WIT.013.002.0001 Overview of the Meteorological Aspects of the Victorian Fires 7 February 2009

Dr Mark Williams Regional Director Regional Office Bureau of Meteorology WIT.013.002.0002

Overview: Section 1: Fire weather forecasting & warnings services Section 2: Relevant long term weather patterns Section 3: Antecedent weather conditions, including temperature & rainfall recorded in Victoria between October 2008 & February 2009 Section 4: The heat wave of late January 2009 Section 5: The Weather during the week leading up to the 7 February 2009, including the reasons for the extreme Heat Section 6: Weather conditions 11pm Friday 6 February till 5am 8 February Section 7: Reasons for the strong winds on 7 February 2009 Section 8: Pyrocumulonimbus cloud Section 9: Forecasts and warnings made for 7 February during the week prior & communications of those forecasts & warnings to the Authorities & the public Section 10: Forecasts & warnings made for 7 February on that day & communications of those forecasts and warnings to the Authorities & the public WIT.013.002.0003


Fire weather forecasting & warning services WIT.013.002.0004

• The Victoria Regional Office of the Bureau of Meteorology is responsible for the provision of forecasts and warnings for the state of Victoria, including fire weather warnings.

• During the last 2 years the Bureau has augmented its services through assigning a meteorologist to the iECC to provide briefing services. WIT.013.002.0005

Information flow between the Bureau, IECC, Fire agencies & the public WIT.013.002.0006

Briefing services provided at the iECC

• Conduct an iECC fire weather briefing at 9am to all iECC staff

• Produce a 7 day outlook product at 10.30am and accompanying audio recording available to all iECC staff

• Participate in the DSE regional managers teleconference at 11am

• Comment to the iECC Fire Behaviour Analysts on automated weather data input provided for the fire spread models used by the iECC Fire Behaviour Analysts

• Conduct a CFA fire weather briefing on days prior to expected extreme fire weather conditions

• Conduct a VICSES teleconference on Tuesdays and Fridays to discuss likelihood of widespread heavy rain or severe winds during the next five days

141°0'E 141°0'E 147°0'E 147°0'E 145°0'E 145°0'E 149°0'E 149°0'E 143°0'E 143°0'E

Promontory Promontory Wilsons Hogan Hogan Is Is

Otway Otway Cape

Wonlhaggi Wonlhaggi

Creek Creek ®Pound

Cape Cape Nelson Nelson Aireys Aireys Inlet Inlet

Fairy Fairy Port

WICJ WICJ Yanam Yanam Ap Ap

0 0 Portland Portland Ap Ap Canperdown Canperdown Churchill Churchill

Ap Ap Valley Ap Ap Warrnambool Warrnambool

Sale Sale East Latrobe Gellibrand Mt Mt

38°05 38°05

Mortlake Mortlake

Gambier Gambier M? M? C C


Orbest Orbest

Coleraine Coleraine

Baw Baw Baw Mt Mt

1-1 1-1

Moornapa Moornapa Mt Mt

0 0

Figure Figure See See 2 2

11 11 Mallacoota Mallacoota Westmere Nowa Nowa Nowa Mt Hamilton Hamilton

Casterton Casterton

- -



I7 I7

Ararat Ararat

Combienbar Combienbar Nevis Nevis Ben Ben

William William Mt Mt

-1 -1

Gelantipy Stawell

gyp` gyp` Omeo

11 11 Buller Buller Mt Mt

Maryborough Maryborough

EdenhopeKanagulk EdenhopeKanagulk Ap Ap Hotham Mt

Mt Mt Hoth Hoth am am

Heathoote Heathoote

Strathbogie Strathbogie

Creek Creek

Falls Falls

Horshci Horshci

Mangalore Mangalore n n i i

Bendigo Bendigo

Ap Ap Bendigo

HorshamA HorshamA Longerenong Longerenong

Tatura Tatura

0 0 Gap Gap Buckland

E] E]

Il.:u Il.:u

l:.-I l:.-I

Wangaratta Wangaratta Shepparion

yabram® yabram®


varracknabeal varracknabeal Ap Ap Nhill

El El

Rutherglen Rutherglen GCharlton GCharlton

Hunters Hunters Albury Hill Hill Echuca Echuca

u u

Yarrawonga Yarrawonga

Kerang Kerang

Hopetoun Hopetoun

Hill Hill Swan

Walpeup Walpeup o o

Ouyen Ouyen

Locality Locality

19 19 Station Station Weather

Location Location Forecast Fire Fire

Mildura Mildura

Automatic Weather Stations & Fire Forecast Locations Forecast Fire & Stations Weather Automatic WIT.013.002.0007

145°0'E 145°0'E


Aireys Aireys Inlet Inlet Rhyll Rhyll


Cerberus Cerberus Delbwn Delbwn

Channel Channel Is Is South

Gellibiand Gellibiand

Mt Mt

Ap Ap Geelong

Frankston Frankston


Bunyip Bunyip Wilson Wilson Point Point

Avalon Avalon

Laberlouche Laberlouche

38°0'S 38°0'S

Beacon Beacon

Bony Bony Fawkner Fawkner i1 i1 WanenDVICH WanenDVICH N:ane N:ane

Moorabbin Moorabbin


Sheoaks Sheoaks

Scoresby Scoresby

St St

Harbour Harbour Kilda Kilda

El El

Lavedon Lavedon

Bav Bav Baw Mt Mt 0 0

Dandenong Dandenong Mt 9elbourne 9elbourne

0 0

Essendon Essendon

iewbank iewbank

Coldstream Coldstream

Ap4j, Ap4j,

Me Me South 19 19

El El

inglake inglake

Marysville Marysville Ballarat Ballarat

Reservoir Reservoir Toorourrong

Gap Gap Kilmore

Locality Locality

Kilmore Kilmore

Murrindindi Murrindindi Station Station Weather

Location Location Forecast Fire Fire

Eildon Eildon


R.-desdale R.-desdale

Castlemaine Castlemaine

Redesdale Redesdale

( ) Locations - Central Victoria Victoria Central - Locations Fig 2 Fig

Locations of Automatic Weather Stations & Fire Forecast Forecast Fire & Stations Weather Automatic of Locations WIT.013.002.0008 WIT.013.002.0009


Relevant long term weather patterns WIT.013.002.0010 QwPQ"

%66". 0.60 0.40 0.30 0.20 0.15 0.10 0.05 0.00

-0.05 -0.10 -0.15 -0.20 -0.30 -0.40 -0.60

11f 11f

I I I I I I I I I Oyrs) Temperature 9p (°C/1 Mean in 1910-2008 MdlialpR,Avad*fFAWw++ Trend 0Gommur*&Oi4P&Rtdlib2M.N WIT.013.002.0011 2000 1990 1961-90) 1980 (base 1970 Anomaly 1960 T Year Mean 1950 Meteorology Annual 1940 of ...... Victoria 1930 Bureau Victoria Annual Mean T Anomaly (base 1961-90) 1920 Australian --t

1910 2

Mean Mean Anomaly Anomaly T T (CC) (CC)

+1 +1

bav,nl:t bav,nl:t

IQurJ,r IQurJ,r 1c!jc uvlFAi:uc :n) :n) AIrC4RmaFiainuar AIrC4RmaFiainuar IriiI,2r71. IriiI,2r71. 0CAM, 0CAM, .ry+n,haalainEk.! .ry+n,haalainEk.! 1E 1E l l y y I I l l : : : : :

Itttp: Itttp: , , ixroi..a:,v.au ixroi..a:,v.au 1 1 m

Wirrnambool Wirrnambool

Portland Portland


Caslerlon Caslerlon BallEiral BallEiral

Hur,h:am Hur,h:am Rvnalla Rvnalla

irr- irr- iuikp iuikp Dt Dt

Swan Swan - - 1i1II 1i1II

Centre Centre Clirnalc National National of of tiou tiou product product

t)ata t)ata Griddcd Griddcd Distribution Distribution on on BasCd BasCd

i i January January 2009 2009 Rainfall Rainfall February February 1997 1997 to to Qeciles Qeciles 31 31 WIT.013.002.0012 WIT.013.002.0013


Antecedent weather conditions, including temperature & rainfall recorded in Victoria between October 2008 & February 2009

of of of Australia Commonwealth Commonwealth Meteorology Meteorology Bureau Australian 2009, 28/04/2009 28/04/2009 Issued: @ @

httpJ/www.bom.gov.au httpJ/www.bom.gov.au

Record Record


on on Lowest

Casterton Casterton

Ballarat Ballarat

Average Average Below Below

1 1

Much Much Very Very

Omeo Omeo

Average Average Below Below 2-3 2-3

- - Bendigo Bendigo

Valley Valley Perisher Horsham

Benalla Benalla Average Average 4-7

Above Above 8-9 Average Average

Average Average Above Above

10 10 Much Much Very

Record Record

Highest Highest on on

Ranges Ranges Decile Rainfall

of of the the Centre Centre Product Product Climate Climate National

Product of the National Climate Centre Climate National the of Product

Gridded Gridded on on Distribution Based on Gridded Data Gridded on Based Distribution Distribution Distribution Data Data Based

Victorian Rainfall Deciles October 2008 October Deciles Rainfall Victorian

October October 2008 2008 Victorian Victorian Rainfall Rainfall Deciles Deciles WIT.013.002.0014

of of of Australia Australia Commonwealth Commonwealth Meteorology Meteorology Bureau Australian 2008. Issued: Issued: 22/1712008 22/1712008 @ @

httpJ/www.bom.gov.au httpJ/www.bom.gov.au

Wilson Wilson Prom. Prom.

Otway Otway Cape

\ \ ------Latrobe Latrobe Wan'nambool Valley Valley


Record Record


Lowest Lowest on on

Casterlon Casterlon

Average Average Below

1 1

Much Much Very

2-3 2-3 Average Average Below


Bendigo Bendigo

Horsham Horsham

Benalla Benalla Average Average 4-7 4-7

Above Above Average Average 8-9

Average Average Above Above

10 10

Much Much Very

Record Record

Highest Highest on on

Ranges Ranges Decile Rainfall

Mildura Mildura

Product of the National Climate Centre Climate National the of Product of of Centre Centre Climate National the Product

Distribution Based on Gridded Data Gridded on Based Distribution

Gridded Gridded

on on Data Data Distribution Distribution Based Based

Victorian Rainfall Deciles November 2008 November Deciles Rainfall Victorian

Victorian Victorian Rainfall Rainfall Deciles Deciles November November 2008 2008 WIT.013.002.0015

of of of Australia Australia Commonwealth Commonwealth Meteorology Meteorology Bureau Australian 2009, 28/01/2009 28/01/2009 Issued: @ @

Record Record

on on Lowest

Average Average Below Below

1 1

Much Much Very Very

Average Average Below Below 2-3 2-3

Average Average 4-7 4-7

Above Above 8-9 Average Average

Average Average Above Above

10 10 Much Much Very

Record Record

Highest Highest on on

Wagga Wagga Wagga

Goulbum Goulbum

Ranges Ranges Decile Rainfall

Hay Hay

Product of the National Climate Centre Climate National the of Product

the the Centre Centre Climate Climate National of Product

Distribution Based on Gridded Data Gridded on Based Distribution

Gridded Gridded on on

Distribution Distribution Data Data Based Victorian Rainfall Deciles December 2008 December Deciles Rainfall Victorian

Victorian Victorian Rainfall Rainfall Deciles Deciles December December 2008 2008 WIT.013.002.0016 WIT.013.002.0017 03/03/2009 on on Average Average Average Average Much Much Ranges Issued: Below Very Below Lowest Record Highest Record Very Above Above Average Decile

Rainfall 10 1 8-9 4-7 2-3

/ /

/ / 2009 12$' I Data Centre January f l Albury Gridded Climate on National Based Deciles the of Distribution Based on Gridded Data Gridded on Based Distribution Rainfall Distribution Product of the National Climate Centre Climate National of the Product Product Hay Victorian Meteorology Hill of Victorian Rainfall Deciles January 2009 Bureau -Swan Australian 2009, Mildura Australia of ` Commonwealth httpJ/www.bom.gov.au @

of of of Australia Australia Commonwealth Commonwealth Meteorology Meteorology Bureau Australian 2009, 03/03/2009 03/03/2009 Issued: @ @

mm mm O O

mm mm 1 1

mm mm 5

mm mm 10

25 25 mm mm

50 50 mm mm

mm mm 100

200 200 mm mm

300 300 mm mm

Product of the National Climate Centre Climate National the of Product

Victorian Rainfall January 2009 January Rainfall Victorian WIT.013.002.0018

of of of Ausiralia Ausiralia Commonwealth Commonwealth Meteorology Meteorology Bureau Australian 2009. 26/03/2009 26/03/2009 Issued: @ @

httpJ/www.bom.gov.au httpJ/www.bom.gov.au

Record Record

Lowest Lowest on on

Average Average Below

1 1

Much Much Very

Average Average Below 2-3 2-3

Average Average 4-7 4-7

Average Average Above 8-9

Average Average Above Above

10 10

Much Much Very

Record Record

on on Highest

Rainfall Rainfall Ranges Ranges Decile

Product of the National Climate Centre Climate National the of Product

the the Centre Centre Climate Climate National of Product

Distribution Based on Gridded Data Gridded on Based Distribution

Based Based Distribution Gridded Gridded Data Data on on Victorian Rainfall Deciles February 2009 February Deciles Rainfall Victorian

Victorian Victorian Rainfall Rainfall Deciles Deciles February February 2009 2009 WIT.013.002.0019

0 0 of of Australia Australia of of Commonwealth Meteorology Meteorology Bureau Australian 2008. 28/11/2008 28/11/2008 Issued:

-6°C -6°C

-5°C -5°C

-4°C -4°C

-3°C -3°C

-2°C -2°C

-1°C -1°C

0°C 0°C

1°C 1°C

2°C 2°C

3°C 3°C

4°C 4°C

5°C 5°C

6°C 6°C

Product of the National Climate Centre Climate National the of Product

of of Centre Centre Climate National the Product Maximum Temperature Anomaly (°C) October 2008 October (°C) Anomaly Temperature Maximum

October October 2008 2008 Maximum Maximum Temperature Temperature Anomaly Anomaly (°C) (°C) WIT.013.002.0020 WIT.013.002.0021


pp? pp? Issued:


2°C 1°C 0°C -1°C -2°C -3°C -4°C -5°C -6°C

1=! 1=! I I Valley 2008


2 November 0 Centre Omeo t°C) Climate Anomaly National the Benalla of Product of the National Climate Centre Climate National of the Product Product Temperature Bendigo Meteorology Maximum of Ballarat Bureau Australian 2008. Maximum Temperature Anomaly (°C) November 2008 Horsham Australia of Casterton Commonwealth httpitwww.bom.gov.au 0

0 0 of of Australia Australia of of Commonwealth Bureau Bureau Australian 2009. Meteorology Meteorology 28/01/2009 28/01/2009 Issued:

httpJ/www.bom.gov.au httpJ/www.bom.gov.au

Prom. Prom. Wilsons

Otway Otway Cape

-6°C -6°C

Worithaggi Worithaggi

-5°C -5°C

-4°C -4°C Latrobe Valley

-3°C -3°C

`Baimsdale `Baimsdale


-2°C -2°C

Ballarat Ballarat

-1°C -1°C

Omeo Omeo

0°C 0°C

1°C 1°C

r r

Bendigo Bendigo

Horsham Horsham Perisher Perisher Valley Valley 2°C 2°C Benalla Benalla -7111 -7111 pp?


Product of the National Climate Centre Climate National the of Product

of of Centre Centre Climate National the Product Maximum Temperature Anomaly (°C) December 2008 December (°C) Anomaly Temperature Maximum

Maximum Maximum Temperature Temperature Anomaly Anomaly December December 2008 2008 t°C) t°C) WIT.013.002.0022

0 0 Issued: Issued: Australia Australia Commonwealth Meteorology Meteorology 17102I2009 17102I2009 of of of of Bureau Bureau Australian 2009.

-6°C -6°C

-5°C -5°C

-4°C -4°C

-3°C -3°C

-2°C -2°C

-1°C -1°C

0°C 0°C

1°C 1°C

2°C 2°C

3°C 3°C

4°C 4°C

5°C 5°C


Goulhum Goulhum

Product of the National Climate Centre Climate National the of Product

the the Centre Centre of of Product Climate Climate National Maximum Temperature Anomaly (°C) January 2009 January (°C) Anomaly Temperature Maximum

January January 2009 2009 Temperature Temperature Anomaly Anomaly Maximum Maximum (°C) (°C) WIT.013.002.0023 WIT.013.002.0024


Issued: 6°C 5°C 4°C 3°C 2°C 1°C 0°C -1°C -2°C -3°C -4°C -5°C -6°C :7' :7' 2009 February Centre t°C) Climate Anomaly National the of Product of the National Climate Centre Climate National of the Product Product Temperature

Maximum Meteorology


f-J f-J Bureau I I Australian

Maximum Temperature Anomaly (°C) February 2009 2 2 2009.

Australia of I- I- 1 Commonwealth 0 WIT.013.002.0025


The heat wave of late January 2009

0 0 of of IGMapAWAPDailyAnoms IGMapAWAPDailyAnoms Bureau Australian Australia Commonwealth Issued: Issued: Meteorology Meteorology code: code: 2009, of of 03/0712009 03/0712009 ID ID

httpJ/w httpJ/w w.bom.gov.au w.bom.gov.au w w

Centre Centre Climate the of of National National Product

31/01/2009 31/01/2009 27/01/2009 71-00) 71-00) (base (base to to

(°C) (°C) Anom_ Temp_ Max_ Max_


-18°C -18°C

-15°C -15°C

-12°C -12°C

-9°C -9°C

-6°C -6°C

-3°C -3°C

0°C 0°C

3°C 3°C

6°C 6°C

9°C 9°C

12°C 12°C

15°C 15°C 0

18°C 18°C WIT.013.002.0026 WIT.013.002.0027

• Melbourne recorded a maximum of 45.1°C on 30 January, the second highest on record at the time

• Overnight temperatures were very high – this resulted in Melbourne achieving a record highest daily average temperature of 35.4°C

• Melbourne set a record of 3 consecutive days above 43°C

• In Mildura the maximum was above 40°C for 12 consecutive days, a record for a Victorian station WIT.013.002.0028


The weather during the week leading up to the 7 February 2009 including the reasons for the extreme heat

of of Meteorology Meteorology Bureau Bureau Sunl Sunl February February 2009) 2009) (11:00 (11:00 am am EDT EDT

Australian Australian

Government Government Analysis Analysis February February Valid: Valid: MSL MSL Sun, Sun, (hPa) (hPa) 2009 2009 OOUTC OOUTC 1 1

Meteorological Meteorological Oceanographic Oceanographic Centre Centre National National WIT.013.002.0029

of of Meteorology Meteorology Bureau Bureau Mon Mon February February (11:00 (11:00 am am EDT EDT 2009) 2009) 2 2

Australian Australian Government Government Analysis Analysis February February Valid: Valid: (hPa) (hPa) Mon, Mon, MSL MSL 2009 2009 2 2 OOUTC OOUTC

Meteorological Meteorological Oceanographic Oceanographic National National Centre Centre WIT.013.002.0030

992 992

1000 1000

Kt Kt 25 25

of of Meteorology Meteorology Bureau Bureau February February (11:00 (11:00 am am Tue Tue EDT EDT 3 3 2009) 2009)

Australian Australian Government Government Analysis Analysis February February Valid: Valid: MSL MSL (hPa) (hPa) Tue, Tue, 2009 2009 3 3 OOUTC OOUTC

Oceanographic Oceanographic Meteorological Meteorological National National Centre Centre WIT.013.002.0031

Meteorology Meteorology of Bureau Bureau February February 2009) 2009) am am (11:00 (11:00 Wed Wed 4 4 EDT EDT

Australian Australian Government Government

Analysis Analysis February February Valid: Valid: (hPa) (hPa) Wed, Wed, 2009 2009 MSL MSL UTC UTC 00 4 4

Meteorological Meteorological Oceanographic Oceanographic Centre Centre National National WIT.013.002.0032

996" 996"

- - 1004 1004

1020 1020

1012 1012

1016 1016

x x


1012 1012

1004 1004

of of Meteorology Meteorology Bureau Bureau February February (11:00 (11:00 Thu Thu 2009) 2009) am am EDT EDT 5 5

Australian Australian Government Government

Analysis Analysis February February Valid: Valid: Thu, Thu, (hPa) (hPa) MSL MSL 2009 2009 5 5 OOUTC OOUTC

Meteorological Meteorological Oceanographic Oceanographic National National Centre Centre WIT.013.002.0033

of of Meteorology Meteorology Bureau Bureau February February (11:00 (11:00 2009) 2009) am am 6 6 Fri EDT EDT

Australian Australian Government Government

Analysis Analysis February February Valid: Valid: (hPa) (hPa) MSL MSL 2009 2009 Fri, Fri, 6 6 OOUTC OOUTC

Oceanographic Oceanographic Centre Centre Meteorological Meteorological National National WIT.013.002.0034

988 988

996 996

1004 1004

pm pm February February 2009) 2009)

(11:00 (11:00 6 6 Fri Fri EDT EDT Meteorology Meteorology of Bureau Bureau

Government Government Australian Australian (hPa) (hPa) 2009 2009 UTC UTC 12 6 6 Analysis Analysis February February Valid: Valid: MSL MSL Fri, Fri,

Meteorological Meteorological Oceanographic Oceanographic National National Centre Centre WIT.013.002.0035 WIT.013.002.0036

Reasons for the extreme heat …

• The hot air over the interior of Australia was “trapped” by the large scale weather systems prevalent at the time

• The record low rainfalls during early January meant that virtually all of the incoming energy from the sun was converted into heat, with little being consumed by evaporating moisture from the surface.

• Dry convective thermals (bubbles) lifted this air to higher levels than normal, the result being that a great depth of hot air became established across southern Australia.

• This hot air which has been stored was then “mixed” down to the surface ahead of the wind change.


0-' 0-' x x

Government Meteorology


Bureau I Australian /fl /fl 2009 February Centre 4 Wed, UTC 2009) 00 Oceanographic Valid: February 4 (hPa) Wed EDT Meteorological am Analysis National MSL (11:00 WIT.013.002.0038


Weather conditions 11pm Friday 6 February till 5am 8 February

2009) 2009) am am (5:00 Sat Sat 7 7 EDT EDT February February Meteorology Meteorology of Bureau Bureau

Analysis Analysis February February Valid: Valid: MSL MSL (hPa) (hPa) Fri, Fri, 2009 2009 UTC UTC 6 6 18 Australian Australian Government Government

Oceanographic Oceanographic Centre Centre Meteorological Meteorological National National WIT.013.002.0039

9' 9'

/ /


1024 1024

1016 1016

uuzs uuzs uw uw I I 1 1


1002 1002

x x


Kt Kt 5 5

000 000

warnings warnings cyclone cyclone

\ \ latest latest Check Check

TG"Freddy" TG"Freddy"

of of Meteorology Meteorology Bureau Bureau February February 2009) 2009) (11:00 (11:00 am am Sat Sat EDT EDT 7 7

Australian Australian Government Government

Analysis Analysis February February Valid: Valid: (hPa) (hPa) 2009 2009 MSL MSL Sat, Sat, UTC UTC 00 7 7

Meteorological Meteorological Oceanographic Oceanographic Centre Centre National National WIT.013.002.0040

February February

pm pm 2009) 2009) (5:00 (5:00 Sat Sat 7 7 EDT EDT Meteorology Meteorology of Bureau Bureau

Analysis Analysis February February Valid: Valid: (hPa) (hPa) MSL MSL Sat, Sat, 2009 2009 UTC UTC 06 7 7 Australian Australian Government Government

Oceanographic Oceanographic Centre Centre Meteorological Meteorological National National WIT.013.002.0041

February February (11:00 (11:00 pm pm 2009) 2009) Sat Sat EDT EDT 7 7 of of Meteorology Meteorology Bureau Bureau

Australian Australian Government Government

Analysis Analysis February February Valid: Valid: MSL MSL (hPa) (hPa) 2009 2009 Sat, Sat, UTC 7 7 12

Meteorological Meteorological Oceanographic Oceanographic National National Centre Centre WIT.013.002.0042

February February 2009) 2009)

am am (5:00 Sun Sun

8 8 EDT EDT of of Meteorology Meteorology Bureau

Australian Australian Government Government 18 18 7 7 Analysis Analysis February February Valid: Valid: MSL MSL (hPa) (hPa) Sat, Sat, 2009 2009 UTC UTC

Meteorological Meteorological Oceanographic Oceanographic National National Centre Centre WIT.013.002.0043

-- -- i i

Infra red satellite picture 11am 7 February 2009 February 7 11am picture satellite red Infra WIT.013.002.0044 WIT.013.002.0045

• Extreme fire weather was experienced throughout the state during the 7 February

• Most of northern and central Victoria experienced maximum temperatures above 45°C

• An all-time state record of 48.8°C was set at Hopetoun in western Victoria exceeding the old record of 47.2°C at Mildura in January in 1939.

• Melbourne had a maximum of 46.4°C, exceeding the previous record of 45.6°C on Black Friday (13 January 1939).

• Melbourne’s maximum of 46.4°C was a full 3.2°C above the old February record set in 1983, an extraordinary margin for a record spanning 154 years

40°0'S 40°0'S 149°0'E 149°0'E 147°0'E 145°0'E 145°0'E 143°0'E 141°0'E

Promontory Promontory Wilsons

,Cape ,Cape Otway Otway

Creek Creek Pound

Nelson Nelson Cape

Aireys Aireys Inlet Inlet VICD VICD ' ' Yarram Yarram Ap Ap

Rhyll Rhyll

CerberUS CerberUS VICD VICD Warrnambool Warrnambool Ap Ap Portland

Valley Valley Latrobe Fairy Fairy Port

Channel Channel South South Is Is 3ellibrand 3ellibrand Mt Mt

' '

Geelong Geelong

Ap Ap 38°0'S 38°0'S

Frankston Frankston

Sale Sale East East

Avaiun Avaiun

,l*u ,l*u


Bairnsdale Bairnsdale Moornapa Mt Mt

Sheoaks Sheoaks


vairuciivl vairuciivl 9 9 rvn rvn

Baw. Baw.

Baw Baw Mt

Westmere Westmere Orbost

Hamilton Hamilton Coldstream Coldstream Nowa Nowa Nowa Mt

Ap Ap Melbourne Casterton

Ballarat Ballarat

Wlliam Wlliam

Mt Mt

Combienbar Combienbar

Gap, Gap, Kilmore Kilmore

g g

Kanaulk Kanaulk

Ben Ben Gelantipy Gelantipy Nevis Nevis l l

Omeo Omeo

Buller Buller Mt Mt

E E iidon iidon


Stawell Stawell

Edenhope Edenhope

Ap Ap Hotham Mt

Redesdale Redesdale Hotharn Hotharn Mt Mt

Creek Creek Falls Mangalore Mangalore

Longererong Longererong Bendigo Bendigo Ap Ap Horsham Horsham

Wangaratta Wangaratta

Shepparton Shepparton

NhillAo NhillAo

Kvabram_ Kvabram_

Charlton Charlton

Hunters Hunters Hill Hill

Rutherglen Rutherglen 0 0 36°o'S 36°o'S

Alburv Alburv Yarrawonaa Yarrawonaa

Hopetoun Hopetoun

Hill. Hill. Swan Swan

Walpeup Walpeup

Mildura Mildura

34°0'S 34°0'S WIT.013.002.0046


41 41 147°0'E 147°0'E 145°0'E 143°0'E 141°0'E 149°0'E 149°0'E 40°0'S 40°0'S

31 31

68 68

23 23

Noon Noon lib lib

' '

.) .) 50 50

17 17

T T 42 42 29

% % 42 42

14 14

40 40 14 14 33 33 41 41

41 41 39 39

34 34

.1 .1

, ,

-11 -11 13 13 1 1 10 10 41

. .

40 40 0 0

44 44

1 1 40 40 43 43 11 11 38°0'S 38°0'S

33 33

13 13

15 15 q q

l4'314IV l4'314IV

n n _45 _45 J43 J43

i i

Ib Ib u u

i i

10 10 7 7 '>A '>A

22 22

40% 40%

9 9

4 4

'16 '16

362 362 2 2 41 41

_4 _4

42 42 10 10

14 14


23 23

1339 1339

1 1

366 366

37 37

16 16 37 37

32 32

36 36

371 371 93 93 37 37 7 7

13 13

67 67 42T 42T

26 26

3i3 3i3 42 42

1I 1I 41 41

41 41 9 9

42 42

43 43

50 50

11 11

14 14

J') J')

44 44 4 9 9 43 43

42 42 41 41 8 8

17 17 33 33

44A 44A

38 38

14 14

36'O'S 36'O'S

4L 4L 12 12 4;% 4;%

, ,

25 25 8 8

\ \

44A 44A 35 35

16 16 9 9

44\ 44\

22 22


17 17

42 42

16 16

18 18

19 19

N N 42 42

\ \ 39

20 20 12 12

16 16

37\ 37\

44% 44% 41A 41A

34°0'S 34°0'S WIT.013.002.0047


41 41 40°0'S 40°0'S 147°0'E 147°0'E 145°0'E 143°0'E 141°0'E 149°0'E 149°0'E

" " 3C 3C

65 65

24 24

24 24 79

7 7

23 23

17 17

" 34 " 43 43

1211 1211 \

11 11 48 48

11 11 e

.l .l

4144 4144 43 43 6 6 12 12 X X 1 1

' '

4310 4310 400 400 .37 .37 1. 1.

68 68

44 44


\ \

5 5

31 31

12 12 0 0 12

11 11

42 42 1' 1' 23 23

34 34

4312 4312 38°0'S 38°0'S 41 41

43` 43`

44 44

10 10

-511. -511. . . 45 45 14 14

A8 A8

5 5

42 42

1u 1u 0 0

9 9

. .

40 40

`04 `04

281 281 4 4

44 44 32 32

413 413

8 8

67 67

41 41

26 26 14 14

16 16

12 12 7 7

40 40

35 35 14 14

. .

37 37 30 30

39 39

, ,

38 38

' '

4 4 27 27 66 66

44 44

43 43

e.4 e.4

27 27 a a 8 8

36 36 43 43

39 39

49 49

10 10 123A 123A

24 24

45 45

43 43 9-4

8 8

I I 1 1

45% 45% 40I 40I

+ +

13 13 36°0'S 36°0'S

9 9 4< 4< 8 8

45=\ 45=\

46 46

6 6

45% 45%

15 15

\ \ 42 42

16 16

42 42

17 17 16 _. _.

42_ 42_

41 41

19 19

10 10

14 14

38A 38A

\ \ 45 45 43 43

34°0'S 34°0'S WIT.013.002.0048


33 33 147°0'E 147°0'E 145°0'E 143°0'E 141°0'E 40°0'S 149°0'E 149°0'E

33 33

70 70

23 23

f f 26 26 45


31 31

5L" 5L"

14 14

29 29

44 44

9 9

10 10

' '

, , 4 4

%- %-

5 5

4 4 1 1 44 44 4 4 0 7 7 :1 :1

40s\ 40s\

38 38

23,,iG 23,,iG

i1 i1 70 70 8 8

9 9 11-..9 11-..9

28 28

46 46 22 22 4 4

34 34 14 14

44"- 44"- 41 41

38°0'S 38°0'S

i i

7 7 49 49


\ \

9 9

11 11

..r«n ..r«n

4S 4S

I I 8'8 8'8

44 44 14fi 14fi

` `

7 7

1 1 .II .II

45 45 0 0


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29 29 30 30

44 44

39 39

31 31 i i 1 1

6; 6;

15 15

4? 4?

10 10

11 11

26 26

7 7

39 39

.6 .6

16 16

47\ 47\

36 36

11 11

37 37

28 28

39 39 7 7

14 14

39 39

28 28 61 61 7 7

j j 33

28 28

44 44 6 6

34 34

45 45

7 7

41 41

44 44

44 44

8 8 10

24 24 \ \

45 45

'45 '45

44 44 8 8

124\ 124\

4t. 4t.

35 35

10 10 36°0'S 36°0'S

44 44

YY YY ._ ._

\\ \\ 4 4 45 45

6 6

4\ 4\

6 6

46 46

a a

46 46

19 19

11406- 11406-

14 14

I I 13 13

17 17

A\ A\

43 43

18 18 41

10 10 13 13

39 39

vw vw 34°0'S 34°0'S WIT.013.002.0049


33 33 149°0'E 149°0'E 147°0'E 145°0'E 143°0'E 141°0'E 40°0'S

34 34

68 68

24 24

46 46

'2nm '2nm 19 19 29 29

; ; 39 39

13 13

24 24

9 9 1 1

qg'. qg'.

12 12 :39 :39 , ,

6 6 9 9

*45 *45

-10 -10 .33 .33 8 8 1012 1012

7 7

44 44 41 41 38°0'S 38°0'S

44- 44-

411343 411343

12 12

X464 X464 y y S S


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7 7

tin6S tin6S 45. o o

3,1 3,1 3027, 3027,

q q 36 36

27 27

16 16

43 43

104 104

12 12

18 18

40 40

Inc Inc

12 12

39 39 38 38

41 41

c. c. 14 14

30 30 58 58

44'` 44'` 36 36 6 6 47 47 = =

46 46 6

44\ 44\

48'd5 48'd5

38 38

9 9

26A 26A

" " 24 24

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46 46 $5 $5 46 46 14 14

L'.. L'..


Ar Ar 46% 46% 0 0

42 42

36 36

9 9

11 11

36°0'S 36°0'S

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44 44 30 30

43 43

\ \ \ \ 44 44 31 31

37 37

21 21

-2139J -2139J 5 5 6 6

\ \ 45 45 1(,40 1(,40

12 12

40 40

0 0


13 13

1 1

44 44

12 12

13\ 13\ 16 16 444\ 444\

42 42 43_ 43_ 18 18

10 10

12 12

39 39 46 46 44 44

34°0'S 34°0'S WIT.013.002.0050


25 25 147°0'E 147°0'E 145°0'E 143°0'E 141°0'E 40°0'S 149°0'E 149°0'E

37 37

4b 4b

4om 4om

F F 2-4* 2-4* 29 29

38 38

13 13

46 46

10 10 1110 1110

45 45

4 4

1 1 31 31 1 1

Z- Z- 37 37

400 400 2 2

67 67

26 26

i0 i0

22 22 336 336 440 440

30 30

0'S 0'S 36


39 39

QF' QF' 44 44

2 2

U U w w

11 11 04b 04b

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41 41

Z,c Z,c

4A4646 4A4646 45 45 5 5

5 5 ,.1 ,.1

% % -A -A 42 42

42 42 3928/ 3928/

30 30

18 18

39 39 17 17

37 37

10 10

30,E 30,E

55 55

29 29

44 44

28 28

9 9 l01 l01

42 42

33 33

\ \

42fi 42fi 6 6

44 44 8 8

6 6


42 42

35.i 35.i

, ,

I I 36°0'S 36°0'S

10 10

\ \

»3 »3

A A 4 4 45 45

36 36

7 7

16 16

Z/29'- Z/29'- 21 21

16 16 T8 T8

6 6


5 5 % % 4 4

11 11

\ \ 3G 3G

42 42

18 18

.3o-` .3o-`

13 13

44 44 \. \.

16 16 1 1

42 42

17 17

it it

39A 39A

44 44 34°0'S 34°0'S WIT.013.002.0051


27 27 147°0'E 147°0'E 145°0'E 143°0'E 141°0'E 40°0'S 149°0'E 149°0'E

35 35

24 24

5pm 5pm

I0 I0

69 69

11 11

w w

u u

g g 3c.1-.,. 3c.1-.,.

72 72

41 41 0 0

34 34 '29 '29

12 12 47 47

r r

f f

399 399 28 28 300 300

1 1

Y Y 74 74

-at,,; -at,,; 26 26

. .

10 10 9 9

21 21

36 36 O'S O'S

44' 44' 37 37

was was 41 41 9 9 'd 'd 2E 2E

10 10

fir' fir' 4645 4645

25 25

46 46 4 4 3 3

14 14

z z

'rtK 'rtK 5 5

c. c. . .

o. o.

47 47

044 044

.434 .434 1 1 392 392 4@C 4@C 71 71

4 4

1 1

38 38

13 13 31 31

399 399

16 16

41 41 10 10

38 38

16 16

17 17

\ \

29 29

7 7 38\ 38\

27 27 7 7

45 45

7 7

32 32

ieo ieo 11 11

44 44

44 44 94 94

526 526

i i z z

0 0

36\ 36\

36°0'S 36°0'S

10 10

44 44 43 43

44 44

7 7

4\ 4\

11 11

43 43

17 17

12 12

4\ 4\

10 10

17_ 17_ 16 16 45\ 45\

4 4

41 41

17 17 12 12 11 11

1 1

40 40 43 43 =.1 =.1

34°0'S 34°0'S WIT.013.002.0052


26 26 147°0'E 147°0'E 145°0'E 143°0'E 141°0'E 40°0'S 149°0'E 149°0'E

35 35

22 22

6pm 6pm 4U 4U

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q:s LZ

nd.n;la 8Z1nd.n;la

3 3 m m zn zn L2 o o

Sb o. 5333 5333

CI. o S 42 -\ -\ / /

43 43 \ 0£

e e

p p t 38 38 33 33 29 32 32 32 T 8

19 19

28 28 10-,,13 10-,,13

16 16

463 463 37 37

10 10

18 18

28 28 6 6

40 40

29 29

50 50

33 33 6 6

30 30 43 43

27 27

27 27


39 39

44\ 44\

35 35

34 34 0 0

11 11 23 23

7 7

20 20 26

44 44 36

4'0 4'0

14 14 . .

44 44

'Ir 'Ir in in

41 41

0 0

35 35 40

, ,

II II 36°0'S 36°0'S

10 10 23 23

44 44 -\ -\

33 33

8 8 17 17 20 20

38 38 44A 44A

15 15 39 39

39 39

17 17

0o 0o

12 12

44 44

fU fU 16 16

43 43

41 41

17 17

11 11

39 39

\ \

44 44 34°0'S 34°0'S WIT.013.002.0053


''T ''T 147°0'E 147°0'E 145°0'E 143°0'E 141°0'E 40°0'S 149°0'E 149°0'E

J1 J1 - -

4a 4a

f f

24 24

7pm 7pm

26 26

//85-- //85--

29 29

'32 '32 -$ -$

80 80 29 29

-3' -3'

18 18

47 47

31 31 36 36 O'S O'S

25 25 ri12 ri12 57 57

'26 '26

Ib Ib

zo zo

333 333

. .

"hl "hl 39 39 42% 42%

21 21 30'.,---. 30'.,---. 28 28 37 37 p p

0 0

21 21

382 382 28 28

\ \

37 37

19 19

283 283

6 6

36 36

19 19

54 54

\ \

37 37 35 35 ?7 32

/ /

28 28

30 30 A A

43 43

25 25

3 3

37 37

34 34 33 33

11 11

3 3 11 11

I. I. 21 21

43 43

43 43 43

14 14

38 38 \ \

40 40

36°0'S 36°0'S

= = L7 L7

23 23

37 37

11/8\ 11/8\

12 12 21 21

42 42 38 38

16 16

//JY- //JY-

13 13

43 43

11 11

17 17

\ \

44 44

42 42 40 40

17 17

12 12

38 38

43 43 34°0'S 34°0'S WIT.013.002.0054


7 7

- - 40°0'S 40°0'S 147°0'E 147°0'E 145°0'E 143°0'E 141°0'E 149°0'E 149°0'E

23 23

18 18

/L /L

/748 /748

26 26

62 62

17 17 24 24

. . 54 54

8pm 8pm

Y54 Y54

188,x, 188,x, 72* 72*

. .

. . `: `:

sa sa

43 43 51 51

51 51

18 18 80 80

s s

26 26

28 28

38°0'S 38°0'S

\ \ A A

24 24

\ \

3E 3E 412 412

4 4 . .

46'. 46'. 35 - -

' '

j j `' `'

4 4 38 38 29

1' 1'


r r

z z 41 41

'0 '0

30 30

15 15

3 3

2 2

20 20 3A 3A

24 24 28 28

36 36

23 23

12 12

34% 34%

25 25 1 1

26 26

27 27 38 38

27 27 52 52

27 27

35 35 34 34 28 28 27 27

27 27 25 25

35 35

28 28

31 31 ; ;

34 34

33 33

33 33

9 9

34 34

( ( , , c c 13 13

2 2 12 12

97/' 97/' 33 33 42 42

'42 '42 42 42

n n zz zz

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33 33

10 10

36°0'S 36°0'S

L L 12 12 41 41

41 41 42 42 '\ '\

2E, 2E,

34 34

22 22

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44. 44.

39 39

19 19

1 1

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-' -'

` `

36 36 _-

34°0'S 34°0'S WIT.013.002.0055


71 71 40°0'S 40°0'S 147°0'E 147°0'E 145°0'E 143°0'E 141°0'E 149°0'E 149°0'E 23A 23A

9 9

5459 5459

2525 2525 29 29 39 39

86 86

5 5


19 19 Ot, Ot,

?4 ?4

1/ 1/ 9pm 9pm 453 453 4 4

t3 t3

21 21

2527 2527 28 28

38°0'S 38°0'S

26 26 3:3 3:3 45 45

-32-* -32-*

60 60

4 4

51 51

32 32 31/'- 31/'-


P P r r

68 68

28 28

31 31

19 19

29 29

28 28 322 322 48 48

f f 20 20

44 44

23 23

26 26

4438!9 4438!9

35 35

24 24 263r 263r

22 22

49 49

33A 33A

f f

25 25

30 30

25 25

26 26 26.33. 26.33.

29 29 32 32

' '

31 31

25. 25.

1 1 27 27

36 36 r r

32 32

30 30

34 34

32 32 31 31

34 34

22 22 y2\ y2\

301,a 301,a )"40_ )"40_ 40 40 36 36

26 26 .. ..

o., o., of of

34 34

i i

32 32 J2 J2

13 13 36°0'S 36°0'S

14 14

40 40

\ \

40 40 27 27

30 30

34 34

41 41

32 32

24 24

29-\ 29-\

34 34 3 3

17 17 28 28

3a 3a

1 1

38 38 34 34

29 29

19 19

14 14

1 1

21 21 18 401 401

38 38 36 36

25 25

23 23

18 18

32 32

36 36

38 38 34°0'S 34°0'S WIT.013.002.0056


49 49 147°0'E 147°0'E 145°0'E 143°0'E 141°0'E 40°0'S 149°0'E 149°0'E

/U /U

70 70

91 91

0 0

30 30 43

88 88

8 8

t\ t\ 40 40 12 12

42 42

8 8 2R 2R

r r

1 1

f f

5-4 5-4 7%4 7%4 82 82 17 17

46 46 /

V3.14' V3.14'

16 16

20 20 18 18

2- 2- 85 85 0 0

20 20 38°0'S 25 25 10-nrn 10-nrn

A8 A8 3 3

1 1

43 43 30 30

24 24 4- 4-

30",e 30",e

22 22

,)u ,)u 4U 4U f f

11 11

68/ 68/ I I

28 28

'J'22a 'J'22a

28 28 20 50 50

18 18 8 8

1- 1-

18 18

47 47 294 294

27 27 7426 7426

18 18 52 52

18 18 30 30

24 24

60 60

32 32

21 21

69 69

32 32


23 23

u u 24 24 29 29

42 42

32 32

33 33

31-, 31-,

25 25

30 30

34 34

25 25 23\ 23\

27 27


31 31 43 43

/P34 /P34 34 34

39 39

7S 7S of of

32A 32A i i

32 32

14 14 36°0'S 36°0'S

A A 31 31

33 33

43 43

38 38

30 30

3 3 23 23

26\ 26\

4 4 2( 2(

35 35 2:; 2:;

20 20

29 29

3A 3A

1 1

36 36

33 33

26 26

/- /- JI JI

19 19

37 37

15 15

19 19 22 22

38 38

38 38 34 34

29 29

19 19

30 30

36 36 34°0'S 34°0'S WIT.013.002.0057 WIT.013.002.0058 pm 11 f 29 47 31 23 72 L0 30 28 33' i 3 3': 22g0 0 27 z 30 149°0'E 22 45 \ 4! 36 26A 28 23 36 28 35 Z13 71 34 24 37 21 35 S_ 'a

2 COLD COLD 24 28 15 '° 147°0'E 18 38 1938 3 37 ?0 21 = 30 2 819 1<. j A xS6 22 74 Q ' 27 1 ?3 3, 3-, -' 72(> 11PM 145°0'E 22!1 24 4820! 1211*1b IS 38 11 ¶ 0 35 1 83 an 35 30 18 83 17 84 17 20 66 9, 33 26, 32 r32 f 17 72 143°0'E *\, 23 56 82 32 32 25 43 25 50 18 6 34 27 32 30 / 7 z 17 5!g 141°0'E 34°0'S 36°0'S 38°0'S 40°0'S


149°0'E 149°0'E 147°0'E 145°0'E 143°0'E 141°0'E 40°0'S


yb yb

87 87 99 99

if if /1-7- /1-7-

86 86

l l

39 39 86 86

85 85 22 22 83 83

\ \

82 82 7 7 1 1 18 18

17 17 118 /Itip /Itip

1 1

- -

89 89

701:*1 701:*1 4? 4?

0 0 16 16 16 16

38°0'S 38°0'S 24 24

r r 1 1

20 20

27 27

11 11

708 708 ,rc75 ,rc75

-b -b 771.1 771.1

20 20

8 8 26 26

: : 1 1

ia7 ia7

' '

221; 221;

71 71

7? 7? ' ' 30 30

28 28

28 28 2 2 15 15

16 16

74 74 723\ 723\ 8* 8*

3 3

18 18 9220' 9220'

2E 2E

40 40

-17 -17 6r 6r

16, 16, 30 30

62 62

16 16

W---//26 W---//26 30 30

34 34

29 29 64 64

29 29

19 19

6 6

3 3 39 39

X99 X99 45 45 27 27 20

212f1 212f1

51 51

36 36

55 55

28 28 24-} 24-}

30 30

22 22

42 42

50 50 32 32

22\ 22\ L L 6 6

7 7

rr"' rr"' 23 23 50 30 30

35 35

5 5 36°0'S 36°0'S

- -


\ \

Jr Jr 38 38

35 35 25 25

44f 44f

12am 12am

43 43 26 26 44 44

22\. 22\.

32 32 29/ 29/

31 31

20 20

7. 7. 34 34

28 28

32 32

zo zo

18 18

37 37

17 17

25 25 20 20

36 36

36 36 33 33

45 45 30 30

18 18

26 26 33 33

37 37 34°0'S 34°0'S WIT.013.002.0059


X33 X33 147°0'E 147°0'E 145°0'E 143°0'E 141°0'E 40°0'S 149°0'E 149°0'E 'U 'U

9' 9'

1J1/ 1J1/ 91' 91' 18 18 17 17

20 20 86 86 84 84

1s 1s

17 17

, , 16 16

- -

- -

F F 8 8

- -

1 1

68 68 l l

1 1

890 890 56" 56"

5 5

0/;' 0/;' 2 2 J J 'to C) 38°0'S 17 17

0 0

70 70

3 3

7, 7,

7 7 7 7

40/ 40/ 18 18

3y 3y I 201 201

an an

26 26 28-30 28-30

45 45

Fi%6 Fi%6

66 66

1 1 24 24

34 34

18 18

"7 "7

23 23 4 4

55 55

39 39 ,26 ,26 56 56

28 28

21 21

46 46

35 35 51 51

1' 1'

55( 55(

31 31

29 29 21 21

51 51

i i

^o ^o In In

1 1

1v 1v

26 26

34 34 30 30 36'O'S 36'O'S

- - 36 36 -'e -'e ou

32 32 24 24

46f 46f

lam lam

25 25

44 44 44

r' r' 37 37

30 30 24 24

26 26 37. 37.

2 2 29 29

22 22 45 45 3) 3)

33-\ 33-\

26 26 30 30

33 33

/ / L0 L0

18 18

36 36

23 23 19 19

35 35 1 1

33 33

52 52 35! 35!

17 17

24 24

31 31

36 36 34°0'S 34°0'S WIT.013.002.0060 WIT.013.002.0061


Reasons for the strong winds on the 7 February 2009 WIT.013.002.0062

• The very strong contrast between the hot air over the continent caused “frontogenesis” to occur. This process concentrates the warm air ahead of the change and the cool air behind the change. Strong winds then develop running down the change line.

• As well, strong winds aloft are mixed down to the surface by the mixing process of the thermals

February February

pm pm 2009) 2009) (5:00 (5:00 Sat Sat 7 7 EDT of of Meteorology Meteorology Bureau Bureau

Government Government (hPa) (hPa) Sat, Sat, UTC UTC 06 Analysis Analysis Australian Australian February February Valid: Valid: MSL MSL 2009 2009 7 7

Oceanographic Oceanographic Meteorological Meteorological National National Centre Centre WIT.013.002.0063 WIT.013.002.0064


Pyrocumulonimbus Cloud WIT.013.002.0065

• The pyrocumulonimbus cloud is a type of cumulus cloud formed above a source of heat such as an intense fire.

• It may involve precipitation (although usually light), hail, lightning, extreme low-level winds & in some cases even tornadoes. WIT.013.002.0066


re:q.a' re:q.a'


ir ir A., A.,


4 4 Ir Ir i i MODIS NASA/GSFC ( Visible satellite imagery at 3.50pm 7 February 2009

el el 128km 128km 05:OOUTC 05:OOUTC 01/02/09 01/02/09 -1 -1 000. 000. MelbnAP MelbnAP

r---r r---r


Gellibrand Gellibrand

Leongatha Leongatha Pireys Pireys

Inlet Inlet

Cowes Cowes


Boonah Boonah

'Rosebud 'Rosebud Pngl Pngl

ac ac Col Col

\M \M nchel nchel sea sea

Queer.scl Queer.scl iff iff

Koo Koo Rup Rup Wee Wee

Gellibrand Gellibrand

Mt Mt 'Frankston 'Frankston OcelL.II.d' OcelL.II.d'

Cranbourne Cranbourne

rak rak

erd.a.n erd.a.n

Cm Cm will will

i i

Bannockburn. Bannockburn. Avalon Avalon

Cressy Cressy Pp Pp Moorabbirl Moorabbirl Lara Lara Ap Ap

Noojee Noojee

Werrlbee' Werrlbee' Sheoaks' Sheoaks'

di,L,iI di,L,iI Muui Muui W W I I

' ' Laverton Laverton M M

Melbourne Melbourne _4 _4 mereastn

ydal ydal

Li Li l l Melton Melton

Rallan Rallan

' ' Sunbury Sunbury BalIarat' BalIarat'

Ile Ile Yean Yean Yan Yan

sborne' sborne' Gi Gi

ackwood ackwood BI BI

1Beaurfort 1Beaurfort Buxton Buxton Macedon Macedon

Jamieson' Jamieson'

lmore lmore Ki Ki Dayf Dayf

esford esford

%ver %ver ' ' e e d d ol ol Fl Fl a a l l Clunes Clunes

Lancets Lancets el el rJ rJ

Kynafnn_ Kynafnn_

Eildon Eildon

Yea. Yea.

Broadford Broadford

Alexandra Alexandra

'Auoca 'Auoca

fi.IrI' fi.IrI' I.I;.r I.I;.r

emai emai Castl ne ne

Maryborough Maryborough

Seymour Seymour Do-on Do-on Bonnie Bonnie

Natte Natte Yallock Yallock

Heathcode Heathcode

ahcooti ahcooti Lake Lake e e Ni Ni

Laaneaoorie Laaneaoorie I I I Ounolly Ounolly

rayto rayto wn wn

0Bendigo 0Bendigo Euroa Euroa

related related Image Image by by of of www.bom.gov.au www.bom.gov.au For For Copyright: Copyright: Meteorology. Meteorology. Warninge, Warninge, eee eee Bureau Bureau

- blue shaded areas show the smoke plume smoke the show areas shaded blue -

Melbourne Airport radar image 4pm 7 February 7 4pm image radar Airport Melbourne WIT.013.002.0067

burnt burnt fuel fuel

from from moisture moisture soot soot and and

bout bout carrying carrying fire heated heated Air by by


to to moisture moisture when forms condense condense Cloud Cloud rising rising starts starts air air in in

Development Development Pyrocumulonimbus Pyrocumulonimbus Cloud Cloud WIT.013.002.0068 WIT.013.002.0069


Forecasts & warnings made for 7 February during the week prior and communications of those forecasts & warnings to the Authorities & the public WIT.013.002.0070

Information flow between the Bureau, IECC, Fire agencies & the public WIT.013.002.0071

• Extensive forecasts were provided to the public during the lead up to and during the event. These included: – State forecasts – District forecasts – Township forecasts – Warnings • The forecasts from Monday 2 February onwards gave strong indications that Saturday 7 February would be a very hot & windy day. • The forecasts from Wednesday 4 February onwards indicated that temperatures would be well into the 40s on Saturday 7 February throughout most of the state. • Forecasts & warnings were provided through the media & the Bureau’s web site. WIT.013.002.0072

• In addition, an extensive range of forecasts were provided to the Agencies from the Regional Forecasting Centre during the lead up to the event.

• For example: – Four day outlook – Fire weather forecasts

;rte ;rte ,ooo-) ,ooo-)

-'-- -'--

In24 In24

008` 008`

western western areas. areas. and and northern northern expected extremes with

dancer dancer so so ratinas ratinas hours hours un un iumn for for look few few for for to a a fire fire

1008 1008 flow flow state. state. warmer warmer and a a be northwesterly northwesterly drier drier This This will will

across across western western the ---1 ---1 ~ the the half half of of

peak peak the heating heating period period -1000%. -1000%.


! !

} } hd hd during during ov ov ai ai northwesterly northwesterly u u strengthen strengthen it it Winds Winds become become will will and and a

ies4' ies4' ciwtw-t ciwtw-t

west west state state the the the from approach approach front vigorous will will cold cold TC.. TC.. A A

February February Friday 2009 2009 6 6 for for chart chart hours hours Forecast Forecast 11 11 WIT.013.002.0073

Cgpyi% Cgpyi% Commonwealth Commonwealth 92 92 (ABN Meteorology 532) 532) 533 637 of Bureau 2008, Australia of

NW NW (1000): Wind above above 70 70 AM AM Late 35: 35: FDI FDI

Central Central

RAIN: RAIN: 0 LAL: 4200 4200 (M): MIX NO

40 40 Wonthaggi 80 80 50 NNW 12 12 19 19 5015-19 5015-19 WSW WSW 111 111 79 100 10 10

95 95 60 NNW 39 39 Hill Dunne 9 9 1 1 5017-21 5017-21 WSW 159 159 136 90 10 10

Tullamarine Tullamarine

NNW NNW 90 90 85 55 -3 44 10 10 5 501620 501620 WSW WSW 175 175 164

Coldstream Coldstream

-1 -1 WSW WSW NNW 186 186 142 100 80 50 44 22 22 18 18 10 6 45 45

Airport Airport Geelong

NNW NNW 129 129 100 75 50 4 44 10 10 8 501=-°'ii 501=-°'ii WSW WSW 167 167

NW NW (1500): Wind 65 65 AM AM Late 35: above FDI FDI

Central Central North

LAL: LAL: 0 0 4400 4400 (M): MIX NO RAIN:

Airport Airport Mangalore 50 50 43

1 1 WSW WSW 75 75 100 100 10 N N 7 171 171 131 19-23 19-23 45

NW NW (1000): Wind 55 55 above above AM AM Late FDI FDI 35: 35:

Northern Northern

Country Country

NO NO RAIN: LAL: LAL: 0 0 4400 4400 (M): MIX

Shepparton Shepparton

42 42 Airport 80 80 50 7 N N 0 0 WSW4520.00 WSW4520.00 167 167 127 100 10 10

Bendigo Bendigo

44 44 Airport 80 80 50 NNW 6 6 -1 -1 WSW WSW 186 186 142 100 17-21 17-21 50 10

35: 35: above FDI 90 NW (1000): Wind AM AM Late

Western Western

RAIN: RAIN: LAL: LAL: MIX MIX NO 0 0 (M)4100 (M)4100

Morllake Morllake

3 3

NNW NNW 95 95 80 50 9 9 9 41 5013-17 5013-17 SW SW 133 102

Airport Airport Hamilton 9 9 3 41 41 WSW WSW 12-16 12-16 55 186 90 55 NNW 128 128 100 10

Airport Airport Portland

9 9 34 WSW WSW 70 70 45 NNW 50 50 37 90 7 7 21 5009-13 5009-13

Airport Airport Ballarat 5 5 -4 41 41 6015 6015 WSW WSW 85 85 NNW 330 330 185 100 100 100 10 10 10 10

(1500): (1500): Wind AM AM Late 35: above NW FDI FDI 75 75

Wimmera Wimmera

LAL' LAL' RAIN: RAIN: NO NO 0 0 4400 4400 (M): (M): MIX

Stowell Stowell 55 55 8 8 41 1 1 WSW WSW NNW 85 85 195 195 133 100 50 50 15 15 10 19 19

NNW NNW 44 Airport Horsham 80 80 50 50 7 7

1 1 50 50 SW 178 137 ' ' 100 100 10 14 14 4. 4.

above above NW NW (1000): Wind Late Late 35: FDI FDI 60 AM AM

Mallee Mallee

LAL:0 LAL:0 4400 4400 (M): MIX NO RAIN:

Swan Swan

Hill Hill Airport Airport SW SW 210 159 100 80 50 4 -3 46 10 10 N N 4518-22 4518-22

Walpeup Walpeup 501519 501519 80 80 50 NNW SW SW 190 148 100 2 46 10 10 6

Change Change

(%) (%)


(C) (C)

Location Location GFDI GFDI FFDI DF


Wind Wind k k In In


445 445 2009. 2009. February Issued Issued Friday Friday on EDT pm pm at 6 6

for for Saturday Saturday February February 2009 2009 7 7

Forecast Forecast Weather Fire Fire

Victoria Victoria

Government Government Meteorology Meteorology of Bureau Australian

IDV18500 IDV18500

of of Meteorology Meteorology Bureau Bureau

Government Government Australian WIT.013.002.0074

Cipyriat Cipyriat Australia Australia of Commonwealth of of Bureau 2008, 533 533 637 (ABN (ABN Meteorology 532) 532) 52 52

Areas Areas of of particularly particularly day, the during likely are dust raised change. change. the near

exceeding exceeding

near near expected are showers Isolated and and 100. 100.

chance chance slight the with change, the following of of

lightning. lightning.

behind behind

extremely extremely this make change the an an

expected expected ratings Extreme day. dangerous

ratings ratings many district every and and in in

atmosphere. atmosphere.

very very perhaps perhaps will Temperatures be be hot, hot, Gusty Gusty records. February some breaking

winds winds wesUsouthwest

pre pre

a a

afternoon afternoon Saturday passage trough frontal and and become become change change the will will ahead Air night. with with dry of of a a

mixed mixed well

Saturday: Saturday:

severe severe very A A combination combination weather with with day fire gusty gusty and strong of a a ahead ahead winds north/northwesterly of of

district district over 5mm than greater YES YES NO NO 5mm, 5mm, than less RAIN: RAIN: = = = for for day. day.

thunderstorms thunderstorms widespread widespread = (3) (3)

Level: Level: Activity Lightning LAL LAL

= = = = thunderstorms, thunderstorms, thunderstorms, thunderstorms, isolated (1) (1) nil (0) = =

thunderstorms, thunderstorms, scattered = = (2)

GFDI GFDI the the Danger Danger Grassland Index Index Fire Fire is is

Forest Forest the the FFDI FFDI is is Index Index Danger Fire

CUR CUR Curing Curing = =

Factor Factor Drought DF DF = =

Dew Dew Temperature Temperature Point Point Dew = = Pt

Relative Relative RH RH = =

Humidity Humidity

= =

above above when when time FDI FDI 35 35 FIJI FIJI least least at when above above or or before hours 35 35 is is 4 4 time time MaxT after after

Wind Wind Upper sea (above WIND level) level) = =

sea sea Depth Depth Mixing (above (above MIX level) level) = =

MaxT MaxT Maximum Maximum = = Temperature Temperature

Notes: Notes:

Bombala Bombala 38 38 45 45 NW 60 60 13 13 5 5

Deniliquin Deniliquin

NW NW 45 7 7 3 60 60 45 19-23 19-23 50 SW

Tumbarumba Tumbarumba NW NW 40 5 5 11 11 60 60 45

48 48 Renmark 40 40 NW 5 5 0 SW SW 50 50 16-20 16-20

19 19 NW NW 50 50 41 41 2 2

10-14 10-14 50 50 SW SW 1 1 1

Gambier Gambier

Mount Mount

NW NW 35 15 15 5 5 45 45 W W 5009-12 5009-12

Interstate: Interstate:

(2000): (2000): Wind NW NW 50 50 Late Late 35: above FDI FDI AM AM

Areas Areas ine Al p p

LAL: LAL: NO NO RAIN: 0 0 4400 4400 (M): (M): MIX

Creek Creek Falls

60 60 NW 29 100 100 8 8 18 3 126 126 56 100

NW NW (1500): Wind AM AM Late 35: above 45 45 FDI FDI

Gippsland Gippsland East East

RAIN: RAIN: LAL: LAL: 0 0 4300 4300 (M): MIX NO

Gelantipy Gelantipy

40 40 NNW NNW 85 85 55 4 8 8 11 11 173 173 95 100

Orbost Orbost 43 43 10 10 5 5 5W4520-00 5W4520-00 NNW NNW 84 84 80 55 35 29 29 10 10

(1000): (1000): NW NW 65 65 Gippsland Gippsland Wind Wind AM AM Late 35: above FDI FDI

South South and West


4400 4400 (M): MIX NO RAIN: 0 0

42 42 Moornapa Mount NW NW 50 50 8 8 1 1 20-00 20-00 WSW WSW 80 80 163 163 125 100 35 35 10 10

43 43 Airport NNW NNW Sale Sale East 65 65 3 3 8 8 WSW WSW 19-23 19-23 45 45 129 129 112 100 10

Latrobe Latrobe WSW WSW NNW 43 Valley 80 80 50 133 133 100 10 10 0 7 7 4518-22 4518-22 175 175

(1500): (1500): Wind Wind AM AM Late 35: above NW NW 50 50 FDI FDI

Northeast Northeast

LAL: LAL: NO NO RAIN: 0 0 4400 4400 (M): (M): MIX

Hunters Hunters Hill Hill NW NW 102 102 86 100 70 45 38 38 10 10 3 11 11

Wangaratta Wangaratta Airport Airport 44 44 NNW NNW 83 83 95 100 60 60 35 10 10 7 2

Albury-Wodonga Albury-Wodonga NNW NNW 55 55 35 44 89 89 100 10 10 9 5 77 77

Change Change


DIR DIR (%) (%)

Location Location


Wind Wind

wPt wPt ax ax T T CUR CUR RH RH e e D D M M

(kp (kp h) h) Wind Wind WIT.013.002.0075 WIT.013.002.0076

• In addition, an extensive range of briefing material was provided to the Agencies at the iECC during the lead up to the event.

• For example: - Weather forecast charts out to 7 days with briefing notes - Graphics of likely weather and fire dangers out to 4 days ahead

Environment Environment Victoria Victoria

for for other other permission permission without disbrbuied or purpose Sustainability Sustainability not any any used and and be be to

and and Centre Coordination Emergency for for provided of of Department Integrated Integrated within within purposes briefing al intern Information the the

for for weather. weather. fire day problem

This This southerlies. to to potential the has day to to be be a a southwest southwest freshening

developing developing cooler cooler trough the with with along behind and with thunderstorms thunderstorms

trough trough local local then and northwesterlies northwesterlies very very get the the of ahead back hot hot

as as could could approaching approaching front tricky tricky strong strong day day This west. the from cold cold we we is is

of of ahead relatively relatively a a A A Victoria Victoria NSW over deepen should trough central central and


winds. winds. light relatively

with with afternoon drying drying the hot to the the and and north in in in take take warm warm Very over. over.

seabreezes seabreezes weakens weakens that airflow until until Victoria Victoria southerly southerly southern southern across a a in in

strait strait conditions conditions warm west. west. the to to Mild from from Bass Bass across pushing Ridge

2009 2009 FEB FRIDAY 6 6

developing developing south. south. the in in showers showers

northeast northeast activity isolated isolated possible the the still still and and in in Thunderstorm Thunderstorm south. south.

the the dominant becoming southerlies cooler the in in especially especially but but north the in in

front front first, first, at Hot south. the to passing cold cold a a response response Victoria across to to in in

eastwards eastwards pushes trough as as a a west west the the from southerly more tend tend to Airflow Airflow



Issued Sunday 1 February 2009 February 1 Sunday Issued WIT.013.002.0077


\L'mrrhr¢. \L'mrrhr¢. R.-mum Environment Environment

permission permission without distributed or purpose other any for used not Sustainability Sustainability ana ana be be to

rnrorcnt rnrorcnt

(r (r

rrtrvliao rrtrvliao rr rr

purposes purposes briefing internal for provided information and and Centre Coordination Emergency integrated the the within of of Department

mainly mainly expected, Scattered range. range. dividing the of south and and on showers showers winds.

southerly southerly

fresh fresh relatively with along throughout extending conditions cooler much with day the

front front cold The early early Victoria of most across pushed have should depth of alot has has and and it to in in


timing. timing. change the depending differ may most the on on impacted impacted

change change the of again temps areas areas so Timing 40s. the and low may may RH RH vary, vary, in in winds, winds,

thunderstorms thunderstorms forest forest will danger extreme extreme stong stong the to due grass and Fire behind. both both be be in in

winds winds southwesterly strong to showers showers scattered with through, through, push and and cooler cooler fresh fresh

before before afternoon, early 40km/hr 40km/hr morning morning 60-80km/hr, possibily above winds the the to to up to to in in - -

including including seeing seeing areas elevated and central with east, the state, the on winds winds impact impact will

northwesterly northwesterly strong strong passage frontal the Ahead afternoon hot hot of of dry dry during during state the the the

theni theni theectern theectern dvelnninn dvelnninn flcpan flcpan imnart imnart half half will will front cold The catch catch will will dhprn nn nn in in in in

i i


overnight. overnight. stalling before west

along along develop trough far far the and again coast the will in in winds. winds. lighter prefrontal prefrontal weak see see A A

the the of north Areas should should range Dividing 25km/hr 25km/hr average easing afternoon. afternoon. by 40km/hr, 40km/hr, to to

30- 30- winds winds northerly fresh seeing west around around morning the areas elevated and the the in in in central central

with with freshen upper Winds the the will will levels in in afternoon. afternoon. the drying and temperatures north the in in

hot hot to warm very in in continue continue resulting resulting Victoria northern into migrate air continental will will to to in in

around around shift drier drier The northwest. the to to to

Southern Southern start start will Winds Ocean. the into

moves moves passage frontal pressure pressure developing developing sea sea Tasman the into moves system High High as as a a

FEB FEB FRIDAY 2009 2009 6 6


Issued Monday 2 February 2009 February 2 Monday Issued WIT.013.002.0078

Environment Environment Victoria Victoria

permission permission without

and and Sustainability distributed or purpose other any for used not

be be to

al al n. n. (:i nin.ni nin.ni r r ilin ilin an.vl. an.vl.

and and Centre Coordination Emergency of of Department Integrated Integrated within purposes briefing internal for provided Information the the

wind. wind. due due range to to

high/very high/very high high the be be may GFDI and north, high to to in in in moderate moderate dangers dangers Forest be be will fire

drier drier north. north. the be be in in throughout throughout winds. winds. southerly fresh the will will airmass The with state, the 20s 20s

airmass airmass cooler generally generally temperatures coast about keep keep will the The The ranges. and in in persist persist

the the areas areas rain/drizzle Light south. will) will) cloud) cloud) shallow (stratacumulus cloud cloud some and in in - -

2000m 2000m depths depths mixing capping inversion subsidence result result develop, develop, will to to As state. a a a

the the

extends extends Ocean Ocean Southern across across pressure high of ridge and and the a a in develops develops high high next The

2009 2009 FEB 9 9 MONDAY MONDAY

range. range. dividing of south and the the

mainly mainly expected, showers Scattered on on humidity humidity Relative therefore higher higher well. well. as be will

previous previous degrees degrees the the than less 10-15 be will and and day, day, temperatures temperatures TMaximum TMaximum winds.

throughout throughout extending southerly southerly fresh relatively with along conditions conditions cooler with with much much day day the

Victoria Victoria of most across pushed have should early early and and it to in in depth depth of alot has has front cold The


depending depending differ timing. timing. change may may most the the the on on impacted impacted

areas areas change may may so so vary, the the again temps the the of Timing and and low 40s. 40s. RH RH in in winds, winds,

extreme extreme grass grass strong strong the to due forest both will and and be be in in thunderstorms thunderstorms danger danger behind. behind. Fire Fire

showers showers scattered with through, push and and southwesterly southwesterly fresh cooler winds winds strong to to

before before afternoon. early early possibily morning morning 60-80km/hr, to to the the to to up in in - 40km/hr 40km/hr above winds

areas areas elevated seeing seeing and central with east. the including impact impact winds the the state, state, will on on

northwesterly northwesterly hot hot strong dry dry passage passage frontal of Ahead afternoon. the during the the

state state the

half half western the the on on developing developing impact impact will Ocean Southern catch catch will the up up in in front front The The cold cold



Issued Tuesday 3 February 2009 February 3 Tuesday Issued WIT.013.002.0079

,,..,i... ,,..,i...

Environment Environment n. n. CFA CFA T. T.

nl nl

Nitno.min. Nitno.min. Itnrcau

o o

permission. permission. without distributed

or or not not purpose purpose other any for used be be to x x

Department Department and and

CoarnmenI CoarnmenI Anatrulinn Anatrulinn

purposes purposes briefing internal for provided information Coordination Coordination Emergency Integrated and and Centre the within of of Department


timing. timing. change the depending depending on on

differ differ may most the impacted areas

WELL WELL developing showers Scattered change. change. behind

vary vary may change the of Timing behind. so so

, , Precipitation Precipitation

IM IM showers showers scattered with

through, through, winds winds

push push

' '

\I\ \I\

southwesterly southwesterly strong cooler before afternoon,


t t change.. change.. on on chance chance than than less less 5% 5% (\ (\

early early Lightning Lightning to to morning the 60-8okm/hr, to in in up

possibily possibily 40km/hr above winds - - seeing seeing areas

temps temps overnight warm due recovery Humidity relative to to elevated elevated the including central central with east, east, and and

afternoon afternoon

above above ratings Poor Poor early with with onwards gam 80 80 by by impact impact the the winds northwesterly state, state, will on on

morning morning the from from in in - - reached reached be will above GFDI and and FFDI 50 50 strong strong passage frontal hot hot the the dry dry

again again temperatures Both Both 40s. the and low winds, strong RH RH in in of of Ahead afternoon. afternoon. the during state the half

the the to

danger danger forest forest grass grass extreme due due and both be will Fire in in western western impact Ocean Ocean the the will on on up catch catch will

Danger Danger

Fire Fire

Southern Southern developing front the the cold The in in

om om

p p p Y Y tic tic attern attern no no S S


0 0




y y 7' 7'




\ \ \ \



Grassland Grassland Rating Rating Danger Fire Fire (GFDR) (GFDR) Forest Forest Rating Rating Danger Fire Fire (FFDR) (FFDR)

2009 2009 FEBRUARY FEBRUARY SATURDAY SATURDAY 7TH 7TH Weather Weather Extreme Extreme day day spike Fire Fire Absolute Absolute

Fire weather briefing issued Wednesday 4 February 4 Wednesday issued briefing weather Fire WIT.013.002.0080

Er Er Environment Environment CR.a CR.a

or or for for used distributed distributed not permission. permission. purpose other' any be be to without without

n n

\ntrelia \ntrelia nmenr nmenr Go\nr

and and Centre Coordination Emergency Integrated the the within for for purposes purposes briefing internal provided Information of of of Department


timing. timing. change depending differ the the on may

behind behind WELL developing showers Scattered change. change.

most most impacted areas may may change the the so so vary,

Precipitation Precipitation

the the of Timing Timing behind. well showers scattered

"" "" pyricumulus. pyricumulus. induced fire any with winds winds southwesterly with with through, push strong

possible possible and change, (less Unlikely with with 5%)

cooler cooler before afternoon, morning prob prob low but but but the the H to to

Lightning Lightning

\ \ ( (

1. 1.

100 100 to to reaching reaching in in km/hr, up

1 1 50km/hr 50km/hr gusts gusts - - I I

above above winds seeing seeing areas elevated and and

temps temps overnight warm to to

overnight overnight recovery recovery Humidity due due including including central central with east, the state, the on on

r`J r`J

morning morning relative relative Poor above late late by by 80 \M\. \M\. onwards. onwards. ratings ratings with

winds winds northwesterly hot hot strong impact impact will dry dry


from from - - lam lam morning morning reached 50 above be be will GFDI and the the in in

passage passage frontal the of Ahead afternoon. the the L L

temperatures temperatures Both Both 40s. the and FFDI FFDI RH RH in in low low winds, strong half half western impacts impacts during during state the the on on

forest forest extreme danger

the the to due grass and both be will Fire in in

that that trough prefrontal prefrontal catch will Ocean on on up a a

Danger Danger Fire Fire

developing developing

Southern Southern the in in front front cold cold The Synoptic4pattern Synoptic4pattern

arp""I arp""I


'W 'W



9' 9'



i i


Grassland Grassland Rating Rating Danger Fire Fire (GFDR) (GFDR) Forest Forest Rating Rating Danger Fire (FFDR) (FFDR)

day day

FEBRUARY FEBRUARY 2009 2009 7TH 7TH SATURDAY SATURDAY Weather Weather Extreme Extreme spike spike Fire Fire CRITICAL CRITICAL

Fire weather briefing issued Thursday 5 February 5 Thursday issued briefing weather Fire WIT.013.002.0081

Environment Environment CFA CFA

of of 6wvnu

Ncmarulmp. Ncmarulmp.

or or pemrission. pemrission. without distributed other any

for for purpose purpose used used not be be to Sustainability Sustainability and and

Gocermncm Gocermncm wit Umb'al Umb'al

and and Centre Coordination Emergency Integrated the within purposes briefing internal for provided Information Department Department of of

change change behind WELL developing showers Scattered

change. change. the Precipitation Precipitation

behind behind well forecast showers showers Scattered are are

pyrocumulus. pyrocumulus.

induced induced fire with with any any

winds. winds. southwesterly gusty with milder

possible possible and change, with (less (less Unlikely prob prob low but 5%) 5%) become become condtions trough the will will Following Following

Lightning Lightning raised raised of Areas Victoria. western dust. dust.

particularly particularly areas, elevated over km/hr 100 100

temps temps overnight warm

to to

winds winds northwesterly reaching reaching gust wind 80 80 to to - -

overnight overnight recovery recovery humidity relative Poor afternoon early due due gusty gusty and fresh with dry and hot be be

100-200 100-200 between peak morning to to by by by by

above above ratings 80 80 late late conditions conditions will will of of trough trough Ahead afternoon. the the

will will above reached reached with with morning, the GFDI and 50 50 be be in in push push and midday Victoria Victoria central into into late late by

temperatures temperatures 40s. 40s. the Both Both and low FFDI FFDI RH RH in in

winds, winds, strong southwest southwest the over develop expected expected to to by by

danger danger forest forest

grass grass extreme the the to due and both be will Fire in in

that that trough pre-frontal energy some some to to is is a a

Danger Danger Fire Fire

provide provide Bight the of front will will south cold cold A A

pattern pattern Synoptic Synoptic Pill` Pill`







\ \


Grassland Grassland Rating Rating Danger (GFDR) (GFDR) Forest Forest Fire Fire Rating Danger Fire Fire (FFDR) (FFDR)

FEBRUARY FEBRUARY SATURDAY SATURDAY 2009 2009 7TH 7TH spike spike day day Extreme Extreme Weather Weather CRITICAL CRITICAL Fire Fire

Fire weather briefing issued Friday 6 February 6 Friday issued briefing weather Fire WIT.013.002.0082 WIT.013.002.0083


Forecasts & warnings made for 7 February on that day and communications of those forecasts & warnings to the Authorities & the public. WIT.013.002.0084

• Extensive forecasts were provided to the public during the event. These included: – State forecasts – District forecasts – Township forecasts – Warnings

• The forecasts confirmed the earlier predictions that extremely high temperatures along with very strong winds & extreme fire dangers could be expected on Saturday 7 February

• Forecasts & warnings provided through the media and the Bureau’s web site

• On 7 February the Bureau’s website had 75,113,330 hits compared with a daily average of 43,746,614 hits during February 2009 WIT.013.002.0085

• In addition fire weather forecasts & warnings were provided to the Agencies from the Regional Forecast Centre

• These included spot fire forecasts & wind change charts for 7 February & estimates for the days after 7 February

• Frequent communication occurred between the Regional forecast Centre & the Bureau Meteorologists at the iECC

• The Meteorologist on duty at the iECC during the late afternoon was in frequent communication with senior CFA and DSE staff advising them that the wind change was progressing very rapidly into southern central Victoria WIT.013.002.0086

Saturday 7 February

• (Appendix 8, pages 183 - 236) • 3.29am Fire Ban Advice • 3.40am Fire Weather Warning • 3.55am Severe Weather Warning • 4.28am *Spot Fire Weather Forecast for Bunyip Complex • 4.30am *Spot Fire Weather Forecast for Bunyip Complex (rehit) • 4.44am *Spot Fire Weather Forecast for Nariel – Ski Hut • 5.00am Victoria State Forecast • 5.00am Melbourne Forecast • 5.41am Bendigo Forecast • 5.43am Latrobe Valley Forecast • 5.48am Central District Forecast • 6.30 am *Fire Weather Forecast for Saturday 7 February • 8.30am *iECC meteorologist verbal comment on weather input to DSE Fire Behaviour Estimates • 9.02am *Spot Fire Weather Forecast for Delburn Complex • 10.30am *Fire Weather Product issued by the iECC meteorologist (Page 1 of a 5 page product) • 10.47am *Fire Weather Briefing • 10.55am Severe Weather Warning • 11.12am *Spot Fire Weather Forecast for Bunyip SP Complex • 11.28am Fire Weather Warning • 12.14pm *Wind Change Forecast Chart • 12.35pm *Spot Fire Weather Forecast for Dargo – White Timber • 1.39pm *Spot Fire Weather Forecast for Saunders Road (Kilmore) • 1.51pm *Wind Change Forecast Chart WIT.013.002.0087

• 2.04pm *Spot Fire Weather Forecast for Bunyip SP complex • 2.13pm *Spot Fire Weather Forecast for Rudolph Road (Horsham) • 2.47pm *Spot Fire Weather Forecast for Coleraine – Glenelg Highway • 2.55pm *Spot Fire Weather Forecast for Camperdown – Danedite • 3.53pm *Spot Fire Weather Forecast for Labertouche • 3.59pm *Spot Fire Weather Forecast for Churchill Glendonald • 4.08pm Fire Weather Warning • 4.23pm *Spot Fire Weather Forecast for Redesdale – Coliban Pk Road • 4.27pm Fire Weather Warning (rehit) • 4.50pm *Wind Change Forecast Chart • 4.36pm Victoria State Forecast • 4.42pm Melbourne Forecast • 4.57pm *Spot Fire Weather Forecast for Bunyip SP Complex • 5.05pm Central District Forecast • 5.21pm Bendigo Forecast • 5.22pm Latrobe Valley Forecast • 5.32pm *Spot Fire Weather Forecast for Redesdale – Coliban Pk Road • 5.37pm *Spot Fire Weather Forecast for Saunders Road • 5.56pm Updated Melbourne Forecast • 6.09pm *Spot Fire Weather Forecast for Dargo – White Timber • 6.53pm *Wind Change Forecast Chart • 7.24pm *Spot Fire Weather Forecast for Crawley Road (Narre Warren North) • 8.34pm *Spot Fire Weather Forecast for South Marang(sic) Plenty Gorge • 8.36pm *Spot Fire Weather Forecast for Buckland Gap (Beechworth) • 8.44pm *Spot Fire Weather Forecast for South Marang Plenty Gorge • 10.04pm *Spot Fire Weather Forecast for Bracewell St (Bendigo) • 10.36pm *Spot Fire Weather Forecast for Buckland Gap (Beechworth) • 10.40pm Cancellation of Severe Weather Warning

Environment Environment CFA CFA

LTA.9r LTA.9r

mina mina

of of Meoeo.nmlu4m Meoeo.nmlu4m

not not permission. permission. without dishibuted or purpose other any for used be be to to and and Sustainability

f f sin'erllllleill sin'erllllleill and and Centre enstrnnan enstrnnan

oweded oweded Coordination Coordination Emergency Integrated the within purposes briefing internal for Information Information of of Department

or or 2mm likely less. less. be to are totals totals however possible. possible.

following following near are are change the and showers Isolated Isolated

Precipitation Precipitation

winds. winds. southwesterly southwesterly

pyrocumulus. pyrocumulus.

gusty gusty with milder

become become will conditions

x1024 x1024

fire fire with with possible overnight induced induced Also Also (20%). any any of of Areas Areas trough trough the Following dust. raised

change change the following (10%), (10%), north the side] also also but in in Victoria. Victoria. western particularly elevated elevated areas, areas,

dry dry

chance chance thunderstorms thunderstorms elevated There the the of of [on [on is is a a over over km/hr reaching gust wind 100 100 to 80

Lightning Lightning winds winds - - northwesterly northwesterly gusty fresh fresh with dry and and

and and hot be be

of of Ahead Ahead conditions conditions trough the will will around around 1700hrs. 1700hrs.

afternoon. afternoon. Victoria late late central into by by

push push

Melbourne Melbourne Walpeup Walpeup to to move move to expected reaching reaching rapidly.... 1roa 1roa

loan loan

and and southwest the over

develop develop expected to to change change The coast southwest the the morning. morning. late on on is is itself itself

that that trough pre-frontal to to energy some is is a

manifest manifest to start should which change, change, wind southwest gusty

provide provide will Bight the of south front

cold cold

A A winds winds northwesterly of of ahead north strong with dry to to a a

Hot. Hot.

Synoptic Synoptic pattern pattern

Danger Danger Fire Fire




y y Y Y



\ \

\ \


Danger Danger Fire Grassland Rating Rating (GFDR) (GFDR) Forest Forest Rating Rating Danger Fire Fire (FFDR) (FFDR)

FEBRUARY FEBRUARY 2009 2009 SATURDAY SATURDAY 7TH 7TH spike spike Weather Weather day day Extreme Extreme CRITICAL CRITICAL Fire Fire

Fire weather briefing issued Saturday 7 February 7 Saturday issued briefing weather Fire WIT.013.002.0088

(ABN (ABN Meteorology of Bureau 2008, Australia of Commonwealth Copyright 532) 532) 533 637 92

2 2 Number Beaufort 4 4 10 10 9 9 8 7 6 5 3

trot trot fFOI fFOI tom tom wine wine and and of of camwauon far use use

42 42

67 67 ff ff (km/h) (km/h) wind metre 100 100 83 50 33 25 10 10 17 17 8

rp rp

(km/h) (km/h) wind metre 50 50 40 30 25 20 60 60 15 15 10 5 2

assist assist to or verification. verification. forecast on on forecaster weather 2059 2059 9663 (03) in in 4979 4979 9669 (03)

this this lire lire to firefighter firefighter safety safety public form form observations. weather on-site regular fax fax For Please Please make and

1798. 1798. 9642 forecasters forecasters or or (03) (03) on 4923 4923 9669 (03)

contact contact information, further weather weather fire conditions, the the or for for observed observed from significantly differs forecast forecast If

Sod Sod Speed Speed - - - - Direction; Direction; Ground Above AGL Dir Dir Humidity, Relative RH RH Level, - -

WNW WNW 35g55 WSW 20 20 45 23 23 1600 15 15 41 41

WNW WNW 30g50 14 14 50 11 11 WSW WSW 46 46 22 1300

MW MW WSW30g45 WSW30g45 20 20 1000 64 64 18 9 9 5

WNW WNW 50 50 5 5 25g45 25g45 WSW 0700 0700 82 82 15 2 2

WNW WNW 55 55 82 5 5 2 "400 "400 25g45 25g45 WSW 16 16

WNW WNW 0100 0100 30g55 30g55 SW 72 65 65 8 8 3 18

W65 W65 9 9 40g65 40g65 SW 56 2200 19 19 21 21

WNW WNW 45g70 74 74 SW 32 32 1900 60 60 70 15 15

75 75 NW NNW 42 1600 133 133 103 50g8O 50g8O 11 11

Dir/Spd Dir/Spd Dir/Spd Dir/Spd Gust Gust Gust d Dir/5

(km/h) (km/h) Wind (km/h) Local (km/h) (km/h) (C) (C) (C) (%) (%) (%)

or or Wind Wind GFDI* GFDI* GFDI GFDI Wind Wind Temp Time Temp Temp FFDI* FFDI* 2m 2m AGL 1000m FFDI FFDI 10m 10m 10m RH RH RH

Load: Load: Fuel Forecast

Curing: Curing: Grass

(%) (%) value value Curing Max Max Factor: Factor: Drought 98 98 period: forecast during location at at

* *

factor factor Drought Drought Location: Location: 10.0 10.0 period: forecast during location at at

`Max `Max

Spot Fire Weather Weather Fire Spot Fighter Fighter site site on Hour Hour OBSERVATIONS OBSERVATIONS Fire Fire FORECAST FORECAST 24 24

forecast forecast below. below. listed

three three )uming )uming that that hourly hourly peak peak could Winds above. listed time the occur will change wind the the the than higher little at at a a

forecast forecast with uncertainties Assumptions associated associated the the and and

chance. chance. spotty •

than than but change the after developing thunderstorm around around digit pct pct less change Slight humidity. pct of of to 10 10 10 is is a a

single single upper and metres 5000 at at ahead ahead Out temperatuers. least least depth mixing winds. gusty very be will change the to to of

humidity humidity increasing with change lowering lowering and wind wind the follow will winds southwest Gusty 1730 1730 between area 1900. 1900. to

Gellibrand Gellibrand Change change change wind the Looking time. this at the fire fire the affect to to at well well Mount through west west moved moved has to to

overview overview Weather Weather

/ / 1500 1500 Time: Request Ignition Henshaw Henshaw John Name: Contact

51722541 51722541 forest forest Type: Fuel Phone: Phone: Contact

51722100 51722100 500 500 Elevation: Number: Number: Fax Fax

Churchill Churchill Reference: CFA CFA Organisation: Map Map SE SE km km 10

Forecast Forecast of of Name No: No: 001 001 Glendonald Glendonald Churchhill Fire: Fire:

2009. 2009. 3:59 3:59 Issued at at tom tom Saturday Saturday EDT February February on on 7 7

Weather Weather Spot Forecast Forecast Fire Fire

Victoria Victoria

Government Government Australian Meteorology Meteorology of Bureau

--ITV-31050 --ITV-31050 WIT.013.002.0089 WIT.013.002.0090 WIT.013.002.0091 WIT.013.002.0092 WIT.013.002.0093





event which is articulated in the report. the in articulated is which event

The Bureau has produced a factual account of this this of account factual a produced has Bureau The •

east during the day. day. the during east

A vigorous change crossed the state from west to to west from state the crossed change vigorous A

February 2009 accompanied by very strong winds. winds. strong very by accompanied 2009 February

Unprecedented heat occurred across Victoria on 7 7 on Victoria across occurred heat Unprecedented •

Summary WIT.013.002.0094