Epidemiology Student Handbook 2020

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Epidemiology Student Handbook 2020 JOHNS HOPKINS BLOOMBERG SCHOOL of PUBLIC HEALTH Epidemiology Academic Year 2020-21 ACADEMIC HANDBOOK @JohnsHopkinsEPI johnshopkins_epi 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS I. WELCOME FROM THE CHAIR II. DEPARTMENT MISSION AND GOALS Ill. DEPARTMENT ORGANIZATION AND DIRECTORY a. Chair and Deputy Chairs b. Central Administration c. Academic Core, Student Funding Manager, and Communications Associate d. Epidemiology Tracks and Track Directors DEGREE PROGRAMS IN EPIDEMIOLOGY I. DOCTORAL PROGRAM a. Doctoral Program Co-Directors b. Doctoral Welcome Letter c. Doctor of Philosophy Degree Program d. Academic Advising e. Policies Related to PhD Mentoring II. DOCTORAL REQUIREMENTS a. Residency b. Track-Specific Activities c. Quarterly Doctoral Meetings d. Aca~e~ic & Research Ethics (and Avoiding Plag1ar1sm) Course Requirement 2 e. Responsible Conduct of Research Course Requirement f. Academic Coursework g. Core Coursework i. Council on Education for Public Health Requirements ii. Recommendations for Special Studies versus Thesis Research h. Doctoral Coursework by Track: i. Cancer Epidemiology ii. Cardiovascular and Clinical Epidemiology iii. Clinical Trials and Evidence Synthesis iv. Environmental Epidemiology v. Epidemiology of Aging vi. General Epidemiology and Methodology vii. Genetic Epidemiology viii. Infectious Disease Epidemiology i. Department Comprehensive Examination j. Comprehensive Examination Grading Policy k. Comprehensive Examination Retake Policy I. Doctoral Teaching Assistant Curriculum Requirements i. Purpose of the Doctoral TA Curriculum ii. Components of the Doctoral TA Curriculum iii. Documentation of Teaching Experience for a Resume or Curriculum Vitae iv. Waivers v. Compensated TA Positions vi. Benefits of Teaching (from former TAs) vii. Timeline and Steps for Completion of the TA Curriculum viii. Instructor Feedback Form ix. Guide to Documentation for a Resume or Curriculum Vitae 3 m. Other Teaching Opportunities i. Department of Epidemiology Named Teaching Assistantships ii. University Named Teaching Fellowship n. Thesis Advisory Committee o. Dissertation Research Proposal p. Doctoral Research Proposal Seminar q. Departmental Oral Examination r. Preliminary Oral Examination s. Primary Data Collection Requirement t. Doctoral Dissertation u. Final Defense Seminar v. Final Oral Examination Ill. DOCTORAL FLOWCHART AND GRADUATION DEADLINES a. Flowchart for the Doctoral Program IV. [M]~~Tf~~9~ [g)~(Q)@~~[M]~«rMlG=D~ @ITDcol ~©rMl~ a. IB01lc&1~fr@[fg~[g)ffi@jffi[[ffi [D)nm©il@rn b. IB01lc&1~il@rrg~MM@~©@mru@ rL@ilil@rr c. 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Graduate Summer Institute of Epidemiology and Biostatistics IX. 6 X. &~&[D) ~ rMJ~~[F)©[l ~~~~~ &[M[D) [F)~©~ ~ [D)[UJ~~ ~ a. &©cruCQ]@mruo©lEfr[o)o ©~ lP@~ □ ©Wl~frMCQ]@ITDfr ce@ITDCQ]M©fr b. (e©)~@fn)CQ]©)[f@frlE[p)o □mnCQ]@ rEW@ITDfr~ c. (e[ill©)fn)®@@fr &CQ]wn~@[f d. (eofrcIDfrD@ITD~cruITDCQ] ~@ff@fflITD©@~ e. ce@[UJ[f~@\½McIDOW@[f~ @fr[D)@®IT'@@#lPm®ramru ~@(ClJ[UJ O[f@[illi@fn)fr~ f. [D)@[p)cIDIT'frmru@ITDfrcID~~@WO@W,Z@ff ffe\©©)CQ]@mru □ © r@ffi@j[f@~~ g. rE~@©frffiITDO© ce@mrumruMITDO©crufrD@ITD h. ~©[o)@@~mnCQ]@~@W O@W§@fr ffe\©©)CQ]@mru □ © r@ffi@jffl~~ i. R..,@cIDW@@fr&@~@ITD©@ j. ~®® □ ~frrafr □ @ITD k. ~®® □ ~frrafr □ @ITD ff@rrlPcID~~llecID □ ~ (Q)[p)fr □ @ITD 1. 1f □ mru® ~frcIDfrM~ce[o)cIDITD®® «re[UJ~~ □fromru® fr@ lPcIDru □fromru®» m. 1frEcIDITD~ff@rr~ n. JLIT'cIDW@~ o. ce~®rEW&©fr XI. FINANCIAL INFORMATION a. Master's Student Financial Support i. Master's Tuition Scholarship ii. Department Endowments (Continuing Master's Students) iii. Other Departmental Support Funds (Master's Students) 7 b. Doctoral Student Financial Support i. NIH NRSA 132 Training Grants (Pre- and Postdoctoral Fellowships) ii. NIH F-Level Individual Predoctoral National Research Service Awards (NRSAs) iii. Other Training Awards (Non-NIH) iv. Department Endowments (Incoming Doctoral Students) v. Department Endowment (Continuing Doctoral Students) vi. Other Departmental Support Funds c. Schoolwide Funding Opportunities d. Student Grant Application Assistance e. Student Account Information f. Helpful Contact Information XII. ~Tf(lJJ [D) [§'. [K1]Tf [l ~[e [§'. ffi\[K1] [D)[g) ~(CS) [e [§'.~~~(CS) [K1lffi\ [L (0)~@& [K1]~a:&Tf ~ (0) [K1] ~ a. 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You are joining the Department whose first chair (Wade Hampton Frost) developed foundational epidemiologic methods at the time of the 1918-19 flu pandemic that devastated the US and the rest of the world. We find ourselves in 2020, facing another devastating pandemic- SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19.
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