Pisciforma, Setisura, and Furcatergalia (Order: Ephemeroptera) Are Not Monophyletic Based on 18S Rdna Sequences: a Reply to Sun Et Al
Utah Valley University From the SelectedWorks of T. Heath Ogden 2008 Pisciforma, Setisura, and Furcatergalia (Order: Ephemeroptera) are not monophyletic based on 18S rDNA sequences: A Reply to Sun et al. (2006) T. Heath Ogden, Utah Valley University Available at: https://works.bepress.com/heath_ogden/9/ LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Pisciforma, Setisura, and Furcatergalia (Order: Ephemeroptera) Are Not Monophyletic Based on 18S rDNA Sequences: A Response to Sun et al. (2006) 1 2 3 T. HEATH OGDEN, MICHEL SARTORI, AND MICHAEL F. WHITING Sun et al. (2006) recently published an analysis of able on GenBank October 2003. However, they chose phylogenetic relationships of the major lineages of not to include 34 other mayßy 18S rDNA sequences mayßies (Ephemeroptera). Their study used partial that were available 18 mo before submission of their 18S rDNA sequences (Ϸ583 nucleotides), which were manuscript (sequences available October 2003; their analyzed via parsimony to obtain a molecular phylo- manuscript was submitted 1 March 2005). If the au- genetic hypothesis. Their study included 23 mayßy thors had included these additional taxa, they would species, representing 20 families. They aligned the have increased their generic and familial level sam- DNA sequences via default settings in Clustal and pling to include lineages such as Leptohyphidae, Pota- reconstructed a tree by using parsimony in PAUP*. manthidae, Behningiidae, Neoephemeridae, Epheme- However, this tree was not presented in the article, rellidae, and Euthyplociidae. Additionally, there were nor have they made the topology or alignment avail- 194 sequences available (as of 1 March 2005) for other able despite multiple requests. This molecular tree molecular markers, aside from 18S, that could have was compared with previous hypotheses based on been used to investigate higher level relationships.
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