1. DISPERSE WIND-COLD GUI ZHI acrid HT y Promote sweat to release the exterior: WindͲCold deficiency pattern with Ying sweet & Wei disharmonyї Gui Zhi Tang 緂譤(᷸㫴) warm UB y Warm & open channels & collaterals: WindͲColdͲDamp Cinnamomi Rm 3Ͳ9g y Warm  to eliminate water: edema with dysuria,  Yin (Phlegm Fluid) (Cinnamon twig) ї   San / Ling Gui   Tang y Assist the HT Yang: painful chest obstruction, palpitation, intermittent pulse ї Zhi Gan  Tang y Warm Yang in the Chong &  meridians: amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, irregular menstruation, massesї  Jing Tang / Gui Zhi  Ling

ZI  acrid LU y Release the exterior, disperse Cold: exterior WindͲCold = Su Ye warm SP ї  Su San /  Su San aromatic y Regulate the  & expand the chest, harmonize the Middle : chest 覜蕇蝗(㣄㋀㜱) 5Ͳ9g oppression, nausea, vomiting, diarrheaї  Xiang  Qi San Perillae Fo y Calm the fetus: morning sickness, restless fetus (Perilla leaf) y Treat seafood poisoning: vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea

Zi Su Ye (leaf) Zi Su Zi (seed) Zi Su  (stem) Disperse WindͲCold Descend LU Qi Expand the chest

JING JIE acrid LU y Release the exterior, dispel Wind: WindͲCold or WindͲHeat sl warm LV ї Jing    San / Yin  San 躱紵(䝉ᵐ) y Vent rash, alleviate itching: incomplete expression of measles & pruritic skin 4.5Ͳ9g Schizonepetae Hb eruptionsї  Feng San (Schizonepeta) y Stop bleeding (charred): auxiliary herb for various types of bleeding ї Huai  San

FANG FENG acrid UB y Release the exterior, dispel Wind: WindͲCold or WindͲHeat sweet LV ї Jing Fang Bai Du San / Xiao Feng San / Qing  Fang Feng Tang 茈跱(ⵝ䗁) sl warm SP y Expel WindͲColdͲDamp & alleviate pain: Bi syndrome, rheumatic aches & pains Saposhnikoviae Rx 4.5Ͳ9g ї Juan Bi Tang (Siler root) y Extinguish LV Wind & relieve tremor: tremor, spasm, convulsion, tetany ї Da Fang Feng Tang y Relieve diarrhea, stop bleeding: intestinal Wind + LV/SP disharmony ї    Fang

Jing Jie Fang Feng Fang Feng Chan Tui For both WindͲCold & WindͲHeat For both Exterior & Interior Wind

QIANG HUO acrid UB y Release the exterior, dispel Cold: WindͲCold with pain, occipital headache bitter KD ї Jiu Wei Qiang Huo Tang 紝輥(ᵉ䞐) warm y Expel WindͲColdͲDamp: WindͲColdͲDamp Bi syndrome, rheumatic aches & aromatic Notopterygii Rx+Rz pains, especially in the upper bodyї Juan Bi Tang / Qiang Huo  Shi Tang (Notopterygium root and 3Ͳ9g y Guide Qi to the Taiyang & Du channels: direct other herbs to areas served rhizhome) by the Tai Yang & Du channels

Qiang Huo Du Huo WͲCͲD ї Upper body pain WͲCͲD ї Lower body pain Taiyang headache Shaoyin headache

GAO BEN acrid UB y Release the exterior, dispel Cold: external WindͲCold, vertex headache warm DU y Disperse WindͲColdͲDamp: Bi syndrome, rheumatic pains 緮莇 Ḕ⸬ ( ) ї Qiang Huo Sheng Shi Tang 3Ͳ9g Ligustici Rz (Chinese Lovage root)

BAI ZHI acrid LU y Dispel WindͲCold, open the nasal passages: WindͲCold, nasal congestion warm ST ї Cang Er Zi San 茣譳(ⵥ㫴) SP y Dispel Cold, alleviate pain: pain in the Yangming channels, frontal headache, 3Ͳ9g Angelicae dahuricae Rx toothache, muscle acheї Jiu Wei Qiang Huo Tang / Chuan  Cha Tiao San (Angelica root) y Expel Damp, alleviate discharge: leukorrhea, diarrhea y Reduce swelling, expel pus: boils, ulcers, abscessesї Xian Fang Huo Ming Yin

Bai Zhi Xi Xin  Hua Cang Er Zi Dispel Wind & Open the nasal orifice Yangming headache Shaoyin headache • Expel WindͲDamp

� Herbal images courtesy of Qpuncture, Inc.

;ĐͿ,<ŝŵ͕ĐƵƉƵŶĐƚƵƌĞDĞĚŝĂ͘ĐŽŵ Individual Herb Charts