I lU riilM h © itjjtfo, SJxrnft aitli fait

PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY EVENING, BY Having made large additions to our former variety of JOHN PORTER,::::::::::::::::Proprietor PLAIN AND FANCY

For the Gazette. SALERATUS. ‘ You are blessed with an extraordinary “ O, Mother I I’ve Lost my Knife!” ets in New York, and I camo to ask you to Sious, on a t war party, tilled past Aim S t r i f e , Chickawauka. None now can make a shortened cake husband.’ come and seo mo.’ wit/zin arm’s reac/z, wAile Ae remained unob­ . There's a lump in his throat and hot tears How far back that little candle throws its served.’ So good as could my mother, ‘ MortoniS very kind, I will allow, but in his eyes, and his little heart is full to Reader, did you ever “ grow any hops’” If And I think I know why ’tis so beam—that mother’s word on the green hill­ then I strive to give him no cause for dis­ overflowing. It was a real ‘ llodgers,’ and Thursday Evening, July 23,1857, you have not you would bo surpriied and de­ As well as any other. side of Vermont! God bo thanked for the pleasure.’ You Lovo Mo So Doarly. lighted too, in observing how the tender shoot, Because, since then some wicked men, the ‘ big blade ’ was sharp as a razor; and almighty power of a single word. — IFe?i- ‘ I only wish my husband was like him.’ be wouldn't have ‘ swapped ' with any boy There are times when we learn as much A W ord of Suggestion. With a kind of apparatus, dal Phillips. as it springs from tho earth, fastens itself to Have made a the bread to puff, ‘ Mr. Silcox seems to be a very good man ; at school. Your fifty feet on State street is from our children as they learn from us.— (These observations were penned for our last issue, but something more hardy for a support, and as tho And called it salcratus. you knew bow much Morton esteems him. There is something in tho artless simplicity were unavoidably crowded out, after tho article was in not so valuable to you, sir, as that ‘ W ham • type-] E d. tendrils lengthen thoy twiao about tbo nearest ‘ But he is altogether too much of a ty­ Good B ackers—A n I ncident of Spirit­ of childhood that proves stronger than the Don’t ask us why go many die— eliffe ’ was to him—and it is lo st! aid they aro ablo to reach. rant.’ Children have greater capacity than we ualism.— A long bearded customer recently careworn severily of mature years. I was Whilo writing an account of tho roconk cele­ That gome should live’s surprising— enterod a spiritual bookstore in this city, bration in this city, laafc week, we had intended I might tell a story here, quite apropos to my Since now onr food is made of wood, ‘ You will excuse me, my dear friend, but have for joy and sorrow. When Willie sitting at tho piazza at evening, musing too And salt is used for ‘ risiug? perhaps you are a little in fault iu this res­ found that Anifo under his plate, just after and applied for an agency. He proposed to doubtfully upou the future, and letting tbo to make somo observation! with reference to purpose of two hops-vines planted in a bean 1 hope the cooks (with their good looks) pect.’ father had come back from New York, there take a largo quantity of books to bis part clouds of care darken tlio beauty of a brill­ future limilar occasion!, hut omittid to do io patch. I carefully watched them and discover­ Will not exterminate us ‘ Ia m sure that I am willing to submit to was more pleasure in his boy heart as be of tbo country, ‘ away out west,’ whore he iant sunsot. I will not say what biirden for lack of space, and now call tho attention of ed that both had begun to grope their way to With cake and pie mixed up with lye, anything reasonable.’ examined tho bright blades and tried the represented that he could sell them, as he weighed upon tho spirit, nor what doubt had our city readers to tho subject. Tho celebration the same bean pole, at an earlyjstage of their Reduced to saleratus. was assured by the ‘ invisibles.’ The enter­ ‘ Mere submission or obedience will not clicking springs, than the acquisition of an risen as to the course of Divine Providence. of tho present year was quite satisfactory, and existence. One reached it and commenced its satisfy these men, they look for something prising book-seller was of course delighted Just then littlo foet were heard, and my May every pot in which they’ve got ‘ Hon.’ or a thousand dollars could give a , passed off “ decently aad in order,” though so ascent, before tho other discovered its purpose. The stuff, be burst to atom ; more.’ with this prospect of a sale; but his enthu­ child ran gaily to my extended arms.— grown up man. And when he searched his , Tho shorter one immediately turned about, and May every thing in which it’s been * I should think that was quite as much pocket, turning out the treasures of strings ! siasm was somewhat dampened when the long Catching tho playful spirit of my little girl, little time was spent in preparation. Such ar­ set off to find an unoccupied pole. I could not Be minus top and bottom. as the best of them deserve.’ « and slate pencils, the top which that sharp bcardod gentleman remarked that he had no I seized her in my hands and held her over rangements as were effected were made by a May every store on sea or shore • You forget that there is such a sentiment knife whittled so easily from the end of a money and wanted the books entirely upon tho railing, as if to let her fall. Astonish- very few individual! who were interested, and avoid drawing moral lessons from my observa­ (W hat else could more elate us?) credit.—“ aro you responsible ?” was the tions. The human heart took the placo of ths By fire or fiood, or in the mud, as affection.’ spool, the peg which he had made Johnny at her want of fear, I asked, ‘ What, not if a more goneral interest had prevailed, or if Lose all the salcratus. ‘ It is hard to exercise it in my circum­ ‘mumble’ yesterday, and all the other things natural inquiry of the merchant. afraid ? Why don’t you cry ? Won’t I let the/cio who undertook tho matter had pircpared plant, and in my reflections, its pronenees to at­ stances.’ • which go to fill up tho deep right hand pock­ 1 Perfectly.’ yeu fall?’ ‘ No, papa love me so dearly!' and published thsir programme a weok earlier, tach itself to something, found a typo in tho And now ye fair, I little care ‘ What evidence of your reliability can ‘ Since you have introduced this theme, et of a boy’s trowsers, and tbas knife was was the instant reply. the procession would perhaps have trebled its elirtging of the vine-tendrils to its neighbors.— What else may be the diet, pardon my plain-dealing when I say that I you furnish ?’ I cannot tell what instruction distilled liko Though made of rye and hard and dry, not among them ! As he came to tho sad longth, and a participation in the ceremonial All devote their heart’e homago to something, doubt if you manago judiciously with him.’ ‘ I have the best of backers—men whose The big brown loaf I’ll try it. conclusion that it was lost, a grief filled his cordial through my soul. The words of and offer up tbo fervency of their best lovo to ‘ Proceed, I beg.’ names you know well. observance! of tho day would haTa been more With cabbage ‘ bi led,’ and turnip piled, heart much harder to bear than yours was perfect confidonce lingered in my ears and the god they bow down to. ‘ I have noticed there seems to be a lack The merchant’s countenance brightened.— entered my hoart. I t is impossible that a general. But tho celebration annvered, in a You’re welcome to come at us, when you lost the election, or failed in that This proposition is tho bail'sjof Carlyle’s the­ Yes, anything but poisoning of confidence between you, and while you last speculation. ‘ Very well,’ said he, ‘ let us see your pa­ father’s love should let fall the child who great moasure, its design. It afforded to its ory of “ hero-worship,” and presents'suggest- With blasted saleratus. coldly submit to his authority— I will allow • You are a careless fellow, and don’t de­ pers.’ lies smiling in his arms. How than can the participants a satisfactory enjoyment of the oc­ that he seems a little too fond of that word serve to have a knife! You shouldn’t have Thereupon the customer presented the fol­ Heavenly Father lot fall tho children who casion ; it kept many of our citizens at home, ivo features of a grand doctrine, from tho —your heart still stoutly rebels.’ lowing document: trust in Him. Every doubt is rebukod and early ages tho actions of men have abundantly HOUSEHOLD RULE. wrestled with Charley—tearing your clothes who othorwiso would have gone olsewhere, and ‘ Alas, it is true!’ and losing things out of your pockets. Go ‘ To whom it may concern : We, tho un­ every dark foreboding ppt to the blush, by taken quite a largo sum of money from the verified the truth of tho necessity of something dersigned having been acquainted spiritually BY CHARLES M. KENDALL. ‘ In my opinion, your husband only re­ and wash your face ! 0 , these boys I’ tho lesson which a child has uttered. Aro city; it brought many visitors in, filled tho to enshrino as tho objeot of their adoration.—■ quires a little managing, to be all that you Mrs. Smith, boys will bo boys. They are with Mr.------, of------, Wisconsin, we not the sons of God ? And is our future Reference might be made to the people who ig­ for many years, recommended him as per­ hotels, made a flourishing trado for our dealers I f Simon Silcox prided himself more on could wish.’ careless and light-hearted. Willie didn’t destiny too sublimo for comprehension, so it norantly set up altars to an “ unknown god,” one one point than any other, it was in the ‘ I tried that the two first years of our fectly reliablo, and would not bo afraid to in refreshments, and brought other benefits. stop to think that ho had any clothes on doth not yet appear what we shall be; and to the fanaticism of the followers of Mahomet management of his household. From the marriage to my heart’s content, and misera­ trust him to any amount. still shall we fear toJUie passive iu our The point which wo wish to present is that whon Charley ‘ stumped ’ him to throw him; that has led thousands to make pilgrimages to commencement of his matrimonial life he bly failed.’ ‘ George Washington, Father’s arms? Does he not lovo us too we ought to and can have a creditable and at­ even that cherished knife was forgotten in Mecca—and to the infatuated persons who fall had endeavored to render his will absolute, ‘ Because you tried open opposition. If the last moment of strife. Y'ou don’t under­ Thomas Jefforson, dearly to let us fall ? I f he did not refuse tractive celebration at borno, at each recurrence before the ideal of Napoleon—and invost Wash­ and he so far succeeded at last, that he satis­ woman aspires to ruling her husband, that is stand a boy’s heart. Y’ou never was a boy Henry Clay, the greatest boon, but 1 delivered Him up for of our national anniversary. The past celebra­ fied himself that his aim was accomplished. the very last course for her to take.’ yourself, unfortunately, and girls, I believe, Thomas l ’aino, us all,’ will he not also freely give us all tion, although quite creditable, wai attended ington with even more than his human great­ Occasionally, it was true, that symptoms of * Pray then, advise me, for I am willing to don’t ‘ rasslc.’ But take an older boy’s ad­ John Milton, and others. things ? With an adequate idea of our re­ with little cost other than that of music, and a ness. rebellion would manifest themselves, but do anything which may result iu changing ‘ Through J ano E ------, medium,’ vice, and don’t add to the sorrow which is lations to God as His adopted ones, can we much more extensive demonstration might have Thus, as somebody has sagaciously remarked these he promptly checked, and his wife, af­ the conduct of my husband.’ The bookseller remarked, that the backers justify ono doubt, can we harbor ono fear moro than heart-full now. Cheer him up a been had at no greator cost, had a general in­ “ the human heart being the same in all coun­ ter several years of feeble resistance in the ‘ A woman has tho choico between two little, if you can : offer to give him another, were good if tho medium was reliable; but as to the future ? If God is our Father, does tries and centuries,” those same propenBitiei aro terest in the matter prevailed. Tho reasons for earlier period of her marriage, quietly set­ modes of action in such cases. If her hus­ if he will bring home a good report from lie thought, on the whole, he would prefer to lie not love us too dearly to let any evil be­ diiccrnable in our every-day lives and associa­ tled down beneath the iron rule, partly for band chooses to consider himself absolute, keep the books. The customer hereupon having a celebration at homo are apparent, and school next Saturday. A boy can’t exist fall us ? Will ho not make all things work tions—indeed, in our hearts, reader, yours and the sake of peace, and more particularly be­ and her a mere serf, she has only to appear denounced the bookseller as an imposter, together for our good 1— N . Y. Observer. our citizens do not need to bo convinced that it without a knife, any more than you could mine. Consequently, I attribute my desire to cause she could not help it. as such, assumo no responsibility, manifest telling him that ho did not believe his own is a benefit to them. But not to be proxy our without your scissors; and a boy can’t be a visit the scone of the lato war to tho same emo­ Silcox was a profitable trader, and enjoy­ no will of her own allow all household af­ boy— doctrines, and that the spirits would expose suggestions are theso : fairs to take care of themselves, and withal his duplicity to the world. Of this he A Good Story.—W e clipped the follow­ tions which actuated the knights of old to go to ed a sufficient competence to render thorn “ A bold, free-hearted, careless one—” Let no “ fourth” arrivo unanticipated by tho appear cheerful all the whilo, and he will assured by tho spirit of prophecy within ing from the Bangor Jeffersonian, some weeks the Holy Land, and that without egotism. comfortable, if worldly possessions have the without wearing and tearing his clothes, and necessary preparations for a citizens’ colebra* power to produce that happy state. Aside soon find tho necessity of coming to terms.’ him. The bookseller was not convinced.— since, but have never bofore been able to 1 loft tho sleeping city ot Rockland behind ma sometimes your patience; he must lose a tion. In order that tho arrangements may lie from his imperious disposition, which did not 1 ‘ A capital idea, and I should like to try W. Y. Eve. Post. find room for it. We would not for for any at an early hour in the morning, and made m7 peck of knives before that merry heart of mado and tho proper officers appointed in a man­ confine itself to the limits of his own house-' it.’ consideration assist iu spoiling tbo story by way to the field of new—mown hay sparkling his gets tamed down to anything like quiet­ venturing, as others havo done, to throw ner to offend nobody’s prejudices, let tho city hold, he Vi as altogether an agreeablo m an1 ‘ That would answer in extreme cases, but An Original S ermon.—The Richmond with dew—turning ever and anon to noto the ness. Keep your lecture on carelessness till some doubt on its entire authenticity : and a good neighbor; nor could bis lady i I would not advise it as your mode. There Christian Advocate contains the following government assumo the direction of tho arrange­ another tim e; ho won’t profit by it now; you Some years ago, in a town six or seven morning mist clearing away from tho blue bay. complain that lie did not provide liberally fo r; is still another and better way, I think, to singular sermon for the times, which anoth­ ments. Let tlio City Council, acting as citi­ only aggravate his sorrow. miles IFcsZ of t/ze Penobscot river, an eccen­ It recalled to my mind thoso exquisite vorsei the wants of tho family. accomplish your purposes. In tho first place er paper calls ‘ a skeleton iu want of m eat:’ zens desirous of having “ a good time ” in honor strive to please him, and let him see that you “ Oh, would I were a boy again,” tric old genius was employed to dig a well. of Massy's— An old friend of his boyhood having | Subject: Personal Poverty. Text: Iampoor. of our nations birthday, and not as party poli­ have some heart in the effort. Shake off your T/zo aoil and substratum in w/zicA Ae was to “ Midsummer morn her silvery grey amassed an ample fortune in a Southern Statu ' for as Holmes says so truthfully : In discoursing to you on this subject to­ ticians, appoint the necessary committees and apathy, and meet him with smiles when ho locate it, was of a sandy nature, and tAe Rain-vail uplifteth fold on fold ; had, a few months prior to our date, p u r-, day, I shall, by God’s blessing, bo enabled returns from business. Show him that you “ O, what arc the pleasures we periah to win, man (Barnes by namo,) Aad 2>rogresscd officers, and direct the requisito preparations. And, purple flusht, and topt with gold, chased a beautiful tract of land in the neigh-1 To the first little aliiner we caught with a pin to establish the position assumed in tho text are trying to be contented and happy, and downward about forty feet, w/zen, one morn­ If deemed proper, lot tho city make a suitable The white clouds kiudle and lloat away. borhood, upon which he was erecting a splen-j with but littlo effort. Let it be borne in wish to make others so about you. I f you ing, upon going to t/ze scene of Ais previous appropriation; but thia question we leave to did mansion. By the earnest solicitation of mind that the subject is personal. “ O’er violet-shadowed hills that stand wish to change his determination, advise The Horicon Argus perpetrates the fol­ operations, Ae found it Aad caved in, and In cloudy crowns, and soft attire j Silcox, he was induced to remain with his ; 1. W liat I must pay by the 1st of April, the decision of tho municipal economy ol our calmly, but do not dictate or appear to resist. lowing horrible attack upon the girls. Such filled up almost even wit/z t/ze top. He And, ia a fragrancy of Gre, family at the house of the former, until his 1857 ; 1. My note to A. B., for horse, etc., “ city fathers.” Let subscription! be solicited Be true to this lino of conduct, and you a picture may describe the girls in his region, deemed t/zis circumstance an excellent op­ Midsummer Morn floods all the land.” own residence should be prepared for them. 8135 ; 2. Board bill to C. D., one quar­ among our citizens, and if, by appropriation or will find it to succeed earlier than you but if he should come down this way, says portunity for a joke. He left Ais Aat and Tho etillnes3 of the sweet-scented air was un­ Morton Gray differed greatly from his j ter, $125; 3. Servant’s hire, $15; 4.— subscription, or both, we have a fund sufficient think.’ the Beloit Journal, the fair ones would spank frock upon t/ze windlass over t/zo well, and broken savo the friend. He had been better educated, and .j Washing bill, $12; 5. Necessary for other to procure a display of fire-works, and to ex­ ‘ My excellent friend, you have opened my him : concealad Aimself near by. After a lapse in.his intercourse with the world had main-j expenses, $10. Total, $297. “------broad leaves over me eyes. I see that I have been too intent upon Girls rs W ives.—Wo are sorry to see the of a few Aours, t/ze discovery was made as pend in extra decorations, &c., let us have them; tained the reputation of a polished gentle-1 2. W hat I have got wherewithal to pay Clapped their little hands in glep my husband’s conduct, to regulate my own.’ girls of tho present day have such a tenden­ to Anw matters stood at t/zo well, t-Ao people otherwise we can do without them,except as tbeb man, as well as an enterprising man of busi-; it; 1. !.'alary fnr one quarter if paid !— With one continuous sound,” cy to utter worthlessness; growing up more in t/ze neig/zbor/zood were alarmed, and nono aro supplied by the private public spirit of our ness. In his family relations he had sought That day Mr. Silcox was rather late to $200; 2. A wife; 3. A child, which, and the birds were waking up and twittering his dinner, and a little out of temper be­ anxious to become fashionable than good, doubted but t/zat poor Barnes was buried be- citizens, and still havo a good celebration. As to be loved, and in this undoubtedly took I though ' oth. excellent of their kind, must, their matins of thanksgiving rather sleepily on cause he had been detained. Hia wile open­ more anxious to oultivale their heels than voud resurrection until tAe great trump to tho usual Dublic d in n e r IVA Ann f-irna n this, the best means to insure a true authority.— J iu this e jcouut be put down at $00 00.— tl.ulr poroLoo. Tho nicudowa were brilliant ed the door for him with a smile of welcome. their hearts, and to encircle their legs with s/zould sound. Of course Barnes /zad /zis too, if nccossary, without much detriment to Nor did he think the advico of his wife Total, $200. cars widely opened, and, from t/ze conversa­ with daises, clover and buttercups, interspersed For a moment, he looked surprised at this whalebone rather than their brows with 3. What I must havo to get through tho general enjoyment ; for although wo enjoy was beneath his notice, but on the contrary tion engaged in by t/ze minister, Ais wife, with tho graceful grasses abounding there—and unusual greeting, especially when he was a wreaths of love, kindness and beauty. As a with tho right side up, and no mistake ; 1. often acted upon it in preference to his own ncig/zbors, &c., Ae began to t/zink Ao was not tho toasts and pithy speeches on such occasions, delinquent, then the clouds lifted from his general thing, those who are handsome think The sum of $97 ; 2. A friend to givo i t ; methought it was a dream that 1 was on my predetermined purpose. of niucA account w/zile living, and not wortA our experience has generally proved these pub- brows, and be rewarded her first experiment they are lovely. Far from it. T\ iien we, 3. The thing itself, $297. way to tho spot so. recently celebrated in tha ‘ Tell me, Morton,’ said Silcox, one day, digging out of a well for decent burial after lio dinners to present much less attractive fea­ with a look of tenderness, which in turn years agone, took one to be Mrs. P., girls Application. 1. Will you give it? or, annals of this city for strife and tumult—for ‘ I f you arc in the habit of consulting your astonished her. were girls. It was fun to go a dozen miles deatA. T/zc visitors departed, and in time tures upon the tablo than upon tho bill of fare, wife about all your affairs ?’ 2. Shalt I quit tho ministry to try to make the profit of which George Burns* has rung bis During the meal she seemed so cheerful afoot, with the mud knee deep, to see them, tAe gras grew on t/ze ‘grave of poor Barnes.’ as far as “ good eating” is concerned. With ‘ Certainly not, why, what do you mean ?’ it ? If so, who will bo responsible, and for bell, and used his lungs, whilo the opposing and happy, that he could but wonder at the ns you were sure to find the clear girl—na­ But B. Aad not been idle all t/zat time,— a tho interested action of tho city government, to ‘ I notiefd that in the of your bow much. party lias thronged tho hall of eloquent orato­ change which had so suddenly come over ture instead of art. But now it is different. space of three years,— as witness t/zo de­ giro weight and efficiency to the arrangements, ry—and full rein been given to hobbies urged on house, she seems to have her way in almost her. lie also thought of the conversation The dentist supplies the teeth, ‘Uncle Ned ’ nouement ! Ono morning, /zatleEs and frock­ every particular.’ a demonstration equal to that of last; year mty bv tbo “ crack of satiric thong.” he had with his friend in the morning, and the , some optician the eyes, and a Male “ F lirtations.”— Whilo you were less, Ao appeared at Ais own Aorne, mucA to ‘ Why should she not, my friend?’ each year bo made, and, if necessary, at much while he resolved to abate not a jot of his skillful mechanic legs and arms; an artist ‘ harmlessly ’ flirting with that girl, you knew t/ze terror, probably, of Ais old neig/zbors.— Peacefully the silver sheen lay in the shadow ‘ Because a man should assert his authori­ less expense. Good music and goed speaking authority, he determined iu future to make furnishes paint, a Yankee the hoops, somo she loved you—that her heart would quick­ He satisfied all Ais questioners by stating of tho hill-sides, radiant with its baptism of ty, and have his own way, in spite of every-, can be secured at comparatively small expense, known his will in a milder manner than he ‘ French Milliner’ gets up artificial maternal en at the sound of your footfall, and tho t/zat, finding Ae was not likely to bo dug out morning sun-light—dotted all over with “ green thing. had previously done. Iu short, if his wife fonts, and the very devil robs himselt to give blush that she could not conceal flash into by t/ze outsiders, he set to work Aimslf; but, for we can procure both at home, and this is tho rushes,” the yellow blossoms ot dog-lillies, and ‘ But my way in this respect is to secure j continued iu the same happy temper that he them a disposition to lie, tattle, gossip, make bur cheek at the tones of your voice. You digging at random, and being confused by main outlay which is absolutely necessary. Wo her happiness and pleasure, A woman, you tha broad, glossy, green loaves, whereon, one made up his mind that she should have no mischief and kick up all sorts of bobberies knew that during a long time you were t/ze pressuro of eartA, instead of coming di­ should wish, of course, that a larger fund than know, is compelled to remain in a house of these bright days, wo hope to seo many a reason to regret it, among respectable people generally. Vanity drawing tighter and tighter around the heart rectly to t/zo surface, Ao came out'zzz the that necessary for theso purposes might be nearly twice the number of hours in each1 pure water lily. ‘ Simon,’ said she, one day, ‘ don’t you of vanities, saith the Preacher. We love of your young and unsuspecting victim the town oj Holden, six miles east o f the Pe­ day that we are, and experience teaches her ’ raised, but if this is impracticable, wo can have L'nliko most retuarkabio places thii has no think wo need a new carpet in the sitting- the girls when they act like girls, but this chains from which she could not release her­ nobscot River,— haxiug dug an undergroud what is adapted to convenience and comfort. a *‘grand good time ” without it. We would room ?’ counterfeit article now being palmed off on self without suffering, which might be great­ passago directly boneat/z t/ze bed of t/ze artificial monument to testify to “ genera­ In these matters, she is a much better judge suggest, too, that on such occasions tho orations ‘ No, I do not.’ fashionable society, is an intolerable hum­ er to her than death. Don’t tell me your river. tions yet unborn” tbo preciso locality of than ourselves. ’ and accompanying exercises should take place ‘ 0 , very well, I do not insist, but perhaps bug. intentions were harmless—you never pro­ interest. There is no house cased in glass— • A fig for a woman’s judgment, any how ! you are not aware that it is worn through in W hat fun Adam must have had in the gar­ posed—never told her you loved her, aye ; in our largest church, instoad of in tho open air, no proud obelisk for the fashionable, inscrip- W hy, if my wife had her way, the house A K nowing Man.—Two friends were late­ several places.’ den before that long-tailed gentleman intro­ a thousand times you told this, by tone and to guard against interruption by such means as tivo “ zeal of man to immortalize himself.”— would be turned topsy-turvy, and I should ly speaking of a certain publisher whoso ‘ So it is, upon my word. W ell, I never duced himself to Mother Eve, and what en­ deed, and look, just as emphatically as tlio' brought tho public exercises to a hasty close last become a bankrupt iu a very brief space of kindness of disposition has been frequently No, tho trees mirror their grace iu the water— noticed it before.’ joyment our forefathers must have known in your lips bad sworn it. And then, bow year. Wo might mako moro full and minute time.’ abused to his injury, when one remarked : littlo gossamer-winged insects play upon its the halcyon days of their boy/zood, ere fashion calmly, how courteously, at last, you said ‘ You know that we need one in ono of the ‘ P. is a noble fellow, and might havo been suggestions on all tho points connected with this surface, and the iron wheel of discord stands at ‘ I should think, Silcox, that I was talk -. plates and folly made their appearance. Oh farewell to her, wishing her life-time that chambers, about wMch we were speaking the rich, but his heart is so kind that ho never subject of an annual citizens’ celebration, but the bridge with “ no shingle out”—while tha ing with a double-distilled old bachelor, in- j girls, if you don’t right about , you will happiness which your work had forever other day, and when I first spoke, I thought can bear to say no to an application to pub-' our object is to throw out a few suggestions to stead of a sensible married man.’ never find boys foolish enough to pay five blasted. And now, sir, whatever bo your water dashes beneath and runs its way to town this might auswer for that, and that perhaps lish.’ ‘ Yes,’ replied the other, • a publisher ‘ I am master of my house, at all evonts,’ ’ dollars a week for your board and find cloth­ social position,—bow deep. soever be the lead our citizens to think of tho subj,ect and and thence to perform its various functions in you would be willing to purchase a new one must bo a noing man and a knowing man, ‘ And precious management you would ing to boot. They can’t stand it. coffers of your gold, you have debased your­ consider its merits and practicabilities for thom- tho homes of our citizens. Many and various for this room.’ or he will soon find himself an owing m an!’ make of it, I think without a mistress.’ Our mother was a girl once, but she didn’t self and dishouered your manhood. Go selves. We shall, however, if the editorial pen aro its uses. TVe prize its fizzing stream, as it * My wife is well enough as long as she ' ‘ Well, this does not seem so unreasno- lie about folks till her tongue was blistered ; forth into the world and let your carriage bo is still in our fingers, alludo to tho matter at a leaps from the faucet nt our bidding. TVe don’t understands that my authority must pre- . ablo, after all.’ ‘ There is no particular hurry about it, sue did not make Ma wash the dishes till tho as proud, your air to woman as chivalnc, proper soason prior to the next anniversary o f; know what we should do without it. Of course vail.’ your honor as untarnished as ever, but re- A Village P ress.—Perhaps no one es­ you can purchase it when convenient, or it grave gave her a glad resting place in its bo­ tablishment if of moro advantago to a com­ our independence, and meanwhile wo relinquish the “ iron bound bucket ’’ can-again bo brought ‘ Take my word for it, Silcox, that you uicnibor that the stain is on your soul. You will be no serious matter alter all, if we do som ; she never made her poor old father I tho subject, hoping that it may not he forgotten into activo service—but can wo wash our faces would like her all the better if you allowed have stolen, basely, deliberately stolen, the munity than that of a newspaper press. A not have one at present.’ curse bis Maker as be ran from the sheriff newspaper in a village advances the interests her not to understand that so plainly.’ one precious treasure of a woman’s heart— by our citizens. in brackish water’ D'c prefer to pay ten or ‘ 0, wo bad better have it at oneo, by all week in and week o u t; she never made sil­ of all trades, professions and callings, twenty dollars, rather—but “ times are hard,” ‘ It would not do to slack up the reins. I ‘ ver-haired patriarchs, already blossomed for ils affections. You have robbed her of her have had altogether too much trouble to es- j means.’ by drawing to its vicinity business that and many a poor toiler finds it difficult to earn ‘ Just as you please. the grave stand during church service, while trust in human goodness and truth, and tho’ Writing Machine.—Wc havo recently seen, tablish myself as master, to risk the experi-j would otherwise be diverted into other chan­ his bread, to say nothing of his drink—and /or • Wall, bow much money will you have?’ she sat beside them looking at tho ‘ hints,' nor if she bo a true woman, she will summon ment.’ nels, and gives consequenco and notoriety in tho Boston papers, somo account of an in­ ho said, taking out his pocket-book. did she wear dresses to the temple of pride enough to her aid, to hide from the his sake, 1 sign tho citizens’ demand to the Water ‘ You can’t tell that until you have made i to the business capabilities and other advan­ genious writing machine, tho invention of Mr. ‘ Why, Simon, I was not thinking of ma­ God and have dirty petticoats beneath her world its pain, it will not be less terrible to Company, for the right of having it ns cheaply the trial.’ tages of villagers. The press, as it were, is Benjamin Livermore of Hartland. This ingeni­ king the purchase. I would rather leave that ample skirts, neither did she accept favors be borne. as that body can afford it. ‘ Thank you, I have no relish for beeom-, You have robbed another of tho lovo and tho counsel of the town wherein it is located ous piece of mechanism is designed for the use to you.’ and forget to say thank you at least. But — leading iu many cases without fee or re­ A Wahi? Taker. ing one of your meek obedient husbands.’ ! and confidence which should have been his, of thoso who may wish io record their thoughts ‘ No, you would doubtless make ab etter the girls now-a-days do. They are naithcr ward, and iu some instances conveying light Rockland, July, 1857. ‘ No more have I .’ for tho heart will never learn its sweet song selection.’ fit fur wives, nor do they know enough for and heat to establishments which otherwise or observations in tlio cars or in any situation ‘ Then what in the deuce are you driving of youth again, and though the wife of his Our “ City Crier” (by aolf-election,) who also sustains ‘ Then give me as much as you think prop­ mothers. would ‘ drag their slow length along ’ in ut­ where ordinary writing materials cannot bo used. a t? ’ bosom, she sits in the shadow ot his hearth­ the dignity of the Pound Keeper’s office, will please pardon er, and I will do The best I can.’ ter obscurity.— N. Y. Tribune. Tho Boston Journal says of i t : “ Tho paper on the liberty which our correspondent has taken in introduc­ ‘ I only wish, Simon, that I could persuade i stone, still the fountain from which you took ing his name so unceremoniously, without official designa­ ‘ Harriet,’ he said putting his arm around which tho writing, or rather printing, for it re­ you, for your own sake, to bo less of a mon- I P ower of a W ord.— I was told a story tho seal will never yield its 1'resA sweet wa­ tion. or even plain “ Mr.,” which offence, ns he is not very her waist, ‘ I don’t know what has come over to-day— a temperance story. A mother, on sembles tho telegraphic system of printing—is adversely inclined to newspaper notoriety, he will doubtless arch in your family and more of a husband.’ ters as before.—Exchange. 1 Eliza, my child,’ said a prudish old overlook. E d. you, but you are certainly getting to bo a the green hills of Vermont, stood at her gar­ impressed, is coiled around two cylinders which ‘ Well, Morton I sec that we shall not reasonable woman.’ maid to her pretty neiee, who would curl her agrCo in this matter, hut you will doubLless ! den gate, holding by her right hand a son of ‘ That is perhaps because I have found hair in pretty ringlets, ‘ if tho Lord had in­ revolve as tho lines aro completed, und the let­ OnrosiTiON in France. Tho fact that 90,000 abide by your ideas, and as for me, why, I , sixteen years, mad with love of tho sea.— out that you are not an unreasonable man.’ A n I ndian A dventure.— Tho following tended your hair to he curled, he would havo ters aro worked by a set of keys. No crank is of tho electors of Paris should vote tho opposi­ am satisfied with mine.’ ‘ Edward,’ said she, ‘ they tell me that the incident was narrated to Lieutenant Beck­ done it himself.’ ‘So he did, Aunty, when required ; the letters being colored by a prepar­ tion ticket and elect threo of their candidates, Incidents like this were occurring daily, great temptation of the seaman’s life is drink. hus excited much surprise everywhere. Tho But he was not satisfied. He had been with, of the Pacific Railroad Expedition par­ I was a baby, but he thinks I am big enough ed blue paper against which tho writing paper before the Gray’s came, but since then, some and Mrs. Silcox was greatly pleased to find Promise me, before you quit your mother’s arrangements for the elections showed a deter­ ty, by a Delaware Indian guide, as they now to curl it mysolf.’ is pressed at oach movement of tho keys.” The unpleasant doubts had occasionally agitated that she was having her own way almost as hand that you never will drink.’ Said ho mination on tho part of tho Emperor to havo his much as she could desire, and jvith very lit­ were traversing a mountain pass which was machine is said to work with facility and much own partisans returned at all events. Besides, his mind, concerning tho propriety of his —for he told me the story— ‘ I gavo her tho marked by numerous gullies and ravines : tle effort on her part. Things about her, accuracy, and is very compact, being only four it was generally supposed that tha ingenuity conduct. Besides, ho could not help con-1 promise. I went the broad globe over— Cal­ The J osephine.— Tho Josephine is the too, wore a different aspect, and her grati- ‘ He was traversing that pass at midnight, with which ho has kept operatives employed, trusting the warm greeting which always wel­ cutta, the Mediterranean, San Francisco, the newest articlo of female attire, and is some­ inches long and about two and a half in width. monopolized tho glories of tho Crimean cam­ i tude to her friend lor her advice, was un- accompanied by his squaw only, both mount­ comed the appearance of his friend, with tho Cape of Good Hope—and for forty years, ed upon the same horse, and the night so what like a shanghae coat. I t makes the It can ho easily carried in a sido pocket, and can paign, and directed the magnificent public works indifferent manner in which his own family !bounded. whenever I saw a glass filled with sparkling wearer resemble tho new comet— little body bo used without taking it from tho pocket. Un­ of France, had forestalled active opposition, and | Her husband also found out, that in order dark that he could not see the outlines of the acknowledged his presence. For Morton, liquor, my mother’s form by the garden-gate hills nor tho ground at his horses feet, when and tremendous tail. The upper story of pronounced the general conviction that his gov­ to rule the household he was not obliged to der many circumstances such a machino must ernment, if not completely satisfactory, was far there were smiles and heavy exclamations ; on the hill-side of Vermont rose up before the Josephine squeezes the lady into nothing, play the tyrant, and he, too, thanked his he heard a sound (which he imitated ) so ho a great convenience. Wo do not know the better than any other nt present attainable,— for himself, simply frigid courtesy. me, and to-day, at sixty, my lips are inno­ slight as to be scarcely perceptible to an In ­ and the lower tier expands her into the sizo friend Morton heartily, lor showing him his cent of the taste of liquor.’ Was not that cost of the article, but presume it is not very But this vote of Paris, thrown for men person­ l^rs. Silcox was also busy with compari­ dian’s oar, of an arrow carried in the hand, of a hay-stack. The wearer of thia gar­ ally obnoxious to tho Emperor, shows that tho error. Both husband and wife preserved in sweet evidence of the power of a single expensive. son, and in this occupation rather depreciat­ their new line of conduct, and both long striking once only with a slight tick, against ment spreads over an indefinite area of hoops, elements of opposition in Franco are still word ? And yet it was but h alf; for, said mighty, und are perhaps moving towards organ­ ed her husband than otherwise, and allowed since have found their reward. a bow. Stopping, he could hear nothing, but is little more as compared with the expanse, the one fault to cloud a host of sterling vir­ lie, ‘ Yesterday there came into my counting- instantly dismounted—bis squaw leaning of she drags along than the cork is An Irishman went on board tho boat for Port­ ized efforts. It is true, tho few opposition mem­ room a young man of forty, and asked mo, tues. As she marked the affectionate con­ The Pittsburg Gazette says, 1 Should wc down upon tbo horso, that she might by no to tho bottle. She seems to be stuck into land and “ turned into ” his berth. The cap­ bers'in tho legislative body will have no percep­ duct of Mr. Gray to his wife, and the ever ‘ Do you know me? ‘ No,’ said I. ‘ I was possibility be seen—and placed his ear to the dress for the purpose of holding its dif­ tain when going out of the harbor, finding it go into the contest, determined to hang to­ very foggy returned to tho wharf. In the morn­ tible influence upon its proceedings, but if they cheerful countenance which he brought into brought once,’ said ho to my informant, the ground, whon ho heard the same sound ferent and incongruous parts together, and gether, and if need be fall together, wo have ‘ drunk into your presence on ship-board; ing Pat camo on dock rubbing his eyes, and aro adroit men, thoy can become a great annoy- his family, she did not wonder at the domes­ no fears of the final result.’ “To which the repeated, but a few feet distant, and was enable the whole apparatus to move along. looking all around him : anco to the government, and contribute towards tic harmony which prevailed, and thought you were a passenger ; the captain kicked therefore satisfied that however imminent tho There is a good deal of benevolence at the Post ejaculates: ‘ Docs the editor of the me aside; you took me into your berlh, kept By tho powers, a largo placo is this Portland, popular agitation. For tbo present time, wo that if her husband possessed such a happy danger , he had not yet been seen or heard, bottom of the present fashions. The ladies, Gazette believe thero is no hereafter ? says ho, “ an’ built afther the stylo ofBosthon, have do doubt that Lonis Nopoleon is as good a temperament, how much pleasure she should jne there till I had slept off tho intoxication, for no Indiou would make such a noise at aware of their powers of attraction, know too!”—American Union. derive in her efforts to please him. and then you asked me if I had a mother, I nig/zt in approa?Aing Ais foe; Ae t/zerefore in­ that if thoy did not mako themselves ridicu­ ruler as France can get—or deserves, wo had ‘ I say, Jimmy, did ye ever sec such a said never that I knew of; I never had heard summer as this same ?’ stantly arose and took /zis Aorse by tAe bridle lous by outlandish and shapeless garments, liko to havo said—but his power did not coma to * Ah, Mrs. Gray, what a happy woman a mother’s voice. You told mo of yours at A young girl recently committed suicide be­ ‘ Faith an’ I have.’ close to /zis mout/z, to lessen t/zo c/zances of their charms would be too powerful, and him in tho right way to bo permanent, and a you a re !’ she exclaimed. the garden-gate, and to-day, twenty years cause hor mother refused her a now bonnet.— ‘ W hen ?’ Ais moving Or w/zinnying, and ono Aundred might lead mankind into all sorts of eccen­ popular revolution has not yot passed amoDg tho ‘ Do you think so ? Well, I certainly ought later, I am master of one of the finest pack­ Coroner’s verdict—“ Camo to her death through to be, if I am not.’ ‘ Last winter, be jabers.’ and sevonty of Ais deadliest enemies, t/zo tricities. excessive spunk.” impossible things in France,—Boston Journal. the reputation of our community. They will HEW PUBLICATIONS. Theatre,—A good audience greeted the per­ HEWS ITEMS. The Utah Expedition. Love akin in Castle and in Cottage.—The formers from the Boston Theatres at Beethoven game of love is the same, whether the lovers ba thus evince their own perfect integrity, give In a little while—not exceeding ten days, we olad in or in hodden grey. Beneath the Puanam’s Monthly for August came to us evidence of their determination to claim only Hall on the occasion of the complimentary Ben­ From Port an P rince.—Capt. Mayo, of brig should think—the whole army destined for gilded ceiling of a palace, or the lowly rafters sines our last issue. It is an excellent number, efit of Mr. C. P. Currier. We understand that R. W. Packer, at this port from Portnu Prince, Utah will be in the field. We have our doubts, Tbur3