Extensions of Remarks E1534 HON. MIKE BOST HON. BARBARA LEE

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Extensions of Remarks E1534 HON. MIKE BOST HON. BARBARA LEE E1534 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks October 26, 2015 those praying for her to succeed in her next Deputy Chief Downing received his Bach- San Ysidro Vanguard Education Foundation adventure. As she will experience shortly, this elor’s Degree in Administration of Justice from was created in 2012 to address the racial and wind will likely be a gale force event, so be- San Jose State University in 1989, and went ethnic disparities within the San Ysidro School loved is Patricia Miljanich in San Mateo Coun- on to graduate from Indiana State University in District. The organization focuses on early ty. 2008 with a Master’s Degree in Criminology. learning, college access, Latino teacher re- f He is also the graduate of several senior man- cruitment, and STEM education. agement programs, including the Federal Bu- Again, I would like to extend my admiration 20TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE COM- reau of Investigation’s National Academy, the and sincere appreciation for all the work that PLETION OF THE GATEWAY GEY- Police Executive Research Forum’s Senior these groups continue to do for our commu- SER Management Institute for Police, and the Cali- nity. fornia Peace Officer Standards and Training f HON. MIKE BOST Executive Development Course. IN RECOGNITION OF RONN OWENS OF ILLINOIS Throughout his career, Deputy Chief Down- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ing has maintained a special interest in and relationship with Oakland’s Chinatown. He Monday, October 26, 2015 HON. JACKIE SPEIER serves the Oakland and Chinatown commu- OF CALIFORNIA Mr. BOST. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to rec- nities as a member of the Board of Directors IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ognize the 20th Anniversary of the completion of the Oakland Chinatown Chamber of Com- Monday, October 26, 2015 of the Gateway Geyser. It is a proud and dis- merce, the President of the Oakland Police tinct achievement that the tallest fountain in Foundation, President of the Oakland Police Ms. SPEIER. Mr. Speaker, I rise to honor a the United States, and the second tallest in Managers Association, Chairman of the Asian broadcast legend who is celebrating his 40th the world, is located in the Metro East region Advisory Committee on Crime, Chairman of anniversary at KGO Newstalk 810 today and of Southern Illinois. the Asian Youth Services Committee (AYSC), who will be inducted into the National Radio The vision and drive of Malcom Martin Chairperson of the AYSC Scholarship Dinner, Hall of Fame in November. Ronn Owens is a made it possible to undertake this incredible and has raised funds and manpower to send household name in the Bay Area and beyond, project. In addition to its famous geyser, the low-income youth to various camps and semi- a master in his field, and a remarkably tal- park’s facilities offer visitors impressive and nars across the nation. ented, opinionated and intellectually curious memorable views of the Arch and City of St. On behalf of the residents of California’s man whom I am proud to call a good friend. Louis. It is very much a part of the overall Jef- 13th Congressional District, Deputy Chief I have spent many hours on the air with Ronn ferson National Expansion Memorial. David E. Downing, I salute him. I thank him for and he is always tough, thoughtful, informed As I toured the park recently, I developed a lifetime of service and congratulate him on and unpredictable. an understanding for the desires that the his achievements. I wish him and his loved He has honed his skills in thousands of Metro East Park and Recreation District and ones the very best as he enjoys his well-de- interviews with guests in the hot seat, includ- the Gateway Center have to make this amaz- served retirement. ing President Barack Obama, Democratic ing park a part of the Jefferson National Ex- f Leader NANCY PELOSI, actor Steve Martin, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, pansion Memorial. Doing so would be a fitting IN RECOGNITION OF THE 25TH AN- 49er quarterback Joe Montana, singer Tony tribute to Malcom Martin and all of the City of NIVERSARY OF THE WHITE Bennett and a long list of Secretaries of State, East St. Louis officials who have helped make HOUSE INITIATIVE ON EDU- CIA Directors, mayors and community leaders. this anniversary possible. CATIONAL EXCELLENCE FOR His longevity and style on the air have f HISPANICS earned him many prestigious awards: The Bay HONORING DEPUTY CHIEF DAVID Area Radio Hall of Fame, the National Asso- E. DOWNING HON. JUAN VARGAS ciation of Broadcaster’s Marconi Award twice, OF CALIFORNIA Talkers Magazine’s Top 25 Greatest Radio HON. BARBARA LEE IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Talk Show Host of All Time, and now the Na- OF CALIFORNIA Monday, October 26, 2015 tional Radio Hall of Fame where he will be IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. VARGAS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to joining the likes of Edward R. Murrow, Bob Hope and Terry Gross. Monday, October 26, 2015 recognize and commend the 25th anniversary of the White House Initiative on Educational Ronn was born Ronald Lowenstein on Octo- Ms. LEE. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to honor Excellence for Hispanics. The initiative, estab- ber 17, 1945 in New York City. He graduated the exemplary career of Deputy Chief David lished in 1990, has sought to address the edu- from Temple University in Philadelphia in 1968 Downing of the Oakland Police Department. cational disparities faced by the Hispanic com- and launched his broadcast career hosting Deputy Chief Downing began his career in munity. This year, the White House launched radio programs in Atlanta, Miami, Cleveland law enforcement with the Oakland Police De- the Bright Spots catalog to commemorate the and Philadelphia. In 1975 he moved to San partment (OPD) in 1988. During his career, he initiative’s success. This newly created re- Francisco and began his four decade run at has served in a wide variety of assignments, source honors organizations around the coun- KGO radio. Today, he remains the only week- including Police Academy Director, Internal Af- try significantly furthering the educational at- day talk radio host on the station and has a fairs Commander, and Special Operations tainment of the Hispanic community. regular audience of half a million listeners. Commander. In 2012, he was promoted to While there are 230 programs included in While Ronn is very vocal about his opin- Deputy Chief of Police and is currently the the catalog, I would like to honor three organi- ions—he also wrote a book titled Voice of commander of the Bureau of Field Operations zations in California’s 51 District: Barrio Logan Reason: Why the Left and Right Are Wrong— for West Oakland. Deputy Chief Downing also College Institute, Reality Changers, and the he is the first to admit when he is wrong. served concurrently with OPD’s Special Weap- San Ysidro Vanguard Education Foundation. Facts matter and he is dedicated to seeking ons and Tactics team from 1992 to 2011 as Barrio Logan College Institute, established the truth. Last year, Ronn revealed a chal- an operator, team leader, and tactical com- in 2007, is a nonprofit working to provide dis- lenging personal truth to his listeners. He was mander. advantaged students with the opportunity to diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease over a In addition to serving the citizens of Oak- attend college. The organization begins work- decade ago. He decided to go public after the land, Deputy Chief Downing served the United ing with students in third grade and continues tragic death of Robin Williams who was diag- States of America as an Air Force Reservist providing support and guidance throughout nosed with Parkinson’s. Ronn hasn’t let his from 1984 to 2014. He retired as a Chief Mas- high school. Since its creation, 100 percent of symptoms get in the way of doing his job. ter Sergeant with the Air Force Office of Spe- its graduates have gone on to college. Recently he joked before surgery, ‘‘If I come cial Investigations as the Senior Enlisted Reality Changers was founded in 2001 in an out and say, ‘you know, that Sarah Palin Leader for the 4th Field Investigative Region, attempt to better prepare disadvantaged His- would make a heckuva president,’ we’ll know at Randolph Air Force Base in Texas. In 2001, panic youth for college. By establishing var- something went wrong.’’ He meets the chal- he was mobilized into active duty and served ious support systems and college readiness lenges of his disease with great courage and in Operation Noble Eagle, Enduring Freedom, programs, the organization has seen 97 per- humor. and Iraqi Freedom until his return to civilian cent of its students become first generation Ronn started his radio career when analog law enforcement in 2003. college students. reel-to-reel tape recorders, cartridges and VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:36 Oct 27, 2015 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A26OC8.005 E26OCPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with REMARKS October 26, 2015 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1535 turntables were modern, but he has stayed workers have the right to safe working condi- Participating in a cultural exchange program with the times, in fact he is an early adopter tions. Over the span of his 50-year career until in Russia in 1998, gave Dan the opportunity to and loves technology. I remember when at a his death in 1992, he taught two generations visit various national parks throughout Russia. visit to his studio I pulled out my Blackberry to of physicians, published over 380 scientific The purpose was to gain valuable insight into take a photo, and he burst out laughing mak- works, and publicized the health risks associ- business and social issues that would con- ing fun of my ‘‘antique’’ phone, I promptly ated with toxins found in everyday work envi- tribute to improved funding for Russia’s na- bought an iPhone.
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