Service of the Word
Service of the Word First Sunday of Christmas Third Day of Christmas December 27, 2020 Immanuel Evangelical Lutheran Church w A Living Sanctuary of Hope and Grace Al Gathering congregarse We gather, virtually, as the Body of Christ. All are invited to light a candle in preparation for worship. You may place a bowl of water near you in remembrance The Holy Spirit of baptism. gathers us together as our Advent longings are fulfilled in the Prelude birth of Jesus, What Child Is This setting, Douglas Smith even as we await his return in Ed Engle, trumpet glory. Royce Engle, piano Gathering Song Let All Together Praise Our God #287 During this time, the presiding minister and assembly greet each other. Response: And also with you. 2 Canticle of Praise We join the song of the Christmas angels. Prayer of the Day 3 Palabra Word The Word of God First Reading Isaiah 61:10—62:3 is incarnate Response: Thanks be to God. through the reading and hearing of scripture. Our response is made Psalm Psalm 148 through song, The assembly sings the verses in bold to the psalm tone below. silence, proclamation, and prayer. 1 Hallelujah! Praise the Lord| from the heavens; praise God | in the heights. 2Praise the Lord, | all you angels; sing praise, all you | hosts of heaven. 3 Praise the Lord, | sun and moon; sing praise, all you | shining stars. 4Praise the Lord, heav- | en of heavens, and you waters a- | bove the heavens. 5 Let them praise the name | of the Lord, who commanded, and they | were created, 6who made them stand fast forev- | er and ever, giving them a law that shall not | pass away.
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