The Less Known, but Crucial

Elements of the European Space Flagship Programmes:

Public Perception and International

Aspects of Galileo/EGNOS and GMES

Report 34 May 2011

Christina Giannopapa

Short title: ESPI Report 34 ISSN: 2076-6688 Published in May 2011 Price: €11

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ESPI Report 34 2 May 2011 Crucial Elements of European Space Flagship Programmes

Table of Contents

Executive Summary 5 The Context 5 Reasoning behind the Flagship Programmes 6 Recommendations 7

1. Introduction 11 1.1 The Setting 11 1.2 Approach of the Study 12

2. ’s Flagship Programmes: Galileo and GMES 13 2.1 Galileo 13 2.2 GMES 18

3. Public Perception 23 3.1 The Americans and Space 23 3.2 The Europeans and Space 25 3.3 The Europeans and Earth Observation for Environment and Security 27 3.4 The Europeans and Positioning and Navigation 30 3.5 The Europeans and the Space Budget 31 3.6 Success Stories of Eumetsat and Eutelsat 32 3.6.1 EUMETSAT 32 3.6.2 Eutelsat 33

4. The Flagship Programmes and European Policies 34 4.1 Environment Policy 35 4.1.1 Policy Overview 35 4.1.2 Space Flagship Programmes Contribution 37 4.2 Transport Policy 40 4.2.1 Transport Policy Overview 40 4.2.2 Road Transport and Contributions from the Flagship Programmes 43 4.2.3 Railway Policy and Contributions from the Flagship Programmes 46 4.2.4 Air Transport and Contributions from the Flagship Programmes 47 4.2.5 Flagship Programmes’ Contribution 48 4.3 Regional Development Policy 49 4.3.1 Policy Overview 49 4.3.2 Space Flagship Programmes Contribution 49 4.4 Agriculture Policy 51 4.4.1 Policy Overview 51 4.4.2 Space Flagship Programmes Contribution 53 4.5 Fisheries Policies 54 4.5.1 Policy Overview 54 4.5.2 Space Flagship Programmes Contribution 56 4.6 Energy Policy 57 4.6.1 Policy Overview 57 4.6.2 Space Flagship Programmes Contribution 60 4.7 Enterprise and Industrial Policy 61 4.7.1 Policy Overview 61 4.7.2 Space Flagship Programmes Contribution 63 4.8 Research and Technology Development Policy 65 4.8.1 Policy Overview 65 4.8.2 Space Flagship Programmes Contribution 66 4.9 Space Policy 68 4.9.1 Policy Overview 68

ESPI Report 34 3 May 2011

4.10 External Policies 73 4.10.1 Policy Overview 73 4.10.2 Space Flagship Programmes Contribution 74 4.10.3 Strategic Partnerships 77

5. International Aspects 78 5.1 International Efforts in Navigation 78 5.1.1 Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) 78 5.1.2 International Committee on GNSS (ICG) 80 5.1.3 The European Involvement 81 5.2 International Efforts on Earth Observation 82 5.2.1 Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS) 82 5.2.2 Group on Earth Observation (GEO) 83 5.2.3 European Involvement 84 5.3 Europe’s International Cooperation and Bilateral Agreements 84 5.3.1 EU and Africa 84 5.3.2 EU and Brazil 85 5.3.3 EU and Canada 86 5.3.4 The EU and China 87 5.3.5 EU and India 87 5.3.6 The EU and Israel 87 5.3.7 The EU and Japan 88 5.3.8 The EU and Mexico 89 5.3.9 The EU and 90 5.3.10 The EU and the 91

6. Conclusions and Recommendations 93 6.1 The Setting 93 6.2 Analysis and Recommendations by External Factor 94 6.3 SWOT – Strengths – Weaknesses – Opportunities – Threats 98 6.4 Specific Recommendation by Actor 99

List of Acronyms 102

Appendix 106 A1 Galileo Frequency Bands 106 A2 GMES, Current and Potential Contributing Missions 106 A3 International Committee on Global Navigation Satellite Systems (ICG) 117 A4 Group on Earth Observation (GEO) 118 A5 Overview of EU Agreements with Third Countries in the Framework of GMES and GNSS 126

Acknowledgements 131

About the Author 131

ESPI Report 34 4 May 2011 Crucial Elements of European Space Flagship Programmes

Executive Summary

(and its augmentation system EGNOS) and GMES. These projects are essential political The Context and economic milestones for the non- dependence and sovereignty of Europe’s Europe is at a stage where the successful Member States and the Union as a whole. realisation of the flagship programmes, Gali- They will enable non-dependence on third leo/EGNOS and GMES, is at stake. The focus party assets that are essential for drawing up of the political debate has to now been on and implementing core policy elements. In governance, finance and technology. Two developing Galileo/EGNOS the Commission crucial elements that are of utmost impor- made efforts that did not go as planned and tance for the implementation of the flagships, various corrective actions had to be imple- have so far been neglected: public perception mented. At various times this has resulted in and international relations, and these are the negative media coverage of Galileo which has subjects of this report. For the first time they diverted the public (general public and deci- are thoroughly analyzed and recommenda- sion makers) from the fundamental questions tions are developed in order to make these of the need for Europe’s flagship pro- two elements an instrument for the success grammes. Additionally, miscalculations re- of the two flagships (Figure 1). garding the costs, inappropriate studies re- garding the market share and speculation In 1998 the European Commission started its about the economic benefits have also been involvement in the space field with the birth misleading. The main need for these flagship of Europe’s two flagship programmes: Galileo projects is not economic as is often pro-

Figure 1: Conceptual schematic on public perception (A) and international aspects (B) for Galileo and GMES.

ESPI Report 34 5 May 2011

jected, neither is it technological superiority. tainable and inclusive growth economy” and Europe needs to support the completion of contribute to the five identified objectives of these flagship programmes for three main innovation, employment, education, social reasons. inclusion and climate change. The third reason is the role of Europe and its Member States vis-à-vis the international Reasoning behind the Flag- community. When Europe announced its am- bition to develop Galileo back in 1998 it trig- ship Programmes gered a series of events. The United States improved the quality of the GPS signal for First and foremost, it needs them for the civilian use and sped up the development of Union’s and its Member States’ non- the future generation of GPS. The Chinese dependence on third parties for strategic also announced their intention to develop infrastructure. The use of positioning and their own system, Compass, with its first navigation and earth observation systems MEO satellite, Compass M1, being launched in have become an indispensable part of every- 2007 and expected to be completed between day life and are used as an essential compo- 2015 and 2020. The Indian local system nent in fulfilling many of our daily operations IRNSS was planned to be operational by and economic development e.g. used for 2014. Additionally, there has been an inter- operations in banking, railway and aeronau- national effort to make current and future tics, rail and road traffic, search and rescue, systems interoperable and compatible. Addi- etc. One often hears “Why does Europe need tionally, with respect to GMES, Europe and Galileo when one has GPS?” and the answer the scientific community of its Member States is that for such essential infrastructure ele- are at the forefront of scientific and techno- ments, one needs to rely on European con- logical excellence. GMES is the European trolled systems and not foreign military con- contribution to the international community trolled systems. Even though it is unlikely for the Global Earth Observation Systems of that the US or Russia will turn off the signals 1, Systems (GEOSS). Once the GMES system to Europe the need for a system that is will be completed, Europe will have the most controlled by the Union and its Member comprehensive space-based data collection States is essential and guaranteed interop- system in the world. It will assist Europe by erability with other GNSS will also secure providing support to its external policies and, redundancy and better quality of service. in particular, to development aid, disaster The second reason is that due to the trans- management in various countries including verse nature of space, the two flagship pro- neighbouring Africa and it will contribute to grammes are important for drawing up and Europe’s humanitarian image vis-à-vis the realizing various European policies such as international community. It will also assist agriculture, energy, environment, external, Europe fulfil its international obligations e.g. fisheries, regional development, transport, Kyoto. Thus, Europe has been exposed to the etc. These infrastructure assets can provide international community with its initial ambi- decision makers at European, national and tion and has raised the expectations of its regional level with the information necessary international partners. If Europe fails to live to make informed decisions. They can assist up to the expectations raised internationally in real-time monitoring of the progress of this could potentially harm the integrity of policy implementation and allow for fast cor- the Union and its Member States in the eyes rective measures. These assets are part of of the international community. the developing market of downstream appli- The took an important step cations and can help Europe achieve its with its political decision to include space as Europe 2020 goals to become a “smart, sus- part of the Union’s shared competence under the Lisbon Treaty. Regulation 683/2008 put 1 Examples of problems with GPS: 1) During the 1999 in place an autonomous satellite navigation conflict the US military 'manipulated' GPS to sup- system under EU ownership and manage- port military operations; 2) On 6 March 2011, in San Diego, ment. The Global Monitoring for Environment California, there was disruption in ATM banking, traffic and Security (GMES) is also under the Un- management etc. when the GPS signal failed. This was due to the fact that the satellites signal was of low quality. ion’s control. Additionally, in December 2010 . GMES and the first meeting took place in 3) Jamming devises can be developed with off the shelf January 2011 to determine the top down components that can jam the signal of GPS and can create needs GMES can fulfil. Even though it has major destruction. Galileo can be used for redundancy to taken more time than expected to streamline GPS ensuring signal integrity. In particular PRS users will be able to have an undisturbed sig- the flagship programmes, it is now time to nal..

ESPI Report 34 6 May 2011 Crucial Elements of European Space Flagship Programmes

and ensure the success of the two pro- and EUTELSAT. The Commission was a new- grammes while avoiding additional delays comer in the space sector without sufficient that result in higher costs and discontinuity of experience or appropriate management policies. European citizens support the two structure in dealing with large-scale infra- flagships in large numbers; in particular 91% structure programmes. Nevertheless, since support the importance for Europe of devel- 2008 the programme has resumed with en- oping earth observation systems to monitor couraging progress. It is now fully financed our environment including natural disasters, by community money under the responsibility 67% support improving citizens security and of the Union with ESA as the technical im- 67% the importance of developing an inde- plementation body and GSA as the body that pendent “European GPS” system. This pro- will take up the role of market development. vides politicians and decision makers at The GMES flagship programme started after European, national and regional levels the Galileo, with great strategic importance re- mandate to safeguard the two programmes. lated to the role of the Union and its Member It is important though that the right financial, States as a global actor. The GMES is the governance and legal mechanism are put in European contribution to the international place to ensure the success of the pro- community is supported by the national mis- grammes. Europe is in need of a comprehen- sions and aspires to provide a complete sys- sive mapping of European policies in relation tem providing services that can assist Europe to the benefits the two flagship programmes in the implementation of its policies as well can bring to them. This study provides a list as its international obligations in relation to of objectives for the relevant European poli- the environment and climate change, e.g. cies and indications of how the two flagship Kyoto. A very important component in programmes can assist in fulfilling them. Europe’s international obligations is to utilise Additionally the relationship between Europe GMES for Africa by assisting in the sustain- and its international strategic partners is in- able development of the continent and vestigated. From the information gathered a achieving the Millennium Development Goals. political, economic, social, technological and When GMES is completed, it will comprise the legal environmental factor analysis is used as most comprehensive space-based data col- a tool to develop policy recommendations. lection system in the world and will show internationally how Europe and its Member States can work well together. Today, full funding of the two programmes and the cost Recommendations of its day-to-day operation after deployment has not been secured. The financial crisis and Political overall financial tightening in the European budget and its Member States is posing The development of Galileo as a core infra- threats to the completion of the programmes. structure reflects European political ambition Additionally the negative publicity Galileo has for non-dependence on third parties and in- received in the media has harmed the repu- terest in boosting its competitiveness. At the tation of the programmes. The fundamental time Europe made the decision to develop ideas represented by these programmes are Galileo, only the U.S. GPS and Russian Glon- backed by European citizens, as statistics ass were available. European ambitions trig- show, giving sufficient “go ahead” to decision gered the interest of other countries like makers. The recommendations are: China and India to also develop their own • Confirm political commitment. Politicians systems. Additionally, it stimulated the USA and decision makers at European, na- to offer a more accurate signal for the civilian tional and local levels need to confirm use of its military system and the develop- their political commitment to the need ment of the next generation GPS which would for the flagship programmes as part of have technical characteristics comparable to the essential infrastructure in Europe for Galileo. Due to insufficient experience at the non-dependence when it comes to stra- EC level and political planning, Europe made tegic assets. inappropriate choices with respect to a gov- ernance scheme and financing mechanisms. • Capture adequately the policy objectives This resulted in failing to smoothly meet its that the flagships can serve. The flag- objectives and as a result has led to political ships can serve various policy objectives dissatisfaction and mistrust in the bodies in all main policy areas of the Union and responsible - EC and ESA. It was overlooked those of its Member States, like agricul- that ESA is a technical entity with successful ture, energy, environment, fisheries, for- stories of development, implementation, op- eign relations, regional development, eration and exploitation initially by ESA and transport, security etc. These should be consequently by other bodies like EUMETSAT thoroughly examined, beyond what has

ESPI Report 34 7 May 2011

been done today. The policy objectives guaranteed throughout their operation in need to be translated to concrete appli- order not to waste the investment already cations with action plans for implementa- made and increase cost overruns. Failure to tion. ensure this will have an impact on data gaps, polices, jobs, businesses as well as the image • Enhance cooperation and coordination of Europe vis-à-vis the international commu- between the EU and Member States. The nity. The recommendations are: EU and the Member States should work together in coordinating their needs and • Ensure continuation of the financial in- jointly develop applications projects to struments. The funding provided by the utilize the potential of the flagship pro- European Union, the European Space grammes to meet policy objectives and Agency and Member States should be improve the lives of citizens. aligned and financing should be guaran- teed for the programmes’ full develop- • Enhance user forums. The user forum for ment, deployment and basic operations. the flagship programmes needs to be strengthened to include representatives • Implement financial mechanisms stimu- from all stake holders. lating the development of innovative downstream applications. The market for • Ensure successful governance. Decision navigation positioning and earth obser- makers have to ensure and safeguard vation data is constantly growing. Finan- the success of the programmes and pro- cial mechanisms stimulating the devel- mote the need for a successful govern- opment of novel downstream applica- ance scheme end-to-end taking into con- tions should be implemented. They sideration the different time frames in should be based on public-private part- the development of the programmes. nerships or by the involvement of in- • Confirm International commitments. The vestment banks. The expression of inter- Union and its Member States should en- est should be based on assessed busi- sure the programmes are implemented ness models. The additional risk for such to support the political commitments development should not be borne by the made to the international community Union but by private entities. e.g. Kyoto, EU and Africa with GMES for • Investigate the implementation of alter- Africa and EGNOS for Africa etc. native funding mechanisms. The funding of such infrastructure should be fully Economic through governmental investment and lessons learned from the failed PPP The political backing of the two flagship pro- should be taken into consideration. If grammes certainly helped save Galileo when additional funding is required for the de- the public-private partnership (PPP) failed ployment of the full constellation, then and has helped GMES move forwards. Unfor- Member States whose industries are the tunately, miscalculations and speculation main developers could provide the addi- regarding the market share of the two flag- tional budget. The operational phase re- ships on commercial revenues have damaged quires continuous yearly funding the image of the projects. It has to become throughout the duration of operations. As clear that the main customers of these pro- was the case with the development and grammes are institutional users and although operations of EUMETSAT and Eutelsat, this might change in the future it should not different funding schemes can be used be a basis for present calculations. The mar- during the operation phase. As the larg- ket need for navigation, positioning and earth est customer is governments, a yearly observation data is increasing, but the return contribution that covers the main costs on investment of these programmes should should be planned. Furthermore, once be considered in terms of the indirect return deployment and basic operations are se- via downstream applications and the social cured the further development stages of benefits. Unfortunately, the full financing of the programmes, in particular related to the two programmes from development to exploitation, could be implemented continuous operations is not yet guaranteed. through different financing schemes. GMES is the only programme that has funds to build the satellites, launch them and pro- vide access and integration to Member States Social missions but does not have money for the Space infrastructure like Galileo and GMES operational phase. Galileo is in a similar and their applications can assist decision situation where not even the full constellation makers and the European citizens in improv- of satellites is guaranteed. It is important ing everyday life by providing solutions in that the financing of the programmes is transport, disaster management, health,

ESPI Report 34 8 May 2011 Crucial Elements of European Space Flagship Programmes

working conditions, urban development, en- Technological ergy, environment, safety, etc. There is in- sufficient or misleading communication re- EGNOS is now operational, Galileo is one step garding these projects. Often the identifica- before being launched and GMES is at the tion of Galileo/EGNOS and GMES as the critical transition stage from technology de- European systems for navigation, positioning velopment to operations. Technological de- and earth observation is missing. In the case velopment of downstream applications has were the public does recognise e.g. Galileo it been made using mostly community funding often associates it with media stories high- e.g. FP6, FP7, national funding and ESA. In- lighting the negative aspects of the pro- dustry has also made some investment in grammes. This is due to the fact that there this area. In the areas of GMES research and are inconsistent and insufficient communica- technology development and data exchange tion channels used to inform citizens about between the communities there is excellent the projects, their rationale and usefulness collaboration and utilization. EGNOS has also demonstrated successful stories with its use and the direct benefits that the citizens will 2 be able to enjoy once they are fully func- by 80.000 farmers . Nevertheless, regarding tional. The recommendations are: downstream applications, the majority of these projects are still at the pilot phase. • Increase awareness and enhance com- There has been little assessment of the level munication. The European Commission of maturity of projects and of their market and national and local governments as potential. There are also various applications well as user communities and industry that can be developed using both navigation should develop appropriate communica- and positioning as well as earth observation tion strategies to provide correct and ac- data and this needs to be further exploited curate information about the flagship through integrated applications. programmes to avoid misinformation by media. The media should also be fed with • Increase development of integrated ap- correct and official information on a con- plications. Navigation, positioning and tinuous basis. Such communication earth observation are complementary mechanisms could be seminars, work- technologies. Combined together and shops, and open days at industrial sites, with other technologies, they can provide exhibitions of successfully implemented useful integrated applications. Projects projects like EGNOS, information days, that combine space and ground-based competitions, local information centres, systems should be increased. They radio and TV advertisements. should target different potential users, including governments, business, • Demonstrate public benefits with exam- schools, universities, public, etc. The ar- ples. Successful projects that have been eas where synergies between Gali- developed using the flagships and that leo/EGNOS and GMES can be beneficial provide benefits to citizens need to be are energy, agriculture, environment, showcased. It is important to demon- humanitarian aid, emergency response, strate with real examples the benefits managing oceans and seas, management and advantages to the actors in the value of land resources, global security etc. chain. • Foster inter-sectoral collaboration for in- • Enhance the involvement of the user novation. Different industries should be community. European citizens should be brought together eg. automotive, ship- involved in the exploitation of these flag- ping, agriculture, banking, insurance in ships and the downstream applications. order to foster innovation for new prod- The free and open sources and availabil- uct development. ity of data should be emphasized. There are various volunteer organizations that • Better define services. To implement could benefit from using navigation, posi- their policies, user communities e.g. tioning and earth observation data for European Union, Member States often their work. One area that could signifi- have specific needs. It is important to cantly benefit is civil protection with vol- properly capture user requirements and unteers in fire fighters, police, boarder translate them into technological re- watchers, search and rescue, etc. This quirements for further technology devel- could also possibly foster innovative opment to serve their needs. This can be ways of using the information provided done though user forums with participa- by the flagship programmes.

2 Information for the 07 Dec. Workshop at European Par- liament on “Galileo-GMES Less Known Elements of the Space Flagship Programmes:Public Perception and Inter- national Aspects”.

ESPI Report 34 9 May 2011

tion from industry and research and de- sions necessary to safeguard the success of velopment institutions. the programmes. These provisions may in- clude additional taxation if the European flag- • Ensure compatibility, interoperability, ships are not preferred over others. Recom- standardization and certification. Efforts mendations are: for compatibility, interoperability and standardization between operators and • Implement appropriate legislation. For service providers should be continued, the exploitation of Galileo and GMES and both in the area of GNSS as well as earth the development of services and down- observation systems. Additionally, dis- stream businesses the necessary legisla- cussions with China over frequency allo- tion needs to be passed and imple- cation should be continued. mented. Appropriate legislation should be put in place to ensure the full exploi- • Evaluation of projects and prioritization tation of the two programmes in Europe according to potential. Various pilot pro- including giving preference for their use jects of technology demonstration have over foreign systems. Additionally, ap- been developed, particularly regarding propriate data policy and intellectual downstream applications of the flagship property rights should be put in place. programmes. An in-depth evaluation should be performed and the projects • Coordinate policies and regulations. that have potential should be further de- There should be an in-depth analysis of veloped to an operational phase either how these programmes can assist in the through the community or through in- implementation of other policy areas and dustry. appropriate regulatory framework to make use of these assets should be adopted. Examples could be using GMES Legal and Galileo information for identifying Galileo and GMES have undergone several fishing zones, tracking agricultural pro- restructuring processes. The most recent one duction, etc. concerning Galileo renames the ‘European • Promote law enforcement through the GNSS Supervisory Authority’ as the ‘Euro- use of the flagships. The flagship pro- 3 pean GNSS Agency’ and affects the mandate grammes can provide data for law en- of the exploitation of Galileo and EGNOS. forcement e.g. illegal building, false dec- Regarding GMES the latest development was larations, violations of laws and treaties, the establishment of the GMES/GEO regula- tax violation, etc. tion which included the establishment of a user forum. Nevertheless, there are still no • Implement appropriate governance clear provisions regarding the programme structures. Appropriate governance when it comes to operations. Changes in structures should be implemented taking governance should provide continuity and into consideration the different develop- sustainability in administrative, budgetary, ment phases. Lessons learned from Gali- legal responsibilities at different phases of the leo should be considered in GMES and programmes. There are still questions re- vice versa. Additionally, successful sto- garding the Public Regulated Services (PRS) ries such as EUMETSAT and Eutelsat for Galileo and the data policy for GMES that should be considered. The most success- should be dealt with as soon as possible. The ful structures are typically those that are related legislative bodies at European and close to the end customer. Member State level should pass the provi-

3 The European Parliament and the Council of the Euro- pean Union. Regulation (EU) No 912/2010 of the Euro- pean Parliament and the Council, Setting up the European GNSS Agency, repealing Council Regulation (EC) No 1321/2004 on the Establishment of structures for the management of the European satellite radio navigation programmes and amending Regulation (EC) No 683/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 Sep. 2010.

ESPI Report 34 10 May 2011 Crucial Elements of European Space Flagship Programmes

1. Introduction

its Member States in drawing up, implement- ing and monitoring their policies. Through the 1.1 The Setting transverse nature of the information provide by satellites and their applications they can The use of satellites and space-based tech- serve a variety of policies such as, to name a nologies has become an indispensable part of few, agriculture, fisheries, energy, environ- our everyday life. They are used in cars, air ment, enterprise and industry, regional pol- travel, railways, ships, mobiles, ATM ma- icy, external policies, etc. chines, etc. making our society critically de- Satellites and space-based technologies can pendent on these technologies. They ensure also make a significant contribution to inter- knowledge, information and contribute to national co-operation. They not only contrib- economic development, security and defence. ute to scientific collaborations in science, Thus, it is highly important for Europe and its technology and applications but also can be Member States to have autonomous and used to serve European objectives including comprehensive capabilities for developing economic and social development, environ- and maintaining such space infrastructures. ment, education, health, development aid, Galileo and Global Monitoring for Environ- disaster management, security, etc. The ment and Security (GMES) are the EU’s space European Union and its Member States is the flagship programmes. These programmes are number one provider of development aid in of great strategic importance for Europe as the word. they contribute to an autonomous and opera- Galileo and GMES are the European contribu- tional navigation, positioning and European tion to the international effort in navigation Earth observation capability. European satel- and earth observation. Once completed, Gali- lite radio navigation policy is presently im- leo/EGNOS will be the only global navigation plemented through Galileo and EGNOS. Gali- system under civilian control providing guar- leo when operational will be the first civilian anteed services. GMES is the European con- Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) tribution to the international effort on a and EGNOS is the European augmentation Global Earth Observation System of Systems system currently using the GPS signal and (GEOSS). Once completed it will be the later Galileo. GMES aims at providing accu- world’s most comprehensive system on earth rate and timely information to policy makers observation, establishing Europe as a leader (e.g., national governments, and agencies, in the international community. EU institutions, intergovernmental organiza- tions and non-governmental organizations, There have been numerous publications and and other users), particularly in relation to discussions about the governance and financ- the environment and security. ing of the two flagship programmes. There are two specific issues that have not been Earth observation as well as navigation and investigated thoroughly or in a comparative positioning from space provides homogene- approach. These are the issues of public per- ous observations with unsurpassed coverage ception (general public and decision makers) of climate, the environment, oceans, fisher- and international cooperation. There is a ies, land, vegetation, biodiversity, agricul- need to build upon existing knowledge and to ture, transport, etc. Infrastructures like Gali- assess these issues in a comparative ap- leo/EGNOS and GMES can assist Europe and proach (Figure 2).

ESPI Report 34 11 May 2011

Figure 2: Conceptual schematic on public perception (A) and international aspects (B) for Galileo and GMES.

the various European policies and highlights how the two flagships can contribute to 1.2 Approach of the Study achieving policy objectives. The policies ex- amined are: agriculture, energy, environ- Even thought there is a lot of attention on ment, enterprise and industrial, external rela- governance and financing of the European tions, fisheries, research and technology de- flagship programmes, Galileo/EGNOS and velopment, transport, regional development. GMES, there is very little on public perception Chapter 5 highlights the international in- (general public and decision makers) and volvement of Europe with respect to Gali- international aspects. The European Space leo/EGNOS and GMES in the efforts of the Policy Institute (ESPI) focuses on building on international community and vis-à-vis some existing analysis, on governance and struc- of its strategic partners. Chapter 6 makes an ture of the two flagships, and touches on two analysis according to political, economic, specific issues that have not been investi- social, technological and legal factors and gated thoroughly or in a comparative ap- draws policy recommendations addressed to proach. These two areas can be seen as the various stake holders. framing elements of the two flagships in that they look into the foundations of the pro- The methodology used to conduct this study grammes vis-à-vis the general public and was based around three tools: extensive decision makers; and relate to the interaction desktop study, interviews, and a workshop. on the global scale with other actors conduct- In the framework of this study a workshop ing activities with a global approach in the was organized by the European Space Policy two fields. Institute (ESPI) Institute in close cooperation with the ITRE Committee and was conducted Chapter 1 of the study provides the setting. at the European Parliament on 7 December Chapter 2 gives an overview of Gali- 2010. It brought together the main stake- leo/EGNOS and GMES. Chapter 3 gives an holders in the fields of satellite Earth obser- overview of public perception by making a vation and navigation in order to discuss as- comparison with the United States and exam- pects of relevance to political decision- ining European statistics. Chapter 4 analyses makers.

ESPI Report 34 12 May 2011 Crucial Elements of European Space Flagship Programmes

2. Europe’s Flagship Programmes: Galileo and GMES

The two flagship programmes – Global Moni- endeavour until the establishment of a final toring for Environment and Security (GMES) structure4. and Galileo - are the EU’s main space infra- The year after the communication, the Coun- structure and are important parts of Euro- cil adopted a resolution defining many other pean Space Policy; they are products derived characteristics; Galileo was outlined as a civil from the close involvement of the European programme under civil control, and led by a Commission and the European Space Agency central administration to be established as (ESA). soon as possible. Furthermore, the Council underscored the necessity for Galileo to be interoperable with other GNSS systems (i.e. 2.1 Galileo GPS) and gave the Commission the mandate to establish the arrangements to assure that The Commission’s Communication, in January task. It was followed in 2002 by the creation 1998, marks the beginning of Galileo, defin- of the Galileo joint undertaking (GJU), and ing the issues at stake and the objectives of subsequently, the regulation on the deploy- the programme. It set GALILEO as the Euro- ment and commercial operating phases of the pean satellite radio navigation and positioning programme5. In 2003 the Council confirmed programme. It was conceived by the Euro- that EGNOS in an integral part of the Euro- pean Commission and developed jointly with pean satellite navigation policy. In the same the European Space Agency, aiming at giving year the first test signals of EGNOS were the European Union (EU) an independent broadcasted from space. system that could compete with the American Following a 2004 resolution by the Council, GPS and Russian GLONASS systems. Already the European Commission negotiated and in 1994 the Council had approved the lauch signed an agreement with the United States of the European Geostationary Navigation of America for the interoperability of Galileo Overlay Service (EGNOS) programme as the and GPS. The agreement provides a set of European satellite-based augmentation sys- rules that deal with the different understand- tem to the GPS and later to Galileo. In 1996 ings of GPS and Galileo. The set of rules pro- the Inmarsat-3 F2 AOR-E a telecommunica- vided deal, inter alia, with the compatibility of tions satellite was launched carrying an radio frequencies to avoid mutual jamming of EGNOS transponder. signals; interoperability on non-military In 2000, the European Commission prepared bases; and the establishment of a working a communication that gave an outline of the group to deal with the major issues of the Galileo initiative by determining the financial coexistence of both systems. and economic aspects of the project, the Council Regulation 1321/2004 established the structure of management supposed to guide GNSS Supervisor Authority (GSA)6. This au- the initiative as well as the envisaged inter- thority manages the interest of the public national cooperation scenario. The pro- sector in the Galileo programme, and re- gramme was divided into 3 phases: 1) the places the Galileo Joint Undertaking (GJU) development and validation phase; 2) the deployment phase; and, 3) the commercial 4 operation phase. At this point, financing the Commission of the European Communities. Commission Communication to the European Parliament and the initiative through a Public Private Partnership Council On Galileo. COM (2000) 750 final of 22 Nov 2000. (PPP) was considered the best way to reach 5 to be completely financed by public funds, The Council of the European Union. Council Resolution while phase 3 would mostly be financed by on Galileo. (2001/C 157/01) of 5 Apr. 2001. body, composed of two boards representing 6 The Council of the European Union. Council Regulation the political control (EU) and the technical No 1321/2004 on the Establishment of Structures for the control (ESA), were entrusted to steer the Management of the European Satellite Radio-Navigation Programmes of 12 Jul. 2004.

ESPI Report 34 13 May 2011

developed in 2002 to manage the initial phase and the deployment phase. A new phase of the project7. coordination body was established, the Gali- leo Interinstitutional Panel (GIP), which would The Galileo Joint Undertaking, as the major coherently tackle the following issues: pro- authority that makes the tenders and re- gramming governance, marketing, and inter- ceives the allocation of funds from the EU, is national arrangements. This Panel was com- supposed to carry out the whole development posed of 7 members; 3 from the European phase. The EC, however, considered the GJU Parliament, and 3 from the Council, plus 1 to be a duplication of the Authority and de- from the Commission. In 2009, the Commis- cided its services were no longer useful. To sion presented a status report on the imple- avoid double expenditure, the GSA replaced mentation of the infrastructures (e.g. launch the GJU at the end of 2006. of tendering, overruns, etc.), legal frame- The governance issue remained a focal point, work, GNSS and GIP, international activities despite the replacement of GJU with the GSA. by the Commission to assure compatibility, The European Commission prepared a pro- and interoperability. The full operational posal considering three possible scenarios. phase of Galileo is expected to start in 2013. The first was to continue to work on imple- Even though Galileo is not yet operational the mentation through the PPP’s. Here, the European space-based augmentation system Commission anticipated some difficulties in EGNOS is. It is currently used in agricuture reaching an agreement with the private sec- and has been certified for use in aviation. tor, requiring mitigation of the risk sharing Regulation (EC) 1942/2004 was replaced by that would be needed. In the second sce- Regulation (EU) No. 912/2010, which entered nario, the EU would pay for the deployment into force on 9 November 2010. Under para- of the basic services of Galileo delivered by graph 5 of Regulation (EU) No. 912/2010, the 18 satellites, and after that envisaged that GSA is renamed as the European GNSS private initiatives would construct the other Agency replacing its previous name European 12 satellites required for full service. In the GNSS Supervisory Authority. According to third scenario, public funding would finance Article 25 of the Regulation, the previous the complete deployment of the constellation, measures adopted on the basis of Regulation and the private sector would be in charge of (EC) 1942/2004 remain valid9. The activities delivering the service. These scenarios were of the Agency include following the develop- presented to the Council to support Galileo ment of coordination and consultation proce- along with EGNOS. While the PPP was consid- dures on security-related matters, carrying ered to be the most suitable way to realize out research of benefit to the development these programmes, it was recognised that a and promotion of the programmes and pro- reshaping needed to be considered8. viding support in the development and im- The Commission had the role of Project Man- plementation of the Public Regulated Service ager for Galileo; and the administrative part (PRS) pilot project. The GSA headquarters was delegated to GSA, which involved ensur- will be moved from to Prague and ing audits and preparing certification for the new locations will be in other Member States. downstream market. Throughout this time, ESA was responsible for the technical mat- ters. Under the “Delegation Agreement” with the EC, ESA would carry out the validation

9The European Parliament and Council of the European 7 The Council of the European Union. Council Regulation Union. Regulation (EU) No 912/2010 of the European 876/2002 on Setting up the Galileo Joint Undertaking, of Parliament and of the Council on Setting up the European 20 May 2002. Management of the European Satellite Radio Navigation 8 The European Commission. Galileo at a Cross-Road: the Programmes and Amending Regulation (EC) No 683/2008 Implementation of the European GNSS Programmes . of the European Parliament and of the Council. COM (2007) 261 final of 16 May 2007. 76:0011:0021:EN:PDF>.

ESPI Report 34 14 May 2011 Crucial Elements of European Space Flagship Programmes

Figure 3: European GNSS Oversight

Dates Events 21 January 1998 Neil Kinnock European Commission Transport expressed the strong need for Europe to have its own GNSS for sovereignty and security purposes. Euro- pean Commission published the Communication “Towards a ‘Trans- European’ positioning and navigation network: A European strategy for global navigation satellite systems”, COM (1998) 29 5 April 2001 The European Council approved a resolution to launch the Galileo pro- gramme with an operational phase to start in 2008 1 September 2003 The Galileo Joint Undertaking (GJU) was set up in order to manage the development phase and complete the selection of the future operating company 17 October 2003 GJU launched a tender for the Galileo Full Operational Capability (FOC) December 2003 Four bids received for Galileo 28 June 2004 Signature of EU/US agreement on Galileo-GPS September 2004 Two remaining bidders submitted detailed offers (Eurely and iNavSat) 2005 The two bidders were requested by GJU to make a common offer merging the two bids under three conditions: it should lead to a better offer the merged consortium should create a single entity as a sole interlocutor to the GJU it should not lead to additional delays and the signature of the concession contract should be signed by end 2005 These conditions were accepted by the consortium made up of AENA, Al-

ESPI Report 34 15 May 2011

Dates Events catel Alenia Space, EADS, Finmeccanica, Hispasat, Inmarsat, TeleOp and Thales 28 December 2005 Launch of GIOVE-A 19 January 2006 Signature of the contract for the In-Orbit Validation (IOV) phase 7 June 2006 Communication from the European Commission entitled “Taking stock of the Galileo programme”

12 July 2006 ESA announced that the European Geostationary Navigation Overlay Ser- vice (EGNOS) is now operational 23 November An incomplete version of the heads of terms was signed leaving some ma- 2006 jor issues open (ex: the design risk and the market risk) 8 December 2006 European Commission’s Green Paper on Satellite Navigation Applications launched 12 December 2006 European Transport Ministers failed to agree where the European GNSS Supervisory Authority (GSA) Headquarters should be located

18 December 2006 Adoption of FP7 (2007-2013) with a dedicated space theme 23 December 2006 Opinion of the European Economic and Social Committee on the GALILEO programme: successful establishment of the European supervisory author- ity (2006/C 318/34). 1 January 2007 European GSA officially took over the tasks of the GJU (GJU dismantled) 14 March 2007 Letter of European Commission Transport Commissaire Jacques Barrot to the German Presidency of the EU listing a series of identified problems and fixing a 10 May 2007 deadline given to the Consortium to incorporate the Galileo Operating company (GOC) and appoint its Chief Executive Officer (CEO) with a target date for signature of terms by 15 September 2007

15 March 2007 European Commission and ESA agreed to intervene more heavily in the operation and industry consortium building the four Galileo test satellites for the IOV phase since these space-hardware companies had trouble work- ing together 26 March 2007 GOC incorporated in () and CEO selected 16 May 2007 Communication from the European Commission “Galileo at a cross-road: the implementation of the European GNSS programmes“ presenting six possible scenarios with their strengths and flaws

22 May 2007 4th Space Council: Adoption of the first European Space Policy 7-8 June 2007 TTE Council Resolution on Galileo ending the PPP and adopting the principle of public funding

20 June 2007 European Parliament adopted a joint resolution on the financing of Galileo considering that the programme should be entirely financed by the EU budget and that the EU budget should be raised accordingly.

6 September 2007 Cancellation of the Galileo call for tender by the European Commission 19 September Communication from the European Commission entitled “Progressing Gali- 2007 leo: Re-Profiling the European GNSS Programmes” “Proposal for a Decision of the European Parliament and of the Council amending the Inter-institutional Agreement of 17 May 2006 on budgetary discipline and sound financial management as regards the multiannual fi- nancial framework” 1-2 October 2007 Ministers at the Council of Transport could not agree on a public financing scheme.

ESPI Report 34 16 May 2011 Crucial Elements of European Space Flagship Programmes

Dates Events 29-30 November TTE Council agrees on a fully-EU budget for Galileo giving the political go 2007 ahead for the project. 23 April 2008 Adoption by the European Parliament of a legislative resolution on the amended proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on the further implementation of the European satellite radio navi- gation programmes (EGNOS and Galileo). Creation of the Galileo Inter-institutional Panel (GIP). 27 April 2008 Launch of GIOVE-B – Second Galileo satellite. 24 June 2008 EESC and CoR host high-level debate on the economic, business and socie- tal aspects of GALILEO. 25 June 2008 Invitation to tender for the Galileo FOC issued by the European Commission 1 July 2008 ESA and the Commission launched the procurement of the six Work Pack- ages 1 July 2008 GALILEO: the procurement for the first constellation of the European navi- gation satellites starts 21-22 July 2008 Informal Space Council in Kourou 24 July 2008 Regulation (EC) n° 683/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 9 July 2008 on the further implementation of the European satellite navi- gation programmes (EGNOS and Galileo)

August 2008 Bids and start of negotiations for all the Work Packages 19 September GALILEO: 11 candidates short-listed for the next step of the procurement 2008 procedure. 26 September 5th Space Council “Council Resolution Taking Forward the European Space 2008 Policy” 10 February 2009 GALILEO: the European Commission and the European Space Agency look forward to first-rate cooperation to bring the European satellite radio navi- gation project to a successful conclusion. 29 June 2009 Information note of the European Court of Auditors concerning Special Re- port No 7/2009 on the management of the Galileo programme's develop- ment and validation phase. June 2009 Contracts expected to be signed for all Work Packages 7 January 2010 Commission awards major contracts to make Galileo operational early 2014. 3 March 2010 Discours d'ouverture des Galileo applications days Galileo Applications Days - Antonio Tajani Vice-Président de la Commission Européenne en charge de l'industrie et de l'entrepreneuriat. 3 March 2010 Galileo offers outstanding navigation applications to spur innovation. 3 March 2010 Galileo Application Days showcase the future of satellite navigation. 22 September Regulation (EU) No 912/2010 of the European Parliament and of the Coun- 2010 cil of 22 September 2010 setting up the European GNSS Agency, repealing Council Regulation (EC) No 1321/2004 on the establishment of structures for the management of the European satellite radio navigation programmes and amending Regulation (EC) No 683/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council 22 September Agreement with Norway on two Galileo ground stations. 2010 8 October 2010 Galileo: Secure satellite navigation for emergency and security services. 26 October 2010 Galileo: signature of major contract leading to initial services in 2014.

ESPI Report 34 17 May 2011

Dates Events 29 October 2010 Opinion of the European Economic and Social Committee on the ‘Proposal for a Decision of the European Parliament and of the Council on the detailed rules for access to the public regulated service offered by the global naviga- tion satellite system established under the Galileo programme’ 18 January 2011 Commission presents midterm review of European satellite navigation pro- grammes Galileo and EGNOS. 18 January 2011 The Mid-term Review of the European Satellite Radio Navigation Pro- grammes Galileo and EGNOS: Questions and Answers. 17 March 2011 Proposal for a COUNCIL DECISION on the Conclusion of the Agreement on the Promotion, Provision and Use of GALILEO and GPS Satellite-based Navigation Systems and Related Applications between the United States of America, of the One Part, and the European Community and its Member States, of the other part – Council of the European Union.

Table 1: Chronology of the Galileo programme

• Sentinel two: will carry an optical in- strument that also uses infrared technol- 2.2 GMES ogy to monitor the land, agriculture and crops, and humanitarian operations. The GMES concept was initiated in 1998 and later endorsed by the Gothenburg European • Sentinel three: monitors the sea surface, Council and the European Space Agency in to observe the temperature, colour, and 2001. GMES is an EU led initiative carried out to support the marine environment and in partnership with the Member States and response to oil spills or man-made disas- the European Space Agency (ESA) for ters. autonomous and operational European Earth • Sentinel four and five: both satellites will observation capacity. It aims at providing, be carried by other satellites, and will under the Unions control, information ser- use the same bus to be launched. The vices which give access to accurate data and Sentinel four will be on board Meteosat information in the field of the environment III. These sentinels will be able to moni- and security and are tailored to the needs of tor the atmosphere. the users10. GMES should provide decision makers with the necessary information in The space-based data is supported by con- policy making and should foster better exploi- tributing missions, already in existence. The tation of the industrial potential of policies of contributing missions belong to the Member innovation, research and technological devel- States of both EU and ESA, giving a stronger opment in the field of Earth observation. role to Member States in both individual con- tributing missions and in the framework of It is a semi-space based project, tasked to the organisation. The development of GMES collect and integrate data from different matches the pace of Galileo, although the sources. It is divided into two components: programme has already delivered some data the in situ component that takes information through the in situ and space component. from the infrastructure located on land or on sea; as well as airborne data. It is a key tool From the 1998 Baveno Manifesto in Earth to support biodiversity, ecosystem manage- Observation (EO), the GMES initiative has ment, and climate change mitigation and progressed forward through cooperation adaptation. The space component is com- among many actors, including the EU, ESA posed of five satellites, called “sentinels”, of and European Environmental Association which each satellite performs a different mis- (EEA). The definition of roles began in 2000 sion: with the “Joint ESA/ EC document on a Euro- pean strategy for space”11. The EU included • Sentinel one: a SAR satellite to monitor GMES in the 6th Framework Programme (FP) the sea-ice extension, or the maritime situation as well as the risks of Earth sur- face movements. 11 “Joint ESA/ EC document on a European Strategy for Space”. Annex II to the report: Towards a Space Agency for the European Union. ESA/ EC 2000 10 The European Parliament and the Council of the Euro- . pean Union. Regulation (EU) 911/2010 of the European Other issues are touched in the document: the industrial Parliament and of the Council on the European Earth standpoint, the access to space, and the project for Galileo monitoring programme (GMES) and its initial operations programme. For both Galileo and GMES is pointed out the (2011 to 2013) of 22 Sep. 2010. strategic importance they have in the international scenario.

ESPI Report 34 18 May 2011 Crucial Elements of European Space Flagship Programmes

to finance the GMES section devoted to Re- 2009 p. 404). According to that proposal, the search and Development. Within that period European Union would only finance the infra- (2001), the EC highlighted 4 thematic areas structure that did not exist on an ad-hoc ba- for development: regional monitoring, global sis in order to implement the GMES pro- monitoring, environmental security, and hori- gramme. The rest of the data needed for the zontal support. Horizontal support specified fast track services would be provided through that the projects must contribute to the tech- partnerships with the owners of the infra- nological development of the space infra- structure providing that data. structure12. Since financing the whole project in its two In November 2005, the EC prepared a Com- components was not considered sustainable munication that gave a clear outline of GMES for the Community, the Commission pro- and its activities. In that same communica- posed a modular approach, i.e., the new ac- tion, the EC established a road map to tivities would be decided according to the achieve the “fast track” results of GMES by budget. The Commission planned to invest 2008. The Commission also provided a list of 107M Euros for the initial operations, in addi- the “initial services” to be provided at the tion the cost of human resources and admin- outset of GMES activity. A further defined istrative expenditure were estimated in 8.5 M structure of the programme was provided by Euros15. Another 43 M Euros were devoted to the EC in a communication to the Council GMES’s initial operations from the 7th FP16. EESC and CoR in 2008, providing the follow- According to this document, public govern- ing ideas: ance must be revised by giving political con- trol over the initiative to the EC. In the • Rules for partnership were needed, since meantime the European Space Agency took many actors are involved and the Board over management of the space component, of partners was created according to developing the 5 “sentinels” and directing the their contribution in GMES; data from the contributing missions. Besides • The leadership of the programme will be- this, ESA also provided the expertise to man- long to the European Union covering po- age R&D resources. litical coordination over the following ar- Furthermore, Member State assets are meant eas: market development; budget man- to be part of GMES. Member States are re- agement and implementation; interna- quested to implement GMES by using na- tional cooperation activities; tional means (e.g. Terra SAR-X, Cosmo Sky • Establish and keep a clear division of MED, Pleiades) (see Appendix A2) which were roles throughout the development of developed for other purposes but will make GMES; important data available to GMES. Coordina- tion among the partners was established by • Compliance with the transparency rules; the EC this year, through decision • Member States were also requested to n.2010/67/EU, creating an advisory body ensure the long-term availability of their comprising representatives. assets to provide the best service to GMES13. A major milestone for GMES was the “Regula- tion on the European Earth observation pro- gramme (GMES) and its initial operations (2011–2013)”14. It transformed the political initiative into an actual programme“(Mantl,

12 The European Commission. “Key elements of the GMES EC Draft Action Plan. Initial Period 2001-2003” 27 July 2001 p 3. 15 The European Commission. Proposal for a Regulation 13 The European Commission .Communication to the Of the European Parliament and of the Council on the Parliament, the Council, Economic and Social Committee European Earth Observation Programme (GMES) and its and to Committee of Regions Global Monitoring for Envi- Initial Operations (2011–2013). EC COM (2009) 223 of ronment and Security (GMES): we care for a safer planet. 20.May 2009 COM (2008) 748 12 Nov 2008 . 223:FIN:EN:PDF>. 14The European Parliament and Council of the European 16 The European Commission. Proposal for a Regulation Union. Regulation (EU) Nº 911/2010 of the European Of the European Parliament and of the Council on the Parliament and the Council on the European Earth moni- European Earth Observation Programme (GMES) and its toringprogramme (GMES) and its initial operations (2011– Initial Operations (2011–2013)” EC COM (2009) 223 of 20 2013).22 Sep 2010 . 223:FIN:EN:PDF>.

ESPI Report 34 19 May 2011

Figure 4: European GMES Oversight

Dates Events 19 May 1998 “The Baveno Manifesto”, foundation of the GMES initiative, is drawn up at a meeting of the EC, ESA and national space agencies. 16-17 October 2000 Lille Conference on GMES 16 November 2000 Joint resolution by the TTE Council and ESA Council on a European Space Strategy where GMES appears as a major policy component 2001 100 million euros committed for research and development at EU level + 100 million euros for ESA programme (GMES Service Element) 21-22 March 2001 GMES workshop on the users’ perspective 02-03 May 2001 GMES - Global Monitoring for Environment and Security -A Consultation Meeting, Baveno, Italie, CP Ispra. June 2001 Joint document by the European Commission and ESA “A European Ap- proach to Global Monitoring for Environment and Security (GMES): To- wards Meeting Users’ Needs” 23 October 2001 European Commission Communication “Global Monitoring for Environ- ment and Security (GMES) Outline GMES EC Action Plan (Initial Period: 2001-2003)” 13 November 2001 Council Resolution urging the Commission to start the initial period (2001-2003) of GMES and endorsing the establishment of a steering committee 31 July 2003 Earth Observation Summit in Washington DC established the Group on Earth Observation (GEO) 3 February 2004 European Commission Communication “Global Monitoring for Environ- ment and Security (GMES): Establishing a GMES capacity by 2008 – (Action Plan 2004-2008))” 2005-2006 Fast-track services selected (Emergency response, Land management

ESPI Report 34 20 May 2011 Crucial Elements of European Space Flagship Programmes

Dates Events and Marine Services) 23 May 2005 European Commission Communication: “European Space Policy- Preliminary Elements” 28 November 2005 Third Space Council underlined that the implementation of a phased operational GMES calls for consolidation of the overall GMES architecture 10 November 2005 European Commission Communication “Global Monitoring for Environ- ment and Security (GMES): From Concept to Reality” 18 December 2006 FP7 (2007-2013) adopted and displays a 1200 million euros budget line for GMES: 650 million as EU contribution to the ESA programme and 550 million euros for services development 8 March 2006 Co-decision of Vice-President Verheugen, Commissioners Potocnik and Dimas created the GMES Bureau to be effective on 1 June 2006 19-20 April 2006 Austrian EU Council Presidency Conference “A Market for GMES in Europe and its regions - The Graz Dialogue” 18 April 2007 Thales Alenia Space selected as prime contractor for Sentinel 1 17 April 2007 German EU Council Presidency Symposium “The way to the European Earth observation system GMES - The Roadmap” . 22 May 2007 4th Space Council: Adoption of the first European Space Policy 27 September 2007 ESA Member States participating in the GMES programme approved the transition to Phase-2 of Segment 1 of the GMES Space Component Pro- gramme 6-7 December 2007 Portuguese EU Council Presidency “GMES for Africa” event organised in Lisbon () 28 February 2008 ESA and the European Commission signed an agreement to transfer the management of 624 million euros in funds from the Commission’s budget to ESA for building the GMES components. The funds will be distributed in two stages: 419 million euros for segment 1 and 295 mil- lion euros for segment 2 14 April 2008 Thales Alenia Space selected as prime contractor for Sentinel 3 17 April 2008 Astrium selected as prime contractor for Sentinel 2

21-22 July 2008 Informal Space Council in Kourou 16-17 September French EU Council Presidency event “GMES Forum” 2008 16 September 2008 Günter Verheugen, Vice-President of the European Commission respon- sible for Enterprise and Industry. Caring for our Planet: Launching a New European Programme for Global Monitoring for the Environment and Security GMES Forum 2008 26 September 2008 5th Space Council “Council Resolution Taking forward the European Space Policy” 12 November 2008 European Commission Communication “Global Monitoring for Environ- ment and Security (GMES): we care for a safer planet” and GMES Im- pact assessment 2 December 2008 Competitiveness Council : “Council Conclusions on Global monitoring for Environment and Security (GMES): Towards a GMES Programme” 29 May 2009 Council Resolution on "The Contribution of space to innovation and competitiveness in the context of the European Economic Recovery Plan, and further steps" – Council of the European Union. 28 October 2009 EU space missions to strengthen earth observation for Climate and Se-

ESPI Report 34 21 May 2011

Dates Events curity 16 May 2010 European Commission Vice-President Antonio Tajani welcomes today’s approval by the European Parliament of the Regulation on the European Earth monitoring Programme (GMES). 20 October 2010 Regulation (EC) No 911/2010 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 September 2010 on the European Earth observation pro- gramme (GMES) and its initial operations (2011 to 2013), OJ L276, 20.10.2010. 28 October 2010 Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Commit- tee of the Regions - An Integrated Industrial Policy for the Globalisation Era Putting Competitiveness and Sustainability at Centre Stage. Brus- sels, COM(2010) 614 – European Commission. 25 November 2010 7th Space Council resolution: “Global challenges: taking full benefit of European space systems”. 25 January 2011 GMES improves iceberg forecasting and air quality monitoring. 9 March 2011 WORK PROGRAMME 2011- -European Earth monitoring programme (GMES) and its initial operations (2011 – 2013). European Commission. 6 April 2011 Communication From the Commission to the Council, the European Par- liament, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Regions towards a Space Strategy for The European Union that Benefits its Citi- zens. COM (2011) 152.

Table 2: Chronology of the GMES programme

ESPI Report 34 22 May 2011 Crucial Elements of European Space Flagship Programmes

3. Public Perception

Many studies have been conducted to analyse War influenced space activities relating to ex- public perceptions on space policy issues in ploration, and the less obvious and less pro- Europe and the United States. Space technolo- moted emerging space programme infrastruc- gies and applications are used constantly in ture, which has aimed to bring space back to everyday life. In particular, positioning and earth by serving a variety of government agen- navigation technologies like GPS have a wide cies, academic institutions, private corporations number of applications; in addition to the use and the public at large. of these signals in car navigation receivers and Additionaly, the Europeans have jointely en- mobile phones, these applications are used gaged in the development, deployment and mainly for traffic control on land (e.g. rail, road) operation of satellites. There are two examples and for air traffic control. In relation to earth where the development and deployment of observation, weather forecasting also contrib- satellites in the filed of meteorology and tele- utes to the daily life of citizens. Early warning communications, have been developed by one and satellite images are essential in the event entity (ESA) and have been taken over for op- of disasters such as the recent in erations and exploitation by another Haiti and Japan. Furthermore, public safety and (EUMETSAT and Eumetsat). These are exam- security is highly reliant on the use of earth ples which demonstrated the succesfull coop- observation satellite data, and that data is often eration in Europe and are described and ana- used in combination with positioning and navi- lysed in this Chapter. gation services. Space endeavours have long captivated the interest of the general public and even the space community. Public perception remains 3.1 The Americans and Space dominated by the pioneering space endeavours that grew from the Cold War, i.e. the achieve- There is a universally held belief that NASA and ments of Russia with the shock of Sputnik, and the US space programmes, received out- the explosive growth of the United States’ standing support from the public in the 1960s Apollo programme. Many studies have been during the Apollo era. The reality is that polls in conducted analysing public opinion polls for the 1960’s consistently ranked space the top of space programmes and in particular for space the programmes to be cut under the federal exploration17, space and science18, nuclear budget. Americans were largely hesitant to energy in space missions19, Mars sample re- enter the “race” against the Soviets when it turn20, etc. There is a division between the Cold came to budget spending. Figure 5 shows that the American public preferred the spending to be in other areas like air and water pollution, job training for unskilled workers, national 17 Launius, R.D, “Evolving public perceptions of spaceflight beautification, and poverty before spending it in American culture”. Acta Astrnautica, 53 (2003) p. 823- on space. 831. Arvai, J.L., “Evaluating NASA role in risk communications While Americans may not have been familiar process surrounding space policy decisions”. Space Pol- with the details of America’s space programme, icy, 16 (2000) p.61-69. Launius, R.D., “Public opinion polls and perceptions of US they had a largely favourable opinion (~70%) 21 human spaceflight”. Space Policy, 19 (2003) p.163-175. over the period from 1978 to 1999 , in con- Ehrenfreund, P., Peter, N., Billings, L., “Building long-term trast with the 20% that held a less favourable constituencies for space exploration: The challenge of opinion. Nevertheless, by the mid-nineties, raising public awareness and engagement in the United there was a significant decline in public support States of Europe”. Acta Astronautica, 67 (2010) p502-512. Entradas, M., Miller, S., “Investing public space exploration for the US space programmes (see Figure 6). support in the UK”. Acta Astronautica,67 (2010) p.947-953. 18Sterns, P.M., Tennen, L.I., “Regulation of space activities and trans-science: public perception and policy considera- Race, M.S., “Mars Sample Return and planetary protection tions”, Space Policy, 11.3, 1995, p.181-192. in public context”. Adv. Space Res., 22.3,1998 p391-399. 19Maharik, M., Fischhoff, B., “Public views of using nuclear Lofstedr, R.E., “Public perception of the Mars Sample energy sources in space missions”. Space Policy, 2, 1993, Return Programme.” Space Policy, 19 (2003) p.283-292. p. 99-103. 21Yankelovich polls conducted for the Boeing Company 20Joyce, S., Tomkins, C.S., Weinstein, P., “Mars Sample between May 1978 to December 1997. Polls available in Return: Do Australians trust NASA?” Advances in Space NASA Historical Reference Collection, NASA History Research, 42 (2008) p.1096-1102. Office, Washington, DC.

ESPI Report 34 23 May 2011

Figure 5: Percentage age who believe government funding should be decreased

Figure 6: Population percentage considering the space programme important for America. Data from 1988 to 1999.

While the Americans approved of the work achievements since its creation in 1995, i.e. done by NASA (see Figure 7), and of NASA’s with Arianne, Columbus, ATV, various satel- “brand”, Europeans considered the European lite missions, etc., it was often referred to as Space Agency to lag behind in recognition as the “European NASA”. a brand name. Despite ESA’s tremendous

ESPI Report 34 24 May 2011 Crucial Elements of European Space Flagship Programmes

Figure 7: Quality of work done by NASA1 .

opinion polls. 3.2 The Europeans and The study was published in October 2009 with the title “Space activities of the Euro- Space 23 pean Union. Analytical Report” . 2 2 According to this study, the majority of EU citizens re- A study in Europe in 200722, showed that the gard European space activities as important largest part of the population considered from the perspective of the EU’s future global space activities as risky, expensive and not role: one in five citizens considered such ac- very useful. In 2006, the European Commis- tivities to be very important (20%) and a sion selected a consortium led by the Gallup further 43% felt that space activities were Organization to run its Flash Eurobarometer important. Thus, there is a total of 63% in


YES NO 29% N/A


Figure 8: Importance of space activities for the future international position of the EU24

23 Flash Eurobarometer. “Space activities of the European Union. Analytical Report”. Oct. 2009, Flash EB Series No272. 24The data for the figure is based on Flash Barometer No.272 with grouping together the data “very important” 22 Grimand, M., “Is space a luxury activity? Back to con- and important as “yes” and “no idea” and “DK/NA” as crete figures”. IAC-08-E5.2.2, Glasgow, UK, 2008. “N/A”.

ESPI Report 34 25 May 2011

agreement, in contrast to the 29% that did ute to industrial competitiveness, growth and not agree with the importance of these activi- job creation in the European Union, 64% ties. The EU country distribution can be seen replied positively in contrast to 28% who in Figure 11. were doubtful (see Figure 11). The EU coun- try distribution can be seen in Figure 11. When asked whether space activities contrib-





50 YES NO 40 N/A 30




e y l a a y c ia nd p. i m ia n lt l ce e r nd a nd e ar n tvia o n e ta any a la onia l a g a a ands d e d I g t re bourg rtuga u L l g v Ma rm Gre ul Po I Finl m un o th n o Austria Fran B Slovakia Es ch R H P i Sl Swe e xe L Ki Ge u d Cz L Nether Unite Figure 11: EU country distribution regarding the importance of space activities for the future international position of the EU25


28% YES NO N/A 64%

Figure 11: Space activities contribute to industrial competiveness, growth and creation of jobs in the European Union?26




50 YES 40 NO N/A 30



0 l s rg d d a rk a ry ia m y ly e ia ia a ru n a en r o n c ands p a ium ari d a land Ita tv l rtuga nl g m lg Spain gd o an Malta a uani Cy i Irelan n Aust n rm P Fr ovak L h ovenia her F Bel Hunga Swe Estonia it t Po RomaniDe Bu Ki Ge Sl L Sl d Ne e Czech Rep. Luxembou it Un

Figure 11: Space activities contribute to industrial competiveness, growth and creation of jobs in the European Union?- by 27 country 2

26The data for the figure is based on Flash Barometer No.272 with grouping together the data “very important” and important as “yes” and “no idea” and “DK/NA” as “N/A”. 25The data for the figure is based on Flash Barometer 27 The data for the figure is based on Flash Barometer No.272 with grouping together the data “very important” No.272 with grouping together the data “very important” and important as “yes” and “no idea” and “DK/NA” as and important as “yes” and “no idea” and “DK/NA” as “N/A”. “N/A”.

ESPI Report 34 26 May 2011 Crucial Elements of European Space Flagship Programmes

Respondents also acknowledged that there less supported then disaster management may be various benefits related to space ex- when the population is asked. The impor- ploration and 26% of Europeans thought that tance of developing satellite-based tools to the EU should definitely do more in the field improve security caused general consent to of space exploration. decline to 67%. This decline could probably be explained by the general lack of aware- A similar analysis was also conducted in the ness of Earth Observation technologies. .28 It showed that the British public who come to outreach and engage- When asked about the value of developing ment activities, support space exploration but various space-based applications for Europe, have some reservations about considering EU respondents were most keen on (further) the advancement of UK space activities to be developing Earth observation systems to of national interest. The greater number of monitor our environment, including natural supporters considered that government phenomena like forest fires or floods, effects spending should be allocated to civil space of climate change: 58% found this to be very activities. important. A total of 57% replied that they were aware of the European Earth Observa- tion satellites in contrast to 42% who were

not aware (See Figure 122 2 ). 22% of those 3.3 The Europeans and Earth aware also knew what they do. Figure 13 Observation for Environ- shows the EU country distribution. ment and Security In particular, in response to the importance of developing earth observations systems to The general opinion about the development monitor the environment (including natural of Earth Observations satellites can be con- disasters), an overwhelming 91% agreed sidered overall good, since this is the applica- (Figure 14). Figure 14 shows the EU country tion considered as the most important devel- distribution. opment priority in Europe; yet despite these Often, policy makers are puzzled as to results, it must be said that only 56% of whether the public supports the development Europeans (considering an average of the 27 of space applications for Europe in relation to countries) are aware of the fact that Europe security. 67% replied positively regarding the is currently developing an EO system. Al- provision of space-based monitoring tools to though the programmes are not really well improve citizen’s security, in contrast to 27% known, the perception of earth observation who did not approve ( can be considered satisfactory, even if it must be clarified that when the explanation Figure 16). The country distribution can be of what can be done by an EO satellite is seen in Figure 17. given, the perception of its importance rises up to 90%. The contribution to security is


42% YES NO 57% N/A

Figure 12: Awareness of the European earth observation satellites29

29The data for the figure is based on Flash Barometer 28Entradas, M., Miller S., “Investigating public space explo- No.272 with grouping together the data “very important” ration support in the UK”, Acta Astronautica, 67 (2010) and important as “yes” and “no idea” and “DK/NA” as p.947-953. “N/A”.

ESPI Report 34 27 May 2011




50 YES 40 NO N/A 30




y l y e r a ia n e ia m a rk ia c g kia c n u tria lt a nds tu a a s a land Spain nga bourg v lgar rma u Latvia u Ma m rl e Fran u m or o u Gree th Cyprus A n e Ir H P Sl B i ch Rep. Belgi Eston Romania xe Ge L e De th u L Cz Ne United Kingdom

30 Figure 13: EU country distribution regarding awareness of the European earth observation satellites2 2

6% 3%



Figure 14: Importance of developing Europe earth observation systems to monitor 31 our environment including natural disasters 2 3



80 YE S 60 NO N/A 40



g d k l y . ce d r d ry in ia ny n e a ia m a lta ia p rus n n a tv a ri a al n e e p la la g a la st ar den iu ug It R re venia o in Spa L rm e rlands ranc u lg e g rt M G Cy o P F e Ir e nmar F A u w o h Sl Hun e B Estonia S Bel SlovakiaP ithua c xembou G th D Romania L u e L N Cze United Kingdom

Figure 15: Importance of developing for Europe earth observation systems to monitor our environment including natural disas- 32 ters –distribution by EU country 2 3

30The data for the figure is based on Flash Barometer No.272 with grouping together the data “very important” and important as “yes” and “no idea” and “DK/NA” as “N/A”. 31The data for the figure is based on Flash Barometer No.272 with grouping together the data “very important” and important as “yes” and “no idea” and “DK/NA” as “N/A”. 32The data for the figure is based on Flash Barometer No.272 with grouping together the data “very important” and important as “yes” and “no idea” and “DK/NA” as “N/A”.

ESPI Report 34 28 May 2011 Crucial Elements of European Space Flagship Programmes


27% YES NO N/A 67%

33 Figure 16: Importance of space-based monitoring tools to improve citizen’s security3333






50 YES NO 40 N/A 30




y a k al ia n ia t a m rg ce ny ia ar g n k al aly nia ep. u n a g ania land prus It e toni R do o str m e rtu y ua Spai va M Latvia g ra u un Poland Ir o C th lo Finland Greece mb F A weden H P S Slov Es Belgium e S Ro Li zech Kin x Denmar Germ C Netherlands ited Lu Un

Figure 17: EU country distribution regarding the importance of space-based monitoring tools to improve citizen’s security 12

33The data for the figure is based on Flash Barometer No.272 with grouping together the data “very important” and important as “yes” and “no idea” and “DK/NA” as “N/A”. 34The data for the figure is based on Flash Barometer No.272 with grouping together the data “very important” and important as “yes” and “no idea” and “DK/NA” as “N/A”.

ESPI Report 34 29 May 2011

ticed by the public due to the fast and free service, could be the reason for this. It may 3.4 The Europeans and Posi- be concluded that the “strategic” importance of the asset is not fully communicated, even tioning and Navigation though supported by the majority; the 67% support can be contrasted to the 91% sup- The perception of Galileo among Europeans is port for European earth observation systems different from the perception of GMES. Sixty- to monitor our environment (Figure 18) seven percent of the population believe that (Figure 19). is important for Europe to develop an inde- pendent system of navigation. The presence of navigation systems in everyday life, unno-


24% YES NO N/A 67%

35 Figure 18: Importance of developing an independent “European GPS”2 3

100 90 80 70 60 YES 50 NO 40 N/A 30 20 10 0 . d ry d ia a ia ia g a s ia a p ia rk ly n n nd ri k m lt r om en la ga an a u a nd st d tv a Ita n va ton our tugal lgi a d a inl ma b M rl Spain h Re L rance Po Cyprus F Irel o Es m Greece Au c ng enm F Hu Bulga Sl e Por Be e Ki Slovenia Swe Ro x ethe Lithuani D u N Cz d L ite n U

36 Figure 19: EU country distribution regarding the importance of developing an independent “European GPS”2 3

35 The data for the figure is based on Flash Barometer No.272 with grouping together the data “very important” and important as “yes” and “no idea” and “DK/NA” as “N/A”. 36The data for the figure is based on Flash Barometer No.272 with grouping together the data “very important” and important as “yes” and “no idea” and “DK/NA” as “N/A”.

ESPI Report 34 30 May 2011 Crucial Elements of European Space Flagship Programmes

port. However, in these times of economic and financial crisis - 20% were in favour of 3.5 The Europeans and the allocating more budgetary resources to space Space Budget activities; 23% favoured the reduction of such EU spending; and 43% favoured main- Public support is a complicated issue. As in taining the current budget. Those who the US in the 1960’s, even today the public, thought that spending should be increased societies and governments consider the were more likely to be male (25%) and economy, climate change, energy, ageing younger than 25 (27%). Nevertheless, the population, societal benefits, etc as higher importance of space and the need to invest in priorities. The communication of how space it is of a strategic nature. Therefore, the deci- and space applications as integrated applica- sion concerning the budget should be more of tions can boost these priorities remains insuf- a political commitment. It can additionally ficient. serve the implementation of other European policies. The public is aware of space activities and their importance, but when it comes to the budget, they are reluctant to increase sup-

15% 20%

Increased Reduced Unchanged 23% N/A 42%

37 Figure 20: Expected level of future European space budgets in comparison with the current one. 2 3




Increased 40 Reduced Unchanged 30 N/A



0 l s a ry p. ia a y e n a s ria nd ce lta ain kia ni nd ny ani e ga ania a ourg Ital ium de stri tvia ga ypru ela Ma u Re Sp rtuga nla b anc ma rland a C m Ir Poland un love elg Fr we Au e L Gre H ch Eston Fi B S Bul Ro KingdomLith Denmark Slov S Po Ger d xem Cze Lu Neth Unite Figure 21: EU country distribution regarding the expected level of future European space 38 budgets in comparison with the current one 2 3

37The data for the figure is based on Flash Barometer No.272 with grouping together the data “very important” and important as “yes” and “no idea” and “DK/NA” as “N/A”. 38The data for the figure is based on Flash Barometer No.272 with grouping together the data “very important” and important as “yes” and “no idea” and “DK/NA” as “N/A”.

ESPI Report 34 31 May 2011

munity that there was a need for community data for weather forecasting and climate 3.6 Success Stories of change, ESA received the mandate in 1971 Eumetsat and Eutelsat for the exploitation of Meteosat and a proto- col for the pre-operational exploitation was The European Space Agency has been in- set up. In 1978, a Conference between the volved in the past in the development and heads of the national meteorological services deployment of satellites that were success- led to the idea to create a European meteoro- fully taken over by other organisations for logical capacity, defined its juridical frame- operation and exploitation. Two successful work and relationship with ESA. In 1981 it examples are the European meteorological was decided to undertake a European re- satellites and telecommunication satellites, gional meteorological sample applications which were later given to EUMETSAT and cooperation under pressure from the United EUTELSAT. Eutelsat is particularly interesting States Administration which was pushing for as it started its life as an international organi- commercialisation of weather data, thus chal- sation and ended up becoming a commercial lenging the principle of free exchange of data entity. These could be interesting examples and other products of metrological satellites, where lessons learned can be taken in rela- and therefore, limiting free access to data. In tion to the operational phase of GMES and particular, in 1983 the USA announced that it Galileo respectively. had agreed on this principle which, as a re- sult, threatened Europe with being compelled to buy data. Thus, to avoid this Europe 3.6.1 EUMETSAT needed its own system and operating organi- The European Organisation for the Exploita- sation. tion of Meteorological Satellites (EUMETSAT) In 1983 the creation of a new international is an international organisation, which was organisation the European Organisation for founded in 1986, with the main aim to deliver the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites weather and climate-related satellite data, (EUMETSAT), was proposed. The objective images and products– 24 hours a day, 365 was to, place into orbit, function and exploit days a year. This information is supplied to the European systems for operational mete- the National Meteorological Services of the orological satellites. This organisation would organisation's members and cooperating be responsible for the financial and adminis- states in Europe, as well as other users trative aspects of the operational Meteosat world-wide. programme. The management of the opera- 39 tional systems would go to ESA and would be The history of satellite meteorology in regulated in an agreement between ESA and Europe is closely related to EUMETSAT and EUMETSAT. The EUMETSAT convention was the European Space Agency (ESA) and goes signed in 1983 by 16 countries: Belgium, back to the 1970’s. The creation of Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, EUMETSAT took 10 years. Back in 1971, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, France proposed the Europeanization of its Spain, Sweden, , and the geostationary meteorological satellite pro- United Kingdom. It should be noted that the gramme Meteosat, which was developed un- Member States of EUMETSAT were all ESA der its French space agency, CNES. This was Member States apart from Austria, and in accepted in 1972 as part of the first “package addition Finland Greece and Portugal joined deal” creating the Meteosat programme with this organisation. the participation of Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, Sweden, Switzerland EUMETSAT today remains an international and the United Kingdom. The objective was organisation and has worldwide exclusive to develop and put in orbit a geostationary ownership of all data generated by its satel- meteorological satellite, including ground lites or instruments. However, it makes avail- stations, meeting the meteorological needs of able data sets to the World Meteorological the European community. At the same time Organisation. It provides meteorological ser- in 1972 ESA (ESRO) agreed to participation vices but if offers no warranty in respect to in the worldwide meteorological observation the services and products provided. All Mem- system in cooperation with Japan, Russia and ber States of EUMETSAT contribute by means US. This global programme aimed to improve of participation in its general budget and pro- space-based weather observations and Me- grammes. It runs mandatory programmes in teosat was the European contribution to it. As which all its Member States participate and it became quickly obvious to the user com- optional programmes in which they partici- pate if interested. 39 The history of EUMETSAT is based on earlier unpub- lished work of Nicolas Peter, European Space Policy Institute.

ESPI Report 34 32 May 2011 Crucial Elements of European Space Flagship Programmes

3.6.2 Eutelsat the space segment of satellite telecommuni- cations systems. Seventeen administrators or Eutelsat S.A is a commercial company and is authorised private operating entities (mem- the leading European satellite operator and bers of CEPT) became parties to the Interim one of the top three operators in the world Eutelsat Agreement, which was signed in for the supply of fixed satellite services. It 1977. The countries involved were Austria, provides TV broadcast, Internet broadband, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany telecom and data, mobile and maritime Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, communication services. The life of Eutelsat Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Tur- started as an intergovernmental organisation key, United Kingdom and Yugoslavia. that was set up in 1977 to develop and oper- ate a satellite-based communication infra- Together with the establishment of Interim structure for Europe. Eutelsat, two space agreements were placed

40 under the control and authority of ESA: ECS The history of space telecommunications is for fixed satellite services (FSS) and closely related to Eumetsat and the European MAROTS/MARECS for mobile satellite services Space Agency (ESA) and goes back to the (MSS). In 1978 an additional agreement was 1960’s when European countries realised the signed between ESA and Interim Eutelsat significance of the satellite communications. covering the operation of ECS, stating the In 1962 the United States made a proposal to provision by ESA of five satellites over a ten- create a World Wide telecommunication sys- year period. Interim Eutelsat would become tem and Europe was addressed to undertake the owner of the satellites as soon as they such an initiative at a regional level as op- were in orbit and would assume exclusive posed to doing it through bilateral agree- responsibility for the terrestrial segments of ments with the US. In 1963 the European the ECS system. In 1982 an intergovernmen- Conference for Satellite Telecommunications tal conference was organised with the partici- (CEPT) was established in order to prepare pation of the 20 Member States of Interim European countries for further negotiations Eutelsat and Lichtenstein, Monaco, San Mar- with the US on Intelsat. At that time in ino and the Vatican State. Two international Europe, even though the predecessors of ESA agreements were concluded. One was be- (ELDO and ESRO) were created neither of tween the “State Parties” and the other be- them was in charge of building and operating tween the “Signatories” which were the rele- application satellites. Nevertheless, when the vant governments themselves or their US satellite “Early Bird” (renamed Intelsat I) authorised telecommunications entities. Fur- demonstrated the technical feasibility and thermore, the Eutelsat convention entered economic importance of geostationary tele- into force in 1985 and the membership of the communications satellites, ESRO was asked organisation and span of services grew sig- in 1966 to design a joint European pro- nificantly. gramme for the development of experimental satellites for telephony and television. In In the 1990’s there was a Community action 1971 it was agreed to broaden the satellite plan for the progressive achievement for a programme including telecommunications competition oriented community wide satel- and in 1973 it was decided to initiate a Euro- lite communications market and the pean telecommunications satellite pro- strengthening of European competitiveness in gramme that started as a preoperational this field. At the same time there was a pre- programme called Orbital Test Satellite vailing policy of privatisation of the communi- (OST)41. OTS was succeeded by the European cations sector that led in the late 1990’s to Communications Satellite (ECS) programme the transformation of Eutelsat into a limited undertaken by ESA. It became evident that liability private company. Thus, in 2001 Eu- there was a need to create an organisation telsat was privatised and Eutelsat S.A was that would represent the interests of the created under French law, the convention members of CEPT. Thus in 1977 an ESA was revised and the activities of the inter- council resolution called for the creation of s governmental organisation (IGO) were re- separate organization to operate the ECS vised. In April 2005 Eutelsat Communications system on a commercial basis. Thus, the was created as a private company under provisional European Telecommunications French Law while Eutelsat IGO maintained Satellite Organisation or “Interim Eutelsat” the right to the frequencies and orbital posi- was formed with the objective of ensuring the tions assigned by the ITU prior to 2001. establishment, operation and maintenance of Eutelsat demonstrates the development of communications systems for commercial pur- 40 The history of Eutelsat is deducted from earlier unpub- poses to both develop the industrial base of lished work of Nicolas Peter, European Space Policy Europe as well as serving the purpose of hav- Institute. ing its own communication satellite system 41 OST 1 failed during launch in 1997 and OST2 was successfully launched in 1978. covering Europe.

ESPI Report 34 33 May 2011

4. The Flagship Programmes and European Policies

Space policy by its transverse nature and in tions. Figure 22 shows an overview of the particular through its infrastructure instru- indicative policies, the responsible entity in ments, the flagship programmes (Gali- the European Commission and the activities leo/EGNOS and GMES), can help in develop- involved. In the following subsections the ing, implementing and monitoring various policies are analysed, the main objectives are European and national policies. In particular deduced and indicative information is given with respect to European policies the follow- on how the two flagships can contribute to ing were identified without excluding the con- achieving those objectives. The list is not tribution of others: agriculture, energy, envi- exhaustive but it is aimed at making links for ronment, enterprise and industrial, fisheries, decision makers on how they can potentially transport, regional development, research benefit from the development of the Union’s and technology development, external rela- space infrastructure.

Figure 22: Indicative activities and policies to which the flagship programmes can contribute.

ESPI Report 34 34 May 2011 Crucial Elements of European Space Flagship Programmes

opment strategy44. The programme covers a ten year period from July 2002 to July 2012 4.1 Environment Policy with a particular focus on four key environ- mental priorities; and for each of the priority areas, it sets specific objectives and actions: 4.1.1 Policy Overview • Climate change. "an outstanding chal- The path to the implementation of a common lenge for the next 10 years and beyond", policy for the environment in Europe was it aims to contribute to the long-term ob- opened in 1972 by the Summit Conference of jective of "stabilising greenhouse gas the Head of State and Government held in concentrations in the atmosphere at a . Common environmental problems re- level that would prevent dangerous an- quired common solutions. thropogenic interference with the climate system"45. This includes reducing green- The legal basis for the environment policy house gasses according to the objectives was given by the Single Act of 1987, and of the Kyoto Protocol, i.e. at least 20% firmly established by the Maastricht Treaty. by 2020, and 20% for renewable energy Today, the basis for EU environmental policy production and 10% of consumption for is the Lisbon Revision under Arts. 191-193 bio fuels; increase energy efficiency in TFEU. It is a shared competence and should the Union; and set the objective of re- contribute to pursuit of the following objec- ducing the Union’s energy consumption tives: by 20% compared to projections for • preserving, protecting and improving the 202046. quality of the environment; protecting • Nature and biodiversity. Protecting and human health, restoring the structure and functioning of • prudent and rational utilisation of natural natural systems, and halting the loss of resources, biodiversity through the implementation of environmental legislation; protection, promoting measures at international • conservation and restoration of land- level to deal with regional or worldwide scapes; completion of the Natura 2000 environmental problems, and in particu- network to aid the survival of many spe- lar combating climate change. cies and their habitats in Europe; new The Göteborg European Council (15-16 June initiatives for protecting the marine envi- 2001) approved a European Union Strategy ronment; and a thematic strategy for 47 for sustainable development42, based on: protecting soils . coordinated development of common policies, addressing the economic, environmental, and social dimensions of sustainability; a set of 44Sustainable development is a key objective set out in the headline objectives to limit climate change Treaty. It aims at the continuous improvement of the qual- and increase use of clean energy; and steps ity of life on Earth of both current and future generations, to implement the strategy and review its by combating the abusive exploitation of natural resources process at every Spring meeting of the Euro- and of human beings. It seeks to promote a dynamic pean Council. economy respecting the environment, human values, cultural diversity, full employment, a high level of educa- In 2002, the Union established the Sixth tion, health protection, social and territorial cohesion in a peaceful and secure world. Community Environment Action Programme 45 (6 EAP)43 in order to address its key envi- The European Parliament and The Council of the Euro- pean Union, Decision No 1600/2002 EC of the European ronmental objectives and priorities. The pro- Parliament and the Council, Laying Down the Community gramme is intended to promote the integra- Environment Programme of 10 Sep. 2002. Article 2(2). < tion of environmental concerns in all Union http://eur- policies and represents the environmental dimensions of the Union’s sustainable devel- 42:0001:0015:EN:PDF 46 Commission of the European Communities. Communi- cation from the Commission to the European Parliament, 42Commission of the European Communities. A Sustain- the Council, the European Economical and Social Commit- able Europe for a Better World: A European Union Strat- tee and the Committee of the Regions on the Mid-term egy for Sustainable Development. Communication.COM Review of the Sixth Community Environment Action Pro- (2001) 264 final of 15 May 2001. < http://eur- gramme.COM (2007) 225 final of 30 Apr.2007. 225:FIN:EN:PDF>. 43The European Parliament and The Council of the Euro- 47Commisison of the European Communities. Communica- pean Union.Decision Nº 1600/2002 EC of the European tion from the Council and to the European Parliament on Parliament and the Council. Laying down the Sixth Com- Biodiversity Action Plan for Economic and Development munity Environment Action Programme of , 10 Sep.2002. Co-operation. COM (2001) 162 final of 27 Mar.2001 < < http://eur- BAP%20Economic%20and%20Development%20Co- 42:0001:0015:EN:PDF > operation.pdf >.

ESPI Report 34 35 May 2011

• Environment, health and quality of life. will be necessary to use the full potential Providing an environment where the of trade and cooperation agreements at level of pollution does not give rise to regional or bilateral levels. harmful effects on human health and the • The negotiations for Free Trade Agree- environment"48, i.e. achieving the quality ments with partners in Asia and Latin of environment that does not endanger America will be an opportunity to boost health, necessitating, inter alia: a fun- trade in sustainable goods and services. damental overhaul of the Union’s risk- management system for chemicals49, a • Promoting the Union’s environmental strategy for reducing risks from pesti- policies and requirements. cides, protection of water quality in the Union, noise abatement and thematic • Promoting the transfer of technology strategy for air quality and/or resources with developing coun- tries as an incentive for them to address • Natural resources and wastes. The 6 EAP global problems such as climate change. aims at The 6th EAP aims at "better re- source efficiency and improved resource • Working with Member Sates in order to and waste management, to help bring develop regional/country support strate- about more sustainable patterns of pro- gies that adequately address environ- duction and consumption"50. Focusing on ment and natural resource management decoupling resources from economic issues. growth, in particular through: improved • Intensifying, together with Member resource efficiency, taxation of resource States, the dialogue with key emerging use, increase recycling, and waste pre- economies such as China, India, Brazil, vention with the aid of an integrated and South Africa. production policy. • Improving international environmental The international dimension of environment governance where a priority is to up- policy increases in importance due to a num- grade the United Nations Environment ber of interconnected aspects. Environmental Programme (UNEP) by establishing a UN problems such as climate change are global. Environment Organisation (UNEO) with a This means that it is increasingly part of the strengthened mandate and adequate, 51 Union’s External Policy. This focuses on : predictable financing. • Promoting sustainable development • Setting up an International Panel on the worldwide and further mainstreaming Sustainable Use of Natural Resources environmental considerations into all EU and supporting a global system to moni- external policies – not only our develop- tor the levels of biodiversity (in particular ment assistance but also trade and the as regards forests). Common Foreign and Security Policy. • Making sure that European environ- • Effective "environmental diplomacy" will mental policy concerns are also taken mean linking environmental objectives forward in coordination with Member with other international negotiations. It States in specialised organisations such as the International Maritime Organisa- 48The European Parliament and The Council of the Euro- tion and the International Civil Aviation pean Union, Decision Nº 1600/2002 EC of the European Organisation. Parliament and the Council, Laying Down the Community Environment Programme of 10 Sep. 2002. Article 2(2).< Environmental policy is a cross cutting policy http://eur- that is meant to ensure that environmental requirements are complied with in the plan- 42:0001:0015:EN:PDF > 49 ning and performance of economic and social Commision of the European Communities. White Paper, activities. Therefore, sustainable develop- Strategy for a future Chemicals Policy.COM (2001) 88 final of27Feb.2001. < http://eur- ment of the environment depends upon other policies in the field of energy, transport, agri- 8en01.pdf > culture and tourism. The Commission has 50 The European Parliament and The Council of the Euro- further set out a long term community strat- pean Union, Decision Nº 1600/2002 EC of the European egy to integrate environmental issues with Parliament and the Council, Laying Down the Community Environment Programme of 10 Sep. 2002. < http://eur- economic policy. In the field of civil protec- tion, in 2001 the European Civil Protection 42:0001:0015:EN:PDF > Mechanism was established to support the 51Commission of the European Communities. Communica- mobilisation of emergency assistance in the tion from the Commission to the European Parliament, the occurrence of major disasters. This mecha- Council, the European Economical and Social Committee nism can be activated in response to a natu- and the Committee of the Regions on the Mid-term Review of the Sixth Community Environment Action Pro- ral or man-made disaster, e.g. earthquakes, gramme.COM (2007) 225 final of 30 Apr. 2007. floods, forest fires, industrial accidents, ma-

ESPI Report 34 36 May 2011 Crucial Elements of European Space Flagship Programmes

rine pollution or terrorist attacks. Directive transportation, reducing resource waste and 2007/2/EC52 of the European Parliament and improving the safety of citizens54. of the Council of 14 March 2007 established Recently, precision agriculture has become a an Infrastructure for Spatial Information in widely used farming strategy because of its the European Community (INSPIRE) to sup- capacity to increase productivity and avoid port Community environmental policies, and waste55. The precision measurement of the other activities that may have an impact on fields and calculation of their extension can the environment. It addresses 34 spatial data easily avoid the inefficient use of herbicides themes needed for environmental applica- and pesticides; increasing the quality of the tions. products as well as their quantity, with a clear benefit for human health and environ- 4.1.2 Space Flagship Programmes Contribution mental security. The Community environmental programme GMES focuses efforts to combat pollution and nui- sances. The objectives are the protection of Global Monitoring for environment and secu- European waters, the control of discharges rity (GMES), with its five sentinels, can be into the aquatic environment, monitoring considered a unique opportunity to monitor maritime pollution, air pollution and preven- the environmental situation, forecast natural tion of industrial and chemical hazards. Apart and man-made disasters and improve the from the effort to combat pollution and nui- quality of European flora and fauna. sance, it also seeks to improve the environ- The land monitoring systems such as the ment and quality of life through the rational satellites, both optical and radar, will give a management of space, the environment and well rounded picture of the extension of for- natural resources. These measures can be ests, the intensity of desertification, and the grouped under protection of flora and fauna; evolution of these processes. This dataset will and management of waste. Space based ser- improve the accuracy of the results, facilitat- vices can be a major tool in implementing the ing the protection and restoration of biodiver- policies and taking the appropriate steps to sity in the European continent. Moreover the improve environmental protection. possibility to control the colour and the ex- tension of fields and crops will ameliorate Galileo cultivation techniques and lead to more effec- 56 The importance of navigation technologies on tive space management . environmental policy has been recognised by As previously noted, the quality of water and European Commission: many results have its resources is a major concern of the Euro- been achieved using the satellite navigation pean Union: the marine monitoring service of systems provided by United States (GPS) and GMES is designed to control on a continuous its regional augmentation, the European Geo- basis the coastal environment and the marine stationary Navigation Overlay System 53 resources. Furthermore, the exploitation of (EGNOS) . The European Union is develop- fisheries and consequently biodiversity will ing an independent navigation system, which constantly be monitored and easily pro- will facilitate the mapping and better man- tected57. agement of land and resources. Implementation of environmental policy con- One of the most important fields of applica- cerning the quality of air and the pollution tion for a navigation system is in the trans- port system; the impact of this sector on the pollution of air and land is evident. The use of 54 “EGNOS for Road Users Charging High Flexibility,Low navigation systems will help the efficiency of Investment.” European Commission. gnos-road-leaflet-gsa_en.pdf 55 “EGNOS Applications.” European GNSS Agency 18 52European Parliament and the Council. Establishing an Jan.2010. Infrastructure for Spatial Information in the European . Community (INSPIRE). 108, Volume 50, 25 Apr. 2007 < and A“EGNOS for Agriculture: High precision, Low cost.” http://eur- 18 Jan.2010. . for-agriculture-high-precision-low-cost>, 53European Commission. Communication from the Com- . European Economic and Social Committee and the Com- 56GMES Office, Land Service. 20.Jan.2011. < mittee of the Regions. Action Plan on Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) Applications.COM (2010 )308 monitoring/>. final of 14 Jun.2010. < http://eur- 57GMES Office Marine Service 20.Jan.2011. . monitoring/ >.

ESPI Report 34 37 May 2011

created by greenhouse gasses, is addressed In the mean time, civil protection can benefit by the Atmosphere Monitoring service of from the potential of space-based assets, GMES. This service, using satellites that can forecasting catastrophes such as measure the presence of gasses in the at- and to provide the information needed mosphere and forecast weather conditions, for a prompt response. The combined use of will ensure a constant awareness of the the space-based assets of GMES will be an quantity of reactive gasses facilitating meas- efficient tool to be used in such a complex ures to reduce it. The capacity to provide a and cross-cutting issue as environmental series of data on a constant basis, moreover, policy. will foster the study of the trends related to climate change, facilitating the decision mak- ing process58.

Policy Areas and Galileo and GMES-Contribution Main Objectives Environment policy Galileo ƒ Preserving, protecting and - track pollutants, dangerous goods and icebergs; improving the quality of the - map the oceans; environment; - study tides, currents and sea levels; ƒ Protecting human health; - monitoring the atmosphere, water vapour for weather fore- ƒ Prudent and rational utilisation casting and climate studies; of natural resources; - monitoring the ionosphere for radio communications, space ƒ Promoting measures at inter- science and prediction; national level to deal with re- - track movements of wild animals to help preserve their gional or worldwide environ- habitats; mental problems, and in par- - contribution to the implementation of the Shared Environ- ticular combating climate mental Information System(SEIS)59; change; - detecting illegal waste sites and criminal trades of toxic ƒ Implementation of measures waste; for the maintenance of ecosys- tems; Examples - monitoring climate change. By collecting data and im- ages of Earth, freeze cycles, vegetation structure changes, climate change can be monitored with precision. - monitoring currents and sea levels. Using satellites to monitor the sea level can develop a deeper understanding of the reasons for sea level rise and monitor possible future changes. - land use mapping. Positioning information combined with high-quality images can provide three dimensional informa- tion about the entire planet, and with that a more accurate land use mapping is possible. - measuring and monitoring biodiversity. The use of high-resolution satellites with tracking systems allows track- ing the movement of thousands of individual animals. There have been significant advances in land-cover classifications by combining data from multi-passive and active sensors, and new classification techniques. Remote sensing of nature reserves can provide natural resources managers with near real-time data within and around reserves that can be used to support conservation efforts anywhere in the world60;

58European Space Agency. Contributing Mission. 21 Jan.2011. . 59 Shared Environmental Information System – SEIS- is collaborative initiative of the European Commission and the European Environment Agency (EEA). The system intends to establish, together with the Member States, an integrated and shared EU- wide environmental information system, to better tie in all existing data gathering and information flows related to EU environ- mental policies and legislation. Based on technologies such as the internet and satellite systems it will thus make environmental information more readily available and easier to understand to policy makers and the pub- lic.. 60 Gillespie, T.W., Foody, G.M., Rocchini, D., Giorgi, A.P., Saatchi, Sassan, “Measuring and modelling biodiversity from space”,Progress in Physical Geography April 2008 vol. 32 no. 2 203-221. .

ESPI Report 34 38 May 2011 Crucial Elements of European Space Flagship Programmes

GMES - protecting and restoring nature and biodiversity; - monitoring the level of pollution; - monitoring green house gas concentrations; - monitoring natural resources and waste; - monitoring man-made and natural disasters (earthquakes, floods, forest fires, industrial accidents, marine pollution, terrorist attacks); - monitoring and forecasting of Ultraviolet Radiation; - monitoring and forecasting of Total Ozone; - total ozone record; - improve water storage (surface waters, aquifers) to address water shortages and desertification;

Examples - Arctic ice monitoring. An application to monitor the de- crease of the Arctic ice surface and its movements, in order to understand climate change.61 - monitoring oil spills at sea. Availability of satellite data in near-real time, particularly from radar such as the Advance Synthetic Aperture Radar on Envisat and in the future from the GMES Sentinel-1, is an essential way of monitoring oil spills at sea. They provide wide area coverage and have the capability to detect oil slicks on the sea surface both in day- light and darkness, and through clouds62; - real-time monitoring the composition of the atmos- phere. The atmosphere’s composition can be monitored in real-time by assimilating observations of various meteoro- logical variables as well as reactive gases and aerosols.63 - monitoring and forecasting the marine environment, with a combination of space and in situ observations and data assimilation, the system could provide information on the ocean for large scale (worldwide coverage) and regional scale (main European basins and seas) temperature, salin- ity, currents, ice extent, sea level, primary ecosystems; - land monitoring, to close the gap between low-resolution global coverage and high-resolution by providing seasonal to annual Europe -wide coverage of physical properties de- scribing bio-geophysical information parameters; - ecosystems management. With real-time data provided by satellites it is easier to conserve major ecological services and restore natural resources while meeting the socioeco- nomic, political and cultural needs of current and future generations.64

Table 3: Galileo and GMES contributions to implement environment policy

61 Changes in sea ice extent, concentration and volume are signals used to detect global warming. As an example, the MyOcean project aims at providing a sustainable service for Ocean Monitoring and Forecasting validated and commissioned by users. MyOcean information includes observations, analysis, reanalysis and forecasts describing the physical state of the ocean and its primary biogeochemical parameters. It also contributes to research on climate by providing long time-series of reanalysed parameters. . 62 The Agreement between ESA and EMSA furthers Maritime Safety . 63 Project for Monitoring and Forecasting of Global Atmospheric Composition (MACC) . 64 One example of the utilization of earth observation satellites capacity and data has been developed by ESA’s program - Earth Observation for Development. ESA and the World Bank have a joint venture to use earth observation for the Bank’s operations. .

ESPI Report 34 39 May 2011

3. Measures to improve transport 4.2 Transport Policy safety. The Union seeks to organise the various means of transport in accordance with the 4.2.1 Transport Policy Overview “Community Rules”. A communication from In the EU, 44% of goods are transported by the Commission entitled “The common trans- road, whereas 39% are transported by short- port policy - Sustainable mobility: perspec- sea shipping routes, 10% by rail and 3% by tives for the future”, provides an updated framework for the future development of inland waterways. The transport industry at 68 large accounts for about 7% of GDP, and for transport policy . Three priority areas are over 5% of total employment65. identified: a) improving efficiency and com- petitiveness by liberalising market access, European transport policy begins with the establishing integrated transport systems and treaty of Rome, entering into force in 1958, developing the Trans-European Transport which sought a common policy for inland Network (TEN-T); b) improving quality transport, namely roads, rail, and inland wa- through targeted safety, primary on air, ters, but not for maritime and air transport maritime and road transport and protection (Art 84 EEC, Art. 80 TEC). It focuses on re- of the environment; c) improving external moving borders between Member States, and effectiveness by appropriate negotiations contributing to the free movement of indi- with third countries including the United viduals and of goods. In 1991, the Treaty of States on aviation, and India and China on Maastricht reinforced the political, institu- maritime and on global environmental and tional and budgetary foundations of the safety challenges by initiatives with appropri- transport policy, inter alia, by introducing the ate international organisations. In particular concept of the trans-European Transport under the integrated transport systems, pri- Network (TEN-T)66. The network on transpor- ority was given to promoting intelligent tation is aimed at organizing a single multi- transport systems, mainly through the im- modal way to connect EU countries, using the plementation of the Action plan for global traditional structures as well as innovative navigation by satellite (GNSS)69. technologies67. Today, the basis of the Com- mon Transport Policy (CTP) is found in the In the area of transport, the TEN-t aims to Lisbon Revision under Arts. 90-100 TFEU. The organize a single multimodal way to connect Union’s common transport policy lays down: EU countries, using traditional structures as well as innovative technologies. These inno- 1. Common rules applicable to interna- vative technologies are then applied to trans- tional transport to or from the terri- port in order to create Intelligent Transport tory of a Member State or passing Systems (ITS). ITS will increase the effi- one or more Member States; ciency of services and at the same time their safety and security; moreover, these tech- 2. The conditions under which non- nologies can be used for transporting both resident carriers may operate trans- passengers and freight. port services within a Member State; These systems are also useful in alternative 65 Commission of the European Communities. Communi- forms of transport: road, rail, water and air. cation from the Commission on A sustainable Future for Therefore, the action of the EU will smooth Transport: Towards an Integrated, Technology-led and the process of integration of such systems User Friendly System COM (2009) 279 final of 17 and eventually give a trans-border dimension Jun..2009. . Areas such as: traffic management, emer- 66 The Trans European Network (TEN) are initiatives cre- ated in the domain of energy, transport and telecommuni- gency response, and environment can also cation to better connect and integrate the common devel- benefit from the deployment of these tech- opment of these domains within EU borders. The devel- nologies. opment of TEN is crucial for policies on growth and jobs. TEN will also offer a major opportunity to boost industrial The deployment of TEN-t will follow the EC policy namely in sectors considered strategic for EU com- guidelines that identify 6 priority areas: petitiveness in the global scenario (e.g. Galileo) .Furthermore other areas of EU policy will be boosted by the TEN such as information sharing, security of supply and sustainable development. 68Commission of the European Communities. Communica- 67“The TEN-T Components”. European Commission 24 tion from the Commission to the Council, the European Feb.2011 Parliament, the Economic and Social Committee and the . The traditional components are the Policy Sustainable Mobility: Perspectives for the Future. ground infrastructure (e.g. road, rail); the ITS are the man- Follow-up to the Green Paper. COM (1998) 716 final/2 of agement systems that could be water borne, airborne or 21 Dec.1998.Brussels. space based (i.e. GNSS). 69 European Commission. COM (1998) 29 final.

ESPI Report 34 40 May 2011 Crucial Elements of European Space Flagship Programmes

1. Optimal use of travel data: real time 3. include all modes of transport; wide traffic information data, i.e. how 4. allow the optimal use of existing ca- to collect and how to distribute them pacities; 2. Continuity of traffic and freight man- 5. be interoperable in all its compo- agement ITS services on European nents; transport corridors and conurbations: the need to take in consideration the 6. be economically viable; increasing number of vehicles in EU corridors and in conurbations in par- 7. cover the whole territory of the Euro- ticular, has to be satisfied by modern pean Union (EU); means. 8. allow for its extension to the Member 3. Road safety and security: to improve States of the European Free Trade the safety of the roads, the number Association (EFTA), the countries of of ITS must increase the number of central and and the machines as well as the devices. Mediterranean countries. There are currently 30 infrastructure pro- 4. Integration of vehicles into the trans- 71 port infrastructure: improve the use jects , and Galileo is one currently in devel- of “nomadic devices” such as pocket opment. computers, mobile phones, GNSS re- Since the 2001 White Paper72, which was ceivers that could be integrated in the revised in 200673, this policy area has been ITS system. This should start in oriented towards harmoniously and simulta- commercial vehicles and later be neously developing the different modes of used by private cars. transport, in particular with co-modality, 5. Data security protection and liability: which is a way of making use of each means the ITS and other groups, e.g. Euro- of transport (ground, waterborne or aerial) to pean Fee Collection, deal with the its best effect. It should be noted that the personal data of each user/citizen; White Paper of 2001 did not refer to security; therefore the security of the service over the last ten years, the need for security needs to be improved. has increased and this might be addressed in a subsequent White Paper covering the pe- 6. European ITS coordination and coop- riod over the next ten years. eration: the installation and putting in place of the ITS is necessary to avoid In other words, today the principal aims of gaps and different levels of integra- the Common Transport Policy are to complete tion mostly within cities and regions. the internal market, ensure sustainable de- There is a need for an adequate velopment, extend transport networks structure of governance for these throughout Europe, maximise the use of tools70. space, enhance safety and promote interna- tional cooperation. The Union’s CTP also tack- In 2001, the Gothenburg European Council les the sector-by-sector organisation of the invited the Community institutions to adopt various modes of transport, namely road, revised guidelines for the trans-European rail, maritime and air. transport network. Today it comprises infra- structure (roads, railways, waterways, ports, airports, navigation aids, intermodal freight terminals and product pipelines), together 71The European Parliament and the Council of the Euro- with the services necessary for the operation pean Union. Decision Nº 884/2004/EC of the European of this infrastructure. The objectives of the Parliament and the European Council an Amending Deci- sion No 1692/96/EC on Community Guidelines trans-European transport network (TEN-T) for the Development of the Trans-European Transport are to: Network.29 Apr.2004 < http://eur- 1. ensure the mobility of persons and 67:0001:0038:EN:PDF >. goods; 72Commission of the European Communities. White Paper, European Transport Policy for 2010: Time to Decide. COM 2. offer users high-quality infrastruc- (2001) 370 final of12 Sep.2001. ture; . 73Commisison of the European Communities. Communica- tion from the Commission to the Council and to the Euro- 70 Commission of the European Communities. Communi- pean Parliament on Keep Europe Moving -Sustainable cation from the Commission on Action Plan for the De- Mobility for our Continent Mid-term Review of the Euro- ployment of Intelligent Transport Systems in Europe.COM pean Commission’s 2001 Transport White Paper.COM (2008) 886 final of 16 Dec.2008. Brussels. . 2006_transport_policy_review_en.pdf >.

ESPI Report 34 41 May 2011

The Commission’s communication entitled “A jects include the European global navigation sustainable future for transport: towards an satellite systems (Galileo and EGNOS), which integrated technology-led and user friendly will complement ‘traditional’ networks and system”74 looks further ahead and prepares improve their exploitation. the ground for later policy developments. It The “White Paper on Transport: A Single analyses how challenges, e.g. aging, migra- Transport Area: Smart Mobility for People and tion and internal mobility, environmental Businesses”, released in the first quarter of challenges, increasing scarcity of fossil fuels, 2011, was expected to contain the following urbanisation, and other global trends affect- objectives for the next decade: ing European Transport Policy, are going to shape the future of the transport sector and • Eliminating bottlenecks. This will include consequently the policy. The communication TEN-T and funding identifies the policy objectives for sustainable transport as: • Placing users at the heart of the trans- port policy, focusing on transport safety • Quality transport that is safe and secure (road, maritime, rail, air), transport se- • A well maintained and fully integrated curity, passenger rights and social dia- network logue and working conditions; • More environmentally sustainable trans- port • Urban transport. Focusing on transport • Keeping the EU at the forefront of trans- beyond country borders, or city to city, port services and technologies. and promotion of green public procure- • Protecting and developing the human ment, capital • Promotion of research and technological • Smart prices and traffic signals development in transport. • Planning with an eye to transport: im- proving accessibility • External dimension of transport. It will provide links in agreements with other Technological innovation will be a major con- neighbouring countries, agreements with tributor in solving transport challenges. New third countries (e.g. USA) and the role of technologies will provide innovative and more the EU in the international transport fo- comfortable services to passengers, increase rums. safety and security, and reduce the environ- mental impacts. “Soft infrastructures”, like European Union transport policy is not limited intelligent transport systems for road (ITS75), to the Union’s borders. It is the subject of a traffic management systems for rail number of agreements with third countries (ERTMS76), and aviation (Single European aimed at converging technical standards and Sky’s SESAR77), all backed by Galileo, can transferring technologies within the frame- optimise the use of the network and improve work of cooperation agreements, specifically safety. Innovative vehicle technology can the Euro-Mediterranean Agreement. In addi- lower emissions, reduce oil dependency and tion, candidate countries for accession to the increase comfort. In addition, well focused Union must adopt and apply European trans- infrastructure expansion will help to avoid port legislation. The progress of reforms in congestion and time loss. Infrastructure pro- each country is regularly monitored and as- sessed as part of the accession process. The Union also negotiates agreements with third 74 Commission of the European Communi- countries on market access for transport ties.Communication from the Council on A sustainable Future for Transport: Towards an Integrated, Technology- companies, particularly airlines. led and User Friendly System. COM (2009) 279 final of 17 The high standards of security offered by Jun..2009. . system so that the sensitive data collected 75Commission of the European Communities. Communica- via ITS can also be protected using the fea- tion from the Communities onAction Plan for the Deploy- tures of a European GNSS. Cooperation to ment of Intelligent Transport Systems in Europe. COM realise Galileo is indeed very broad and the (2008) 886 and COM (2008) 886/2 final of 16 Dec.2008. . integration of other services. The situation of 76Commission of the European Communities. Commission congestion can be controlled in a specific area Decision on Amending Decision 2005/263/EC on Authoris- using the imagery produced by these satel- ing Member States to Adopt Certain Derogations Pursuant lites, and the operation of rescue in certain to Directive 94/55/EC with Regard to the Transport of Dangerous Goods by Road. COM(2005) 903 final of 15 cases can be addressed using the data of Dec. 2005. . depends also on the operators providing their 77 Council Decision 2009/820/EC.

ESPI Report 34 42 May 2011 Crucial Elements of European Space Flagship Programmes

vehicles with a better management of their “Intelligent Transport Systems” (ITS) in- resources, i.e. the fleets can help the mitiga- volves applying Information and Communica- tion of congestion and the waste of energy tion Technologies (ICT) to transport. These thus reducing pollution. applications are being developed for different transport modes, and for interaction between Space based navigation and earth observa- them (including interchange hubs). tion systems like Galileo and GMES can assist in realising the policy objectives of transport. In air transport, Single European Sky Air The space based navigation system is, in- Traffic Management Research (SESAR) is the deed, one of the most important tools to framework for the implementation of a new reach the goal of intelligent mobility. Nowa- generation of air traffic management. Inland days navigation systems are widespread but waterways are introducing River Information many other services deriving from that signal Services (RIS) to manage waterway utilisa- can be exploited. Therefore Galileo is men- tion and the transport of freight. The railway tioned in many documents as an ITS asset. network is gradually introducing the Euro- Most of the objectives stated by the Commis- pean Rail Traffic Management System sion can be achieved using a GNSS system. (ERTMS) and Telematics Applications for Using GNSS receivers, travel data can be Freight (TAF-TSI). Shipping has introduced received and sent in near real time to the SafeSeaNet and the Vessel Traffic Monitoring authorities (who could also use the PRS in and Information Systems (VTMIS) and is order to have high precision) and to the us- progressing towards an Automatic Identifica- ers. tion System (AIS) and Long-Range Identifica- tion and Tracking (LRIT). Examples of Intelli- Furthermore the management of freight and gent Transport Systems applications in road vehicles from one country to another can be transport include urban and motorway traffic monitored using the track of their GNSS de- management and control systems, electronic vices, and eventually if integrated with the toll collection and route navigation. system the same can also show different alternatives to the driver. Similar activities have taken place in Europe since 1990, but in a fragmented way. Thus there is a need to for a more coherent Euro- 4.2.2 Road Transport and Contributions from pean action for applications and services re- the Flagship Programmes garding: geographical continuity, interopera- Within the EU, the percentage of total freight bility of services and systems and standardi- transport on roads increased from 50% in sation. A pan-European approach would se- 1970 to 70% in 1990; this was partially re- cure accurate and reliable real-time data, and lated to the Member States’ choice not to adequate coverage of all travelling modes. charge the cost of infrastructure to the price Thus the following targets were brought for- of road transport. ward: One of the aims of the Transport policy is to • Greening of transport. ITS technology is essential for achieving green transport stimulate technological innovation. European 80 Space Policy, through the introduction of corridors to enable more environmen- satellite navigation with Galileo and EGNOS, tally friendly alternatives for long- aims at optimising road, rail, air and mari- distance transport between logistics time traffic management. Such systems will hubs. also assist in safety, including improved emergency services (e.g. fire, road accidents, mountain rescue, etc) and reduced pollution. . 79 Commission of the European Communnities. Proposal accidents, and emissions; keeping in line with for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the the Union’s strategy for growth and employ- Council Laying down the Framework for the Deployment of ment. A communication from the Commission Intelligent Transport Systems in the Field of Road Trans- first proposed an action plan for the deploy- port and for Interfaces with other Transport Modes.COM ment of intelligent transport systems in (2008) 887 finalof16 Dec..2008.< http://eur- Europe78, and later a directive was adopted79. 887:FIN:EN:PDF >. 80Commission of the European Communities. Communica- tion From the Commission to the European Parliament and 78 Commission of the European Communities. Communi- the Council on Greening Transport.COM (2008) 433 final cation from the Commission onthe Action Plan for the of 8 Jul..2008. < http://eur- Deployment of Intelligent Transport Systems in Europe. COM (2008) 886 final of 16 Dec. 2008. 433:FIN:EN:PDF >

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• Improving transport efficiency. ITS tools cluding emergency planning; identifica- are key for logistic chains and maintain- tion of ITS services to be deployed in ing paperless management (eFreight); support of freight transport (eFreight) Real-time Traffic and Travel Information and development of appropriate meas- (RTTI) services, combined with satellite ures to progress from concept to realisa- navigation; inter-urban and urban traffic tion with particular attention to applica- management, fostering modal inter- tions for goods tracking and tracing using change at major hubs and transfer state-of-the-art technologies such as points; cooperative systems based on RFID and EGNOS/Galileo-based location vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V), vehicle-to- devices; support for the wider deploy- infrastructure (V2I) and infrastructure- ment of an updated multimodal European to-infrastructure (I2I) communication ITS Framework architecture for intelli- and information with GNSS positioning gent transport systems and definition of time. an ITS framework architecture for urban transport mobility, including an inte- • Improving road safety and security. Im- grated approach for travel planning, proving road safety of Driver Assistance transport demand, traffic management, Systems such as Electronic Stability Con- emergency management, road pricing, trol (ESC), Adaptive Cruise Control and the use of parking and public trans- (ACC), Lateral Support (lane departure port facilities; and implementation of the warning and lane change assistant), Col- interoperability of electronic road toll lision Warning and Emergency Braking systems. Systems and other applications such as eCall (emergency call), driver hypo- • Action Area 3: Road safety and security. vigilance systems, “speed alert” and “al- Includes the promotion of deployment of cohol-lock”; use of active e-safe sys- advanced driver assistance systems and tems, and advanced driver assistance safety and security-related ITS systems, and human machine interfaces (HMI), together with their installation in new extended to allow for proliferation of no- vehicles (via type approval) and, if rele- madic devices; remote monitoring of ve- vant, their retrofitting in used ones; sup- hicles and cargo, e.g. dangerous goods port in the Implementation Platform for or livestock through navigation and the harmonised introduction of pan- tracking systems. European eCall, including awareness campaigns, upgrading Public Service Ac- Six areas were suggested as priority areas cess Points' infrastructure and an as- needing input from public and private stake- sessment of the need for regulation; the holders: development of a regulatory framework • Area 1: Optimal use of road, traffic and for a safe on-board Human-Machine- travel data. This includes activities in de- Interface and the integration of nomadic fining procedures for the provision of EU- devices, building on the European wide real-time traffic and travel informa- Statement of Principle81 on safe and effi- tion services; optimising the collection cient in-vehicle information and commu- and provision of road data and traffic cir- nication systems; the development of culation plans, traffic regulations and appropriate measures including best recommended routes (in particular for practice guidelines concerning the impact heavy goods vehicles); defining specifi- of ITS applications and services on the cations for data and procedures for the safety and comfort of vulnerable road free provision of minimum universal traf- users; the development of appropriate fic information services (including the measures including best practice guide- definition of the repository of messages lines on secure parking places for trucks to be provided); promoting the develop- and commercial vehicles and on telemat- ment of national multimodal door-to- ics-controlled parking and reservation door journey planners, taking due ac- systems. count of public transport alternatives, • Action Area 4: Integration of the vehicle and their interconnection across Europe. into the transport infrastructure. The • Action Area 2: Continuity of traffic and freight management ITS services on European transport corridors and in con- 81 The Council of the European Union. Council Regulation urbations. This includes: defining a set of (EC) Nº 2135/98 amending Regulation (EEC) No 3821/85 common procedures and specifications to on Recording Equipment in Road Transport and Directive 88/599/EEC Concerning the Application of Regulations ensure the continuity of ITS services for (EEC) No 3820/84 and (EEC) No 3821/85 of 24 Sep.1998. passenger and freight in transport corri- < http://eur- dors and in urban/interurban regions in- 74:0001:0021:EN:PDF >.

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adoption of an open in-vehicle platform such as the eCall (automatically calls the architecture for the provision of ITS ser- emergency), are already wide spread. Unfor- vices, applications and standard inter- tunately, due to fragmentation and the dif- faces. The outcome of this activity would ferent systems present within the Union’s then be submitted to the relevant stan- borders, it is not possible to exploit fully the dardisation bodies; development and potential benefits of this initiative. Further evaluation of cooperative systems in harmonization is required to implement coor- view of the definition of a harmonised dinated and effective plans. The Commission approach; assessment of deployment acts as a coordinator in this, and space based strategies, including investments in intel- applications such as Galileo and GMES can ligent infrastructure; defining the specifi- assist in achieving these goals. This would cations for infrastructure-to- make mobility in Europe more comfortable infrastructure (I2I), vehicle-to- and safe. The use of real time information infrastructure (V2I) and vehicle-to- systems enable “dynamic traffic manage- vehicle (V2V) communication in co- ment” using a mixture of simulations and operative systems; defining a mandate real-time data in order to also ameliorate the for the European Standardisation Organi- mitigation of congestion83. sation to develop harmonised standards for ITS implementation, in particular re- Galileo garding cooperative systems. Navigation based on satellites is a very im- • Action Area 5: Data security and protec- portant tool in road transport. Many of the tion, and liability issues. Including as- possibilities offered by these systems are sessing the security and personal data already well known to the public because of protection aspects related to the han- the broad use of the Global Positioning Sys- dling of data in ITS applications and ser- tem (GPS) operated by the US. The European vices and proposing measures in full Augmentation system EGNOS provides compliance with Community legislation; Europe with an even more accurate GPS sig- addressing the liability issues pertaining nal, though often disrupted for technical rea- to the use of ITS applications and nota- sons. bly in-vehicle safety systems. The new ongoing project, known as Galileo, • Action Area 6: European ITS cooperation will give Europe the possibility to rely on an and coordination. This includes the pro- independent system under civilian control posal for a legal framework for European and for civilian purposes84. Galileo can pro- coordination in the Europe-wide deploy- vide a driver with different services: ment of ITS; development of a decision- support toolkit for investment decisions Navigation: using the position system, the in ITS applications and services; devel- receiver can offer alternative routes to the opment of guidelines for public funding driver to decrease the duration of the trip. from both EU (e.g. TEN-T and Structural The use of this service would decrease the Funds) and national sources of ITS facili- consumption of fuel and the emission of CO2, ties and services based on an assess- simultaneously mitigating the probability of ment of their economic, social and op- traffic congestion and developing “greener” erational value; the set-up of a specific mobility. ITS collaboration platform between Furthermore, the positioning system can acti- Member States and regional/local gov- vate an e-call service in case of emergency; ernments to promote ITS initiatives in determining the location of the vehicle in real the area of urban mobility. time. Many possibilities also exist for private The Commission is expected to report on this businesses that work in the transport indus- action plan in 2012. In Europe, transport of try, such as truck and bus companies. both passengers and freight is typically per- Through the use of Galileo, controlling a fleet formed using roads and inland means across of vehicles will be easier and faster, allowing the EU Member States. The Commission, in the companies to better organize the possi- 85 response to the main aims of this policy, is to bilities of their logistic resources . achieve efficient, safe, secure and environ- mentally friendly mobility on European roads82, and take up different initiatives. The 83“Intelligent Transport Systems. Road.” < Intelligent Transport System (ITS) has been>. operational for many years now and most of 84European Parliament and Council. on the further imple- the products that permit use of this system, mentation of the European satellite navigation pro- grammes (EGNOS-Galileo) Regulation n. 683/2008, 9 Jul. 2008. 82 These target are stated in< 85“Egnos Applications-“ European GNSS Agency.2010.>. .

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GMES • The third work package assesses the work of the second package, and im- Global monitoring for environment and secu- proves the measures to benefit the EU rity (GMES) is the second space-based flag- packages88. ship of Europe; in monitoring the Earth’s surface, it can provide a number of services An integrated railway in Europe is needed to in the domain of road transportation: facilitate the free movement of people and freight. Furthermore, a service oriented (pub- The land monitoring system, with an accurate lic service) railway will improve welfare in optical system, can provide institutions with a Europe. Nevertheless, railroad safety requires series of useful images to direct traffic. From ever-increasing supervision and improve- its high vantage point, this service reduces ment. the need for helicopter or other airborne solu- tions, decreasing the costs of the operation Galileo and the emission of gases into the atmos- phere. The European GNSS system benefits integra- tion, public service and safety. Relevant data on air pollution and the con- centration of certain gases, normally released EGNOS has already paved the way for Gali- by land transport sources, can be determined leo, offering services that will allow for less by the atmospheric monitoring service. Once financial expenditure while also improving the identified, where the concentrations of these safety of rail infrastructure. gases exceed limits, more effective decisions can be taken on the basis of that data. GNSS services could replace 50% of the track-side equipment used today to manage GMES provides security services, including the traffic of trains; the GSA determined that search and rescue and monitoring of the bor- this switch would result in €72.5 million in ders. These services can increase the safety savings89. of the journey over the border of one nation, allowing prompt response beyond the borders The ability to continuously track all trains, of the State of departure. even beyond national borders, will boost the process of integration. Moreover, the use of Galileo will assure the same standard of navi- 4.2.3 Railway Policy and Contributions from the gation and speed and improve safety in the Flagship Programmes European integrated network. Since 1996, the European Union has been The ability to anticipate and give timely in- working to revitalize the railway sector. The formation to passengers about transportation means used for this have been through finan- delays could make the railway system more cial investment, the introduction of market efficient. forces in the railway industry, citizen oriented Furthermore, by monitoring trains, operators service, and the integration of the railways of can sned repair crews to defined locations, different Member States. increasing work efficiency and reducing fac- 90 In order to put these concepts into practice, tors that contribute to delay . the European Commission released three sets Galileo’s commercial applications will present of legislation, called railway packages. another opportunity for the European econ- • The first package increases the effective- omy: many consultations have been con- ness of existing regulations in this ducted in the United States, analyzing the area86. performance of GPS to foster accurate ser- vices that can be used in the rail sector. • The second package creates an inte- grated railroad area and creates a Euro- pean Railway Agency (Agency Regula- tion)87. 64:0001:0043:EN:PDF >. 88 Commission of the European Communities. Communi- 86The European Parlaiment and the Council of the Euro- cation from the Commission on Further Integration of the pean Union. Directive 2001/12/EC of the European Par- European Rail System: Third Railway Package.COM liament and the Council Amending Council Directive (2004) 140 final of 3 Mar.2004. . 89“EGNOS-Benefits.” European GNSS Agency. 19 75:0001:0025:EN:PDF>. Dec.2010 87The European Parliament and the Council of the Euro- . pean Union. Regulation (EC) No 881/2004 of the Euro- 90“EGNOS Applications.” European GNSS Agency. 19 pean Parliament and the European Council Establishing a Dec.2010 European Railway of 29 Apr. 2004- .

ESPI Report 34 46 May 2011 Crucial Elements of European Space Flagship Programmes

GMES air transport and this trend continues to in- crease93. This system can also play an important role in railway evolution. With the ability to moni- The European Union is developing a series of tor a large part of the European tracks, in measures to use when it is established as the real-time via optical satellites, the standard main regulator of air traffic between Member of safety will improve and allow for the fast States. These measures provide the Union and precise recovery of breakdowns. with an adequate tool in order to perform its role at the optimum level. Safety can be improved even further via ra- dar satellites, since they can notice minute Galileo faults in the infrastructure and predict the possibility of harmful consequences. And the The aviation sector relies completely on GPS general benefit provided by an accurate and its Augmentation Systems such as metro-service will affect rail transportation in EGNOS. The GPS signal for civil use needs addition to other transportation sectors. improvement in certain aspects, e.g. vertical precision as well as the integrity of the signal (the signal must be guaranteed or the disrup- 4.2.4 Air Transport and Contributions from the tion has to be notified to the user). Galileo Flagship Programmes was designed to overcome these obstacles The aviation policy91 of the European Union and offer continuous service with better accu- began in early 2000 with a Communication racy. These improvements in technology are by the Commission, initiating a series of bi- directly connected with the safety and the lateral agreements with neighbouring coun- security of passengers. Safety (including air- tries in the “east” and with Mediterranean craft safety) can be improved by installing an States. The Commission stated that: “It is on-board receiver that provides a navigation obvious that transport in general, and avia- signal on a continuous basis and in the best tion in particular is a key factor in promoting scenario that could be interoperable with the productive co-operation between countries other GNSS signals around the globe. Secu- The establishment of navigation policy to- rity is assured during critical moments of the wards all of the neighbours of the Community flight (i.e. take off and landing), due to the should thus be considered to be an important vertical precision that allows manoeuvrability 94 policy objective”92 in adverse climate conditions . Galileo’s and EGNOS’s potential benefit is that they “will The driver for the development of this policy assist air traffic control to cope with in- has been: creased traffic as well as improving safety • Economic: neighbouring countries are and reducing the infrastructure needed on important trading partners, and this col- the ground”. An additional use offered by the laboration has to be increased. Economic Galileo service “en route” is the ability to plan growth related to the aviation sector is the route to be followed and to avoid fuel remarkable. waste, while also helping to make aviation more environmentally friendly95. Further- • Political: all the countries considered are more, Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) is an involved in close co-operation with the outstanding sector in aviation that makes EU through bilateral agreements as well great use of space-based navigation systems, as through participation in different in- using the integrated Applications to perform ternational organizations. Nevertheless services normally executed by manned air- the EU hosts a large number of immi- craft (e.g. coastal patrol, security control of grants coming originally from the coun- borders)96. UAS is increasing the number of tries considered, so that an efficient link civil applications that may be exploited. The has to be established. civil use of UAS is in line with the civil pur- Moreover with globalization, air connections are increasingly important when considering the European Commission’s assessment that 93EuropeanCommission- DG Mobility and Transport- Ex- in 2007, over 120 million people travelled via ternal Aviation Policy - A Common Aviation Area with the EU’s neighbours. 17.1.2011 94“EGNOS in Aviation: Vertical Precision for Improved 91 aviation (Single European Sky’s SESAR ), Approaches.” European GSA Agency.- - 17 Jan2011 < 92European Commission: “A Community aviation policy towards its neighbours” Communication COM(2004) 74 E4A8-A2B8-9396853731AC442A>. final Brussels, 09.02.2004 95“EGNOS Navigation- Feature-Who benefits from http://eur- EGNOS?”. European Space Agency.- 17 Jan.2011.

ESPI Report 34 47 May 2011

pose of Galileo in improving sustainable de- the flight and assure the security of passen- velopment.97 gers; together with the prevention of delays due to lack of information about the weather GMES over the destination airport. The aviation domain requires significant in- As natural events are often the main reason vestment and a high level of security. The for air traffic related problems, the possibili- operator of this economic sector must be ties offered by GMES to monitor and deal vigilant to avoid the loss of human life and with such critical situations will affect opera- significant economic loss. To reduce these tional efficiency in this domain. A recent ex- risks, many GMES services could be exploited ample is the volcanic eruption that took place by airlines and the organizations devoted to in Iceland. This event distrupted the opera- the air traffic control. tions of the aviation sector due to safety re- lated issues posed by the volcanic ash. The Firstly the meteo-services of this programme GMES atmospheric service could have pro- can be used by experts for a complete and vided institutions with valuable data that coherent set of data that can be used to plan could avoid future problems98.

4.2.5 Flagship Programmes’ Contribution 9 9 Policy Areas and Galileo and GMES-Contribution Main Objectives Transport policy Galileo ƒ Common rules applicable to - assist in ensuring mobility of persons and goods; international transport to or - cover the whole territory of the EU with high quality signal from the territory of a Mem- quality of transport safe and secure; ber State or passing one or - assist in a well maintained and fully integrated network keep- more Member States; ing the EU at the forefront of transport services and technolo- ƒ The conditions under which gies; non-resident carriers may - facilitate use of smart prices and traffic signals; operate transport services - eliminate traffic bottle necks; within a Member State; - enhance transport safety and security; ƒ Measures to improve trans- - increase transport efficiency; port safely; - support fleet management, detailed maps or voice notifications ƒ Development of a modern to alleviate problems in the transport domain: road, aviation, and sustainable transport maritime, rail and pedestrian traffic; system from an economic, - generate new commercial services in areas such as road vehi- social and environmental cle navigation and air traffic control; point of view; ƒ Optimum and more sustain- Examples able use of transport infra- - safe transport of dangerous good. EGNOS/Galileo capabili- structure; ties can be used to ensure improved safety of transport of dangerous goods99. - freight and fleet management. Tracking and tracing of goods, vehicle scheduling and control and improved “just-in- time” delivery processes; - traveller information systems. To provide accurate and real-time traffic information; - electronic pricing systems. To allow the introduction of more flexible pricing policies and reduce the need for roadside infrastructure; - position and timing information. Provide positioning and timing information to specific users requiring a high continuity of service, with controlled access, using real-time data and 3D

96GINATI A. Space, the essential component for UAS-The case of Integrated Applications –“Space 4 UAS” . Workshop “Open- ing Airspace for UAS. A Regulatory Framework to introduce Unmanned Aircraft Systems in the Civilian Airspace.” 4 Nov. 2010 European Space Policy Institute. Vienna. 97“4 November 2010. ESPI hosts Workshop on Integration of Unmanned Aircraft Systems in the Airspace.” European Space Policy Institute(ESPI). 4 Nov. 2010. . 98“Satellites tracking Mt Merapi Volcanic Ash Clouds.” 15 Oct. 2010. European Space Agency (ESA) 12 Dec. 2010 < >. 99 SCUTUM (SeCUring the EU GNSS adopTion in the dangeroUs Material transport) .

ESPI Report 34 48 May 2011 Crucial Elements of European Space Flagship Programmes

mapping capabilities provided by satellites. - Command and Control, Sense and Avoid, and Air Traffic Control of Unmanned Air traffic Systems (UAS). UAS can be integrated into non-segregated airspace using satellite communications and satellite navigation100.

GMES - enhance safe and secure quality of transport; - support environmentally sustainable transport; - monitor ship detection for maritime security; - provide early disaster detection to provide warning and guid- ance services for civil protection;

Examples - ships routing for transportation and efficient use of fuel. Using a radar satellite and high-resolution images, this meas- ure could improve maritime transportation by reducing prices and ensuring efficient management of fuel and natural re- sources;

Table 4:Galileo and GMES contributions to implement transport policy

protecting and improving the environ- ment, and improving administrative effi- 4.3 Regional Development ciency. Policy • Regional competitiveness and employ- ment. This is aimed at strengthening re- 4.3.1 Policy Overview gions' competitiveness and attractiveness as well as employment by anticipating The main objective of regional policy is to economic and social changes, including reduce economic, social and territorial dis- those linked to the opening of trade, crepancies across the EU, particularly in through increasing and improving the countries or regions whose development is quality of investment in human capital, lagging behind. They are often in connection innovation and the promotion of the with economic, social restructuring and aging knowledge society, entrepreneurship, the population; restructure declining industrial protection and improvement of the envi- areas; and diversify rural areas declining in ronment, and the improvement of acces- agriculture and are achieved by transferring sibility, adaptability of workers and busi- Community resources to problem regions nesses as well as the development of in- using the Union’s financial instruments know clusive job markets. as Structural Funds. The action is grounded in the Lisbon Treaty under Art. 174 TFEU. • European territorial cooperation. This is The European Regional Development Fund aimed at strengthening cross-border co- (ERDF), the European Social Fund (ESF) and operation through joint local and regional the Cohesion Fund contribute towards the initiatives, strengthening transnational following objectives101: cooperation by means of actions condu- cive to integrated territorial development • Convergence. This is aimed at speeding linked to the Community’s priorities, and up convergence of the least-developed strengthening interregional cooperation Member States and regions by improving and exchange of experience at the ap- conditions for growth and employment propriate territorial level. through increasing and improving the quality of investment in physical and human capital, the development of inno- 4.3.2 Space Flagship Programmes Contribution vation and of the knowledge society, Space based technology and application, adapting to economic and social changes, particularly in navigation Galileo/EGNOS and earth observation GMES, can assist in achiev- ing the Community’s objectives. In combina- 100 European Defence Agency. Signature of First Coordi- tion with other technologies they can assist in nated EDA/ESA Studies on “Satellite Services for UAS Missions”. 9 Feb. 2010. Brussels. providing information to remote areas and regions using satellite imaging can assist in 101 Regulation 1083/2006, OJ L 210, 31.07.2006 and shaping policy roadmaps and monitoring the Regulation 1989/2006, OJ L 411, 30.12.2006.

ESPI Report 34 49 May 2011

implementation of projects and programmes. offers comparative data for 321 cities across A particular example is the role of satellite the EU. In 2010, this was complemented by images in the regional policy supporting ur- the publication of the Urban Atlas, which of- ban development. Since 2003, the Urban fers detailed digital maps for more than 300 Audit provides a solid evidence base to as- Urban Audit areas based on satellite im- sess the state of European cities and now agery102.

Policy Areas and Galileo and GMES-Contribution Main Objectives Regional Policy Galileo ƒ Reduce economic, social, and terri- - stimulate development and innovation, knowledge torial discrepancies across the EU; based society; ƒ Restructure declining industrial - enhance regional competiveness and employment; areas; - support urbanization; ƒ Diversify declining rural areas in - enhance safety; agriculture; ƒ Improvement of population Examples security; - telemedicine. Using real-time data to improve health ƒ Natural resources management to care. It could be used to provide health assistance to respond to specific needs and de- rural and less populated areas, as well as for managing mands; medical resources efficiently. - epidemiology. Combining satellite navigation real- time data with in situ measurements it is possible to create a surveillance and early warning system capable of identifying risk factors for disease and determining optimal treatment approaches to clinical practice.103 - periodical surveillance of rail tracks. This allows to look for changes in shape and loads. A civil engineering application that could reduce territorial discrepancies. - monitoring the use of territory, for example to iden- tify increasing desertification areas and migratory movements,; - supporting the construction industry. Using the near pinpoint accuracy provided by GNSS with group augmentation, highly accurate surveying and mapping produces results thatcan be rapidly obtained and, thus, it is now being adopted by professional surveyors and mapping personnel throughout the world. Such tech- nology was also used during the construction of the Eu- rotunnel. - monitoring natural disasters. GNSS positioning ap- plications permit, inter alia, the delivery of disaster re- lief to areas in a more timely and accurate manner, saving lives, restoring critical infrastructure and provid- ing position information for the mapping of disaster re- gions where little or no mapping information is avail- able; the enhancement of capabilities for flood predic- tion and the monitoring of seismic precursors and events; providing positioning of individuals with mobile phones and vehicles in case of emergency104. - recreational activities (biking, trekking, fishing, etc.). Use of navigation and positioning makes many recreational activities easier and safer, such as biking, trekking, climbing, skiing etc.


102 European Union Regional Policy, Panorama inforegio, “Regional policy, an Integrated Approach.” 34, Summer 2010. 103 The study of patterns of illness and health and associated factors at the population level can be developed and improved by the use of satellite data. Several examples can be presented: monitoring of water quality, disease mapping and the creation of special prediction maps for detection of specific ecosystems favourable to the development of diseases. 104 .

ESPI Report 34 50 May 2011 Crucial Elements of European Space Flagship Programmes

- strengthen interregional cooperation; - support protection and improvement of the environ- ment; - support improvement of the quality of life;

Examples - disaster management. Support technological and natu- ral disaster management on a worldwide basis by fos- tering improved utilization of existing and planned Earth observation satellite data. - land surveillance. Crossing high-resolution images with data provided by Earth observation satellites enables monitoring of security measures and control of borders;

Table 5:Galileo and GMES contributions to implement regional policy.

suring the rational development of agri- cultural production and the optimum 4.4 Agriculture Policy utilisation of the factors of production, in particular labour; 4.4.1 Policy Overview • thus to ensure a fair standard of living In the agriculture sector around 21.7 million for the agricultural community, in par- people were employed across EU-27 in 2010, ticular by increasing the individual earn- according to DG Agriculture and Rural Devel- ings of persons engaged in agriculture; opment. The primary sector (agriculture, • to stabilise markets; hunting and forestry) represents 6% of em- ployment for the EU-27 and accounted for • to assure the availability of supplies; 1.7% of GDP in 2006 ranging from 0.4% in • to ensure that supplies reach consumers Luxembourg to 8.8% in Romania. However, at reasonable prices. the sector’s importance has declined over the years; between 2000 and 2006, it decreased The founding fathers of the European Eco- by 1.2% in terms of employment and 0.6% nomic Community were aware of the need to in terms of added value105. In order to assess include agriculture in the common market. the changes in the sector and the need for They also were aware that due to the very new policies, in April 2010 the European nature of agriculture there was need to take Commission launched a public debate106 on into consideration the fact that it is volatile to the Common Agriculture Policy’s future, re- weather conditions, crops, and livestock dis- garding its objective, principles, and contribu- eases which are often beyond human control tion to Europe 2020 strategy. and make it difficult to balance agricultural output with market demand which has socio- The Union’s agriculture policy was encapsu- political characteristics and to provide food lated in the creation of the Common Agricul- security and price stability. ture Policy (CAP). Today the basis of CAP is contained in the Lisbon Treaty, Art. 38-44 The CAP is structured around two pillars fo- TFEU. The first paragraph of Art. 38 states cusing on market orientation production sup- that the internal market includes agriculture port and rural development. There have been and trade in agriculture products, while Art. various CAP reforms and the CAP of the 80’s 44 specifies that the operation and develop- and the 90’s is very different from the CAP of ment of the common market for agricultural today. The successive changes have made products must be accompanied by the estab- the CAP more market-oriented. The fourth lishment of a common agricultural policy. In reform in 2000 brought in market organisa- Art. 39 the objectives of the CAP are: tion regulations concerning arable crops, beef, milk and the wine sector, the new rural • to increase agricultural productivity by development policy and financial frame- promoting technical progress and by en- work107. The aim of this CAP reform was to

105 ECORYS. “Study on Employment, Growth and Innova- tion in Rural Areas (SEGIRA)”, 8. Dec. 2010. 107 The Council of European Union. Council Regulation No , for Producers of certain Arable Cropsof 26 Jun.1999.. 106 The European Commission. “Agriculture and Rural Brussels: European Union. development: The Common Agriculture Policy After 2013”. The Council of European Union Regulation. Council Regu- Public debate Summary Report. lation on Establishing Common Rules for Direct Support 1 Mar.2011. tablishing certain Support Schemes for Farmers and

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deepen and widen the 1992 reform by replac- troduce further gradual changes to the cur- ing price support measures with direct aid rent policy framework, mainly on adjust- payments and joining this process with a ments and improvements in the area of consistent rural policy, thus, bringing Euro- equality in the distribution of direct payments pean prices closer to world market prices and between Member States. The second option helping the competitiveness of agricultural would be to make major overhauls of the products on domestic and world markets. The policy in order to ensure that it becomes fifth CAP reform in 2003 established common more sustainable, and that the balance be- rules for direct support schemes for certain tween different policy objectives, farmers and crops108. This reform takes into consideration Member States is better met. This implies the increased consumer concerns over food that the focus would be on added value and it quality and safety and environmental protec- would allow the EU to address economic, tion. Payment aid to farmers is linked to environmental and social challenges and compliance with the rules for agricultural strengthen the contribution of agriculture and land, agricultural production and activity, rural areas to the objectives of Europe 2020 with the aim of incorporating in large organi- i.e. smart, sustainable and inclusive growth. sations basic standards for environment, food The third option would be to reform with a safety, animal health and welfare, and food strong focus on environmental and climate agricultural and environmental conditions. change objectives, while moving gradually This would result in receiving additional pay- away from income support and most market ment aid when particular environment poli- measures. cies are followed. The 2003 reform was based In the Commission Communication three upon an agreement to maintain EU spending main objectives have been identified for the on agricultural support until 2013. The CAP is future CAP: due to be reformed again in 2013. • Viable food production. Contribute to In November 2010, the European Commis- farm incomes and limit farm income sion published the first proposals that will variability due to the nature of the sector eventually result in a framework for the CAP being prone to income volatility and after 2013 - The Commission Communication natural risks. Additionally, improve the on the CAP towards 2020, November competitiveness of the sector and en- 2010109. There are no figures and the ideas hance its value share in the food chain are expressed in very general terms. The covering the current fragmentations and challenges to be faced are the future of farm- increase its bargaining power while fac- ing and farmers in Europe; the future of the ing strong world competition in combina- rural landscape and countryside; and global tion with the need to respect high stan- food security110. The policy needs to be re- dards relating to environmental, food shaped to be market sensitive and respond to safety, quality and animal welfare objec- the changes and new challenges. In particu- tives requested by European citizens. lar, the policy needs to be able to address the Furthermore, compensate for production challenges of food security, climate change, difficulties in areas with specific natural preserve natural resources and maintain ter- constraints because such regions are at ritorial balance across Europe. increased risk of land abandonment. There are currently three options regarding • Sustainable management of natural re- the CAP after 2013. The first option is to in- sources and climate action. Guarantee sustainable production practices and se- Amending Regulations (EEC) No 2019/93,(EC) No cure the enhanced provision of environ- 1452/2001, (EC) No 1453/2001, (EC) No 1454/2001, (EC) mental public goods and foster green 1868/94, (EC) No 1251/1999, (EC)No 1254/1999, (EC) No growth through innovation which re- 1673/2000, (EEC) No 2358/71 and (EC) No 2529/2001. quires adopting new technologies, devel- No. 1782/2003 of 29 Sep.. 2003. Brussels: European oping new products, changing production Union. 108 processes, and supporting new patterns Regulation 1782/2003 to 1788/2003, OJ L 270, 21.10.2003 and Regulation 674/2008, OJ L 189, of demand, notably in the context of the 17.07.2008. emerging bio-economy. Additionally, 109 The European Commission. Communication from the pursue climate change mitigation and Commission to the European Parliament , The Council, the adaptation since agriculture is particu- Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the larly sensitive and needs to better adapt Regions on The CAP towards 2020: Meeting the food, natural resources and territorial challenges of the future. to extreme weather fluctuations. COM (2010) 672 final of 18 Nov. 2010 Brussels: European • Balance territorial development. Support Union. 110 Dacian, Cioloș. “The CAP beyond 2013 – challenges rural employment and promote diversifi- and opportunities for European agriculture.”SPEECH/11/3, cation and allow structural diversity in Oxford Farming Conference, Oxford, United Kingdom. 6 farming systems. Jan. 2011.

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4.4.2 Space Flagship Programmes Contribution be applied to agriculture, in order to obtain a precise map of fields and facilitate their parti- Regardless of which of the three options will tion using the technique of virtual fencing. be adopted in the next reform of CAP policy, space based applications and in particular The use of space based services will, indeed, Galileo and GMES can be at the heart of help the implementation of CAP while in- achieving the overarching objectives and creasing the profit margins for the single would help face the changes in the sector and farmer. Most of the political objectives of the new challenges. Implementation of Gali- CAP, inter alia, increasing productivity, stabi- leo and GMES in agriculture can contribute to lisation of the market and preservation of the the development of a new way of farming, environment can be achieved using EGNOS facilitating the implementation of EU policies now and Galileo later on. in this domain. Additionally, these assets will Besides this general benefit, the standard of increase the life quality and welfare of the living and the earnings of the agricultural agricultural community on the one hand; community will increase due to the reduction while assuring the availability of food supplies of fatigue caused by manual work and the and food security with due consideration to fruitful maintenance of equipment111. At the sustainable development, on the other. moment all these services of EGNOS are eas- ily available and perfectly integrated with Galileo other receivers; in this regards the project The services provided by EGNOS are cur- Fieldsfacts is on its way to provide European rently available to improve precision farming. farmers with a database that allows better 112 Precision farming is a strategy that increases sharing of information . productivity of agriculture and lowers the costs and the impact on the environment. GMES The obstacles to the adoption of this method The agricultural sector is typically prone to of production, up to now have been: the high income volatility due to its connection with costs of the infrastructure and the equip- natural events. The use of GMES in this sec- ment, and the price for subscription to re- tor will help to ameliorate this aspect, foster- ceive the necessary information. Today the ing the meteorological and natural sciences GNSS signal provided by EGNOS is free of while improving the sustainable use of scarce charge and the receiving devices are not ex- natural resources. Precise information about pensive anymore. An increasing number of meteorological conditions and detailed fore- services is already accessible. casts will help the agricultural community to To decrease the impact of agriculture on the plan its work (e.g. day for ploughing, seed- environment EGNOS can support the activi- ing). Moreover the possibility of monitoring ties of ploughing, seeding and spraying as the moisture and the composition of the soil well as the guidance of tractors. Assistance in will make easier the selection of seed and these activities prevents the waste or the type of crop in order to increase the quantity inappropriate use of materials especially and the quality of the production. chemical fertiliser or herbicides. Also, the In certain areas the constant monitoring of usage of equipment will be reduced thanks to water supply can be helpful for the local ad- the more efficient use. Furthermore GNSS ministration to realize the efficient and equal services can be also used for the positioning distribution of such a resource. The optic and of herds and their tracking during a period of radar component of GMES will assure the time. The mapping service of EGNOS can also monitoring of specific areas and fields for

efficient land management. The same facility can also provide farmers with datasets to foresee livestock diseases and changes in pasture land.

111“ EGNOS for Agriculture: High precision, Low cost.“ European GNSS Agency . 112 Source: Field Fact, GNSS in Agriculte. 18 Feb. 2001

ESPI Report 34 53 May 2011

Policy Areas and Galileo and GMES-Contribution Main Objectives Agriculture policy Galileo ƒ Increase agricultural productivity by - crop acreage and livestock tracking; promoting technical progress and - chemical spraying; by ensuring the rational develop- - crop yield monitoring; ment of agricultural production and - monitoring the distribution and dilution of chemicals; the optimum utilisation of the fac- - improved parcel yield from customised treatment; tors of production, in particular la- - more efficient property management; bour; - tracing food enhancement; ƒ Ensure a fair standard of living for Examples the agricultural community, in par- - precision farming. Farming management concept based ticular by increasing the individual on observing and responding to intra-field variations earnings of persons engaged in ag- that can significantly reduce the amount of nutrient and riculture; other crop inputs used while boosting yields; ƒ Stabilise markets; - tracking products. Knowing end-to-end where the ƒ Assure the availability of supplies; product comes from; ƒ Ensure that supplies reach consum- ers at reasonable prices. GMES - rational use of fertile lands; - monitoring of variables such as the vegetation state or the water cycle; - exploitation of natural resources; - monitor weather and soil moisture for agriculture to improve irrigation system; Examples - food security. Using satellite images and data to iden- tify areas of food shortages; - crop monitoring. Provide objective, near real-time as- sessments of crop conditions and yield forecasts in support of European policies in the fields of agriculture, trade and food security; - monitoring of agricultural land use, its state and any changes. To register agricultural land use and trends, farming pressure on water and soil resources, and to measure the impact of agricultural land use changes on biodiversity and landscapes113; - monitoring seasonal and annual changes for geographi- cal information on land cover.

Table 6: Galileo and GMES contributions to implement agriculture policy

for 60%. Over the last 17 years, EU fishing fleet capacity has declined at a fairly steady 4.5 Fisheries Policies annual average rate, a little below 2%, in terms of both tonnage and engine power. 4.5.1 Policy Overview Despite the EU enlargements in 2004 and 2007, there were 84,909 vessels in Septem- The Union is the fourth largest producer in ber 2009, 21,000 fewer than in 1995. 114 the world representing about 4.6% of global fisheries and aquaculture production. The The Union’s fisheries policy originated in Arti- largest producers in terms of volume are cle 38 of the Treaty of Rome (1957) which Spain, France and the United Kingdom. Em- made it part of the Common Agriculture Pol- ployment in the salt-water fishing sector is icy (CAP) by placing fishery products, prod- not as high as in agriculture but in countries ucts of the soil and livestock products in the like Spain alone accounts for a quarter of same category. There is however a basic employment in this sector in the EU. In difference between products of the soil and Spain, Greece and Italy employment account livestock on the one hand, and fisheries products on the other. The former remain within the boundaries set around them 113 GeoLand 2. Agri Environmental Monitoring . ISSN 1830-9119.

ESPI Report 34 54 May 2011 Crucial Elements of European Space Flagship Programmes

whereas the latter move freely. There is also providing measures for Community fishing a distinct difference between this sector and licences118, special permits119, and detailed the agriculture sector. Between 1956-1967 rules and objectives for achieving balance world fish production increased by 50% due between resources and exploitation120. The to higher investments, vessel modernisation external aspects are assured through the and higher productivity which led to over- Community Agreements in order for the Un- fishing that threatened various species. It ion’s fishing industry to be granted or to keep became necessary to monitor and regulate rights in waters of third countries. The com- fish levels in times of shortage and surplus. mon organisation market (CMO) for fisheries Production depends on several factors that and aquaculture products was born with the cannot be controlled by producers such as aim of ensuring that the rules assist in better weather, pollution, delimitation of fishing management of resources. Some of the areas. It also has a highly specific social measures are the common standards for structure and is more important in areas marketing, conformity check, guide price and were there are no other sources of income. withdrawal price. Additionally, the implementation of the UN Regarding structural policy, the European law of the sea and the 200 mile fishery con- Fisheries Fund (EFF) is used as an instrument servation zone and the concept of a Total to overcome structural problems in the sec- Allowable Catch (TAC)115, needed implemen- tor. It aims to121: (a) support the common tation at community level. Thus, it was soon fisheries policy so as to ensure exploitation of realised that there was a need for a specific living aquatic resources and support aquacul- common policy for fisheries products, due to ture in order to provide sustainability in eco- the two main problems as described above. nomic, environmental and social terms; (b) The first reason was related to fisheries re- promote a sustainable balance between re- sources and the second was due to the sec- sources and the fishing capacity of the Com- tor’s specificities. Fisheries policy became a munity fishing fleet; (c) promote sustainable full common policy in 1983. It has been development of inland fishing; (d) strengthen structured around two pillars: resources pol- the competitiveness of the operating struc- icy and structural policy, since 1970. tures and the development of economically Today the basis of the Common Fisheries viable enterprises in the fisheries sector; (e) Policy (CFP) is the Lisbon Treaty, Art.38-44 foster the protection and the enhancement of TFEU, together with the CAP, which no longer the environment and natural resources where has much in common with it. Current policy, related to the fisheries sector; (f) encourage consisting of four main sections dealing with sustainable development and the improve- resource management, markets, structural ment of the quality of life in areas with activi- policy and external aspects, did not material- ties in the fisheries sector; (g) promote ise until 1983. In the basic regulation in 1983 equality between men and women in the a ten-year reform cycle was created. Previous development of the fisheries sector and fish- reforms took place in 2002 and 1992; cur- eries areas. rently the process of the third reform is tak- The current reform is due to take place some ing place. The objectives of the CFP can be time in 2012 with the adoption of the new summarised as to 'ensure exploitation of legislation by the Parliament and the Council. living aquatic resources that provides sus- The process of the reform already started in tainable economic, environmental and social April 2009 when the Commission published conditions116. its Green Paper122 which followed a public Regarding resource policy the sustainable consultation that ended in December 2009 exploitation of resources covers internal and and resulted in a Commission working paper external aspects. The internal aspects of the consolidating the consultation123. The chal- Council Framework Regulation on the Con- lenges to be faced are the future of European servation and Sustainable Exploitation of Fisheries Resources lay down the basis for 118 Regulation 1281/2005, OJ L 203, 04.08.2005. ensuring long term viability of the fisheries 119 Regulation 1627/94, OJ L 171,06.07.1994. 117 120 Decision 2002/70, OJ L 31, 01.02.2002. sector . Additionally, it is aimed at ensuring 121 the effective implementation of the CFP by Regulation 1198/2006, OJ L 223, 15.08.2006. 122 Commission of the European Communities. Green Paper, Reform of the Common Fisheries Policy. 115 Decision 98/392,OJ C 155, 23.05.1997 COM(2009)163 final of 22 Apr.2009. < http://eur- 116 The Council of the European Union. Council Regulation (EC) No 2371/2002 on the Conservation and Sustainable 163:FIN:EN:PDF>. Exploitation of FisheriesResources under the Common 123 European Commission. Commission Staff Working Fisheries Policy of 20 Dec. 2002. < http://eur- Document. Synthesis of the Consultation on the Reform of the Common Fisheries Policy. SEC (2010) 428 final of 16 2R2371:EN:NOT>. Apr. 2010. 117 Regulation 237/2002 OJ L 358, 31.12.2002 and Regu- . ”

ESPI Report 34 55 May 2011

fish stocks and fishermen; access to the 4.5.2 Space Flagship Programmes Contribution maritime space and healthy marine ecosys- tems; and food security. The policy needs to Space based information and applications be reshaped to respond to the current reality through systems like Galileo/EGNOS and of over-fishing, fleet overcapacity, heavy GMES can assist in implementing the fisheries subsidies, low economic resilience and decline policy objectives and respond to the specifici- in the volume of fish. In particular it needs to ties of the sector. In particular they can as- be able to address the fact that the sector sist in carrying out conformity control checks can no longer be seen in isolation from the on products and provide the necessary infor- broader maritime environment and from mation to apply sanctions for any infringe- other policies dealing with marine activities - ments. The underlying space technologies for fisheries are dependent on access to mari- navigation and earth observation can assist time space and to healthy ecosystems; cli- to restructure, modernise and develop the mate change is having an impact on the seas, fishery sector, to develop aquaculture, en- triggering changes of fish stocks; and food courage experimental fishing and tailor the security requires better management and Union’s fishing capabilities to realistic possi- exploitation of natural resources. Additionally, bilities. Furthermore, this space information some of the most fuel-intensive fishing prac- can assist in providing desirable results in tices contribute to greenhouse gas emissions. surveillance systems, inspection and surveil- In the Green Paper the Commission identifies lance activities, fleet control and application five key structural failings of the CFP that of penalties. Currently, Member States’ ac- need to be overcome: deep-rooted problem tivities in this respect are mostly operated at of fleet overcapacity; imprecise policy objec- a national level and are not fully coordinated. tives resulting in insufficient guidance for Thus systems like GMES and Galileo/EGNOS decisions and implementation; a decision- can provide the necessary tools at the Euro- making system that encourages a short-term pean level for coordination. At the interna- focus; a framework that does not give suffi- tional level, space assets can facilitate re- cient responsibility to the industry; and lack flecting environmental and socioeconomic of political will to ensure compliance and poor factors promoting sustainable and responsible compliance by the industry. However the fisheries in fisheries policy. Commission in the Green Paper does not take a policy position or present an action plan.

Policy Areas and Galileo and GMES-Contribution Main Objectives Fisheries policy Galileo ƒ Ensure exploitation of living - monitoring independent access to maritime space; aquatic resources covering internal - monitoring overfishing and overcapacity; and external aspects; - navigation and monitoring of fishing vessels; ƒ Provide sustainable environmental - monitoring fishing applications; conditions; Examples ƒ Provide sustainable social - tracking fishing vessels. Track location of vessels to conditions; avoid overfishing. ƒ Provide measures for Community - monitoring currents. Analysis of the navigation meas- fishing licences, special permits; urements, with respect to reference frames, allows fol- ƒ Provide detailed rules for a balance lowing the shoals movements yields time series of daily between resources and exploita- site positions, containing both secular and seasonal tion; variations.124 ƒ Provide common standards for - tracking fishing locations. GNSS helps fishermen to re- marketing, conformity check, turn to the spots where fish are located. guide price and withdrawal price GMES - monitoring the broader maritime environment; - monitoring the health of the eco-systems; - monitoring climate change impact on the sea; - monitoring changes in fish stock; - monitoring fuel-intensive fishing practices contributing to greenhouse gas emissions; - monitoring fishing applications; - counter illegal fishing as well as control marine resource


ESPI Report 34 56 May 2011 Crucial Elements of European Space Flagship Programmes

preservation; Examples - fish stock management. Acquire precise information about the conservation and management of straddling fish stocks and highly migratory fish stocks; - satellite fishing maps. Map the location of fishing grounds;

Table 7: Galileo and GMES contributions to implement fisheries policy.

up a European Energy policy. This energy insecurity was recently repeated in 2008- 4.6 Energy Policy 2009 when gas supplies to Ukraine were sus- pended and fifteen Member States were af- 4.6.1 Policy Overview fected. This reminded the Union of its energy dependency and the need for a common The European Union is the world’s largest voice and approach vis-à-vis the international regional energy market and the world’s sec- communities and in particular when dealing ond largest energy market. Energy is a core with countries that are suppliers of energy element to industry, economy and the citi- products. The EU’s key energy partners are zens and it is essential to ensure safe, se- Russia, Norway, U.S., India, China, Central- cure, sustainable and affordable access to Eastern European Countries and OPEC coun- energy. The Union’s import dependency in all tries127. fuels is 53.1%125. The EU-27 energy gross inland consumption is 36.4% dependent on Thus, Europe has been facing problems re- oil, 23.9% on gas, 18.3% on solid fuels, lated to energy supply. In particular, it faces 13.4% on nuclear and 7.8% on renewable strong dependency on imports from third sources125. The Union’s energy consumption countries, instabilities in oil and gas supply, per sector is 37.1% on household and ser- and volatile energy prices. Additionally, the vices, 27.9 % on industry, 32.6% on trans- energy market faces a number of challenges port and 2.4% on agriculture. Europe’s im- in relation to the interconnection of national port dependency for crude oil and gas is and international markets and the need for mainly from Russia (34% for oil and 40.8% more transparency and European integration for gas), Norway.(5% for oil and 26.7% for as well as the large investments related to gas). Other sources for oil are Libya (10.2%) energy infrastructure, transport issues, slow and Saudi Arabia (7.2%) and for gas Algeria development of improved efficiency and re- (16.9%) and Nigeria (5.1%). newable energy resources and the increased challenges posed by the global increase of Europe perceived the risk of its dependence energy demand and by climate change. on energy supply during the 1973 Arab oil embargo. This highlighted three main is- Energy policy is based on shared compe- sues126. First, the need for energy policy col- tences between the EU and its Member laboration between the European countries States (Art.4.2 TEU) and has it roots back in and the producing world became evident. the first two EU Treaties. The first was the Second, necessary institutional mechanisms European Treaty establishing the European were needed to increase coordination for Coal and Steel Community (ECSC) in 1951 supply distribution. Third, Europe needed to aiming to create a common market for steel prepare mechanisms to prevent becoming a and coal. The second was the Treaty of Rome possible victim of exporting countries who establishing the European Atomic Energy use energy supply as a political and economic Community (EAEC), known as Euratom, in weapon. This geared up the development of a 1957 aimed at creating a common market for common energy policy in Europe which had equitable supply of ores and nuclear fuels developed at a very slow pace. Europe also (source materials and special fissile materi- felt the energy disputes between the Ukraine als), coordinating Member States research and Russia in 2005-2006, when four-day programmes and drawing up of safety stan- energy cuts aimed at the Ukraine affected dards for the peaceful uses of nuclear energy. Europe. Since then, a variety of efforts have Since 2006 Europe has been calling for a been made in Europe to enhance and speed more comprehensive energy policy based on solidarity between the Member States. The 125 The European Commission.EU Energy and Transport in Figures. Statistical Pocketbook. Belgium.2010 < 127 The Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries _energy_transport_figures.pdf>. (OPEC) includes the following countries: Algeria, Angola, 126 Yergin, Daniel. “Ensuring Energy Security,” Foreign Ecuador, , Iraq, Kuwait, Libya, Nigeria, Qatar, Soudi Affairs, March/April 2006. Arabia, United Arab Emirates and Venezuela.

ESPI Report 34 57 May 2011

2006 Green Paper of the Commission defined from the Caspian region and Middle Eastern a European energy policy with three main sources; making use of liquefied natural gas objectives aimed at attaining sustainable to ensure the liquidity and diversity of the development. These are: competitiveness -to European Union markets; linking Europe with give consumers competitive energy prices by the Southern Mediterranean area through increasing competition in energy markets; electricity and gas interconnections; develop- security of supply -to ensure security of en- ing gas and electricity interconnections cross- ergy supplies within an international context; ing Central and South-East Europe along a and sustainability -to reduce the energy sys- north-south axis; developing interconnections tem’s environmental impact to acceptable between the electric networks of the North- levels and combat climate change128129. Six West of Europe so as to optimise wind energy key areas were identified where action is in the North Sea. necessary to address the challenges of the Today, the legal basis for common energy need to develop a new, common European policy is in the Lisbon Treaty in Art. 194 TFEU strategy for energy, with sustainability, com- according to which the Union’s policy objec- petitiveness and security underpinning the tives on energy should be to: strategy. These are: competitiveness and the internal energy market; diversification of the • ensure the functioning of the energy energy mix; solidarity; sustainable develop- market; ment; innovation and technology; and exter- • ensure security of energy supply in the nal policy. The COM (2007) 1 “An Energy Union; Policy for Europe”130, sets out an Action Plan • promote energy efficiency and energy revolving around the two axes of the energy saving and the development of new and policy, the functioning of the internal energy renewable forms of energy; and market and the security of energy resources. • promote the interconnection of energy In March 2007 during the EU Summit, Euro- networks. pean Commission adopted the Energy Policy for Europe (EPE) whivh will pursue the follow- A coherent energy policy framework is neces- ing three objectives, fully respecting Member sary as energy is closely linked also to other States' choice of energy mix and sovereignty policy areas such as economic policy, trans- over primary energy sources and under- European networks, environment, transport, pinned by a spirit of solidarity amongst Mem- and industry and enterprise. The Lisbon ber States: increasing security of supply; Treaty in its economic policy under Art. 122 ensuring the competitiveness of European TFEU mentions that, based on the proposal economies and the availability of affordable from the Commission, the Council may decide energy; promoting environmental sustainabil- upon appropriate measures on the economic ity and combating climate change. In Sep- situation if severe difficulties arise in the sup- tember 2007 there was an urgent call for the ply of certain products, notably in the area of establishment of a common foreign energy energy. Under Art.170 TFEU the Union should policy and in 2008 an action plan131 highlight- contribute to the establishment and devel- ing that security and solidarity are essential opment of trans-European networks also in factors for energy efficiency identified six the area of energy infrastructure. Regarding priority areas: connecting the remaining iso- the environment, Art.192 TFEU refers to a lated energy markets in Europe; developing a special legislative procedure affecting the southern gas corridor for the supply of gas Member States choice regarding different energy sources and the general structure of the energy supply. 128 Commission of the European Communities. Green The recent Commission communication on Paper – A Strategy for Sustainable, Competitive and Se- the Union’s “Europe 2020 strategy for a com- cure Energy. COM (2006) 105 final of 8 Mar. 2006. 132 129 Commission of the European Communities. Communi- petitive, sustainable and secure energy” is cation from the Commission to the Council and the Euro- structured around five priorities: limiting en- pean Parliament on External Action: Thematic Programme ergy use in Europe; building a pan-European For Environment and Sustainable Management of Natural integrated energy market; empowering con- Resources Including Energy COM(2006) 20 final of 25 sumers and achieving the highest level of Jan. 2006. “” 130 safety and security; extending Europe’s lead- Commission of the European Communities. Communi- cation from the Commission to the Council and the Euro- ership in the development of energy technol- pean Parliament on An Energy Policy for Europe ogy and innovation; strengthening the exter- COM(2007) 1 final of 10 Jan. 2007. “” nal dimension of the EU energy market. The 131 Commission of the European Communities. Communi- Commission also intends to launch new large- cation from the Commission to the European Parliament, scale European projects concerning: smart the Council, the European Economic and Social Commit- tee and the Committee of the Regions on the Second grids linking the whole electricity grid sys- Strategic Energy Review: an EU Energy Security and Solidarity Action Plan. COM (2008) 781 final of 13 Nov. 2008. 132 COM(2010) 639 final

ESPI Report 34 58 May 2011 Crucial Elements of European Space Flagship Programmes

tem; electricity storage; large-scale sustain- such as wind, solar power, hydroelectric, able biofuel production; energy savings both geothermal, biomass can contribute to in cities and in rural areas. Europe’s economic growth providing job crea- tion. As mentioned above, the energy policy is developed around two axes. The first axis of The Union’s research and innovation policy the energy policy is the internal energy mar- promotes the development of such technolo- ket133,134 which aims both at giving European gies with a focus on: energy savings and consumers a choice between different com- energy efficiency; efficiency of combined panies supplying gas and electricity at rea- production of electricity, heating and cooling sonable prices, and of making the market services, through the use of new technolo- accessible for all suppliers, especially the gies, such as bioenergy, hydrogen. Energy smallest and those investing in renewable objectives are also coupled with environ- forms of energy. It provides the common mental objectives requiring energy efficiency rules for the internal market for solid fuel, oil, and low emissions141. In particular, the Euro- electricity135, 136 and gas137,138,139,140. The pean Strategic Energy Technology Plan (SET- internal market also depends on the devel- Plan) is the technology pillar of the EU's en- opment of trans-European networks that ergy and climate policy. It is the EU's re- allow interconnection and interoperability for sponse to the challenge of accelerating the transporting electricity and gas. The second development of low carbon technologies. axis of the energy policy is the security of the Technology Roadmaps 2010-2020 for the energy supply which aims to ensure that implementation of the SET-Plan have been Europe’s energy needs are satisfied by inter- drawn up and include the European industrial nal and external exportation of resources initiative for wind; solar; electricity grid; CO2 under affordable competitive prices and pro- capture, transport and storage; sustainable viding an accessible, stable and diversified nuclear fission; fuel cells and hydrogen and energy mix. It covers the supply of coal, nu- the energy efficiency-smart cities initiative; clear fuels, oil, gas, and new technologies and complementary initiatives for other tech- and new energy sources. In particular new nologies and breakthrough science. An im- technologies and new energy sources provide portant element also is international coopera- an alternative option for energy security. tion where Europe has already been working Additionally, new and renewable energies closely with the USA and Japan. Over the past years emerging countries like China, India, South Africa and Brazil have formu- 133 Commission of the European Communities. Communi- lated their national climate change strategies cation from the Commission to the Europe Council and the and Europe is supporting them in low carbon European Parliament on An Energy Policy for Europe. emission development plans. The EU-China COM (2007) 1 final of 10 Jan. 2010. 134 Near Zero Emissions Coal (NZEC) project is a “Internal Energy Market.” . in this case demonstrating carbon capture 135 The European Parliament and the Council of the Euro- and storage. The Global Energy Efficiency and pean Union. Directive 2003/54/EC of the European Par- Renewable Energy Fund (GEEREF) will invest liament and the Council Concerning Common Rules for the in renewable energy and sustainable energy Internal Market in Electricity and repealing Directive 96/92/EC of 26 Jun. 2003. Brussels. infrastructure funds and similar investment 136 The European Parliament and the Council of the Euro- structures tailored to regional needs and con- pean Union. Directive 2009/72/EC of the European Par- ditions. Other initiatives include the Mediter- liament and the Council concerning common rules for the ranean Solar Plan and the Africa-EU Energy internal market in electricity and repealing Directive Partnership142. The financial instruments used 2003/54/EC of 13 Jul. 2003. Brussels. 137 The European Parliament and the Council of the Euro- for the financing of such activities are the pean Union. Directive 98/30/EC of the European Parlia- Competitiveness and Innovation Framework ment and the Council concerning common rules for the Program for 2007-2013 and the Seventh internal market in natural gas of 22 Jun. 1998. Framework Programme. 138 The European Parliament and the Council of the Euro- pean Union. Directive 2003/55/EC of the European Par- liament and the Council concerning common rules for the internal market in natural gas and repealing Directive 98/30/EC of 26 Jun. 2003. 141The European Parliament and the Council of the Euro- 139The European Parliament and the Council of the Euro- pean Union. Directive 2006/32 EC of the European Par- pean Union. Directive 2003/55/EC of the European Par- liament and the Council on energy end-use efficiency and liament and the Council concerning common rules for the energy services and repealing Council Directive internal market in natural gas and repealing Directive 93/76/EEC of 5 Apr. 2006. 98/30/EC of 26 Jun. 2003. 142 Commission of the European Communities. The Com- 140The European Parliament and the Council of the Euro- munication from the Commission to the European Parlia- pean Union. Directive 2009/73/EC of the European Par- ment, the Council, the European Economic and Social liament and the Council concerning common rules for the Committee and the Committee of the Regions on Investing internal market in natural gas and repealing Directive in the Development of Low Carbon Technologies. 2003/55/EC of 13 Jul. 2009. COM(2009) 519 final of 7 Oct. 2009.

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In conclusion, Europe has made significant ciently, for example with the establishment of steps toward its energy policy but there is a synchronization network dedicated to large still a need to focus more on the external distance electricity distribution, which would action to guarantee the security of energy be able to monitor the distribution of electric- supply. On 4t February, at the first European ity in real-time and avoid or reduce power Council explicitly devoted to energy it was outage time by about 20%. Galileo can also concluded that “there is a need for better provide a valuable service to increase control coordination of EU and Member States' activi- and safety, mainly by improving the control ties with a view to ensuring consistency and of drilling facilities and tracking oil and gas coherence in the EU’s external relations with transport in order to enhance safety and se- key producer, transit, and consumer coun- curity. tries and the High Representative is invited to GMES can be useful in the monitoring of take full account of the energy security di- pipelines, surveillance and in the improve- mension in her work. Energy security should ment of knowledge concerning mineral de- also be fully reflected in the EU's neighbour- posits. This precise and accurate earth obser- hood policy.”143 In June 2011, the Commis- vation system could also bolster efficiency in sion is expected to submit a communication natural resources management. Concrete on security of supply and international coop- applications for GMES in the energy field are eration aimed at further improving the con- easy to see: it can provide UV and solar en- sistency and coherence of the EU's external ergy services based on the ozone and aerosol action in the field of energy. global data assimilation results. Another ap- plication is that it can monitor the wind en- 4.6.2 Space Flagship Programmes Contribution ergy used to supply wind farms and, conse- quently reduce the costs of installation and In the energy field, Galileo and GMES can maintenance, by calculating the wind speed bring a high range of additional information and direction and advising on the best areas and new applications, contributing to improv- to install such farms. The same capabilities ing and raising the efficiency of the services can be used for the selection of the optimal currently provided. location to build dams, taking into account The Galileo system can contribute mainly in the possible harmful effects of building a two areas: power generation and increased dam. control and safety. Over all, Galileo and GMES will help to ensure Galileo can be used as a tool to control en- the availability of affordable energy and the ergy generation infrastructure more effi- competitiveness of European economies.

Policy Areas and Galileo and GMES-Contribution Main Objectives Energy policy Galileo ƒ Ensure the functioning of the - improved control of energy infrastructures; energy market; - improved power flow; ƒ Ensure security of energy supply in - improved time-synchronisation of power-related instru- the Union; ments; ƒ Promote energy efficiency and - increased safety and efficiency in oil exploration; energy saving; - improved control of drilling facilities; ƒ Development of new and renew- - timely decision-making thanks to faster positioning in- able forms of energy; formation, even in remote areas; ƒ Promote the interconnection of - enhancing safety and security of oil and gas transport; energy networks; - synchronising European electricity distribution networks. ƒ Ensure the competitiveness of Examples European economies; - network synchronisation for power generation and distri- ƒ Ensure the availability of afford- bution, a network dedicated to large distance electricity able energy; distribution with continuous monitoring to detect any ƒ Promote environmental line break. This monitoring could reduce power outage sustainability; time by about 20 % and can lead to more efficient op- ƒ Combat climate change; eration of electrical facilities; - electronic mapping systems: this application could bene- fit an electrical facility that needs to store the accurate location of utility poles, transformers and even custom- ers. Accurate information could be provided by Galileo.

143 European Council. Conclusions on Energy. EUCO 2/1/11 REV 14 Feb. 2011. “

ESPI Report 34 60 May 2011 Crucial Elements of European Space Flagship Programmes

- design, construction and operation of large networks for the development of energy applications;

GMES - surveying; - providing electrical grid; - power supply; - pipeline monitoring; - improve knowledge concerning mineral deposits; - bolster the efficient use of natural resources. Examples - production of solar energy services: providing UV and solar energy services based on ozone and aerosol global data assimilation results; - monitoring wind energy to supply wind farms. Using high-resolution data on the wind field, the calculation of wind speed and direction. This is useful information to help assess installation and maintenance costs; - identify the best areas to install dams to generate hy- dropower energy. Dams for hydropower energy are ex- pensive and can be harmful to the natural environment. The selection of the optimal location is, therefore, of ut- most importance.

Table 8: Galileo and GMES contributions to implement space policies

The Lisbon strategy in 2005 placed enterprise and industry policy at the top of European 4.7 Enterprise and Industrial priorities. This policy comprises all govern- Policy ment interventions that are directed towards the supply side of the economy (enterprises, industries, sectors) and aim to influence the 4.7.1 Policy Overview industrial structure of the economy and/or its industrial development. This policy comprises Businesses are essential for Europe’s pros- framework, horizontal and sectoral aspects. perity, competitiveness, and job creation. In An important part of the Union’s industrial the Union there are almost 20 million enter- policy is related to the harmonisation of legis- prises active in the non-financial business lation, standardisation and public procure- economy. The majority of these (99.8 %) are ment as part of the Union’s common internal Small Medium Size Enterprises (SMEs)144 and market. It focuses on providing the founda- they employ 67.1 % of the non-financial tions for competitiveness of European indus- business economy workforce, while 57.6 % of try by setting up an industrial policy for a the non-financial business economy’s value single market, fostering the role of SMEs and added is generated by them145. Over the last responding to the challenges Europe faces. decade the global business environment has Enterprise policy sets the legal environment been transformed due to the rapid develop- for European business, promotes an enabling ment of emerging economies like China, India environment, provides funding for businesses and Brazil, thus posing opportunities and and fosters cooperation between businesses. challenges for Europe. Additionally, issues It stimulates research and technology devel- related to the environment and climate opment to ensure European competitiveness change affect the way business needs to be in the market in the future. Enterprise policy conducted today. not only covers industries but also other sec- tors such as tourism, crafts, healthcare. The sectoral policy approach recognises the pecu- liarities of various sectors and the need to 144 ‘ The category of micro, small and medium-sized enter- respond individually to them, such as aero- prises (SMEs) is made up of enterprises which employ fewer than 250 persons and which have an annual turn- nautics, automotive, pharmaceutical, tele- over not exceeding 50 million euro, and/or an annual communications, textile, tourism, etc. balance sheet total not exceeding 43 million euro.’ Extract of Article 2 of the Annex of Recommendation The foundations of industrial policy go back 2003/361/EC. to 1993 with the Treaty of Maastricht calling 145 Schemiemann, Manfred. “Enterprises by size class - for industrial competitiveness as part of the overview of SMEs in the EU.” Eurostat 31/2008, < European integration objectives. Today the SF-08-031/EN/KS-SF-08-031-EN.PDF>.

ESPI Report 34 61 May 2011

legal basis for the Union’s Industrial policy is China, Brazil and India not only for raw mate- Art. 173 of the TFEU. The aims shall be rials and energy but also market share. The second is issues related to the environment • speeding up the adjustment of industry and climate change that raise the need to to structural changes; shift to a low-carbon, resource efficient econ- • encouraging an environment favourable omy. The Commission recognises that due to to initiative and to the development of cost-cutting measures across the Union in- undertakings throughout the Union, par- dustrial policy “cannot be built on major ticularly small and medium-sized under- spending programmes”, instead it focuses on takings; improving the framework conditions for in- dustry, promoting innovative activities, and • encouraging an environment favourable establishing sector specific measures. to cooperation between undertakings; The Commission, intends to take into consid- • fostering better exploitation of the indus- eration global aspects in the implementation trial potential of policies of innovation, of its new industrial policy and aims at149: research and technological development. • Improving the framework conditions. Nevertheless, as described by Art. 6 TFEU, This includes strengthening the internal the Union shall have competencies to carry market regarding intellectual property out actions to support, coordinate and sup- rights and standardisation; improving in- plement the actions of the Member States. frastructure in relation to energy, trans- This means that most of the industrial policy port and communication; implementing is still carried out at the Member State level. “smart regulations” and performing “fit- Enterprise and industry policy also interact ness checks” on existing legislation; and with other policy areas namely, competition, improving access to finance for business trade, internal market, research and technol- and finding “new innovative” financing ogy, environment and energy, sustainable mechanisms. development, education, etc. In particular, • Increasing industrial innovation. Europe the research and technology development has difficulties in turning new ideas into policy under Art.179.1, states that it should market products. The “innovation union” serve European industry to become more flagship is also intended to find ways to competitive. Policies for the environment and bridge this gap. Additionally, the so- sustainable development focus on integrating called “key enabling technologies” such environmental issues into enterprise policy as biotechnology, nanotechnology, ad- and implementing measures to limit the im- vanced materials, photonics, micro- and pact of businesses and SMEs146 on the envi- 147 nano- electronics can provide the basis ronment . In energy policy the SET-Plan for new processes and goods and ser- focuses on technologies with low carbon vices150. The knowledge base and skill emission. base should be strengthened, as well as Europe’s recently adopted 2020 strategy aims the uses of ICT for industrial competi- at smart, sustainable and inclusive growth. tiveness, and resource optimisation. One of the seven flagships in the strategy is • Promoting industrial modernisation. It is "An industrial policy for the globalisation era" focused around environment and climate aiming to improve the business environment, change where Europe must speed up its notably for SMEs, and to support the devel- transition to a low-carbon and energy ef- opment of a strong and sustainable industrial 148 ficient economy; and on the financial and base able to compete globally 2020 . It economic crisis imposing restructuring on recognises that European industry is faced the industry. with two major challenges. The first is that European enterprises are facing increased • Capitalising on globalisation. It will in- competition from emerging markets such as crease efforts to fight protectionism, so that European industry, especially small

146 Commission of the European Communities. Communi- cation from the Commission to the Council, the European 149 The European Commission. Communication from the Parliament, the European Economic and Social Committee Commission to the Council, the European Parliament, the and the Committee of the Regions on Small, clean and European Economic and Social Committee and the Com- competitive , A programme to help Small and Medium- mittee of the Regions on An Integrated Industrial Policy for sized Enterprises Comply with Environmental Legislation. the Globalisation Era Putting Competitiveness and Sus- COM(2007) 379 final of 8 Oct. 2007." tainability at Centre Stage COM(2010) 614. Brussels. 147 COM(2004) 394 final - Official Journal C 49 of 150 Giannopapa, Christina. “Key Enabling Technologies 26.02.2006 and Open Innovation. New Impulse for the Space Sector.” 148European Commission. Communication from the Com- ESPI mission on Europe 2020, A strategy for smart, sustainable Report24.-

ESPI Report 34 62 May 2011 Crucial Elements of European Space Flagship Programmes

businesses, can fully benefit from global- The objectives of the policy are undertaken isation and at the same time implement under the competitive and innovation frame- “trade defence instruments” when neces- work programme (CIP) for the period 2007- sary. It is important to ensure access to 2013. The aim is to contribute to the en- raw materials and critical products; this hancement of competitiveness and innovation should be secured thought international capacity in the Community, the advancement agreements with, for example, Africa of the knowledge society, and sustainable countries. Additionally, in 2008 the raw development based on balanced economic material initiative was launched, with a growth153. It has the following objectives: to three pillar strategy: (i) ensure a level foster the competitiveness, of enterprises, in playing field in access to resources in particular SMEs; to promote innovation ac- third countries; (ii) foster sustainable tivities (including eco-innovation); to acceler- supply of raw materials from European ate the development of a sustainable, com- sources, and (iii) reduce consumption of petitive, innovative and inclusive information primary raw materials by increasing re- society; to promote energy efficiency and source efficiency and promoting recy- energy sources in all sectors, in particular the cling. transport and building sectors. The CIP is divided into three operations programmes • Implementing sector specific measures. contributing to the specific objectives. These All sectors are important. Nevertheless, a are: the entrepreneurship and innovation targeted approach is needed in some programme (EIP); the information communi- sectors like space, transport, energy, cation technologies policy support pro- chemicals, engineering, agro-food, busi- gramme (ICT-PSP); and the intelligent en- ness services, and sectors which address ergy Europe programme (IEE). the social challenges of climate change, health, and security. This policy is expected to start taking effect 4.7.2 Space Flagship Programmes Contribution by implementing some of the elements in In the Enterprise and Industry field the con- 2011 and others will take effect gradually. tributions of Galileo and GMES are important The Commission published its 2011 Manage- to strengthen competitiveness, develop the 151 ment plan where five general objectives market, promote innovation and increase for its work were set out: industrial innovation. These could be • to strengthen the competitiveness of achieved by the creation of a long-term prof- Europe's industrial base and promote the itable GNSS civilian market, by providing transition to a low carbon economy; opportunities for upstream and downstream European enterprises and public sectors and, • to promote innovation as a means to crucially, by protecting information in the generate new sources of growth and electronic exchange of documents and com- meet societal needs; puter files. Galileo is able to develop these capabilities and many examples are already • to encourage the creation and growth of taking place. Among them a mechanism cre- SMEs and promote a new entrepreneurial ated to build electronic map models for a free culture; traffic-toll collection system, is a clear and • to ensure an open internal market for practicable example of how to use Galileo goods; positioning information. Moreover, with the development of the system, several new • to support the European presence in space technologies will be developed, as well space. as services and applications for daily life uses Looking ahead the Commission is expected in (software, real time information to people on 2011 to present its proposal for the next the move, road transportation and transport Multi-annual Financial Framework where it management, etc). GMES will also assist eco- will aim at supporting its 2020 goals in areas nomic development, mainly by providing data of competitiveness, innovation, support space free of charge. It is predicted that this will and security research, and put into operation create new business opportunities in the ser- large scale infrastructure like Galileo and vices market and, consequently, development GMES152. of the labour market to meet the demand for new services and technologies.

151 European Commission. “Enterprise and Industry Direc- torate General, Management Plan 2011.” . 152 Enterprise and Industry Directorate General, Manage- c_en.pdf ment Plan 2011 153 Decision No. 1639/2006/EC, L 310/15

ESPI Report 34 63 May 2011

Policy Areas and Galileo and GMES-Contribution Main Objectives Enterprise and Industry Policy Galileo ƒ Speeding up the adjustment of - reduction of Europe’s vulnerability to external suppliers; industry to structural changes; - creation of a long-term profitable GNSS civilian market; ƒ Encouraging an environment fa- - provide a wealth of opportunities for upstream and vourable to initiative in the Union; downstream European enterprises and public sectors; ƒ Development of undertakings - protection of information in the electronic exchange of throughout the Union, particularly documents and computer files related information soci- small and medium-sized undertak- ety, security, data integrity, authenticity and confidenti- ings; ality; ƒ Encouraging an environment fa- vourable to cooperation between Examples undertakings; - development of new space technologies, services and ƒ Fostering better exploitation of the applications for daily life utilization, such as software, industrial potential of policies of hardware, social services to all kinds of citizens, real innovation, research and techno- time information to people on the move, road transpor- logical development. tation, public transport management, aviation, agricul- ƒ Effective investments to support ture, energy. smart, sustainable and inclusive - free Traffic-Toll Collection system with protection of per- growth; sonal data154. This mechanism will work using the Gali- leo positioning information that will allow building elec- tronic map models, representing a set of all toll stations with coordinates for the entire tolling region. Each vehi- cle will be equipped with an onboard unit (OBU). This OBU is capable of identifying the associated account number, the category of the vehicle, the ID of the tolling station, the exact date/time of detection and (in the case of commercial vehicles ) the number of passengers. The OBUs do not send data which compromises privacy, such as current or previous positions of the vehicle, the driv- ing direction, etc. - Europe’s regional augmentation system for GPS signals. EGNOS. Unprecedented positioning precision by improv- ing the accuracy of GPS can be provided by satellites with high-resolution capabilities (European Geostation- ary Navigation Overlay Service); - design and trial deployment of a set of new innovative social location-aware mobile user-generated services us- ing GNSS-based “Intelligent Tagging”. This system will contribute to Galileo by demonstrating that there is great mass market potential for LBS in Europe and that the technology is mature enough to deliver real benefits to users, such as a set of new innovative social location- aware. Ex. MUGGES; - develop a GNSS-based mobility service dedicated to visually disabled pedestrians in urban environments. PERNASVIP 155 - protecting personal data. Using an encryption system used for authentication and electronic-signing could be based on its trusted time signal that offers the additional value of traceability and liability for the time information.

GMES - provides use of data free of charge;

154The project was established to develop an innovative toll collection system using EGNOS-based Global Navigation Satellite System and Cellular Networks (GNSS/CN) using intelligent vehicle device and program modules that will ensure greater per- sonal data protection, guarantee fair charging of the distance travelled and prevent avoidance of toll payments at the open toll collection systems. . 155 For more examples of applications developed by the public and private sector see .

ESPI Report 34 64 May 2011 Crucial Elements of European Space Flagship Programmes

- new business opportunities in the services market; - development of the labour market to meet the demand for new services and technologies; - improvement of Europe’s competitiveness;

Examples - development of new space technologies and applica- tions. With the increasing development of the space sec- tor, new technologies and applications will be created, for example components, nanotechnology and know- how, among others; - development of new European capabilities. An entrepre- neurship environment with no barriers to the acquisition and circulation of knowledge and with the availability of data free of charge, would exponentially increase Euro- pean enterprise and industrial capabilities;

Table 9:Galileo and GMES contributions to implement Enterprise and Industry Policy

this the Union encourages undertakings, in- cluding small and medium-sized undertak- 4.8 Research and Technol- ings, research centres and universities in ogy Development Policy their research and technological development activities of high quality; it shall support their efforts to cooperate with one another, aim- 4.8.1 Policy Overview ing, notably, at permitting researchers to cooperate freely across borders and at ena- Research and technology development con- bling undertakings to exploit the internal tributes to economic growth, prosperity and market potential to the full, in particular quality of life and is essential to be able to through the opening-up of national public face increasing challenges from global com- contracts, the definition of common stan- petitors and emerging economies. The aim of dards and the removal of legal and fiscal the research and technology development obstacles to that cooperation. In pursuing policy is to coordinate and bridge the frag- these objectives the Union will complement mentation of national research policies and the activities carried out by the Member define and implement research programmes States and carry out the following activi- of European interest which Member States ties157: could not put together individually. Common research and technology development policy • implementation of research, technologi- is closely linked to other policies such as in- cal development and demonstration pro- dustrial, energy, environment, transport, grammes, by promoting cooperation with information society, new technologies, space, and between undertakings, research cen- etc. At the international level with a common tres and universities; research and technology policy the Union would be able to play a leading role in a • promotion of cooperation in the field of number of international programmes. Union research, technological develop- ment and demonstration with third coun- The legal basis for a common research and tries and international organisations; technological development is in Arts. 179 to 190 TFEU. Contrary to the Euratom treaty • dissemination and optimisation of the that focused on nuclear research, the EEC results of activities in Union research, and now TFEU treaty gives powers to finance technological development and demon- and coordinate Member States’ research. The stration; objective of the Union is to strengthen its • stimulation of the training and mobility of scientific and technological bases by achiev- researchers in the Union. ing a European research area in which re- searchers, scientific knowledge and technol- The common research and technology devel- ogy circulate freely, and encourage it to be- opment policy provides a common approach come more competitive, including in its in- to common research problems. The common dustry, while promoting all the research policy focuses at defining the economic, so- activities deemed necessary by virtue of cial, political and even security and defence other Union policies156. In order to achieve objectives in research. Furthermore, it aims to keep an inventory of the Union’s resources

156 Art 179. TFEU. 157 Art 180. TFEU

ESPI Report 34 65 May 2011

including, human, infrastructure and funding various areas: health; food, agriculture, and and set the priorities and adoption of the fisheries, biotechnology; information and work programme of the Union. The Union communication technologies; nano-sciences, over the period has realised that there have nano-technologies, material and new produc- been significant changes in the economy and tion technologies; energy; environment (in- society on a global scale. Traditional indus- cluding climate change); transport (including trial production lines e.g. textiles, shipbuild- aeronautics); socio-economic sciences and ing, steel, etc. have been moved outside the humanities; space; and security. The Eura- Union. In order for Europe to remain com- tom framework programme has two specific petitive an amount has been to invest in a programmes: the fusion energy programme knowledge-based society and innovation. for technologies for a safe, sustainable, envi- Additionally new technologies and information ronmentally responsible and economically and communication technologies have viable energy source and the second pro- changed the way business and society are gramme covering the activities of the Joint structured. Thus, Europe’s industrial competi- Research Centre (JRC) in nuclear energy. tiveness, quality of life and sustainable growth depend largely on information society technologies. Research and technology de- 4.8.2 Space Flagship Programmes Contribution velopment in areas such as the environment, Research and technology development can energy and sustainable development are greatly benefit from Galileo and GMES ser- important for the implementation of commu- vices. Accurate and real-time data will be an nity policies and to deliver on Europe’s inter- important element for the implementation of national obligations e.g. implementation of research, technological development and the Kyoto Protocol. Furthermore, Europe has demonstration programmes. Galileo can pro- been making efforts to provide access to vide navigation and positioning assistance to community R&D infrastructure for its citizens researchers in several fields, where the use and allow free movements of scientists within of high precision geometry processing and the Community. navigation positioning for images is required, Research at the Union level is undertaken for example for environmental sciences, earth under two programs, the Framework Pro- dynamics and polar studies. This means that gramme and the Euratom Framework Pro- a geographic information system can be de- gramme. The Framework programme is a five ployed, able to capture, analyze, store and year multiannual programme adopted by the present data, collected by high-resolution Council and the European Parliament. The satellites. On the other hand, the contribu- Union is currently implementing the Seventh tions from GMES are also valuable in this Framework Programme (FP7) for research, field. It can be a starting point for the devel- technology and demonstration activities for opment of new instruments and systems to the period 2007-2013. The programme has analyze satellite data for concrete purposes. four main objectives: “Cooperation”158, which Furthermore, it provides users with data free focuses on collaborative projects at transna- of charge among the twenty-seven nations of tional and international level; “Ideas” 159, the European Union. This generates the right with the European Research Council support- conditions for knowledge-intensive production ing investigator-driven frontier research, and efficient data management and informa- “People”160, aiming to reinforce the training tion sharing among them. Both projects are and career development activities of re- able to optimize the results of various re- searchers and “Capacities”161 focussing on search activities in the Union as well as to supporting research and innovation capacities promote cooperation with third countries and including research infrastructure, research for international organizations. The Union’s in- the benefit of SMEs and regional research volvement in GEOSS is an essential part of driven clusters. The Cooperation programme this international collaboration. of FP7, under transnational cooperation sup- ports

158 Decision, 2006/971, OJ L 400, 30.12.2006. 159 Decision 2006/972, OJ L 400, 30.12.2006. 160 Decision 2006/973, OJ L 400, 30.12.2006. 161 Decision 2006/974, OJ L 400, 30.12.2006.

ESPI Report 34 66 May 2011 Crucial Elements of European Space Flagship Programmes

Policy Areas and Galileo and GMES-Contribution Main Objectives Research and technology Galileo development policy - support building and managing networks gathering pri- ƒ Implementation of research, tech- vate and public institutions around the technologies for, nological development and demon- or the applications of, and the services offered by, satel- stration programmes; lite navigation ƒ Promoting cooperation with and - developing pan-European cooperation between research between undertakings, research centres and universities of different regions in the EU centres and universities; and associated countries; ƒ Promotion of cooperation in the field of Union research, technologi- Examples cal development and demonstra- - navigation and positioning assisting researchers. Navi- tion with third countries and inter- gation and positioning can assist researchers in various national organisations; fields, where the application of high precision geometry ƒ Dissemination and optimisation of processing, used in navigation positioning of images, is the results of activities in Union required. It can be used in many fields connected with research, technological develop- geography, environmental sciences, earth dynamics, po- ment and demonstration; lar studies and glaciology, volcano studies and monitor- ƒ Stimulation of training in the Un- ing, etc ion; - developing a geographic information system which cap- ƒ Mobility stimulus for researchers in tures, analyzes, stores and present data, collected by the Union. high-resolution satellites, with reference to geographic location data; - deployment of a spatial decision support system to assist spatial planners with guidance in making land use deci- sions. With accurate data the spatial decision support system could initiate a better land management process; - creation of a digital earth and circular economy. Accu- rate information, data and analyses can boost the en- ergy economy corridor for sustainable development;

GMES - generating new knowledge on interface and size de- pendent phenomena; - generating new knowledge on high-performance materi- als for new products and processes; - international agreement verification; - creating conditions and assets for knowledge-intensive production; - efficient data management and information sharing; - harmonisation of geospatial information at pan-European level; - provides use of data free of charge among the 27-nation European Union;

Examples - development of instruments and systems to analyse satellite data for concrete purposes. Analysing high- resolution images and data provided by Earth observa- tion satellites can be a starting point for many scientific studies and researches; - development of new evaluation programs. Programmes to evaluate several different subjects supported by satel- lite provided information. Human activity impact on eco- systems, strategic planning for the provision of safe drinking water, improving the understanding of actual and specific problems, among other examples.

Table 10: Galileo and GMES contributions to implement Research and technology development policy

ESPI Report 34 67 May 2011

strengthening the European Commission with an active role in the implementation of the 4.9 Space Policy strategy by: establishing the right political and regulatory conditions for space activities, 4.9.1 Policy Overview in line with and in support of Community policies; acting as an animator to catalyse The Member States of the European Union joint research and development efforts of all have a long history of cooperation in the field actors in line with the objectives of a Euro- of space which dates back to the early sixties pean Research Area; bringing together all with the creation of the European Launcher actors and competencies around common Development Organization (ELDO) and the political objectives in projects of European- European Space Research Organization wide interest and, in particular, Galileo and (ESRO), the predecessors of the European GMES. Space Agency (ESA). Through ESA the Mem- In 2003 the Commission published a Green bers States have successfully collaborated 165 and obtained experience in launch, satellites, paper on “European Space Policy” , which space science, communications, earth obser- was prepared in cooperation with ESA. This vation, applications and user services. Sev- document addressed the global challenges eral Member States have pursued their na- and how space can serve Europe and it citi- tional goals and objectives while benefiting zens, heading towards a European space from the European dimension within the policy. The areas where space can serve framework of ESA. Europe are through: contributing to the emerging knowledge society and the com- The active involvement of the European Un- petitiveness of European industry; supporting ion in space dates back to 1998 with the birth sustainable development; and improving the of the European Flagship Programmes, Gali- security of the citizens. The Commission held leo162 and GMES. Although, as early as 1988, a wide consultation concerning this paper the Commission Communication “The com- which resulted in the issuing of the first white munity and space: A coherent approach”163 paper on space in 2003 with the title “A New expressed the need for a more active role of Frontier for an Expanding Union” The White the community while acknowledging the in- Paper describes itself as “an Action Plan for creasing importance of space and the Implementing the European Space Pol- achievements of ESA and Member States. icy”166. The White Paper seeks to build on past successes and existing competencies at In 1999, European Ministers called on the all levels in order to achieve more cost- European Commission and the Executive of effective support for European Union policies the European Space Agency to elaborate a and objectives from space technologies, in- coherent European Strategy for Space. In frastructure and services than is currently 2000 the Commission’s communication enti- being delivered. It made a strong case for the tled “Europe and Space: Turning to a new ability of shared, coordinated space pro- chapter”164 was issued. It was followed by a grammes to provide important tools for the resolution by the European Parliament in benefit of five core political challenges: 2002. This recognised that society has be- come critically dependent on the use of satel- • sustainable development. Earth observa- lites and space-based technologies, thus tion from space supports sound environ- highlighting the importance of an autono- mental management and protection by mous and comprehensive capability to de- providing basic homogeneous observa- velop and manage space infrastructure. The tions with unsurpassed coverage of cli- following objectives were defined: strength- mate and weather, oceans, fisheries, ening the foundation for space activities so land and vegetation. Space has enabled that Europe preserves independent and af- weather predictions for 5 days. A sus- fordable access to space; enhancing scientific tainable agricultural model could, as well, knowledge; and reaping the benefits for mar- benefit from the use of Earth observation kets and society through demand-driven ex- tools. Likewise, monitoring the applica- ploitation of the technical capabilities of the tion of the Kyoto protocol will require space community. This strategy was aimed at European independent space capabilities.

162 • stronger foreign, security and defence for Galileo: involving Europe in a new generation of satel- all. To be able to have autonomous ac- lite navigation services. COM (1999) 54 final of 10 Feb. 1999. 163 Commission of the European Communities. The Com- munity and space: A Coherent Approach. COM (1988) 417 165 COM (2003)17 final. 21.1.2003 “Green Paper: Euro- Final of 16 Jul.1988. pean Space Policy” 164 Commission of the European Communities. Europe and 166 European Commission. “White Paper: Space: A New Space: Turning to a new chapter COM (2000) 597 final of Frontier for an Expanding Union. An Action Plan for Im- 27 Sep. 2000. plementing the European Space Policy”. COM (2003) 673.

ESPI Report 34 68 May 2011 Crucial Elements of European Space Flagship Programmes

cess to reliable global information so as • a successful enlargement of the Union. to foster informed decision-making. To ensure a globally competitive, inde- Space technologies and infrastructures pendent satellite-based European capa- ensure access to knowledge, information bility for navigation, timing and position- and military capabilities on the ground ing –Galileo- that will be financially viable that can only be available through the in the long term. To maximise the use of capacity to launch, develop and operate space data in support of sustainable de- satellites providing global communica- velopment policies with particular regard tions, positioning and observation sys- to the protection of the environment, the tems. At the same time, space-based management of resources and the qual- systems can provide a higher level of se- ity of life and security of citizens though curity for citizens allowing, for example, GMES. Priority areas are: land manage- better enforcement of border and coastal ment, ocean monitoring, atmosphere control and identification of humanitarian monitoring, management of water re- crises in their early stages. And space sources, risk management, humanitarian endeavours can contribute to interna- aid and security policies. Additionally, tional partnerships since they are an in- space can contribute in bridging the digi- strument for developing such partner- tal divide through all available broadband ships. This should not only include coop- technologies (including satellite commu- eration in technology and applications nications). but also economic and social develop- This was a call for the EU to develop a Euro- ment, protection of the environment, pean space policy and many of the recom- education, health, science, technology mendations began to be implemented. and security. It should include the follow- ing areas human space flight, solar sys- An important milestone was in 2004 when tem exploration, space and Earth sci- the European Commission and ESA signed a ence, telecommunications, earth obser- Framework Agreement considering that vation and navigation. closer cooperation between them will strengthen the peaceful use of space as an • economic growth, job creation and indus- important tool to contribute to European co- trial competitiveness. Strengthen indus- hesion and economic growth which would trial performance by stepping up R&D allow space-related activities to be brought and technological innovation, while defin- under a wider political, economic, scientific, ing Trans-European Transport Network environmental and social framework that was (TEN - T) priorities. Space R&D and TEN- more directly at the service of European citi- T development are also part of a larger zens167. The agreement aimed to advance the value chain that stimulates R&D in other coherent and progressive development of sectors and leads to commercial applica- overall European Space Policy168. The specific tions, such as GALILEO, with potentially fields of cooperation were identified as: sci- very large revenues and job creation ence, technology, earth observation, naviga- possibilities. tion, communication by satellite, human • fighting poverty and aiding development. space flight and micro-gravity, launchers, and The Union is the largest provider of de- spectrum policy related to space. This velopment aid in the world. Space tech- agreement was extended in 2008 until 2012. nologies can strengthen development ef- In accordance with the Framework Agree- forts, and help other countries to develop ment, the European Space Council was es- access to information, raise skills levels tablished comprising the relevant Ministers and better manage their resources. In from 27 States (all members of the EU plus addition to supporting the creation of the two additional non-EU Member States, commercial communication infrastruc- Norway and Switzerland). A series of Space tures, space technologies such as Earth Councils took place, which played an impor- observation and global positioning sys- tant role in identifying the priorities for Euro- tems can be employed in a variety of pean Space Policy. The first took place in tasks including: protecting soils and 2004 setting the first orientations. The third managing water resources; monitoring Space Council in 2005 focused on the orien- crop development and forecasting food tations for GMES. production; providing early warning for In 2005 the Commission issued a communi- flood and fire risk; monitoring the tropi- cation setting out the preliminary elements of cal forest; preventing ground-motion hazards; ensuring coastal and maritime monitoring; forecasting, preventing and 167 Framework Agreement and Decision 2004/578, OJ L managing natural disasters. 261, 06.08.2004 168 Framework Agreement and Decision 2004/578, OJ L 261, 06.08.2004

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the European Space Policy169. The actual grammes, and organise their respective roles space policy Communication was issued and relating to space, providing a more flexible adopted in 2007 under the title “European framework to facilitate Community invest- Space Policy” 170 . This communication set out ment in space activities. This is equally true the strategic mission where the development in the areas of security and defence space of a European Space Policy is seen as a stra- programmes and in the integration of space tegic choice for Europe. It recognised that policy into a range of the EU's external rela- “space systems are strategic assets demon- tionships. The key stated applications were: strating independence and the readiness to satellite navigation and in particular Galileo assume global responsibilities. Initially devel- and EGNOS; earth observation with GMES; oped as defence or scientific projects, they satellite communications; security and de- now also provide commercial infrastructures fence. Additionally it highlighted the impor- on which important sectors of the economy tance of science and technology, the interna- depend and which are relevant in the daily tional space station and exploration of the life of citizens. However the space sector is solar system, access to space, and a com- confronted with high technological and finan- petitive European space industry. cial risks and requires strategic investment On 22 May 2007 during the fifth Space Coun- decisions. Europe needs an effective space cil, the communication for a European Space policy to enable it to exert global leadership Policy was widely supported. Additionally, the in selected policy areas in accordance with Space Council identified four new priorities of European interests and values.” 171 The policy European Space Policy: space and climate seeks to172: change, the contribution of space to the Lis- • develop and exploit space applications bon strategy, space and security and space that serve Europe's public policy objec- exploration173. In 2008 the economic crises tives and the needs of Europe's citizens also affected the discussions in the space and enterprises; sector. This resulted in 2009 at the sixth Space Council in the adoption of a resolution • meet Europe's space-based security and on the contribution of space to innovation defence needs; and competitiveness in the context of the • ensure Europe retains a strong and com- European Plan for Innovation and the Euro- petitive space industry that is innovative pean Economic and Recovery Plan174. Until and provides sustainable, high-quality the end of 2009 even though the European and cost-effective services; Union had been making steps towards a European Space Policy, including the adop- • contribute to the knowledge-based soci- tion of the 2007 European Space policy, it did ety by investing significantly in space- not directly have the responsibility for space based science and playing a strong role policy. The legal basis was given to the Union in international space exploration; when the Lisbon Treaty entered into force in • secure Europe's unrestricted access to December 2009. the best technologies, systems and ca- In the Lisbon Treaty in relation to previous pabilities to ensure the availability of in- Art. 167-173 TEC there is an additional Art. dependent European space applications. 189 that sets the basis for the Union for a According to this communication, the Euro- European space policy. The article states: “To pean Space Policy should enable the Euro- promote scientific and technical progress, pean Union, the European Space Agency industrial competitiveness and the implemen- (ESA) and their Member States to increase tation of its policies, the Union shall draw up coordination of their activities and pro- a European space policy. To this end, it may promote joint initiatives, support research and technological development and coordi- 169 Commission of the European Communities. Communi- nate the efforts needed for the exploration 175 cation from the Commission to the Council ant the Euro- and exploitation of space” . To contribute to pean Parliament on European Space Policy - Preliminary these objectives, “the European Parliament Elements COM (2005) 208 final of 23 May 2005. 170 and the Council, acting in accordance with Commission of the European Communities. Communi- the ordinary legislative procedure, shall es- cation from the Commission to the Council and the Euro- pean Parliament on European Space Policy. COM (2007) 212 final of 26 Apr. 2007. Brussels. 171 Commission of the European Communities. Communi- 173Council of the European Union. 5th Space Council cation from the Commission to the Council and the Euro- “Council Resolution Taking forward the European Space pean Parliament on European Space Policy. COM (2007) Policy”, 2008. 212 final. of 26 Apr. 2007. Brussels. 174 6th Space Council “Resolution on the contribution of 172 Commission of the European Communities. Communi- space to innovation and competitiveness in the context of cation from the Commission to the Council and the Euro- the European Plan for Innovation and the European Eco- pean Parliament on European Space Policy. COM (2007) nomic and Recovery Plan”. Jun. 2009. 212 final of 26 Apr. 2007. Brussels. 175 Art 189. TFEU

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tablish the necessary measures, which may signals transmitted in Europe before Galileo is take the form of a European space pro- fully operational. These systems represent gramme, excluding any harmonisation of the the first major space facilities exclusively laws and regulations of the Member States” belonging to and being managed by the Un- 176. The provisions of the treaty clearly state ion. The second priority is the Union’s other that the Union “shall have competence to flagship programme, GMES, that provides carry out activities, in particular to define and information services on the environment and implement programmes; however, the exer- security and will be used to support policies cise of that competence shall not result in on climate change adaptation and security, Member States being prevented from exercis- and to contribute to crisis prevention and ing theirs”177. Additionally the Union is called management, with emphasis on humanitarian upon to establish appropriate relations with aid, development assistance and civil protec- the European Space Agency. tion. The third priority regarding security and defence, space infrastructure, is both an in- In April 2011, the European Commission pub- strument and asset that can serve the Un- lished a communication regarding the Euro- ion’s interests and at the same time needs pean space strategy. In this communication, protection. To this end it is important to de- it is highlighted that space policy can be used velop the “S” component of GMES in areas as an instrument serving the internal and such as monitoring borders, support to the external policies of the Union in response to Union’s external action, maritime surveil- three types of needs: lance, complex emergencies, humanitarian • social: citizens' well-being depends on aid, civil protection. Additionally, space infra- space policy in areas such as the envi- structure needs protection as it risks damage ronment, combating climate change, or destruction by natural phenomena, such public and civil security, humanitarian as solar radiation and asteroids, and by other and development aid, transport and the spacecraft and debris as well as electromag- information society; netic interference. In order for Europe to develop capabilities in this field the Space • economic: space generates knowledge, Situation Awareness (SSA) preparatory pro- new products and new forms of industrial gramme started after the fifth Space Council cooperation, it is therefore a driving force in 2008. The Union needs to play an active for innovation and contributes to com- role in the development of this programme. petitiveness, growth and job creation; The Commission is planning to define organi- and sation and governance for such a system to • strategic: space serves to cement the ensure sustainable exploitation. The fourth EU’s position as a major player on the in- priority is space exploration were four priori- ternational stage and contributes to the ties have been identified: critical technolo- Union's economic and political independ- gies, the International Space Station (ISS), ence. access to space and setting up a high-level international forum. In particular the Union Europe's space policy is aimed at achieving seeks to identify and support the develop- the following objectives: promoting techno- ment of technologies in energy, health and logical and scientific progress, stimulating recycling. industrial innovation and competitiveness, enabling European citizens to reap the bene- Additionally, the communication seeks to set fits of space applications and raising Europe's out the contribution of European space policy profile on the international stage in the area for the benefit of competitiveness as an inte- of space. gral part of the Europe 2020 strategy. The space industry is a driving force for innova- According to this communication the priority tion. In particular, satellite communications actions for European space policy are satellite generate the largest revenues in the space navigation with the Galileo and EGNOS pro- industry in Europe and internationally. In the grammes; using space for the benefit of the area of research and innovation, it is vital to environment and climate change with the develop key enabling technologies e.g. ad- GMES programme; secure space to achieve vance materials and nanotechnology. Space security and defence; space exploration. Sat- research and technology development can ellite navigation with Galileo as one of the contribute to the ‘Innovation Union’. This can Union’s flagship programmes which will en- be stimulated by boosting market applica- able the Union to be independent in a strate- tions and services utilising the flagship pro- gically important field. This also includes grammes Galileo/EGNOS and GMES. EGNOS with the goal to improve the GNSS The international dimension of European space policy was also highlighted in the 176 Art 189. TFEU communication, as international cooperation 177 Art. 4. TFEU

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in the field of space is essential. Space should ing mostly comes from European space agen- be used also to support the promotion of cies such as the British UK Space Agency, the European values through projects focused on French Centre National d’Etudes Spaciales environmental protection, climate change, (CNES), the German Aerospace Research sustainable development and humanitarian Centre and Space Agency (DLR), the Italian action. The countries mentioned for collabo- Space Agency (ASI). Member States have a ration are the United States, Africa and separate budget for the European Space China. The contributions of GMES and EGNOS Agency (ESA). Also countries with no space in Africa are essential to the Africa-EU strate- agency can contribute to the ESA budget to gic partnership. The Union’s competence in develop their space programme, such as Bel- the field of space is highlighted in various gium. The European Commission has been forums and in particular in its involvement in contributing to the space budget mainly the Global Earth Observation System of Sys- through the Framework Programme for Re- tems (GEOSS). Additionally, reference is search and Development, where there is a made to the EU Code of Conduct for Outer dedicated part for space, and through the Space Activities178. Overall, the Union must Trans-European Network. There have also ensure that space-related matters are better been contributions through Structural Funds integrated into the Union’s external policy. and the Competitiveness and Innovation Pro- gramme (CIP). The European space programme currently in Europe is a civilian programme. Public financ-

Dates Events July 1988 Commission of the European Communities. Communication from the Commission to the Council and the European Parliament. “The Community and Space: A Coherent Approach”. COM(88) 417 final September 1992 Commission of the European Communities. Communication from the Commission to the Council and the European Parliament. “The European Community and Space: Challenges, opportunities and new actions”. COM(92)360 final. December 1996 Commission of the European Communities. Communication from the Commission to the Council and the European Parliament . “The European Union and Space: Fostering Applications, Markets and Industrial Com- petitiveness”. COM(96) 617 final June 1999 Commission of the European Communities. Commission Working Docu- ment. “Towards a Coherent European Approach for Space”. SEC(1999)789 final . September 2000 European Commission. Communication of the European Commission to the Council and European Parliament. “Europe and Space: Turning to a New Chapter”. COM (2000) 597 final. December 2001 Communication from the Commission to the Council and the European Parliament. “Towards a European Space Policy”. COM(2001) 718 final January 2003 European Commission Communication. “Green Paper: European Space Policy”. COM (2003) 17 final November 2003 European Commission. “White Paper: Space: A New Frontier for an Ex- panding Union. An Action Plan for Implementing the European Space Policy”. COM (2003) 673. April 2004 Council Decision. Framework Agreement between the European Com- munity and the European Space Agency. (2004/578/EC) OJ L 261, 06.08.2004. November 2004 1st Space Council “Orientations on the European Space Policy” May 2005 European Commission. Communication from the Commission to the Council and European Parliament. “European Space Policy: Preliminary

178 The EU Code of Conduct is a proposal that aims at overcoming the deadlock in international negotiations on space weaponi- sation, based on Transparency and Confidence Building Measures (TCBM).

ESPI Report 34 72 May 2011 Crucial Elements of European Space Flagship Programmes

Dates Events Elements.” SEC (2005) 664, COM(2005) 208 final. June 2005 2nd Space Council: Orientations concerning the preparation of the future European Space Programme November 2005 3rd Space Council: “Orientations on Global Monitoring for Environment and Security –GMES” April 2007 Commission of the European Communities. Communication from the Commission to the Council and the European Parliament: European Space Policy. COM(2007) 212 final. May 2007 4th Space Council “Resolution on the European Space Policy” July 2008 European Parliament Resolution “Space and Security”. 2008/2030 (INI). September 2008 5th Space Council “Council Resolution Taking forward the European Space Policy” November 2008 European Parliament Resolution “European space policy: how to bring space down to earth” June 2009 6th Space Council “Resolution on the contribution of space to innovation and competitiveness in the context of the European Plan for Innovation and the European Economic and Recovery Plan” December 2009 Lisbon Treaty. Art 189. November 2010 7th Space Council. “Global challenges: taking full benefit of European space systems”. April 2011 Communication From the Commission to the Council, the European Par- liament, the European economic and social committee and the regions towards a Space Strategy for The European Union that Benefits its Citi- zens. COM(2011) 152.

Table 11: Chronology of the main documents leading to the European Space Policy.

tions is often mixed with the developing role of the Union in the Common Foreign and 4.10 External Policies Security Policy (CFSP) which was introduced by the Treaty of Maastricht in 1991 so that 4.10.1 Policy Overview the Union could take action when its interests as a whole are at stake, and reinforced by The European Union has 495 million inhabi- the Lisbon Treaty in 2009. Even though there tants making it the world’s third largest are obvious overlaps between the various population after China and India. In compari- aspects of the external policies of the Union son with the US it is less than half the size there is also a distinct difference in their con- but over 50% larger in terms of population. duct. The commercial policy, development aid The Union is the world’s largest trading entity and the external relations of the Union de- and the world’s largest provider of develop- pend on the its decision making process ment aid. Thus, its impact commercially, whereas the CFSP has a special decision economically and financially in the global making process. It has been common only in arena is of great importance. name and functions through intergovernmen- tal cooperation. The external policy endeavours of the Union go back to the time after its creation when Today the legal basis of the Unions external the first members were establishing trade policies are in Title V of the Lisbon Treaty agreements with their neighbours giving rise setting forth general provisions for the Un- to a common commercial policy. At the same ion’s external action and specific provisions time the Union’s members decided to share for the Unions CFSP. Under Art. 21 TFEU, the part of the cost of development aid to their Union shall define and pursue common poli- former colonies, in particular in Africa. Thus, cies and actions in all fields of international the Union has been present in the global relations to: arena under three roles: common commercial policy, development aid and external rela- • safeguard its values, fundamental inter- tions. The role of the Union in external rela- ests, security, independence and integ- rity;

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• consolidate and support democracy, the external action of the Union. Under Art. 24 rule of law, human rights and the princi- TFEU, the Union’s competencies in CFSP shall ples of international law; cover all areas of foreign policy and all ques- tions relating to the Union’s security, includ- • preserve peace, prevent conflicts and ing the progressive framing of a common strengthen international security, in ac- defence policy that might lead to a common cordance with the purposes and princi- defence. ples of the United Nations Charter, with the principles of the Helsinki Final Act With the entry into force of the Lisbon treaty, and with the aims of the Charter of Paris, Ms. Ashton is the High Representative of the including those relating to external bor- Union for Foreign Affairs and Security with ders; the duties to conduct the Union’s common foreign and security policy and has authority • foster the sustainable economic, social over the European External Action Service and environmental development of de- (EEAS), also set up by the Treaty of Lisbon, veloping countries, with the primary aim and over some 130 Union delegations in third of eradicating poverty; countries and international organisations. • encourage the integration of all countries Furthermore she is the Council’s representa- into the world economy, including tive for Common Foreign and Security policy, through the progressive abolition of re- the President of the Foreign Affairs Council strictions on international trade; and the Vice-President of the Commission. • help develop international measures to preserve and improve the quality of the 4.10.2 Space Flagship Programmes Contribution environment and the sustainable man- agement of global natural resources, in Space assets and applications can contribute order to ensure sustainable develop- to the Union’s external policy through mete- ment; orological forecasting, terrain mapping, posi- tioning (cargo, personnel, populations, etc), • assist populations, countries and regions navigation, observation, communications, confronting natural or man-made disas- intelligence, etc. These cap abilities already ters; and exist to a certain extent and will be under further development mainly through Galileo • promote an international system based and GMES. Galileo will be important for better on stronger multilateral cooperation and management of critical transport and emer- good global governance. gency services, better law enforcement (po- This should also encompass the external as- lice), improved internal security (border con- pects of its other policies and ensure that trol) and safer peace-keeping missions. GMES there is consistency. Regarding the Common applications in the security dimension will Foreign and Security Policy (CSFP) of the include aspects such as emergency response, Union, the European Council should decide on global stability and homeland security by the strategic interests and objectives of the contributing from e.g. maritime surveillance Union and relate them to the common foreign and border control to food security world- and security policy and to other areas of the wide.

ESPI Report 34 74 May 2011 Crucial Elements of European Space Flagship Programmes

Policy Areas and Galileo and GMES-Contribution Main Objectives External Policies Galileo ƒ Safeguard its values, fundamental - critical transport management ; interests, security, independence - emergency services management; and integrity; - support law enforcement (police); ƒ Consolidate and support democ- - support internal security (border control); racy, the rule of law, human rights - proide information on positioning and navigation (cargo, and the principles of international personnel, populations, etc); law; - safer peace-keeping missions; ƒ Preserve peace, prevent conflicts Examples and strengthen international secu- - management of emergency situations. To improve re- rity; sponse time when the crisis occurs, particularly through ƒ Foster the sustainable economic, the provision of rapid mapping capacities179 social and environmental develop- - forest fire fighting. Through satellite real-time informa- ment of developing countries, with tion, it is possible to identify single situations, advising the primary aim of eradicating competent authorities when the situation moves to haz- poverty; ard risks.180 ƒ Encourage the integration of all - earthquake prediction. Determination of place and time countries into the world economy, of earthquake occurrence by using the data observed by including through the progressive satellite and on the earth surface. abolition of restrictions on interna- tional trade; GMES ƒ Help develop international meas- - meteorological forecasting; ures to preserve and improve the - humanitarian disasters and natural disasters e.g. fires, quality of the environment; earthquakes; ƒ Help develop international meas- - terrain mapping ; ures to preserve and improve the - monitoring issue of proliferation of weapons of mass sustainable management of global destruction natural resources, in order to en- - assist in maritime surveillance and border control; sure sustainable development; - emergency response; ƒ Assist populations, countries and - global stability and homeland security by contributing to regions confronting natural or e.g. maritime surveillance and border control; man-made disasters; - food security worldwide; ƒ Promote an international system Examples based on stronger multilateral co- - maritime surveillance. As part of the security aspect of operation and good global govern- GMES, the use of Earth Observation (EO) data together ance; with integrated telecommunication services together ƒ Cover questions relating to the with state of the art sensors and the Automatic Identifi- Union’s security; cation System (AIS) can assist in maritime surveillance ƒ Help to develop the progressive and evacuation scenarios (project TANGO, EUSC); framing of a common defence pol- - humanitarian disasters and natural disasters e.g. earth- icy that might lead to a common quakes, proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. As defence. part of the security aspect of GMES, the focus is on pro- viding the geospatial infrastructure needed for a rapid humanitarian response (project GMOSS, EUSC); - respond to emergency situations such as fires, floods, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, or humani- tarian crisis, providing environment recovery maps and determining safe zones.181

Table 12: Galileo and GMES contributions to implement External Policies

179 The Mature Applications of Galileo for Emergency Services – MAGES project- was conceived to provide position and posi- tioning assets for emergency management scenarios, such as floods, fires and earthquakes. This system improves the effec- tiveness and response time of alerting and disaster management. . 180 The HARMLESS project conducted several tests that demonstrated the capabilities of EGNOS and Galileo to improve the surveillance and management of fighting forest fires and improve safety. The project demonstrates the use of Galileo and EGNOS for managing fire fighters and vehicles during a forest fire . 181SAFER is the EU FP7 Research Project that aims at reinforcing the European capacity to respond to natural or man-made disasters. 03 May 2011 . .

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Figure 23: Agencies serving the CFSP under the leadership of the High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy.

links with EU industry in space security pro- Space Relevant Actors jects, particularly Global Monitoring for Secu- The High Representative has under its au- rity and Stability (GMOSS), the Telecommu- thority the oversight of the European Union’s nications Advanced Network for GMES Opera- Satellite Centre, the European Defence tions (TANGO) and ASTRO+. The GMOSS Agency and the European Union Institute for project concentrates its efforts on monitoring Security Studies. These entities have been issues of proliferation of weapons of mass involved in space related activates. destruction, humanitarian disasters and natu- ral disasters e.g. earthquakes. The focus is to European Union Satellite Centre (EUSC) provide the geospatial infrastructure needed for a rapid humanitarian response. The The European Union Satellite Centre (EUSC) TANGO project uses Earth Observation (EO) is an agency of the Council of the European data together with integrated telecommunica- Union. It was founded in 1992 as the Western tion services. The project is focused on mari- Union Satellite Centre. The EUSC was set up time surveillance and evacuation scenarios. It in 2002 to replace the Western Union Satel- makes use of state of the art sensors such as lite Centre representing the transfer of func- the Automatic Identification System (AIS) for tions from the Western European Union maritime surveillance tasks. ASTRO+ aims to (WEU) to the EU in relation to the CFSP. Its use space-based assets to support security mission is to support the decision-making of operations to demonstrate the advantage of the European Union in the field of CFSP by space based information. This type of infor- providing analysis of satellite imagery and mation is non-instructive and legal, available collateral data, including aerial imagery, and anytime and anywhere, robust and non- related services. It is one of the key institu- vulnerable to local threats. tions for the Union’s Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP), and the only one ex- The European Defence Agency clusively in the field of space. The High Rep- resentative of the Union for Foreign Affairs The European Defence Agency (EDA) was and Security Policy is responsible for its op- created in 2004 to develop projects and pro- erational direction. In 2009 in line with the EP grammes aimed at supporting the develop- call for the EUSC to be fully developed it was ment of the CSDP. It aims at developing de- used to support the operations of the EU in fence capabilities in the field of crisis man- NAVFOR Atalanta, EUFOR Chad/RCA and EU agement, promoting and enhancing European Monitor Mission in Georgia182. armaments cooperation, strengthening the European defence industrial and technological The EUSC participates in various GMES pro- base (DTIB) and creating a competitive Euro- jects with the role of supporting the CSDP pean defence equipment market, as well as policy of the Union. It is involved in GMES promoting, in liaison with the Community’s projects that contribute to the development research activities where appropriate, re- of new pilot services at the Centre facilitating search aimed at leadership in strategic tech- nologies for future defence and security ca- pabilities, thereby strengthening Europe's 182 Council of the European Union. Annual Report from the High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy to the European Parliament on the Main Aspects and Basic Choices of the CFSP. 2009.

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industrial potential in this domain183. The EDA pean Security Strategy. It has nine strategic is subject to the direction and authorities of partners185 in this area: the United States, the Council, which issues guidelines to and Russian Federation, China, India, Mexico, receives reports from the High Representa- Brazil, Japan, Canada, and South Africa. The tive of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Secu- United States and the EU transatlantic rela- rity Policy., tionship remains a cornerstone for CFSP. The Russian Federation and the EU have interests The European Defence Agency and ESA in in working together on global issues such as 2010 signed contracts with two consortia climate change, terrorism, organised crime regarding feasibility studies on “Satellite Ser- and energy security. Apart from issues re- vices for the integration of Unmanned Aircraft lated to trade and economic matters, the Systems (UAS) into European Airspace”184 China-EU relations also include issues like which investigated the feasibility and the climate change. With India it covers issues overall planning for a UAS mission, demon- including terrorism, climate change, energy strating that UAS can be integrated into non- security, cyber security, non-proliferation, segregated airspace using satellite communi- etc. With South Africa it includes close co- cations and satellite navigation for Command operation in research, environment, energy, and Control, Sense and Avoid, and Air Traffic space, transport, migration, health. There is Control, and the added value of satellite also close collaboration through the GMES for communications for high data rate payload Africa initiative and the extension of the links. Additionally, space based imaging and European Geostationary Navigation Overlay earth observation systems like GMES are of System (EGNOS) over Southern Africa, and essential importance in the work of EDA and installation of elements of the Galileo ground have already been used for maritime surveil- infrastructure in South Africa. These coun- lance. tries are also involved in space activities and therefore will be discussed in detail in the 4.10.3 Strategic Partnerships following section in particular in relation to their activities in research and technology The Union has established partnerships with development through the Union’s interna- key actors in the global scene with which it tional cooperation agreement and in the field shares common values or common interests. of earth observation and navigation. The Union has partnerships with various countries particularly in relation to its Euro-

183 COUNCIL JOINT ACTION 2004/551/CFSP, OJ L 245/17, 17.7.2004. Amended by Joint Action 2008/299, OJ L102, 12.04.2008 184 European Defence Agency. Signature of First Coordi- 185 Council of the European Union, 2009, Annual report nated EDA/ESA Studies on Satellite Studies for UAS from the High Representative of the Union for Foreign Missions. 9 Feb. 2010. Brussels. Affairs and Security Policy to the European Parliament on . 2009.

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5. International Aspects

which was launched between 1967 and 1978. It was intended to provide accurate positioning 5.1 International Efforts in for ballistic missile submarines. The Global Navigation Satellite System (GLONASS) was Navigation developed in 1976, with first launch in 1982 and it was completed in 1995. In 2001 only 5.1.1 Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) eight satellites were still operational. The GLONASS system went into full restoration Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) undertaken under a special-purpose federal can be defined as “space-based positioning programme named “Global Navigation Sys- and navigation systems designed to provide tem” restoring it to full deployed status with worldwide, all weather, passive, three- 24 Satellites by 2011. This system was re- dimensional position, velocity and timing stricted to military use until 2007. After the data”186. GNSS comprise three parts: satellites restrictions were lifted GLONASS became the in orbit; control and monitoring stations on the second global positioning and navigation sys- ground; and receivers by users. Currently tem available for civilian use after GPS. GNSS in space consist of two constellations: In the future there will be other operational the NAVSTAR Global Positioning System (GPS) systems that will have global coverage. Galileo of the United States and the Global Navigation will be the European system and COMPASS- Satellite System (GLONASS) of the Russian Beidou 2 Navigation the system of China. Federation. There will be also other regional GNSS sys- The first satellite navigation system was tems like the Indian Regional Navigation Sat- “Transit” the US Navy Satellite System that ellite System (IRNSS) of India under civilian was operated from 1964-1996 and provided control and the Quasi-Zenith Satellite System navigation data to navy submarines and ships. (QZSS) of Japan. Table 13 shows an overview In 1997 it started providing data around the of the different GNSS systems. world to commercial shipping and aircraft and The accuracy of global navigation systems can by 1970 its civil use had exceeded its military be augmented either to a wide area or region- uses. The GPS was developed in 1973 and ally in order to increase the accuracy of the became fully operational in 1994. It was signal. These system use space-based and funded, operated and maintained by the U.S. ground based infrastructure to correct for er- Air Force and is managed by the National rors related to the positioning signal of the Space-based PNT Executive Committee, which satellite and the signal delays due to atmos- is chaired jointly by the deputy Secretaries of pheric distortions, discrepancies in transmis- Defence and Transport and the committee sion, etc. The first space-based augmentation members include equivalent-level officials system was developed by the U.S. to augment from the Departments of State, Homeland the GPS signal. This system is the Wide Area Security, Interior, Agriculture, Commerce, Augmentation System (WAAS), which was Joint Chiefs of Staff and NASA. The system developed by the Federal Aviation Administra- was designed to be accurate to within a couple tion for air navigation. There are also other of metres and in 2007 it was the only available augmentations systems like the European system for civilian use. U.S. policy promotes Geostationary Navigation Overlay Service the use of GPS technology through no direct (EGNOS) which has been operational since user fees for civil GPS services. They provide 2009 and is used in Agriculture and, since open, public signal structures and encourage March 2011, has been available for aviation; open market driven competition in GPS related Japans Multi-functional Transport Satellite- goods and services. based Augmentation System (MSAS) with The first satellite based radio navigation sys- tests in aviation accomplished in 2007; and tem in the Russian Federation was Tsiklon, India’s Global Positioning System-aided GEO- Augmented Navigation System (GAGAN) 186 F. LYALL, P.B. LARSEN, Space Law. A Treatise, 2009, started in 2008 and expected to complete its Farnham/Burlington, p. 389 (quoting: E. D. KAPLAN, C. operational phase in 2013. HEGARTY, Understanding GPS: Principles and Applica- tions, 2nd ed., Boston, 2005).

ESPI Report 34 78 May 2011 Crucial Elements of European Space Flagship Programmes

Country United Russian European China India Japan States Federation Union GNSS space Global Global Galileo COMPASS Indian Quasi- system Positioning Navigation Regional Zenith System (GPS) Satellite Satellite Satellite System System System (GLONAS) (IRNSS) (QZSS) Number of 30 21+3 27+3 30+5 7 3 Satellites Frequency L1:1575.42 L1:1598.06- E1: 1559- B1: L1: 1576.42 L1:1575. MHz 1604.40MHz 1594MHz 1559.052- MHz 42 MHz L2: 122.76 L2:1242.94- E6:1260- 1591.788 L5:1176.45 L2:1227. MHz 1248.63MHz 1300MHz MHz MHz 6MHz E5a:1164- B2: L5:1176. 1188MHz 1166.22- 45MHz E5b:1195- 1207.37M LEX:1278 1219MHz Hz B3: .75MHz E6:1215- 1250.618- 1300 MHz 1286.423 MHz Accuracy Horizontal 3m 6.2m (95%) Dual fre- 10m 7.6 m Dual- (95%) quency user (95%) frequency Vertical 6m Horizontal 4m user (95%) (99.5%) 6.11m Vertical 8m (95%) (99.5%) Single Single fre- frequency quency user user Horizontal 7.02m 15m (99.9%) (95%) Vertical 35m (99.5%)

Augmentation Wide-Area European Global Posi- Multi- system Augmentation Geostationary tioning functional System Navigation System- Transport (WASS) Overlay Ser- aided GEO- Satellite- vice (EGNOS) Augmented based Accuracy 1-2 Navigation Augmen- m Accuracy System tation 1-2 m (99%) (GAGAN) System (MSAS)

Accuracy 1-2 m Coverage Global Global Global Global Regional Regional India East Asia Status Operational Operational In preparation 5 satellites In prepara- In prepa- with restric- with restric- opera- tion ration tions tions tional Two pre- First satel- First Next Genera- operational In 2007 lite to be satellite tion Next Gen- satellites first satel- launched in launched GPS III eration (Giove-A and lite 2011 in Sep- launches in Glonass-K Giove-B) launched tember 2014 to have demonstra- Compass Expected to 2010 24 satellites tion phase M1 be fully by 2021. from 2010 Asia- operational Expected Pacific by 2014 to be fully coverage opera- by 2011 tional by and full 2013 system completed by 2020 Services C/A code for Using band Open ser- Open Standard Using civil use in L1 L1 and L2 vices. service: position three Band P(Y) with differ- Safety of life for naviga- service; different code for mili- ences in Commercial tion Authorised frequency tary purposes accuracy: services Authorised service bands it used by one for Publicly regu- service: (restricted) also uses

ESPI Report 34 79 May 2011

Country United Russian European China India Japan States Federation Union armed forces normal use lated services Wide area encrypted a band to or govern- the second Search and differential for certain work as a ment and one for rescue service users. GPS some allies. „special“ (1m acc.) augmen- use. short tation (L1 message saif) service within China Compatibility Agreement in Cooperation Coordination Coordina- Coordina- Coordina- and 2004: with completed completed tion is tion at in- tion with interoperability EU with GPS for with GPS and needed ter-agency all the Coordination compatibil- QZSS; with other and plan- other on regular ity; Ongoing operators ning to have providers, meetings with ESA for procedures in the ITU bilateral at bilat- QZSS after a compatibility with frame- agreement eral level joint declara- and interop- GLONASS work, a with others is fos- tion of USA erability multilat- providers. tered. and Japan with Galileo. eral level To achieve Compati- Joint state- is also the interop- bility has ment with consid- erability been Russia work- ered, so talks be- achieved ing groups far coordi- tween the by using going on nation providers working Joint state- meetings are needed. groups ment with have been and in- India held in held with terop- Washington GPS, Gali- erability in 2007 leo, is on his GLONASS way to and QZSS. come.

Table 13: Overview of Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS)187

lite-based positioning, navigation, timing, and 5.1.2 International Committee on GNSS (ICG) value-added services. The International Committee on GNSS (ICG) To achieve this ICG has created working was established in 2005 under the umbrella groups on issues such as the compatibility of of the United Nations. The ultimate goal of the GNSS systems, and interoperability. Until ICG is to achieve compatibility and interop- now, five ICG meetings have been held be- erability of GNSS systems thereby saving tween the Member States and international costs through international cooperation and organizations participating in this initiative. making positioning, navigation, and timing The Member States are: China, European available globally for societal benefits, includ- Commission on behalf of EU, India, Japan, ing monitoring all aspects of environment and 188 Nigeria, Russian Federation, United States of security . It is an informal, voluntary forum America, and Italy. Apart from Member where governments and interested nongov- States many international organization are ernmental entities can discuss all matters 189 present in the plenary meeting and in the regarding GNSS on a worldwide basis . The working groups. These are: Bureau interna- ICG promotes international cooperation on tional des poids et mesures (BIPM); Civil GPS issues of mutual interest related to civil satel- Service Interface Committee (CGSIC); Com- mittee on Space Research (COSPAR); Euro- 187 “Current and planned global and regional navigation pean Space Agency (ESA); IAG Reference satellite systems and satellite-based augmentation sys- Frame Sub-Commission for Europe (EUREF); tems.” United Nations, Office for Outer Space Affairs.2010. Fédération internationale des géomètres New York. < (FIG); International Association of Geodesy df>. (IAG); International Association of Institutes 188 United Nations, General Assembly. Committee on the of Navigation (IAIN); International Carto- Peaceful Uses of Outer Space. Second Meeting of the graphic Association (ICA); International International Committee on Global GNSS Service (IGS); International Telecom- Navigation Satellite Systems. A/AC.105/879, 2006. < munication Union (ITU); Office for Outer 01E.pdf>. Space Affairs; Union radio-scientifique inter- 189International Committee on Global Navigation Satellite nationale (URSI); International EUPOS Steer- Systems. ing Committee (EUPOS). The ICG meets on .

ESPI Report 34 80 May 2011 Crucial Elements of European Space Flagship Programmes

an annual basis, and OOSA acts as the secre- the interoperability and compatibility of the tariat for their meetings. signals. Europe and the USA are already planning cooperation and activities to facili- In the first meeting the ICG adopted a work tate the coexistence of more than one GNSS. plan encompassing the issues of compatibil- It should be noted that in the chart the re- ity, interoperability, implementation of GNSS gional augmentation systems built by the services and information sharing regarding providers to get better performance from non-military navigation systems. As far as existing navigation systems are not consid- compatibility and interoperability are con- ered. cerned, the ICG approved two common defi- nitions. Compatibility is considered as the possibility to use separately, two different 5.1.3 The European Involvement navigation systems, without the possibility of receiving a corrupted signal. Interoperability The European contribution to the GNSS is refers to the possibility of using two or more though Galileo, which will be a global system GNSS signals with the same receiver. The under civilian control offering free services notion of compatibility is related mostly to and additionally having Public Regulated Ser- frequencies and concerns the use of certain vices. Europe also contributes with the bands by providers; whereas interoperability EGNOS augmentation system. Regarding is also related to the downstream market, compatibility and interoperability, Galileo and since the production of specific receivers is up EGNOS have had complete coordination with to the industry, national sellers and re-sellers GPS and WAAS and the first Satellite of of services. The working groups produced QZSS. The U.S and the European Union technical results to facilitate the compatibility signed an agreement in 2004 establishing of the GNSS systems, in particular in relation cooperation between GPS and Galileo on ra- to frequencies. dio frequency compatibility and interoperabil- ity; trade and civil applications; design and One of the most important results was the development of the next generation of sys- establishment of the GNSS Providers Forum, tems; and security issues related to GPS and composed of GNSS service providers. Cur- Galileo. In June 2010 the U.S. and EU made a rently all actors running navigation systems GPS and Galileo combined performance. The are represented in that forum. Normally the combination of GPS and Galileo services pro- Providers forum meets once a year during the vided noteworthy performance improvements plenary meeting of ICG. The main focus of particularly in partially obscured environ- the meeting is to achieve the maximum com- ments, where buildings, trees or terrain block patibility between the providers, and find all large portions of the sky. Dual-frequency the possible ways to achieve global interop- receivers provide additional improvements in erability that will enable customers to use most environments.190 As regards COMPASS only one receiver and get data from all the and Galileo, there have been series of meet- systems. This is not an easy task since the ings between China and Europe. In 2007 the differences in the accuracy of the free service first meeting took place in Beijing regarding can change according to the need of the pro- frequency compatibility coordination. In Sep- vider. tember 2008 there was the first Technical The latest publication of the Provider Forum Working Group meeting on compatibility and is the “Report on Current and Planned Global interoperability in Beijing followed by the and Regional Navigation Satellite Systems second meeting in December 2008 and the and Satellite-based Augmentation Systems”. third in January 2009 in Brussels. Interop- This is based on the declarations of all pro- erability and compatibility issues are of con- viders who furnished the data of their sys- between the two systems and there tems according to four parameters: descrip- discussions are ongoing. Another high level tion of the system time of deployment ser- meeting is expected to take place in 20011. vices and policies for international coopera- The EU and the Russian Federation have tion interoperability and compatibility. Table regular meetings to address the compatibility 3 summarises the results of the Providers and interoperability of GLONASS and Gali- Forum study. The importance of this study is leo/EGNOS and there is a draft agreement that it allows the provider to share informa- under discussion. There are regular technical tion by using the same template and achieve meetings to address compatibility and inter- better knowledge of other GNSS systems, in operability of IRNSS and GAGAN with Galileo order to avoid difficulties once the systems and EGNOS. An agreement between the are fully operational. Europe is one of the providers that are using GNSS for non- military purposes, although a PRS is expected 190 to be operational. The USA is the provider Government of the United States of America and the European Union. Joint Statement. 30 Jul. that has more ongoing activities to facilitate 2010..

ESPI Report 34 81 May 2011

Figure 24: The Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS) societal benefits areas

European Union and India for GNSS is cur- ening and supplementation of existing global rently under negotiation. Earth observation systems192 and later incor- porate future ones. Apart from space based observations GEOSS aims also to incorporate 5.2 International Efforts on in-situ and airborne observations. The building block of GEOSS would be estab- Earth Observation lished earth observation systems with net- works like MARBEF, ALTER-Net, GTOS, 5.2.1 Global Earth Observation System of Sys- GOOS, through countries cooperating as tems (GEOSS) members of United Nations Specialized Agen- cies and Programmes and contributors to the The Global Earth Observation System of Sys- international scientific community. tems (GEOSS) is an effort to integrate exist- The GEOSS principle of cooperation enables ing and future Earth observation systems in a the share of observations and products within “system of systems” in order to provide in- the system and ensures that data is accessi- formation for the benefits of society. In par- ble, compatible and understandable by ticular the purpose is “to achieve comprehen- adopting common standards and adapting to sive, coordinated and sustained observations user needs. Initially nine societal benefits of the Earth system, in order to improve areas have been identified where GEOSS will monitoring of the state of the Earth, increase 193 contribute : understanding of Earth processes, and en- hance prediction of the behaviour of the • Reducing loss of life and property from Earth system” 191. The origin of GEOSS goes natural and human-induced disasters; back to the First Earth Observation Summit • Understanding environmental factors af- convened in Washington, D.C., in July 2003. fecting human health and well-being; The EO summit adopted a Declaration estab- lishing the ad hoc intergovernmental Group • Improving management of energy re- on Earth Observations (ad hoc GEO) to draft sources; a 10-Year Implementation Plan of GEOSS for the period 2005-2015. • Understanding, assessing, predicting, mitigating, and adapting to climate vari- GEOSS aims to build upon existing initiatives ability and change; capturing the success of the Earth observa- tion research programmes, and facilitate their transition to sustained operational use. It will provide institutional mechanisms for ensuring the necessary level of coordination, strength- 192 The Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS) 10-year Implementation plan (As adopted 16 Feb. 2005). 191 The Global Earth Observation System of Systems 193 The Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS) 10-year Implementation plan (As adopted 16 (GEOSS) 10-year Implementation plan (As adopted on 16 Feb. 2005). Feb. 2005).

ESPI Report 34 82 May 2011 Crucial Elements of European Space Flagship Programmes

• Improving water resource management • Implement interoperability amongst ob- through better understanding of the wa- servational, modelling, data assimilation ter cycle; and prediction systems; • Improving weather information, forecast- • Foster research and development activi- ing, and warning; ties and coherent planning for future ob- servation and information systems; • Improving the management and protec- tion of terrestrial, coastal, and marine • Catalyze national, regional and global ecosystems; investments in scientific and technologi- cal advances and innovative approaches • Supporting sustainable agriculture and for upgrading and expanding Earth ob- combating desertification; servations; • Understanding, monitoring, and conserv- • Build the capacity of individuals, institu- ing biodiversity. tions and infrastructures to benefit from The contribution of GEOSS in these areas will and contribute to GEOSS, particularly in also be a step toward the challenges posed in developing countries. the 2002 World Summit on Sustainable De- To complete this programme and create a velopment, including the Millennium Devel- system formed by different systems, data opment Goals (MDG). Additionally, it re- policy and the sharing of information and sponds to the 2008 G8 Summit in Toyako knowledge are essential. The Group has a (Hokkaido, Japan) and the 2009 G8 Summit plenary assembly composed of all the Mem- in L’Aquila (Italy) to accelerate GEOSS efforts ber States and international organizations to meet the growing demand for Earth obser- that are part of the coordination group. The vations. The Group on Earth Observation plenary meets once a year and is in charge of (GEO) implements the GEOSS. approving the work of the working group and giving the general direction to GEO. It has a 5.2.2 Group on Earth Observation (GEO) permanent secretariat that supports all the activities of GEO as well as those of the work- The Group on Earth Observation (GEO) is a ing groups. The agreements decided by con- coordination group that aims to achieve com- sensus during the plenary meeting are car- prehensive, coordinated and sustained Earth ried out by the Executive Co mmittee, which Observation. The group is composed of four is composed of the representatives of the five committees dealing with different aspects of GEO regions present at the plenary session. Earth Observation: architecture data, user The total members of this committee are interface; capacity building, and science and thirteen: three for the Americas, three for technologies. The major project carried out Europe, four for Asia, two representatives by this organization is the Global Earth Ob- from Africa and a representative of the servation System of Systems (GEOSS): using Community of Independent States. The Ple- the different data coming from the individual nary session normally appoints by consensus missions of Member States through an effi- four Co-chairs that have to prepare the work cient data management system and through of both the plenary and the Executive Com- sharing the observation data of our planet, mittee, and report to the Assembly about the could be considered completed and reliable work of other bodies. Normally the five co- information. The Strategic Goals of GEO in chairs are appointed using a rotation system 194 Support of GEOSS are : among the geo-regions, to facilitate proce- • Sustain operation of comprehensive and dures and avoid useless challenges. Funds coordinated Earth observation networks are gathered by GEO through the interna- that meet user requirements in support tional mechanism or by the national contribu- of informed decision making; tion of Member States or Organizations; spe- cific project or initiatives can be funded also • Sustain operations of the shared archi- by other entities not directly involved in the tectural GEOSS components and related group. information infrastructure; The basic document of the group is the “10 • Address the need for timely, global and Year Implementation Plan” adopted in Febru- open data sharing across borders and ary 2005, which sums up the essential steps disciplines, within the framework of na- that must be taken to create an efficient sys- tional policies and international obliga- tem of systems in EO, in a coordinated com- tions, to maximize the value and benefit prehensive and sustained endeavour. The of Earth observation investments; effective actions that the GEO wants to put in place are in the areas of reducing the effect 194 of man-made disasters, managing the re- GEO-VI.. GEOSS Strategic Targets Document 12(Rev1). As accepted at GEO-VI. 17-18 Nov. 2009. sources of the planet including water, im-

ESPI Report 34 83 May 2011

proving the capacity of weather forecasting, GOCE, SMOS and Crysat. Additionally, the protecting the different ecosystems, combat- ESA and FAO developed together the ESA- ing desertification through new agriculture FAP GEOportal as the gateway to the Global and eventually conserving biodiversity. All Earth Observation data, information and ser- these areas of competence are compatible vices. This GEOportal was one of the three with European environmental policy. The EU candidates developed in response to the set has to play an active role in this coordination of requirements from the GEO Secretariat group to contribute to global sustainable de- aiming at the implementation of a GEO Web velopment through an adequate environ- Portal serving the GEO User community. The mental set of measures and enabling tech- GEOportal is now operational and is based on nologies. GMES has been identified as the the GEO data sharing principle for full and European contribution to GEOSS. GMES is a open exchange of data. good example of a system of systems since it combines in situ with space-based data to obtain a comprehensive outcome. The contri- bution of GMES can be summarised by men- 5.3 Europe’s International tioning that it can be used as an example for Cooperation and Bilateral integration and can be considered as a major contributing system to GEOSS. Furthermore Agreements coordinated action of EU Member States from inside GEO (where many of them are mem- bers) can contribute to the way forward for 5.3.1 EU and Africa Europe as one of the major players in envi- The EU-Africa summit, held in December ronmental space-based policy. 2007 in Lisbon, concluded a new Africa-EU strategic partnership, marking a qualitative 5.2.3 European Involvement leap in relations between the two continents. The Joint Africa-EU Strategy provides an The GEOSS with its objective of providing overarching long-term framework for Africa- information for societal benefit in areas such EU relations, while its first action plan speci- as disasters, health, energy, water, weather, fies concrete proposals for 2008-2010, struc- agriculture, biodiversity is at the core of the tured along eight (8) Africa-EU strategic European interest in being able to make in- partnerships. Priority 8 explicitly includes formed decisions for the benefit of its citi- space, but space also covers other priority zens. The involvement of the EU in GEOSS is such as area 6, environment. Rather than via its Framework Programme for research, creating new instruments, the existing ones technological development and demonstra- will have to be streamlined to finance the tion activities (2007-2013)195. There are cur- new partnerships. The second action plan rently various regional and national European covering 2011-2013 maintains the 8 priority contributions to GEOSS196 (e.g. GOS, areas. In both action plans in use, there are COSMO-skyMed), and the future European two initiatives relating to GMES and Galileo GMES will be the contribution at the EU level. and its extension and provisions in Africa. A table with GMES contributing missions can Africa is the continent where the scientific be found in Appendix 2 The various GMES and digital divides are the widest. The Millen- services will represent a significant contribu- nium Development Goals (MDGs) identify the tion from the EU to the GEOSS and will put essential role of science and technology for Europe at the forefront of international coop- socio-economic transformation. Investments eration. GMES has already adopted an open in African scientific capacities have not been access data policy. There are a variety of prioritized and the continent is losing some of research projects that have been funded un- its best scientific and technical expertise to der the FP7 program in support of the GEOSS other regions. It is in this context that the and GMES development of applications in the Africa’s Science and Technology Consolidated nine areas. Plan of Action was developed, consolidating There are already various missions from ESA the African Union (AU) Commission and New that are contributing to GEOSS, such as Partnership for Africa's Development (NEPAD) programmes related to science and technol-

195 ogy capacity building, knowledge production The European Parliament and the Council of the Euro- and technological innovation. pean Union. Decision No 1982/2006/EC of the European Parliament Concerning the Seventh Framework Pro- gramme of the European Community for research, techno- logical development and demonstration activities (2007- 2013) of 18 Dec. 2006. 196“ Earth Observation.” European Commission. .

ESPI Report 34 84 May 2011 Crucial Elements of European Space Flagship Programmes

Figure 25: GEOportal and interaction with other GEOSS components197

technology, environment and energy, among 5.3.2 EU and Brazil others. Concretely, in the field of information technology and telecommunications and the Diplomatic relationships were established use of space technology, the parties recog- between the EU and Brazil in 1960. Several nized that information technology and tele- initiatives have sought to formalize the close communications are vital to the development links between Brazil and European countries of the economy and society. beginning with the Framework Agreement for Cooperation between the European Economic The strategic partnership between EU and Community and Brazil in 1992 . This Frame- Brazil is in both their interests. Several areas work agreement governs the present rela- and sectors at the global, regional and bilat- tionship between them in addition to the EU- eral levels were considered by the European Mercosul Framework Co-operation Agreement Commission for closer cooperation. The fol- (1995) and the Agreement for Scientific and lowing are highlighted: strengthen co- Technological cooperation (2004). operation in all international fora, by consult- ing systematically ahead of important UN and In order to further deepen its ties with Brazil, other meetings; EU and Brazil should cooper- based on their close historical, cultural and ate closely to support and further develop the economic issues, the EU recommended in global non-proliferation regime; raising hu- May 2007 to launch a strategic partnership man rights standards, fostering democracy which was accomplished in June 2007 with and governance; achieving the Millennium the EU-Brazil: Strategic Partnership. Development Goals and promoting regional The 1992 Agreement for Cooperation is a and social development; dialogues on social, short agreement. Under this agreement co- employment and regional policy issues; pro- operation between Brazil and the European tecting the environment; strengthening en- Community is based on respect for democ- ergy cooperation; reinforcing trade and eco- ratic principles and human rights. As con- nomic relations; science, technology and economic cooperation, the focus of innovation: co-operation on the European attention went to industry, the use of natural Satellite Navigation Programme, Galileo, resources (against a background of sustain- should be further intensified through a new able development), data processing, elec- co-operation agreement. tronics, telecommunications, the use of space The Agreement for Scientific and Technologi- cal Cooperation between the European Com-

197 munity and the Federative Republic of Brazil Mirko Albani, Hermann Ludwig Moeller, Jolyon Martin. was signed in 2004 and entered into force in “Position Paper The ESA-FAO GEOportal – Operational Gateway to GEOSS”. European Space Agency. 2007. This agreement is based on the princi-

ESPI Report 34 85 May 2011

ples of mutual benefit based on an overall change through high level measures; for this balance of advantages, reciprocal access to the leaders stated that cooperation should the activities of research and technological focus on a financing mechanism to support development undertaken by each Party and “greener” development in third countries. the appropriate protection of intellectual After several years of Canada’s collaboration property rights. with Europe in space activities, Canada es- Regarding cooperation in the field of space, tablished a formal relationship with ESA in Brazil was invited to participate in the Euro- 1976; only one year after the creation of the pean satellite navigation system, Galileo. agency. Canada joined ESA with an associate Several expressions of interest on various membership in a unique status: it was al- occasions at different levels were demon- lowed to participate in optional programmes strated but no official position was transmit- and its contribution to the General Budget ted to the European Commission. On May was considerably lower. This meant that it 2005 GEONSAT was created, which is an would have voting rights when its financial inter-ministerial group headed by the Brazil- interests were involved. The first agreement ian Space Agency, with the task of preparing between ESA and Canada was signed in 1979 the decision on Brazilian’s participation in the and was to be in force between 1979 and Galileo programme. On 25-26 November 1983. In this cooperation agreement the par- 2009, the Galileo Networking Meeting for ties established Canada’s financial contribu- Industry for Latin America took place. On 4 tion for general studies concerning future April 2011, the European Commission met projects. It was also agreed that its general with the Brazilian Minister of Science and budget contribution would be 1% of ESA’s Technology, to revive cooperation in the global budget. The second cooperation space field. agreement appeared in 1984, which ran until 1988. In this agreement the general budget contribution rose to 3% and all the previous 5.3.3 EU and Canada agreements were reaffirmed. The third Canada is one of the oldest partners of the agreement came in 1989, until 1999. Of the Union. Their cooperation dates back to the three agreements reached between the ESA 1950’s. It started as an economic relationship and Canada, the last one was always ex- and soon became strategic. The EU and Can- cluded from the basic Technology Research ada work together on global challenges such Programme. In 2000, the cooperation as the environment, climate change, energy agreement was renewed and came into force 199 security, non-proliferation of nuclear weap- for ten years . Recently Canada has rein- ons, crisis management, and regional stabil- forced its relations with Europe in the space ity198. In 1976 the EEC and Canada signed a sector. In December 2010 Canada renewed framework agreement on Economic Coopera- the association agreement with ESA. The tion. Later, in 1990, the Declaration on cooperation is now extended until 2020. Transatlantic Relations was adopted. The In the field of scientific and technological main achievement of this document was the cooperation, Canada and the EU signed a establishment of regular periodic meetings at Treaty in 1996200 and amended it in 1999201. Summit level. This was renewed in 1996 by It refers to the 1976 Framework agreement the Political Declaration on EU-Canada rela- and the 1990 Declaration and aims at en- tions. In 2004, at the Ottawa Summit the EU- couraging and facilitating cooperation in fields Canada Partnership Agenda was adopted. The of common interest. The main areas of coop- items highlighted by the 2004 Agenda are: eration identified are: agriculture, including security and effective multilateralism; ad- fisheries; medical and health research; non- vancing global economic prosperity; justice nuclear energy; environment, including earth and home affaires; cooperating in global and observation; forestry; information technolo- regional challenges. In order to advance gies; communication technologies; telematics these, a Dialogue at political level is envis- for economic and social development; min- aged by the Agenda. Canada also takes part in crisis management and international mis- sions along with the EU. The latest EU- Can- 199 Dotto, Lydia. Canada and the European Space Agency. ada Summit took place in May 2010 in Brus- Three Decades of Cooperation. European Space Agency. sels. At this meeting the leaders of both par- 09 May 2011. <>. ties confirmed their commitment to the 200 Council of the European Union.Council Decision con- points listed on the Agenda. Inter alia, they sidering the Conclusions of the Agreemetn for Scientific stressed the will to continue to tackle climate and Technological Cooperation between the European Community and Canada.26 Feb. 1996 201 Amended by the Agreement amending the Agreement 198 for Scientific and Technological Cooperation between the European Community and Canada. OJ L156 of ssdata/en/er/114195.pdf 23/06/1999, p.24.

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eral processing. The forms of cooperation and ment (PCA) was launched in 2007, reflecting the implementation of the treaty are under upon the EU-China Comprehensive Strategic the control of the Joint Science and Tech- Partnership. In 2009, global issues were dis- nologies Cooperation Committee cussed at the 12th EU-China Summit in Nan- jing; these issues included energy and cli- In the 2009 road map for the EC-Canada mate change, energy, resource security, food scientific and technological cooperation security, and environment. In 2010, China agreement in the field of space, the following and the EU furthered their bilateral relations co-operation areas were identified: in foreign affairs, security matters and global GMES/Earth observation (particular interest challenges, including climate change. The in ice and coastal monitoring and forest man- latest EU-China Summit took place in Brus- agement), noting that Canada is already par- sels on 6 October 2010. Regarding climate ticipating in the Sentinels programme via change, the partnership was established in ESA; integration of SatCom/SatNav with 2005 at the EU-China Summit, focusing on GMES; GMES and Climate Change; Space clean energy technology of “zero emissions”. Science and Exploration; Space Situational In science and technology, in 1998 they Awareness and reducing the vulnerability of signed a cooperation agreement that was Space Assets – Space Weather, Space De- renewed at the Nanjing Summit, and con- bris202. In the area of global navigation Can- cerns research under FP7 (2007-2013). China ada does not have its own navigation system has also participated in the flagship Galileo but in the past had already expressed inter- project as part of the sectoral agreement and est in cooperating with Europe in the devel- dialogue under the S&T Cooperation. opment of Galileo. This interest was reaf- firmed in the 2009 road map where Canada expressed its interest to pursue discussions 5.3.5 EU and India with the Commission to secure a continuing role in the development and operationaliza- The relationship between the EU and India tion of Galileo. Canada can take part in pro- dates back to the 1960’s. In 1993, a joint jects funded by the European Union via the political statement was issued and a Coop- Framework Programmes. Therefore Canada eration Agreement was signed in 1994, which has taken part in more then 80 projects, gave the legislative framework for mutual some of which are related to GMES. In par- cooperation. In 2004, India became EU’s ticular it participates though FP7 in projects strategic partner, and in 2005, they adopted aiming to develop services for GMES (e.g My a Joint Action Plan that was revised in 2008. Ocean203). Moreover Canada has offered the It included the implementation of the joint data from certain national missions as contri- work programme on climate change adopted bution to the dataset of GMES. In particular during the last summit in 2008. The joint Canada is providing data from Radarsat1 and Country Strategy Paper for India 2007-2013 Radarsat2. This data is an all time imagery of considers issues such as: the environment the earth surface produced by synthetic aper- considering environmental resources, estab- ture radar. lishing environmental standards, and promot- ing environmental certification and indicators; and developing institutional capacity and 5.3.4 The EU and China technical responses for climate change, waste, water issues, etc. In implementation, China and the EU are the second largest trad- the action plan earmarked funding for eco- ing partners after the US. China is the EU’s nomic policy dialogue and cooperation in biggest trading partner and the EU’s largest sectors including transport, environment, source of imports. The relationship between science and technology, and space technol- China and the EU was initiated in 1975, which ogy. led to the entering into of the 1985 EU-China Trade Cooperation Agreement (TCA). The comprehensive EU-China strategic partner- 5.3.6 The EU and Israel ship was launched in 2003, and was followed by the communication “EU-China: Closer The EU and Israel have a long history of suc- Partners, Growing Responsibilities”. In 2003, cessful scientific and technological coopera- 204 China released a White Paper on relations tion . The main programme in which Israel with the EU which was the first ever released participates is the EU Research and Techno- paper with a foreign partner. The new EU- logical Development Framework Programme China Partnership and Cooperation Agree- (FP).

202 EC-Canada Scientific and Technological Cooperation Agreement Road Map Document. Jul. 2009 23 Apr.2011. 204European Union-Delegation of EU to Israel- 9 Jan..2011 203 Aimed at creating the infrastructure to deliver the data .

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Since 1996, Israel has been the only non- • Strengthen the environmental dimension European country associated with the of public policy and EU-Israel co- Framework Programmes. The most recent of operation: promotion of sustainable de- the agreements that govern Israel's partici- velopment policies and actions, including pation in the programmes was signed in July on climate change and water pollution 2007, and provides Israeli researchers, uni- The strong cooperation of Israel with Europe versities and companies with full access to for the environment and in particular in rela- the 7th RTD Framework Programme (FP7). In tion to GMES is achieved through its partici- addition, Israeli representatives participate as pation in the Framework Programme of the observers in the FP7 implementing commit- EU. tees and bodies. Israel is set to contribute over €440 million to the €50 billion budget of In 2005, Israel became a member of the the FP7. There are a number of other EU and Galileo Joint Undertaking. Israel committed to European programmes and instruments for contribute EUR 18 million to the Galileo Joint scientific cooperation in which Israeli entities Undertaking for activities in the development may participate. phase of the Galileo Programme. This agree- ment provides for co-operative activities on The EU's relations with Israel are governed satellite navigation and timing in a wide by the EU-Israel Association Agreement, range of sectors, notably science and tech- which has been in force since 2000. The nology, industrial manufacturing, service and Agreement includes a section on environ- market development, as well as standardisa- mental cooperation and provides for regular tion, frequencies and certification. formal meetings. The European Neighbour- hood Policy came into force in 2004, and provided a framework for the deepening of 5.3.7 The EU and Japan the EU's relations with its Mediterranean and Eastern European neighbours. The European Union and Japan are commit- ted to building a cooperative global partner- The central element of the European ship, in order to move forward on their posi- 205206 Neighbourhood Policy (ENP) is the bilat- tions as leading world economic powers and eral ENP Action Plan agreed between the EU to shape developments in a mutually benefi- and each partner. The action plan includes cial way. The first step that led to this coop- the following priorities: eration dates back to 1991, with the signing • Promote co-operation in transport, en- of the Joint Declaration between Japan and ergy and telecom networks: in the trans- the European Community and its Member 207 port field, co-operation in the Galileo ini- States . This Joint Declaration constituted tiative in particular and in the areas of an agreement between both parties, setting air, maritime and road safety; in the en- the principles and the objectives of integrated ergy sector, exploring gradual conver- dialogue and cooperation and it also provided gence towards the principles of the EU a framework for meetings between the Presi- internal electricity and gas markets, de- dent of the European Council, the President velopment of energy networks and re- of the European Commission and the Japa- gional co-operation; in the science and nese Prime Minister, at high or ministerial technology area, promote the informa- level. Furthermore, the Declaration initiated a tion society through the use of new tech- political dialogue and the strengthening of nologies and electronic means of com- trade, economic, and cooperation on common munications by businesses, government and global challenges. and citizens, as well as strengthening The second step towards intensive coopera- scientific and business links tion, due to a steady bilateral political dia- logue, is anchored in the Action Plan of 2001208. This Action Plan, a result-oriented 205Commission of the European Communities. Communi- cation from the Commission to the Council and the Euro- partnership over a ten-year period, has many pean Parliament on Wider Europe — Neighbourhood: A objectives including: promoting peace and New Framework for Relations with our Eastern and South- security: arms control, disarmament, democ- ern Neighbours.COM (2003) 104 final 11Mar.2003 < racy, peace building and human rights; http://eur- 104:FIN:EN:PDF>. 207“Joint Declaration on Relations between the European 206Commission of the European Communities. Communi- Community and its Member States and Japan.” 18 Jul. cation from the Commission to the Council Communication 1998. . from the Commission to the Council on the Commission . Neighbourhood Policy (ENP).COM (2004) 795 final of 9 208European Union. Shaping our Common Future an Ac- Dec.2004 < http://eur- tion Plan for EU-Japan Cooperation.2001. Brussels. >.

ESPI Report 34 88 May 2011 Crucial Elements of European Space Flagship Programmes

strengthening the economic and trade part- firmed in the last annual EU-Japan Summit nership: encouraging the bilateral trade and Joint Statement213, in June 2010. Investment partnership, strengthening coop- Along with Galileo, Japan is developing the eration on information and communication Multi-functional Transport Satellite (MTSAT) technology; coping with global and societal Satellite-based Augmentation System challenges; bringing people and cultures to- (MSAS), which also complies with ICAO stan- gether. dards and recommended practices. MSAS Along with this Action Plan, the EU and Japan was created to provide navigation service for recognized that Science and Technology were aircraft within Japanese airspace. On the key elements for enhancing competitiveness other hand, Japan also owns a regional as well as for sustainable economic and social space-based, all-weather, continuous posi- development. EU-Japan cooperation can help tioning, navigation and timing system that address major scientific, industrial and socie- provides signals for GPS - Quasi-Zenith Satel- tal issues and be of mutual benefit to our lite System214. This system is a three-satellite societies. Since then, the scientific and tech- regional time transfer system and enhance- nological relations between the parties have ment for the Global Positioning System215. been improved. The European Union and its The QZSS was designed to reach compatibil- partners became aware that Japan has high- ity and interoperability with other systems. level scientists and research institutions, as For example, QZSS signals were successfully well as innovative companies of huge poten- designed as GPS common signals and they tial. For this reason, Japan was invited to are fully interoperable and compatible. Con- participate in the EU 6th Framework Pro- cerning Galileo, JAXA and the European Union gramme for Research (FP6)209 as well as the have met six times to assure compatibility EU 7th Framework Programme for Research between Galileo and QZSS but the process is (FP7)210. For the FP7, the European Commis- not yet complete. sion proposed a seven years duration project The European Space Agency has established (2007 to 2013), and a structure based on cooperative relations with Japan. One of the four specific programmes: Cooperation, most important agreements dates from 1998 Ideas, People and Capacities. and was signed in Washington: The Inter- From an economic point of view, the EU and Governmental Agreement (ICA) concerning Japan continue to work bilaterally on market- cooperation on the civil international space access restrictions. However, the main focus station. Japan was the first partner to deposit has changed to investment-related issues its instrument of ratification216. and regulatory matters. The Regulatory Re- form Dialogue (RRD)211 has taken place, an- nually, since 1994, in which both parties pre- 5.3.8 The EU and Mexico sent specific proposals for deregulation. From Mexico was the first Latin American Country the EU side these include issues such as tele- to enter into cooperation with the European communications, air and sea transport, for- Union. In 1997 the “Economic Partnership, eign direct investment, etc. Japan raises is- Political Coordination and Cooperation sues such as environmental legislation, ac- Agreement” was signed, however it only en- counting standards, work and residence per- tered into force in 2000. This instrument was mits. the basis for cooperation in certain areas More recently, at the EU-Japan summit in inter alia: social cohesion, justice and human 2004, the Cooperation Framework for Two- rights, sustainable development, science and Way Investment Promotion212 was signed. All of the values hitherto outlined were reaf-

213 EU-Japan Summit Joint Statement. EU News 12/2010. . 214 Pagkratis, Spyros. “Space Policies, Issues and Trends in 2009/2010.” European Space Policy Institute, Report 23. 209 The EU 6th Framework Programme for Research Jun 2010. (FP6). 215 United Nations, Office for Outer Space Affairs, Interna- . and Regional Navigation Satellite Systems and Satellite- 210The EU 7th Framework Programme for Research based Augmentation Systems United Nations - Office for (FP7) Outer Space Affairs, 2010 < . 211 The EU-Japan Regulatory Reform Dialogue (RRD) df>. . 216 Farand, A. The Space Station Cooperation Framework. 212Cooperation Framework for Promotion of Japan-EU European Space Agency. Two-Way Investment. . .

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technology, education and culture217 In 2008 jara (2004), the political support of the re- the Commission proposed a Communication gional group to Galileo was confirmed. Also in order to begin a strategic cooperation with information days about Galileo have been Mexico218. This document set up the frame- held in Mexico222. The cooperation is also work to strengthen relations between the more concrete using the Galileo Information Parties at both bilateral and multilateral lev- Centre for Latin America. This Centre aims to els. The Commission defined Mexico as a support the use of Galileo in this region and “Like-minded Country”219 and on this basis to strengthen the links between the stake- proposed the adoption of a strategic Coop- holders in GNSS activity223. eration. Cooperation is designed with a two The GMES programme can be useful in many level approach in order to take into consid- areas of the Mexico-EU agreement; in par- eration the former relations established under ticular GMES can help face the issues of the the Agreement of 1997 and to integrate the environment and sustainable development, latter with the new institution of a Partner- and human security. Mexico is currently tak- ship. In order to implement the Cooperation ing part in two projects related to the devel- between the actors, the Council prepared the opment of GMES and financed via the EU Mexico – European Union Strategic Partner- FP7. The first project, called SIRIUS, aims to ship Joint Executive Plan220. create efficient water resource management In the area of research, in 2004 the EU and in water-scarce environments. In particular Mexico signed an agreement to establish this project focus on the use of water for food cooperation on the principles of mutual bene- production to develop a sustainable agricul- fit and exchange of information. A steering tural system224. Mexico is also involved in Committee for the implementation of this RECOVER. This project aims to manage and agreement was established. This agreement control deforestation and the degradation of envisages also the participation of Mexican forests all over the world using the integrated researchers and institutions in the Framework data of an EO system225. Programmes221. Mexico is taking part in FP7 under the provision of the treaty of 2004. About forty projects have been founded via 5.3.9 The EU and Russia the FP7 in different areas of research, two of Russia is the EU’s third biggest trade partner which were devoted to the application of after the United States and China. Coopera- GMES technologies. tion between the Union and Russia currently Mexico does not have a GNSS system; how- revolves around specific areas including: eco- ever relations with the EU have been carried nomic issues and environment; freedom, out in the framework of the EU Latin America security and justice; external security; re- Summit. During the Summit held in Guadala- search and education. Their cooperation deals with a number of issues dealing with climate change, drugs and human trafficking, organ- 217 Economic Partnership, Political Coordination and Coop- ised crime, counter terrorism, non- eration Agreement between the European proliferation, the Middle East peace process Community and its Member States, of the one part, and the United Mexican States of the other and Iran. The Partnership and Cooperation Part. 3 Feb. 2004. OJ L 290/20 < http://eur- Agreement (PCA) between the EU and Russia 76:0045:0061:EN:PDF>. 218Commission of the European Communities. Communi- 222 Francisco Salabert: European Union cooperation activi- cation from the Commission to the Council and the ties with Latin America on GNSS. Galileo Joint Undertak- European Parliament: Towards an EU-Mexico Strategic ing December 2005 Partnership. COM(2008) 447 final of 15 Jul. 2008 Brus- . sels. %20Cooperation%20activities%20with%20%20Latin%20A . merica.pdf page 2 219Commission of the European Communities. Communi- 223GNSS Supervisory Authority GALILEO Information cation from the Commission to the Council and the Centre for Latin America 20Apr. 2011 European Parliament: Towards an EU-Mexico Strategic Partnership. COM (2008) 447 final of 15 Jul. 2008 Brus- operation/galileo-information-centre-for-latin- sels.p5. 224Sustainable Irrigation water management and River- 220Council of the European Union. Mexico – European basin governance: Implementing User-driven Services Union Strategic Partnership Joint Executive Plan. 9820/10 (SIRIUS) 20 Apr. 2011 PRESSE 126 Comillas, 16 May. 2010 . d2e1:4b4c8d1e&RCN=96852 221Agreement for Scientific and Technological Cooperation 225Science based remote sensing services to support between the European Community and the United Mexi- REDD and sustainable forest management in tropical can States. Brussels 3 Feb. 2004 . OJ of 4.11.2005 L region (RECOVER) 290/17 . 239a:4ecb7040&RCN=96835

ESPI Report 34 90 May 2011 Crucial Elements of European Space Flagship Programmes

was signed in 1994, and was amended in including terrorism, crime, proliferation, envi- 2007226. There is a financial cooperation pro- ronment. gramme to support the common activities. The European Commission came forward with New negotiations for an updated agreement the Strategy Framework for International between Russia and the EU were initiated in Science & Technology Cooperation to June 2008, at the Khanty-Mansyisk summit. strengthen the international dimension of the After the EU-Russia summit in on 10 European Research area. Major scientific May 2005, a roadmap for the creation of the challenges are increasingly global which ar- EU-Russia Common Spaces was adopted gues for an increased emphasis on interna- which resulted in an agreement for EU-Russia tional science and technology cooperation. In dialogue on space cooperation. This was later 1997 the parties signed, an Agreement for signed on 10 March 2006, in Brussels be- scientific and technological cooperation be- tween the European Commission, the Euro- tween the European Community and the pean Space Agency and the Russian Federal Government of the United States of America - Space Agency. The areas of the strategic Intellectual property, which would enter into dialogue focus on space applications; in par- force in 1998. This agreement encouraged ticular they focus on: earth observation, the parties to develop and facilitate coopera- Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS), tive activities in fields of common interest satellite communications; access to space where they pursued research and develop- and space transport systems; space explora- ment activities in science and technology. It tion and the use of the International Space remained in force until 2008. Station (ISS); and space technologies devel- U.S.-EU. space cooperation is based on the opment. Agreement signed on 26 June 2004 between Regarding GMES, GEOSS, and GNSS, the the Government of the United States of following objectives were specified: America and the European Community on the promotion, provision and use of Galileo and • Provide an appropriate environment for GPS satellite-based navigation systems and fruitful cooperation in satellite communi- related applications. Following the US-EU cation and Earth Observation, in particu- Summit in 2005, the US and EU initiated a lar in relation to the Global Monitoring for “Dialogue on Civil Space Cooperation”, Environment and Security (GMES) pro- whereby both parties agreed to promote co- gramme and for joint projects in satellite operation in space applications in key areas, communication including: earth observation (GMES), satellite • Enhance and strengthen cooperation on navigation (Galileo, GPS), and to provide GNSS on compatibility and interoperabil- support to developing countries for space ity, in particular between the Galileo and related activities. In 2008 the first US-EU GLONASS system, and create favourable Plenary meeting on satellite navigation was conditions for industrial and technical co- held in Washington. Additionally, the 2009 operation for this purpose. ‘roadmap’ document sets the basis for scien- tific and technological cooperation between • Coordinate the EU and Russian positions them, which also includes issues regarding towards the implementations of the space, earth observation, security and Gali- space component of the Global Earth Ob- leo. A EU-US Joint Statement on Galileo/GPS servation System of the Systems continuing cooperation to ensure interopera- (GEOSS) bility was signed in October 2008. An initial phase of consultations between the EU and 5.3.10 The EU and the United States US affirming user interoperability and en- hanced performance of combined GPS and The United States of America and the Euro- Galileo receivers was concluded in July 2010. pean Union have the largest bilateral trade The result of these consultations in the Work- agreement in the world. Diplomatic relations ing Group meeting was the release of two between the U.S. and the EU date back to papers, the Combined Performances for SBAS 1953, but the formal cooperation was establ- Receivers Using WAAS and EGNOS and the sihed in the Transatlantic Declaration in Combined Performances for Open 1990. The New Agenda of 1995 provides the GPS/Galileo Receivers. foundations of this relationship. The princi- ples of the partnership are economic coop- In April 2010, transatlantic cooperation in eration; education, scientific and cultural Earth Observation was discussed, specifically cooperation; and transnational challenges the need to promote full and open exchange of civil Earth Observation data and geospatial dialogue. At the end of this meeting, it was agreed to organize an EU-US workshop in 226OJ L 119, 9.5.2007 order to identify areas for cooperation in the

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use of space infrastructures and applications ESA plays a role in all the areas that form the to fight climate change. Additionally, transat- six programmatic pillars for transatlantic co- lantic cooperation was extended to space operation, which are Space science, human situational awareness, to protect critical spaceflight, satellite navigation, meteorology, space infrastructure through tracking of Earth science and Earth observation and space debris and monitoring of space Space exploration. Currently, ESA has the weather, where the main actors were: The National Aeronautics and Space Administra- European Space Agency and EUMESTSAT tion (NASA), the National Oceanic Atmos- (European Organisation for the Exploitation of pheric Administration (NOAA) and the US Meteorological Satellites) on the European Geological Survey (USGS) as main partners, side, and NASA (National Aeronautics and although it maintains contact with the US Space Administration), NOAA (National Ocean government. In March 2007, an agreement and Atmospheric Administration) and USGS was signed by ESA and NASA to extend their (U.S. Geological Survey) on the U.S. side. cooperation in the areas of satellite tracking, Four working groups and an annual plenary spacecraft navigation and mission operations. meeting were set up on satellite navigation to In May 2008, ESA used Mars Express to address trade and civil applications, radio monitor and record the entry and descent of frequency compatibility and interoperability, NASA’s Phoenix mission to Mars. Another cooperation on the next generation of civil example of cooperation is Europe’s regular satellite-based navigation and timing sys- use of orbital object data supplied by the US tems, security issues relating to GPS and Space Surveillance Network. Galileo.

ESPI Report 34 92 May 2011 Crucial Elements of European Space Flagship Programmes

6. Conclusions and Recommendations

First and foremost, it needs them for the Union’s and its Member States non- 6.1 The Setting dependence on third parties for strategic infrastructure. The use of positioning and The Member States of the European Union navigation and earth observation systems have longstanding cooperation in the field of have become today an indispensable part of space that dates back to the early sixties with everyday life and are used as an essential the creation of the European Launcher Devel- component to perform many of our routine opment Organization (ELDO) and the Euro- daily and economic activities e.g. banking, pean Space Research Organization (ESRO), railways and aeronautics, rail and road traffic, the predecessors of the European Space search and rescue, etc. One often hears “Why Agency (ESA). Through ESA the Members does Europe need Galileo when there is States have achieved more than thirty-five GPS?” and the answer is that for such an years of successful collaboration and obtained essential infrastructure element, one needs experience in developing and launching satel- to rely on European controlled systems and lites for their common objectives. In their not foreign military controlled systems. Even space endeavours they have succeeded though it is unlikely that the US or Russia will amongst others in the development of turn off the signals to Europe227, the need for Europe’s capabilities and independence in the a system that is controlled by the Union and field of weather forecasting and satellite its Member States is essential and the guar- communications with EUMETSAT and anteed interoperability with other GNSS will EUTELSAT, placing Europe at the forefront of also achieve redundancy and better quality of the international community. service. In 1998 the European Commission started its The second reason is that due to the trans- involvement in the space field with the birth verse nature of space, the two flagship pro- of Europe’s two flagship programmes: Galileo grammes are important for drawing up and (and its augmentation system EGNOS) and realizing various European policies such as GMES. These projects are essential political agriculture, energy, environment, external, and economic milestones for the non- fisheries, regional development, transport, dependence and sovereignty of Europe’s etc. These infrastructure assets can provide Member States and the Union as a whole. the decision makers at European, national They will enable non-dependence on third and regional level with the necessary infor- party assets that are essential for drawing up mation to make informed decisions. They can and implementing core policy elements. In assist in real-time monitoring of the progress developing Galileo/EGNOS the Commission of the policy implementation and enable fast made efforts that did not go as planned and corrective measures. These assets are part of various corrective actions had to be imple- the developing market of downstream appli- mented. At various times this has resulted in cations and can support Europe in achieving negative media coverage of Galileo which has its Europe 2020 goals to become a “smart, diverted the public (general public and deci- sustainable and inclusive growth economy” sion makers) from the fundamental questions of the need for Europe’s flagship pro- 227 Examples of problems with GPS: 1) During the 1999 grammes. Additionally, miscalculations re- Kosovo conflict the US military 'manipulated' GPS to sup- garding the costs, inappropriate studies re- port military operations; 2) On 6 Mar. 2011, in San Diego, garding the market share and speculation California, there was disruption in ATM banking, traffic about the economic benefits have also been management etc. when the GPS signal failed. This was misleading. The main need for these flagship due to the fact that the satellite signal was of low quality. projects is not economic as is often pro- . jected, neither is it technological superiority. 3) Jamming devices can be developed with off the shelf Europe needs to support the completion of components that can jam the signal of GPS and cause these flagship programmes for three main major disruptions. Galileo can be used for redundancy to reasons. GPS ensuring signal integrity. In particular PRS users will be able to have an undisturbed sig- nal..

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and contribute to the five identified objectives that would result in higher costs and discon- on innovation, employment, education, social tinuity of policies. European citizens support inclusion and climate change. the two flagships in large numbers; in par- ticular, 91% support the importance of The third reason is the role of Europe and its Europe developing earth observation systems Member States vis-à-vis the international to monitor our environment including natural community. When Europe announced its in- disasters, 67% to improve citizen’s security tention to develop Galileo back in 1998 it and 67% the importance of developing an triggered a series of events. The United independent “European GPS” system. This States improved the quality of the GPS signal gives politicians and decision makers at for civilian use and sped up the development European, national and regional level the of the future generation of GPS. The Chinese mandate to safeguard the two programmes. also announced their intention of developing It is important though that the right financial, their own system, Compass, with its first governance and legal mechanisms are put in MEO satellite Compass M1 being launched in place to ensure the success of the pro- 2007 and expected to be completed between grammes. Europe is in need of a comprehen- 2015 and 2020. The Indian local system sive mapping of European policies in relation IRNSS is planned to be operational by 2014. to the benefits the two flagship programmes Additionally, there has been an international can bring. This study provided a list of objec- effort to make current and future systems tives for the relevant European policies and interoperable and compatible. Furthermore, indications of how the two flagship pro- GMES Europe and the scientific community of grammes can assist in fulfilling them. Addi- its Member States are at the forefront of sci- tionally the relationship between Europe and entific and technological excellence. GMES is its international strategic partners was inves- the European contribution to the international tigated. From the information gathered a community for the Global Earth Observation political, economic, social, technological and Systems of Systems (GEOSS). Once the legal environmental factor analysis is used as GMES system will be completed, Europe will a tool to draw policy recommendations. have the most comprehensive space-based data collection system in the world. It will assist Europe in supporting its external poli- cies particularly in development aid, disaster 6.2 Analysis and Recom- management in various countries including neighbouring Africa and will contribute to mendations by External Europe’s humanitarian image vis-à-vis the Factor international community. It will also assist Europe fulfil its international obligations e.g. Kyoto. Thus, Europe has been exposed to- Political wards the international community with its initial ambitions and has raised the expecta- The Galileo development as a core infrastruc- tions of international partners. If Europe fails ture reflects Europe’s political ambitions for to live up to the expectations raised interna- non-dependence on third parties and its in- tionally this could potentially harm the integ- terest in boosting competitiveness. At the rity of the Union and its Member States in the time when the decision was made to develop international community. Galileo, only USA GPS and Russian Glonas were available. European ambitions stimu- The European Union has taken an important lated other countries like China and India to step with its political decision to include space also develop their own system. Additionally, as part of the Union’s shared competence in it encouraged the USA to offer a more accu- the Lisbon Treaty. Already, Regulation rate signal for civilian use of its military sys- 683/2008 put in place an autonomous satel- tem and the development of the next genera- lite navigation system under EU ownership tion GPS which would have comparable tech- and management. The Global Monitoring for nical characteristics to Galileo. Insufficient Environment and Security (GMES) is also experience at the EC level and in political under the Union’s control. Additionally, in planning resulted in an inappropriate choice December 2010 it was decided to establish a of governance scheme and financing mecha- User Forum for GMES and the first meeting nisms. This resulted in failing to smoothly took place in January 2011 to identify the top meet objectives and this in turn has resulted down needs GMES can fulfil. Even though it in much political dissatisfaction and mistrust has taken more time than expected for in the bodies responsible - EC and ESA. It streamlining the flagship programmes, it is was overlooked that ESA is a technical entity now time to implement the lessons learned with successful stories of development, im- and ensure the success of the two pro- plementation, operation and exploitation ini- grammes while avoiding additional delays tially for ESA and consequently for other es-

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tablished bodies like EUMETSAT and examined, beyond what has been done EUTELSAT. The Commission was a newcomer today. The policy objectives need to be in the space sector without sufficient experi- translated into concrete applications with ence or appropriate management structure action plans for implementation. for dealing with large-scale infrastructure • Enhance cooperation and coordination programmes. Nevertheless, since 2008 the between the EU and Member States. The programme has resumed with encouraging EU and the Member States should work progress. It is now fully financed by commu- together in coordinating their needs and nity money under the responsibility of the jointly developing applications projects to Union with ESA as the technical implementa- utilize the potential of the flagship appli- tion body and GSA as the body that will han- cations to meet policy objectives and im- dle market development. The GMES flagship prove the life of citizens. programme started after Galileo, with great strategic importance related to the role of the • Enhance uptake by the users. The users Union and its Member States as a global ac- need to become more informed of the tor. The GMES is the European contribution to benefits of the flagship programmes and the international community is supported by to be supported to use them. User fo- the national missions and aspires to provide a rums can be used as a tool and need to complete system providing services that can be strengthened to include representa- assist Europe in the implementation of its tives of all stake holders. policies as well as its international obligations in relation to the environment and climate • Ensure successful governance. Decision change, e.g. Kyoto. A very important compo- makers must ensure and safeguard the nent in Europe’s international obligations is success of the programmes and promote contributing GMES for Africa and assisting in the need for a successful governance the sustainable development of the continent scheme end-to-end taking into consid- to achieve the Millennium Development eration the different time frames in the Goals. When GMES is completed it will com- development of the programmes. prise the most comprehensive space-based • Confirm International commitments. The data collection system in the world and will Union and its Member States should en- show internationally how well Europe and its sure the programmes are fulfilled to sup- Member States can work together. Today, the port the political commitments made to full funding of the two programmes and the the international community e.g. Kyoto, cost of its day-to-day operations after de- EU and Africa with GMES for Africa and ployment has not been secured. The financial EGNOS for Africa etc. crisis and overall financial tightening in the European budget and its member states is posing threats to the completion of the pro- Economic grammes. Additionally the negative publicity Political backing to the two flagship pro- Galileo has received in the media has harmed grammes certainly helped save Galileo when the reputation of the programmes. The fun- the public-private partnership (PPP) failed damental ideas represented by these pro- and has helped GMES move forwards. Unfor- grammes are backed by the European citi- tunately, miscalculations and speculation zens as statistics show giving sufficient “go regarding the market share of the two flag- ahead” to decision makers. The recommen- ships and commercial revenues have dam- dations are: aged the image of the projects. It has to be • Confirm political commitment. Politicians recognised that the main customers of these and decision makers at European, na- programmes are mainly institutitional users - tional and local level need to confirm this may change in the future but should not their political commitment to the need be a basis for calculations. The market need for the flagship programmes as part of for navigation, positioning and earth observa- essential infrastructure in Europe for tion data is increasing, but the return on in- non-dependence when it comes to stra- vestment for these programmes should be tegic assets. considered as the indirect return via down- stream applications and social benefits. Un- • Capture adequately the policy objectives fortunately, the full financing of the two pro- that the flagships can serve. The flag- grammes today is not guaranteed from de- ships can serve various policy objectives velopment to continuous operations. GMES is in all main policy areas of the Union and the only programme that has funds to build those of its Member States, like agricul- the satellites, launch, access and integrate to ture, energy, environment, fisheries, for- Member States missions but does not have eign, regional development, transport, money for the operational phase. Galileo is in security, etc. These should be thoroughly a similar situation where not even the full

ESPI Report 34 95 May 2011

constellation of satellites is guaranteed. It is Social important that the financing of the pro- grammes is guaranteed throughout their Space infrastructure like Galileo and GMES operation in order not to waste the invest- and their applications can assist decision ment already made and increase cost over- makers and European citizens in improving runs. Failure to ensure this will have an im- everyday life by providing solutions in trans- pact on data gaps, polices, jobs, businesses port, disaster management, health, working as well as the image of Europe vis-à-vis the conditions, urban development, energy, envi- international community. The recommenda- ronment, safety, etc. There is mostly insuffi- tions are: cient or misleading communication regarding these projects. Often the identification of • Ensure continuation of the financial in- Galileo/EGNOS and GMES as the European struments. The funding provided by the systems for navigation, positioning and earth European Union, the European Space observation is lacking. Where the public does Agency and Member States should be identify e.g. Galileo they often associate it aligned and the financing should be with media stories expressing negative views guaranteed for the programmes’ full de- about the programmes. This is due to the fact velopment, deployment and basic opera- that there are inconsistent and insufficient tions. communication channels used to inform citi- zens about the projects, their rationale, use- • Implement financial mechanisms stimu- fulness and the direct benefits that citizens lating the development of innovative will be able to enjoy once fully functional. The downstream applications. The market for recommendations are: navigation positioning and earth obser- vation data is growing constantly. Finan- • Increase awareness and enhance com- cial mechanisms stimulating the devel- munication. The European Commission, opment of novel downstream applica- national and local governments as well tions should be implemented. They as user communities and industry should should be based on public-private part- develop appropriate communication nerships or by the involvement of in- strategies to provide correct and accu- vestment banks. The expression of inter- rate information about the flagship pro- est should be based on assessed busi- grammes to avoid misinformation by ness models. The additional risk of such media. The media should also be fed with development should not be borne by the correct and official information on a con- Union but by private entities. tinuous basis. Such communication mechanisms could be seminars, work- • Investigate the implementation of alter- shops, open days to industrial sites, ex- native funding mechanisms. The funding hibitions of successfully implemented of such infrastructure should be fully projects like EGNOS, information days, through governmental investment and competitions, local information centres, lessons learned from the failed PPP radio and TV advertisements. should be taken into consideration. If additional funding is required for the de- • Demonstrate public benefits with exam- ployment of the full constellation, then ples. Successful projects that have been the Member States whose industries are developed using the flagships and pro- the main developers could contribute the vide benefits to citizens need to be additional budget. The operational phase showcased. It is important to demon- requires continuous yearly funding strate with real examples the benefits throughout the duration of operations. As and advantage to the actors in the value was the casewith the development and chain. operations of EUMETSAT and Eutelsat, different funding schemes can be used • Enhance the involvement of the user during the operation phase. As the larg- community. European citizens should be est customer is the government a yearly involved in the exploitation of these flag- contribution should be made to cover the ships and the downstream applications. main costs. Furthermore, once deploy- The free and open availability of data ment and basic operations are secured, should be emphasized. There are various the further development stages of the volunteer organizations that could bene- programmes, in particular related to ex- fit from use navigation, positioning and ploitation, could be implemented through earth observation data for their work. different financing schemes. One area that can benefit is civil protec- tion with volunteers in fire fighters, po- lice, border watchers, search and rescue, etc. This could also possibly foster inno-

ESPI Report 34 96 May 2011 Crucial Elements of European Space Flagship Programmes

vative ways of using the information quirements for further development to from the flagship programmes. serve their needs. This can be done though user forums with participation from industry and research and devel- Technological opment institutions. EGNOS is now operational, Galileo is one step • Ensure compatibility, interoperability, before being launched and GMES is at the standardization and certification. Efforts critical transition stage from technology de- for compatibility, interoperability and velopment to operations. The technology standardization between operators and development of downstream applications has service providers should be continued been made using mostly community funding both in the area of GNSS as well as earth e.g. FP6, FP7, national funding and ESA. The observation systems. Additionally, dis- industry has also made some investment in cussions with China over frequency allo- this area. In the areas of GMES research and cation should be continued. technology development and data exchange between the communities there is excellent • Evaluation of projects and prioritization collaboration and utilization. EGNOS has also according to potential. Various pilot pro- demonstrated successful stories with its use jects of technology demonstration have by 80.000 farmers228. Nevertheless, regard- been developed in particular regarding ing downstream applications, the majority of downstream applications of the flagship these projects are still at the pilot phase. programmes. An in-depth evaluation There has been little assessment of the level should be performed and the projects of maturity of projects and of their market that have potential should be further de- potential. There are also various applications veloped to an operational phase either that could be developed using both naviga- through the community or industry. tion, positioning as well as earth observation data and this needs to be further exploited Legal through integrated applications. Galileo and GMES have undergone several • Increase development of integrated ap- restructuring processes. The latest one con- plications. Navigation, positioning and cerns Galileo with the renaming of the ‘Euro- earth observation are complementary pean GNSS Supervisory Authority’ as the technologies. Combined together and ‘European GNSS Agency’229 with the mandate with other technologies they can provide for exploitation of Galileo and EGNOS. Re- useful integrated applications. Projects garding GMES the latest development was which combine space and ground-based the establishment of the GMES/GEO regula- systems should be increased. They tion which included the establishment of a should target different potential users, user forum. Nevertheless, there are still no including governments, businessmen, clear provisions regarding the programme schools, universities, public, etc. The ar- when it comes into operation. Changes in eas where synergies between Gali- governance should provide continuity and leo/EGNOS and GMES can be beneficial sustainability in administrative, budgetary, are energy, agriculture, environment, legal responsibilities at different phases of the humanitarian aid, emergency response, programmes. There are still questions re- managing oceans and seas, management garding the Public Regulated Services (PRS) of land resources, global security etc. for Galileo and the data policy for GMES that • Foster inter-sectoral collaboration for in- should be dealt with as soon as possible. The novation. Different industries should be related legislative bodies at European and brought together eg. automotive, ship- Member State level should provide the neces- ping, agriculture, banking, insurance in sary regulations that will safeguard the suc- order to foster innovation for new prod- cess of the programmes. These provisions uct development. may include additional taxation. Recommen- dations are: • Better define services. The user commu- nity e.g. European Union, Member States in order to implement their policies often have specific needs. It is important to 229 The European Parliament and the Council of the Euro- properly capture user requirements and pean Union. Regulation (EU) No 912/2010 of the Euro- translate them into technological re- pean Parliament and the Council, Setting up the European GNSS Agency, repealing Council Regulation (EC) No 1321/2004 on the Establishment of structures for the 228 Information for the 07 Dec. Workshop at European management of the European satellite radio navigation Parliament on “Galileo-GMES Less Known Elements of the programmes and amending Regulation (EC) No 683/2008 Space Flagship Programmes: Public Perception and Inter- of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 Sep. national Aspects”. 2010.

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• Implement appropriate legislation. For leo information for identifying fishing the exploitation of Galileo and GMES and zones, tracking agriculture products, etc. the development of services and down- • Promote law enforcement though the use stream businesses the necessary legisla- of the flagships. The flagship pro- tion needs to be implemented. Appropri- grammes can provide data of legal viola- ate legislation should be put in place to tions e.g. illegal building, false declara- ensure the full exploitation of the two tions, violations of laws and treaties, tax programmes in Europe including giving violation, etc. preference to their use over foreign sys- tems. Additionally, appropriate data pol- • Implement appropriate governance icy and intellectual property rights should structures. Appropriate governance be put in place. structures should be implemented taking into consideration the different develop- • Coordinate policies and regulations. ment phases. Lessons learned from Gali- There should be an in-depth analysis of leo should be considered in GMES and how these programmes can assist in the vice versa. Additionally, successful sto- implementation of other policy areas and ries such as EUMETSAT and Eutelsat appropriate regulatory frameworks es- should be considered. The most success- tablished to make use of these assets. ful structures are typically those that are Examples could be using GMES and Gali- close to the end customer.

6.3 SWOT – Strengths – Weaknesses – Opportunities – Threats

Strengths Weaknesses Political Political - European decision makers are committed to - There is not enough coordination between European non-dependence and the prosper- the European Union, Member States, re- ity of the Union’s citizens gional governments to support the pro- - Member States are also giving political back grammes in a unified manner up to such programmes as repeatedly seen - The catalogue of objectives of polices the in the conclusions of the European Interpar- flagship programmes can fulfil at European, liamentary Space Conference (EISC). national and regional level is incomplete. Economic Economic - The financing and procurement instruments - The financing and procurement instruments of ESA (e.g continuous funding when pro- of the EU (e.g. 7 year cycles) are not suit- gramme approved) are suitable for addi- able for the peculiarities of the space sector tional technology development programmes (e.g. concentrated space industry). if needed (e.g. GSTP230). - GMES is the only programme that has funds Social for building the satellites, launch, access - European Citizens support developing a and integration to Member States missions “European GPS” and satellites for monitor- but does not have funding for the opera- ing the environment and security. tional phase. Technology Social - GMES will be the most comprehensive - There is no sense in Europe of European space-based data collection system in the space identity, unlike in the USA, and there world. is lack of recognition and identification of - Galileo will be the only system providing Galileo and GMES. Public Regulated Services (PRS) Technology Legal - Spectrum is a scarce resource and the suc- - The ESA has strong technical performance cess of Galileo depends on it. and long experience. In particular two suc- Legal cessful stories that can be used as examples - The governance structure in the operational for the deployment, operation, maintenance phase is still not clear especially for GMES. and exploitation phase

230 eneral Support Technology Programme (GSTP) is one of the ESA technology development programmes. Ist aim is to convert promising engineering concepts into a broad spectrum of mature products.

ESPI Report 34 98 May 2011 Crucial Elements of European Space Flagship Programmes

Opportunities Threats Political Political - By making Galileo and GMES a success - Currently there is heavy dependence on Europe can show to the outside that it can non-EU systems and if the systems do not work well together succeed this will remain - These projects will help the positive image - Europe and its Member States will lose of the EU and its Member States with re- credit in the international community for spect to itsinternational partners and its ob- raising expectations and not being able to ligations toward them. fulfil them, including failure to meet interna- - Enhancing European non-dependence in tional obligations (e.g Kyoto, GMES and Af- critical infrastructure. rica, EGNOS and Africa) - Serve European Policies (eg. agriculture, - The failure of these programmes will create environment, energy, fisheries, transport, doubts about the choices of the political regional development, external) with Euro- leaders at European, national and regional pean means levels. Economic - Failure or delays will result in discontinuities - Growing demand for Earth Observation and in European, national and regional policies. Navigation systems Economic - Provide new infrastructure that will spin off - Delays will result in increased costs in satel- downstream applications and market devel- lite and services and loss of market share opments. for downstream applications. - The sooner these programmes are up and - Enhanced competition from the Chinese running the faster European industry can system and American next generation of develop downstream applications in an ex- GPS panding market to gain its market share. Social Social - The difficulties with the programmes have - To enhance European identity without com- disoriented public opinion about Galileo in promising national interests. particular. Technology Technology - To provide state of the art technologies - The more there are delays the more the available to citizens with a variety of appli- technological superiority will erode. cations. Legal Legal - Insufficient government regulations and - Prepare Europe for appropriate governance legislation to assist market opportunities schemes and legislation for future large- can hinder the success of the programmes. scale programmes.

6.4 Specific Recommendation by Actor

Actor Proposed Action European Union • ensure political commitment for the full realization and utiliza- (European Commission, tion of the flagship programmes. Main argument on the com- European Council, European mitment should be European non-dependence (e.g. banking, Parliament and other Euro- transport, security). pean institutions) • raise awareness about the flagship programmes in the European Parliament in other Committees outside ITRE. • identify the objectives and strategic goals in other policies where the flagships could help achieving them. • promote the benefits the flagship programmes can bring in other policy areas (e.g. agriculture, energy, environment, external, fisheries, regional development, research, transport, etc.) • promote the development of applications through use of the flagships in various components of the new Frameworks Pro- gramme. They should be included as a core element in innova- tion. • facilitate cross-sectoral exchange in developing novel integrated applications between ground and space assets. • implement appropriate legal frameworks for ensuring the suc-

ESPI Report 34 99 May 2011

Actor Proposed Action cess of the flagship programmes • ensure adequate financing for the entire cycle of the pro- grammes • ensure continuous dialogue with the user communities • establish appropriate communication channels for promoting the flagship programmes and protecting their reputation in Europe and internationally. Set up a coherent communication strategy to promote the importance of the flagships to citizens (e.g. seminars, workshops) • perform assessment of public funding activities in relation to the flagship programmes, catalogue the successful ones and ensure their transition to the operational phase. • improve coordination between Union, Member States and indus- trial development projects. • promote contribution of the flagship projects in the international community through the External Action Service, especially their contribution to humanitarian aid, disaster management, etc. • ensure political backing for compatibility, interoperability and standardization • implement an appropriate regulatory framework for Public Regu- lated Services (PRS). • ensure that frequency allocation of other systems does not com- promise the signal for PRS. Member States • ensure the political commitment of Member States through their parliamentary groups and committees as well as the European interparliamentary platform EISC231. Main argument should be European non-dependence (e.g banking, transport, security) • ensure success of the flagships vis-à-vis the international com- munity • identify objectives and strategic goals of national policies where the flagships could assist implementation • promote the use of Galileo/EGNOS and GMES in day to day op- erations and include them in future planning • implement appropriate legislation • ensure political backing for compatibility, interoperability and standardization European Space Agency • focus on the technological development of the flagships and ensure the timely implementation of the programmes with minimum cost and time overruns. • provide technical advice to decision and policy makers on how these programmes can be used for the implementation of poli- cies. • ensure technical compatibility, interoperability and standardiza- tion National Space Agencies • provide technical advice to decision and policy makers on how these programmes can be used for the implementation of poli- cies. • support the development of additional technologies and applica- tions that could be useful for the programmes’ full exploitation. • ensure technical compatibility, interoperability and standardiza- tion

231 The EISC was created in 1999 to act as a permanent platform for inter-parliamentary co-operation amongst European Na- tional Parliaments interested in space policy, and it aims at facilitating the exchange of information on space activities and at promoting mutual understanding of national policies through the provision of a forum for analysing the major issues at stake in the European space sector. More information about EISC at <>.

ESPI Report 34 100 May 2011 Crucial Elements of European Space Flagship Programmes

User communities • promote an integrated approach for different technologies and space and ground systems • promote synergies between Galileo/EGNOS and GMES. • user communities should expand representation to include all relevant stake holders. Networks such as Nereus could assist in this task. • Enhance communication of the benefits to society. Example as- sociations such as Eurisy could network with other associations to highlight the benefits. European industry • ensure that no further time and cost overruns take place • inform the technical implementation body and programme over- sight body if they envisage problems in time for appropriate mitigation • develop appropriate communication material that can assist in promoting the flagships. In particular develop jointly a case for space book with particular focus on how the technical capabili- ties of the flagships can have applications that can serve gov- ernments and citizens.

ESPI Report 34 101 May 2011

List of Acronyms

Acronym Explanation ACC Adaptive Cruise Control AIS Automatic Identification System AP Action Plan ASAR Advanced Synthetic Aperture Radar ASEAN Association of Southeast Asian Nations ATV Automated Transfert Vehicle AU African Union AVNIR Advanced Visible and Near Infrared Radiometer A-VTMIS Active Vessel Traffic Management and Information System BIPM Bureau international des poids et mesures CGPSIC Civil GPS Service Interface Committee CNES Centre National d´ Etudes Spatiales CoR Committee of Regions CORE Collection of Open Resources for Everyone COSPAR Committee on Space Research CTP Common Transport Policy DG Directorate General DLR Deutsche Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. DMCs Disaster Management Monitoring DSP Digital Signal Processor EAP Environment Action Programme EC European Commission ECMWF European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts EDAS EGNOS Data Access Service EEA European Environmental Organization EEC European Economic Community EESC European Economic Social Council EFTA European Free Trade Association EGNOS European Geostationary Navigation Overlay System EMSO European Multidisciplinary Seafloor Observatory ENP European Neighbourhood Policy ENTR(DG) Directorate General for Enterprise and industry EO Earth Observation EP European Parliament

ESPI Report 34 102 May 2011 Crucial Elements of European Space Flagship Programmes

Acronym Explanation ERMTS European Railway Traffic Management System ESA European Space Agency ESC Electronic Stability Control ESPI European Space Policy Institute EU European Union EUFAR European Facility For Airborne Research EUPOS European Position Determination System EUREF Reference Frame Sub-Commission for Europe FIG Fédération Internationale des Géométres FP Framework Programme GAGAN Global Positioning System-aided Geo-Augmented GCI GEOSS Common Infrastructure GDP Grosse Domestic Product GEO Group on Earth Observation GEOSS Global Earth Observation System of Systems GEPW GEO European Projects Workshop GIP Galielo Inter-institutional Panel GJU Galileo Joint Undertaken GLONASS Russian Federation´s Global Navigation Satellite System GMES Global Monitoring Environmental and Security GNSS Global Navigation Satellite System GOCE Gravity field and steady-state Ocean Circulation Explorer GPS Global Positioning System GSA Galileo Supervisor Agency GSC GMES Space Component HMI Human machine interfaces I2I Infrastructure to Infrastructure IAG International Association of Geodesy IAGOS In-service Aircraftfor a Global Observing System IAIN nternational Association of Institutes of Navigation ICA International Cartographic Association ICG International Committee on GNSS IGS International GNSS Service ILS Instrument Landing System IMO International Maritime Organization INSPIRE Infrastructure for Spatial Information in the European Community IPPC Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control IRNSS Indian Regional Navigation Satellite System ISS International Space Station ITS Intelligent Transport System

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Acronym Explanation ITU International Telecommunication Union JAXA Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency JRC Joint Research Centre LRIT Long-Range Identification and Tracking MACC Monitoring Atmospheric Composition and Climate MDGs Millennium Development Goals MetOp Meteorological Operational satellite MEP Member of European Parliament MSG Meteosat Second Generation MTG-S Meteosat Third Generation–Sounder NASA National Aeronautics and Space Administration NEPAD New Partnership for Africa's Development OLCI Ocean and Land Color Instrument OOSA Office for Outer Space Affaires PCA Partnership and Cooperation Agreement PPP Public Private Partnership PRS Public Regulated Services QZSS Quasi Zenit Satellite System R&D research and Development RFID Radio Frequency Identification RTD Research Technology and Development RTTI Real-time Traffic and Travel Information S&T Science and Technologies SAR Synthetic Aperture Radar SBAS Space Based Augmentation System SDCM System of Differential Correction and Monitoring SESAR Single European Sky ATM Research SMEs Small Medium Enterprises SMOS Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity SPOT Satellite Pour L’Observation de la Terre TAEIX technical assistance and information exchange TAF-TSI Telematics Applications for Freight TCA Trade Cooperation Agreement TEN Trans European Network TEN-T Trans European Network for Transport TFEU Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union UAS Unmanned Aerial System UK United Kingdom of Great Britain UNEO United Nations Environment Organisation UNEP United Nations Environment Programme

ESPI Report 34 104 May 2011 Crucial Elements of European Space Flagship Programmes

Acronym Explanation URSI Union radio-scientifique internationale US United States of America V2I Vehicle to infrastructures V2V Vehicle to Vehicle VTMIS Vessel Traffic Monitoring and Information Systems WG Working Group WTO World Trade Organisation

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A1 Galileo Frequency Bands232

The navigation signals of Galileo are transmitted in four frequency bands, which are E5a, E5b, E6 and E1 bands and they provide a wide band width for transmission for Galileo. The frequency bans have been selected in the allocated spectrum for Radio Navigation Satellite Services (RNSS) and in addition to the E5a, E5b and E1 bands are included in the collocated spectrum for Aeronautical Radio Navigation Service (ARNS) employed by Civil-Aviation users, and allowing dedicated safety- critical applications.

Figure 26: Galileo Frequency Plan

A2 GMES, Current and Potential Contributing Missions

Name Mission Type Principal Status Description Owner ALOS Synthetic JAXA/ JAROS 2006-2011 Phased Array type L-band Synthetic Aperture Ra- In orbit Aperture Radar (PALSAR) for day- dar (SAR) and-night and all-weather land ob- servation for disaster monitoring ALOS-2 Synthetic JAXA 2012- L-Band, capable of observing day Aperture 2017 and night, and in all weather condi- Radar (SAR) Planned tions. Panchromatic Remote-sensing In- strument for Stereo Mapping (PRISM), Visible and Near Infrared Radiometer type 2 (AVNIR-2) for precise land and coastal zones ob- servation. Panchromatic Remote- sensing Instrument for Stereo Map- ping (PRISM) for digital elevation

232 European Union, 2010, “European GNSS (Galileo) Open Service. Signal in space interface control document”, September 2010, Fef OS SIS ICD, Issue 1.1.

ESPI Report 34 106 May 2011 Crucial Elements of European Space Flagship Programmes

Name Mission Type Principal Status Description Owner mapping. Advanced land-observing technology used for cartography, regional observation, disaster moni- toring, and resource surveying. ALOS-3 Optical Earth JAXA 2014- Panchromatic - 0.8m resolution in Observation 2019 50km swath; multi - 5m in 90km Planned swath; and hyper-spectral 30m in 30km swath, complementing ALOS- 2 for disaster monitoring and re- sources management. Aqua MODIS Optical Earth NASA 2002-2008 AMSR-E — Advanced Microwave Observation In orbit Scanning Radiometer-EOS to meas- ure cloud properties, sea surface temperature, MODIS (Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiome- ter) measuring visible and infrared radiation, AMSU-A — Advanced Mi- crowave Sounding Unit — measures atmospheric temperature and hu- midity, AIRS — Atmospheric Infra- red Sounder — measures atmos- pheric temperature and humidity, land and sea surface temperatures, HSB — Humidity Sounder for Brazil — VHF band equipment measuring atmospheric humidity. Furnished by Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais of Brazil and CERES — Clouds and the Earth's Radiant En- ergy System to measure broadband radiative energy flux. AstroTerra Optical InfoTerra/Astr 2012-2022 High Resolution (HR) or Medium (SPOT-6, -7) Medium/High ium Approved Resolution optical sensors for re- Resolution gional and national land monitoring activities, optical measurements in the 2-5 m range CALIPSO CNES/NASA 2008-2010 Atmosphere Monitoring Mission, In orbit monitoring of aerosols. CARTOSAT-2 Opticsl Earth ISRO 2007-2012 Panchromatic Camera Observation In orbit Cosmo- Synthetic ASI 2012-2023 X-Band, SAR sensors, for all Skymed 2nd Aperture Planned weather day/night observations of gen Radar (SAR) land, ocean and ice surfaces Cosmo-Skymed Synthetic ASI 2008-2012 X-Band, SAR sensors, for all -S/C 1,2,3 Aperture In orbit weather day/night observations of Radar (SAR) land, ocean and ice surfaces Cosmo-Skymed Synthetic ASI 2010-2014 X-Band, SAR sensors, for all -S/C 4 Aperture Approved weather day/night observations of Radar (SAR) land, ocean and ice surfaces Cryosat-2 Earth ESA 2010-2013 Altimetry Mission for precise moni- Observation Approved toring of the changes in the thick- satellite ness of marine ice floating in the polar oceans and variations in the thickness of the vast ice sheets that overlie Greenland and Antarctica.

ESPI Report 34 107 May 2011

Name Mission Type Principal Status Description Owner DORIS-NG (Doppler Orbitography and Radiopositioning Integrated by Satellite- NG for precise orbit determination, , SIRAL (SAR Interferometer Radar Altimeter) for marine ice and terres- trial ice sheet thickness measurement, Laser Reflectors to measure the distance between the satellite and the laser tracking sta- tions. DMC UK2 Low Earth SSTL 2009-2014 Disaster Monitoring Constellation Orbit In orbit (DMC) made of five LEO microsatel- microsatellites lites providing daily global imaging capability at medium resolution (30- 40 m), in 3-4 spectral bands, for rapid-response disaster monitoring and mitigation. DMCIIDeimos-1 Optical High Deimos 2009-2013 High Resolution (HR) or Medium DMC Resolution In orbit Resolution optical sensors for re- gional and national land monitoring activities EnMap Optical DLR 2013-2017 hyperspectral/superspectral mis- Medium/High Approved sions with both scientific and appli- Resolution cation development objectives. High Resolution (HR) or Medium Resolu- tion optical sensors for regional and national land monitoring activities. The mission will offer data on a wide range of ecosystem parameters encompassing agriculture, forestry, soil and geological environments, coastal zones and inland waters. Envisat Optical Low ESA 2002-2013 AATSR (Advanced Along Track Resolution In orbit Scanning Radiometer) for precise datas concerning the sea surface temperature. MERIS (programma- ble, medium-spectral resolution, imaging spectrometer operating in the solar reflective spectral range) to acquire data over the Earth whenever illumination conditions are suitable. Used for Oceans and land colour monitoring, as well as land and atmosphere control. RA-2 (Ra- dar Altimeter 2) for determining the two-way delay of the radar echo from the Earth's surface to a very high precision. GOMOS (Global Ozone Monitoring by Occultation of Stars) for long- term monitoring of the global verti- cal ozone distribution. MIPAS (Michelson Interferometer for Passive Atmospheric Sounding) to detect and spectrally resolve a large number of emission features of at- mospheric minor constituents play-

ESPI Report 34 108 May 2011 Crucial Elements of European Space Flagship Programmes

Name Mission Type Principal Status Description Owner ing a major role in atmospheric chemistry. SCIAMACHY is an imaging spec- trometer performing global meas- urements of trace gases in the tro- posphere and in the stratosphere. Medium-low resolution optical sen- sors for wide area information on land cover, for example agriculture indicators, ocean monitoring, coastal dynamics and ecosystems, monitoring of aerosols. EROS A Optical Earth ImageSat Int. 2000-2011 equipped with a camera whose focal Observation In orbit plane of CCD (Charge Coupled De- vice) detectors produces a standard image resolution of 1.9 meters with a swath of 14 km at Nadir (perpen- dicular to the surface) at an altitude of ~500 km, and sub-meter resolu- tion using hypersampling tech- niques. EROS B Optical Earth ImageSat Int. 2006-2016 larger camera of CCD/TDI type Observation In orbit (Charge Coupled Device/Time Delay Integration), with standard pan- chromatic resolution of 0.70 m at an altitude of about 500 km. Larger on- board recorder, improved pointing accuracy and a faster data commu- nication link. ERS-2 Synthetic ESA 2008-2010 C-Band, SAR sensors, for all Aperture Ra- In orbit weather day/night observations of dar (SAR) land, ocean and ice surfaces Optical Low Sea Surface Temperature Mission. Resolution ATSR-2 (Along Track Scanning Ra- diometer) made up of an infrared radiometer and a microwave sounder, is used for measuring sea- surface temperatures, cloud-top temperatures and vegetation moni- toring with a swath of 500 km and 1×1 km spatial resolution. Global Land Monitoring Mission, Altimetry mission, High accuracy Radar Altimeter sys- tems for sea level measurements and climate applications, RA, GOME,Atmosphere Monitoring Mission, Medium-low resolution optical sen- sors for wide area information on land cover, for example agriculture indicators, ocean monitoring, coastal dynamics and ecosystems ESAEnvisat Synthetic ESA 2008-2013 C-Band, ASAR ensures continuity ASAR Aperture In orbit with the image mode (SAR) and the Radar (SAR) wave mode of the ERS-1/2 AMI. Full active array antenna equipped with distributed transmit/receive mod-

ESPI Report 34 109 May 2011

Name Mission Type Principal Status Description Owner ules which provides distinct transmit and receive beams, a digital wave- form generation for pulse "chirp" generation, a block adaptive quanti- sation scheme, and a ScanSAR mode of operation by beam scan- ning in elevation. Applications in- clude Ocean and Coast (Ocean Cur- rents and Topography) Land (Land- scape Topography) Snow and Ice (Snow and Ice). Formosat 2 Optical Earth NSPO of 2004-2014 high-resolution panchromatic (2 m) Observation Taiwan In orbit and multispectral (8 m) imagery for a great variety of applications such as in land use, agriculture and for- estry, environmental monitoring, natural disaster evaluation, and in support of research interests, in particular with the ISUAL (Imager of Sprites and Upper Atmospheric Lightning) instrument. Frequently used to deliver high-resolution im- agery for event monitoring. Geo Eye 1 Earth GEOeye 2008-2015 Sub half-meter Earth-imaging satel- Observation In orbit lite, can collect images with a Satellite ground resolution of 0.41-meters or 16 inches in the panchromatic or black and white mode. The agile camera allows for side-to-side ex- tensions of the camera's 15.2 kilo- metre (9.44 miles)-wide swath width or multiple images of the same target during a single pass to create a stereo picture. HiROS Optical Very DLR 2014-2018 TBC, Very High Resolution (VHR) High Planned optical sensors, panchromatic and Resolution multi-spectral, specifically for urban mapping or security applications. High revisit time.

IKONOS 2 High GEOeye 1999-2008 High-resolution panchromatic im- resolution In orbit agery with 82-centimeter resolution Earth and multispectral imagery with 4- Observation meter resolution on a commercial basis. Imagery from both sensors can be merged to create 1-meter colour imagery (pan-sharpened). JASON-1 Earth EC-BSPO- 2008-2011 Altimetry Mission with altimeter Observation CNES-SNSB- In orbit flying in low-inclination orbit. Car- satellite ASI ries a radiometer instrument to measure water vapour, a Global Positioning System receiver and a laser retroreflector array. Designed to directly measure climate change through very precise millimeter-per- year measurements of global sea- level changes.

ESPI Report 34 110 May 2011 Crucial Elements of European Space Flagship Programmes

Name Mission Type Principal Status Description Owner JASON-2 Earth CNES-EUM- 2008-2013 Altimetry Mission with altimeter Observation NASA-NOAA In orbit flying in low-inclination orbit. Ocean satellite Surface Topography Mission (OSTM) providing co-located measurements of significant wave height, wind speed and sea surface topography. JASON-3 Earth EUM-NOAA- 2013-2017 Altimetry Mission (expected to con- Observation CNES Approved tinue the low-inclination measure- satellite ments) JASON-CS Earth 2017-2018 Altimetry Mission (expected to con- Observation Planned tinue the low-inclination measure- satellite ments) KOMPSAT-2 Earth KARI 2006-2011 MSC (Multi-Spectral Camera) able to Observation In orbit acquire optical 1 m resolution pan- satellite chromatic images and 4 m resolu- tion color images or various applica- tions such as surveillance of mas- sive natural disasters, utilization of mineral resources, construction of Geographic Information System (GIS), and cartography. Meteosat Earth EUMETSAT 2008-2009 MVIRI, Atmosphere Monitoring Observation In orbit Mission satellite METOP- 3 S/C Optical Low EUMETSAT 2008-2020 AVHRR-3, Sea Surface Temperature Resolution In orbit Mission, Global Land Monitoring Mission, GOME-2/IASI, Atmosphere Monitoring Mission, Medium-low resolution optical sen- sors for wide area information on land cover, for example agriculture indicators, ocean monitoring, coastal dynamics and ecosystems, monitoring of aerosols MSG 4 S/C Optical Low EUMETSAT 2008-2019 SEVIRI/GERB, Sea Surface Tem- Resolution In orbit perature Mission, Global Land Moni- toring Mission, Medium-low resolution optical sen- sors for wide area information on land cover, for example agriculture indicators, ocean monitoring, coastal dynamics and ecosystems MTG Optical Low EUMETSAT 2015-2023 Sea Surface Temperature Mission, , Resolution Approved Global Land Monitoring Mission, Atmosphere Monitoring Mission, Medium-low resolution optical sen- sors for wide area information on land cover, for example agriculture indicators, ocean monitoring, coastal dynamics and ecosystems NigeriaSAT-1 Earth NASRDA 2003-2008 The spacecraft is equipped with two Observation In orbit 0.5Gbyte Solid State Data Recorder microsatellite (SSDR) for data storage during imaging and a main Receiver Fre- quency (RF) downlink at S band Frequencies with data rate of 8Mbps

ESPI Report 34 111 May 2011

Name Mission Type Principal Status Description Owner using store and forward communica- tions. NigeriaSAT-2 Earth NASRDA 2011- high resolution of 2.5m panchro- Observation 2018 matic and 5m multispectral, broad satellite Approved area coverage inclusive of cadastral mapping, land use mapping, geo- spatial analysis and environmental change monitoring. Oceansat-2 Earth ISRO 2009-2014 Ocean Colour Monitor (OCM), Ku- Observation In orbit band Pencil Beam scatterometer satellite (SCAT) developed by ISRO, Radio Occultation Sounder for Atmosphere (ROSA) developed by the Italian Space Agency. Oceansat- Earth ISRO/CNES 2011-2015 Altimetry Mission with high- 3/AltiKa Observation Approved inclination altimetry (polar orbit). satellite Orbview 2 Earth GEOeye 1997-2011 Sea-viewing Wide Field-of-view Observation In orbit Sensor (SeaWiFS), acquires data satellite critical for the study of the role of oceans, and the exchange of critical elements and gases between the atmosphere and ocean, and how these exchanges affect production of phytoplankton. PARASOL Earth CNES 2008-2010 Atmosphere Monitoring Mission, Observation In orbit monitoring of aerosols satellite Pléiades 1 & 2 Optical Very CNES 2010-2016 VHR sub-metric domain (panchro- High Approved matic), Very High Resolution (VHR) Resolution optical sensors, panchromatic and multi-spectral, specifically for urban mapping or security applications, high relevance for GMES emergency and security related applications as well as specific areas of land moni- toring services (in particular with the 0.7 m Panchromatic and the 2.8 m VIS/NIR channels), swath width in the 20-30 km range with different spatial resolution performances. Post-EPS Optical Low EUMETSAT 2018-2023 Sea Surface Temperature Mission, , Resolution Approved Global Land Monitoring Mission, Atmosphere Monitoring Mission, Medium-low resolution optical sen- sors for wide area information on land cover, for example agriculture indicators, ocean monitoring, coastal dynamics and ecosystems, monitoring of aerosols Prisma Optical High ASI 2011-2015 High Resolution (HR) or Medium Resolution Planned Resolution optical sensors for re- gional and national land monitoring activities Quickbird 2 Optical Earth Digitalglobe 2001-2014 high quality multi-spectral and pan-

ESPI Report 34 112 May 2011 Crucial Elements of European Space Flagship Programmes

Name Mission Type Principal Status Description Owner Observation In orbit chromatic satellite imagery for map creation, change detection, and image analysis. Radarsat-1 Synthetic CSA 1995-2000 C-band. Wide variety of beam Aperture In orbit widths, to capture swaths of 45 to Radar (SAR) 500 kilometres, with a range of 8 to 100 metres in resolution and inci- dence angles of 10 to 60 degrees. Radarsat-2 Synthetic CSA 2008-2014 C-Band, serves national dual-use Aperture In orbit requirements and could offer some Radar (SAR) additional capacity for GMES. RapidEye - 5 Optical RapidEye 2008-2014 High Resolution (HR) or Medium S/C Medium/High In orbit Resolution optical sensors for re- Resolution gional and national land monitoring activities, optical measurements in the 2-5 m range, swath width in the 60-70 km range. Designed to pro- vide insurance and food companies, farmers, governments, other agen- cies and institutions throughout the world with up-to-date customised information products and services. RapidEye Optical RapidEye 2014-2019 TBC, Follow-on Medium/High Planned High Resolution (HR) or Medium Resolution Resolution optical sensors for re- gional and national land monitoring activities RCM Synthetic CSA 2014-2020 C-Band Aperture Approved Radar (SAR) Resourcesat 1 Earth ISRO 2003-2008 Carries a high resolution Linear Im- (IRS P6) Observation In orbit aging Self Scanner (LISS-4) operat- ing in three spectral bands in the visible and Near Infrared Region (VNIR) with 5.8 metre spatial reso- lution, a medium resolution LISS-3 operating in three spectral bands in VNIR and one in Short Wave Infra- red (SWIR) band with 23.5 metre spatial resolution; and an Advanced Wide Field Sensor (AWiFS) operat- ing in three spectral bands in VNIR and one band in SWIR with 56 me- tre spatial resolution. For integrated land and water re- sources management. Resourcesat 2 Earth ISRO 2011-2016 Enhanced multispectral and spatial Observation In orbit coverage, carries an additional pay- load known as AIS (Automatic Iden- tification System) from COMDEV Canada as an experimental payload for ship surveillance in VHF band to derive position, speed and other information about ships. Sentinel-1 A Synthetic ESA 2012-2018 wide-swath, medium to high resolu- Aperture Approved tion C-band observations, high re-

ESPI Report 34 113 May 2011

Name Mission Type Principal Status Description Owner Radar (SAR) visit time and continuation of inter- ferometry capabilities Sentinel-1 B Synthetic ESA 2016-2029 wide-swath, medium to high resolu- Aperture Approved tion C-band observations, high re- Radar (SAR) visit time and continuation of inter- ferometry capabilities Sentinel-1 C, .. Synthetic ESA 2018-2023 wide-swath, medium to high resolu- Aperture Planned tion C-band observations, high re- Radar (SAR) visit time and continuation of inter- ferometry capabilities Sentinel-2 A Optical ESA 2013-2019 High Resolution (HR) or Medium Medium/High Approved Resolution optical sensors for re- Resolution gional and national land monitoring activities in the 10-20 m resolution range Sentinel-2 B Optical ESA 2017-2023 High Resolution (HR) or Medium Medium/High Approved Resolution optical sensors for re- Resolution gional and national land monitoring activities in the 10-20 m resolution range Sentinel-2 C, .. Optical ESA 2019-2023 High Resolution (HR) or Medium Medium/High Planned Resolution optical sensors for re- Resolution gional and national land monitoring activities in the 10-20 m resolution range Sentinel-3 A Optical Low ESA 2013-2019 SLSTR/ OLCI will provide continuity Resolution Approved of MERIS, AATSR and VEGETATION in terms of spectral and revisiting requirements. Sea Surface Temperature Mission, Ocean Colour Mission, Global Land Monitoring Mission, RA, Altimetry Mission, Medium-low resolution op- tical sensors for wide area informa- tion on land cover, for example ag- riculture indicators, ocean monitor- ing, coastal dynamics and ecosys- tems, monitoring of aerosols Sentinel-3 B Optical Low ESA 2017-2023 SLSTR/ OLCI will provide continuity Resolution Approved of MERIS, AATSR and VEGETATION in terms of spectral and revisiting requirements. Sea Surface Tem- perature Mission, Global Land Moni- toring Mission, RA, Altimetry Mis- sion, High accuracy Radar Altimeter sys- tems for sea level measurements and climate applications, Medium-low resolution optical sen- sors for wide area information on land cover, for example agriculture indicators, ocean monitoring, coastal dynamics and ecosystems, monitoring of aerosols Sentinel-3 C ESA 2019-2023 SLSTR/OLCI will provide continuity Planned of MERIS, AATSR and VEGETATION

ESPI Report 34 114 May 2011 Crucial Elements of European Space Flagship Programmes

Name Mission Type Principal Status Description Owner in terms of spectral and revisiting requirements. Global Land Monitor- ing Mission, RA, Altimetry Mission, High accuracy Radar Altimeter sys- tems for sea level measurements and climate applications, monitoring of aerosols Sentinel-4 Earth ESA 2018-2025 Atmosphere Monitoring Mission. Observation Approved Comprises an Ultraviolet Visible Near-infrared (UVN) spectrometer and data from Eumetsat's thermal InfraRed Sounder (IRS), both em- barked on the MTG-Sounder (MTG- S) satellite. After the MTG-S satellite is in orbit, the Sentinel-4 mission also includes data from Eumetsat's Flexible Combined Imager (FCI) embarked on the MTG-Imager (MTG-I) satellite. It will cover the needs for continuous monitoring of the atmospheric chemistry at high temporal and spatial resolution from the geostationary orbit. Sentinel-5 Earth ESA 2025-2032 Atmosphere Monitoring Mission. Observation Planned Comprises an Ultraviolet Visible Near-infrared Shortwave (UVNS) spectrometer and data from Eumet- sat's IRS, the Visible Infrared Imager (VII) and the Multi-viewing Multi-channel Multi-polarization Imager (3MI). SeoSAR/PAZ Synthetic CDTI 2012-2017 X-Band Aperture Approved Radar (SAR) Seosat / Optical CDTI 2014-2018 Global Land Monitoring Mission, Ingenio Medium/High Approved High Resolution (HR) or Medium Resolution Resolution optical sensors for re- gional and national land monitoring activities, optical measurements in the 2-5 m range, swath width in the 60-70 km range SPOT 4 Optical EC-BSPO- 2008-2011 High Resolution (HR) or Medium Medium/High CNES-SNSB- In orbit Resolution optical sensors for re- Resolution ASI gional and national land monitoring activities. The HRVIR (High Resolu- tion Visible Infrared) is comple- mented by VEGETATION, an inde- pendent instrument which uses 4 cameras, one for each spectral band, with each one covering a wide field of view of 101° producing a swath width of 2 250 km. SPOT 5 Optical CNES 2008-2012 High Resolution (HR) or Medium Medium/High In orbit Resolution optical sensors for re- Resolution gional and national land monitoring activities, swath width in the 60-70 km range

ESPI Report 34 115 May 2011

Name Mission Type Principal Status Description Owner VEGETATION EC-BSPO- 2012-2017 Global Land Monitoring Mission Continuity CNES-SNSB- Planned agriculture, land-cover mapping, Mission ASI damage assessment associated with natural hazards and urban planning. TanDEM-X Synthetic DLR 2010-2015 X-Band Aperture Approved Radar (SAR) Terra MODIS Optical Earth NASA 1999-2005 MODIS (Moderate Resolution Imag- Observation In orbit ing Spectroradiometer) a 36-band spectroradiometer measuring visible and infrared radiation. Medium- resolution, multi-spectral, cross- track scanning radiometer.The datas obtained are used to derive prod- ucts ranging from vegetation, land surface cover, and ocean chlorophyll fluorescence to cloud and aerosol properties, fire occurrence, snow cover on the land, and sea ice cover on the oceans. Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR), High Resolution Infrared Radiation Sounder (HIRS), Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM), and Nimbus-7 Coastal Zone Color Scanner (CZCS) TerraSAR-X Synthetic DLR 2008-2013 X-Band Aperture In orbit Radar (SAR) TerraSAR-X-2 Synthetic DLR 2014-2018 X-Band Aperture Planned Radar (SAR) THEOS Optical Earth Geo- 2008-2013 Its payload features both high reso- Observation Informatics In orbit lution in panchromatic mode (two and Space metres) and wide field of view in Technology multi-spectral mode (90km). Development Worldwide geo-referenced image Agency Thai- products and image processing ca- land (GISTDA) pabilities for applications in cartog- raphy, land use, agricultural moni- toring, forestry management, coastal zone monitoring and flood risk management. UK-DMC & UK- Optical DMCII 2008-2013 High Resolution (HR) or Medium DMCII Medium/High In orbit Resolution optical sensors for re- Resolution gional and national land monitoring activities Venμs Optical CNES-ISA 2012-2015 Hyperspectral/superspectral mis- Medium/High Approved sions have both scientific and appli- Resolution cation development objectives. Dedicated to monitoring vegetation. It will acquire high resolution and superspectral images of predefined sites of interest all around the world. Worldview-1 Very High Digital Globe 2007- High-capacity, panchromatic imag- Resolution 2014 In ing system featuring half-meter

ESPI Report 34 116 May 2011 Crucial Elements of European Space Flagship Programmes

Name Mission Type Principal Status Description Owner Earth Obser- orbit resolution imagery. vation Worldview-2 Very High Digital Globe 2009-2016 high-resolution 8-band multispectral Resolution In orbit commercial satellite providing 46 cm Earth Obser- panchromatic resolution and 1.85 vation meter multispectral resolution for precise map creation, change detec- tion and in-depth image analysis.

A3 International Committee on Global Navigation Satellite Sys- tems (ICG)

Dates Events

1-2 December 2005 United Nations International Meeting for the Establishment of the Inter- national Committee on Global Navigation Satellite Systems (ICG), Vi- enna, Austria. 1-2 November 2006 First Meeting of the International Committee on Global Navigation Satel- lite Systems (ICG) organized by the United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs, Vienna, Austria. 5-7 September 2007 Second Meeting of the International Committee on Global Navigation Satellite Systems (ICG) organized by the International Space Research Organization, Bangalore, India , 5 - 7 September 2007 8-12 December 2008 Third Meeting of the International Committee on Global Navigation Sat- ellite Systems (ICG) organized jointly by the US State Department and the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, USA. 2-3 March 2009 ICG Workshop on GNSS Interoperability. Residenz München, Munich, Germany. 30-31 July 2009 ICG Workshop on GNSS Interoperability. United Nations Office at Vi- enna, Vienna, Austria. 14-18 September Fourth Meeting of the International Committee on Global Navigation 2009 Satellite Systems (ICG) organized by the Federal Space Agency (ROSCOSMOS), Saint-Petersburg, Russian Federation. 30 November 2009 ICG Workshop on GNSS Interoperability - Global and Regional Naviga- tion Satellite Systems and Satellite-based Augmentations. Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia. 8 March 2010 ICG Working Group B Special Meeting on GNSS User Positioning Integ- rity. Residenz München, Munich, Germany. 9-11 March 2010 Munich Satellite Navigation Summit 2010. GNSS - Quo vadis ? Munich, Germany. 6-24 April 2010 Satellite Navigation and Science for Africa, Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP), Trieste, Italy. (Promoting the Use of GNSS Technologies). 1-2 June 2010 Fourth International Satellite Navigation Forum, Moscow, Russian Fed- eration. 21-24 June 2010 Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Fourteenth Meeting of the GNSS Implementation Team (GIT/14), Seattle, Washington, USA. 5-8 September 2010 Third GNSS Vulnerabilities and Solutions 2010 Conference, Baska, Krk

ESPI Report 34 117 May 2011

Dates Events

Island, Croatia. 4-6 October 2010 Workshop on Global Navigation Satellite Systems: Basic Principles, Ap- plications and Legal Aspects, Vienna, Austria. 4-29 October 2010 Training Course on Global Navigation Satellite Systems and Location Based Services, African Regional Centre for Space Science and Technol- ogy Education in English (ARCSSTE-E), Ile-Ife, Nigeria. 18-22 October 2010 Fifth Meeting of the International Committee on Global Navigation Satel- lite Systems (ICG) jointly organized by Italy and the European Commis- sion, Turin, Italy. 21-22 November Second Asia Oceania Regional Workshop on Global Navigation Satellite 2010 Systems (GNSS. Melbourne, Australia. 23-26 November Seventieth Session of the Asia-Pacific Regional Space Agency Forum 2010 (APRSAF-17), Melbourne, Australia. 29-30 November International Symposium on Global Navigation Satellite Systems, Space- 2010 Based and Ground-Based Augmentation Systems and Applications 2010, Brussels, Belgium 1-3 March 2011 Munich Satellite Navigation Summit 2011, Munich, Germany. 23-25 May 2011 Fifth GNSS Vulnerabilities and Solutions Conference, Baška, Krk Island, Croatia (Announced). 1-2 June 2011 Fifth International Satellite Navigation Forum, Moscow, Russian Federa- tion. (Announced). 5-9 September 2011 Sixth Meeting of the International Committee on Global Navigation Sat- ellite Systems (ICG), organized by the Government of Japan, Tokyo, Japan. (Announced). 20-23 September ION GNSS 2011, Portland, United States of America. 2011 5-16 December 2011 School on Space Weather, African Regional Centre for Space Science and Technology Education - in French Language (CRASTE-LF), Rabat, Morocco. (Scheduled).

Table: International Committee on Global Navigation Satellite System (ICG)

A4 Group on Earth Observation (GEO)

Dates Events 27-29 March 2007 GEO Inland and Nearshore Coastal Water Quality Remote Sensing Work- shop. Geneva, Switzerland.

6-27 September 2007 Meningitis Environmental Risk Consultative Meeting. Ge- neva, Switzerland. 1-2 November 2007 Recognition of Cross-border Capacity Building in Earth Observation. Enschede, The Netherlands.

27 November 2007 11th GEO Executive Committee Meeting. Cape Town, South Africa. 28-29 November 2007 GEO-IV Plenary Session. Cape Town, South Africa. 2007 30 November 2007 2007 GEO Cape Town Ministerial Summit. Cape Town, South Africa. 10-11 December The Role of Remote Sensing in Disaster Management. Meeting. Ge- 2007 neva, Switzerland. 12 January 2008 GEOSS Users & Architecture Workshop IXX: Communications for Disas-

ESPI Report 34 118 May 2011 Crucial Elements of European Space Flagship Programmes

Dates Events ter Management. Honolulu, Hawaii. 4-5 February 2008 GEOSS Architecture Workshop. Ispra, Italy. 5 February 2008 9th ADC Co-Chairs Meeting. Ispra, Italy. 6-7 February 2008 6th Architecture & Data Committee Meeting. Ispra, Italy. 8 February 2008 9th ADC Co-Chairs Meeting. Ispra, Italy. 11-12 February 2008 6th Science and Technology Committee Meeting. Hannover, Germany. 13-14 February 2008 6th Capacity Building Committee Meeting. Hannover, Germany. 15 February 2008 CBC Co-Chairs Meeting. Hannover, Germany. 26-27 March 2008 12th GEO Executive Committee Meeting. Geneva, Switzerland. 7 April 2008 GEOSS Users & Architecture Workshop XX: Oceans and Water (in con- junction with Oceans 2008 conference). Kobe, Japan. 8-10 April 2008 GEO Biodiversity Observation Network Meeting. Berlin, Germany. 15 April 2008 Session on Mapping Forest and Tracking Carbon in the 2nd GEOSS AP. Tokyo, Japan. 14-16 April 2008 The Second GEOSS Asia-Pacific Symposium (The role of Earth Observa- tions in tackling climate change). Tokyo, Japan. 6-8 May 2008 7th User Interface Committee Meeting. Toronto, Canada. 15-16 May 2008 GEOSS Sensor Web Workshop. Geneva, Switzerland. 19-23 May 2008 Effects of Climate Change in the World's Oceans. Gijón, Spain. 19 May 2008 10th ADC Co-Chairs Meeting. Geneva, Switzerland. 20-21 May 2008 7th Architecture & Data Committee Meeting. Geneva, Switzerland. 22 May 2008 10th ADC Co-Chairs Meeting. Geneva, Switzerland. 22-23 May 2008 7th Science and Technology Committee Meeting. Geneva, Switzerland. 3-5 June 2008 7th Capacity Building Committee Meeting. Tashkent, Uzbekistan. 5-6 June 2008 GEOSS Best Practices for Crop Area Estimation / Forecasting and Future Needs Workshop. Ispra, Italy. 9-13 June 2008 Observing System Requirements for Managing and Mitigating the Im- pacts of Human Activities and Coastal Inundation in the Mediterranean Region. , Greece. 16 June 2008 Meeting on GEO forest carbon tracking action. Geneva, Switzerland. 26-27 June 2008 Target Task Team (T3) - 1st meeting. Geneva, Switzerland. 2-3 July 2008 GEOSS Users & Architecture Workshop XXI: Air Quality & Health. Bei- jing, China. 6 July 2008 GEOSS Users & Architecture Workshop XXII: Air Quality & Coastal Eco- systems. Boston, USA. 15-16 July 2008 13th GEO Executive Committee Meeting. Geneva, Switzerland. 8-9 September 2008 8th Science & Technology Committee Meeting. Paris, France. 10-12 September GEO Performance Indicator Workshop. Paris, France. 2008 15 September 2008 GEOSS Users & Architecture Workshop XXIII: Science Modeling and Data Policy. Quebec City, Canada. 16-18 September 2008 CEOS SIT-22. Tokyo, Japan.

ESPI Report 34 119 May 2011

Dates Events 21 September 2008 11th ADC Co-Chairs Meeting. Boulder, Colorado, USA. 22-23 September 8th Architecture & Data Committee Meeting. Boulder, Colorado, USA. 2008 22-24 September 8th User Interface Committee Meeting. Boulder, Colorado, USA. 2008 22-24 September 8th Capacity Building Committee Meeting. Boulder, Colorado, USA. 2008 24 September 2008 11th ADC Co-Chairs Meeting. Boulder, Colorado, USA. 22-26 September CEOS WGISS-26. Boulder, Colorado, USA. 2008 25-26 September Committee Co-Chairs Coordination (C4) meeting. Boul- 2008 der, Colorado, USA. 30 September – 3 CEOS WGCV-29. Avignon, France. October 30 September – 3 2008 GEOSS in the Americas Symposium. Panama City, Panama. October 2008 13-15 October 2008 2nd United Nations International UN-SPIDER Workshop: “Disaster Man- agement and Space Technology - Bridging the Gap”. Bonn, Germany. 13-17 October 2008 4th IPWG Workshop Chinese Meteorological Administration. Bei- jing, China. 15-16 October 2008 CEOS ACC Workshop. New York, USA. 22-24 October 2008 Workshop on Rainfall Estimates for Crop Monitoring and Food Security. Ispra, Italy. 24-26 October 2008 GEOSS Users & Architecture Workshop XXIV: Water Security & Govern- ance. Accra, Ghana. 27-31 October 2008 7th AARSE conference: Application of Earth Observation and Geoinfor- mation for Governance in Africa. Accra, Ghana. 4-7 November 2008 GEO Forest Monitoring Symposium. Foz do Iguacu, Brazil. 11-12 November 22nd CEOS Plenary. CSIR/George, South Africa. 2008 17-18 November 12th ADC Co-Chairs Meeting. , Romania. 2008 17-18 November 9th User Interface Committee Meeting. Bucharest, Romania. 2008 18 November 2008 14th GEO Executive Committee Meeting. Bucharest, Romania. 19-20 November 2008 GEO-V Plenary Session. Bucharest, Romania. 2008 21 November 2008 12th ADC Co-Chairs Meeting. Bucharest, Romania. 3-4 December 2008 GEOSS Users & Architecture Workshop XXV: Architecture of GEOSS. Valencia, Spain. 3-4 December 2008 GEO/CEOS Work Plan Review Workshop. Geneva, Switzerland. 12 December 2008 C4 Meeting (teleconference - 13h00 GMT). Geneva, Switzerland. 16-17 December 9th Science & Technology Committee meeting. San Francisco, USA. 2008 6-9 January 2009 GEOSS African Water Cycle Symposium. Gammarth, Tunisia. 22-23 January 2009 GEO BON Interim Steering Committee meeting. Washington, DC

ESPI Report 34 120 May 2011 Crucial Elements of European Space Flagship Programmes

Dates Events USA. 26-28 January 2009 CEOS-SIT Workshop and associated side meetings. Silver Spring, Maryland, USA. 2-3 February 2009 IGWCO 5th Annual Planning Meeting. Kyoto, Japan. 4-6 February 2009 CEOS WGEdu Workshop. Bangkok, Thailand. 4-6 February 2009 3rd GEOSS Asia-Pacific Symposium. Kyoto, Japan. 5 February 2009 Session on WG6. Necessity and possibility of observation, forecast, and data sharing through the interdisciplinary collaboration of “Ecosystem - Climate Change - Disaster” in the 3rd GEOSS AP. Kyoto, Japan. 5-6 February 2009 Meeting of GEO Tasks ST-09-01 and ST-09-02. Brussels, Belgium. 6-7 February 2009 4th GEOSS Asia Water Cycle Initiative International Coordination Group meeting. Kyoto, Japan. 9-10 February 2009 9th Architecture & Data Committee Meeting. Kyoto, Japan. 11-13 February 2009 Developing an Agricultural Monitoring System of Systems. Beijing, China. 26-27 February 2009 10th User Interface Committee Meeting. Sophia Antipolis, France. 3-5 March 2009 CEOS SIT-23. NOOA/Florida, USA. 26-27 March 2009 1st GEOSS Monitoring and Evaluation Working Group Meeting. Geneva, Switzerland. 2 April 2009 C4 Meeting. Geneva, Switzerland. 30 March – 1 April Reconciliation Meeting Targets / Work Plan / Monitoring & Evaluation. 2009 Geneva, Switzerland. 27-28 April 2009 9th Capacity Building Committee Meeting. Athens, Greece. 2 &8 May 2009 11th User Interface Committee Meeting. Stresa, Italy. 3 May 2009 GEOSS Workshop XXVI: Towards a Global Forest Carbon Monitoring System. Stresa, Italy. 3 May 2009 UIC Co-Chairs Meeting. Stresa, Italy. 4-8 May 2009 33rd International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment. Stresa, Italy. 4 May 2009 13th ADC Co-Chairs Meeting. Stresa, Italy. 5 May 2009 STC Co-Chairs Meeting. Stresa, Italy. 6-7 May 2009 10th Science & Technology Committee meeting. Stresa, Italy. 7 May 2009 10th Architecture & Data Committee Meeting. Stresa, Italy. 8 May 2009 C4 Meeting. Stresa, Italy. 8 May 2009 Joint UIC / ADC Meeting. Stresa, Italy. 9 May 2009 13th ADC Co-Chairs Meeting. Stresa, Italy. 10 May 2009 GEOSS Workshop XXVII: Understanding the Oceans Integrated Obser- vation Systems including subsurface sensors. Bremen, Germany. 11-15 May 2009 CEOS WGISS. France. 18-20 May 2009 CEOS WGEdu meeting. Oslo, Norway. 19-21 May 2009 GEO Inland and Coastal Water Quality Remote Sensing Algorithm Work- shop. Washington, DC USA. 21-22 May 2009 GEOSS Sensor Web Workshop. Ibaraki, Japan.

ESPI Report 34 121 May 2011

Dates Events 26-29 May 2009 CEOS WGCV. Ilhabela, Brazil. 27-28 May 2009 1st Data Sharing Task Force Meeting. Geneva, Switzerland. 1-2 June 2009 15th GEO Executive Committee Meeting. Geneva, Switzerland. 8-10 June 2009 GEO South – Eastern Europe and Eastern Mediterranean Symposium. Athens, Greece. 22-23 June 2009 GEO BON Steering Committee meeting. Geneva, Switzerland. 1-3 July 2009 2nd GEO Forest Monitoring Symposium. Chang Rai, Thailand. 7-9 July 2009 GEOSS Workshop XXVIII: Health and the Environment. Geneva, Switzerland. 13-17 July 2009 International Geoscience & Remote Sensing Symposium, IGARSS 09. Cape Town, South Africa. 27-28 July 2009 GEO Task ST-09-02 Kick-off Meeting. Frascati, Italy. 29-30 July 2009 GEO Task ST-09-01 Kick-off Meeting. Brussels, Belgium. 31 August- 2 International Workshop on Innovative Data Mining Techniques in Sup- September 2009 port of GEOSS. Sinaia, Romania. 3-5 September 2009 GEOSS Summer School: Advancing Earth Observation Data Understand- ing. Sinaia, Romania. 9-11 September 2009 CEOS SIT-24. Darmstadt, Germany. 14-18 September Co-located GEO Committee Meetings. BoM, Melbourne, Australia. 2009 21-22 September 16th GEO Executive Committee Meeting. Geneva, Switzerland. 2009 21-25 September 2009 OceanObs Conference. Venice, Italy. 2009 23-24 September First Task Team meeting in preparation of the Second GEOSS African 2009 Water Cycle Symposium. Geneva, Switzerland. 24-25 September Workshop on Soil Data for GEOSS. Prague, Czech Republic. 2009 29 September-11 QA4EO workshop on Facilitating Implementation. Antalya, Turkey. October 2009 30 September-2 Future Satellite Gravity Missions Workshop. TU Graz, Austria. October 2009 5-8 October 2009 Workshop on High-Impact Weather Predictability & Information System for Africa. Trieste, Italy. 8-9 October 2009 3rd GEO European Projects Workshop. , Turkey. 23-25 October 2009 GEOSS Workshop XXX: Disasters management and humanitarian assis- tance for GEOSS. Kampala, Uganda. 26-30 October 2009 AfricaGIS 2009. Kampala, Uganda. 2-4 November 2009 International GEO Workshop on Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) to Sup- port Agricultural Monitoring. Kananaskis Alberta, Canada. 3-5 November 2009 23rd CEOS Plenary. Phuket, Thailand. 12-13 November GEOSS Workshop XXXI: Using Earth Observations for Health - a work- 2009 shop of the GEO Health and the Environment Community of Practice. Washington DC, USA. 14 November 2009 12th Science & Technology Committee Meeting. Washington DC, USA.

ESPI Report 34 122 May 2011 Crucial Elements of European Space Flagship Programmes

Dates Events 15-16 November 13th User Interface Committee Meeting. Washington DC, USA. 2009 16 November 2009 17th GEO Executive Committee Meeting. Washington DC, USA. 17-18 November GEO-VI Plenary Session. Washington DC, USA. 2009 19 November 2009 GEO-IGOS Symposium. Washington DC, USA. 30 November 2009 GEOSS Workshop XXXII: Disasters with emphasis on Communication. Honolulu, Hawaii, USA. 30 November- 4 GEO Water Cycle Capacity Building Workshop. Lima, Peru. December 2009 7-9 December 2009 Global Space Technology Forum 2009. Abu Dhabi, UAE. 18 December 2009 GEOSS Workshop XXXIII: using Earth Observation for Water Manage- ment. San Francisco, CA, USA. 17- 18 December Impact of climate change on agriculture. Ahmedabad, India. 2009 18-21 January 2010 GEONetCab kick-off meeting. Enschede, Netherlands. 18-21 January 2010 Workshop of the GEO Geohazards Community of Practice (GHCP). Paris, France. 20 January 2010 GEONetCab presentations & discussions. Enschede, Netherlands. 21-22 January 2010 11th Capacity Building Committee meeting. Enschede, Netherlands. 25-27 January 2010 GEO-CEOS Work Plan Workshop. Washington DC, USA. 25-27 January 2010 CEOS Climate SBA Action Meeting. Washington DC, USA. 2-3 February 2010 GEO 2010 Ministerial Task Force meeting. Geneva, Switzerland. 2-4 February 2010 Data Sharing Task Force Action Plan Workshop. Reading,UK. 15-17 February 2010 Joint Regional Workshop of GEO Coastal Zone Community of Practice (CZCP), UNESCO Water Division, UNESCO-IOC/GOOS, and the Inte- grated Global Observing System (IGOS) Coastal Theme. Cotonou, Benin. 15-17 February 2010 SAFARI Symposium. Kochi, India. 22-25 February 2010 GEO BON Detailed Implementation Plan meeting. Asilomar, CA USA. 22-23 February 2010 1st GEO-Africa Core Team Meeting. Geneva, Switzerland. 23-24 February 2010 IGWCO Community of Practice Workshop on Water Resource Assess- ment and Applications. New York, USA. 23-24 February 2010 GCI Coordination Team meeting. Geneva, Switzerland. 24-25 February 2010 IGWCO Community of Practice 6th Annual Planning meeting. New York, USA. 2-4 March 2010 14th User Interface Committee Meeting. Reading,UK. 3-4 March 2010 12th Architecture and Data Committee meeting. Buenos Aires, Argentina. 10-12 March 2010 4th GEOSS Asia-Pacific Symposium. Bali, Indonesia. 11-12 March 2010 AIP-3 kickoff workshop. Frascati, Italy. 13 March 2010 6th GEOSS Asia Water Cycle Initiative International Coordination Group meeting. Bali, Indonesia. 22-23 March 2010 18th GEO Executive Committee Meeting. Geneva, Switzerland. 24-26 March 2010 13th Science & Technology Committee Meeting. Ankara, Turkey.

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Dates Events 29-31 March 2010 4th Session of the WCRP Observation and Assimilation Panel, WOAP-IV. , Germany. 12-14 April 2010 25th Session of the CEOS-Strategic Implementation Team, SIT-25. Tokyo, Japan. 19-23 April 2010 Global Drought Assessment Workshop. Ashville, USA. 26-30 April 2010 GCOS/WCRP Atmospheric Observation Panel for Climate, AOPC-XV. Geneva, Switzerland. 3 May 2010 GEOSS Workshop XXXIVa: Bringing GEOSS Services to Practice, a hands-on workshop of the EnviroGRIDS Project. Bucharest, Romania. 4 May 2010 GEOSS Workshop XXXIVb: GEOSS for Decision Makers in the area, a workshop of the EnviroGRIDS Project. Bucharest, Romania. 10-21 May 2010 What are the remote sensing data needs of the population-environment research community. 17-19 May 2010 GEO Work Plan Symposium. Pretoria, South Africa. 20 May 2010 15th User Interface Committee Meeting. Pretoria, South Africa. 20 May 2010 14th Science & Technology Committee Meeting. Pretoria, South Africa. 20 May 2010 12th Capacity Building Committee meeting. Pretoria, South Africa. 20 May 2010 13th Architecture and Data Committee meeting. Pretoria, South Africa. 1 June 2010 GEO Forest Carbon Tracking (FCT) Task Information meeting. Geneva, Switzerland. 7-9 June 2010 Fourth meeting of the GEOSS Monitoring and Evaluation Working Group. Geneva, Switzerland. 13-14 June 2010 GEOSS Workshop XXXV – Arctic Climate and Data Management: Rec- ommendations for GEOSS. Oslo, Norway. 23-24 June 2010 GEO UN-REDD “Measurement reporting and verification joint Workshop”. Zapopan, Jalisco, Mexico. 23-25 June 2010 GEOSS Workshop XXXVI - has become "INSPIRE in the Global dimen- sion", a track organized on behalf of the EuroGEOSS project for the INSPIRE 2010 conference. Krakow, Poland. 7-8 July 2010 Geosciences observations and observing systems. , United Kingdom. 15-16 July 2010 19th GEO Executive Committee Meeting. Geneva, Switzerland. 20-21 July 2010 GEO BON Steering Committee meeting. Cambridge, United Kingdom. 25 July 2010 GEOSS Workshop XXXVII – Radio spectrum allocation impact on earth observation and Data Quality. Honolulu, Hawaii, USA. 25-29 July 2010 GEO Health and Environment Community of Practice Workshop. CNES, Paris, France. 9-12 August 2010 ISPRS Commission VIII Symposium. Kyoto, Japan. 31 August – 2 16th User Interface Committee Meeting. Oslo, Norway. September 2010 1-3 September 2010 14th Architecture and Data Committee meeting. Ankara, Turkey. 19 September 2010 GEOSS Workshop XXXVIII – Evolution of Ocean Observing Systems, building on infrastructure for science. Seattle, WA, USA. 28 September 2010 GEO JECAM workshop. Hong Kong, China. 28-29 September 15th Science & Technology Committee Meeting. Rome, Italy. 2010

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Dates Events 29-30 September International Workshop on Global Agricultural Monitoring. Hong Kong, 2010 China. 3 October 2010 GEOSS Workshop XXXIX – Forest and Bio-energy. Santiago, Chile. International Symposium: Benefiting from Earth Observation – Bridging the Data Gap for Adaptation to Climate Change in the Hindu Kush- Himalayan Region. Kathmandu, Nepal. 11-13 October 2010 IGCP 565 Workshop 3: Separating Hydrological and Tectonic Signals in Geodetic Observations. Reno, Nevada, USA. 13-15 October 2010 EO system achievements and requirements for worldwide operational agriculture monitoring. Brussels, Belgium. 22-23 October 2010 Towards a Bioenergy Atlas of Africa. Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. 25-29 October 2010 8th AARSE conference. Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. 1-2 November 2010 User Engagement Session. Beijing, China. 2 November 2010 20th GEO Executive Committee Meeting. Beijing, China. 3-4 November 2010 GEO-VII Plenary Session. Beijing, China. 5 November 2010 2010 GEO Beijing Ministerial Summit. Beijing, China. 17-18 November GEOSS Monitoring and Evaluation Meeting. Geneva, Switzerland. 2010 18-20 November 4th International Meningitis Environmental Risk Information Technolo- 2010 gies ‘MERIT’ Technical Meeting. Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. 30 November 2010 Earth Observation and Life Conference. , . 19-21 January 2011 3rd Data Sharing Task Force "Scoping" Meeting. Washington DC, USA. 25-28 January 2011 17th User Interface Committee Meeting. Vienna, Austria. 1-4 February 2011 GEOSS support for IPCC assessments. A workshop on the data needs of the climate impacts, adaptation and vulnerability research community. Geneva, Switzerland. 8-9 February 2011 GEO European Projects Workshop (GEPW-5). ZSL, London, UK. 18 February 2011 GeoViQua 1st workshop: Making GEOSS a quality immersed system of systems. , Spain. 23-25 February 2011 2nd GEOSS African Water Cycle Symposium. UNCC, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. 28 February – 2 13th Capacity Building Committee meeting. Sao Paolo, Brazil. March 2011 28 February – 3 15th Architecture and Data Committee meeting. Sao Paolo, Brazil. March 2011 9-11 March 2011 GEOSS Support for Decision-Making in the Coastal Zone: Americas Workshop - Earth Observation Support for Sustainable Tourism in Small Island States. San Juan, Puerto Rico. 14-15 March 2011 7th IGWCO Planning Meeting. Tokyo, Japan. 22-23 March 2011 21st GEO Executive Committee Meeting. Geneva, Switzerland. 29-31 March 2011 3rd GEO Health and Environment Community of Practice Workshop. Geneva, Switzerland. 6-8 April 2011 18th User Interface Committee Meeting. Sidney, Australia. 10 April 2011 Building a User-Driven GEOSS: Methods to Capture, Analyze, and Priori- tize User Needs. Sidney, Australia.

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Dates Events 10 April 2011 GEOSS Workshop XL – Managing Drought through Earth Observation. Sidney, Australia. 14-15 April 2011 16th Science & Technology Committee Meeting. Sidney, Australia. 10-15 April 2011 34th International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment. Sidney, Australia. 18-19 April 2011 World Forest consultation meeting. Geneva, Switzerland.

Table: Group On Earth Observations (GEO)

A5 Overview of EU Agreements with Third Countries in the Framework of GMES and GNSS

The table below summarises the main elements of the agreements made between deferent coun- tries and the EU.

Country Date Agreement and Content AFRICA Dec.2007 The Africa-EU strategic partnership, a Joint Africa-EU Strat- egy233 - Environmental Sustainability and Climate Change - Science, Information Society and Space

Work together in the global arena and international fora to effec- tively respond and adapt to climate change and other global envi- ronmental challenges. Support Africa's capacity building efforts in the sustainable management of natural resources bridging the digi- tal and scientific divide within African countries and between Africa andother regions. Tackle illegal logging and associated trade. Support peace and security facilitating humanitarian aid operations and improving security of populations through integrated space applications. Nov. 2010 Joint Africa EU Strategy Action Plan 2011-2013234 - Regional integration, Trade and infrastructure - Science, Information Society and Space

Support effective environment and resource management, tackle climate change, achieve peace and security. Strengthen Africa's participation in the Information Revolution. Leverage faster inclusive economic growth and social development in Africa. Compete more effectively in rapidly evolving world markets. CHINA Oct. 2003 Co-operation Agreement on a Civil Global Navigation Satel- lite System (GNSS) between the European Community and its Member States, and the Peoples Republic of China235 -Scientific research - Industrial manufacturing -Service and market development -Trade

233 The Africa-EU strategic partnership a Joint Africa-EU Strategy Lisbon. 9 Dec.2007. . 234 Joint Africa EU Strategy Action Plan 2011-2013 Introductory Part 235 Co-operation Agreement on a Civil Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) between the European Community and its MemberStates, and the People´s Republic of China

ESPI Report 34 126 May 2011 Crucial Elements of European Space Flagship Programmes

Country Date Agreement and Content -Radio spectrum issues -standardisation and certification and security.

Promote joint research activities in the field of GNSS. Encourage and support the cooperation between the industries. Protect intellectual property in accordance with the relevant inter- national standards. Identify and respond effectively to user needs. Cooperate on building a regional augmentation system in China. 2005 Memorandum of understanding, EU-China dialogue on En- ergy and Transport Strategies236 - Energy and Transport Strategies

Promote cooperation on new transport technologies, such as Gali- leo applications, rail technologies and air traffic management INDIA Sept. 2005 The India-EU Joint Action Plan237 -Transport -Space Technology

Support further collaboration in areas such as earth observation and remote sensing for monitoring of natural resources and envi- ronment. Develop efficient transport systems Strengthen civil air safety Dec 2010 EU-India Joint Statement238 -Security and Defence - Energy security, energy efficiency and promoting the develop- ment of renewable energy - Maritime transport

Active cooperation pursued by space agencies and industries for developing, launching and operating Earth Observation and Com- munication Satellites through appropriate bilateral relations. For- mation of ISO-ESA Joint Working Group on Earth Observation to concretize the cooperation areas. ISRAEL Jun 2004 Cooperation Agreement on a Civil Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS)between the European Community and its Member States and the State of Israel239 - Scientific research - Industrial manufacturing, - Service and market development, - Radio Spectrum issues - Standardisation and certification and security

Promote joint GNSS research activities. Encourage and support cooperation between the industries. Identify and respond effectively to user needs. Grant and ensure adequate and effective protection of intellectual, industrial and commercial property rights in the fields and sectors relevant to the development and operation of GALILEO/EGNOS

236 EU-China dialogue on Energy and Transport Strategies, memorandum of Understanding 237 India-EU Strategic Partnership Joint Action Plan . 238 EU-India Joint Statement, Brussels, 10 December 2010

ESPI Report 34 127 May 2011

Country Date Agreement and Content MOROCCO Dec 2006 Co-operation Agreement On a Civil Global Navigation Satel- lite System (GNSS) between the European Community and its Member States and the Kingdom of Morocco240 - Scientific research - Industrial manufacturing, - Service and market development, - Radio Spectrum issues - Standardisation and certification and security

Ensure the accessibility of GNSS services to users in Morocco. Promote joint GNSS research activities. Encourage and support cooperation between the industries. Identify and respond effectively to user needs. Grant and ensure adequate and effective protection of intellectual, industrial and commercial property rights in the fields and sectors relevant to the development and operation of GALILEO/EGNOS NORWAY Oct. 2010 Co-operation Agreement on Satellite Navigation between the European Union and its Member States and the Kingdom of Norway241 - Radio spectrum issues -Ground facilities of European GNSS - Security

Further strengthen the cooperation between the Parties by com- plementing the provisions of the EEA Agreement applicable to sat- ellite navigation. Adoption and enforcement of equivalent GNSS security measures. Ensure the protection and the continuous and undisturbed opera- tion of ground facilities in Norway. Support the development of Galileo standards and promote their application worldwide, emphasising interoperability with other GNSS. RUSSIA May 2005 Roadmap for the Common Economic Space242 - Networks: telecommunications and transport -Space

Provide appropriate environment for fruitful cooperation on Global Monitoring for Environment and Security (GMES) programme Co-operation of the EU Satellite Centre with Russia on specific ar- eas like logistical aspects of crisis management operations. Implement the space component of the Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS) Enhance and strengthen cooperation on Galileo and GLONASS GNSS including on compatibility and interoperability between the two systems and the creation of the conditions for industrial and technical cooperation. Mar. 2006 EU- Russia Dialogue on Space Cooperation243 - Satellite communication and Earth Observation

239 Cooperation Agreement on a Civil Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) between the European Community and its Member States and the State of Israel, Brussels. 2 Jun. 2004 240 Co-operation Agreement On a Civil Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) between the European Community and its Member States and the Kingdom of Morocco Brussels. 12 Dec.2006 241 Cooperation Agreementon Satellite Navigation between the European Union and its Member States and the Kingdom of Norway.29 Oct.2010 . 242 Road map for the common economic space- Building blocks for sustained economic growth , 15th EU-RUSSIA SUMMIT Moscow, 10 May 2005

ESPI Report 34 128 May 2011 Crucial Elements of European Space Flagship Programmes

Country Date Agreement and Content - Space Transportation

Exchange Earth Observation (EO) service methodologies in arctic ice, forest inventories, earthquake precursors and crop monitoring. Investigate further areas for cooperation in early warning and risk management as well as global issues like greenhouse gases244. SOUTH KOREA Sept. 2006 Co-operation Agreement On a Civil Global Navigation Satel- lite System (GNSS) between the European Community and its Member States and the Republic of Korea, on the other part245 - Scientific research - Industrial cooperation - Trade and market development, - Standards, certification and certification and regulatory measures - Augmentations -Security -Liability and cost recovery

Promote joint GNSS research activities. Encourage and support cooperation between the industries. Identify and respond effectively to user needs. Grant and ensure adequate and effective protection of intellectual, industrial and commercial property rights in the fields and sectors relevant to the development and operation of GALILEO/EGNOS UKRAINE Dec.2005 Co-operation Agreement On a Civil Global Navigation Satel- lite System (GNSS) between the European Community and its Member States and Ukraine246 - Radio Spectrum -Scientific research - Industrial cooperation - Trade and Market development - standards, certification and regulatory measures -developing of global and regional GNSS ground augmentation systems -Security -Liability and cost recovery

Promote joint GNSS research activities. Encourage and support the cooperation between the industries. Ensure adequate and effective protection and enforcement of intel- lectual, industrial and commercial property rights at the fields and sectors relevant to the development and operation of Gali- leo/EGNOS. Promote broad and innovative use of the GALILEO services for open, commercial and safety of life purposes. Implement a ground regional augmentations system in Ukraine based on the GALILEO system.

243 EU- Russia Dialoque On Space Cooperation. . 244 “EU-Russia Dialogue on Space Cooperation – 5th meeting of the Steering Board” 10 Jun. 2010, russia_space_dialogue_v3_en.doc 245Co-operation Agreement On a Civil Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) between the European Community and its Member States and the Republic of Korea, on the other part>. 246 Co-operation Agreement On a Civil Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) between the European Community and its Member States and Ukraine, Kiev, 1.12.2005 .

ESPI Report 34 129 May 2011

Country Date Agreement and Content USA Jun 2004 Agreement on the promotion, provision and use of Galileo and Gps satellite-based navigation systems and related ap- plications247 -Interoperability between GPS and Galileo navigation systems

Promote and facilitate the use of positioning signals, services, and equipment for peaceful civil, commercial, and scientific uses, con- sistent with and in furtherance of mutual security interests. Jul. 2009 EC-US Scientific and Technological Cooperation Agree- ment248 - Space and Earth - Crisis management

Cooperate on land imaging activities relating to the US Landsat satellites and the European GMES activities on Sentinel 2. Address growing concerns over climate change, other natural dis- asters and sustainable development issues.

247 Agreement on the promotion, provision and use of Galileo and Gps satellite-based navigation systems and related applica- tions, Dromoland Castle, Co.Clare, 26 Jun. 2004. . 248 EC-US Scientific and Technological Cooperation Agreement Road Map Document. Jul. 2009 .

ESPI Report 34 130 May 2011 Crucial Elements of European Space Flagship Programmes


This Report is a stand-alone study but also Vladimír Remek, in particular Dagmar Šven- draws from the workshop on “Galileo-GMES: dová and Petr Voldán and the office of MEP Less known elements of the space flagship Norbert Glante, in particular Henning programmes: public perception and interna- Schüchner for their essential role in the tional aspects” of 7 December 2010 at the workshop and the preparation of this Report. European Parliament, for which proceedings Additionally, the author would like to thank have been published as ESPI Report 34. The all those who provided additional information author would like to express again her high and comments on drafts of this report. In appreciation for the support of MEP Vladimír particular the author would like to thank Remek and MEP Norbert Glante and their Thomas Geist (Austrian Research Promotion offices in organising that workshop and would Agency), Maria Pillar Milagro-Pérez (ESA). like to highlight their active contribution in The author thanks ESPI Director Kai-Uwe guiding and stimulating the discussions. The Schrogl for his advice, guidance and support author would also like to thank the speakers throughout the project duration. The author at the workshop: Gian Gherardo Calini, GSA, would like to highlight the support of the Josef Aschbacher, ESA, Marie Menard-Caër, Research interns Antonio Del Fiacco, Cláudia EC, Jean-Yves Roger, EC, Jérôme Béquignon, Raposo Correia, Cenan El-Ekabi, Rosa EC, Gilles Ollier, EC. Particular thanks are Rosanelli and Karina Wardak, for their addressed to Gai Oren from the secretariat of support in conducting this study. ITRE Committee and the office of MEP

About the Author

Christina Giannopapa has been Resident Fel- ant to various high-tech industries in re- low at the European Space Policy Institute search and technology development. In policy (ESPI) since January 2010. Prior to joining she worked briefly in DG Research, European ESPI, she had ten years experience in engi- Commission. In her academic years she has neering. From 2007-2009, she served as received various academic scholarships and Technical Officer for the European Space has numerous publications in peer reviewed Agency (ESA), where she was responsible for journals. She holds a PhD in Engineering and overseeing projects in the field of life and Applied Mathematics from the University of physical science instrumentation. Previously, London, UK and an MEng in Manufacturing she held positions in academia in Eindhoven Systems Engineering and Mechatronics, Uni- University of Technology, the Netherlands, versity of London, UK. Additionally, she has where she currently holds an Assistant Pro- attended professional education in Law and fessor position. She has worked as a consult- International Management.

ESPI Report 34 131 May 2011

Mission Statement of ESPI

The European Space Policy Institute (ESPI) provides decision-makers with an informed view on mid- to long-term issues relevant to Europe’s space activi- ties. In this context, ESPI acts as an independent platform for developing po- sitions and strategies