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tioned above I Remember and Demand Volume #77 Number 126 / English 17 Issue (21,367) JUNE 15 - JUNE 21, 2015 Armenian Centenary of the NEWS FROM ARMENIA European Parliament Report Calls on World Council of Churches Meets Turkey to Recognize Armenian Genocide in Armenia, Adopts Statement The Plenary session of the European Parliament in Strasbourg (France) adopted the 2014 Turkey progress report on Wednesday calling on Turkey to recognize the Armenian Genocide, reported the European Armenian on Genocide Federation for Justice and Democracy. The report in general records a negative During the centenary year of the Armenian Genocide perpetrated by the review on Human Rights situation in Turkey, Ottoman Empire, the executive committee of the World Council of Churches freedom of expression, decline in democracy, (WCC) is met in Armenia from June 8 to 13, hosted by the Mother See of Holy worries on minority rights, aggressive attitude Etchmiadzin, to honor the martyrs and victims of the genocide. “The WCC visited against Greece, and refusal over the existence of the Armenian the Republic of Cyprus. Genocide memo- The report greets the wide participation at the rial of Dzidzer- elections of 7 June 2015 in Turkey, and the pres- nagapert to re - ence of the Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) in member and to the newly formed parliament. Moreover, the pray in the name report welcomes the sheltering of 1,600,000 Syri- of the risen Lord an refugees in Turkey. Jesus Christ,” the The preamble of the report mentions: ‘having WCC executive in regard the European Parliament resolution on body said in a the centenary of the Armenian Genocide’. After Turkey becoming a candidate country to the EU in 2005, the statement. “And Armenian Genocide stopped being an issue in the reports. It should be noted, that in the above mentioned resolu- we celebrate the tion there is the explicit call on Turkey to reconcile with its past and recognize the Armenian Genocide. life of the Ar - Article 49 repeats the call to Armenia and Turkey to establish diplomatic ties and open the border between the men ian nation two countries without preconditions. and the witness President of the European Armenian Federation for Justice and Democracy (EAFJD) Kaspar Karampetian wel- of the Armenian Church” comed the call to Turkey to recognize the Armenian Genocide, as well as to open the border without precondi- The executive committee recalled the Minute on the 100th Anniversary of the tions. Karampetian stressed the fact, that the European Parliament once again showed, that it doesn’t succumb to Armenian Genocide adopted by the WCC 10th Assembly in 2013 in Busan. This Turkish pressure, recalling, the threats by Volkan Bozkir, EU Minister and chief negotiator of Turkey, that Turkey important action by the 10th Assembly followed many other occasions on which will not accept the report, if there will be any reference to the Armenian Genocide. Rapporteur Kati Piri (Social- the WCC Commission of the Churches on International Affairs (CCIA) had called ists and Democrats, the Netherlands) already reacted, saying that the European Parliament can’t deny documents for recognition of the Armenian Genocide by the United Nations (UN) and by which have already been adopted. member states, dating back to the 1979 session of the UN Human Rights Commis- The report, leaves Turkey’s accession to the EU open; a political process that is getting harder and harder over the years. sion. The WCC has played a key role over many years in accompanying the Armenian Church in speaking out and working for recognition of the genocide, and for appropriate responses to the genocide’s continuing impacts on the Armen- ian people. NEWS FROM THE WORLD A minute adopted at the 6th Assembly of the WCC held in 1983 in Vancouver acknowledged that “The silence of the world community and deliberate efforts to Turkey Recalls its Ambassador to Brazil deny even historical facts have been consistent sources of anguish and growing despair to the Armenian people, the Armenian churches and many others.” While As was expected, the Turkish Foreign Ministry on June 8 announced that it has recalled its ambassador to Brazil after the Federal Senate in Brasilia recognized the Armenian Genocide, reports “Civilnet” according to Agencia Pren- some continue their efforts to deny or minimize these historical events, the execu- sa Armenia. tive committee is greatly encouraged by His Holiness Pope Francis’ public recog- In a statement, the Foreign Ministry condemned the resolution, nition on 12 April 2015 of the mass killing of an estimated 1.5 million Armenians “which distorts the historical truths and ignores the law, and consider it as genocide. “We stress that there is a duty on the international community to as an example of irresponsibility.” remember the victims of genocide, in order to heal these historical wounds and to “Political decisions of this nature, taken under the influence of the guard against similar atrocities in the future,” the WCC said in a statement. Armenian lobbies can neither change the historical facts nor the legal The WCC, with its many member churches, has participated in several events norms. In this context, our views have been conveyed to the Ambassa- dor of Brazil in Ankara who was summoned to the Ministry on 3 June marking the centenary, including the official commemoration of the 100th 2015,” the statement continued. “Turkish Ambassador in Brasilia, Mr. Anniversary of the Armenian Genocide and canonization of the martyrs in Yere- Hüseyin Diriöz has also been recalled to Ankara for consultations.” van, Armenia, on 21-25 April. The WCC and its member churches will continue to The Genocide resolution, introduced by Senators Aloizio Nunes participate in the ongoing centennial commemorations this year by the Armenian Fereira Filio and Jose Serra was adopted on June 2. The resolution Diaspora, including with the Armenian Church Holy See of Cilicia in Antelias, “recognizes” the Armenian Genocide and offers its “solidarity” with the Armenian people. Furthermore the Senate Lebanon, on 18-19 July. In their statement, the Executive Committee thanked the denounced the “systematic denial, pressure and intimidation against those who try to reconstruct historical events” many member churches and ecumenical partners around the world that have and urged the Brazilian government to join the recognition. The representatives of the Armenian community in Sao Paulo had described the resolution as “the most important in the history of the Armenian Cause in Brazil.” observed or will observe this ongoing centenary in their own contexts, and that While the resolution was officially adopted on June 2, Armenia’s Foreign Ministry had jumped the gun and erro- have spoken in recognition of the genocide and in commemoration of its victims. neously announced that it had been adopted earlier. On May 29, Armenia’s Foreign Affairs Minister Edward Nalban- “Through these commemorations, we acknowledge that these tragic events dian issued a statement regarding the resolution: “The irrevocable process of international recognition of the fact of occurred, and that they must be named by their right name,” the statement said. the Armenian Genocide is underway. Armenia welcomes the Resolution recognizing the Armenian Genocide adopted by the Federal Senate of the Federative Republic of Brazil. With the adoption of this Resolution Brazil made a signifi- cant step in support of international community’s efforts in the prevention of acts of genocide and new crimes against Armenia Agriculture Ministry humanity.” On the same day, President Serj Sarksian’s Chief of Staff Viken Sarksian also wrote on his Facebook page: “Brazil Optimistic on Apricot Exports became the 24th country to officially recognize the Armenian Genocide. I remember and demand.”

The Minister of Agriculture of Armenia, Serko Garabedian, on Wednesday held a consultation with representatives of the country’s exporting companies, and to Lower House of the Belgian Parliament Intends to discuss current issues linked to start of the season of fresh fruit and vegetable exports. Recognize The Armenian Genocide The minister stressed that this The majority of the Lower House of Belgium Intends to Recognize the Armenian Genocide. agricultural year is plentiful in Armenia and especially a rich apri- Denis Ducarme, the leader of the Reformist Movement (MR) cot and grape harvest is expected faction of the House of Representatives of the Belgian parliament, this year. He also attached a particu- announced this in the interview with RTBF and RT TV channels. lar importance to export manage- As Armenpress reports referring to the Belgian newspaper RLN, ment. the leader of the faction will soon introduce the corresponding res- Garabedian added that, with olution bill to the Lower House. As it turned out, Reformist Move- Armenia’s accession to the Russia- ment is not the only political power that demands immediate led Eurasian Economic Union, recognition of the Armenian Genocide. Another coalition party, favorable conditions have been cre- New Flemish Alliance (N¬VA), has already introduced a resolution bill on the recognition of the Armenian Genocide, but Ducarne ated for exporting the country’s agri- stressed that it called for serious elaboration as the statement on the cultural products. recognition of the Armenian Genocide by the Lower House was Representatives of the exporting absent from the text while according to the periodical Ducarne companies, for their part, informed called that statement the most important point. that cabbage and potatoes are RLN stresses that all the parties want to recognize the Genocide, but the treatment of several Turkish MPs causes already being exported from Arme- disputes, the Belgian newspaper reports. The periodical reminded the case of the party “Democratic Humanistic Cen- nia. ter” when Mahinur Özdemir – an MP denyinh the recognition of the Armenian Genocide – was expelled from the arty. The minister urged to intensify the works with farmers and to increase the The Belgian parliament adopted a resolution on the recognition of the Armenian Genocide back in 1998, at the types of fruits and vegetables being exported. level of the Upper Chamber. 2/E JUNE 15 - JUNE 21, 2015

Nagorno-Karabakh - European Armenian Genocide is Top of Mind Dreams: for on Tour: Open Democracy’s Article The Oakland Press The Nagorno-Karabakh Republic has managed to pursue a dynamic European and global The mission of the world famous rock band System of a Down is not only entertaining people but also foreign policy. Not bad for a country that wasn’t officially recognized. Lucas Goetz stated this informing them about the Armenian Genocide. in his article published in Open Democracy website. The reporter of The Oakland Press Gary Graff states about it in his article, which is as follows: “It’s Lucas Goetz particularly stated: “Even before the polls closed, reactions from the interna- been a decade since System of a Down released a new album —and all has been quiet on the studio front tional community came in. A spokesperson of the European foreign policy Chief Federica since the artsy heavy rock quartet came back from a four-year-hiatus in 2010. But the wait — which is the Mogherini stated that ‘the European Union does not recognize the constitutional and legal operative word — may come to an end soon. “We do want to get together after the tour to talk about writ- framework of the elections’. The United States State Department indicated that ‘it will not ing, but who knows?” says drummer John Dolmaian. accept the results of the elections’. Romania’s foreign ministry labeled the elections ‘illegal’. For Spain they were ‘illegitimate’. Ukraine stated that the results of the elections cannot have ‘any legal consequences’. These statements concerned an election which was described by about 100 international observers as ‘in line with international standards’, ‘orderly, free, secret and equal’ with a turnout ‘many European countries would dream of’. The only problem was that these parliamentary elec- tions took place in an internationally unrecognized state: the Nagorno- Karabakh Republic.” “The Nagorno-Karabakh Repub- lic has actively sought to strengthen its ties with Europe, which is home to a large Armenian community. In doing so it has bypassed traditional diplomatic channels and used other means to attract wider support for its cause. David Melkumyan has recently been elected to the National Assembly of the Nagorno- Karabakh Republic. ‘The top priority is achieving international recognition’ he says. ‘We have not been recognized by any country, so we have a lot of work ahead of us. Europe is a natural choice for us because we identify ourselves as Europeans and share the European values.’ Right now SOAD’s focus is on the current Wake Up The Souls tour, which commemorates the 100th Eduardo Lorenzo Ochoa is the director of European Friends of Armenia. He believes that anniversary of the Armenian Genocide during World War I, “But who knows.” Dolmaian adds. “Maybe despite not being able to secure recognition from the European Union and its members states, things will happen on this tour that will inspire songs. Anything can surprise you.” For Dolmaian and his Nagorno-Karabakh is successful in its foreign policy. mates — all of Armenian heritage — the tour, of course, “transcends the music.” “This is more important ‘There is an EU Nagorno-Karabakh friendship group in the European Parliament which sup- than the next System of a Down album,” he says. “This is something that’s far-reaching, and it’s actually ports Nagorno-Karabakh,’ he argues. ‘It has within its ranks MEP’s from all important groups even bigger than the Armenian genocide itself. This is a world issue.” SOAD has been at the forefront of within the European Parliament. The European Parliament has also adopted three documents that issue since forming during 1994 in Los Angeles, and its campaign has carried more weight thanks to encouraging European institutions to engage with civil society in Nagorno-Karabakh. Nagorno- the success of five platinum albums, the last two of which — “Mesmerize” and “Hypnotize,” both in Karabakh has been visited by the vice-president of the European Parliament. That is not bad at 2005 — debuted at No. 1 on the Billboard 200. all for a country that ‘officially does not exist’. The spread-out, 14-date tour began during April in Los Angeles and included an April 23 stop in the In April Mr Melkumyan’s party, the Democratic Party of Artsakh became an ‘associated Armenian capital, , the day before the annual worldwide observance of the genocide, which also member’ of the European Free Alliance, a European political party which has 12 MEP’s in the was SOAD’s first-ever performance in Armenia. For frontman , it’s not only another opportu- European Parliament. Shortly after this was made public, the Azeri ministry of foreign affairs nity to talk about the genocide and promote worldwide recognition of it but to also tie that in with events released an angry press release, followed by an even angrier phone call to the European Free going on today. “What’s important to us is the fact that genocide still occurs today,” Tankian explains. Alliance headquarters in . “There is no international, executable agreement, irrespective of the Genocide Convention and many ad Eduardo Lorenzo Ochoa is not surprised by the Azeri reaction. ‘For Azerbaijan this is a hoc committees around the world. defeat. For them this should not have happened because to them the Nagorno-Karabakh Repub- There’s nothing that all nations have signed that says when a genocide is occurring, all bets are off. … lic should not exist and they believe that people should respect this,’ he says. ‘Secondly it is It’s important to us to not just raise awareness but to help bring justice to this cause.” But, Dolmayan also a defeat because the ruling party of Azerbaijan has not been able to enter any European adds, SOAD is careful about how it delivers that message to crowds coming to hear the group play “Chop political party itself.’ Suey!” “Aerials,” “Hypnotize,” “Toxicity” and its other favorites. “You don’t want to get too preachy,” Being an unrecognized state limits the diplomatic options of Nagorno-Karabakh. Though it the drummer acknowledges. “You want to provide information, but you don’t want to push it down peo- cannot open embassies abroad, it has however opened ‘permanent missions’, or ‘representa- ple’s throats. So we will have some information available and we have some video presentations we put tions’ in countries where there is a big Armenian community such as the United States, France, together that will be taking place during the show. “We’ve been very fortunate in that we’re in a position Germany and Lebanon. Even though they are not officially recognized as embassies, they facil- we can entertain people and also give them information at the same time, if they’re open to it.” itate Nagorno-Karabakh representatives meeting foreign politicians and diplomats. These repre- sentations are also actively conducting an ‘information campaign…aimed at politicians and media in order to gain recognition for Nagorno-Karabakh.’ ‘The missions in Paris in Washington are working reasonably well. I do not think it is a coin- Armenian Genocide Resolution to be cidence that another Nagorno-Karabakh friendship group exists in the French national assem- bly,’ says Mr Lorenzo Ochoa. Märta-Lisa Magnusson agrees: ‘They give lectures, organize cul- Discussed in Bundestag by Mid-July: tural activities and meet audiences in the countries were they are established. They are quite successful in keeping Nagorno-Karabakh on the international agenda’. With an estimated eight million Armenians living outside of Armenia or the Nagorno- Professor Karabakh Republic, the Diaspora is of paramount importance to the Nagorno-Karabakh repub- Turkey exerted pressure on the deputies of the Bundestag in April in the Armenian Genocide issue, lic’s international efforts. Countries like France boast a large Armenian population, many of though the determined position of the German’s President managed to make some changes in the German which are descendants of immigrants who arrived after the Armenian Genocide. In France they political stance. Though the discussion of the Armenian Genocide resolution was postponed in the Bun- play a prominent role in the political, economical and cultural life of the country. destag for several times, the Doctor of History, Professor and German Studies expert Ashod Hayruni André Gumuchdjian is a third generation Armenian who lives in Antwerp. His grandfather assures that the process has not been completed yet. arrived in Belgium in 1908. He maintains a very strong link with the country of his ancestors and was until recently the vice-president of the Armenian Committee in Belgium. ‘I think that for many Armenians Nagorno-Karabakh represents a revenge on history,’ he says. ‘Instead of always losing, for once it is us who won something. The Diaspora loves Karabakh for its pro-active and positive side. The trauma of what we lost 100 years ago is still there and we have not resolved the issue; not only have we lost territories but Turkey still has not recognized the Genocide. Karabakh is the story of Armenians who succeed, rather than Armenians which get massacred.’ As an entrepreneur Mr Gumuchdjian has actively invested in the local economy. ‘I have started several economic projects in Karabakh; agriculture being one of them,’ he explains. ‘I only take part in projects which have economic perspective, this is done to develop the country, create employment but also not to lose money. I try to encourage others to do so as well. Despite remaining problems there are interesting options in Karabakh. In my case, the economy is in the service of the affective’. ‘The Diaspora has helped a lot in terms of raising awareness. 15 years ago nobody knew about Nagorno-Karabakh besides the terrible images we saw on the television during the war,’ remembers Mr Lorenzo Ochoa. ‘The Diaspora is raising awareness and some of them also par- ticipate financially. In Nagorno-Karabakh you will frequently see signs point out that the road you are driving on has been financed by, for example, the Armenians in Argentina’. Mr Melkumyan who is also a member of the Standing Committee on Foreign Relations in the Nagorno-Karabakh National Assembly also emphasizes the importance of the Diaspora: ‘You know how strong the Armenian Diaspora is throughout the world,’ he says. ‘If you find one single Armenian citizen or person of Armenian origin, he will be willing to represent Nagorno-Karabakh.‘ Armenpress reports that during the meeting held on June 8 Hayruni said that it is anticipated that the For Mr Gumuchdjian it is inconceivable for Nagorno-Karabakh ever to return under Azeri issue will be debated in the Bundestag before the vacation and will last by the second half of July. dominion. ‘It will remain an independent entity. For the moment living in peace with its neigh- “There are both acceptable and at the same time unacceptable elements in the resolution. If we com- bor is sadly not on the cards. I am interested in seeing Karabakh developing economically and I pare it with that of 2005, this resolution is several steps ahead certainly, but there are issues which are still want the population to live without worries because its first right should be to live in security. disputable. For example, the resolution recognizes the uniqueness and specificity of the Holocaust and it The future of Karabakh is independent.’ seems that this uniqueness is in contrast to the Armenian and other genocides. The resolution says that the Undeterred by the obvious obstacles the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic has managed to con- demolition of the Armenians must become a training material in the context of the ethnic conflicts study. duct an independent foreign policy securing itself a place on the European agenda and in public In this case the term “ethnic conflict” is not right and it should have been “ethnic cleansing””,- ¬ said consciousness. It looks unlikely that Azerbaijan, despite its frequent threats, will try to take Ashod Hayruni, adding that the Turkish side will continue making certain efforts so that the resolution is Nagorno-Karabakh by force in the foreseeable future,” the author concluded. not adopted. JUNE 15 - JUNE 21, 2015 3/E

DIASPORA NEWS Celebrating the 35th and 40th Anniversaries of TTL Hovhannes Tumanian’s and TCA House in Tbilisi Transferred On May 23, at the Copthorne Tara Hotel, an official dinner Barzankian and Davit Messerlian. For four decades the London reception was held to celebrate the 35th anniversary of the Tekeyan organizations have been supporting each other and going to the Armenian Diocese Tekeyan Trust London and the 40th anniversary of the London side by side realizing numerous projects to promote Armenian cul- Tekeyan Cultural Association. tural heritage. As Mrs Krikorian-Aharonian stated the pride of the of Georgia More than 150 guests, amongst who representatives of the TTL is the symbol of unity of Armenians all over the world the Armenian Church in the UK, representatives of the Armenian Tekeyan Centre in Yerevan, the construction of which became a On June 8, President of the Union of Writers of Armenia Eduard Embassy in London, community leaders, Tekeyan devotees from reality due to the efforts of Mr V. Ouzounian. Apart from being a Militonian and delegates of the Union visited Tbilisi. The purpose the UK, the USA, France, Switzerland, Lebanon, Cyprus, Armenia fund, Tekeyan Centre is a venue for exhibitions, conferences, cul- of the visit was to transfer the house of Hovhannes Tumanian in and other corners of the world, gathered to share common happi- tural events. At the end of her speech, Mrs Krikorian-Aharonian Tbilisi to the Armenian Diocese of Georgia, reports the press divan ness, to enjoy a memorable evening of Armenian culture and to warmly congratulated on the occasion of the 35th and 40th of the Armenian Diocese of Georgia to Hayern Aysor. pay tribute to the great individuals and the founders of the TCA anniversaries of the Tekeyan Trust and the Tekeyan Cultural Asso- and the TTL. ciation and highly praised and thanked all the Tekeyan devotees of The Master of Ceremonies Tamar Minassian opened the func- past and present for their efforts and services to the nation. And tion with congratulatory remarks and invited Rev. Shenork Bagh- commemorating the 1.5 mln massacres of the 1915, she stated that dassarian to offer the invocation. the Trust has to go on with its mission of preserving the Armenian language, church, history and culture to prove that Armenians will never be annihilated. The celebration continued with a dinner reception and a film show of the TCA and TTL activities including the official opening of the Tekeyan Centre in Yerevan. On behalf of the TCA London, Chairman Violetta Barzankian- Kaydan presented her congratulatory remarks and wished all the best in future endevours. She stated the role and the importance of the Tekeyan organizations which are among the oldest cultural After viewing the exhibition dedicated to Komitas at Hayartun organizations established within the Armenian community of the Center, the guests visited the Khojivank Pantheon of Armenian UK. All the efforts of the TCA new committee are directed writers and public figures and laid flowers near the tombs of Poet towards one aim, i.e. continuing cultural ideas and traditions of the of All Armenians Hovhannes Tumanian and other great Armenians. TCA. The President of the Union of Writers of Armenia and the leader of the Georgian-Armenian Diocese, with the accompaniment of Tbil- isi-Armenian intellectuals and representatives of the prelacy, head- ed towards the house of Hovhannes Tumanian in Tbilisi where they were joined by Adviser of the RA Embassy in Georgia Karen Vartan Ouzounian, Honourary Secretary of the Tekeyan Trust London and Melikian, secretary of the Union of Writers of Georgia Maghvala Chairman of the Tekeyan Centre Fund Armenia Gonashvili and editor of “Tsiskari magazine and writer Baghater Mr Vartan Ouzounian, Honourary Secretary of the Tekeyan Arabuli and others. Trust London and Chairman of the Tekeyan Centre Fund Armenia, A part of Hovhannes Tumanyan’s house, that is, a 150 square continued the official ceremony. He extended heartfelt congratula- meter area that has turned into a library, was obtained through the tions to all present on the two great occasions and underscored the unwavering efforts of the late President of the Union of Writers of importance of the TTL in the community life and stated its main Armenia Levon Ananian and under the sponsorship of former mission of preserving the national identity, religion, language and mayor of Gyumri Vartan Ghukasian in 2012. The acquisition of the culture through various projects and community life activities. Mr house in its entirety was in the focus of RA President Serge Ouzounian recalled vividly just a few major cultural events organ- Sargsyan, and the RA Embassy in Georgia was also working con- ized by the TCA and the TTL: in 1985, 5 performances of the sistently on that. Just recently, by the appeal of the leader of the Armenian State Folk Song & Dance Ensemble at the world Georgian-Armenian Diocese, the part that had been left for the renowned Royal Albert Hall in London, at the Dome in Brighton inheritors was purchased through funding provided by the fund of and at the Free Trade Hall in Manchester; in 1989, on the 1st Armen Liloyan, the representative of the Embassy of the Republic of the St. Gevorg Armenian Church and was donated to the Diocese Armenia to the UK and Northern Ireland anniversary of devastating earthquake in Armenia, under the aus- as property. pices of the UK Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher to help children Mr Armen Liloyan, the representative of the Embassy of the The meeting of the presidents of the Unions of Writers of Arme- in Armenia, 21 performances of the Armenian State Dance Com- Republic of Armenia to the UK and Northern Ireland, delivered nia and Georgia was symbolically held in Tumanyan’s house. Pres- pany all across the UK and Ireland with more than 45,000 atten- the congratulatory message of the Ambassador Dr Armen Sarkiss- ident of the Union of Writers of Armenia Eduard Militonian dants; performances of the Armenian State Choir; staging sundry ian who was unable to be present but passed on his good wishes solemnly handed the keys to the house over to leader of the Geor- arts exhibitions, concerts, etc. Mr Ouzounian also stated the and appreciation to the TCA and the TTL for longstanding service gian-Armenian Diocese, His Grace, Father, Bishop Vazgen Mirza- achievements of the TTL, mainly the Institute of Armenian Music, to the Armenian community. In his speech, Mr Liloyan noted that khanian. From now on, the house will be called “Tumanian Ver- “Arax” Folk Dance Group, “Erebouni” biweekly, “Komitas” the anniversaries of the two organizations named after the great natun for Culture and the Arts”, and its activities will be geared Choir, the Tekeyan Centre in Armenia and expressed his apprecia- Armenian poet, coincided with the Centenary of the Armenian towards the development and deepening of cooperation between Genocide, the survivor of which was Vahan Tekeyan himself. the two Christian nations, the friendly relations and the ties Despite the national tragedy, Tekeyan managed to go on and, in his between creators. The “Tumanian Vernatun for Culture and the poetry, to express belief in bright future, freedom and heroism. Arts” will also hold discussions and book presentations and vari- And this very ideology was espoused by TCA and the TTL which ous events for Georgian and Armenian writers. The building will are faithful to their roots and their culture. The organizations are house a hall, a library of books in four languages, the AGBU bridging the UK Armenians and the Motherland. Armenian Virtual University, and one of the rooms will be named Then, the congratulatory address issued by the RA Minister of after Levon Ananian. Secretary of the Union of Writers of Georgia Diaspora Hranush Hakobyan was read. The Minister extended Maghvala Gonashvili, President of the “Vernatun” Union of deepest congratulations to the TCA and TTL and highly praised Armenian Writers of Georgia Gevorg Snkhchian, Adviser of the the activities of the Tekeyan organizations that serve to the bene- RA Embassy in Georgia Karen Melikian, poet-translator Givi fits of the Armenian nation through establishing cultural, educa- Shahnazar and writer and translator Anahit Bostanjian gave tional, arts, publishing centres and in this way create not only the speeches in which they expressed their congratulatory remarks. history of the Tekeyan structure but also the one of the whole Leader of the Georgian-Armenian Diocese, His Grace, Father, nation. Thanks to Tekeyan projects the younger generation is edu- Bishop Vazgen Mirzakhanian gave his blessing, expressed his cated with strong patriotism, and Armenian national cultural and appreciation and referred to the day as a truly historic day since the spiritual heritage is preserved, promoted and spread abroad. Mrs house of the Poet of All Armenians would soon serve its goal Guests celebrating the anniversaries at Copthorne Tara Hotel and listening Hakobyan expressed her sincere appreciation to the Tekeyan Trust again. On behalf of the Diocese, Bishop Vazgen Mirzakhanian to Mrs S. Krikorian-Aharonian’s speech and the Tekeyan Cultural Association for their long outstanding assumed the duty to renovate the house and furbish it with neces- tion to the most voluntary work providers over many years: Dr. services and devotion to the Armenian nation as well as for fur- sary items. Afterwards, President of the Union of Writers of Arme- Antranig Zoulikian, editor for many years of "Erebouni" weekly, thering relations between Armenia and the Diaspora. nia Eduard Militonian and secretary of the Union of Writers of and Mrs Yertchanik Martikian, teacher and supervisor of "Arax" Georgia Maghvala Gonashvili signed a memorandum of coopera- Dance group. He dwelled upon the activity of the Tekeyan Centre tion, to which the “Vernatun” Union of Armenian Writers of Geor- Fund that involves and sponsors five Tekeyan Schools in Armenia gia, the Hayartun Center and the “Kamurj” Armenian-Georgian and Karabagh. Mr Ouzounian finalized his speech with deepest Cultural Relations NGO also joined. gratitude to all Tekeyan benefactors and supporters who greatly P.S.: Great Armenian writer Hovhannes Tumanian’s house in contributed to the establishment and further development of the Tbilisi is located at 18 Amaghleba Street (formerly Davitashvili TCA, TTL and TCF. Street) where Tumanian lived between the years of 1909 and 1923. Mrs Sylva Krikorian-Aharonian, Chair of the London Tekeyan In 1952, the items were moved to Yerevan. Four of the six rooms Trust, was the next speaker at the function. She briefed the history had been turned into a library, and the other two had been left for of the two London Tekeyan establishments that were founded to the writer’s inheritors. After independence, due to certain circum- prevent gradual mergence of Armenians into other nations. In stances, Tbilisi Municipality transferred a part of the library to a citizen of Georgia, from whom it was necessary to obtain the house.

The TCA London Committee and the Tekeyan Trust cutting Chinese and Armenian the birthday cakes Thereafter, at Copthorne Tara Hotel, a cultural programme fol- Children Presented Armenia lowed which featured impressive performances of the well known Armenian merited actress Ms Jenia Nersessian (“Khorhourt Var- On June 1, Inter- tanants” by V. Tekeyan, pieces from “Adamnapoujn Arevelyan” by national Children’s H. Baronian), “Akhtamar” Armenian Folk Dance Group, soprano Defense Day, Chi- Anais Heghoian accompanied by pianist Kristina Arakelyan nese and Armenian (“Groung” by Komitas). Next, Ms Anush Geghamian delivered children presented poetic recitation by Baruir Sevag “Menq kitch enq, sagayn mez Armenia and “Akhtamar” Dance Group Hay en asoum”, and Mrs Rozette Ouzounian recited “Hashvehar- Armenian culture 1975, when the London TCA was founded, the first committee tar” by V. Tekeyan. during an event held members were Davit Messerlian, Manuel Keoshgerian, Norayr The celebration function concluded with a raffle draw at New Oriental Star Kherlopian, Jirair Kevorkian, Alan Kutchukian and Sylva Krikori- announcement. Kindergarten in Nanjing,China. They performed Armenian folk an. A bit later Maida Gudenian, Annie Bardakjian, Shake Chak- Special thanks to the Tekeyan Trust, Mrs Rosette Ouzounian, dances, tasted Armenian dishes, listened to Armenian music and makdjian, Silva Shamassian, Vartan Ouzounian and Garo Arevian Mrs Anush Geghamyan, Mrs Dalila Heath, the benefactors, organ- waved the Armenian national flags everywhere… joined the committee. In 1979, the Tekeyan Trust was founded by izers, the speakers and the audience, whose efforts and support The Armenian community of China continues to make Armenia Garo Krikorian, Vartan Ouzounian, Garabed Arevian, Takvor made the event possible. beloved and recognizable in China through public diplomacy. 4/E JUNE 15 - JUNE 21, 2015

ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT WWI Poster for Armenian Relief Fund to Be Auctioned Serkey Smpadian Granted A collection of about 2,000 posters from the World War One France, Italy, Germany, Canada, Cuba and China. the Order of Arts and era, considered to be one of the world’s finest and amassed over The largest poster is a massive 9- by 14-foot American work more than a decade by a U.S. Army officer, will be sold at auction Literature of France later this month, Guernsey’s auction house said on Tuesday. The collection, which will go under the hammer during an On June 6, France’s Minister of Culture and Communication online, unreserved auction with no minimum bids on June 30 and Fleur Pellerin granted the Order of Arts and Literature of France July 1, includes the famous poster of a stern-looking, top-hatted to artistic Uncle Sam pointing a finger with the words, “I Want You for U.S. director Army.” and princi- pal conduc- Another patriotic poster shows the American flag and laborers tor of the with the words “Teamwork Wins,” while a third is of French State Youth women working in a laundry inscribed “Four Years in the Fight.” Orchestra Although all of the posters, works of art which are expected to of Armenia fetch between $200 to $5,000 apiece, are patriotic, their topics Serkey range from fundraising and food rationing to women’s war efforts, Smpadian. enlistment and animal aid. The About half of the posters are from the United States, while oth- urging people to “Give, or we Perish,” that was made on behalf of award is ers are in various languages from more than 15 countries such as the Armenian Relief Fund. granted to artists who are over the age of 30 and have made great achievements in the arts and Puzzle Game Made in Armenia Wins Apple Design Award literature. The age of a candidate is disregarded, if the artist has Yerevan-based Triada Studio’s recently released mobile game, newest iPhone 6 and 6 Plus, iPad Mini Retina, and iPad Air 2. special merits, and 27-year-old Serkey Smpadian is one of those special candidates. “Shadowmatic,” has been selected as an Apple Design Award win- “Shadowmatic” uses Metal on iOS to produce stunning visuals ner. with shadows, bloom, and reflective surfaces, and supports device motion to enable a clever motion-based 3D parallax experience that makes it seem as if you’re viewing each scene through a win- Antranig Garabedian Becomes Junior World Champion

The IWF Junior World Championships are being held in Wro- claw, Poland on 4-13 June. Armenia’s representatives are Antranig Garabedian (77 kg weight category), Norair Avedisian (85 kg) and Simon Mardirosian (superheavyweight). On June 9, bronze medalist Antranig Garabedian is competing in the European championship for adults. The Armenian weightlifter performed wonderfully and scored a gold medal in the 355 kg biathlon (155+180). Exclusive to Apple’s iOS, “Shadowmatic” is an ornately crafted In the snatch drill, Garabedian scored the small gold medal and imaginative puzzle game in which abstract objects are rotated after lifting 155 kg, but only after the third approach was he able to find recognizable silhouettes in projected shadows. Selected as to lift the 155 kilograms. In the full snatch, Garabedian lifted 180 an Apple Design Award winner for its attention to detail, high- kg and scored the small silver medal. The best weightlifter in that fidelity rendering, excellent execution, and perfect representation dow. It’s also localized in French, German, Italian, Japanese, Kore- of multi-touch game play, “Shadowmatic” challenges the player’s an, Russian, Simplified Chinese, and Spanish. spatial thinking with more than 80 puzzles in gorgeous atmospher- ic environments rendered with highly realistic textures and shad- Triada Studio was established in 1993 as a computer graphics ows. and animation studio. The studio have mainly worked on TV com- mercials, TV channel branding, visual effects for movies and many Set to a beautiful soundtrack, each “Shadowmatic” scene is tuned and optimized for each iOS device, from iPhone 3GS to the

category was 19-year-old Iranian weightlifter Ali Miri, who became the world vice-champion after lifting 332 kg (150+182). Romanian weightlifter Ilie Stoyan, 18, lifted 320 kg (148+178) in the biathlon. Let us add that Norair Avedisian will perform on June 10, fol- lowed by Simon Mardirosian on June 13. other things that are directly or indirectly connected with computer graphics and animation. The team began working on “Shadowmat- ic” in March 2012. The team that worked on “Shadowmatic” is OurOur small, consisting of four people: Bagrad Dabaghian, Arsen Avoy- an, Serj Melkonian, and Ara Aghamian. e-maile-mail addressesaddresses are:are:

[email protected] . [email protected]

website: www. zartonkdaily.com

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