STATE OF CALIFORNIA - NATURAL RESOURCES AGENCY GAVIN NEWSOM, GOVERNOR CALIFORNIA COASTAL COMMISSION 455 MARKET STREET, SUITE 300 SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94105-2219 FAX (415) 904-5200 TDD (415) 904-5400 Th3a CD-0006-20 (National Park Service) April 22, 2021 CORRESPONDENCE (received as of March 26, 2021) Individual Members of the Public Part I CD-0006-20 (NPS) CORRESPONDENCE - INDIVIDUALS PART I - pg 2 This item is a form letter sent to the
[email protected] inbox from 12,360 separate contacts: Reject the Conditional Compliance to Point Reyes GLMPA Dear Executive Director John Ainsworth, As someone who is concerned about wild animals and wildlands, and one of over 250,000 In Defense of Animals supporters, I urge you to vote against the staff-recommended conditional compliance to the Point Reyes General Land Management Plan Amendment (GLMPA), and object to the National Park Service’s consistency determination, which is not consistent with the California Coastal Management Plan. The CCC received over 20,000 comments opposing the park's plan to continue ranching leases within the national park. We applaud the Commission for postponing the public hearing, which will allow enough time to adequately review and analyze comments with scientific and technical data. The staff report focused on water quality, yet the last tests were documented in 2013. In Defense of Animals recently performed professional scientific water quality tests from key collection points at Point Reyes National Seashore. Now the Commission has ample opportunity to review these new findings. The report also did not address other spillover effects from the Point Reyes GLMPA, including air quality and climate impacts from grazing cows, water quantity, and the loss of coastal public access.