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News & Information News & Information Dawn Balmer (compiler) EGYPT opposition from officials at the Ministry of State for Environmental Affairs, responsible IBA and proposed World Heritage for managing Egypt’s protected areas. Site in Egypt threatened by tourist development NCE is calling for Gebel Qatrani to be The Amer Group, the Egyptian real estate declared Egypt’s first UNESCO Geopark to developer responsible for Porto Marina and attract tourists, create jobs and as a step Porto Sokhna, massive tourism developments towards making the area a World Heritage along Egypt’s north and Ain Sokhna coasts, Site. Through its SSG network in Egypt, plans to build ‘Porto Fayoum’ on 650 acres in NEC hopes that the ‘Friends of Lake Qarun’ the Lake Qarun Protected Area near Fayoum SSG also participate in the project recently oasis. This is the first development of such funded by the US Embassy’s Democracy huge proportions to be allowed in an Egyptian Grants Programme. For more information protected area. This and other tourism on the proposed development contact: developments planned for a 10-kilometer Rebecca Porteous at rporteous1@yahoo. stretch of coastal land along the northern part, or Mindy Baha El Din at egyptcalling@ of lake Qarun will undoubtedly cause damage or [email protected] at Nature to this pristine, scenic desert area, known Conservation Egypt. as Gebel Qatrani. This area contains one of the world’s most complete fossil records of IRAN terrestrial primates and marshland mammals and remains critical to our understanding Publication of the first and second of mammalian—and human—evolution. Just issues of Balaban ornithological last year excavations in Gebel Qatrani revealed bulletin the complete fossil remains of a prehistoric Balaban, the Iranian Bulletin of Ornithology, whale, new to science. Gebel Qatrani has also is published, in Persian, by Zist Andishan been listed as a proposed UNESCO World Caspian Institute. This periodical (ISSN 2008- Heritage Site, not only given its priceless 7705) is being managed by Afshin Zarei under fossil deposits, but also its prehistoric and the editorship of Mohammad Tohidifar and archaeological treasures, including Pharaonic assistant editors Abolghasem Khaleghizadeh tombs and quarries, and the world’s most and Ahmad Barati. ancient paved road. The first issue of Balaban was published Nature Conservation Egypt (NCE) think in 2009 and covers many short notes: An that the tourism development will negatively introduction to birdwatching in Iran; Breeding impact birds and their habitats at lake Qarun, of Indian Silverbill Lonchura malabarica in a BirdLife International Important Bird Area Bandar Abbas City; Recent report of breeding (IBA). Through the Jensen Foundation, BirdLife Bluethroat Luscinia svecica in Lar National Park, supported NCE to establish a Site Support Tehran; A note on breeding of Great Stone- Group to protect the site as well as generate curlew Esacus recurvirostris in Hara Protected incomes in a sustainable manner. Egypt’s Area, Hormozgan, southern Iran; A note official Tourism Development Authority on breeding and ringing of Gull-billed Tern (TDA) participated in numerous studies Sterna nilotica in AghGol wetland, Hamedan; highlighting lake Qarun’s importance for Ringing herons in northern Iran; Observation ecotourism. However, it has instead approved of Corncrake Crex crex in Hamedan Province; this project to promote more conventional— Observation of White-fronted Goose Anser and unsustainable—tourism developments albifrons in Hengam Island, Persian Gulf; on the lake. This is happening despite Bird damage to melon and watermelon in Sandgrouse 33 (2011) 193 Sandgrouse33-2-110726.indd 193 7/26/2011 9:27:06 AM Dashli-Boroun area, Golestan Province; identification and their conservation status, and Establishment of Iran Bird Records field and breeding survey techniques together Committee. Finally, updated species lists of with implementation on the ground in some IUCN and CITES were prepared for Iranian designated Important Bird Areas (IBAs) in birds, some news and a list of 53 Iranian Iraq. In addition, the course focused on future ornithological literature items published in conservation and management plans for the 2007 are presented at the end. In this issue, key sites that Nature Iraq and the Ministry of English summaries are presented together on Environment are working on. the first pages, left hand side, of the issue. One of Nature Iraq’s green projects is The second issue of the Balaban was ecotourism and to further this aim an eco- published in 2010 and included a long review camp was recently built near one of the key article: Checklist of the birds of Tehran sites for wildlife. Nature Iraq arranged three Province during the past half century, listing day eco-tours for people from inside and all 338 species recorded in this province during outside of the country to show them the value the past 50 years in published materials as of the areas visited and how efforts are being well as many unpublished records. This issue made to preserve them in a sustainable way. also contains a few short notes: Observation of Eurasian Nutcrackers Nucifraga caryocatactes Bird training at Peramagroon area in Khorasan-e Razavi and Gilan Provinces, (designated protected area) northern Iran; Recent observation of the Sooty On 12 May as one of the activities for World Falcon Falco concolor in Central Iran; Breeding Migratory Bird Day at the French Institute in of Black-necked Grebe Podiceps nigricollis and Erbil (with an exhibition at the same place), Common Pochard Aythya ferina at Shirin-Sou Nature Iraq arranged a lecture “Soaring Birds wetland, Hamedan Province; and Breeding of and their Migration” which also focused on White-headed Duck Oxyura leucocephala and the role of Iraq in protecting all birds in Ferruginous Duck Aythya nyroca at sewage general and these birds in particular. Many ponds of Zarrin-Shahr, Esfahan Province. In people attended from different sectors and this issue, English summaries are presented countries and it was covered by the media. at the beginning of each paper. Finally, some On 29 May Dr Azzam Alwash (CEO of Nature news and a list of 49 Iranian ornithological Iraq) gave a talk “The Story of Mesopotamian literature items published in 2008 are Marshes, The Past and Future”—this is one of presented at the end. the main key sites for many migratory birds. Authors are encouraged to submit (Contributed by Richard Porter) their manuscripts to Mohammad Tohidifar preferably by email: Mohammad_8463@ Nature Iraq receives Takreem Arab, or mailing hard copies to: Achievement Award in Qatar Northern No. 9, Yekom Valiye-Asr alley, Initiated in 2004 the Takreem Arab Eastern 72 Street, Sardasht Street, Resalat Achievement Award honours the best and Highway, PO Box 16516 43711, Tehran, Iran. brightest of Arab achievements. Nature Iraq was the recipient this year for their IRAQ achievement in Environmental Development and Sustainability. Dr Azzam Alwash, CEO of World Migratory Bird Day Nature Iraq, accepted the award at a ceremony Celebration and Nature Iraq’s in Qatar at the end of April. Activities The Takreem Award seeks to identify This spring Nature Iraq/BirdLife International and promote Arab accomplishments, by organized several conservation-related highlighting Arab excellence and leadership activities. From 24–29 April Nature Iraq/ worldwide. The Award for Environmental BirdLife International, with help from Development and Sustainability honours Richard Porter (BirdLife advisor for the individuals and organizations that have Middle East), ran their sixth annual training shown leadership in the field of environmental course which trained people from ministries planning, sustainable development and and other sectors. They were trained in bird green projects. Such recipients have been 194 Sandgrouse 33 (2011) Sandgrouse33-2-110726.indd 194 7/26/2011 9:27:06 AM involved in effective environmental planning, YEMEN addressing community needs through sustainable resource use while protecting the Minister for Water and the environment, promoting energy efficiency Environment and raising environmental awareness. Abdul Rahman, President of YSPW (BirdLife’s (Contributed by Richard Porter) Partner) is no longer in post as Yemen’s Minister for Water and the Environment. ISRAEL OTHER INFORMATION Volunteers wanted for migration survey Bibliography of Arabian The Israel Ornithological Centre (IOC) will Ornithology conduct a migration survey of soaring birds The 2011 update to the draft bibliography of in the northern valleys of Israel. This survey Arabian Ornithology is now available. This is monitoring one of the most important issue includes the 80 or so references added bird migration pathways of the Middle East. since 2010. This year’s version includes two They are looking for experienced birdwatchers important addenda. In the preparation of the who are willing to spend long days in the field. ABBA atlas it was originally intended to fully The survey runs from 15 Sep–10 Oct. IOC will reference the text but later it was decided that cover flight costs, food and accommodation this would take up too much space and would and a small fee for volunteers who can stay have made the text less straightforward to the whole duration. For more details please read. It was then decided to list all relevant contact Nadav Israeli contactnadavisra@ published sources by a numerical code after each species account. However this plan was also abandoned as again it would have taken JORDAN up too much space. These were important decisions as the atlas crept to an unmanageable Jordan Birdwatching Club on 800 pages. In the end only the most relevant Facebook sources were quoted in the species accounts If you’re on Facebook and interested in the and only those sources included in the atlas wild birds of Jordan, please consider joining list of references. The following addenda fill the facebook group ‘Jordan Birdwatching this gap by providing a full list of references Club’. (Contributed by Fares Khoury) for each species and a complete list of all references consulted.
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