July 1, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1261 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS HONORING THE PUBLIC SERVICE world offers a better opportunity for success has exemplified the finest qualities of citizen- OF G. IRENE SNYDER than here in America. ship and leadership by taking an active part in On July 4, 2010, the following people, rep- the Boy Scouts of America, Troop 1137, and HON. JIM GERLACH resenting many nations throughout the world, earning the most prestigious award of Eagle OF PENNSYLVANIA will take their oath of citizenship in Hammond, Scout. Indiana: David Buabeng Agyen, Gordana Daren has been very active with his troop, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Obradovic, Adesola Titilayo Ikene, Iryna participating in many scout activities. Over the Thursday, July 1, 2010 Anatolitvna Hillegonds, Snezana Cude, many years Daren has been involved with Mr. GERLACH. Madam Speaker, I rise Olufunmilayo Oluranti Adebayo, Kim Anh scouting, he has not only earned numerous today to honor a dedicated public servant who Tong, Kenneth Llanos Fabugais, Reshma merit badges, but also the respect of his fam- is retiring after a 40-year career as a rural car- Begum, Lubna Sairesh Hussain, Ummaima ily, peers, and community. Most notably, rier with the Glenmoore Post Office in Chester Sadaf Hussain, Hilda Marumbo Love, Gilberto Daren has contributed to his community County, Pennsylvania. Garcilazo Ambriz, Hossein Ali Safavi Naeini, through his Eagle Scout project. Daren col- G. Irene Snyder started her career as a Lorraine Emilia Von Tobel, Jose L. Guerrero, lected materials and renovated a fence for the part-time carrier, serving residents in the Lud- Ashok Sundaram, Lily Shajil, Amjad M.A. City of North Kansas City, Missouri. wig’s Corner and Nantmeal Township areas. Ahmed, Delia Lord, Sonal Sanjay Shah, Madam Speaker, I proudly ask you to join In a testament to her tireless work ethic, Irene Alfredo Gerardo Discepolo, Corazon Samonte me in commending Daren Woodward for his held jobs as a bus driver and attendant at Jurado, Eric Udave Zaragoza, Dan Chen, accomplishments with the Boy Scouts of Ludwig’s Gas Station in addition to her part- Muriel Magalhaes Pessoa, Saber Zedan America and for his efforts put forth in achiev- time mail delivery duties. Khawaled, Justine Elizabeth Smith, Harvind ing the highest distinction of Eagle Scout. She started delivering mail full-time in 1981 Singh Azrot, Dragan Gjikoski, Gopikrishna f and earned a reputation among her co-work- Ratakonda, Surinder Singh, Manjeet Geeta, RECOGNIZING THE CONTRIBU- ers as loyal, dedicated and committed to the Maria Cristina Sangueza, Rey Ancajas TIONS OF MICHAEL QUEAR TO U.S. Postal Service and the residents on her Sararana, Maynard Villavecencio Utayde, Eu- THE HOUSE COMMITTEE ON route. Irene was always willing to lend a help- nice Jocabed Bojorquez, Olubunmi Emmanuel SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY ing hand at work and at her church, Nantmeal Adebayo, Amjad M. Amer, Rogelio Jose Methodist, where she served as an organist, Munoz, Isabel De La Rosa Rangel, Juventino and still found time for farming on her property Flores, Jose Gutierrez Olivares, Vinh Quang HON. BART GORDON OF TENNESSEE in Honey Brook. Le, Eleazar Talili Tan, Nikunj Natvarlal Patel, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Colleagues and friends will celebrate Irene’s Joel Erie Lingua, Mohannad Khaleel Alkaki, four decades of service and wish her well in Dhirenkumar Jaswantlal Shah, and Ambrosia Thursday, July 1, 2010 retirement during a reception on July 1, 2010. Ewican McLaughlin. Mr. GORDON of Tennessee. Madam Madam Speaker, I ask that my colleagues Though each individual has sought to be- Speaker, I rise today to recognize the service join me today in praising the outstanding serv- come a citizen of the United States for his or of a valued staff member of the Committee on ice of G. Irene Snyder and all public servants her own reasons, be it for education, occupa- Science and Technology, Michael Quear. Mike who go beyond what is expected to serve their tion, or to offer their loved ones better lives, has served on Capitol Hill for over 20 years, communities. each is inspired by the fact that the United most recently as the Staff Director for the f States of America is, as Abraham Lincoln de- Technology and Innovation Subcommittee. scribed it, a country ‘‘. of the people, by Mike Quear grew up in Indiana on a farm JULY 4, 2010 NATURALIZATION the people, and for the people.’’ They realize where his work for 4H and his demanding CEREMONY IN HAMMOND that the United States is truly a free nation. By piano teacher taught him the importance of seeking American citizenship, they have made principled, disciplined hard work. Every day HON. PETER J. VISCLOSKY the decision that they want to live in a place Mike came to work for the Committee for the OF INDIANA where, as guaranteed by the First Amendment last 20 years, he brought that attitude to the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES of the Bill of Rights, they can practice religion job with him. It is hard to match either his as they choose, speak their minds without fear stamina or the quality of his work. Thursday, July 1, 2010 of punishment, and assemble in peaceful pro- In 1990, Mike came to the Science Com- Mr. VISCLOSKY. Madam Speaker, it is with test should they choose to do so. mittee from a fellowship with the State Depart- great pleasure and sincerity that I take this Madam Speaker, I ask you and my other ment. Educated in Chemical Engineering, time to congratulate the individuals who will distinguished colleagues to join me in con- Mike brought with him real-world experience take their oath of citizenship on July 4, 2010. gratulating these individuals, who will become from working in industry as well as exposure In true patriotic fashion, on the day of our citizens of the United States of America on to the thinking of the State Department about great Nation’s celebration of independence, a July 4, 2010, the day of our Nation’s inde- how to use science and technology to build naturalization ceremony will take place, wel- pendence. They, too, will be American citi- stronger diplomatic ties among nations. He coming new citizens of the United States of zens, and they, too, will be guaranteed the in- worked directly for then-Chairman George E. America. This memorable occasion, coordi- alienable rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit Brown, Jr. Brown was a passionate advocate nated by the Hammond Public Library and of happiness. We, as a free and democratic for using scientific cooperation to bridge dif- presided over by Magistrate Judge Andrew nation, congratulate them and welcome them. ferences between nations. Mike supported his Rodovich, will be held at Harrison Park in f efforts, acting as his advisor for international Hammond, Indiana. scientific cooperation matters. At Brown’s di- America is a country founded by immi- DAREN WOODWARD rection, Mike played a key role in negotiating grants. From its beginning, settlers have come the establishment of the U.S.-Mexico Founda- from countries around the globe to the United HON. SAM GRAVES tion for Science. States in search of better lives for their fami- OF MISSOURI Beginning in 1995, Mike took the lead as lies. The upcoming oath ceremony will be a IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the key Democratic staffer on technology shining example of what is so great about the issues and for reauthorization of programs at United States of America—that people from all Thursday, July 1, 2010 the National Institute of Technology and over the world can come together and unite as Mr. GRAVES of Missouri. Madam Speaker, Standards. For the last 15 years, virtually members of a free, democratic nation. These I proudly pause to recognize Daren Wood- every authorization or reauthorization of pro- individuals realize that nowhere else in the ward. Daren is a very special young man who grams at NIST was the direct product of ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:35 Nov 06, 2010 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\RECORD10\RECFILES\E01JY0.REC E01JY0 mmaher on DSK69SOYB1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE E1262 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks July 1, 2010 Mike’s work. Mike is well known to colleagues nancial institutions that are so large or inter- a variety of defects and shortcomings currently in the Senate and the House, among author- connected that they pose a system risk to the seen in our financial services system. It is a izers and appropriators, both on and off the economy as a whole. While I hope that the major step towards meaningful ‘‘measured’’ Hill for his detailed knowledge of NIST, its pro- dissolution measures are never necessary, it government regulation to protect the interests grams and its problems. His work on NIST just makes sense to have an orderly way to of consumers, investors and everyday working programs could be a perfect case study for wind down failing institutions as an insurance Americans. After years of consumer mistreat- any young Committee staffer trying to under- policy. This process will punish the corporate ment, fraud, and abuse, this bill represents the stand how to work with an agency. executives who are to blame for a failed bank, first principled effort to bring financial fairness Mike played a key role in crafting many rather than the American taxpayer. to all Americans and to ensure that financial pieces of legislation relating to standards, For years, I have called for an end to the transactions be both honest and transparent.
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