3.1 Measuring Tobacco Use Behaviours
chap3.1janvier13:Layout 1 13/01/2009 09:55 Page 75 3.1 Measuring tobacco use behaviours Introduction semination of tobacco-related Natural history of tobacco use surveillance data.” The majority of tobacco control In addition, Section 1-d of Article The natural history of tobacco use is policies are designed to reduce 21 requires each ratifying nation to often conceptualized as a series of tobacco use or exposure to tobacco provide periodic updates on sur- steps that can progress from never smoke in the environment; stra- veillance and research as specified use, to trial, experimentation, estab- tegies that are clearly supported by in Article 20. Article 22 calls for lished use, attempting to quit, the scientific literature (US cooperation among the Parties to relapse, and/or maintenance of Department of Health and Human promote the transfer of technical cessation (Figure 3.1 and Table 3.1) Services, 2004, 2006; IARC, 2004, and scientific expertise on sur- (US Department of Health and 2007a). Preventing initiation and veillance and evaluation, among Human Services, 1990, 1994; promoting quitting are the two major other topics (WHO, 2003). Marcus et al. , 1993; Pierce et al ., tobacco control strategies designed This section will first review the 1998b; Mayhew et al., 2000; Choi et to reduce use. To facilitate pro- natural history of tobacco use (e.g. al. , 2001; Hughes et al ., 2003). Prior gress, article 20 of the WHO initiation, current use, cessation). In to actual initiation of use, never Framework Convention on Tobacco epidemiologic studies of disease users often think about use, a step Control (FCTC) calls for Parties to: etiology, such as those discussed in in the process that is described in IARC Monographs (e.g.
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