Laia Maynou-Pujolràs, Ph.D. E-mail:
[email protected] //
[email protected] TEACHING AND RESEARCH INTERESTS Applied Economics and Econometrics, Health Economics, Policy Evaluation, Regional Economics ACADEMIC APPOINTMENTS September 2018- London School of Economics and Political SciEncE (LSE), London, UK Health Policy LSE Fellow and Research Officer December 2016- London School of Economics and Political SciEncE (LSE), London, UK August 2018 Health Policy Research Officer. Health Foundation Grant: “Health Care Technology Diffusion in the NHS and workforce impact”. PI: Prof. Alistair McGuire and Dr. Victoria Serra-Sastre October 2015- UnivErsitat PompEu Fabra (UPF), Dept. of Economics and Barcelona, Spain BusinEss, CentEr for ResEarch in HEalth and Economics (CRES) Researcher October 2015- UnivErsitat PompEu Fabra (UPF), DEpt. of Economics and Barcelona, Spain June 2018 BusinEss, CentEr for ResEarch in HEalth and Economics (CRES) Visiting Lecturer and Adjunct Lecturer September 2013- London School of HygiEnE and Tropical MedicinE London, UK September 2015 (LSHTM) Research Fellow, EU-funded project ADVANCE-HTA. Under WP1, PI: Prof. John Cairns EDUCATION 2011-2013 Ph.D. in Law, Economics and BusinEss (cum-laudE), Girona, Spain UnivErsitat de Girona (UdG) Thesis Title: “Health and economic convergence in the European Union (1990-2010): an econometric approach” Supervisors: Prof. Marc Saez (UdG) and Prof. Jordi Bacaria (UAB) Defended the 21st November 2013 at the University of Girona. 2012-2013 City, UnivErsity of London, DepartmEnt of Economics London, UK Visiting Ph.D. student sponsored by Prof. Mireia Jofre-Bonet (13 months) 2012-2013 CoursEs during thE Ph.D.: Advance Economic Evaluation London, UK (City, University of London) and Advance Health Economics (LSE) 2010 - 2011 FrEE UnivErsity BrussEls (VUB), AdvancEd MastEr in Brussels, Belgium EuropEan Economic IntEgration and DevElopmEnt (with great distinction) 1 Laia Maynou-Pujolràs, Ph.D.