July 1, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1261 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS

HONORING THE PUBLIC SERVICE world offers a better opportunity for success has exemplified the finest qualities of citizen- OF G. IRENE SNYDER than here in America. ship and leadership by taking an active part in On July 4, 2010, the following people, rep- the Boy Scouts of America, Troop 1137, and HON. JIM GERLACH resenting many nations throughout the world, earning the most prestigious award of Eagle OF PENNSYLVANIA will take their oath of citizenship in Hammond, Scout. Indiana: David Buabeng Agyen, Gordana Daren has been very active with his troop, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Obradovic, Adesola Titilayo Ikene, Iryna participating in many scout activities. Over the Thursday, July 1, 2010 Anatolitvna Hillegonds, Snezana Cude, many years Daren has been involved with Mr. GERLACH. Madam Speaker, I rise Olufunmilayo Oluranti Adebayo, Kim Anh scouting, he has not only earned numerous today to honor a dedicated public servant who Tong, Kenneth Llanos Fabugais, Reshma merit badges, but also the respect of his fam- is retiring after a 40-year career as a rural car- Begum, Lubna Sairesh Hussain, Ummaima ily, peers, and community. Most notably, rier with the Glenmoore Post Office in Chester Sadaf Hussain, Hilda Marumbo Love, Gilberto Daren has contributed to his community County, Pennsylvania. Garcilazo Ambriz, Hossein Ali Safavi Naeini, through his Eagle Scout project. Daren col- G. Irene Snyder started her career as a Lorraine Emilia Von Tobel, Jose L. Guerrero, lected materials and renovated a fence for the part-time carrier, serving residents in the Lud- Ashok Sundaram, Lily Shajil, Amjad M.A. City of North Kansas City, Missouri. wig’s Corner and Nantmeal Township areas. Ahmed, Delia Lord, Sonal Sanjay Shah, Madam Speaker, I proudly ask you to join In a testament to her tireless work ethic, Irene Alfredo Gerardo Discepolo, Corazon Samonte me in commending Daren Woodward for his held jobs as a bus driver and attendant at Jurado, Eric Udave Zaragoza, Dan Chen, accomplishments with the Boy Scouts of Ludwig’s Gas Station in addition to her part- Muriel Magalhaes Pessoa, Saber Zedan America and for his efforts put forth in achiev- time mail delivery duties. Khawaled, Justine Elizabeth Smith, Harvind ing the highest distinction of Eagle Scout. She started delivering mail full-time in 1981 Singh Azrot, Dragan Gjikoski, Gopikrishna f and earned a reputation among her co-work- Ratakonda, Surinder Singh, Manjeet Geeta, RECOGNIZING THE CONTRIBU- ers as loyal, dedicated and committed to the Maria Cristina Sangueza, Rey Ancajas TIONS OF MICHAEL QUEAR TO U.S. Postal Service and the residents on her Sararana, Maynard Villavecencio Utayde, Eu- THE HOUSE COMMITTEE ON route. Irene was always willing to lend a help- nice Jocabed Bojorquez, Olubunmi Emmanuel SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY ing hand at work and at her church, Nantmeal Adebayo, Amjad M. Amer, Rogelio Jose Methodist, where she served as an organist, Munoz, Isabel De La Rosa Rangel, Juventino and still found time for farming on her property Flores, Jose Gutierrez Olivares, Vinh Quang HON. BART GORDON OF TENNESSEE in Honey Brook. Le, Eleazar Talili Tan, Nikunj Natvarlal Patel, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Colleagues and friends will celebrate Irene’s Joel Erie Lingua, Mohannad Khaleel Alkaki, four decades of service and wish her well in Dhirenkumar Jaswantlal Shah, and Ambrosia Thursday, July 1, 2010 retirement during a reception on July 1, 2010. Ewican McLaughlin. Mr. GORDON of Tennessee. Madam Madam Speaker, I ask that my colleagues Though each individual has sought to be- Speaker, I rise today to recognize the service join me today in praising the outstanding serv- come a citizen of the United States for his or of a valued staff member of the Committee on ice of G. Irene Snyder and all public servants her own reasons, be it for education, occupa- Science and Technology, Michael Quear. Mike who go beyond what is expected to serve their tion, or to offer their loved ones better lives, has served on Capitol Hill for over 20 years, communities. each is inspired by the fact that the United most recently as the Staff Director for the f States of America is, as Abraham Lincoln de- Technology and Innovation Subcommittee. scribed it, a country ‘‘. . . of the people, by Mike Quear grew up in Indiana on a farm JULY 4, 2010 NATURALIZATION the people, and for the people.’’ They realize where his work for 4H and his demanding CEREMONY IN HAMMOND that the United States is truly a free nation. By piano teacher taught him the importance of seeking American citizenship, they have made principled, disciplined hard work. Every day HON. PETER J. VISCLOSKY the decision that they want to live in a place Mike came to work for the Committee for the OF INDIANA where, as guaranteed by the First Amendment last 20 years, he brought that attitude to the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES of the Bill of Rights, they can practice religion job with him. It is hard to match either his as they choose, speak their minds without fear stamina or the quality of his work. Thursday, July 1, 2010 of punishment, and assemble in peaceful pro- In 1990, Mike came to the Science Com- Mr. VISCLOSKY. Madam Speaker, it is with test should they choose to do so. mittee from a fellowship with the State Depart- great pleasure and sincerity that I take this Madam Speaker, I ask you and my other ment. Educated in Chemical Engineering, time to congratulate the individuals who will distinguished colleagues to join me in con- Mike brought with him real-world experience take their oath of citizenship on July 4, 2010. gratulating these individuals, who will become from working in industry as well as exposure In true patriotic fashion, on the day of our citizens of the United States of America on to the thinking of the State Department about great Nation’s celebration of independence, a July 4, 2010, the day of our Nation’s inde- how to use science and technology to build naturalization ceremony will take place, wel- pendence. They, too, will be American citi- stronger diplomatic ties among nations. He coming new citizens of the United States of zens, and they, too, will be guaranteed the in- worked directly for then-Chairman George E. America. This memorable occasion, coordi- alienable rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit Brown, Jr. Brown was a passionate advocate nated by the Hammond Public Library and of happiness. We, as a free and democratic for using scientific cooperation to bridge dif- presided over by Magistrate Judge Andrew nation, congratulate them and welcome them. ferences between nations. Mike supported his Rodovich, will be held at Harrison Park in f efforts, acting as his advisor for international Hammond, Indiana. scientific cooperation matters. At Brown’s di- America is a country founded by immi- DAREN WOODWARD rection, Mike played a key role in negotiating grants. From its beginning, settlers have come the establishment of the U.S.-Mexico Founda- from countries around the globe to the United HON. SAM GRAVES tion for Science. States in search of better lives for their fami- OF MISSOURI Beginning in 1995, Mike took the lead as lies. The upcoming oath ceremony will be a IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the key Democratic staffer on technology shining example of what is so great about the issues and for reauthorization of programs at United States of America—that people from all Thursday, July 1, 2010 the National Institute of Technology and over the world can come together and unite as Mr. GRAVES of Missouri. Madam Speaker, Standards. For the last 15 years, virtually members of a free, democratic nation. These I proudly pause to recognize Daren Wood- every authorization or reauthorization of pro- individuals realize that nowhere else in the ward. Daren is a very special young man who grams at NIST was the direct product of

∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:35 Nov 06, 2010 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\RECORD10\RECFILES\E01JY0.REC E01JY0 mmaher on DSK69SOYB1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE E1262 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks July 1, 2010 Mike’s work. Mike is well known to colleagues nancial institutions that are so large or inter- a variety of defects and shortcomings currently in the Senate and the House, among author- connected that they pose a system risk to the seen in our financial services system. It is a izers and appropriators, both on and off the economy as a whole. While I hope that the major step towards meaningful ‘‘measured’’ Hill for his detailed knowledge of NIST, its pro- dissolution measures are never necessary, it government regulation to protect the interests grams and its problems. His work on NIST just makes sense to have an orderly way to of consumers, investors and everyday working programs could be a perfect case study for wind down failing institutions as an insurance Americans. After years of consumer mistreat- any young Committee staffer trying to under- policy. This process will punish the corporate ment, fraud, and abuse, this bill represents the stand how to work with an agency. executives who are to blame for a failed bank, first principled effort to bring financial fairness Mike played a key role in crafting many rather than the American taxpayer. to all Americans and to ensure that financial pieces of legislation relating to standards, For years, I have called for an end to the transactions be both honest and transparent. technology development, and competitiveness. wild west of speculation in derivatives mar- One of the strongest provisions designed to I want to mention just two specifically. I am kets. I am pleased that this bill includes my protect the consumer in this legislation is the particularly indebted to Mike because he draft- proposal to strengthen derivatives market formation of an independent Consumer Finan- ed the first bill I had signed into law as Chair- oversight. For the first time ever, over-the- cial Protection Bureau, CFPB, empowered to man of the Committee on Science and Tech- counter derivatives market for transactions be- write rules for most consumer financial trans- nology: the Methamphetamine Remediation tween dealers and major swap participants will actions. Existing consumer-protection authority Research Act of 2007. Secondly, Mike Quear be required to be reported. This transparency is currently scattered and largely ignored by was at the heart of the America COMPETES means that regulators can monitor this trillion existing financial regulators. This Act will con- Act—taking the lead on all the technology pro- dollar market, and make sure that companies solidate these authorities in the CFPB, and visions in that landmark legislation. like AIG only make trades when they have give the bureau teeth in exerting its power to Mike has been a model staffer: creative, enough capital to back them up. Unregulated enforce these protections. With this newly de- smart, hard-working, and loyal. While the speculation may well be responsible for wide fined power, the creation of the CFPB will Committee will miss his dedicated services, I swings and increases in the price of energy usher in a new era of oversight. I urge Con- am confident that he will retire to his farm in for consumers and feed for farms. This provi- gress to stand tall and create a society where Pennsylvania and apply those same gifts to sion will help prevent entities from driving up unfair practices are stopped before they be- his passions of raising horses, driving buggies, the cost of commodities and products and come pervasive, where the average consumer and gardening. I want to thank him for his self- manufacturing risk in the larger economy. is protected from fraud and abuse, and where less professionalism and congratulate him on H.R. 4173 also takes a major step forward big bank bailouts are prevented before they his hard earned retirement. We will miss you in consumer protection by creating the Con- come at the expense of taxpayers. and cannot replace you. sumer Financial Protection Agency (CFPA). Another major provision in this bill is the es- f This agency would make sure brokers tell tablishment of broad statutory protections folks what they are buying, clearly and hon- against abusive mortgages. These provisions CONFERENCE REPORT ON H.R. 4173, estly. It would be devoted to stopping unfair DODD-FRANK WALL STREET RE- include; requiring lenders to evaluate bor- practices and preventing abusive financial rowers’ ability to repay loans before and after FORM AND CONSUMER PROTEC- products from entering the marketplace. The TION ACT teaser rates have expired; banning prepay- CFPA would impose effective consumer pro- ment penalties that lock borrowers into high- tections for subprime mortgages, overdraft SPEECH OF cost loans; prohibiting incentives to steer bor- fees, credit card practices, and other financial rowers into higher-cost loans that they don’t HON. BOB ETHERIDGE products, not just at banks but wherever these even qualify for; limiting total fees for most OF NORTH CAROLINA products are purchased. loans; and banning mandatory arbitration IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES This bill includes other critical provisions for clauses for mortgages. oversight and streamlining of the financial sys- Wednesday, June 30, 2010 In addition to these key provisions, this bill tem. It creates a Federal Insurance Office, re- will also create a $1 billion emergency loan Mr. ETHERIDGE. Mr. Speaker, I rise in sup- forms the credit ratings agencies that failed to fund to help families at risk of losing their port of the conference report on H.R. 4173, assess the value of the many financial prod- homes due to unemployment or illness. Be- the Dodd-Frank Act of 2010. ucts in our economy, and cleans up abusive cause unemployment—9.7 percent is partly a We have already seen what happens to practices in the mortgage lending industry that direct result of the reckless lending and col- Main Street when Wall Street abuses run contributed to the collapse of the housing mar- lapse of the housing and financial markets, rampant. Over the past decade, Wall Street’s ket. This regulation is long overdue and will this fund is especially important in reversing protectors looked the other way while Wall benefit all Americans and businesses that de- these negative economic effects and providing Street fat cats gambled with our future and ran pend on our financial institutions. our economy into the ditch, and the North We need to take action to put the interests assistance to those who have been hurt by Carolina families I hear from every day paid of average Americans ahead of corporate spe- unfair practices. A recent Center for Respon- the price. We have seen what that means for cial interests. Today we have an opportunity to sible Lending, CRL, report found that, unfortu- Main Street: 8 million jobs lost, $17 trillion in clean up the mess on Wall Street, hold wrong- nately, the foreclosure crisis is far from over. hard-earned family savings—savings for retire- doers accountable for their actions and stand Foreclosures are likely to continue to climb ment, college, or home buying—all wiped out up for taxpayers. I call on my colleagues to and losses will continue to increase, further overnight. Today we have the opportunity to put Main Street before Wall Street, and to join burdening our economy and financial services say, ‘‘enough.’’ We have had enough of the me in support of the Wall Street Reform and system, unless the government decides to in- abuses, enough of risky speculation, enough Consumer Protection Act. tervene by passing this Act. The bill also addresses bank interchange of taxpayer-funded bailouts. It is time to put in f place common sense rules of the road to pro- fees, the fees charged on debit card trans- tect Main Street and American taxpayers. This CONFERENCE REPORT ON H.R. 4173, actions. Under the bill, such fees would be re- bill does just that. H.R. 4173 delivers a com- DODD-FRANK WALL STREET RE- duced. While the banks and credit unions op- prehensive set of financial regulations that in- FORM AND CONSUMER PROTEC- posed any reduction in fees as embraced by crease accountability and oversight for Wall TION ACT the Durbin amendment, the arguments ad- Street and America’s financial sector. vanced by the retailers won the day. While I H.R. 4173 addresses the ‘‘too big to fail’’ SPEECH OF support credit unions, which are the backbone syndrome, and ends taxpayer funded bailouts. HON. SHEILA JACKSON LEE of many communities and have traditionally This bill makes sure the taxpayer is not re- OF TEXAS served the special needs of teachers, public sponsible for bailing out such firms, by estab- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES service employees and the average govern- lishing a process for dismantling failing finan- ment worker, about the use of the fees to cial institutions like AIG or Lehman Brothers. Wednesday, June 30, 2010 cover many bad transactions related to their With this reform, these large Wall Street firms Ms. JACKSON LEE of Texas. Mr. Speaker, debit card business, the fees generated by the will be in charge of paying the cost for the I rise in strong support of H.R. 4173, ‘‘the Re- debit card transactions represent a major profit risks they create instead of taxpayers paying storing American Financial Stability Act of making activity for the banking industry. These the tab. In addition, a Financial Stability Coun- 2010’’, also known as ‘‘the Dodd-Frank Act.’’ fees are generally passed onto the consumer cil will be created to identify and regulate fi- This historic bill will go a long way to address in the form of higher retail prices. Interchange

VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:35 Nov 06, 2010 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\RECORD10\RECFILES\E01JY0.REC E01JY0 mmaher on DSK69SOYB1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE July 1, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1263 fees also tend to fall disproportionately on mi- are golden examples to us all. He and his wife resolving conflicts around the world. He has nority and low-income consumers by making Chrissy are a credit to our Nation and to the advocated compassion, respect for human them pay higher prices. United States Marine Corps. Jeremy and the dignity, tolerance, and understanding between Another issue the bill addresses is the many fathers and mothers like him who were the world’s great faiths, and dialogues be- underrepresentation of minorities and women injured in the line of duty have set an example tween religious leaders and scientists. For in the financial services industry. The bill re- for our Nation’s sons and daughters that will these lifelong commitments, he has been quires each of the federal financial services help carry them through life, and make our awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, the Congres- regulatory entities to establish Offices of Mi- country a much better place. I ask that this sional Gold Medal, and many other honors. nority and Women Inclusion. These Offices poem, penned in honor of Jeremy and his Fifty one-years ago, the Dalai Lama was will facilitate the participation of minority and family by Albert Carey Caswell, be placed in forced into exile. From that moment he has women-owned business in nontraditional types the RECORD. worked tirelessly to achieve a solution for of financial activities, something long overdue. ‘‘I WANT’’ Tibet and to relieve the ongoing suffering of In addition, the bill requires expanded efforts (In Honor of an American Hero, SSgt Jeremy his people. The Dalai Lama has been coura- to recruit and to retain minority and women fi- Austin, the United States Marines 2nd geous and patient in pursuing his ‘‘Middle Way nancial services professionals, traditionally ex- Force Recon CO) Approach’’ of a peacefully negotiated resolu- cluded from the upper ranks of management I want to be! tion to the Tibet issue with China. Tibetans in in most of the federal financial services regu- Just, like my Father . . . my Daddy . . . Tibet continue to risk their lives in calling for latory entities. A United States Marine! the return of the Dalai Lama to his homeland. The bill preserves the role of community One of the greatest things, this country has The U.S. Congress has been resolute in its ever seen! banks, recognized for their positive lending I want, to grow up to be strong and tall! support for the Dalai Lama and his pursuit of habits to small business and other major com- With hearts of courage full, ready to answer freedom, democracy and human rights for Ti- munity stakeholders. These banks can always our Nation’s call! betans and others around the world. I had the be counted on to lend for nontraditional pur- To go where Angels, so fear to tread! great personal pleasure of meeting His Holi- poses, while maintaining flexible lending Who with tears in eyes, for my beloved ness during his visit to the United States Cap- standards based on risk assessment as it re- brothers who have bled . . . itol in October 2009. I look forward to Con- lates to a person’s background and ties to the Someone, who stands for something! gress giving him another warm welcome on community. Many of these banks continued to For Honor, Faith, Courage, and Grace! his next visit to Washington. Who brings tears, to even our Lord’s lend during the liquidity crises, making it pos- face. . . Madam Speaker, I urge my colleagues to sible for small businesses to make payroll and To Teach people! To Reach People! join me in recognizing the 75th birthday of the for people to continue to pay their mortgages. To All Hearts, To So Beseech People! Dalai Lama and offering our continued appre- Community banks remain pillars of strong All in what, his fine life has said! ciation of his life’s work of promoting compas- communities and neighborhoods throughout Who all in his lifetime, has never followed sion, peace and human rights for all. this Nation, and this bill acknowledges their . . . but led! f important role in the economy. Who Could give up his two fine legs . . . Who Further, the bill brings much needed sanity will not moan, will not beg! GARRETT HULL to the derivatives markets by requiring more And come back home, And rebuild with his courage all over again! rigorous standards related to over-the counter If only, I could be half the Man! HON. SAM GRAVES derivatives; provides new rules related to But, now I Know . . . I know I Can! OF MISSOURI transparency and accountability and our na- Because, inside of me . . . beats, his my fine IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tion’s credit agencies; institutes new mecha- Father’s heart! Thursday, July 1, 2010 nisms to avoid bank bailouts of financial firms For part of him, is now of me . . . The best that threaten the economy; and reforms the part! Mr. GRAVES of Missouri. Madam Speaker, Federal Reserve by requiring greater oversight For I am of his blood, and I have his heart! I proudly pause to recognize Garrett Hull. Gar- and transparency in its transactions. For I am so blessed, because my Father is rett is a very special young man who has ex- one of America’s best! emplified the finest qualities of citizenship and Mr. Speaker, this Act is of extreme impor- Superman and Batman, are not real! tance to the consumer, the investor, to the av- But, my Daddy . . . He’s an American Hero, leadership by taking an active part in the Civil erage American, and to the Nation’s economy The Real Deal! Air Patrol and earning the most prestigious as a whole. It is time to end the Wall Street And my Mommy is, for all she’s been General Billy Mitchell Award. ‘‘joy ride’’ and give the American people the through! Garrett has been very active with his patrol, protections and information they need to be Yes, I want! I Want To Be! participating in many activities. Over the many better informed consumers and investors in Just like Father, Just My Daddy! years Garrett has been involved with the pa- this highly technologically driven economy. A Freedom Fighter, A United States Marine trol, he has not only earned numerous decora- The way the average consumer, borrower, f tions, but also the respect of his family, peers, and home-owner have been targeted by many ON THE OCCASION OF THE 75TH and community. Most notably, Garrett has of our Nation’s financial institutions and lend- BIRTHDAY OF HIS HOLINESS earned the rank of First Sergeant and at- ers makes this legislation all the more impor- THE DALAI LAMA tended the Specialized Undergraduate Pilot tant. These practices must end. H.R. 4172 will Training Familiarization Course at Columbus stop many of them. For these reasons, I urge Air Force Base in Mississippi. Garrett has also HON. JANICE D. SCHAKOWSKY contributed to his community by commanding my Colleagues to make the changes in our OF ILLINOIS his unit’s color guard. laws to protect the American people and to IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES help strengthen the U.S. financial system. Madam Speaker, I proudly ask you to join Thursday, July 1, 2010 f me in commending Garrett Hull for his accom- Ms. SCHAKOWSKY. Madam Speaker, I rise plishments with the Civil Air Patrol and for his IN HONOR OF AN AMERICAN HERO today to honor His Holiness the 14th Dalai efforts put forth in achieving the highest dis- Lama. Next week, on July 6, His Holiness will tinction of the Mitchell Award. HON. VIRGINIA FOXX celebrate his 75th birthday, an occasion that f OF NORTH CAROLINA will be marked by Tibetans and Tibet sup- IN HONOR OF RICHARD GARZA IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES porters across the world. The Dalai Lama was born as Lhamo Thursday, July 1, 2010 Dhondup on July 6, 1935, to a farming family HON. SAM FARR Ms. FOXX. Madam Speaker, I rise today in in village in northeastern Tibet. At the age of OF CALIFORNIA honor of a great American hero, Ssgt Jeremy 2, he was recognized as the reincarnation of IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Austin of Statesville, North Carolina. Jeremy is the 13th Dalai Lama, the manifestation of the Thursday, July 1, 2010 a Marine who lost both his legs in an IED ex- Bodhisattva of Compassion. He was later plosion in Afghanistan on April 11, 2009. Like taken to Lhasa to be enthroned as the spiritual Mr. FARR. Madam Speaker, I rise today to many of our men who have given so much for and temporal leader of the Tibetan people. honor a public servant who has spent the past our country, Jeremy is a work of art. His cour- Throughout his life, His Holiness has cham- 36 years serving our troops and veterans. age, his faith, and his strength of character pioned nonviolence and peaceful means for Richard Garza, Director of Monterey County

VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:35 Nov 06, 2010 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\RECORD10\RECFILES\E01JY0.REC E01JY0 mmaher on DSK69SOYB1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE E1264 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks July 1, 2010 Military and Veterans Affairs Office, has as- RECOGNIZING CAPTAIN ROBERT R. American who has devoted his professional sisted countless constituents with the Depart- O’BRIEN, JR., ON THE OCCASION life in service to our country. Captain O’Brien’s ments of Defense and Veterans Affairs. OF HIS RETIREMENT AS COM- selfless and enduring dedication to our Nation Today, Richard begins his retirement, but he MANDER OF THE UNITED provides a worthy example for all of us. will always continue to be an advocate for the STATES COAST GUARD NEW men and women who’ve worn our nation’s uni- YORK SECTOR f form. Richard Garza was born in Brooklyn, New HON. CAROLYN B. MALONEY HONORING REV. MARK DUANE HAIL York in 1948. In 1961, he moved to the San OF NEW YORK Francisco Bay Area and has been a California IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES resident since. From 1968 to 1970, Richard Thursday, July 1, 2010 was drafted and served in the United States HON. HAROLD ROGERS Army. After his period of service, he continued Mrs. MALONEY. Madam Speaker, I rise to OF KENTUCKY his education. He received a Bachelor’s of acknowledge the achievements of Captain IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Arts in Interdisciplinary Social Science from Robert R. O’Brien, Jr., on the occasion of his Thursday, July 1, 2010 California State University, San Francisco and retirement as Commander of the United States a Master’s of Public Administration from Cali- Coast Guard’s New York Sector. He has Mr. ROGERS of Kentucky. Madam Speaker, fornia State University, Hayward. served our Nation, and its greatest city, with I rise today to honor Rev. Mark Duane Hail, Richard began his public service career in distinction, and all Americans owe him a debt who has lived a dedicated life of service to his 1974 as a Benefits Counselor and Program of gratitude. community, the ministry, and to our Nation. Administrator with the United States Depart- Captain O’Brien assumed command of the Reverend Hail is a man of many remarkable ment of Veterans Affairs. In 1980, he contin- United States Coast Guard (USCG) Sector gifts and talents, and has been devoted to em- ued serving veterans as the Veterans Service New York on June 15, 2006 after completing ploying those gifts to benefit his fellow man. Officer of Sonoma County. Since 2003, Rich- his previous assignment as the Commander of In June 2010, Reverend Hail retired from ard has been with the Military and Veterans the USCG’s Marine Safety Office in Hampton the ministry after 27 years. He was ordained Affairs Office of Monterey County. As Director Roads, Virginia. I know that my distinguished a minister in the Southern Baptist Church in of the county office, he has assisted veterans colleagues join me in extending our apprecia- 1983 and has served as pastor of several with the Department of Veterans Affairs, and tion and gratitude to Captain O’Brien, who churches in Pulaski County, Kentucky. Mark welcomed home returning troops from Iraq throughout his career has courageously and was also an ordained deacon, teaching Sun- and Afghanistan. Moreover, Richard is the first selflessly dedicated himself to protecting, de- day School and serving on church commit- individual in the State of California to become fending and serving his fellow Americans. tees. Reverend Hail was also a veteran of the a Certified Veterans Advocate through the Na- Captain Robert O’Brien’s remarkable career Korean War—serving in the United States tional Association of County Veterans Service in the United States Coast Guard has Navy from 1955 through 1959. He was award- Officers. spanned more than four decades. Enlisting in ed the China Service Medal and Good Con- Madam Speaker, Richard Garza has dedi- the Coast Guard in 1970 after leaving the duct Medal. He later served as the Chaplain of cated his life to taking care of our veterans Roman Catholic Seminary, he first served the American Legion Post 38 in Somerset. aboard the United States Coast Guard Cutter and troops. I know I speak for the whole Before entering the ministry, he taught in House when I both commend him for his dedi- (USCGC) Laurel in North Carolina. In 1976, he was assigned as Officer-in-Charge of the the Somerset Independent City School system cation to public service and congratulate him for 30 years. After retiring from teaching in on the occasion of his retirement. USCGC Blackberry, also stationed in North Carolina. Upon his promotion in 1979 to Chief 1988, he remained active in the schools and f Boatswain’s Mate, he was transferred to the in the community, joining the Retired Teachers Association, where he served as president in CONGRATULATING 17 AFRICAN NA- largest Aids to Navigation Team in the Atlantic 1989, as well as serving two terms on the TIONS ON 50TH ANNIVERSARY OF Area as Officer-in-Charge. Somerset Independent Schools Board of Edu- INDEPENDENCE In 1983, Robert O’Brien was promoted to Lieutenant, and for the next 20 years served cation. In 1990, he was elected as vice chair- man of the Board of the Somerset Inde- SPEECH OF with distinction in assignments that found him in areas ranging from Galveston, Texas to De- pendent School System. In addition to his ca- HON. KEITH ELLISON troit, Michigan, and numerous places in be- reer as an educator and minister, Mark was OF MINNESOTA tween. Upon his promotion to Captain in 2003, also a farmer in the Dabney community for 12 years, worked as a real estate agent with IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES he assumed command of the Marine Safety Gosser Real Estate for 20 years, and was a Wednesday, June 30, 2010 Office in Hampton Roads, Virginia. After serv- ing in that capacity for three years, he then member of the board of directors of the Som- Mr. ELLISON. Mr. Speaker, I would like to became Commander of the New York Sector, erset Pulaski County Development Founda- extend my best wishes to the people of Soma- where he has been stationed since. tion. lia living throughout the world on the 50th an- Throughout his long and distinguished ca- As an elected official in Somerset, Reverend niversary of Somali Independence. reer in the United States Coast Guard, Cap- Hail was very active in politics throughout his It is my pleasure and honor to represent a tain Robert O’Brien has earned a number of life. Mark was elected to three terms as the large and vibrant Somali-American community awards and honors. He has received the Meri- chairman of the Republican Party of Pulaski in Minnesota. I want to offer my congratula- torious Service Medal, the Coast Guard Com- County. He served as county campaign chair tions on this special day as they continue to mendation Medal, the Coast Guard Achieve- for numerous Republican officials, including work to advance the cause of peace. ment Medal and the Coast Guard Com- President George H.W. Bush, and Senators I am grateful for the contributions of Somali- mandant’s Letter of Commendation Ribbon, MITCH MCCONNELL and JIM BUNNING. He was Americans to Minnesota’s rich tradition of di- among many others. a member of the Republican Lincoln Club and versity. The Somali-American community con- Captain Robert O’Brien was born in Savan- served as a Republican precinct officer for tinues to enrich our state through its lively cul- nah, Georgia and raised in Ridgeland, South over 20 years. He was a Kentucky Colonel ture, optimism, and wisdom. Carolina. He and his wife, Martha, have three and active in many civic organizations. Sadly, Somalis in their homeland have en- children: Reid, Jennifer and Caroline, all of These accomplishments only scratch the dured a tremendous amount of strife and suf- whom must be tremendously proud of their fa- surface of Reverend Hail’s accomplishments fering. On this anniversary we must continue ther’s accomplishments and honorable service and contributions to his community. His work to focus on diplomatic efforts to create a last- to this Nation. serves as a pattern for all of us who desire to ing peace for the people of Somalia. I con- Madam Speaker, in recognition of his life- serve our Nation. The Bible in First Timothy tinue to have faith that renewed diplomatic ef- time of service to this country, I request that instructs us that ‘‘the elders that rule well be forts will lead to good governance, respect for my colleagues join me in paying tribute to counted worthy of double honor.’’ Madam human rights, and democracy for the people Captain Robert R. O’Brien, Jr., a distinguished Speaker, Reverend Hail has proven he is wor- of Somalia. member of our armed services and a patriotic thy of at least that much and more.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:35 Nov 06, 2010 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\RECORD10\RECFILES\E01JY0.REC E01JY0 mmaher on DSK69SOYB1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE July 1, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1265 HONORING THE 50TH He was also greatly respected throughout [From the Financial Times, June 8, 2010] ANNIVERSARY OF DAN’S PAPERS the community. From community service UKRAINE CHANNELS CRY FOUL AS through the Calcutta Rotary, to his work with FREQUENCIES PULLED HON. TIMOTHY H. BISHOP the Calcutta Community Park Committee, to (By Roman Olearchyk in Kiev) OF NEW YORK his various coaching positions, Judge Tobin Two Ukrainian television channels cried exhibited a strong commitment to his commu- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES foul on Tuesday after a high court pulled nity. crucial broadcasting frequencies away from Thursday, July 1, 2010 The people of Columbiana County have them, sparking media freedom activists to Mr. BISHOP of New York. Madam Speaker, been blessed by the long service of Judge reiterate concerns of an organized attempt I rise today to honor the publication Dan’s Pa- Tobin, and upon his retirement this July, he to block objective news coverage. pers, celebrating its 50th anniversary as a pur- will be sorely missed. I ask my colleagues The development follows weeks of growing veyor of culture and a staple of community life today to join with me in honoring Judge Tobin, complaints by journalists about the resur- gence of censorship and heightens fears that on Eastern Long Island. a respected judge and public servant who has a Kremlin-styled crackdown on media free- Dan’s Papers was first published on July 1, been and will always be dedicated to the peo- doms could be in the works five months into 1960, by Dan Rattiner, who was at the time a ple of Columbiana County. the presidency of the Moscow-friendly junior at the University of Rochester. Dan’s im- f Viktor Yanukovich. petus for creating Dan’s Papers stemmed from Management and journalists from channels a desire to create a fun, light-hearted, and UKRAINIAN GOVERNMENT SHOULD 5 and TVi pledged to appeal against the con- welcoming publication for tourists visiting Suf- MAINTAIN FREEDOM OF MEDIA troversial ruling and hope to remain on the folk County, New York. air in the near term. But during a press con- Gathering a devoted following, Dan’s Pa- HON. ALAN B. MOLLOHAN ference held after Tuesday’s regional admin- pers was instrumental during a 1967 protest to istrative court ruling, they openly expressed OF WEST VIRGINIA fears that media freedoms and democratic prevent the U.S. Coast Guard from allowing IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES gains made by Ukraine since 2004 could be at the historic Montauk Point Lighthouse to fall Thursday, July 1, 2010 risk under Mr. Yanukovich. He is accused by victim to the eroding cliffs on which it is oppositionists of setting up an authoritarian perched. Through the efforts organized by Mr. MOLLOHAN. Madam Speaker, I rise regime. Dan’s Papers, not only was the lighthouse today to draw your attention to a troubling situ- ‘‘We lived through 2004,’’ said Channel 5 di- saved, but the community was united in a ation occurring in Ukraine. Less than 100 days rector Ivan Adamchuk, recalling attempts common cause. ago, President Victor Yanukovich assumed by authorities to muzzle the channel ahead Dan worked individually for the first six sum- leadership of the Ukrainian government. Dur- of the pro-democracy Orange Revolution, mers of Dan’s Papers, writing, editing, and ing this short period of time, there have been which overturned a fraud-marred presi- alarming reports that many of the democratic dential vote for Mr. Yanukovich. ‘‘We could crafting his newspaper to entertain residents not imagine that those times would return, and tourists alike. As populations grew and achievements of the 2004 Orange Revolution but they have,’’ he added. the demographics of the South Fork began to are being rolled back—including the freedoms Oleh Rybachuk, a former presidential ad- shift, so too did the scope of Dan’s Papers, of speech and media. ministration chief turned civic activist, said providing articles, editorials, and updates on Some of the reported actions occurring in- ‘‘censorship is re-emerging, and the opposi- the visitors and inhabitants of the East End. clude the Ukrainian Security Service’s, SBU, tion is not getting so much coverage. There Madam Speaker, Dan’s Papers has played agents approaching university deans to warn are similarities to what [Vladimir] Putin did an important role in helping to promote the them against their students’ participation in when he came to power. We are seeing Putin- iconic culture of Long Island’s South Fork and pro-opposition rallies, as well as instances of style attempts to monopolise power.’’ has personified the American spirit of creativity the new government intimidating journalists. With Mr. Yanukovich’s coalition having Furthermore, two TV channels with a history swiftly consolidated control over the na- and community for five decades. I am proud to tion’s legislative, executive and judicial congratulate Dan’s Papers on its 50th anniver- of independent coverage—Channel 5 and branches of power, the channels could face sary and join eastern Long Island in wishing TVi—are under threat of imminent closure due an uphill battle if he opposes their survival. the publication success in the future. to reported pressure from executive bodies, in- Mr. Yanukovich’s administration on Tues- cluding SBU. f day repeated denials of cracking down on These troubling instances of pressure free press. But media watchdogs warned that RECOGNIZING THE CONTRIBU- against Ukraine’s beleaguered opposition and if stripped of the frequencies, the two chan- TIONS OF JUDGE DAVID TOBIN independent media outlets are arguably part of nels—seen by media watchdogs as rare a disturbing, coordinated effort by the execu- sources of reports critical of Mr. tive to squelch a healthy political debate and Yanukovich’s coalition—would be blacked HON. CHARLES A. WILSON out from much of the country. assure an uncritical coverage of the govern- OF OHIO Such a scenario would preserve the strong IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ment’s policies. In fact, these reports are so grip over Ukraine’s television airwaves held widespread that the United States Ambas- Thursday, July 1, 2010 by Mr. Yanukovich’s billionaire business sador to Ukraine, John Tefft, even recently ex- backers. Mr. WILSON of Ohio. Madam Speaker, pressed his concerns about the increasingly One of them is Valery Khoroshkovsky, cur- today I rise to recognize the judicial and civic difficult climate for Ukraine’s independent rently head of Kyiv’s SBU spy agency and contributions of Judge David Tobin. This media and stressed that ‘‘it is essential to pro- owner of UA Inter Media Group, the nation’s month, Columbiana County is losing a great tect and even expand the media freedoms that largest television holding. The latter filed public servant. Judge Tobin devoted twenty- emerged’’ after the country’s 2004 Orange the court appeal asking for the frequencies to be pulled on grounds that they were five years of his life to serving on Columbiana Revolution. wrongfully issued in January. I understand that Secretary of State Hillary County Court of Common Pleas, the second Both 5 and TVi have repeatedly accused longest tenure of any judge on the Court. His Clinton will visit Kiev, Ukraine on July 2, as Mr. Khoroshkovsky of abusing his power and time spent on the bench and prior decade of part of her five-day, five-nation tour of Eastern influence to preserve his monopoly control service as a Columbiana County Prosecuting Europe. I would encourage Secretary Clinton over Ukraine’s media airwaves and limit ob- Attorney greatly benefited the citizens of to raise these issues with President jective news reporting. Columbiana County. Yanukovich and reiterate the importance of Mr. Khoroshkovsky denies wrongdoing and During his service, he had the honor of not returning to Ukraine’s old system of gov- insists his wife manages his media empire as serving on the Ohio State Bar Association’s ernment pressure on journalists and media he dedicates his time to public service. Board of Character and Fitness as a Commis- companies. But on Tuesday, Mykola Knyazytsky, di- sioner. He also worked hard to bring the Su- I am including a copy of an article titled, rector of TVi, which was set up by exiled Russian businessmen, blamed Mr. preme Court of Ohio to the Columbiana Coun- ‘‘Ukraine channels cry foul as frequencies Khoroshkovsky for the crack down on the ty Courthouse to host a court session. These pulled’’ that appeared in the June 8 issue of two channels and described his simultaneous are just a few of the examples that illustrate The Financial Times, Europe. As such, I urge role as a presidential backer, intelligence the professional respect for Judge Tobin ex- my colleagues to follow and engage in this vi- chief and media mogul as a ‘‘huge and bla- hibited from Lisbon to Columbus. tally important issue. tant conflict of interest.’’

VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:35 Nov 06, 2010 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORD10\RECFILES\E01JY0.REC E01JY0 mmaher on DSK69SOYB1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE E1266 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks July 1, 2010

RECOGNIZING THE COCKRUM FAM- reaucracies and the people whom government Congressmen SANFORD D. BISHOP, Jr. and ILY AS THE CRAWFORD COUNTY is supposed to serve. CHARLES B. RANGEL for joining me last year in FARM FAMILY OF THE YEAR A proud son of the Bronx, Arthur Wolf has convening a powerful national dialogue at the been a consummate New Yorker throughout 21st Anniversary of the Congressional Black HON. JOHN BOOZMAN his life. He did venture far from home to begin Caucus Veterans Braintrust during the Con- OF ARKANSAS his undergraduate education at the University gressional Black Caucus Foundation’s 39th Annual Legislative Conference (ALC) held in IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES of Georgia, where he witnessed first-hand the mean-spirited racial segregation that then per- Washington, DC. Our September 25, 2009 Thursday, July 1, 2010 meated the region, an experience that helped forum titled: Coming Home: Transitioning from Mr. BOOZMAN. Madam Speaker, I rise inspire him to try to make a difference for the Military Service to Civilian Life, brought to- today to honor the Cockrum family of better. After two years, Arthur returned to his gether members of the Obama administration, Crawford County Arkansas. The Cockrum’s hometown to finish his undergraduate edu- federal agencies, distinguished scholars and have devoted their lives to the service of cation at New York University, an outstanding professionals, and two of today’s highest rank- Crawford County and the State of Arkansas institution of which he is a proud, loyal, gen- ing black military officers to discuss the impor- through the service and hard labors of cattle erous, and highly revered alumnus. After earn- tant challenges and obstacles facing thou- farming. It is because of their devotion and ing his bachelors degree, Arthur became a sands of returning soldiers and veterans who hard labors that they were named Crawford welfare investigator. In areas like the South struggle to negotiate family life, jobs, edu- County’s 2010 Farm Family of the Year. Bronx, Arthur Wolf ensured that often under- cation and health care after honorable dis- For 63 years, the Arkansas Farm Family of privileged New Yorkers got a fair shake from charge from the U.S. military. the Year Program has honored farm families the government when it came to accessing As is our tradition, the morning session began with Dr. Zachery Tims, Jr., Senior Pas- all across the State for their outstanding work benefits to which they were legitimately enti- tor, New Destiny Christian Center (NDCC) giv- both on their farms and in their communities. tled. He was also a diligent steward of tax- ing the invocation to bless the occasion, and Recognition from the program is a reflection of payer dollars who made certain that the public inspiring international singer Brenda Jackson the contribution to agriculture at the commu- till was not bilked by those who fraudulently singing our national anthem, and a stirring nity and State level and its implications for im- tried to qualify for welfare benefits. rendition of ‘Lift Every Voice and Sing,’ the proved farm practices and management. As a Social Security Administration official, Negro National Anthem by Paul Lawrence The Cockrum’s have worked diligently to Arthur helped countless senior citizens cut Dunbar before a standing-room-only crowd of contribute to the protection of the environment through red tape that stood between them and 400 people. and the conservation of soil, water, and en- the benefits to which they were entitled. Many Rep. CHARLES B. RANGEL provided the ergy. Mr. Cockrum’s journey began at the age of these citizens would be penniless if it framework for the forum using his own experi- of seventeen when he rented 32 acres of land weren’t for the dedicated work of this extraor- ence as a Korean War soldier who had experi- and purchased his first twelve cows. Today, dinary man. In one memorable instance, Ar- enced the difficulty of transitioning to the real through hard work and determination, the thur helped an elderly widow tap into Social world after a tour of combat. He opened the Cockrum’s now own more than 300 acres of Security benefits to which she was unknow- morning saying, ‘‘I went from being a re- land and two businesses. ingly entitled, providing her with a sum in the spected and decorated Army staff sergeant to I congratulate Randy, his wife Anjie, and six figures that constituted an enormous boost being viewed as nothing more than a high their children Shelby, Tyler, and Siera for their to her quality of life. He carries that same school drop-out.’’ He was able to navigate his outstanding achievements in agriculture and commitment to serving others everywhere he way using the GI Bill from underemployed in ask my fellow colleagues to join me in hon- goes. A longtime resident of Peter Cooper Vil- the garment district of New York City to ob- oring them for this accomplishment. I wish lage, a bastion of middle class housing on taining his undergraduate and law degrees. them continued success in their future en- Manhattan’s East Side, Arthur often helps sen- But not everyone is as fortunate. deavors and look forward to the contributions iors in the neighborhood by offering uncom- ‘‘Although we have a very effective Depart- they will offer in the future of Arkansas agri- pensated counsel on how to traverse the So- ment of Veterans Affairs, thousands of today’s culture. cial Security bureaucracy. His work ethic is veterans are falling through the cracks. Most f only matched by his remarkable selflessness. of those who flounder are simply not aware of A former Scout Master, he helped introduce RECOGNIZING OF ARTHUR WOLF the assistance available from the VA and inner-city kids to the great outdoors. For many other service organizations,’’ RANGEL said. FOR DECADES OF DISTIN- years, he also volunteered his time hosting a ‘‘Our vision was that any veteran who walked GUISHED PUBLIC AND COMMU- radio show on Fordham University’s radio sta- into this session lost or disillusioned about the NITY SERVICE tion, WFUV, answering callers’ Social Security future—after hearing our speakers—would inquiries. walk out feeling that the VA was there for him HON. CAROLYN B. MALONEY An active member of many community, civic or her.’’ OF NEW YORK and fraternal organizations, Arthur Wolf is a Our keynote speaker was Secretary Eric K. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Full Mason and upstanding member of the Shinseki, of the Department of Veterans Af- Thursday, July 1, 2010 Grand Lodge of Accepted Masons of the State fairs, the first Asian American Four Star Gen- of New York, which he has served as Sec- eral in American military history, a real ‘Sol- Mrs. MALONEY. Madam Speaker, I rise to retary for many years. He remains a longtime dier’s Soldier.’ He was joined by two other dis- honor Mr. Arthur Wolf, a great New Yorker member of the Executive Board of the Samuel tinguished military officers, Rear Admiral and a great American who has devoted him- J. Tilden Democratic Club. Michelle Howard, the first female graduate of self to serving others. Arthur provided top- Madam Speaker, for his extraordinary con- the U.S. Naval Academy to command a U.S. notch public service to the citizens of the Em- tributions to others and to the civic life of our naval vessel, and Four Star General William pire State for decades as an official at the So- nation’s greatest city, I ask that my distin- ‘‘Kip’’ Ward. cial Security Administration and then at the guished colleagues rise and join me in hon- Adm. Howard made history as the com- New York City Department for the Aging. He oring Mr. Arthur Wolf. mander of the USS Rushmore that led the has provided invaluable and expert advice to f successful rescue effort of Captain Richard me on issues related to aging, and in par- Phillips and his crew of the Mearsk Alabama ticular, Social Security and Medicare, for the COMING HOME: TRANSITION FROM captured by Somali pirates during April 2009. last seventeen years. Last month, he hosted a MILITARY SERVICE TO CIVILIAN Gen. Ward is a Morgan State University grad- celebration of his upcoming 80th birthday (he LIFE uate and the highest ranking African American will actually turn 80 on September 25) at a in the U.S. military. He spoke eloquently about gathering at Aleo restaurant in Manhattan. HON. CORRINE BROWN his military career. He serves as the first-ever Here in Congress, we are elected by the OF FLORIDA commander of the newly formed U.S. people to make laws, but the job of imple- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES AFRICOM, one of six geographical commands menting, applying and enforcing them falls to within the Department of Defense, tasked with others. Throughout his professional life, Arthur Thursday, July 1, 2010 training African soldiers and delivering aid and Wolf has, in his own mild-mannered way, Ms. CORRINE BROWN of Florida. Madam resources to the continent’s residents. Also in helped citizens overcome the barriers that Speaker, I rise on this 4th of July Independ- attendance were retired Generals Julius sometimes exist between often byzantine bu- ence Day Weekend to congratulate and thank Becton, George Price, and Robert Cocroft.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:35 Nov 06, 2010 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\RECORD10\RECFILES\E01JY0.REC E01JY0 mmaher on DSK69SOYB1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE July 1, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1267 Other federal agency representatives and Director of VA Homeless Programs, Fredette questioned effectiveness. Moreover, Dr. distinguished scholars included Assistant Sec- West, former Chief of Staff for the Hon. Louis Lawson, reiterated, the VA is not culturally retary Ray Jefferson of the Department of La- Stokes (D–OH), Retired, and Dr. James competent so mental disorders and traumatic bor’s Veterans Employment and Training Woodard, Ed.D., JD, former Senior Staff Mem- brain injury are not recognized by profes- Services (VETS), Deputy Assistant Secretary ber for the late Hon. Joseph Moakley (D–MA), sionals, nor appreciated as stigmatizing for Mark Johnston of the Department of Housing and original Braintrust member. veterans. Furthermore, the complexities of and Urban Development (HUD), Corporate Li- The mission of the roundtable discussion mental health issues are such that veterans aison Officer Chuck Southern, Center for Vet- was to complement the morning session with are simply non-responsive to treatment, be- erans Enterprise, Department of Veterans Af- greater details and re-analyses related to vet- cause they do not get state of the art treat- erans transitional difficulties involving behav- fairs, Chairman James Bombard, Veterans Ad- ment. With respect to trauma, he said, we ioral health, PTSD, TBI, suicide, depression visory Committee on Education, Department of know about self-medication and incarceration and other mental illnesses with both a profes- Veterans Affairs, and Drs. Shirley Marks, (the majority of which are non-violent drug sional service provider and an interdisciplinary Chief, Mental Health Service, West Texas VA abusers) and the revolving door cycle. For de- Health Care System, and Kristen Lester, Clin- perspective—emphasizing that no one comes pression, he recommended, early screening, ical Psychologist and VA Researcher, Wom- home from war unchanged, and unfortunately culturally relevant education and referral. Like en’s Health Sciences Division, National Center many emotionally and psychologically wound- for PTSD. ed troops fall through the cracks. other African Americans, he said, veterans Thus, the forum sought to present the latest For example, veterans make up only 13 per- have less access to services, poor recognition up-to-date and vital information to take home cent of the population, but account for 20 per- of mental disorder, and lack access to state- to veterans, their families and communities, cent of the suicides. Dr. Barnes indicated vet- of-the-art care. Although better than civilians particularly communities of color across the erans with PTSD are more than 3X as likely still there exist disparities in services and care! Nation. Secretary Shinseki’s remarks focused to die by suicide as their civilian counterpart. In terms of the new GI Bill Dr. Wilson stat- on three specific areas: access to services White college educated veterans living in rural ed, today 30 percent of the modern military is and benefits, the VA disability backlog, and areas are at the highest risk. Yet, African black, versus high rates of unemployment homelessness. He also described the VA foot- Americans may be the second highest espe- plaguing black communities across the nation. print and new community health care delivery cially those between the age 18–44. This con- Consequently, blacks are more inclined to re- services such as telehealth, as well as a list curring with Dr. Mark’s earlier presentation, enlist, more are married, and have a couple of of issues confronting the VA: homelessness that veterans in the general US population are kids, thus ruling out college! Further, since the (approximately 50 percent African American), at an increased risk of suicide, with a pro- new GI Bill has only been in effect for a few depression, suicide, joblessness, substance jected rise in the incidence of functional im- months there are no statistics available. How- pairment and psychiatric morbidity among vet- abuse, PTSD, and TBI stigma. Secretary ever, a recent higher education review re- Shinseki, as well as others also graciously ac- erans of the conflicts in Afghanistan and Iraq. veals: 57 percent of higher education institu- knowledged FY 2010 funding levels as a con- Consequently, more clinical and community tions have some kind of program, or service gressionally enhanced budget, but more im- interventions that are directed towards vet- portantly, a special ‘debt of honor.’ He contin- erans in both VA and non-VA healthcare facili- for veterans; 46 percent of private colleges ued, ‘‘we intend to end homelessness among ties are needed. Dr. Chunn spoke about phys- have no program, or service; 22 percent pro- veterans as opposed to witnessing their down- ical assault and attempted murder rates being vide special enrollment, and 75 percent pro- ward spiral into hopelessness through edu- more than 3X higher among Iraq and Afghani- vide credit for military occupational training. cation, jobs, mental health and housing as an stan returnees, alluding to a direct correlation Yet, focus groups reveal that there is little pro- investment in America’s future.’’ Coupled with between homicide and suicide echoed by a vision for veterans with families and children, announcing new VA initiatives such as in- number of mental health professionals. Even and online education is not recognized. creasing SBA to 15 percent, $500 million more so, that the VA is seeing only 40 percent Also raised was the issue of the impact of going toward homeless veterans programs, of the behavioral health problems as opposed non-veterans on veterans in the clinical set- along with 20,000 HUD VASH vouchers for to the 60 percent in the general population. ting, such as whether or not the peer to peer housing support—the Obama administration Dr. Berger pointed out that of the eight VA approach is best (i.e. comfort levels). How- and he will transform the VA into a 21st cen- recommendations concerning suicide, there ever, no data currently exist to answer this tury organization. Lastly, he promised that 40 are no action plans, despite the National Viet- question. VA staff physician Dr. Bright, a non- years after Vietnam, and 20 years after the nam Veterans Readjustment Study (NVVRS) veteran talked about the importance of listen- first Gulf war, he will seek satisfactory an- and the RAND Study of 2008. Correspond- ing and stressed the need for Blacks to partici- swers to two nagging issues: (1) Agent Or- ingly, risk factors such as multiple deploy- pate in clinical research and be informed, ange and its host of illnesses, and (2) Gulf ments, military sexual trauma, TBI linked to while encouraging community-based War illness. PTSD all appear to be disconnected. This is participatory research to tailor products to The afternoon session consisted of the Vet- compounded by the fact that close to 50 per- local needs, and stressed health equity. Tincie erans Stakeholders Roundtable Discussion, cent of the National Guard troops come from Lynch, a member of the new VA Community Part II. The roundtable was moderated by Mr. rural areas of the country, strongly suggesting Advocates Program based in South Carolina, Leonard Dunston, MSW, President Emeritus that the VA and military health systems are Alabama and Georgia commented on serving of the National Association of Black Social not working, because there is no connectivity! as a life coach to get veterans to the next Workers (NABSW) and featured the following VA researcher Dr. Lester responded that the level, and the start of a new Georgia Veterans subject matter experts as discussants: Dr. Wil- VA is not a perfect system by any means. Ad- liam Lawson, MD, Ph.D., Chairman, Depart- ditionally, that there are not a lot of studies Treatment Court. Still others insisted that do- ment of Psychiatry & Behavioral Health, How- comparing ethnic minorities and white PTSD mestic violence is related to PTSD, but sug- ard University, Dr. Jay Chunn, Director, Na- treatment; other research problems stemming gested we are not looking at emergency room tional Center for Health Behavioral Change, from too small sample sizes, and the need for (ER) data. At the Howard University Hospital Urban Medical Institute, Morgan State Univer- more research targeting issues of relevance to PTSD Symposium presenters pointed out that sity; Dr. Cedric Bright, MD, VA Staff Physician, OEF/OIF women service members. Further- domestic violence is not necessarily included Dr. Reginald Wilson, Ph.D., Tuskegee Airman more, she indicated that women’s exposure to in the national dialogue about returning sol- & Senior Scholar Emeritus, American Council combat results in increased dual risk, de- diers, or veterans, families and PTSD. Also on Education (ACE), Dr. Jerome Brandon, creased social support, increased parental widespread usage of new technology such as Ph.D., Professor of Exercise Physiology, De- stress, unsupportive homecoming reception websites, cell phones, twitter, facebook, etc. partment of Kinesiology & Health, Georgia and barriers to health care. Therefore the by family members raised the issue of how do State University, Dr. Vincent Patton, Ill, Ed.D., need for evidence-based treatment and train- we capitalize on the worldwide phenomenon Director of Community Outreach for Mili- ing is essential. Dr. Brandon added a systems known as social networking to better serve tary.com, Dr. Donna Holland Barnes, Ph.D., reevaluation perspective, more specifically veterans. Equally important, Dr. Lawson em- Suicidologist, Howard University, Dr. Kristen aimed at VA moving from a sick care system phasized ‘electronic medical records must be Lester, Ph.D., Clinical Psychologist, Women’s to a health care system which includes more able to talk to one another.’ There also Health Sciences Division of the National Cen- individual responsibility and healthy thinking, seemed to be consensus about quality time ter for PTSD & member, American Psycho- or healthy lifestyle choices. He also refocused with VA physicians and that 15 minute inter- logical Association and commentary by Dr. us on the triangulation of expectations such as actions are problematic. Consequently, unani- Tom Berger, Ph.D., Senior Advisor at Vietnam knowledge, practices and programs, and out- mous agreement was voiced for ‘changing re- Veterans of America (VVA), Peter Dougherty, comes. Lastly, with respect to practices, he imbursement for primary care providers.’ Other

VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:35 Nov 06, 2010 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\RECORD10\RECFILES\E01JY0.REC E01JY0 mmaher on DSK69SOYB1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE E1268 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks July 1, 2010 comments consistently reinforced ‘we have a on veteran’s health equity? Last, but not least, legacy of service, both in the military abroad broken system,’ and ‘can’t just anyone engage several recommendations for legislative con- and in the fight for equal rights at home. no veteran!’ sideration or action in the future. Furthermore, Ms. West, Mr. Dougherty and The evening’s gala reception, ‘‘Saluting Vet- f Dr. Woodard’s commentaries provided a well- erans & Their Support Organizations’’ and ‘‘Af- rounded critique of veterans’ substantive rican Americans in Transportation,’’ featuring CONGRATULATING SOUTH AFRICA issues, along with accurate assessment and special musical guest Chuck Brown, the ‘God- ON FIRST TWO CONVICTIONS reasonable recommendations through the father of Go-Go’, was sponsored by the Asso- FOR HUMAN TRAFFICKING prism of their own policy experience. West’s ciation of American Railroads and the A. Philip critique highlighted that the military tradition Randolph Institute and recognized me for my SPEECH OF runs in the family; also, families have PTSD. work as Chairwoman of the Subcommittee on HON. HENRY C. ‘‘HANK’’ JOHNSON Thus, we need to look at a minority health bill Railroads, Pipelines and Hazardous Materials. OF GEORGIA now, and health care reform must include mili- The U.S. Army’s Freedom Team Salute tary, veterans and family coverage. awardees included Lt. Col. William Calbert, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Dougherty’s commentary indicated 20 percent USA, Ret., William Dabney, Herculano Dias, Wednesday, June 30, 2010 of people who called the VA suicide preven- Sgt. Maj. Yolanda Glover, USA, Ret., Col Mr. JOHNSON of Georgia. Mr. Speaker, I tion hotline are homeless. He also empha- Kathaleen Harris, USA, Ret., Stanley Murphy, rise today in order to express my support for sized that coordination of services and bene- Capt., USA, Vietnam, MSgt. Edwards Posey, House Resolution 1412, congratulating the fits are crucial, along with building relation- USA, Ret., Dovey Johnson Roundtree, USA, Government of South Africa upon its first two ships and new partnerships with others. More- WWII, Horace Taylor, USA, WWII, and Dr. successful convictions for human trafficking. I over, the VA is moving to a proactive stance James Woodard, Ed.D., JD, Capt., USA, Viet- would like to thank Representative SMITH for in terms of criminal justice and justice out- nam. Emile Milne, Legislative Director for the his efforts on this resolution and his dedication reach, court diversion, the GI Bill, expedited Hon. CHARLES RANGEL (D–NY) was presented to eradicating human trafficking throughout the VA claims and planning, as well as plan rede- the Citizens Beneficiary Award by the Mike world. sign. Dr. Woodard’s commentary, on the other Handy Foundation & Fund for his unique con- This summer people all over the world are hand, posed a more difficult set of questions: tribution to our Nation’s veterans, along with watching South Africa. The country is hosting ‘what is the nexus of sick care to health care 2009 Veterans Braintrust awardees, including: the 2010 Fe´de´ration Internationale de Football transition, individual responsibility (vs. govern- Dr. E. Curtis Alexander, Leroy Archible, Lt. mental obligation) and VA access and treat- Gen. Julius Becton, Jr., USA, Ret., Aseneth Association (FIFA) World Cup. South Africa is ment issues?’ (Mays) Blackwell, Maj. Gen. Joseph Carter, estimated to attract nearly 2.7 million local All told, the outcomes of the Congressional Dr. Darlene Collins, Roy Foster, C.R. Gibbs, spectators and anywhere between 350,000 Black Caucus Veterans Braintrust ‘Coming Brig. Gen. Stayce Harris, Wanda Ruth Lee, and 500,000 visitors from around the world. Home’ forum (including the Howard University BGen. Allyson Solomon, Barbara Ward, Maj. South Africa has made huge efforts within the PTSD Symposium) can be measured in terms Gen. (Ret.) Enoch Williams, Joe Wilson, Jr., last several months to ensure that their coun- of: (1) three summary reports (a) Resulting Eddie Beard Veterans Home, 9th Ordinance try is safe, secure, clean, and comfortable for Trauma: Identifying the Signs, Symptoms & Training Battalion Alumni Association, The tourists and visitors. A large part of that effort Impact of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder in Units K-West & B-East (US) Reunion Booster to prepare for this event has been a notable African Americans; (b) Coming Home: Club, The Friends of Charlton Gardens, Sister reduction in, and increased prosecution of, Transitioning from Military Service to Civilian Soldiers Project, African American Veterans human trafficking. This resolution congratu- Life & Veterans Stakeholders Roundtable Dis- Project of Lancaster County, Dayton African lates South Africa on its efforts and the recent cussion, Part II; and (c) Affirming Life: Suicide American Legacy Institute, The Legacy Mu- successful convictions for human trafficking. Prevention & Intervention in Communities of seum of African American History—Much in The Department of State reports that, Color; (2) potential enhancements for Rep- Demand Exhibit, Tangipahoa African American ‘‘South Africa is a source, transit, and destina- resentative CHARLES RANGEL’s legislation Heritage Museum & Black Veterans Archives. tion country for trafficked men, women, and (H.R. 1963) and recommendations for CBC Furthermore, in trying to capture the mood children .... Children are largely trafficked Chairwoman BARBARA LEE’s (D–CA), Task of the moment during the festive 2009 awards within the country . . . to urban centers like Force on Veterans; (3) an outline of questions ceremony honoring veterans, their families, Johannesburg, Cape Town, Durban, and for future GAO research in the following three and friends the word that best describes the Bloemfontein—girls trafficked for the purposes critical areas: (a) veterans’ homelessness, (b) long, rich legacy of African American military of commercial sexual exploitation and domes- women veterans, particularly those single par- tic servitude; boys trafficked for forced street ents with children, and (c) mental health, es- contributions is ‘‘Service’’, not money. They vending, food service, begging, crime, and ag- pecially PTSD, TBI, depression, suicide, and admirably and nobly performed service to God riculture . . .’’ I am very pleased that the mental illness stigma; (4) the successful and country despite the challenges of race South African government, in conjunction with launching of a new round of issues education and discrimination. And, no less important, other nongovernmental agencies including the outreach workshops based on content and in- their ‘‘Service’’ to family and friends con- Tshwane Counter-Trafficking Coalition for formation from September 25th’s Veterans stituted the essential building block of commu- Braintrust (2010 New Abstracts: Meeting the nity. 2010 and Cape Town Tourism has invested Needs of African American Homeless Vet- Finally, as a member of the Veterans resources and energy into preventing human erans; U.S. Military Personnel: Women & Vet- Braintrust leadership I want to extend my trafficking during the 2010 FIFA World Cup erans of African Descent; & The Veterans heartfelt thanks to speakers, panelists, au- and I hope that these efforts will continue. Braintrust as a Strategic Intervention); (5) un- thors, and attendees, but particularly Dr. Frank I want to congratulate the South African covered or identified at least four clearly rel- Smith, Jr., Dr. William Lawson, Dr. Donna Hol- Government for its enormous stride in ad- evant, but essentially unanswered questions land Barnes, Guileine Kraft, Jason Young, dressing human trafficking. I also want to urge with implications for veterans policy in the fu- Jean Davis, Constance Burns, Dr. Clarence the government to move quickly to adopt the ture: (a) why are Iraq and Afghanistan combat Willie, Edna Wells Handy, Dr. Diane Elmore, Prevention and Combating of Trafficking in returnees not using the system, or VA serv- Lucretia McClenney, Ralph Cooper, Robert Persons Bill in order to facilitate future pros- ices?, (b) why are African American veterans Blackwell, Ervin Russell and T. Michael Sul- ecutions, as well as prioritize anti-trafficking disproportionately represented among the livan, as well as congressional staff members law enforcement during the 2010 FIFA World homeless?, (c) why are only one-third of the Roshan Hodge, Lee Footer, Emile Milne, Cup through expanded law enforcement pres- entire veterans population enrolled in the VA?, Robin Peguero, Kristen Rice-Jones, Holly ence, raids, and other measures in areas and (d) what is the most effective method for Biglow, and Jonathan Halpern for what can where trafficking for labor and sexual exploi- advocating the VA system’s needed 21st cen- only be described as, the best ever Veterans tation are likely to occur. I truly believe that we tury transformation, especially, with respect to Braintrust.’ can eradicate human trafficking and make this cultural competence and cultural diversity, or I want to once again thank the presenters at world a safer place for all people, and urge my racial, ethnic, and gender differences based the forums and awardees for their long, rich colleagues to support this important resolution.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:35 Nov 06, 2010 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\RECORD10\RECFILES\E01JY0.REC E01JY0 mmaher on DSK69SOYB1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE July 1, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1269 IN RECOGNITION OF NATIONAL shop owner of Denny Moe’s Superstar Barber- cessful power changes over the past decade. HIV TESTING DAY & IN GRATI- shop and the catalyst for the creation of Cut- The United States Department of State has TUDE OF DENNY MOE’S SUPER- ting for a Cure. Denny Moe was diagnosed expressed its commitment to supporting Afri- STAR BARBERSHOP SECOND AN- earlier this year with Type II diabetes and has can efforts to fortify government accountability NUAL CUTTING FOR A CURE 48 used his detection and influence in the com- and overall good governance, which is crucial HOUR MARATHON munity as a business owner to take action to the continent’s future growth and global in- with the end goal of bettering lives. Inspired by fluence. HON. CHARLES B. RANGEL the health concerns and issues he heard from The resolution commends the socio-eco- OF NEW YORK his many customers who sat in the chairs of nomic and political progress being made by IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES his barber shop and friends and family mem- African countries, while acknowledging the as- sociated challenges that many still face. Ac- Thursday, July 1, 2010 bers who became affected by disease and various cancers, he noticed a pattern of cer- cording to a June 2010 McKinsey Global Insti- Mr. RANGEL. Madam Speaker, today I rise tain diseases affecting his customers more tute report entitled ‘‘Lions on the Move: The in recognition of an outstanding act of commu- than others and the tragedy of people dying Progress and Potential of African Economies,’’ nity service by the organization and non-profit, due to being diagnosed too far along into their over the past decade ‘‘Africa’s economic pulse Cutting For A Cure, and its founder, Dennis illnesses. has quickened, infusing the continent with new Mitchell. I am proud of the work being done by Denny realized that something must be commercial vibrancy.’’ Africa’s combined con- extraordinary people in the fight to bring done to stem the tide of African Americans sumer spending in 2008 was $860 billion, and awareness and combat very serious health who were losing their lives unnecessarily pre- America is committed to partnering with Afri- issues, like HIV/AIDS, which has dispropor- maturely due to lack of awareness and inad- can nations to foster economic development, tionately affected Blacks, women and other equate health care. That realization was the entrepreneurship and trade in the continent. minority members of the Harlem community seed for the birth of Cutting for a Cure and the Kofi Annan, Chair of the Africa Progress and the city at large. At the forefront of that work began to offer the community help in the Panel (APP) recently noted that ‘‘Africa’s fu- movement is Denny Moe’s Barbershop and form of education and medical evaluation. Em- ture is in its own hands, but that success in Cutting for a Cure, a community based organi- phasizing the importance of periodic check- managing its own affairs depends on sup- zation founded to increase the awareness of ups and healthy living in order to prevent dis- portive global policies and agreements.’’ H. preventive health care and the importance of ease is the means used by Denny Moe’s Su- Res. 1405 comes at a time when the world is early detection and screening. perstar Barbershop to help the people of Har- taking notice of Africa’s great progress in re- In hosting the 2nd Annual Cutting for a Cure cent years and it reaffirms the United States’ event, a 48 hour hair-cutting, medical screen- lem and the community around him in his ef- fort to highlight the disparity in the quality of commitment to growth and prosperity in Africa. ing and entertainment marathon which com- This resolution is a celebration of the hope health care offered in urban communities menced on June 25 and ended on June 27, that resonates in the hearts and minds of the in partnership with National HIV Testing Day across the nation. Madam Speaker, the efforts of this organi- many Africans, African Americans, policy- to gain exposure for its cause, the organiza- makers, and NGOs that are committed to Afri- tion employed the help of volunteer barbers, zation to effect positive change in the lives of other New Yorkers is invaluable and I am hon- ca’s progress and prosperity. I urge my col- entertainers, doctors, nurses and medical leagues to vote in favor of this important reso- technicians to cause a tangible effect in Har- ored to commend its work. The organization’s motto of ‘‘One ounce of prevention is worth lution. lem by raising the awareness of early screen- f ing as a means of preventive health mainte- more than a pound of cure’’ is an ideal which nance. it promotes heavily while educating the com- RECOGNIZING OF THE STICKBALL With a mobile medical van and team of munity that disease prevention is the best HALL OF FAME ON THE OCCA- medical personnel on location, the organiza- method of living a healthy life. The citizens of SION OF THE INDUCTION OF ITS tion offered screening for diseases ranging New York City can only benefit from individ- 2010 HONOREES from diabetes, high blood pressure and hyper- uals and organizations such as Mr. Dennis tension, high cholesterol, breast, prostate and ‘‘Denny Moe’’ Mitchell and Cutting for a Cure HON. CAROLYN B. MALONEY colon cancer, asthma, kidney disease, and of as they enrich the lives of others as they con- OF NEW YORK course, hepatitis and HIV/AIDS in its effort to tinue to help our community. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES provide people with the means of early detec- f Thursday, July 1, 2010 tion. Doctors have repeatedly offered evidence CONGRATULATING 17 AFRICAN NA- that early diagnosis of certain diseases such Mrs. MALONEY. Madam Speaker, I rise to TIONS ON 50TH ANNIVERSARY OF as cancers of the colon and the prostate give recognize the Stickball Hall of Fame, an insti- INDEPENDENCE those who are diagnosed early ability to ag- tution that promotes and preserves the great athletic tradition of stickball that has been a gressively combat their illness in the hope of SPEECH OF eliminating it and continuing their lives free of mainstay of urban life in America and has disease. HON. YVETTE D. CLARKE helped countless youths learn about the pre- I would like to formally commend Cutting for OF NEW YORK cepts of fair play, teamwork, and the pursuit of a Cure for its work in raising health awareness IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES excellence. The Stickball Hall of Fame has recognized and commemorated a sport which and promoting early diagnosis of the health Wednesday, June 30, 2010 issues which unevenly affect minorities in our truly represents the spirit and innovation that urban centers. The aim of the organization is Ms. CLARKE. Mr. Speaker, I rise in strong exemplifies New York, our nation’s greatest to offer free health screening clinics with the support of H. Res 1405, a resolution cele- city. support of local and corporate business spon- brating 50 Years of African independence. I Adapted from and closely linked to our great sorship, area hospitals and health care profes- thank Mr. RUSH for sponsoring this important national pastime of baseball, stickball helped sionals to provide local residents an oppor- resolution and for his work as a champion for transform the urban landscape of 20th century tunity to get tested right in their own neighbor- Africa here in Congress. Mr. RUSH’s leader- America. Since the 1920s, the game of hoods and on their commercial streets and ship, along with that of Representatives DON- stickball has been an important team sport in blocks. With help from sponsors such as the ALD PAYNE and ED ROYCE, in shaping policies cities across the country, where it served to National Black Leadership Commission on that help foster economic vitality and good strengthen personal relationships between AIDS, St. Luke’s Roosevelt, Harlem Hospital governance on the continent is truly com- families and friends, and forged strong bonds Center, Central Harlem Health Revival, Har- mendable. within the communities in which it was played. lem United, Barbershop Quartet, Apple Bank, I was a lead cosponsor of this resolution be- In 1968 in New York City, a group known as The New York Times, Crunch Gyms and cause it recognizes the importance of good the 111th Street Old Timers was formed. It or- many others, Cutting for a Cure is effectively governance and democratic principles, which ganized an annual festival centered around addressing an epidemic of preventable dis- have flourished in many African countries over the game of stickball. In 1999 the group began ease and death right here in Harlem, through- the past decade. Indeed, more than two-thirds to focus its efforts on reaching out to the kids out my Congressional District and the greater of sub-Saharan African countries have held and seniors within the community. The group New York City at large. democratic elections since 2000. Moreover, raised money to send youths to summer Founder, Mr. Dennis Mitchell, affectionately several nations, from Senegal to Tanzania, camp, established a scholarship fund, and dis- known as Denny Moe, is the Harlem barber- and from Ghana to Zambia have seen suc- tributed toys to children in hospitals. Today we

VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:35 Nov 06, 2010 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\RECORD10\RECFILES\E01JY0.REC E01JY0 mmaher on DSK69SOYB1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE E1270 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks July 1, 2010 honor this organization for its meaningful con- Jose is survived by his beloved father Jose, INDIAN PUEBLO CULTURAL tributions to the citizens of New York City. his mother Victoria, his sister Vickie, his broth- CENTER CLARIFICATION ACT In 2000, the 111th Street Old Timers found- ers Jose, Edgardo and Alexander and his two ed the Stickball Hall of Fame in order to rec- English Bull Terrier dogs, Rocco and Maximo, SPEECH OF ognize the pastime which made these chari- better known as his ‘‘kids.’’ HON. LAURA RICHARDSON table works possible. The Hall of Fame is OF CALIFORNIA dedicated to preserving the game of stickball I offer my prayers and sympathy to the as well as commemorating great players and Roche family for the loss of Anthony and ap- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES community activists for whom stickball was a preciate his service to the United States Army. Tuesday, June 29, 2010 beloved pastime. Annually, four to six mem- Ms. RICHARDSON. Mr. Speaker, as a bers recognized for skills both in the game of f proud member of the Native American Cau- stickball and for their community service are cus, I rise today in strong support of H.R. CONGRATULATING SPIRIT inducted into the Stickball Hall of Fame. Addi- 4445, the Indian Pueblo Cultural Center Clari- AEROSYSTEMS ON THE OCCA- tionally, this year, the organization will pay fication Act. SION OF THE GRAND OPENING tribute to a great player and citizen, Charlie First, I would like to acknowledge Speaker OF THEIR NEW MANUFACTURING Rivera, founder of the Puerto Rican Stickball PELOSI and Majority Leader HOYER for their FACILITY League, who passed away in May 2010. leadership in bringing this important bill to the The current president of the Stickball Hall of floor. My colleague Congresswoman HEINRICH, Fame, Carlos Diaz, exemplifies the spirit of the author of this legislation, has worked hard selfless service. He has long been devoted to HON. G.K. BUTTERFIELD to ensure that the Indian Pueblo Cultural Cen- community activism, serving on the advisory OF NORTH CAROLINA boards of many important institutions, includ- ter is considered a part of tribal lands. The Indian Pueblo Cultural Center is a vital ing those of Con Edison and New York Tele- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES phone, the East Harlem Baseball Federation, part of Pueblo history in New Mexico. Its mis- and the George Conroy Educational Fund. He Thursday, July 1, 2010 sion is to preserve and perpetuate Pueblo cul- served as chairman of the East Harlem Coun- ture and to advance understanding by pre- Mr. BUTTERFIELD. Madam Speaker, I rise cil for Community Improvement, and founded senting the accomplishments and evolving his- today to congratulate Spirit AeroSystems on a group called the Explorer’s Program in tory of the Pueblo people of New Mexico. which junior high school students were ex- the grand opening of their new facility that will While the Pueblo people are located primarily posed to careers in healthcare. Last month, build major components for the Airbus A350 in New Mexico, at one time the Pueblo’s his years of tireless and effective community aircraft. homeland reached into the states of Colorado service were recognized and honored by the Spirit AeroSystems recently completed con- and Arizona. Pueblo people rooted in this re- Community Advisory Board of Metropolitan struction of a 500,000 square foot manufac- gion of the southwest are descendants of an Hospital. turing facility in Kinston, North Carolina at the indigenous Native American culture that has Madam Speaker, in recognition of the tre- Global Transpark. Spirit AeroSystems will em- established itself over many centuries. mendous contributions made to the civic life of ploy over 1,000 individuals who will be respon- H.R. 4445, the Indian Pueblo Cultural Cen- our nation by the game of stickball by its most sible for building the main fuselage and por- ter Clarification Act, would strike a provision in current law which prohibits the Indian Pueblo skilled players, I request that my distinguished tions of the wings for Airbus’ Xtra-Wide-Body Cultural Center in New Mexico from being colleagues join me in paying tribute to the A350 passenger aircraft. Stickball Hall of Fame, which has helped pre- considered ‘‘Indian Country.’’ When this provi- serve a great American tradition and is an in- Based in Wichita, Kansas, Spirit sion is removed, it will give the Cultural Center spiration to us all. AeroSystems could have built a manufacturing the same tax-exempt status as other tribal f facility anywhere in the world. But they chose trust lands and would prohibit the New Mexico eastern North Carolina, and I am grateful for Taxation and Revenue Department from lev- JOSE ANTONIO ‘‘ANTHONY’’ their decision. ying taxes on Pueblo members who engage in ROCHE, JR. OF NOLANVILLE, business at the center. In addition, the legisla- TEXAS Madam Speaker, I represent the fourth poorest Congressional district in the country. tion will prohibit any gaming from being con- HON. JOHN R. CARTER The daily struggle to make ends meet for ducted on the transferred property. many of my constituents is an unfortunate re- In conclusion, Mr. Speaker, I support H.R. OF TEXAS 4445 because it makes an important correc- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ality. More than anything, eastern North Caro- lina needs good-paying jobs. And I hope that tion to current law so that the Indian Pueblo Thursday, July 1, 2010 Cultural Center can now be considered tax-ex- other companies who are looking to expand empt. This vital piece of New Mexican and Mr. CARTER. Madam Speaker, I would like will see the great success and mutually bene- Pueblo Indian Culture deserves our full sup- to recognize and honor the life of Jose Anto- ficial relationship Spirit AeroSystems and port. nio ‘‘Anthony’’ Roche, Jr. who was born in Lenoir County have fostered. Eastern North Chicago, IL, on November 11, 1976. In 1995, Mr. Speaker, I urge my colleagues to join Carolina’s ready workforce and strategic loca- me in supporting H.R. 4445. I yield the re- at the age of 17, Anthony joined the U.S. tion provide a competitive advantage for any Army. As a Specialist (SPC) he served as a mainder of my time. organization. fuel and electrical systems repairer. He per- f formed direct support and general support North Carolina has a strong history of avia- CONFERENCE REPORT ON H.R. 4173, maintenance on fuel and electrical systems of tion. In 1903, the Wright Brothers took to flight DODD-FRANK WALL STREET RE- wheel and track vehicles, brake system com- in, Kitty Hawk, North Carolina—about 150 ponents, and on internal combustion engines miles from where the Spirit AeroSystems facil- FORM AND CONSUMER PROTEC- associated with power generation equipment ity is located today. As we all know, the Wright TION ACT or material handling equipment. Anthony re- Brothers are credited with inventing and build- SPEECH OF ceived the National Defense Service Medal/ ing the world’s first successful airplane, and I ARMY service ribbon. am confident that Spirit AeroSystems will be HON. TODD TIAHRT After leaving the service, he was gainfully credited with revolutionizing the aviation indus- OF KANSAS employed and hardworking his entire life. He try in eastern North Carolina. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES worked for Cuttler Hammer of Puerto Rico. His Wednesday, June 30, 2010 most recent job was with Palau/Raytheon. On Madam Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join April 29, 2010, he returned home after serving me in congratulating Spirit AeroSystems on Mr. TIAHRT. Mr. Speaker, on June 30, one year in Q West, Iraq. He was working with the grand opening of their new manufacturing 2009, the Obama Administration released de- many aircraft in distress and he assisted pilots facility. I thank Spirit AeroSystems for the trust tails of its proposal to establish a Consumer as he grew in his knowledge of aircraft and and confidence they have in the State of North Financial Protection Agency. It proposed an skills. Carolina, the Eastern Region, and most impor- independent agency housed within the execu- Anthony had a passion for fast cars and tantly the local, homegrown people that will tive branch to regulate the provision of finan- motorcycles. On May 1, 2010, he was found proudly serve Spirit AeroSystems and their cial products and services to consumers. Now, dead at his residence garage. customers. one year later, this proposal has morphed into

VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:35 Nov 06, 2010 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00010 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\RECORD10\RECFILES\E01JY0.REC E01JY0 mmaher on DSK69SOYB1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE July 1, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1271 a 2,300 page bill that further extends the fed- SUPPORTING DESIGNATION OF Board of Directors. Undoubtedly, NAFCU will eral government’s grasp on more aspects of NATIONAL ESIGN DAY benefit greatly from Mr. Harris’s vast experi- our economy. ence in credit union management which dates SPEECH OF I voted against this bill on December 11, back to 1981. Over the years Mr. Harris has been an ac- 2009 but despite my opposition, H.R. 4173 HON. ANNA G. ESHOO tive member of the NAFCU family and is a passed the House of Representatives on a OF CALIFORNIA welcomed addition to the board at a time straight party line vote—with not one Repub- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES when Congress has taken up legislation that lican voting in favor of the legislation. On June Wednesday, June 30, 2010 would significantly reform the financial serv- 30, H.R. 4173 came back from the House- ices sector and the way credit unions do busi- Senate Conference Committee, which ironed Ms. ESHOO. Mr. Speaker, today marks the 10th anniversary of the enactment of the Elec- ness. out the differences between the two bills. It is because of the good work and leader- Again, I opposed this legislation. Despite my tronic Signatures in Global and National Com- merce Act. I rise in support of designating ship of Richard and others like him that the opposition, the bill ultimately passed by a mar- credit union community enjoys the success it today as ‘‘National ESIGN Day’’ and commend gin of 237–192. The legislation now awaits fur- has today. Such service is the hallmark of Mr. MCDERMOTT for bringing this resolution to ther action in the Senate. credit unions and I wish Mr. Harris the best of the Floor. luck in his new role as a member of the This is the wrong bill at the wrong time that Ten years ago the thought of filing your NAFCU Board of Directors. I look forward to punishes the wrong people. In the midst of taxes electronically, renewing your drivers li- working with him in this capacity and I ask my continuing economic turmoil, this bill increases cense, and filling out a mortgage application the size of government, expands its reach in colleagues to join me today in congratulating on your computer was one that many feared. Richard on this achievement. the market place, jeopardizes the safety and There was uncertainty about the security of soundness of many of America’s financial the transaction and how to verify who was on f companies and non-financial companies, and each end of the keyboard. We recognized IN MEMORY OF THE REV. DR. significantly increases the cost of credit for all then that we needed rules of the road that FRANK WITMAN consumers at a time when consumers can would guide us into the information society. least afford it. This legislation overreaches and We needed to create trust in this emerging will affect companies and community banks HON. ELTON GALLEGLY technology called the ‘‘internet’’ if it was going OF CALIFORNIA that had nothing to do with the financial crisis. to grow into what we hoped would be at least IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES These reforms will continue to perpetuate a new and efficient way to do business elec- Thursday, July 1, 2010 the bailout mentality that has plagued our na- tronically in both the public and private sector. tion and eliminate access to credit for many We stood at a crossroads ten years ago. Mr. GALLEGLY. Madam Speaker, I rise in small businesses and families at a time when We needed to eliminate obsolete barriers to memory of the Rev. Dr. Frank Witman, a they need it most. electronic commerce such as undue pen and close, personal friend of my wife, Janice, and paper requirements and other practices that me, who passed away on Tuesday. The conference report will abolish the Office Frank Witman had a calmness about him slowed down innovation. In March of 1999 I of Thrift Supervision (OTS). The transfer of its that belied his inner strength. He arrived in- introduced the H.R. 1320, the Millennium Dig- powers and duties will have to be done within Simi Valley, California, in the summer of 1969 ital Commerce Act because I recognized that one year after the conference report’s enact- to assume the post of senior pastor of the the growth of electronic commerce and elec- ment. The conference report will transfer to United Methodist Church of Simi Valley. It is the FDIC the authority to regulate all state tronic government transactions represented a not an understatement to say that the city was savings associations. The OCC, which would powerful force for economic growth, consumer blessed by his presence. be a bureau within the Treasury Department, choice, improved civic participation, and Frank was the sixth of seven consecutive would regulate all federal savings associa- wealth creation. generations of United Methodist pastors on his tions. The conference report also preserves Less than a year later, in January of 2000, father’s side and the third of four consecutive the thrift charter. the Electronic Signatures in Global and Na- generations on his mother’s side. After serving tional Commerce Act was signed into law. The conference report also requires the as a pastor in Rialto and Pomona, he an- As the information and innovation society is chored his roots in Simi Valley and branched Federal Reserve to ensure the fees charged now fully integrated into almost every aspect to merchants by credit card companies for out into every aspect of community life. of our lives, we stand here today to look back In 1978, Frank founded the chaplain pro- credit or debit card transactions are reason- over the last ten years. Electronic commerce gram for the Simi Valley Police Department able and proportional to the cost of the proc- is now the driving force of our global econ- and for more than 30 years served as the de- essing those transactions. The consequences omy. The level of confidence in the internet partment’s senior chaplain. He provided com- of government artificially imposing its heavy and the innovative tools it has created con- fort, counseling, prayers and support during hand into private transaction will further slow tinues to grow. As we stood at that intersec- most of the city’s traumatic and tragic events, our economy. We can’t even get a federal tion ten years ago, we took our country and including the untimely death of Officer Michael budget passed, so what justification does the our consumers in the right direction. Clark. His support of the city and its police of- government have to determine transaction I urge all of my colleagues to support H. ficers earned him the department’s Volunteer fees. Con. Res. 290 designating June 30th as ‘‘Na- of the Year Award in 1997, the department’s As one of my colleagues pointed out, tional ESIGN Day.’’ Lifetime Service Award in 2007, and recogni- economists don’t often see eye to eye, but f tion from the Simi Valley City Council in 2008. they seem to agree that if one side of the mar- When not at his church or the Police De- ket has its costs artificially lowered, the other CONGRATULATING RICHARD L. partment, Frank could frequently be found at side of the market will see increased costs. HARRIS ON JOINING THE NAFCU Simi Valley Hospital, where he was a charter This means that, in this battle between retail- BOARD member of the Simi Valley Hospital Board ers and banks, debit card holders and account Strategic Planning Committee, visiting church holders will likely foot the bill. HON. ADAM B. SCHIFF members and others in need. Following his re- Creating more regulatory burdens and a OF CALIFORNIA tirement from the church in 1997, he remained new government agency full of unelected bu- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES active as a volunteer chaplain for the hospital, reaucrats to pick the winners and losers in the Thursday, July 1, 2010 filling in for the staff chaplains as needed. Ear- private-sector is not the answer. This will only lier this year, the hospital named its chapel the Mr. SCHIFF. Madam Speaker, I rise today Witman Chapel in honor of his years of serv- serve to crush more jobs and paralyze our to congratulate Richard Harris on his recent ice. economic growth even more. Kansans have election to the Board of Directors at the Na- In 1990, I had the honor of nominating had it with the only solution the administration tional Association of Federal Credit Unions, Frank to offer a prayer to open a session of continues to offer: more government. NAFCU. the House of Representatives as guest Chap- I am in strong opposition to H.R. 4173. I Mr. Harris has shown tremendous leader- lain, which he did on May 2, 1990. worry about its impact on our economic free- ship at Caltech Federal Credit Union, where Frank also co-authored a book on world dom and will work to repeal these harmful he currently serves as president and CEO, as hunger and two books on church administra- policies. well as treasurer of the Caltech Credit Union tion. He served as an adjunct faculty member

VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:35 Nov 06, 2010 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00011 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\RECORD10\RECFILES\E01JY0.REC E01JY0 mmaher on DSK69SOYB1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE E1272 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks July 1, 2010 at the Claremont School of Theology from ety as they celebrate 50 years of providing risky mortgage-backed securities that they 1992–2000, teaching church administration free summer concerts for the community. The didn’t understand or investigate. with his coauthors in four states. purpose of the Park Ridge Fine Arts Society is To those who ask: will the Wall Street Re- Frank was recognized numerous times for to provide a musical showcase and the means form we passed last night prevent another fi- his unselfish devotion, including the Paul Har- for enjoyment of serious music through free nancial meltdown in the future–I answer with a ris Award, one of the highest honors Rotary community concerts, and to engage in such firm and resounding yes. International bestows upon an individual, and activities and programs that will foster all of the Simi Valley Chamber of Commerce the fine arts. The concerts draw crowds of f Strathearn Lifetime Achievement Award. 1,500 to 3,500 people, with a season total of He is survived by his wife of 57 years, Elsie; more than 30,000 concertgoers. HONORING CAPTAIN E. LORENZO sons, Mark and Paul; their wives, Luene and These concerts are a wonderful way not DICASAGRANDE Barbara; and grandchildren, Lauren and Peter, only to bring beautiful, professional music to as well as his two older brothers, Harold and the community, but also to bring neighbors to- Henry. gether and build a sense of community. Sum- HON. C.A. DUTCH RUPPERSBERGER Madam Speaker, I know my colleagues will mer in Park Ridge is enriched by these won- join Janice and me in offering our condolences derful weekly concerts in Hodges Park. OF MARYLAND to Elsie and the Witman family, and in remem- Frank York established the Park Ridge Fine IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES bering a remarkable man whose life of service Arts Symphony Orchestra and the Park Ridge will live on in all those whose lives he Fine Arts Society 50 years ago and remained Thursday, July 1, 2010 touched. at the helm of the organization, driven by his Mr. RUPPERSBERGER. Madam Speaker, I f vision of excellence, until 2005. Throughout the organization’s history, it has maintained rise before you today to honor the life of Cap- HONORING MR. MATTHEW the highest artistic standards. The Park Ridge tain E. Lorenzo DiCasagrande, a shipping ex- LEONARD SIMMONS, JR. Fine Arts Symphony Orchestra is produced ecutive who helped transform Baltimore into a and coordinated by the Park Ridge Fine Arts nationally recognized container port and thus HON. KENDRICK B. MEEK Society to perform the summer concerts. It is contributed to the economic vitality of Mary- OF FLORIDA a fully professional orchestra, made up of su- land communities. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES perb musicians from throughout the Chicago Captain DiCasagrande, who passed away area, devoted to bringing the excitement and Thursday, July 1, 2010 May 21, 2010, was vice president of the Medi- beauty of great classical music to the north- terranean Shipping Company for more than 20 Mr. MEEK of Florida. Madam Speaker, west suburbs. years and was an early advocate of the Port today I rise to pay tribute to the life and legacy I want to recognize the great work of the of Baltimore. Within one year of joining the of the late Mr. Matthew Leonard Simmons, Jr., people who make sure that the concerts are of company, he had established weekly service a constituent in the congressional district I rep- the highest quality and are available to the for the line from East Coast ports, including resent. It is with both profound sadness, but community each summer: Barbara Schubert, Baltimore’s South Locust Point Marine Ter- also an enduring sense of gratitude that I rec- musical director and conductor; Emily Toy minal, which had previously been served by ognize him for the tremendous inspiration he Kosaka, president; Daniel Aranda, vice presi- one ship once every two weeks. The company provided to the South Florida community. dent; Dennis Van Mieghem, treasurer; Dawn brought 8,000 containers each year to the Mr. Simmons was born on January 31, 1956 Himley-Grandi, secretary; and the board of di- South Locust Point shipping berth. in Miami, Florida to Mrs. Blanche Simmons rectors: Ken Boyce, Pam Boyce, Kevin P. and the late Mr. Matthew L. Simmons, Sr. He Costello, Doug Crawford, Mike Grandi, Mary Captain DiCasagrande then paved the way was a product of the Miami-Dade Public Jersey, Russ Jersey, Jim Lange, Paul for the success of the Seagirt Marine Terminal School System and graduated from Miami Lundberg, Debbie Maggio, Mike Maggio, Jack in 1990 by being the first container line to Jackson Senior High School. Owens, Christel Owens, and Nancy Tordai. commit to the then-new terminal. Today, the Soon thereafter, Mr. Simmons faithfully and The orchestra and its concert series in Park company is committed to 150,000 containers a patriotically served his country by joining the Ridge is truly one of the great jewels of the year and is still growing, with five ship calls United States Army’s 82nd Airborne Division. northwest suburbs. every week to the Seagirt terminal. In fact, the Mediterranean Shipping Company is Balti- He attained the rank of sergeant before being f honorably discharged in 1979. more’s top container customer. Mr. Simmons was blessed with a loving CONFERENCE REPORT ON H.R. 4173, Earlier this year, Captain DiCasagrande family who took pleasure in every aspect of DODD-FRANK WALL STREET RE- celebrated with Maryland port officials as they his life and his interests. I offer my heartfelt FORM AND CONSUMER PROTEC- broke ground on a new 50-foot berth for the condolences to the Simmons family. TION ACT Port, a long-time vision for him. The project Madam Speaker, I ask you and all the will support 5,700 jobs and, when completed, SPEECH OF members of this esteemed legislative body to accommodate larger ships and attract more join me in recognizing the extraordinary life HON. JACKIE SPEIER cargo to Baltimore. It will help Baltimore main- and accomplishments of Mr. Matthew Leonard OF CALIFORNIA tain its current customers and attract new Simmons, Jr. He will be missed by all who IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ones that will come aboard the larger ships of knew him, and I appreciate this opportunity to Wednesday, June 30, 2010 the future. pay tribute to him before the United States A native of Italy, Captain DiCasagrande House of Representatives. While he will in- Ms. SPEIER. Mr. Speaker, our mission from adopted Baltimore as his second home, fierce- deed be missed, his legacy, as well as the the American people was simple: pass Wall ly defending the city in business negotiations. outstanding contributions he made to South Street Reform that puts consumers first, holds He worked hard to win customers and built a Florida and our nation as a United States Wall Street and Big Banks accountable, and strong relationship with the port community, Army veteran will live on. ends the era of taxpayer-funded bailouts and elected officials and his employees. His f ‘‘too-big-to-fail’’ institutions. By passing this legislation, we have fulfilled that mission. friends and business associates alike de- CONGRATULATING THE PARK We ensure that taxpayers are never again scribed him as a great leader, well-respected RIDGE FINE ARTS SOCIETY ON 50 on the hook for Wall Street’s risky decisions. and well-liked. He was also a dedicated hus- YEARS OF SUMMER CONCERTS We enable regulators to shut down ‘‘too big to band, father and grandfather. fail’’ banks before they take down the system. Madam Speaker, I ask that you join me HON. JANICE D. SCHAKOWSKY We impose tough new rules on the riskiest fi- today to honor the life of Captain Lorenzo E. OF ILLINOIS nancial practices that were at the root cause DiCasagrande. His dedication as a tireless ad- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES of the crisis. We place a fiduciary duty on bro- vocate for the Port of Baltimore is deserving of kers to act in the best interests of their clients. the utmost gratitude. He deserves credit for Thursday, July 1, 2010 We create a new Consumer Financial Protec- helping bring more cargo to Baltimore’s piers Ms. SCHAKOWSKY. Madam Speaker, I rise tion Bureau, and end the reliance on credit and creating thousands of jobs for Maryland today to honor the Park Ridge Find Arts Soci- rating agencies that gave triple-A ratings to families.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:35 Nov 06, 2010 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00012 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\RECORD10\RECFILES\E01JY0.REC E01JY0 mmaher on DSK69SOYB1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE July 1, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1273 CONGRATULATING BOYD rock it was in 1909. The company boasts 260 RECOGNIZING THE ACHIEVEMENTS HUNEYCUTT full time employees (a number which grows OF AEROJET’S REDMOND, WASH- substantially during harvest) and a $10.6 mil- INGTON EMPLOYEES HON. SUE WILKINS MYRICK lion annual payroll. OF NORTH CAROLINA It is not a stretch to say without Western HON. JAY INSLEE IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Sugar, there would be no sugar beet industry OF WASHINGTON IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Thursday, July 1, 2010 in the Scottsbluff-Gering area. Nearly one-third Thursday, July 1, 2010 Mrs. MYRICK. Madam Speaker, I rise today of the acreage in our region is designated for to congratulate one of the most hard-working sugar beets—almost all of which are proc- Mr. INSLEE. Madam Speaker, I rise today and inspirational people I’ve ever had the essed through the sugar factory. to recognize the employees of Aerojet-General Corporation’s Redmond, Washington oper- honor of knowing. Last week we celebrated 100 years of ations facility. Aerojet-Redmond has recently Last month at the U.S. Powerlifting Cham- Western Sugar’s successful processing fac- pionships, Boyd Huneycutt, after an 18-year been selected by the United Space Alliance to tory. This success is directly attributable to the receive the Space Flight Awareness Supplier break from competing, set the national and commitment and dedication of its employees, world record in his weight class. Award for Aerojet’s sustained superior per- local businesses, sugar beet growers and their formance as a key supplier on NASA’s Space But what makes his story unique is that families. Boyd was born prematurely with numerous Shuttle- program over the—course of nearly- 30 years. This most significant achievement birth defects, and given 72 hours to live. 50 f years later, Boyd is still touching lives and in- will be commemorated with a presentation spiring those around him. from United Space Alliance and celebration HONORING MR. WILLIAM L. ceremony held at Aerojet’s facility in You see, Boyd only has two fingers on one TAYLOR hand. And one on the other. He has metal Redmond, Washington on Thursday, July 8, braces on his legs. In his lifetime, he’s had 72 2010. Aerojet is a world-recognized aerospace orthopedic surgeries. The obstacles he’s faced HON. WM. LACY CLAY and defense leader principally serving the in his life are many, and may have stopped space and missile propulsion, defense and ar- others. OF MISSOURI maments markets. The Space Flight Aware- But Boyd lives by the motto ‘‘Never Com- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ness Supplier Award is a very prestigious promise, Always Improvise’’. And improvise he award bestowed upon United Space Alliance did. Thursday, July 1, 2010 He set his first North Carolina state record supplier companies—from among over 2,000 in 1989. He won his first state championship Mr. CLAY. Madam Speaker, I rise today to active suppliers located throughout the United in 1990. In 1992, he won gold in his weight honor William Taylor, a Washington area law- States—who have performed extraordinary class while representing the United States on yer who played a critical role in civil rights work that added to safety, mission success, the U.S. national team. issues across the country. Taylor was instru- schedule compliance, and enhanced flight ca- And to top it off, he’s undefeated. In more mental in the passage of the 1965 Voting pability. Aerojet’s Redmond Operations will be than two decades of competing, nobody has Rights Act, and dedicated over 40 years of his only the twenty-first company to receive this ever beaten him, and I doubt that anyone ever life to ensuring every American, regardless of highly selective award. Aerojet-Redmond is the world leader in the will. race or creed, enjoy the freedom that is the in-space propulsion market and as such is the It’s because of his work ethic, determination, promise of this great country. manufacturer of the 38 primary and 6 vernier and refusal to take ‘‘no’’ for an answer that William Taylor was born in Brooklyn, New Reaction Control Thrusters used on every Boyd Huneycutt has become a world class York, on October 4, 1931, to two Jewish immi- Space Shuttle mission. The Shuttle’s Reaction athlete and world champion. I’m honored to grants. Though Taylor was subject to racial Control System is used to position the Space know him, and look forward to many more na- slurs and discrimination throughout his child- Shuttle during flight operations such as pay- tional and world records to come. hood, he chose to devote his life to guarantee load insertions and International Space Station f equal rights for all. Taylor understood that the docking. CELEBRATING 100 YEARS OF SUC- power of the voting booth was vital to liberty, On the occasion of this most significant CESS FOR WESTERN SUGAR AND and one’s color, religion, social status, and milestone, my colleagues and I are proud to THE SCOTTSBLUFF SUGAR IN- should never restrict access to freedom. join together and lend our voices to congratu- DUSTRY late and honor the more than 425 Aerojet Upon his 1954 graduation from Yale Law workers in Redmond, Washington on a job HON. ADRIAN SMITH School, Taylor joined the NAACP Legal De- well-done. fense and Educational Fund, serving under f OF NEBRASKA the great Thurgood Marshall. During his ten- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ure, Taylor aided desegregation enforcement SALUTING SERGEANT EDWARD Thursday, July 1, 2010 efforts, ensuring school districts abide by the WAGNER landmark Brown v. Board of Education deci- Mr. SMITH of Nebraska. Madam Speaker, I HON. TIM MURPHY rise today in recognition of the success of the sion. OF PENNSYLVANIA sugar beet industry in the Panhandle region of Taylor was then appointed to the U.S. Com- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Nebraska for its relationship with Western mission on Civil Rights, composing civil rights Thursday, July 1, 2010 Sugar and its various owners over the past recommendations that were the basis for the 100 years. 1964 Civil Rights Act and the 1965 Voting Mr. TIM MURPHY of Pennsylvania. Madam Opened in 1909, the sugar beet factory op- Rights Act. I had the pleasure of working with Speaker, as Independence Day approaches I erated by the Great Western Sugar Com- Bill for a number of years as a member of the would like to take a moment to recognize all pany—along with the development of im- Missouri State Senate. During this time, I was the men and women who have ever fought to proved irrigation canals—soon made the rais- witness to his brilliance and perseverance, defend the unalienable rights of life, liberty ing of sugar beets a major agricultural industry while we crafted an amicable legislative solu- and the pursuit of happiness espoused by the in Scotts Bluff County and the surrounding tion that settled the long-running St. Louis Founding Fathers. Since the time when the areas. Public School Desegregation issue. This feat Declaration of Independence was read in town With the aid of the sugar factory, Scottsbluff squares across the 13 colonies in 1776 to concluded in the largest voluntary metropolitan was rapidly becoming the principal trading today, more than 230 years later, our liberties school desegregation plan in the country. center of the valley. As people in surrounding and freedoms have been protected by the farms and villages acquired automobiles, Madam Speaker, I am honored to pay trib- members of the Armed Forces. Specifically, I Scottsbluff was invariably their destination. ute to Mr. Taylor, a man whose visionary lead- want to recognize Sgt. Edward C. Wagner, a A century later—through tough economic ership helped usher in a new era of justice. I Korean War veteran and lifelong constituent of times and even a tragic explosion in 1995— urge my colleagues to join me in honoring Mr. mine from Greensburg, Pennsylvania who is this stalwart factory has proven to be the bed- William Taylor. turning 80 years old on July 6, 2010.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:35 Nov 06, 2010 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00013 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\RECORD10\RECFILES\E01JY0.REC E01JY0 mmaher on DSK69SOYB1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE E1274 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks July 1, 2010 In June of 1952, Ed went through basic To honor his service, the Pennsylvania celebrating the 100th anniversary of its found- training at Camp Breckenridge, Kentucky and American Legion presented Mr. Stufft with the ing on Saturday, July 3rd. was assigned to the 101st Airborne Infantry, Blue Cap Award for Legionnaire of the Year. Located just east of the mighty Mississippi ‘‘R’’ Company in the U.S. Army. Later that In addition to serving his fellow veterans, river, Cochrane is surrounded by natural beau- year he was deployed to Camp Drake in Mr. Stufft also cares for his loving wife of 62 ty. Located in Buffalo County, it is one of the Japan. By Christmas, Ed was serving with the years, Mrs. Jeneane Stufft. few areas in the Midwest untouched by the 35th Infantry Division—Tropic Lighting—Cacti Madam Speaker, I wish to conclude my re- glaciers in the last ice age. Numerous hills Unit, in North Korea. In 1953 Ed earned the marks by thanking Mr. Lloyd Stufft for every- and bluffs rise majestically above its many rank of Sergeant and continued to faithfully thing he has done to honor our deceased vet- lakes and streams. This beauty is enjoyed by serve in North Korea until his return to the erans. He is a man who lives by the ideals of sportsmen from across Wisconsin, many of United States one year later. the 4th of July every day, and has truly made whom come to fish for trout in the nearby riv- Back home in Greensburg, Ed went to work a difference. ers and streams. for Bettis Atomic Power Lab as a Material f While Cochrane citizens once played a role Evaluation Laboratory Fuel Handler until retir- in Wisconsin’s timber industry in the mills of ing in 1992 as a quality insurance weld in- HONORING JIMMY WAYNE the nearby City of Buffalo, it has always been spector. Not only a devoted soldier and work- and always will be an agricultural center. er, Sgt. Wagner has been a dedicated hus- HON. MARSHA BLACKBURN Farming is the number one source of income band, father, grandfather, and great-grand- OF TENNESSEE in Buffalo County, and Cochrane is no excep- father to his wife Luella of 59 years, his three IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tion. Cochrane’s Lacrosse Milling Company children, seven grandchildren, and one great- plays a vital role in processing the natural Thursday, July 1, 2010 grandchild. When not spending time with his grains produced across the Midwest. I am family, Ed serves as a member of the Free Mrs. BLACKBURN. Madam Speaker, I want very proud of the citizens of Cochrane, who and Accepted Mason Philanthropy Lodge. He to recognize the leadership and contributions help to continue Wisconsin’s agricultural tradi- also has a passion for restoring old antique of Jimmy Wayne to the State of Tennessee tion. cars, driving both a 1937 Plymouth and a and the United States of America for his re- The Village of Cochrane exemplifies the en- 1939 Chevy Master Deluxe. markable efforts to combat homelessness. during work ethic present in Western Wis- Sgt. Edward C. Wagner is one of many who Jimmy Wayne began his ‘‘Meet Me Half- consin. Though not great in size, together fought to preserve American values while in way’’ journey on January 1, 2010. He is in the communities such as Cochran make up an im- uniform and continue to ‘‘bear true faith and midst of a 1,660-mile walk from Nashville, TN, portant piece of the social fabric of our soci- allegiance’’ to the Constitution. It was once to Phoenix, AZ, to raise awareness about the ety. I hope you will join me in applauding the said, ‘‘This nation will remain the land of the plight of the homeless youth in our country. citizens of Cochrane for all that they have con- free only so long as it is the home of the Being raised in a foster child system, Jimmy tributed to their State and our Country over brave.’’ We owe each and every veteran a sin- knows far too well the challenges and heart- the past 100 years. I also hope that they will cere ’Thank You’ for their service and I would aches that go with being homeless. He grew continue to grow and prosper in the months like to especially thank Sgt. Wagner and wish up in multiple foster homes and periodically and years ahead. him a very happy and healthy birthday. found himself homeless as a teen. f f Luckily at age 16 he met Bea and Russell IN HONOR OF BERTHA MANECIO HONORING MR. LLOYD STUFFT Costner who took him in and gave him a fresh start and a new lease on life. They gave him HON. MARK S. CRITZ a place to stay but only if he agreed to ‘‘meet HON. JOHN H. ADLER them halfway,’’ by following the rules of their OF NEW JERSEY OF PENNSYLVANIA house. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES I wish to honor Jimmy for using his ‘‘Meet Thursday, July 1, 2010 Thursday, July 1, 2010 Me Halfway’’ campaign to not only raise Mr. ADLER of New Jersey. Madam Speak- Mr. CRITZ. Madam Speaker, as we prepare awareness but to raise funds for organizations er, I rise today to honor Bertha ‘‘Bert’’ to celebrate the birth of our nation, I rise today that benefit homeless youth including Nash- Manecio, a resident of Lumberton, New Jersey to honor Mr. Lloyd Stufft of New Kensington, ville’s Monroe Harding and Phoenix and dedicated volunteer at the Memorial Hos- Pennsylvania. Mr. Stufft is a tireless volunteer HomeBase Youth Services. Through these pital Thrift Shop in Mount Holly, New Jersey. and patriot who has made it his personal mis- groups, essential services are continuously Bert began her volunteer services at the sion to honor deceased veterans buried in the provided to the homeless, allowing so many Thrift Shop in 1970. Before her ‘‘retirement’’ in Alle-Kiski region of the 12th Congressional who fought the same circumstances as Jimmy May 2010 she had volunteered for forty years District. did growing up a chance for a more produc- and donated over 10,700 hours of her time. Growing up in rural Somerset County, Mr. tive, healthy and self-sufficient life. Bert helped maintain the shop by tagging and Stufft joined the Army and served during Madam Speaker, all people should educate pricing donated garments and helping at the World War II. He was deeply affected by what themselves about the impact of homelessness register. She has always given her total sup- he saw. While stationed in France, he spent on teens and children in their communities. It port and welcomed any changes with enthu- time burying veterans and maintaining their is my hope that individuals will help address siasm and excitement. She has been a valu- graves. After joining the American Legion, he the problem of homelessness in our country able asset to the program and her selfless ef- continued to care for the graves of deceased by volunteering and donating their time and/or forts must be recognized. veterans, and for the last 40 years, has volun- money to the foster child and foster parent Madam Speaker, I ask that you please join teered as the graves-registration officer for the programs in their local community. me in congratulating Bert for her outstanding Robert L. Davies Post No. 868 of Lower Thank you, Jimmy Wayne, for your work, and dedicated community service. Burrell, Pennsylvania. In this role he tends the and I look forward to congratulating you once graves of all the servicemen and women who you finish this campaign. f served in the United States military. He en- f OUR UNCONSCIONABLE NATIONAL sures that each grave has an American flag DEBT and a marker denoting a veteran’s military ON THE 100TH ANNIVERSARY OF branch as well as service in any wars. THE FOUNDING OF THE VILLAGE HON. MIKE COFFMAN For the 50th anniversary of World War II, OF COCHRANE, WISCONSIN OF COLORADO Mr. Stufft put together a color lithograph dis- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES play of European cemeteries that contain the HON. RON KIND Thursday, July 1, 2010 graves of American service members. In addi- OF WISCONSIN tion, he put together photo books of these IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. COFFMAN of Colorado. Madam Speak- cemeteries, including the French cemeteries er, today our national debt is where he helped to bury veterans and main- Thursday, July 1, 2010 $13,203,473,753,968.10. tain their graves. This work has helped many Mr. KIND. Madam Speaker, it is with great On January 6th, 2009, the start of the 111th people find out where their loved ones are honor that I rise in recognition of the Village of Congress, the national debt was buried. Cochrane in Western Wisconsin. Cochrane is $10,638,425,746,293.80.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:35 Nov 06, 2010 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00014 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\RECORD10\RECFILES\E01JY0.REC E01JY0 mmaher on DSK69SOYB1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE July 1, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1275 This means the national debt has increased IN LOVING MEMORY OF SISTER president and CEO of Nevada Federal Credit by $2,565,048,007,674.3 so far this Congress. MARY CELINE GRAHAM: ‘‘A Union, and outgoing chairman of the Board for This debt and its interest payments we are WOMAN OF COMPASSION AND the National Association of Federal Credit passing to our children and all future Ameri- FAITH’’ Unions (NAFCU). cans. Mr. Beal’s dedicated service at Nevada Fed- f HON. CHARLES B. RANGEL eral Credit Union made him an outstanding candidate for chairman of the NAFCU Board, OF NEW YORK MERCER ISLAND’S 50TH and his fellow board members bestowed on IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ANNIVERSARY him this great distinction in the summer of Thursday, July 1, 2010 2008. From the outset of his chairmanship, HON. DAVID G. REICHERT Mr. RANGEL. Madam Speaker, it is with Mr. Beal proved to be an invaluable asset to OF WASHINGTON great sadness that I rise today to memorialize the NAFCU family. His more than 30 years of IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES a beloved member of our community, Sister financial services experience served him well Thursday, July 1, 2010 Mary Celine Graham, who’s mass will be cele- while sitting on several NAFCU committees, testifying before Congress on relevant legisla- Mr. REICHERT. Madam Speaker, as the brated tomorrow at Saint Aloysius Roman Catholic Church in her beloved Harlem. Her tion, and keeping a close eye on issues and representative to this House for the 8th District legislation surrounding the entire credit union of Washington, I want to congratulate and rec- tragic and senseless death came as a result of a horrific accident and has left behind a community. ognize a city within the 8th District that is cele- Mr. Beal, a tireless advocate for federal brating a milestone anniversary today. deeply felt void within the Handmaids of Mary of the Most Pure Heart family and the greater credit unions across the country, faced the Mercer Island, with a population of 22,890, challenges and opportunities he was pre- was incorporated on July 5, 1960. It is an is- Harlem community. The Handmaids of Mary have a special place in my heart going back sented with during this time with great profes- land in Lake Washington, situated a few min- sionalism and vigor. utes east of Seattle. The City is breathtaking to my youth, and the loss of Sister Mary Celine is especially profound. Mr. Beal’s selfless commitment as chairman in many areas, with wonderful parks, open of the National Association of Federal Credit spaces, beautiful neighborhoods, and suc- Sister Mary Celine was born in Jacksonville, Florida and raised in Detroit. At the age of 22, Unions has not gone unnoticed. As he ends cessful schools. My District Office is located his term as chairman, I am sure his col- on Mercer Island and the merchants and resi- she joined the Franciscan Handmaids of the Most Pure Heart of Mary in Harlem, which is leagues on the NAFCU Board will miss his dents of the community could not be more ac- leadership. I ask my colleagues to join me commodating or welcoming of my staff and one of only three historically black orders of Roman Catholic nuns in the United States. today in honoring Brad Beal as his chairman- the various guests who visit the office. Mercer ship comes to an end this July. Island is a gem of the 8th District. She continued to share her love and services f Every August, Mercer Island has a front row with her community for the next 61 years. seat to the extraordinary display put on by the Her death at the age of 83 leaves behind a A TRIBUTE TO HON. RONALD B. Blue Angels and the boats on Lake Wash- great legacy of tireless service and devotion to MERRIWEATHER ington during the Seafair celebration; honestly, those who needed her. Sister Mary Celine is experiencing Seafair from Mercer Island is an remembered as a woman of true compassion HON. ROBERT A. BRADY who believed in education for the young. She experience that will not be forgotten. Addition- OF PENNSYLVANIA ally, Mercer Island’s large multipurpose com- dedicated her life to being a teacher, director, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES and surrogate grandmother to the children of munity center is an exceptionally valuable Thursday, July 1, 2010 community asset and its parks provide the St. Benedict’s Day Nursery on 124th Street at natural beauty and open space that is a hall- Marcus Garvey Park. Mr. BRADY of Pennsylvania. Madam mark of the Pacific Northwest. As the New York Times reported last week, Speaker, I rise to honor the life of my friend Many fine business, civic and community Sister Mary Celine left an indelible mark on Ronald Merriweather. Dedicated to the law, leaders call Mercer Island home. Many fine the children she cared for and educated. She Judge Merriweather worked to better his city students attend school on the island and re- was a gently firm yet caring teacher who rec- and improve the lives of those living in Phila- ceive first-class educational opportunities. ognized the potential in each individual and delphia. I know that my colleagues will join me Mercer Island is one-of-a-kind and I’m pleased worked to bring that potential to fruition. Sister in expressing our condolences to his family as to recognize its 50th anniversary of existence. Mary Celine was not only an educator but was well as thanking them for letting him brighten To Mayor Jim Pearman, members of the City also a loving mother figure to the children. all of our lives. Council, and residents of Mercer Island, I say These children not only learned the basics of Judge Merriweather was born May 27, 1938 congratulations. reading and numbers but also learned what it and raised in Philadelphia. A product of the Philadelphia Public School System, he grad- f was to love, and what it was to serve others. The undivided attention and care she uated from West Philadelphia High School in PERSONAL EXPLANATION poured out to the children and the community 1956. After high school Judge Merriweather will be forever etched in the hearts of all those attended Morgan State University, graduating HON. JAMES L. OBERSTAR that encountered her. She was a true kindred with a degree in Chemistry and a 2nd Lt. OF MINNESOTA spirit that emanated a sense of peace and Commission in the U.S. Army. From 1960 to IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES order. 1962 he served in the U.S. Army, being pro- moted to the rank of 1st Lieutenant. Thursday, July 1, 2010 Madam Speaker, although her life was taken from us too abruptly, rather than mourn After serving in the Army, Judge Mr. OBERSTAR. Madam Speaker, I missed this tragedy, I hope that my colleagues will Merriweather was employed as a United two votes last week in order to attend an im- join me in remembering and celebrating the States Treasury Agent with the Federal Bu- portant community celebration in International tremendous and loving spirit of Sister Mary reau of Narcotics. He served in this position Falls and to see the devastating impact of a Celine Graham—one of God’s special angels for 5 years, earning the U.S. Secretary of tornado that struck Wadena. As a result, I was who served Harlem at the Franciscan Treasury Award for Outstanding Service. After, unable to record my vote on important legisla- Handmaids of the Most Pure Heart of Mary. Judge Merriweather received his J.D. from tion to ensure continued Medicare reimburse- f UCLA Law School and became a member of ment for physicians and on comprehensive the Pennsylvania Bar Association in 1973. sanctions against Iran. Had I present, I would HONORING THE SERVICE OF Judge Merriweather practiced law in Phila- voted ‘‘aye’’ on both measures (rollcall votes BRADLEY W. BEAL delphia for over ten years, before being elect- 393 and 394). I also missed seven votes on ed to the Philadelphia Municipal Court in Tuesday in order to attend the funeral of HON. SHELLEY BERKLEY 1984. He worked on this court for 26 years, Judge Gerald Heaney of Duluth. Had I been OF NEVADA retiring in January 2010. During his tenure on present, I would have voted ‘‘aye’’ on Rollcall IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the Municipal Court, Judge Merriweather gar- votes 395, 398, 399, 400 and 401; I would nered special recognition and numerous have voted ‘‘nay’’ on Rollcall vote 397, and I Thursday, July 1, 2010 awards. He became a Senior Judge in 2009 would have voted ‘‘present’’ on Rollcall vote Ms. BERKLEY. Madam Speaker, I rise and was honored with a Special Recognition 396. today to honor the service of Mr. Brad Beal, Award from the Guardian Civic League.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:35 Nov 06, 2010 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00015 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\RECORD10\RECFILES\E01JY0.REC E01JY0 mmaher on DSK69SOYB1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE E1276 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks July 1, 2010 Judge Ronald Merriweather’s life showcases berg, R.N. to thank her for her 20 years of Today he continues to be an outspoken de- his commitment, service, and dedication to service to the Members and staff of the U.S. fender of fair labor laws and better workers’ bettering his community. Madam Speaker, I House of Representatives. rights, and I hope that he is as successful in ask that you and my other distinguished col- Almost every staffer in the House complex, his future endeavors as he was these past few leagues join me in celebrating the life of Judge particularly those who work in the Cannon years. Merriweather, and offer his family our deepest House Office Building, knows Nurse Leslie. Al- f sympathies at the loss of this great man. ways smiling, extremely knowledgeable, and f thorough, she has a legendary ability to help 75TH BIRTHDAY OF SLINGER staff find the best possible health care serv- FRANCISCO PERSONAL EXPLANATION ices for their needs. For years, she has col- lected feedback on the quality of health practi- HON. YVETTE D. CLARKE HON. ADAM H. PUTNAM tioners and shared both praise and concerns OF NEW YORK OF FLORIDA with prospective patients. As a result, she was IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES well-known in doctors’ offices throughout the Thursday, July 1, 2010 Thursday, July 1, 2010 region; they were always asking, ‘‘Ahhh, you Ms. CLARKE. Madam Speaker, I rise today Mr. PUTNAM. Madam Speaker, on Tues- were referred by Nurse Goldberg? Who is this Nurse Leslie?’’ to commemorate the 75th birthday of Slinger day, June 29, 2010, I was not present for Francisco, better known as The Mighty Spar- seven recorded votes. Had I been present, I Born in Providence, Rhode Island, Leslie joined her mother and sister in this vital pro- row or The Birdie. With a career spanning would have voted the following way: roll No. over 50 years and counting, entertaining audi- 395—‘‘nay’’, roll No. 396—‘‘yea’’, roll No. fession after graduating from the Jewish Hos- pital of Brooklyn. She went on to work at the ences from the Caribbean to Asia and all 397—‘‘nay’’, roll No. 398—‘‘nay’’, roll No. points in between, The Birdie is widely recog- 399—‘‘yea’’, roll No. 400—‘‘yea’’, and roll No. New York University Hospital in neurosurgery and the Regional Institute for Children and nized as the ‘‘King of the Calypso World.’’ 401—‘‘yea.’’ The Mighty Sparrow was born to poor, f Adolescents. In 1990, Nurse Goldberg joined the Office of working-class parents in Gran Roi, Grenada IN HONOR AND REMEMBERANCE the Attending Physician and dedicated the end and migrated to his adopted homeland of Trin- OF PATRICIA A. DORR of her great career to serving and caring for idad when he was one year old. As a child, he the Members and staff of this institution. She attended New Town Boys School and sang in HON. DENNIS J. KUCINICH is a part of our family. We mourned with her St. Patrick’s Catholic Church, where his talent OF OHIO when her loving husband, Alan Goldberg, was quickly recognized as he became head IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES passed away far too early in life, and we cele- choirboy. His influences included Nat King Cole, Frankie Laine, Sarah Vaughn, Billy Thursday, July 1, 2010 brated when she returned to us—her adoptive, extended family. Eckstein, Frank Sinatra and Ella Fitzgerald, as Mr. KUCINICH. Madam Speaker, I rise We all know how much she adores her well as calypso pioneers Lord Melody, Lord today in honor and remembrance of Patricia three sons, Michael, Aaron, and David and Kitchener, Lord Christo, Lord Invader and the A. Dorr, devoted wife, mother, grandmother, daughter-in-law, Lisa. And her grandson, Ari, Mighty Spoiler. sister and friend. Mrs. Dorr was also a com- is the light of her life. While we will Miss her The Birdie had found success early with his munity activist who served for many years as laughter, her smile, her caring, skillful tech- hit ‘‘Jean and Dinah’’ at the age of 20. Not a Councilwoman representing the City of niques, and infinite knowledge, I applaud her satisfied with early success, he followed up Berea. with a rapid succession of hits including ‘‘Car- Mrs. Dorr created a warm and inviting home for taking the time to fulfill her personal dreams—travel, volunteer, and most impor- nival Boycott’’, ‘‘P.A.Y.E.’’, ‘‘Russian Satellite’’, for her family, friends and neighbors. She was ‘‘Theresa’’, ‘‘Good Citizen’’, ‘‘Salt Fish’’ and an active participant in the lives and special tantly take care of Ari and the grandchildren to come. ‘‘Penny Commission’’ just to name a few. His events of her family. Her unwavering devotion songs covered a broad range of socially con- to her family was reflected in the close rela- Nurse Goldberg, we will miss you terribly; you leave enormous shoes to fill. Thank you scious topics including education, tyranny in tionships she shared with her children and Africa, animal cruelty and the welfare of his grandchildren. Mrs. Dorr’s strong sense of for your 20 years of service and keeping us safe, healthy, informed, and always smiling. home of Trinidad and Tobago. faith was a source of strength throughout her The Mighty Sparrow’s accomplishments in- f life. She was a devoted and loved member of clude multiple Trinidad and Tobago Road St. Mary’s Catholic Church in Berea, Ohio. HONORING RON GETTELFINGER March Competition titles, multiple Calypso Patricia was known for her kindness, energy FOR HIS LEADERSHIP OF THE Monarch titles, an honorary doctorate from the and dedication to community. Following her UAW dedicated service as Berea City Council- University of the West Indies, and his contribu- woman, Mrs. Dorr remained active and partici- tions to music and society led then-mayor Ed pated in numerous community events and HON. MICHAEL E. CAPUANO Koch to proclaim March 18th, 1986 ‘‘The fundraisers. Her dedication to making a dif- OF MASSACHUSETTS Mighty Sparrow Day.’’ ference in the lives of others remained con- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES I hope all of my colleagues will join me in stant throughout her life. Thursday, July 1, 2010 celebrating the birthday and extraordinary body of work that The Mighty Sparrow has Madam Speaker and colleagues, please join Mr. CAPUANO. Madam Speaker, I rise me in honor and memory of Mrs. Patricia A. contributed during his career as a lyricist, today to honor Ron Gettelfinger and his mas- composer, singer, comedian and entertainer. Dorr, whose energetic spirit and joy for living terful 8-year tenure as president of the United will endure within the hearts and memories of Auto Workers. Confronted with the leanest f those who loved and knew her best. I extend membership in the Union’s history and the INTRODUCING A RESOLUTION my deepest condolences to her children, bankruptcy of two of Detroit’s three auto- THAT HONORS THE PATRIOT James, Cynthia, Robert, Brian, Mary, and makers, the UAW required an effective leader GUARD RIDERS Brigitte; to her twelve grandchildren and spe- who could balance the interests of members cial grandson; and to her extended family and the needs of their employers. members and many friends. HON. STEVE BUYER In Ron Gettelfinger, the UAW certainly had OF INDIANA f a wise and steadfast leader who could come IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES to terms with this troubling dynamic and act THE RETIREMENT OF MS. LESLIE Thursday, July 1, 2010 JUDITH GOLDBERG, R.N. accordingly. He understood that saving the imperiled Mr. BUYER. Madam Speaker, I come be- union would require a little sacrifice, and also fore you today to offer a resolution that honors HON. JOHN LEWIS he convinced his union to give up some of the a group of fine Americans, the Patriot Guard OF GEORGIA jobs and benefits it had accumulated over the Riders. Established in November of 2005, the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES years for a better future. Mr. Gettelfinger thus Patriot Guard Riders were created to counter Thursday, July 1, 2010 played a crucial role in saving one of the protesters of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan Mr. LEWIS of Georgia. Madam Speaker, I United States’ biggest industries during one of who sought to disrupt the funerals of our he- rise to pay tribute to Ms. Leslie Judith Gold- the nation’s darkest economic hours. roes who died serving our country. Today, the

VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:35 Nov 06, 2010 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00016 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\RECORD10\RECFILES\E01JY0.REC E01JY0 mmaher on DSK69SOYB1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE July 1, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1277 Patriot Guard Riders are over 190,000 mem- tuary was approved by the President, revers- ers, fathers, grandmothers and grandfathers— bers strong and they dedicate themselves to a ing a long-standing ban on media coverage for thousands of whom have suffered great per- mission of preventing interruptions at funerals the arrival of remains of fallen military mem- sonal loss resulting from their service. honoring those servicemen and women who bers. Madam Speaker and colleagues, please join have made the ultimate sacrifice protecting He pioneered the Survivor Assistance Pro- me in honor and tribute of the staff and volun- our nation. gram to assist families of deceased members, teers of the Westside Vet Center as they cele- To date, the Patriot Guard Riders have par- and later expanded the program to care for brate the Westside Vet Center’s Annual Free- ticipated in over 17,000 missions honoring our Airmen wounded in action. dom Celebration. Their service and sacrifice heroes around the country. They have also He energized industry leaders, trade groups will always be remembered and honored. distinguished themselves in countless other and professional associations to sponsor new f ways, to include the establishment of the Fall- programs and services, scholarships, pro- IN CELEBRATION OF THE 400TH en Warrior Scholarship Fund for U.S. military motional activities, training and certification ANNIVERSARY OF THE CITY OF family members, visiting veteran’s hospitals, program for managers and staff, and outreach HAMPTON and giving financial assistance to the families programs. of our fallen heroes. He testified at numerous Congressional Madam Speaker, as we approach this Inde- hearings, and met often with the First Lady HON. ROBERT J. WITTMAN pendence Day, it is appropriate to recognize and senior Administration leaders on programs OF VIRGINIA these great Americans who have dedicated to enhance quality of life for service members IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES themselves to protecting the solemnity of the and their families. Thursday, July 1, 2010 final farewells of those who died while serving Mr. Myers was consistently recognized with Mr. WITTMAN. Madam Speaker, I am privi- to preserve the liberties that we exercise here numerous military and civilian awards, includ- leged to rise today to honor the 400th Anniver- in this House today. It is the actions of patriots ing three Presidential Rank Awards and the sary of the City of Hampton, Virginia. like these, those who readily stand to support Department of Defense Distinguished Civilian I am pleased to recognize and honor the our fallen heroes, that help make this nation Service Award. He received the Leadership City of Hampton as it celebrates its 400th An- great. Award from the International Military Commu- niversary on July 9, 2010. The City of Hamp- f nity Executives Association, a Lifetime ton is America’s first and oldest continuous Achievement Award from the American Logis- English-speaking settlement. It is one of seven MR. ARTHUR J. MYERS tics Association, and a National Service to major cities that comprise the Hampton Roads Youth Award from the Boys & Girls Clubs of areas, and is located on the southeastern end HON. IKE SKELTON America, which also inducted him into their of the Virginia Peninsula and borders the OF MISSOURI Alumni Hall of Fame. However, his highest Chesapeake Bay. honor came when the top senior enlisted lead- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES On April 30, 1607, Captain John Smith land- ers in the Air Force made him an honorary ed at Strawberry Banks. Three years later, on Thursday, July 1, 2010 Chief Master Sergeant. July 9, 1610, English Colonists established a Mr. SKELTON. Madam Speaker, I would Over the years, Mr. Myers built a highly-ef- small town at the entrance of the James River like to pay tribute to Mr. Arthur J. Myers. He fective team to maintain our Nation’s number and the Chesapeake Bay. Well-situated, the served his country for almost 50 years, pro- one weapons system: the Airmen. His efforts area became one of the leading ports in viding deployable combat support for tied directly to Air Force success in combat America and the entrance to the Common- warfighters and community services for those arenas and on the home front. As he retires wealth of Virginia with many settlers passed left behind. I have been privileged to work with now for the second time, I want to thank him by its shores before moving into the interior. him for a number of years on issues of con- on behalf of the citizens of this country. He Early settlers also saw the strategic defen- cern to military members and their families. leaves a lasting legacy of support for genera- sive importance of the area, establishing Old Mr. Myers enlisted in the Air Force and tions of Airmen and their families, and I know Point Comfort where the Elizabeth, served 20 years in key morale, welfare, and he will continue to be a strong advocate for Nansemond and James rivers empty into the recreation, MWR, and financial positions. His them. Chesapeake Bay. In 1830, construction of Fort civilian career took him from club manager to f Monroe began. Named in honor of President director of MWR for several major commands. James Monroe, the fort is the oldest active He was hand-picked to become the first dep- IN HONOR AND RECOGNITION OF duty fort in the nation. uty director for the new Air Force MWR orga- THE ANNUAL FREEDOM CELE- By the 1600s, the South King Street water- nization, and was later promoted to the Direc- BRATION OF THE WESTSIDE VET front was the center of a prosperous settle- tor of Air Force Services. CENTER OF PARMA, OHIO ment and hub for the seafood industry. Wharves and maritime merchants extended His leadership and vision shaped one of the along the waterfront, and crab skiffs, oyster most progressive and expansive quality of life HON. DENNIS J. KUCINICH canoes and buy boats lined the river and programs in the military, with significant posi- OF OHIO creeks giving rise to the nickname ‘Crabtown.’ tive impact on Airmen and their families. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES The crabs caught became world famous, He deployed Airmen to provide foodservice, Thursday, July 1, 2010 wining prizes at the Berlin, London and Paris lodging, fitness, and other programs for contin- World Fair’s. This gave rise to shipyards, ship- gency operations, personally visiting even the Mr. KUCINICH. Madam Speaker, I rise fitters, carpenters, blacksmiths and coopers to most remote sites and forward bases. today in honor and recognition of the staff and support the maritime industry. His ‘‘Fit to Fight’’ program resulted in a 30 volunteers of the Westside Vet Center of The City of Hampton continues to play a percent increase in fitness center usage, a 2- Parma, Ohio. Their dedication to providing central role in the Hampton Roads area at- point improvement in fitness scores, and an quality health care services to the men and tracting a wide array of businesses, research aggressive program to upgrade fitness facili- women who have sacrificed for our nation de- facilities, residential areas, historic sites and ties. serves the deepest gratitude. waterfront beaches. It is home to Langley Air He expanded quality affordable child care The lives of many veterans and their fami- Force Base, NASA Langley Research Center, by over 4,000 spaces and established a new lies have been improved by the outreach ef- the Virginia Air & Space Museum and historic subsidy for those unable to get into base forts of the Westside Vet Center. The Center Hampton University. The City of Hampton in- childcare facilities, saving parents money and provides vital resources, including services vites visitors from around the world to explore keeping family emergencies from disrupting and assistance focused on their emotional, Hampton in 2010. the mission. psychological, medical, financial, and employ- Madam Speaker, the City of Hampton is rich He operated the port mortuary at Dover Air ment needs. in history, resources and natural beauty. I am Force Base for members of all Services killed The quality support provided by the proud to recognize the City of Hampton on in action, others who die overseas, and occa- Westside Vet Center is the least that can be this significant occasion, and I ask my col- sionally victims of Stateside mass casualties. done for the veterans in our community—our leagues to join me in honoring the 400th anni- His plan for media access to the Dover Mor- brothers, sisters, sons and daughters, moth- versary of the City of Hampton.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:35 Nov 06, 2010 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00017 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\RECORD10\RECFILES\E01JY0.REC E01JY0 mmaher on DSK69SOYB1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE E1278 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks July 1, 2010 CONGRATULATING THE PARTICI- Thank you also to the Office of the Historian Queens College and a Juris Doctor degree PANTS OF THE HOUSE FELLOWS interns: Ms. Jacqueline Burns, Mr. Michael from New York Law School, and continued his PROGRAM Karlik, Ms. Madeleine Rosenberg and Ms. studies as part of a senior executive program Debbie Kobrin. for local and state governments at the John F. HON. JOHN B. LARSON f Kennedy School of Government at Harvard OF CONNECTICUT University. BENJAMIN R. DECOSTA, GENERAL IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES I would like to thank Mr. DeCosta for his MANAGER, CITY OF ATLANTA Thursday, July 1, 2010 service, dedication and success to Hartsfield- DEPARTMENT OF AVIATION Jackson Atlanta International Airport and the Mr. LARSON of Connecticut. Madam Metro Atlanta community. I wish him and his Speaker, I rise today to congratulate the par- HON. JOHN LEWIS family continued success and happiness in the ticipants of the House Fellows Program. The OF GEORGIA next chapter of his great career. House Fellows Program, run by the Office of IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the House Historian, is a unique opportunity f for a select group of secondary education Thursday, July 1, 2010 THE TATEUCHI FOUNDATION American history and government teachers to Mr. LEWIS of Georgia. Madam Speaker, I experience firsthand the inner-workings of rise today to recognize a great public servant HON. DAVID G. REICHERT Congress. These educators have dem- of Metro Atlanta and the international aviation OF WASHINGTON onstrated excellence in the classroom, are community. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES dedicated to educating our Nation’s youth and For 12 years, Mr. Benjamin R. DeCosta has are truly deserving of our recognition. led the City of Atlanta’s Aviation Department Thursday, July 1, 2010 One of the goals of the House Fellows Pro- and successfully managed Hartsfield-Jackson Mr. REICHERT. Madam Speaker, in 2006, gram is to develop curriculum on the history Atlanta International Airport—the world’s busi- the fundraising campaign for Performing Arts and practice of the House for use in schools. est passenger airport. Located in my congres- Center Eastside (PACE) began in earnest and During the program, fellows prepare a brief sional district, this outstanding internationally- a new performing arts center is set to open in lesson plan on a Congressional topic of their recognized transportation center employs 2013 in my District—Washington’s 8th. The choosing, which is then shared with the other more than 56,000 people and generates more PACE campaign just received a $25 million fellows. These plans will become part of a than 400,000 jobs and $23.5 billion in Metro gift from the Tateuchi Foundation, and a re- larger teaching resource database on the Atlanta’s economy. Recently, Mr. DeCosta an- newed life has been breathed into a campaign House. During the school year following their nounced that he will be leaving Hartsfield- for cultural vibrancy, economic vitality, and ar- participation in the House Fellows Program, Jackson Atlanta International Airport. tistic expression. each Fellow is responsible for presenting his I am proud to have known and worked with Madam Speaker, the generosity of the or her experience and lesson plans to at least Mr. DeCosta for over a decade. Whenever I Tateuchi Foundation to the PACE campaign is one in-service institute for teachers of history call Ben and his staff about national aviation nothing short of phenomenal. For its incredible and government. policy issues and the impact on Hartsfield- gift, the Foundation received the naming rights The House Fellows Program began in 2006, Jackson—I could always expect an honest, of the performing arts center. Therefore, it will and since then 75 teachers from across the thorough, and researched answer. Ben suc- now be known as the Tateuchi Center, and country have participated in this innovative cessfully led the effort to open a 5th runway, I’m extremely pleased to see the campaign re- program. An additional 45 teachers will be taking part the Maynard H. Jackson, Jr. International ter- ceive such a significant boost. in this summer’s program. With plans to select minal, a consolidated rental car center, and The spirit of giving and philanthropy is alive a teacher from every Congressional district upgrades to the central passenger terminal and well, Madam Speaker. This extraordinary over the next several years, the House Fel- complex. He also managed to award almost gift has reminded our community that belief in lows Program will impact thousands of high 40 percent of contracts that were part of this unique and worthwhile entertainment and art school teachers and their students and will en- $6 billion capital improvement initiative to is essential to a vibrant community. The real- ergize thousands of students to become in- women- and minority-owned businesses. ization of a state-of-the-art performing arts formed and active citizens. Consumed with improving customer service center in the 8th District will provide jobs and As a former U.S. history teacher, I believe and setting higher standards for passengers, enhance the quality of life and cultural infra- strongly in the importance of civic education. Ben has led the airport’s team in making the structure of the entire Puget Sound region. Ac- We must continue our efforts to get our youth entire experience smoother for those traveling, cording to recent studies, the Tateuchi Center involved in the political process in districts to, from, and through Hartsfield-Jackson. For will have a $470 million impact on King Coun- across the country. Educating teachers about example, we worked together to improve the ty over the next decade and will generate $70 the ‘‘People’s House’’ is one of the best ways security screening processes at the airport. million in new tax revenues for federal, state, to do that. I congratulate the following edu- Now the passenger wait times average less county and city governments. Beyond that, cators who are participating in the 1st session than 10 minutes; the lines may be long, but Madam Speaker, a unique, exciting venue like of this summer’s 2010 House Fellows Pro- they move. He also brought numerous retail- the Tateuchi Center will help businesses in the gram: ers to the airport; on both sides of the security Puget Sound region—such as Microsoft—con- Ms. Katherine Brantley (Ruppersberger, check points, you can find great food and tinue to recruit top talent and excel in a highly MD–02), Mr. Brian Rock (Pallone, NJ–06), Ms. shopping for whatever your needs may be desirable area. Elizabeth Murphy (Payne, NJ–10), Ms. Esme while you wait. The campaign to bring a one-of-a-kind per- Scott (Price, NC–04), Mr. Charles Zappa It has not been easy; many would have forming arts center to the 8th District is driven (Serrano, NY–16), Mr. Nate Cole (Serrano, walked away a long time ago. Somehow, Ben by the desire to transform lives and enrich the NY–16), Mr. John Burns (Pastor, AZ–04), Mr. rose to the challenge. The aviation community community by presenting artistic, cultural, edu- Darios Felix (Rohrabacher, CA–46), Mr. Roy took notice of his successes. Last year, the cational, and entertainment experiences of the Greenland (Goodlatte, VA–06), Mr. Duane National Forum of Black Public Administrators highest quality for everyone. The momentous Baker (Hoekstra, MI–02), Ms. Laura Howard (NFBPA) recognized him as the recipient of gift of the Tateuchi Foundation is helping (Kingston, GA–01), Mr. Daniel Hayden (King, the 2009 prestigious National Leadership make that desire a reality. The overall fund- NY–03), Mr. Randy ‘Scotty’ Hicks (Duncan, Award. In 2007, Airport Revenue Magazine raising goal will be reached, and that’s a testa- TN–02), Ms. Mary Helen Story (Duncan, TN– voted him Best Director. Under his leadership, ment to civic pride, business leadership, and 02) and Mr. Timothy Rodman (Bartlett, MD– Hartsfield-Jackson was recognized as the the public good. Madam Speaker, I thank the 06) World’s Most Efficient Airport for three con- leaders of the campaign to bring the arts to Madam Speaker, I urge all of my colleagues secutive years, the world’s top airport with Wi- the 8th District. And of course, I join my con- to join me in thanking the Office of the Histo- Fi connectivity, and the Executive Traveler’s stituents in thanking the Tateuchi Foundation rian for sponsoring this program. Thanks to Best Large U.S. airport. for its generosity. The continued dedication to Dr. Robert Remini and Dr. Fred Beuttler for Ben came to Atlanta from New York where this cause is remarkable and worthwhile. their outstanding leadership, and Dr. Thomas he worked for the Port Authority of New York Madam Speaker, even in this difficult eco- Rushford, Mr. Anthony Wallis and Mr. Ben- and New Jersey and served as the general nomic time, the Tateuchi Center campaign jamin Hayes for providing the crucial staff sup- manager of Newark International Airport. He demonstrates that the desire for artistic ex- port. earned a physics undergraduate degree from pression is as limitless as the expression itself

VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:35 Nov 06, 2010 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00018 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\RECORD10\RECFILES\E01JY0.REC E01JY0 mmaher on DSK69SOYB1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE July 1, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1279 and is sending a clear message: the inclusion In Miami, Florida, Mrs. Gordon was a mem- RECOGNIZING THE SALTER FAM- of arts in a community will make that commu- ber of Bay Shore Lutheran Church. She ILY AS THE 2010 SANTA ROSA nity a better place to work, live, and create. served as a greeter and member of the Lu- COUNTY OUTSTANDING FARM f theran Women Missionary League. She was FAMILY OF THE YEAR the recipient of the Good Samaritan Award of HONORING MRS. JUDITH BERNICE Bay Shore Lutheran Church, which was HON. JEFF MILLER SEEMAN DEL ROSSI AND MR. awarded by the Lutheran Services of Florida. OF FLORIDA FRANCIS JOSEPH DEL ROSSI Mrs. Gordon was married to the late Rupert IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Carlton Gordon. They had three daughters: Thursday, July 1, 2010 HON. JOHN H. ADLER Yvonne Elaine Hill, Patricia Evadne Ferdinand Mr. MILLER of Florida. Madam Speaker, it OF NEW JERSEY and Rose-Marie Gordon-Wallace. She was is my distinct privilege to recognize the Salter IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES blessed with a loving family who took pleasure family for being named the 2010 Santa Rosa Thursday, July 1, 2010 in every aspect of her life and her interests. I offer my heartfelt condolences to her three County Outstanding Farm Family of the Year. Mr. ADLER of New Jersey. Madam Speak- daughters; sons-in-law, Tyrone Hill, Donald The hard work and dedication of this family er, I rise today to honor Mrs. Judith Bernice Ferdinand, Frederick Myers, and Roy Anthony helps not only feed many in the community, Seeman Del Rossi and Mr. Francis Joseph Wallace; her grandchildren, great-grand- but also so many throughout the country. For Del Rossi on the occasion of their 50th wed- children, sisters, cousins, nieces, nephews, that reason, Madam Speaker, I am honored to ding anniversary. and friends. recognize their accomplishments. John, Stacy and their daughter Kailee are Judith and Joseph were married at St. Madam Speaker, I ask you and all the John’s Catholic Church in Collingswood, New fourth generation farmers. The Salter family members of this esteemed legislative body to has been a vital part of the Chumuckla com- Jersey, on June 11, 1960. Together, they join me in recognizing the extraordinary life raised three children: Angeline Rita, Mary munity since the late 1800s. While many and accomplishments of Mrs. Eglantine Melita things have changed in the field of agricultural Frances, and Francis Joseph. As longtime Gordon. I am honored to pay tribute to Mrs. residents of Pennsauken, New Jersey, Frank science since the 1800s, the Salter family has Gordon for her invaluable service and tireless remained steadfast in their honored tradition of taught at Pennsauken High School for 37 dedication to both her church and local com- years, where he also coached the school’s working hard and providing quality goods to munity. She will be missed by all who knew market. basketball team. Judy served in many Parent her, and I appreciate this opportunity to pay Teacher Association leadership roles while her In addition to having a determined work tribute to her before the United States House ethic that is deeply rooted in the Salter family, children were young. She recently retired from of Representatives. her job at the Claridge Casino after more than they have also begun to sow the seeds of vol- untarism in the Northwest Florida community. 20 years of service. f Today, Judy and Frank are residing in Mr. John Salter has served as the Chairman Marlton, New Jersey. Their 50 years of mar- FIREARMS EXCISE TAX of the Blackwater Soil and Conservation Dis- riage is a true testament to the loyalty and IMPROVEMENT ACT OF 2010 trict for the past 12 years and is currently love they demonstrate in all aspects of their Chairman of the Santa Rosa County Farm lives. SPEECH OF Service Agency County Committee. Further- Madam Speaker, I ask my colleagues in the more, Mr. Salter serves as a council member House of Representatives to join me on con- HON. TODD TIAHRT of the Three Rivers Resource Conservation gratulating Judith and Joseph Del Rossi upon OF KANSAS and Development Council. He is also a mem- the occasion of their 50th anniversary. For IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ber of Florida Farm Bureau, Florida Peanut Producers Association and the Southeast Pea- their commitment and generosity to family, Tuesday, June 29, 2010 friends, and each other, they are to be com- nut Farmers’ Association. mended. Mr. TIAHRT. Mr. Speaker, this legislation is Madam Speaker, our great nation was built long overdue. For years, there have been in- by farmers and their families. The Salters f consistencies in the manner in which manu- serve as an example to all our nation’s family HONORING MRS. EGLANTINE facturers pay their taxes. Under current law, farmers. On behalf of the entire United States MELITA GORDON firearm and ammunition manufacturers pay ex- Congress I applaud their efforts and congratu- cise taxes into the fund on a bi-weekly basis. late them on being named the Santa Rosa HON. KENDRICK B. MEEK All other manufacturers pay on a quarterly County Outstanding Farm Family of the Year. My wife Vicki and I thank them for their work OF FLORIDA basis. This legislation will change this incon- sistency and bring a little commonsense into and wish them continued success in the fu- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES our crazy tax system. ture. Thursday, July 1, 2010 I am pleased to be a cosponsor of H.R. f 510, to amend the Internal Revenue Code to Mr. MEEK of Florida. Madam Speaker, I rise IN MEMORY OF MR. ROBIN require that the payment of the manufacturers’ to pay tribute to the late Mrs. Eglantine Melita WHITLEY HOOD Gordon. It is with both profound sadness but excise tax on recreational equipment be paid also an enduring sense of gratitude that I rec- quarterly. The frequency of tax payments for ognize her for the tremendous inspiration she the firearm and ammunition manufacturers is a HON. BOB ETHERIDGE OF NORTH CAROLINA provided to both her church and community. burden on the industry. In fact, some manu- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Affectionately known as ‘‘Mama G,’’ Mrs. facturers are forced to secure short-term loans Gordon was born in Riverside, Hanover, Ja- to pay their taxes, thus incurring additional ex- Thursday, July 1, 2010 maica on November 26, 1916 to the late penses and adding to administrative overhead. Mr. ETHERIDGE. Madam Speaker, I rise Jabez Buchanan and Florence Johnson. She The end result is that money is diverted away today to honor the life of Mr. Robin Whitley attended Riverside All-Age School, Rusea’s from core business areas to finance tax pay- Hood, who passed away on Sunday, June 27, Comprehensive High School and Bethlehem ments. in Raleigh, NC. Best known for the smile he Teachers College. Through this legislation, firearm and ammu- brought to other’s faces and his lifelong com- Upon graduation, Mrs. Gordon began her nition manufacturers will now be able to rein- munity involvement, Whitley will surely be professional career as a teacher at Riverside, vest more funds into researching and devel- missed. Wesley, Elletson, and New Providence pri- oping new products, purchasing new manufac- Robin Whitley Hood was born on January 1, mary schools in Jamaica and William Gordon turing machinery, and increasing marketing 1932, in Johnston County to parents John Elementary School in the Bahamas. She was and outreach to the hunting and sport shoot- Robert and Cleo Wood Hood. He attended also a private tutor. ing community. The federal government will Campbell College and graduated from Wake She was a member of the Meadowbrook get their taxes, on a quarterly basis as it does Forest University, where he was a member of United Church in Jamaica and served as an from every other manufacturer, so no revenue Lambda Chi Alpha Fraternity. After graduation, elder, member of the Women’s Guild, and par- will be lost. Whitley established Robin Hood Enterprises ticipated in the Social Services Outreach Pro- I urge my colleagues to support the Fire- Inc., which still flourishes today. His compa- gram. arms Excise Tax Improvement Act. nies include Whitley Hood Insurance Agency,

VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:35 Nov 06, 2010 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00019 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\RECORD10\RECFILES\E01JY0.REC E01JY0 mmaher on DSK69SOYB1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE E1280 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks July 1, 2010 Robin Hood Truck Stop and Restaurant, and ‘‘Further, he enunciated a method to help stances such as these, Congress can exert its Robin Hood Oil Company. achieve the strategy, saying ‘the objective I influence by earmarking funds certain coun- In addition to his entrepreneurial endeavors, propose is quite simple . . . to foster the infra- tries. The implementation of such earmarks Mr. Hood served as mayor of the town of Ben- structure of democracy, the system of a free can be greatly influenced by the second rea- son from 1971–1979. He was instrumental in press, unions, political parties, universities, son for strong presidential/administration sup- the development and growth of Benson, where which allows a people to choose their own port: the message sent within the bureauc- he was a strong advocate for the community. way to develop their own culture, to reconcile racy. He played a key role in developing a water their differences through peaceful means.’ ‘‘Too often it is easy for the career bureauc- line to Benson from the Neuse River and ar- ‘‘Reagan counseled patience, noting that racy to minimize democracy and human rights gued strongly for 1–40’s current route near ‘the task I’ve set forth will long outlive our gen- because these elements complicate other bi- Benson over a counterproposal that would eration.’ He would be characteristically modest lateral issues, such as economic or trade or have taken it further north. He was named about his role, but within eight years, the num- security relationships. Skilled diplomats know Benson’s Citizen of the Year in 1973. ber of ‘free countries’ in Freedom House’s sur- that it is possible to achieve both. But clear Whitley remained an active member of the vey had risen to 76, compared to 51 at the statements by the President and Secretary of community long after his public service. He time of his inaugural, ‘partly free countries’ State on democracy and human rights con- was a member of the Benson Lions Club, a had risen to 65 from 51, and ‘not free’ coun- tribute to the degree to which efforts will be past patron of Eastern Star, a member of the tries had declined from 60 to 42. Most dra- made by U.S. Country Teams to implement Benson Stock Club, a member of the Benson matically, the Soviet bloc had disintegrated. programs and seek to garner international GBO, an active member of Benson Baptist While many West Europeans now claim it was support for those seeking to better their condi- Church and a past deacon. He was also a engagement—exemplified by ‘Ostpolitik’—that tions under authoritarian regimes. Under prominent Mason and Shriner. ended the Cold War, those who lived under President Clinton and Secretary Albright and My best memories of Whitley involve his Soviet domination instead give much credit to President Bush and Secretaries Powell and work as director of the Sudan Clowns for al- Pope John Paul II, Margaret Thatcher and Rice, for example, U.S. diplomats understood most 50 years. Whitley loved to bring joy to Ronald Reagan . . .’’ that human rights and democracy were strong people’s faces and to spread laughs and good Later in his testimony Mr. Craner remarked emphases of U.S. foreign policy. cheer to those he met. Many of the Dunn on the critical role that Congress plays in ‘‘Third, and perhaps most important, the de- community are familiar with ‘‘Happy’’ the clown pressing the State Department to elevate gree of administration support for democracy and the clown cards he would leave behind; I these issues of human rights and religious and human rights is watched closely by auto- know that I will never forget the happiness he freedom . . . issues which often are cratic and totalitarian foreign leaders. They are brought to those around him and I am sure his downplayed in the name of bilateral relations. trying to discern how to manage relations with bright light will not soon be forgotten by others Craner noted: the world’s most powerful country. When in our community. ‘‘Indeed, for more than 30 years, beyond the American leaders diminish our emphasis and Madam Speaker, I urge my colleagues to inception of NED, Congress has truly been at consistency on democracy and human rights, join me today in honoring the life of Mr. Robin the forefront on issues of human rights. For foreign leaders understand that they don’t Whitley Hood, a beacon of his community and example, the State Department Bureau I have to do as much on those issues to main- a true exemplar of civic involvement. May he headed, for Democracy, Human Rights and tain good relations with Washington.’’ Labor, was also founded by an act of Con- even in passing bring a smile to his loved Mr. Craner closed by noting that the Obama gress. On many occasions the Congress has ones’ faces for the wonderful legacy he has administration has gotten off to a weak start actually led on human rights and democracy left behind. on these issues, and that this has not gone policy. The annual State Department Country f unnoticed by those to whom U.S. policy in this Reports on Human Rights were established regard matters most . . . ‘‘democrats and dis- EXCERPTS FROM TESTIMONY over the objections of the then-administration. sidents.’’ GIVEN BY LORNE CRANER I referred earlier to Congressional action on human rights early in the Reagan administra- Craner remarked, ‘‘Commenting on Presi- HON. FRANK R. WOLF tion. In the 1990s and this decade, a number dent Obama’s delayed meeting with the Dalai of the entities within the State Department in- Lama, former Czech President Vaclav Havel OF VIRGINIA said of Beijing ‘they respect it when someone IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tended to advance human rights—the Office of International Religious Freedom, the Office to is standing his ground, when someone is not Thursday, July 1, 2010 Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons, afraid of them. When someone soils his pants Mr. WOLF. Madam Speaker, I submit ex- and the Special Envoy to Monitor and Combat prematurely, then they do not respect you cerpts from the testimony of Lorne Craner, Anti-Semitism—were also established over ad- more for it.’ president of the International Republican Insti- ministration opposition. The recent Advance ‘‘Cyberdissident Ahed Al-Hendi stated that tute, IRI, speaking before the House Com- Democracy Act was opposed by the then-ad- previously, in Syria ‘when a single dissident mittee on Foreign Affairs on June 10. ministration. Legislative action regarding was arrested . . . at the very least the White Mr. Craner spoke with great clarity about a human rights in various countries, from China House would condemn it. Under the Obama number of important issues regarding the pro- to El Salvador to South Africa, has been taken administration, nothing.’ motion of human rights and democracy in the by Congress despite the administration’s wish- ‘‘Malaysia’s Anwar Ibrahim said ‘Our con- context of U.S. foreign policy. es. It is especially important to note that pas- cern is that the Obama administration is per- He opened with reflections on President sage of such legislation was undertaken by ceived to be softening on human rights . . . Reagan’s conviction that freedom is a birth- Congresses with Democratic or Republican once you give a perception that you are soft- right—one that ought to be enjoyed by all peo- majorities during both Democratic and Repub- ening on human rights, then you are strength- ples. Mr. Craner testified: lican administrations.’’ ening the hands of autocrats to punish dis- ‘‘President Reagan said ‘We must be Lastly, he spoke compellingly of the need sidents throughout the world.’ staunch in our conviction that freedom is not for ‘‘Strong, consistent, leadership on democ- ‘‘According to Egypt’s Saad Eddin Ibrahim, the sole prerogative of a lucky few, but the in- racy and human rights from the top of the ad- ‘George W. Bush is missed by activists in alienable and universal right of all human ministration . . .’’ He gave several reasons: Cairo and elsewhere who—despite possible beings. So states the United Nations Universal ‘‘First, much attention is paid to the adminis- misgivings about his policies in Iraq and Af- Declaration of Human Rights . . .’ tration’s funding levels for democracy pro- ghanistan—benefited from his firm stance on ‘‘But Reagan went beyond simply noting the gramming. This is substantively important, democratic progress. During the time he kept importance of freedom in the speech. He laid given what democratic foreign leaders point to up pressure on dictators, there were openings out a strategy to achieve it, stating that ‘If the as the results of America’s democracy pro- for a democratic opposition to flourish. The rest of this century is to witness the gradual gramming over the past quarter century, from current Obama policy seems weak and incon- growth of freedom and democratic ideals, we Chile to the Philippines to Poland, Mongolia, sistent by contrast.’ ’’ must take actions to assist the campaign for Serbia, Georgia, Moldova, and many others. I share Mr. Craner’s concerns and echo his democracy. While we must be cautious about Here in Washington, it is also seen as a sym- charge to Congress to stand in the gap even forcing the pace of change, we must not hesi- bolic measure of U.S. support for democracy in the face of an administration that is strug- tate to declare our ultimate objectives and to in countries in remaining repressive countries gling to find its voice on matters which ought take concrete actions to move towards them.’ such as Cuba, Belarus, Iran, and Burma. In in- to be central in American foreign policy.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:35 Nov 06, 2010 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00020 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\RECORD10\RECFILES\E01JY0.REC E01JY0 mmaher on DSK69SOYB1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE July 1, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1281 RECOGNIZING THE CENTER FOR the College’s Women & Gender Studies Pro- HONORING THE LIFE OF NETTIE B. INFORMATION DOMINANCE, gram and historic Roosevelt House. ROGERS CORRY STATION The 2010 Conference is helping to increase awareness of the nexus between violence HON. STEVE COHEN HON. JEFF MILLER against women and its harmful effect on key OF TENNESSEE IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF FLORIDA indicators, be they economic, educational, or IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES relating to public health. Convening prominent Thursday, July 1, 2010 Thursday, July 1, 2010 leaders and activists from the worlds of busi- Mr. COHEN. Madam Speaker, I rise today Mr. MILLER of Florida. Madam Speaker, it ness, academia, philanthropy, advocacy, non- to honor the life of Nettie Brown Rogers, a is with great pleasure I rise to recognize the profit organizing, and public policy, the Con- woman of keen faith and conviction who self- Center for Information Dominance (CID) Corry ference will advance UNIFEM’s critical mission lessly served the spiritual community of Mem- Station for their countless hours of service to and develop and promote strategies to combat phis, Tennessee for over fifty years. Born in the community of Northwest Florida. CID gender-based violence. Memphis to Arthur and Bertha Brown on Octo- Corry Station has gone above and beyond the ber 25, 1922, Nettie Rogers was a committed call of duty, further serving their country UNIFEM’s vital mission is to advance wom- wife to Floyd Rogers, a caring mother of through their community involvement. en’s rights and achieve gender equality seven children and a community leader Encompassing all branches of the Armed around the world. UNIFEM begins with the among the city’s Baptist Churches. Forces, the service members of CID Corry fundamental premise that all women have a Deeply devoted to her Christian faith, Mrs. Station have set a shining example for Ameri- right to live a life free from discrimination and Rogers was a pioneering woman who accept- cans everywhere through their unwavering violence. By supporting national as well as ed her calling to religion ‘‘no matter what men and unselfish dedication. Members of every local programs, UNIFEM has helped pave the might say.’’ In 1958, she and 22 other commu- rank have contributed toward an astronomical way toward a more just society, free of gender nity members co-founded Grace Missionary Baptist Church in Memphis. A committed number of hours being recorded in the period discrimination and the oppression of women. member of Grace M.B. Church, Mrs. Rogers spanning July of 2009 to June of 2010. In this UNIFEM supports the advancement of existing also served for ten years as an associate min- period, the members of CID Corry Station international commitments for gender equality have contributed a total of 9,481 volunteers ister at New Salem Missionary Baptist Church on a national level. It has helped advance recording 87,801 community volunteer hours. where she was said to have done everything These volunteers have touched the lives of some of our loftiest ideals, values of human but preach. 107,807 citizens of Northwest Florida, all of and civil rights embraced by the vast majority In 1968, Mrs. Rogers founded the Memphis which are eternally grateful for the selfless- of U.N. member nations, as embodied by im- Inter-Denominational Fellowship, Inc., a non- ness of these service members. portant initiatives such as the Convention on profit that supports spiritual growth, Christian The service members of CID Corry Station the Elimination of Discrimination Against and public education and initiatives to reduce have assisted the efforts of many volunteer or- Women. crime, juvenile delinquency and illiteracy. ganizations in Northwest Florida. CID Corry Under Mrs. Rogers’s leadership, the Memphis UNIFEM is active all across the globe, from Inter-Denominational Fellowship pursued cre- Station has volunteered alongside organiza- sub-Saharan Africa to the islands of the Carib- tions such as Manna Food Pantry, Pensacola ative initiatives, such as the ‘‘Back to Church bean. Its staff works with countries to formu- Boys Base, Meals on Wheels, Saturday Schol- School Crusade,’’ which established National ars, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, Youth Sports, late and implement laws and programs to pro- Church School Day on the first Sunday in Junior Achievements, and the Big Brothers/Big mote gender equality in all aspects of civil so- June. Through Operation Bread Basket, Mrs. Sisters Program, just to name a few of the ciety, working to secure fair and fairly com- Rogers provided food for over 30 years to in- enumerable ways in which these service pensated employment opportunities for dividuals, churches, nursing homes and other members have bettered their community. women, to end the scourge of violence against community agencies. Endowed with faith, wis- Madam Speaker, on behalf of the United women, and to help secure their inheritance dom, and an unselfish love, Mrs. Rogers’s life States Congress, I would like to recognize the and property rights. In Sudan, UNIFEM has was characterized by such acts of unwavering service members of Center for Information partnered with the United Nations Mission in commitment to Christian and community serv- Dominance Corry Station for their service to Darfur to promote awareness of, and to try to ice. their country and the community of Northwest Mrs. Rogers’s home in South Memphis was stem, the surge in violence against women. Its adorned with awards and letters from church- Florida. May they continue in their efforts to staff works closely with tribal leaders and ref- provide a brilliant example for others to follow. es, schools and organizations documenting ugee camps to teach women how to protect f the achievements of her distinguished life. In themselves from sexual assault and violence, 2009, she was posthumously awarded the IN HONOR OF THE UNIFEM–U.S. achieving a noticeable positive impact on the Ruby R. Wharton Outstanding Woman award NATIONAL COMMITTEE 2010 NA- area. in the area of Youth and Delinquency by TIONAL CONFERENCE UNIFEM also strives in collaboration with Mayor AC. Wharton. That same year she was governments to achieve greater gender equal- inducted into the Memphis African American HON. CAROLYN B. MALONEY ity and increase awareness of the basic Museum’s Hall of Pulpits, the only woman among 12 male preachers. In 2007 and 2008, OF NEW YORK human rights of women. In collaboration with I issued Congressional proclamations com- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES various NGOs, UNIFEM has successfully mending her outstanding work in the commu- Thursday, July 1, 2010 pushed for increased female representation in nity supporting youth engagement. In 2006 Mrs. MALONEY. Madam Speaker, I rise to the legislatures of numerous governments in and 2008, the State of Tennessee House of pay special tribute to UNIFEM, the United Na- the Middle East and Asia. Representatives passed Joint Resolutions tions Development Fund for Women, and to Madam Speaker, I ask that my distinguished honoring Mrs. Rogers for her strength in char- the United States National Committee for colleagues join in recognizing the remarkable acter and commitment to selfless good works. UNIFEM. This month, the UNIFEM–U.S. Na- contributions toward improving the quality of In 2002, the City of Memphis renamed the tional Committee (USNC), in partnership with women’s lives around the world made by street she lived on to Fountain Court in her the National Council for Research on Women, UNIFEM, the United Nations Development honor. Mrs. Rogers also received awards and is holding its 2010 Annual National Con- Fund for Women, and the UNIFEM United recognition from the April 4th Foundation, ference in New York City. The theme of this Grace M.B. Church, the National Association States National Committee, on the occasion of year’s conference, ‘‘Strategic Imperatives for of Negro Business and Professional Women’s its 2010 Annual National Conference. For thir- Ending Violence Against Women,’’ is timely Club and LeMoyne-Owen College, among and important, and I salute UNIFEM–USNC ty-four years UNIFEM has worked closely with other well-deserved distinctions. for convening prominent leaders and activists governments and organizations across the Nettie Rogers passed away at her home in to address these critical issues. The Con- globe to make the ideals that we hold a re- South Memphis on February 12, 2009 at the ference is being held at Hunter College of the ality, and all citizens of the world owe a debt age of 86. She is survived by four daughters, City University of New York on Manhattan’s of gratitude to UNIFEM and to UNIFEM– two sons, 14 grandchildren, six great-grand- Upper East Side and is being co-hosted by USNC. children, and the legacy of her faith and public

VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:35 Nov 06, 2010 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00021 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\RECORD10\RECFILES\E01JY0.REC E01JY0 mmaher on DSK69SOYB1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE E1282 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks July 1, 2010 service. In the words of her daughter, Dr. HONORING ERNIE PLANTZ that everyone in the state stands together to Inetta F. Rogers who serves as the President support the Silk family. Brandon is mourned of Memphis Inter-Denominational Fellowship, HON. JOE COURTNEY by all as a true American hero and a defender ‘‘I saw her as a role model in the community OF CONNECTICUT of the freedom we all hold dear. and I’m preaching in pulpits where she IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Madam Speaker, please join me in honoring couldn’t.’’ Memphis has been blessed to have Thursday, July 1, 2010 the memory of Sergeant Brandon Silk for his benefited from the good deeds of this excep- patriotism and devotion to his community and tional mother, wife, friend, spiritual advisor and Mr. COURTNEY. Madam Speaker, I rise his country. ministry leader. Hers was a life well lived. today to honor a great American for a lifetime of service to his country and community. Ernie f f Plantz of Gales Ferry is a World War II vet- eran with an incredible story and an enduring IN HONOR OF THE 90TH ANNIVER- IN RECOGNITION OF THE 2010 passion for public service. On several occa- SARY OF MOUNT PILGRIM BAP- GRADUATES OF THE PRINCE sions, I have had the pleasure of seeing first- TIST CHURCH, ALBANY, GEORGIA WILLIAM COUNTY PUBLIC SAFE- hand the hard work that Ernie puts in on be- TY ACADEMY half of Connecticut’s veterans. HON. SANFORD D. BISHOP, JR. Ernie is a retired Lieutenant in the United OF GEORGIA States Navy. He survived the sinking of a sub- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HON. GERALD E. CONNOLLY marine, the USS Perch, and was taken as a Thursday, July 1, 2010 OF VIRGINIA Prisoner of War by Japanese forces during World War II. He remained as a Prisoner of Mr. BISHOP of Georgia. Madam Speaker, I IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES War for more than 3 years, living through un- rise today to honor Mount Pilgrim Baptist Thursday, July 1, 2010 thinkable physical and emotion pain. Church in Albany, Georgia which has served Today he is a proud member of the Groton as a tower of strength for the people of the Mr. CONNOLLY of Virginia. Madam Speak- Submarine Veterans and has spent much time Second Congressional District. The church er, I rise today to congratulate the most recent teaching the children of eastern Connecticut was founded on July 11, 1920 in a small graduates of the Prince William County Public about the history of World War II and sharing wooden house located at 627 Society Avenue Safety Academy. As they join the ranks of the his story. It is not unusual to see Ernie at the under the noble leadership of the late Rev- Prince William County Department of Fire and forefront of any event helping or honoring erend Grant Edgar Hall. Rescue, these men and women are entering a Connecticut veterans. He is the recipient of a The church was christened by Mr. Jubie proud profession with a rich history. Purple Heart and a Bronze Star. He is also an Johnson, who was also one of the first mem- Securing a position as a first responder be- active member of the Lions Club, and was bers of the church. During its inception, wor- gins with a competitive application process. named a Melvin Jones Fellow by Lions Inter- ship services were held on the first and third Recruits must then complete a rigorous and national. This is the highest award for humani- Sundays of each month. The church’s first comprehensive 23-week training program be- tarian service bestowed by the organization. pastor, Reverend Edgar Hall, retired in 1956 fore graduating as a Prince William County While Ernie is a survivor in the purest due to ill health and old age. He was suc- Department of Fire and Rescue Technician I. sense, what truly prevails when you meet him ceeded by Reverend R.J. Polk. Since then, A Technician I is trained in emergency med- is his love of helping others and giving back. the church has been blessed by several pas- ical services, fire prevention and countless For someone that has seen the darkest sides tors who have served the people of Albany as other public safety measures. The certifi- of war, I am inspired by the amount of time evangelists, prophets, teachers, counselors, cations required to reach the status of a Tech- and energy that he puts in to help his fellow and friends. Reverend Polk was followed by nician I cannot be accomplished without com- veterans and citizens on a daily basis. I ask dynamic leaders like Reverend P.E. Dav- plete dedication and hard work. The graduates my colleagues to join me in honoring Ernie enport, Reverend J.L. Jones, Reverend J.E. have completed the requisite coursework for and thank him for his service to our Nation. Brown, Reverend C.W. Heath, Reverend R.E. certification in CPR, Infection Control, CISM, f Ousley, Reverend Jimmy Sneed, Reverend Carl K. Rolle, Reverend Veron D. Lloyd, Rev- EMT–B, Firefighter I, Firefighter II, EVOC 2, HONORING SERGEANT BRANDON erend Clayton D. Smith and Reverend Dr. EVOC 3, Flashover Simulation, RIT, Mayday, SILK Hazmat Awareness/Operations, Swift Water James B. Rodgers. Rescue Awareness, LPG with Simulation, In the last 90 years, the church has seen Rural Water Supply, BLS Protocols, Rope HON. MICHAEL H. MICHAUD exponential growth. The church’s original edi- OF MAINE Rescue Awareness, Vehicle Rescue Aware- fice was expanded under the guidance of Rev- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ness and Child Passenger Safety Seat Instal- erend Ousley. The adjacent land and Annex lation. Each graduate has completed more Thursday, July 1, 2010 South were developed with Reverend Rolle’s than 600 hours of training and education. Mr. MICHAUD. Madam Speaker, I rise valuable assistance and Annex East was pur- It is my honor to enter into the CONGRES- today to honor the memory of Army Sergeant chased and refurbished under Reverend SIONAL RECORD the names of the Prince Wil- Brandon Silk of Orono, Maine, who was killed Smith’s guidance. With the effective leadership liam Department of Fire and Rescue Recruit while serving his country in Afghanistan. from the church’s pastors and tremendous Class 2010–1: Brandon was well-loved by everyone in his public support, the church has continued to family and community. He is remembered for expand. Under the Reverend Walter L. Benjamin Draxler, Shannon Frick, Nels Jor- Ingram, Jr., the church relocated to its larger genson, Hanif Majeed, Nathaniel Matthews, his personality, self-determination and self- confidence. On June 21st, Sergeant Silk died permanent residence on 1501 Newton Road. Timothy Moore, Ariel Morales, Ethan Newham, Mount Pilgrim Baptist Church has served as Chris Payne, Jajuan Reed, Adam Renner, from injuries he suffered in a hard landing on his second Afghanistan tour. At 25 years old, a pillar of strength for the Albany community. Raymond Sanez, Nicholas Soper and Alex- Through its numerous outreach ministries, it ander Thomson. Sergeant Silk’s youth punctuates an already painful loss. has strived to serve the people of the great There are many reasons that firefighters Brandon Silk, a fan of hunting, music, mo- state of Georgia and the city of Albany. By and first responders are known as America’s torcycles and the Red Sox, graduated from reaching out to those in need and comforting Heroes. These brave men and women regu- Orono High School in 2003, where he excelled those who are suffering, the church has be- larly put the lives and well being of those they in football and track. After graduating, Brandon come a source of spiritual support for the peo- serve ahead of their own. I am confident that enlisted in the U.S. Army, volunteering to ple of the community. this newest group of graduates will serve the serve and protect his country. He was a Black On the occasion of its 90th Anniversary, it citizens of Prince William County with distinc- Hawk crew chief and a member of the 101st gives me great honor to recognize Mount Pil- tion and honor. Airborne Division at Fort Campbell, Kentucky. grim Baptist Church for all its efforts. I thank Madam Speaker, I ask that my colleagues He was on his fourth tour of duty having the church and its congregation for all their join me in congratulating the newest members served in Korea, Iraq and two tours in Afghan- years of service. I wish and hope that they of Prince William County Department of Fire istan. continue to spread the word of God and con- and Rescue. I have just two other words I In Maine, our communities are known for tinue serving the community in Albany. To would like to say to them: Stay Safe. coming together during a crisis, and I know God Be The Glory!

VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:35 Nov 06, 2010 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00022 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\RECORD10\RECFILES\E01JY0.REC E01JY0 mmaher on DSK69SOYB1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE July 1, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1283 CONGRATULATING PASTOR RECOGNIZING THE GENOA, OHIO tack, J.D. was blown off the deck of the ship, CHARLES A. LUNDY ON HIS 20TH AMERICAN LEGION but he swam through the oil-filled waters to ANNIVERSARY AT EBENEZER eventually rescue ten of his fellow shipmates. BAPTIST CHURCH IN HON. MARCY KAPTUR This would not be the only time J.D. sur- WOODBRIDGE, VA OF OHIO vived a sinking ship in WWII. He survived an- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES other attack aboard LTS 342, while trans- porting troops from Guadalcanal to the island HON. GERALD E. CONNOLLY Thursday, July 1, 2010 of Munda. Later in the war, J.D. managed to OF VIRGINIA Ms. KAPTUR. Madam Speaker, I rise to escape death a third time aboard a transport IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES recognize the 90th anniversary of the Amer- plane that crashed. His untiring dedication to ican Legion in Genoa, Ohio. The members his country and his outstanding bravery are Thursday, July 1, 2010 and friends of the post and its auxiliary com- apparent. He is a shining example of the de- Mr. CONNOLLY of Virginia. Madam Speak- memorated the milestone during the annual votion and allegiance that members of our er, I rise to recognize the 20th Pastoral Anni- Genoa Homecoming Festival Parade along armed forces show our nation every day. He versary of Pastor Charles Arthur Lundy of with hundreds of others celebrating this major was the recipient of numerous awards for his Ebenezer Baptist Church in Woodbridge, Va. community event. military service, including the Purple Heart. Pastor Lundy has a long and distinguished The Genoa American Legion has been an J.D. Lancaster was active in his community, career in the service of the Lord. He was bap- anchor in its community since the early days boasting membership at the VFW, American tized at the age of 13 at the Wayland Baptist of the last century. Through the decades it has Legion, Loyal Order of the Moose, and Church in Baltimore, Md., under Reverend W. provided a sanctuary and camaraderie to vet- Lanwood Chapel FWB Church. Those who W. Payne. In February of 1981, Pastor Lundy erans returning from service as its members knew J.D. well know he always had a smile on was ordained a deacon, and just three years have worked to move the community and our his face and a positive word to share. He will later, he was licensed by the Star Bethlehem nation forward. Its civic efforts include public be remembered for his unwavering devotion to Missionary Baptist Church in Triangle, Va., works, while the post has also provided indi- his family, his church and his country. under the Reverend Dr. Frederick S. Jones. vidual assistance in numerous ways to many. He is survived by his wife Dorothy Lan- Pastor Lundy was ordained a Gospel Minister Following in the tradition of the American caster; daughters Carol Lancaster of Golds- in August of 1987 and served as the director Legion since its national founding, members of boro, Beth Sitts, and her husband Justin of of Christian Education for Star Bethlehem. the Genoa Post have been among the ‘‘keep- Pine Level, and Danielle Lancaster of Selma; He was called to be the pastor of Ebenezer ers of the flame’’ honoring the sacrifice of the son Jay Lancaster of Selma; and grand- Baptist Church on June 23, 1990. On his first victims of combat while teaching the next gen- daughters, Jenna and Katelyn. Sunday at the pulpit he delivered the sermon, erations of their place in history. The American Madam Speaker, I urge my colleagues to ‘‘Stay in the Ship,’’ and established his pas- Legion ensures we ‘‘will never forget’’ and fo- join me today in recognizing one of our na- toral focus of ‘‘putting the family back to- cuses attention on the needs of our nation’s tion’s true military heroes, J.D. Lancaster. He gether.’’ During his 20 years of leadership, veterans and their service for freedom’s was a respected veteran, a dedicated family Pastor Lundy has grown the Ebenezer Church cause. man, and a great North Carolinian. I am family. In June 2000, the church’s Family Life The Genoa American Legion Auxiliary kept pleased to rise to honor him and his family Center was dedicated to accommodate an ex- ‘‘the home fires burning’’ making significant today. panding ministry. Pastor Lundy has grown his contributions to the community and nation on f our own soil. When veterans return from serv- flock by developing a message that offers spir- PERSONAL EXPLANATION itual guidance and comfort. He graduated ice, the Auxiliary is there to support and pay Magna Cum Laude from Washington Bible special attention to the families’ needs. The College and earned his Masters of Divinity Legion and its Auxiliary are hand-in-hand in a HON. ROB BISHOP from Samuel DeWitt Proctor School of The- strong partnership in service to country. To- OF UTAH ology at Virginia Union University. His ministry gether, these members will continue to meet IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the needs of veterans and the community of is constantly evolving to accommodate the Thursday, July 1, 2010 needs of his congregation and make Ebenezer Genoa on their journey toward their centen- Mr. BISHOP of Utah. Madam Speaker, on a welcoming place to worship. nial. Godspeed. f rollcall No. 412, had I been present, I would Pastor Lundy has never been one to shy have voted ‘‘yes.’’ away from service. He spent 26 years in the IN MEMORIAL OF VETERAN JAMES f United States Marine Corps before he retired DANIEL ‘‘J.D.’’ LANCASTER with the rank of Major as an Engineer Officer. INTRODUCTION OF THE STAND BY He is the past-Parliamentarian for the North- YOUR OIL POLLUTION ACT ern Virginia Baptist Association. He is the HON. BOB ETHERIDGE OF NORTH CAROLINA past-Chairman of the Nominating Committee HON. GERALD E. CONNOLLY and a former member of their Commission on IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF VIRGINIA Evangelism. He is a former Assistant Sec- Thursday, July 1, 2010 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES retary for the Northern Virginia Minister’s Con- Mr. ETHERIDGE. Madam Speaker, I rise ference, and he is a former member of the today to honor the life of veteran James Dan- Thursday, July 1, 2010 United Way for the National Capital Area. In iel ‘‘J.D.’’ Lancaster, who passed away at the Mr. CONNOLLY of Virginia. Madam Speak- 2009, Pastor Lundy was elected as President age of 90 on Friday, June 25, 2010. In his er, in 1989 the Exxon Valdez oil tanker ran of the Samuel DeWitt Proctor School of The- passing, I lost a friend, and North Carolina lost aground in Prince William Sound, spilling 10.9 ology Alumni Association. In each of these po- one of its most outstanding citizens; a man million gallons of oil that eventually coated sitions, Pastor Lundy has inspired others with whose bravery and valor won’t soon be forgot- 1,100 miles of Alaskan coastline. Following his leadership and energy. ten. this disaster, Congress passed the Oil Pollu- Pastor Lundy is married to the former Jac- J.D. Lancaster, son of the late Reverend tion Act in 1990 to require that oil companies quelyn Hinton McWhite, and they are the W.H. and Lena Lancaster, grew up in Selma, pay the full cleanup costs of oil spills. How- proud parents of five daughters, two sons, and NC and always kept the church close to his ever, this legislation has a couple of loopholes the grandparents of nine grandsons, and two heart. His father, a Baptist preacher, intro- that need to be closed. If an oil company sub- granddaughters. duced him to the church as a young boy and sidiary is responsible for the spill, that sub- Madam Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join he continued his devout commitment to the sidiary can declare bankruptcy and sell its as- me in congratulating Pastor Charles Arthur Baptist church throughout his life. sets, even to its parent company, without Lundy on his 20 years of service to Ebenezer J.D. was a veteran of United States Navy passing on cleanup cost liabilities. The SPILL Baptist Church. He is a pillar of the community and served in World War II. Before his pass- Act, which the House will vote on this week, with countless individuals depending on his ing, J.D. was one of only 21 living survivors of will close this loophole so that liability follows counsel and support. He bears this burden the attack on the USS Arizona on December subsidiary assets. Whether or not the SPILL with the peace of mind of man who knows his 7, 1941 and the only living survivor from our Act becomes law, there will be another loop- purpose is justified and his mission is pure. great state of North Carolina. During the at- hole in the Oil Pollution Act: If a subsidiary is

VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:35 Nov 06, 2010 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00023 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\RECORD10\RECFILES\E01JY0.REC E01JY0 mmaher on DSK69SOYB1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE E1284 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks July 1, 2010 responsible for an oil spill, it can declare bank- A TRIBUTE TO SECOND Madam Speaker, one thing has transcended ruptcy and not sell its assets, in which case LIEUTENANT MCMAHON the history of this great library, from its early the parent company would not inherit cleanup days in the ‘‘cottage’’ to its present operations liabilities. HON. KAY GRANGER in a state-of-the-art educational facility, and This is a realistic scenario, given the high OF TEXAS that is service to people of all ages. cost of oil spills. Even a well capitalized com- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES It is a real honor for me to have the library pany worth several billion dollars could be re- as a valuable neighbor to my Seminole Con- Thursday, July 1, 2010 sponsible for an oil spill that costs tens of bil- gressional District Office and to visit with folks lions of dollars to clean up. The Exxon Valdez Ms. GRANGER. Madam Speaker, I rise there as they come and go. Please join me in spill cost over $2 billion just to clean up 10.9 today to honor the service of Second Lieuten- congratulating those early leaders who had a million gallons of oil. As of late June, the ant John E. McMahon of the U.S. Army Air vision that has grown into this great library Deepwater Horizon spill had already cost BP Corps, and his distinguished service in World and to thank all those who provide support to $2.65 billion with total cleanup cost estimates War II as a Radar Navigator flying the B–24 the current facility. This includes the City of as high as $100 billion. Moreover, if Congress Liberator. Seminole, The St. Petersburg College, the li- increases the cap on private liability under the Volunteering for service on November 2, brary’s professional staff and dedicated volun- Oil Pollution Act, oil companies could be re- 1942, Second Lieutenant McMahon underwent teers, the Friends of the Library organization, sponsible for much greater costs. The fishing training in the United States. He was then as- the Library Advisory Board and the Library industry in the Gulf is worth $5.5 billion annu- signed to the 528th Squadron of the 380th Youth Advisory Board. ally. Just losing 50% of western Florida’s tour- Bombardment Group (Heavy) and reported for As the library embarks upon its next 50 ism would cost the state $10 billion. If Con- duty in the Western Pacific. Second Lieuten- years of service to our community, it remains gress eliminates the private liability cap under ant McMahon flew 27 missions from airstrips focused on its goal to remember the past, OPA then an oil company responsible for a on New Guinea, Luzon, Mindoro, the Phil- serve the present and plan for the future. spill could be responsible for tens of billions of ippines, and Okinawa. His campaigns included f dollars to reimburse property owners and the Western Pacific, Southern Philippines, CELEBRATING THE LIFE OF workers for lost property and wages. Given Luzon, Air Offensive Japan, and the China Of- SISTER ANN BRAWLEY, RSM the extraordinarily high cleanup and private li- fensive Campaign. His decorations and cam- ability costs of oil spills, we must close the paign awards include the Air Medal, Asiatic- loophole that allows parent companies to es- Pacific Campaign Medal (with silver star), and HON. MARCY KAPTUR– cape liability by letting subsidiaries go bank- the Philippines Liberation Medal (with one OF OHIO rupt. bronze star). Through his bravery and selfless IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES I have introduced legislation, the Stand by service in direct combat actions, he helped Thursday, July 1, 2010 your Oil Pollution (STOP) Act, to prevent oil take the fight to the enemy and bring the war Ms. KAPTUR. Madam Speaker. I rise today companies from shedding liabilities of subsidi- to a decisive and victorious close. to recall the generous, self-giving life of Sister aries. This legislation is necessary to ensure After his service in World War II, he chose Ann Brawley, of the Mercy Order of Roman that BP doesn’t escape its cleanup respon- to settle in Fort Worth, Texas. He graduated Catholic sisters in Lima who in 2010 has sibilities in the Gulf and to prevent oil compa- from Texas Christian University and married passed from this life into the next. Sr. Ann nies from setting up subsidiaries to avoid li- the former Willie Mae Wittie, his wife of 60 spent 77 of the 94 years of her life on Earth ability for spills in the future. years. This Nation should always remember how serving in Christ Jesus’ name. She put into practice His words to live by—to ‘‘remain in f much we owe the Greatest Generation. The service and sacrifice of John McMahon and my love.’’ Her joy was complete, as was the HONORING TAIWAN FOR ASSIST- his brothers in arms is a manifestation of all joy she conveyed to others. ANCE IN THE GULF OF MEXICO that makes this country great. We are honored Sr. Ann’s imprimatur on our community is OIL RESPONSE to have such men walk among us, and must large. Starting as a bookkeeper for Mercy and always remember those who gave the ultimate St. Charles Hospitals in Toledo, she be- HON. JO BONNER sacrifice and are no longer with us. friended all people who worked and visited the I wish to extend my greatest appreciation to hospitals in which she worked. Of deep and OF ALABAMA Second Lieutenant John E. McMahon for his committed social conscience, she was key in IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES gallant service to our Nation in World War II. the establishment of the Toledo Catholic Dio- Thursday, July 1, 2010 f cese’s Central Development Office. She of- fered accounting services to several area Mr. BONNER. Madam Speaker, I rise today SEMINOLE COMMUNITY LIBRARY schools, the Migrant Information Office, Aurora to commend the Taiwanese government for CELEBRATES ITS 50TH ANNIVER- Shelter for Women, and Bittersweet Farms their efforts in assisting the ongoing response SARY community for adults with autism. She was in- to the Gulf of Mexico oil spill. vited to help in the development of Lima, More than 70 days have passed since the Ohio’s Kibby Corners Neighborhood Project. Deepwater Horizon platform sank on April 20, HON. C.W. BILL YOUNG OF FLORIDA In addition to Sr. Ann’s accounting skill, she 2010. During this time, the United States has IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES had a gift and a passion for the course of the received assistance from seventeen countries Nation and politics. I came to know her when and four international bodies in the form of Thursday, July 1, 2010 she offered her counsel, prayers and talents to equipment, expertise and general assistance. Mr. YOUNG of Florida. Madam Speaker, the me during my first campaign in 1982. Her Particularly worthy of mention is Taiwan’s Seminole Community Library is one of the humor, wit, and acumen were sharp and ap- offer of 600 feet of fire boom to the Gulf. greatest educational resources of the City of preciated by all whose lives she touched. Not When the government of the Republic of Seminole, Florida I have the privilege to rep- all business, Sr. Ann also had a passion for China received the request for boom from the resent. Later this month, the library, its staff sports. International Spill Control Organization and and its thousands of patrons will celebrate its Sr. Ann had a compassionate heart and British Petroleum, officials in Taiwan cut all the golden 50th anniversary. open arms, and the source of her hope was red tape and immediately airlifted the boom to Founded by a dedicated group of volunteers the unconditional love of Jesus. As Sister the Gulf for use. in 1960, the library has outgrown its facilities Joan Nemann, RSM noted in her eulogy, Efforts like these, when the United States is on a number of occasions before locating at ‘‘More than ten years ago when she asked me truly in a time of need, should not go unno- its present site on the campus of The St. Pe- to give the homily at her funeral she empha- ticed, and Taiwan’s latest offer is another gen- tersburg College. Now named the Dennis L. sized these words repeatedly, remain in my uine example of Taiwan being a responsible Jones Seminole Community Library at St. Pe- love. This was such good news for her—and member of the international community. tersburg College, after my good friend and for us. Today, in her room I found a piece of I believe Taiwan has a vital role to play in Florida State Senator, the partnership between birch bark that Ann had kept for a number of this and many other areas. the library, the city and the college makes this years. I recall that some years ago I came to We thank Taiwan for its offer of assistance. one of the most unique facilities of its kind in the Pines to make a retreat. At that time the Taiwan is a true friend of the United States. our entire area. birch trees were shedding their bark. I found

VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:35 Nov 06, 2010 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00024 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\RECORD10\RECFILES\E01JY0.REC E01JY0 mmaher on DSK69SOYB1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE July 1, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1285 a lovely piece and wrote on it, ‘As the Father protect homebuyers from some of the worst 100th Birthday at the San Diego Yacht Club, has loved me, so I have loved you. Remain in predatory lending practices that contributed to in San Diego, California, on Sunday, July 11, my love.’ I gave it to Ann, and she kept it all the financial meltdown of 2008. 2010. these years since.’’ Sister Joan’s story illus- Reform finally will restore accountability to Madam Speaker, I ask that you and my col- trates to those of us privileged to know her: to Wall Street. Banks no longer will be able to leagues in the House of Representatives join her core, the essence of Love. May Sister be gamble with depositors’ savings for their prof- me in recognizing Fame, in her centenary granted eternal rest for her life of abiding good its. Unregulated derivatives—called ‘‘financial year. It’s with Fame’s restoration and preser- deeds. weapons of mass destruction’’ by Warren vation that she will be again admired by yacht- f Buffett—will now be traded in the open. Stock- ing enthusiasts and maritime historians now holders will vote on executive pay. And hedge and in the future. REMEMBERING ENSIGN ROBERT W. fund managers will have to come out from the f LANGWELL shadows and register with the Securities and Exchange Commission. SECURE ALL FACILITIES TO EF- HON. MIKE PENCE Reform will prevent taxpayer-funded bailouts FECTIVELY GUARD THE UNITED STATES AGAINST AND RESPOND OF INDIANA of financial giants, establishing an orderly TO DANGEROUS SPILLS ACT IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES process for liquidating failing companies that Thursday, July 1, 2010 will be paid for by their investors and credi- tors—not taxpayers. HON. C.W. BILL YOUNG Mr. PENCE. Madam Speaker, nearly sixty While no bill is perfect, this is the strongest OF FLORIDA years ago, Ensign Robert W. Langwell gave reform since the Great Depression. It will put IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES his life in service to our great Nation. Shortly the cops back on the beat on Wall Street and Thursday, July 1, 2010 after hostilities began in the Korean War, En- will help give Americans confidence that the sign Langwell was lost at sea when his Navy system works for individuals, families and Mr. YOUNG of Florida. Madam Speaker, minesweeper was sunk off the coast of South small businesses—not big banks. seventy-one days have passed, and the oil spill response and containment effort in the Korea. On behalf of a grateful Nation, I wish f to thank members of the Korean government Gulf still lacks clear direction. As we’ve seen and U.S. military who were instrumental in re- COMMENDING RESTORATION AND by the failure of the blowout preventer in the covering the body of Ensign Langwell. After PRESERVATION OF ‘‘FAME’’ BP disaster, an uncontrolled discharge of oil is decades of fruitless searching, he will finally truly a worst-case scenario that oil companies receive the burial he deserves when he is laid HON. JOHN B. SHADEGG and the Federal Government should be re- to rest with full military honors in Arlington Na- OF ARIZONA quired to have an established plan for. I rise tional Cemetery on July 12, 2010. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES today to introduce the Secure All Facilities to Ensign Langwell was a native of my home- Effectively Guard the United States Against town—Columbus, Indiana—who served in Thursday, July 1, 2010 and Respond to Dangerous Spills Act of 2010, both World War II and the Korean War. He Mr. SHADEGG. Madam Speaker, I rise or the SAFEGUARDS Act, legislation to pre- later moved to Indianapolis where he grad- today to commend the restoration and preser- vent and respond to future disastrous oil spills uated from high school, and then served two vation of the 40-foot gaff rigged schooner, by addressing some of the systematic break- years in the Navy during World War II, includ- Fame, a piece of nautical history, and one of downs which led to the BP Deepwater Horizon ing time at Pearl Harbor. Upon his return, En- America’s maritime treasures. catastrophe. sign Langwell attended Indiana University Fame is a 1910 Schooner rigged daysailer We are currently witnessing the disastrous where he graduated with a degree in mar- that was designed by B.B. Crowninshield, a effects an uncontrolled discharge of oil has on keting. He was later called to serve in the Ko- naval architect from Boston, Massachusetts, the fragile environment of the Gulf of Mexico. rean War before passing away in October and built by Rice Bros. Co., East Boothbay, While the National Environmental Policy Act 1950 at the age of 26. Maine. In designing Fame, he wanted to cre- (NEPA) has established specific safeguards I offer my sincere condolences to David ate ‘‘the largest and fastest boat he could han- for take into account the effects that drilling Parker, first cousin; Jerry Redford, Phyllis dle and take care of alone.’’ Fame is also has on our environment, BP was permitted Johnson, and Brenda Showalter, all second noted to be the sister vessel to Fortune, a 50 categorical exclusions from these require- cousins; Mary Parker, aunt; Jim Parker, first foot schooner built in 1925, also designed by ments. No oil company should be exempt from cousin; Nancy Cook, first cousin; John Parker, B.B. Crowninshield. addressing the environmental impact that their first cousin; and Karen Sprauer, second cous- Fame’s second owner was Theodore (Ted) drilling activities impose. The SAFEGUARDS in. While Ensign Langwell’s young life was M. Dunlap, who in partnership with Fred W. Act will ensure that NEPA requirements are tragically cut short, his valiant sacrifice is not Weston, purchased her in 1926. Dunlap, not ignored again by, first, prohibiting categor- forgotten. known as ‘‘The Commodore,’’ taught many ical exclusions from NEPA, and, second, ex- f young people to sail aboard Fame in the wa- tending the time period regulatory agencies ters of Lake Michigan. Three Lake Michigan have to review oil explorations proposals. CONFERENCE REPORT OF H.R. 4173, clubs have named trophies after Fame, and Regulatory agencies currently have only a 30- DODD-FRANK WALL STREET RE- she is well known along its shores. day period to review extensive and intricate FORM AND CONSUMER PROTEC- At one point in her history, Fame had been drilling proposals, however this bill will give TION ACT in dire need of repair, and was auctioned off regulatory agencies up to 150 days to ensure to Ray Kazlas and Gint Karaitus, who began exploration plans are properly reviewed. SPEECH OF her rehabilitation. In the 1990s, her next own- Not only was BP granted exemptions from HON. RUSH D. HOLT ers continued fixing the aged schooner. Unfor- environmental standards, they were also al- OF NEW JERSEY tunately, in 1995, on a passage from Chicago, lowed to move forward without a prepared re- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Illinois, to Racine, Wisconsin, Fame sank sponse plan for the failure of the blowout pre- when she took on water from large waves and venter. The SAFEGUARDS Act addresses Wednesday, June 30, 2010 her pumps failed. Luckily, she was quickly problem by requiring all oil spill response Mr. HOLT. Mr. Speaker, I rise in support of raised. plans to account for a true worst possible sce- tile Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protec- Thanks to the steadfast vision and immense nario, including the uncontrolled discharge of tion Act. generosity of her most recent owner, Dennis oil resulting from the failure of a blowout pre- I frequently talk with central New Jersey Conner, the famous racing skipper and four venter or other containment devices. residents who are frustrated with the reckless time winner of the America’s Cup and seven The oil disaster in the Gulf has also brought way Wall Street and big banks gamed the sys- time yachtsman of the year, Fame has once much attention to the leadership and organiza- tem with exotic financial schemes, while fami- again made a comeback. Mr. Conner pre- tion of the response and containment efforts lies and small businesses paid the price. viously restored the 80-year-old Q boat, Cot- currently in place. While the Coast Guard is Wall Street reform will protect consumers ton Blossom II. ultimately responsible for leading the govern- from deceptive business practices and hidden According to some classic yacht enthu- ment’s response to an oil spill in America’s fees through the creation of a Consumer Fi- siasts, Fame has once again been restored to coastal waters, they are not required to ap- nancial Protection Bureau. Reform also will her original beauty. Fame will celebrate her prove oil spill response plans submitted by oil

VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:35 Nov 06, 2010 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00025 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\RECORD10\RECFILES\E01JY0.REC E01JY0 mmaher on DSK69SOYB1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE E1286 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks July 1, 2010 rigs. Instead, each rig is only required to sub- American citizens and his beloved constitu- EXPRESSING THE CONDOLENCES mit their spill response plans to the Minerals ency in the Mountain State of West Virginia. OF THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTA- TIVES ON THE DEATH OF THE Management Service, an agency with many Born November 20, 1917 in North well-documented issues with administering rig HONORABLE ROBERT C. BYRD, A Wilkesboro, North Carolina, the young BYRD safety standards. Oversight by the Coast SENATOR FROM THE STATE OF Guard is necessary to ensure a fully coordi- moved with family to West Virginia where he WEST VIRGINIA nated response effort. If the Coast Guard has grew up and would later meet his soon to be to clean up the spills, they should review the wife, Erma Ora James. Their marriage SPEECH OF clean up plans ahead of time. The SAFE- spanned more than six decades until her HON. RUSH D. HOLT GUARDS Act will make this a requirement for death in 2006. Initially, he was unable to af- OF NEW JERSEY all current and future oil rigs, as well as estab- ford college, but eventually attended Beckley IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES lish the Commandant of the Coast Guard as College, Concord College, Morris Harvey Col- the National Incident Commander to oversee lege, and Marshall College, all in West Vir- Tuesday, June 29, 2010 the Federal Government’s response to large ginia. Senator BYRD’s public service career Mr. HOLT. Mr. Speaker, I rise to recognize oil spills in coastal waters. began after he won a seat in the West Virginia and honor the memory of United States Sen- Finally, the SAFEGUARDS Act will address House of Delegates in 1946. Six years later, ator ROBERT C. BYRD of West Virginia. some of the inadequacies in federal response Born in West Virginia, I have known Senator efforts highlighted by the current spill. The he was elected to the United States House of Representatives. It was during this time he BYRD my whole life. Senator BYRD faithfully framework of the National Contingency Plan, served West Virginia in Congress for more began night classes at American University’s which is the Federal Government response than 57 years. Throughout his career in the Washington College of Law in 1953. With a te- plan for all oil spills, has not been updated House and the Senate, he improved the lives since 1994. Oil spills in our coastal waters are nacious spirit and made up mind, he would and welfare of the people of West Virginia for unique disasters that deserve their own re- earn his law degree some ten years later in whom he cared so much. He worked end- sponse plan. The SAFEGUARDS Act will re- 1963. lessly to fight for democratic principles, defend quire the response plan to be updated at least Along the course of his professional and the Constitution, and ensure that the American every five years. Further, this bill will require Dream was in reach for all families. the EPA to begin monitoring water quality academic career, BYRD was elected to the Senator BYRD grew up in the southern coal- within forty-eight hours after an oil spill is dis- United States Senate and would serve 51 years making him the longest serving senator fields of West Virginia, first working as a gas covered. It is important for the public to have station attendant briefly and then in a local in history. His time in office was well-spent accurate information about how our water, our food market. He started his political career in wildlife and our beaches are being affected as and fruitful where he would serve in a myriad the West Virginia House of Delegates, serving quickly as possible. of leadership roles. Most notably: President from 1947 to 1950, followed by two years in The Federal Government’s reaction to the Pro Tempore of the United States Senate; the West Virginia Senate. After being elected Gulf disaster over the last few weeks has Democratic Caucus Senate Majority leader; to the U.S. House of Representatives in 1952, been insufficient, to say the least. BP’s re- Senate Minority leader; and Chairman of the he enrolled in night law school classes despite sponse has not been much better. The Clean Senate Committee on Appropriations. not having a bachelor’s degree. In 1958, West Water Act requires the President and the Fed- Virginia elected him to the U.S. Senate where eral Government to lead the cleanup efforts, Senator BYRD, like many of us, lived a full he became its longest-serving member. and we owe it to the American people and the life filled with high peaks and valleys low. I Senator BYRD was an energetic defender of entire Gulf coast to do better. The SAFE- too, had some reservations about meeting this the U.S. Senate as an institution, persistently GUARDS Act presents common sense solu- one-time member of the Klu Klux Klan who for seeking to preserve its dignity and traditions. tions to help prevent a disaster of this mag- 14 hours filibustered the Civil Rights Act of He literally wrote the book on the Senate—a nitude from ever happening again, and im- 1964. But, when our paths crossed, I soon four-volume history of the institution that is a proves the federal response in the event it learned of the great character of man he truly treasure. To read his books and to read his ever does. Madam Speaker, I ask my col- was. He believed whole-heartedly in the speeches is to see Senator BYRD as a self- leagues to support this measure to modernize taught great orator and historian, someone and improve the governments prevention and United States Constitution and a clear dem- who could readily quote from Shakespeare, response efforts to oil spills. onstration was the pocket version he always Greek tragedies, and the King James Bible. f carried in his coat pocket. Another love he had was for taking afternoon walks on the West I always will remember him for his extraor- dinary devotion and service to the people of EXPRESSING THE CONDOLENCES Front side of the Capitol. It was during that West Virginia. He paid exceptional attention to OF THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTA- time of day where I knew I could find him TIVES ON THE DEATH OF THE his constituents and their individual concerns. whenever I needed to seek the voice of wis- HONORABLE ROBERT C. BYRD, A Staff members told me that at night they SENATOR FROM THE STATE OF dom. would receive calls at home from the Senator, WEST VIRGINIA Mr. Speaker, I will miss those afternoon quizzing them on people who had signed his strolls with the Historian of the Senate. Sen- guestbook that day and asking how he could SPEECH OF ator BYRD loved the American people, loved help them. He would recognize people in a HON. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON his state and loved our great nation. Although crowd and ask them if his constituent service to them years before took care of their prob- OF TEXAS he no longer is with us on the terrestrial, his lem. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES legacy will live deeply within the halls of Con- My thoughts and condolences go out to his Tuesday, June 29, 2010 gress and in the hearts of humanity. daughters, his family, and all of his friends and Ms. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON of Texas. neighbors in West Virginia. Senator BYRD Mr. Speaker, it is with the utmost respect and dedicated every day of his service in the U.S. admiration for the late Senator ROBERT Congress to strengthening the institution and CARLYLE BYRD that I recognize his passing. the country that he loved so deeply. Senator BYRD was known as a man of the He will be greatly missed. May he rest in people. He dedicated his life’s work to the peace with his beloved wife Erma.

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