21 YEAR The Noah’s Ark #17 (1057) 27 April 2015 Published Since 1993

Weekly Newspaper HIGHLIGHTS ÜáÛÛ³Ý î³å³Ý ß³μ³Ã³Ã»ñà (³Ý·É. / ýñ³Ýë.) Armenia Remembers Genocide 100 Years On

see page 3 In This Issue Germany Recognizes Noyan Tapan Printing House Armenian Genocide p.2 is offering coloured and black and white offset and digital Putin, Hollande Join Armenian Genocide printing of books, brochures, booklets, journals, etc with Remembrance In p.4 high quality and low prices Tel: 060 27 64 62 Address: Isahakyan 28, 3rd floor, Yerevan 0009 2014 GIT Award Laureate Mario Mazzola Donates USD 1mln to the AUA Students p.10 News from Armenia's Leading Telecom Noyan Tapan Video Studio Operator p.p.11-12 is offering professional video and photography for indoor and outdoor events such as weddings, birthday parties, "Mr. Mario is Back!": official events, seminars and conferences. Tel: 060 27 64 62 A Story of Lifelong True Charity Address: Isahakyan 28, 3rd floor, Yerevan 0009 and the Love Indeed p.p.12-13 27 April #17 (1057)  2015 2 www.nt.am The Noyan Tapan Highlights POLITICS Germany Recognizes Armenian Genocide (Reuters)

The German parliament overwhelmingly approved on April 24 a resolution branding the mass killings of up to 1.5 million Armenians by Ottoman Turkish forces a century ago as geno- cide, risking a diplomatic rupture with Ankara. The vote marks a significant change of stance for Germany, Turkey's biggest trade partner in the European Union and home to a large ethnic Turkish diaspora. Unlike France and some two dozen other countries, Berlin has long resisted using the word. The term 'genocide' also has special resonance in Germany, which has worked hard to come to terms with its responsibility for the murder of six million Jews in the Holocaust. In a parliamentary session to commemorate the 100th German President Joachim Gauck also used the word 'geno- anniversary of the start of the killings, all parliamentary groups cide' in a speech on Thursday. Gauck, a former East German in the Bundestag lower house backed the resolution in a vote pastor with a penchant for defying convention, also suggested likely to infuriate Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan. Germany itself might bear some of the blame because of its "What happened in the middle of the First World War in the actions during World War One. Ottoman Empire under the eyes of the world was a Genocide," The Ottoman Empire, whose large ethnic Armenian popula- Bundestag President Norbert Lammert said at the start of tion had flourished for centuries, was an ally of Kaiser German lawmakers' debate on the resolution. Wilhelm's Germany during World War One when the massacres Muslim Turkey denies that the massacres, at a time when occurred. Ottoman troops were battling Russian forces in the east of the Most Western scholars refer to the mass killings of the empire, constituted genocide. It says there was no organized Ottoman Armenians as genocide. Pope Francis also used the campaign to wipe out the Armenians, who are Christians, and term this month, prompting Turkey to accuse him of inciting no evidence of any such orders from the Ottoman authorities. hatred. Austrian Parliament Recognizes Armenian Genocide Austria became on April 22 the latest country to recognize the 1915 Armenian genocide in Ottoman Turkey, a First World War- era ally of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. The Austrian parliament approved a corresponding statement drafted by the parliamentary leaders of the country's six main political parties after observing a minute of silence for up to 1.5 million Armenians massacred by the Ottoman Turks. "April 24, 1915 marked the beginning of a policy of deporta- tion and persecution, which ended in genocide," parliament speaker Doris Bures said at a special session dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the tragedy. The parliamentary faction leaders stressed the importance of recognizing the Armenian massacres as genocide in their ensuing speeches delivered at the National Council. liament session, was quick to welcome the declaration coming The declaration authored by them reads, "Due to a historical just two days before official ceremonies in Yerevan that will mark responsibility -- the Austro-Hungarian Empire was allied with the the centenary of the genocide. "With this step Austria has made Ottoman Empire in the First World War -- it is our duty to recog- an important contribution to the noble task of preventing geno- nize the terrible events as genocide and condemn them." cides and other crimes against humanity," Foreign Minister "It is also Turkey's duty to face the dark and painful chapter Edward Nalbandian said in a statement. of its past and recognize the crimes committed against Armenians Turkey did not immediately react to the Austrian move. under the Ottoman Empire as genocide," it says, echoing a reso- Ankara last week strongly condemned Pope Francis and the lution adopted by the European Parliament last week. European Parliament for using the word genocide to honor the The statement also mentions hundreds of thousands of Greeks Armenians slaughtered during the First Word War. and Assyrians who were murdered on Ottoman government Incidentally, the Austrian declaration cited and endorsed the orders a century ago. statements made by Francis and the European Union's legislative Armenia, whose ambassador in Vienna was present at the par- body.

27 April #17 (1057)  2015 POLITICS The Noyan Tapan Highlights www.nt.am 3 Armenia Remembers Genocide 100 Years On Tens of thousands of people marched Tsitsernakabert. concluding declaration that calls on the to the Tsitsernakabert memorial in "Human language is powerless to outside world to ensure a greater interna- Yerevan on April 24 to pay their respects describe what an entire people endured," tional recognition of the Armenia geno- to some 1.5 million Armenians who were he said. "Around 1.5 million human cide and condemns its denial by Turkey. massacred by the Ottoman Turks 100 beings were slaughtered merely for being The declaration also calls for a worldwide years ago in the first genocide of the 20th Armenian." "strengthening of genocide prevention century. The 3-hour ceremony also involved mechanisms." In what has been an annual ritual in speeches by the visiting presidents of In his speech, Serzh Sargsyan similar- Armenia for almost 50 years, they laid Cyprus, France, Russia and Serbia and a ly denounced Turkey's continuing claims flowers by the hilltop memorial's eternal prayer service led by Catholicos Garegin, that Ottoman Armenians died in smaller fire surrounded by 12 inward-bending the supreme head of the Armenian numbers and not as a result of a premedi- columns symbolizing Armenian-populat- Apostolic Church. It ended with an tated government policy. "As Pope Francis ed provinces of the Ottoman Empire. address by Esther Mujawayo, a prominent rightly pointed out [on April 12,] The daylong procession began amid survivor of the 1994 genocide in Rwanda. 'Concealing or denying evil is like allow- heavy rain after an official ceremony dur- "It is very important that we stand by ing a wound to keep bleeding without ing which Armenia's political and spiritual our Armenian sisters and brothers sharing bandaging it,'" he said. leaders as well as dozens of foreign digni- their pain, their struggle, and of course Serzh Sargsyan went on to thank for- taries marked the 100th anniversary of the their rebirth," Mujawayo told the partici- eign nations and various international bod- start of the genocide. pants of the event. ies that have officially recognized the "The western part of the Armenian "As one of the participants of the Armenian massacres as genocide. people, who had for millenniums lived in Global Forum Against the Crime of "Recognition of the genocide is a victory their homeland, in the cradle of their civi- Genocide, held in Yerevan over the last of human conscience and justice over lization, were displaced and annihilated two days, I would like to extend our grati- intolerance and hatred," he said. under a state-devised plan with direct par- tude to the government and people of The Armenian leader further praised ticipation of the army, police, other state Armenia for furthering prevention agenda scores of Turks who were due to gather in institutions, and gangs comprising crimi- and raising public awareness to combat Istanbul later in the day to commemorate nals released from the prisons specifically the crime of genocide and reach the noble the genocide victims. "They are strong for this purpose," President Serzh goal of its complete exclusion," she added. people who are doing the right thing for Sargsyan said in a speech at Mujawayo also read out the forum's their homeland," he said. 1.5 Million Victims of Genocide Canonized at Etchmiadzin The 1.5 million or so victims of the Armenia as well as Diaspora communities prayer as his companion" he went on. Armenian genocide in Ottoman Turkey around the world. "We believe that we are weaving the were collectively declared saints by the "During the dire years of the genocide crown of a new spiritual rebirth for our Armenian Apostolic Church on April 23, of the Armenians, millions of our people people, by canonizing the martyrs of the with Catholicos Garegin II saying that were uprooted and massacred in a premed- Armenian Genocide. The memory of our they died for their Christian faith. itated manner, passed through fire and holy martyrs will heretofore not be a The canonization took place at the sword, tasted the bitter fruits of torture and requiem prayer of victimhood and dormi- church headquarters in Echmiadzin in sorrow," Garegin said during the canoniza- tion, but rather a victorious song of praise front of thousands of people one day tion. "Nevertheless, in the midst of horrid by incorporeal soldiers, triumphant and before the main official events in Armenia torments and facing death, they remained sanctified by the blood of martyrdom," that will mark the 100th anniversary of the strengthened by the love of Christ, bring- added the supreme head of the Armenian genocide. It was also attended by ing the witness of unshakeable faith." Church. President Serzh Sargsyan as well as the "Manifold testimonies of holiness, The unprecedented decision to canon- visiting heads of the Coptic, Syriac and virtue, and the joys of spiritual selflessness ize the genocide victims was made last Indian Orthodox Churches and senior rep- are recorded as well in the tragic annals of year by a council of bishops representing resentatives of other Christian denomina- the Armenian Genocide. The Armenian the church dioceses in Armenia and for- tions. who was persecuted for his Christian faith eign states with sizable Armenian commu- The ceremony began with a procession traveled the path of martyrdom with nities. of high-ranking clergymen led by Garegin from an Echmiadzin cathedral to a nearby open-air altar. It ended at 19:15 local time, Noyan Tapan Press-Center symbolizing the year 1915 that saw the Noyan Tapan Press Center holds different discussions, press confer- start of the mass killings and deportations ences, round tables, teleconferences, seminars each week which of Armenians in the Ottoman Empire. At are broadcast live on the Internet. We invite you to take advantage the end of the ceremony bells simultane- of the Center, as well as to place your banner in our Press Room. ously rang in Armenian churches across Tel: 060 27 64 62. Address: Isahakyan 28, 3rd floor

27 April #17 (1057)  2015 4 www.nt.am The Noyan Tapan Highlights POLITICS Putin, Hollande Join Armenian Genocide Remembrance In Yerevan

Presidents Francois Holland of France and Vladimir Putin of Russia and officials representing more than 50 other states joined Armenia's leaders on April 24 in commemorating the 100th anniversary of the Armenian genocide. The two men as well as the presidents of Cyprus and Serbia delivered speeches during a remembrance ceremony held at the Tsitsernakabert genocide memorial in Yerevan. The foreign digni- taries attending it included a U.S. government delegation led by Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew. The heads of the visiting delegations walked to the memorial one by one, escorted by Armenian schoolgirls holding the national flags of their respective countries. Each foreign leader then a put a yellow rose into a wreath shaped as a forget-me-not flower, the offi- cial emblem of the commemorations of the genocide centennial. "I bow to the memory of the victims and I have just told my Vladimir Putin, meanwhile, described the 1915 slaughter as Armenian friends that we will never forget the tragedies that your "one of the most appalling tragedies in the history of humankind." people went through," Hollande told the several hundred partici- "The events of 1915 shocked the entire world and were perceived pants of the event. in Russia as its own calamity," he said in his speech. "One hundred years ago, destructive hatred wanted to extermi- "And today we mourn together with the Armenian people," nate a population because it was Armenian," he said. "This hatred added Putin. "Remembrance events will take place in hundreds of committed considerable massacres but it could not achieve its ulti- Russian cities -- I want to stress that, dear friends: in hundreds of mate end. You are standing there, alive. Armenia bears a remark- Russian cities." able memory, but its message is universal, it is one of resistance, Both Putin and Hollande emphasized the fact that the Russian it is one of recognition, it is one of hope." Empire, France and Britain jointly condemned the mass killings "We are also and deportations of Armenians as a "crime against humanity" in aware that it is with May 1915, one month after they were ordered by the rulers of the the disappearance of Ottoman Empire. 1.5 million The French president also stated that international condemna- Armenians 100 years tion of the Armenian and other genocides is important for prevent- ago that the word ing more crimes against humanity. In that context, he pointed to 'genocide' was the continuing "barbarity of the terrorists" from the Islamic State invented, so to militants controlling large parts of Iraq and Syria. speak," Hollande Russia and France are among two dozen countries that have went on, pointing to officially recognized the Armenian genocide. One of those Raphael Lemkin, a nations, Cyprus, has also criminalized public denial of the geno- Polish Jewish intel- cide. lectual who coined "We are here to honor the resilience of the Armenian people," the term in 1944. Cypriot President Nicos Anastasiades declared at Tsitsernakabert. Turkey condemns Russia's recognition of Armenian Genocide Turkey condemns Russian President Vladimir Putin's state- ment, in which he called the mass killings of Armenians during the World War I "genocide," the Turkish Foreign Ministry said in a statement, Sputnik reports. Although Ankara respects its friendship with , the recent statements related to the mass killings of Armenians during WWI might have some impact on the bilateral ties, the Turkish Foreign Ministry said. "Starting from 1995, we know the [Russian] habit of making political statements in support of unilateral Armenian claims every 10 years. On April 24, 2015 another similar statement followed. We condemn this statement.

27 April #17 (1057)  2015 POLITICS The Noyan Tapan Highlights www.nt.am 5 UK Ambassador's message on Armenian Remembrance Day Message by HM Kathy Leach, UK remember together the many victims, Ambassador to Armenia, has issued a more than a million souls, who were message on Armenian Remembrance killed in the deportations and massacres Day. of 1915. Our hope in this year of com- "On this solemn day of commemora- memorations is for Armenia and Turkey tion, we bow our heads with Armenia and to find a way to face this tragic history Armenians around the world as we together." No decision yet on Mistral: Russian, French Presidents meet in Yerevan after meeting Russian President Vladimir Putin, Reuters reports. "As far as the Mistral is concerned I have set the terms. Either the Mistral is delivered, which is not our decision as of today, or a repayment will be made in the form we have dis- cussed," Hollande said at a news conference after the meeting in Yerevan, Armenia. Separately, Economy Minister Emmanuel Macron told Reuters in Paris the French government would make sure the companies and workers involved were not affected. "Technically we are ready so that this decision, if it is taken, will not damage the companies and workers involved," he said. Earlier on Friday a Russian source close to the talks said Russia and France were close to an agreement for Paris to can- cel the contract and reimburse Moscow. No decision has yet been taken on the future of France's The DCNS unit of Thales, 26 percent owned by the French suspended contract to deliver Mistral helicopter carriers to state and 25 percent by Dassault Aviation, is a prime contractor Russia, French President Francois Hollande said on April 24 on the Mistral. Obama Criticized By U.S. Jewish Group An influential Jewish-American lobby group has criticized U.S. President Barack Obama's decision to again avoid publicly using the word genocide to honor some 1.5 million Armenians massacred by the Ottoman Turks. In that regard, the American Jewish Committee (AJC) also commended Pope Francis and the European Parliament for reaf- firming their recognition of the Armenian genocide last week. "We regret that the U.S. has indicated, at least as of now, that it will not recognize the Armenian genocide during commemo- ration events this week," the AJC executive director, David Harris, said in a statement on Wednesday. "This decision is par- ticularly troubling in light of President Obama's remarks (as a senator) in 2008, when he spoke poignantly about the Armenian The Armenian Assembly of America, which has been cam- genocide." paigning for genocide recognition along with other U.S.- "As we know from our own Jewish experience, no country Armenian groups, welcomed the statement. "The Armenian of good will should succumb to political pressure -- in this case, Genocide was the ghastly precursor to the Holocaust and is a by Turkey -- when confronted with a question of moral integri- tragedy that unites the Armenian and Jewish people," its execu- ty and historical accuracy. We hope that the U.S. will reverse its tive director, Bryan Ardouny, said. announced decision, and publicly acknowledge this atrocity by its rightful name -- genocide," added Harris. continued on page 6

27 April #17 (1057)  2015 6 www.nt.am The Noyan Tapan Highlights POLITICS Obama again bows to Turkish Obama pressure in his April 24 statement Criticized By U.S. Jewish Group U.S. President Barack Obama has It alluded to the pontiff's April 12 dec- praised Pope Francis, mentioned a Jewish laration that the events of 1915 can be From page 5 lawyer who coined the term "genocide" considered "the first genocide of the 20th Harris' statement underscored but again declined to use it in his latest century." Turkey reacted furiously to the recent years' change in the AJC's posi- statement on the 1915 mass killings of move, recalling its ambassador to the tion on the genocide issue. The AJC as Armenians in Ottoman Turkey. Vatican. well as other Jewish-American organi- In what one Armenian-American The pope's statement, voiced during a zations had for decades opposed U.S. group criticized as "linguistic gymnas- Vatican Mass, reportedly caused a rift recognition of the genocide in view of tics," Obama spoke instead of "the first within the Obama administration Turkey's geopolitical significance to mass atrocity of the 20th century" as he between proponents and opponents of Israel. Some of them even helped marked its 100th anniversary late on Armenian genocide recognition. News Turkey block pro-Armenian resolutions Thursday. He also again used the reports from Washington said earlier this in the U.S. Congress. Armenian phase "Meds Yeghern," or week that Obama eventually chose to In 2007, the Jewish group Anti- Great Calamity, to refer to the slaughter side with those State Department and Defamation League (ADL) declared of 1.5 million Armenians. Pentagon officials who believe that that that the Armenian massacres "were "Beginning in 1915, the Armenian using the word genocide would be very indeed tantamount to genocide" after people of the Ottoman Empire were risky now that Washington needs weeks of controversy in which critics deported, massacred, and marched to Ankara's help in fighting the Islamic questioned whether an organization their deaths," he said. "Their culture and State group in Syria and Iraq. dedicated to remembering Holocaust heritage in their ancient homeland were Obama's decision was communicated victims could remain credible without erased. Amid horrific violence that saw to the leaders of the two main Armenian- acknowledging the genocide. suffering on all sides, one and a half mil- American lobbying organizations on Israel's government is facing similar lion Armenians perished." Tuesday. Both groups deplored his result- criticism from a growing number of "As the horrors of 1915 unfolded, ing statement. Israeli politicians and pundits. In what U.S. Ambassador Henry Morgenthau, Sr. "The sad spectacle of President may have been a response to that criti- sounded the alarm inside the U.S. gov- Obama playing word games with geno- cism, it has decided to send a delega- ernment and confronted Ottoman lead- cide, so obviously dodging the truth at tion of two Israeli lawmakers to ers," he added, referring to an American the direction of a foreign power, falls Friday's official ceremonies in Yerevan diplomat who has been a key reference beneath the dignity of the American peo- to mark the 100th anniversary of the source for Armenians campaigning for ple," said Aram Hamparian, the executive genocide. international recognition of the genocide. director of the Armenian National The Associated Press reported on In a 1915 telegram to the U.S. State Committee of America. Wednesday that the low-level delegation Department, Morgenthau famously "President Obama's exercise in lin- is under strict instructions to refer to the described the Armenian massacres as a guistic gymnastics on the Armenian 1915 slaughter of 1.5 million Armenians "campaign of race extermination." Genocide is unbecoming of the standard as a "national tragedy," rather than "Because of efforts like his, the truth he himself set and that of a world leader "genocide." Nevertheless, one of its of the Meds Yeghern emerged and came today," said Bryan Ardouny of the members, Nachman Shai, said it is time to influence the later work of human Armenian Assembly of America. for Israel to acknowledge that genocide rights champions like Raphael Lemkin, Obama repeatedly described the took place in the Ottoman Empire. who helped bring about the first United Armenian massacres as genocide and "In foreign policy, there are inter- Nations human rights treaty," Obama pledged to ensure its official recognition ests and there are values," Shai told the said, referring to the 1948 Convention on by the U.S. when he ran for president in news agency. "In this case I think val- the Prevention and Punishment of the 2008. However, he backpedaled on that ues should trump interests. As Jews, we Crime of Genocide. pledge after becoming president, anxious must recognize it." Lemkin, the Polish-Jewish lawyer not to anger Turkey. Israel's President Reuven Rivlin is who coined the term "genocide" in 1943, Obama on Thursday repeated that his also known as a supporter of Armenian referred to the atrocities against personal view on what happened in 1915 genocide recognition. According to Armenians as well as the Nazi massacres has not changed, hinting that he does not TheTower.org, Rivlin reaffirmed his of Jews when describing his investiga- want to publicize for purely political rea- view on the subject at a closed meeting tions. sons. "Peoples and nations grow stronger, with journalists in Jerusalem last week. "We welcome the expression of views and build a foundation for a more just and "The Nazis used the Armenian geno- by Pope Francis, Turkish and Armenian tolerant future, by acknowledging and cide as something that gave them per- historians, and the many others who have reckoning with painful elements of the mission to bring the Holocaust into sought to shed light on this dark chapter past," he said in an apparent reference to reality," he said, according to the publi- of history," read Obama's statement. Turkey. cation.

27 April #17 (1057)  2015 ECONOMY The Noyan Tapan Highlights www.nt.am 7 CNN: 8 things to know about the mass killings of Armenians 100 years ago As Armenians worldwide mark the to the empire's security. Then, on the ture, gas, poison, disease and starvation. 100th anniversary of the Armenian night of April 23-24, 1915, the authorities Children were reported to have been Genocide, the CNN presents eight facts in Constantinople, the empire's capital, loaded into boats, taken out to sea and that should be known about the mass rounded up about 250 Armenian intellec- thrown overboard. Rape, too, was fre- killing of Armenians in the Ottoman tuals and community leaders. Many of quently reported. Empire. them ended up deported or assassinated. In addition, according to the website April 24, known as Red Sunday, is armenian-genocide.org, "The great bulk What preceded the mass killings of commemorated as Genocide of the Armenian population was forcibly Armenians that began 100 years ago? Remembrance Day by Armenians around removed from Armenia and Anatolia to the world. Friday is the 100th anniversary Syria, where the vast majority was sent The Ottoman Turks, having recently of that day. into the desert to die of thirst and entered World War I on the side of hunger." Germany and the Austro-Hungarian How many Armenians were killed? Empire, were worried that Armenians liv- Was genocide a crime at the time of ing in the Ottoman Empire would offer This is a major point of contention. the killings? wartime assistance to Russia. Russia had Estimates range from 300,000 to 2 mil- long coveted control of Constantinople lion deaths between 1914 and 1923, with No. Genocide was not even a word at (now Istanbul), which controlled access not all of the victims in the Ottoman the time, much less a legally defined to the Black Sea - and therefore access to Empire. But most estimates - including crime. Russia's only year-round seaports. one of 800,000 between 1915 and 1918, The word "genocide" was invented in made by Ottoman authorities themselves 1944 by a Polish lawyer named Raphael How many Armenians lived in the - fall between 600,000 and 1.5 million. Lemkin to describe the Nazis' systematic Ottoman Empire at the start of the Whether due to killings or forced attempt to eradicate Jews from Europe. mass killings? deportation, the number of Armenians He formed the word by combining the living in Turkey fell from 2 million in Greek word for race with the Latin word Many historians agree that the num- 1914 to under 400,000 by 1922. for killing. ber was about 2 million. However, vic- Pope Francis recently referred to the tims of the mass killings also included How did they die? killings of Armenians as a "genocide," a some of the 1.8 million Armenians living move that upset Turkey. in the Caucasus under Russian rule, some Almost any way one can imagine. Genocide became a crime in 1948, of whom were massacred by Ottoman While the death toll is in dispute, pho- when the United Nations approved the forces in 1918 as they marched through tographs from the era document some Convention on the Prevention and East Armenia and Azerbaijan. mass killings. Some show Ottoman sol- Punishment of the Crime of Genocide. diers posing with severed heads, others The definition included acts meant "to How did the mass killings start? with them standing amid skulls in the destroy, in whole or in part, a national, dirt. ethnical, racial or religious group." By 1914, Ottoman authorities were The victims are reported to have died already portraying Armenians as a threat in mass burnings and by drowning, tor- Who calls the mass killings of Armenians a genocide?

Armenia, the Vatican, the European Parliament, France, Russia and Canada. Germany is expected to join that group on Friday, the 100th anniversary of the start of the killings.

Who does not call the mass killings a genocide?

Turkey, the United States, the European Commission, the United Kingdom and the United Nations. A U.N. subcommittee called the killings genocide in 1985, but current U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon declines to use the word.

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Price:4.000.000 USD negotiable bld.-700 sq.m, 4bedrooms, 4 bathrooms, capitally h-4m, 1 bedroom, capitally repaired, heating system. 1598.Komitas, Nairy Zaryan str., 1000 sq.m., repaired, climate control. Price: 1.2 million USD Price: 110.000 USD working restaurant,1st line, capitally repaired. Price: 3146.Aygestan, Land-500 sq.m., 5 storied bld- 1680- Mashtots Ave., 5/4, 68sq.m, 1 bedroom, negotiable. 765 sq.m.,each floor-180 sq.m, 4 bedrooms, 5 bath- old repair, possibility of gas. Price: 86.000 USD. 1603.Northern Ave., Ground floor of the building, rooms, study, capitally repaired, hjeating system,ele- 1674. Abovyan str., 2nd floor,70sq.m., 1 bedroom, 160 sq.m.,zero level, window glasses. Price: vator. Price: 2.300.000 USD. capitally repaired, heating system. Price: 135.000 2.600.000 USD. 3583.Nork-Marash, Land-1100sq.m,2 storied USD 2035.Tumanyan str., Ground floor of the building, bld-520sq.m,6 bedrooms,5 bathrooms, capitally 1698-Aram str., Newly built, 14/5, 62sq.m, 1 bed- 220sq.m.,1st line, facade-55m.,capitally repaired, h- repaired,heating system, AC, swimming pool, gar- room, capitally repaired, AC, security system, parking. 5m., cellar. Price: Negotiabel den. Price:1.350.000 USD. Price: 120.000 USD. 2013.Tumanyan str., Ground floor of the building, 3432.Aygedzor, Land - 1021 sq m ,3 storied bld.- 265sq.m.,1st line, capitally repaired, heating system, 501 sq.m., 5 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms, study, capital- cellar. Price: 1.300.000$ negotiable ly repaired, central heating, AC, boiler room gar- 2 ROOMS 2012.Mashtots Ave., 5/1,2, 140sq.m.,window den, swimming pool, sauna, garage, security sys- glasses, capitally repaired, AC. Price: 1.100.000$ tem. Price:1.000.000 USD 3003.Sayat-Nova str, 5/3, 105sq.m, 2bedrooms, negotiable 3576.Avan, Tsarav Akhbyur /near Botanical gar- stone building, capitally repaired. Price: Negotiable 2155.Mashtots ave., 3storied building, 540sq.m., den/, Land-560sq.m., 4 storied building-560sq.m., 1560.Northern Ave., Newly built,10/3, 130 sq.m., each floor-180sq.m, window glasses,parking. 4 bedrooms, 4bathrooms, a kitchen, office, capitally 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, capitally repaired,climate Price:3.600.000 USD repaired, heating system, swimming pool, garden, 2 control, parking. Price: 2020.Hr. Kochar str., car parking. Price: 850.000 USD 400.000 USD. Land-300sq.m,1st line, 3606.Avan, Tsarav Akhbyur/near Botanical gar- 2818.Northern Ave., 4storied building, den/, Land-1000sq.m.,3 storied building- Newly built, 3rd floor, 1080sq.m.,each floor- 750sq.m.,6 bedrooms, 5 bathrooms, 2 kitchens, 120sq.m, 2 bedrooms,2 270sq.m, h-3.6m,with- capitally repaired, heating system swimming pool, bathrooms,capitally out divisions, parkings, 3 garden, sauna, 2 car parking. Price-1.500.000 USD repaired, heating system, Ac, access. Price:1.400.000 3574.Blur, Land-779sq.m.,2 storied building- furnished. USD negotiable 720sq.m.,4 bedrooms, 6 bathrooms, study, capitally Price:400.000USD 1986.Cascade, Land repaired, heating system,sauna swimming pool, gar- 1156.Komitas Ave., 1000sq.m. 3storied den. Price: 2.000.000 USD Hambardzumyan str. 5/3, building1200sq.m., 3590 Blur, Barbyus str., Land-450 sq.m.,4 sto- 110sq.m, 2 bedrooms, capi- unfinished, parking. ried building-470sq.m.,3bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, tally repaired, heating sys- Price:1.000.000 USD. capitally repaired, heating system, AC, garden. tem, kitchen is furnished. 2167.Sayat Nova str., Price: 680.000 USD Price: 150.000 USD nego- newly built, 38sq. m, 3651.Blur, Barbyus str., Land-900sq.m.,5 storied tiable. capitally repaired. Price: building-800sq.m.,4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, capi- 2949.Aram str., Newly 200.000 USD tally repaired, heating system, AC, garden. built, 1st floor, 143 sq.m, 2 bedrooms, zero state, 2175.Tumanyan str, Ground and 1st floorof the Price:1.700.000 USD. Price: 2000 USD per sq.m. building, 600sq.m, ground floor300sq.m, 1st floor- 3401.Antarayin str, Newly built, land-700sq.m, 3 2300.Northern ave., Newly built, 6/2, 130 sq.m., 220sq,m, basement-80sq.m, - 1st line, zero level, 2 storied bld-690sq.m, 5 bedrooms, capitally repaired. 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, capitally repaired, heating entrances, facade-15m, 4 window glasses, capitally Price: 1.300.000 USD system, AC,parking. Price: 400.000 USD. reapired, heating system, AC, Price: 3500 USD per 3712 Cascade Newly built, land-450sq.m, 4 sto- sq.m, ried bld-600sq.m, zero state. Price: 550.000 USD 3 ROOMS 2172. Isahakyan str, 92sq.m, 1st line, 7 degrees above zero level, facade-9m, 2 window NEWLY BUILT RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS 3046.Amiryan str., Newly built, 9/9, 81sq.m.,with- glasses, h-3.20m, 2 halls, cabinet, bathroom, capital- out divisions. Price:Negotiable. ly repaired, heating system. Price: 450.000 USD 74.Cascade, Verin Antarayin. 136-315 sq m.,walls 3012.Aram str, Newly built, /7th floor, 136sq.m, 3 plastered, electricity, water, gas, euro windows,no bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, capitally repaired, heating exploitation fees. Price:1200 USD per sq.m, parking system, AC, parking, facing to bulvar, Price:300.000 LANDS -15.000 USD. USD negotiable. 2122.Davitashen, 1800 sq.m., water, gas, electrici- 107.Monument, Verin Antarayin. inhabited, 8 2998.North Ave, Newly built, 9/6, 181sq.m, 3bed- ty, possible to sell separately 600 sq.m., and 1200 floors, gas, windows, street view -1000 USD per rooms, capitally repaired, climate control, parking, sq.m. Price: 150 USD per sq.m. sq.m., city looking -1500 USD per sq.m., parking - 4 Price: 700.000 USD 2121.Demirchyan str., 1338 sq.m.,building per- million USD preliminary. 2682.Aram Str., Newly built,13/6 187sq.m., 3 bed- mits. Price: 2million USD. 87.Sayat-Nova str., 21 floors, 3 bedrooms -188 rooms,2 bathrooms, 2 open balconies, capitally rea- 2013.Cascade. 1000 sq.m. building permits, first sq.m., 199 sq.m., Price 1900 USD per sq.m., 2 bed- paired,heating systen, 2AC, 2 garages, view to gar- line, gas, water and electricity possibilities. Price rooms have a beautiful sight - 117 sq.m., 120 sq.m., den. Price: 550.000 USD negotiable. 460.000USD 124 sq.m.,Price: 1700 USD per sq.m., climate con- 2958.Pushkin str., 5/2, 140 sq.m., stone building,4 1402.Hr. Kochar Str., 1100 sq. m.,facade -25 m. trol, gas. bedrooms,capitally repaired,heating system. Price: Price negotiable. 93.Kievyan str., Given to the operation in October Negotiable. 2090.Lori region, close to Stepanavan, Gyargyar 2011, 16 floors, walls plastered, windows, exterior 2895.Northern Ave., Newly built, 3rd floor, village, 6 hectares, forest 2 hectare has building per- doors, h -3, 15 m, gas,parking. Price: 1500- 300sq.m,3bedrooms, 2 bathrooms,capitally repaied, mits, 3 water source, electricity. Price: 100.000USD. 1600USD per sq.m,parking-12 000 USD. Possible climate control, AC. Price: negotiable 2406.Avan, Mher Mkrtchyan block, 1000 sq.m., with mortgage, for 13 years term. 2802.Amiryan str., Newly built,8/4, electricity, gas, water, the district is inhabited. Price: 94.Masiv. 3floors,8 flats,each flat has 3 bed- 166sq.m,3bedrooms, 2 bathrooms,capitally repaired, 30USD per sq.m rooms, 210 sq.m., parking. Price: negotiable. central heating,AC,security system. Price:320.000 2310.Monument, Babayan str, 1000 sq. m, 130.Antarayin str., 34 flats, 110-275 sq.m., 4 USD. facade-25m, privatized, Price:350 USD negotiable penthouses-200-275sq.m,available sevices-car 1104.Komitas Ave., Aram Khachatryan str., 5/2, 2107.Monument, 2400sq.m, building permits, wash, cleaning service, garbage removal service, 125sq.m.,stone bld, h-2.75m.,3 bedrooms, office, 2 building project. Price: 400 USD per sq.m. parking. Price: Negotiable bathrooms, old repair, gas, garage. Price: 130.000 2413.Ashtarak roadway, 1000sq.m, building 131.Busand str., commercial, office and resi- USD permits, building project. Price: Negotiable dential areas, penthouse, available sevices-car 2836.Pushkin str., 4/4,5, 400sq.m., 3 bedrooms, 3 2414.Demirchyan str. land-750sq.m., building wash, cleaning service, garbage removal service, bathrooms, capitally repaired, heating system, AC. permits. Price:750.000 USD. parking. Price: Negotiable Price: 460.000 USD.

27 April #17 (1057)  2015 FOR RENT The Noyan Tapan Highlights www.nt.am 9 YOUR CHOICE IS OUR CHOICE www.mrealty.am (010) 564631 (010) 562181 [email protected] 12 G. Lusavorich str., Yerevan, Armenia parking. Price: 2500 USD capitally repaired, heating system, sauna, gym, fur- 1 ROOM 2316 Northern Ave, Newly built,6th floor, nished, swimming-pool, garden. Price: 4.000 USD 227sq.m.,4bedrooms, 2bathrooms, guest toilet, cap- negotiable. 2037.Baghramyan str., 5/2, 60sqm, 1 bedroom, itally repaired, furnished,parking. Price:2500 USD 1142.Djrvej, Bagrevand community. Land-1000 euro repaired, gas, heating system, AC, modern fur- 2303 Hanrapetutyan str Newly built, 9/5, sq.m., 3 storied bld.-700 sq.m., 5 bedrooms, 5 bath- nished,equipped. Price:negotiable 165sq.m, 3bedrooms,1bathroom, 1 guest toilet. rooms, pantry, playing room, capitally repaired, no 2189.Vardanants str., Newly built,24/12, 90 sqm, capitally repaired, furnished, parking. Price: 2000 furniture/ can be furnished, if necessary /garage for 1 bedroom, capitally repaired, furnished, equipped. USD 2 cars. Price: 4 000 USD. Price: 1000 USD. 2286.Sose str, Newly built, 12/2, 154sq.m, 3bed- 1293.Nork-Marash, Land-1100sq.m,2 storied bld- 2099.Sayat-Nova Ave., 12/6, 1 bedroom, capital- rooms, 2 bathrooms, capitally reapired, furnished, 520 sq.m, 6 bedrooms,5 bathrooms, capitally ly repaired,gas, heating system, AC, furnished, equipped. Price: 1700 USD repaired, heating system, AC, swimming pool, gar- equipped. Price:600 USD. 2257.Northern Ave., Newly built, 17/16, 160 den.Price7.000 USD 1972.Northern ave., 8/4, 80sq.m.,1bedrrom, 2 sq.m.,3 bedrooms, capitally repaired, heating sys- 327. Nork-Marash, Land-500sq.m.,4 storied bathrooms, open kitchen, capitally repaired, climate tem, AC, parking. Price: Negotiable building-600 sq.m., 4 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms, capi- control. Price: 1200 USD 2021.Teryan Str., Newly built,9/8,9, 245 sq.m., 4 tally repaired, heating system, furnished, equipped, 2171.Tumanyan str., Newly built, 5th floor, 94 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms,capitally repaired, heating swimming pool, garden, sauna, 2 car parking. Price- sq.m., 1 bedroom, 1 bathroom, capitally repaired, system, furnished. Preliminary price: 3500 USD. 4000 USD central heating, furnished, equipped. Price: 1000 2005.Northern Ave., Newly built,8/8, 130 sq.m, 1306. Tsarav Akhbyur /near Botanical garden/, USD 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, capitally repaired, heat- Land-1000sq.m., 3 storied building-750sq.m., 6 bed- 2367.Northern ave., Newly built, 9th flloor, 98 ing system, furnished, parking. Price: 2200 USD. rooms, 5 bathrooms, 2 kitchens, capitally repaired, sq.m., capitally repaired, heating system, furnished 1723.Northern Ave., Newly built,8/4., 170 sq.m 3 heating system swimming pool, garden, sauna, 2 car equipped. Price: Negotiable. bedrooms,3 bathrooms, open kitchen, capitally parking, with or without furniture. Price:6000-8000 repaired, furnished, equipped. Price: 2000 USD. USD negotiable 1981.Vardanants Str., Newly built, 14/14, 140 sq 1288. Tsarav Akhbyur /near Botanical garden/, 2 ROOMS m,3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, capitally repaired, Land-560sq.m., 4 storied building-560 sq.m., 4 bed- heating system, AC, 3 open baconies, furnished, rooms, 4bathrooms, a kitchen, office, capitally 2302 North Ave, Newly built, 11/4, 137sq.m, equipped,parking. Price: 2000 USD. repaired, heating system, furnished, equipped, swim- 2bedrooms,2bathrooms,capitally repaired, furnished, 1793.Teryan str., Newly built, 8th floor, 260 ming pool,garden, 2 car parking. Price: 5000 USD parking. Price: 2000 USD sq.m.,3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, study, capitally 1197. Blur, Land-779sq.m.,2 storied building- 2295 North Ave., Newly built,16/15, repaired, climat control, parking, unfurnished (possi- 720sq.m.,4 bedrooms, 6 bathrooms, study, capitally 173sq.m.,2bedrooms, 2 bathrooms,capitally ble to furnish), Price: 3500 USD. repaired, heating system, sauna swimming pool, gar- repaired, furnished. Price:5000 USD 1720.Amiryan str., Newly built,16/10, 179 sq.m, den. Price:8000 USD 2290 Bayron str., Newly built, /5th floor, 220sq.m, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, capitally repaired, central 1312. Blur, Barbyus str., Land-450sq.m., 4 sto- 2bedrooms, study, open kitchen, 2 bathrooms, capi- heating, AC, cellar- 25sq.m, with or without furni- ried building-470sq.m., 3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, tally repaired, climate control,furnished, parking. ture, parking, Price 3000 USD negotiable capitally repaired, heating system, AC, garden. Price: Price: 4000 USD 2195.Northern ave., Newly built, 3rd floor, Negotiable 1780.Amiryan str, Newly built, /13th floor, 82 300sq.m, 4 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms, 2 kitchens, 1317. Blur, Barbyus str., Land-900sq.m.,5 storied sq.m, 2 bedrooms, capitally repaired, heating system, capitally repaired,climate building-800sq.m., 4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, capi- AC, furnished, equipped. control, AC, parking. tally repaired, heating system, AC, garden. Price: Price: 1700 USD nego- Price:5000 USD Negotiable. tiable. 2261.Hin Yerevantsi, 1323.Monument, Babayan str, Land - 400 sq.m, 3 942.Teryan str. 4/3, 130 /North Avenue/, Newly storied bld-300sq.m, each floor-100sq.m, 4 bed- sq.m.,2 bedrooms, capitally built, 10/3, 124sq.m., 2 rooms, 4 bathrooms, capitally repaired, heating sys- repaired, heating system, bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, tem, AC, furnished, equipped. Price: Negotiable furnishred, equipped. Price: capitally repaired, heating 1500 USD. system, AC, furnished, 1950.Buzand/Mashtots PREMISES equipped, parking. Price: area. Newly built,8th floor, 1700 USD 163 sq.m.,2 bedrooms, 2 2049.Teryan str, ground floor+basemnet, 1st line, 2084.Tumanyan str., 4th bathrooms, capitally 200sq.m, repaired. Price: 6.000 USD floor, 200sq.m, 3 bed- repaired,climate control, 1693.Malatia-Sebastia 4 storied building, rooms, 2 bathrooms, capi- furnished, open balcony. 1200sq.m, each floor-300sq.m, 2 separate tally repaired, climate con- Price: 2500 USD. entrances, climate control, 2 elevators, basement, trol, parking. Price:5000 1681.Northern Ave., Newly built,6/2,130 sq.m.,2 parking. Price: 15USD per sq.m. USD bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, capitally repaired, heating 1526.Byuzand str., 5/semi-basement, 170 sqm., 2252.Northern ave, 7th floor, 350 sq.m., 3 bed- system, AC,parking. Price: 2000 USD. 4-5 degrees below zero level,window glasses, cellar - rooms, 4 bathrooms, study, open balconies, capital- 1535.Busand str., Newly built, 7/4, 82sq.m,2bed- 50 sq.m.,6 rooms, the largest is 30 sq.m., 2 ly repaired, climate control, parking. Price rooms, capitally repaired, heating system, AC, park- entrances, 2 lavatories. Price 2000 USD per month, Negotiable. ing, furnished, equipped. Price: Negotiable. negotiable. 2089.Northern ave., Newly built,8/6, 120sq.m.,2 1408.Zarobyan str., /parallel to Baghramyan str./, bedrooms,2 bathrooms, capitally reapired, climate PRIVATE HOUSES 2 storied building,600 sqm. ground floor- hall and control, furnished, equipped. Price: 2500 USD kitchen,1st floor 5 rooms, bathroom, open balcony, 1738.Amiryan str., 8/8, 159sq.m.,2 bedrooms, 2 1335 Baghramyan str., Land-200sq.m, 3storied capitally repaired, gas, heating system,parking. bathrooms, capitally repaired, heating system, park- bld-300sq.m.,4 bedrooms, 3bathrooms,capitally Price: Negotiable. ing. Price: Negotiable repaired, furnished. Price: 3000 USD 1462.Teryan str., 3 storied building, 800 sq.m., 1951.Busand str., Newly built, 13th floor, 1336 Aygedzor, Land-1000sq.m, 2 storied bld- capitally repaired, AC, parking, Price: 10.000 USD. 122sq.m, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, capitally 240sq.m, 4 bedrooms, 2 bathroosm,capitally 1945.Mashtots Ave., 5/1,2, 140sq.m., window repaired, climate control. Price: 2500 USD repaired, furnished. Price:2000 USD glasses, capitally repaired, AC. Price: 8000 USD 1406.Sayat Nova ave., 7/3, 110sq.m., 2 bed- 1337 Davtashen Land-406sq.m,3 storied bld- 1943.Tumanyan str., Ground floor of the building, rooms, 2 bathrooms, capitally reapired, heating sys- 306sq.m, 4bedrooms, 2bathrooms, capitally 265sq.m.,1st line, capitally repaired, heating system, tem, furnished, equipped. Price: Negotiable repaired, furnished. Price:3900 USD cellar. Price: 7000 USD 2109.Northern ave., Newly built,10/4, 137sq.m, 1323.Monument, Babayan str, Land-400sq.m, 1868.Tumanyan str., Ground floor of the building, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, capitally repaired, central 3storied bld-300sq.m, 4bedrooms, 4 bathrooms, 220sq.m.,1st line, facade-55m.,capitally repaired, h- heating, furnished, equipped, parking. Price: 2000 capitally repaired. Price: Negotiable 5m., cellar. Price: 15.000 USD. USD. 1248.Aygedzor, Land - 1021 sq m ,3 storied bld. - 2087.Northern ave., Ground floor of the building, 2243.Buzand str, Newly built, 17/4, 125sq.m, 2 501 sq.m., 5 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms, study, capital- 100sq.m,1st line, zero level, capitally repaired, win- bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, capitally repaired, heating ly repaired, central heating, AC, sauna, boiler room dow glasses. Price: Negotiable. system, AC, furnished, equipped. Price: 2000 USD garden, swimming pool, garage, alarming system, 2033.Abovyan str, 388sq,m, Ground floor of the  Amiryan str, Newly built, 14/5, 120sqm, 2 bed- security system. Price: 8000 USD. building, 3 degrees above zero level, windoq glasses, rooms, 2 bathrooms, capitally repaired, heating sys- 999.Aygedzor, Land -1000 sqm, basement + 2 h-3m.,basement-235sq.m, capitally repaired, heat- tem, AC, partly furnished. Price 2000 USD floors- 310 sqm, capitally repaired, 4 bedrooms, 4 ing system, AC. Price: 15.000 USD bathrooms, newly furnished, equipped, sauna, 2031.Vardanants str, 500sq.m, ground floor of the swimming-pool. Starting Price: 5000 USD. building, 2 entrances, facade-20m, window glasses, 3 ROOMS AND MORE 1094.Noy block, Land-450sqm, 2 storied building without divisions, ,basement-250sq.m, Price:8000 - 220sq.m, 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, capitally USD 2277.Kievyan str. duplex, 4 bedrooms, 3 bath- repaired, heating system, furnished, equipped, swim- 2027.Sayat Nova str, 95sq.m, ground floor of the rooms, capitally repaired, with or without furniture. ming pool, garden. Price: 2000USD. building, 2 entrances, 7 degrees above zero level, 4 Price: Negotiable. 1195.Nork, Armenakyan str., Land - 2000 sq.m, window glasses, capitally repaired. Price: 4.000 2310 Busand str., Newly built, 190sq.m, 3bed- 4 storied bld.-520 sq.m., 4 bedrooms, 4bathrooms, USD rooms, 3bathrooms, capitally repaired, furnished,

27 April #17 (1057)  2015 10 www.nt.am SOCIETY RA President’s Global IT Award Laureate Number Five Mario Mazzola Donates USD 1 million to the American University of Armenia - to Cover Students’ Fees News conference on the Global Award of the President of Armenia for Outstanding Contribution to Humanity through IT at the AUA

On 18 April a press conference on the tune of USD 1 million to the AUA is aimed at the Award since its establishment including GIT Award was held at the AUA Akian it too,” said President of Viasphere all five Laureates’ visits to Armenia as well Gallery with the speakers Vigen A. Sargsyan, International, Inc. Tony Moroyan. as all the events/news connected the GIT Chief of Staff of the President of Armenia Mr Moroyan, “our man” in Silicon Award for all these years, and have been who has been holding also position of the Valley since yet 1960s who has been support- doing our VERY BEST to present our Award Committee Chairman, Hovik ing Armenia’s IT/high tech sector from the Readers, both the local ones and those of Musaelyan, Chairman of the Executive first days of Independence, in particular, by abroad this important theme AS IT BEFITS Board of the GIT Award (Director of the being a driving force in the ArmTech (which we believe is being appreciated by Synopsys Armenia CJSC), Ralph C. Congress as well as the GITAward, informed both The Highlights readers as well as the Yirikian, Member of the Award Committee’s as well that Cisco will be represented in Award leaders – as our sources said, The Selection Panel, Founding General Manager Armenia in the coming years. Highlights stories on the Global IT Award of VivaCell-MTS, Sponsor of the Award H. Musayelyan informed the gathered have been used as a kind of booklets to since its establishment, Anthony (Tony) K. that they’ve decided to issue post stamps, inform all the interested parties), but, Moroyan, Member of the Selection Panel, post cards and envelopes with the goal to nonetheless, here we’d like to remind briefly President of Viasphere International and inform the international community about the meaning of the Award and the honorable Prof. Armen Der-Kiureghian, President of the Award. Laureates indeed: the American University of Armenia. Chief of Staff of the President of The Global Award of the President of the “By financing the Award, we have our Armenia, Chairman of the Award Committee Republic of Armenia for Outstanding input in raising global awareness of our Vigen Sargsyan said that 2013 Laureate of Contribution to Humanity through IT was country’s IT potential. In line with established on July 6, 2009 by the other sectors, VivaCell-MTS pays decree of the President of Armenia great attention to the education sec- Serzh A. Sargsyan with the aim of tor. Particularly valuable is the visit supporting the development of this of famous IT experts to our country sphere, in particular, by focusing by who have meetings with especially the the Award the potential foreign youth and share their practice with investors attention on Armenia. The them. This Award serves precisely this Award is granted on an annual basis purpose,” said VivaCell-MTS to individuals which have made an General Manager Ralph Yirikian. exceptional contribution in the At that news conference it was spheres of technologies, education, announced that Dr Mario organization, finances, Mazzola, 2014 GIT Award etc., and whose interna- Laureate has decided to tionally acclaimed efforts donate USD 1 mln for the result in serious de- AUA. In a letter addressed velopment of the informa- to the RA President Serzh tion technologies sphere. A. Sargsyan, Dr Mazzola In 2010 retired Intel has expressed willingness Corporation Chief Dr to make such a significant Craig Barrett was the donation to the American first to receive the Award. University of Armenia. Co-Founder of Apple “The sum donated by Computers, Inc. Steve Mario Mazzola will be Wozniak became the sec- used to support students ond Laureate in 2011. facing financial difficulties to cover their the Award, Founder and President at Techno Chairman Emeritus of Sinaptics, Inc. Dr tuition fees. Annually, around 20 students Vision, former CEO of the Hitachi Company Federico Faggin is the third Laureate of the will receive scholarships,” said President of Dr Tsugio Makimoto written a book titled GIT Award. The fourth Global IT Award of the American University of Armenia Armen “Armenia as an Innovative Country” that the Armenian President was handed to the Der-Kiureghian stressing that the students of will be released in Japanese in the near President of the Semiconductor Industry the computer science will be the target. future. Association, Society of Semiconductor According to Prof. Der-Kiureghian, “I think we will have a special presenta- Industry Specialists, Techno Vision when the University first started offering BS tion of this book in Yerevan. It will be avail- Company, retired CEO of Hitachi Electronic in computer science, it had only 40 students. able also in Armenian and English in the Devices Group and Senior Executive The number of students applying for this pro- future,” said Mr Sargsyan. Managing Director of Hitachi Dr Tsugio gram reached 80 last year and this year the Asked when the name of the 2015 Makimoto. AUA expects to have 120 students. Laureate of the Global IT Award of the Last year the Chief Development Officer “Before visiting Armenia, Mario Armenian President will be revealed, V.A. at Cisco Systems, Inc. Mario Mazzola visit- Mazzola had not even heard of it and it is odd Sargsyan said they already had a shortlist of ed Armenia (notably, accompanied not only as everybody in the Silicon Valley knows nominees but the final decision will be made by his spouse, as all the previous Laureates, about Armenia. After his visit, he expressed in coming September, and the Award, tradi- but also by their younger daughter, the wish to support the development of high- tionally, will be granted in November. Francesca) to receive the Global IT Award er education in Armenia. Donation to the We The Highlights have been covering of the President of RA.

27 April #17 (1057)  2015 SOCIETY www.nt.am 11 VivaCell-MTS: Sharing Experience with the Young Generation and Extending Hand to the Countryside Compatriots and the Kids Mushegh Khanoyan, a Shgharshik villager: “My dream to have our own shelter has come true thanks to VivaCell-MTS and Ralph Yirikian, and now I am the happiest man in the world!”

VivaCell-MTS General agenda of elaborating a successful strategy 40 houses in 10 regions of for the development of the business and Manager Ralph Yirikian enhancing the technical capacity of the Armenia delivered a lecture at the mobile network. He also spoke about the school with a special profile marketing strategy and the policy of corpo- VivaCell-MTS and Fuller Center rate responsibility adopted by the Company. for Housing Armenia Partnership in physics and mathematics Sharing the example of VivaCell-MTS, its Founding General Manager emphasized Gained Momentum On 16 April VivaCell-MTS Founding the role of young professionals in the suc- General Manager Ralph Yirikian was host- cess and growth of any company. ed as a guest lecturer at the school VivaCell-MTS and Fuller with a special profile in physics and Center for Housing Armenia 2015 mathematics after Artashes partnership started with a momen- Shahinyan. In the course of the inter- tum; this year VivaCell-MTS active lecture, the schoolchildren of invested AMD100 mln. (last year 9th to 12th grades got acquainted with AMD 55mln) for the housing proj- the history of VivaCell-MTS, its cre- ect and Fuller Center for Housing ation, its challenging path and suc- Armenia has undertaken its imple- cess. Sharing the example of mentation. The dream of 40 VivaCell-MTS, Ralph Yirikian Armenian families of 10 regions of encouraged the children not to give up Armenia. 20 families will have on the way to success, to keep learn- improved housing conditions, ing, to work hard, to be honest and another 20 families will complete fair, and to have a respectful and the construction of their half-built responsible attitude towards the envi- houses. ronment. VivaCell-MTS General “Rely on yourselves, Manager Ralph Yirikian, build your future with your staff members from the com- own hands, overcome the pany and the Fuller Center hardships, and use the for Housing Armenia team accumulated experience for launched the project in moving forward and Shgharshik village of achieving your goal. Aragatsotn Region with the Nothing happens at once. construction of Khamoyan One needs patience and family house. hard work to succeed,” "A whole life, almost 20 Ralph Yirikian noted. years, my family has lived in In the frames of the this half-built house with “Business with a Mission” cement floors, leaking roof project Ralph Yirikian has and damp walls. Two of our already delivered a number children have serious health of lectures at educational problems; my daughter was institutions in both Yerevan born with a heart disease. My and the regions. son was born blind in one So another lecture of eye, he is also ill with brucel- the kind by the experienced losis. My wife and I seem to Manager and Citizen… have lost hope that anything good could “Human resources are the biggest asset happen in our life. And now, when our of any commercial organization. Providing dream comes true, I am the happiest man in Ralph Yirikian has delivered high quality services would be impossible the world!" said the father of the family, a lecture in the Yerevan State without qualified specialists. Since the first Mushegh Khamoyan. day of its operation VivaCell-MTS has been University of Languages and The partnership between VivaCell-MTS recruiting young graduates giving them an and Fuller Center for Housing Armenia Social Sciences opportunity to start their career from goes back to 2007. Through this partnership scratch and acquire the necessary experi- 53 families live in decent homes. This year, On 21 April, in the frames of the ence by working in the telecommunications another 40 families will replenish the list. “Business with a Mission” project Mr sphere, one of the most rapidly developing Through this long and fruitful partner- Yirikian has delivered a lecture in the spheres in the world economy,” Mr Yirikian ship VivaCell-MTS makes a secure social Yerevan Valery Brusov State University of noted. investment in the protection and develop- Languages and Social Sciences. Ralph It seems now the turn for a CHARITY Yirikian touched upon topics related to the has come… continued on page 12

27 April #17 (1057)  2015 12 www.nt.am The Noyan Tapan Highlights SOCIETY VivaCell-MTS: “Hoorrraah, Mr. Sharing Experience with the Young Mario is Back !!!”: Generation and Extending Hand to the A Story of Lifelong Countryside Compatriots and the Kids True Charity and the Love Indeed From page 11 therapeutic and entertainment platform ment of Armenian communities becoming that will provide free access to 8000 chil- By Gourgen James part of the mission of eliminating poverty dren with disabilities registered in Khazhakian housing in Armenia through a striking Armenia. Chief Correspondent example of corporate social responsibility. The fundraising dinner brought togeth- "VivaCell-MTS is pleased to support the er representatives of public and private sec- Journalist Emeritus implementation of this project. In addition tors, embassies and international organiza- of Armenia to the strategic importance, it holds the tions. The live and silent auctions, as well From the first day of the Brazilian Embassy opening in Yerevan, The Highlights has been actively covering its activities. Especially fruitful cooperation with the Embassy has been started under leadership of Ambassador Marcela Maria Nicodemos (posted in 2009 - April 2013), and at present we appreciate much our friendship with the current Brazilian Ambassador H.E.Mr. Edson Monteiro who has been doing a lot to strengthen Brazilian- Armenian friendly relations. But know we have to speak about hus- band of Ambassador Nicodemos, Dr. Mario Matus Pavez. And the occasion is his very recent visit to Armenia. Though we’ve written for several times on Dr. Matus’ charitable activities for those having serious health problems, we strong- ly believe his good deeds are worth to be idea of unity, the idea of helping and as other donation initiatives available dur- reminded. Within his stay in Armenia, in encouraging each other. I am filled with ing the event raised a total of 10 mln AMD Kharberd Specialized Orphanage (for chil- special joy, when I see that the employees of that was matched by the FPWC’s General dren and adolescent with mental/other our company are guided with these ideas Partner VivaCell-MTS. health problems) Dr. Matus not only creat- and express willingness to voluntarily par- Unique paintings for the live auction ed a computer room and a rehabilitation ticipate in the construction works of these were donated by well-known Armenian center (equipped by unique devices brought families' houses. This proves that the values artists Ashot Avagyan, Vahagn from the US such as the “Spider Cage” of our company are spread among, accept- Hamalbashyan, Lucie Abdalyan, Gabriel which is a multi-function exercise with the ed and practiced by our employees," said Manukyan (Gabo), Arev Petrosyan, same characteristics of the former one but Armenia’s leading telecom operator compa- Narek Avetsiyan and Artur Sargsyan, as with several additional function) at their ny General Manager Ralph Yirikian. well as limited special editions of alcoholic own, i.e. personal money, but have been ''Poverty housing and poor socioeco- beverages by ArmAs Winery and Ararat visiting those children not only on special nomic conditions in Armenia are forcing Abricon. The handicrafts and paintings for days, but permanently. Just a year after people to leave their home country in the silent auction were kindly donated by “Mr. Mario’s Computer Learning Center” search of a better life abroad. The best solu- Armenian children with special needs to opening the results were evident: all the tion of this problem we are facing over support the cause. children there knew the Armenian alphabet, many years is to have a solid roof and The colorful event included unique per- they can read, count, and they can play spe- decent housing conditions. A man who loves formances by children of the inclusive the- cial games aimed at training their memory. his home will never leave it," said Fuller ater of the Child Development Foundation, Center for Housing Armenia President Small Theater dance troupe and the award- Ashot Yeghiazaryan. winning Paros Chamber Choir, mostly con- sisting of singers with disabilities: Fundraising was held for the The construction works are expected to be completed by June 2015, thus creating construction of the first playing and learning equal opportunities Inclusive Playground in for all children. Armenia Since 2011 the Foundation for the Preservation of Wildlife and Cultural On April 17th the Foundation for the Assets with the support of the General Preservation of Wildlife and Cultural Partner VivaCell-MTS implements a long- Assets (FPWC) jointly with the Yerevan term “FPWC for the Yerevan Zoo” project Zoo held a fundraising dinner to raise addi- that aims to convert the zoo into a multi- tional funds for the construction of the first functional regional hub for biodiversity Inclusive Playground in Armenia. The conservation and environmental educa- project aims to establish an educational, tion.

27 April #17 (1057)  2015 SOCIETY The Noyan Tapan Highlights www.nt.am 13 Those having spasmatic fingers could “I brought the sticks from US, that’s why “…You can not imagine how I was use the so-called “touch” PCs. I was not able to bring enough of them for happy to see again my children and my The children can write words, they are all of you, but I promise to send more of friends. I saw very warm reaction in all peo- studying English. them - even after leaving Armenia,” said ple that I met again”, Dr. Matus told your Thanks to special musical software they Dr. Matus…” author in a very excited way and continued: can synthesize warious sounds, melodies. “…When I went with Marcela Another “place in need”: in Intl Child (Ambassador Marcela Maria Nicodemos) Development (“Autism”) Center, Dr. to say goodbye to the Catholicos Karekin Matus found, ordered, paid at his own for II in Etchmiadzin, His Holiness told me various parts of PCs, then received them, the following: "…The children of the assembled personally, and last but not the Orphanage will bring you back”. That least - trained the Center’s teachers how to was true. I came to see my children use those PCs with the special softwares because I missed them a lot but I couldn't installed to care children’s learning of imagine that I would have such a recep- Armenian alphabet, drawing, math, other tion by them that I’ve enjoyed. You can see subjects, with unique help of audio/visual how they express their love and affection materials. in the purest and honest way. So I was And a special software was also creat- thinking that it was right to come to ed by Dr. Matus. According to the Center Yerevan to see MY children ’cause they Manager Narineh Vardanyan, “… the need LOVE and I, also, need their affec- results are very encouraging,” she said as tion. And also I felt so happy to see my even those children who were not able to friends, and I saw how everybody receives speak and write before that, have become me.

able to pronounce and even type whole So much attention and affection I’ve words. * * * received in Armenia this time that I do not Those who read about Mr. Mario’s know how to reward. Thanks a lot you, all CHARITY in Armenia for the very first So after two year break, Dr. Mario Armenians, thanks a lot to all my friends, I time, most probably, will be AMAZED get- Matus returned Armenia. will keep ALL in my heart FOREVER”. ting know the list is not over, not yet… We the grateful Armenians too… Yerevan School for Adult People with I think there is no special need to tell Limited Sight, or, simply speaking, our our readers how the patients of the blind citizens is another place in our coun- Orphanage received “their Mr. Mario”- let try where Mr. Mario left, in his own the pics tell the story… words, “a piece of Heart”… P.S. On 24 April your author received So an extract from a story published in the following letter from Dr. Mario Matus an 2013 April issue of The Highlights: “… Pavez: There I’ve met reps of “Hangrwan” “To all my dear Armenian friends: (Harbor) healthcare - cultural NGO Today I join all my dear Armenian which helps those having sight disfunction friends in the remembrance of the 100 to be prepared for independent daily life. years of the terrible massacre of over a As “Hangrwan” Head Stella Sviridenko million and a half innocent Armenians by told The Highlights correspondent, the Ottoman Empire. “unfortunately, we in Armenia do not have I join you in the feeling of sadness and culture of the so-called “white sticks” (for remembrance of all the loved ones of the the blind), - while in the West it accounts Armenian people who disappeared 100 more than 90 years….” years ago, but they are remembered as if ...When you yourself have seen a blind they happened yesterday. man with that “white stick” in the streets A big hug to all my Armenian friends of Yerevan? As for myself, I cannot remem- and let me be with you during all time of ber. this commemoration. It is the feeling of a And could the readers, after all the person who loves and admires the above mentioned, guess, who brought Armenian people. those white (magic) sticks to the School on For all my great friends Friday April 19? With love, Right, Dr. Mario Matus! Mario Matus”.

27 April #17 (1057)  2015 14 www.nt.am The Noyan Tapan Highlights POLITICS Armenian Genocide victims commemorated at Taksim Square in Istanbul - Photos A commemoration ceremony for the victims of the Armenian Genocide was held on April 24 at Taksim Square in Istanbul. The ceremony was attended by an unprecedented number of people, mostly Diaspora Armenians, Kurds and Turks.

27 April #17 (1057)  2015 POLITICS The Noyan Tapan Highlights www.nt.am 15 Al-Monitor: Why is Israel still silent on Armenian genocide? tle in the village of Khojaly, located in the disputed Armenian enclave of Nagorno- Karabakh, on Feb. 26, 1992. According to the Azeri narrative, Armenian forces killed 600 Azeri civilians there, including 169 women and children. In this instance, the Armenians deny responsibility for the massacre of civil- ians, just as they do for a long list of atroc- ities that the Azeris have blamed on them since WWI. Given this relationship, it's no wonder that the Azeris describe Armenian claims of genocide as fabricated. Last week's decision by the European Parliament to use the term "Armenian By Arad Nir nize the Armenian genocide, just as Pope genocide" was described by a spokesman Al-Monitor Francis recently did, followed by the for the Azeri Foreign Ministry as "an European Parliament. In fact, dozens of attempt to falsify the history [and] its For years, close ties between Israel prominent Israeli artists and academics interpretation for political purposes" and Turkey were understood to be the rea- recently signed a petition calling on the stemming from the parliament's succumb- son Jerusalem has avoided the repeated Israeli government and Knesset to recog- ing to Armenian pressure. requests of Armenians for the internation- nize the Armenian genocide. Gallia Lindenstrauss of Israel's al community to recognize the genocide Nevertheless, officially, Israel contin- Institute for National Security Studies their community suffered at the hands of ues to squirm. The Foreign Ministry rec- says that Azerbaijan is the Muslim coun- the Ottoman Turks during World War I. ommends showing greater empathy to the try with which Israel currently has the Not only has Israel refused to recognize Armenian issue, and this will be the first closest ties. Trade between Israel and that the massacre was premeditated and year that Israel will send an official dele- Azerbaijan is estimated at over $5 billion. planned by the Ottoman government in gation to participate in the memorial cere- Israel imports some 40% of its oil from Istanbul, it has also exerted its influence mony to take place in Yerevan. It will, there, and exports mainly weapons and in Washington to prevent the United however, be a low-ranking delegation, sophisticated defense systems to it. In States from recognizing the genocide. made up of Knesset members. Foreign 2012, when talk of an Israel strike against This alone was a good enough reason for Ministry spokesman Emmanuel Nahshon Iran was at its peak, Foreign Policy quot- the various Turkish governments to main- presented Israel's official position to Al- ed a senior US official as saying (appar- tain close ties with Israel. Ankara believed Monitor, saying: "Israel's position has not ently with considerable hyperbole), "The that Israel had almost mystical powers of changed. We are sensitive and attentive to Israelis have bought an airfield … and the influence over the White House and the terrible tragedy of the Armenian peo- airfield is called Azerbaijan." Capitol Hill. ple during the First World War, and About six months ago, Defense Diplomatic relations between Israel express our empathy and solidarity. Most Minister Moshe Ya'alon paid his first pub- and Turkey have been foundering for over of the international community's efforts lic visit to Azerbaijan. Foreign Minister half a decade. During most of that time, must be focused on preventing humanitar- Avigdor Liberman has visited Baku, the there has been no Turkish ambassador to ian tragedies in the future." capital, on several occasions. While there, Israel, while the Israeli ambassador to A few senior Israeli officials dealing both of them heard from their hosts that Turkey was expelled from Ankara in dis- with the issue spoke to Al-Monitor about Azerbaijan, like the Israeli government, grace. Pro-Israel lobbyists no longer meet it on condition of anonymity. They considers Iran's nuclear capacity to be an with the Turkish ambassador in emphasized that this doesn't just involve existential threat. Washington, and the Israel Defense susceptibility toward Turkish sensitivities, Azerbaijan's border with Iran stretches Forces have found apt and even success- but also sensitivity that Israel wants to for 611 kilometers (380 miles), making it ful alternatives to cooperation with the show toward Azerbaijan, which is a longer even than Turkey's border with Turkish military, at least as far as Israel is neighbor of both Turkey and Armenia. Iran, which is 499 kilometers (310 miles) concerned. Since the Soviet Union's collapse, the bor- long. Meanwhile, Armenia's border with This year, Armenians are marking the ders in the Caucasus region have been Iran stretches for just 35 kilometers (22 centennial of the genocide. Given the redefined. One consequence is a continu- miles). If the length of their borders can deterioration of its relationship with ing state of war between Azerbaijan and be used to determine the importance of Turkey, this occasion would seem to pro- Armenia. One of the pillars of relations with those countries, then vide Israel with a golden opportunity to Azerbaijan's new national narrative is the Armenia is the least important of all of respond to the moral claim that it recog- "Khojaly massacre," which refers to a bat- continued on page 16

27 April #17 (1057)  2015 16 www.nt.am The Noyan Tapan Highlights POLITICS U.S.-Armenian Rock Band Marks Genocide Centennial In Yerevan revenge," , the band's second vocalist, declared at the start of the performance, which also drew many young people from neighboring Georgia and Iran. "Armenia, we have come and we're not going to go," Tankian said for his part. Tankian, who has had two solo concerts in Armenia in the past, spoke to the crowd about the genocide at the end of the show broadcast live by Armenian television. "For the last few days I haven't been able to sleep well," he said. "All I can think about is my grandparents. My grandmother was very little when she went on the …. on the road with her grandmother. It was a Turkish mayor that saved my grandmother." The Armenian-American hard rock band "The government of Turkey should be hailing these saviors as (SOAD) marked the centennial of the Armenian genocide late on heroes instead of denying the obvious history," he said. "My Thursday with a first-ever concert in Yerevan that attracted tens of grandfather was five years old when he saw his own father die and thousands of people. lost his sight from hunger." The free concert in the city's central Republic Square closed The 47-year-old rock star went on to denounce as "appalling" SOAD's latest "Wake Up the Souls" tour dedicated to the memo- the U.S. government's failure so far to describe the mass killings ry of some 1.5 million Armenians massacred by the Ottoman and deportations of Armenians as genocide. He also hit out at Turks during the First World War. Armenia's political leadership, saying that it must finally start Despite nonstop rain, the world-famous California band led by "getting rid of the institutional injustice" in the country. kept the mostly young crowd electrified for almost "We are System of a Down and it is our responsibility to tell two and a half hours with its hits popular in Armenia. Tankian and you these things and to rock you at the same time," added Tankian. the three other SOAD musicians are Americans of Armenian Tankian similarly called for boosting the rule of law and com- descent who have used their worldwide fame to raise internation- bating corruption in Armenia during his previous trip to his ances- al awareness of the 1915 genocide. tral homeland in 2011. He also deplored serious fraud that was "This is not a rock-n-roll concert. To our murderers this is reported during Armenia's last presidential election held in 2013.

Al-Monitor: Why is Israel still silent on Armenian genocide? From page 15 mass murder committed daily by the Turkey; it's Iran. them. And in general, it is considered an Islamic State against anyone who is not Arad Nir Is the head of the foreign ally of the country that Israeli Prime one of them - Yazidis, Christians or news desk and international commentator Minister Benjamin Netanyahu compares Alawites. It is mainly directed against for Channel 2 News, the largest news to Hitler's Germany. Iran's "explicit intent of obliterating the provider in Israel. Arad has covered inter- Coming back to the official position Jewish state," as Netanyahu reiterated national politics and diplomacy, ethnic presented by the Israeli Foreign Ministry April 16 at Yad Vashem during a memori- conflicts around the world and inter- spokesman, it would seem that the call to al service for the victims of the Holocaust. viewed various world leaders, decision- the international community "to prevent Herein lies the real reason for Israel's pol- makers and opinion leaders. He teaches humanitarian tragedies in the future" icy concerning whether it will recognize TV journalism at the IDC Herzliya and might not refer only to the incidents of the Armenia genocide. The reason isn't Netanya Academic College.

27 April #17 (1057)  2015 CULTURE The Noyan Tapan Highlights www.nt.am 17 Kronos Quartet

On April 29, at 7:30p.m. within the framework of Yerevan Browning–Bela Lugosi classic) and by Clint Mansell for the Perspectives 16th International Music Festival the Kronos Darren Aronofsky films Noah (2014), The Fountain (2006), Quartet (David Harrington, violin, John Sherba, violin, Hank and Requiem for a Dream (2000). Additional films featuring Dutt, viola and Sunny Yang, cello) will give a concert at Al. Kronos’ music include 21 Grams (2003), Heat (1995), and True Spendiaryan National Academic Theatre of Opera and Ballet. Stories (1986). Below we present the activities of the Kronos Quartet. The quartet spends five months of each year on tour, appear- ing in concert halls, clubs, and festivals around the world includ- For more than 40 years, the Kronos Quartet - David ing Lincoln Center Out of Doors, BAM Next Wave Festival, Harrington (violin), John Sherba (violin), Hank Dutt (viola), and Carnegie Hall, the Barbican in , the Sydney Opera House Sunny Yang (cello) - has pursued a singular artistic vision, com- and other places. bining a spirit of fearless exploration with a commitment to con- In addition to its role as a performing and recording ensem- tinually re-imagining the string quartet experience. In the ble, the quartet is committed to mentoring emerging performers process, Kronos has become one of the most celebrated and and composers and has led workshops, master classes, and other influential groups of our time, performing thousands of concerts education programs via the San Francisco Conservatory of worldwide, releasing more than 50 recordings of extraordinary Music, Carnegie Hall’s Weill Institute and other institutions in breadth and creativity, collaborating with many of the world's the U.S. and overseas. Kronos has recently undertaken extended most intriguing and accomplished composers and performers, educational residencies at UC Berkeley’s Cal Performances, the and commissioning more than 800 works and arrangements for Clarice Smith Performing Arts Center at the University of string quartet. In 2011, Kronos became the only recipients of Maryland, the Special Music School at the Kaufman Music both the Polar Music Prize and the Avery Fisher Prize, two of the Center in New York City, and the Malta Arts Festival. most prestigious awards given to musicians. The group’s numer- With a staff of ten based in San Francisco, the non-profit ous awards also include a Grammy for Best Chamber Music Kronos Performing Arts Association (KPAA) manages all Performance (2004) and “Musicians of the Year” (2003) from aspects of Kronos’ work, including the commissioning of new Musical America. works, concert tours, education programs, and more. One of Kronos’ adventurous approach dates back to the ensemble’s KPAA’s most exciting initiatives is the Kronos: Under 30 origins. In 1973, David Harrington was inspired to form Kronos Project. after hearing George Crumb's Black Angels, a highly unortho- dox, Vietnam War–inspired work featuring bowed water glasses, spoken word passages, and electronic effects. Kronos then began building a compellingly diverse repertoire for string quartet, per- forming and recording works by 20th-century masters (Bartók, Webern, Schnittke), contemporary composers (John Adams, Osvaldo Golijov, Aleksandra Vrebalov), jazz legends (Ornette Coleman, Charles Mingus, Thelonious Monk), rock artists (gui- tar legend Jimi Hendrix, Brazilian electronica artist Amon Tobin), and artists who truly defy genre. Integral to Kronos’ work is a series of long-running, in-depth collaborations with many of the world’s foremost composers, among them are “Father of Minimalism” Terry Riley, Polish composer Henryk Górecki, Philip Glass, Steve Reich, etc. In addition to composers, Kronos counts numerous perform- ers from around the world among its collaborators, including the Chinese pipa virtuoso Wu Man, legendary Bollywood “playback singer” Asha Bhosle, featured on Kronos’ 2005 Grammy-nomi- nated CD You’ve Stolen My Heart: Songs from R.D. Burman’s Bollywood and many others. Kronos has performed live with the likes of Paul McCartney, Allen Ginsberg, Zakir Hussain, Modern Jazz Quartet, Noam Chomsky, Rokia Traoré, Tom Waits, David Barsamian, etc. Kronos’ work has also featured prominently in a number of films, including two recent Academy Award–nominated docu- mentaries: the AIDS-themed How to Survive a Plague (2012) and Dirty Wars (2013), an exposé of covert warfare for which Kronos’ David Harrington served as Music Supervisor. Kronos also performed scores by Philip Glass for the films Mishima and Dracula (a 1999 restored edition of the 1931 Tod

27 April #17 (1057)  2015 18 www.nt.am The Noyan Tapan Highlights WHAT? WHEN? WHERE? Enjoy your leisure by Narek Duryan. Producer: Kristine 19:00. Tales. Author: H. Tumanyan. 26 April Hovhannisyan. Play | State Puppet Staging: Henrik Malyan. Play for Theater after H. Tumanyan kids | H. Malyan Theater of Film 12:00, 14:00. The Tailless Fox. 19:00. A Hundred Years Later. Actors Author: Hovhannes Tumanyan. Author: Perch Zeytuntsyan. Drama. 20:00. As a Beginning. Hrachuhi Staging: Ruben Marukhyan. Play for Staging: Tigran Gasparyan. Play | Utmazyan. Artur Utmazyan. Poetry, kids | State Puppet Theater after H. National Academic Theater after G. Evening of literature and music | Tumanyan Sundukyan Yerevan Drama Theater after H. 12:30, 14:00, 15:30. The Real 19:00. Armenians in Operas of Ghaplanyan Friend. Ruben Marukhyan. Musical World Composers. Concert perform- performance. Staging: Anna ance. Concert | National Academic 29 April Elbakyan. 3+. Play for kids | State Theater of Opera and Ballet after A. Marionette Theater Spendiarian 19:00. Morgan's In-Law. Author: 14:00. Beauty and the Beast. French 20:00. The Beautified Project: Alexander Shirvanzade. Comedy in folk tale. Children's Musical Fun Aragil. The first full band concert of 2 acts. Play | State Theater of Show. Director: Armen Margaryan. the year before the European Tour of Musical Comedy after H. Paronyan Play for kids | State Musical 2015. It is also the premiere of the 19:00. Sexual Chaos in the Hotel. Chamber Theater ""Aragil" CD which will be released Author: Ray Cooney. Director: 15:00. Princess With a Mustache. A. to coincide with the 100th anniver- Honored Artist of RA, David Grigoryan. Based on Ernst Amadeus sary of the Armenian Genocide. Hakobyan. Play | State Musical Hoffman's "Nutcracker" . Play for Concert | Kami Club Chamber Theater kids | M. Mkrtchyan Artistic Theater 19:00. Zhanna. Film-Comedy. Erkat 16:00, 18:00. Little Red Riding 27 April Production, 2015. Movie | Yerevan Hood. Author: Charles Perrault. State Chamber Theater Director/Producer: Arpi Maghakyan. 19:00. I've Come to Call Only. G. 19:30. Kronos Quartet. The concert Play for kids | State Puppet Theater Marquez. Staged by N. Grigoryan, of the world famous Kronos Quartet. after H. Tumanyan N. Tsaturyan. Play | Student Theater In the framework of "Yerevan 19:00. The Dragon. Yevgeyi Svarts. 19:30. ANPO & Maria Guleghina. Perspectives" International Music Staging: Karen Khachatryan. Play | Soloist: world famous soprano Maria Festival. Concert | National Hamazgayin State Theater Guleghina. Program: Exerpts form Academic Theater of Opera and 17:00. The New Adventures of The operas by Verdi, Puccini and Ballet after A. Spendiarian Three Piglets. Directed by Samson Giordano. Concert | National Stepanyan. Choreographer: Sevag Academic Theater of Opera and 30 April Avakian. Painter: Andre Asatryan. Ballet after A. Spendiarian Musical | State Musical Chamber 16:00. David of Sasun. Author: Theater 28 April Hovh. Tumanyan. Staged by David 19:00. Eastern Dentist. Authors: Hakobyan. Play | State Musical Artemi Ayvazyan, Hakob. Paronyan. 12:00. The Silly Man. Based on Chamber Theater Stage Director: Yervand Hovhannes Tumanyan's tale.Small 17:00, 19:00. 3-4. Children's Ghazanchyan. Play | State Theater of Hall. Play for kids | State Puppet Interactive Show. Play for kids | Musical Comedy after H. Paronyan Theater after H. Tumanyan National Academic Theater after G. 19:00. Fish Without Water or 16.00. Anush. Drama. Author: H. Sundukyan Suicide. A. Khandikyan, L. Tumanyan. Director: Davit 19:00. Jesus of Nazareth and His Mutafyan. Tragicomic fantasy with- Hakobyan. Play | State Musical Second Disciple. P. Zeytuntsyan. out a break. Play | Yerevan Drama Chamber Theater Drama in 2 acts. Play | Yerevan Theater after H. Ghaplanyan 19:00. State Dance Ensemble of Drama Theater after H. Ghaplanyan 19:00. Scotch & Whisky. Optimistic Armenia. Dance | State Theater of 19:00. Money is Your God. comedy. Director of the play: Musical Comedy after H. Paronyan Premiere. G. Sundukyan. Comedy in Arshaluis Harutiunyan. Play | 19:00. From Here and There. 2 acts. Play | State Theater of Yerevan State Chamber Theater Premiere. Sergey Danielyan's mono- Musical Comedy after H. Paronyan 19:00. Coma Nostra. Author: Narek play. Author and Staging Director: 19:00. Amnesia. Melodrama. Duryan. Staging and music design Sergey Danielyan. Play | Yerevan Staging: Gor Margaryan. Play | State Chamber Theater Yerevan State Chamber Theater

27 April #17 (1057)  2015 The Noyan Tapan Highlights www.nt.am 19 Zodiac Weekly Forecast ARMENIAN POETRY

Aries (Mar. 20--Apr. 19) : Libra (Sep. 23--Oct. 22) BEDROS TOURIAN See the lead paragraph (on the home Your energy is high and your mind is page) as it pertains to you. It appears that busy at this time. You want to enjoy LITTLE LAKE the focus of your attention may be on things of beauty and romance now. It WHY dost thou lie in hushed surprise, activities involving your financial could be hard to concentrate upon mental Thou little lonely mere ? resources. You feel strong and assertive, work that requires attention to detail. If Did some fair woman wistfully ready to move things forward. Some you must do so, then check everything Gaze in thy mirror clear? type of healing has occurred on the men- twice. This is a week for the arts, for tal or physical level that gives you love, and for fun! Or are thy waters calm and still renewed energy. Admiring the blue sky, Scorpio (Oct. 23--Nov. 21) : Where shining cloudlets, like thy foam, Taurus (Apr. 20--May 19): The communications of this week are Are drifting softly by ? This is a powerful period with regard largely with your partner(s). It is time to to your closest relationships. Frank and heal a rift that may have occurred long Sad little lake, let us be friends! open discussions will be very effective ago. It may require some courage to I too am desolate ; healers at this time. There are signals that allow yourself to be vulnerable, but I too would fain, beneath the sky, not all is so serious. Give yourself the heartfelt engagement is what will relieve In silence meditate. opportunity to go out and play-try some- some of that old stressor. The rift might thing new and different. be purely in your history, rather than As many thoughts are in my mind involving this partner. As wavelets o’er thee roam ; Gemini (May 20 -- June 20) : As many wounds are in my heart Your life is ultra busy on both the Sagittarius (Nov. 22 --Dec. 20): As thou hast flakes of foam. interior and the exterior this week. People This is a good time to remember that are playing significant roles with their romance in your life is a really good But if heaven’s constellations all comings and goings. You may be caught thing. Opportunities exist for you to Should drop into thy breast, up in a whirlwind of activity and interest- enjoy travel, partner(s), and social life. Thou still wouldst not be like my soul, ing things to do. You also have a real The work routine is something of a chal- A flame-sea without rest. need to get your large muscles moving, lenge at this time. Do things that are good so perhaps you will also be involved with for your heart and soul. There, when the air and thou are calm, sports. The clouds let fall no showers ; Capricorn ( Dec 21 -- Jan 19) : The stars that rise there do not set, Cancer (June 21--Jul y 21) : Your concentration is good at this And fadeless are the flowers. This is a week to design as you like. time and will help you accomplish any There are no new aspects to contend with mental project you need. Using your Thou art my queen, O little lake ! as you move through the days. Your life hands to create artwork and/or gardening For e’en when ripples thrill routine should be fairly smooth. You is also favored. Love life and time spent Thy surface, in thy quivering depths deserve it, after the eclipse challenges in with children would also go well this Thou hold’st me, trembling, still. March and early April. week. Nurturing will feel good to you. Full many have rejected me : Leo (July 22 --Aug. 21): Aquarius (Jan. 20--Feb. 17) : “ What has he but his lyre ? ” Your energy is strong and you are This is a good week to get plenty of “ He trembles, and his face is pale ; clicking on multiple levels. Love and rest and take your vitamins. Your physi- His life must soon expire ! ” social life are favorable. Your mind is cal cycle is on a low. It may be difficult sharp and ready to tackle anything. Your to get anything moving forward that con- None said, “ Poor child, why pines he physical strength is good. You are ready cerns home, hearth and family. It is pos- thus ? to take on the next great project. Enjoy! sible that you will be called upon to offer If he beloved should be, your services to the needs of a family Haply he might not die, but live, — Virgo (Aug 22--Sep. 22) : member. Live, and grow fair to see.” This is a wonderful week to concen- trate on research or some other mental Pisces (Feb. 18--Mar. 19) : None sought the boy’s sad heart to read, project. Your mind is clear and things A partner, a sibling, or a neighbor Nor in its depths to look. They would have found it was a fire, seem to flow easily from one thing to may offer information that would help to And not a printed book ! another. You have favorable aspects for heal you in some way. Or it is possible travel, networking, and connections with that you will access new information via Nay, ashes now ! a memory ! those from a distance, such as the inter- your research. These people are willing Grow stormy, little mere, net. Publishing and/or legal interests are to lend a hand if need be. For a despairing man has gazed in your favor. Into thy waters clear !

27 April #17 (1057)  2015 20 www.nt.am The Noyan Tapan Highlights Illustrated book and digital books “I Remember and Demand” Illustrated book and digital Les livres illustres et les livres books were made, issued and numerises ont ete prepares, pub lies published by patronage of et imprime par le patronage de per- National figure Levon sonnalite nationale- Levon Aharonyan. Aharonyan. Pictures and translational Les photographies et les traduc- material of illustrated book is tions du livre illustre ont ete prises taken from "100 photographic du livre illustre documentaire « 100 stories about Armenian histoires de photo sur le Genocide Genocide" documentary illustrat- des Armeniens», compile et publie ed book, which is dedicated to par l'Institut du musee de Genocide the centennial of Armenian de RA, qui est cons acre au 100e Genocide. anniversaire du Genocide By Initiative of a group of Armenien. Armenian intellectuals, headed L'initiative-d' un groupe des intellectuels Armeniens, dirige par by Levon Aharonyan. Levon Aharonyan. Le but du livre The purpose of two-language illustre bilingue est de presenter au illustrated book is to get world monde entier la realite, dont les humanity acquired with the reali- referants etaient des etrangers, ty, testi.fiers of which were for- temoins de Ia realite de l'extermina- eigners, witnesses of reality of tion du peuple armenien, des per- holocaust of Armenian people, sonnalites gouvernementales, poli- official, public, cultural, spiritual tiques, sociales, culturelles, figures and individuals,who were religieuses et des individus qui ne not indifferent towards the des- sont pas restes indifferents au sort tiny of Armenian people. du peuple armenien.

President of the NT Media Holding: E-mail: [email protected], URL: www.nt.am The Noah’s Ark Tigran Harutyunyan Address in 28 Isahakian Str., Yerevan, 0009, RA. Editor-in-Chief of the Media Holding: Tel.: (+374 60) 27-64-62 Gayaneh Arakelyan Armenia: (+374 60) 27-64-61 HIGHLIGHTS Director of the Weekly: Address in Masion De L' Armenie, Paris 17e - 95 Marina Harutyunyan Bld. Gouvion, France. Weekly Newspaper, Since May 4, 1993. France: The publisher: NT Holding LTD. Chief Correspondent:Gourgen Khazhakian Tel.: (+33) 01 43 59 66 72 Circulation: 1500 print copies and Proofreader: Susanna Mkrtchian Address in 1146 E. Lexington Dr., #112, Glendale, CA, USA, 91206. 15.600 copies by e-mail list in PDF format ISSN 1829-0604 USA: Registration certificate and the date: 273.110.00512, 15.12.1995 Tel.: (+1 818) 646 10 72

27 April #17 (1057) 2015 Price: 1000 dr.