging, folding and ironing clothes, sweeping, mopping and vacuuming as well as shopping Meals – delivery of Meals on Wheels; or assistance to prepare meals. Planned Activity Groups (part of HACC services) Provides day outings, group meals, occasional trips to visit other centres, games such as bingo and other social activities including fishing, pictures and shows.

37-53 Dalmahoy Street Bairnsdale 3875 Phone: 03 5150 0700 Web LAKE TYERS HEALTH AND CHILDREN’S SERVICES Provides aged care packages to community members at Lake Tyers.

1 Rules Road Lake Tyers 3887 Phone: 03 5155 8500 Web


LATROBE CITY COUNCIL The HACC program provides a broad range of flexible support services to assist frail older people, people with functional disabilities and their carers.

141 Commercial Road Morwell 3840 Phone: 1300 367 700 Web

LATROBE COMMUNITY HEALTH SERVICE (LCHS) Latrobe Community Health service can co-ordinate your home care package, providing care and services to support you at home.

81-87 Buckley St Morwell 3840 Phone: 03 5136 5444 Free Call: 1800 242 696 Web

RAMAHYUCK DISTRICT ABORIGINAL CORPORATION (RDAC) Provides HACC services to clients and their carers who are frail, aged or have a disability. Services include; domestic assistance, personal care, property maintenance and planned activity group.

Head Office 117 Foster Street Sale 3850 Phone: 03 5143 1644 Web


LAKES ENTRANCE ABORIGINAL HEALTH ASSOCIATION LEAHA has the Victorian Aboriginal Housing officer visiting on a weekly basis, in addition LEAHA clients are able to access services through GLCH for emergency housing and community housing

18-26 Jemmeson St Lakes Entrance Vic, 3909 Ph: 03 5155 8465 QUANTUM SUPPORT SERVICES Delivers a high quality, locally responsive service that meet the needs of individuals, families and young people experiencing disadvantage or crisis to improve their opportunities and quality of life.

Indigenous Tenancies at Risk (ITAR) Provides support and advocacy to Indigenous tenants or prospective tenants of the Office of Housing or Aboriginal Housing Victoria. The program aims to establish, sustain and maintain Indigenous tenancies and address any issues or factors placing the tenancy at risk.

227 Princes Drive 56B Cunningham Street Morwell 3840 Sale 3850 Phone: 03 5120 2000 Phone: 03 5143 1614 Free Call: 1800 243 455

36 Williams Street Warragul 3820 Phone: 03 5622 7000 Web

SNAP Gippsland ‘Safe as Houses’ Mental health Support for Secured Tenancies. The program is available to adults (aged 16-64) based in South Gippsland, Bass Coast, Wellington and East Gippsland Shires who have a diagnosis of a severe and enduring mental illness who are experiencing homelessness or are at risk of homelessness.

265 Main Street Bairnsdale 3875 Phone: 03 5153 1823 Web

VICTORIAN ABORIGINAL CHILD CARE AGENCY (VACCA) Indigenous Access Program /Kurnai Youth Homelessness Case Worker This service provides an entry point for Aboriginal youth homelessness in Latrobe.

25 Rintoul Street Morwell 3840 Phone: 03 5135 6055 Web

WOMEN’S DOMESTIC VIOLENCE CRISIS SERVICE OF VICTORIA Provides 24 hour crisis telephone support, safety plans and emergency accommodation.

Free call: 1800 015 188 Web


IDENTITY SERVICES CONNECTING HOME Connecting Home staff and clients are available for presentations in your school, community organisation or workplace. Our insightful presentations will provide a wealth of historical and firsthand information and experience regarding child removal in Victoria, and can be tailored to suit your needs.

14 Gipps Street Collingwood 3066 Phone: 03 8679 0777 Web

LINK UP VICTORIA Provides assistance to reconnect to your culture and reunite with your mob and your community. The service supports Aboriginal people who were victims of past government removal policies and practices. Assists Aboriginal people over the age of 18, who were adopted, placed in foster care, institutionalised or forcibly removed, to trace and be reunited with their families. The service is confidential, sensitive and culturally appropriate.

34 Wurruk Avenue Preston 3072 Free call: 1800 687 662 (1800 our mob) Web


BUDJERI NAPAN SPORTS COMMITTEE Latrobe Valley Koorie Sports Committee Budjeri Napan (Koorie Sports Committee) was established to support a healthy, active and vibrant Koorie community in the Latrobe Valley.

Phone: 03 5174 7308 Web

GIPPSLAND & EAST GIPPSLAND ABORIGINAL CO-OPERATIVE (GEGAC) Womens Gym Group This group is available to all women who would like to improve their fitness. Wednesday 11.00 am to 12.00 pm. Womens Swimming Group This group follows the gym group on a Wednesday from 1.30pm-2.30pm. Womens Walking Group This group operates Monday 1.30 pm to 2.30pm. Leaving from The port of Bairnsdale, contact is made with participants if location changes. A light afternoon tea is provided. Outdoor Activities Group Outdoor activities planned with Tony Paganella from 11.00 am.

GIPPSLAND LAKES COMMUNITY HEALTH SERVICE A family swim program held at the local YMCA. The program is open to the Lakes Entrance and Lake Tyers Aboriginal Community and provides a social activity for the whole family as well as promoting safe play in the water. Transport is available from Lake Tyers. Children must be accompanied by an adult. Various days during school holidays: 12.30 pm - 3.00 pm.

The Koori Bubs swim program is for Aboriginal children aged 0-5 years from Lakes Entrance and Lake Tyers communities and aims to promote water safety. A shared lunch and transport is provided. Mondays during school term: 11.30 am - 2.00 pm.

18-26 Jemmeson Street Lakes Entrance 3909 Phone: 03 5155 8300 Web

GIPPSLAND LAKES COMMUNITY HEALTH SERVICE (GLCH) The Physically Active Kids program focuses on children having fun while developing good physical activity patterns in a safe and friendly environment. The weekly sessions are led by qualified staff, with parents and carers encouraged to participate with their children. Parents and carers are provided with education and support that may be included in play at home or in the child care facility.

• Bairnsdale East Steiner Kinder (Lucknow St): Mondays, 10.30 am - 11:30 am. • Boorai/GEGAC: Tuesdays, 10.30 am - 12.00 midday. • Lakes Entrance Primary School: Tuesdays, 1.30 pm - 3.00 pm. • GLCH Lakes Entrance (Bakewell Room), Tuesdays 10.30 - 12.30 pm . • Lake Tyers Aboriginal Trust: Wednesdays, 10.00 am - 12 midday. • Boorai/GEGAC: Fridays, 10.30 am - 12.00 midday. • Koori Bubs and Parents: Lakes Aquadome, Fridays 10.30 am - 1.00 pm.

18-26 Jemmeson Street Lakes Entrance 3909 Phone: 03 5155 8300 Web

GIPPSPORT Participation in Sport and Active Recreation (PICSAR) Partners with the community to establish sport and recreation committees and facilitate access to sport and recreation opportunities playing, coaching and officiating, with a focus on improving health across Gippsland.

Phone: 03 5135 8335 (Newborough) Phone: 03 5142 3483 (Sale) Phone: 03 5674 6004 (Inveloch) Phone: 03 5152 6559 (Bairnsdale Web COMMUNITY SUPPORT Gippsland BLACK PAGES Gippsland BLACK PAGES COMMUNITY SUPPORT

Participation in Sport and Active Recreation (PICSAR) Deadly Sport Gippsland aims to encourage and support positive lifestyle change among the Gippsland Aboriginal community by promoting sporting role models, activities and events.

Old Sale Rd Newborough 3825

Phone: 03 5135 8335

LATROBE CITY COUNCIL Provides health and wellbeing activities including light exercise program; water aerobics; gym program; community meals and social activities.

141 Commercial Road Morwell 3840 Phone: 1300 367 700 Web


ABORIGINAL FAMILY VIOLENCE PREVENTION AND LEGAL SERVICE (FVPLS) VICTORIA Provides counselling and legal support to victims of sexual assault and works with families affected by violence.

210b Main Street Bairnsdale 3875 Phone: 03 5153 2322 Free Call: 1800 105 303 Web

ELIZABETH HOFFMAN HOUSE ABORIGINAL WOMEN’S REFUGE Elizabeth Hoffman House provides a range of support to Aboriginal women and children experiencing family violence from crisis to recovery programs. 24 hour crisis support.

Phone: 03 9482 5744

GIPPSLAND CENTRE AGAINST SEXUALASSAULT (GCASA) GCASA provides a free and confidential service for women, men and children.

Phone: 03 5134 3922 Free call: 1800 806 292 Web GIPPSLAND & EAST GIPPSLAND ABORIGINAL CO-OPERATIVE (GEGAC) Deadly Migai’s Aboriginal womens’ social gathering group provides information and support to access; health, welfare and legal services.

9 Maryvale Crescent Morwell 3840 Phone: 03 5133 9276 Web

LATROBE COMMUNITY HEALTH SERVICE (LCHS) Womens and Childrens’ Family Violence Counselling Provides counselling for women and children with family violence issues providing immediate priority for children and women who are in a violent relationship.

81-87 Buckley Street Morwell 3840 Free Call: 1800 242 696 Web

RAMAHYUCK DISTRICT ABORIGINAL CORPORATION (RDAC) Provides various social and support programs for Aboriginal women.

Central Gippsland Aboriginal Health Service Central Gippsland Aboriginal 117 Foster Street Health Service Sale 3850 15-17 Buckley Street Phone: 03 5144 6511 Morwell 3840 Web Phone: 03 5136 5100

West Gippsland Aboriginal Health Service South Gippsland Aboriginal 25 Young Street Health Service Drouin 3818 64 Watt Street Phone: 03 5625 6500 Wonthaggi 3995 Phone: 03 5672 1444

WOMEN’S DOMESTIC VIOLENCE CRISIS SERVICE OF VICTORIA 24 hour crisis support. Provides crisis telephone support, safety plans and emergency accommodation.

Free call: 1800 015 188


EDUCATION SERVICES AUSTRALIAN INDIGENOUS HEALTH INFO NET Provides online information about courses and training opportunities for Aboriginal people. Web

DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION AND EARLY CHILDHOOD DEVELOPMENT (DEECD) Koorie Engagement Support Officers (KESO) Koorie engagement support officers build the capacity of schools and early childhood settings to effectively engage with the community and building the capacity of the community to effectively engage with schools and early childhood.

DEECD funding to Kindergartens Provides a full-fee subsidy for Aboriginal children to ensure Aboriginal children have access to a funded kindergarten program planned and delivered by a qualified early childhood teacher in the year before they attend school.

Early Start Kindergarten (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children) Three-year-old kindergarten provides Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children with an opportunity to access up to 10 hours a week of a funded early childhood program that is planned and delivered by a qualified early childhood teacher.

Cnr Kirk and Haigh Street PO Box 381 Moe 3825 Phone: 03 5127 0400 Web

GIPPSLAND & EAST GIPPSLAND ABORIGINAL CO-OPERATIVE (GEGAC) Dala Yooro Kindergarten Provides three and four year old kindergarten services for both Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal children.

Rupert Street Bairnsdale 3875 Phone: 03 5152 0810 Web MONASH UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF RURAL HEALTH Liaison Officer for Indigenous Students Acts as a contact point for indigenous students, to provide mentoring and advice regarding; academic progress, career path development and personal issues.

Monash University Department of Rural and Indigenous Health The Indigenous Health Unit team is involved in teaching, research, and projects that investigate and deliver information about Indigenous health to students in all disciplines within the faculty.

Cultural Safety Coaching This program aims to train Indigenous facilitators to provide coaching and training sessions to ensure cultural safety for those working or wanting to work in the Aboriginal community. Phone: 03 5128 1000

Nursing and Midwifery Lecturer (Liaison) (Federation University) Assists with increasing Indigenous student’s uptake of midwifery programs.

Northways Road Churchill 3842 Phone: 03 5122 7186 Web

UNITINGCARE GIPPSLAND Dala Lidj Woolum Bellum Pre School Four years; Monday and Wednesday 9 am - 2.30 pm. Three years; Tuesday and Thursday 9 am - 2.30 pm. Bus pick up and drop off in Moe, Morwell, Traralgon and Churchill.

Cnr Hoyle and Harold Street Morwell 3840 Phone: 03 5135 3795

Koori Pre School Advisor Supports a number of kindergartens to ensure inclusion and access for Aboriginal children in Wellington.

Koorie Preschool Assistants (KPSA) KPSAs work in kindergartens with teachers, families and children to ensure that kindergarten programs are delivered in a responsive and culturally respectful manner.

126 Raymond Street Sale 3850 Phone: 03 5144 7777 Web


VICTORIAN ABORIGINAL COMMUNITY CONTROLLED HEALTH ORGANISATION (VACCHO) VACCHO provides Aboriginal health worker training and a range of other training opportunities. More information available on VACCHO wesbite.

17–23 Sackville Street Collingwood 3066 Phone: 03 9411 9411 Web


CENTRELINK Provides Indigenous specific resources and programs to assist with social welfare.

Indigenous Programs Centrelink Indigenous Cadetship Program - provides assistance to students to complete study at an approved tertiary institution. Community Development Employment Project - aims to provide employment in areas where employment prospects are limited or do not exist. Indigenous Ambassadors Program - informs Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples about payments and programs available from the agencies under Department of Human Services. The Indigenous Wage Subsidy Card provides a wage subsidy for employers who employ Indigenous job seekers. The Indigenous Youth Mobility Program is a Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations program that supports Indigenous young people who wish to move away from home to undertake study or training.

Indigenous Specialist Officers Centrelink’s network of Indigenous specialist officers and remote visiting teams inform Indigenous people about the services and programs Centrelink offers. Indigenous specialist officers provide feedback to Centrelink management on how to improve services to Indigenous people. Phone: 13 63 80

Indigenous Call Centre living in regional and remote areas can talk about Centrelink payments and services. Phone: 13 63 80

Indigenous Debt Recovery Indigenous Australians can find out more about repayment of a Centrelink debt.

Free Call: 1800 138 193 Centrelink 150-154 York Street Sale 3850 Free call: 1800 050 004 Web AUSTRALIAN INDIGENOUS HEALTH INFO NET Provides online information about Aboriginal employment opportunities.


INDIGENOUS EMPLOYMENT LINE For Indigenous people not registered with a Job Services Australia Provider.

Free call: 1802 102

LATROBE CITY COUNCIL Indigenous Employment Program Provides pre-employment training and mentoring that leads to sustainable employment for the Aboriginal community.

141 Commercial Road Morwell 3840 Phone: 1300 367 700 Web LAKES ENTRANCE ABORIGINAL HEALTH ASSOCIATION LEAHA has the Indigenous Co-ordinator Employment Development worker from Latrobe City visiting on a weekly basis.

18-26 Jemmeson St Lakes Entrance 3909 Phone: 03 5155 8465

VICTORIAN ABORIGINAL COMMUNITY CONTROLLED HEALTH ORGANISATION (VACCHO) VACCHO provides information about job opportunities. More information available on the VACCHO website.

17–23 Sackville Street Collingwood 3066 Phone: 03 9411 9411 Web


WORKWAYS AUSTRALIA LTD Job Services Australia (JSA) Workways offers a range of Indigenous Services to the community. JSA aims to connect Indigenous Australians who are engaged with their community with employers to achieve meaningful employment outcomes.

Workway’s programs provide additional assistance to employers looking to employ Indigenous Australians including mentoring, cultural awareness programs and on-going career development.

35 Della Torre Road Moe 3825 Phone: 03 5126 4052 Free call: 1800 631 196 Web


ABORIGINAL FAMILY VIOLENCE PREVENTION AND LEGAL SERVICE (FVPLS) VICTORIA Provides counselling and legal support to victims of sexual assault and works with families affected by violence.

210b Main Street Bairnsdale 3875 Phone: 03 5153 2322 Free call: 1800 105 303 Web

ANGLICARE Koorie Youth justice Program Provides support and programs for young people aged 10-21 years who are on Youth Justice orders, and/or are high risk adolescents. The aim is to assist young people to link into support services, participate in cultural, recreational or other activities, and connect with their community and culture.

162 Commercial Road Morwell 3840 Phone: 03 5135 9555 Youth Justice Group Conferencing Group Conferencing is a program based on restorative justice principles which involves the young person and people affected by the offending. The aim is to repair the harm caused by the offending and to divert the young person from more serious offending. The program services the whole of Gippsland.

162 Commercial Road

Morwell 3840 Phone: 03 5135 9555 Web

CONSUMER AFFAIRS VICTORIA Provides legal advice and assistance on accommodation, renting, estate agents, building, shopping and trading Indigenous Consumer’s Unit, Consumer Affairs Victoria.

Justice Service Centre 25 Ann Street Morwell 3840 Phone: 1300 558 181 Web

DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE Regional Aboriginal Justice Advisory Committee (RAJAC) Advocates for and promotes improved justice outcomes and Koori justice initiatives to both Koori communities and government agencies. Monitors Koori contact with the justice system and develops and implements regional justice plans that address Koori over-representation. Uses partnerships to promote and participate in forums and initiatives to address Koori disadvantage.

Local Aboriginal Justice Advisory Committee (LAJAC) Provides a link between the Regional Aboriginal Justice Advisory Committee (RAJAC) and the local community, feeds information to RAJAC and implements RAJAC strategies locally.

25 Ann Street Morwell 3840 Phone: 03 5116 5700 Web

GIPPSLAND COMMUNITY LEGAL SERVICE (GCLS) Provides accessible legal services to the Gippsland community with a particular focus on disadvantaged groups, and on those with special needs. Offers free legal advice and referral to all members of the public who live, work or study in the Gippsland region. It operates an “open door” policy.

53-55 Buckley Street Morwell 3840 Free call: 1800 004 402 Web LEGAL / JUSTICE SERVICES Gippsland BLACK PAGES Gippsland BLACK PAGES LEGAL / JUSTICE SERVICES

GIPPSLAND & EAST GIPPSLAND ABORIGINAL CO-OPERATIVE Koorie Offender Support and Mentoring Support programs and mentoring for adult offenders over 18 years old on Community Based Court dispositions.

Koori Youth Justice Program The Koori Youth Justice Program (KYJ) within the Department of Human Services provides supervision and support to young people residing in Gippsland who are subject to Court orders.

37-53 Dalmahoy Street Bairnsdale 3875 Phone: 03 5150 0700 Web

KOORI COURT SERVICES Koori Court The Koori Court is a division of the Magistrates’ Court of Victoria. All offences that can be heard in the Magistrates’ Court, except family violence and sexual offences can be heard in the Koori Court. In contrast to the mainstream system, the Koori Court provides a less formal atmosphere that allows greater participation by the Aboriginal community in the court process. Koori Court elders and/or respected persons, a Koori court officer, the defendant, and their family can all contribute to the discussions during the court hearing.


Koori County Court Koori Court is a sentencing court that has adapted the process so that it is more culturally appropriate. Offenders must plead guilty to be eligible for the County Court. Plain language is used and defendants sit at an oval table with the judge, prosecutor, Elders and respected persons. The Elders assist in finding and addressing the cause of the criminal behaviour.

134 Commercial Road Morwell 3840 Phone: 03 5116 5222 Web

Koori Court Officer Magistrates Court Supports Koori offenders 18 + over years that have come into contact with the criminal justice system within the Latrobe Valley catchment.

Phone: 03 5116 5213

Koori Court Officer County Court Supports Koori offenders whose matters appear before the county court within the Latrobe Valley catchment.

Phone: 03 5116 5212 Web KURNAI LEGAL PRACTICE Kurnai Legal Practice is a criminal defence firm, specialising in representing Indigenous people within all criminal jurisdictions. We regularly represent people in the Magistrates’ Court, Children’s Court, County Court and all Koorie Courts within those Courts. We are happy to provide people with an initial free consultation and legal aid is available.

215 Princes Drive Morwell 3840 Phone: 03 5133 6433 Web

LAKES ENTRANCE ABORIGINAL HEALTH ASSOCIATION LEAHA provides a full time justice team that includes a local justice worker for the adults and a Koori youth justice worker for the youth. The justice team is working hard to provide community with any advocacy when needed, providing transport to corrections and court, providing work sites to conduct community working hours, working closely with all of their clients including at risk clients with the aim of preventing them entering the justice system.

18-26 Jemmeson St Lakes Entrance 3909 Ph: 03 5155 8465

RAMAHYUCK DISTRICT ABORIGINAL CORPORATION Ramahyuck is registered with the Department of Justice as a work site where our clients can do their community service. Services provided by the justice worker include: • Liaising and/or obtaining solicitors on the client’s behalf to help with court and other legal matters. • Supporting clients with sheriff’s meetings where the client can take responsibility for their fines through payment plans or community work. • Establishing payment plans for fines through the infringements court.

25 Young Street Drouin 3818 Phone: 03 5625 6500

VICTORIAN ABORIGINAL LEGAL SERVICE (VALS) VALS plays an important role in providing referrals, advice/information, duty work or case work assistance to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in the state of Victoria. Solicitors at VALS specialise in one of three areas of law; criminal law, family law and civil law.

16 George Street 289 Main St Morwell 3825 Bairnsdale 3875 Phone: 03 5133 9853 Phone: 03 5153 0445 Free call: 1800 064 865 Web


VICTORIA POLICE Aboriginal Community Liaison program (ACLO) Provides a communication link between local Aboriginal communities and Victoria Police.

14 Hazelwood Road Morwell 3840 Phone: 03 5131 5087 Web

WULGUNGGO NGALU (Which Way Together) Provides a state-wide, culturally-appropriate, residential diversion program for adult Indigenous males on Community Based Orders (CBO). The program enables residents to achieve the requirements of the CBO while connecting or reconnecting to their culture. The program also provides planning for return to community.

Moolianga Road Won Wron Phone: 03 5188 0000 Web


GIPPSLAND & EAST GIPPSLAND ABORIGINAL CO-OPERATIVE Transport provided to attend medical and specialist appointments for eligible clients.

37-53 Dalmahoy Street Bairnsdale 3875 Phone: 03 5150 0700 Web

GIPPSLAND LAKES COMMUNITY HEALTH SERVICE The medical transport program provides transport to medical appointments for eligible Lakes Entrance Aboriginal community members to Lakes Entrance, Bairnsdale, Sale, Traralgon and Melbourne.

18-26 Jemmeson Street Lakes Entrance 3909 Phone: 03 5155 8300 Web LAKES ENTRANCE ABORIGINAL HEALTH ASSOCIATION LEAHA has a medical transport driver available Monday - Thursday providing transport for the Aboriginal community members in and around the townships of Lakes Entrance, Metung and Swan Reach for their medical appointments. LEAHA also provides justice transport for their clients.

18-26 Jemmesoazn St Lakes Entrance Vic, 3909 Ph: 03 5155 8465

LATROBE CITY COUNCIL Planned Activity Group Transport Transport providers for Aboriginal Elders to attend planned activity groups.

141 Commercial Road Morwell 3840 Phone: 03 5128 5345 Phone: 1300 367 700 Web

LATROBE COMMUNITY HEALTH SERVICE Planned Activity Groups Transport for Aboriginal Elders to attend planned activity groups.

81-87 Buckley Street Morwell 3840 Free call: 1800 242 696 Web

RAMAHYUCK DISTRICT ABORIGINAL CORPORATION Dental Transport Provides dental transport for Aboriginal clients to Ramahyuck dental service Head office in Central Gippsland Aboriginal Health Service. Medical Transport Transport provided to attend Ramahyuck medical appointments and to specialist and other local appointments.

Phone: 03 5143 1644 Web

VICTORIAN PATIENT TRANSPORT ASSISTANCE SCHEME (VPTAS) Subsidises medical travel and accommodation costs incurred by rural Victorians and if appropriate, their escorts, who have no option but to travel a long distance to receive approved medical specialist service. Forms can be collected and returned to DHS offices in Gippsland.



Anglicare 03 5135 9555 Baw Baw Shire 03 5624 2411 Bairnsdale Regional Health Service 03 5150 3333 Council 1300 226 278 Central Gippsland Aboriginal Health Service (Morwell) 03 5136 5128 Central Gippsland Health Service (Sale Hospital) 03 5143 8600 Centrelink 1800 050 004 Department of Education and Early Childhood Development 03 5127 0400 Department of Human Services (Gippsland) 03 5177 2500 Department of Health (Gippsland) 03 5177 2500 Department of Planning and Community Development 03 9208 3333 East Gippsland Shire Council 03 5153 9500 Family Violence Prevention Legal Service Gippsland Community Legal Service 1800 004 402 Gippsland & East Gippsland Aboriginal Co-operative 03 5150 0700 Gippsland Lakes Community Health 03 5155 8300 Gippsland Medicare Local 03 5126 2899 Headspace 03 5136 8300 Heyfield Hospital 03 5139 7979 Lakes Entrance Aboriginal Health Association 03 5155 8465 Lake Tyers Aboriginal Trust 03 5156 5554 Latrobe Community Health Service 1800 242 696 Latrobe City Council 1300 367 700 Latrobe Regional Hospital 03 5173 8000 Latrobe Regional Mental Health 1300 363 322 Maffra Hospital 03 5147 0100 Moogji Aboriginal Council 03 5154 2133 Quantum Support Services 1800 243 455 Quitline 137848 Ramahyuck District Aboriginal Corporation (Sale) 03 5143 1644 Council 03 5662 9600 UnitingCare Gippsland 03 5144 7777 Victorian Aboriginal Child Care Agency 03 5135 6055 Victorian Aboriginal Legal Service (Morwell) 03 5133 9853 Wellington Shire Council 1300 366 244 West Gippsland Aboriginal Health Service (Drouin) 03 5625 6500 West Gippsland Health Care Group (Warragul Hospital) 03 5623 0611 Wulgunggo Ngalu 03 5188 0000 Youth Support and Advocacy Service YSAS 03 5133 3411 Yoowinna Wurnalung Healing Service 03 5155 8420 QUICK WEB LIST

Aboriginal Family Violence Prevention and Legal Service Anglicare Australian Indigenous Health Info Net Bairnsdale Regional Health Service Bass Coast Shire Council Baw Baw Shire Council Centrelink Central Gippsland Health Service Department of Education & Early Childhood Development Department of Health Victoria Department of Human Services Department of Planning and Community Development East Gippsland Shire Council Gippsland & East Gippsland Aboriginal Co-operative Gippsland Community Legal service Gippsland Lakes Community Health Gippsland Medicare Local Headspace Lakes Entrance Aboriginal Health Association Lake Tyers Aboriginal Trust Latrobe City Council Latrobe Community Health Service Link Up Victoria Latrobe Regional Hospital Monash University Moogji Aboriginal Council Quantum Support Services Ramahyuck District Aboriginal Corporation South Gippsland Shire Council UnitingCare Gippsland Victorian Aboriginal Child Care Agency Victorian Community Controlled Health Organisation Victorian Aboriginal Legal Service Wellington Shire Council West Gippsland Healthcare Group Wulgunggo Ngalu Youth Support and Advocacy Service Yoowinna Wurnalung Healing Service