The California Historical Radio Society (CHRS), is a non-profit educational corporation chartered in the State of California. Formed in 1974, CHRS promotes the restoration and preservation of early radio and broadcasting. Our goal is to enable the exchange of information on the history of radio, particularly in the West, with emphasis on collecting, preserving, and displaying early equipment, literature, and programs. Yearly membership is $30 ($40 non-USA). CHRS Museum in Alameda CHRS has been fortunate to through the generosity of its donors to purchase a home for the CHRS museum and education center. It is located at 2152 Central Avenue. The building was built in 1900 as a telephone exchange. CHRS volunteers are actively restoring the building to make it optimal for use. Our goal is to create an environment to share our knowledge and love of radio and enable us to create an appreciation and understanding for a new generation of antique radio collectors and historians. Please come visit us any Saturday 9am to 3pm. Visitors and groups welcome at other times by appointment; Contact Steve Kushman. ◊ Contact us: CHRS Central Valley Chapter (CVC) CHRS, PO Box 31659, San Francisco, CA 94131 or
[email protected] Richard Lane – Chairman Visit us at: Staff Bart Lee – Counsel Emeritus, Hist., Archivist Officers & Directors Len Shapiro – BARM Executive Director Mike Adams – Chairman, Webmaster Walt Hayden – Radio Central Planning Consultant Steve Kushman – President, Radio Central Project John Stuart