A summary and analysis of the dropline fishing survey data generated by the activities of the SPC Fisheries Programme between 1974 and 1988




G.L. Preston

Inshore Fisheries Research Project Technical Document No. 2

Printed with the financial assistance of the Government of the United Kingdom

South Pacific Commission Noumea, New Caledonia 1992

465/92 it ©Copyright South Pacific Commission, 1992 The South Pacific Commission authorises the reproduction of this material, whole or in part, in any form, provided appropriate acknowledgement is given. Original text: English

South Pacific Commission Cataloguing-in-publication data Dalzell, P. Deep reef slope fishery resources of the South Pacific: a summary and analysis of the dropline fishing survey data generated by the activities of the SPC Fisheries Programme between 1974 and 1988 / by P. Dalzell and G.L. Preston (Technical document / South Pacific Commission. Inshore Fisheries Research Project, no. 2) 1. Fishery resources - Oceania 2. Fisheries - Catch effort 3. Fishing surveys - Oceania I. Title II, Series III. Preston, G.L. 639.2 AACR2 ISBN 1018-3116

Prepared for publication and printed at South Pacific Commission headquarters, Noumea, New Caledonia, 1992 HI ABSTRACT An analysis is presented of data collected by survey fishingo f deep reef fish stocks in the South Pacific between 1974 and 1988. The dominant species in the catch were the snappers (Lutjanidae) of which about 70 per cent were from two sub-families, Etelinae and Apsilinae. Other important catch components were the groupers (Serranidae) and the emperors (Lethrinidae). Catch composition was markedly different between low-lying and high islands. catches contained proportionately less eteline and apsiline snapper species than high island catches. There were no significant differences between total catch and catch rates of teleosts around atolls and high islands. Catch rates around atolls, however, were far more variable than high island catch rates. Catch rates of eteline and apsiline species, emperors and barracudas (Sphyraenidae) appeared to increase with increasing island land mass, while those of jacks and tunas (Carangidae and Scombridae) and oilfish and snake-mackerels (Gempylidae) suggested an opposite trend. Mean catch rates by weight increased with sea depfli to about 250 m but declined markedly below that depth. Catch rates by numbers versus depth increased sharply in the first 100 m, then declined steadily for each 50 m depth interval below 100 m. Peak catch rates by numbers in shallow water occurred at midday and midnight. In terms of weight, catch rates increased after midday and were more or less constant until midnight, when they declined. Catch rates by weight and numbers for fishing in waters more than 50 m in depth showed a distinct peak during the early morning. Two other peaks in catch rate gradually became evident at or around midday and in late evening for fishing at depths greater than 200 m. The overall pattern of catch rate versus time of day for both weight and numbers, for all depths combined, showed three distinct peaks in the early morning (0300 hrs), midday (1200 to 1400 hrs) and late evening (2100 to 2200 hrs).

Over 200 species offish, belonging to 93 genera, were caught by the SPC masterfishermen by dropline fishing throughout the South Pacific. There was a distinct decline in the number of species captured by dropline fishing at each location from the western limit of fishing around the islands of Belau to the eastern limit of French . This decline in species number is consistent with biogeographic trends in other fishes and invertebrate groups within the region. Attempts were made to estimate possible catch rates at the optimum level of fishing effort, since the survey results presented here pertain mainly to virgin stocks. The standing stock biomass of deep slope fishes at several different locations was determined from two depletion models. The results were then used to estimate empirically the biomass of deep slope fishes for every nation in the South Pacific region. These estimates were then used in conjunction with catch data from survey fishing to produce a summarised profile of the resource potential for each country and territory in the region.

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The authors are indebted to the work of the SPC masterfishermen and others associated with the Soulh Pacific Commission's Outer Reef Artisanal Fisheries Development Project and the Deep Sea Fisheries Development Project during the period 1974-1988. These individuals (Paul Mead, Lindsay Anderson, Pale Taumaia, Tevita Fusimalohi, Archie Moana and Paxton Wellington) were responsible for the collection and reporting of the fishing data on which this document is based. We are also grateful to our colleagues and friends who assisted in the data analysis and preparation of the document. Tim Lawson wrote and continually modified the database and associated reporting procedures which were used to carry out most of the initial data analysis. Helene Ixeko and Natalie Baillon carried out the laborious task of data entry. Tony Lewis, Peter Cusack, Mike McCoy, David Itano, Paul Mead and Lindsay Chapman commented on the draft manuscript and suggested modifications. Caroline Nalo and Roslyn Sharp patiently edited and proofread the text. Jean-Pierre Le Bars assisted with the figures and Kay Legras assisted with the final layout of maps and tables. This document was prepared with the generous financial support of the Government of the United Kingdom. iv RESUME L'auteur prdsente une analyse des donnees recueillies entre 1974 et 1988 dans le cadre d'une campagne devaluation des stocks de poissons de r£cif qui vivent en profondeur, dans le Pacifique Sud. Panni les poissons captures, les vivaneaux (Lutjanidae) dominaient et 70 pour cent d'entre eux appartenaient a deux sous-families : Etelinae et Apsilinae. Panni les autres especes capturees en quantitds importantes, il y a lieu de citer les me*ous (Serranidae) et les bees de cane (Lethrinidae). La composition des prises 6tait tres sensiblement difKrente selon qu'elles avaient &6 nSalis^es pres d'atolls au relief bas ou d'fles montagneuses. Paraii les prises effectuies pres des atolls, les especes de vivaneaux appartenant aux sous-families Etelinae et Apsilinae dtaient proportionnellement moins nombreuses que celles effectudes pits d'fles montagneuses.

D. n'y a pas de difference marquee entre les taux de prises totales et les taux de prises de tel£ost6ens nMis£es dans les eaux qui baignent les atolls et les ties aux sommets elevds. Toutefois, les premiers varient beaucoup moins que les seconds. S'agissant des blinds et des apsilin^s, des mgrous et des barracudas (Sphyraenidae), il semble que les taux augmentent en proportion de l'importance de la masse de Tile, alors que pour ce qui est des carangues et des thonid^s (Carangidae et Seombridae), ainsi que des poissons-huile et des maquereaux serpents (Gempylidae), la tendance semble opposee.

Les taux de prises moyens en fonction du poids augmentent avec la profondeur jusqu'a 250 metres, mais baissent nettement au-dessous de cette profondeur. Les taux exprimds en nombre en fonction de la profondeur augmentent en Heche dans les premiers 100 metres, pour diminuer de fa§on constante pour chaque intervalle de 50 metres au-dessous de ce niveau. Les taux de prises maxima exprim£s en nombre, en eaux peu profondes, sont enregistre's a midi et a minuit. Quant au poids, les taux font apparaitre une augmentation apres midi pour se stabiliser plus ou moins jusqu'a minuit et diminuer par la suite. C'est au petit matin que se situe la p6riode de pointe pour la pe'che rgalisde a des profondeurs d6passant les 50 metres tant pour le poids que pour le nombre d'individus. Deux autres p6riodes de cr6te deviennent progressivement £videntes aux environs de midi et en fin de soiree, pour la pe"che r£alise*e a des profondeurs ddpassant les 200 metres. Le profil gdn&al des taux de prises exprimis en poids et en nombre d'individus en fonction de l'heure, toutes profondeurs confondues, fait apparaitre trois p£riodes de pointe, au petit matin (3 heures), a midi (12 a 14 heures) et en fin de soirde (21 a 22 heures).

Les mattres-pScheurs de la CPS ont pSche" a la ligne dormante plus de 200 especes appartenant a 93 genres differents dans le Pacifique Sud. On enregistre une baisse nette du nombre d'especes captur&s a la ligne dormante sur tous les lieux de pSche, a mesure qu'on se deplace de la limite occidental des operations de pSche r6alis6es autour des lies de Belau a la limite orientale de la Polyn6sie franchise. Cette diminution graduelle du nombre d'especes est conforme aux tendances biog^ographiques observers chez les autres poissons et invertebrds matins de la region. Des tentatives sont faites pour estimer les taux de prises que Ton pourrait atteindre au niveau optimal de reffbft de p6che, puisque les rfisultats de l'enquete presentee ici concement essentieUement les stocks vierges. La biomasse des stocks permanents de poissons vivant en eaux profondes pres du tombant du rdcif a €ti determined a plusieurs endroits diffiSrents grSce a deux modeles d'dpuisement. Les rdsultats ont ensuite 6t6 utilises pour estimer de fa§on empirique la biomasse des poissons vivant en eaux profondes pres du tombant du r6cif de chaque pays oc^anien. lis ont finalement £x& utilises en parallele avec les donnfies relatives aux captures obtenues lors de la campagne devaluation pour parvenir a un profil sommaire du potentiel de ressources dont dispose chaque pays et territoire de la rdgioa V CONTENTS


Background History of SPG deep water dropline fishing activities Fishing operations Data recording Data processing and analysis ' Limitations of the data and sources of error

RESULTS General Catch composition Catch rates Depletion effects Biogeography of deep reef species Yields from dropline fisheries


Catch rates Yields Development of deep slope fisheries Conclusion


APPENDICES: COUNTRY SUMMARIES American Samoa Belau Federated States of Micronesia Fiji Kiribati Marshall Islands Nauru New Caledonia Northern Mariana Islands and Guam Papua New Guinea Solomon Islands Western Samoa vi LIST OF TABLES Table Page 1. Visits to Pacific Island countries and territories made by SPC masterfishermen, August 6 1974-August 1988 2. Percentage catch composition by number and weight from dropline fishing on South 7 Pacific deep reef slopes 3.! Percentage catch composition by number and weight of dropline fishing from South 8 Pacific large high islands, small high islands and atolls 4. Land area and average CPUE for dropline fishing at large high islands, small high islands 10 and atolls in the South Pacific 5., Average catch rates by number and weight for dropline fishing at large high islands, 11 small high islands and atolls in the South Pacific 6. Number of deep reef fishspecie s recorded from dropline catches from different locations 26 in the South Pacific and linear distance from Belau 7. Estimated lengths of the 100-fm isobath for countries and territories of the South Pacific 29 region 8. Estimated virgin biomass, range of MSY and CPUE at MS Y of deep slope stocks for 30 different countries and territories of the South Pacific region Vll UST OF FIGURES Figure Page 1. The Western Samoanhandreel used by the SPC masterfishermen 2 2. Typical terminal gear for bottom fishing with the Western Samoan handreel 2 3. The standard catch data record form employed by the SPC masterfishermen 4 4. Percentage composition by number (left) and weight (right) of deep slope fish catches 9 from large high islands, small high islands and atolls in the South Pacific region 5. Frequency distributions of catch rates by number for different island types in the South 12 Pacific 6. Frequency distributions of catch rates by weight for different island types in the South 13 Pacific 7. Catch rates by number from dropline fishing at South Pacific large high islands, small 14 high islands and atoll sites versus natural logarithm of land area 8. Catch rates by weight from dropline fishing at South Pacific large high islands, small 14 high islands and atoll sites versus natural logarithm of land area 9. Mean dropline catch rates by number of total catch, teleosts only and catch components 15-16 for large high islands, small high islands and atoll sites versus natural logarithm of the median island area 10. Mean dropline catch rates by number of total catch, teleosts only and catch components 17-18 for large high islands, small high islands and atoll sites versus natural logarithm of the median island area 11. Mean catch rates by number and weight versus depth for dropline fishing in the South 19 Pacific region 12. Mean hourly catch rates by number for dropline fishing in the South Pacific, at 50 m 20 depth intervals 13. Mean hourly catch rates by weight for dropline fishing in the South Pacific, at 50 ra depth 21 intervals 14. Mean hourly catch rates by number and weight from dropline fishing in the South 23 Pacific, averaged over all depth ranges 15. Mean weight of fishcapture d by dropline fishing in the South Pacific, at each 50 m depth 23 interval 16. Catch per unit of effort versus cumulative catch for dropline fishing at Penrhyn atoll, 24 Northern Cook Islands 17. Catch per unit of effort, minus sharks and oilfish, versus cumulative catch for dropline 24 fishing at Penrhyn atoll, Northern Cook Islands 18. Map of the South Pacific showing position of the Pacific Plate 25 19. Total number of deep reef species captured in dropline catches from different locations in 27 the South Pacific versus distance from Belau 1 INTRODUCTION Background Demersal or bottom fishing activities in the Pacific Islands are usually carried out in shallow coral reef and lagoon areas, typically in waters less than 30 m deep. Fishing in deeper waters outside the lagoon takes the form of trolling and mid-water handlining for pelagic species such as tunas and mackerels. The demersal stocks of fishes that inhabit the deep outer slopes of coral reefs have in general been unexploited or only lightly exploited throughout most of the South Pacific Commission region. Exceptions are the limited artisanal fisheries for the deep-slope snappers (Etelinae) and oilfish (Ruvettus pretiosus) in some Polynesian atolls (Wankowski, 1979). By contrast the fish stocks of the deep reef slopes of the Hawaiian Islands have been continuously exploited for over 50 years and detailed catch statistics on the fishery are available from the late 1950s to the present (Ralston & Polovina, 1982; Polovina, 1987; Shomura, 1987).

Survey fishing on deep reef slopes by the South Pacific Commission commenced during 1974, beginning with a survey of the deep slope stocks of Vanuatu. Fishing activities were undertaken at the request of a state or territorial government interested in obtaining more information about its inshore fish resources. Masterfishermen were usually sent for visits lasting for between three and twelve months, during which time they surveyed different fishing areas, trained local people in fishing techniques and evaluated gear and vessel performance. As part of their duties the masterfishermen were expected to keep records of their fishing activities, which included data on catch, fishing effort, catch composition and details of boats, crew and the types of bait used. These fishing records extend from 1974 to 1988 and encompass most countries and territories of the region served by the South Pacific Commission, referred to here as the South Pacific region. In this paper a preliminary summary and analysis of these records is presented, to give a regional perspective of deep water dropline fishing.

History of SPC deep reef slope dropline fishing activities The initial activities of the SPC deep slope fishing programme were carried out by the Outer Reef Artisanal Fisheries Project (ORAFP). Under the auspices of this project, visits were made to Vanuatu (Hume, 1975), Western Samoa (Hume & Eginton, 1976), Cook Islands (Hume, 1976), Tuvalu (Eginton & Mead, 1978) and Solomon Islands (Eginton et al., 1979). The main fishing method was droplining, in which a baited multiple-hook terminal rig is lowered to the bottom and predatory fish are hooked. Equipment and vessels used during these visits consisted of electric reels, freezers and ice- makers run by gasoline-powered generators, and high speed jet boats.

In 1979 the ORAFP was superseded by the Deep Sea Fisheries Development Project (DSFDP). At this time, greater emphasis was placed on technologically simpler artisanal boats and gears more suitable to Pacific Island artisanal fishermen. The electric fishing reels initially used by the masterfishermen were largely replaced by wooden handreels originally developed in Western Samoa by FAO (Gulbrandsen, 1977), This design of reel (Figure 1), familiar now to most fisheries workers in die South Pacific, has been used at all locations vi sited by the DSFDP. Although the vessels used by the DSFDP have varied between the different locations, emphasis has been placed on small-scale designs, often constructed locally. On a small number of visits, sail-powered and sail-assisted vessels were used. The activities of the SPC masterfishermen have led to the establishment of local dropline fisheries in Tonga, Fiji and Vanuatu and, to a lesser extent, in the Federated States of Micronesia (FSM) and Papua New Guinea (PNG). Later project activities have extended to other gears, such as surface, mid-water and bottom longlining, bait capture and fish trapping.

Fishing operations Most of the fishing carried out by the DSFDP used small vessels (range 4 to 16 m, mean 8.5 m) with between 2 and 6 handreels (mean 3 reels). The arrangement of hooks and sinkers for the droplines is shown in Figure 2. 2

Figure 1: The Western Samoan handreel used by the SPC masterfishermen

Terminal rig 313 No. 29 Turimoto longline wire leader

Corkscrew or ill 1-2 kg Monofilament f K ( siriei Uta ™ h^ oV b^* Mustad (una. circle tunks spaced 25-60cm apart

Snood detail

/K Wi*"™* Tuna circle hook - V! # 3x3 no. 29 Tiinmoto longline wire . „ •> a « ^fk# S1ZCS J-17 [^ £ 1 jiTWi 15-25 cm long 1 cf^ ^-^

Figure 2: Typical terminal gear for bottom fishing with the Western Samoan handreel 3 A detailed description of the fishingmetho d is given in Fusimalohi and Preston (1983). Suitable fishing areas near a given island or reef were located with an echo-sounder, target depths usually being between 100 and 200 m. Where possible an anchor was dropped in depths shallower than those of the selected fishing site, in such a way that prevailing winds would carry the boat back over the deeper areas as the anchor line was paid out. In some cases fishing was carried out without anchoring, the boat being kept on station using the engine. On other occasions, when weather conditions allowed, fishing was carried out as the boat drifted, either freely or attached to a sea anchor (parachute).

The preferred bait for dropline fishing was skipjack tuna, but over 100 different types of bait were used by the masterfishennen in the course of the project These ranged from different species of tunas, reef fishes, small scads and commercial longline bait through to octopus, squids and even salted chicken guts. The length of fishingtrip s was highly variable and ranged from 2 to 190 hours with a mean of 17 hours. The crews on the fishing trips consisted of the masterfisherman and usually a number of trainees, either island fishermen or fisheries officers.

Data recording The fishing records for each trip were summarised on the form shown in Figure 3. Records were made of the catch, effort and depth of fishing during each hour of a trip. Catch was recorded in numbers of fish and weight in kilograms. The composition of the total catch was also recorded but this could not be partitioned into catch composition on a per hour basis. Hourly catch rates thus cannot be broken down by species, or by depth zone (except where fishing depth remained unchanged during the course of a trip). Provision for other fishing methods was also included on the form. Bottom fishing was sometimes carried out using handlines, normally in shallow waters, but this was usually recorded as a separate activity from handreel fishing. The other activity normally associated with dropline fishing was trolling, either as an incidental activity while travelling, or for bait.

Data processing and analysis As part of the normal ORAFP/ DSFDP reporting procedure, the catch, effort and species composition data from each country visit are summarised in tabular form prior to being written up in a technical report. These summaries were available both in published and unpublished forms and the data therein could be conveniently extracted. However, reportingpractice s have varied significantly over the years, depending on the masterfisherman involved, specific operational procedures, and the individual aims of the country visit concerned. As a result, for the purposes of this report, it was often necessary to re- summarise the raw data to ensure consistency of information. Database computer software was used to create data files from the original record forms, and to produce information summaries sorted according to different combinations of geographic location, depth, time of day, island type etc. The South Pacific region is composed of a variety of different island forms ranging from small coral atolls to large archipelagic island groups such as PNG and Solomon Islands. The different morphology of these islands may influence such environmental variables as rainfall, and hence runoff, with concomitant effects on sediments and production. Ogden (1982) has suggested that fisheries productivity from coralline areas may be related to island height, amount of rainfall and runoff, and complexity of the coastline. Ogden postulated a gradient of fishery production increasing from atolls through small high islands to large high islands. Although the stocks considered here are found beyond the reef, the physical characteristics of a particular island should still influence species composition and catch rates.

As part of the analysis, therefore, data were grouped according to island size and morphology. Islands were classified as atolls, small high islands and large high islands. Atolls were easily defined, since these are distinct geological structures with limited land areas, generally of less than 30 knA The major exception is Christmas (Kiritimati) Island, in the Northern Line Group of Kiribati, which is the largest But: Fuel: I 1 Trip Departure time: number: Return time: Skipper: Amount; j

00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 OS 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 IS 19 20 21 22 23 00 01 02 03 .04 05 06 07 0B 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20' 21 22 21 DATE TIME 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 IS 16 17 IS 19 20 21 22 23 24 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 OB 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 IB 19 20 21 22 23 24



Bottom Htndsul fulling Hindline METHOD S

FISHING DEPTH (in) _. CATCH Numben RATE Weifht (kf) WEATHER CREW (Name*): BAIT FISHING EFFORT WIND Type W(ftg> No. oftroUinilino SEA No. of handmeli CURRENT No. oftrainee*: | No,of handllne* BOTTOM CATCHES (including durki) TROLL CATCHES 1REMARKS :

Specie* No. W«(k|) Specicl No. Wt(kO



Figure 3: The standard catch data record form employed by the SPC masterfishermen 5 atoll island in the world and has an area of 363 km2. Large high islands were also relatively easy to define as archipelagos with land masses of 10,000 km2 or more. These comprise the Melanesian islands of PNG, Solomon Islands, Vanuatu, Fiji and New Caledonia. The remaining islands were grouped in the small high island category, with land areas <10,000 km2 and containing small mountainous islands, such as the Society Group in French Polynesia or upraised atolls such as Niue. This separation of the catch data was reasonably straightforward for small high islands and atolls which tend to be discreet geographical entities. However, in the the larger high island archipelagos fishing during a country visit was often carried out at several different islands or island groups and judgement was required on the aggregation of this data for computing mean catch rates and catch composition.

limitations of the data and sources of error The ORAFP and DSFDP were not intended to be research projects. The prime objectives in each instance were to establish whether deep dropline fishing was viable at a given location and to train island personnel in the fishing techniques. Lack of standardisation of techniques and procedures has led to many inconsistencies among the data gathered in different locations. Seven different masterfishermen were responsible for the collection of the data, using a wide variety of vessels and crews. In most instances the crews were trainees, initially unfamiliar with the fishing operatioa Another limitation of the data, particularly with earlier records, is the rejection of sharks and some teleosts as undesirable, and hence their not being included in the catch data. Later records do include shark weights, but in some instances give the dressed (trunk only) rather than whole weight This was due to the need to rapidly drain the blood from shark flesh to prevent the breakdown of metabolites into ammonia and uric acid. In this report, dressed shark weights have simply been doubled to convert them back to whole weights. In some cases all the fish in the catch were cleaned (gutted and /or gilled and/or scaled) before weighing In these instances it has been necessary to apply a conversion factor to recalculate whole weights. Where these have been applied, they are noted in the relevant data summaries in the country appendices. In some survey fishing the red snapper, Lutjanus bohar, was rejected and discarded due to its reputation as a commonly ciguatoxic fish, as occasionally were other species such as Symphorichthys spilurus and Lutjanus macolorniger. In these instances only rough estimates of numbers and weight of this species were given. Such actions necessarily lead to imprecise measures of catch. The masterfishermen's visits to a given location ranged from one to twelve months (mean 5 months). Records of catches and catch rates for most of the visits thus pertain only to part of the fishing year at a specific location. In some instances only a few fishingtrip s were made to a fishing ground. No account can therefore be made of seasonality in the catch rates. A final source of error with the data is unfamiliarity with the taxonomy of the species captured by dropline fishing. Many of the species now recorded from the deep slope catches have only recently been identified and described. Indeed, the expansion of dropline fishing in the South Pacific region has provided an impetus to improving the classification of such common families as the Lutjanidae (snappers), Serranidae (groupers), Lethrinidae (emperors) and Carangidae (trevallies or jacks). Differences in the skills of the various masterfishermen at recognising species are apparent. Further, there is a learning effect, with the masterfisheimen becoming progressively more skilled at identifying different species with increasing familiarity.


Between August 1974 and December 1988 the SPC masterfishermen undertook survey fishingi n 19 of the 22 member countries and territories of the Commission, as shown in Table 1. Guam, Nauru and Pitcairn Island were not included in the programme. 6 Table 1: Visits to Pacific Island countries and territories made by SPC masterfishermen, August 1974-August 1988 Country or territory Number of visits American Samoa 2 Belau 2 Cook Islands 3 Federated States of Micronesia1 4 Fiji 4 French Polynesia 1 Guam 0 Kiribati 2 Marshall Islands 1 Nauru 0 New Caledonia 4 Niue 3 Northern Mariana Islands 1 Papua New Guinea 4 Piteairn Island 0 Solomon Islands 1 Tokelau 2 Tonga 4 Tuvalu 4 Vanuatu 4 Wallis and Futuna 2 Western Samoa 2 Total 50

1. All states in the FSM were visited by the SPC masterfishermen, but in Pohnpei activities were restricted to a short training course. Information on the deep slope stocks of Pohnpei and adjacent atolls was taken from McCoy (1990).

The masterfishermen have now carried out dropline fishing at nearly 60 different locations during the course of 50 country visits. The masterfishermen made 1,370 individual fishing trips between 1974 and 1988, 83 per cent of which involved dropline fishing with handreels. A total of 140.8 tonnes of fish was captured during 21,563 line hours of fishingeffort . The catch consisted of fish from 42 different families, 93 genera and at least 208 species.

Catch composition The percentage composition of the dropline catches by number and weight for all the countries and territories visited by the SPC programme is given in Table 2. For most countries, the values given are aggregates of data gathered during several country visits to several locations. Considerable variation exists within the data set for each country and is discussed in more depth in the individual country appendices. 7 Table 2: Percentage catch composition by number and weight from dropline fishing on South Pacific deep reef slopes

Country/ Eldlnac/ Luljaninae Lethrinldae Serranidae CarangioW GempyHdae - Sphyraenidae : Other Sharks Territory Apsllinae. Scombridae lekpsls (Shallow- (Emperors) (Groupers (OHflshand (Barracudas (Deep-water water and coral (Trevallies, snake andseaplkes) snappers) snappers) Iron Is) jacks, tunas mackerels) and mackerels)

No. Wt No. WL No, WL No. Wt Ife WL No. WL No. Wt No. WL No. WL

American 13.6 42.4 33.5 18.1 28.1 14.9 28 2.1 5.7 124 0.6 0.7 9.3 8.9 1.5 0.8 0.0 0.0 Samoa

Belau 3Z4 36.0 20.4 11.8 7.1 4-1 15.2 124 13.8 15.2 4.7 7.0 0.B 1.7 6.1 3.5 0.8 5.2 Cook Islands 67.1 50.7 1.8 20 1.5 1.2 15.4 9.4 4.8 9.9 0.7 4.7 0.05 0.1 6.9 6.7 2.0 15.2

Federated 23.9 21.7 19.4 18.6 9.3 4.4 122 7.4 18.9 185 1.5 2.4 0.3 1.0 6.1 4.9 8.6 21.2 States of Micronesia

Fiji 40.8 24.6 18.6 11.9 10.0 5.4 126 8.1 7.9 15.1 1.3 2.7 5.2 5.2 0.6 1.5 3.1 25.6 French 39.3 28.7 1.2 25 0.2 0.2 37.2 30.2 11.8 19.7 5.8 14.1 3.8 0.1 0.4 1.6 0.3 3.0 Polynesia

Kiribati 22.1 13.5 33.4 328 5.0 3.4 26.8 21.6 5.9 5.5 25 5.4 0.8 0.4 l.B 0.7 2.1 17.1 Marshall 9.6 8.5 28.7 14.3 14.1 6.5 25.9 10.1 7.S 8.1 2.8 1.1 0.7 0.3 2.6 2.3 8.1 48.9 Islands . New 27.2 24.4 10.4 9.6 28.7 19.4 13.9 11/4 3.6 5.6 0.0 0.0 1.4 2.8 0.9 0.2 13.8 25.3 Caledonia ;'.

Niue 19.5 10.1 19.3 27.2 127 11.2 18.1 13.5 9.7 9.2 2.7 3.9 0.7 1.2 16.8 15.3 0.5 3.3 Northern 80.8 60.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.6 0.5 12.8 34.4 0,0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 5.8 0.0 Marianas

PapuaNew 58.7 49.2 18.8 16.1 6.4 3.8 7.0 7.2 4.3 7.0 0.03 0.5 0.6 0.9 0.7 0.4 3.5 15.3 Guinea Solomon 652 61.0 19.2 14.3 0.3 0.4 4.5 10.8 0.8 1.9 0.03 0.03 5.3 7.8 4.6 3.8 0.0 0.0 Islands

Tokelau 28,5 21,8 14.1 2.9 8.6 6.1 18.3 6.9 20.8 27.9 1.5 5.5 1.6 1-5 5.1 2.3 1.8 25.4 Tonga 46.3 49.0 3.2 3.9 29.4 20.2 121 13.8 1.9 5.5 0,7 0.8 0.7 1.1 2.6 0.5 3.2 5.0

Tuvalu 30.8 17.1 14.2 10.2 3.0 0.9 121 10.1 17.0 126 17.8 328 1.3 0.7 3.1 05 1.1 15.2 Varmate 49.5 45.5 23.6 10.6 3.5 2,1 33.0 39.3 2.1 3.9 3.6 4.6 0.1 0.2 2.5 1.3 4.0 129 Wallis and 63.9 56.8 7.8 4.6 6.7 5.8 13.3 122 6.8 11.6 0.0 0.0 0.5 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.7 8.8 Futuna

Western 326 45.9 3.3 7.3 0.2 3.2 1.8 S.6 4.2 S.0 36.4 25.0 0.0 0.0 29 3.8 20.5 6.5 Samoa

Mean 38.7 327 15.7 121 9.9 6.1 4.3 120 9.2 13.7 3.3 6.8 1.5 1.7 3.6 21 3.8 15.1

The family Lutjanidae, or snappers, is divided here into two groups, following the taxonomy proposed by Johnson (1980): the sub-families Etelinae and Apsilinae, or deep-slope snappers; and the sub­ families Lutjaninae and Paradicichthyinae, or shallow-water snappers, For convenience the deep-slope snappers are referred to collectively as the etelines. Eteline species are usually captured below 50 m and are the main target species of dropline fishing. The Lutjaninae are a feature of both shallow lagoon and deep reef slope catches. As a general rule certain lutjanine species, such as Lutjanus bohar arid Lutjanus argentimaculatus, migrate down the reef slope into deeper water as they increase in size (Wright et al., 1986).

Overall the major component of the dropline catches, taken as a whole, was the family Lutjanidae, which comprised 44.8 and 54.4 per cent by number and weight respectively. The etelines were the single largest major taxonomic group present in the catch and made up about 70 per cent of the snapper catch. Other important catch components were the emperors or Lethrinidae and the groupers or Serranidae. Together the snappers, emperors and groupers typically comprised between 60 and 80 per cent of the catch by number and weight 8 The mean catch compositions for the large high islands, small high islands and atolls are shown in Table 3 and Figure 4. Although there are distinct differences in the catch compositions between all three groups, the most marked differences are between the high islands in total and the atolls. Nearly half the catch from high islands consisted of etelines, with the Lutjanidae comprising 52.5 and 60.6 per cent of the catch in weight and number, respectively. By contrast etelines contributed only 15 per cent in weight and 24 per cent by number at atoll locations. Overall the Lutjanidae comprised 34 arid 47 per cent by weight and number respectively in catches from atolls, where large sharks were a notable feature.

Table 3: Percentage catch composition by number and weight of dropline catches from South Pacific large high islands, small high islands and atolls Family/ sub-family Large high islands Small high islands Atolls Number Weight Number Weight Number Weight Etelinae/ Apsilinae 48.3 40.9 44.0 41.9 23.9 14.8 Lutjaninae 8.1 12.5 10.8 9.8 23.0 18.7 Lethrinidae 9.8 6.2 9.2 6.3 6.8 3.6 Serranidae 10.2 11.3 13.0 11.4 18.3 10.3 Carangidae/ Scombridae 3.7 6.7 9.9 14.8 14.0 14.3 Gempylidae 0.6 1.6 4.0 3.1 3.6 7.2 Sphyraenidae 2.5 3.4 1.2 1.2 0.7 0.7 Other teleosts 1.9 1.4 5.3 4.6 2.0 0.9 Sharks 4.9 15.8 2.8 6.6 7.8 29.7

Catches at atoll sites are composed of greater numbers of serranids, shallow water lutjanids, gempylids, sharks, carangids and scombrids. When the untransformed catch composition frequencies were subjected to chi square contingency tests, significant differences were found between both high island types and atolls (chi square p< 0.001, 16df) and between small and large high islands (chi square, p< 0.001, 8df) in both weight and number.

Catch rates For studies of the resource itself, the most appropriate index of fishing effort for dropline fishing is number of line-hours (number of lines multiplied by hours spent fishing), with CPUE expressed as catch per line-hour. A cruder index of effort that may be applied in place of line-hours is number of trips, where CPUE is expressed as catch per trip. This measure is sometimes more appropriate for use in studies of the economics of fishing operations. However, in the present data set, trip length was so variable that this unit of effort was not considered useful for the purposes of the present report. The catch per trip for the entire data set ranged from 25 to 380 kg, with a mean of 114.8 kg.

Like catch composition, catch rates can be expressed in terms of numbers or weight. In terms of economic value of the catch, CPUE by weight is the most appropriate expression of productivity. However, catch fates by weight can be distorted by the capture of a single large fish (e.g. oilfish or sharks); hence it is more useful to estimate catch rates by numbers when discussing changes in abundance as expressed by CPUE: Catch rates were subdivided in the same manner as the species composition data into those from atolls, small high islands and large high islands. The different island groupings, with individual land areas and respective catch rates in number and weight, are given in Table 4. Overall catch rates ranged from a low of 0.5 kg/line-hr at Tamana in Kiribati to a maximum of 19.0 kg/line-hr at Amo Atoll in the Marshall Islands, with a mean of 7.0 kg/line-hr. These may be subject to some bias due to discards, particularly of sharks. Catch rates of teleostsonl y ranged from 0.3 to 14.5 kg/line-hr, with a mean of 6.6 kg/line-hr. Catch rates by numbers ranged from 0.3 to 6.4 fish/line-hr both for total catch and for teleosts only, but with means of 2.7 and 2.4 fish/Iine-hr respectively. 9

Large high islands Large high Islands

Small higb islands Small high islands

Atolls Atolls

13 Etclinae B Lutjairinae EI Lethruudae 0 Seiranidae • Car/Scomb | Gempylidae § Sphyraeriidae H Other tdeosis 0 Shades

Figure 4. Percentage composition by number (left) and weight (right) of deep slope fish catches from large high islands, small high islands and atolls in the South Pacific region. 10 Table 4: Land area and average CPUE for SPC dropline fishing surveys at large high islands, small high islands and atolls in the South Pacific

Location and island type Land area (km?) CPUE CPUE (no/ line-hr) (kg/Une-hr) LARGE HIGH ISLANDS

Papua New Guinea 462,243.0 1.9 5.5 Solomon Islands 27,556.0 1.8 5.7 New Caledonia 19,103.0 3.0 9.7 Fiji 18,272.0 3.4 11.6 Vanuatu 11,880.0 1.9 ::7.2 • SMALL HIGH ISLANDS

Western Samoa 2,482.0 0.9 4.6 Tonga 646.0 3.5 13.2 Belau 460.0 1.1 4.9 Pohnpei 334.2 2.2 4.5 Niue 259.0 1.7 5.8 American Samoa 200.0 1.5 5.7 Wallis 150.0 3.0 8.0 Saipan 122.9 1.6 2.2 Futuna 115.0 2.1 7.2 Kosrae 109.6 3.0 6,9 Yap 100.2 1.5 5.0 Truk 99.9 2.1 5.5 UaPou 79.0 2.1 6.7 Rarotonga 64.0 1.8 2.2 Mehetia 50.0 2.2 4.7 Tufauai 45.0 4.0 4.7 Rurutu 32.0 1.8 2.3 ATOLLS

Kiritimati 363.4 5.4 16.5 Abemama 27.8 2.7 8.5 Tarawa 21.9 2.3 10.3 Abaiang 16.0 2.2 4.5 Maiana 15.9 1.0 8.2 Amo 13.0 4.4 19.0 Kuria 12.3 2.2 8.0 Majuro 9.2 3.4 5.9 Tamana 4.8 0.5 0.4 Ulithi 4.7 6.4 14.4 Nukunono 4.7 1.4 2.5 Fakaofo 4.0 0.8 3.0 Nanumea 3.7 3.3 10.5 Atafu 3.5 1.3 1.9 Ruo 3.2 4.1 7.0 Funafuti 2.8 1.9 7.6 Ant 1.9 2.1 5.5 Pakin 1.1 2.9 3.9 Penrhyn 1.0 3.3 11.2 Arorac 0.9 0.3 0.9 Vaitupu 0.5 1.2 8.2 Ngulu 0.4 0.3 13.2 Nukufetau 0.3 4.5 6.1 Nukulaelae 0.2 4.1 16.3 11 The frequency distributions of the aggregated catch rates by number and weight from Table 4, for the total data, and for high islands and atolls separately, are shown in Figures 5 and 6, for total catch and catches of teleosts. Small and large high islands were grouped into one category for this comparison since the number of large high island sites was rather small.

Table 5: Average catch rates by number and weight for dropline fishing at large high islands, small high islands and atolls in the South Pacific

Island type Total catch rate Teleost catch rate no./Iine-nr kg/Sine-hr no./line-hr kg/line-hr All islands 2.5 7.0 2.4 6.6 High islands 2.3 6.0 2.2 5.5 Atolls 2.6 7.7 2.5 6.8

Catch rates around atolls show much greater variation than those from around high islands. The coefficient of variation (CV = {mean/stan. dev.} x 100) for CPUE by both number and weight for atolls was approximately 60 per cent, compared to about 40 per cent for the high island sites. Catch rates from around atolls were clearly not normally distributed, but those for the total catch and for high island sites were tested for conformity with the normal distribution using the Kolgomorov- Smimov test. In only two instances were the distributions not significantly different from the normal curve but these (high islands teleosts by number and weight) were just on the borderline of the 95 per cent confidence interval (critical value at 22 d.f. = 0.27). These results strongly suggest that there are real differences in catch rates between the various types of site examined, and that the differences observed are not simply artefacts in die data due to random variation in fishing success. The average CPUEs for high island and atoll sites are summarised in Table 5. There were no significant differences between the means of high island and atoll CPUEs by numbers for total catch (t= 1.062, p> 0.1, 42 d.f.) or catch of teleosts (t=0.390, p> 0.1, 42 d.f.). Similarly no significant differences were found for the CPUEs in weight between the means of high island and atoll total catch (t=1.601, p> 0.1, 42 d.f.) or for teleost catch (t= 0.572, p> 0.1,42 d.f.) The catch rates by number and weight for the different islands are shown plotted against the natural logarithm of respective land area in Figures 7 and 8. Logarithms were used since land area spans seven orders of magnitude for the islands in the data set. Regressions were performed of the total catch rates and catch rates of individual components versus the natural logarithm of island area for CPUE in both numbers and weight offish. Only the regressions of the CPUE of the eteline catch by weight and the CPUEs of the sphyraenids and carangids/scombrids by number versus island size were significant (r = 0.31 to 0.39, p<0.01, 42 df), although only 10 to 15 per cent of the variation in CPUE is explained by island size. Given the variance inherent in the data, however, it is unlikely that such trends would be readily apparent using such simple statistical treatments. To elucidate possible trends in the CPUE data with respect to island type, the mean catch rate in each island class for total catch, teleosts only and individual catch components was plotted against the median island size (Figures 9 and 10). Median island size was used to minimise the influence of extreme island land masses such as PNG. There were no obvious trends in the data for CPUEs by weight of the total catch, catch of teleosts, lutjanines, serranids and sharks versus island size. There appears, however, to be a positive association between the catch rates of etelines, lethrinids and sphyraenids and island size, while the data for gempylids and carangids/scombrids suggest declining CPUEs associated with increasing land area. The catch rates by number generally reflect the same pattern as those by weight, although the increase in CPUE of the eteline catch is not as marked and there is a suggestion of a decline in CPUE of the serranids around the large high islands. 12

20-1 All islands, total catch 20 "I All islands, telenets only

10 10 1 If: K -! SIP •m n •2345 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ("itch rate(na/)ine-hr) Catch rate (naJline-hr)

ta-i High Elandis , total catch 12 High islands, teleosts

10- • 10 g e- I % 8' B I 6 , '," 4-

t 2- : 1- : ; PP! 1 2 3 4 5 8 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Catch ratefr culinc-hr) Catch rate (no./line-hr)

Atolls, total catch 10 Atolls, teleosts


& 6 : B J 4-

•"1 wii fit •I 12 3 4 5 6 7 12 3 4 5 6 Catch rate (noJline-hr) Catch rate (noJlineJir) Figure 5: Frequency distributions of catch rates by number for different island types in the South Pacific 13

20 All islands, total catch "I All islands, teleosls only

g s 3 10- S3 I to II! il ?! $$• §\ &* ll •!•:•$: Pll Emlsil id ill £ S 10 12 11 IE 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 Catch rale (kg/line-hr) Catch rale (kgAine-hr)

12-1 High islands, total catch 12- High islands, telcosls s ID­ 1P-

S' 8- i

6- 6-

4- 4 - r*"i • 2- 2- ' ll L m 0- , . n- •—4 2 4 6 S 10 m12 14 IS 1E 4 e a 10 12 14 16 K Catch rate (kg/linc-hr) Catch rate (kg/lino-hr)

1 ?' Aloll, total catch "I AUlllS, UJLKlStS

4- rn ™ •™l -™ g ' "c 3 -- |r : ! g I ' m ITTTP : 1 • 1 • i ; _j ; | J n- II 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 1E 1K 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 Catch rate (kg/line-hr) CaldiralcQtg/linv-hr) Figure 6: Frequency distributions of catch rates by weight for different island types in the South Pacific 14

° Large high islands 8i m Small high islands Q Atolls

i 4- o D o a aa° m u aP a a 0 -3 3 5 7 11 13 Ln island area Figure 7: Catch rates by number from dropline fishing at South Pacific large high islands, small high islands and atoll sites versus natural logarithm of land area

0 20- Large high islands • Small high islands 0 D D Atolls u 15" D J5 D • k D a o io- • o an a • •• o ! ° D o o D 5" D • • •" • 5> • • m D o- \ 1 1 1 1—B-,i 1 -T 1 1 r i • --T 1 1 «—1 1 -1 3 5 7 11 13 Ln island area Figure 8: Catch rates by weight from dropline fishinga t South Pacific large high islands, small high islands and atoll sites versus natural logarithm of land area 15

Total catch Teleosts only

I '•

: ix 2

OH • 1—r- —i—• 1 •— i i 1—•—i— 2 4 6 , 8 ••: 10 2 4 6 8 10 Ln island area. Ln Island area

1.5 -i Luljanklae (Etelinae/Apsilinae) Luljanidae (Lu{janinae) 10 i i £ I «•- 1 0.8 i i 1 . •5 0.6 b 0.5-- ^ & 0.4 0.2-

0.0 0.0 -1—• 1—•—r^ —i— 4 6 S 10 0 4 6 8 10 Ln island area. Ln island area

0.4- Lcthrinidac Scrranklae

0.6 ... i i ^ 0.4 o ! 0.2- i

i i a. 0.1- <•> 0.2

o.o- —i—i 1—-i— i 1 1 1 1—i 0.0 —i 1—i—.—| 1—|— 4 6 8 10 4 6 8 10 Ln island urea Ln island area Figure 9: Mean dropline catch rates by number of total catch, teleosts only and catch components for large high islands, small high islands and atoll sites versus natural logarithm of the median island area. (Vertical bars represent the 95 % confidence limits about the mean.) 16

0.6- Carangida&Scombridae 0.12 GempjUdae

0.5- „ 0.10 T

| 0.4' J 0.08'

0.3' lo. 06

0.2- 0.04

0.1" 0.02

o.o- -i—•—i—• i 0.00 -T •— I "I ' I • I 0 4 6 8 10 2 4 6 8 10 Lnisbodarea Ln Island area

0.08 1 Spbyraeriidae 0.14- Sharks 0.12" ? 0.06' 0.10" 1 a 0.08" 1 ! oJUae-br) £ 0.04: e 0.06* ' . g 0.04- ° 0.02- B i 1 0.02" I 0.00-1 r—r—• 1—i—T—•——i—• r o.ooH 0 2 4 6,8 10 c) 2 4 6 8 10 La island area Lo island area

Figure 9. cont 17

12 Total catch 10 Teleosts only 10 •c 8 J? J 6 I 8 es

2 —i—•—i—-i—r- **l • 1 ' 1 • 1 >—T • 4 6 8 10 2 4 6 8 10 Ln island area Ln island area

Lutjanidae (Etfilinae'Apsilinae) 3.0- ' Lutjanidae (Luljaninae)

3" 2.5" 2.0- 2" i i 1.5- 1.0- • & 1 ! 0.5" i -i—i—i—i—i—.—i—i—j— 0.0 -i i ' i • ' i ''~' i • — | .i i 2 4 6 8 10 t) 2 4 6 8 10 Ln island area Ln island area

2.0 Scrranidae

1.0- Lcthrinidac 1.5 "S" 0.8- r JS

% 0.6- i i i | 1.0 i i , I": & 0.5 0.2"

0.0 H • i • 0.0 -i—•—P—•—i • 1 • 1— 0 2 4 6 8 1 0 2 4 6 8 10 Ln island area Ln island area Figure 10. Mean dropline catch rates by weight of total catch, teleosts only and catch components for large high islands, small high islands and atoll sites versus natural logarithm of the median island area. (Vertical bars represent the 95% confidence limits about the mean.) 18

2.0 Carangjdae^ScambrkLie 1.5 Gempylidae

1.5 i 1.0-


0.5 0.5

0.0 -i—i— 0.0 2 4 J H6 J 8 10 * 6 8 10 Ln island area Ln island area

0.5- Sphjraenidae 2.5-1 Sharks i °-4" | 2-0 & 0.3- S 1.5 i i g 6 0.2- 6 i-o o.i- I 0.5 o.o- •' i • i —i—i -• i i . i— 0.0 -i—r- -i—•—i—i—i- —r— 2 4 6 8 10 2 4 6 8 10 Ln island area La island area Figure 10. cont. 19 Other factors affecting the CPUE of dropline fishingar e the interactions of depth and time of day when fishing took place. To allow examination of these factors, the individual hourly catch rates by number and weight were aggregated by 50 m depth intervals (0-49, 50-99, etc.) over the entire data set and averaged for each depth interval and for each hour. Plots of the mean catch rate by number and weight versus the mid-point of each 50 m depth interval are shown in Figure 11. Catch rates by weight increase markedly with depth over the first three depth ranges (0-150 m), from 5.3 kg/line-hr to 15.5 kg/line-hr. Although there is some decline in mean catch rate in the 150-199 m depth interval, catch rates appear to be relatively stable between 150 and 250 m. Catch rates decline markedly in depths greater than 250 m. By contrast, mean CPUE in numbers of fish increases sharply within the first 100 m, then declines gradually with depth. No observations were recorded for depths of 450-499 m and only a few catches were made in waters 500-550 m deep.

14 -i r7

12- -6


4- -1

—i—•—i ' 1— 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 Depth (m) Figure 11: Mean catch rates by number and weight versus depth for dropline fishing in the South Pacific region

The mean hourly catch rates by number and weight for each depth interval are shown in Figures 12 and 13. Although the catch rates are very variable between depth intervals, there is a well defined pattern of CPUE changes over a 24-hour period, particularly at greater depths. It should be noted that data for the first depth interval (0-49 m) are probably less meaningful man for other intervals due to the very diverse species assemblage of the catch and the fact that shallow water fishing was typically an incidental activity carried out in a non-standardised fashion. At all depths beyond 50 m there is a pronounced peak in the hourly CPUEs, both by number and weight, in the early morning, usually between midnight and 0500 hrs. Between 50 and 200 m the hourly CPUE patterns do not show a strong parallelism after 0600 hrs. From 200 m onwards, however, there is a strong indication of other pronounced peaks in CPUE that occur around midday and between 2000 and 0200 hrs. 20


-r-i-i- 6 10 12 14 16 IB 20 22 24 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 Hours Hours

10 250.299m 9 I' 1 6


i • i i • i • i • i » i • i • i i i 0 3 4 6 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 0 2 4 6 S 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 Hours Hours

10 -f 1M-I49m 10T 300-349m

• • i > i • l • i • • ' • 10 12 14 16 IB 20 22 24 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 Hours Hours

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 Hours Hours Figure 12: Mean hourly catch rates by number for dropline fishing in the South Pacific, at 50 m depth intervals 21


I ' I ' I ' l ' I ' l • r • i i t • i ' i * i ' t ' l ' l ' t 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 IS 20 22 24 D 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 Hours Hours

25- 250-3u0m


4s 13- / \ f\. £ S 10-i B - 5-

i • i • i ' i ' i • i • i ' i < i * i ' 0- 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 : Hour* Hour?

100-149DI 25 "I 300-3S(Hn

i • i • r'»-!-> i • i L • I ' I • • • I ' I ' I ' I • J ' I ' I 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 IS 20 22 24 0 2 4 G 8 10 12 ]4 IS IS 20 22 24 Hours Hours

-I 150-lWm 35

1 B io- 6

I I I • I " I • I • J 1 I ' I • I • I ' J • I 0 2 4 6 g 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 IS 20 22 24 I lour j Hours

Figure 13: Mean hourly catch rates by weight for dropline fishingi n the South Pacific, at 50 m depth intervals 22 In Figure 14, the hourly CPUE values by number and weight are shown averaged over the depth ranges 0-400 m and then plotted over a 48-hour period to make the rhythm of CPTJE variation more apparent. Although three peaks seem to be apparent in the data it is possible that the 2100 hr and 0300 hr peaks are part of the same overall rise and fall in CPUE. As numbers and weight at each 50 m depth interval were known, average weight of fish captured with increasing depth could be computed. As the species composition with depth was not known, the average weight of fish refers to the total catch rather than individual species or species groups. The plot of average fish weight with depth is shown in Figure 15 and demonstrates ah increase in size with depth. The average weight of fish captured in the 0-50 m depth range is around 2.0 kg, while at the greatest depth (500-550 m) this has increased to about 7.0 kg.

Depletion effects Intensive fishing at a given location may lead to a rapid decline in CPUE and possibly change the species composition of the fished community, particularly if the stock is in a virgin state. This is most evident in locations where the fishable area is small and fishing occurs in a period of time short enough to exclude the effects of mortality and recruitment. Polovina (1986) reported on the results of a depletion experiment by dropline fishing on a sea-mount in the Northern Mariana archipelago. Catch rates for the total catch and for the dominant species, the deep-slope snappers Pristopomoides zonatus and Etelis carbunculus, declined markedly with cumulative catch, while the CPUE of a sub-dominant species, Pristopomoides auricilla, increased in the same proportion over the same period. No deliberate depletion fishing experiments were carried out by the SPC masterfishermen. However, it was thought that intensive fishing at atoll sites, with their limited fishing areas, might have led to noticeable declines in biomass and hence CPUE. The greatest amount of fishing around an individual atoll occurred at Funafuti, the main island of Tuvalu. Four different fishing surveys were carried out around this atoll over the period 1976 to 1986, and a total of 10.9 tonnes offish landed, mostly from the western leeward coast of the island. During none of these surveys did catch rates decline appreciably with persistent fishing. Further, overall average catch rates between the four different surveys did not demonstrate a progressive decline. There was, however, a decline in the mean weight of fish caught during each survey, particularly for the more common species such as Aphareus rutilans, Etelis carbunculus, Pristipomoides 2onatus, Gymnosarda unicolor and Ruvettus pretiosus. Unfortunately, the nature of the data precludes testing of the significance of these declines in size.

The only evidence of possible partial depletion through fishing was from the single survey around Penrhyn Atoll in the Northern Cook Islands (Figure 16). All fishing occurred on the western leeward coast and after 222 hrs of dropline fishing, catch rates had declined from around 20 kg/line-hr to about 7.0 kg/line-hr. There were two marked outliers from the general trend, after 105 hrs and 202 hrs of fishing. The first of these was explained by discounting catches of sharks and oilfish, Ruvettus pretiosus (Figure 17), since only a few specimens of each can greatly increase total catch weight. The second of the outliers was not explained in this manner and during this trip the bulk of the catch comprised eteline snappers. Despite this, the scatters of points in Figures 16 and 17 are indicative of an overall decline in the CPUE and the apparent curvilinear nature of the data suggests that this might equilibrate at about 7.0 kgAine-hr. Catch rates by number showed no such decline over the period of fishing, however, either for the total catch or for the catch minus sharks and oilfish.

Biogeography of deep reef species The South Pacific region lies on the Pacific Plate, the earth's largest lithospheric plate (Figure 18). The biogeography of the Pacific Plate is characterised by a sharp decrease in numbers of biological taxa eastwards from the western plate margin, and a high degree of endemism on the plate (Springer, 1982). This applies not only to shore fishes but also to molluscs, arthropods and certain mammals. 23


•4 ^ u "S

-2 U *— CPUE weight CPUE numbers -1

0 I I I I I I I I • -1—1 I I—I I |"T-|' I'-|"T1 I | I-I I | I I 1 | I I I | I I I | I1 I I | 1 I I | T I Q 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44 48 Hours Figure 14: Mean hourly catch rates by number and weight from dropline fishing in the South Pacific, averaged over all depth ranges



it 5- i



100 200 300 400 500 600 Depth (m) Figure 15: Mean weight offish captured by dropline fishing in the South Pacific, at each 50 m depth interval 24

30'-l Total catch

25 i... 20

15- fl- 10


—i— 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 Cumulative catch (kg) Figure 16: Catch per unit of effort versus cumulative catch for droptine fishing at Penrhyn Atoll, Northern Cook Islands

20 -i Total catch minus sharks and yilfish


0* 10- b 5-

i i 500 1000 1500 2000 Cumulative catch (kg) Figure 17: Catch per unit of effort, minus sharks and oilfish, versus cumulative catch for dropline fishing at Penrhyn Atoll, Northern Cook Islands to

Figure 18: Map of the South Pacific showing position of the Pacific Plate 26 To examine the biogeographic trends in the dropline catch data, the number of species taken at each location was totalled, with any obvious shallow-water fishes excluded. Inclusion of shallow-water species in catch records occurred when other fishing activities, such as handlining and fish trapping, were undertaken in shallow lagoon waters. The westernmost island group visited by the SPC masterfishennen was Belau. This formed a convenient western boundary from which the straight line distance of all other locations where fishing took place could be measured. These measurements are given in Table 6, together with the total number of species at each location. A plot of this data is shown in Figure 19 and demonstrates the decline in species number in the dropline catches with increasing distance fromBelau .

Table 6: Number of deep reef fish species recorded from dropline catches from different locations in the South Pacific and linear distance from Belau

Location Distance east from Belau (km) No. of deep reef slope species Belau 0 102 Yap 500 69 Truk 2,000 88 Papua New Guinea 2,250 94 Kosrae 3,250 63 Solomon Islands ] 3,375 23 Marshall Islands 4,000 44 Kiribati 4,500 78 Vanuatu 4,500 51 New Caledonia 4,750 65 Tuvalu 2 5,250 51 Fiji 3 5,625 107 Wallis and Futuna 5,875 61 Tokelau 6,250 49 Western Samoa 6,250 45 Tonga 2 6,375 68 American Samoa 6,500 41 Niue 6,750 42 Kiritimati 7,655 26 Penrhyn 7,900 37 Rarotonga 8,170 29 French Polynesia 9,655 47

1 175 specimens not identified 2 Totals include shallow reef species 3 Emphasis given to correct identification of all specimens

The line is fitted to the data with the exclusion of the points for Solomon Islands and Fiji. The low number of species for Solomon Islands (23) is unrealistic given the western location of this archipelago and its proximity to species-rich PNG. The single Solomon Islands visit was conducted under the auspices of the ORAFP, when less emphasis was given to meticulous identification of all species in the catch, and 175 fishes were simply classified as 'mixed species'. By contrast, particular emphasis was given to identifying all species in the catch during visits to Fiji due to the taxonomic interests and expertise of the staff of Fiji's Fisheries Division (A.D. Lewis, South Pacific Commission, Noumea, pers. comm.). 27 Springer (1982) showed that the greatest species diversity on the Pacific Plate is found at the plate margin. Thus in addition to an east-west species gradient mere is also a marginal-non-marginal effect associated with species diversity on the plate. This is most evident in the southern islands of the South Pacific, where the Melanesian island chain joins with the islands of Polynesia. The plate margin is defined by the islands from PNG to Tonga and American Samoa, while the southern Cook Islands and French Polynesia are non-marginal sites. Several species widespread in the rest of the region are absent from the Cook Islands and/or French Polynesia. Good examples of these are Pristopomoides multidens, P. flavipinnis, Wattsia mossambica, Lutjanus argentimaculatus, L. variegatus, Epinephelus flavocaeruleus and E. chlorostigma. Other deep-slope species also appear to have restricted distributions. The emperor Lethrinus miniatus (formely L. chtysostomus ) is a sub-tropical species, found in the southern Melanesian islands of New Caledonia, Vanuatu and Fiji, and in Tonga. One record of L. chrysostomus from Kosrae (Mead & Grassland, 1979) may be a misidentification, although L.chrysostomus is known from the Ryukyu Islands of the sub-tropical North Pacific (Carpenter & Allen,. 1989). Other species found in the dropline catches at restricted locations include Gymnocranius japorticus, Epinephelus areolatus and Epinephelus cometae, which were similar in distribution to L chrysostomus.

Examples of species found widely throughout the region, including the central and eastern Polynesian islands, include Aprion virescens, Aphareus furcatus, Aphareus rutilans, Etelis carbunculus, Etelis coruscans, Pristopomoides auricilla, Pristopomoides filamentosus, Pristopomoides zonatus, Lutjanus bohar, Lutjanus kasmira, Lethrinus miniatus, Epinephelus morrhua, Epinephelus septemfasciatus, Epinephelus retouti, Variola loutit Caranx lugubris, Seriola rivoliana, Gymnosarda unicolor and Ruvettus pretiosus. From the SPC catch records, the deep-slope snapper Etelis radiosus appears to be confined to the high islands of Melanesia and the small high island of Wallis. A single specimen was recorded from the atoll of Nukulaelae in Tuvalu and may simply be a misidentification or a straggler specimen. However, E. radiosus was described quite recently (Anderson, 1981), and is only now coming to be widely recognised. It is therefore possible that this fish has been taken more extensively than the catch records indicate, and misidentified as E. carbunculus.


"8 a. i

2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 Distance from Palau (km)

Figure 19. Total number of deep reef species captured in dropline catches from different locations in the South Pacific versus distance from Belau. See text for explanantion of points for Solomon Islands and Fiji 28 Yields from dropline fisheries Successful fisheries on the deep-slope snapper and grouper communities of South Pacific islands have been established in a number of countries of the region. Principal amongst these are the export-oriented fisheries of Tonga and Fiji which send fish to markets in Japan and the United States. The development of these and other fisheries has led to the collection of time series of catch and fishing effort data from commercial fishing operations. Recent analyses of some of these data by Polovina et al. (1990) showed that the application of depletion models and other simple approaches permitted estimation of standing stock biomass (B0) and maximum sustainable yields (MSY). These estimates were expressed as an index of the fishable habitat, or as tonnes/nautical mile (t/n.mi) of the 100-fathom (approximately 184 m) isobath, and allowed extrapolation to areas where B0 is unknown but where the length of the 100-fathom bathymetric contour can be estimated. Where time series of catch and effort data were short (less than nine months in duration), the depletion model of Leslie (in Ricker, 1975) was used to estimate B0 and the catchability coefficient (q). The model takes the form:

Ct = qft(B0-Kt) where Ct is catch at time t, f is fishing effort and Kt is the cumulative catch. In terms of CPUE the model can be rearranged so that: q/ft = qBo-qKt and is a linear equation with a slope equal to q and an abscissal intercept equal to B0. Depletion studies for longer time series of catch and effort data need to consider the effects of mortality (M) and recruitment (R) on the fished populations. The more complex model of Allen (1966) incorporates these into a multiple regression equation of the form: Q = Afi + BfiXj where: A = qR/(l-e-M) B = q Xi = Cie-0 -l)M + c2e -(i-2)M...Q/2. If estimates of M are known or can be approximated then the values of q and R can be solved from the equation. Polovina et al. (1990) used both methods on several sets of catch and effort data from different South Pacific islands. The locations fished varied from small pinnacle sea-mounts to the shelf areas of high islands. Estimates of biomass per nautical mile of 100-fathom isobath ranged from 0.21 at the Schouten Islands of northern Papua New Guinea to 8.5 t for a sea-mount in the waters of Tonga. The data presented by Polovina et al. (1990) suggested that unexploited biomass (B0), in t/n.mi of 100-fathom isobath, was inversely proportional to habitat size (H) in nautical miles, where the relationship takes the form:

LnB0 = 1.27 - 0.03552H (r = 0.720, p< 0,001 [16df]) This equation can be used to give an empirical estimate of unexploited biomass for locations where the 100-fathom isobath length lies within the range presented by Polovina et al. (1990) (0.25 to 62.4 n.mi). This empirical equation may not be appropriate for atolls, as there were no examples of depletion studies around such island types amongst the data sets analysed by Polovina et al. (The data for Penrhyn Atoll in the Northern Cook Islands presented earlier are thought to show evidence of decline in catch rates with continued fishingbu t could not be reliablyuse d to determine B0.) Having an estimate or an approximation of unexploited biomass permits computation of MSY by a number of different empirical methods. Polovina et al. (1990) applied three methods to determine MSY: a modification of the Beverton and Holt (1957) yield per recruit equation proposed by Beddington and Cooke (1983) and two empirical equations presented by Gulland (1971) and Pauly (1982) which express MSY as a fraction of the unexploited biomass. 29 Gulland's equation takes the form:

MSY = 0.5MB0 where M is natural mortality rate, whilst Pauly's method estimates MSY from:

MSY = B02.3w-0-23 where w is the mean of the weight (in grams) at sexual maturity and the asymptotic weight. Based on these different approaches, the annual MSY for deep-slope fishesi n the South Pacific islands is thought to lie in the range of 10 to 30 per cent of the unexploited biomass. Using these as the possible upper and lower limits for sustainable yield, and the biomass estimates of Polovina et al. (1990), it is possible to make some preliminary assessments of the potential yields from the different islands of the South Pacific. Since biomass estimates were expressed per nautical mile of 100-fathom isobath, nautical charts were used to estimate the length of the 100-fathom (or, where charts were in metric measure, 200 m) contour for each territory or state in the region. These data are summarised in Table 7: they probably represent underestimates due to incomplete bathymetric surveys at many locations.

Table 7: Estimated lengths of the 100-fm isobath for countries and territories of the South Pacific region

Qmnrry/territory Isobath length (n.mi)

Islands Banks Total American Samoa 109.8 33.5 143.3 Belau 232.0 232.0 Cook Islands 222.7 222.7 Federated States of 1332.7 1332.7 Micronesia Fiji 1800.0 1200.0 3000.0 French Polynesia 2970.9 2970.9 Guam 85.2 85.2 Kiribati 708.7 708.7 Marshall Islands 1420.0 1420.0 Nauru 10.6 10.6 New Caledonia 1556.0 1556.0 Niue 35.0 18.1 53.1 Northern Marianas 405.2 405.2 Papua New Guinea 7305.0 7305.0 Pitcairn 22.6 22.6 Solomon Islands 2444.3 2444.3 Tokelau 56.4 56.4 Tonga 599.0 294.0 893.0 Tuvalu 128.2 128.2 Vanuatu 1400.0 1400.0 Wallis & Futuna 69.9 69.9 Western Samoa 243.0 64.8 307.8 30 Where biomass estimates were not available from depletion, they were estimated empirically from the regression equation presented above. This was only used, however, where the isobath length fell within the data range used to compute the regression. An unexploited biomass of 0.7 t/n.mi was used for the different locations with an isobath length greater than 62.4 n.mi. More detailed catch, effort and species composition data from the SPC surveys and from other sources for each Pacific Island country and territory are given in the appendices. A summary of the estimated virgin biomass of deep-slope fishes, range of MSY and CPUE at MSY for each location is given in Table 8. The estimates of CPUE at MSY in Table 8 were computed from the range of values reported from the SPC masterfisherrnen for each location. Since these CPUEs refer principally to virgin stocks, then, based on Gulland's equation, catch rates at MSY might be expected to be half these initial values.

Table 8: Estimated virgin biomass, range of MSY and CPUE at MSY of deep slope stocks for different countriesand territories of the South Pacific region

CoHrtry Virgin biomass MSY range CPUE at MSY (t) (t) (kg/line-hr) American Samoa 16.7-50.1 2.5-2.9 Belau 162 16.2-48.7 1.7-2.1 Cook Islands 413 41.3-123.8 1.1-5.6 Federated States of 1489 145-434.7 2.2-5.9 Micronesia Fiji 4092 409-1230 2.4-6.6 French Polynesia 3427 343-1028 1.2-3.4 Guam 22 9.4 - Kiribati 731 73.0-219.4 3.2-8.3 Marshall Islands 1108 111-332 2.9-9.5 Nauru 3 0.25-0.75 — New Caledonia 1089 109-327 1.3-8.3 Niue 70 7.0-21.0 2.9-3.1 Northern Marianas 236 99.6 1.1 Papua New Guinea 4881 488-1464 1.6-1.9 Pitcairn 11 1.1-1.3 - Solomon Islands 1711 171-513 2.0-3.0 Tokelau 99 10-30 0.9-1.6 Tonga 1125 113-338 2.3-3.5 Tuvalu 224 22.4-67.2 3.0-4.2 Vanuatu 980 98-294 1.1-7.3 WaHis&Futuna 102 10.2-30.7 3.6-4.0 Western Samoa 190 19-57 1.7-2.3

Total 22165 2313.2-6719.7

DISCUSSION Catch rates The survey fishing carried out by the SPC masterfishermen's programme was mainly on unfished virgin populations. The catch rates from these data must therefore be treated circumspectly from a fishery development standpoint. The catch rates at the maximum sustainable yield (MSY) for most of these stocks may be reduced by about 50 per cent from the initial CPUEs (Gulland, 1983). Further, unchecked expansion of fishing effort may lead to severe declines of deep reef fish stocks, particularly on isolated islands, pinnacles and sea-mounts. 31 Sustained fishing, even by a single individual, may be sufficient to reduce deep reef fish populations on such structures rapidly. This appears to be the case with the Haputo Pinnacle near Guam, which was fished persistently for 15 months by a single fisherman during 1967 to 1968 (Dcehara et al., 1970). The catch rates on this sea-mount were initially of the order of 13.8 kg/line-hr but were reduced to 1.3 kg/line-hr by the time fishing activities terminated. Fishing occurred at depths around 180 m and the dominant species in the catch were Aphareus rutilans> Etelis coruscans, E. carbunculus and Epinephelus spp. As far as can be ascertained, catch rates on the Haputo Pinnacle have not recovered to their former levels. Similarly, the Tongan deep-slope dropline fishery is based largely on ocean sea-mounts. Data presented by Langi et al. (1988a) and anecdotal information from the fishery (e.g. P.D. Mead, Vava'u, Tonga, pers. comm.) suggest that CPUE declines rapidly with sustained fishing effort in these locations.

Catch rates appear to be far less variable around high islands than around coral atolls and it is realistic to suggest that, in general, the mean CPUE of virgin stocks around such locations will be in the vicinity of 6.0 kg/line-hr of all fish and about 5.5 kg/line-hr if sharks are not included (teleosts only). In the hypothetical case where effort is permitted to increase gradually to the level of fishing effort generating MSY (fopt)» catch rates of between 2.5 and 3,0 kg/line-hr are likely to be experienced when the fishery is in equilibrium, with 40 to 50 per cent of the catch comprising eteline snappers. Conversely, catch rates for dropline fishing around atolls are far more variable than around high islands. (Interestingly, an analysis of pelagic baitfish catches from around high islands and atolls of western and central Micronesia by the SPC Skipjack Survey and Assessment Programme (SPC, 1984) also demonstrated greater variability at atoll sites than at high islands). Further, the data strongly suggest that atoll catches contain significantly lower proportions of eteline species and larger amounts of low-value species such as sharks and gempylids. Following the simple model for catch rates at MSY, initial average catch rates in the virgin stock of between 7 and 8 kgAine-hr (Table 5) would be reduced to 3.5 to 4 kg/line-hr at f"opt. with less than 25 per cent of landings comprising eteline snappers. These figures would be subject to much greater variability and the catch would be of less value than catches from around high islands. The differences in catch composition between high islands and atolls are also evident in the CPUE data for separate catch components. As eteline species comprise substantially less of the catch at atolls, the CPUE for these species is less than at high island sites. Further, there appears to be a positive correlation between eteline, lethrinid and sphyraenid CPUE and island size. However, this result, whilst interesting, must be interpreted with caution, given earlier comments about the variance of this data. This caveat similarly applies to the interpretation of apparent inverse relationships between island size and the CPUEs of gempylids, carangids and scombrids.

The data on CPUE by weight versus depth suggest that catch rates will be maximised by fishing between 100 and 250 m. Bey

Yields In this report we have maintained the convention of expressing biomass densities in t/n.mi of the 100- fathom isobath, following the methodology of investigations of deep-slope stocks in the Hawaiian Islands and the Northern Marianas (see contributions in Polovina and Ralston, 1987). The deep slopes of these north Pacific islands are precipitous and in these instances the expression of the extent of fishable habitat as a linear measure is appropriate. However, the use of a linear measure is very susceptible to errors of scale: the finer the scale of the map or chart used to estimate the length of the isobath, the larger the result will be, and this can affect MS Y estimates considerably. Further, some of the southern Pacific islands have quite extensive shelf areas, in which case biomass density would probably be better expressed in terms of a planar or areal measure, e.g. t/km2.

The total virgin biomass of deep-slope fishes throughout the entire South Pacific region is estimated to be in the region of 20,000 tonnes. From this it could be expected that the regional MSY would lie somewhere between 1,400 and 4,200 t/yr. Using a mean price of US$ 2.50/kg, this translates to a total equilibrium catch value of between US$ 3.5 and 10.5 million. This assumption supposes that all stocks in each location are fished at the level of the MSY, which is clearly not the case. Further, greater revenues can be expected if a portion of the catch can be sold at markets in Japan or Hawaii, but this depends on whether there is access to reliable air transport to these locations. So far only Tonga, Fiji, FSMi New Caledonia and Christmas Island in Kiribati have successfully established regular fresh fish exports Co Japan and Hawaii, made possible by direct air connections with these countries.

Development of deep slope fisheries The stimulus to develop deep-slope fisheries is dependent on social and cultural factors as well as on the economic returns from fishing. Within PNG and the other Melanesian islands, coastal people have tended to be small-scale fanners and gardeners rather than fishermen, and the traditions of deep-slope fishing found in the peoples of Polynesia and Micronesia are largely absent in Melanesia. Further, in a large, relatively prosperous nation like PNG, with a wide resource base, there are larger opportunity costs for labour man in the atoll nations of the Pacific. Thus, although PNG has the largest resource of deep slope species, there is no developed fishery for these stocks. Attempts have been made to increase fish production from the deep-slope fishes in PNG, but enthusiasm for continued fishing does not appear tob e sustainable. It is perhaps no accident, therefore, that the most intensive reef fishery in PNG is adjacent to Port Moresby (pop. 300,000) and conducted by people living on the barren coastal islands of the barrier reef lagoon.

The deep slope fishery in Vanuatu was initially established to increase the supply offish to Port Vila, for export and to supply hotels and restaurants which are supported by a growing tourist industry. However, since the establishment of the fishery, consumption of deep slope fishes by ni-Vanuatu has increased gradually to the point where fish originally sent from rural centres such as Luganville to Port Vila is now retained for local consumption. In addition, the establishment of the Vanuatu fishery was based on a design of vessel now thought to be inappropriate, and which does not generate a sufficiently high rate of return on investment, particularly from fishing grounds which are distant of offshore, or on which catch rates have declined due to fishing down of the initial virgin biomass. The removal from the fishery of boats that cannot generate a profit has caused a substantial decline in the amount of fish reaching the main urban centre in Port Vila. 33 Commercial exploitation of deep slope fisheries in Fiji commenced in the mid-1980s to supply domestic and export markets. More recently, production from Fiji's deep bottom fisheries has declined despite access to lucrative overseas markets. Each of the known major sea-mounts in Fiji has been fished at least once and catch rates have declined appreciably. The growth of pelagic longlining in the South Pacific (see below) and access to overseas markets in Japan and Hawaii has attracted fishermen away from the deep slope resources and towards fishing for large tunas. It is therefore unlikely that there will be further expansion of deep slope fishing in Fiji. Analysis of catch and effort data for the Tongan deep slope fishery between 1986 and 1990 suggests that catch rates have remained constant, as fishing effort has declined due to decommissioning of about one quarter of the fishing fleet (Latu & Tulua, 1991). Catch rates over the latter half of the 1980s ranged from 5.3 to 4.8 kg/line-hr, with a mean of 5.1 kg/line-hr. The catch composition of the fishery has changed markedly over this time period, with a decline in the relative proportion of Pristopomoides spp. as fishermen have targeted the more valuable Etelis spp. The Tongan fishery is based almost exclusively on sea-mounts, the stocks of which can be depleted, forcing the fishermen to move to new unfished mounts. After 10 years of continuous operations, it appears that depleted sea-mounts will recover and fishermen are now making return visits to these locations. Latu and Tulua (1991) suggest that the management of the Tongan fishery is dependent on keeping the fleet size small enough for rotation between sea-mounts to remain possible and for catch rates always to be maximised.

Deep slope fishing in American Samoa commenced in the early 1970s with the support of government subsidies for boats and gear. Landings were sold locally and sent for export to the fish market in Hawaii. Despite initial rapid expansion of the fishery, production had declined to very low levels by the early 1980s and landings continue to be negligible. The demise of the deep slope fishery in American Samoa appears to have been mainly through the combination of fishing down stocks around the main island Tutuila, over-capitalisation of the fishery through government subsidies, and slow communication with the overseas Hawaiian market, leading to delays in payments to American Samoan fishermen and subsequent loss of interest in deep slope fishing.

Further large-scale commercial expansion of the deep slope fisheries of the South Pacific does not appear likely, given the constraints on supplying overseas markets, and the potential production from, and sustainability of, the resource. Small-scale deep slope fisheries such as that in Niue, where catches are made regularly by only a few fishermen, will continue to provide small quantities of high quality fish for domestic markets (Dalzell et al., 1990).

Conclusion The latter half of the 1980s has been marked in the South Pacific by increasing interest in the expansion of small-scale longlining for large yellowfin, bigeye and albacore tuna. These fish are much in demand for high quality sashimi, or raw fish, in Japan and Hawaii, but as with deep slope fishing the potential to export is limited to those countries with reliable and reasonably direct airline connections to the appropriate markets. Nevertheless, the success of these fisheries in the region has been apparent and in the case of Fiji, effort has been diverted away from deep slope fishing and into the capture of these large pelagic fish. An added attraction of this fishery is that the resource is not so habitat-limited, and while over-fishing is certainly not impossible, the EEZs of the Pacific Island countries contain much greater biomasses of these large tunas than of the species inhabiting the deep reef slopes.

There has also been a recent concentration of interest by Island countries in developing fisheries and culture of commercially important invertebrate stocks, such as trochus, beche-de-mer and pearl shells. It seems likely that during the early 1990s governments and international agencies in the South Pacific region will focus on the economic development of these fisheries. Finally, at the subsistence level, shallow-water reef and estuarine fishes, coastal large and small pelagic fishes, and in some cases freshwater fishes, will continue to supply a major portion of the animal protein needs of Pacific Islanders. It is these resources that may come under increasingly severe fishing pressure in the future as island populations increase. Some of this demand for animal protein will be mitigated by other factors, such as the successful development of livestock programmes in the region. However, fish will remain a staple, particularly of the small islands and atolls. Given our present knowledge of the productivity of deep slope fisheries and their sustainability it is unlikely that they will be able to account for a major part of the fisheries needs of the region. These fisheries will continue to endure in those countries discussed above, but it seems likely that the period of research and development of this method of fishing is now drawing to a close. 34 REFERENCES Allelic K.R. 1966. Some methods for estimating exploited populations. /. Fish. Res. Bd. Can. 23, 1553-1574. Anderson, W. J. 1981. A new species of the Indo-West Pacific Etelinae (Pisces, Lutjanidae) with redescription of the type species. Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash. 89,509-518. Anon. 1987. The fisheries resources survey in Fiji. Vols. 1 & 2. Japan International Cooperation Agency, 236 pp. Anon, 1988. Statistiques despiches maritimes etde t'aquaculture (1976-1986). 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Report on the South Pacific Commission Deep Sea Fisheries Development Project visit in Tanna, New Hebrides (11 September-8 December 1978 and 12 February-16 March 1979). South Pacific Commission,. Noumea, New Caledonia,. 11 pp. Fusimalohi, T. & R. Grandperrin. 1979. Report on the South Pacific Commission Deep Sea Fisheries Development Project in New Caledonia (9 April-3 September 1979). South Pacific Commission, Noumea, New Caledonia, 28 pp. 36 Fusimalohi, T. & J. Crossland, 1980. Report on the South Pacific Commission Deep Sea Fisheries Development Project in West New Britain, Papua New Guinea (5 September-14 December 1979). South Pacific Commission, Noumea, New Caledonia, 14 pp. Fusimalohi, T. &R. Grandperrin. 1980, Rapport sur le projet de developpement de la piche profonde a Wallis et Futuna (13 fivrier-2 juillet 1980). Commission du Pacifique Sud, Noumea, Nouvelle- Catedonie, 25 pp. Fusimalohi, T. & G.L, Preston. 1983. 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MS thesis, University of Hawaii, 89 pp. Hume, H. 1975. Report on the South Pacific Commission Outer Reef Fisheries Project in the New Hebrides (1 August 1974-28 February 1975). South Pacific Commission, Noumea, New Caledonia, 13 pp. Hume, H. 1976. Report on the South Pacific Commission Outer Reef Fisheries Project in the Cook Islands (1 December 1975-31 May 1976). South Pacific Commission, Noumea, New Caledonia, 21pp. Hume, H. & R.E. Eginton. 1976. Report on the South Pacific Commission Outer Reef Fisheries Project in Western Samoa (1 April-31 October 1975). South Pacific Commission, Noumea, New Caledonia, 19 pp. Ianelli, J. 1987. Report on the evaluation of the fisheries data collection in Palau. South Pacific Commission, Noumea, New Caledonia, 7 pp. Ikehara, LI., H.T. Kami & R.K. Sakamoto. 1970. Exploratory fishing survey of the inshore fisheries resources of Guam. Proc. of the 2nd CSK Symposium, Tokyo, 1970, 425-437. Itano, D. 1988. Progress report, American Samoa bottom fish assessment program. South Pacific Commission Inshore Fisheries Research Workshop, Background Paper 68,12 pp. Itano, D. 1991. A review of the development of bottomfish fisheries in American Samoa. South Pacific Commission, unpublished manuscript, pag. var. Johnson, G. D. 1980. The limits and relationships of the Lutjanidae and associated families. Bulletin of Scripps Institution of Oceanography of the University of , La Jolla, California, 24, 114 pp. Kailola, P. & M.A. Wilson. 1978. The trawl fishes of the Gulf of Papua. Department of Primary Industry, Research Bulletin No. 20, Port Moresby, 86 pp. King, M., L. Bell, T. Sua & M. Brotman. 1990. An assessment of deepwater snapper stocks in Western Samoa. FAO Technical Cooperation Programme Report TCP/SAM/8852,31 pp. 37 Kulbicki, M. & R. Grandperrin. 1988. PSche des vivaneaux a la palangre profonde en Nouvelle- CaleMonie. South Pacific Commission Inshore Fisheries Research Workshop, Background Paper 18, March 1988, Noumea, New Caledonia, 17 pp. Langi, V.A. & S.A. Langi. 1987. A stock assessment programme on the bottom fishes of the seamounts, Kingdom of Tonga. Fishbyte, 5 (3), 6-11. Langi, V.A., S.A. Langi & J.J. Polovina. 1988a. Annual yield for Tongan seamounts? Ministry of Agriculture, Forests and Fisheries, Fisheries Department, Kindom of Tonga, unpublished manuscript, mimeo, pag.var. Langi, V.A., S.A. Langi & JJ. Polovina. 1988b. Indicators of fishingpressur e in the deep sea snapper fishery, Kingdom of Tonga. Ministry of Agriculture, Forests and Fisheries, Fisheries Division, Kindom of Tonga, unpublished report, mimeo, pag.var. Latu, T.F. & S. Tulua. 1990. Estimated maximum sustainable yield for the deep bottomfish fishery in Tonga. In J.J. Polovina & R.S. Shomura (eds), United States Agency for International Development and National Marine Fisheries Service Workshop on Tropical Fish Stock Assessment, 5-26 July 1989, Hawaii, 55-66. Latu, T.F. & S.Tulua.1991. Stock assessment of deep water snappers and groupers in the Kingdom of Tonga, interim report (1986-1990). Ministry of Fisheries, Nuku'alofa, Tonga. Lewis, A.D., A. Sesewa & T. Adams. 1988. The Fiji deep-water snapper fishery-its development and management requirements. South Pacific Commission Inshore Fisheries Research Workshop, Background Paper 67,14 pp. Lewis, N.D. 1986. Epidemiology and impact of ciguatera in the Pacific: a review. Marine Fisheries Review, 48 (4), 6-13. Lokani, P., H. Patiale, A. Richards & G. Tiroba. 1990. Estimation of the unexploited biomass and maximum sustainable yield for the deep reef demersal fishes in Papua New Guinea. In J.J. Polovina & R.S. Shomura (eds), United States Agency for International Development and National Marine Fisheries Service Workshop on Tropical Fish Stock Assessment, 5-26 July 1989, Hawaii, 29-55. McCoy, M. 1990. Report on operation of FV Kimeji, Pohnpei, Federated States of Micronesia. South Pacific Commission, Fisheries Newsletter, 45, 24-36. Mead, P. 1978. Report on South Pacific Commission Deep Sea Fisheries Development Project visit in American Samoa (28 March-2 July 1978). South Pacific Commission, Noumea, New Caledonia, 13 pp. Mead, P. 1979. Report on the South Pacific Commission Deep Sea Fisheries Development Project in the Kingdom of Tonga (3 June-20 September 1978). South Pacific Commission, Noumea, New Caledonia, 12 pp. Mead, P. 1980a. Report of the second visit of the South Pacific Commission Deep Sea Fisheries Development Project to the Kingdom of Tonga (15 June-25 August 1979). South Pacific Commission, Noumea, New Caledonia, 18 pp. Mead, P. 1980b. Report of the second visit of the South Pacific Commission Deep Sea Fisheries Development Project to Niue (24 August-26 October 1979)- South Pacific Commission, Noumea, New Caledonia, 27 pp. Mead, P. 1980c. Report on the visit of the South Pacific Commission Deep Sea Fisheries Development Project to Fiji (8 November~13 December 1979 and 13 March-1 September 1980). South Pacific Commission, Noumea, New Caledonia, 22 pp. Mead, P.D. 1987. Deep Sea Fisheries Development Project. Report of the third visit to Tonga (6 September 1980-7 May 1981). South Pacific Commission, Noumea, New Caledonia, 44 pp. 38 Mead, P. (in press). Deep Sea Fisheries Development Project. Report of second visit to Fiji (1 September-9 October 1981 and 19 February-13 April 1982). South Pacific Commission, Noumea, New Caledonia. Mead, P. (in press). Deep Sea Fisheries Development Project. Report on third visit to Niue (19 May 1982-16 February 1983). South Pacific Commission, Noumea, New Caledonia. Mead, P. (in press). Deep Sea Fisheries Development Project Report of third visit to the Cook Islands (16 February-20 July 1983). South Pacific Commission, Noumea, New Caledonia, Mead, P. (in press). Deep Sea Fisheries Development Project. Report of the third visit to Fiji (18 January 1984-19 April 1985). South Pacific Commission, Noumea, New Caledonia. Mead, P. (in press). Deep Sea Fisheries Development Project. Report of fourth visit to Tonga (27 April 1985-8 February 1986). South Pacific Commission, Noumea, New Caledenia. Mead, P. (in press). Report on first visit to Nauru: Phase 1 of the Nauru fish aggregation device (FAD) project. Deep Sea Fisheries Development Project, South Pacific Commission, Noumea, New Caledonia. Mead, P. & J. Crossland. 1979. Report on the Deep Sea Fisheries Development Project in Kosrae (17 April-27 May 1979). South Pacific Commission, Noumea, New Caledonia, 12 pp. Mead, P. and J. Crossland. 1980. Report on the South Pacific Commission Deep Sea Fisheries Development Project in Yap District (Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands) (25 September 1978- 29 March 1979). South Pacific Commission, Noumea, New Caledonia, 29 pp. Moana, A. & P. Cusack (in press). Deep Sea Fisheries Development Project. Report of second visit to Kosrae (6 June-15 December 1987). South Pacific Commission, Noumea, New Caledonia. Moana, A. & P. Cusack (in press). Deep Sea Fisheries Development Project Report of second visit to American Samoa (3 February-13 June 1988). South Pacific Commission, Noumea, New Caledonia. Moffitt, R.B. 1989. Analysis of the depletion of bottom fishes at 2% bank. National Marine Fisheries Service, Southwest Fisheries Center, Manuscript Report MF-002-89H. pag. var. Munro, J.L.M. & D.M. Williams. 1985. Assessment and management of coral reef fisheries. Proc. Vth Int. Coral Reef Congr., May 1985, Tahiti, Vol. 4, 545-581. Nath, G. & Sesewa, A. 1990, Assessment of deepwater bottomfish stocks around the Fijian Republic. In J.J. Polovina & R.S. Shomura (eds), United States Agency for International Development and National Marine Fisheries Service Workshop on Tropical Fish Stock assessment, 5-26 July 1989, Hawaii, 7-29. Ogden, J.C. 1982. Fisheries management and the structure of coral reef fish communities. In G.R. Huntsman, W.R. Nicholson & W.W. Fox (eds), The biological bases for reef fishery management. NOAA. Tech. Memo. NMFS-SEFC-80,147-159. Pauly, D. 1982. Some simple methods for the assessment of tropical fish stocks. FAO Fish. Pap. 234, 52 pp. Polovina, J.J, R.B. Moffitt, S. Ralston, P.M. Shoita & M.A. Williams. 1985. Fisheries resource assessment of the Mariana Archipelago 1982 to 1985. Mar. Fish. Rev. 47 (4): 19-25. Polovina, J.J. 1986. A variable catchability version of the Leslie model with application to an intensive fishing experiment on a multispecies stock. Fish. Bull. 84 (2), 423-428. Polovina, J.J. 1987. Assessment and management of deepwater bottom fishes in Hawaii and the Marianas. In J.J. Polovina & S. Ralston (eds.) Tropical snappers and groupers: biology and fisheries management. Westview Press, Boulder & London, 505-532. Polovina, J.J. & S. Ralston. 1986. An approach to yield assessment for unexploited resources with application to the deep slope fishes of the Marianas. Fish. Bull. U.S. 84,759-770. 39 Polovina, J.J. & S. Ralston, (eds) (1987). Tropical snappers and groupers: biology and fisheries management. Westview Press, Boulder & London, 659 pp. Polovina, J., R. Benco, A. Carlot, E. Cillaurren, P. Dalzell, N. Howard, D. Kobayashi, T. Latu, P. Lokani, G. Nath, H. Pili, A. Sesewa, R. Shotnura, T. Sua, G. Tiroba & S. Tulua. 1990. Summary of methods and results fromth e tropical stock assessment workshop. In J. J. Polovina & R.S. Shomura (eds), United States Agency for International Development and National Marine Fisheries Service Workshop on Tropical Fish Stock assessment, 5-26 July 1989, Hawaii, 1-6. Preston, G.L. 1989. Inshore fishery resource management in Palau. South Pacific Commission, Inshore Fisheries Research Project, mimeo, pag. var. Preston, G.L., P. Taumaia & L.B. Chapman (in press). Deep Sea Fisheries Development Project. Report of visit to Western Samoa (1 November 1982-3 January 1983). South Pacific Commission, Noumea, New Caledonia. Ralston, S.R. & Polovina, J.J. 1982. A multispecies analysis of the commercial deep sea handline fishery in Hawaii. Fish. Bull. 80 (3), 435^48. Richards, A.H. 1987. Aspects of the biology of some deep water bottomfish in Papua New Guinea with special reference to Pristipomoides multidens (Day), Res. Rep 87-01, Fisheries Research & Surveys Branch, Dept of Primary Industry, Port Moresby, 31 pp. Richards, A.H. & P. Sundberg. 1984. Variation in dropline catch rates and average fish weights of deep water demersal reef fish in Papua New Guinea, as a Junction of time of day and depth. Res. Rep. 84-16, Fisheries Research and Surveys Branch, Department of Primary Industry, Port Moresby, 22 pp. Ricker, W.E. 1975. Computation and interpretation of biological statistics offish populations. Bull. Fish. Res. Bd. Can. 191, 1-382. Schaan, O., A. Carlot & F. Nguyen. 1987. Exploitation of deep sea fish resources by the village fisheries in Vanuatu. Notes et documents d'ocdanographie de la mission ORSTOM de Port Vila 16, 145 pp. Shomura, R.S. 1987. Hawaii's marine fishery resources: yesterday (1900) and today (1986). Southwest Fisheries Center, Honolulu Laboratory, Admin. Rep. H-87-21,14 pp. SPC. 1984. An assessment of the skipjack and baitfish resources of Northern Mariana Islands, Guam, Palau, Federated States of Micronesia and Marshall Islands. Skipjack Survey and Assessment Programme Final Country Report No. 18, South Pacific Commission, Noumea, New Caledonia, 111pp. Springer, V.G. 1982. Pacific Plate biogeography, with special reference to shorefishes. Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology, No. 367,182 pp. Sua, T. 1990. Assessment of the bottomfish resources of Western Samoa: an interim report. In J.J. Polovina & R.S. Shomura (eds), United States Agency for International Development and National Marine Fisheries Service Workshop on Tropical Fish Stock Assessment, 5-26 July 1989, Hawaii, 83-106. Sundberg, P. & A. Richards. 1984a. Deep sea bottom handline fishing in Papua New Guinea: a pilot study. Papua New Guinea Journal of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries 33, 55-62. Sundberg, P. & A. Richards, 1984b. Deep water demersal handlining in Papua New Guinea: an ordination study of species assemblages. Res. Rep. 84-17, Fisheries Research and Surveys Branch, Department of Primary Industry, Port Moresby, 23 pp. Taumaia, P. (in press). Deep Sea Fisheries Development Project. Report on visit to Marshall Islands (4 March-27 September 1985). South Pacific Commission, Noumea, New Caledonia. Taumaia, P. (in press). Deep Sea Fisheries Development Project. Report on fourth visit to Tuvalu (12 October 1985-6 June 1986). South Pacific Commission, Noumea, New Caledonia. 40 Taumaia, P.. & J., Crossland. 1980a. Report on the South Pacific Commission Deep Sea Fisheries Development Project visit in Koror, Palau, Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands (1 November 1979-31 January 1980). South Pacific Commission, Noumea, New Caledonia, 18 pp. Taumaia, I?. & J. Crossland. 1980b. Report on the South Pacific Commission Deep Se,a Fisheries Development Project in Truk (1February-31 March 1980). South Pacific Commission, Noumea, New Caledonia, 15 pp. Taumaia, P. & M. Gentle. 1982. Report on the Deep Sea Fisheries Development Project in Funafuti, Tuvalu (18 November 1980-15 February 1981). South Pacific Commission, Noumea, New Caledonia, 29 pp. Taumaia, P. & M. Gentle. 1983. Deep Sea Fisheries Development Project. Report of visit to Kiribati (23 April-18 November 1980). South Pacific Commission, Noumea, New Caledonia, 27 pp. Taumaia, P. & G.L. Preston. 1985a. Deep Sea Fisheries Development Project. Report of visit to Cook Islands (10 September 1981-29 March 1982). South Pacific Commission, Noumea, New Caledonia, 31 pp. Taumaia* P. & G.L. Preston. 1985b. Deep Sea Fisheries Development Project. Report of visit to Tokelau (21 May-22 September 1982). South Pacific Commission, Noumea, New Caledonia, 27 PP- Taumaia, P. & P. Cusack. (in press). Deep Sea Fisheries Development Project. Report on second visit to the Republic of Belau (3 May-1 November 1983). South Pacific Commission, Noumea, New Caledonia, Taumaia, P. & P. Cusack (in press). Deep Sea Fisheries Development Project. Report on second visit to Wallis and Futuna (4 November 1983-22 March 1984). South Pacific Commission, Noumea, New Caledonia. Taumaia, P. & P. Cusack (in press). Deep Sea Fisheries Development Project. Report on second visit to Kiribati (1 April-5 September and 31 October-19 December 1984), South Pacific Commission, Noumea, New Caledonia. Taumaia, P. & P. Cusack (in press). Deep Sea Fisheries Development Project, Report on second visit to Tokelau (13 August-22 December 1986). South Pacific Commission, Noumea, New Caledonia. Wankowski, J.W.J, 1979. Subsistence fishing methods on , Nukumanu and Takuu Atolls. Harvest 5 (3); 1-11. Wata, A. 1988. Assessment of deep bottom fishes of the Solomon Islands. South Pacific Commission Inshore Fisheries Research Workshop, Background Paper 73,24 pp. Wellington, P. & P. Cusack (in press). Deep Sea Fisheries Development Project. Report on fourth visit to Papua New Guinea (31 March- 23 September 1988). South Pacific Commission, Noumea, New Caledonia. Wright, A., P. J. Dalzell & A.H. Richards. 1986. Some aspects of the biology of the red bass, Lutjanus bohar (Forsskal) from the Tigak Islands, Papua New Guinea. J. Fish Biol. 28, 533-544. Wrobel, L. 1988. Deep bottom fishing in French Polynesia. South Pacific Commission Inshore Fisheries Research Workshop, Background Paper 77, 2 pp. 41

APPENDICES: COUNTRY SUMMARIES 43 AMERICAN SAMOA American Samoa consists of a group of small high islands, together with Rose and Swain Atolls which lie 280 km and 360 km east and north respectively of the main group. The 100-fm isobath extends 109.8 ami around the islands, with a further 33.5 n.mi around offshore banks and sea-mounts. Itano (1991) has reviewed the development of bottom fishing in American Samoa. Initial surveys of demersal stocks in American Samoa were carried out by the Office of Marine Resources between 1967 and 1970, Fishing was concentrated on the shallow shelf around Tutuila Island to depths up to 55 m and resulted principally in catches of shallow-water emperors and snappers. The average catch rate from this survey fishing was 138.6 kg/trip or 3.5 kg/line-hr. Commercial bottom fishing on deep slope stocks in American Samoa commenced with the establishment of a small boat project that assisted fishermen in the purchase of fishingdories . A total of 23 vessels was eventually constructed in American Samoa between 1972 and 1975 and fishing was carried out with simple handlines, without any mechanical means of line retrieval. The fishermen using these dories fished on the shallow shelf around Tutuila in waters between 55 and 146 m. Catches were comprised principally of Lutjanus kasmira (30.9%), Lethrinus spp. (22.8%), Lutjanus gibbus (16.2 %) and Pristipomoides spp. (9.5%). The attrition rate on the dory fleet after 1976 was very high and by 1980 only one or two dories were still actively fishing around Tutuila. SPC masterfishermen have made two visits to American Samoa. During the first visit in 1978, fishing was concentrated around Tutuila but in waters deeper than those fished by the American Samoan fishermen. Survey fishingdurin g the second visit in 1988 was conducted not only around Tutuila but also around other islands and banks in the territory. The introduction of the wooden handreel by the SPC masterfisherman in 1978 was followed by the development during the 1980s of more suitable fishing vessels for exploiting the deep slope resources around American Samoa. These included FAO- designed catamarans constructed from aluminium or plywood. The number of vessels fishing on the deep slope resources increased from about 5 in 1978 to about 50 by 1985.

Fish was sold through local markets. However, in American Samoa domestic fish production must compete with inexpensive by-catch from the purse-seine and longline fishing boats that is also disposed of locally. Alternative markets were sought for the deep slope fishery production in Hawaii, utilising the direct airlink between American Samoa and Oahu. Air freighting of eteline snappers to the Hawaii market began in 1982-1983 with a volume of about 2,600 kg exported in those two years. Although exports increased between 1984 and 1986 these declined markedly during 1987 and had virtually ceased by 1989, following a general decline in bottom fish production in American Samoa. Declines in CPUE were noted in the fishery, particularly close to Tutuila and at certain small sea-mounts such as 2% Bank (Moffitt, 1989). However, as Itano (1991) has pointed out, the American Samoan fishermen were also discouraged by such factors as the volatile nature of prices on the Hawaiian markets and delays in the payments to fishermen for export fish.

Catch rates for the SPC surveys varied between 4.9 and 5.7 kg/line-hr but this is almost certainly an underestimate since the number and weight of sharks were not recorded. At MSY, therefore, the CPUE of teleost fishes might be expected to decline to between 2.5 and 2.9 kg/line-hr. Comparative CPUE data in kg/line-hr from the commercial fishery are not available, but the catch per trip of commercial vessels fishing around Tutuila declined from 159.0 kg in 1977 to 81.4 kg by 1983. Eteline snappers comprised just over 40 per cent by weight of the SPC catch (Table 2) with other important contributions by lutjanine snappers, lethrinids, carangids and scombrids. Following the procedures outlined previously, the MSY of deep slope fishes from coastal shelves around the American probably lies between 7.7 and 23.1 t/yr, and for the offshore banks between 9.0 and 27 t/yr. Itano (1988) quotes a figure of 45 t/yr for the overall MSY of deep slope species in American Samoa, and this is close to the upper limit of the range predicted here. Moffitt (1989) has analysed some catch data for 2% Bank, to the east of Tutuila, that was fished by a single vessel during 1986 and which could be fitted with a Leslie depletion model. Moffitt estimated that the virgin biomass of E.coruscans and E.carbunculus on 2% Bank was 2.8 t on 1.12/n.mi of 100-fm isobath. However, the quality of the data and the uncertainty about the dimensions of the sea-mount, based on anecdotal data rather than hydrographic charts, suggest that it would be imprudent to extrapolate from these figures to the whole of American Samoa. 44

Country/ Territory: American Samoa - Location: Pago Pago Fishery status: tfnexploited Reference: 0 /* Mead, P. 1978. Report on South *-^o Pacific Commission F ° Deep Sea Fisheries f Tutuila { % b Development Project ** visit in American Samoa (28March-2 14°20'S - July 1978). South Pacific Commission, Noumea, New Caledonia, 13 pp. O Fishing sites 170°40'W 1

Fishing dates: From 12 April 1978 To 31 May 1978

Fishing vessels: LOA Number Name Type (m) Engine of reels AS 14 A23 Monohull 7.3 56 hp inboard diesel 2 AS 19 A23 Monohull 7.3 56 hp inboard diesel 2

Fishing operations: No. of trips 36 No. of trips spent bottom fishing 36 Total hours at sea 571 Average hours at sea per trip 15.9 Total hours DB fishing 342 Average deep-bottom fishing hours per trip 9.5 Total reel-hours 684 Average reel-hours per trip 19.0 Total handline hours Average handline hours per trip

Catch (kg): Total (all fishing methods) 3,378.0 Deep-bottom fishing 3,308.0 Deep-bottom catch (kg) Average per Average per Total trip reel-hour Ail species 3,308.0 91.9 4.8 Excluding sharks Excluding sharks and locally 3,022.0 83.9 4.4 unsaleable species

Comments: 45 Species composition of the deep-bottom fishing catch

Nintnr %nndur WeWit(kg) «.wrisjtf Av.wdghl

LuQntldM'EtdlnM Aphonia fitrcat its GrcyjoWwh 24 1.0 88.0 2.7 3.7 Dttp-imUr wo&pm Aprionvinsccns Green jcfcGsh 62 2'« 1S4.0 4.7 2.S AphartusridSaia Small-tcjQtfajohnjJi Etdis carhunadui Shart-tmiled md supper Eldls conacans Locig-tul snipper Eitlii tadhata Pile mapper Paracatsio htsakarii Saddled flaiUfcr Pristipcmoi&s tmtotws Flower snapper Piistipanoiderawirilla Grid-Wed jobfiah PristipomoidesfHimettlosus RwyjbhEpdi Prixtipomoidesflavipi/uus Yellow jbbfiiti Prhttp&tioides multideni Purple-cboekBd jobGih PritttpamoUtef ttmatux Banded flo wear mapper Other/unitntSfK*! 400 16.9 1.596.0 48.2 4.0 Sub-tottl 4W 20.S 1,838.0 55.6 3.8

LutMdM-LmV*" f ufHMJt flW*Mft'ttwrilf«ft» Mangrove jack ShaDow-mler snappers HmfDtvs balvr Red bam 71 3.0 3JS.0 10.8 s.o Ltttjanm gibbus Paddle-tad Luljamv hasrdra Blue-ltned snapper 451 19.0 97.0 2.9 0.2 JiuttnitH f fttrftrhrnrttr Malabar crupper Litlja/uis moaastigrm One-spot snapper Ljtljaniis ryfaliFualtu Rufous scapcrch Olhor/unidentified 257 10.8 146.0 4.4 0.6 Sub-tatal 77» 32.9 599.0 18.1 0.8

UfarMdu Gymrtocramui japonicia Iodine beeani Bnperors Lcthrinta ckrysostormts Red-throat emperor Lethrinus kallapieruj Yellow-spotted emperor LcOtrinus miiuatux Long-nosed emperor LtJhrinus rcdcuSatvs Retimlrtedettipetor Lttftrbuu variegatus Vwiegaled emperor tyattfia tTtassambiat Largp-eye bream rtttvr.^^t^^ifirrf 1,017 A2S 695.0 21,0 0.7 fiub-tnH! 1,017 42.9 695.9 21.0 0.7

Stmnkk* Ccphalaphalis awxuUia Orange rock-cod Groupers Epinepftelusareolaius Aroolitd grouper Spine/faint cHorastigma Brawn-spatted grouper EptHtptnIus cometac Stnlunlan grouper Mpinephtlusfasdatus Red-banded grouper EpincphelxyJknWMtTileux Purple grouper Epmephehvfnagnl^aiUis Speckled grower Mpificptiehif tnilioris Honeycomb grouper Bpittephebu marrhua Curve-banded grouper Epi/Kpheha tvtouti Brown-backed grouper KpincphtlHS ftpietmfasdalus Seven-banded grouper Safaptia powdli Golden fish Variola loud Lururf-liiled cod Other/inudentifiod 45 1.9 40.D 1.2 0.9 Sl*4t4sl 45 1.9 40.0 1.2 0.9

QuingkWSanibridH Caraitx ignobiiis Lowly trcvally Trenrilks, Jacks, turn Caiwixlugubris Blsdt&cvally Serwla dumeruT Arnbcrjack Arnberjsck Seriolo rwoKana AmberJKk Gym/uxardz wwcojpr Dogtooth tun* 3 0.1 28.0 0.8 9.3 Other Auudenufcd 35 1.5 90.0 2.7 2.6 Sub-Mil 38 1.6 118.0 3.6 3.1

GanpyMiE Promclhichlhyj promttlteui Snake mackerel 1 0.0 8.0 0.2 8.0 Olffljh^ Snake nuKktrtls Rin/ctlits pntiosus OOflih Other /unidentified Sub-total 1 0.0 8.0 0.2 8.0

MbteUjuieous bony fishes Sphyrociudac Barracudas 0.1 8.0 0.2 4.0 Other bony fubes 0.1 2.0 0J 0.7 Sub4ouu 0.2 10.0 0.3 2.0

CkrcbjrbHdae CarchaHiuutsalbima?%inaltu While-lip abarlt Sharta CardiarJuwaamblyTltytKhoj Greyreefshark Cardarhwiumelanoptnvs Black-tip shark Triatnodon abcsiu Rocf whUc-lip shark On*r/unidentified Sub-tuta]

Gnndlbtah Bony fishes 2,371 100.0 3,308.0 100.0 1.4 Starts Allspecfe9 2,371 100.0 3,308.0 100.0 1.4 46

Country/ Territory: American Samoa Location: O Fishing sites 12°S- Tutuila, Manu'a and offshore banks North-east Bank Fishery status:

Exploited Manu'a Islands Reference: Tutuila East Bank Submarine A """"^ Moana, A. & Bank W P.Cusack (in press). Deep Sea Fisheries o Development Project. South-east Report of second visit Bank to American Samoa (3 February-13 June 1988). South Pacific Commission, Noumea, New Caledonia. South Bank till w 170°W 1

Fishing dates: From 9 February 1988 To 8 June 1988

Fishing vessels: LOA Number Name Type (m) Engine of reels Sausauaimoana Monohull 16.8 6 Masimasi Monohull 9.0 2

Fishing operations: No. of trips 5 No. of trips spent bottom fishing 5 Total hours at sea 118 Average hours at sea per (rip 23.6 Total hours DB fishing 40 Average deep-bottom fishing hours per trip 7.9 Total reel-hours 147 Average reel-hours per trip 29.4 Total handline hours Average handline hours per trip

Catch (kg): Total (all fishingmethods ) 1,036.6 Deep-bottom fishing 839.4 Deep-bottom catch (kg) Average per Average per Total trk. reel-hour All species 839.4 167.9 5.7 Excluding sharks Excluding sharks and locally unsaleable species

Comments: Engine details were not recorded 47 Species composition of the deep-bottom fishing catch

Numfca- fewnber Weight (kg) ftmsght Av. weight

Luljanl(kt-Klelk*t Aphareusjurcalia Grey jobEih 1 0.2 0.8 0,1 0.8 Deqp-twLefnfeppen Aprian virescens Green jobEih 25 4.2 70.5 8.4 2.8 Apharcm ruilaxt Snull-taaihjabfUi 2 0.3 5.2 0.6 2.6 Eteiis carbuAadm Sbcrt-tajled ted pnapper 7 1.2 26.0 3.1 3.7 Etelis contscans Long-tail snapper 19 3.2 79.8 9.5 4.2 E&lij meatus Pale snapper Saddled fusQiur 2 0.3 11.5 1.4 5.8 Prisilpamoidex amoemu Flower Priitipomoidtt avricSIa Gold-tailed jobBsh 2 0.3 1.1 0.1 0.6 Pristiptmoidtsjilamcntariu RosyjobGah 13 2.2 17.5 2.1 1.3 Pristipcmoidaflavipinms Yellow jdbfllh 16 2.7 22.0 2.6 1.4 Pristipcmoukx twrfibkns ftuple-cheBKBdjobush Prtsiipamoiiks ionatus Banded flower HiBpnBr 9 1.5 7,1 0.8 0.8 Other /unidentified 3 0J 2.5 0.3 0.8 Suh-tntil 99 ICC 244.0 29.1 2.5

Lut^nldK-UiU>n«w Luljaiats arga&mailatits Mangrove jack ShiUwmiter mppera LuljaMisbohr Redness 28 4.7 100.8 12.0 3.6 Uitjanur ffbbuM Pukfic-but 1 0.2 0.5 0.1 0.5 Bhie-lBvd snapper 175 29.3 so.o 6.0 0.3 UiljcuaatHatabariaa Malabar snipper Lutjauuii monosn'gnxi One-spat supper Ltajanus rttfoUnealuj Rufous sesperdi Other/unidentified Sub-total 204 34.2 151.3 18.0 0.7

LethnfatiK Gyrnxoawuiujaponicia Iodine bnum E^npenn Lethriwir dtrytostamtu Red-throst emperor Litkritua Aalinpfenu Yolknv-ipottod emperor Ltthriiua miiuafiu Long-nosed emperor 2 0.3 9.0 1.1 4,5 Ltlhrinus re&'cvfanu Reticulsusdoinporar Ltthruws variegafiu Variegated emperar Wallsia 7nossantbiai Large-eye bream Other/unidentified 77 12.9 S5.3 7.8 0.8 Sub-total 79 13.2 74.3 8.9 «.9

SemutldK Ccpfialoptioiuairanlia Onnjp nxlc-cod 7 1.2 7.8 0.9 1.1 Gmuptn Epirupheius areoiiius AiBoUtod grouper EpintpheJiu cWororfljpwa Browii-^Hrtted grouper Epinepfulus CONKIM Snakcsldn grouper Epinfptultufajtjfiius Red-bunded grouper Epinepfalwfiivocacndcus Purple grouper Epintpkehu magnuaiiiif Spedded grouper EpinepJtebis milintii Honeycomb grouper Epintpfatus monimt Curvc-btsAdDd grouper 1 0,2 2.0 0.2 2.0 Epitupfalus rtionii Brown-bodral grouper Epincphclus xptenfasdoius Seven-handed grouper Solcptia powUi Golden fish Variola hat* Lunar-tailed cod Other/unkfanir-Dd 14 2.3 14.0 1.7 1.0 Siivlufa] 22 3.7 23.8 2.S 1.1

CanngScW Smmbridse CmMttignaliib* Lowly trcvslly 1 0.2 9.0 1.1 9.0 Trendies, Jacks, turns Carcmxlttgubril BlsckUerslly 17 2.8 47.9 5.7 2.8 Striata awrterUi Ambcrjadc Striata ptajmrcuatru Amben'edc Striata rwatiana Ambeneck 1 0.2 4.0 0.5 4.0 Gymnosaraa vntaola' Dogtooth tuna 4 0.7 30.7 3.7 7.7 Other /unidentified 35 5.9 86.1 10.3 2.5 SuUoatl 58 9.7 177.7 11.2 3.1

Getnpyikba PromcAichlhys prwnelhtus Snake mackerel 7 1.2 9.0 J.l 1.3 OIHlslxs, Snafcr mackereb Ruvctlta prtttoMv Oafish Other/unidentified Suh-tnujl 7 1-2 9.0 1.1 1.3

Mfscdfaheous bony fishes Sphyiaenid&e Bpmrcudas 110 18.4 146.8 17.5 1.3 Outarbany fishes 18 3.0 12.5 U 0.7 Sub-tab] 128 21.4 159.3 19.0 1.1

OidwiUdH Carcharhuua albmarginatm White-tip ihuk SbtuUi CarduMmis atnbtyhytiduH Greyreerihaik Carcfarftuuumcktwptcrlts Black-tip shark Trhcnodcn ot*sus Reef white-tip shirk: Oibcr/uniimiified Subtotal

GnndTobih Bony fishes 597 104.0 839.4 100.0 1.4 Sharks All species 597 100.0 839.4 100.0 1.4 49 BELAU The Republic of Belau consists of an archipelago extending about 640 km in a north-south direction. Most of the land area of Belau is on the small high island of Babeldaob, which forms 397 km2 of the total 460 km2. The 100-fm isobath in Belau extends for 232 ami, although according to Chapman (in press) there are two sea-mounts within the Belau EEZ where bottom fishingha s yet to be carried out.

Three surveys have been carried out in Belau by SPC masterfishermen. Catch rates at different locations throughout the archipelago Tanged from 2.0 to 10.7 kg/line-hr with a mean of 4.9 kgAine-hr. The last visit to Belau by the DSFDP ran from 1987 to 1988. During this survey catch rates ranged from 2.0 to 3.1 kgAine-hr, with an average of 2.5 kg/line-hr. These low yields were ascribed by Chapman (in press) to recent intensive fishing by local commercial operators. The average catch rates in 1980 and 1983 were 3.3 and 4.2 kg/line-hr respectively. These may be more representative of CPUE on unexploited deep slope stocks around Belau, since fishing directed towards these species increased after 1983 with the establishment of a fleet of Japanese-built fishingvessels .

The overall catch composition from the SPC masterfishermen's activities is given in Table 2. Eteline snappers formed 36.0 per cent of the catch weight and lutjanids as a whole comprised 48 per cent of total landings. Other major components of the catches, in common with several other locations in the Pacific, were carangids/ scombrids (15.2%), serranids (12.4%) and gempylids (7.0%).

The magnitude of total landings of deep-slope species is unknown as there are few statistics on commercial and subsistence catches in Belau. Total commercial landings of fish in Palau presently amount to around 400 t/yr (Preston, 1989). Chapman (in press) quotes a figure of 46.4 1/yr for commercial fish exports from Belau by air to the United States and elsewhere. Ianelli (1987) suggests that this figure can be doubled to account for fish 'exported' as airline passenger luggage.

The empirical estimate of unexploited biomass of deep slope stocks for Belau is 162.41. The MSY from this biomass would be expected to lie between 16.2 and 48.71/yr. The CPUE at MSY would thus be expected to decline to around 1.7 to 2.1 kg/line-hr, which is slighdy lower tfianth e overall mean CPUE experienced by Chapman during 1987 and 1988. These simple data suggest that, as a result of sustained commercial fishing, the fisherywa s approaching MSY by 1988. 50

Country/ Territory: Bdau Location: Q Fishing sites o Northern and central Belau 0 < Fishery status: c )jo Unexpkated 0 JF , Reference: — T3^ Deep Sea Fisheries Development Project , y visit in Koror, Patau, *% Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands (1 £ November 1979-31 V January 1980), South Pacific Commission, 134°30*N Noumea, New Caledonia, 18 pp. 1

Fishing dates: From 13 November 1979 To 21 January 1980

Fishing vessels: LOA Number Name Type (m) Engine of reels Oleyau Monohull 10.5 45 hp diesel inboard 4 Kizzy Monohull 12.5 20 hp diesel inboard 4

Fishing operations: No. of trips 11 No. of trips spent bottom fishing 11 Total hours at sea 437 Average hours at sea per trip 39.7 Total hours DB fishing 165 Average deep-bottom fishing hours per trip 15.0 Total reel-hours 660 Average reel-hours per trip 60.0 Total handline hours Average handline hours per trip

Catch {kg): Total (all fishing methods) 2,210.0 Deep-bottom fishing 2,136.0 Deep-bottom catch (kg) Average per Average per Total trip reel-hour All species 2,136.0 194.2 3.2 Excluding sharks 1,972.0 179.0 3.0 Excluding sharks and locally unsaleable species

Comments: 51 Species composition of the deep-bottom fishing catch

Number %number Weight (kg) •fcwdgX Av. weight

LulJanlrW-Etttlna* Apharcujfiirtxtlia GteyjobOsh 9 1.2 37.D 1.7 4.1 Dwp-v»ter snappers Apnph ^resaHS Green jabGah 21 2.9 74.0 3.5 • 3.S Aphareus rtdSans Snuul-loomjobfish 37 3.0 199.0 9.3 SA Elelis earbuncufiir Short-tailed red anappor 35 4.8 262.0 7.5 Ettlis comxcans Long-taD supper 13 1.8 68.0 m3.2 5.2 EieEsmduaus Paleanapper Saddled fuiilcr PristipcmcAder amocmu Ho wer amprjer Pristipcmoidtiaurialla Gold-naodjobBah 9 1.2 11.0 0.5 1.2 Prislipomoidtsjiiamentosus RonyjobEtth Pristiponwidtxjlavipinnis Yellow jAfeh 22 3.0 115.0 5.4 5.2 PrisJipcnundes nudtidens Piirrdo-chBekedjobGih PrisJipcmades xonatus Banded flower snapper 42 S.7 64.0 3.0 1.5 Other /unidentified 24 3.3 15.0 0.7 0.6 SuMotal 212 IM 84S.0 3».« 4.0

LulJtnldie-Uir^nkiK Lutjarua arywJwwry/fffnt Mangrove jack 50 6.8 156.0 7.3 3.1 ShabWrofer snappers Lidjania bokar Red baas 38 5.2 71.0 3.3 1.9 Lufjanu* gibbta Paddfe-tail LvljatuuXtamara Blue.lnicd mapper 30 4.1 7.0 0.3 0.2 Malabar mapper Luljanus monosSgma One-spot mapper LUIJOHHS ridblintaiia Rufous scapca-ch Oths/unkfcoli&ed 122 16.6 94.0 4.4 0.S Subtotal 240 32.7 328.0 1S.4 1.4

LefnrHdte Gym/iocraniia japotiicHS Iodine bream Eknpcrafs Jjlhrinta chrysostonws Red-throat emperor Lc&rinus iaiioptenix Ycllow^irjoned emperor 3 0.4 5.0 0.2 1.7 Lc&riiuix miualia Long-nosed emperor 16 2.2 34.0 1.6 2.1 Lttttriiws Ktiadatia Reticulated emperor 9 1.2 S.0 0.4 0.9 Variegated emperor IS 2.0 220 1.0 1.5 Large-eye bream Otha-/unidentified 8 1,1 7.0 0.3 0.9 Suh-fatel SI 7.0 7«.0 3.C 1.5

SemridK - Ctphalapholiiatranlia OnmecKxk-cod ' 2 03 1.0 0.0 0.5 Groupers Ep'wephclux areotatus Aroolufcd grouper 2 0.3 7.0 0.3 3.5 Epintphcliu cMorostigma Brown-ipottcd grouper Epintpkeha caneiae Snakeskin grouper Epinepfuliujasdalus Rod-handed grouper EpinepfttHrflavocamdeuj Purple grouper £piwpJu?hLf n*2gmsaitSh Spcddtdirot^cf Epinrphelus tmliaris Honeycomb grouper 12 1.6 19.0 0.9 1.6 Epinephchts morrhva Curve-banded grouper 17 2.3 42.0 2.0 2J Epiiupfidm rctoHti Brown-lMLdcsd grouper Epinephehu xpfcnftudalvi Stveji-bmdod grouper Saloptia powtlli Golden fish Variola loutt Lurjar-tailed cod 2 0.3 2.0 0.1 1.0 Other/luiidentiEed 23 3.1 232.0 10.9 10.1 Sub-total 58 7.9 303.9 14.2 5.2

CaranglaW Seornhrldae Canvix ignobilix Lowly trevally lYenllles, Jacks, lunas Canvixlitgitbrii Black uevally 24 3.3 45.0 2.1 1.9 Striata dmitrUi Amborjjdr Seriolaptttpuwsttris Amberjadc Ambeqnck: 33 4.5 182.0 8.5 5.5 Gymnos&da utifcebr Dojuoothturw Other /urrkkrtiTicd 64 8.7 69.0 3.2 1.1 Subtotal 111 16.5 296.0 13.9 2.4

GScmpylkhe Promcltuckliys ptttmtUttus Snake mackerel 17 2,3 26.0 1,2 1.5 OlKlihca, Snake mackerels Ruvtllus pre&osus OuTish 7 1.0 68.0 3.2 9.7 Other /raibVrnlifiod 11 1.5 14.0 0.7 1.3 Sub-total 35 4.6 108.0 5.1 3.1

Miscellaneous bony fishes Sphyraenidac Bprracudas 1.1 16.0 0.7 2.0 Other bony fishes Sub-total 1.1 16.0 0.7 2.0 fajtrurranWae Carchariufutsalbimarginatus Whitc-trp ahark Sharks CarcliaHuniv ambtyritynckos Grey reef ahark CarcharhinKsmtlanoptmu Black-op shark Triaatodon obeslts Rocf while-tip ahuk Other Ainidentified S 1.1 164.0 7.7 20.5 Sub-total 8 1.1 164.0 7.7 20.5

Grtnttlotil- Bofryfllbef 725 9S.9 1.W2.0 M.3 2.7 Sharks S 1.1 164.0 7.7 20.5 All species 733 100.0 2,136.0 100.0 2.9 52

Country/ Territory: Belau Location: Q Fishing sites o Ngardmau, Koror, Peleliu, Kayangel, Melekeok, Ngchesar, Ngiwal, Ngaraard, Angaur, Ngcherlong Fishery status: Unexploited Reference: - 7°30'N Taumai, P. and P. Cusack (in press). Deep Sea Fisheries Development Project. Reprt on second visit to the Republic of Belau (3 May-1 November 1983). P South Pacific Commission, 134°30,N Noumea, New I Caledonia.

Fishing dates: From 17 May 1983 To 20 October 1983

Fishing vessels: LOA Number Name Type (m) Engine ofreels Mesekiu MonohuII 11.0 50 hp dicscl inboard 6

Fishing operations: No. of trips 42 No. of trips spent bottom fishing 42 Total hours at sea 561 Average hours at sea per trip 13.4 Total hours D6 fishing 250 Average deep-bottom fishing hours per trip 6.0 , Total reel-hours 1,500 Average reel-hours per trip 35.7 Total handline hours Average handline hours per trip

Catch (kg): Total (all fishingmethods ) 10,574.0 Deep-bottom fishing 8,560.0 Deep-bottom catch (kg) Average per Average per Total trip reel-hour All species 8,560.0 203.8 5.7 Excluding sharks 6,937.0 165.2 4.6 Excluding sharks and locally unsaleable species

Comments: 53 Species composition of the deep-bottom fishing catch

Number Smoter WdgitQig Simfebt A-v. weight

LmJankUM-EWhae Aphonia jupcatui Greyjobfilk Deep-iiauer snappers Aprionviraans Green jobGsh 75 3.0 342.0 4.0 4.6 Apharcuxrililtwt Small-tooth jobfiltl 101 4.0 52O.0 6.1 5.1 Etefctvrbimadu* Short-tailed rod snapper 65 2.6 550.0 6.4 8.5 Eirtis tvnaatiti Long-tail snapper 7 0.3 40.0 0.5 5.7 ElcUs radiondi Pole scupper Paracacxiohuataru Saddled fusilier Prixtipomoides amoauu Flower snapper PristipemadisauridlJa Gold-tailed jobfish 178 7.1 136.0 1.6 0.8 PristipoMoidafHamaiiosiu RosyjobGah PriBipamoidafiavipiiuih Yellow jobfah 29 1.2 76.0 0.9 2.6 Pristipomoidei nwaWew Pinplc-checkcd jobuth 45 1.8 133.0 1.6 3.0 Pristipcmoittej 7t»uuus Banded flowersuppe r 133 5.3 164.0 1.9 1.2 Other/unidentified 21 0.8 46.0 0.5 2.2 Sub-total 654 2C.0 2,007.0 23.4 3.X

UU^nldK-Lu^nJue Luljanta flryesfljwnoifritur McngtovD jack 249 9.9 793.0 9.3 3.2 Shallow -imter supper* Luljantis botktr Red bus 146 5.8 , 472.0 5.5 3.2 LutjatHis gibbus Piddle-tiil 142 5.7 107.0 1.3 0.8 Luljaiuu Jauwra BluO'lrned snapper Luljatiusmalabariais Malabar trtapper £jilju*ju jnonoMltgna Ode-spot anapper 3 0.1 4.0 0.0 1.3 Rufoui sespcrcb Oe^/unidentified 35 14 42.0 0.5 1.2 Sub-Mai 57S 22.9 1,418.0 16.6 2.5

UhrWdK Gyttmocraiuusjaponiau Iodine brum Emptron Leihriruu ckrysoslamw Red-throat emperor Lelkriwa hitlapttrus Ycllow-spofcd emperor 3 D.l 22.0 0.3 7.3 Leihrifws mmatm Lonfi-mvcd emperor 98 3.9 211.0 2.5 2.2 Lethriiw nikulatus Reticulated emperor l^lhruuts varitgatia Variegatedempcror 45 1.8 61.0 0.7 1.4 Wattsia moaanAica Large-eye bicim 37 . 2.3 113,0 1.3 2.0 Other /unidentified 48 1.9 82.0 1.0 1.7 Sub-total 2S1 10.9 489.6 5.7 l.»

SenwMK Cephotop/vtis airantut Orange rock-cod Groupers Eputtphelusartotatus ArecJafed grouper Epinephetia chlorestigrH* Brown-spoticd grouper Epinxphehu txmeiae Snakcskin grouper EpincplteliuJQSQelvs Red-banded grouper 2 0.1 2.0 0.0 1.0 Epinephduljlavacacrulatx Purple grouper Epbuphetusmagwsatttis Speckled grouper Epiiuphdla miUaris Honeycomb grouper 125 5.0 132.0 1.5 1.1 Eptnxphcim morrftua Curve-bended grouper 94 3.7 1S2.0 2.1 1.9 Epihtphtbu ntauii Brown-backed grouper Epmtpktha xptenfasdatus Seven-banded grouper Salcptiapcwdli Golden fifth Variobionti Lunar-tailed cod 2 0.1 1.0 0.0 0.5 OtfCT/inidetxiaart 157 6.3 651.0 7.S 4.1 Sub-lots] 380 15.1 968.0 11.3 2.S

CbrartgldW Soombridae Camnx ignob&is Lowly tmvally 264 1D.5 612.0 7.1 2.3 Trevallles, Jacks, tunas Ctvwixluguhrix Black trcvilly AVrwkdimerilr Amberjadt Striata purpuraxoens Amberjack SeridtaTivoKaHa Amberjack 88 3.5 353.0 4.1 4.0 Gymnosarda unicoJor Dogtooth tuna OnW Auudentilied 57 2.3 14S.0 1.7 2.5 Sub-lDtal 4(19 16.3 1,110.0 13.0 2.7

CempyJkfae Pronuthichlhys promelheits Snake mackerel 53 2.1 82.0 1.0 1.5 Olldsbes, Snakemackeren Rwetluspttliosuj oan«h 11 0.4 130.0 1.5 11.8 Othn /unidentified 3 0.1 10.0 0.1 3.3 Sub-total 67 2.7 222.0 2.6 3.3

MJaceuMeBuabotrj Ashes Sphyiaenidie Barracudas 148 5.9 723,0 8.4 4.9 Olberfeony Gibes Sub-Mai 148 5.9 723.0 8.4 4.9

OnnarrahMae Careb&hiRiualb&targiiultu Whlro-lip shark 20 0.8 767.0 9.0 38.4 Sharks Cervtortiitua ambfyrhynchos Grey reef shark 3 0.1 77.0 0.9 25.7 CarchaHunujmtJancpttnis Black-dp shark Triaaiodon obesui Reef white-tip ahark Other /unidcmiGed 5 0.2 779,0 9.1 155.8 Sub-total 28 1.1 1,623,0 19.0 58.0

Grand Total: Bony fishes 2,484 98.9 6,937,0 81.0 1.8 Sharks 28 1.1 1,613,0 19.0 58,9 All species 2,512 1O0.O 8,560,0 100.0 3.4 54

Country/ Territory: Belau Location: © Fishing sites Koror

Fishery status: % Unexploited Reference: 0 Chapman, L.B. (in - 7 3

Fishing dates: From 14 October 1987 To 27 April 1988

Fishing vessels: LOA Number Name Type (m) Engine of reels Mesekiu Monohull 11.0 50 hp diesel inboard 5

Fishing operations: No. of trips 13 No. of trips spent bottom fishing 13 Total hours at sea 332 Average hours at sea per trip 25.5 Total hours DB fishing 112 Average deep-bottom fishing hours per trip 8.6 Total reel-hours 287 Average reel-hours per trip 22.1 Total handline hours Average handline hours per trip

Catch (kg): Total (aU fishing methods) 1,273.0 Deep-bottom fishing 565.8 Deep-bottom catch Okg) Average per Average per Total trip red-hour AU species 565.8 43.5 2.0 Excluding sharks 500.8 38.5 1.7 Excluding sharks and locally 338.5 26.0 1.2 unsaleable species

Comments: 55 Species composition of the deep-bottom fishing catch

Nurnbtr Wnumbo- WelghtOig) %wdgbt Av.wdgM

Luljaiudaj-Bldaiae ApfcoKiir^uraijMf Greyjobfiah Dtep-varier snappers AprioH virescenx Green jobfUb. 2 D.8 4.0 0.7 2.0 ApkvrwrutVaiu SnuJI-WrthjobJJjlj J 0.4 1.5 0.3 1.5 Eldaanbuaadus Short-tailed nd Hiapper 11 4.3 53.3 »•+ 4.8 Etclis ariuaajti LoGg-tail snapper 13 5.1 72.8 12.9 5.6 4.1 EteEsradhsu Pale snapper 1 0.4 0.7 *•! Paracaeao huakarii Saddled fusilier Prittipomouks rtwioejuu Flower snepper JVirnpomauiefali7iciUa Gold-tailed joMiah 48 19.0 39.0 6.9 0.8 PristipomoidcsfiiaiHentonts Rosyjobfith Priripomoidaflavipituus Yellow joMiata PristiparMtees ItatltukHS Purple-cbeokfid joMZeh Prisiipemoida lonatus Banded flowersatppe r 26 10.3 28.8 5.1 1.1 Other/urjjderaif»d SuMoud 102 40.3 203.5 36.0 2.0

LugmMie-Lu0u*lM f.uljmuut nrgfutttnntttitftr Mangrove jack 3 1.2 8.3 1.5. 2.8 ShaUm-mlcr lawn LtttjotuubcJur RodbdJO Luljafius gibbus Paddle-tail 2 0.8 1.5 03 0.8 Lutjaiua kaarara Blue-lined snapper Luljtuuumalabariciu Malabar snapper 3 1.2 1.1 0.2 0.4 Liilj&au monosljgtm Ou-sr^ snapper Lutjaiaii rufolintdltu Rufous aeapcrch Odur /luudentified Sub-total 8 3.2 lft.» 1.9 1.4

Ldhrfcidet CjmiucrdJiiiujtirAMiicjtf Iodine bream Emperm Lclhrinus chrysastonua RecVthroaternperar Lclhrinux ialhplcnti Yellow-spotted emperor Lelhrimu minimus Lang-meed cjn^erer 2 0.8 2.6 0.5 1.3 Rrdiculatedcaiperor ZLcihriruu wri^ga/m Variegated auipeiut Watlsia mojsambica Largo-c^ff rafcam 5 2.0 6.6 1.2 1.3 OlhcrAiriideBtifiod 5 2.0 3.1 0.5 0.6 Sub-total 12 4.7 12.3 2.2 1.0

SemnMae Ccphdlapholu airflMria Orange rock~ccd Groupers EpuiepJuJus arzolaiux Areolated grouper 1 0.4 2.5 0.4 2.5 Uptrnptulus chiaeostigma Brown-spotted grouper Epinephzhu canxtae Srnkesldn grouper Epitvphetiafasdntux Red-banded grouper Epuup&ebvfiri'ocaenitcus Rupfe grouper Epauphelus magiusatttU Speckled groupcr Epincphchu mUiaris Hotteycotnb grouper 23 9.1 17.8 3.1 0.8 Epinzpkcluzmorrhua Curve-banded grouper 15 5.9 31.8 5.6 2.1 J^uneaneuu nlouti Brown-backed grouper 1 0.4 0.9 0.2 0.9 Epintphtliu xpUnfasdalux Seven-banded grouper SalopfapawtlU Golden fiah Varioktttnti Lunartaucd end Other /unidentified 13 5.1 7.9 1.4 0.6 SuWnlnf S3 20.9 60.9 10.8 1.1

CarangleW SoonhrltlM CarowigHobilis Lowly taevilly Trenlllis, Jacks, tunas Camttxtiiguliris Black trevally 11 4.3 21.7 3.8 2.0 Striata dioncrili Arcberjack Seriola pvrpurastzns Atohcrjack SeridarnMHaaa Amberjack 10 4.0 15.3 2.7 1.5 Gyrmosarda utuoolor Dogtooth tuna OunAinJdentiGcd 1 0.4 1.2 D.2 1.2 Sub-total 22 8.7 38.2 6.8 1.7

Gmpjidoe Promethidtilvys promethens Snake mackerel 9 3.6 14J 2.6 1.6 OW&B, Snake mackerels tiuvtiltv prttiojiv oafish 10 4.0 106.0 18.7 10.6 Orher/unidentified Subtotal 19 7.S 120.5 21.3 «.3

MbceSanwusbonrrbbea Sjfcyraenidac Baoxrudas 1 0.4 2.8 B_5 2.8 Other bony fubes 32 12.6 51.7 9.1 1.6 Subtotal 33 13.0 54.S 9.6 1.7

QrrchsrhHraK CanAariiiiuualbaTargifiaiHr WSic-bp shark 1 0.4 45.0 S.0 45.0 Sharks Carcharfunus ambijrhynchos Grey tccf shark 1 0.4 15.0 2.7 15.0 Carcharhinia meianaplavs Black-tip shark Trhtnodon obttus Reef whirMip shark Cnher/urtidcntified 2 0.8 5.0 0.9 2J Sub-total 4 l.« 65.0 11.5 16.3

Grand Total: Bony tubes 249 »».4 SO0.S 88.5 2.0 Sharks 4 1.6 65.0 11.5 16.3 All species 253 100.0 5(5.8 100.0 2.2 56

Country/ Territory: Bdau Location: Q Fishing sites Southern area

Fishery status: % Unexploited Reference: £

134°30'N 1 -

Fishing dates: From 14 October 1987 To 27 April 1988

Fishing vessels: LOA Number Name Type (m) Engine of reels Mesekiu Monohull 11.0 50 hp diesel inboard 5

Fishing operations: No. of trips 3 No. of trips spent bottom fishing 3 Total hours at sea 82 Average hours at sea per trip 27.3 Total hours DB fishing 27 Average deep-bottom fishing hours per trip 9.2 Total reel-hours 76 Average reel-hours per trip 25.2 Total handline hours Average handline hours per trip

Catch (kg): Total (all fishing methods) 366.7 Deep-bottom fishing 225.3 Deep-bottom catch (kg) Average per Average per Total trip reel-hour All species 225.3 75.1 3.0 Excluding sharks Excluding sharks and locally 222.1 74.0 2.9 unsaleable species

Comments: 57 Species composition of the deep-bottom fishing catch

Number % number Wright (kg) %Mtaht Av.wdtM

Ijijjinldat-Eldhae Apharcusfittoatus Gieyjobfish Dc^nler snappers Apnon VI'KJCVRJ GiacnjohfiBh 2 1.1 4.7 2.1 2.4 AphoniandQara Smril-loUhjobDph Etda caroufictibir Sbort-tailea red snapper Eldis ooruscaia Loag-uul tnitppcf 10 5.6 52.7 23.4 5.3 Pale mapper Pamzaejui JbauAanT Saddled fusilier Prtxtipcmouits amoeiuu Flower niapper Pristipomoiks owicilk Gold-tailed jobfish 52 29.1 41.7 185 0.S Prislipomoidesfikunenlojiux Rosy jobfish PrisfipanioiiiafltMpiruui Yellow jobfish Pristipomoidts muItuUns Punplc-cboolccdjobEiBn Pristiporwnda zonatux Banded flower snapper 2 1.1 2.7 1.2 1.4 Olber/mua^ntJued 1 0.6 0.9 0.4 0.9 Sub-total <7 37.4 102.7 4S.6 l.S

LutHdK-LuUuaw £jrfjanHjqfyfliD>wtV«frtftfr Mangrove jade 1 0.6 3.3 1.5 3.3 SMLxf-mbr snappers £jtfJMUrrJcAar Red bin 2 1.1 6.4 2.S 3.2 JLtfjanuf gj'eeur Paddle-Bui 44 24.6 24.1 10.7 0.5 Luljaniu kaatdra Blue-lined snapper 1 0.6 0.2 0.1 0.2 Lutjauuu mahbancus Malabar snapper iMljanus monoMtigrna One-spot snapper 1 D.6 1.0 0.4 1.0 Luljarua njbtineatlts Riifouj aeapercb Other/unidentified Sub-Mai 49 27.4 35.0 15.5 •.7

LdMntdat Gymntxraniwe joponiau Iodine breun Etapenn Letkrinus cAryioitomitf Rcd-lhroil empctor Letknmts tollopttrus Yellow-spotted emperor Lcttiriruu fmniatui Long-nosed emperor 4 2.2 4.5 2.0 1.1 Leifvirmj rciiculalux Letkrinus voriegoiia Variegated emperor WafLria mouatrAica LarBe-eye bream 1 0.6 1.3 0.6 1.3 Other /unidenaued 7 3.9 3.2 1.4 0.5 Sub-toil 12 6.7 9.0 4.0 o.s

SerrinklM Ctphalopholu awanlia Orange rock-cod Groupm Epuupfuhuanolatus Aredated grouper 5 2.8 7.5 3.3 1.5 Epiiuphclus dilorvstigma Brawn-spotted grouper EpirupJielus txxxtac Siialassltin grouper Epinep/itUvjasdatia Red-banded grouper Epincphdiujlavocamilaa Purple grouper EpincphchirmagMsaittis Specldcd grouper Eplnephtha mfttaril Honeycomb grouper 2 1.1 1.8 0.8 0.9 Epinqjtuha manhua Curve-banded grouper 4 2.2 6.6 2.9 1.7 EpinephcUa jrtouli Brown-backed grouper Epincplulus xptenfasdatus Seven-banded grouper Salaplui powctli Golden fish 1 0.6 0.9 0.4 0.9 Variola louh' Lurair^ailed ood Other/uniocntified 5 2.8 2.1 0.9 0.4 Sub-Mai 17 9.5 lt.9 1.4 1.1

CanvjgloW SeombridM CamnxighobUu Lowly ntvally 1 0.6 1.0 0.4 1.0 TrevalUea, Jacks, tuna: Canutx lugubris Black trevally 3 1.7 10.2 4.5 3.4 Scrioh dimcrili AjiajujaCK Striata purpurasceiu Ambcrjack SmalamoUana Amberjack 12 6.7 26.2 11.6 2.2 Gymfiosarda vmcotor Dogtooth tuns Other /unidentified 1 0.6 0.7 0.3 0.7 Sub-loud 17 9.5 38.1 w.» 2.2

Gonpyldae PromeMcklkysprvmeUuus Snake mackerel 2 1.1 3.2 1.4 1.6 OlfflshfJ, SnakeiQBCkerell Ruvcttuspntiosia Oufbh Oibor Auikfentiikd Sub-kilal 2 1.1 3.2 1.4 1.6

MbcdlaneoujbonjnshtJ Sphyracnid*; Barracudas 1 0.6 9.7 4.3 9.7 > . Other bony fishes 14 7.8 8.7 3.9 0.6 Sub-total IS 8.4 18.4 8.2 1.2

Carcharrara** Carcharlwuualburarginatiii White.tip shark Shirks Carchariuluu atnbtyrhynchos Grey reer shark Carcharituaa mtJanoptavs BUck-tip ahark Triatnoaon obesus Reef whit-tip shark Other /unidenliued Sub-total

Grand Total: Bony fishes 179 100.0 225.3 1*0.0 1.3 Sharks At! specks 179 100.0 225.3 100.0 1.3 58

Country/ Territory: Bdau 0 Location: Q Fishing sites Northern area 0 Fishery status: 0^ Unexploited 70 Reference: Chapman, L.B. (in — 7°30"N press). Deep Sea Fisheries Development Project. Report on the third %'\* i^t ^ visit to the Republic of Belau (6 October .fe* 1987-23 May 1988). **« South Pacific Commission, <^ Noumea, New P Caledonia. 134°30'N 1

Fishing dates: From 14 October 1987 To 27 April 1988

Fishing vessels: LOA Number Name Type (m) Engine of reels Mesekiu Monohull 11.0 50 hp diesel inboard 5

Fishing operations: No. of trips 7 No. of trips spent bottom fishing 7 Total hours at sea 192 Average hours at sea per trip 27.4 Total hours DB fishing 64 Average deep-bottom nshing hours per trip 9.1 Total reel-hours 164 Average reel-hours per trip Total handliiie hours Average handline hours per trip

Catch (kg): Total (all fishing methods) 943.7 Deep-bottom fishing 512.9 Deep-bottom catch (kg) Average per Average per Total trip reel-hour All species 512.9 73.3 3.1 Excluding sharks 471.4 67.3 2.9 Excluding sharks and locally 389.7 55.7 2.4 unsaleable species

Comments: 59 Species composition of the deep-bottom fishing catch

Number % number WdgMflig) %wd«ht Av.mlgM

LuUHildM-EteUiac ApltafekifitreatUJ Grcyjobfilh Deep-water snippers Apritmvircsuya Green jobfigh AphareusndSaiu SnuU-kBthjabOih 2 1.0 6.9 1.3 3J Eulh aubunadus Shart-liuod rod smpper 14 6.9 118.9 23.2 S.5 Elelu ccrusans Lang-bit supper EtcUa ttkiionir Pile Eloper Siddled fuiiler PristipctHMdts OHioenus Rawer supper Prtrupomoi&r OHridtla Gold-tsilcdjobfish S 3.9 7.7 1.5 1.0 Pristipanotdufilamertiosia Resyjobfish 2 1.0 5.8 1.1 2.9 Pristipomoida flaH&umis Yellow jobfah Pristipamridts nudtidtm Purrjlo-cbscked jobTnh PrlXtipamoida ixmativ Bsnded flower nipper 14 6.9 16.0 3.1 1.1 Otbor ^inidcntifiDd SuWobd 40 19.1 155.3 30.3 3.»

LutrUiMacLutymbue Zjtfpuutr argatriwculaau Mangrove jick 11 5.4 34.0 6.6 3.1 ShlUDw*afer suppers Zjljaniu JuAtr Red taw L*fJ4Utu*£ibbiu Piddle-tul 14 6.9 10.7 2.1 0.8 £idjdfuij fcismirn Blue-lined supper 3 l.S 0.6 0.1 0.2 Mslsbsrsnsppnr 6 3.0 1.7 0.3 0.3 Litfjajuu monarngma ODc-lpotnurjrjer Ruious supercb. Olbef/enideiilifiod Sub-Mil 34 lfcT 47.9 9.2 1.4

LtttrMdae Gytnnocrtvuus japonicux Iodine tsoun Etnpetwi {LetAriniu cfirysosiotnus Red-throat emperor LcfhrinMS kallapltrw; YeUnw-ipotfcd emperor Lethrinus mimatus Long-noted

Semufcfe CephaicpMis attatttu Ormffi radc>ood Groupcri EpinepfttlUfartolatHs AitditdgHjupcr 4 2.0 4.S 0.9 1.1 Epinephrine ddorostiffna Brown -spotted groupor Epinepktha camelae Smkcsldd grouper EpinephcImfivQ&iiu grouper Epintphtlusfiavocatrvlais Purple grouper Epincphthu magnisatUis Speckled grouper Epincphclus miiittfit Honeycomb grouper 7 3.4 6.1 1.2 0.9 EpituphelstsmDrrhm Carve-bsndcd grouper 9 4.4 15.8 3.1 1.8 Epinepfuhts rtlouli Brown-becked grouper EpitttpfteJus xptarfasdaius Seven-baided grouper Sakptiaptnvdli Golden fish Variola tovti Lunir-tiiled cod OdxrMnHnnirtai 14 6.9 31.1 6.1 2.2 Sub-total 34 M.T 57.5 11.2 1.7

CknaghUr/SatnbrMK Camnxtgltr&iRj Lowly trevsHy Trenllles, Judu, tun» Ctuwixlugubris Black trcvilly 5.4 20.3 4.0 1.8 Scrioh dwwraff Araberjsck n Seriotapurpvrastxru Ambcrjick Striata TWO&HW Amberjick ia 8.9 49.0 9.6 2.7 Gymnosarda wvtvfor Dogkxrtbtum OftNT/unidentified 3 2.5 29.5 5.8 5.9 Sub-loud 34 16.7 98.8 19.3 2.9

Gempylrku! Promtlhichlhys promctticus Snikcmsckerel 16 7.9 19-6 3.8 1.2 OlMbhel, Snike mackerels Ruvcttus pntLoslu OOfuh 5 2.5 33.5 6.5 6.7 Other /unidentified Sub-bud 21 10.3 53.1 10.4 2.S

Mncdluieoui bonyflshes Sptayraenidie Bmxcudu 4 2.D 16.0 3.1 4.0 Other bony Gihei 21 10.3 29.6 5.8 1.4 Sub-loud 2S 1X3 45.* 8.9 1.1

CknferHnldK CafTchartaniaalbvnargimius White-up shirk 1 0.5 5.0 1.0 5.0 Shirk! Carcterhinja ambfytftytuAos Grey reef shirk Carcharlwuv jnektftanferur Blick-up shirk TriazKodnn obtsus Reef white-tip shark Other Anudentiljed 2 1.0 36.5 7.1 18.3 Sub-toad 3 1.5 41.5 8.1 13.8

finnd Total: Bony fishes 200 98.5 471.4 91.9 2.4 Shsrks 3 l.S 41.5 8.1 13.8 All specks 203 100.0 512.9 100.0 2.5 61 COOKISLANDS The Cook Islands is composed of a series of small high islands and atolls that extend over 1400 km of ocean in a north-south orientation. The islands are naturally grouped into two archipelagos, the Northern and Southern Cook Islands. All the northern islands are atolls whilst the Southern Cook Islands comprise both atolls and high islands. The total land area is 270 km2 and the total extent of the 100-fm isobath is 222.7 n.mi.

SPC masterfishermen have made three visits to the Cook Islands. The report of the first survey, around Aitutaki (Hume, 1976), does not give details of CPUE in terms of line-hours, nor is the species composition presented in any detail. Later surveys have been conducted around Penrhyn Atoll in the Northern Cooks and around Rarotonga in the south. A short 10-day resource assessment carried out by SPC at Palmerston Atoll (Anon., in press) also included investigation of deep slope stocks.

Average catch rates around Rarotonga ranged between 1.9 and 2.5 kg/line-hr with a mean of 2.2 kg/line-hr, while at Penrhyn the mean CPUE was 11.2 kg/line-hr. Catch rates at Palmerston Atoll ranged between 0.9 and 9.3 kg/line-hr with a mean CPUE of 4.7 kg/line-hr. The species composition of the Cook Islands deep-slope catches as a whole is given in Table 2. Catches by weight of deep slope species at Rarotonga comprised mainly eteline snappers (65%) and serranids (12.5%). The eteline catch was formed mainly of E.carbunculus while most of the serranid catch was made up of the golden rock cod Saloptia powelli. By contrast eteline snappers only accounted for about 30 per cent of the catch at Penrhyn Atoll. Other major components were serranids (15.4%), carangids/scombrids (16.8%) and sharks (22.0%). During the SPC survey of Palmerston Atoll about 60 per cent of the landings were eteline snappers, mainly Etelis carbuncttlus and Pristipomoides zonatus, with other major contributions from the serranids (20.3%) and the deep water carangid Seriola rivoliana (13.2%),

The catch rates of deep slope species at Rarotonga are poor and would be expected to decline to around 1.1 kg/line-hr given a fishing effort that approached MSY. At Penrhyn Atoll the CPUE is much higher and would be expected to decline to around 5.6 kg/line-hr at MSY. Assuming the catch rates experienced at Palmerston are representative then catch rates might drop to 2.0 kg/line-hr if the stocks were fished intensively and the MSY achieved. Commercial dropline fishing on deep reef stocks has not become established in the Cook Islands despite a strong demand for fish, especially in Rarotonga. The empirical estimate of the size of the unexploited biomass of deep slope stocks in the group as a whole is 413 t, which might be expected to yield between 41.3 and 123.8 t/yr at MSY. The potential yield of deep slope species from Pabnerston Atoll estimated during theSPC resource survey was 5 t/yr. Based on the techniques discussed earlier, the estimated unexploited biomass of deep slope stocks at Palmerston Atoll was estimated as 331, with an MSY lying between 3.3 and 9.9 t/yr.

The empirical equation to estimate biomass, however, is based on fishing at sites situated along the rim of the Pacific Plate. As described earlier, the number of fish species and genera decrease markedly in an easterly direction across the plate and away from the plate margin. The estimates of unexploited biomass might therefore be inappropriate for locations such as French Polynesia and the Cook Islands. 62

Country/ Territory: 1 Cook Islands Location: Q Fishing sites /& f ft J Aitutake Fishery status: ft / J* / Unexploited 18°51'S - Reference: /Aitutake \\ * \\ Hume,H. 1976. . * l Report on the South i \ Pacific Commission l\ \ 1) H\ Outer Reef Fisheries Project in the Cook )f \y // V Islands (1 December // 1975-31 May 1976). ^» ^ South Pacific « / L Commission, M Noumea, New ° (A- Caledonia 21 pp. 0 o 0 1

Fishing dates: From 1 December 1975 To 31 May 1976

Fishing vessels: LOA Number Name Type (m) Engine ofreels Norman Kirk Monohull 7.3 70 hpdiesel inboard 2 Tangaroa MonohuU 7.3 70 hp diesel inboard 2 Viking Monohull 8.5 33 hp diesel inboard 2

Fishing operations: No. of trips No. of trips spent bottom fishing Total hours at sea Average hours at sea per trip Total hours DB fishing Average deep-bottom nshing hours per trip Total reel-hours Average reel-hours per trip Total handline hours Average handline hours per trip

Catch (kg): Total (all fishing methods) 3,001.6 Deep-bottom fishing 1,493.2 Deep-bottom catch (kg) Average per Average per Total trip reel-hour All species Excluding sharks 1,493.2 59.7 Excluding sharks and locally unsaleable species

Comments: This was the third deep reef slope fishing survey mounted by the SPC Fisheries Programme. No details of the fishing effort or the catch composition were given in the report. 63 Species composition of the deep-bottom fishing catch

WtgitQig) % wight Av.wdght

Uu>ntta£-EUaiM Aphanusfiircatus Greyjobfiah Deepen tarsnappo * Apri&H vjw«w Oteenjobtfiih AphareuiridHant Small-tooth jobGih Eiefis carbwtailus Short-taHed rod •upper Eidis conaca/a Long-tail supper Etetis raduaas Pole snapper Pfimfxtt.'no kfvfarii Saddled fusilier Pristipattoidaamaenux Flower snapper PrwtiptvTmdea awidUa Gold-tulodjofafifb Pri&ip&ttaidetJihmcnioJtw Roayjobliari Pristip&naidtsjlfnripiHws Yellow jobfijh Prlstipomoides multidem Purple-checked jobfith Pristipomoides zonatiu Banded1 flowersnappe r OthnryiiTiifirmtifuvi Sub-tofal

Lu^nUae-LuquhK FjdjfniWf f] rgy n tinwtn fn ftf f Mangrovojack Stnlkm-roter steppers Luljanusbchar Redbsss Uajanw gibbus Paddfe-tail Luijamu iamira Blue-lined snipper [lUlj/HUU HWllfthflriciiT Malabar snapper Laljawti manostigma Oias-spar. snapper Luijams rtfoiittzalus Rufous seaperch Oujor/unidentlfed Sub-total

UxhrMnu GymHotTtaiiusjapotiieus Iodtwbmam Empewa Lelhrittus cfityjotiomwt Rcd-1hro«t emperer Lethrinus kallcpterus Yellow-spotted emperor Letkrimts miniatus Long-nosed emperor Lcthriruu reficuJaSus Reticulated emperor Lethrimuvariegatus Variegated emperor Walisia mcasamblca Large-eye bream


SemuUK Ctphalopftolis curattiia Orange rock-cod Gnupn Epintphchuarcataitu Aicolnted grouper Epinepheius ddorostlgma Brown-spaded grouper Eptncphelus comelae Snalrakm grouper Epiruphclttsfasaatus Red-bandod grouper • Epintphilusflavocaerulav Purple grouper Epititphehts magrdicuUis Speckled grouper Epittepkelusttuliaris Honeycomb grouper Epiruptulxs morrfnta Curve-banded grouper Epiruphehis relmttt Brown-backed grouper Eptnepkeinj stpte/rfasciaiMs Se«n-b*tided grouper SaJaptia powefli Golden fish Variola hati Lunar-tailed cod Other /unidentified Sub-total

CfcrangkW Scombrkbe Caranx ignobUis Lowly taevatly TrevaUks, Jacks, tunas Cananr Iugubris Black Ucvally Striata dumcrili Arnborjack Striata purpurascttts Amberjack SerioUt rhviiatki Amberjack Gymnosarda unioolor DogLoodituna Other /unidentified Sub-total

Gonpjfdw ProneMchthys promeiheus Snake mackerel OIHWKS, Snake lruckenb R uveilus pre tiasus Oafish Other AinidentiGed Sub-total

Mbcduuieovs bony fbhes Sphyracnidac Baracudu Other bony riabev Sub-total

On^arhMdW GnJ&arhitWldhuTiargtttaita Whhe-tip shark Stwia Carchariunm ffrnhfyHtyntJutf Grey tuef shark CanJmhbwmtfaxnptGvs Bl*ck-tip shark Triaenodon obesus Reef white-tip shark Other/unidentified Sub4otal

Bony fishes Shade Allspedei 64

Country 1 Territory: Cook Islands © *.. >*^ Location: \ Penrhyn Atoll „0 Tf^rf^\ ^*^~^ a Fishery status: )/ Unexploited O ? Reference: 1 Taumaia, P. and G.L. ^®y Penrhyn Atoll Preston. 1985a. Deep Sea Fisheries Development Project. 0 Wl Report of visit to Yk V*!> Cook Islands (10 © Mfrrr-av. September 1981-29 March 1982). South ° Xi Pacific Commission, /^r 9°05'S - Noumea, New / y Caledonia, 31 pp. 0 Fishing sites Vft

\s^=^=J 6 157 55'W 1

Fishing dates: From 22 October 1981 To 18 December 1981

Fishing vessels: ,rtl «.T . 6 LOA Number Name Type (m) Engine ofreels Catamaran 8.5 40 hp petrol outboard 4 Catamaran 8.5 40 hp petrol outboard 4

• Fishing operations: No. of trips 17 No. of trips spent bottom fishing 17 Total hours at sea 143 Average hours at sea per trip 8.4 Total hours DB fishing 66 Average deep-bottom nshing hours per trip 3.9 Total reel-hours 222 Average reel-hours per trip 13.1 Total handline hours Average handline hours per trip 5^,

Catch (kg): Total (all fishing methods) 2,669.0 Deep-bottom Fishing 2,410.0 Deep-bottom catch (kg) Average per Average per Total trip reel-hour All species 2,410.0 141.8 10.9 Excluding sharks 1,865.0 109.7 8.4 Excluding sharks and locally 1,785.0 105.0 8.0 unsaleable species

Comments: Boat names were not recorded. 65 Species composition of the deep-bottom fishing catch

Numhr %toti« WdgMOig) %»We»* Av.«dghl immklne.EleUau ApJumeiuj&umfiif Greyjobfiih Decp-valer ai»|>pen Aprion vinjcens Green jbbfirii AphareiarttUata Snmll-toodijobBiib 1 0.1 7.0 0.3 7.0 Efelis carbunatlus Short-tailed rod mapper 1D8 14.6 226.0 9.4 2.1 Eictis coriaaatts . ',.. L*n&-iul mapper 26 3.S 118.0 4.9 4.5 EaUsradiosta PalGmappor Paraaaeiiohdsaktmi Saddled fusilier Prisiipanatfu amoenus Flower snipper Pnstipanaiifes nuridih Gold-tailed jobGah 41 5.5 45.0 1.9 1.1 PrifiipartaidesfihmtHtarys Rosyjobfith 2 0.3 5.0 0.2 2,5 Priftiptmioides fiawpiiwU Yellow jcbftsh Ptistipomoides mulddens Puqjle*chccicdjab< PristipomoiiLs zonaius BindedflowDr •nappra' 268 36.1 341.0 14.1 1.3 ITthnr ftinirlrmrifinH Sub-total 446 tax 742.0 M.S 1.7 jjit^nkhe-luljtnhae Luljaiuu argeramiCHktidi Mangrove jade ShalkreMnlcr mspptra Luljaiuu baker Red bun 18 2.4 80.0 3.3 4.4 LMjtuua globus Paddle-tail 4 0.5 5.0 0.2 1.3 Lttijaruu Jbostuu Blue-lined snapper Malabar snapper 4 0.5 4.0 0.2 1,0 Ope-spcc knapper Rufbua aeaperch Othtr /unktentined Sub-

LefoMfee Gymnocrtarius japonicus Iodine bream Ejnpcron Ldthritua dayjosttmuu Red-throat emperor Ltthrinus kallaptcnv Yedlow-spalfcd emperor 2 0.3 4.0 0.2 2.0 Lethrinus miniatus Lang-nosed emperor 14 1.9 40.0 1.7 2.9 Lethrinus reticukiius Reticulated emperor Ltthrinus varitgatits Variegated emporor 5 0.7 5.0 0.2 1.0 Ijargc-e^c breani Ortifr/iiiiMpnrifTJvf 1 0.1 4.0 0.2 4,0 Suh-toM 22 3.(1 S3.0 1.2 2.4

Scmriwc Cephalopiwlis airantia Onn&iock-cod 1 0.1 1.0 0.0 1.0 Groupn E^nephehsanalatia Aicolnfcd grouper Epirupheliu ddaroaigma Brown-Fpottsd grouper Epiiuphshu can£tae SnakMlcm grouper Eptnipheliufiisrialiu Red-banded grouper EpiHtpiixlusJbvocaentleus Purple grouper EphuphilKS magnisoiUis Speckled grouper Epinepteuts ndUarii Honeycomb grouper 23 3.1 22.0 0.9 1.0 Gjzve-banded grouper 57 7,7 298.0 12.4 5.2 Epmtphehu retovti Brown-backed grouper Seven-banded grouper Saloptiapowelli Golden fifth Variola buti LuniF^juled oorf 44 5.9 49.0 2.0 1.1 Other /unidentified 9 1.2 12.0 0.5 1.3 Subtotal 134 18.1 382.0 15.9 2,9

Ou-angkWSmnihrldae Caranx igjtobUis Lotfly trevally TrewlUn, Judo, (UDJB Caraax htgubris Black nevslly 35 4.7 105.0 4.4 3.0 Striata dvHcrffi Ambcrjack Striata purjmrtisttns Amhajack 2 0.3 29.0 1.2 14.5 Striata mtotuma Amhorjack 13 1.8 142.0 5.9 10.9 Gymittmataa wucolor Dogtooth turn 1 0.1 26.0 1.1 26,0 Other /unidentified 16 2.2 114.0 4.7 7.1 SutMoou 67 9.0 416.0 17.3 6.2

GempjIdH Pramtthicidkyi pramelhau Snake mackerel OUIWho, Snake mackerels Ravelins prettosm 8 1.1 169.0 7.0 21.1 Other /unidentified SuMnbd 8 1.1 169.0 7.0 21.1

MtsullBncotabKvfhhej Sphyrncnidm BsncudM 1 0.1 2.0 0.1 2.D Other bony flihea 4 0.5 12.0 O.S 3.D Sub-Mai 5 0.7 14.0 0.6 2.8

Onfearianidae CarchanSuua albvnargiiutus Whir-tip ahirk Shuts CardiaHiima ambfyrfcy/tcbos Grey reef shad: 17 2.3 249.0 10.3 14.6 Carcharhmiamelartopienis Black-tip shirk Triaencaon obejiu Reef white-tip ahark 6 0.8 98.0 4.1 16.3 Other/unidentiiiDd 11 1.5 198.0 8.2 18.0 Sub-loOl , 34 4.6 545.0 22.6 16,0

GnndlYxab Bony fishes 708 95.4 1.S6S.0 77.4 2.6 Shirk! 34 4.6 545,0 22.6 16.0 AUspedej 742 100.0 2,410.0 100.0 3.2 66

Country/ Territory: Cook Islands Location:

Rarotonga Rarotonga Fishery status: o Unexploited © JV^^ Reference: Taumaia, P. and G.L. Preston. 1985. Deep Sea Fisheries Development Project. Report of visit to Cook Islands (10 September 1981-29 March 1982). South — 21°15'S ^^*^C^ r* * Pacific Commission, Noumea, New Caledonia, 31 pp. © Fishing sites 159°45'W

Fishing dates: From 17 October 1981 To 25 October 1981 8 March 1982 25 March 1982 Fishing vessels: LOA Number Name Type (m) Engine of reels Catamaran 8.5 40 hp petrol outboard 4 Catamaran 8.5 40 hp petrol outboard 4

Fishing operations: No. of trips 8 No. of trips spent bottom fishing 8 Total hours at sea 52 Average hours at sea per trip 6.5 Total hours DB fishing 30 Average deep-bottom fishing hours per trip 3.8 Total reel-hours 88 Average reel-hours per trip 11.0 Total handline hours Average handline hours per trip

Catch (kg): Total (all fishingmethods ) 186.0 Deep-bottom fishing 165.0 Deep-bottom catch (kg) Average per Average per Total trip reel-hour All species 165.0 20.5 1.9 Excluding sharks Excluding sharks and locally unsaleable species

Comments: Vessel names were not recorded. 67 Species composition of the deep-bottom fishing catch

NiMnbtr %imfcr Wd^t(l«) *™tft AT. weight

LudaridM-Elclkue AphartkifiiKotus Grcyjobflih Sttp-mter aiwppcn Aprioitviractia GroGnjbbGttL AptunusrtdUata SnulMoothjobEui EteJis curfruncuhu Sboct'tailed led rapper 101 72.1 117.0 70.9 1.2 Etclis carusauu Laag-tul ttwpper Elctis radiotus PilcBuppcr Paraaaejbbaakarn Siddled fmilir Pritiiportoidcs amotmts Flower snapper Pristipmoiicsaaridlla (jold-UilodjobGih 2 M 2.0 1.2 1.0 PristlpomoidtsflaMtentosiu RcsyjobEnh PrislipcrHoktcsflavipuuiis Yollow jobfuh Priaipomoidti muftufcfu Puiple-cbDckodjobfith Prisfycmoides romituj Buded flower supper 12 8.6 14.0 8.5 1.2 Otber /uiudeorifjBd SuVtobl US 12.1 133.0 80.6 1.2

LimuUdie - Lu(^nAwK LjdjaiuuargaitwuaJatia Mangrove jack Shallow-water nuqtpcn Lutjanmbtthaf Redba» IMJOHUS gibbia Paddle-tail Ltitjawskimra Blue-lined mapper ijttjanux malabaricus Malabar anapper LntJanusmo/i£>Jt}gma One-spot snapper Luljanus rufolifieaius Rufous seaperch Other/imifcntifiod Sub-total

LrihrUrfse Cr>mMCriMi"«j japtmicus Iodine bream Emptrort LtihHnus chrysostomus Red-rhroat emperor Leihrinus kaJlcptcnu Yellow-spotted emperor Leihrinus miniolui Long-nosed emperor Lcihrimu nticuiaita Reticulated emperor LcOiriiauvarizgaiut V*ricgilcd emperer Wattsia mosstBnbk* Large-eye bream OmerAuudentiEKd Sub-total

Sfcrnnldu Cephalcphota mraniia Orange rock-cod Groupen Epiftephthu anolatus Areolated grouper Epinephrine chtorostigma Brawn -spatted grouper Epinepheha c&netae Snakcslrfn grouper Epinephriusfasdatus Rcd'binded grouper 3 2.1 3.0 1,8 1.0 EptRcptutiuJIawcacnrfiais Purple grouper Epinephetus tttagfiitaittis Speckled grouper Epincphtlu? miliaris Honeycomb grouper Epitwphchu morrhaa CurvE-twndtd grouper 3 2a 5.0 3.0 1.7 Epirvphrius rclouti Brown-b*cked grouper Epinephelus xpterrfasdatas Seven-handed grouper Saloplia powelli Golden fish Variola iotUl Lunsr-laited cod Other Amklontifiod Sub-total 6 4.3 ».o 4.9 1.3

CarHr^dac' SambrioK Caranx ignobilis Lowly bcvally TrevpUles, Jack*, tunas Caranxlugubris Black trevauy Striola durttcrUi Aioberjadc Striata purpuratctHS Anibcrjack Scrioia trxtliana Arnberjack Gyttmtoarda mdcolar Dogtooth tuna Other Ainklentified Sub-total

GoT^JMie Pranttbichlhys promtlhcui Snake madcErel OIKbha, Snakcnucktre fa RWCUHS pnliants Oilfjih Olbcr/iirikfcnli5od' 19 13.6 24.0 14.5 1.3 Sub-lohl 19 13.6 24.0 14.5 1.3

Miscellaneous bony fishes Sphyraenidac Barracudas Other bmy fiahea Subtotal

CkrcfaarhUdK Carotiarhiraa aibimargimius White-lip ahart Starts Carckariumu ambtyrhynchx Grey reef ahark CaJtJiarhirais mclanoptcna BUck-tip shark Triacnaeion obesus Reef white-tip ahwfc Otbcr /unktentificd Sub-total

Grand Total: Bony flshes 140 100.0 165.0 100.0 1.2 Sharks Allsptcta 140 100.0 165.0 100.0 1.2 68

Country/ Territory: Cook Islands Location: Rarotonga o o Fishery status: 0 Rarotonga Unexploited iy Reference: Mead, P. (in press). 0 Deep Sea Fisheries I Development Project. Report on third visit to Cook Islands (16 February-20 July 1983). South Pacific k Commission, — 2l°15'S © ^***^5 Noumea, New Caledonia. /a y

0 Fishing sites 159°45'W ""0 1

Fishing dates: From 5 March 1983 To 12 July 1983

Fishing vessels: LOA Number Name Type (m) Engine of reels Catamaran 8.9 35 hp petrol outboard 4 Catamaran 8.9 40 hp petrol outboard 4

Fishing operations: No. of trips 34 No. of trips spent bottom fishing 34 Total hours at sea Average hours at sea per trip Total hours DB fishing 109 Average deep-bottom fishinghour s per trip 3.2 Total reel-hours 296 Average reel-hours per trip 8.7 Total handline hours 4 Average handline hours per trip 0.1

Catch (kg): Total (all fishing methods) 970.4 Deep-bottom fishing 745.8 Deep-bottom catch (kg) Average per Average per Total trip reel-hour All species 745.8 21.9 2.5 Excluding sharks 643.8 18.9 2.2 Excluding sharks and locally unsaleable species

Commenis: No boat names available. 69 Species compositioii of the deep-bottom fishing catch

Number Knurixr We%rrt(kal *m*hl Av.wdgM

UiquildM-HdlMK <4/>fa?«uiyurGa/iu Greyjobfiih 2 0.3 1.0 0.1 0.5 Deep-mttr nippers ^priori virejceiur Gieenjohfim ^pforeiirnifilaJU SmaU-ioomjdbtiih ifc/u owtwucwNu Short-tailed red rapper 361 60.7 330.0 44.2 0.9 i?Je/ii corHKwru Long-tail snapper £fen*j radiant* Pale Kipper Poruaxene Jbuufciru Saddled fuiilier Prittipanoieki amounts Flower mapper 7 1.2 15.4 2.1 2.2 Pristjpemoides avridlJa Gdd-lailedjobrjih 5 0.8 io.o 1-3 2.0 Pristipanaidcifilameraasia Ran/ jobfiih Prittipcmol&esflavipiiml Yellow jobfi.ta Pristipcmoidea nwltldtHJ Puipic-cneeked jobfiih Pristipcmoidcs zanafMf Banded flower mapper 7 1.2 4.8 0.6 0.7 Othfir/unidDndBod 4 0.7 6.D 0.8 1.S Sun-fatal 3S6 «4.» 3*7.2 49.2 1.0

MiQgrcncJHck ShaUorW^nter nupperi Unjanm btAar Red ban Luijanus gibbia Piddle-nil LHljaiuisftamira Blue-lined mippcr Luijarua malabaricus Milibar nuppcT Lirtjatau motuatigma. One-^wt nvpper Litiy* mix rufoh'tuxitux RufoiiB sospcfeh Otb« /unidentified Sub-total

Lefliittdae Gymnocramusjapuniaa Iodine bream Emptnn Lethrinus ektyxoftomus Red-throat emperor Lttkrinuskalloptcrus Ycllow-Bpotfcd emperor Lflkritms mrvatui Long-noted cjBpetior Ltthrima rcticulatus Rcticulilcd emperor Lethrinusvaricgatus VuiegitBd emperor Wattsia mossambtca Luge-eye hnam Other /unidonliEod Slit-Mil

SomMc Cepkalophofc tumttia Orange rock-cod Grouperr Epwephel**ttrt*ilatau Ajealaled grouper Epinepteliu ddorostigma Brown-sponcd grouper Epincphdus camtiae Sxukcaitin grouper EpincphelusjasdatKS Aed-banded grouper 2 0.3 l.Q 0.1 0.5 EpirtepkeliuJJavoaundads Fuiplc grouper Epmcphihu magmsaiais Speckled grouper fyfrupAeuu nuUarii Honeycomb grouper Epinzphelus Morrhita Curve-banded grouper EpinrjJidus ytlouti Brown-backed grouper EpinqJudus xptatifasdatus Seven-bonded grouper Salaptia powelti Golden fish 96 16.1 103.S 13.9 1.1 Variola Until Lunar-tailed cod S 1.3 15.0 2.0 1.9 - Other /unidentified IS 3.0 31.3 4.2 1.7 Sub-fatal 124 20.S iso.s 20.2 1.2

CkmngtcW SptmbridM Caranx tgnobita Lowly trevaWy IteviUks, Jacks, tunw Caranxlugtibrij Black IrrWly 1 0.2 1.0 0.1 1.0 Striata dmerili AiDbcrjack Strialapi&puraiocns Amberjack SKfiatarri/o&ma Amberjack 3 0.5 14.5 1.9 4.8 Oytri/tasarda jmicoJor Dogtooth tuna Other /unidentified Sub-total 4 0.7 1S.5 2.1 3.9

Gempykfae PromxlhidilJtys promeikeus Snake mackerel 1 0.2 5.0 0.7 5.0 OUnsho, Snake mackerels RiaxUtts pntiosvs oaroh 1 0.2 l.S 0.2 1.5 Other /unidentified 1 0.2 20.0 2.7 20.0 Sub-tabd 3 0.5 26.5 3.S s.t

MtadUmcousbcHiy fished Sphyraenidac Bsmcudu Other bonyOsbev 76 12,8 83.8 11.2 1,1 Sub-lo(*l 76 12.8 S3.g 11.2 1.1

OugharhkildM Carcharhitwsaibewr^iKtiu.^ White-tip stunk Starts Carchariu/tvsembtyrhynriias Grcyxwftfittk Carcharttiiwmctanapterus Blmck-tip nb»xk Triaaiodon obeiui Reef white-tip ituuk Otivr AinidcntiltctJ 0,3 102^1 13,7 5L0 Sub-lotaJ 0.3 101.0 13.7 51.0

GnndTotah Bonvflsho 593 99.7 643.8 S6.3 1.1 Shorts 2 0.3 102.0 13.7 51.0 All species 595 100.0 745.8 100.0 1.3 70

Country/ Territory: Cook Islands Location: Palmerston Atoll Fishery status: JJnexploited Reference: Anon, (in press). Fishery resource survey of Palmerston Atoll, Cook Islands. South Pacific Commission, Inshore Fisheries Research Project, Technical Report.

Q Fishing sites Q 163°l(rW ___ I

Fishing dates: From 23 September 1988 To 1 October 1988

Fishing vessels: LOA Number Name Type (m) Engine of reels Aluminium dinghy 3.5 25 hp outboard 2

Fishing operations: No. of trips 5 No. of trips spent bottom fishing 5 Total hours at sea 20 Average hours at sea per trip 3.9 Total hours DB fishing 15 Average deep-bottom fishing hours per trip 2.9 Total reel-hours 29 Average reel-hours per trip 5.8 Total handtine hours Average handling hours per trip

Catch (kg): Total (all fishingmethods ) 136.4 Deep-bottom fishing 136.4 Deep-bottom catch (kg) Average per Average per Total trip red-hour All species 136.4 27.3 4.7 Excluding sharks Excluding sharks and locally unsaleable species

Comments: Boat name was not available 71 Species composition of the deep-bottom fishing catch

Numbs- »iute WdtfiL(kg) ttwtfeM Ar.wdght

Uiynkbe.Etdfaaa ApAarewJfcreanH GroyJDbGjh 1 2.0 0,fi 0.4 0.6 Dop-nter moppeti Gmanjobfiih Snall-too±jobBih Eliiis carbu/tarfiu Short.uuled icd upper 12 24.0 58.0 42.5 4.8 Eldis canaams Long-lijl mappa EleUsradsonu Pale sniper p.«>MrtWI*rt hlMtwtn" Siddlcd tUntiH Pristipamoidtx atnouua Flower .upper PristyxmoMtiauriallA Oald-tuledjabSih 4 8.0 3.8 2.8 1.0 Pristiptmaidesjtlamclttottu Roiyjobfith 1 2.0 2.1 1.5 2.1 PristqxmoiJuJlavipitwuf Yellow jobfuh Pristipomaidu rwltidens Pmple-clicdradjobfhli Pristipomaidej tattatui Banded flowersuppe r 16 32.0 21.7 15.9 1.4 Olfa&r/unUendficd Sub4oM 34 £8.0 »(.! C3.2 2.5

LufrntiK-Mhi*"* Luljanus orgattimncufatiu M*Dgrove jtclc Shalkw-waler flappers Lutjamu bohor Rad'hu-' Lftijaxus gibhui Paddlo-tail iMljama tamlm Bluc-linod snapper Ltfpniv rrvtlahwicus Malabar mapper Laitjofius monostigma Oxtt-tpotnutpper Littjatuts rufatineafus Rufnu Beaperch Other Auudcntificd

LdhrirtMu G^mn«T4ini'KJ>¥*onH7HJ Iodine bream En*perors Lethrinus chryscstomits Red-throat emperor Lethrimts kallapteriu Yella W'Bpotted. emperor Ltthrirats muuatus Long-nosed emperor Ltihrinus rtticuJatus Reticulated emperor Lctttrinta varicgatus Variegated emperor Waltsia maaambiai Larap-cyc bream Other/unidentifwd Sub-total

Stmnkhe Cepfialcpfiala awanth Orange rodc-cod Groupers Epinephdus arcototia AiDolaksd poupsr Epiruphelia chlarostigma Brown-spotted grouper Epinepfteha cameiae Snakes kin grouper Epinephelusfasdalus Rpjj-h*TifVjl ffrr^ipr-r EpirtcpfuJusftavaaurulcus PuipJt groupef EpinephfiMs magHiscuttis Speckled grouper Epinepfuha nilums Honeycomb grouper Epiruphelus marfuta Curvc'bnided grouper Epinephcius ntoutl Brown ^backed grouper Epinephelus scpttnfasdatus Seven-banded grouper Sakptiapowelli Golden Bin 3 6.0 3.2 23 1.1 Variola laud Lunar-tailed cod 1 2.0 2.1 1J 2.1 Other funifcnt'tfM 5 10.0 24.3 17,8 AS Sub-tntal 9 18,0 29.6 21.7 3.3

QnngldW SambrldM Coram igtlobUa Lowly travally Trev»llle«,>ckj, turn Caranxlugubris Black bevilly 1 2.0 1.6 1.2 1.6 Striata dwrili Anfcerjadi: Seriate pufpurasoens Seriate rivatkua Airfccrjadc 4 s.n 1S.0 13.2 4.5 Gymntnarda lovcelar Dogtooth tuna Olbcr /unidentified SuMotal 5 10.0 19.C 14.4 3.9

GonpylkbE PromtlhitMysprorrttlketv Snake martend Ollfljha, Snake mackerels AuvcIWi prcHona Olfiah Otha/utudentified Subtotal

MlKduuiaHUborfffblKS Sphyracnidae Barracuda! OuErbonyrulKi 2 4.0 1.0 0.7 0.S Sub-total 2 4.0 1.0 0.7 0.S

CkftiiarMiWae CanJ>37hmitidbimar$i»tius Whiic-L$? shirk Shirks CarchaHutva ambtyrkyncfios Greyiocfshark Carcharfwaa rnchtwpttrus Black-tip siiark Triatnodon obesia Roe r white-tip shark


GrandTotab Bony fishes so 100.0 1M.4 100.0 1.7 Sharks AU species so 100.0 I3*".4 100.0 2.7 73 FEDERATED STATES OFMICRONESIA The Federated States of Micronesia (FSM) extend over 2,250 km of ocean in an east-west orientation. There are four island groups, designated as States, that make up the FSM: Kosrae, Ponnpei, Truk and Yap. The total combined land area is approximately 700 km2 and is made up of atolls and small high islands. Besides the land masses there are a number of submerged banks and sea-mounts whose extent is not accurately known. SPC masterfishermen have carried out surveys in three of the four States (Kosrae, Truk and Yap) as well as a short deep-bottom fishing training course in Ponnpei. The results of regular deep slope fishing at Ponnpei and the nearby atolls of Ant and Pakin over a three-year period have been reported in detail by McCoy (1990). Fledgeling commercial fishing operations have been established in Pohnpei and Yap, targetting deep slope stocks for export. In Yap, however, restrictions on free access to fishery resources associated with the traditional system of reef tenure mean that most commercial fishing activities are now confined to catching pelagic stocks.

Kosrae State consists of a single small high island with a flingingree f and virtually no lagoon. The outer reef slope is precipitous, falling off to over 400 m within 800 m of the shore (Mead & Crossland, 1979). Average catch rates experienced during SPC surveys ranged from 3,1 to 10.6 kg/line-hr with an average of 6.9 kg/line-hr. About one-third of the catches from the Kosrae shelf area was eteline snappers, with a further 8 per cent of lutjanine snappers. The other major contribution to the catch came from carangid and scombrid fishes (36%), especially the trevallies Caranx ignobitis and C. lugubris.

Deep-slope stocks in Kosrae have been and remain unexploited. If commercial fishing is pursued, the CPUE at MSY should decline to around 3.5 kg/line-hr. The total length of the 100-fm contour at Kosrae is 25 n.mi, which allows unexploited biomass of deep-slope species to be estimated at 1.5 t/h.mi or 36.61 in total. The MSY from this biomass would lie between 3.7 and 11 t/yr. Yap State consists of the small high island of Yap proper, 100 km2 in area, and 17 associated atolls that collectively have a land area of 18 km2- The total length of the 100-fm isobath in Yap State is 364.2 n.mi, 326.7 n.mi of which are the atoll slopes. Two surveys have been made by the SPC of the deep slope stocks in Yap State, fishingaroun d Yap Island and Ngulu and Ulithi Atolls. Catch rates of deep slope fishes around Yap Island ranged from 4.6 to 5.0 kg/line-hr, with a mean of 4.8 kg/line-hr. The average CPUE at Ulithi Atoll was 14.4 kg/line-hr whilst at Ngulu Atoll catch rates ranged from 10.4 to 13.2 kg/line-hr with a mean of 11.8 kg/line-hr.

Eteline snappers formed almost 40 per cent of the landed weight of deep slope catches from around Yap proper, with other major contributions coming from the serranids (19.3%) and the carangids (21.9%). By contrast, eteline snappers made up only 1-6 per cent of catches at Ulithi and Ngulu Atolls: at each of these locations lutjanine snappers comprised 50 to 60 per cent of landings (mainly Lutjanus bohar and L. gibbus). In common with catches at Yap proper, carangids and scombrids made important contributions to catch weight at Ulithi and Ngulu, forming between 19 and 35 per cent of landings respectively. At all locations the carangid/ scombrid catch was dominated by Caranx lugubris,

Catch rates at MSY would be expected to decline to around 2.2 kg/line-hr around Yap proper and 5.9 kg/line-hr around the associated atolls. An empirical estimate of 529.91 unexploited biomass of deep slope fishes is estimated for Yap State. The MSY from this biomass is expected to lie between 53 and 159 t/yr. Deep slope stocks in Yap have been lightly exploited and most commercial fishing activity is directed towards pelagic species. Records for landings processed by Yap Fishing Authority show that of the 63.41 landed over 6 months from 1988 to 1989 only 6 per cent were demersal species (Yap Fishing Authority, unpublished data).

The State of Truk has a total land area of 127.4 km2 and is composed of the small high islands of Truk proper together with 14 outlying atolls. Most of the land area (80%) is formed by the islands of Truk proper, and these are surrounded by a submerged barrier reef. The total length of the 100-fm isobath in Truk State is 588.3 n.mi, of which 85 per cent is formed by the atoll slopes. 74 Two SPC surveys have been made of the deep slope stocks in Truk, around the outer edge of the Truk proper barrier reef, and at Ruo Island, part of Murilo Atoll in the Hall Islands to the north. Catch rates at Truk proper ranged from 5.0 to 5.9 kg/line-hr, with a mean of 5.5 kg/line-hr. At Ruo Island the average CPUE was 7.0 kg/line-hr.

Catches of eteline snappers at Truk proper comprised 12.5 per cent of the total landed weight with major contributions coming from sharks (27%), lutjanine snappers (26%) and carangids (20%). Only a small proportion of the catch at Ruo Atoll was eteline snappers. About 70 per cent of the landed weight of the catch was made up of sharks, with lesser contributions coming from carangids and scombrids (14%) and from, lutjanine snappers (8%). The lutjanine snapper component at Truk proper was dominated by the three species Lutjanus bohar, L. argentimaculatus and L. gibbus, and at Ruo Island by L. bohar. By far the most important species of the carangid/scombrid group at both locations was C. lugubris, which formed between 60 and 80 per cent by weight of this catch component.

Commercial fishing in Truk State is presently confined to pelagic fishes and shallow coastal reef fishes. The development of deep slope fisheries on the submerged outer banks of Truk State has been proposed, but little is known of the extent of these banks or the size of the resource. For the islands that comprise Truk State the CPUE of deep slope species might reasonably be expected to decline to between 2.8 and 3.5 kg/line-hr. An empirical estimate of the unexploited biomass for the component islands of Truk State is 567.81. At MSY the yield from this biomass would be expected to lie between 56.8 and 170.3 t/yr.

The State of Pohnpei consists of the small high island of Pohnpei and eight atolls having a combined total land area of 345.4 km2- Nearly 97 per cent of this land is on Pohnpei island, which is bordered by a barrier reef with a steeply descending outer slope. The 100-fm isobath in Pohnpei State extends for 355 n.mi, of which about 85 per cent is formed by atoll slopes. The SPC masterfishermen have not yet visited Pohnpei, except to conduct a short extension course in 1984, However, records of fishing on the deep slopes of Pohnpei and the two proximate atolls of Ant and Pakin carried out over a three-and-a-half-year period are summarised in detail by McCoy (1990). Most of the catch was taken on an electrically powered reel, although on occasion a wooden handreel was also employed.

The average catch rate for fishing on the deep slopes around Pohnpei Island and the two atolls ranged between 3.9 and 5.5 kg/line-hr, with a mean of 4.5 kg/line-hr. About 45 per cent of the catch was eteline snappers with other major contributions from the carangids/scombrids (17.8%), serranids (13.3%) and the lutjanine snappers (8.2%). Most of the eteline snapper catch comprised the gold-tailed job fish Pristipomoides auricilla and the banded flower snapper/1, zonatus, while Etelis spp. were only incidental catches. As with other locations in the FSM, most of the lutjanine snapper catch was made up of Lutjanus bohar and L. gibbus. Similarly, the carangid/scombrid catch was comprised mostly of C. lugubris.

A small commercial fishing industry commenced in Pohnpei during 1986, with average annual landings of 200 L In 1988 exploitation of the deep slope resources began, with catches offish made in depths of around 160 m. About half the catch during the first quarter of 1989 comprised lutjanine snappers, particularly Lutjanus argentimaculatus, which formed nearly 40 per cent of landings (Pohnpei Economic Development Authority, unpublished data). Precise information on catch rates from this commercial venture is not yet available. The CPUEs experienced by McCoy (1990) refer to unfished stocks around Pohnpei, Ant Atoll and Pakin Atoll. Based on these data, the catch rate at MSY would be expected to decline to around 2.3 kg/line-hr. The empirical estimate of unexploited biomass of Pohnpei State is 314.61, for which the annual MSY would lie between 31.5 and 94.4 t/yr. The estimated potential yield of deep slope species from the whole of the FSM probably lies between 145 and 434.7 t/yr. The average composition by percentage for the whole of the FSM deep slope catches is given in Table 2. About 20 per cent of catches were eteline snappers, with other major contributions from lutjanine snappers, carangids, scombrids and sharks. 75 McCoy (1990) concluded that the resource of eteline snappers in the FSM was not as extensive as in the Melanesian islands, but that there may be scope for small-scale fishingbase d on an export market. It should, however, be noted that the catch rates used in economic computations by McCoy were those from unexploited stocks and may be unrealistically high over the long term if the development of a fleet of commercial fishing vessels is considered. 76

Couni^/Territory: Federated Slates of Micronesia Location: South-west coast of Kosrae Island Fishery status: Unexploited Reference: Mead, P. and J. Grassland. 1979. Report on the Deep 5°18'N -\ Sea Fisheries Development Project in Kosrae (17 April-27 May 1979). South Pacific © O Commission, Noumea, New Caledonia, 12 pp. Q Pishing sites 162e54'E

Fishing dates: From 24 April 1979 To 24 May 1979

Fishing vessels: LOA Number Name Type (m) Engine of reels Monohull 4.3 15 hp petrol outboard 2

Fishing operations: No. of trips 20 No. of trips spent bottom fishing 20.0 Total hours at sea 141 Average hours at sea per trip 7.1 Total hours DB fishing 72 Average deep-bottom fishing hours per trip 3.6 Total reel-hours 144 Average reel-hours per trip 7.2 Total handline hours Average handline hours per trip

Catch (kg): Total (all fishing methods) 1,610.0 Deep-bottom fishing 1,533.0 Deep-bottom catch (kg) Average per Average per Total trip reel-hour All species 1,533.0 76.7 10.6 Excluding sharks 1,383.0 69.2 9.6 Excluding sharks and locally unsaleable species

Comments: Boat name was not recorded. 77 Species composition of the deep-bottom fishing catch

Nutter fensaaaar Weighty feaKaght Av.wtlcbt

LuUuilitae-EUkiK Aphonia fitrcalia Greyjobfish Jittp-vafar wmppaa Aprion vinicens Qreenjobush S 1.1 39.0 2.S 7.8 Aphama rirfi&uir Smill-toomjdbrish s 1.7 20.0 1.3 2.5 Eldis oarbunadui Short'talcd red upper 1 0.2 3.0 0.2 3.0 Eletii canacam Lonfl.uul surpper 8 1.7 76.0 5.0 9.5 Ettas radiojas Pule mumper Patuaunohisakarii Saddled fiiauior Pristipcmoidci arnotmu Flower snapper Priaipontada auricula Gold-tailodjbbGah 37 7.9 54.0 3.S 1.5 PrijlipottuHdajUxmeAtoiiu Rmyjohfrnh 30 10.7 201.0 13.1 4.S Prlst^KmoidtiJlavIpiHFUs Yellow jobfjah Pristipcmeuki mullidtHS Puiple-diMkcdjobnah Pristipanwuks leMlvz Banded flower supper IS 3.9 3S.0 2.3 1.9

Sub-total 127 27,2 428.0 27.9 3.4

Lul>mkhc.Lol>r»iM LuljaiiUT orgeiUiwttiJdluj Mangrove jack 15 3.2 98.0 6A 6.5 ShaDow-vratrr snapper* Zjdjoiiur bofcr Red ban 9 1.9 91.0 5.9 10.1 Lutjanus gibbui Paddle-tail 4 0.9 4.0 0.3 1.0 Lutfamu kasnara Blue-lined snapper 2 0.4 1.0 0.1 0.5 LutjcwiMsmalabaricus Malabar snappcr iMjaiau truMottigma Oras-apct snapper Lvljaiait rttfaKwatus Rufous seaporch 2 0.4 2.0 0.1 1.0 Otharyfaikasirifod Sub-tatal 32 6.9 iH.a 12.8 6.1

LethUdae Gytmocramus japoniau Iodine bream Jjanperors LeUtrinus chryiajtomsu Red-throat emperor 1 0.2 5.0 03 5.D Lethrimis kattapttrtu Yellow-spotted emperor Lttkrimismtiuaiwt I^ong-nosed emperor 5 1.1 24.0 1.6 4.8 Ltthriiws rrtkulaluj £*ffrlaur varitgatus VariegaCed emperor Waltna mossambica Large-eye htcam 12 2.6 37.0 2.4 3.1 Olber /uniientifiod Sub-fatal IS 3.9 ts.o 4.3 3.7

SerraradM Cephaltjpholw mwatuta Orange rock.God Groupers EpiMphebawvotiW Areohucd grouper Bpitwphthis dtlomstigma Brown-spaned grouper Epintpfieha camelae Snalgrslrin grouper Epirttptidusfojaatia Red-banded grouper Epinephtliaflavocacrulau Purple grouper EpinephdusmiffusatUis Speckled grouper Epincphtha nations Honeycomb grouper 37 7.9 31.0 , 2.0 0.8 Epiiuph&his rnanhiki Curve-banded grouper 2 0.4 H.0 0.7 S.5 Epirupheltu tttovti Brown-backed grouper Epiiupfttlui stpttntasdaiiu Seven-banded grouper Sateptut powdfi Golden fish Variola lout! LunaMauedcod 8 1.7 12.0 0.8 1.5 Other/unidentified 83 17.8 65.0 4.2 0.8 Sub-total 130 27.8 119.0 7.8 0.9

CarangkW SoombrMrK Catwixignobilis Lowly taevauy TreimlllH, Jacks, tunas CanuixlHgubris Black novally 62 13.3 238.0 15.5 3.8 Striata dumerili Ambcrjadc Scridtapurpttrascctu Aiiaujsck 7 1.5 120.0 7J! 17.1 Scrialarivotiana Amberjfcdt GynvKvarda uniaoJor Dogtooth tuna 2 04 32.0 2.1 lfi.0 Other/urudentiGed 71 15.2 44.0 2.9 0.6 Sub-total 142 30.4 434.0 28.3 3.1

Gernpyeilae Promtthidtftys promethcus Snake mackerel 6 1.3 7.0 0.5 1.2 Ollftsha, Snake mackerels RuveUtu prtliosus oafish 6 1.3 130.0 8.5 21.7 Other /unidontiikd Sub-total 12 2.6 137.0 8.9 11.4

Miscellaneous bony fishes Sphyrsenidae Barracudas 1 0.2 3.0 0.2 3.0 Other bony fishes Sub-fatal 1 0.2 3.0 0.2 3.0

QirdiirhMriBe CarcharhhetsaJbtnairginaliu White-tip shark Sharks CardiurhMus ambfyrityruAos Grey reef shark CarcharixiwtswIaHoptcnu Black-tip shark Trie atodon obems Reef whUe-up shark Other/unidentified 5 1.1 150.0 9.8 30.0 Sub-Wal 5 1.1 150.0 9.8 30.0

GnndTotac Bony fishes 4S2 98.9 1,383.0 90.2 3.0 Sharks 5 1.1 1S0.0 9.8 30.0 All species 467 100.0 1,533.0 100.0 3.3 78

Country/ Territory: . -' J ' . , - h ' Federated States of Micronesia Location: o Kosrae Island Oy^ ]© Fishery status: Unexploited Reference: o £ Kosrae r*xD o Moana, A. & P.Cusack (in press). Deep Sea Fisheries o^* Development Project. { ® S^SV - Report of second visit O { to Kosrae (6 June-15 / 0 December 1987). O ^- South Pacific ~'O N. Commission, © Noumea, New 0 0 Caledonia. Q Fishing sites 162°54'E 1 --

Fishing dates: Fran 18 June 1987 To 1 December 1987

Fishing vessels: »_. __ . ° LOA Number Name Type (m) Engine of reels Catamaran 7.5 25 hp petrol outboard 3

Fishing operations: No. of trips 41 No. of trips spent bottom fishing 41 Total hours at sea 411 Average hours at sea per trip 10.0 Total hours DB fishing 162 Average deep-bottom fishing hours per trip 3.9 Total reel-hours 461 Average reel-hours per trip 11.1 Total handline hours Average handline hours per trip

Catch(kg): Total (all fishing methods) 1,847.6 Deep-bottom fishing 1,557.8 Deep-bottom catch (kg) Average per Average per Total trip reeHiour All species 1,557.8 38.0 3.4 Excluding sharks 1,527.8 37.3 3.4 Excluding sharks and locally unsaleable species

Conunents: Vessel name was not recorded. 0 79 Species composition of the deep-bottom fishing catch

Number -* rumba- WeajhtOtg) •fcvnsuja' Av.wdght

|..ij—Hur-FttttlBf Apnoreiu furcaha Greyjobfish 17 1.4 5.8 0.4 03 Deea-*niernppers Aprion vinscens Green jobfisb 16 1.3 76.8 4.9 4.8 AphartsaniUans Smafl-toothjobfish SS 4.S 110.2 7,1 2.0 Ettiix carintnatlus Short-tailed red *VW* 3 0.2 10.7 D.7 3.6 Ettlu conaauu Lrng-taD snapper 35 2.9 149.0 9.6 4.3 EteUs radiants File supper Paracaesio haaJcarii Saddled rustler Prixtipomoidcs amaciua Flower snapper Pristipamoi&es auridUa Gold-taucdjobfuh 161 13.1 167.3 10.7 1.0 PrixtipamaidafHamcnlojus Rasyjobfish Priitipamaidaflavipirinis Yellow jobfish Pristipomoidcs nwltutuu Ruple-cbaelaKl jobfish 12 1.0 19.0 1.2 1.6 Pristipomoidei tonatuM Bended flower mapper 10 0.S 16.7 1.1 1.7 Other /lanaenttued 38 3.1 27.S 1.8 0.7 Sub-Mai 347 28.3 583.1 37.4 1.7

Ui^ldat-Lufjankiae Lutjanusargiftlimiadlativ Mangrove jack 4 0.3 8.6 0.6 2.2 SheVow-mbr mappera Lutjanusbahar Red lam 8 0.7 39.4 2.5 4.9 LutJMUs gibbm Paodfc-tail 4 0.3 2.9 0.2 0,7 [Mjtaaukaawra Bluc-laxsd snapper 24 Z.0 10.7 0.7 0.4 Lldjaniumalabariau Malabar snapper Lutjanux ntanajtigrra One-spot snapper 1 0.1 1.5 0.1 1.5 LutpHusridbSneatHi Rufous seapveb Other AmioWdifiad 3 0.2 2.8 0.2 0.9 Sub-Mai 44 3.6 «S.» 4.2 1.5

Lethfttdtt Gymtaxranius japonicw Iodine btcim Emperors Lethrinta ditysoxtonws Rod-ihnjBt emperor Lethrinas kallvpiGrus emperor Long-nosed 6 0.5 16.S 1.1 2.8 Letkrirma rzticulatui Rcdcul ated emperor Lciftri/uis varkgatus Variegated ennierar Waltsia moxsambica Large-eye bream Other /unidentified Sub-Mai 6 0.5 16.5 1.1 2.S

Serraonae Cepfialopholis awantia Orange rock-cod 23 1.9 8.1 0.5 0.4 Groupers Epinepfulusareolaba Arcolafcd grouper 2 0.2 1.6 0.1 0.8 Epmcphelus dtiorosligma Bruvm-gpoODd grouper Epiruphdus carrvttae Snaaealdn grouper EpiHiphelusftiscialus Red-banded grouper Epinxp/idiajJavacaendeJts Purple groupor Epinephelus magrismtiix Speckled grouper Epliuphtha miJJarif Honeycomb grouper EpinqjAehit merrAiM Curve-handed grouper 1 0,1 0.5 0.0 0.5 EpiittpfeUr KtMOi Brown-becked grouper Epinephelus septznt/asaalta Seven-banded grouper Salopliapowtlli Golden Ash Variola louti Lunir-uuled cod 17 1.4 9.7 0.6 0.6 Other /unidentified 145 11.8 93.5 6.0 0.6 Sub-toad 188 15.3 113.4 7.3 0.6

CanugdW Smrnbrldae Caraax ignobilis Lowly trevally 2 0.2 30.3 1.9 15.2 Trevalllea, Jacks, tunas Camnx lugitbris Black trevally 236 19.2 4720 30.3 2.0 Striata dumeriti Ainbcrjack Scrinlaiuifptt'astzns Arnberjeck IS 1.5 35.9 2.3 2.0 SeritJarrmuana Arnberjeck 1 0,1 0.8 0.1 0.S Gymtwsarda iuiicolor Dogtooth tuna 1 0,1 8.0 0.5 8.0 Other/unidentified Sub-lotal 258 21.0 547.0 35.1 2.1 fiemnjUuM Pronittiuchtkyxprorwihtus Snake mackerel 53 4.3 73.0 4,7 1.4 OLHuhes, Snake nutckereb Jtwctlus preliosks oaf»h 1 0.1 11.8 0.8 11.8 Other /unidentified Sub-Ma! 54 4.4 (4.8 5.4 1.6

Miscellaneous bony fishes Sphyraenidae Barracudas 8 0.7 43.8 2.8 5 J Other bony fishes 320 26.1 73.3 4,7 0.2 Sub-Mai 328 26.8 117.1 7.5 0.4

CardtarhMdae CardiarhinusalbmargiHilus White-tip shark Stark) CarchaHwaaambiyrhymJios Grey reef shark Carcharhiruumclanoptcnti Black-tip shirk Triatnadon obexus Reef white-tip shark Other/urudenlified 1 0,1 30,0 1,9 30.0 Sub-Mai 1 0.1 30.0 1.9 30.0

Grand To&fc Bony fisher 1,225 99.9 1,527.8 98.1 1.2 Sharks 1 0.1 30.0 1.9 30.0 All species 1,226 100.0 1,557.8 100.0 1.3 80

Country/ Territory: Federated Staes of Micronesia Location: Pohnpei Island, and Pakin and Ant Atolls. Pakin Atoll Fishery status: Lightly exploited o , Reference: McCoy, M. 1990. Report on operation of FV Kimeji, Pohnpei, Federated O l--.^. States of Micronesia, — 6°50'N 1983-1986. South Pacific Commission Fisheries Newsletter 45,24-36. Q Fishing sites 158°10'E

Fishing dates: From 1 July 1983 To 1 September 1986

Fishing vessels: ^ ^^ Name Type (m) Engine ofreels Kimeji Monohull 8.5 30hpdiesel 1

Fishing operations: No. of trips 122 No. of trips spent bottom fishing 122 Total hours at sea Average hours at sea per trip Total hours DB fishing Average deep-bottom fishing hours per trip Total reel-hours 471 Average reel-hours per trip 3.9 Total handline hours Average handline hours per trip

Catch (kg): Total (afl fishing methods) 5,658.0 Deep-bottom fishing 2,219.9 Deep-bottom catch (kg) Average per Average per Total trip reel-hour All species 2,219.9 18.2 4.7 Excluding sharks Excluding sharks and locally unsaleable species

Comments: 81 Species composition of the deep-bottom fishing catch

Ninhr *iunhtr Wd#il

Lu(JinklM - Etdlac AphareiufitraaJus Greyjobfiah 11 0.6 19.6 0.9 1.8 Dcep-mter anippet* Aprioti vinxDuu GnenjobfUb Aphonia rtfilatv Small-tooth jobfiah 9 0.5 17.1 0.8 1.9 Eteiii cprbmailw Short-tailed rodmappe r 4 0.2 7.4 0.3 1.9 Efelir ooruscans Long-tail anappBr 4 0.2 12.2 OS 3.1 EteUsKuHosia Pale snapper Paracoesiolauakini Saddled nuttier Prislipomoidds amotnus Flower snapper Prislqtomoideiauncnta Gold-tiikxijoblish 388 21.8 468.6 21.1 1.2 PruiipomoidesjUamtntonu Rosyjobfiah PrisiipatuiidaJJavipiratif Yellow jobfuh 9 0.5 41.8 1.9 4.6 friaipcmmdei muM&Ar Puiplo-chooandjobfisli Prtttipomotdcs jatatvs Banded flowermappe r 174 9.8 215.9 9.7 1.2 Other Ainidentificd 12 0.7 8.6 0.4 0.7 Sub-fob! ai 34.3 7M.2 35.6 1.3

U^prJdse-Lulhntar [jHtjnnwf nrgf tttitmnilnttiT Mangrovo jack ShaUonMcsCef anappera Lu^atatsbohar Red but 22 1.2 80.9 3.6 3.7 £jUjaniu ffbbia Paddle-tail 72 4.0 68.2 3.1 0.9 Luljtmu hanxra Blue-lmed snipper LuijaKuimeiabanaa Malabar supper Lxljanits monojtigma One-mot snapper 14 0.8 28.2 1.3 2.0 Ruftaia ftegpscb Otfao/imidcnliCtid Sub-Mai IDS CI 177.3 8.0 l.C

LdhrHdae GywaxraitiufjaptMikitr Iodine bieum En^uron Lethnnus dtryjtagtomiu Red-throat emperor Lethrimu kalloptams Yollow-spotfcd mnparor Ltthrinus minialus Long-nosed ompGror Lethrirau redcuhtia Reticulated emperor LcthrirtusvaricgaUa Viricgitedcinpstoc WaStsia mossambka QlhfT ftwi*ifVr>rifirtd 73 4.1 135.9 6,1 1.9 Sub-Mil 73 4.1 135.9 6.1 1.9

Sfernn&dM Cepkalapholls aumnlia Orange rock-cod Groupers Epatephehaareofatus Arcolitod grouper Epinephclvs chlarostigma Brown-spotted grouper Epiruphtlus cometae SralroiVm grouper Epinephcliafaxcutius Red-banded grouper Epinephelusftavocaendaa Purple grouper Epinephehu magidsattth Speckled grouper Epinephdus ndliaris Honeycomb grouper Epineptwlus merrhm Curve-banded grouper Epineptwhis rttotfti Brown-bncked grouper Epituphclia xptcrrtfajtaalw Seven-bunded grouper Saiopda powetli Golden fish Variola huti Lunu-Uilcd cod 15 Q.S 16.4 0,7 1,1 Other yunidcntiGcd 182 10.2 270.4 12,2 1.5 Sub-total 1»7 11.1 28ti* 12.9 1.5

CfcnngloW SbwibrMae Camnx ignobHu Lowly trevally Trenllks, Jacks, tuuu Caranx tugubris Black trevally 95 S3 6.4 1.5 Striob diBtcrUi Ambcrjack Seriolapurpurastxru Amherjack Striata moHana Ambcrjack 6 0.3 37.3 1.7 6.2 Gynwisarda luuailar Dogtooth tuna Other/unidentified 37 2.1 205.0 9.2 5.5 Sub-Mai in 7.7 384.1 17.3 2.8

Ganpytdac PrcnvthichikyspmMriieus Snake madcetct 1 0.1 l.S 0.1 1.8 Ollffabes, Snake mackfrch RwcttusprctiQSKS onc»h 2 0.1 36.4 1.6 18.2 Otncr/uiudenlilied Sub-Mai 3 0.2 38.2 1.7 12.7

MlKeUaneous bony fishes Sphyraenidac Barracuda* Other bmy Gates 6S2 36.G 406.4 18.3 0.6 Sub-Iota! 652 36.6 4*6.4 18.3 0.6

CuvtarltfctidK CanJtarfwau albirnarginaiuf Whii^lip*h»uk S*rto Carcharjunm amblyrhynckoj Grey recFahai i CarvharftiffMimrkiticptettlS &UcJe-tip shade Triaenodon obesta Reef whit-lip Bbark Ouv^/uiiideiiliXwd Sub-lot-J

GnmdTotal Bonylbhcs 1,782 100.0 2,219.9 100.0 1.2 Sharks All species 1,782 100.0 2,219.9 100.0 1.2 82

Country/ Territory: Federated States of Micronesia Location:

Truk lagoon and 7°3074 — Kuop Atoll, Truk State Fishery status: Unexploited Reference: Taumaia, P. & J. Crossland. 1980b. Report on the South Pacific Commission Deep Sea Fisheries Development Project inTrukflFeb- Kuop Atoll ruary-31 March 1980). South Pacific Commission, Q Fishing sites Noumea, New Caledonia, 15 pp. v>

Fishing dates: From 6 February 1980 To 28 March 1980

Fishing vessels: LOA Number Name Type (m) Engine of reels Toku Monohull 10.8 210 hp diesel inboard 3

Fishing operations: No. of trips 11 No. of trips spent bottom fishing 11 Total hours at sea 288 Average hours at sea per trip 26.2 Total hours DB fishing 172 Average deep-bottom fishing hours per trip 15.6 Total reel-hours 516 Average reel-hours per trip 46.4 Total handline hours Average handline hours per trip

Catch (kg): Total (all fishing methods) 3,052.0 Deep-bottom fishing 3,051.0 Deep-bottom catch (kg) Average per Average per Total trip reel-hour All species 3,051.0 277.4 6.0 Excluding sharks 2,117.0 192.5 4.1 Excluding sharks and locally unsaleable species

Comments: 83 Species composition of the deep-bottom fishing catch

Number % number Weight (kg) 5fe weight Av. weight

LmjinldM-ELdhse Aphartitsjuraaluj Greyjobfiih Dreamier arappen Aprion vinscau Oflccnjabfuh 11 1.1 31.0 1.0 2.8 Apfiareuirutikitis SmtJl-ttxnl] joWuh 3B 4.0 117.0 3.8 3.1 EteJix auhunodux Shwt-tailBd nut •upper 8 0.8 54.0 1.8 6.8 EteJis txrttactua Long-tail supper 8 D.8 31.0 1.0 3.9 Etelismdiaiiu Palo mipper Paracatso fatsaJcarii Siddlcd fitnlrr Pristipcmoiiks amociaa Flo wor Prixtipamoidesauridlia Gold-tailed jobfish 20 2.1 15.0 0.5 0.8 Pristipemoidtsfilamcntoiia Rosy jobfish 11 1.1 33.0 1.1 3.0 Priitipcntoiduflmripiiuiis Yellow jobfish 7 0.7 26.0 0.9 3.7 Pristipatuiidei mufrUuu Purple-cheeked jobbsh PYistiponu&k s vwilux Banded flower soa|]per 48 5.0 56.0 1.8 1.2 Ollw/unidentified 1 0.1 2.0 0.1 2.0 Subtotal 152 15.8 MS.G 12.3 1.4

Lut^rudae-Luthntaae anlailf¥laiahL, Mangrove jsck 197 30.5 663.0 21.7 3.4 ShaBow-wftter snappers Lvtfarua injur Red bass 111 11.6 321.0 10.5 2.9 Lusjanvs glbbus Paddle-tail 103 10.7 71.0 2.3 0.7 Lutfaruvliawrura Blue-laud snapper. Malabar mapper Jjdjatms moHarn/ptu Ou>spot snapper Luljaiuis r^bUneatia Rufous aeaperch Otrjer/Lmsamtiued 5 0.5 3.0 0.1 0.6 Sub-tola] 41C 43.3 1,058.0 34.7 2.5

UhrMdae Gymnocromus faxxiaa Iodine bream finpenn Lelhrinia chryiottomus Rod-threat emperor LeAriniv Itallaptenu Yellow-spotted emperor 20 2.1 26.0 0.9 1.3 LeArimu tHuuatia Long-noted emperor 21 2.2 35.0 1.1 1.7 Lelhriraa wliatktiiu Reticulated emperor 12 1.3 14.0 0.5 1.2 LethrifaWfriegAtlts Viriegated taopttrcr IS 1J6 13.0 0.4 0:9 WattBarjKOiambka Large-eye bieiim 4 0.4 8.0 0.3 2.0 Other AinideDlifBd 2 0.2 4.0 0.1 2.0 Sub-fatal 74 7.7 100.0 3.3 1.4

Serranktte Centafanftaiu ajrunfu Orange rock-ood 2 0.2 1.0 0.0 o.s Groupers Epmepttelks artatahu ArcolaBMl grouper 18 1.9 13.0 0.4 0.7 Epintphitus dtlorostigma Brown-spotted grouper Epinephehu cormiae Sruuxaldn grouper EpiiKjAclHsjasdatidi Red-b*ftded grouper EpinephelusjJavooacniJeus Purple grouper 7 0.7 13.0 0.4 1,9 Epmephcbumagmiamis Speeded grouper Epineph^his miliaru Hnneycorob gniupEr 22 2.3 23.0 0.8 1.0 Epituphelusmorrtwa Curvc-bandcd grouper 2 0.2 4.0 0.1 2.0 £pin£p/tclux ntoHti Brown-backed grouper EpinepMclia septenflasdalus Seven-banded grouper SaJopaapawelJi Golden fish Variola touti Lanartailed ood 1 0.1 2.0 0.1 2.0 Other/uradentified 7 0.7 11.0 0.4 1.6 SutvMs] 59 «.l «7.0 2.2 1.1

CarangUW&ranJirtW Caitmx ig/mhilb Lowly trevally Trevntlks, Jacks, tunas Camtixtufjubris Black trevally 111 11.6 379.0 12.4 3.4 Striata dufmrUi Amherjack SerioJapurpurasoens Ambcrjsck Striata rivoKana Amberjack 6 0.6 21.0 0.7 3.5 Gynvtosarda wucolor Dogtooth tuna Other /urjidentiiied 4 0.4 7.0 0.2 1.8 Sub-lota] 111 407.0 13.3 3.4

GempyMac PromtlhichikfS prvmethetu Snake mackerel 3 0.3 33.0 1.1 11.0 Ollfhhcs, Snakt mackerel] RMVMUS pnttosia Oilfish / OthcrAinidentilied 62 6.5 79.0 2.6 13 Sub-Hal 65 fi.8 112.0 3.7 1.7

Miscellaneous bony Ashes Sphyrsenldae Barracudai Other bony usbes 0.7 8.0 0.3 1.1 Sub-tola] 0.7 8.0 0.3 1.1

CardwhHdW CarchaThinujolbiniorgirBliu White-tip shark Sharks Carcharhiniti ambfyrhyndtos GTcyrccrshsrk 63 6.6 826.0 27.1 13.1 Carchorti4iuiimckuuip(erKS Black-tip shirk Triaeaodon obesiu Reef while-tip shark CKher/unidcntiGcd 3 0.3 108.0 3.5 36.0 Sub-total 66 6.9 934.0 30.« 14.2

Bony fishes 894 93,1 2,117.0 69.4 2.4 Sharks 66 «.9 934.0 14.2 All species 96B 100.0 3,051.0 100.0 3.2 84

Country/ Territory: O ft I Federated States ofMicronesia ( ">? Location: °\ \o Truk lagoon, Truk o/ \ State Q -J Trok lagoon \ 7°30'N — Fishery status: o .—s Uncxploited ^ ^ 0 Reference: Chapman, L.B. (in o^-^ Q V press). Deep Sea 0 Fisheries Development Project. Report on the second \ Q o1^^A/ visit to Truk State, Federated States of Micronesia (24 °r\r»i \ Ruop Atoll May-21 October 1988). South Pacific v\ \\ Commission, 0 Fishing sites Noumea, New Caledonia. \>

Fishing dates: From 6 June 1988 To 16 August 1988 30 August 1988 27 September 1988 Fishing vessels: LQA ^^ Name Type (m) Engine of reels Esinou Monohull 11.0 60 hp diesel inboard 4

Fishing operations: No. of trips 25 No. of trips spent bottom fishing 25 Total hours at sea 582 Average hoars at sea per trip 23.3 Total hours DB fishing 235 Average deep-bottom fishing hours per trip 9.4 Total reel-hours 891 Average reel-hours per trip 35.6 Total handline hours Average handline hours per trip

Catch (kg): Total (all fishingmethods ) 4,532.3 Deep-bottom fishing 4,434.7 Deep-bottom catch (kg) Average per Average per Total trip reel-hour All species 4,434.7 177.4 5.0 Excluding sharks 3,429.2 137.2 3.9 Excluding sharks and locally 3,425.3 137.0 3.8 unsaleable species

Comments: 85 Species composition of the deep-bottom fishing catch

Numbs- *nnfar Wekdit(l[«) %wi>*M Av. weight

LuU«iUK-B-tu! 107 S.1 74.0 1.7 0,7 Blue-land snapper 5 0.2 0.9 0.0 0,2 Malabar snapper Liajamu monoatigma One-spot snapper 2 0.1 1.2 0.0 0.6 Luljamu ntfoHneana Rufous seaperch Other AKitfentifiod 3 0.1 1.9 0.0 0.6 Sub-total 322 15.4 699.9 IS.* 2.2

LdhrHdac Gymiuxraniits japoniats Iodine bream En^Mrori LeUirinus dtrysastanuu Red-raraat emperor Ltlhtinas kaSloptetia YcUow-spoted empemr 28 1.3 39.5 0.9 1.4 Ltlhtiiaa MMUd/us LAng-nosed emperor 39 1.9 62.0 1.4 1.6 Rcticulited emporor Variegated empenr Waltiia mowambica Large-eye beam 11 0.5 16.4 0.4 1.5 Other ^Inkfentilucd 239 11-4 215.6 4.9 0.9 Sli^total 317 15.1 333.5 7.5 1.1

SeiraMu Ctpkalqphoiis aimantia Orange rock-cod GtDUjpcra Epintpttehmmoiatus Areolifci grouper Eptncptuitwt iMtirtjjttigFtki Bmwp-*p«tad grouper Bpitvphcha cajatat Subkaikin grouper Epimphtluxfwciaius Re4-b«Hfcd grouper Epinephelusffavocaemicus Puipb grouper 23 1.1 47.5 1.1 2.1 Epmephehts magiuiaittis SpccUcd grouper Epinephclxs miKarii Honoyconib grouper 8D 3.8 7S.7 l.B 1.0 Epintpfuhismarriuia Curve-b*nded grouper 6 0.3 14.9 0.3 2.5 Epirupfurlus Moult Bniwn-bkckod grouper 3 0.1 3.3 0.1 1.1 Epinephelus stptcrrfaicialia Sovon-tundcd gpouper 1 D.O 81.0 1.8 81.0 Stdcptta powetfi Goldsnfish 2 0.1 2.1 D.O 1.1 Variola hntti Lunai-tailcd cod 36 1.7 33.5 0.8 0.9 QlrTfir/imHunlifiwI 302 14.4 219.0 4.9 0.7 Sub-total 453 21.6 480.0 10.8 1.1

Caringldaa' SoombrMK Conuuc iffujbiia Lowly trevally Tnvaula, Jacks, tunas Catanx lugubrii Black trevally 360 17.2 912.5 20.6 2.5 Setiala dmurili Amberjack Seriotapwjmrvxcits Amberjack. SmolarivotiaKt Amberjack 60 2.9 1215 2.8 2.0 Gymnosarda umcolor Dogtooth bina Other /unidentified 20 1.0 111.3 2.5 5.6 Sub-total 440 21.0 1,146.3 25.8 1.6

GortpyldHt Pramcthicftfkys promeihtUs Snake mackerel 1 0.0 0.4 0.0 0.4 Oltflsr^Snakemackereb Ruvtiius prttioMUS O0£bb 8 0.4 117,5 2.6 14.7 Otbo" /imidctuifjod Subtotal 9 0.4 117.9 2.7 13.1

Mlarxllaneousbcirrf fishes Sphyraenidie Barracudas 17 0.8 30.2 0.7 1.8 Other bony fishes 40 1.9 47.0 1.1 1.2 Sub-total 57 2.7 77.2 1.7 1.4

CarcharhWdat C&diarhitaaaJbmarginaltv While-tip shade 39 1.9 186.5 4.2 4.8 Starts Corchoifuwts ambtyrhyru&os Grey reef shark 90 4.3 815.0 18.4 9.1 CarcharkmusmclanaptcnB BUdc-up aba* 7>wria4oji abenu Reef white-tip shark Other/wudBntified 1 0.0 4.0 0.1 4.0 Sub-total 130 «.2 1,005.5 12.7 7.7

Grand Tots! Bony fishes 1,966 93.* 3,429.2 77.3 1.7 Sharks 130 6.2 1,005.5 22.7 7.7 AUspttfes 2,0!« 100.0 4,434.7 100.0 2.1 86

Country/ Territory: Federated States of Micronesia Location: Q Fishing sites 0 Ruo Islands, Truk State Fishery status: b Unexplored /70 Reference: Ruo Islands ,// Chapman, L.B. (in press). Deep Sea Fisheries 8°30'N — Development Project. Report on the second visit to Truk State, Federated States of Micronesia (24 May-21 October 1988). South Pacific L52°E Commission, Noumea, New 1 Caledonia.

Fishing dates: From 18 August 1988 To 24 August 1988

Fishing vessels: LOA Number Name Type (m) Engine of reels Esinou Monohull 11.0 60 hp diesel inboard 4

Fishing operations: No. of trips 4 No. of trips spent bottom fishing 4 Total hours at sea 75 Average hours at sea per trip 18.6 Total hours DB fishing 22 Average deep-bottom fishing hours per trip 5.4 Total reel-hours 86 Average reel-hours per trip 21.5 Total handline hours Average handline hours per trip

Catch (kg): Total (all fishing methods) 624.4 Deep-bottom fishing 597.7 Deep-bottom catch (kg) Average per Average per Total trip reel-hour All species 597.7 149.4 7.0 Excluding sharks 449.7 112.4 5.2 Excluding sharks and locally 448.7 112.2 5.2 unsaleable species

Comments: 87 Species compositicn of the deep-bottom fishing catch

Nttniw %ana*r WflfitQifO »a4|U ^.weight

LurJanld**-H*lt»B Apttareta fiircalia Grcyjobfiih 1 0.4 0.3 0.1 0.3 Deep-nter snappera Aprian yinttxnj Groenjobfiah 2 0.8 5.0 0.8 2.S Aphonia rjriLuir Small-tooth jobOih 3 1.3 7.3 1.2 2.4 Etelis atfineuxJia Shnt-iafledred soappar I 04 1.4 0.2 1A Etelis aonuava Long-tail snapper EicEs radiants Pale snapper PonuxaanD hoakaru Saddled fusilier Pristipanu^dtt artuxmu Flower snapper Prijtlpanmdeiavndila Gctd-UiledjobGsh 7 3.0 3.4 0.6 0.S PruttpamoUfsJilamtHlaius Ronyjobfish PrlatSpcmoidaJlmtipititus Yellow jobfish PriitlpcrHouitj rwdtidcnj Purple-cheeked jobfish Pristiponavlti xcmatus Bawk^ flower snapper IS 6.3 15.2 2.5 1.0 Other/unidentified Sub-Mai 29 12.1 31.6 S.5 1.1

Uu>nldae.Lul|ir>W ru^n.ijpjqijMiirfmnfTjJ^ftip Mangrove jack 1 0.4 7.0 1.2 7.0 Sh&lkM^ater snappers Zjujaniubafea- Red baas 33 13.9 10S.3 17.6 3.2 LxTjonurgibJuu Paddle-tail 4 1.7 1.3 0.2 0.3 Ltitjajuu kannira Blue-lmed snapper [Mjataaifuhbarictu Malabar snapper LulJMusmoliosti'gnu Oiie-spct snapper Littjanus rufoKiualux Rufoui seaperch Other AnudcntifiHi Sub-total 38 16.0 113.6 19.0 3.0

LdhHdae Gymuxraluvs japoniais Iodine breun EJI^MTITI Lelkriniu chryaostottuu Red-throat omperor LtAriiua tvllnpttrm YeUDW-spatled empuor e 2.S 8.6 1.4 1.4 Lilhrinw nuHlatus Long-nceed emperor 5 2.1 13.0 2.2 2.6 Lelhnnus rtticidatiu Reticulated emperor Ltthrirua varkgatus Variegated emperca- Watlsitt maSMH&ica Large-eye t»am Otbrr/unidentified 34 14.3 35.8 6.0 1.1 Sub-total 45 19.0 57.4 9.6 1.3 .. . SerrnedB* Ccpfialaptiolu oiaunna Orange rock-cod Groupers Epiritphilusareolaittj ArerJatsd grouper Eptttephelvs cAioftttrignu Brown-spottsd grouper EpihephclHj c&ntlac Snakcskin grouper Epxhephtliafaiaatia Rcd-binded grouper Eptruphehuflayocacrvlaa Purple grouper 1 0.4 2.5 0.4 2.5 Epinephchis MagraxatUis Speckled grouper EpwpMelux miliaria Honeycomb grouper EpitupktJu3 nuwrhua Curve-banded grouper 2 0.8 2.4 0.4 1.2 Epihephthu retouti Browii'htrJced grouper 2 0.8 1.3 0.2 0.7 EpiHephtlusxpttntfasdatus 5cven-bendod grouper £olqpdd powclii Golden fish 1 0.4 1.2 0.2 1.2 Varialxlouti Lumr-UDcd cad 23 9.7 20.2 3.4 0.9 Other /unidentified 10 4.2 10.4 1.7 1.0 Sub-toM 39 16.5 31.0 6.4 1.0

CfciwsjaiWSrainbridae Ctvanxtg/K&ilis Lewly toevally Trovllta, Jacks, IWUB Catwa titgnbnt Black tevsBy 59 24.9 122.0 20.4 2.1 Seriota dimcriii Arnbcrjsck Seriotapurpurasans Amberjack 5 2.1 5.5 0.9 1.1 Scriclarnvliana Arnberjack 2 0.8 63.4 10.6 31.7 Gytnnosarda vnicolar Dogtooth nine Other /unidentiGed 3 1.3 16.2 2.7 SA Sub-total 69 29.1 107.1 34.6 3.0

Gempyldu Prt3methidKkys pramelfieus Snake mackerel OlhTjlMS, Snakemacktrefci Rmcttiuprtdona Oafish Other ^unidentified Sub-total

Miscellaneous born; fishes Spuyraeoidae Barracuda* Other bony Dahra 1 0.4 1.0 0.2 1.0 Sub-total 1 0.4 1.0 0.2 1.0

Cbrdnrttadae CardvuiaKusalbmKirginalia White-up shirk 1 0.4 12,0 2.0 12.0 Sharks CarrtorhimisamblythyruJtoj Grey reef shark IS 6.3 136.0 22.8 9.1 Carct*a/jtlniumcIaiKpte*vs Black-tip shark Triaenodon obesux Reef whifc-lip abark Other /rmiifrmtifad1 Subtotal 16 £.8 148.0 24.8 9.3

GrandTWufc Bonyflsbes 211 93.2 449.7 75.2 2.0 Starts W 6.8 14S.0 24.8 JU All species 237 io«.o S97.7 100.0 2.5 88

Country/ Territory: Federated States of Micronesia 138°04' E Location: Yap proper

Fishery status: 9°54*N — Lightly exploited Reference: Mead, P. and J. Grassland. 1980. Report on the South Pacific Commission Deep Sea Fisheries Development Project in Yap District (Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands) (25 September 1978-29 March 1979). South Pacific Commission, © Fishing sites Noumea, New Caledonia, 29 pp.

Fishing dates: From 3 October 1978 To 17 November 1979 26 January 1979 21 February 1979 Fishing vessels: LOA Number Name Type (m) Engine of reels B2 Monohull 7.0 72 hp diesel inboard 2 Monohull 8.0 2 x 22 hp diesel 2

Fishing operations: No. of trips 15 No. of trips spent bottom fishing 15 Total hours at sea 175 Average hours at sea per trip 11.7 Total hours DB fishing 113 Average deep-bottom fishing hours per trip 7.5 Total reel-hours 90 Average reel-hours per trip 6.0 Total handline hours Average handline hours per trip

Catch (kg): Total (afl fishing methods) 790.0 Deep-bottom fishing 414.0 Deep-bottom catch (kg) Average per Average per Total trip reeUtour All species Excluding sharks 414.0 27.6 4.6 Excluding sharks and locally unsaleable species

Comments: One boat name was not recorded 89 Species composition of the deep-bottom fishing catch

Nunhtr ftnukr Wdafttfttf %«efc)* A ..Wright

IjirjuiUae-Etdkat ^phmriv/kticariu Qreyjobfuui neap-wier •nppert Apn'oftvfwaw QfeenjahGab 1 0.8 10.0 2.4 10.0 4pfcu%iunt'i&uif SnuO-lDtxlljobEdl Z 1.6 6.0 1.4 3.0 fleKs oarfafiatfMf Short-tailed nd rrFff ID 7.9 55.0 n.3 5.5 £telv cariuoiu LcMig-tiil fentpper £to&J radiana Pale mapper Paracaeno huakarii Saddled fuauier PriittpaiujUes amaeiuu Flower snapper Prutfamo&UlQundib Gold-tailndjobfiltl s 7.1 10.0 2.4 1.1 PrittipcmoidtiJfomeHtaXMs RoayjabGeh 4 3.1 9.0 2-2 2.3 PritdpaHoida flmiptiuu* Yellow joWsi Prittipcmeudu multidcnr Purfae-dawlredjobfish Prulipanuidtt iMBtiu Banded flowwaiappBX 10 7.9 14.0 3.4 1.4 Otlax AinukmiBed Sub4nl 36 28.3 104.4 2S.I 1.9

U4fc«l6ae-Liit*nfaK Lutjama argm&naailattu Mangrove jtck 2 1.6 12.0 2.9 6.0 Shalknr-mttr snappers Lutjanusbohar Red bus 9 7.1 43.0 104 4.8 Luijbfiui ffbbiu PaddkMail 1 O.B 1.0 0.2 1.0 Luljatau Inn Bluc-lmed mapper Malabar anapper fjtfjoruu mcrNtfP*jma One-spot mapper Rufous seapcrch Other /unkteutifiBd Subtotal 12 9.4 5CJ> 13.S 4.7

LetfarUdai Gyrmoeranius Japomau Iodine bteani 2 1.6 3.0 0.7 1.3 Eirrperon Letkrinta cfcryjosfcrnuu Rod-lhtoat errexror 5 3.9 3.0 1.2 1.0 Lxtkriiuu ittiiapttna Yellow-apqtted eiiaaaw Lettniiuu miuoJur Long-nosed emperor 4 3.1 6.0 1.4 1.5 Lethrimu reu'euJofiu Reticulated emperor LtAruvuvariegatia Vanogated emperor Waffjid majjatfrfrias Large-eye lauaui Other ytanJranifkd Sub-toad 11 «.7 14.0 3.4 1.3

SemntdK Ccplialcpholia awanlfa Onngc rock-cod Groupers EpinepfielusareotatUS AnoUfcd gtemper EfAntpluIus ddarostigma Brawn-qnUcd grouper Epintpkthiscamttat Suikoflldii grouper EpiiupMelusfasdaius Red-buidDd grouper EpinepttetujfJcnK»caerultia Piuplc groupcf Epinephchtf ntagmstxttit Spoclded (pauper JtpinephtUs miKorij Hoaeycomh grouper Epifupftehtimorrhw. CBrw-bmdcd grouper Epinxphthu rcloati Brown-fandcud grouper Eptnepfteluj scptarfaseiiius Scrvcn-trndod grouper SahptiapmttUi Golden fUh Variola loud Lumr-tiilfid cod 2 1,6 4.0 1.0 2.0 Oabv/untdontlllBd 13 10.2 106.0 25.6 8.2 Sub-fate. IS 11.8 U0.0 2fi,6 7-3

OiiM^dae'Soonjbrtdae CanvuipuibiUs Lowly utvally Travail Its, Jacks, tunas Canvulugubris Black tnrtratty 21 16.5 60.0 14.5 2.9 Serialadunierili Andnjadc Striata pvfumsatv Amberjadc 5 3.9 24.0 5.8 4.8 StrictamaGaia Amberjack Gynmtaarda uiuoolor Dogtooth tuna OnW/iiiuoVnuTted 24 18.9 25.0 6.0 1.0 Sub-total 5ft 39.4 109.0 2«.3 2.2

Genpvldee PrumeUuctoltyiproHietiKW Snake mackerel OUnshea, Snake mackerels Ruuetlia preliosia Oafish 2 1.6 20.0 4.8 10.D Olhcr/iuudcnliijcd SuWouil 2 l.< 20.0 4.8 10.0

MIscetaKHU bony fishes Sphyraenidic Barracudu 1 0.8 1.0 0.2 1.0 Other bony Bsh» Subtotal 1 0.* 1.0 0.2 l.«

ChnMtthe Caxcharhiiws albimargintfus Whuo-tip shark Shuta Caxchariutt*S ambtyrhyncfwie Grey reefullftr t Ca*chaHiWiMmctaxoi*tnu BUck-tip italic Triaenodon abesta RMF wbi to-tip *tiirk Other/unldcnliGGd Sub-fatal

GmndTcrat Bonyflstlcl 127 1*0.0 414.0 100.0 3.3 Shmriu AUipeclei 127 1M.0 414.0 100.0 3.3 90

•;• ;•. ; : • Country/Territory: Federated States of Micronesia Location: Q Fishing sites Ngulu Atoll, Yap o °.^*' %••'¥ Fishery status: ••••* S Unexploited °Ir^ & Reference: Mead, P. and J. t Grassland. 1980. A 137°25'E — Report on the South A Ngulu Atoll •J Pacific Commission \ i\ Deep Sea Fisheries V I Development Project *-D A , \ in Yap District (Trust t» Territory of the II \ a Pacificlslands) (25 A September 1978^29 \ March 1979). South u &h Pacific Commission, 8°30*N & Noumea, New 1 Caledonia, 29 pp.

Fishing dates: From 6 March 1979 To 14 March 1979

Fishing vessels: • ,«* »T •. LOA Number Name Type (m) Engine ofreels B2 Monohull 7.0 72 hp diesel inboard 2

Fishing operations: No. of trips 2 No. of trips spent bottom fishing 2 Total hours at sea 80 Average hours at sea per trip 40.0 Total hours DB fishing 6 Average deep-bottom fishing hours per trip 3.0 Total reel-hours 12 Average reel-hours per trip 6.0 Total handline hours Average handline hours per trip

Catch (kg): Total (all fishingmethods ) 600.0 Deep-bottom fishing 158.0 Deep-bottom catch (kg) Average per Average per Total trip red-hour All species Excluding sharks 158,0 79.0 13.2 Excluding sharks and locally unsaleable species

Comments: Catches of sharks were not recorded. 91 Species composition of the deep-bottom flshingcatc h

Number UraaranT Wright (kg) %wdgW A v. weight

LutiMnldM-Elelliwe ApharcHsfUrcatuj Greyjobfish Itoep-mta- fntppen Aprion vireiCe/U Grwnj6bB«b 3 5.3 9.0 5.7 3.0 Aphonia Tidilaia Snudl-tortfajcMiih EteUs carbunadfu Sbort-tailed redmappe r Eteia coruxans Lcng-tul Euppu nipper PartKoesio htsahtrS Saddled fusil fcr Pristiponwukt tuttotiuu Flower anappor Pristipomouks awicSia Gold-tailodjobfish PrisiSpomoidesfilameniosus RasyjobGiu Prijtipamaida flavipituus Yellow jobfiab. fr'ttilpanoidts notltidens Purple.CDBe]iBdjat>rjsh PririipomGufei xonatug Banded flower snapper Olto/iniirtrmtiBKi Sub-Mil 3 5.3 0.11 5.7 3.0

Diljauiklai-LiujBiariae Mangrove jack ShalkM-water snappers LMjatais bohar Red bass 29 50.9 105.0 66.5 3,fi iMjanus gibbia P»ddk-Uil 16 28.1 10.0 S.3 O.S Ljiljajiitiknwmra Blue-lined snapper [jtifmuimalabariou Malabar snapper ZMljtuuu moaosdgma One-spot snapper Luljarua noWi«M/ui Rufous seapcrch Olber/unidentified Sub-total 45 78.9 115.0 72.8 2.«

LtlMnMae GymnocKuuusjaponiats Iodine bream Entperorg Ltthrinus chrysostamus Rcd-lfaroat emperor Lctkrima kattoptcrus Ytllow-Hpc*fcd emperor Lelhrirua rrvniaius Long-noncd emperor Lefhrinus ndculaius Rdkulatod emperor Lcihrirwsvaritgatus Varicgitod emperor Wailsia massambica Other /imidcmifiod Slav-total

Scrrai^dK Cephatopftalis aumntia Orange rock-cod Groupers Epinephdus areotaius Arexdaird grouper Epinephctus cjilorrtztigma Brown-spotied grouper Epinephilus comctae Snakcpidn grouper Epinepfttlusfafdolus Red-b*nded grouper Epinephctus flavocatndcus Purplc grouper Epinepheha magm&cuttis Speckled grouper Epincphelus nations Honeycomb grouper Epinzptu&HL*na>rkua Curve-banded grouper Eplntphrhts rttouti Brown-backed grouper Epinephrine j&pttrnfasaatvs Seven-banded grouper SahptJa poweUi Golden fish Voriaiahnti Lunar-tailed Cod 2 3,5 10.0 6.3 5.0 Otrre/uijidcmifwd Sub-total 2 3.5 10,0 •S.3 5.0

Canngkiat/ Soombridae Caranx ignobttis Lowly bcvsliy Tnnllks, Jacks, tunas Carata lugubrii Black trcvslly 7 1Z3 24.0 15.2 3.4 Seriola dHmerili AjnbGrjscIc Striata purpurasans Amba]Si± SericIaTivoliana Ambcrjadc GymnasarJa wucoUnr Dogtooth tuna Other /unldentiflod Sub-loud 7 12.3 24.0 15.2 3.4

GempyMai Protnethichtlfys prafhttfuus Snake nucacrel Olfflshes, Snake mackerels Ruvetlusprctioius CM Mi Other/uiiyfcnufied Sub4ntal

MlKdlanBoid bony fish** Sphyraenidpe Bvmcudui Other bony fiahes Skfe-totnl

OndwMridM Carcftarfiimts albmarglnaius White-tip ihark Starts CanJxirhinus ambtyrhyrtfJumt Grey reef shirk CaftJiaMwis tneJanapterus Black-tip ihark Triaaxodon obesus Recr while-tip shark OO^/iHiiderflifigd Sub-fo&l

GrudTbtal: Bony fishes 57 100.0 158.0 100.0 2.8 Sharks All species SI 100,0 158.0 100.0 2.8 92

Country/ Territory: Federated States of Micronesia Location: o °Ji<^^\, Ulithi Atoll, Yap /^~rSS^ ^ Fishery status: Ulithi AtoU Unexploited >%» % Reference: o* Mead, P. and J. - 9°4

Fishing dates: Fran 28 November 1978 To 3 December 1979

Fishing vessels: LOA Number Name Type (m) Engine of reels B2 Monohull 7.0 72 hp diesel inboard 2

Fishing operations: No. of trips 3 No. of trips spent bottom fishing 3 Total hours at sea 27 Average hours at sea per trip 9.0 Total hours DB fishing 9 Average deep-bottom fishing hours per trip 3.0 Total reel-hours 18 Average reel-hours per trip 6.0 Total handline hours 12 Average handlinehours per trip 3.0

Catch (kg): Total (all fishing methods) 369.0 Deep-bottom fishing 329.0 Deep-bottom catch (kg) Average per Average per Total trip reeHiour All species Excluding sharks 329.0 109.7 11.0 Excluding sharks and locally unsaleable species

Conunente: Catch and catch rates refer to a mixture of fishes caught by handlines and handreels. Catches of sharks were not recorded. 93 Species composition of the deep-bottom fishing catch

Nurrfar *numher Wdgit<|[g| %-ml$t Av. weight

Lu^nldie.EitJlMe Apkamu fitrcatia GreyjobOth Deep>*.ur auppen AprioH vinscetu Green jobfith 5 1.9 7.0 2.1 1.4 Apfctfturrtftfoar Snull-loolhjobuab. Eidisoarhunail\a Short-tailod rod anappor EttIis coruxatu Long-bul majfvr EtclisTadionu Pale mapper Pamaieao kuxtkaru Saddled fmilicr Pristipanoides amoeluu Flower snapper Pristipanoidesawicilh Gold-tailed jobfiah PrisitpemoTdtijikmchioiui Rceyjobtan Privipattoldaflavipinhii Yellow jobrah PristipaRtoidc* nadlidk/ts Pttrpla-cbedcBdjabGab: Prijtipcmoidcj tonattu Banded flower anappor Othnr/nrMnnfifM Sub-load S 1.9 7.0 1.1 1.4

,fl Lu4mldierLul>nbBc f Hf|r?Wr?T'ffrg*f VwirrTfiTft/r Mangrove jack , ShBlW-wfttermanperi LuTjianitf ADTW Red ban 3S 14.5 103.0 31.3 2.7 £iujdfliu£ib&itr Paddfe-tail 29 11.1 31.0 9.4 1.1 BluD-lakod mapper 2 0.8 1.0 0.3 0.5 Malabar mapper One-spot snapper 1 0.4 1.0 0.3 1.0 Rufbuj scaperch Other /unidoilL>d SuWctol 70 26,7 1M.V 41.3 1.9

UOmkUm Gyrttnocratuusjapaniciis Iodine beam Enytnn Lttkrinus cfuyios/omus Red-throat emperor 1 0.4 1.0 03 1.0 Ltihrimis kallopterus Yellow-spotted enqwror LdZlhrinus rmniatus Lorti£~DaHd LJUUJUUT Letkrirua rtticvlalus Rcdculated ompcror fetkriruis varicgatus Variegated emperor Wat ilia massarttbuxt Large-eye beam Othn-^L^ntir^ 141 53.8 66.0 20.1 0.5 Sub-Mil 142 S4.2 67.0 20.4 0.5

SamiidM CeptiaJophoiiiQtrwslia OrmgB Tocl-cod Groupers EpincpJtcius anatatm AiBCixkd grouper Epinephetus chlomsttgma Brown-ipotted grouper Epinepttelus comelae Soalosilrin grouper Epinephetus fasdaius Red-banded grouper Epiiuphdiajlavocacndau Purple grouper Epincphdus magmscuiiis Speckled grouper Epinephthis mitiaris Honeycomb grouper EptMptitbu nuwHmt Curve-banded grouper Eptrvphthis relouti Brown-backed grouper Epinrphnluj stptcrrtfmriasus Sevcti-bjnckd grouper Saloptia pcwcili Golden fiah Variola fouti Lunir-tuked cod 4 1.5 12,0 3.6 3.0 Olbef/unfckartified 6 23 12.0 3.6 2.0 SiaVtobd 10 3.8 24.0 7.3 2.4

Cantrajldse' Sannbrldae Caranx ignobilis Lowly ticvauy TrtnlllB, Jacks, hum CaraKxlugtibris BUclctjcvally 31 11.8 61.0 18.5 2.0 Seriolo domain Arriba] adt Serbia pmpuraiotta Anfceqadc StrialarwoKara Atnbtajack GyniHosaKJa micolor Dogtooth tuna 4 1.5 34,0 10.3 S.5 Other /unidentified Sub-total 35 13.4 95.0 28.9 2.7

Gar-pyNdMe Ptprfltthicfttkys promctktus Snilfenucfcctel OUIUMS, Snake mackerel Ruveltta predosus (BGah Other /unionniajcd SuMutal

Mbcetlsnemia bony flsht! Sphyraenidae Barracudas Other bony fishes Sub-Mai

CtertiiarhUdae CarchariunHS nlbmargirtpius Whito-tip ih*rt Sharks Cctrcharhinusambtyrhynchos Grey reef shade CajriwtirwmciancptcrMS Black-tip vbark Triaenodon obesus Rrerwhilc-lip shark Other /unkknttiGed SiiMDixl

CfindTotet Bony fishes 2*2 100.0 329.0 100.0 1.3 Shafts All species 262 100.0 329.0 100.0 1.3 94

Country/ Territory:

Federated States I of Micronesia 138°04'E © Location: /\ Yap proper Fishery status: v / \ 0 9°54TSf — Unexploited Reference: / 4 \f\ Chapman, L.B. & y ^[ i>0 P.Cusack (in press). r $Y i Deep Sea Fisheries f V^f/7 a J Development Project. v 3 I YLS Report on second j i^r ^—-^ visit to Yap State, Federated States of Micronesia (21 July 1984_4 April 1985). South Pacific I/fr-°* Commission, [ j Noumea, New *»—*' Q Fishing sites Caledonia.


Fishing dates: From 17 July 1984 To 2 April 1985

Fishing vessels: _rt. „ . ** LOA Number Name Type (m) Engine of reels Mgerger Monohull 9.7 33 hp diesel inboard 3

Fishing operations: No. of trips 83 No. of trips spent bottom fishing 83 Total hours at sea 611 Average hours at sea per trip 7.4 Total hours DB fishing 98 Average deep-bottom iishing hours per trip 4.3 Total reel-hours 230 Average reel-hours per trip 10.0 Total handline hours Average handline hours per trip

Catch (kg): Total (all fishing methods) 3,677.0 Deep-bottom fishing 1,153.4 Deep-bottom catch (kg) Average per Average per Total trip reel-hour All species 1,153.4 50.1 5.0 Excluding sharks 1,014.4 44.1 4.4 Excluding sharks and locally unsaleable species

Comments: 95 Species composition of the deep-bottom fishing catch

Number *nun*er Wdgh<(Kg) %MW Av. weight

Lu^nkbe-Eldkae Aphonia fitrEOtus Greyjobfuh 3 0.5 0.8 0.1 0.3 D«p-*eftrXiaprr"*7rTTff ftavifain'l' Saddled fuvflier PriMipomoitkj amotion Flower (nipper Pristipamoida auridtia Gaid-Uiledjobfjih 87 1S.1 79.7 6.9 0.9 PrutipatiouUijUarnenlasm Roryjobfiah 24 4.2 75.1 6.5 3.1 Priaiponun^ajlavipmms Yellow jobfiib. PriLffipamoltks multiduu Purple-cheeked jobftfh 3 O.S 6.4 0.6 2.1 Prutipamavkt wmnnu Banded flower snapper 29 s.o 38.1 3.3 1.3 Othrr/imidmriGgd 4 0.7 3.1 0.3 0.8 Sub-Mid 147 43,0 594J 51.S 2.4

UiyuldK- Lutyuitee Mangrove jactt Sh*lV**f <4n1er snapper* Lutjamti bofior Rndbue Ltdjahia gibbia PadaVuil 6 1.0 4.0 0.3 0.7 Lvtjatuu kamira BlUE-lned supper 1 0.2 0.4 0.0 0.4 Lstjiauamahbariclit MiMw-mpper Luljamts nuMarngma One-spot snapper iMtjama riaoHiualui Rufous soaparch 1 0.2 0.4 O.D 0.4 Other/umdentiGed Sub-Mi] a 1.4 4.8 0.4 0.6

LrfhMhe GymnocramIIJ japaacm Iodme bream Empmn l^thrinia dirysostamv Red-lhinet ernperor LeAritutskaUapltria Yellow-spotted emperor Long-nosed emperor 4 0.7 9.9 0.9 2.5 LtArinus reb'ctfbfiu- Reticulated etopcror Letkruuu variegains Variegated ernperor WattsutmoMsanMoQ Jjugp-tyGttGtni 7 1.2 7.1 0.6 1.0 Other AmidemiGed 15 1.6 13.9 1.2 0.9 SuWodJ 26 4.5 30.9 2.7 1.2

Stmnidee Ctphglapkalu airantia Onmge rock-cod Groupon Epin£plnbaart6labu Areollled grouper Epititphctiu chkroffigma Brown-spotted grouper 1 0.2 2.6 0.2 2.6 Epiiuphehu atmtat Smkeikin grouper Epiiuphelusjasdatiu Red>bandcd grouper EpiiKpheliiaflavocaenileia Pmpk grouper Epbtephchumagmiatuh Speckled grouper EptotephehumiBarix Koneycomb gmiper Epiiupheuumcerhua Curve-banded grouper 20 3.5 18.0 1.6 0.9 Epintphtuu relourf Brown-backed grouper S 0.9 14.6 1.3 2.9 EpiiKphehu KpiaifascKUvs Seven-brnoed grouper 1 0.2 91.0 7.9 91.0 Sakptia pawcM Golden Sih Variola louti Lunartsilcd ood Other /unidVnrJfied 15 2.6 11.6 1.0 0.8 Sub-loud 42 7.3 137.8 11.9 3J

CuugoWSanibridK Caranx ignabUa Lowly nevally Trenusa, Jut la, tnma Caranxhtgnims Black trevally 57 9.9 75.9 6.6 1.3 Striala dwnenti Aroberjack Scnciapurpumsacns Amberjsck SeridartxjUana Ansjcrjsdc 48 8.3 90.5 7.8 1.9 Gymnosarda micotor Dogtooth tune 5 0.9 28.5 2.5 5.7 Other /unspanned 6 1.0 6.5 0.6 1.1 Siit-tuud 116 29.2 2U.4 17.5 1.7

GanpyhkC PrcnelMchlkyiprimilktiis StuVs miciercl 7 1.2 6.9 0.6 1.0 OllfishE^ Sntkemmclufeli Rv»ettiu prttiosus OUfbh Other Aundcotifod SisVMal 7 1.2 (.» 0.C 1.1

MlsctHanmuj bonjflahe* SphyraenUie Barracudas 2 0.3 8.5 0.7 4.3 Other bony fishes 119 20.7 29.6 2.6 D.2 Sub-Mai 111 21,0 38.1 3.3 9.3

QKhjrhHd* Cardtariuiua albunargvutm White-tip shirk 6 1.0 119.0 10.3 19.8 Shirks Carckarhirua amohTrrjmdbu Grey roof shirk 2 0.3 20.0 1.7 10.0 CanJiarhuaa metanaptena Buu±-tip shsifc TriaenodoH abtuu Reef white-tip ihirk Other/luudentifwd Sub-ioni « 1.4 139,0 12.1 17.4

Gnndlbtir. Bony fishes 5C7 H.« 1,014.4 87.* 1.8 Srsuta 8 1.4 139.0 12.1 17.4 AH species 57S 100.0 1,153.4 100.8 2.0 96

Country/ Territory: Federated States of Micronesia Location: © Fishing sites Ngulu Atoll, Yap State Ok Fishery status: Unexploited •V Reference: f***~/ p Chapman, L;B. & A 137°25'E - P.Cusack (in press). NguluAtdU if Deep Sea Fisheries A Development Project. J Report on second i visit to Yap State, .•i Federated States of a Micronesia (21 July 1984-4 April 1985). Soutfi Pacific Commission, V Noumea, New 1 Caledonia,

Fishing dates: From 22 July 1984 To 24 July 1984 26 September 1984 28 September 1984 Fishing vessels: LOA Number Name Type (m) Engine of reels Mgerger Monohtill 9.7 35 hp dieseUnboard 3

Fishing operations: No. of trips 4 No. of trips spent bottom fishing 4 Total hours at sea 95 Average hours at sea per trip 23.6 Total hours DB fishing 22 Average deep-bottom fishing hours per trip 5.5 Total reel-hours 65 Average reel-hours per trip 16.3 Total handline hours Average handline hours per trip

Catch (kg): Total (afl fishingmethods ) 960.4 Deep-bottom fishing 677.3 Deep-bottom catch (kg) Average per Average per Total trip reel-hour All species 677.3 169.3 10.4 Excluding sharks 542.3 135.6 8.3 Excluding sharks and locally unsaleable species

Comments: 97 Species composition of the deep-bottom fishing catch

Number Kiuito Weight (kg) »wdgh< Av. might

Luljanldae-Drikiae Aphamafitnaitus Grey jobEuh 3 1J 1.9 0.3 0.6 Drtpmur Happen Apritmviraaia Green jobtiah 3 1.5 10.2 1.S 3.4 Aphareas rutHotu Snull-toodijobfiiu Eulu carinuiadiu Short-tailed nd nipper Etdia canaauu Long-tail anapper EltUsrvdiesnj Pale anapper Pamatoiahixtiaru Saddled fiiaiinr Prisfipomoidts amvehttf Flower anapper PrutipoHtoidei ouricflier Gold-tailed jobGih 5 2.S 4.0 0.6 0.8 Prislipamaidcsfilamentosia Roayjobfiah PrulipatujidaJJainpwuULS Yellow jobfidl Prtoipomotees multtderu PutplB-cbeckedjubfaih Prislipcmoides towUts Barjded flower enappor 5 2.5 8.0 1.2 1.6 Other/uridentitied 3 l.J 12.1 1.8 4.0 Sub-Mai 19 ».3 96.2 5.3 1.9

LimanHM.Luganfaae Lutjiuua arpMJFMrvtotui Mangrove jade 2 1.0 12.0 l.S 6.0 ShaUw-lnUT nappera Lutjaiuu Beta1 Redbu 60 29.4 2623 38.7 4.4 Littjmits $ibbns Paddle-nul 31 15.2 25.1 3.7 0.8 M Lttijatnuto&mni Blue-lined "'"|*I " Lxfjaiuumikbancia Malabar ananper Lutjtuuis nonostigtna One-spot ananper Lutjanui rvfoEiualw Rufrjtu asapercb Other/unkkrjtiDod 1 0.5 2.S 0.4 2.5 Sub-tend 94 46.1 301.9 44.6 3.2

LethrMdW CryrwbXTUuu'ju japaucus Iodine taeam foaMTOTB Ltikrinia daysostonua Red-throat emperor Letkrinwt kalkpitrus Yellow-apotiedernperor 2 1.0 2,7 0.4 1.4 LeAnnus miwiuj I^ong-noaed emperor 2 1.0 10.9 1.6 5.5 Lclhrinus rcticulaikj Reticulated emperor LtlhruuB variegaliv Variegated emperor Waitiiamoasambica Largc-c^c Hum 1 0.5 1.4 0.2 . 1-4 Other /unkktntjBed 1 0.5 0.3 0.0 0.3 Sub-lauJ 6 2.9 15.3 2.3 2.6

SernuJdac CtpbaJcpJioIb awaiaia Orange rock-cod 1 0.5 0.8 0.1 0.8 Groupm Epuup/uhuarwlatus Aredafcd grouper 4 2.0 6.7 1.0 1.7 Epuuphtba cMoro jfjgnu Brown-apoaed grouper Epmrphthti avnetae Snakcakin grouper Eplnepbthisfasdatus Red-banded grouper EptntphdiuJltMvocatrHtcus Purple grouper Epintphcbu magtuaatttis Speckled grouper EpinephcbumiliariM Honeycomb grouper 2 1.0 4.2 0.6 2.1 Epiruphelusmarrhta Curvo-banded grouper 1 0.5 3.0 0.4 3.0 Eptnep/ulm nefturf Brown-becked grouper 1 0.S 0.9 0.1 o.s Epineptulia xpttnfasdatus Seven-banded grouper Satoplhtpowtlli Golden nan Vtmatalouti Lunar-tailed cod 1 0.5 1.0 0.1 1.0 Onus /iinkxrrruucd 5 2.5 4.9 0.7 1.0 Sub-tab! IS 7.4 21.5 3.2 1.4 finmgkW SoanbrMat C&rarot igHebSis Lowly trevally Trevalllra, Jadu, tunu CanmxluttuMi Black trevully 41 20.1 111.1 16.4 2.7 Striata dtaMr&i Amberjack Smolapurpwvxenr Anaojack ScriolarivrilUwa Amberjack 6 2.9 20.0 3.0 3.3 Gyrmuvard* wtlcolor Dogtooth tuna 2 1.0 11.0 1.6 5.5 OuKr/udoentiued 4 2.0 6.9 1.0 1.7 Sub-total 53 26.0 149.0 22.0 2.S

Ganpyldae PromeOddh&Ffs prvmcth&ts Snake mackerel 2 1.0 1.0 0.1 0.5 OlHMlfa, Rwcttvx pntiasux oach Other /unidentified Sub-total 2 1.0 1.0 0.1 8.5

Mlaceuanrwahoir/fUKS Sphyraenidae Baracudaa 1 0.5 17.0 2.5 17.0 Other bony fiebm 1 0.5 0,4 0.1 0.4 Sub4nta] 2 1.0 17.4 2.6 8.7

CkrtharhHdM CdrrJuTAwwra/eimarginifKj Whllc-lqUlart 4 2.0 45.0 6.6 11.3 Shark) CercAerAinur ambfyrhyndtos Grey reef shark 9 4.4 90.0 13.3 10.0 CarcharhiruumekiHoptcna Black-lip shark Truenodon obtsta Reef whit-lip shark Outer /unkiontifirjd Sub-Mai 13 6.4 13S.0 19.9 10.4

Grand Tbtat Bony fishes 191 93.6 S42.3 H.l 2.8 Sharks 13 6.4 135.0 19.9 10.4 Ail specks 2*4 100.0 677.3 100.0 3.3 99 FIJI The Fijian archipelago has a total 100-fm isobath length of 1,800 ami around islands and reefs that can be easily estimated from nautical charts. A further 1,200 n.mi of isobath have been ascribed to sea- moimts that are found throughout the (Nath & Sesewa, 1990). Initial surveys of the deep slope resources were made by the Fiji Fisheries Division in 1980 and 1981 (Lewis et al., 1988). Later, four surveys were carried out by SPC masterfishermen around parts of Viti Levu, Vanua Levu, the Yasawa Islands, Kadavu, Beqa and the Lau Islands. Catch rates from the SPC surveys ranged from 4.6 to 32.9 kg/Line-hr with an overall mean of 11.6 kg/line-hr. The high value eteline snappers comprised only 25 per cent of the catches by weight, with lutjanine snappers contributing a further 12 per cent of landings (Table 2). Other major components of the catches were the deep-slope carangids and scombrids (15%) and sharks (26%). In the mid-1980s a Japanese survey of Fiji's fishery resources that demonstrated the catchability of deep-slope stocks by bottom longlining stimulated local fishing concerns to target these fishes. A commercial deep slope fishery commenced in 1985, supplying both the local market and exporting fish by airfreight to the Hawaiian fish market. During 1987 125 t of fish were exported, while 35 t were sold locally (Lewis et al., 1988). During this period the fishery was concentrated on 9 coastal slope areas and 8 sea-mounts around Fiji. Lewis et al. (1988) estimated that Etelis carbunculus made up about 80 per cent of commercial bottom longline catches in Fiji, with a further 9 per cent made up of E. coruscans. However, Nath & Sesewa (1990) reported from sampling landings of the entire deep slope fishery that E. carbunculus and E, coruscans made almost equal contributions to landings and together formed about 65 per cent of the catch. Other major components of the catches were Aphareus rutilans, Wattsia mossambica and Paracaesio kusakarii. Some of the commercial fishing areas began to show declines in CPUE during the late 1980s and this prompted alternative investment by fishermen in longline gear for tunas and other pelagic species (Nath & Sesewa, 1990). Unpublished data from the Fiji Fisheries Division (T. Adams, Fisheries Division, Fiji, pers. comm.) record that, during the first six months of 1990, only 43.7 t of deep slope snappers were exported from Fiji and exports were not expected to exceed 100 t for the entire year. Recorded exports of fresh tunas during the first six months of 1990 were 2401, with an expected total production for the year of at least 6001 Records of CPUE from the commercial deep slope fisheries in Fiji are not readily available in published form. Lewis et al. (1988) reported preliminary average catch rates from longlining of 405 kg/set with 200 hooks and average soak times of 11 hours. Assuming this to be representative of the CPUE on the virgin stock, then the equilibrium catch rate at MSY would probably be in the region of 200 kg/set for equivalent gear and soak time. Similarly, based on the SPC data, catch rates at MSY for dropline fishing would be expected to average about 5.8 kg/line-hr.

Lewis et al. (1988) gave estimates of MSY for Fijian deep slope stocks ranging between 550 and 1,600 t/yr. These estimates were either based on comparative data from elsewhere in the Pacific or on an estimate of 4,900 t taken from the results of the Japanese survey (Anon., 1987). More recently, commercial catch data from four sea-mounts and three coastal areas have been analysed by Nath & Sesewa (1990). In all instances the initial catch rates fell to a level where fishing became uneconomic and in some cases zero catch rates were obtained. Use of the Leslie model permitted estimation of mean standing stocks for coastal slopes and sea-mounts of 0.66 t/n.mi and 2.42 t/n.mi respectively. Combining these figures with these data and estimated 100-fm isobath lengths along coastal slopes and sea-mounts in Fiji gives a potential yield range at MSY of between 409 and 1,230 t/yr. 100

Country/ Territory: Rji Location: Yasawaand Mamanuca Islands Fishery status: Unexploited

Reference: o AYasawal s Mead, P. 1980c. V ?:• Report on the visit of •* the South Pacific 0-. ' Commission Deep Sea Fisheries r 9 18°S - Development Project Mamanuca Is to Fiji (8

Fishing dates: From 26 November 1979 To 14 August 1980

Fishing vessels: LOA Number Name Type (m) Engine of reels Kidta Qalo Monohull 15.0 Diesel inboard 3 Gusula Monohull 8.6 20 hp diesel inboard 3

Fishing operations: No. of trips 12 No. of trips spent bottom fishing 12 Total hours at sea 329 Average hours at sea per trip 27.4 Total hours DB fishing 102 Average deep-bottom fishing hours per trip 8.5 Total reel-hours 191 Average reel-hours per trip 15.9 Total handline hours Average handline hours per trip

Catch (kg): Total (all fishing methods) 2,530.1 Deep-bottom fishing 2,514.1 Deep-bottom catch (kg) Average per Average per Total trip reel-hour AH species 2,514.1 209.5 13.2 Excluding sharks 1,776.1 148.0 9.3 Excluding sharks and locally 1,489.0 124.1 7.8 unsaleable species

Comments: lot Species composition of the deep-bottom fishing catch

Number «ra«to Wrajhtfkgl %-mfeK Av.weteM

Ldjenktae-Udkie* Aphantu fimnt U5 Greyjobush Deep-wiltr Happen Aprion vinMMiu Green jobftati 29 4.2 115.1 4.6 4.0 4pAnwKrra&z!ir Saul-tooth jatifirii 14 2.0 60.8 2.4 4.3 Eirfis coreUHcWlu Sbort-uulod led upper 17 2.4 113.0 4.S 6.6 £le!i? cerjuoms Long-tut snapper 1 0.1 1.0 0.0 1.0 ifelimu&wu' Pileanappc? fiiwi/vi»H«r> ^iwil/i«7 Saddled fiuilisr 2 0.3 3.0 0.1 1.5 PrLsUpamoubrj amoanur Flower mapper 2 0.3 1.0 0.0 O.S PritffUfnc&fej lairidtla Oald-tiilcdJDbEdl PrijtipomaidcjfilartieHlaiiu Roayjobfuh 7 1.0 1.1 0,0 0.2 PristipcmaidaflmipiHMS Yellow jdbfhb. 25 3.6 24.0 1.0 1.0 Prixfipomauii* tauftwis w Purplo-rhnekeH jobfiah 84 12.1 196.3 7.S 2.3 Prtfiipomoidtsxonatut Banded flower anapper 14 2.0 13.0 O.S OH Other/WrinMifiiid 5 0.7 14.4 0.6 2.9 Set-total 3M 2S.R 542.7 21.6 1.7

Luf^nUn-mMuK Luijatvu argcntvmcultihti Mangrove jack 7 1.0 33.8 1,3 4.8 ShiHaw-wiler snxppen Luljtuutsbohar Rsdbm 67 9.7 258.0 10,3 3.9 iMljanus gibbus hdlB-tiil 66 9.S 48.S 1.9 0.7 Lutjajuiskajrdra Blue-1 bed mapper 7 1.0 1.5 0.1 0.2 Ijujama imdahariaa Malabar •napps Ijitjamts rnoMadffta Oae-spotmepper Ijitfumaritfatiiteatitr Rufou* aatpercn rMnr/miiitnitH-Hl 36 5.2 86.9 3.5 2.4 Sub-Mai 183 2«.4 428.7 17.1 2.3

LtBlttbe Gymnacrawus japoniaa Iodine bream Unperan Lt&riniu chryioslomau Bed-throat enaxror Yellow-spotted emperor Lethritw minkaut Long-meedomperor 21 3.0 78.0 3.1 3.7 Letkntua rcq'cMJdJuj Reticulated cinperor 4 0.6 1.0 o.o 0.3 Lrthriwa variegaius Variegated emperor 10 1,4 9.0 0.4 0.9 Waflriamo&ambva Largo-eye fatcam 1Z 1.7 26.0 1.0 2.2 Cttier/unidentified 18 2.6 23,0 0.9 1.3 Sub-fatal 65 9.4 137.9 S.4 2.1

SemnldBt Ccphalopholu amniia Orange inck-cod &UUUS1 EpuapfuIusayeotetJU Areolaasd grouper Epiaepteiiu cMamittgma Brown-spoutd sjouper EptrKptttbacaHcUu Snakeflkin grouper EpiiKphtltaffudolut Red-bended grouper EpiMptrehaflavocaenllads Purple grouper 13 1.9 64.7 2.6 5.0 EpinepkehtstnagmiatSis Speckled grouper 4 0.6 15.4 0.6 3.9 Eptntphtliu mffiatts Honeycoptb grouper 4 0.6 6.5 0.3 1.6 Epiiupfultumonhua Curve-banded grouper 7 1.0 ,„ 13.0 0J 1.9 Epmiphebu rtUmli Brown-backed grouper Epintpheluistplaitfasdalus Seven-banded grouper StrfaptiapowtHi Golden fiah Variola lotiti Lunar-tailed cod 19 2.7 15.5 0.6 0.8 Other AiiikJenlified 66 9.5 156.0 6.2 2.4 Sub-total 113 16.3 271.1 10.8 2.4

OnnglaW Sown bride* Coranx ignobUii Lowly uevally Trtvullkj, judo, tunw Coram: lug vbrii Black trevatly 2 0.3 2.0 0.1 1.0 Stnola dwrxrili Amtajick Seridla pmptvetxxKX Axrtajmk 1 0,1 12.5 0.5 125 SeriotarwoHana Ambcrjadc 1 0,1 5.5 0.2 5.5 Gymiosarda mticolor Dogtooth tuna Other/unidentified 43 6.2 278.6 11.1 6.5 Sub-fatal 47 6.8 298.6 11.9 6.4

Gempyfcfae Premethichlhyx prvmetitens Snake mackerel 12 1.7 14.5 0.6 1.2 OUttsho, Snake mackerels Rwcttux pntiasus oafish Other/uroSsntiGed Sub-Mai 12 1.7 14.5 8.6 1.2

MlKeHaneausbonylWia SphyrienSdae Bamcudu 34 4.9 69.5 2.8 2.0 Other bony fishes 5 0.7 14.0 0.6 2.8 Subtotal 39 S.6 S3.5 3.3 2.1

archarbWdaa CarctiaMMaalbimarginaliis Whifc-tki ibark Sarin Carchatitiiuu ambtyrhynduts Grey reef shark Cardarhaau ?neJanaptmts Black-tip abaik Triaencdon obata Reef white-tip abnk Olbi?/unidentified 35 5.0 738.0 29.4 21.1 Sub-fatal 35 £.0 738.0 29.4 21.1

Grand Total Bonj Usher 659 9S.D 1,776.1 70.6 2.7 Sharks 35 so 738.0 29.4 21.1 Allspedea 694 100.9 2,514.1 100.0 3.6 102

Country/ Territory:

Location: Suva - Fishery status: •• • jM- - Exploited « .. ,jf~ J Reference: rylf Mead, P. (in press). Deep Sea Fisheries V Development Project. i 1 Report Of second visit * to Fiji (1 September- * 9 October 1981 and o 18°S - 19 February-13 April 1982). South Pacific — Commission, * Noumea, New a * i Caledonia. Q Fishing site 180° 1

Fishing dates: From 23 March 1982 To 24 March 1982 1 April 1982 2 April 1982 Fishing vessels: LOA Number Name Type (m) Engine of reels Kacika Monohull 8.6 22 hp diesel inboard 2

Fishing operations: No. of trips 2 No. of trips spent bottom fishing 2 Total hours at sea 33 Average hours at sea per trip 16.5 Total hours DB fishing 8 Average deep-bottom fishing hours per trip 4.0 Total reel-hours 16 Average reel-hours per trip 8.0 Total handline hours Average handline hours per trip

Catch (kg): Total (all fishing methods) 124.5 Deep-bottom fishing 76.5 Deep-bottom catch (kg) Average per Average per Total trip reel-hour All species 76.5 38.3 4.8 Excluding sharks Excluding sharks and locally unsaleable species

Comments: 103 Species composition of the deep-bottom fishing catch

Number *tunt*r Wdajit(kg) «mfeht Av.wHght

Lui>Bld»e-EWkiM Aphamvfiircaha CfaeyjobfUb Deep-Mltr mapper) Aprion Wrwrcflti GtOBUJbbEuh Sruli-tnothjobEdl £fc?u carbwiaJtu Sheet-tided red rapper 1 3.8 3.0 3.9 3.0 Eldu conaauu Lar*g-liil rapper Palbrappor 2 7.7 15.0 19.6 7.5 Saddled AinUs? Pristtpemoidts amotfmt Ho wer rapper Pnsfiptmoidej awidtla Gold-ttuodjobfilh PrhlipiwtideijilamtMosiu Roeyjobfiih PrijtipanuiMaflavipuiius Yellow jabfidi Prutipomoidea nudtidtns Puzple-chscked jobfish 1 3.8 0.5 0.7 0.S Prhtipamoida umatus Banded flower •upper 14 53.8 27.0 35.3 1.9 Other ^jokkodified Sut-MMl 15 0.2 4S.5 59.5 2.5

LuynddM.LutfuHllM JLutjflNN.r (rrafttt!t*wm}jrtii r Micgnnejact SraUow-umtar mapper* Luljanus befar Red bin LutjaHui gibbtts p«yj*-t*ij LttijajtMsfombv Blue-lined mapper Luiyvua malahariciv Mtlibir m-pper Luljanus monoitigrna Qnc-ipoi nupper Lul}innj rtfoHtualiu Rufbus veqwcdi OjjKr/ur:idemi5eri Sub-fatal

LdhrUite Gymnxrattiiajap&tkxu Iodine bftfiuq Emperor* Leihrinvs chrysostomus Rod-thrOAt emperor Leihritmikallopiena Yedlow-ipatod cnyeror Lethriiuu mwatus Long-nosed Leihriiuts ttdcuiaius Reticulated omporar Lcffiriiua iuriepi/iu V*nci~Bd wj^ttor Watlsuimosj&titiiai Laxgo-cyc bnun Oriiar/uniiDjjtifiod Sub-tat-

Sfenm*-* Cephaiopfeibawaittia Orange iMk-cod Gfouptn EpinepttdtaarcolaiHJ Anolitod grouper Epinephelus. chlorojtigtw Rrown-jpottod grouper EptmpMehui comtku finalmflriTi grfipur Epintpheiitifasdaius Rcd-hindod grouper EpintphttHsftnKicaitTtltuj: Purple grouper Epiwphtkis mstgHhoitth Spoddod grouper Honeycomb grouper Epirupttckti morrkva Curve-bHided grouper Epincphehu nto*ti Brown-btcltcd grouper Epincphtliu 3cpfcnfasdatHS Scvcn-bindcd grouper SalaptiapowttU Goldonflah Variola louti Lumr-Uilpd cod Other Aaudeaifiod 1 3.S 3,0 3.9 3.0 Sub-total 1 X* 3.0 3,» 3.0

CunngUu/ Soombrkkt Caranx ignobilis Lowly trcvtlly Trtntiia, JMda,Unma Ccrotaiugiibris B]jctUrrtllJ^ Striata thtmerUi AmbcrJKfc Striata pi&puraxxns Amberjidt ScfiolariYoli&vt Amberjidc Gymnosarch unioolor Dogtooth tun* Odn/imidentifiad SuO-ttil

GanpyMu Pram£AidtUiys pnmethtus 5tii]cBmid(Atel 6 23.1 12.0 1S.7 2.0 OWUKI, Snktmckerels Jtmvttia prc&osvs oach 1 3.8 16.0 20.9 16.0

SuMotal 7 K.9 ISO K.S 4.0

MteeHKMOUf bmr/lfchei SplryrKnilK Baraoidu Olhcrnony Gibe" Sun-W»l

CkrdvhUdK GwncAarftinHj (t/JwHOrjiWiu Wbiifi-t^) fthmrit Shuta CtvcWAjniu wd^r-frjmckK Grey reef ihuk CanAw^initfmrJaA£jrf«7WJ Black-lip flhirt Tnaenodan obesus Rcefwhitj'tip ihuk Otbi*/unidentified Sub-total

GrwdTotai Bonyflsha 2S 1W.

Country/ Territory: w Location: Betp Fishery status: • < Exploited L^" p~y * Reference: uf~r P^ S~2-£ i*-^O.ovt '* • Mead, P. (in press). / • \r* Deep Sea Fisheries ^ *• Development Project. V "- X- * Report of second visit _ * to Fiji (1 September- r p v » t a • 9 October 1981 and V^C^ \vWi> ** « . «^ 18°S - 19 February-13 April Beqa« 1982). South Pacific iy Commission, * 0 a . Noumea, New •. v Caledonia. <*** 0 * i Q Fishing site 180° 1 '-

Fishing dates: From 24 March 1982 To 26 March 1982

Fishing vessels: __. „ t LOA Number Name Type (m) Engine ofreels Kacika Monohull 8.6 22 hp diesel inboard 2

Fishing operations: No. of trips 1 No. of trips spent bottom fishing 1 Total hours at sea 47 Average hours at sea per trip 47.0 Total hours DB fishing 10 Average deep-bottom fishing hours per trip 10.0 Total reel-hours 20 Average reel-hours per trip 20.0 Total hahdline hours Average handline hours per trip

Catch (kg): Total (all fishing methods) 99.S Deep-bottom fishing 99.5 Deep-bottom catch (kg) Average per Average per Total tri> reel-hour All species 99.5 99.5 5,0 Excluding sharks Excluding sharks and locally unsaleable species

Comments: 105 Species composition of the deep-bottom fishing catch

Niaifer tiute Wd0A(kg SiwtyfE Av.wdght

Ui^utUM-Bdlme Aphanusfurcaius GreyjobGili Dup^HterBnapjMn Aprionvircsctv Gnxnjabfinh Aphareus rutUota Small-tooth johGih a 7.3 5.5 5J 1,8 EieJis carbiaadliu Sbort-tiilod ted mapper Etela corusca/u Lcog-tiil supper EttUs radiants Pile snapper Patacacsio JbuaJcani Saddled fusilier Pristipamoidks amoeruu Flower nupper i*ritf^*aH«Uej (uaidlla Gold-tailed jobfiih Prbtip&no'klcsfikuticniatui Roay jobfuh PristipamoidrtfiavipiriHii YeHowjoWtdi 5 12.2 3.0 3.0 0,6 Pristipcmoldts mul&UHi Puiplc-cbt*kBd jobfieb. 7 17,1 11.0 11.1 1.6 Pristipcmoides jotiatm Banded (lower mapper Oibat/unkknlilied Sub-total 15 1».5 19.* 13

LutHdu-LugMfciM Lutjatva argtnjpnacuZaUj MMUJTOVCJBIC 1 2.4 1.5 1.5 1.3 ShBAoKT-^MlH'sn^ipcri LtajaHkxhdur Redhui IMIJOKUI gibbia Piddk-Hil Jjdjaiua kastum Blue-lnod nuppor LMtjtuaismahbaricui MillbvnqipBr 1 2.4 1.5 1.3 1.5 LMjawamotioltigmi Ou-qxAmappor

OlhcrAinidoptified 2 4.9 0.5 0.5 0.3 SuMohl 4 9.« 3.5 3.S o.»

LetirtMK Gymtvxrardu* japonic*? Iodine bream. Lcthrinus chrytogomtts Red-throat emperor Lelhrimts krtlaptcrus Yellow-ipottpd emperor Lethrima minlatus Long-JM«d emperor Lethrirm rtticuiaius Rcdcul«lBdiOTi|*for Lctbrimu varicgatiu Vuicgnfed cmpcirtv Waftsiamofsambica Large-eye bram OlhaAuudcntificd 2 4,9 1,5 1.5 0.8 Sub-Mai 2 4.9 1.5 1,5 0.8

Semnfafae CtphotcptioluHtwanlh Orange rock-cod Gnxwen Epwuphtiusanctetus .Veolalcd grouper 3 7-3 l.D 1.0 0.3 BroWn-iponted grouper Epimphebu eomeloe Smkeikifi grouper EpincphelusfasaatHt Hud-bniKbd grouper Epinepheluxflavocaervlcus Purple grouper 1 2.4 2.0 2.0 2^0 Epiruphehu magnisattlis S podded grouper Epinephehu mtiaris Honeycomb grouper 1 2.4 1.0 1,0 1,0 Bpi/wptttinr nuttrhua Curve-banded grouper Epintpktlu* rttatdi Brown-backed grouper ISpiiupktlus xptcrrfaidolvs Seven-ban dod grouper Sahpiutpowtiti Golden fifth Variola hud Luntr4i3ed cod Other /unidentified 7 17.1 35.D 3S.2 5.0 Sub-*oW 12 29.3 39.0 39.2 3.3

CUA^IW SooniMitat Camnx Igtwbilis Lowly ircv*tty TrcmUa,jMka, tuna Carunx ttt&ubris BUcknwilly Striata dmtcriti AndnJK*: Striata pHrpvrasam Ambwj*dc Striata rivoliana AninJRd: GymnosarrJa unicoJor DogtnAhtuni 7 17.1 35.0 3S.2 s.o Othtr/unidentified Sub-total 7 17.1 35.0 35.2 S.0

Gen^ldu PramclrachAyi pronucleus Siukc puckcre! 1 2.4 1.0 1.0 1.0 OlKfeha, Snokt itmckmls Riacttiu prtlionu oafiih Odxr AuidezitiSal Subtotal 1 2.4 1.0 1.0 1,11

™ '•"— — ' MbctUnneoua bonyflihef Spbyneiube Banrncudu Other bony fiihcB Sub4ofa>J

OvdtfrhUeW CoKAorAiniu idiimv^jnoltw Wbie-tip ihuk Stata CarekwAiruu am&fyrftjniJiM Grey reef shirk Cardiariuma melanoptavs Black-tip shark Tridtnodon obtiux Reef while-tip ihark Ouw/unidenDTffid Sub-toW

Grand TbOl Bony fifties 41 iw.e W.J 100.0 2.4 Snub All specie. 41 IOC.* 99.5 100.0 2.4 106

Country/ Territory: Fiji Location: Kadavu ^ Fishery status: •* Unexploited u^T^ * fsl? J Reference: i ^ • Mead, P. (in press). y ' • C-^ » Deep Sea Fisheries J3 *• •• Development Project. *•X- - -^^^v- \V Report of second visit % i. ]Prt * * o to Fiji (1 September- S» . '• 9 October 1981 and "vC-^-^- ^Xr*> . P 18°S - 19 February-13 April a - 1982). South Pacific o a * * Caledonia. Kadavu 0 Fishing sites 180" 1

Fishing dates: From 29 March 1982 To 31 March 1982

Fishing vessels: LOA Number Name Type (m) Engine of reels Kacika Monohull 8.6 22 hp dicscl inboard 2

Fishing operations: No. of trips 3 No. of trips spent bottom fishing 3 Total hours at sea 17 Average hours at sea per trip 5.7 Total hours D6 fishing 9 Average deep-bottom fishinghour s per trip 3.0 Total reel-hours 18 Average reel-hours per trip 6.0 Total handline hours Average handline hours per trip

Catch (kg): Total (all fishing methods) 171.0 Deep-bottom fishing 104.5 Deep-bottom catch (kg) Average per Average per Total trip reel-hour All species 104.5 34.8 5.8 Excluding sharks Excluding sharks and locally unsaleable species

Comments: 107 Species composition of the deep-bottom fishing catch

Number «rurtxr Wdtfil(kg| %wdtf* Av.wdght

LuJjinJdK-Elflhef Apharvwtfiircalia Orcyjobfifb Deep-naler suppers Aprion virtscttu Gteenjobfiih Apkareianduaia Small-tooth jobGih 5 11.1 15.5 14.8 3.1 Eltlbcarbmailus Shott-telled ted upper Eicttx conucans Long-tail mapper EieUsradiojus Paleaoappfcr Parocaejiobuakarii Saddled fmtuier PrUtiptirHoides atnaetuu Flower snapper PnMiitxrrmderaiindlla Gold-taiiedjoMiaa PriftlpanoidetjtkimeHlosMX Rosyjobfnh 1 2.2 1.0 1.0 1.0 Prittipomoidci jlavipiiuiti Yellow job&h 13 2B.9 15,0 14.4 1.2 Prisiipomoidcs mdlidens Piuplc-rJmilriri jobfiah 3 6.7 7.0 6.7 2.3 Priatipanoides lottatus Banded Sower snapper 2 4.4 2.5 2.4 1.3

Sue-total 24 S3J 41.0 39.1 1,7

Lul>nU«-LuJ>ni«e Luijatau argeniimncutntvr Mangrowjick, ShftlltWAnter trapperf Luljanuabotvr Red but iMjanus gihhus Paddle-tail lMijajutska*Tiim Bltic-liLied snapper Luijanus m*labancuj Malabar au^ipn- LHIJOHUS monastigma One-ipot mapper Lutjarmx rvfotincatus Rufounctpercfa Cnhar/uoidaatifisd SiA-toil

LHtoMdet Gymnomuuitrjqpeflfciu: lodtac bream l&npBnn Lelhtiraa chrysoatomus Rcd-lfarait enqierar Lttkrinxs ktllcpttrHS YeUaw-spoUed emperor Ltthriiaa mtdatux Long-nosed emperor 5 11.1 2X0 21.1 4,4 Lcthrirtus reticulata* Reticulated emperor Lethriniv vansgotta Variegated Grapera1 Wattsiamossair&ica Large-eye bfcim 2 4.4 5.0 4.8 2.5 Other/unidsntt&ed Sub-Vital 7 1S.C 37.0 25.8 3.9

ScnwildK Cephalcpholis aurantia Otan^ rack-cod Groupere Eptntphdus anoiaita Analatad gmipcr 3 6.7 3.0 2.9 1.0 Epir&phetus chlomstigma Brown-^ottod grouper Epitupfttlus cctnetac Snuiatitk grouper EpinepfeiuifasciatMS Rod-banded grouper EpincplultwflatacaeniJcuS Puiple graupcr 2 4.4 S.Q 7.7 4,0 Epincphehumagnisntttis Speckled grouper Epltttphtha miliarix Honeycomb grouper 7 15,6 7.5 7.2 1,1 Epi/uphebumctvkua Curvc-bmdod gmupor Epiruphehis rttouli Drawn-backed grouper Epinephe tux sepitnfasdatvs Snvcn-banded grouper SalaptutpoweUi Golden fUii Variola fauti LunaMaikd cod Otiur/unidcntiTicd Sub-Mai 12 2«.7 18.5 17.7 1.5

Car»g#ck§, tunas CtUxmxlHgiibni Black bevaJly Scnoh dumcriii Ambegadc Serioia purptmutxns Ambcnact Striata rwoEana Anijcrjadc Gymaasarda vmcoJor Dogtooth tuna 2 4.4 18.0 17.2 9.0 Other/unidentified Sub-Mat 2 4.4 18.0 17.2 9.0

GanpyUdu Pramtthichlhyr prvmelheus Snake mackerel Olttbhcs, Snake iruckenclx Ruvcttusprviiasta OSGsh Other/uJiideniifcd Subtotal

Miscellaneous bonylbbes Sphyracnidae Birracuiju Other bony fishes Sub-lota] frniiMttfclae CaKAarhiniiu a/buturginafia While-Lip shark Sharks Carcharfiirws atjibfyrhyruJtGt Grey reef ahaik CarcharhbuixmcloHopttnts Black-tip ihaifc Triatnadott obcita Reef whit-tip ihark Other /mudcttiGed Suh-tntod

GnmdTotat Bonyfbhe! 45 100.0 104.5 100.0 2.3 Stario All specie. 45 100.0 104.5 100.0 2.3 108

Country/ Territory: Fiji Location: Lau Islands Fishery status: Unexploited Reference: Mead, P. (in press). S Deep Sea Fisheries Development Project, Report of second visit to Fiji (1 September- 9 October 1981 and ^<^JX *' Lau Is, 18°S - 19 February-13 April 1982). South Pacific Commission,

Noumea, New •<&*• Caledonia. Q Fishing sites 180° I

Fishing dates: From 23 September 1982 To 13 March 1982

Fishing vessels: LOA Number Name Type (m) Engine of reels Katika Monohull 8.6 22 hp diesel inboard 2

Fishing operations: No. of trips 25 No. of trips spent bottom fishing 25 Total hours at sea 217 Average hours at sea per trip 8.7 Total hours DB fishing 65 Average deep-bottom fishing hours per trip 2.6 Total reel-hours 139 Average reel-hours per trip 5.6 Total handtine hours Average handline hours per trip

Catch (kg): Total (all fishing methods) 1,952.0 Deep-bottom fishing 1,704.4 Deep-bottom catch (kg) Average per Average per Total hip reel-hour All species 1,704.4 68.2 12.2 Excluding sharks 1,210.9 48.4 8.6 Excluding sharks and locally 1,130.9 45.2 8.1 unsaleable species

Comments: 109 Species composition of the deep-bottom fishing catch

Number %ituwber Weight »«4M Av. weight

LuOuUK-Etdim ApAeww./urcariu Grc-yjobfiih IWjvmttrmppCT ApritM vkt/ieau Green jobfisn IS 3.0 61J 3.6 4J Apttanwrvlibvu Snull-toclhjnWiih 24 4.7 72.0 4.2 3.0 Etclia cn*ii»nift*r Short-tsled led srttppor 4 0.8 11.8 0.7 3.0 Etefis atnucatu Lcof-tiil napper 5 1.0 1S.7 0.9 3.1 Btttismdioiui PIIG mapper 2 0.4 17.0 1.0 8.5 Slddltid fuiilkir 4 0.8 9.0 0.5 2.3 Rawer rapper ajd-uuiodiobn«)i PrisiipontoitiisfHamtrUosta Roryjoottth 54 10.7 7U 4.3 1.3 PritttpamoidttflmipuiMf Yellow joMiii 162 '32.0 196.0 11.5 1.2 Pristipanauks midtioVnj Pirnte-chH&edfc>bbsll 27 3.3 82.5 4.8 3.1 Prittipomaidu lanaliu Bonded flower souppcr II 1.6 4.0 0.2 0.5 Other /unidotdifiDd 9 l.» 147.0 3.6 16.3 SuVtaW 314 H.1 cs*.» 40.4 2J

LuOmlov-lj^lwlmt fjijwnmgyyatfiwirtiffffm Manarawjick 1 0.2 4.5 0.3 4.5 Statlbff'Vurier mapperi LvIMAJubetar Red bin 17 3.4 80.0 4.7 4.7 Lutjamti gibbus Puddfe~tul 2 0.4 1.5 0.1 0.8 Blue'lsmi mapper Malabar ipsppar Lutjatuts mohovtfgnw Orjo-spat mapper Rufous seapcrch Other/unidpntifjed 2 0.4 3.9 0.2 2.D Sub-fate! 22 4.3 $9.9 5.3 4.1 lethrfcUat GymnocratiivsjapoHicus Iodine bream Ekrutenn LcikritHu dtrysosfomur Ited-tbrouetuporw LeAriiuu AoTfoocenu YeUow-BpottedtiupnuN LelH nva miuatus Long-nosed emperor 5 1.0 20.0 1.2 4.0 Lttfuimu r? A'cvloim Rotkalitederflperar Lttitrwurvaritgauu Virterptr^emrjeror 3 0.6 13.5 0.8 4.5 Wattsa jtiaEuvebica LarsB'«)e bream 14 2.8 25.0 1.5 1.8 Other AmifcntiEed 25 4.9 55.0 3.2 2.2 StaVMaJ 47 9.3 113.5 6.7 2.4 temni Ctyhalcpholir daruAlKz Orange rock-rod Groupa* Areolatad grouper 8 1.6 5.S 0.3 0.7 ^ine^Af ZJU GMarogijgma Brown-spotted grouper Epituphtliu constat Snafceskin grouper Eplneptulusfasdatia KeoVbuirbd sraupor E/rinepftelMtflavocatnileia Purple grouper Epwephcki magmiadttj Speckled grouper EfiMtplahu tfuTwoi* Honeycomb grouper 39 7.7 57.0 3.3 l.S EpinqduibamatTiim Cunv-hmdod grouper 16 3.2 40.0 2.3 2.5 Epimpheha rctoitti Brown-bucked grouper Eptitephcltu stptenfastiatus Sewn-burided grouper Saltptiapowdli Golden Eih Varidbhn^ Lunar-tailed eod 11 2.2 8.6 0.5 0.8 Othet /tatvfcnrujed 12 2.4 55.5 3.3 4.6 Sub-total St 17.9 164.6 9S 1.9

™ Ckrm^oWSoornbrldM Cwcuu ignobUu Lowly trevally TrewWe^Jedu, tunes Canmxh4gnbtis Blade uwsUy 5 1.0 37.0 2.2 7.4 Seriala dimcriti Amberjsck Scnaia purptrmaiu Amberjsck fcriafa rnuMaw ArnbarjHdc 6 1.2 24.4 1.4 4.1 Oymtiaaatda umcotor Dogtooth tuna 4 0.8 89.0 5.2 22.3 Oder/unidentified 1 0.2 1.5 0.1 1.5 Sub-Mul 1* 3J 15J.9 ».9 9.5

Girnpylbbe Prontxlhichtliya promaheus Snake mackerel OUMte^Sradtrmacktreil Suotlliu pnSotia OilSih Other /luudeatiGed SiaVMel

MrwelLlneouffbonynsheff Spayrserridee Barracudas Other bony Cabas Subtotal

CsmiirriuoM Cvchcvhitua flieiflBrgtnorm Whne-Up shirk Sharks CdrcAarftJAUT 0mDfyrn>fu&>r Grey reef shirk Black.tip shirk Triamodon abcata Reef 4hik:-tip shirk Oto/unidentified 21 4.2 493.5 29.0 23.5 Siij-W»I XI 4.2 493.S 29.6 23.5

Gnndlbtab Bonyflthei 48S 9S.S 1,219.9 71.0 2.5 Slm-to 21 4.2 493.5 29.9 23.5 All5pedeE SIX 100.0 1,704.4 100.0 3.4 110

Country/ Territory: Fiji Location: Western Division Fishery status: Lightly exploited Reference: Chapman, L.B., P. Taumaia and O.L. / T; Preston. 1984. Deep Sea Fisheries Development Project. •&r^>v Report of participation in 18°S FAOlFiji Government Mamanuca Islands * Fisheries rehabilitation ff* 9 . programme (22 •^F* i% * March-8 May 1983). © Fishing sites South Pacific 180° Commission, Noumea, New Caledonia, 15 pp.

Fishing dates: From 30 March 1983 To 25 April 1983 | Fishing vessels: LOA Number j Name Type (m) Engine of reels 1 Monohuli 8.4 20 hp diesel inboard 2

Fishing operations: No. of trips 10 No. of trips spent bottom fishing 10 Total hours at sea Average hours at sea per trip Total hours DB fishing 90 Average deep-bottom fishing hours per trip 9.0 Total reel-hours 173 Average reel-hours per trip 17.3 Total handiiite hours Average handline hours per trip

Catch (kg): Total (aB fishing methods) 1,186.0 Deep-bottom fishing 1,112.0 Deep-bottom catch (kg) Average per Average per Total trip reel-hour All species 1,112.0 111.2 6.4 Excluding sharks 854.0 85.4 4.9 Excluding sharks and locally unsaleable species Ill Species compositioii of tbe deep-bottom fishing catch

Nuntw %uri>ir Wdtf>t(kt) ttmfeW Av.wdgbl

Lu^akfct-Efetttf Apharciaptrtatux Greyjobfoh Deep-wtternppeti Aprion vinrCev GntaijobBdi 1 0.3 5.0 0.* 5.0 AphanuuntSaiu ScuU^oodi jobfirii EtcJucarfnmailus Sbarl-tmilod md upper. 25 6.9 183.0 16.5 7.3 Eietii conuauu Lang-tut upper Etctiitwtiosits Pil&uppW PanaauM? taaakarii Stddled furiliw 6 1.7 12.0 1.1 2.0 PristtpcrnoHea amocnui Flower PristipanoiiknurkSIa Goid-tMlodjobnA PrislipomoidttJiiamenJoita Rayjobfah PriitipanDidtsfiavipiHiUi VoUowjoWih 61 16.E 71.0 6A 1.2 t*risi\pamoi£ttf mulHdtnn Puiptc-cbeetajjnMkh 45 114 91.0 8.2 2.0 Pristipamoidt* wnatiu Buded llamr KUfpei IS 6.9 22.0 2.0 0.9 Oibtr /imfcfeiriifkd Sub-total 1(3 44.* 3M.» 34.5 2.4

I.^JAi.l,^*^ OgjaMuarguilSmACvktVM Maupowjidc 12 3.3 50.0 4.S 4.2 Slullrnnnltr Mpi«ri Lufjowhetiar Red but 16 4.4 72.0 6J 4.5 Lutjaruu gibbw PuUn-kil 44 12.1 31.0 2.8 0.7 Bhe-lned n^per ijtfpHKr maixianaa MklabflTKi^ipAr Lutjtuuamonaitigma Om-HHt BMppsr Rufoni Htpcrdi

Sub-total 72 ».l 1S3.9 13.8 2.1

LrfvUdttf Cjnwucrajujujiapafiiciu Iodine bream cznpBfn J>iArirtui dtrysosiatnMt Red-throat emperor Lt Annus kallepitriu YeUaw-cpatfeMJ cnfKiDr LeArimu nmttiatiu Lom-msd BHWBHK 4 1.1 10.0 0.9 2,5 Lt&riiuisrttiatlattu Lctftrmuivariejpius Viric-grt*^ emperor Waitriamouambica OlfaEr/unidentified 23 6,3 34.0 3.1 1.5 Suti-totet 17 7.4 444 4,0 1.*

Snrtu CipWqpAafij amuiia Orange rodc<-cod Cnwpm Axeal itod pauper Biown-*p«fcd pouper EpinqMii* ccmcue SndBidan gramer Epincphttitafiucieuu RaMMndad grouper EpincphelutflrtHxaentteui Purpk grouper Epincphetm magnitaiOis Speckled grouper Epincptitluj rwtiatis Htnvycomb grouper 3 0.8 3.0 0.3 1.0 UptnepfatoumDrriwi Ctuve-bsidcxi grouper 16 4.4 65.0 5.8 4.1 Epiiuphchu rttouti Btown-buked grouper Epituphettu ttpienjasdalus Sevenrbnded groups Sotoptia potveM Golden filh Variola loud Lunv*tmued cod Olhrr AinvfenHfirHl 2 0.6 13.0 1.2 6.5 S lib-total 21 5.1 •1.1 7.3 3.9

QnngiWSonnhridK CuffOHXigncbitu Lowly ncvilly TrtviUla, Juki, tuiw Caranx lugubri* Bucktrovdly 32 8.8 57.0 5.1 1,8 Serbia dWwritf £eni7&lfUffpifna!orrur Ajnbccjadc Striata rivolutaa Airitajfcdt 6 1.7 28.0 2.5 4.7 Dogtooth (IUUL OthBr/unidentl&d Sub-total 3» 19.5 85.0 7.6 2.1

GnnpyMu PronuuKtMylpromclht*! SnjJic Ducted 12 3.3 18.0 1.6 1.5 OIKM»a,Snkeinickenli JtiixcMwprttiojiu OuEih Other/unidattiEied Subtotal 12 3.3 1M 1.4 1.5

MHWHUIMHM bony Ihhej SphynonidH Bsimcudu Ota-bcny fuhc 17 4.7 89.0 8.0 5.2 SdvMll 17 4.7 •».» t.9 5.2

CtadorhWtae Gzrcfauftuuuaf&vw^jntiJuj WbHo-up >h»ik 1 0.3 5O.0 4.5 50.0 Starta Grayiccffhuk 3 0.8 9S.0 8.5 31.7 CardiariilNumtkitinplmu Black-tip thuk TViaeiiodoK obeim Rnef while-lip ihuk OdKr/bnidcatifiKi 9 2.5 113.0 10.2 12.6 SJMotal 13 3.C 25S.9 23.2 19.1

OwdTotat BtmyfUha 350 <*.* <54.0 7«,« 2.4 Slmria 13 3.6 25f.» 23.2 19.1 AD^xda 3*3 1M.0 1,112" 1H.* 3.1 112

Country/ Territory: Fiji Location: Central Division >» Fishery status: *•

* M^ * Unexploited *^yif J Reference: # a ^\ ^-sf Chapman, L.B., P. s n?~ Taumaia and G.L. _ » + ** 1 V " TT- Preston. 1984. Deep * . s«Si*—* ^ *V •• » * » Sea Fisheries * Development Project, * * a Report of participation in * 18°S - FAO/Fiji Government - * . Fisheries ?

rehabilitation • programme (22 0 * t March-8 May 19S3). Kadavu South Pacific 0 Fishing sites 180° Commission, Noumea, 1 New Caledonia, 15 pp.

Fishing dates: From 12 April 1983 To 3 May 1983

Fishing vessels: __,. „ . * LOA Number Name Type (m) Engine of reels Monohull 8.4 20 hp diesel inboard 2

Fishing operations: No. of trips 11 No. of trips spent bottom fishing 11 Total hours at sea Average hours at sea per trip Total hours DB fishing 33 Average deep-bottom fishing hours per trip 3.0 Total reel-hours 66 Average reel-hours per trip 6.0 Total handlirce hours 18 Average haudline hours per trip 1.6

Catch (kg): Total (all fishing methods) 789.0 Deep-bottom fishing 470.1 Deep-bottom catch (kg) Average per Average per Total trip reeWwur All species 470.1 42.7 7.1 Excluding sharks 316.1 28.7 4.0 Excluding sharks and locally unsaleable species

Comments: Boat name was not recorded. 113 Species composition of the deep-bottom fishing catch

Number * number Wd0it(kg> *wdght Av.welght

T ^uMii • W*IIWM AphiwiufitrxatKf Gwyjohfgib D«p-vafermpper< Apritm virtjctns Green jobnfh 1 0.4 2.0 0.4 2.0 AphamisniSiavt Snull-tixithjoMuh 5 1.9 17.0 3.6 3A Elelh carbmaAus Short-taitad tod sapper 4 1.S 3,0 0.6 0.8 EtcfccorwQUU Long-trf upper EteUjradiasiu Pale mapper ParaausiDhuakaru Saddled fuiilioi 2 0.B 4.5 1.0 2.3 PrisiipanaideM mrtaeiaa Flower mapper 1 0.4 0.5 0.1 0.5 PtiniponioiiitiauricUki Gtad-lauodjobftrb 1 0.4 0.5 0.1 0.5 PrijtippmaidesJUametil0Ji4s RoayjoMiah 12 4.6 13.0 2.S 1.1 PrixipaHoultiJIavtpirmte Yellow jobfnh 16 6.2 16.5 3.5 1.0 Priuipomoida multidcns PiuphvcheokBdjobEah IS 5.8 31.5 6.7 2.1 Prijtipamoidcs xonariu- Bandod flower auappcr 5 1.9 4.0 0.9 0.8 Other Am kfcmiEiid Sub-total 62 23.8 92.5 19.7 1.S

Uu>nku*.Uu>>*iae LMIJCUUU argenlmaculatiis Mangnnvjick 3 • 1.2 10.0 2.1 3.3 ShenWwattr nnui Lutjama bokr Redbu 14 5.4 44.0 9.4 3.1 LuijaHUS gibblu Paddlo-tail IS 6.9 11.5 2.4 0.6 Lutjataakawmn Blue.lklBd mapper 8 3.1 2.0 0.4 0.3 LuljtuuunialabaricHJ Malabar bytppcr LuljaHua molioitigmi One-loot mapper 6 2.3 4.0 0.9 0.7 Lvtjatuu nrfpiititalus Rufouv aoapcrch 14 S.4 4.0 0.9 0.3 Other Auudmlined 3 1.2 1.0 0.2 0.3 Sue-total « 2S.4 7«.5 16.3 1.2

LnhrHoat GyruKKrahua jbpwMnu Indole bream &nperon Lttkrinui dt/ysojlomus Red-nuoat emperor Lcthriruu kallapttrus Ycllow-Hponed uiipuui Lelhrinus miruolKr Long-nosed emperor 5 1.9 19.0 4.0 3.8 Ltlhriniu ntictAuus Reticulated emperor Le&rtwu varie^atia Variegated crnperor Watuaamossan&iica LargB'cye bteam 13 5.0 1D.5 2.2 0.8 Other tariderjtifiod 45 17.3 27.0 5.7 0.6 SuhJutal 63 24.2 56.5 12.0 0.9

Somite Ccptudcpholuawoxlia Orange rock-cod Groupers Epauph^usanohSts Aieoiatof grouper Epiiuptuliu dtiamstigma Brown-spotted grouper Epintfihchu comelae Snakakin grouper EpinepheJtuJiudalus Red-banded grouper Epvncpkehuflavocatndau Purple grouper 1 0.4 3.0 0.6 3.0 EpuKpiubantetgmsatJtis Speckled grouper EpincphehumiHarii Honeycomb grouper Eptnephebsmorrfuia Curve-banded grouper 4 1.5 5.5 1.2 1.4 Epinephtha nelcwft Brown-backed grouper Seven-bended grouper SoloptiapoVfttti Golden fish Variola loHti Lunar-tailed cod 3 1.2 3.5 0.7 1.2 Other Auuoontified 54 20.S 70.5 15.0 1.3 Subtotal a 23.8 82.5 17.5 1.3

CarangtoW ScotnbridM Caranx Ignobftis Lowly bevally 1 0.4 6.6 M 6.6 TrenlUn, Jacks, tunas CaronxIitgvMs Black Ucvally fcrioJo otoncrtti Amberjack Striolapurpdrajccns AtDbcrjedc Strida mobofu Amberjidr Gynwaarda touooior Dogtooth tunt OtberAmiocntiGed Sun-total I 0.4 6.6 1.4 6.6

Gempjtau Prornclhichltiyi prottietheut Snake mackerel 1 0.4 1.5 0.3 1.5 OltfMws, Snake rnKkenb Rwtlliuprttioius OMah Other/unideruifiod Sub-total 1 6.4 1.5 0.3 1.5

Other booy fiihw Sub-tota)

QtrcWbMdK Carcharhwii albunargutaliv White-lip gbark 5 1.9 154.0 32.8 30.8 Sharks CaTrharhituaambt^Htynchoj Greyroerahark Carcharhitutsmctaivptavs Black'tip shirk Triaacdan abciiu Rset HiuJe-up aberk Other Auudcntifiod Subtotal 5 l.» 154.0 32.8 30.8

GrmodTotab Bonynshn 255 ».l 316.1 67.2 1.2 Sharks 5 1.9 154.0 32.8 30.8 All species 260 100.0 470.1 100.0 1.8 114

Country/ Territory: Hji Location: North and eastern ^ VanuaLevu Vanua 0 O /Levu ** Fishery status: <# %^ P~fQ J Lightly exploited 0 „ /yz*o Reference; V * \r w « Mead, P. (in press). V * «• • r- Deep Sea Fisheries V * Development Project. - '•/ ^^S-n * Report of the third -, t "\o « ^ visit to Fiji (18 "VJ!C--^V ^Wi\ «» 18°S - January 1984-19 a m April 1985). South * V M^ w Pacific Commission, ^-J r — Noumea, New •<^> a * i Caledonia. Q Fishing sites 180° 1

Fishing dates: From 2 February 1984 To 17 October 1985

Fishing vessels: LOA Number Name Type (m) Engine of reels Kalia Monohull 8.6 20 hp diesel inboard 3

Fishing operations: No. of trips 30 No. of trips spent bottom fishing 30 Total hours at sea 490 Average hours at sea per trip 16.3 Total hours DB fishing 117 Average deep-bottom fishing hours per trip 4.5 Total reel-hours 252 Average reel-hours per trip 9.7 Total handline hours Average handline hours per trip

Catch (kg): Total (all fishing methods) 5,399.3 Deep-bottom fishing 3,725.5 Deep-bottom catch (kg) Average per Average per r* Total trip reel-hour All species 3,725.5 124.2 12.8 Excluding sharks 1,475.5 49.2 5.1 Excluding sharks and locally unsaleable species

Comments: 115 Species composition of the deep-bottom fishing catch

Nwfer *ambr VM&Kkj) %i*4aht Av.wd(b(

Lu^nftae-lUeiane ^ptaneiu/Hrruflur GltryjoWWl Deep-vafcrnwpfiHi j^btion virejccfif CkocnjobEifc ApAomifririftaiu Srall-tooth jdi Rib 27 4.3 143.S 3.9 5.3 EteJij carbunatlux Shcrt-iailod redmappe r 8 1.3 38.5 1.0 4.8 £re/ir tervsww Long-tail aq» EuUMtwHona Pele. mapper 5 0.8 11.5 0.3 2.3 Pwaciio htiaJtarii • Saddled funHcr 3 0.5 9.5 03 3.2 PriltiipanoideE amoemu Flowcr snapper Prirtpumoiiejalridlli Gdd-ttilodJDMui PristipnnoidtsfilanuMHma Rosyjabfiah 17 2.7 10.0 0.3 0.6 Prutyamolduflanputiuj YdlowjdbGih 42 6.6 31.0 0.E 0.7 Pridipemaidea puiM&ftj Puipta-cheeked jooGali 219 34.6 358.5 9.6 1.6 Pristipvrtajtdeixatuuttt Btndod Bower aneppar 5 0.5 3.0 8.1 0.6 Oder/unidentified SuWotal 316 51-5 605.5 M.3 1.9

UHJmidae-LuttoAtM Lutjamu or$i ntumridntHi MungKnnjack 34 5.4 104.0 2.8 3.1 SlnusMMMler Happen tMijouuis heita- Red hie. 26 4.1 100.5 2.7 3.9 Ltiljmus gibbus Fiddlc-lail 7 1.1 4.5 0.1 0.6 Latjamakaxmnt Bluo-lned snapper Ltiijamuimkibarictu Malabar •nepper Ijdljaiua moHta&gna One-apc* mapper 2 0.3 1.0 0.0 0.5 Luljaruu ntfaKiualia Ruforo eeapcrch 2 0.3 0,5 0.0 0.3 Other/uindnitifiBd SO 12.6 1+2.5 3.8 1.8 Subtotal 151 23.9 353.9 9.5 2.3

UkUk GymnocroMtu japaniau Iodine bream Empenm Ltthriiuu ckrytostciwu Red-throetanperar Lttkriiua AaJJopfena YeUow-apotted emporor 2 0.3 6.0 0.2 3.0 Librium mimafur Lons/wecd umpeior 20 3.2 79.5 2.1 4.0 LethrihUS rr&fdaf IU Reftml elrd emperor Lclhrbuu varkgains Variegated emperor WatUiamoaaambiea Largc-cyc bum E 1.3 11.5 0.3 1.4 Olhtr/unifanliDoi 5 0.8 9.5 0.3 1.9 Suh-tDbl 35 5.5 1M.5 1.9 3.9

StmutdK Cepnafepnolu airOH/kj Ormge rock>cod Grouper* Epiuepluha artalaai Andited grouper 5 0.8 4.0 0.1 0.8 Efnntpkdiv drtarajtigma Browiracu&d grouper • 0.6 12.0 0.3 3.0 EfHntptuha camclat Snikeakiii grouper EpititptielwsfiisciatMi Red-handed giuupei EpuupkelujfltvacfKndeui Purple grouper EptMpfchatieigKlaxttir Spodded grouper EpuKphthii miRarit Honeycomb grouper 8 1.3 9.0 0.2 1.1 EfAntphebamprttwa Curve-handed grouper 3 0.5 6.0 0.2 2.0 Epinqjtubu reUnttt Brown-backed grouper Epmepfutus acpferrrfudotia Scvcn-bmded grouper Saloplutpowilli Golden fiau Variola bud Lunar-tailed cod Olbcr/unidumifiDd 17 2.7 100.5 2.7 5.9 Sub-tnl 37 S.8 131.5 3.5 3.6

CtawgdH/SumhrtdK Canutx igaobBii Lowly trevally 1 0.2 3.0 0.1 3.0 Trewllfc«,j»ciu,tunM CanuxJugubris Black BCYally StrieHaduntrili Arabcrjack Striata pvrpmuttnx Amberjeck StriiiarvJO&aiia Arnberjack 18 2.8 119.5 3.2 6.6 GymntwrniaJiruceier Dogtooth lima Otbf*/unidentified 2 0.3 50.0 1.3 25.0 Sub-Mil 21 3.3 172.5 4.« 8.2

Ganpjiaae Pratnctiuctokyi promtihtus Snake mackerel 1 0.2 1.0 0.0 1.0 QUflitHi, Snake nuckenb Riavttia pre norm OUMi Other/unidnHiOid SllVkiSa] 1 0.2 1.0 0.0 1.9

MbxtUmeoutboiirflihei Sphyreenidae Bsmmlii 23 3.6 105 5 2.S 4.6 Other bwyGabc* Sub-Mai 23 3.6 195.5 2.* 4.«

OmhvMnkke Can^arnuuuale&nirgj'KiJur White-tip ifcark 1 0.2 30.0 0.8 30.0 SMo Carchariuiuu arribfyrfymchos Grey reef ahark 13 2.1 200.0 S.4 15.4 C&t&arhwttttialanopltnii Bbck-dpibwk Trht&adon obesia Reef while-tip »b*ik Other /iUudcntUted 25 3.9 2,020.0 54.2 80.8 Slivk*.] 39 6.2 2,250.0 tOA 57.7

Gnndlbtil: Bonyflshes 594 93.8 1,475.5 39.C 2.5 Slmrio 39 6.2 2,250-8 (9.4 57.7 AUfptctel «33 100.9 3,715.5 100.9 5.9 117 FRENCH POLYNESIA French Polynesia comprises five archipelagos (, , Tuamotu Islands, and ) made up of small high islands and atolls. The total land area amounts to 4,000 km2 and there is a total of 2,971 ami of 100-fm isobath around the different islands.

SPC masterfishermen have made only one visit to French Polynesia, during which survey fishing was conducted on the slopes of Rurutu and Tubuai in the Austral Islands, Mehetia in the Society Islands and Ua Pou in the Marquesas. All these locations are small high islands.

Average catch rates ranged from 2.3 kg/line-hr at Rurutu to 6.7 kg/line-hr at Ua Pou. The CPUE at both Tubuai and Mehetia was 4.7 kg/line-hr and the overall average catch rate was 5.0 kg/line-hr. The gross catch composition for the entire survey is given in Table 2. At both Rurutu and Mehetia eteline snappers accounted for only 10 per cent of catches with serranids, carangids/scombrids and gempylids forming about 80 per cent of the landings. Eteline snappers were a more dominant feature of bottom fishing at Ua Pou and Tubuai and accounted for 36 per cent and 59 per cent of the catch respectively. At both locations serranids and carangids/scombrids were the other main feature of catches. Deep slope species in French Polynesia are caught mainly by semi-commercial and recreational fishermen (Wrobel, 1988) rather than by true commercial operators, who focus mainly on pelagic species. Wrobel (1988) suggests that the deep slope fish stocks in French Polynesia offer limited commercial potential, based on SPC and other surveys. According to Wrobel, deep slope species have already been overfished in certain areas of French Polynesia, such as the Windward Islands in the Society Islands archipelago. Declines in production have also been noted around Tahiti-Moorea, Mehetia, Maiao and Tetiaroa. As discussed previously, however, declines in production are liable to occur once the virgin unexploited biomass starts to be fished.

Given the range of catch rates for deep slope species in French Polynesia it is likely that at the CPUE at MSY will range between 1.2 and 3.4 kg/line-hr. The sum of the empirically estimated biomass for the islands of French Polynesia is 3,4271, from which the potential MSY is expected to lie in the range 343 to 1,028 t/yr. These figures must be interpreted with caution, however, given the low catch rates experienced in French Polynesia by SPC and during other surveys. Further, the empirical equation to estimate biomass is based on fishing at sites situated along the rim of the Pacific Plate. As described earlier, the number of fish species and genera decrease markedly in an easterly direction across the plate and away from the plate margin. The estimates of unexploited biomass might therefore be inappropriate for locations such as French Polynesia and the Cook Islands. 118.

Country/Territory: French Polynesia

Location:: Mehetia Fishery status: e Unexploited Moorea 17 30'S — Reference: Chapman, L.B. & P. \ Tahiti t Cusack (in press). Deep Sea Fisheries Mehetia Development Project. Report on first visit to French Polynesia (30March-30July 1987). South Pacific Commission, Noumea, New Caledonia. © Fishing site

149°10,W 1 1

Fishing dates: From 20 July 1987 To 27 July 1987 Fishing vessels: LOA Number Name Type (m) Engine ofreels Moana Nui Monohull Diesel inboard 2

Fishing operations: No. of trips 6 No. of trips spent bottom fishing 6 Total hours at sea 111 Average hours at sea per trip 18.4 Total hours DB fishing 51 Average deep-bottom fishing hours per trip 8.5 Total reel-hours 168 Average reel-hours per trip 28.0 Total hand line hours Average handUne hours per trip

Catch (kg): Total (all fishing methods) 930.4 Deep-bottom fishing 792.8 Deep-bottom catch (kg) Average per Average per Total trip red-hour All species 792.8 132.1 4.7 Excluding sharks 772.8 128.8 4.6 Excluding sharks and locally 732.1 122.0 4.4 unsaleable species

Comments: Vessel length was not recorded. 119 Species composition of the deep-bottom fishing catch

MBSW tmkr WskMfltg) »wdfW Av.wJgkt

LuyuddM-BdlnM Aphanuifiaiatitu Grcyjobfish 2 0.5 1.6 0.2 0.8 Deep-wlsrantpprn Aprion-vlrtstxM GiBcnjcbfish 2 0.9 5.0 0.6 2.S Apttamu riiUntu Small-tooth jbbfish 8 2.2 32J 4,1 4.1 EttJis aarbunadiit Sbort'teued rod •aepper 12 3.2 7-7 1.0 0.6 Eltlia cenuams Long-Bui aaepper £*e£r ra&ipu Pslcsnspper ParacaxiSa IUHCOTU SirkQed fusOsir JVuftyttMdufe5 tmtoaaa Flower supper Pri4ipomc?itknmridlltt Gold-tilled jnM«fa 13 3.5 7.1 0.9 o.s Prtstipomoidejfilamctilatui Rosyjobfoui 2 OJ 2.0 0.3 1.0 Pristipamoidisjlavipiiuut Purjic-crMkodJDhfkh PristipethaidcM ioMdiMj Bsnded flower upper 26 7.0 16.2 2.0 0.6

Stii-Mtl 65 17.S 72.1 9.1 1.1

Lu*nkW-Lulhl*»t LHljatuuargattimiatbtui Mengrovejsck SbaHow-nwIer jnspjpert Luljaaubohar Jtodbsn 8 2.2 40.6 5.1 5.1 Lmjatuu gfbbiu Paddb-Oul Lutjeumskamnwia Blue-Iked snapper 1 0.3 o.s 0.1 0.5 Lutjajuurmtabariau Msiebar supper 1 0J 1,5 0.2 IS Lttijtuua monflingm One-spot snapper LHfJdluu ntfolintalia Rufous seeperch OUier/unidttllificd Sub-tond 14 2.7 42.* S.4 4.3 ljtivUdtt GymisocnuuKr japcaiau Iodine bream BnpfTDrt Ltthriiuu ckryioitomuj Rod-throat cr or LtthritiMs kallapUruM YeUawBpatted eiiqjaor Ltlhriwts mniatut LouA-nnsod DmpBDTcr 1 0.3 3.2 0.4 3,2 Ctthrmiix rttiafatus PiH iri>f ttffff wij ww • Lethriiua varkgatia V*flegatt4onipciroC WetlMiamofsarnbiaa

Subtotal 1 (U 3.2 0.4 3.1

SsmnHsc C^aWqntaKr

Qra^ooW Scorn brfcu* Catmx ignobittM Lowly tovaUy 1 0.3 4.6 0.6 4-6 TrtwiUlee, jacks, tuna Canmxlugubix Black Ocvdly 61 16.4 150.9 19.0 2.5 ADnberjedc Seriate purpvxaxx/tj Aiober>ck Striata rivoliana Amberjack 6 1.6 25.8 3.3 4.3 G^nmosard^ umcokt Dogloothtuna z 0.5 100.0 12.6 50.0 Other /unjdeieified 2 0.5 17.7 2.2 8.9 Sub-fate) 72 19.4 2W.0 37.7 4.2

Gonajide* PromcthiekAyjpromtlhtitf Snnkemscketcl 57 15.4 98.6 12.4 1,7 OIHtaha, Snake mackerels Rweltia pntiosus Oil fish 3 0.8 60.5 7.6 20.2 Olber /unidentified Sub-loUJ 60 1(2 159.1 20.1 2.7

MnctUancoui borrj flsbef Sphynenkuve Bsmcudss 0.8 3.9 0.5 1.3 Outer bony Jtsbos 1.6 3.3 0.7 0.9 2.4 9.2 1.2 1.0

CardaHwoa albbrarginatia Wbifo-up shark Sharto Carchorkinm ombfyrn^ncAcv Grey reef shirk 1 0.3 20.0 2.5 20.0 CanAarhinm txJanopttnti Black-tip shirk Tr'^tnodo» obtjtu Recfwhifc-ljpxbirk Other /uinderjtjfied Sub-Ual 1 0.3 29.0 2.S 20.0

GrandTotafc Bony (bh el 370 99.7 772.8 97.S 2.1 Shark* 1 0.3 20.0 2.5 20.0 Allsavdei 371 100.0 792.* 100.0 2.1 120

Country/ Territory: French Polynesia Location: Rurutu o Fishery status: 0 Unexploited Reference: o Rurutu ]o Chapman, L.B. & P. Cusack (in press), ©\>^ • Deep Sea Fisheries Development Project. Report on first visit O A to French Polynesia (30March-30July 22°30E — 1987). South Pacific 0 I Commission, Noumea, New o Caledonia.

Q Fishing sites 151°2ffW 1 -

Fishing dates: From 18 April 1987 To 30 April 1987

Fishing vessels: LOA Number Name Type (m) Engine of reels Monohull 4.5 40 hp petrol outboard 2

Fishing operations: No. of trips 7 No. of trips spent bottom fishing 7 Total hours at sea 45 Average hours at sea per trip 6.4 Total hours DB fishing 47 Average deep-bottom fishingbour s per trip 6.7 Total reel-hours 39 Average reel-hours per trip 5.6 Total handline hours Average handline hours per trip

Catch (kg): Total (all fishing methods) 96.3 Deep-bottom fishing 90.8 Deep-bottom catch (kg) Average per Average per Total trip reel-hour All species 90.8 13.0 2.3 Excluding sharks Excluding sharks and locally unsaleable species

Comments: Vessel name was not recorded. 121 Species composition of the deep-bottom fishingcatc h

Number *numbr WeW>tOt|) %wd»bt AT.Tdght

Lu^oldM-BdkBe Aptureiafiircalus Grcyjobfiih 1 Z.8 1.2 U Dasp-iartEf Happen Aprion virtjcrju Groan jobfiJi ^pfcoreia rtfjLuf SimlMoothjdb6iH EJelir paH/tmculiu Sbort-uuledredeaippar Ettlii CDTUCOJU Loog-tuI upper PileEjppef Pn*A*n**** Imtntjrwn Saddled runtier Prist ip&navliM dmoenur Flower mapper Prijtipanuiiier vaieSRa Oald-laiktljobfijh 3 4.2 4.3 4.7 1.4 RcxyjcbTah 3 4.2 4.2 4.6 ].4 PristipfnoitiaflauifHnna Yellow jobfidi PrijtipctHoidds muUudttu Purple^beekod jobfith PrUiiptBnaidex itmatus Banded flower aaapper

Sub-factl S 11.3 9.7 18.7 1.2

Lidfrntf^.LuOtme I^jflJUaipyiUirWKMJaBHJ Mtngrove jack ShaUow-^mta- smppcrr Xju_k»iu£aAdr Red bus LuijojiiLf |jbbm PukDe-t«il Lui/oiuu Aojtwiirxx BJi»-l iood m-ppt* Luijfwui naiabarKVi Milabv m^pnr Luljaiau rm>t*ofdgnvi Onc-ipcmiMfpir LutjaAusntfa&MdUtf Otfaa"/ut]idc«ifiiad

L£»ft*fe GjrWUKTWHHf )|3pAfUC Vf Iodkjcfc*e*m anperon Leiknma chrytostomu* Rod-thrtMt on^war Leihritua iallcpterus Yeilow-ipaocd uij§iaui Lcikrinus minialui Lon^-naged enactor Ldhrinui nticulalus RACiculuad canporof LeOvitms varUgalki Yincgt^fid anpcrcr Wallsia manan&ica Other /unidentified Sub-tttl

Sernnkht Cepbaiaptiolu amxtia Orange radc-axl Groupn EptnepMciusartolaou Area] atod grouper EpiiteptielMt* ctoanrstifpna Srawa-tpcasd grouper

Epinzpttcliafasaalui Itod-baoded grouper 15 35.2 10.3 11.3 0.4 £JMnepAelurJlavoe3e™/eiu Purple grouper EpiruptieUs JWgHi'jaulLf Speckled grouper EpinepJieha milian'i Honeycomb grouper EpinqthelMr mprrAiM Curve-bended grouper 3 4.2 3.S 4.2 1.3 £pi'n^aA-ben6ed grouper Soloptiapoivtlli Golden fiah 3 4.2 4.0 4.4 1.3 Variola loud I^martailed cod 6 S.S 9.9 10.9 1.7 OtrjcrAinaJcmiucd 4 5.6 3.4 3.7 0.9 Sub-fatal 47 «.I 3«J 42.4 •.I

CfcnngkW SbxnbrtdW Camnx ignobHil Lowly uevilly Trewltla, Jadu, turns Cormtxlugubris Blade trevtUy 1 1.4 1.4 !J 1.4 Scriola dtmmrUi Amberjack Striata purpurascens Anfcajack StritJarhvtiana Anjbwjack 1 1.4 4.3 5.0 4,5 Gyntncsarda wicolor Dogunthtuna Ouier ^miosntifiod Sub-fatal 2 J.* S.S t.s 3.0

GanpjMu PramtMditkyt promeiheus Snake micbncl 4 5.6 6.0 6.6 1.5 OUnsh«,Soalceimrllerel9 Rwttlw preDOJkr Oifali 1 1.4 27.0 29.7 27.0 Olrjer /unidentified Sub-fatal 5 7.0 33.9 3*J t.t

Mbceuanrou* bony (bbca SpbyracnkUc Barracudas Other bony Cane* 12.7 3.7 4.1 0.4 Sub-total 12.7 3.7 4.1 1.4

OnttiHrtfe CarCfSan'tiuMi all>iiTiarg!r*UUj "WhiUi-xjp ttaA Sfetici CortrWwAjiuu offiWyr^jriiikaj GnsynctibxA C43i"iAa»Tlu«jtf mck«0p*«3-kjr B Lick-tip *huk Triatnodon chcius Reef whir -lip jJwric Odio- /unidentifiafj Sub4bl>l

Gfund Ton* Bony fishes 71 104.* 90.S 10O.B U Sherki Alljpmc, 71 10O.0 90.S 100,0 1.3 122

Country/ Territory: French Polynesia Q Fishing sites Location: Tubuai Fishery status: Unexploited 23°20'S - Reference: Chapman, LJJ. & P. Cusack (in press). Development Project Report on first visit to French Polynesia (30March-30July 1987). South Pacific Commission, Noumea, New Caledonia.


Fishing dates: From 12 May 1987 To 5 June 1987

Fishing vessels: LOA Number Name Type (m) Engine ofreeb Monohull 4.5 40 hp petrol outboard 2

Fishing operations: No. of trips 15 No. of trips spent bottom flsbing 15 Total hours at sea 109 Average hours at sea per trip 7.3 Total hours DB fishing 39 Average deep-bottom fishinghour s per trip 2.6 .Totalreel-hours .. . _ ... 73 . Average reel-hours per trip 4.3 Total handline hours Average handline hours per trip

Catch (kg): Total (an fishing methods) 1,362.5 Deep-bottom fishing 344.1 Deep-bottom catch (kg) Average per Averageper Total trip red-hour - All species •-- - ••-— 344.1 22.9 4.7 Excluding sharks Excluding sharks and locally unsaleable species

Comments: Vessel name was not recorded. 123 Species composition of the deep-bottom fishing catch

Nuutar %nnhtr Wdtht(k») fcwefcht Av.mhjht lia^nkhcEtdkaK Aphonia fidrealua Gnyjobfuh Deep-wlcmpfKn AprioH vinsaiu Gnsnjob&h Apharcwr**8aM Smdl-loothjobfiati 2 0.7 11.0 3.2 5.5 flrfbavbiuaffitf Short-tubd itaj Mppor 15 8.5 24.7 7.2 1.0 Eleto canaauu Loct-tul loippH 2 0.7 1W 5.6 9.7 Fuc snMppw S*&flcd fiutljBr Pristipomatki amotion Flower mapper PtistipaHoidcM dun'ofla Gold-bihdjob&b 77 26.3 36,9 16.5 0.7 PrtstipoMoidafitaMeiltoMia Roiyjobfidl 90 30.7 70.7 20.5 0.8 Prutlpenoidai flavipiiuus Yellow jobfith Pristipomadtl hudtidtHl Piiiplo-cbMKBdjcMfch fVijupuimifi fa t tMialia Bindod Dowsr •ompptf 14 4.8 20.8 6.0 1.5

Sub-Mil U* 71.7 2*3.4 5».l 1.0

Lmjama argtnlitoaadatut Mmpowjtck. fihaUow^mler mapperi Luljamabohv Rod but Luljanui gibbiu PiddLs-bul Luijatuti kaanin. Bluo-lnod upper LutjaMumaiabancus Militw in^ipDr Luljanvj momostigrta Oiw->pGt •ntpper Rufoiii ieipnrdi OtiietftaudBalifiod

LcUvMdae CrJVHIHXrWIU jbpCMUCltf Iodine fercim tkujKnw leiArinkt ckrytostottua Rdd-lbKMtiJiiipfl-ar Lttkrvuu kailtftUria Yella«-*pOted empdrttf Lethrimu mitdmus Lang-nOMxi emperor Lcthri/uti rtJfcuItfuf Rptkttltafid ftnpctor Ltihrwusvariegalui Viriefitcd unporar Watisia moaambica UigB-qiclwim OtiwAinidcxitifiad Slit-total

SuTUiicfce CepfialcpholilQiraniia Onnp; rock-cod Gtouptn Epinephthu tmolatui Aim. ltd gtauper Fpinephtlus cMarosligma Brown-ipottod grouper Epiiup/uha cattelae Snike*ldn grouper Epinep/ulusjiudatus Rcdrbuidcd grouper Epihtptujusjlaw&icruleiu Purple grouper Epincpfubis tmgnUoiUis Speckled grouper EfHtnephtha mtiarit Honeycomb grouper Epituphchit f#4rrkm Cur**r-b»flKfed ffvuptt « 5.1 36.9 10.7 2.5 Epi/uphehw tttouti Bro*n-b*cked grouper 37 126 47.3 13.7 1.3 Seven-bonded Saloptiapoweili OoldntEuh 7 2.4 7.4 2.2 1.1 Variola kmti Lunar-uUedcod 13 4,4 23.9 6.9 1.8 Otter/imVfcilifiKl 1 0.3 0.7 0.2 0.7 Slit-Mil 73 24.9 116.1 33.8 1.6

CknigloW Sambrklee Caranx igttob&u Lowly litvilly TicnlUa, JKIU, turn CdftuurfagMbrij Blickbcvtlly Sertoli dwneriti An±G3]ftCk Striata pvqjuraictiu Aninjedc Striata moiiana Aninjldc 5 1.7 19.0 5.5 3.8 Gyiwasarda unicalar Dogtooth turn Other /unidjmliliod' Sub-Mil 5 1.1 19.9 5.5 3.0

GenvyloK Promettncliltyi prvmt&tui SttfkEmscksnil OlKbha, SiukeiDKkcreta Ruvtltusprttioius Oil Gib Other Airwfcrttiijod Sub-total

MnceUintom bony Ibna 5|Jiyranudiir Binicuai* Other bony fiiba 1.7 5.5 1.6 1.1 Sub-total 1.7 5.5 l.( 1.1

OnferfaMihe CWxAdrituuir ^jrfaargjrulia' White-t^Mbtric Sfakriu QwcfcirWHiu ambtyritynctuu GteyiwfrfiMjk Carchvfutau mcfatUftcna BUck-tip*l»ric Triamodon obesus Reef whte-tip •hufc Otf»/umdentiI»d Sub-total

Grind Total: Bonylbhet 293 1M.0 344.1 1M.0 1.2 Shtrla AllspaJa 293 1M.0 344.1 100.0 1.2 124

Country/ Territory: French Polynesia Location: UaPou Fishery status: Unexploited 0 / \_ Reference: 0 j ^^>? Chapman, L.B. & P. dT ^3 Cusack (in press). \ Uapou \ Deep Sea Fisheries Development Project. \^ 7 Report on first visit V. / to French Polynesia ^-"H (Z (30March-30July ><*. I 1987). South Pacific *^_ jS Commission, *v— J Noumea, New ^~^

140°W Q Fishing sites . ^ -

Fishing dates: From 23 June 1987 To 16 July 1987

Fishing vessels: _~. ., . e LOA Number Name Type (m) Engine of reels Monohull 4.S 40 hp petrol outboard 2

Fishing operations: No. of trips 12 No. of trips spent bottom fishing 12 Total hours at sea 89 Average hours at sea per trip 7.4 Total hours DB fishing 44 Average deep-bottom fishing hours per trip 3.6 Total reel-hours 96 Average reel-hours per trip 8.0 Total handline hours Average handline hours per trip

Catch (kg): Total (all nshing methods) 1,272.9 Deep-bottom fishing 641.6 Deep-bottom catch (kg) Average per Average per Total trip reel-hour All species 641.6 53.5 6.7 Excluding sharks 581.6 48.5 6.0 Excluding sharks and locally 551.6 46.0 5.7 unsaleable species

Comments: Vessel name was not recorded. 125 Species compositioii of the deep-bottom fishing catch

Nundber dumber Wd^tk*) %wdgbl Av. weigh!

Lu^nJdee-ElEUw Aphamufimaltu GmyjobSib Dee?-walfr**ppai Aprum virtiOMs GIBED, jobfidi 6 2.9 1S.S 2.4 2.6 ApharetvridibiB SimJI-trtUhjobCjll S 2.+ 24.8 3.9 S.O Elettioar&ujiaifaj Sbort-teucdno1 wpper 19 9.3 23.6 3.7 1.2 Etel&wnaauu Long-tail snipper 1 0.3 4.5 0.7 4.5 JtalirrunaHU Pile supper Paracaaw JbtMjhira Siddled fmubr PristipcmoUtJ omoffHtf Flower snipper JYteftomeiderauridlla Gold-ttiledjobfiih fMetyurneiderJiIajHen/arur Roeyjbbfiih se 27.3 125.7 19.6 2.2 Yellow jobfieh Prijt frMnuidu miJfideilJ Purple>f±oeked jobBjh JVirrfperwude j zondrw Bended flower enipper 19 9.3 25.6 4.0 13 Other /unidentified 10 4.9 9.2 1.4 0.9 Sub4DUd nc 5C.6 218.9 3S.7 2.0

Lu^nldK-UuJukiK Lu^caua aqgentunaailahu Mingrowjedt Shuuow •*«(«• nncen Luljaiau bohar Red bear 3 U 30.0 4.7 10.0 Lutjatau gibbur Peddle-liil Lutfanutkamura Blue-liDed snipper 1 0.5 0.2 0.0 0.2 Lutjarmmalahariciu Milib*; rapper Lutjflvu ttiono/tigttta One-^Mt mppol Liilpwu re/ou'eeofiu: Rufou* •oeperch Other AmVfentifiod Sub-tooil 4 2.9 30.2 4.7 7.6

LcteWdK GjfFiitocrioui'nj jdporiicia Iodine beam Emporo Lxthrirua chrys&Jtanots Rcd-thsroat emperor Lttkritw* Mfopteni* YoUow-iprjited unqjeror £*rtn»HJr*ifliofHj LoPB-oncd emperor Reticulated emperor VaiioBtod emperor Wa/infl rnoxumbicu Other AuudesHJCod 1 D,5 J,0 0.2 J J) Sitfvtobl 1 e.s l.fl ft.2 1.0

SumAbe CeprWrfifoto ointret&i Onnflg rock-cod Grouper? fy&upAeJiu orrobnir Areolieid grouper Biawn-epooed grouper i^xieptebir eamebe 5nlJceikin grouper Jllpiieneehu/ajciafw ftod-auded grouper ^UKpeefHrybiKKaenJeicr Purple grouper Epwephtlua magmfatfiis Speckled grouper Epiiuphdus nations Honeycomb grouper Cunv^bwoed juniper •a, 10.7 67.2 1DJ 3.1 Epitiephdus nttruti Brown-becked grouper EpinqsktUu icptetrfasdatia Seven-bended grouper l 0.5 ss.o 8.6 55.0 SdkpiapowtUi Golden Bib Vanotafaid \jtBmtw3B$ pad i OJ 1.0 0.2 1.0 Odier Atnkfantiued 10 4.9 11.8 1.8 1.2 ®ih**tl 34 K.6 135.0 21.9 4.0

CmngMxr' SonnbrklK Canuu IgHentfu lAwlytrcvelly TrniUlM, Jacke, limes CdraruriujMeriir Bltcktrevilly 26 12.7 58.2 9.1 2.2 Striata dwnetSi Ambeqick Striata pwprtrtuaens Araber/ed; Striata mafitMa Ambaieck 21 10.2 125.8 19.6 6.0 OyHiHosarda wdcokjr Dogtooth turn O&or/tandentified 1 O.S 2.5 0.4 2.5 Sub-total 48 23.4 186.5 29.1 3.9

Gmpjldu ProtuthicMtyrprometfitus Snake mackerel OBtbhsg, Snake mackenls RttwtW pretivju* ORfah Other /unidentified Slit-toil

MtadtHitoui bomj Mies Sphytaenidat BuTuaidu Other bony fuhea Sub-Wal

CktdarhUdtt QircAarttinilr olbuttor^inana White-up durk 2 1.0 60.0 9.4 30.0 Shwka Gieyieerituuk flbrrJkvMnJir mdonopicnu BUi-tip ibirir 7>urti«e>ft oeejw RmfalilB-tipitnA OuKr/unidenlifiBl Snb-kiull 2 1.0 60.0 9.4 ».«

BonyfWia 203 99.B 581.6 9«.< 2.9 Sherta 2 1.0 60.0 9.4 30.9 AII^Mdet 205 loe.o 641.6 100,0 3.1 127 KIRIBATI Kiribati consists of four groups of atolls and coralline islands (Gilbert Islands, Phoenix Islands, Northern Line Islands and Southern Line Islands) that extend over 3,600 km in an east-west direction, both north and south of the equator, and with a total land area of 710 km2. Half of this land area is accounted for by Christmas Island, the world's largest atoll island, in the Northern Line group. The total length of the 100-fm isobath around the various islands is 708.7 n.mi.

SPC masterfishermen have made two trips to the Gilbert Islands and a single visit to Christmas Island. Fishing surveys around seven atolls in the Gilbert Islands gave catch rates varying from 0.4 to 10.3 kg/line-hr, with an average of 6.3 kg/line-hr, whilst at Christmas Island the average catch rate was 16.5 kg/line-hr.

A summary of the combined catch composition from the masterfishermen's visits is given in Table 2. Eteline snappers comprised about 56 per cent of the catch weight of deep slope fishes at the Gilbert Islands with odier major contributions from sharks (19.1%), serranids (18.5%), lutjanine snappers (13.6%) and gempylids (10.8%). The eteline snapper catch was dominated mainly by Pristipomoides filamentosus and P. zonatus, whilst the lutjanine snapper catch was, as at other atoll locations, composed mainly of Lutjanus bohar. This species was also dominant in the catch at Christmas Island and alone formed just over 50 per cent of landings. The other major component of Christmas Island catches was serranids, mainly two species, Epinephelus chlorostigma and E. morrhua. Eteline snappers were a minor feature of landings at Christmas Island, accounting for only 1.1 per cent of the catch weight. The estimated unexploited biomass of the islands that comprise Kiribati is 731.31, and the MSY from this will probably lie in the range 73 to 219.4 t/yr. As most of the population of Kiribati inhabits the Gilbert Islands, it is more useful to estimate biomass and yield for these islands only. The empirical biomass estimate for this group is 5501, with an MSY range of 55 to 165 t/yr. At MSY the catch rates at the Gilbert Islands might be expected to decline to around 3.2 kg/line-hr, and to 8.3 kg/line-hr at Christmas Island. 128

Country/ Territory: Kiribati 1 0 Location: 173°20' o Kuria Fishery status: Unexploited 0 , Reference: Taumaia, P. and M. Gentle. 1983. Deep Sea Fisheries Development Project. Report of visit to o°i5N — Kiribati (23 April-18 November 1980). South Pacific Commission, I 1 Kuria Noumea, New Caledonia, 27 pp.

0 Fishing sites ° Ky

- L -"

Fishing dates: From 2 September 1980 To 11 September 1980

Fishing vessels: ¥~. ... LOA Number Name Type (m) Engine of reels Catamaran 8.0 25 hp petrol outboard 4

Fishing operations: No. of trips 6 No. of trips spent bottom fishing 6 Total hours at sea 129 Average hours at sea per trip 21.5 Total hours DB fishing 71 Average deep-bottom fishing hours per trip 11.8 Total reel-hours 252 Average reel-hours per trip 42.0 Total handline hours Average handline hours per trip

Catch (kg): Total (all Fishing methods) 2,177.2 Deep-bottom fishing 2,177.2 Deep-bottom catch (kg) Average per Average per Total tip reeVhour All species 2,177.2 352.9 8.4 Excluding sharks 2,026.9 337.8 8.0 Excluding sharks and locally unsaleable species

Comments: All fish weights adjusted upwards by 25 percent as original reported weights were for gutted and gilled fish.N o vessel name was recorded. 129 Species composition of the deep-bottom fishing catch

Numbr %numbir Wtigbt(k«> 9a weight AT. weight

Uujml^c-Bdkmc AplamafiavaOa Grey jabBsh Dam-mler a4aapen Aprian virtsuns Gmenjobfim 6 1.1 34.6 1.6 5.8 AphamortdSaHj Srraul-tQothjohBm 36 6.8 •74.5 3.4 2.1 Eletis carbtmailiu Short-Hied red n^d 6 1.1 86.5 4.0 14.4 Etttis conttcaHS £feu j rwuoxur Palomapper 3 0.6 14.6 0.7 4.9 Pntmtvtenn Irmnlr/nii Saddled funHer PrlxtipanotAuamoaua Flower mapper PTistipttwia^sanHdita Gold-tailed jobnm 11 2.1 10.6 0.5 1.0 PristipcraaUesJilunehtasia Kcayjobfilll 224 42.0 336.0 24.6 1.4 PristipcnK&sjlavfatlwr Yellow joHfch Fuiple-*±erjkrdjobfJeb Pristipamouks satalus Bended flowermappe r 33 6.2 4S.2 2.1 1.4 Other ^nidenriDBd Sufa-Mal 319 59.8 sore 36.8 2.5

Ui^nldat-UDjarawe /JtlpMiu argoifuiuciaalKj Mangrove jack SnlKow^mtwanapperi Lwjonus eofer Bed bus 65 12.2 504.1 23.2 7.8 Lu£ujtiu gihbut Paddfe-tuil 3 0.6 5.3 0.2 1.S [jdjaruis wan Blue-Ikied snapper £ujtuuu nulanaricur Malabar Bnapper LltfjidJtMr IH0JU4f(flW One~apat mapper LutptaanfaKiuatus Rufbur aaapardi Other/imidentiflBd Sub-total 68 12.6 509.4 23.4 7.5


Serranfaee Ctpk^tpksliiassxuUia Orange rofik-ood Groupers EpuKfiktbtsartoktMS Areolaled grouper EpitteplKiiatUorostiffna Brown-rpottod grouper Epiruftielut fomefae Sukeckin grouper ^Hjirfnie/Mr>4rcMfHr Red-bandpd grouper 5 os 4.0 0.2 0.8 ^unephe/ar/bvoaieraTeur Purple grouper i^uiepllu;Jiujn4£nijou£n> Spedded grouper fyfaepkriul miliaris HoDBycornb grouper 67 126 94.4 +.3 1.4 cpfncpneltv rturrniM Gu-w-banded grouper 6 1.1 21.3 1.0 3.6 £^ifupnebur reloafj Brown-becked grouper

fyiitepnefoiFJepf0irfejc&i'4u Seven-banded grouper foJoDiia powttti Golden filh Variola kuti JjunaMaued cod Other ^nidenliGed 24 4.5 426.9 19.6 17.8 Sub-totd in 19.1 54M 25.1 5.4

Carangktae1 SoombridM COTOMX itflobUis Lowly taevjdly 15 2Jt 55.9 2.6 3.7 TrenUKjK^blHrJ Carawtlv&ubris Blade bevally 6 1.1 18.6 0.9 3.1 SeriobtdmttriU Aroborjick Striata piapmuaia Arnborjack Striata rwoKaaa Arnbcrjick Gymnosarda wdoolar Dogtooth tuna Other/tazkjsntifjed 7 1.3 13.3 0.6 1.9 Sub-total 28 5.3 87.8 4.* 3.1

Gonpyldn Prorttetiticktiwfspromtihtus Snake nuclosrcl OIKUM, Snake mackerel! R uve/nu pre norm 030th 1 0.2 37.2 1.7 37.2 Gtfw/unidentified 1 0.2 8.0 0.4 8.0 Sub-Mai 2 9.4 45.2 2.1 22.6

MlanUantoui bony Ihno Sphynenklie Bamuatdai Other bony fimei 0,9 25.3 1.2 5.1 Subtotal 0.9 25.3 1.2 5.1

CerdwhHdat CardtarrMus albvmr&inat ur White-tip ahirk Sharkf Cardvfiiiiuts ambfyrhynchot Grey reef shirk Cardtarkinusmfiauaptenis Black-tip ihark Triaaiodoh citesiis Reefwhih-tipinerk 1 0.2 30.6 1.4 30.6 r>",-Y/mi1A™'ir'~l 3 0.6 119.7 5.5 39.9 Sun-fatal 4 ».< 150.3 (.9 37.6

Grand-Mat Bonrfbrict 529 99.1 2,026.9 93.1 3.* Sharks 4 0.8 158.3 (.9 37.6 All specks 533 100.8 2,177.2 100.8 4.1 130

Country/ Territory: Kiribati o Location: Maiana Fishery status: lr Unexploited /7 %^ // ^^ Reference: J : Taumaia, P. and M. / v? Gentle. 1983. Deep ff Sea Fisheries Maiana II Development Project. $ Report of visit to J } Kiribati (23 April-18 November 1980), South Pacific

Q Fishing sites 173°E I i r

Fishing dates: From 21 May 1980 To 7 July 1980

Fishing vessels; LOA Number Name Type (m) Engine ofreels Ang Rerei Monohull 8.0 110 hp diescl inboard 4 Nei Tewenei Monohull 14.5 200hpdiesel inboard 4

Fishing operations: No. of trips 3 No. of trips spent bottom fishing 3 Total hours at sea 114 Average hours at sea per trip 38.0 Total hours DB fishing 74 Average deep-bottom fishing hours per trip 24.7 Total reel-hours 314 Average reel-hours per trip 104.7 Total handline hours Average handline hours per trip

Catch (kg): Total (all fishingmethods ) 3,286.3 Deep-bottom fishing 3,286.8 Deep-bottom catch (kg) Average per Average per Total trip reeHiour All species 3,286.8 1,095.6 10.5 Excluding sharks 3,248.2 1,082.7 10.3 Excluding sharks and locally unsaleable species

Comments: All fish weights adjusted upwards by 25 per cent as original reported weights were for gutted and gilled fish. Note: three separate trips made to Maiana within specified time period. 131 Species composition of the deep-bottom fishing catch

Number % number WtttfitOg KmigM A*, weight

LiiyuiMK-Itdlnc Aphonia fitrcalia Greyjobfieh Derp-tatermepperr. Aprion vinxeia Gnenjobtieh 7 1.1 44.0 1.3 6.3 Apharat* niiioia Snall-toMii jobfijfc 2 0.3 12.0 0.4 6.0 ElcHMcarhuadut Shorl-teiled rod neppor 2 0.3 4.0 0.1 2.0 Etelitamaaua Long-tail mepptir Etelisradlosus FtieeomppBr 7 1.1 41.2 1.3 iS Panaaaio huaktwii Saddled finalier Pnstqxnadaamoeiua Flower •napper PrunpawHde j auridlla Gold-tuledjobfiih Prutlpatio&ei/ilaHicitlanu 37 5.7 93.1 2J 2.5 PrixtipoHGbUsJlavipiiviis Yellow jobfleh PristipemoideimMl&kH* Purpla-cheelasdjobfieh Pristipommde/ tonalH* Bended flower meppcr 26 4.0 37.2 1.1 lA Oihor/anidomifiod SiaVMll SI 115 131.5 7.0 2.* ln^Umt-luljukmc LHJJCUUI* flryewnWciilaM Mangrove jack SbeJlow-waler Happen XjtfpfW boW Red bate 225 34.6 1,134.5 34.5 5.0 iMtjanui gibbiu- Padde-nil 7 1.1 6.7 0.2 1.0 Ln&uuatawmra Bltte-lned enappor ZM^OHMS maloboriau Malabar snapper Luijditiu moHAi^m Ownpatmeppsr Luijanitr re/ea'rreoiiu Rufoua »seperGh Olher/uridsntiEed 11 1.7 12.0 0.4 1.1 Sub-toU 243 37.4 1,153.2 35-1 4.7

LettnttK GyfHHOCHUtiiujqMMiaB lodme bream finperon LctkriniiS dirysostamiu Red-throel craperor Yellow-lpoaed emperor Lcfktitou imttuuia Long-noecd emperor 12 1.8 31.9 1.0 2.7 Lelhimu ree'cubitf RctimlBtftd emperor Lethrimu varicgains Variogatoderapnnnr Watlsiamossambioa Large-vye bream 20 3.1 38.6 1.2 1.9 Other/iiruntatiSod Sub-Into) 32 4.9 7

Serrtukhe Cephalcphotv aurantitt OnapKick.

CermnjkW SoombridM Cwwix ignobUis Lowly trcv*]ly 3 0J 17.3 0.5 5.8 TrcvaWa, Jndu, tunaf Carxmr fagubriff Black truvelly 51 7.B 27S.D 8.5 5.5 Ambetjad: Striate purptraseens Aiiejujack Sericja rnnCaw Amberjack Gjrtmejaraj wucofar Dogtooth tuna Ouw/uudentified 53 8.2 93.1 2.8 1.8 Sub-total 107 16.5 388.4 X1.8 3.6

Gemprtdu Promcthichlfiysprometkeus Srukc mackerel OflrMia, Srautenwckertki RmtumprtSosus oar»h 4 0.6 91.8 2.8 23,0 Ottrc/unidentifkid 1 0.2 1.3 0.0 1.3 Soh-faM S ».* M.1 2.8 18.6

M(jc*H»nwu»bonj-n*ei SphyraenidK Birniadu 3 0.5 5.3 0.2 l.S Other bony Qibei 130 20.0 679.6 20.7 5,2 Sub-Mel 133 20.5 684.9 20.8 5.1

GaKharfcHdK Girctarfcutw arbvnargz'*uur White-lip dterk Shuioj CardtpHdauj arribfyrhyndtos Grey reef shark Cardwhuaitmelanopttnii Black-tip shark Trittenodan obtsia Reef while-tip shark Oilier AmMontifjnJ 2 0.3 38.6 1.2 19.3 Sub-tabl 2 0.3 38.6 1.2 19.3

Grind Total: Bwiyflsha 648 99.7 3,248.2 98.8 5.0 Shark] 2 0.3 38.6 1.3 19.3 Allsptdtf 650 100.0 3,286.8 100.0 5.1 132

Country/ Territory: Kiribati Location: o Tarawa /lh /^\ fishery status: 0 / Unexploited Reference: o \ Taumaia, P. and M. YVs. Gentle. 1983. Deep o Sea Fisheries V^>v , :, Development Project. Tarawa ^**""~" * rSv Report of visit to o Kiribati (23 April-18 • via£ S November 1980). V^ f~**Z£s^£ South Pacific o 1 §§1 Commission, zSs^Az^^ Noumea, New xss^^ 1°2

0 Fishing sites 173 °W

• 1

fishing dates: From 12 May 1980 To 18 September 1980

Fishing vessels: LOA Number Name Type (m) Engine ofreels Ang Rerei Monohull 8.0 110 hp diesel inboard 4 Nei Tewenei Monohull 14.5 200 hp diesel inboard 4 Catamaran 8.6 25 hp petrol outboard 4

Fishing operations: No. of trips 14 No. of trips spent bottom Ashing 14 Total hours at sea 213 Average hours at sea per trip 15.2 Total hours DB fishing 109 Average deep-bottom fishing hours per trip 7.8 Total reel-hours 368 Average reel-hours per trip 26.3 Total handline hours Average handline hours per trip

Catch (kg): Total (all nshing methods) 3,641.0 Deep-bottom fishing 3,008.0 Deep-bottom catch (kg) Average per Average per Total trip reel-hour All species 3,008.0 214.9 8.2 Excluding sharks 2,430.8 173.6 6.6 Excluding sharks and locally unsaleable species

Comments: ^° i*1116 waa recorded for catamaran. All fish weights adjusted upwards by 25% as original reported weights were for gutted and gillcd fish. Note: fishing at Tarawa was interspersed with trips to Maiana and Kuria. No vessel name was recorded for the catamaran. 133 Species composition of the deep-bottom fishing catch

NunaW %TO*

Lu^tddM-EKUac AphattuifimaUu GKyjobfiib Deep.wteranarj|Kn Aprienvtrescens Green jobfifb 1 0.3 14.6 O.J 7.3 Apharewridilaiu Snull-loath job Eih IS 2.3 123.0 4.2 8.3 Eielis carbwuxlus Short-tailed red aaapper 6 0.9 12.0 0.4 2.D Ettlb MTIUCdUU Lang-tall rapper iter?* ratfiaiiu Pile upper Pdrooujip fauuawuT Saddled tuiiliu' Prutipanaidda amoaaa Flower mapper PritttpemoitkMaBusikt Gcld-tuMjobfiah 37 5.! 57.2 1.9 1J PristipanundttJtounttUAn* Roayjobfiah 84 13.1 171.6 5.7 2.0 PristipaHoitUsflavipitiM Yellow job&h Priitipcnouks miJddefu nupk-chfldrcdjobfjah Pristipanoidta lonatui Banded flower mapper 62 9.7 99.8 3.3 1.6 Other Amkfantjfitil Sub-total 296 32.2 4M.2 U.« 2.3

UKMdtt'ljnqintaK Lutjamu argaltmiaailaaa Mangrove jack 1 0.2 26.6 0.9 26.6 Srallmr-waler snapperi iMjama rJehor Red bam 111 17.4 389.7 13.0 3.5 LltfjafiVfTbettf Ptddtomfl 23 3.6 33.3 1.1 1.4 Rlue-lattd aoapper Luljaxur nHjopdnCHT Malabar anappor [jajeavti monorligtna One-apot mapper 10 1.6 22.6 0.8 2.3 Rufon* peaperch Other ^nkteritiEal 2 0.3 2.7 0.1 1.4 Sub-total 147 23.9 474.9 15.8 3.2

LdtivUdte GymhOcrawMtjapoiuats Iodine faum Empcron Lelhrinus chrffostofrms Rfid-lhro*lBrnptraf Ltthriruo kallopleria Yellow-iprtkd emperor Ltiftnniu mirtiatus Loiig-nand cnyaror 23 3,6 57,2 1.9 2.5 JLciArimu nb'culattu RcticiilMBduiipuu Jl/tfcpiruurwraeja/iu ViuiegitodMnpMix Wulati Avijtiami-itii LugB-ejv town 21 3.3 49,2 1 ,fi 23 OtharAirifeittiGad 6 0.9 17.3 0.6 2.9 Sub-M SO 7.8 123.7 4.1 2.5

SarankBK CeprWcfftWu ouranju Orange rock-cod GruajMri Eptnep/ieha orcoliau Areolatod pauper Epituphelia cMorajtigma Brovm-qMttxf a^oupar 7 1.1 14.6 0.5 2.1 EpirupJtthu comcfcie Snakralrin grouper ^HnepfahujSuriaJja Rrjd-bandod grauper 4 0.6 2.7 0.1 0.7 /^'lupftWuijanwoaenueur Purple grouper EpfctplieliuiHagltUadtit Specloed grouper 16 2.5 25.3 0.8 1.6 EpinqjiithamS&uiM Honeycomb grouper 11 1.7 59.9 2.0 5.4 EpitttpJtelia mrwrfeu Ome-btnoad grouper EpinepheSus rcloUi Brown-becked grouper EpincphchuxpitrijasdalKs Seven-banded grouper SalapaapowdU Golden fiih Variola hub' LumrtaDodeod Olbcr/unidontiGed 28 4.4 143.6 4.8 5.1 SuB-fctal tf lt.3 246.1 S.2 3.7

CaranaJeW Scomtarka* Coram ijnoetfu Lowly irevaUy 11 1.7 180.9 6.0 164 Trtvanan, Jacks, tunas Coruru:Jiu;ucru Black trovally 4 0.6 14.6 0.S 3.7 Striata aunvrift Antborjack StnoUtpwpuraaacta Ambajark: Striata rho&ana Amherjadc 1 0.2 12,0 0.4 12.0 Gymnatarda umcotor Dogtooth tuna 2 0.3 31.9 1.1 16.0 Other /unklentiGed 28 4.4 63.8 2.1 2.3 Sub4nra! 46 7.2 303.2 10.1 t.t

Goijvicfce Proncfhichthys pmmethau Stubs nudxxcl 6 0.9 110.0 3.7 1S.3 OHfbhet, SadEeimckereb Buvetlus prctt0tu3 Oiifiih 19 3.0 365.D 12.1 19.2 Other /anitisntiGed 26 4.1 33.8 1.1 1.3 SulHott 51 *.» 5M.« its 10.9

MbceuarjKHHboojthbM SphynenidK Barracudaa 21 3.3 26.6 0.9 1.3 Other bony fiabea 33 5.2 267.3 8.9 8.1 Sub-total 54 8.5 293.9 9.8 5.4

GvcrartanJdae CarcharhiHHialbwnarghiatm Whoe-tip shark Sharks CarchaHtirav atnbtyrhy/icltox Grey reef ahaik CarcktrMaamtiiKipttna Black-tip fhark 2 0.3 41.2 1.4 20.6 TriatxaltHiebaiB Reef white-tip abark 7 1.1 101,1 3.4 14.4 CnhcrArnkkmiGed 10 1.6 434.9 14.5 43.5 Si*-ejoJ 19 3.0 577.2 19.2 34.4

GnndTctac Bony fishes 620 97.0 2,439,8 ».» 3.9 Shuta 19 3.9 577.2 19.2 39.4 Attapedcl C39 109.0 3,MS.i 1M.0 4.7 134

Country/ Territory:

Kiribati O Fishiiig sites Location: Abaiang 2°N — Fishery status: Unexptoited Reference: Taumaia, P. and P. Cusack (in press). Deep Sea Fisheries Development Project Report on second visit to Kiribati (1 April-5 September and310ctober-19 December 1984). South Pacific Commission, Noumea, New Caledonia. 172°45'E -L

Fishing dates: From 25 April 1984 To 15 May 1984

Fishing vessels: LOA Number Name Type (m) Engine of reels Nei Problem Catamaran 8.5 25 hp petrol outboard 4

Fishing operations: No. of trips 6 No. of trips spent bottom fishiiig 6 Total hours at sea 78 Average hours at sea per trip 13.0 Total hours DB fishing 29 Average deep-bottom fishing hours per trip 4.8 Total reel-hours 90 Average reel-hours per trip 15.0 Total handline hours Average handline hours per trip

Catch (leg): Total (an Fishing methods) 421.0 Deep-bottom fishing 394.0 Deep-bottom catch (kg) Average per Average per Total irip reel-hour All species 394.0 65.7 4.4 Excluding sharks 387.0 64.5 4.3 Excluding sharks and locally unsaleable species

Comments: 135 Species composition of the deep-bottom fishing catch

Nutter %u*r Weight

1j&n)A*>Rmkm Apfatvuyfitraaiui GrcytobBth Dttp^mtarmappm Aprion virtsceia Gnoajobfiih 3 1.6 20.0 5.1 6.7 ApfuzrewrtfBaru SnalJ^toodijobfijh 15 S.l 74.0 is.s 4.9 EtefiscaHnatadiu . Shart'tMJtod tod upper 1 0.5 1.0 0.3 1.0 Etciis conaaaiu Lcog-iai] uppsr 1 0.5 10.0 2.5 10.0 Etctti ttutiosus Pile Saddled fluffier PriMipatnobks mtoftaa Flower mapper Prisripomoutcs anric3la Gdd-UuedjobSih 10 SA 7.0 1.8 0.7 Pn'jtipctnoifcjfiktmentosus Koayjohuih 6 3.2 17.0 4.3 2.8 Prutip&noittet ftoripintris Yellow jobf»h 3 1.6 11,0 2.8 3.7 Pristipcnoidej multidenj Ihirple'ChBBkDdjoh&sh 4 2.2 14,0 3.6 3.S Prislipomaides xonalus Banded flower mapper 46 24.9 48.0 12.2 1.0 Other/imidgntiSod 7 3.8 20.0 5.1 2.9 Sub-tatl] M 51.» 222.* 56.3 2.3

Lutynldae-Liifrtae LutjaMuargCHlmnrulatu* Mangrove-jack ShaJtoir-ieala-snappers LuSjafuisboh^ Redoes 15 8.1 52.0 13.2 3.5 £K1JNHMU gibtna Paddfe-tail 13 7.0 11.0 2.8 0.8 Blue.lkedanqiper Lx&wut malaknicait Meidw trapper Luijamu nanosdgma Oro-apotanaprjcr LutjawHs ritfoUfxatus Rufouaaeaporch OtijorAinifcT.-liued Sub-loud 2* 15.1 (3.0 16.0 2.3

LnlniuK Gynwacratiliujaixtuciu lodiitbreim Bap™ Rod-lhioetmiutaor Ltlttrirtw ialloptena YeUow-spnned emperor Lzthritua mniaHti Long-rased etnperor 1 0.5 3.0 0.8 3.0 Lzthriiw ntictikuus Reticuldnd DmrBm LeArvtiavarltgatus Vsriegated enactor Wattaa mouameiai LsigG'eyc bream 13 7.0 27.0 6.9 2.1 Other/linidenlified Snb-lofa! 14 7.t 3v.ll 7.< 2.1

Serranldae CtptuJapkotuawantia Orsnge raclc-Qod Groupers Epiiupkdujareotatia Aroalsfed grouper Epintphtlia dilorostigma Brown-spaaed grouper 11 5.9 22.0 5.6 2.0 Epiluphthu comtkie Snakeskm grouper Epinepluliafiisdatia Rsa^lianded groapar Epitup/tetiufiavtioatnilaa Purple groupbr Epuupheha mogwjatajr SpocklBd grouper Epirup/itlui iru'Iions Honeycomb grouper 18 9.7 13.0 3.3 0.7 EjxtwFtehunusnhiKt CurwbHndod grouper 2 1.1 5.0 1.3 2.5 Epititphcbo rttouti Brqvm-becked grouper EptiKfihelm acplenftaaaUu Scvcri-bended grouper Sakptiapowtlli Golden fish Variola huti Lunu-uulod cod Other /unidnitiDBd 1 0.5 1.0 0.3 1.0 Sub-tabd 32 17.3 41.0 18.4 1.3

OnngloW SambrUu Canuix ignobUi* Lowly trcvatty Trtnlues, Jacks, tunas Carom lugubris Black tuvstty S 2.7 18.0 4.6 3.6 Striata dumeriti Arrjbcrjscfc Striata pwpunaactns Amberjack Striata rivaEana AnxKrjack GytMo&Hla wiicokr Dogtooth tuna Other /urddeutjiicd Sub-kind 5 2.7 18.0 4.6 3.6

Gaiutyldn /VfVMeJAJchuVy* prantethau Snake mackerel 7 3.8 12.0 3.0 1.7 OeYHies, Suite msetorh Bmettia prcliasia Oitkh Other /unidentified Sub-lobd 7 3.8 12.0 3.0 1.7

MlaceUaneousboiry fishes Sphyisenidac Barracudas Ota bony Ashes 2 1.1 1.0 0.3 0.5 Sub4oad 2 1.1 1.0 0-3 f.5

OnMsHuac CartJiarfuivaalbmirgiiiQliu Whim-lip shirk Shuts Carduriurvn tmbtyrhyttchoj Grey reef sheik 1 0J 7.0 1.8 7.0 Cardiarfwwnclannpuna BUck-lip shirk Triaaiodon obtjiu Koerwhife-tip shark Ouur/urudentiOed Sub-tobt 1 0.5 7.0 1.8 7.0

Grand Ibtal: Bony fishes 184 99.5 987.0 98.2 2.1 Starkr 1 0.5 7.0 l.S 7.0 All species 185 100.0 394.0 100.0 2.1 136

Country/ Territory: Kiribati Location: 0 _^ Abemama O j^^^W (P351t — Fishery status: Unexploited ° fW^^. Reference; ItJ ^^^\ Taumaia, P, and P. ^fc\-jV" Cusack (in press). j^\ Abemama Vrk Deep Sea Fisheries fr~~*\ ^V ^ara. Development Project. ^*&--<3 ^\. vvv\, Report on second ^'*U*W**t4<*^fe1>\ \\\)> visit to Kiribati (1 ^(«? |l 1 April-5 September /S5»L pUa and310ctober-19 S^J^ttv-^ /ill December 1984). ^w*/^,^/J ]5 South Pacific Commission, Noumea, New o Caledonia. 173°45'E O Fishing sites • 1

Fishing dates: From 17 May 1984 To 23 May 1984

Fishing vessels: LOA Number Name Type (m) Engine of reels Onauti Outrigger canoe 6.0 9.9 hp petrol outboard 3 Angiraoi Outrigger canoe 7.3 5.0 hp petrol outboard 3

Fishing operations: No. of trips 7 No. of trips spent bottom fishing 7 Total hours at sea 112 Average hours at sea per trip 16.0 Total hours DB fishing 55 Average deep-bottom fishing hours per trip 7.9 Total reel-hours 167 Average reel-hours per trip 23.9 Total handline hours Average handline hours per trip

Catch (kg): Total (all fishing methods) 1,502.0 Deep-bottom fishing 1,433.0 Deep-bottom catch (kg) Average per Average per Total trip reel-hour All species 1,433.0 204.7 8.6 Excluding sharks 1,332.0 190.3 8.0 Excluding sharks and locally unsaleable species

Comments: 137 Species composition of the deep-bottom fishing catch

Number %unber Wdj)it(ki) *«%« Av.wd|ht

LuynttdM-EUkw AphOKUI^KOflU GieyjoeGsh rhap-mter ntapen .Apnea vfcreenr Gnenjobtiih Apftartia ntfifau Sim]l-l(««h jobfjih 8 1.8 55.0 3.8 6.9 Elclbcarbvnculiu Start-tailed led mxppot 5 1.1 17.0 1.2 3.4 £telis txmtxonj Lonf-lil Jaapper S 1.8 23,0 1.6 ZS Pile rapper Saddled fiutUer Rower mapper J>fcr ^HvnoUu oundflo Gold-tailed jobfiah 5 1.1 3.0 0.2 0.6 Pn*ipa»cMe3fila>raflitasiu XmyjnWiil 81 17J 182.0 12.7 3.2 Prutipano&cjflmnpituui Yellow jobfifc 6 1.3 13.0 0.9 2.2 Prutiptznuidn multideiu Purpfo-ebooltedjobfieh 7 1.S 21.0 1,5 3.0 iVuf ipoftwioVg UHriw Banded flower auappBr US 2S.* 137.0 9.6 1.2 OAiar Auudend&d 42 9.3 121.0 8.4 2.9 Sub-Hal 277 (1.3 572.0 39.9 3.1

Iai^nJoV-Lutpuanae LHljawtargcntimaailabo Mengrotejack ShaUow*atir amppeD LuljoMV bahar Red bun 5 1.1 28.0 2.0 5.6 Ixtjama gibbnj Piddb-tail LMIJOIUU feumira Bluo-laBd •napper fiUliiMMl lt.ilif>irirm Malabar anapper Lufjvww moflarh'gnia One-lpot anappar fjifjuAiu riefeftKafiu Rufoui eeaporch Other/unidentified SivVMat 5 1.1 M.e 2.9 5.6

LdMnldK <7)UHiuK7dlUUf joponiaa Iodine fanaai En^wm Iztkrirutt chrytcftomus Red-thruu emperor Le&rinm kaitepfenu YcJIow-iyotted emperor LethritWX miniatta Lang-nOfod anpBror RcdciiliUsdonipOTw LeihrituiM varitgalKi VariepilDdcmponx WaUriamossarnbica 27 6,0 56.0 3.9 2.1 Qite/unidentified Subtotal 27 t.e 56.0 3.» 2.1

SOTUUK Ccphelopfiolu award*? Orange rock-cod Gnupffi EpiittpfabtsarcolaiHt Aimlibd grouper Eptnephtliu cMoroMttgma Brown-ipattod grouper 33 7.3 35.0 ^4 1.1 Epiiupheha cometae Suksaldo trouper Epinephtlusfasdatus Red-banded grouper EpiFupkttusftnfocacTvloi? Puiplc grouper Epmtphehis magaitatuia Speddfid gtaupor Epintphthu rmUaris Howycatnb jjrouper 35 7.7 23.0 1.6 0.7 Cunm-bimdwl grouper 25 5.5 76.0 5.3 3.0 Epiruphtlus rttouti Broiva'btckcd grouper Epinephtiui scpttrrfasdaiui Seven-banded Golden Sin Variola tovti Lunar-tailed cod 0^/unidentified 14 3.1 436.0 30.4 31.1 Sub-Mat 107 23.7 570.0 39.8 5.3

QnuistaWSambrUk* Ctmnx ignobitis Lowly tfevauy Tre™ifes,>du, tuna CtmvtxlugHbrij Black Uevally 25 5J S7.0 6.1 3.5 Seripta JamaiH Seriolapurpvrasaais Amborjack Striata rnoSaaa Amberjaor. Gyrwtnsarda unfcofcr Dogtooth tune 3 0.7 1S.0 1.0 5.0 O&er/unidentified Subtotal 28 C.2 102.0 7.1 3.«

Genpgftdae Praatlhiddhfs promethcus SnakDmeckenu OWehes, Snekemeckereli Ruvcltuzprttiaiuj ODfish Other /unidentified Sub-total

MteaUanftousbooTflehrj Sphyraenidae Barracuda* Other bony Gabej 6 1.3 4.0 0.3 0.7 Sub-Iota] t 1.3 4.0 0.3 0.7

OtrehpffefclMK CarchB&uuualbimargwtus WhiSe^jaheti: Surlo CanclkiHdmiiamblyHiyiKliei Grey reef aha* 2 0.4 101.0 7.0 50.5 CardtarhitaamdaHapttrta Blade-tip ihuk TriaMQdm obttm Reef wbjfc-trp aherk Odler/uiiidentifiDd Sub-tow 2 ».« 191.0 7.0 S9.S

Gmdlofai: BotnvfMia 450 99.6 1,332.0 »3.0 3.0 Shuta 2 0.4 101.0 7.0 50.5 All species 452 1M.0 1,433.0 100.0 3.2 138

'".'.:. • , • Country/ Territory:

Kiribati ,~: ....-••. . . Q Fishing sites Location: 0^»^ Arorae °^§^s . Fishery status: fc 0 Unexploited Hv Reference: & N& Arorae Taumaia, P. and P. Cusack (in press). Deep Sea Fisheries Development Project. Report on second TOL \"t. visit to Kiribati (1 Tft. \/TL April-5 September and 31 October-19 December 1984). South Pacific ik vjd Commission, TfcSj;3 Noumea, New 2°40'S — Caledonia. 0 i76°55'E 1 v_ 1

Fishing dates: From 1 June 1984 To 12 June 1984

Fishing vessels: LOA Number Name Type (m) Engine of reels Onauti Outrigger canoe 6.0 9.9 hp petrol outboard 3 lemon Outrigger canoe 7.0 5.0 hp petrol outboard 3

Fishing operations: No. of trips 4 No. of trips spent bottom fishing 4 Total hours at sea 65 Average hours at sea per trip 16.3 Total hours DB fishing 32 Average deep-bottom nshing hours per trip 8.0 Total reel-hours 128 Average reel-hours per trip 32.0 Total handline hours Average handline hours per trip

Catch (kg): Total (all nshing methods) 118.0 Deep-bottom fishing 116.0 Deep-bottom catch (kg) Average per Average per Total (rip reel-hour All species 116.0 29.0 0.9 Excluding sharks 103.0 25.8 0.8 Excluding sharks and locally unsaleable species

Comments: 139 Species composition of the deep-bottom fishing catch

Ntnber tnilK WrJjhlOt*) *<«W AY. Wright

LuUuiidtt-Eltlkue Aphankifiwaius Onyjobfiih Dev>«ater upper* ApribH \mtccru Green jobfLrii ApiuraanddMl Small-tooth jobtidi Eldis aarbunadlu S Wt-tiSed red upper 2 4.4 10.0 8.6 5.0 Etdis canaauu Pilenuppei Sidled nudlhr Pristipeirtoitks pmoeiua Flower supper JVutpomM&iawic&bi Gold-tailed jobfieh Prixtipunmdtsjilamuilotiu RosyjobfUi 6 13.3 12.0 10.3 2.0 Pristipamotdaflmnpiiiiui Yellow job&h Pristiptwnaidi* jtuih&eftj Purple-cheeked jabdli PrijIlpaMMdia xonatiu Banded flower mapper Other/unidentified SuVlolel » 17.* 22.0 19,» 2.*

Lu^nwe-Lugun* firftwur^iyAMrtJ^bf Mangrove Jack ShdJaw^altr nupoen Zjir/Duu ftafer Red ban £ui>ujtf gfeou Paddle-tail £jU>aruufaijrruV8 BlutMleed anapper S 11.1 1.0 0.9 0.2 Ltafatua ntaJatancui Malabar anaptjer iMjama monoiligma Oae-apot mapper Ljttjama ntfoEitEatia Rufoui BBBperch rrlrar/iinirlrrrrtifinrl Sofc-fcUl s 11.1 1.0 0.9 t.l

LtfrUdte G^mnocnuuw japowcus Iodine fcroini Eirtptron L£thrirtu3 tkryuutcmuis Aed-lhinl toponw Ltthriwis&altqjtcritt Yollaw-ipottod cn^erar Ltthrimu mniatiu L

SenvMK CcphdlaphtAis eurttnlia OrmpTtjefc-cod Giwgm EpuupheiMiareotatuj Arealnfcd grouper Epinephclut cMaromigrna Brown-qwdbd grouper Bpiiupffeha cetttttac Sntlawldn grouper Epinephtltufasdaius Red^ianded grouper EpitttphdtaJlavecitentlcUS Purpk. grouper Eputtphchu ntagmtatHis Speckled grouper * EpiMpftfi** mjiuirij Honeycomb grouper Epfapfchir m&thxa Cura-bwded grouper Epincphtha nfe—ti Browi-bickfed grouper EplMptieltu Mpiittfajditini Stven-hindDd grouper Saioptui porfdti Golden Ml Varhiakmti Lunar-tilled cod CWHT/unidentified Subtotal

CarangkW Smmhrktaf CeruHr igrtobHis Lowly trovally TrtnUlB, Juki, tumi CanutxlugUbrij Black tnsvelly 3 6.7 3.0 2.6 1.0 Striata dumeriTi* Ajnbsrjact Seriotapurpuvjoou Arobnjadt Saida rnvtioiu Arrfcerjack Gymtuarda wucobr Dogtooth tun* Other /unldenliQod 3 6.7 3.0 2.6 1.0 SiiMuOJ 6 13.3 CO S.2 1.9

GeoTO*du Prme&fcklkyifr&naelteuT Sttakemacxejel 5 11.1 2.0 1.7 0.4 OUflahej, Snake mackerels RmtauipretiotMS oiah 6 13.3 62.0 S3.4 10.3 Other /unidmfti&td Subtotal 11 24.4 <4.0 SS.2 5.S

MbceHttBDUS bony flabta Sphyncridae Barracudas Olbcr bony [iite> 14 31.1 10.0 S.6 0,7 Sun-total 14 31.1 10.0 S.C t.7

CkrdwhWdH Qm^arMrutfd/bvnH^tna/ui Wl] he-tip ilmk Sharb Cardwhinta ambfytityiuJtox Grey reef ihark CprtJarfimtamihnopterui 3 2.2 13.0 11.2 13.0 TriaawdoH ebciHj Reefwhifc-tipibark Other AinVkntiGcd Sub-total 1 2.1 13.S 11.2 13.*

GrardTottt Bonjn^iel 44 »7.« lo.e M.» 2.3 Sbirla 1 2.2 13.0 11.2 13.0 ABjpedej 4S 1M.Q 11*,D 10»,0 3,« 140

Country/Territory: Kiribati Location: Kiritimati Island ' °fSS : (Northern Line © v 2°N — Fishery status: D %^ , Unexploitcd Reference: OJ^P^ • £fe& °v* I Kiritimati faumaia, P. and P. Cusack (in press). 0 \^^ Deep Sea Fisheries © ^ Development Project. Report on second visit to Kiribati (1 April-5 September and 31 October-19 December 1984). South Pacific Commission, Noumea, New w Fishing sites ^^"W Caledonia. 1 f-

Fishing dates: From 31 October 1984 To 19 December 1984

Fishing vessels: LOA Number Name Type (m) Engine of reels Olympia Monohull 8.0 25 hp petrol outboard 4

Fishing operations: No. of trips 17 No. of trips spent bottom fishing 17 Total hours at sea 125 Average hours at sea per trip 7.4 Total hours DB fishing 62 Average deep-bottom fishing hours per trip 3.1 Total reel-hours 185 Average reel-hours per trip 10.9 Total handling hours Average handtine hours per trip

Catch (kg): Total (all fishing methods) 3,156.0 Deep-bottom fishing 3,135.0 Deep-bottom catch (kg) Average per Average per Total trip reel-hour All species 3,135.0 184,4 16.9 Excluding sharks 2,663.0 156.6 14.4 Excluding sharks and locally unsaleable species

Comments: 141 Species composition of the deep-bottom fishing catch

Nunoar *nmher WdflWOd) *mW* Av.welght

Lut^nkaae-Eidka* Aphamafiuicatla Grcyjobfiab. DeqMaattrCTappai Apriom virtsum Green jobfiah 1 0.1 8.0 0.3 8.0 AphartiungSaiu SmiU-tooAijaMuh 3 0.3 20.0 0.6 6.7 Etdis carouHadur Short-tailed tod Bnepper Etelts ooruxwa Loan >tiil wiwwf EltUsradtonu Pile nipper Paraca&iohuatani Saddled fuaSier Prutipottioida amoenur Flower (Dapper PruhpemeUeseundUi Gold-t»ilod jobfiah 1 0.1 2.0 0.1 2.0 PristipaaoidafiSamaitosia Reeyjobfah PriMipamoidaflai/lpiiuiis Yellow jobffch Prutipanaidc* fluj&feru l^aplo-diBefadjobSili 1 0.1 4.0 0.1 +.0 Pristipcmaidcji tonatus Banded Qoworinanper Other/uiudentifvai Sub-todl C ».i 34.0 1.1 5.7

Lu^jikta-Lul>**i«t £tf>mttl aEym/warnJilhll Mangrove jadr SkaUM-wallr mpptn iMjMiabokr Redbaaa 455 45.5 1,583.0 50.5 3.5 PiABo-uB 55 $•, 46.0 1.5 0.8 Luljama koamra Bhto-HDed anapper LMljanm mahbariau Malabar snapper One-Boot anapper Rufaui aoarjerdi

SiaMoW 51* 11.9 i,62».a U.« 3J

LcDiWdae (7jmiMcmniiujiqunJcur lodmc bream unparan Red-throat emperor Yellow-apoded cinperor Llffcriuu; Wruoru l^ng-noaed emperor 14 14 51.0 1.6 3.6 Lethritw reticulata* Reticulated enpaa Lelhrmtts varicgjliv YaiKgaled emperor WallstamcaaarMca LeraE-eje bream OHicr/unidentified 24 24 49.0 1.6 2.0 SimvfaU 38 3.8 1M.« 3.1 2.<

Semnkhe Cephalcpholu auvuUia OrafBrock-ood Groupon Epiiuphehaanolatiu Analited grouper 176 17.6 203.0 6.S 1.2 Eplnephetia dllorMtlgma Bravn-aponed {ffluper Epiimpltefar cantfcu SrwViiiVm grouper ^u'jupAvlitf/eJfufur Red-banded jumper fprnrpAefur/bwcaerKfei'l Fuipki grouper ^»irwpfc#iau magrasatOit Speckled grouper EpitKphehuituUarii Honeytopto pauper Ephuphchuinarrkm Ciurvo-bsiaod grouper 149 14.9 468.0 14.9 3.1 Epuupkeha nlouli Brown-hacked grouper Eptvptielua jep4emfiudatus Seven-banded pauper SabptiapoMtM Golden Sill Variola bud T jmifrfJi' A

Oni^dH' Saenbrkau Cartutx ig naeffLf Lowly tievally TreuHkl.jMkl, tunes Coram: hujuen J BUcktrevally 22 2.2 48.0 1.5 2.2 &rie>la dimrterili Ambsrjack Serioiapirptimsctia Ainberjadfc Seriobr rfwbaju Ambajadt 12 1,2 63.0 2.0 S3 GymruwONki wucvbr Dogtooth tuna. Ota/unidentified 1 0.1 4.0 0.1 4.0 Subtotal 35 3.5 115.0 3.7 3.3

GonpyUu PrometfVenrtyj prprrtttfatu Snake maclond OtkVhe>j5iul«rnckerrai Surclna pmAaia Oa&fc Olbu/ilnLVntirmd Sub**!

Mlecdlanrousbw^njbeJ Sphyracrudae Bamcadu 1 0.1 2.0 0.1 2.0 Other bony fiahee 8 0.8 9.0 0.3 1.1 Sue-food 9 4.9 11.0 0.4 1.2

OrdearhMdae Carcharlimus aHumargimUus White-up thaik Savin CaKkariiiiuuambfyrtrjn&aj Greyiecfahark 22 2.2 450.0 14.4 20.5 Cardiartuiuumdancfitcrus Black-tip ahaik 1 0.1 22.0 0.7 22.0 Triaoiadoh obeva Reel white-lip ahuk

Subtotal 23 2.3 472.0 15.1 M.S

GrandTVibi Bony fishes 977 97.7 2,663.0 84.9 2.7 Sharks 23 2.3 472.0 15.1 29.5 AUspedea 1,000 100.0 3,135.0 1W.0 3.1 142

Country/Territory: Kiribati Location: Tamana Fishery status: Unexploited © if ^5-J>ty Reference: 0 8 Taumaia, P. and P. Cusack (in press). V ^T. o Deep Sea Fisheries V%Tamana >^ 2 30'S - Development Project. . ^v-^l Report on second c\, N."Ti. visit to Kiribati (1 fcl\ >3?>i ApriI-5 September TEi\ ^v *ik and 31 October-19 December 1984). South Pacific ; Commission, ^CU'iU'' vLw^ Noumea, New Caledonia. 0 Fishing sites 176"E - 1 f-

Fishing dates: From 2 July 1984 To 5 July 1984

Fishing vessels: LOA Number Name Type (m) Engine of reels Onauti Outrigger canoe 6.0 9.9 petrol outboard 3 Temon Outrigger canoe 7.0 5.0 petrol outboard 3

Fishing operations: No. of trips 4 No. of trips spent bottom fishing 4 Total hours at sea 57 Average hours at sea per trip 14.3 Total hours DB fishing 28 Average deep-bottom fishing hours per trip 7.0 Total reel-hours 81 Average reel-hours per trip 20.3 Total handline hours Average handline hours per trip

Catch (kg): Total (all fishing methods) 45.3 Deep-bottom fishing 28.6 Deep-bottom catch (kg) Average per Average per Total trj> red-hour All species 28.6 7.2 0.4 Excluding sharks Excluding sharks and locally unsaleable species

Comments: 143 Species composition of tbe deep-bottom fishing catch

Ninfar *nnawr WdjhKlqj) %w*fr A*.wd|hE

Lw$u>khe-E>alfaH AphwvwfiircaUa Greyjobuah OMp-wabrmppen Aprionvutscau Otosnjabtah 2 5.4 11.0 38.5 SJ ApiiarauTiiUtuu Small-tooth jabfijh £fefu oarbunaJus Shat-Uuled rod tOMppa Etdis canuauu Lxmig-laB mapper Etetis radituhi Ate mapper SiddM fiiaflici Prist ipamoidti anuxruu Hower mapper PrulitwrHa&uamdntL PristtpettoidesjilameHtaaiis Rfltyjobfab I 2.7 2.0 7.0 2.0 Prittipcntoidtsjlavifitwoa Yellow jobTnh 2 5.4 1.0 3.5 0.5 Prhtipaiuadej nujljufeju Puiple^heeked joljfiili Prijlipamaidcs loufiu Banded flower anappar Onw/unideatiued 1 2.7 0.3 1.0 0.3 Subtotal « 1U 14.3 ss.o 2.4

Lu*ml4«-Lu^i*« f nl^iiiu> ^MjMfc'wnfnJrtriig Mlofnnc jirJt ShaUow-waler acaalpen Lutjaruv boJkdr Red ban Lu(janM»gifcfrHi Paddlo-bul Latjatau hurnira Bfoo-linodlDappor Ltttjawatvahbaricvi Malabar agtjipet- Lutjamu moiuatigrm One-spotirup|nr Rufouinpvch (WuAmiA-ntifgj 3 8,1 0.5 1.7 0.2 SuO-taM 3 *.l 0.5 1.7 0.2

LrtuMdae CjmfMWortiiu japtmteus Iodine brc*m Eknpdm Ltthrinm chrysostormis Red-throat ranpenr Lc&riruta kalJcptenu Yeltow-ipoUcd eaytror Lcthriwu tmnfoius Lang'naMd emperor Ltthrinu* reticulata* Rctkml Btsd emporor Lctb-bm variejittta VmioBited orapciw WaitsiatruKsambtea L*lgC-«JC tHHU OHwr/uliLdcntii-jnJ Sub-faUl

SemnldK Ccpfiolaptidlis mrantia Onagc rock-cod 3 8.1 1.0 3.5 0.3 Groupers Epmephchu areolabu AreaUtod grouper Epincphtlus ddorosligma Brawn-spotied grouper 4 10.8 4.0 14.0 1.0 Epinepfntus amelae Sukcakin grouper Epintphtlusfasdnlus Red-buukd grouper EpittephdnsflaWKoetTtlcstx Purple grouper EpbtephtUij magfuiatUit Spodded grouper Epinephebu miliaria Htnieyconib grouper 5 13.5 1.3 4.5 0,3 Eplncphehis morrhitti Curre-banded grouper Epincpkelus retomi Brown-backed grouper Epinephelus atptcrr/nsdotus Scwn-bBjded grouper SatcphapowelU Golden fuh Variota lotiti LunaMiilsd cod Other Amidonlified Slit-Mai 12 32,4 S.J 22.0 6.5

Cmrgldaa' Sambrkke Caranx ignobHis Lowly txcvilly TrtnULes, Jacka, tunu Catanxlugvbns Black bcvatly 4 10.8 2.0 7.0 0.5 Seriaii duttaii Ajnbcrjadc Seriate purpvrmcau Arnberjack Ambcrjiick Gymnoxarda uniaWer Dogtooth tuna Chber/taifctXificd 2 S.4 2.0 7.0 1.0 Sub-Mai i K.1 4.0 14.0 0.7

GflDRjMU Promithid^kfspronvthius Soakc mackenl OUflihei, Snake rnackertll RwcllmpnlKHMi Mfth Oihcr/unidraUiTwi 1 2.7 0.5 1.7 o.s SlaVlotai 1 2.7 0.5 1.7 0.5

Mbccllaneouf barr/flsbei Sphyraenidac Rnracudiv Other bony fllhu 9 24.3 3.0 10.5 0.3 Subtotal 9 24.3 3.0 10.5 0.3

GuvtwHnkbe Gxrc/wMuuir albitwrgiiulia While-tip jhuic ShBriv Carcharhinus ambtyiitynchoi Gicyracf&irk CLtrrharhiiuiimcknaptaw Bkck-ripfhMk Triatnodon. cbesia Reef whib-tip shirk Ober /unidentified Sii»-toU]

GramlTntab Bonjtbho 37 100.0 28.6 100.0 o.« Snarls AUqxflel 37 100.0 28.6 100.0 0.1 144

Country/ Territory: Kiribati Location: Tarawa /5v % Fishery status: Unexploited Reference: Tauimaia, P. and P. X«s Cusack (in press). Y^ J\o Deep Sea Fisheries Tarawa ^v*~ Development Project. Report on second visit to Kiribati (1 0 / April-5 September UH^_~§§Y) o and 31 October-19 December 1984). ©* \^£i^^ 0 South Pacific Commission, Noumea, New Caledonia. *J Fishing sites 173°W -

Fishing dates: From 1 April 1984 To 24 April 1984 19 July 1984 27 July 1984 Fishing vessels; LOA Number Name Type (m) Engine of reels Nei Problem Catamaran 8.5 25 hp petrol outboard 4

Fishing operations: No. of trips 8 No. of trips spent bottom fishing 8 Total hours at sea 179 Average hours at sea per trip 22.4 Total hours DB fishing 75 Average deep-bottom fishing hours per trip 9.4 Total reel-hours 135 Average reel-hours per trip 16.9 Total handline hoars Average handline hours per trip

Catch 0(g): Total (all fishing methods) 1,481.0 Deep-bottom fishing 1,392.0 Deep-bottom catch (kg) Average per Average per Total trip red-hour All species 1,392.0 174.0 10.3 Excluding sharks 839.0 104.9 6.2 Excluding sharks and locally unsaleable species

Comments: 145 Species composition of the deep-bottom fishing catch

Number %™*

Uitjulote-Eltiaw ^pfcuvucjbru&Tiu Greyjobftah Bccp-mter vi«p|wn Aprion vfrtscou OtwnjobGlh j^pVonw ntSara SmiJJ-locdijcbfiib 2 1.1 14.0 1.0 7.0 Etdis carbunadus Sbcrt-tailed red mipper 27 1S.0 165.0 11.9 6.1 Eltlis conuaani Long.tiiL amppcr 2 1.1 9.0 0.6 4.S Elelistvrfiosu Pale snapper Paraaacsio Jbiucarri' Saddled BuilBr Flower aoapper )VufVMnwHkj ounct/Ja Gold-tailed jobfiah 2 1.1 1.0 0.1 0.S PristqxxrtoKUsJSaitKRtcsia RasyjdbEhh 30 16.7 81.0 5.8 2,7 Pristipctnoidtsjfovipintui Yellow jobruh 1 0.6 1.0 0.1 1.0 /Vuftpomcufeff wJa<&lu Piuple-chceked jobfkh J 0.6 3.0 0.1 3.0 Pri&ipomoUkt jtmotus Bunded flower anapper IS 10.0 17.0 1.1 0.9 O&^^undcntifwd SiaVMul S3 «.) 291.0 20.9 3.5

UlUuiidK-LuUKtlM LHIJIBIUX ar£cntimaajlatHj Mangrove jack Shallow-inter suppcm OitjpMuba/itr ledtu 7 3.9 310 2.3 4.6 Ijiljania gibbui Paddle-tail 3 1.7 2.0 0.1 0.7 Lutjamu ftosnvu Blue-1 nvd anappcr Lmjonus mdabariciu Malabar mapper Luljanus moHOJligma Ooa-ipot mapper Rufouj Mfxrdt Other All o/WifiBC Sub-fatal ID S.C 34.0 2.4 3.4

UowHdM frymluxraniurJiyKNUcia Iodine 1mm Empowa Ked-lhioai emperor LertriHurftatfoptenH YcUow-ipatfcd emperar Lctknwu niiwatui Long-nosed ttnperor Lethrttuu Micvlatia RctkulalBdeinpcror LahriwxvaruBalHS Variegated emperor Wattsio masxanbion Laige-cye imam IS 8.3 30.0 2.2 2.0 Other/unidentified 1 0.6 1.0 0.1 1.0 Sub-total 16 J.9 31.0 2.2 x.»

SBTUMK CtphalophoHi aaviUia Qx*ngeiock-cod Croupn Epincpfchtfareotatiu Areclitad groups Epintpttelns cUnrojf^mi Epimplidiv canteiae Stukeilrin gwupor Epantptulusjitsdatus Rod-banded grouper EpineptKiiisjlavocpcmlau Purple greupcr Epmephtttts mogtuscuttis Speckled grouper Epinepfvlus mliaril Honeycomb grouper 3 1.7 3,0 0.2 1.0 marrkua Ourvo-baidwl grouper 3 1.7 30.0 2.2 10.0 Epinepfielus nSottti flro*wj-b«tcd grouper Epinephelus xpicmftudaius SevED-bindvd grouper SahptiapmfcUi Golden fuh Variola footi IjmiMiifcd cod Other /unidentified 1 0.6 22.0 1.6 22.0 Sti>luuil 7 3.9 55.Q 4.0 7.9

CfcraoglaW SoBnhrldae Canuix ignobifr Lowly nevally TrcvalUo, Jack!, tunas GznurxJifguIirM Black ncvally 7 3.9 20.0 1.4 2.9 Serfclz tftanrriff* Anfcnack fcrie/aewpwracenf .Ainbenack Seriate rivojuma Amberjack Gymnosarda amcotor Dogtooth tuna 1 0.6 io.o 0.7 10.0 Other/uiiidentified Subtotal S 4.4 30.0 2.2 3.8

Ganp/tdM Prcmcthichlkpsprptrulkcttx Snake maclcejcl 10 S.6 s.o 0.4 0.5 OIHItfea, Snake mackerel! Ruvetlwtpndosus Oafijh 21 11.7 369.0 26.3 17.6 Other /unidentified Sub-fetal 31 17.2 374.0 2«.» 12.1

MbcdlnntWH bemy thlxs Sphyiacnidae Binxcudaa 1 0.6 9.0 0.6 9.0 Other bony flahes IS 10.0 1S.0 1.1 0.8 Sub-total 19 10.6 24.0 1.7 1.3

OuthwhUdM CarduuhwuidlbtimrglKilus Whitc-up ihaik Stark) Cardtarliiraa ambtyrkynchoM Grey roof shark 3 1.7 143.0 10.3 47.7 Carchartiiiuumclancplcnii Blade-tip shaik Reef while-tip ahark Other ^Jnioenti&ed 3 1.7 410.0 29.5 136.7 Sub-total t 3.3 553.0 39.7 92.2

Grand Total Bonyflshra 174 96.7 S39.0 M.3 4.8 Sharks 6 3.3 553.0 39.7 M.2 Allaptdet 180 100.0 1,392.0 100.0 7.7 147 MARSHALL ISLANDS The Marshall Islands comprises 34 atolls in two archipelagos, each of which extends about 1,000 km in a north-east direction, with a total land area of 181 km2. The total length of the 100-fm isobath in the Marshall Islands is about 1,420 n.mi.

SPC masterflshermen have made only one visit to the Marshall Islands and have fished at Majuro and Arno atolls, which are adjacent to each other. The average catch rate during these surveys was 11.0 kg/line-hr. About half of this catch was sharks (Table 2) and the CPUE of teleosts only was 5.6 kg/line- hr. Eteline snappers comprised only 8.5 per cent of the catch and were dominated by the green jobfish, Apr ion virescens. Lutjanine snappers comprised the largest proportion of the teleost catch and, as at other atolls, the catch by weight was comprised mainly of Lutjanus bohar and, secondarily, L. gibbus. The empirical total unexploited biomass for the Marshall Islands as a whole was estimated to be 1,1081. Accordingly, MSY would be expected to lie between 111 and 332 t/yr.

The catch rate from droplining at the Marshall Islands would be expected to decline at the MSY to around 5.5 kg/line-hr. This assumes that, during the course of fishing, catch composition remains unchanged and that sharks continue to form half the catch. Under intensive fishing, however, apex predators such as sharks and larger carnivorous teleosts are the first to decline in catches (Munro & Williams, 1985). The CPUE of the teleosts might therefore be a more realistic index of the productivity of the virgin biomass and under intensive exploitation would decline to around 2.8 kg/line-hr as the MSY was approached. 148

Country/ Territory: Marshall Islands 1 Location: 0 171°44'E Q Fishing sites Amo ss if in Fishery status: Unexploited o fUP A\*l Reference: Taumaia, P. (in press.) Deep Sea Fisheries Development Project. Report on visit to 0 ff Marshall Islands (4 V* March-27 September 1985). South Pacific 7"05ti — Commission, Noumea, New a Amo Caledonia.

Q 0 i J

Fishing dates: From 4 March 1985 To 4 July 1985

Fishing vessels: LOA Number Name Type (m) Engine of reels Huston Monohull 11.0 85 hp diesel inboard 5

Fishing operations: No. of trips 7 No. of trips spent bottom fishing 7 Total hours at sea 189 Average hours at sea per trip 27.0 Total hours DB fishing 37 Average deep-bottom fishing hours per trip 5.3 Total reel-hours 95 Average reel-hours per trip 13.6 Total handline hours Average handline hours per trip

Catch (kg): Total (all fishing methods) 2,537.0 Deep-bottom fishing 1,803.0 Deep-bottom catch (kg) Average per Average per Total t* red-hour All species 1,803.0 257.6 19.0 Excluding sharks 1,136.0 162.3 12.0 Excluding sharks and locally unsaleable species

Comments: 149 Species composition of the deep-bottom fishing catch

Number Unamhir WsgMta) *m%ht Ar.wdgU

Un^tiiUH-Eldkiu ^pfcmiujfeneafu Gmyjobfuh Deea-MbrsnanaCR Gnen jobtuh 13 3.1 42.0 2.3 3.2 j^pAoneu rjtfBoiir Snail-tooth jcbfi* £te/ii corbunculju Short-tailed rod upper i£fe?£i conuoatu Long-oul upper Eteb'x httfiowT Pale snapper Paraax&ohuaiarii Saddled fusUier Priftipcmotdti attuxtwi Bower mapper PrisfyamoMu aun'dKi Gtfd-fiiiedjobfiah 23 5J 15.0 0.8 0.7 PrutipamaidajUaiHclltasia RaayjobTnh 19 4.5 87.0 4.8 4.6 Prijtipamaidaflavipiiuui YeUawjobfah Prutipamoidtl nuttuteti Pwplc-c&eekedjobfiih PrittipoHwuU* rawfltf Banded flower anapper 12 2.8 18.0 1.0 1.5 Ollw/iuiafentuied 2 0.S 1.0 0.1 0.J SuVtntal « 164 1<3.C 9.0 2.4

Lut>ind»f-Lul>lahae EMjfahHi afytdUMCHftttur Mangrove jack SnanW-waler inappen lutpuutibebr Rod ban 65 15.4 215.0 13.9 3.5 £j4jaaiugi60u Paddlc-uul 55 13.0 4X0 2.3 0.8 Bluo-lfaed mapper MalabaranappBr Lufptutuj monorn'em One-spot anapper Lwjaniu neWiMtu'iu RufniB aoapcrch 1 0.2 1.0 0.1 1.0 Olhcr/unifcmificd Sub-tad! 121 28.7 258.0 14.3 2.1

UMtite Gymiutcramusjapauaa Iodine bream Bnnsori Lelfoiruu chrysoatjjmia Red-thraateraperor LebtaWMJcpfmur Yellow-Bpattod emperor 8 1.9 12.0 0.7 1.5 Lt&riwv mifuorui Long-noted emperor IS 3.6 27.0 1.5 1.8 Ltlbinw rttiadaUU Reticulated cn^otcr LeArinusvaritfjOha Variegated emperor WaUtiamoMwrMca l^rgp.cyc bream Other/unidentified 23 5.S 30.0 1.7 IS Sub-kjtal 4« ».» 6».o 9.8 l.S

SminMK Cepttalapliolis aran/ia Orange rock-aid Gmupn Ephuphthu artotabts Axoolated grouper Epweftvlui dilorvstigma Brown-apotted poupcr Epiruptelui canetae Snabeabtn grouper Epirtepfitliufiuaolia Red-bended grouper EptntphelMsflmtocaemieiti Purple §p>uper 3 0.7 7.0 0.4 2.3 Speckled gimpcr EpihcphdHS w'tfonr Honcycon^ grouper Epinepfuha morHata Curve-banded grouper Epihephtlui retouil Brown-backed grouper Epincpfulus acptcirfasdatiu Seven-banded grouper Sataplia powctli Golden Bah VarwIniouS Lu&ai"tailcd cod 23 5.5 24.0 1.3 1.0 Other ymudentified 24 5.7 35.0 1.9 1J Sub-aHal 50 11.8 £6.0 3.7 1.3

OmigisW Smmbrhhe Camnx ignobUis Lowly ncvally TnvulIlM, JKJU, turaa Catrwt lugubris Black uwally 32 7.6 109.0 £.0 3.4 Serbia dmxrW Amberjack SeriolapHrp*raxxtv Aniicrjpck Striata rivotiw Arnberjack 3 0.7 20.0 1.1 6.7 Gyttmoiarda urucefor Dogtooth tuna 1 0.2 29.0 1.6 29.0 OAa/makaHEcd 4 0.9 10.0 0.6 Z.5 Sub-total 40 9.5 168.0 9.3 4.2

Gernpyldu PrcnulMchlkfspTomElhtuj Snake mackerel 11 2.6 18.0 1.0 1,6 OHfbho, S neta mackereb Rwttuuprt&ouu Oil Gill Olhcr/imMfcritiDed 15 3.6 18.0 1.0 1.2 Sub-Intel U 4.1 SCO 2.0 1.4

MBcdumeowbonjIbhu Sphyncnidic Barracndu 3 0.7 i.O 0.4 2.7 Other bony Gitaea 41 9.7 368.0 20.4 9.0 Sub-total 44 10.4 376.0 20.9 8.5

OwharHriaV CanJuuhuuisalbtmarginalia Whito-up ihark 3 0.7 50.0 2.8 16.7 Sharta Carthariumu dmaFyrRyncJiar Grey naef shark 23 5.5 617.0 34.2 26.8 Caydtaiithaa mtianaptervs Black-tip thane Triaaiodun obcsui Reef white-tip ihuk

Suo-total 26 6.2 667.0 37.0 25.7

Grand Total: Bony fifties »* 93.8 1,136.0 63.0 2.9 Stmrla 26 (.1 (67.0 37.0 25.7 Alljoeij 4M 100.0 1,803.0 100.0 4.3 150

Country/Territory: Marshall Islands

Location: Majuro 0 0 Fishery status: Unexploited 0 / 1 Q Reference: 7D10'N — Taumaia, P. (in press.) Deep Sea Majuro '"• Fisheries Development Project. Report on visit to o &J° Marshall Islands (4 ^JXd^^ March-27 September 1985). South Pacific Commission, Noumea, New Caledonia. Q Fishing sites 171°15'E 1 ,.-

Fishing dates: From 4 March 1985 To 4 July 1985

Fishing vessels: __.. _, . e LOA Number Name Type (m) Engine of reels Huston Monohull 11.0 85 hp diesel inboard 5

Fishing operations: No. of trips 19 No. of trips spent bottom fishing 19 Total hours at sea 246 Average hours at sea per trip 12.9 Total hours DB fishing 77 Average deep-bottom fishinghour s per trip 4.1 Total reel-hours 223 Average reel-hours per trip 11.7 Total handline hours Average handUne hours per trip

Catch (kg): Total (all fishingmethods ) 1,597.2 Deep-bottom fishing 1,305.9 Deep-bottom catch (kg) Average per Average per Total trip reel-hour All species 1,305.9 68.7 5.9 Excluding sharks 964.9 50.8 4.3 Exduding sharks and locally unsaleable species

Comments: 151 Species composition of Hie deep-bottom fishing catch

Nutter % number Wright (kjj) *wdghl A v. weight

U|tynil6W>Eldfasc Aphanus furcalus Grcyjobfjsh Deqwmter snappers Aprion viractHS Gneajofalish 23 3.0 94.0 7.1 4.1 AphartiandOatu Small-tooth jobfidi H 1.S 16.0 1.2 U Etdi* twitu/tculta Shart-teifod red aiapper Eteth attiacoja Long-tail snapper EicUs radionu Pale snapper Papacatao baakarii Saddlod nuflior Prhtipomoidts amoema Flower snapper Pristiparioidts auridlla GoltM-iledjobQici 19 2J 16.5 1.3 0.9 Pristipomoidtt/ilamtKtotttx Rosyjobftsh P7ijtipemoideiftawpiniuj YelWjoWisrj Pristqmmoidts muttidcBt Ruple-cbeekedjohEieh Pristiptmoida xnnaim Banded floweraneppe r Other/uruacntined Sub-kid! 53 7.0 1M.S 9.7 2.4

Liujtninee- Uujusnae Jjtf^jBKjafyauiwMorffllMi Mangrove jack Shallow-in ltd-snappers tjttjanJvbplKr Red bass 58 7.7 180.0 13.8 3.1 Lutjania gibbia Paddk>nul 151 20.0 114.0 8.7 0.8 Lutjataaiaatara Blue-lined snapper iMt/aiwsMiIabariau Malakto snapper {jiijatuiunonostigtw One-spot snsppcr 1 0.1 1.0 0.1 1.0 hdjama ru/ctfneafiu Rufous sesperch 29 3.8 9.0 0.7 0.3 Other /mudentjljed Sub-iuhd 239 31.* 304J 23.3 1.3

IdtaMdK Gymnoawata japoaiaa Iodine bream &nperora fe&rinus chrysostomus Red-throat ernper or Lclhriwu aa/fopfentf Yellaw-spottftd emperor LeArinUimimalia Long-nosed wltueiui 23 3.0 33.0 2J 1.4 Lzlhriratf mjcuialtis Reticulated emperor 20 2.6 49.0 3.8 2.3 Lcltir'uuis varicgatiu Variegated enrperar Wattsuimoaambica Latge.eye bream Other /unidentified 64 8.5 73.0 5.6 1.1 Sub-fecal 107 14.2 155.0 «.» 1.4

SemnlaW CcpfaJepAefur awrmtb Orange rock-cod GruuKFS Epinephekuarsalatm AroaleJedfrauper Ephuphelus Manstlgpta Brown-spotted grouper Epuuphcha camclae Siuteskin grooper Epincptuluxfiudalus Red-banded grouper Eptn^pfuiiajia^acacrvtcux Purple grouper 11 1.5 22.0 1.7 2.0 Epintphthu MagmaaiBii Speckled grouper Epintptuhu nations Hcmeyr-ornb grouper 10 1.3 8.0 0.6 0.8 Cunr-banded grouper Epifwpktha rztouti Brown-backed grouper Epiacpkduj xpltmfaicialus Seven-handed grouper Saloptitt powtlli Golden null Variola totiH Lunar-tailed cod 40 5.3 46.5 3.6 1.2 Other/unyiailifiod 199 26.3 142.9 10.9 0.7 Sub-total 260 34.4 219.4 16.8 0.8

QrangldW Sambridw Caranx ignoeflir Lowly trevslly Trcrallles, Jacks, tunas Cantnxlugubris Black tmally 37 4.9 98.5 7.5 2.7 Striata dmtirili Atnberjsck Striata purpurasctns Arnberjack Stridarhvlwa Ardberjack OymHesardi jinicolor Dogtooth tuna 1 0.1 1.0 0.1 1.0 Other /Unidentified 7 0.9 13.0 1.0 1.9 Sub-total 4S CO 112.5 8.6 2.S

GHnpyfcke PranettedtiJiyx ptvmetAcus Snake mackerel 4 0.5 4.0 0.3 1.0 Ollflshes, Snake mackerel! RinfcUuspntlajia oarnh CHher/urudentuled 3 0.4 1.0 0.1 0.3 Sub-total 7 0.9 5.0 0.4 0.7

Mbi^laneous tarry Ashes Sphynenidae Barracudas 10 1.3 13.5 1.0 1.4 Chherbony Gibes 22 2.9 29.0 2.2 1.3 Sub-toad 32 4.2 42.5 3.3 1.3

Carcharraranae CarchaHtbaaalbinvrgiHatHs V/hilc-tip ahuk 9 1.2 117.0 9.0 13.0 Sharks CarcharMnus axibtyrhynchoi Grey reefshir k 1 0.1 192.0 14.7 192.0 CanhafhuaamehAoptBTa Black-tip shirk Triaaoaon obtsus Reef while-tip shark Otocr^nidenunod 3 0.4 32.0 23 20.7 Sub-lotal 13 1.7 341.0 2fcl 2*.2

Con! lotah Sorry fishes 7*3 98.3 «*4.« lis 1.3 Sharks 13 1.7 341.0 24.1 2C.2 AU species 754 100.0 1,305.9 100,0 1.7 153 NAURU The small central Pacific island of Nauru has a land area of 22 km2, around which the 200 m isobath extends for about 10.3 n.mi. Like Niue, Nauru is a makatea or upraised atoll, the submarine slope of which is precipitous and descends to 1,000 m within 2.0 km of the coast (Mead, in press). Nauru is famous for its phosphate mining industry, which has made it one of the richest nations in the world on a per capita basis. An interesting side-effect of the phosphate mining has been the development of a troll fishery by migrant labourers on Nauru. The fishery developed around the large buoys used as moorings by the vessels transporting the phosphate overseas, which act to aggregate pelagic fishes such as tuna and wahoo (Cusack, 1987).

Apart from the troll fishery, Fisheries development on Nauru has been limited and there has never been a request for an SPC masterfisherman to investigate the extent of the deep slope stocks around the island. These stocks do not appear to be heavily targeted for fishing by the local populace. Mead (in press) observed bottom handline catches by canoe fishermenan d recorded the following bottom fish species: Lutjanus bohar, L. kasmira, L. monostigma, L. gibbus, Cephalopholis spp., and Caranx lugubris. Anecdotal information from residents of Nauru also indicates the presence of Etelis spp., Aphareus furcatus and the oilfish Ruvettus pretiosus.

There is no information available on actual or potential catch rates for deep reef slope fishing in Nauru. Based on the empirical techniques described earlier, virgin biomass of deep slope stocks would be expected to be in (he region of 2.51, with an MSY between 0.25 and 0.75 t/yr. 155 NEW CALEDONIA

Four surveys have been carried out by the SPC masterfishermen in New Caledonia, although the last of these was concerned mainly with the pelagic Spanish mackerel, Scomberomorus commerson, in the Belep Islands.

Catch rates during SPC surveys ranged between 6.5 and 16.5 kg/line-hr, with a mean of 9.7 kg/line-hr. Eteline species comprised only 25 per cent of the catch by weight, with lutjanine snappers contributing 10 per cent to landings (Table 2). Apart from sharks, other major catch components were emperors (20 %), and groupers and rock cods (12%). No long-term information is available on deep slope fishing in New Caledonia. If the SPC masterfishermen's catch rates are representative, at MSY they would be expected to decline to around 5.0 kg/line-hr. New Caledonia and the proximate Loyalty and Belep Islands have a 100-fm isobath length of 1,025 ami, most of it beyond the barrier reef lagoon that surrounds the mainland. There is a further 531 n.mi of isobath around the Chesterfield Islands, a group of small cays on a large oceanic bank some 600 km west of the mainland. Assuming a biomass of 0.7 t/n.mi, the MSY of deep slope species for the whole of New Caledonia is expected to lie between 109 and 327 t/yr. Catches of deep slope species in New Caledonia between 1984 and 1986 ranged from 8 to 11 t/yr (Anoa, 1988). Other investigations of deep slope catches in New Caledonia have been made by ORSTOM1 and by fisheries officers attached to the Territorial Fisheries Service2. These include trawling on sea-mounts south of New Caledonia (Grandperrin & de Forges, 1988), and fishing witii bottom longlines (Kulbicki & Grandperrin, 1988) and fish traps (Desurmont, 1989) for deep slope species.

Trawl catches were made at depths between 220 and 690 m and were composed mainly of alfonsins {Beryx spp.), eteline snappers and armorheads (Pseudopentaceros spp.) (Grandperrin & de Forges, 1988). Catch rates from trawling varied from 15 to 5,934 kg/haul, with a mean of 1,643 kg/haul, depending on net size, depth and time of day.

Approximately 90 per cent of the catches made with longlines on New Caledonia's deep reef slope were Etetis spp. (Kulbicki & Grandperrin, 1988). Average catch rates were 18 kg of fish per 100 hooks. Desurmont (1989) reported on trials of five different trap designs for catching deep slope species in New Caledonia. Catch rates were expressed as kg/set with soak times of each set varying from one to twenty four hours. Soak time was shown not to influence catches beyond a period of 2.5 hrs. Catch rates varied from 0.7 to 6.3 kg/set, with a mean of 3.6 kg/set. The catches from the traps were composed mainly of eteline snappers, serranids and lethrinids.

^nstitut de recherche scientifique pour le developpement en cooperation 2 Service territorial de la marine marchande et des peches maritimes de NouveIle-Cal6donie 156

Country/ Territory: Mow (^alpHnrtia Location: O Or'—^ o Lifou Fishery status: Unexploitcd jo Reference: ©J Fusimalohi, T. & 0 ©/ RGrandperrin. 1979. 0*0 Report on the South Pacific Commission Lifou ) A Deep Sea Fisheries ( 21°S - Development Project in New Caledonia (9 April-3 September 1979). South Pacific Commission, Noumea, New Caledonia, 28 pp. O Fishing sites 167°20'E - 1 s

Fishing dates: From 8 May 1979 To 3 June 1979

Fishing vessels: LOA Number Name Type (m) Engine of reels Monohull 7.0 12 hp petrol outboard 2 Monohull 5.8 2x35 hp petrol 2 Monohull 5.1 25 hp petrol outboard 2 Monohull 5.1 25 hp petrol outboard 2

Fishing operations: No, of trips 26 No. of trips spent bottom fishing 26 Total hours at sea 233 Average hours at sea per trip 9.0 Total hours DB fishing 96 Average deep-bottom fishinghour s per trip 3.7 Total reel-hours 143 Average reel-hours per trip 5.5 Total handline hours Average handline hours per trip

Catch (kg): Total (all fishing methods) 1,361.0 Deep-bottom fishing 1,027.0 Deep-bottom catch (kg) Average per Average per Total trip reel-hour All species 1,027.0 39.5 7.2 Excluding sharks 986.0 37.9 6.9 Excluding sharks and locally unsaleable species

Comments: No vessel names were recorded. 157 Species composition of the deep-bottom fishing catch

Numhr %amdm Wd»M

LurJHikkt-EWiw Aphartwfitraalia GrcyjofofiMh DpEp-wtcr •w^ficn Aprion yirejctv Green joblbii S 1,4 26.0 xs 3J AjafarrarrirffUir Snail-loath jobtMl 2 0,3 13.0 1.3 6.5 Ettlucarbunadia Short -u3od red MUQpK 3 0.5 5.0 O.S 1.7 EUluconucms Uni-tiil KUppnr 17 2.9 6«.0 6.4 3.9 EltEs radiants Pile mapper Ponoaeao famloru' Siddtcd funlin Priaiipeinades amotion Rawer snkpbar 7 1.2 4.0 0.4 0.6 Prutitxmcideta*ridlLi Gdd-ttltedjobfiiri Prbtlpam^dcfJUAmeitleawi Jfofyjobfjftb 15! Z5.« 215.0 20.9 1.4 PriMipomoida jtavipimu Yellow jobr*h 85 144 134.0 13.D 1.6 Pristipanouks Jiwlridcju Purple-cneokBd joHkh 6 1.0 S.0 0.5 0.S PristipamaHts zcvuliu Braded flower MUHxr 3 0.5 S.0 0.5 1.7 Otaer /tazudsarifiad Suk-Md 112 47.1 473.0 4C.1 1.7 luQnUK-Luyuihu LuljanusargeniimaaiiaSus Mingravc j»ck ShaJEo-w-vwler mapper* LuljOHu* bohar Rcdbu. 8 1.4 1S.0 1.8 2.3 iMjanta gibtnu PnJdki-t*il BIuo-]mad m^pH Lutptuamaiaivricus Mil ivhir rapper Lutjevau monostigma Ono-ipatnHppor Lutja PIUJ rufoiintattu Rufoui Kipecch Other frntfentifod Sri-fat*] 8 1.4 1S.0 *,* 1.3

LethrHdae CywHiflcroBiRT jt&aniciu Iodine: bnam 85 14.4 91.0 8.S 1.1 unperon Rsd-tbruten^Mxor 96 16.3 187.0 18.2 1.9 £fAriniu kaUoptenu Yeliaw-ipottod emperor LeAriiua miiialfu Ixnu^noecd emperor 31 5.3 39.0 3.8 1.3 L£thrinus rcticiJaliu ReticulriDd emperor LeArirau variegatui Viric^itDd emperor WattjiamosxiHibica LlTgMyO UfBIUi Other /unidentified Sub-Mil 212 35.5 317.* 30.9 1.5

SHIHUK Cepimlcpfaiis dVOH/ia Onnge rock~cod Graupcn £fHrVjWuAu arcofaau Axealatad grouper Epincptutus cMarvstigma Bfown-^Hflad grouper Epirupbehts ccmetae SniSneildn grouper Epintplttliufiudaius Rcd-buufed grouper Eptntpheturftavocatnilcui Puiple troupsr EpinephelMS magnisaatis Sptclded gtoupw Epttupffha miliaris Honeycomb gfoupor Epinqthchumarrfua Curvc-hHufed grouper EpiHephcJHSrttomi Brown-buked grouper EpiteptulHJ ttpttufasdaiitt Scvat-budod grouper SaJcp&tptnteUi Goldcm rub Variola hud T rimnT^"'Wi cod 34 5.8 49,0 4,8 1,4 Other/unMfcntiEod 50 8.5 102.0 9.9 2,0 StA-tatad M 14.2 151.0 14.7 1-1

CunngtdW SanibrtdK Carvnx igtiobSu Lowly trovelly TrtvalUt* jwdki, turn Catv/Txlugubrij Black toevilly Striata dirnntrUi Anfcajidc Striate putpwastxiu Amherjick St*iolarivoKana 2 0.3 27.0 2.6 13.5 Gymoxftda unicolor Dogtooth turn Olrrc/unidentified Sub-looU 1 9.3 27.0 2.6 13.5

GanpyldM Pr&nctkictok}* promethtm Stuke nuckciel OlMrf^SradteimcltEreli RmcUia prtHaaa OSBih Other MktenliQod Sub4oM

MbceluuieiHubMrrflsnes Sprryntcnidic BimcudH Other bony fUbet Sub-kjUl

OrdarhMoM Corcharftuuira/bvKVgiNi'ur Whbje-tip shirk 9iu1a Canctarfa'juu ambfyrAwicfew Grey reef ihirk GvcfcrMiuumeiiuiqDteriu ihirk Tridtiiodon obtain Roof whito*tip shirt Oihor/unidentified 2 0.3 41.0 4.0 20J SufcJooJ 2 9.3 41.0 4.8 20.5

Gnndlbbb BonyfhhB SM ».7 >*<.« »«.o 1.7 Shvia 2 «.3 41.0 4.0 20.5 Allspecfcl 5»0 1M.0 1,027.0 100.0 1.7 158 ~1 Country/ Territory: New Caledonia © Location: ! ^*V Isle of Pines P\ ^ 0 Fishery status: & cO ^""N^ Unexploited Reference: x,. QL o Fusimalohi, T. & ~\ - ><'•; Isle of R.Grandperrin. 1979. Pines Report on the South ••..X::fr -. jsO Pacific Commission

Deep Sea Fisheries Ok Development Project \m o rV //•/OV\ 22°30'S - in New Caledonia (9 V o ^^N^_ April-3 September .>" m {""*"*'' '—>*^ J^S 1979). South Pacific .. Commission, • * Noumea, New i—' Caledonia, 28 pp. 0

0 Fishing sites 167°30'E \0./ 1

;• Fishing dates: From 25 July 1979 To 13 August 1979

Fishing vessels: LOA Number Name Type (m) Engine of reels Monohull 6.8 55 hp petrol outboard 2 Monohull 6.8 55 hp petrol outboard 2

Fishing operations: No. of trips 10 No. of trips spent bottom fishing 10 Total hours at sea 106 Average hours at sea per trip 10.6 Total hours DB fishing 53 Average deep-bottom fishing hours per trip 5.3 Total reel-hours 105 Average reel-hours per trip 10.5 Totalhandlinehours Average handline hours per trip

Catch (kg): Total (all fishing methods), 814.0 Deep-bottom fishing 814.0 Deep-bottom catch (kg) Average per Average per Total trip red-hour All species • 814.0 81.4 7.8 Excluding sharks 743.0 74.3 7.1 Excluding sharks and locally unsaleable species

Comments: No vessel names were recorded. 159 Spedes composition of the deep-bottom fishing catch

Maniar «tuifer WdgMiJcg) *wrigU Av. Wright

LuQuUK-Billne Aphartusfitwatus Qivyjabfiah Deep-Mltr napper! Aprian viniatju QnenjabGih 1 0.4 1.0 0.1 l.D Apltaraur*Ba** Small-tooth jobfiili Etelis ou-BunaJlu Short-tailed red Ty 3 13 13.0 1.6 4.3 £fefc ceriaauu long-lail ^appa 1 D.4 3.0 0.6 3.0 Elefcrtafianu Paleaaappcr AwsauutMJ Auu&aru Siddtad fiuaior Hawer mapper GoM-tailedjobfiih JVuftpamaicfcs/iaijMritojiu' RaayjoMiiti SO 21.8 250.0 30.7 5.0 PrufyunuJ^u/lin^HJiwr YaUowjobflib 4 1.7 12.0 1.5 3.0 Priatipomoulcs fHHftufcjtj Purpto-chaekBd jobfifeh 3 1.3 10.O 1.2 3.3 Prislipomoidcs zwttfvi Banded flower aruiifnr Otbsr/unidontiSed Sub-Mai a 27.1 2*1.6 3S.7 4.7

LuJ>>nUae-Lu(kianac Ltajania aryab^npailoau Mangrove jarJc Shattow-wata nffin LMi/vuabohr Rndbui tutjanut gihbui Paddb-tait Ijitja/uu Aastiira BluB-lavd mBpuar fjun'oHur nulataricuj Malabar mapper Lutjavti montatlgmi Orft-apot aua^ur iMjaiuttritfolincatui Kufoua acapweh Othr/imiflnttrifiMi 4 1.7 22.0 2.7 S.5 Sub-Mai 4 1.7 21.0 2.7 5.5

LdhWita Gymrtocmftiuj japoaiaa Iodine bream 3 2.2 7.0 0.9 1.4 Emperor* l^thrittta dirysotiomui Kett-thnut emperor 88 38.4 201.0 24.7 2.3 LeAri/uakalleptemj Yellow -spotted ettperor Lcthrirois mmatta Long-&*edoinpcrt* Lelhriraa ntiailalia Retfcullfod Leihirtus varietalw Variegated emperor • 11 4.8 11.0 1.4 1.0 Waitjiamassambka Large-eye bream Otter MudottiDod 35 15.3 60.0 7.4 1.7 Sub-Mai 139 60.7 279.* 34.3 1.0

SOTMMK CepfialaptKlis amxuUia Orange radc-cod Grouper* Attained grouper Bpinepiulus chloroifigma. Brown-ipottod grouper Epinqihclui cermlac Smkeridn grouper Epiatpfulusfasaafus Red-banded groopsr BpintpheJtuJlaiMtcatnilaa Purple grouper 3 1-3 14.0 1.7 4,7 EpiHtpkeUtM magaixotttu Spcdded grouper 2 0,9 6.0 0.7 3,Q ^pttutpfutxj miliaria Honeycomb grouper EpinephcUumorrhw Curve-bknopd grouper EpinqrhtUa rtiovii Brawn-backed grouper Efnntpktlus xptenfosdatus Soveo-bmdbd grouper Salaptiapowcllt Ooldcofiib Variota kmti Lunar-Wlcd POJ Odw/unioVnUfiBd 4 1-7 81.0 10.0 20.3 Sirivfofel 9 3.0 1M.» . 12,4 Hal

Orangldaa'Stianbrldae Canuuc ignobVii Lowly bBvmlly TmaUlo, Jadu, (unai CoraJtrlugubrit Black IrevaUy Striata dtmerSl AmbcrjacJc Striata fwpvraxtns Amberjack Sctuiamouana Aroberjack 7 3.1 41.0 5.0 5.9 Gypmosartla u/acolor DogOothlinia Other/wikfcmiTml 1 0.4 5.0 0.6 5.0 Sub-total 8 3.5 44.8 5.7 5.8

Gnrat3#du prorttciifliji&yx ptvmttticits Snake mackerel OHfiahs, SMketneckerds RitrclUa fnllMMi 01 fall ChhcrAuiBtiUfficd SliHofel

MfaorlumrAUjbDnyfbnci Sphyracftidae- Barracuda! Oik* bony G*bea 2 0.9 4.0 0.5 2.0 Sub-total 2 0.9 4.0 6.5 2.t

CMarHnatee CardtafhinHialbinargiriatm While-tip trade Shark. Cardwrhituisamblyrhyitchni Grey Itsof ahuk Cardiarlu/utsmclaitDptcnv Bbxk-npabuk Triatnodan abesus Rcor white-tip abark Other /imidcmiftfid 5 2.2 71.0 8.7 14.2 Sub-Mai 5 1.2 71.9 8.7 14.2

Grand Total: Bony fishes 224 >7.a 743.0 S1.3 3.3 Slavto 5 2.2 n.» 8.7 14.2 AUapecka 2Z» 100.0 814.0 100.0 3.C 160

Country/ Territory: New Caledonia Location: Lifou Fishery status: Unexploited Reference: Unpublished raw data, Deep Sea Fisheries Development Project, South Pacific Commission, 21°S - Noumea, New Caledonia.

Q Fishing sites


Fishing dates: From 31 July 1981 To 5 September 1981

Fishing vessels: LOA Number Name Type (m) Engine of reels CapEscarpe Monohull Diesel inboard 2

Fishing operations: No. of trips 9 No. of trips spent bottom fishing 9 Total hours at sea 135 Average hours at sea per trip 15.0 Total hours DB Ashing 53 Average deep-bottom fishinghour s per trip 5.9 Total reel-hours 112 Average reel-hours per trip 12.4 Total handline hours 4 Average handline hours per trip 0.4

Catch (kg): Total (ah fishing methods) 486.0 Deep-bottom fishing 467.5 Deep-bottom catch (kg) Average per Average per Total trip red-hour All species 467.5 51.9 4.2 Excluding sharks Excluding sharks and locally unsaleable species 161 Species composition of the deep-bottom fishing catch

Nuntar %watac WritfitOig) *whtt Av.wtlght Lu^bmkbe-EleUQK Aphonia fitrmlm Oieyjobfiih | Dernier m«pper* Apriott viresceas Green ;obfi*h 1 0.4 3.0 0.6 3.0 Apttarcusrtf&mr $m*ll-torthjobfufc 2 0.9 18.5 4.0 9.3 Etdis ooAwiodux Sbort-tiilod tod w*pp« 1 04 1.0 0.2 1.0 Etfflireonuaw L/wg-ttH woMppor EtcErrw&uui Palo Hnipper Paraaaenahaakartt SaABed funUm Pristipcmoidti amatnus Flower MStppcsr Prutipamatda tumdlia Gold-tailed jbbfuh Priilipcmoidtijitamettlajus RtwyjobCkb 13 5.8 21.0 4.5 1.6 PristipomAidtsflavtjHttjds YdlowjrfrfWi 64 28.7 74.5 15.9 1.2 Pristipartfoidej mulUdeiu PuipJe-checkDdjobfirfi 43 19.3 S6.0 18.4 2.0 Pristipcrfloidts z0HOfus Banded flower•Uppe r Otiuyurudsatinod Sub-fatal 124 5S.« 204.0 l.« J

LutJnldK-LugMfciac fjtfjamtf gygMiiBMfBfgfiu Mingravojeck Shallow-wiler mgiperi Redhm 4 1.8 14.0 3.0 3.5 Ijif/aifiu' gifctau Peddle-ndl iLugdiucri&nura Biuc-Ined mapper 3 1,3 1.0 0.2 0.3 MaudMrm^ipBr One-^Mt mapper Lutjaiua rt^btuieatta Kuiou fefperdi ] 0A 1.0 0.2 1,0 Other/untfentujKi SuMoM 8 3.« Ifci 3.4 2.0

LfOiMdK 0>MnecroMitfjk$»a4fciur Iodkiebreun r^n^ocrarc Red-throat emperor jLEdrinuiAaJ/DPferui Yellow-spoiled emperor LeArinMs mntiaiHt Long-riDaedcrap&ror 2 0.9 13.0 2.8 6.5 Lxtimnus ntiatbtus Retorted ereperor LeArimavariegatHa ViricgBlBd crapetrjr 2 0.9 20 0.4 1.0 Wattriatiiossanibita Lugs-eye brciro 2 0.9 1.0 0.2 0.5 Other/imjdentifnd 29 13.0 61.0 13.0 2.1 Sub-total 35 15.7 77.0 16.5 2.2

StfiirfclK CepJufoptofc awuflfu Ormgerock'Cod S 2.2 5.0 1.1 1.0 dwipcfa Epi*cpktlH3 artdatiu AreaWted grouper Srawn-sporlod grouper 2 0.9 20 0.4 1.0 Epintphelta cantlae Smlasslcin grouper EpwphtlwfiistiatHS Rt^buxjed grouper Epinephtitaflavocaeniaa Purple grouper 2 0.9 13.0 2.8 6.5 Epinephttm magnisattiis Speckled grouper Epinqi/ulta nuliaris Honeycomb grouper Epiruphehu morriuu Guvo-bended grouper 16 7.2 47.0 10.1 2.9 Epinqititba reiouli Browri-bedced grouper 3 1.3 3.0 0.6 1.0 Epinephetus scptttttfuaatui Scven-bmded grouper 1 0.4 20.0 4.3 20.0 Saloptiapewelli Golden Gib Variobloud Luntr-tuled cad 8 3.6 13.0 2.8 1.6 OduyuuidaUiGed 4 1.8 10.0 2-1 2.5 Sub-fetal 41 1S.4 113.0 24.2 2.8

1 OnineldW SombrWet Caftjnx igftobffu Lowly tievilly Trewlllei,J»cki,miBH Canute/tfgunris BlecktreviUy 2 0.9 7.0 1.5 3.5 Sentdatbmenli Amberjeck 2 0.9 9.0 1,9 4.5 Seriolapttqairiuattu AmbaJKk SeriolarivoHana AlUJttJBOJt 1 0.4 7.0 1.5 7.0 Gymnosarda wneokr Dogtooth tun* Olhcr/unidentified Sub-fatal 5 2.2 23.0 4.9 4.6

Gaapjikke PramcthichUiys promc/hem SnalcemKkerel Ollttahe, SmAe jiwclwjrb RttKltui prcliosus OlGsh OaWAinidemiTed Sub-total

MbotUinma bony lUm Sprryncnidee Biracudu 6 2.7 27.0 5.8 4.5 Other bony fUhcf 4 1.8 7.5 1.6 1.9 10 4.S 34.5 7.4 3.5

ftixhiriMfe CarcharMiua albimxrginalm Whim-tip ihMii &wto CanJuMMtsambfyrhyndtos Grey reef aharic -, Cardkuiivuismclanopttnu Black'tip ihufc 7"rifl4n«frn obesm Roefwtufc-tip shut Othtr/unidentified

BoctylWio 223 1004 46T.S 100.0 2.1 Starta 223 100.0 447.5 100.0 2.1 162

Country/ Territory: NPW f^fllfdnnia Location: Man* Fishery status: 8 Unexploited Reference: ^y.j-~^/ 21°30S - Unpublished raw data, Deep Sea Fisheries Development Project, Maid f Sooth Pacific Commission, Noumea, New Caledonia.

J Q Fishing sites o^~—

168°E - 1 -

Fishing dates: From 12 October 1981 To 29 October 1981

Fishing vessels: LOA Number Name Type (m) Engine of reels Monohull 6.8 Petrol outboard 2

Fishing operations: No. of trips 11 No. of trips spent bottom fishing 11 Total hours at sea 100 Average hours at sea per trip 9.1 Total hours DB fishing 55 Average deep-bottom fishing hours per trip 6.1 Total reel-hours 101 Average reel-hours per trip 9.2 Total handline hours 29 Average handline hours per trip 2.6

Catch (kg): Total (all fishing methods) 342.7 Deep-bottom fishing 251.8 Deep-bottom catch (kg) Average per Average per Total trip reel-hour All species 251.8 22.9 2.5 Excluding sharks Excluding sharks and locally unsaleable species

Comments: Vessel name was not recorded. 163 Species composition or the deep-bottom fishing catch

Nunbar number WdfMtkg) %w»»*t Av.wdghE

Lia>nlo>e.Eieaw 4pAomu fitrealia Greyjobfiah Dup.«abr mppert Aprion vinsctiu Green jobfjau AjAartusruifaia 5mett-toothjbbfiali EleJiicariw/KHlta Short-taDcd rodPwppo r 2 1.S S.4 2.1 2.7 EUUM cornxav Loqg-iiil mapper 1 0.8 2.0 0.8 2.0 Pale auapper Saddled nuttier PrutijxrHoitiei amoeiua Flower arjaprjor PjijlipaiioidejawidVa Gold-tailed jobfiah PrUt^jomoideifilatHiiitojus Roayjobftah 46 3S.1 93.8 37.3 2.D Pristipottioiiesjiavifitaus Yellow jrjbfiah 34 26.0 39.S 15.7 1.2 Prvtipanoidti rnufofenj Fiupk-cbceaod jobfiah PrijtlpanBida zonaliu Beaded flower aruippsr Odur/uojdentiliBd Sub-toW S3 C3.4 140.7 SS.9 1.7

Lu^nUM-Lu4"*>K Lutjaniu argcnlunocutaliu Mangrove jack Stalkw-nntar Mantra LuQaiuu bokar Redbaai 2 1.5 9.0 3.6 4.S Lmjanlv jibbiu Paddfe-ua LutjaraukasHim BLue-lsaed inkier Lutjaniu jMalahariau Malabar snapper Lutjama ttuHuuHgtw ODe*»pol snapper LvtjaHki rifaRxeaim Rufous aeaporoh Other Amifcntificd Sub-fab! 2 1.S 9.0 3.6 4.5

LcferHdae (TyftvuKraiijitTJvvMiLciu Iodine bream bnpcrorj Lttkrinvt ckrysosiottaa Red-rnituteinparor 18 13.7 43.0 17.1 2.4 Le/hntuutallaptetvr YcUow-ipotbf emperor' Lethrinui naniatHi Long-nosed emperor LeJhriluu rtlicHhtus RotKutusd mnpetot Ltthrirua-wugatui VrdioHMo^ emperor WaUxamouambica l^arge-riye bream Other /unidsotiGod 4 3.1 6.0 2.4 1.5 SllVtaM 22 K.t 49.0 19.5 2.2

ScfmUbc CepMafocrWtf dWttntKt Orange rock-cod Groupers EpiHtphdMr ottalaba Areolafcd grouper Epmeptulss chtorojigma Brown-spaned grouper 2 1.S 3.0 1.2 1.5 EpSntphcbtsconKkic Slmkcalcin grouper EpituphelwftudtHiu Rcd-barjded grouper Epintptuliuflmwcaervlaa Purple grouper 2 1.5 11,0 4.4 5.S EpincphtJusmagHiscuBis Specltkd grouper Epincphtlui nations Honeycomb grouper 4 3.1 8.0 3.2 2.0 Epiiupkchu morriaia Curve-banded grouper 1 0.8 2.0 0.8 2.0 Epuuphriw retotai Brown-becked grouper Epinephtha xplmfasdaiui Sewn-Vseded grouper SahptiapowetU Golden fish Variotalouti LunuKiuodcoa* 4 3.1 7.2 2.9 1.8 Other/unaJcntlfjed 3 2.3 5.0 2.0 1.7 Sub-Mei 16 12.2 36.2 14.4 2.3

CtnndoW SumMdat CanuaignabQij Lowly trcvilly Tr™IUa, JwJu, luiiM Carcthx lugiibri? Black bcvslly StrwladmieriE Amberjadc Striata purpurasaru Arnbarjack SeriotamoSana Arobojick Gymnesarda unicolor Dogtooth tuna Other /uBidentlljed 1 0.8 1.9 0.8 1.9 Sub-Wal 1 9.8 1.9 0.8 l.»

Gcrnpyldee PromeMdUkyjpnmelheuf Snake mackerel OIKIaha, SmkeiroKkenb: Ruvttim prtaomi OuOsh Other/unidentified Subtotal

MiKtlUntBUSbonyftshes Sphyrscnidte Berracudu 7 5.3 1S.0 6.0 2.1 Other bonyfiahea Sub-tatal 7 5.3 15.0 6.0 2.1

GutiwIttdM Carcharhima albimarginalut White-tip lhtric Statin Cart&atkiHiuarxijtyrkyriduw Greyicefihuk Carckarhiruu mthipoptentx B Lack-up ituufc Tnttnodott obetus Roef whifc-tfp «hwt


GrmdTotah Bony fishes 131 JuO.fJ 251.8 100.0 1.9 Sherta All spades 131 1H.0 251,8 10*. 0 1.9 164

Country/Territory: New Caledonia Location: New Caledonia Gatope Fishery status: Lightly exploited 21°S — Reference: Chapman, L.B, & P. Cusack (in press). Deep Sea Fisheries Development Project. Report on third visit to New Caledonia (6 June-15 November 1985). South Pacific Commission, Noumea, New Caledonia. Q Fishing sites


Fishing dates: From 13 October 1985 To 23 October 1985

Fishing vessels: LOA Number Name Type (m) Engine of reels DarMad Catamaran 11.5 2 x 5 hp diesel inboard 4

Fishing operations: No. of trips 11 No. of trips spent bottom fishing 11 Total hours at sea 122 Average hours at sea per trip 11.0 Total hours DB fishing 42 Average deep-bottom fishing hours per trip 3.8 Total reel-hours 168 Average reel-hours per trip 15.2 Total handhne hours Average handhne hours per trip

Catch (kg): Total (all fishingmethods ) 2,083.9 Deep-bottom fishing 1,466.7 Deep-bottom catch (kg) Average per Average per Total trip reel-hour All species 1,466.7 133.3 7.1 Excluding sharks 897.2 81.6 4.4 Excluding sharks and locally 796.0 72.4 3.9 unsaleable species

Comments: 165 Species composition of the deep-bottom fishing catch

NuniHr % Dirtier Wdgtt

U^uAbt.EtdbiK Aphamufurcalia GreyjobGah Deea-water •wppera Aprion •wrtsctns Green jobfidi 1 0.3 10.1 0.7 10.1 AfAamtindSaia Srnmn-toarhjobflari 3 0.8 5.9 0.4 2.0 Eletisairbttwiiius Shut-tailed icd anappcr 3 0.8 2.2 0.1 0,7 Etelis cortacans Lraig-uuT mapper 1 0.3 7.7 0.S 7.7 Ettlii rru&uiu Falenappcr 1 0.3 2.0 0.1 2.0 Paraatesio hajkaru Saddled huuner 1 0.3 4.2 0.3 4.2 Pristipamoidcs amoeiua Flower anapper 2 0.5 0.6 0.0 0.3 Prbl^xtnadtnuaiaJio Gold-tailed jobfieh ] 0.3 D.» 0.1 0.8 PrislipaiuAittfilamtntosiu Roayjobfiah 73 19.2 165,6 11.3 2.3 Prulipanoida flavipilims Yellow jnHah 14 3.7 17.2 1.2 1.2 Prutiponuxdesnutltidais FutpJe-chooljad job&b 20 5.3 6S.8 4.7 3.4 Pristip&ruxda aondJur Banded flower upper 9 2.4 10.6 0.7 1.2 Otbet/unkktntiBBd 1 0.3 0.5 0.0 0.S Sub-Mai 130 34.2 2M.2 20.2 1.3

UtfrMm-U>tfr*ac LMtfaftiaargen^fnea^alMS Mangrove jack 1 0.3 6.0 0.4 e.o Shallwr-Ha-lirmariptri LuljaiUdsbolitr Reditu 12 3.2 77.0 5.2 6.4 Lutjamu gibbus Pmddle-tBil Lu

LattvMdae Gynuuxnwiia faxuiiaa Iodine Imam 12 3.2 227 1.5 1.9 Qnpfltnw Letkrinsa tArysajtanaa RcdVcbroar. emperor 26 6.8 82.8 5.6 3.2 LtlkrirwihiUoplerw YeUow-apQrJedeinp&ror LtArimamiuatta Long-Meed emperor Lttkrima raarafamr Reticulated emperor Ltlhnnia variefjatiu Variegated emperor 7 1.8 3.8 0.3 0J Waihiamossttmbiat Largo-eye bieul 9 2/4 24.7 1.7 2.7 OlbarAuiidenrJfied Subtotal 54 14.2 134.0 9.1 2.5

SerraradM Ctp/tfifopfoftr4miHJia Oiwge rack-cod Groupm Eptoptuuu artciaha Areolatod grouper 4 1.1 2.6 0.2 0.7 Epuuptulidi chtcnutignu Browtt-qfoned grouper 64 16.8 109.4 7.5 1.7 EpbqpheUa Condi* SnaVfikm grouper Epiiup/wUufaKiatui Red-banded grouper Epintphclajflavocaeniluu Purple grouper 1 0.3 2.2 0.1 2.2 Epintpheha majpujeuvia Speckled grouper Epihcpkchv miliaria Honeycomb giueper EpiBqjhdMsmorrhua Curve-banded grouper 22 5.8 38.4 2.6 1.7 Epinqjtubis rttadi Brawn-backed grouper 2 OJ 1.2 0.1 0.6 Epincpht lur stptarfasdatus Seven-banded grouper Salaptiapmfdli Golden fiah Variola louti Lunar-tailed cod 5 1.3 7.4 0.5 1.5 Other /imidemifjed 5 1.3 62.3 4.2 12.5 Sub-total 103 27.1 223.5 15.2 2.2

CminatjWSnunhrtoj* Cartua ignobilis Lowly trevally TrtvuMln, J»do, bmw Caranxlugubrij Black ttevalky 2 0.5 11.7 0.8 5.9 Striata dtanerflj Amberjack Serioia pvrpmaxxns Ambcrjack Seriolfl rnufewi AnfarJKk 21 5.5 94.6 6.4 4.5 Gynruuarda wucohr Dogtooth tuna 1 0.3 28.0 1.9 28.0 Other /unidentified Subtotal 24 6.3 134.3 9.2 S.<

GoiTOfcbe Prcmcthichlhyj promtthctts STufctMKkntl OlBWwa, Stwke nuwktrtls R uvettus pntiosus Oifuh Ot,vy fan wfripli find Sub-total

Mbctlbne«» borrjr (tenet Spbyraemdafi Banacudaa 0.5 18.2 1.2 9.1 Other bony fiabea 03 1.0 0.1 1.0 Sub-load «.« 19.2 1.3 6.4

OlcharrMdae CmAariimu o/eanargiju/ar Wiuuvupdiark 33 K.7 392.5 26,8 11.9 Starto Caydtarruiuu ambfyrhyruAos Grey reef ahark 5 1.3 36.Q 2.S 7.2 Carcrtariuruumelariapttna Black-lip inark Triarrtodon abeaior Reef whoE-up abark 8 2.1 17.0 1.2 2.1 Other/unidentified 6 1.6 124.0 tt.S 20.7 Sub-total 52 13.7 569.5 38.* 11.0

Grand lotah BonyfbhH 328 84.3 897.2 61.2 2.T Sharfa 52 13.7 «9.5 38.8 U.O Allrpectea 380 100.0 1,466.7 100.0 3.9 166

Country/ Territory: New Caledonia ) ^T Location: V j^i New Caledonia A. Noumea Fishery status: 0^ V~ \ Lightly exploited ^S Wj**\- } Reference: \ ^^^ M ty^ Chapman, L.B. & P. Cusack (in press). V ^v Deep Sea Fisheries N^»^o Development Project. ^> Report on third visit to New Caledonia (6 June-15 November 1985). South Pacific \ 0 * 22°40'JS — Commission, Noumea, New V Caledonia. %.

166°E 0 Fishing sites - 1 .r

Fishing dates: From 11 June 1985 To 12 October 1985 24 October 1985 25 October 1985 Fishing vessels: LOA Number Name Type (m) Engine ofreels DarMad Catamaran 11.5 2x55hpdiesel 4

Fishing operations: No. of trips 42 No. of trips spent bottom fishing 14 Total hours at sea 494 Average hours at sea per trip 11.8 Total hours DB fishing 64 Average deep-bottom fishing hours per trip 4.5 Total reel-hours 173 Average reel-hours per trip 12.4 Total handline hours Average handhne hours per trip

Catch Okg): Total (all fishing methods) 3,291.8 Deep-bottom fishing 1,120.3 Deep-bottom catch (kg) Average per Average per Total trip red-hour All species 1,120.3 80.0 6.5 Excluding sharks 936.3 66.9 5.4 Excluding sharks and locally 900.3 64.3 5.2 unsaleable species

Comments: 167 Species composition of the deep-bottom fishing catch

Number Burin- Weigh! (kfO fcvutjM Av.wdgM mynkkK-Eidtwe Aphartuijuraaua Greyjobfiah Deep-water aiappera Apru»t virtxct** Green jobEah Aphonia nations SmalMoorhjobfiafc 15 3.6 94.4 8.4 6.3 Etetia corbunatliis Sfaort-Uuled ted ffiappor 17 4.1 13.0 1.2 0.8 Etelis ajrutcaiu Long-tal moppet 17 4.1 34.1 3.0 2.0 EuEs7aiEoua Pale ananper 4 1.0 12.2 1.1 3.1 Saddled funDicr Pristiputwisltj amotion Flower snapper 16 3.8 5.0 0.4 0.3 Pristiparnoi'lcsawiaUa Gold-tailodjobfiah £ 1.9 6.2 0.6 0.8 Priilipptntiidtsfilomefihjaids Rmyjohnafa ss 13.9 163.6 14.6 2.8 Pristipcmakiaflovlpimis Yellow jobfuh 36 8.6 53.5 4.8 1.5 Pri&ipomaida mxltidtnj Purple-checked jobfiah PrUiipcmoidts IOHOIUS Banded Slower enapjur 3 0.7 23 0.3 1.0 Oiber MudendBod 1 0.2 0.2 0.0 0.2 Suh-tatt 175 42.* 385.1 34.4 1.2 llia)Htomt-ll*tBBnft Lutjanuiar^aaunaaoaau Mangrove jack 2 OJ 13.2 1.2 6.6 SbjUlovMaltr antpptn Liujanusbahar Rod ban 1 0.2 4.8 0.4 4.8 Uajania gibbos Paddk-tail tMJaw fejnwtt Blue-lkbd twappcr UajanujiHoJahonau Malabar mapper Lutjarmsmanoatigma One-spot mapper Lutjamu naoUniabu Rufoui leapcrdi Mm/unkkmliriai Sue-total 3 •.7 IM 1.C *.o

Xtfvfeftte Gymjixramiu joponina JoJJne lirwfl. 5 1.2 9.0 0.8 1.8 Etapftts* LtfhriHotx chrysoftotnia Bfld-ttfo*teinperw 74 17.7 210.7 18.8 2.8 Lcthrinus kallapttrn& Yellow-spotted emperor Lc&rinni miwatai LeAnnus ndctdattts Rrticulited ompttcr Lcikrmus variegatta Viriegntod omporar 2 0.5 l.S 0.2 0.9 Wattsiamouambiaa Ltigp-efcbntm 3 0.7 2.5 0.2 OM Other AuudentiGed 2 0.5 3.6 0.3 1.8 SiivtotBl IK 2Q.C 217.6 20.3 2.6

SHT«*W Cephalopholii atovttfia Ornish rodc-cod GfmifHTi EpJruzpiuhaaMolntiu Audited 3$ 8.4 56.9 5.1 1.6 Epiruphetiu cftlorostigma Brown-spaaed grauper Epiiuptuliu comelat Snatealdn grouper Epinephtlusfasdatux Red-banded gnMpei Eptftephcliajlavocaentleia Piuple grouper 5 1.2 23.0 2.1 4.6 Epinepkthu nagnixaittis Speckled giaupBt Epiftephehis miliaria Honeycomb grouper Epinepttihamtwrkua Curve-banded grotqar 30 7.2 57.1 5.1 1.9 Brown-backed grouper Epintpheltu stptanfaacUotus 5even»banded grouper 5 1.2 4.2 0.4 0.8 SobpifapowtUi Golden, fish 2 0.5 1.7 0.2 0.9 Variola louti Lunar-tailed cod 11 2.6 10.7 1.0 1.0 Qlhcr/imidollined 7 1.7 7.0 0.6 1.0 Sub-total 95 22.8 160.6 14.3 1.7

Cmnffamt/SamtmUoe Coranx tgnobUir Loutty owody 1 0.2 18.0 1.6 18.0 TrevaUla, Jades, timet Caranxtugldrnj Black trovaUy Strioto fltuwrilt Ambarjadc SenoiaptojmaTUCc/u Amberjack Striata rivoUano Arranrjack 21 5.0 112.9 10.1 5.4 Gymluuarda uucolor Dogtooth tuna toh*rfim\*~*iFf*t 4 1.0 8.2 0.7 2.1 SiaVMal » t.t 139.1 11.4 5.4

GmptfMot ProntethicJtfkyr pnmtthtits Snake mackerel OUftsrie^SrHkcriraektKls Ruvettiu prrlialiu OuOah Cnher/aaidenSi{ied SiaHotal

MtacetbADMMboQytbbef Sphyraemriae Barracudas Othef bony flsbes 7 1.7 5.9 0.5 0.8 Sub-total 7 1.7 5.9 0.5 ».»

OrdarhMdn Corcfouftuuu albbnorfinahds WhitE-Iipibark 4 1.0 8.0 0.7 2.0 Sharia C&ckoriiima anOAfrityndias Grey reef shark 3 0.7 34.0 3.0 11.3 CaTdtorhwamthiKjxmu Black-lip aharit Triaatoaon obeiHi Rctf whit-lip ahaik 6 1.4 14.0 1.2 2.3 Olhn/unitfciiliDod 12 2.9 128.0 11.4 10.7 SuMotal 25 «.e 184.1 W.4 7.4

Onndlbtat BoflJ ft*M 392 94.S >3f.3 t3.f 2.4 Shirks 25 6.0 184.0 16.4 7.4 Ailanedea 417 106.0 1,128.3 100.0 2.7 168

Country/ Territory: New Caledonia Location: 0 Fishing site Belep Fishery status: Unexploited Reference: Belep Islands Chapman, L.B & P. Cusack (in press). Deep Sea Fisheries Development Project. Report on fourth visit to the Territory of New Caledonia at the Belep Islands (18 0. August-15 22°13'S - September 1986). O South Pacific Commission, Noumea, New Caledonia. 163°40'E

Fishing dates: From 27 August 1986 To 10 September 1986

Fishing vessels: LOA Number Name Type (n>) Engine of reels Dor Mad Catamaran 11.5 2 x 55 hp diesel 2

Fishing operations: No. of trips 13 No. of trips spent bottom fishing 2 Total hours at sea 121 Average hours at sea per trip 9.0 Total hours DB fishing 4 Average deep-bottom fishing hours per trip 2.0 Total reel-hours 12 Average reel-hours per trip 6.0 Total handline hours Average handline hours per trip

Catch (kg): Total (all fishing methods) 3,129.8 Deep-bottom fishing 137.1 Deep-bottom catch (kg) Average per Average per Total trip mthour All species 137.1 34.3 11.4 Excluding sharks 92.1 46.1 7.7 Excluding sharks and locally 65.3 5.4 5.4 unsaleable species ^

Comments: 169 Species composition of the deep-bottom fishing catch

Nimixr «nnto WHgW**) »wdgW Av.wdght

TM^nljh*-lTtotLiM ^Aoiritt/iimtiW GreyjobBth Dfetp-'flater mppcfl Aprion vireictru Gnstaijobfiiij Aphonia Tiiilam Smdl-toodiJQbfiib Ettlix aarbuiiadiu Short-Uilod nd mapper 1 4.3 1.6 1.2 1.6 EieJbt conuoata Long-tail nipper EietisratUosus Pile mippor PrtlYFfr?f tirt ^TlW^f frf Saddled fuulksr Flower nupper PrijSip&iiDidejtuiriaUa Odd-tailed jcfefiife Pristifrt*ru>idesjitamcnta>ui Roiyiobflib 1 4,3 3.0 2.2 3.0 Prutipanoidttjfavipiims Ptisiipcmoidcs muliidtns Priaipanoidts vmaius Banded flower rapper Olber/inudontiGDd Sufa-tatal 1 S.7 4.£ 3.4 X3

Lu$ttUK-Lutyu*w Lufauixaqgai/imaadatiti Mmpi»vJK& Stmlhw^nalir amvptn Litijaruu balw RmdbMi 6 26.1 26.8 19.5 4.5 Ijilymus ftbbtdj Ijitjamit Ionian Biafi-lwod uuppor LuljaMutwtabaricul Militar nappo* LuijaHUMttmruadgma Ono-^nt mtppof Luljanw rvfoEruatus Rufbui npv di Oli*T/unkfcn±ifiod Sub-to

UtivMte GymnACKWItV >fNMliCHf Iodnchrtini Ekhptron £ffAnnur cAryjorfomits Red-lfarottciDperor 3 13.0 ?.7 7.1 3.2 Lcikrima kallopterus Ydlow-*potted emperor LtArinuf mimaita Long-noted emperor Ltthrinus rtticulatiu Vr* wrtil .rfwft tii unwmr Lcthrinuf varkgalm Vanegrtodfinnieror Waiisia nuwambica Luge-flyebmm Otto- /unidentified Suh-toteJ 3 13.0 9.7 7,1 3.2

Sfcmrtbe Ccphatcphofis

CvmgldWScanMllK CantHx ignobilix Lowly travfllly "ntnUkf,jKlu,tuiH CanuaiKgtibtis Blickwilfy 1 4.3 5.4 3.9 1.4 Seriota dumeflii Anfxrjvk Smotapwpurasctns Ambaj.dc ScridarwaUMa Anliaj.dc Gymr\o$ardavnlaoJar DagCooCb tunc Otha/unifeatiGed Sub4oM 1 4.3 5.4 3.9 5.4

OempyUtt PrattettuditkyjproitieAtuj Siuke nuckud OlHAa^SndtcnBclunb Swatm ptrtiana Oltah Other/unUcndfied Sub4oU

Mbcdlanmis banytUhta Sphynenidac Bnnciukft Othrr tray fid*. 1 4.3 19.8 14.4 19.8 SlUvtoU 1 4.3 19.S 14.4 19.S

Omni Total: Botiyfbhes 17 73.9 92.1 «7.2 5.4 Siwta « 26.1 45.» 32.* 7.5 AllspKfel 23 1H.S 137.1 160.0 t.» — 170

Country/Territory: New Caledonia

Location: r Noumea ••Vsi Fishery status: o \ *^\ Lightly exploited \\ N Reference: ^"^ New Caledonia

Chapman, L.B & P. v^ >\ Cusack (in press). - 21°S Deep Sea Fisheries xV ^S, Development Project. ^^E^NHA ^^*H, Report on fourth visit '*s\^ >^, to the Territory of s"*^\ ^^ New Caledonia at the \ ^"1 \" Belep Islands (18 August-15 September 1988). O \ S ; -• • South Pacific J Commission, , Noumea, New Q Fishing sites Caledonia. 166°E I

Fishing dates: From 20 August 1988 To 10 September 1988 11 September 1988 13 September 1988 Fishing vessels: LOA Number Name Type (m) Engine of reels Dor Mad Catamaran 11.5 2x55hpdiesel 2

Fishing operations: No. of trips 3 No. of trips spent bottom fishing 1 Total hours at sea 106 Average hours at sea per trip 14.2 Total hours DB fishing 4 Average deep-bottom fishinghour s per trip 0.5 Total reel-hours 7 Average reel-hours per trip 1.2 Total handline hours Average handline hours per trip

Catch (kg): Total (all fishing methods) 724.6 Deep-bottom fishing 115.7 Deep-bottom catch (kg) Average per Average per Total trip reel-hour All species 115.7 115.7 16.5 Excluding sharks 85.7 85.7 12.2 Excluding sharks and locally 41.2 41.2 5.9 unsaleable species

Comments: 171 Species composition of the deep-bottom fishing catch

Nutter tnir Wd»W(kj) %"dtf< A*.wdjM

Luyjwfckc-EWti« ApfareiujuHotfiu Qnyj&b&Mh DugMwlcr mppen Apnon virttctiu Gross) johnih ApftartMrtdihuU SirwH-tnrthjfjbfiii 3 12.0 13-3 11.S 4,4 Eteiisoarbunaiittt Sbort-triod1 red mapper Etdis conuaaiw Long-nul *»pper EtcUsTiadioius P*lem±ppcr PrnxtmfXt'fi fatxtkofit Subfed fiuHi* PrblipcntouUs amaeniir Flower mapper Oold-tiiUedjobfrb PrittipamaMnjibfmetiiojuj RoByjobftih PrUtipottioMa flavipimuj Yellow jobTuh Priitip&noides mkltidetu Pristipanoitkf lotutiw Btndod Dower mappetf Odicr/uniffclitilBd StiHofad 3 12.1 13.3 11-5 4.4

Lul>nldK-Lut>r*»e £i*l>wuu aryqiriFrwfufrtfKT Mingnivojuk 4 16.0 20.9 18.1 3.2 ShaUwr-mttr supper. Ksdhu* 1 4.0 6.0 5,2 6.0 PuHfe-tnil 1 4.0 0.2 0.2 0.2

Lufjwtuj moiKtttigmtt OoB-ipat&iqifier RuftME npecdi Otter/unidentified 4 1S.0 12.0 10.4 3.0 SlMntal 10 40.0 3».l 33.8 3.»

LcthrUoK GjnWdmwiVjdponiou Iodine bre*m Emperors LclhHwu chrysottomus Rfid-ihro*ttinprt'or 6 24,0 10.9 9.4 l.S LeArinuskailoptrna YcUaw-^paUod ompcrot Lttttrinus mniatia LcH^-nofcid Dmpcrar Litfainux rcticnkuus Reticulated eropcror Leihrbuii variegatui \Msicg0Kdcmiptinr TVoUiia wauawifcica

Sufe-WsJ 6 24.* 1P.V 9.4 l.«

SCRUUK Cr/afatcphoJIr awiu/u Ortngc rock-cod Gnupsn .Ejwiepfcdiu arecdaau Analifcd grouper 2 S.0 2.2 IS 1.1 fpinepAeJui chlarostigma Brown-ipotfcd grouper Epiruptttbu anctae Sntkeikm pauper Epiruphelusfasdaius Red-binded grouper Purple grouptr Epintphehu tna^wjaittis Speckled grouper Epintphclus miE&is Honeycomb grouper EpintpftttHsrrU*riua Curw-b*flded groupor Epintphthis rvtouti Brawn-ticked grouper Epintphtlm Xpienfasdoius Scvcn-liHtidcd grouper Saloptiapowclli Golden fiih Variola hull Lunar-tillDd ood Other /umdetitifiDd Sifc-lobl 2 8.0 2.2 IS 1.1

Qrawkfew'Saantirkhc CaraKx i&nobilh Lowly ttrsviUy TrevilllB, j«du, lun» Canuulugubrit Blade ttcvilly Seriola dwveriii Atrijcqwlc Striata purjiuratfxru Anoherjadc Saidtatrndiana Atlfccrjidc Dogtooth tut* Other/luudenliBcd 1 4.0 2.8 2.4 2.8 Slfcttn] 1 4.(1 2.8 2.4 2.S

GanpyMu Prarnethidithfi prvmetluiKi Stukc mackcid Ottfbha, Snake nwclunl. XiavUia preliojui OHDah OihaAuu^ntlGpd SIMVIOO)

Mlscdluuouibotrjlbhu Sphyncnidac Bamreudii 2 8.0 17.4 15.0 8.7 Other bony fidm SuMotil 2 8.0 17.4 15.0 8.7

CkidarhHche GvchorAiMU a&ffnaTgiru/iLr Whin-tip "bait 1 4.0 30.0 25.9 30.0 Searta Carcharkituu amblyrhyruAos Grey reef shark CardtariiitHistntkHicft&tLr Black-tip ibark Trlatnodtm ottaia See f whit-tip .hark Orho/imJd: nlilijd Sii>-lotol 1 4.0 30.0 2S.9 34.0

GrendTuiiit bonytbhtt 24 W.O 85.7 74.1 3.< Shufa 1 4.9 30.0 2S.9 3«.« AUspsdu 25 100.0 115.7 loo.a 4.< 173 NIUE Niue comprises a single small island of 258 km2 in area and is a makatea or raised atoll. The 100-fm isobath length is only 35 n.mi. Within Niue's EEZ is Bevendge Reef, which is partially emergent at low tide and has a 100-fm isobath length of 18.1 n.mi. Three surveys have been made by the SPC masterfishermen and during one of these trips fishing was conducted at Beveridge Reef. Catch rates experienced ranged from 2.8 to 8.5 kg/line-hr at Niue itself, with an average of 5.8 kg/line-hr. During the eight days spent fishinga t Beveridge Reef in 1979, the average CPUE was 6.1 kg/line-hr. If commercial fishing operations were established in Niue, the catch rates at MSY might be expected to decline to 2.9 and 3.1 kg/line-hr at Niue and Beveridge Reef respectively.

The catch composition given in Table 2 is for Niue and Beveridge Reef combined. There are, however, distinct differences between the two locations. Eteline snappers comprised about 30 per cent of the catch by weight at Niue but amounted to less than 1 per cent at Beveridge Reef. At the latter site the dominant feature of the catch was the high incidence of lutjanine snappers, which amounted to almost 60 per cent of the catch weight. Nearly all were the red sea bass Lutjanus bohar, Which is a species often implicated in outbreaks of ciguatera poisoning in the South Pacific (Lewis, 1986).

Using the procedures described earlier, unexploited biomass was estimated to be 1.03 t/n.mi of 100-fm isobath for Niue and 1.87t/n.mi for Beveridge Reef. MSY from the deep slope stocks at Niue would be expected to lie between 3.6 and 10.8 t/yr and for Beveridge Reef between 3.4 and 10.0 t/yr. 174


Niue 0 Fishing sites Location: Nine Island O^—"—* Fishery status: o V 2°4d'S - Unexploitcd Reference: © [ Fusimalohi, T, 1978. Report on the South Pacific Commission Niue Deep Sea Fisheries Development Project in Niue (3 July-31 August 1978). South Pacific Commission, Noumea, New 0 ] Caledonia, 7 pp. 0 o

'^ 1

Fishing dates: From It July 1978 To 21 August 1978

Fishing vessels: LOA Number Name Type (m) Engine of reels Nukulafalafa Monohull 8.5 Diesel inboard 2

Fishing operations: No. of trips 27 No. of trips spent bottom fishing 27 Total hours at sea 196 Average hours at sea per trip 7.2 Total hours DB fishing 90 Average deep-bottom fishing hours per trip 3.3 Total reel-hours 179 Average reel-hours per trip 6.6 Total handline hours Average handline hours per trip

Catch (kg): Total (aB fishing methods) 1,733.4 Deep-bottom fishing 498.0 Deep-bottom catch (kg) Average per Average per Total Irip reel-hour All species Excluding sharks 498.0 18.4 2.8 Excluding sharks and locally unsaleable species

Comments: Catches of sharks were not recorded. 175 Species composition of the deep-bottom fishing catch

Nintar %iuri>r Wd*t(l<&> Smritft Av.wdgbt

Lu4»)dM-StalkiM 4pfaneiu/uroaftu Groyjobfiih Dnp-mtcr mppen Apn'on vtncJMftr Qnwnjabfiih Apfainnitntfbiu StmU-toothjobGdi Shart-taitod md rapper Mldu amtBuns Lcog-bul nuppcz Elelis radiontf Pile mapper Pflmmtjjf* huakarii Saddled fusilier Prittipantouks emocHKt Flower *mppor Prutipomoidesataidlia Gdd-iailcdjobfiih Prisiipcmoidtjfilamentojia Roayjobfidi PriMiptmoidaflavipinnii Yellow jobfi»h PrutipomoideiMuiiidau Piuplo-cheeked jabSih Pristipant&taionotus Binded flower nipper Othw j^m'wHifM 40 J 8,4 141,0 2&3 3J SutHtabl 40 1M 141 ,g 2<-3 3.5

I^tRktac-Lu^tae ZjigtuujargMlifluaubbtr Miqgnwcjadc S)nUo»-*.t«f sapper. Kedbu 10 4.6 25.0 5.D 2J Luljtauu gthbw PnVSc-bil LuljaiuakatMra Blue-lbed Uttppor Mlldur sapper LMljarmi Irmiottigmit Ono-ipotsuppor iMljanus ntfbKtualHS Rbfoui Hapvdi Osbar/anidrjCifisd 13 6.0 61.0 12.2 4.7 Subtotal 13 10.« St.B 17.3 3.7

IrirUJee ^mnacruvt/w-ji^AMi^r JbdmehnWiZ " Ernpcrofi Lethrimu ckryioilomUs Red-thro«twaperor Lttkrinus kollcpterus Ydlow-ipottod emperor Ltlkrirua rmniaius Long-noied emperor Letkritua rcticulatus Retkul itod emperor Lcthrinus-witgatiu Variegated emperor Luge-eye bum Other/fanaferjli&d S3 38,2 126\tf 25.3 1.5 Sub-total S3 38.2 12S.0 25-3 1.5

AmnMbe Ccptbriophatisamin/ia Grange roG&cod Grouper* EpwtphehuareoiQliu Arealatod grouper Epituphtlm chloroHigma Biawn 'ipatfcd grouper Epinqiftdiig eantiae RualfwIHn gTMTWT Epin£phdusfiudatiu Red*banded grouper Epiatptteliaflavocaendeus ftupW) grouper Epwtpiuha tnagruiatttis Speckled grouper EpLtupluhiS tfdSarii Hopoycaaib grouper EpinephtlkimorThw Carvc-bffldtd grouper Epinephchu relouti Brown-backed grouper Epincphelus KpttrrfmdaXVS Scvcn-hmded grouper Salapdapowdti Golden Esh Variola loud Lanax-tiilcd cod Other/imikntiBed 59 27.2 125.0 25.1 2.1 ftaVtobu' 5* 27.2 125.0 25.1 2.1

Cklw^dw/SanlridM Cation* {gfld&ito Lowly tmvdly 'fW™lSM,jKtl,tUIBB GaruiurfuguArix BHicfctnvdly StritAnhtuaSi Andnjidt Striata purjMVasans AndiaJKlc Gywnosatfa wuccAor Dogtooth tun Olhcr/an identified 8 3.7 8.0 1.6 1.0 Sub-toM s 3.7 8.0 l.C 1.6

Ganpytttku Prcmclhichtkys pramethenj Snake mackErel OlHahes, Snake nuckcreb Auwirjirprebojuj Oflfiah Otixr AinkfcnliBcd SutMofel

Mbcrilan*ouabonyfWiei Sphyncnidie Barracuda* 4 1-S 12.0 2.4 3.0 Other bony Eahci Siivfctol 4 1.8 12,0 2.4 3,B frrrliarhWdac CardarfumualbiMnrgitkitia White-tip *hark Stwia Carckirluma ambfyrhyHchos Grey reef lihark CanchorhbuismckvKpienu Blade-tip *hark Triaenodati abesus Reef whit-tip shark Other AmidBntified Sli>-tatal

Grand Totofe Bonjflfhea 217 lM-tt 498,0 N».0 2.3 Sharks AIL specks 217 1 W.fl 498.0 104.0 2.3 176

Country/ Territory:

Mue Q Fishing sites Location: BeveridgeReef Fishery status: Unexploited Reference: Mead, P. 1980b. Report of the second visit of the South Pacific Commission Deep Sea Fisheries Development Project toNiue(24 August-26 October 1979), South Pacific Commission, 20°S Noumea, New Caledonia, 27 pp.

167°45"W l_

Fishing dates: From 9 October 1979 To 16 October 1979

Fishing vessels: LOA Number Name Type (m) Engine of reels Takuo Monohull 16.5 240 hp diesel inboard 3

Fishing operations: No. of trips 1 No. of trips spent bottom fishing 1 Total hours at sea 192 Average hours at sea per trip 192.0 Total hours DB fishing 67 Average deep-bottom fishing hours per trip 67.0 Total reel-hours 355 Average reel-hours per trip 355.0 Total handune hours Average handane hours per trip

Catch (kg): Total (all fishing methods) 2,726.0 Deep-bottom fishing 2,151.3 Deep-bottom catch (kg) Average per Average per Total trip reel-hour All species 2,151.3 2,151.3 6.1 Excluding sharks 1,993.8 1,993.8 5.6 Excluding sharks and locally unsaleable species

Comments: 177 Species composition of the deep-bottom fishing catch

Ntntef %ruHbar WdgMftg) *«<** Av. Wright

LuJJankkfi'EtettoM Apkxrtuitfiirtaius Greyjohfiflh 5 0.8 2.3 0.1 03 Ihtp-mUravppm Qfixnjdbtuh Aphamaritilatu SnuU-lnotfajobfiih EteOf aartm/KUIta ShacT-tulDd rod•tappe r Etdts conucans Long-ttil •appw Eleiii radiosus Pilemipper Paratnakt-huakaril Saddled SUBHBT Pristipamoidcj amoeraix Flower buppcr PristiptjriiDtiuwiricilla Golduiledjobfiih

Priftipomcida fUrvipianis YdfawjoMbh PristipcnujidesmiJlidenj Prittipanoidcj xtmatas Biiidod flower itoipper 1 0.1 Z0 0.1 2.0 Olto/unidHatified Sub4oU ( t.$ 4.3 0.2 6.7

Ui»ril»at-Iji*naw Zji£inurarg£HlufiacitfaauT Mrasrave jade Sh*Unr-«Btemp|ien Lfaxjanur bato" Red baa 276 43.4 1,138.0 52.9 4.1 £ji£KUUirji5aiu Padde-rail Lutjaruukaxmya Blue-lud mappor 14 2.2 4.8 0.2 0.3 fjtfjanus raalaodncuj Millbvmqrper Ow-srH*nitpp« Ruiauiaptpordi Other Ailittntifitd Sub-total 2*0 45.* 1,142.1 S3.1 3.9

LrfrrirUae G>T«H4X7WWM*J^»OhicilJ Iodine (mm Efl^Mfvn Lttkriruti dtryjostomiu Rtufc-throttenfww Ltthrinus taffcfMcnu Yeliow-ipotkBd enipWQt Lethriiuu niniatus Lang-ltacdontperor [jihrirua redcutalus Reticulated emperor Lethrmusvaritgalta Viriogitod Bmponr Waitimmematnblca LaUflp-eyctsum Other/uiudenfifiod Subtotal

SERUMK CephafoprWur omui& Orange rock-cod Graipn IpincphflUuareaJoJHr AjeoUkidBjQujior f^ificpfleJui cMorotfigtru Biown-BDOttod grouper E^Mnenncou comelae Srtaaealriii grouper Epinepluluifivdatiu Jted-bjiMfad snxjxr EpintphdivflBVecacnikia Purple grouper Epmcphtliu rndgHtjouxi j Spodded grouper Bpineptuhu n&arii Honcycorrib grouper Epttvphcttumorrhiia Ctvve-banded grouper IS 2.4 74.5 3.5 5.0 Brown-backetd grouper 33 5.2 13.0 0.6 0.4 Epincphtlia upUnfttoriatiu SevDTt-biDded grouper SatopttapaweUi Golden Gib 1 0.2 1.0 0.0 1.0 Variola hull LurdMaifcd cod 76 11.9 126.0 5.9 1.7 Other ftmidrititificd 12 1.9 41.3 1.9 3,4 Sub-total 137 M.3 2S5.0 11.9 1.9

CarargkW SombridM Ceuwix ignobHis Lowly trovatt)> TrtvalUes, bda, lurao Canuu fiujHaru Blade trevally 153 24.1 4S6.8 21.6 3.2 Jfrio&i dumenfJ Arobarjack &ria&ipwpurajoe;u Axnberjick Serio&z rnwuVw Aroberjick 1 0.2 4.6 0.2 4.6 Gytowuartta wuooior Dogtooth tuna 2 0.3 44.0 2.0 22.0 Other /unidentified 1 0.2 S.0 0.2 5.0 Sub-Mil 1S7 24.7 540.4 25.1 3.4

Genfgtdu PronKthidUhyf jwvmeifuus fimliji TTIirV^Tftl OHMta, Simkt nweJtmb RWCUHS prt tiojus OUfuh Other/unileTilified 19 3.0 3J.S 1.7 1.9 Subtotal 19 3.(1 35.5 1.7 1.9

MbcdUneoui born; IbthrJ SpbyncnkUjo Batracudaa 0.2 6,0 0.3 6.0 Other bony Qiba 0.6 9.0 0.4 1.3 SuMobil 0,8 15.0 0.7 3.0 arebrrarMM Cardtarfviuualbmtarxinalus Wbiij-iip dark Shutr CmnAar^aHui am&Orrrjnptor Greyrwrfabark 12 1.9 1320 5.2 9.3 CardtartiHiumcknopterMS Blatk-tip ihark Triaenodon obesia Reef whit-tip ibark 4 0.6 19.0 0.9 4.8 Otbar Auudcntittcd 6 0.9 26.5 1.2 4.4 Sub-total 22 3.5 157.5 7.3 7.2

Cnndlotat Bony fisher 614 M.5 1,993.0 92,7 3.2 Sterlet 21 3.5 157.5 7,3 7.2 Allspeclej 636 100.0 2,151.3 100.0 3.4 178

Country/ Territory: Niue Q Fishing sites Location: West coast of Niue Fishery status: Unexploited 19°S — Reference: Mead, P. 1980b. 0 \ Report of the second visit of the South o © ) Pacific Commission Nine Deep Sea Fisheries O © yS Development Project to Niue (24 0 C August-26 October 1979). South Pacific ox. Commission, Noumea, New °C_~ Caledonia, 27 pp. Q^^O 169°50'W 1 ^

Fishing dates: From 4 September 1979 To 28 September 1979

Fishing vessels: ^ Number Name Type (m) Engine of reels Nukulafalqfa Monohull 8.5 Diesel inboard 2

Fishing operations: No. of trips 11 No. of trips spent bottom fishing 11 Total hours at sea 137 Average hours at sea per trip 12.5 Total hours DB fishing 58 Average deep-bottom Ashing boars per trip 5.3 Total reel-hours 116 Average reel-hours per trip 10.5 Total bandline hours Average handHne hours per trip

Catch (kg): Total (all fishing methods) 1,191.0 Deep-bottom fishing 990.0 Deep-bottom catch (kg) Average per Average per Total trip reel-hour All species 990.0 90.0 8.5 Excluding sharks 813.0 73.9 7.0 Excluding sharks and locally unsaleable species

Comments: 179 Species composition of the deep-bottom fishing catch

Nwfar %umbtr Wdght(kg) «HdgU Av.wfigM lut^MK-Odtme AphamuJKrtaun Oreyjobfish Deapqssltr snappers ApriaKvwesccHJ Given jbbfiBh ApfwtwndUaju SmtU-toothjobCsh 0etts Cattnmaiius Sboit-tsilod rod snapper 27 26.7 229.0 23.0 8.4 Etelis ccnuoonj Lmg-tiil waappu 38 37.6 209.0 21.1 5.5 Psle snapper Paraaaaio JbuaJkorif Saddled fusilier IVua^pvnaLderarKKJUtr Flower snspper 4 4.0 3.0 0J 0.8 JVisH/xwiofcJri awfdUn Gold-tailed jobfisb Pristipcmoidesjiianiettiasus Rotyjobfish Priitiptxttoidtsflavipitwuj YoUowjobTaui Purple-rimfllmri jabfish Prtstipamadis xatalta Banded flower mapper 8 7.9 10.0 1.0 1.3 Odxr/nnidentiGDi) Subtotal 77 7«.2 450.0 4S.S 5-« mhnUM-Mtu^iK Liujajua argulintaatiatiu MingKn«i>dc Shrilow-Mkr mppen Luijafua boAar R*db*M Luljtvuu gihbia PukflB-tul Lutjama kawmra Blue4ned mapper LMitjaiuamaiabdriaix Mtlebar snapper iMlfofiut moruntigmt On-ipatfliftppa- Ltdjawu nfolincalta Rufoui tctpwcfa mtwjiwiMftTiiirift,! SuMofad

LtfttaUu Gy miUKToBiw j^Mrticm Iodi» bns*m Eknpam Letkrinin chryjtMtanms R*d-lhn»tcnipctat Le&rinua kalJcpUms YolIaw-ipatfc>deiuporor Ltthrimu nimalmi Long-noKd ompomr Leikriruo nticuJaiui Rrijculnodranpcrar LtArirun varitjpiiu Vitk.g«tedcsnipsJit» Wottiia thGtwmbica Laige-cyc bcema Otfyr /imkVmtifwl SuMtfal

Stnanksle C«ptalq!ifc£rdiKuito 0xkna£ rock-cod Groupers ^MAfphefaoneoblitf Anxsatodgrouper i^wupnehu ciiloroalipna Brown-sponed pauper Siailanlcin grouper Epineplieliufaidalia RKMsaided grouper Putple grouper EpiiuphcliU magauawu Spudded grouper Epivpkebo mi'/ionr Honeycomb grouper Cunv-hsndod grouper 5 5.0 13.0 1.3 2.6 Brown-backed grouper Epiiupbclux xplttofajrialia Seven-bmded grouper 2 2.0 156.0 15.8 78.0 Sakptiajxmfetll Golden fish 1 1.0 2.0 0.2 2.0 Variobttpuli LunsMsifedcod 1 1.0 1.0 0.1 l.D Other/unidentified Subtotal 9 *.» 172.0 17.4 19.1

Qtfai^dWSonibrMM Cartmx igaobUu Lowly trevklly TltenlMel, Jacks, tuna Caranxlugubris Black ticvJly Striata durmriti AxiboqwdL Striata purpiraxxiu Ambojtck Scriciarivoliana Atnbojack Gytmcaarda ladcolor Dogtooth tuna Other 7 on idemifkd Sub-Wot

Gofjtiki PramenW&nyr prtmuthaa Slake macVeiel OUflahts, Snake macktreb Rw/tttHaprclionis oafish 6 5.9 103.0 10.4 17.2 Ou»/unidentified 4 4.0 77.0 7.8 19.3 Sub-total 10 9.9 184.0 18.2 18.8

MbedkuieouabonjIMiu SphynenidK Bsrracudas Otbzrbooy Ashes 2 2.0 11.0 1.1 S.S Sub-total 2 2.0 11.0 1.1 S.5

OnaarhUdat CancfarMrUtf albauargfmJur Whse-t^i shirk Sharks Carckarnuuu umhfyrtjncfor Grey reef shark Gwcaarnimtf wbrupftnu Bleek-dpshs* Reef whin-lip shsrk Other/uddentifHd 3 3.0 177.0 17.9 59.0 Sub-total 3 3.0 177.0 17.9 59.0

Grand Totac Bony fishes 98 97,0 813.0 82.1 8.3 Starts 3 3.0 177.0 17.9 £9.0 Allspedel 101 100.0 990.0 100.0 9.8 180

Country/ Territory: Nine 0 Fishing sites Location: West coast of Niue Fishery status: Unexploited o y 19°S — Reference: Mead, P. (in press). Deep Sea Fisheries Development Project. 0 ) Report on third visit Niue ) ° to Niue (19 May 1982-16 February 1983). South Pacific 0 \^ Commission, Noumea, New Caledonia. © y

1 -J

Fishing dates: From 1 June 1982 To 5 February 1983

Fishing vessels: rn. _, . B LOA Number Name Type (m) Engine of reels Catamaran 8.S 28 hp petrol outboard 3

J Fishing operations: No. of trips 72 No. of trips spent bottom fishing 12 Total hours at sea 931 Average hours at sea per trip 12.9 Total hours DB fishing 43 Average deep-bottom fishing hours per trip 3.6 Total reel-hours 95 Average red-hours per trip 7.9 Total handline hours Average handline hours per trip

Catch (kg): Total (aU fishing methods) 3,049,8 Deep-bottom fishing 593.7 Deep-bottom catch (kg) Average per Average per Total trip reel-hour Ail species 593.7 49.5 6.2 Excluding sharks Excluding sharks and locally unsaleable species

Comments: Vessel name was not recorded. 181 Species composition of the deep-bottom fishing catch

Nimbar Urnmfcer wdthtov) %«*»* Av.wdfM

LbyinUhe-Elriktte Apharcuafurcatus GrcyjoliEih DeqHwtersAppen Aprion vinsctns GreenjobEih Apfarttis ndQans StcuD-tootfijokfuli Etelis carbunadus Short-tried red upper 34 16.3 70.5 115 2.1 Eitlb conuaais Lcag'-liS mapper 38 ISA 253.0 42.6 6.7 EltHttwiknott Pvc mippcr Saddled furftkt Prutiponioidtfflmociuu Flower PrisfiparrvHdes auridtla Gold-UfltdjnbQih 2 1.0 1.0 0.2 0.5 Prisiipomoidesfiiameiilosia Rocyjobfiali 1 0.5 1.0 0.2 1.0 Priaipomoidtsfiavipinms Ydlowjobfnh PuiplcH&edttd joMish Pristiperfloides tonaiia Bsnded Dower ansppor 10 4.8 14.0 2.4 1.4 Other/wiidBlttficd Sub-Ud W 44.7 339.S 57.2 4.6

LutJuikbe-LutliiitoM Lutywts ar$tifiwtnil/ttvi Msngrovtijsdc Sbjuta»-M(er mapptn LuljanMtbaiw Red bus 17 8.1 47.S s.o 2.8 Luijania gibbus Psddk-nul Blue-land snsppor 13 6.2 7.4 1.2 0.6 Zjifjcuuv malabaricta Mslsbsr msppor lidjatuu monoxtigma One-spat snipper 1 0.5 1.0 0.2 1.0 ZstfjuNiu ri^bEnealus Rufous sesparch Other/iiDJfcntiBod Sub-fcml 91 14.8 55.9 9.4 1.8

LdhrMase Gymnocratuusjaponicui Iodine bream EUQMion Lelhrinus ckrysostomus Red-throat emperor Lttktimts tcallcptmu Yellow-spotted elTlpera^ Ltihrima mimatus Lotlg-nMede^lpe],ar Leihritms ndculatia Rctitulvled emperor Lcthruua variegatus Vuie gated emperor Waiina nuwambica Luge-eye beam Other /unidentified Sub-total

SarmUms Cepiiataptiata atmauiia Onaigt rock-cod Gnupen Amolptal grouper Epinephrine chforvttigma Brown-ipoft^ grouper Epi/uphtlui cdwutu SMLkcikiii giauper Epthfpkdusfasdotus Rcd-b*uded grouper 5 2.4 1.5 0,3 0.3 Epincpkriwfkrvoaxcndtuit Purple grouper Epinephrine magnisaittis Speckled grouper Epinephrine rwliarif Honeycomb grouper Epituptteha morrhua Curve-beaded grouper Epiruphchis retoHti Brawn-bu&ed grouper Epinephclus stptenfaxdaius Seven-banded grouper Sdhpdapenfdli GtJdenfjih 4 1.9 7.0 1.2 1.8 Vonofatautx Lumr-uued ood 11 5.3 14.0 2.4 1.3 Odter /unidentified IS 14.8 2.5 0,8 Sub-tab! 38 l|Ll 37,3 6.3 l.ft

OmvkWSanibrlikr Lowly ncvitly 5 2.4 11.0 1.9 2.2 Tremlllet, Jacks, tunas CwWtf/ugaerij Blscknovslly &ridll damtrih" AttSKajsck Ambcrjack: Striata rivotiana Ambajsck 5 2.4 25.5 4.3 5.1 Gymnoiarda wucolcr Dogtooth tun* Other ^undentinod Slit-kill 10 4.S 36.5 6.1 3.7

GcmpjMsi PromeUiichUiys promeltttHS SrakemsckEicl 7 3.3 4.0 0.7 0.6 OllfWH^Smlicmckcreta Rl&etliu pnSosia Olfali 7 3.3 114.0 19.2 16.3 Other /unidentified Sub-told 14 6.7 118.0 19.9 *.4

MnccUaneoui bony fishes Sphyiaeiudae BarracuDas Other bony fishes 31 14.8 6.5 1.1 0.2 Sub-Ma] 31 14.8 6.5 1.1

OniwfHMctaE CarchaMua albvnarginalus White-tip abut State Carchariurms ambfyrhyruAos Grey reef abut Carcharkiiuumehnaptcmi Blick-tip ifaark Triaenodoh obtsus Reef white-tip jhirk Other /uiiidentlued Subtotal

Grandlbtat Bony fishes 209 1004 593.7 1O0.0 2.8 Shuts AlljjMci* im 100.0 593.7 100.0 a.» 183 NORTHERN MARIANA ISLANDS AND GUAM The small high islands of the Northern Marianas extend in a chain from Guam to the uninhabited island of Maug, 700 km to the north. The total landarea of the archipelago is about 480 km2, with the larger islands in the south. The collective total 100-fm isobath is 485 n.mi, including both the island group proper and a chain of submerged banks and sea-mounts about 120 n.mi west of the main island chain.

SPC masterfishermen have made only one very limited survey of the Northern Mariana Islands, during 1988. Average catch rate was 2.2 kg/line-hr, with about 60 per cent of the catch weight comprising eteline snappers and a further major component (34.4%) of carangid/ scombrid fishes (see Table 2).

The U.S. National Marine Fisheries Service has carried out a detailed resource assessment of the Northern Marianas and Guam, including a depletion experiment at Pathfinder Reef, a sea-mount at the southern end of the archipelago (Polovina et aL, 1985; Polovina, 1986; Polovina & Ralston, 1986). Catches were dominated by eteline snappers, particularly Pristipomoides auricilla, Pristipomoides zonatus and Etelis carbunculus. The results from the depletion experiment permitted the estimation of unexploited biomass around this sea-mount of 2.00 t/n.mi of 100-fm isobath. Polovina and Ralston (1986) used the catchability coefficient from this experiment, with CPUE values from the rest of the archipelago, to estimate a total unexploited biomass of 288 t. According to Polovina and Ralston (1986), the annual MSY for the Northern Marianas group is estimated to be 1091 or 0.22 t/n.mi of isobath. 184

Country/ Territory: Northern Mariana

Islands • • Location: » Marpi Reef, * 5-Fathom Pinnacle, Tinian, W. Saipan, 16°N - 300° Reef Fishery status: > Unexploited • Northern Marianas Reference: » Unpublished raw data, Deep Sea Fisheries Development Project, South Pacific Commission, Noumea, New o y Caledonia. Q Fishing sites

147°E 1

Fishing dates: From 3 November 1988 To 16 December 1988

Fishing vessels: ,rt. „ . * LOA Number Name Type (m) Engine of reels 3

Fishing operations: No. of trips 8 No. of trips spent bottom fishing 8 Total hours at sea 89 Average hours at sea per trip 11.1 Total hours DB fishing 41 Average deep-bottom fishing hours per trip 5.1 Total reel-hours 120 Average reel-hours per trip 15.0 Total handline hours Average handline hours per trip

Catch (kg): Total (all fishing methods) 349.4 Deep-bottom fishing 286.0 Deep-bottom catch (kg) Average per Average per Total trip reel-hour AD species 286.0 35.8 2.4 Excluding sharks 273.4 34.2 2.3 Excluding sharks and locally unsaleable species

Comments: No details were recorded of vessel and engine specifications.

. 185 Species composition of the deep-bottom fishing catch

Nuntor %iuniKT Wd0it(l[g) %wrigM Av.wdghl

Lu^nUu-BUInM Aphanusfiireaiui Gmy jobflih DeqhmUrawpptn Apripnvinrctm Gtecnjobfuh Ap^amaniitaiu Snail-tooth jobliiii 2 1.1 3.9 1.4 1.0 Etclis carbunatlus Shoit-Uilcd md mapper IS 8,4 9.3 3.3 0.6 Eltlix amscans Long-tail matpam 1 0.6 7.0 2.4 7.0 Pile snipper Siddled Awlier Flower napper Prist qxmoidc s avitUta Gold-tailed jobfiili 24 13.4 13.6 4.8 0.6 PrufyomoidesfihtieiiSojiu Roayjobfah 14 7.8 23.6 8.3 1.7 Prlstipcmoi&csfit&ipitans Yellow jobFBh 48 26.8 SB.8 20.6 1.2 Pristipandidcs nwltideiu Puipfo-chDekedjobGah Priaipama&s loaaxvs Banded flower siappcr 33 18.4 -47.4 16.6 1.4 OlTHr/iinirlnirifmt 2 1.1 1.2 0.4 0.6 Sub-total 13* 77.7 165.0 S7.7 1.2

f I^BIHM -I JilfrrJkw LutpnuiargentiiMailatus Mangrove jack ShftUovMnfer snipper* Lulfaraabaftar Rcdbui LHiJatiKf gSbbuM Paddle-nil Lutjama kasmim BluB-lmod mapper iMtjamumalabarictu M*lahjw mapper Luijanusmonostigrm ODG-ppot rapper Luijanus rifoEncatiu Other/luufenti&d Siavfcital

Uhrhfcte GjtffinocTwuHj juponiocf Iodine; brcun Etaperaffl te(Annul chTyiostarruu Ltthrinus iallcpierus Ydlow-jpotfed emperor Lcthritw rnimalia Long-jjQBed emperor Lciftrinus reticulatm Rcdculitbd cfnpofor LethrinusvartegaiUs Vtriegitedcnipetor Waftna mossambuki Other /uiuddflified 1 0.6 0,4 0.1 0.4 Sifc-Mal 1 0,6 0.4 «.l 0.4

Smwkke Ctphalcphotis aimuttia Omiftje rock-cod Groupero Epwpfaha artatttius AiDolufcd grouper Epincpheha chlcrtistigma Bttiwn-apottd grouper iJJpwup'Kltti carrtthte Sniiawkin grouper EpintphftiixfeutaaiHJ Rcd-beuwW gtoupcr Puple grouper Epwphthu magfSsailtis Speeded grouper Epinephelus rwttaris Honeycomb grouper Epinephcias morHiua Cann-baidcd grouper rttottii Browa-fc*ckcd grouper Epinepheius xpienfasaatus Scwm-b*ndod grouper S<&p&3 pawdti Golden Sib Variola loud Liunuvtulcd cod Ofoo*/unidentified 1 0.6 1.4 0.5 1.4 SIMVUHJ I 0.6 1.4 0.5 1.4

OnngloW Sa-jmbrkW. Carvnx ignobOis Lowly ttevally Trtnl!la,Jackj,tun» Camnx lugubris Blade nevally 20 11.2 60.9 21,3 3.0 Striata dattenli Ambajack Striata purpt/rasctia AtnWjack SeridamoOana ArabatjacK. 4 2.2 29.6 10.3 7.4 Gymnosarda uiuoalor Dogtooth tun. 3 1.7 13.3 4.7 4.4 Otbcr^unidellliGed 1 0.6 2.8 1.0 2.8 Subtotal 2( 15.6 106.6 37.3 3.8

Ccnipjickc Pramtihichthys premclhcuj Siwkc rnKkcre] OUfbhcs, Snake macken Is ftuvttlus prctiosia Oflfkh Oihcr /unidcntiCed SiirtobU

MbceUnwtH bony fishes Spbyi*enidae Barracudas Other bony fuhea Sub4otal

Qncbartanldafe CprfAroAinuraAurKUgiKZ/ia Whno-Upahaik Starts Grey reef thark CWcfeiKftuua imlannpttnu Black-tip ibark Tiiaatodtm ohesus Reef white-tip ahark OimVuukfcntificd 10 5.6 12.6 4.4 1.3 Sub-lulnl 10 5.6 12.6 4.4 1.3

GrnidlbM: Boayfbha 1(9 94.4 273.4 95.6 1.6 Sharks 10 5.6 12.6 4.4 1.3 AUupfldes 179 100.0 286.0 100.0 1.6 187 PAPUA NEW GUINEA The large land mass of Papua New Guinea (PNG), over 460,000 km2 in area, comprises about 85 per cent of the land in the SPC region. PNG has a total 100-fm isobath length of about 7,305 n.mi. Approximately 332 n.mi of this borders the estuarine Gulf of Papua, which contains a different species assemblage from that found on the slopes of the coralline coasts (Kailola & Wilson, 1978). The continental shelf of the remainder of the coastline amounts to about 128,000 km2 and represents a substantial deep slope habitat area. The shelf is narrow in many locations, particularly around much of the northern coast of the mainland and the large New Guinea islands. There are, however, areas of the north Papuan coast and associated islands with extensive shelf areas and hence deep reef habitat. Investigation of the deep-slope fish stocks in PNG commenced in 1979 with the first of several visits by SPC masterfishermen (Fusimalohi &. Crossland, 1980). The activities of this initial visit were confined to the coast of West New Britain, but during later visits, fishing was carried out at other locations, including Port Moresby, the north Papuan coast, Milne Bay, Wewak, Manus Island, Rabaul and Kavieng. Fishery biologists from PNG were involved in some of these surveys and in 1984 made initial analyses of catch data from Port Moresby, Milne Bay and Manus Island (Sundberg & Richards, 1984a). These analyses showed that there were no significant differences in catch rate between the three study areas and that there were strong associations between different species and species groups, probably related to depth. Chapau (1988) has reviewed dropline fishing investigations in PNG. Catches by weight of deep slope species in PNG as a whole (Table 2) comprise about 50 per cent eteline snappers. A further 16 per cent of the catch was made up of lutjanine snappers, some of which, such as Lutjanus malabaricus and L. sebae, are also highly esteemed and have export potential. Other experimental fishing surveys in PNG have been carried out in the Huon Gulf (Coates et al., 1986) and beyond the barrier reef along the island of Bougainville (Richards, 1987). None of these activities has led to the establishment of regular deep slope fishing, although not for reasons of inadequate stocks. However, in 1983 a successful attempt was made to introduce deep-slope dropline fishing to the villages around the northern PNG town of Wewak. By 1987, deep slope species comprised 57 per cent of the annual landings at Wewak of around 49 t. More recently, however, the landings from this fishery have declined, probably as a result of the response of fishermen to the departure of the instigators of the fisheryrathe r than because of stock limitations.

Catch rates encountered by the different SPC fishing surveys in PNG ranged between 2.0 and 10.0 kg/line-hr, with an overall average of 5.5 kg/line-hr. Catch rates from surveys carried out by fisheries officers in PNG have ranged from 1.2 to 4.6 kg/line-hr. Richards & Sundberg (1984) reported an average catch rate from the Kavieng area of 3.1 kg/line-hr for sustained fishing over a 13-month period. Similarly the average catch rate for sustained fishing of deep slope species near Wewak over a two-year period was 3.7 kg/line-hr. If these long-term surveys are representative of yields, the CPUE at MSYmay be expected to decline to between 1.6 and 1.9 kg/line-hr.

A recent study on the PNG deep slope stocks (Lokani et al., 1990) used the Leslie depletion model to estimate virgin biomass around the Schouten Islands off northern PNG, and on a pinnacle sea-mount close to the town of Kavieng. The estimate of virgin biomass at the Schouten Islands was 0.2 t/n.mi, rather low in comparison with other island locations. At the Kavieng sea-mount the biomass estimate was 3.3 t/n.mi, close to the median estimate of Polovina et al. (1990) for sea-mounts in the South Pacific. When the results are extrapolated to PNG as a whole, biomass estimates vary within ranges of 140 to 418 t/yr (based on Schouten Island results) and 2,300 to 6,900 t/yr (based on Kavieng sea-mount data). Lokani et al. (1990) suggested that the most reasonable approach in the absence of other data would be to use the value of 0.7 t/n.mi (based on the results from other locations in the South Pacific) presented by Polovina et al. (1990). This gives a range of MSY values of 511 to 1,534 t/yr for deep slope species in PNG. The upper limit of this range approximates an estimate of 1,750 t/yr for PNG made by Lewis (A.D. Lewis, South Pacific Commission, pers. comm.) on the basis of comparative data for catch rates from elsewhere in the South Pacific. 188

Country/ Territory: .PapuaNew Guinea Location: West New Britain — 5°S Fishery status: Unexploited Reference: © 0 Fusimalohi, T. and J. X r+~^~*^S~^ ^-~>S ' Grassland, 1980. Report on the South Pacific Commission West New Britain Deep Sea Fisheries Development Project visit in West New V^___ *-v.„^ yv Britain, Papua New >J Guinea (5 September-14 December 1979). Q Fishing sites South Pacific Commission, 150°E Noumea, New 1 Caledonia, 14 pp. 1 ^

Fishing dates: From 22 September 1979 To 14 December 1979

Fishing vessels; ¥~. „ . • . • • LOA Number Name Type (m) Engine or reels Dampier Monohull 8.6 22 hp diesel inboard 3

Fishing operations: No. of trips 15 No. of trips spent bottom fishing 15 Total hours at sea 530 Average hours at sea per trip 35.3 Total hours DB fishing 231 Average deep-bottom fishing hours per trip 15.4 Total reel-hours 671 Average reel-hours per trip 44.7 Total handline hours Average handline hours per trip

Catch (kg): Total (all fishing methods) 3,730.0 Deep-bottom fishing 3,291.6 Deep-bottom catch (kg) Average per Average per Total trip red-hour All species 3,291.6 219.4 4.9 Excluding sharks 2,609.1 173.9 3.9 Excluding sharks and locally unsaleable species

Comments: All catch figures have been adjusted to account for cleaned fish and dressed sharks. 189 Species composition of the deep-bottom fishing catch

Nwnhar Knnfctr WaW*(laf| *

LurjanldK-EkfeaK Aphonia fimatiu Qttyjohfuh 7 0.7 46.3 1.4 6.6 Dato-nabr mp|>«n Aprion virttani Green jobTuih. ApeAwur naifaw Sroall-totjdljoMiah Eldb oarbmcutiu Short-tutted nd upper 34 3.3 246.3 7.5 7.2 Etilis oonuauu Long-tail napper EteBsmdiomM PaleHuppor P&rataerifflauok&S Saddled Aralier Pritiipamoidts omoeiuu Flower mapper Prutipcmaidtrauridlla Gold-tailed jobfidl 198 19.0 490.D 14.9 2.5 Prutfyanoidesfiboneiilanu Rt*yjobfiah 373 35.9 853.8 25.9 2.3 PriaipaHoideiflavipilvtv YoUowjohBah 49 4.7 77.5 2.4 1.6 Pristipcmokki midtideni Purple-chocked job&h 172 16.5 445.0 13.5 2.6 Priatipcmobtet tcnoliu Banded flowermrape r Other/unidentified SuMotal D3 ».l J.1SIL* «.« 2.6

LuDnkte-Lu^ifaat Ijtfjrwr drg£Hn*uafbtfiu Mano-ovejack KMbw-nattr nappera Red baa) 23 2.2 73.8 2.2 3.2 £jtf)oniofiMwt Paddle-tail LMJOHMM koaranx Blue-hned azuppor Lutfuaa Mthbariau Malatw mapper 85 8.2 136.3 4.1 1.6 iMjamu monoitigrMi Qne-apotanapper Koicufaaaperdi Other/unkiBnuued Sub-Mai 1M 10.4 110.1 6.4 1.9

LrfMtke GjntfuauwHi JiqpM jcuf Iodine tram finptfun LtikritutichryjottotriMi Hfid-ArtMl emperor LelhrirWt kalltptcnu YoUow-npofled enfonr Ltthrinia mnfatus Long-bated empm* Lelkrimts wtieubf HI Rfticulued emporor Le&rirou voriegoinj Vwiogital onaperor Woitnamojsambka Large-eye brem QtrjerArnkfaxfliGed Sub-total

StrruMic CeprWdphofii omwij u OraigQ todocod Gmupei Epittepiicltu ancoiabu Aitutfttod grouper Epitiepftela cklorostigma Brown-ipottod crcntpor Epiiupheltu amttae Snakeilrin grouper Eptiupttcfwjiuaalw Red-budcd grouper Epinepfulusfiavocaendeus Purple grouper Eputephehts magrusaittis Speckled grouper Epf/upfuhumiUaris Hanoycomb grouper Epiiupfahutnotriui* Curve-banded grouper 4 0.4 6.3 0.2 1.6 Epirupteho ntottti Brawn-backed grouper EptnepiuJus xptenfasdaJus $evtm-bEidcd grouper Saicpttapawdii Golden full Variola bud Lumr-tdW cod QftuxAmtVWTrifind Sub-fatal 4 •.4 6-3 0.2 l.£

CaranakW StnntrldK Carmxi&tuibilis Lotflytnvally TrenlHti, Jacka, UBM Black uevally 4 0.4 12J 0,* 3.1 StrvMdutraHi Amberjack Striata pwpurajans Amborjack Striata motiaoa Amborjack 4 0.4 27.5 0.8 6.9 GymruBartto JuucDbr Dogtooth lima Other/unidentified 48 4.6 193.8 5.9 4.0 Sub-fatal 5« 5.4 233.* 7.1 4.2

GennrUu Prametfucklkyi prometheus Smite nucbcnl OWIabtt, Snake Tracker* b RttveKUS ptttiejsHs oar»h •"Mhr /tifiUtwrtififJ Sut»tatal

MbctU»i»ut bcmyflihes SphyrtenMie Bwrtcadu Olbtfbony fubw Sub-total

OaKbrhMdat dtrcfuHuAui o/ewrKttginofyj White-Ik) ihark SsrkB Qreyieer«bBrlc Carcfarftiniu Melafiepfentf Black-dp ahaik TrKicHodait obejitf Reel white-tip ahaik OSHT Unidentified 39 3.8 682.5 20L7 17.5 Sub-Mai 39 3.8 6*2.5 20.7 17.5 C Orandlbtib BonylbnB 1.H1 2,609.1 79.3 2.6 Shuka 39 3.8 682.S 20.7 17.5 Allapedef 1,040 1ML» 3,291.* 100.* 3.2 190

Country/ Territory: Papua New Guinea Location: Kavicng Fishery status:

Unexploued 2°30'S— Reference: Richards, A.H. & P. Sundberg. 1984. Variation indropline catch rates and average fish weights of deep water demersal reef fish in Papua New Guinea, as a function of time Q Fishing sites of day and depth. Res. Rep. 84-16, Fisheries Research & Surveys Branch, Dept. of 150°18'E Primary Industry, Port Moresby, 22 pp.

Fishing dates: From 1 My 1982 To 1 September 1982

Fishing vessels: LOA Number Name Type (m) Engine of reels Monohull 8.0 33 hp diesel inboard 3

Fishing operations: No. of trips 37 No. of trips spent bottom fishing 37 Total hours at sea 824 Average hours at sea per trip 22.7 Total hours DB fishing 665 Average deep-bottom nshing hours per trip 18.0 Total reel-hours 1,995 Average reel-hours per trip 53.9 Total handline hours Average handline hours per trip

Catch (kg): Total (all fishing imethods ) 6,093.1 Deep-bottom fishing 6,093.1 Deep-bottom catch (kg) Average per Average per Total trip reeWwur All species 6,093.1 164.7 3.1 Excluding sharks Excluding sharks and locally unsaleable species

Comments: Vessel name was not recorded. 191 Species composition of the deep-bottom fishing catch

Number It, number Weight (k«) %wlghf Av. weight

LuyuiMae.Eteibiic Aphareus furtatux Grey jobGah Deep-water srappcra Aprion virescau Green jobfiah 22 14 79.4 1.3 3.6 Aphwtus rutUoju SmaU-tooltajobfilu 35 2.2 109.0 1.8 3.1 Eltiis oufruHctrfur Short-taued red snapper 280 17.5 1,609.1 264 5.7 Elclis eoruscatu Long-tau snapper 47 2.9 134.9 2.2 2.9 Etiilis radiasta Pale snapper 23 14 123.2 2.0 5.4 Panacatsio baakarii Saddled futuier Pristipomotdes amoaaa Floiwr snapper Pristipamoidtj auridlta Qold-tailedjobBih PristipontotdtijttamtHltaus Rogyjobftsh 23 1.4 37.6 0.6 1.6 PristipomoidtsflauipiHnit YdlawjobGih 33 2.1 33.9 0.6 1.0 Prijtlpomaidts mtdddcnj Purrie-chookod jobQah 499 31.2 1,598.0 26.2 3.2 Prutipatiautti latutiia Banded flower nipper 4 0.2 4.3 0.1 1.1 Othcx /uiiidenriuBd 14 0.9 22.4 04 1.6 Sub-Wei HO 61.1 3,751.8 6J.fl 3.8

Luy*nWfte-lJjtiinJttM Lmpma argentxmncuJatus Mingrwcjkclc 41 2.6 197.1 3.2 4.8 SbftUow-^nitBr snappers Luijmiisbahur Red ban 89 5.6 367.0 6.0 4.1 Luijamu gibbui Paddle-toil 4 0.2 3.1 0.1 0.8 Lutjaiaa kumira Bluo-lfc-ciJ supper Luljaiua maJabaHcus Mute* mippsr 54 3.4 102.8 1.7 1.9 Luijemus motuatigma One-spot snapper Lutjaiuu ryfoEneattu RufQUI seapcrch 2 0.1 0.6 D.O 0.3 OftcrAiniisnIifloJ 94 S.9 263.1 4.4 2.9 Subtotal 284 17.7 939.7 15.4 3.3

LdtvWdK GymHOcrofiius japonicus Iodino bream Emperors Lelhrinus ckrynostomui Rcd-thro*t emperor LtAriiats kaUoptcTHS YcBow-sprttol empttror 3 0.2 3.7 0.1 1.2 Lcitiri/ws miniatm Long-noecdcnpCrt* 80 5.0 289.4 4.7 3.6 Ltihrina reticulata* Kctkulatod Lcthr'mus wtriagatus VsxtegatEdemperor 9 0.6 9.9 0.2 1.1 WditnAtnoisaftibica Lduge-cye bream. 55 34 102.2 1.7 1.9 Odier /unidentified 13 0.8 21.5 0.4 1.7 Sub-Mai 160 10.0 426.7 7.0 2.7

SemerMm Ceptiaicpftoiis aurantia Orange rock-cod Groups? EpmeptulusareoJatus AreoUued grouper Epincpbdiu ckltwvsl/gma Bmw&*patod groajcr s 0.5 12.9 0.2 \.6 Epirvpficlus catttiat Snataaldn grouper Epinxphcluifasdatui Red-berafod grouper EpinephelHs/tawxatml^us Purple grouper Epintphelw magrusaufis Speckled grouper Epinepfubu miUaris Honeycomb grouper Epitteph*lia?notTJuia Curve-banded grouper 29 1.8 45.0 0.7 1.6 Epiftepkeha relauti Brown-becked grouper EpiXAptalus sepiarfosdalus Seuszi-bsnded grouper 23 1.3 410.7 6.7 19.6 Salapda pawclli Go! den Alb Variola louti LunaMiDcd cod 4 0.2 2.5 0.0 0.6 Other /unidentified 39 2.4 128,1 2.1 3.3 Sub-loud 101 6.3 599,2 9.S 5.9

CarangkW Sombrkfce Caranx IgflobUis Lowly trevally 1 0.1 4.1 0.1 4.1 Trevallies, Jacks, tuns Camnx Jugabrij Blade trevally 10 0.6 108.4 1.8 10.8 Striata drnKfUi Arnberjack Striata pwpurasotia Arnberjack a 0.5 41.3 0.7 S.2 Striata rivaUana Arnberjack Oymnosania unicotor Dogtooth tuna 3 0.2 58.9 1.0 19.6 OuScr/iuiidentUied 26 1.6 48.4 0.8 1.9 Sub-total 48 3.0 261,1 4.3 5.4

Gernpjadae Prcmelhkkkyspn>ma0i£iu Snate mackerel OllfbHKs, Snake mackerels Ruvttiusprttiosus Oilfiah Other /unafcntined Sub-total

Miscellaneous honjr Ashes Sphyraenidae Barracuda! 22 1.4 69.0 1.1 3.1 Other bony Eihca 6 0.4 45,6 0.7 7.6 Sub-total 28 1.7 114.6 1.9 4.1

CardiarMnUM Carcftarfu/uaaJbmtrginaJui Wiito-up shark Shark! CanAaHiimaambfyrkynchas Grey reef shark CarcharhbuaTxtanopients Black-dp shark Trhenodott obtsiti Reef whita-tip shark Other /unidentified Sub-total

Grand Total: Botrjflshet 1,601 1O0.0 6,093.1 100.0 3.8 Shwto Allspedt> 1,601 100.0 6,093,1 100.0 3.8 192

Country/ Territory: Papua New Guinea Location: Kavieng ^^^ p Fishery status: Unexploited V Reference: V^_- New >. Hanover Wellington, P. & P. Cusack (in press). Deep Sea Fisheries Development Project. Ireland 1 Report on fourth visit to Papua New Guinea (31 March-23 September 1988). South Pacific Q Fishing sites Commission, Noumea, New Caledonia. 150°18'E 1

Fishing dates: From 4 July 1988 To 6 August 1988

Fishing vessels: LOA Number Name Type (m) Engine of reels Monohull 8.0 33 hp diesel inboard 2

Fishing operations: No. of trips 21 No. of trips spent bottom fishing 21 Total hours at sea 210 Average hours at sea per trip 10.0 Total hours DB fishing 114 Average deep-bottom fishing hours per trip 5.7 Total reel-hours 331 Average reel-hours per trip 16.5 Total handiine hours Average handiine hours per trip

Catch (kg): Total (all fishing methods) 1,388.9 Deep-bottom fishing 1,260.9 Deep-bottom catch (kg) Average per Average per Total trip red-hour All species 1,260.9 60.0 3.6 Excluding sharks 1,112.7 53.0 3.2 Excluding sharks and locally 1,110.9 52.9 3.2 unsaleable species

Comments: Vessel name was not recorded. 193 Species composition of die deep-bottom fishing catch

Number %maiHr WdgM(kg) %«t#t Av. might

LutJukha-GhlkM Apharaufiirtaitu Grcyjobfuul Dttp-wtlermppoi Aprion WKJCCJU Green jobBib 3 0,5 12.7 1.0 4.2 AphamendSom Small-tooth iobBib 57 9.7 149.0 11.8 2.6 Etelacurbunailiu Sbat^tulBd »d upper 14 2.4 102.3 S.l 7.3 Etdis ctjrHKxmt Laag-lNH jutppBr 2 0.3 3.8 0.3 1.9 Eietismdionv Pale supper 13 2,2 40.7 3.2 3.1 PamcauBO huaturii Saddled funlisr 11 1.9 31.7 2.5 2.9 Pristipanaidcs orfuwnui Flower (upper 2 0.3 0.6 0.0 0.3 PriMipamaittttauridtta Gold-UilaijobOjh 2 0.3 D.C 0.0 0.3 PriripanioidafiliunutfoNa ftuyjobfidi 72 12.3 45.8 3.6 QJ& Pr&ipaituHdaflauipiiwj Yellow joblhli 33 S.6 24.4 1.9 0.7 Prutipcmoidej mlfrih&ftJ PuTp)e-i4Miked jobfkh 105 17.9 219.1 17.4 2.1 PrutipcmoukjmitiUiS Bended flower "IT*^ 25 4.3 14.0 1.1 D.6 Otbjt/imideBHBod 20 3.4 27.9 2.2 1.4 S*-tot«l 359 «1.2 «72.« 53.3 1.9

Lul>uiUtt-lJit^nfc»e i>I>witf argenti/mculatur Mi&grcrvc Jade 1 0.2 4.9 0.4 4.9 Sbribw-taferjEHpfxra Sodbu 10 1.7 44.9 3.6 4.5 Luljankj gibbus Piddle-tul iMtjaiuuktawm Bll*>-lk&J Mapper iMSjanusmalabaricux Malabar mqipex 6 1.0 12.3 1.0 2,1 Luljtvuij motiajtigTHa Oas-wpatwDappox LMljaniunfolincaSia Rulaup Ktpeccfa 1 0.2 0.3 O.D 0.3 n&yfjf fimlA*twitifi*A 8 \A 18.6 l.S 2.3 Sub***! 26 4.4 81.1 6.4 3.1 tribute Gymnocnuuuijt^Ktuaa lodmebnam eBVm Lclhrinvs duysoMomxs Rod-throat emperor Le&rbiukalfopttria YeUow-ipatfed BUAHUC Le&ritvumkiJaua Lang-tweed erope«r 32 5.5 79.3 6.3 2.S LeAritmr retfeiddutr Rrtjciilttod emperor Le&ratiu variegatus Variegated emperor Watlsbimaismibka Large-eye bream 43 7J 63.7 5.1 U fW^r /niilAq^ifinH 3 0.5 5.7 0.5 1.9 StaVfctW 71 13.3 148.7 11.* 1.9

StrmUw Cepkircpfofr diMufu Orange rodc-ood Groupn ^uAtpAeliu artolaau Anolitedgpnper 8 1.4 2.6 0.2 0,3 Epineptahti ettloroitiffyvl Brown-ipotled grouper 26 4.4 43.9 3.5 1.7 fpieeptrutf eonelee Snelceildn grouper EpineptitluMfaidaliu Red-banded grouper EptMpheluiJbvocaendevs Purple gjoapcr Speckled groups' EpmtphehamiEarij Honeycomb grouper 1 0.2 1.4 0.1 1.4 Epiruphtba mcrrfuu Curw-banded grouper 40 6.8 49.3 3.9 1.2 Epintpfubaretoult Brown-backed grouper Epineptuluijepttnfasdalui 5

Cerangldee'Smrnhrldet Cara/tx igtwbUii Lowly trevaUy Tta«llk^JBclcj,tii»a Carwulugubrii Black trevaUy 14 2.4 31.5 2.5 2-3 Striola dtmerili AirJierjack AnbaJKk &riota rTW&tfw Andnjfeck 6 1.0 38.S 3.1 6.3 Gynvtosank mticolor Dogtooth tuna 2 0.3 20.S 1.6 10.3 Other/unkkmtined 4 0.7 7.6 0.6 1.9 Sub-total 2* 4.4 M.4 7.1 3.9

uBIe^l} Hit PromtliwAdyi prvmelhtus Snake mackerel OUiWu, SMkrimckereb Smvltuspn^ostii oaah Other /unidentified Subtotal

MtacdLaneMtt bony flrim Sphyraeniidae Barracudai 0.3 1.8 0.1 0.9 Otber bony fidm Sub**al •J 1.8 8.1

OudHriUdK GsrcfcrrAjjuu dJevnargrnalKr Whin-tip ihark Swta Cdrc^a?AiMu aneeryrftyncAoj Grey reef ahark GarchzHUiwrrnranocreruj Black'tjpabart TrineriodaA oftenu Reef white-tip ibuk nttu.^.nUnit;fa

GrmdTotih Bonyltahea 579 «.« 1,112.7 88.2 l.» Sbarta 8 1.4 148.2 11.8 18,5 AUipeckt S87 iw.e 1,26«.» lu*.ft 2.1 194

Country/ Territory: Papua New Guinea Location: Kimbe 5°S Fishery status: Unexploited Reference: Chapman, L.B. & P. Cusack (in press). Deep Sea Fisheries Development Project. Report on third visit to Papua New Guinea (14 January-10 July 1984). South Pacific Commission, Noumea, New Caledonia. 0 Fishing sites


Fishing dates: From 21 January 1984 To 211Februar y 1984

Fishing vessels: LOA Number Name Type (m) Engine of reels Monohull 8.0 33 np diesel inboard 2

Fishing operations: No. of trips 11 No. of trips spent bottom fishing 11 Total hours at sea 245 Average hours at sea per trip 23.1 Total hours DB fishing 60 Average deep-bottom fishing hours per trip 5.5 Total reel-hours 120 Average reel-hours per trip 10.9 Total handline hours Average handline hours per trip

Catch (kg): Total (all fishing methods) 2,052.0 Deep-bottom fishing 1,288.7 Deep-bottom catch (kg) Average per Average per Total trip red-hour All species 1,288.7 117.2 10.8 Excluding sharks 824.7 75.0 6.9 Excluding sharks and locally unsaleable species

Comments: Vessel name was not recorded. 195 Species composition of the deep-bottom fishing catch

Numbtr •Urcjirbs- Weight (kg *wdeM Av. weight

Lu$mlda£»&elbiu Aphonia fitrcalns GreyjabEih Dup-iBler rappo* Aprion vtrescens Gtcanjabfuh Aphonia rilibms SnuU^ioadiiobGih 6 1.7 7.4 0.6 1.2 Elrtif eorbuncultit Sliort-tijled ied upper 26 7.* 122.7 9.5 4.7 Etelis otmaams Loog-ia snifper S 1.4 7.4 0.6 1.5 EteUs radiants Pile supper 2 0.6 D.9 0.1 0.5 PtmrfTf faffl1 AHMATTH Sadcttad furilipr 1 0.3 1.3 0.1 1.3 Pristipcmoidei amoxWU Flower msppu . 3 0.9 1.1 0.1 0.4 GaJd-t«iJodjoWuh PristipatHoidcsfilamtrQosia Rwyjobftsh 1 0.3 1.5 0.1 1.5 PristipamQ&esjlavipirurfj YeUowjobfiib 21 6.0 17.7 M 0.8 Pristipamouics Mttfcufetu Pufple-chDcicdjoWah 65 18.6 181.7 14.1 2.8 Prtxtipctnaidts zonatus Buried flower sampptsr 20 3.7 15.6 1.2 0.8 Other /unidentified 1 0.3 2.0 0.2 2.0 Sub-Md 151 43J 359.3 27.9 2.4

Liri^nldae-Ijukunne LutjoMu argen^tnaailaua Mangrove jack S M 19.* 1.5 3.9 SnsH«r-waler snappera Lutpiauhohar Rid ton 42 12.0 101.7 7.9 2.4 Lutjanm gibbia Paddle-tail 31 8.9 19.S 1.5 0.6 Blue-lnted mapper Lutja/uu Htalabariau Malabar anappor LutjarmsiMonosligFna Ora-spot mapper Lutjawa rafa&iaatus Hjifoiu jeaperch Other /unidentified 11 3.2 22.8 1.8 2.1 Sub-total » 2S.S 163.7 12.7 1.8

LdhrfeaMae Gynwacramuf japonicta Iodine bream Emperors Lttkriiua cteyjetfoMiu Red-throat emperor LcArirua htUopterta YcUow-ipaued emperor 1 0.3 1.3 0.1 1.3 LtA rinut Mfiuana Long-noaod emperor 5 1.4 9.8 0.8 2.0 Letkniua nlicldahu Reticulated cafmr Varie£alfcdBraperor Wottria maugmeiea Lanvxiye hfeam 26 7.4 34.3 2.7 1.3 Ofret/unidentified 3 0.9 1.0 0.1 0.3 Sub-total 35 10.0 46.4 3.6 1.3

SerrHildae CcphalcpMitaimmtia Orange rock-cod Gnwpn EpiMphckf artotaba Arealatod grouper „ . Bplntpttehu chkwvttigma Brown-aponed grouper 2 0.6 1.9 0.1 1.0 Eptltiplteluscametxe Srukorkin grouper Epinephclusfascialus Red-hauled grouper Epwuphdiaflavocaendtus Purple grouper Epbupkelui magmscuttis Speckled grouper Eplnephtha imSaris Honeycomb grouper EpiMfj/telMi mwrfcaa Curve-banded grouper 10 2.9 17.5 1.4 1.8 EpinqAcku rttauti Brovii-hacked grouper 4 1.1 71.0 5.5 17.8 Epiruptielut Kptaiftudalus Seven-handed grouper SoJoptia pawelli Golden Mi Variola bull Lunar-tauod cod 1 0.3 1.5 0.1 1-5 Other /imidenuued 6 1.7 18.9 1.5 3.2 Sulvlobt 23 6.6 110.8 8.6 4.8

CarangkW Scombrkhc Caramx ignabBa Lowly tevaly IVi valid, Jacks, tuna CoraftxJugubrij Black trevally 1 0.3 6.0 0.5 6.0 Strioia dumerSi Amberjack Striata pHrpwvsaeru Amben'ack SerUJariyo^ana Amberjack fi 2.3 53.3 4.1 6.7 Gfmnosarda nniofhr Dogtooth tuna 3 0.9 63.0 4.9 21.0 Other/luudenttfied 10 2.9 17.3 1.3 1.7 Sub.tD(al 21 6.3 139.6 18.8 (.3

CenaqUdu PrcwtictliichihysjmmsiIxVs Snake mackerel OUflihB, Snakemackereb RmcUus pnhona Oil fixh Outer /unidontiliod Sub-total

MuceHaneoiu bony flshts Sphyraenidae Barracudas 0.6 4.9 0.4 2.5 Other bony fishes Sub-total 0,6 4.9 0.4 2.5

OrcbarhMdac CaTcttarhinHsolbbH&fiMlia While-tip shark 13 3.7 279.0 21.6 21.5 Snarls Carcfwhinmambfyrhyndias Grey »of shark 13 3.7 179.0 13.9 13.8 Cardia7Hiniumelaiiapterus Black-tip shark Triaatodon dbestts E«r whit-tip ahsrfc Other AnkWHiBed 1 0.3 6,0 0J 6.0 Sub-total 27 7.7 464.C 36.fl 17.2

Grand Total: Bonyfuha 312 92.3 824.7 64.0 2.6 Swto 27 7.7 464.0 36.0 17.2 All species 349 100.0 1,288.7 100.0 3.7 196

Country/Territory: Papua New Guinea Location: Manus Fishery status: 0 Unexploited \ Manus / & o ™- Reference: >s> Chapman, L.B. & P. J vft / Cusack (in press). ^/^5 ^^^/ Deep Sea Fisheries \r~ Development Project. J> Report on third visit to Papua New Guinea (14 January-10 July 1984). South Pacific Commission, Noumea, New Caledonia. 0 Fishing sites 147°E l

Fishing dates: Fran 26 February 1984 To 18 March 1984

Fishing vessels: LOA Number Name Type (m) Engine of reels Monohull 7.3 20 hp diesel inboard 2

Fishing operations: No. of trips 5 No. of trips spent bottom fishing 5.0 Total hours at sea 81 Average hours at sea per trip 16.2 Total hours DB fishing 23 Average deep-bottom fishing hours per trip 4.6 Total reel-hours 49 Average reel-hours per trip 9.8 Total hand line hours Average handline hours per trip

Catch (kg): Total (all fishing methods) 319.6 Deep-bottom fishing 312.8 Deep-bottom catch (kg) Average per Average per Total trip reel-hour All species 312.8 62.6 6.4 Excluding sharks 300.8 60.2 6.1 Excluding sharks and locally unsaleable species

Comments: Vessel name was not recorded. 197 Species composition of the deep-bottom fishing catch

Number *taanher Wdght(kg) *«

Uujanluet-EldkaK j^pfatwur/aroo/iu Grvyjobusb Deep-seder anappen Apripn virenetM Greco jobftsh 1 1.0 3.5 14 3.S AfiaraarUSata Srnall-tDDItajobBsh 2 2.1 11.7 3.7 5.9 Etelis carbmailiu Sbort-tau'Bd led snapper 8 8.3 69.3 22.2 8.7 Etrla amuavis Lang-till nspper Pale snapper Saddled fusilier Pridipcmoidex amoettus Flower snapper 1 l.D 0.2 0.1 0.2 Gold^tailodjobfiih 1 1.0 0.3 0.1 03 PrisllpahtouUtfiLuMtnloMiu Rotyjobfifh PrtMipamnidaJlavipiraaa YoUowjobfali 6 63 6.7 2.1 1.1 Prixipomada frvWtideju lhiiple-cheekod jobush 9 M 20.3 6.5 2.3 Prijtlpanoides latiahu Bsndod flower atisppsr S 8.3 9.2 2.9 1.2 Odwr fynitkatiBad Sub-total 3* 37.5 121.2 38.7 3.4

Lut>nloM-imuime rufpiuffjyriMfuljftip Mangrove jack 4 4.2 UJ 5.0 3.9 Shitton-mUr snappers Litfpaur balks' Red bass 20 20.8 74.S 23.8 3.7 Plddlo-tmil 3 3.1 2.1 0.7 0.7 Zjchafutfaaawix BliavlaiNi snapper LtthoiUtf malahonnn Malabar snapper Luljanus monoifigma One-qx* sorpper /Jtfjiniu ra/nnfieafHS Rufoui seaporch 1 1.0 0.2 D.I 0.2 Odier ^a^endfiDd 4 4.2 9.2 2.9 2.3 Sub-total 32 33.3 101.5 32.4 3.2

LdMddK Cymnocrajaia japonicux Iodine bream fitrperors l*thriiuu ckrysostcmiu Red-throat emperor Lelkrituu iallaplena Yellow-rootled emperor 6 6.3 6.1 2.0 1.0 Lelhriiuu mifuatm Long-nosed emperor 2 2.1 4.6 U 2.3 Ldhriwa ree'culoiiu Reticulated emperor Ltlkrinm variegatui Vanegated emperor Large-eye bream Other/unidentified 1 1.0 1.3 0.4 1.3 Sub-trial 9 9.4 12.0 3.8 1.3

Semnlifce CtpJalop/ioiis awantia Onnge rock-cod Grauptn EpbupHehaortotattu Anaiatod grouper Epituphtlm ctdgrostigrna Brown-jpotted grouper Epituphtfus camlae Snaktikin grouper Epinephtlttsfosdatuf Rcd-btndcd grouper EpiiuphelusJJavocaendeus Purple grouper Epimphehu magmsa/JJis Specified grouper Epinephehts miiiaris Honeycomb grouper 1 1.0 1.1 0.4 1.1 morrhua Cnxvcbmided grouper 4 4.2 7.5 2.4 1.9 Epinephehts reiouti Brown-lkicked grouper Epinephelia ttpttmfasdalus Seven-brnded grouper Salapda powdli Golden fiih Variola Jouti LuDir'tulcd cod Ofttr/unUmtiBod 6 6.3 29.0 93 4.B SiA-tota! 11 11.5 37.6 12.0 3.4

CaTUfkWScamrjrldae Caranx igaoAiru Lowly rrcvaHy TrtvalHei, Jacks, tururj Cdmtucliqidrrij Black trcvally Amhenack Striata purpuraxznj Ainborjack SmclamoliaHa Amberjeck 2 2.1 14.3 4.6 7.2 Gytwuaarda uiucobr Dogtooth turn Other /unidentified Sub-total 2 2.1 14.3 4.6 7.2

Gerretyadae Pranutfudittiys pronuthcui Snake mackerel Oltfbbo, Snake mackerel] gtvtiua prcHojia oafish Other/unidentified Sub-total

MkcrJIssieou bom; fishes Sphyraenidec Barracudas 1 1.0 9.5 3.0 9.5 Other benyfiabn 3 3.1 4.7 1.S 1.6 Subtotal 4 4.2 14.2 4.5 3.6

CkrchprbHdx CercharhiniualbBnarfinaliu Wbitn-tip shark 2 2.1 12.0 3.8 6.0 Srarfcl CcrrcaorAiRJU ambtyrhyttckos Grey reef shark GarcbaritiiuamthiiCftcntt Black-tip ihuk Trhcnodon t&csus Kecfwlihe-tip shark Other /unidentified SlaVtoM 2 2.1 12.0 3.8 6.0

Grand Tofah Bony Ashes 94 97.9 3M.8 «.2 3.2 Sharks 2 2.1 12.0 3.8 6.9 Ail specks 96 100.0 312.8 100.0 3.3 198

Country/ Territory: PapuaNew Q Fishing sites Guinea 149°B Location: OroBay Fishery status: Unexploited Reference: Wellington, P. & P. Cusack. (in press). Deep Sea Fisheries Development Project Report on fourth visit to Papua New Guinea (31 March-23 September). South Pacific Commission, Noumea, New Caledonia. Oro Province

Fishing dates: From 16 April 1988 To 11 May 1988

Fishing vessels: LOA Number Name Type (m) Engine of reels Red Snapper Outrigger canoe 7.3 15 hp petrol outboard 3

Fishing operations: No. of trips 11 No. of trips spent bottom fishing 11.0 Total hours at sea 84 Average hours at sea per trip 7.6 Total hours DB fishing 46 Average deep-bottom fishing hours per trip 4.1 Total reel-hours 177 Average reel-hours per trip 16.1 Total handline hours Average handline hours per trip

Catch (kg): Total (all fishing methods) 413.3 Deep-bottom fishing 399.8 Deep-bottom catch (kg) Average per Average per Total trip reekhour All species 399.8 36.3 2.3 Excluding sharks 345.5 31.4 2.0 Excluding sharks and locally 342.7 31.2 1.9 unsaleable species

Comments: 199 Species composition of the deep-bottom fishing catch

Number StiMrtw Wdght(kg> *wdg« Av.trdghf

Lut^nUu-Etdbne ^pAapeui^uiraJur GroyjobBrtj Deeo-vsler snappers Aprian vinscau Giccn jobfiih Apkotvus niiiara S null-loath jotifiih 1 0.5 1.2 0.3 1.2 Shoft'tulcd red (upper 1 0.5 1.6 0.4 1.6 Etel'a curuscans LaQg-tlH BOppSt EteUsTadiosui PalBnnsppDE SiddlBd fusilier Pr'utipamoidea amacrua Flower nuppor Gold-tailed jbbfiib PriMipoMoidesfiiametilosus Rosyjobfufc 40 20.7 44.6 11.2 1.1 Prislipcmoidaflavipiiuuj Yellow job&b 1 0J 0.1 0.0 0,1 Prislipomoukl tnxUMtru Purple-chcelBd jobGlb 60 31.1 105.8 26.5 1.8 PristipanoZdei lohallt* Bindod flower rapper Other/unidentiQBd 5 2.6" 3.9 1.0 0.8 Sub-Mil 108 56.0 1S7.2 39.3 1.5

TiiflflnMt'f-I.iiQiinlBiw Lutjamu argarimaadatus Mingrovcjick 4 2.1 18.6 4.7 4.7 ShaUnv-mter mppere JUuJanur bo/ur Red bus 1 0.5 5.1 13 5.1 Luljania gibbui J^ddle-bul £jajantuka*nmt Blue-lmed nuppcr Luljaruaimtabaneus M^ltar snapper 50 25.9 117.2 29.3 2.3 Luijanusmotuadgna One-spot mapper Rufaui seaperch Other AmidcDtifiDd Sub-tolll ss 28.5 140.9 3S.2 2.6

Lrttefcfcfe Gymtweraniiajqponicuit Iodine bremm Emptron Letktinus duyiodonuu Red-throat emptt or 4 2.1 5,3 1.3 1.3 Lethritau kallcptena YcllaW-«pc*fcd emperor Lcihrirws rmmattu Lon£*no*cd Otaperor 1 0.5 2,3 0.6 2.3 Letknrats reticuSatta RisticulAlcd emperor Liihruua varitgatus Vuiog*tod emperor Wattsiamaaanibka Lu£B-«ye bioim Other/umcfentifud Sub-lotal 5 2,6 7.6 1.9 1.5

Semwktac Cephalopfiatii oiranlia Orrngproclt-cod Cnaipn Epinephdusareolatus Anxiitod grouper 5 2.6 9.1 2.3 1.8 Epincpftclus dtlorostigma Brown-ipadod grouper 1 0.5 1.0 0.3 l.D Epintpttehii caneku Snakn drill grouper Epintpktliufasaalta Red-bended gmupor Epinephelujftmocaerulcus Purple grouper Epiiupkeha magniteuals Spcdtlod grouper Epiiapkelas miUaris Honeycomb grouper 1 0.5 4.0 1.0 4.0 Epititphtku marrhua Curve-hmded grouper Epineptteluj retauti Brown-hidced grouper BpinepktluM xpttrtfmdatus SeMra-bmdcd grouper Sdkplta ppwdli Golden fish Variola loud Luiur-tiilcd cod Ouur Auudeniifkd 3 1.6 1,6 0.4 QJ SuMoUJ 14 5.2 1S.7 3,9 1.6

DuugMH/Sambrlifae Canuu igncHTCr Lowly trevilly Trcfifflu,>du,lunua Canuix faghbru Black tnvally 1 OJ 2.3 0.6 2,3 Scriola dvmerOi Aihberjack Striata purpvrosunj Ansxsjidt Strict* moaonn Amber] idc 1 0.5 S.3 2.1 8.3 Gymnoinrda wucotor Dogtooth tun* Otbcr/mifaaiifiai 3 1.6 9.6 2.4 3.2 Sub-total S 2.6 20.2 £.1 4.0

GerqgvldM PremcMcMthyjprvmelAeuj Siukeiiudcerd OllflabH, Snake mackerel* gmtllta prtSoilu Oaful) CHhcr/unidentified Sub-Mai

MIsceUaneHHboayfithel Spbynumidie Bmucudu 1 0.5 2.5 0.6 2.5 Olnorbony fuhei 2 1.0 1.4 0.4 0.7 Sub-Mai 3 1.6 3.9 1.0 1.3

OvdHriMdM CorckuAinur ofbirnargfrtfjur White-lip ihirk Sharks Gieyiecf shark Croctarnuuirnvlanopfenu BUck-tip ibark TrfdeftaioR abeiia Rccfwhie-Upilaik Other Ainidmlificd 7 3.6 S4.3 13.6 7.8 Sub4obt 7 3.6 54.3 13.6 7.S

GtxndTood: Bony fishes 1S6 96.4 345.S M.4 1.9 Shirks 7 3.6 54.3 13.6 7.* All specie. 193 100.0 399.*. 100.0 2.1 200

Country/ Territory: Papua New Guinea 0 Fishing sites Location: Rabaul Fishery status: Unexploited Reference: Wellington, P. & P. Cusack. (in press). Deep Sea Fisheries Development Project. Report on fourth visit to Papua New Guinea (31Mareh-23 September 1988). South Pacific Commission, Noumea, New Caledonia. 152°E

Fishing dates: From 17 May 1988 To 3 July 1988

Fishing vessels: LOA Number Name Type (m) Engine of reels Red Snapper Outrigger canoe 7.3 15 hp petrol outboard 3

Fishing operations: No. of trips 18 No. of trips spent bottom fishing 15 Total hours at sea 185 Average hours at sea per trip 10.3 Total hours DB fishing 123 Average deep-bottom fishinghour s per trip 6.8 Total reel-hours 338 Average reel-hours per trip 18.8 Total handline hours Average handline hours per trip

Catch (kg): Total (all fishing methods) 1,014.7 Deep-bottom fishing 1,009.4 Deep-bottom catch (kg) Average per Average per Total trip reeWwur All species 1,009.4 56.1 3.0 Excluding sharks 801.4 44.5 2,4 Excluding sharks and locally unsaleable species

Comments: 201 Species composition of the deep-bottom fishing catch

Number %iMnbrr WelsMOJn) %w**M Av.wdg)ii

LutJanldacElcUnaf Aphart us fitraalus GreyjobEiah Decp-varier mappers Aprion vircaani Green jobtjah Ajaadmu ruiilani Small -Ujotb jobfiah 29 5.4 1)9.6 11.8 4.1 Ettiis carbuaaif Mr Short-toiled »d snapper 2D 5.2 30.1 3.0 1.1 Eirftr conacatu Long-tail wapper 9 1.7 11.2 1.1 1.2 EtcUsTO&otau Pafceaapper Paracauto haakarii Saddled mauier 42 7.7 102.0 10.1 2.4 Pristipawnda omooiur Hotter Knapper 1 0.2 0.1 0.0 0.1 PristtpamoKltsaundUa Gold-Liled jobfiah 2 0.4 0.7 0.1 0.4 PrulIpoma^ejJitajHenltata Rooyjobfiih S3 9.8 60.0 5.9 1.1 Pristipamoidtiflavipiradii Yellow jobfiih 41 7.6 17,3 1.7 0.4 PristipomaSdet mtdltdtiu rYrpk-rJiDrJrDd jobfiih IIS 34.1 257.2 25J 1.4 Pristiponifiides zonotia Baridcd flower snapper Other Airjkkofifud 38 7.0 87.3 8.6 2.3 Sut-totjll 428 79.8 685.5 67.9 l.«

UiUmildju-LutJuiue Lutjanus t«nuVilMr Mangrove jack Ixtfamts bofar Red Ism Lutjahiu gibbia Paddle-tail 19 3.5 16.9 1.7 0.9 Lutjatua Jtamvu BLue-lmDdonapper LulpHHUmabbanatj Malabar snapper 26 4.8 16.8 1.7 0.6 Lutjaiaameniif£gina One-spot upper Lutjama ra/eliMtafus Rufoui leoporch 1 0.2 0.1 0.0 0.1 Odwr/un^entiGBd 21 3.9 14.4 1.4 0.7 Sub-Mol 47 12.4 48.2 4.8 e.7

LehrMdai Qyrmoeiviuiujapontou Iodine bream Biaurori L^ArinMS dirysojtomus Red-throat emperor Lttkriiws Judkpttrus Yellow'ipotfcd emperor LtAruuu mituatus Long^uaed camBrar 1 0.2 15 0.2 2J Ldhritua ntiadatus Reticulated emperor t^thruaa varitgatus Variegated eropercr Wattnamossminca Large-eye bream Other yunidentifiod 2 0.4 0.5 0.0 0.3 Sub-total 3 o.« 3.0 OJ 1.0

SemtaldM C^pAdJcpWu awujuix Orange rock-cod Gnwptff Anctkicd grouper 2 0.4 0.7 0.1 04 Ep'ttutphelut ddorostigma Bim«i-»potod grouper Epirupfoba camctae grouper 1 0.2 2.7 0.3 2.7 Epinepktlvsfasdaius Red-handed grouper Eptmpfuluijlavocaeruleia Purple grouper Epincpheluj magwjatttis Spaddcd grouper Epincp/icUu miliaria Honeycomb grouper 2 04 10 J 1.0 S3 EpttupheUts morrkua Curue-banded graopcf 12 2.2 11.5 1.1 1.0 EptwpfuUts rtteuti Brown-hacked grouper Epinephetus xptarjiudittus Seven-banded grouper 1 0.2 0.6 0.1 0.6 SakpdapowtUi Golden Gib Variola loud Lunar-tailed cod Olfacj/uruogntuTed 7 1.3 3.3 0.3 0.5 Sub-total 25 4.< 29.3 2.9 1.2

CanjsjfcWSoum bridal Caraltxignobilit Lowly wcvaUy TnwUIca, Jacks, tunu Caraaxlugubris Black trevally 2 0.4 s.o 0.5 2.5 Striata dumerifi Arabcrjack Striata purpvrasuns Amber) »± Seriate riualiaiu Amberjacfc 2 0.4 9.2 0.9 4.6 Gymtosarda micotor Dogtooth tuna 1 0.2 9.5 0.9 9.5 Otru/urudentiTied S 0.9 9.3 0.9 1.9 Sutkejlal ID 1.8 33.0 3.3 3.3

Grmpyoome PronutkiclttkysprotMihcits Snake mackerel OibMa^SnaJunwckerels Rmcllas prtHoius Oafish Other /unidentified SuMotnl

MbceUimeDlB bony fishes Sphynumklsr. Barracudu 1 0.2 0.8 0.1 0.8 CWarbocyfJabej 1 0.2 1.6 0.2 1.6 Sub-total 2 0.4 2.4 0.2 1.2

Cirtharraradae CarchaMuaalbimargiHilus Whhe-tip aharic Shark* CarcAartomu amfctyrftyseaoj Grey reef ahoik Carchafjurua mcIaiwptcTUS Block-tip ibark Triaaiodon obesus Reef wbife-tlp stark Oiha/unklenalied 7 1.3 208.0 20.6 29.7 SuWoW 7 1.3 208.0 v>.i 29.7

Grand Total: Bony Ashes 535 98.7 801.4 79.4 1.5 Shark* 7 1.3 2B8.D 20.C 29.7 AD spades 542 1W.0 1,009.4 100.0 1.9 202

1 Country/ Territory: K-; • /i *?••:'•:••! ,•>-;• • • - ?i;."- ••;•,'

Guinea _. Location: Wewak Fishery status: 4°20'S ~i Unexploited © o Reference: \ © 0 Chapman, L.B. &P. Cusack (in press). Deep Sea Fisheries 0 Development Project. Report on third visit East Sepik Province to Papua New Guinea (14 January-10 July 1984). South Pacific Commission, Noumea, New Caledonia. " 0 Fishing sites 144°E 1 •

Fishing dates: From 18 March 1984 To 11 May 1984

Fishing vessels: LOA Number Name Type (m) Engine of reels Monohull 7.9 33 hp diesel inboard 2

Fishing operations: No. of trips 17 No. of trips spent bottom fishing 17.0 Total hours at sea 450 Average hours at sea per trip 26.5 Total hours DB fishing 169 Average deep-bottom fishing hours per trip 9.9 Total reel-hours 337 Average reel-hours per trip 19.8 Total handline hours Average handline hours per trip

Catch (kg): Total (all fishing methods) 2,671.7 Deep-bottom fishing 2,352.4 Deep-bottom catch (kg) Average per Average per Total trip reel-hour All species 2,352.4 138.3 7.0 Excluding sharks 2,122.9 124.8 6.3 Excluding sharks and locally 2,114.0 124.4 6.3 unsaleable species

Comments: Vessel name was not recorded. 203 Species composition of the deep-bottom fishing catch

Nurnbtr %IUIBIH* Wdojltflcg) *maghl Av, weight

Lutyuifabt-Efeifctte Aphartusftrcaius Grey jobGsh Dup'Umtef mtMpftn Aprion virtscau Green jobfiah Apkanus rtiilnas SmaTl-lftHll joblinh 39 4.5 109.5 4.7 2.8 Etftis c&buAcuIus anappor 36 4.2 191.6 8.1 S.3 Etetis ccrwcmu Long-tail snapper 3 0.3 9.5 0.4 3.2 EieiisTodinsus Pale n^ipcr 4 0.5 10.6 0.5 2.7 PflPfipprvp ^nnfw*ii Saddled fiurilinr 3 D.3 8.6 0.4 2.9 PriitipcmoUkj amoenus Flower snapper 3 D.3 1.1 0.0 0.4 Priatipornri&Mauridlk Gdd-tailodjohGih 1 0.1 0.4 0.D 0.4 PrigtipamnkUaftJamenlOtus Rosyjobfivb 31 3.6 35.7 2.4 1.8 Pristipc**aidesflavtpintds VcUoii'iobfuh 3 0.3 2.1 0.1 0.7 Prisiipcmoides mdtidtns Piuple-cbeekBdjabfiali 279 32.4 549.3 23.4 2.0 Pristipomoutif tonalus Banded flowersnappe r 6 0.7 4.6 0.2 0.8 Otba/unidentified 52 6.0 100.0 4.3 1.9 Sub-Mil 460 53.5 1,043.0 44.3 2.3

UiUanauK-Luqanfcne Udljawuargfixlimaadahu Mangrove jack 9 1.0 34.2 1.5 3.8 Sriauto-mtcr snappers LmjaHiubokar Redbs» 15 1.7 68.4 2.9 4.6 Lutjanus gibbiu Paddle-tail 1 0.1 0.9 0.0 0.9 Lutjdiuu kastrura Bine-land mapper Luljamu ?xalabanaij Malabar mapper 17 2.0 31.1 1.3 l.B Ijtijatuis/nouosligtm One-spot snapper Luljarua rtrfbtinzaltu Rufous scaper eh 3 0.3 0.6 0.0 0.2 Clhor/unidentified 102 11.9 192.6 8.2 1.9 Sub-Mai 147 17.1 327.8 13.9 2.2

LHhrHdat Gywtocnuiiiti japmievs lodtoebrcsm Empcnvv Lethinus t&rysoslonw Red-throat emperor Le Annus kaltopttrus Yellow-spotted emperor 2 0.2 3.3 0.1 1.7 LeAriiius TtBniatia Long-noted omperoc 6 0.7 20.1 0.9 3.4 Lethrinus reticulatus Reticdated emperor Le&rinui variegates Variegated empcror Wound moHambica Large-eye bteam 64 7.4 89.6 3.8 1.4 Olhix/unidentified 5 0.6 6.7 0.3 1.3 Subtotal 77 9.e 119.7 5.1 1.6 . ftrraaadae Ctpht&opholiz Mrtuiu Orange rock-cod Grwpera EpiMphdus artoktus Aieohued grouper 2 0.2 1.0 0.0 0.5 Epinephelw eMerrMugmn Brown-spottod grouper 1 0.1 1.9 0.1 1.9 Eputepht bu combe Siu&ESleia grouper Epinepkelua/asciotitx Rcd-bended grouper Epincp/idusflavoaientleiu Purple grouper Epmcphclus nagnisatah Speckled grouper Epincpheha ruffians Honeycomb grouper 1 0.1 1.4 0.1 1.4 Curve-banded grouper 19 2.Z 28.2 1.2 1.5 Epiiupitiba rrJeufi Brown-backed grouper Epiiuphelus scptatjasdalvs Seven-banded grouper 5 0.6 215.5 9.2 43.1 StibpiiapaweUi Golden fish Variola lout* Lunar-tailed God Other >UnidDiiti&d 22 2.6 87.6 3.7 4.0 Sub-total 50 5.8 335.6 14.3 6.7

CarmngUlWSojrribridat Caranx ignobSis Lowly trcvally Trevaluea, Jades, [una CamtixJugubris Blade trcvally 3 0.3 8.9 0.4 3.0 Striata duntriti Araberjidc SttvAapurpumnxtv Atnherjack Scridarboaana Amber] ack 23 2.7 109.6 4.7 4.8 Gymnosania unicolor Dogtooth tuna 1 0.1 SD.O 2.1 50.0 Other /unidentified 39 4.5 60.9 2.6 1.6 Sun-Hal 66 7.7 229.4 9.8 3.5

GcxnpylidM Pramctidchtir/s prvmetheus Snake mackerel OUflahs, Snakemackereb ilwtltaspndosia Outuh Oayr/mSiailiBad 2 0.2 S.9 0.4 4.5 Sub4ou>l 2 0.2 8.9 9.4 4.5

MbceUaneoua bony flabea Sphyiaenidac Bvraoidas 11 1.3 45.8 1.9 4.2 Other bony fubes 6 0.7 12.7 0,5 2.1 Sun-total 17 2.0 58.5 2.5 3.4

CkichrhUdn Carckarituuualbiniargiriatui White-top shark 10 1.2 142,5 6.1 14.3 Shark! CartkarHiwu ambtyrhypdu* Grey reef shark 1 0.1 18.0 0.8 18.0 CarahatttitBtimshxnplenu Black-tip iharit TVuencdon obesus Reef While-Up shark 5 0.6 7.0 0.3 M Other /unidentiSod 25 2.9 62,0 2.6 2.5 Sub-total 41 4.8 229.5 9.* 5.6

GnndTotac Bony fishes 319 95.2 2,122.9 96.2 2.6 Sharks 41 4.8 229.5 9.8 5.6 All spec Irs 860 100,0 2,352.4 100.0 2.7 205 PITCAIRN ISLANDS Pitcaim Island is a small volcanic high island with a total land area of 5 km2. Associated with Pitcairn are the two atolls of Ducie and Oeno and the large makatea or raised atoll of Henderson Island. The Pitcaim group lies below the Tropic of Capricorn to the south-east of French Polynesia. Only Pitcairn Island itself is inhabited.

Because of the rugged nature of the coastline, it is difficult to launch boats around Pitcairn and as a consequence much of the indigenous fishing activity involves fishing from the shore (Argue & Kearney, 1982).

There has been no visit to Pitcaim Island by SPC masterfishermen and there are no accounts of fishing around this or the other islands for deep slope species. The 200 m isobath extends for 5.2 n.mi around Pitcairn Island, 14.5 n.mi around Henderson Island, 8.1 n.mi around Oeno atoll and 5.0 n.mi around Ducie atoll. Extrapolating from this, the total standing stock of deep slope fishes would be expected to lie in the region of 10.81, with a MSY of between 1.1 and 3.3 t/yr. 207 SOLOMON ISLANDS

The Solomon Islands archipelago has a total land area of 28,400 km2 and a total 100-frn isobath length of 2,444.3 n.mi, most of which consists of high islands with steeply shelving shorelines. SPC masterfishermen have made only one visit to Solomon Islands, in 1977-1978, at which time fishing operations were conducted around the New Georgia Islands. Catches by weight (Table 2) comprised 61 per cent eteline snappers and 14 per cent lutjanine snappers; about half of the latter were Lutjanus malabaricus.

Wata (1988) reported on deep bottom survey fishing in Solomon Islands by government fisheries officers and other organisations between 1976 and 1982. Catches were dominated by eteline snappers which comprised nearly 75 per cent of the catch by both weight and number.

The average catch rate around the New Georgia group from survey fishing by SPC masterfishermen was 5.7 kg/line-hr. Catch rates reported by Wata (1988) for surveys throughout Solomon Islands ranged between 1.0 and 14.6 kg/line-hr, with an average of 10.2 kg/line-hr. Based on this information, catch rates at MSY might therefore be expected to decline to between 3 and 5 kg/line-hr. On the basis of a virgin biomass estimate of 0.7 t/n.mi and the procedures outlined earlier, the MSY of deep slope species in Solomon Islands is estimated to lie between 171 and 513 t/yr. 208

Country/ Territory: Solomon Islands Location: Gizo, Western Province Fishery status: Unexploited Reference: Eginton, R., R.H. James & J. : Grassland. 1979. Report on the South , Pacific Commission Outer Reef Artisanal Fisheries Project iji Solomon Islands (5 April 1977-31 January 1978). South Pacific Commission, Noumea, New Caledonia, 11 pp. 157°E

Fishing dates: From 5 April 1977 To 31 January 1978

Fishing vessels: LOA Number Name Type (m) Engine of reels Norman Kirk Monohull 7.4 70 hp inboard diesel 2 Tangaroa Monohull 7.4 70 hp inboard diesel 2 Viking Monohull 8.6 35 hp inboard diesel 2

Fishing operations: No. of trips 106 No. of trips spent bottom fishing 106 Total hours at sea Average hours at sea per trip Total hours DB fishing 1,887 Average deep-bottom nshing hours per trip 18.0 Toed reel-hours 2,106 Average reel-hours per trip 18.0 Total handline hours Average handline hours per trip

Catch (kg): Total (all fishing methods) 12,004.0 Deep-bottom fishing 11,667.0 Deep-bottom catch (kg) Average per Average per Total trip reel-hour All species Excluding sharks 11,667.0 110.1 6.1 Excluding sharks and locally unsaleable species

Comments: 209 Species composition of die deep-bottom fishing catch

Niflribor %rurbef Wright (kg) %-mim Av. weight IjiyaBkbe-EWitH! Aphonia fitrcalus Gnyjobtuh | Deep-rate maptm Aprian virvnxxr GrceajobfWi 9 0.2 29.0 0.2 3.2 t Aplianus ntQatu Small-tooth joMEb. 57 1.5 242.0 2.1 4.2 Ettlu a&buna&iu Short-tailed rod anapptff 168 4.5 815.0 7.0 4.9 Ettlis canaaaa Long-tail Bxppa 17 0.5 76.0 0.7 4.5 EtcHiradtosus Pak mapper Paracaejio haokirii Saddled AltQier Pristipomoidesaituxtuss Flowor snapper i*rto$MffuuiesaurieOLi Gold-tailed jobEah Rosyjnhfish PristipaHoidaflavipiivus Yellowjotrfiah Pristiparnoirltli wJluieiu r^Hpte-cbMknd jobEah Prisiipamaidcstoiuiats BdDdod fiowcf mapper 35 0.9 32.0 0.3 0.9 Other /unifanifiod 2,174 5,921.0 50.7 2.7 Sub-total 2,460 65.2 7,115.0 61.0 1.9

bu>nklK-LutJa'Bna« Uajaiua argti^maadatus Mangrove-jack 124 3.3 482.0 4.1 3.9 Shilkm-naler snapper* £jtffuuubo/iar Red bus LutjmusgiMMa Peddla-lail Blue-lhjed anapper Xjcrjwutf mdiahiricux Malabar antppar £ju*Jtznu5 AtonaiA'ami One-spot snappm1 £ul>iiiur ntfoSneatui Rufous seapcrdi Other /unkfentified 599 15.9 1,184.0 10.1 2.0 SiiMotal 723 19.2 1,666.0 14.3 2.3

IdfeUrfK GynauKTanim japonicus Iodine bream Enytnifi Lethrinus chryxojtoma Ecd'liirott emperor LcArinus kallaptcrus Ydlow-spotied omperqr Lethrinus mirmtus Long-nosed emperor 12 0.3 43.0 0,4 3,6 Lethriraa retiafiatiu Rettculaicd emperor Letftrinusvarkgatm Vatic gated emperor Waltsia mossaaibica Lugp-cye bieam iTf W jfi tn Hwiriftnft SutMotaJ 12 0.3 43.0 0.4 3.6

Scmnhbe Ccphalepftciu awtmlia Ormgp rock-cod Groupers Epimptteius anoiasus ArrclalEd grouper Epintpftelus cJitaroftignui Brown*BpottHJgrtrap6r comfioe Snake skill grouper Epituphelusfasdaius Red-banded grouper Epirtcpftflwfln'ocacrvleMS Purpk grouper Epmephehu nmgaisatms Speckled grouper Epinephfius miliars Honciyeamb pouper Eptnepheha marha Cmvo-bmdcd grouper EpinqituUu rttouii Brown'backfid grouper Epinepfulus aeplcmfasdatus Seven-bmdod grouper Saioptw peweili Gol den fish Variola fouti Luntr -tailed cod OtaTttq* /imiAyntifirvi 170 4J 1,264.0 10.8 7.4 Sub-total 170 4.5 1,264.0 10.8 7.4

OrangkW SaHhbridae Caranx ignobilir Lowly trcvally Tremllk*, Jacks, tuna Carmtx higitbtit Blade trcvally Striata thrnmrtti Atnberjaot Scrioln ptapvraJttnx Ainberjack 19 0.5 170.0 1.5 8.9 Senclarwolujna Arnberjadc GynvUHtania unicolor Dogtooth tuna 2 0.1 30.0 0.3 15.0 Oiler yunidcnlilki) 11 0,3 19.0 0.2 1.7 Sub4otal 32 0.* 219.0 1.9 6.8

GornpyldH Promethichthys proinetfuus Snalcc mackerel Ollntha, Snake mackereb RwettuspnHosus Oflfah Other /lUudcntiGod 1 o.o 3.0 0.0 3.0 Sub-Mat 1 0.0 3.0 0.0 3.0

MbceUmeoiB borrj fljhei Sphyraeiudae- Barracudas 199 5.3 915.0 7.8 4.6 Other bony fiahea 175 4.6 442.0 3.8 2.5 Sub-ntt 374 9.9 1,357.0 11.6 3.6

QwddrtikiLVdK Carthoijuma atbirjvirginalia While-tip shut Sharta Cayeharhimu ambfyrhynctua Gray reef shark QmtetkiniiirnclaTKptaiu Blick-bp iharic Trhcnodon obexus Rtcf wbifc-tlp sbariE.


GrmdTotat Bonylbhea 3,772 100.0 11,667.0 100.0 3.1 Shwlo AHspcdel 3,772 100.0 11,667.0 100.0 3.1 210

Country! Territory: Snlnmnn Tcfonrfc O Fishing areas Location: Throughout Solomon Islands V Fishery status: Unexploited ft^ Solomon Islands

Reference: 8°S - Wata, A. 1988. Assessment of deep bottom fishes of the Solomon Islands. SPC Inshore Fisheries Research ° v* o •; • Workshop, • • t Background Paper 73, 24 pp. -

159°E 1

Fishing dates: From 1 January 1985 To 1 June 1985

Fishing vessels: LOA Number Name Type (m) Engine of reels DaikatsuMaru Monohull 7

Fishing operations: No. of trips 9 No. of trips spent bottom fishing 9 Total hours at sea Average hours at sea per trip Total hours DB fishing 460 Average deep-bottom fishing hours per trip 51.0 Total reel-hours 3,801 Average reel-hours pa* trip 422.3 Total handline hours Average handline hours per trip

Catch (kg): Total (all fishing methods) 47,343.9 Deep-bottom fishing 38,580.0 Deep-bottom catch (kg) Average per Average per Total trip reel-hour All species 38,580.0 4,286.7 10.2 Excluding sharks Excluding sharks and locally unsaleable species

Comments: No details recorded of boat length or engine type. Species composition data overleaf contain 8763.9 kg of fish caught by other fishing methods. 211 Species composition of the deep-bottom fishing catch

Nunher %rurriur Wrjght

LuUuildiie-EldlriH Aphafeiafitmiiiv Greyjobfuih Dup-talersnuppen Apnea virescttts Grecujobfiau 62 0.3 252.8 0.5 4.1 Aphareus nil Horn Snull-tDtthjobCili 2,811 15.8 7,578.8 16.0 2.7 lifeft> cerbuficufax Shan-laLed red snapper 526 3.0 2,469.8 5.2 4.7 Ere/w aoruscans Long-tail anappor 1.56S 8.8 5,179.5 50.9 3.3 EieUaradiosus Pale mapper 1,222 6.9 4,781.2 10.1 3.9 Paraa&jio JbusaJborii Saddled fhailier 1,574 8.9 4,210.6 8.9 2.7 Pridipcnwt&t amamti Hover wrapper Pruttpomaiduauridlla Gotd-uMjobQih 19 0.1 11.0 D.O 0.6 PristtpattoidtsfilameHtaMUS Roeyjobnah 3,132 17.7 5,492.1 11.6 1.8 Pristipatiaidesflavlpiiuds Yellow jobfah 3,411 19.2 7.381.8 15.6 2.2 Pristipcmoidtx rtudtuUni nuple-cheekedjobtjah Pristipamoida totiaUu Buried flavor mapper 123 0.7 93.2 0.2 0.8 OuVr/uiiKfentifiod SutMnta! 14,448 (1.5 37,450.8 79.1 2.S

U^anksa-hiQanue Lutjania argiKtinvculana Mangrove jack 8 o.o 39.1 0.1 4.5 Shatlow-TOfer snippers Lit/junta bakor Red ban 112 0.6 346.3 0.7 3.1 LutjaMui gibbus Paddlo-tail Luljatuu Jfewnira Blue-lined snapper Malabar snapper One-spot snapper Lutjd ma ru/yineaHur Rutoua acupereh Olhcr/urddendGed Sub-total 120 0.7 385.4 0.8 3.2

LebUdK Gyiwiccramta japoraaa Iodine bream 4 0.0 3.1 0.0 0.8 ^nperon Lctiuiruu chysaEtonau Red-throat emperor Lttkrima kalfoptcrux Yellow-spotted emperor 7 0.0 18.5 0.0 2.6 Ltlhriraa mwntus Loag-noeed empercc 155 0.9 582.9 1.2 3.8 Lethrirms retievtatus Retjculstcd enqErar LiAfltuu vanegaJus VarisgBtBdempercr WaltxiarHosxvnbica Laigc-cyc bream 1,131 6.4 1,574.8 3.3 1.4 CHher/unidentified 74 0.4 71.2 0.2 1.0 Sub-total 1,371 7.7 2,250.5 4.5 1.6

Serrarsaee CephalcfAolis airattiia Onmge rock-cod Groupers EpxnephxUaaKoiatus Areobuod grouper Epintpttdux cJdorositgma Brown-spotted grouper 160 0.9 261.2 0.6 1,6 Epiruphtlus cane lot Snakesktn grouper Epinepheliufiudalus Red-banded grouper EpihepkeiiaPfpMcatntieus Purple grouper Epuvphchts ma&usatuis Spcclded grouper Ephtepheha mittant Honeycomb sharper Epinepfahumorrfon Curve-banded grouper 2gS 1.6 350.2 0.7 1.2 Epimphtlm relouli Brown-backed grouper Epintphelusxpicmfasaahu Seven-banded grouper 52 0.3 1,210.1 2.6 23.3 SaJoptiapowelli Golden fish 16 0.1 11.0 0.0 0.7 Vorfetsipuri LunaMailed cod 9 0.1 4.5 0.0 0.5 Oilier/unidentified 6 0.0 117.5 0.2 19.6 Sub-total 531 3.(1 1,954.5 4.1 3.7

OuwidrW Soumbridae Caranx ignobHit Lowly uevally 281 1.6 615.3 1.3 2.2 Trenllka, Juki, tunas Caranx lugubris Block trcvally Striata duntrili Arnberjack Seriptapurpurasceru Amberjack Striata rivoltana Auaxrjsck 235 1.3 1,208.3 2.6 5.1 Gy/motgwaa timcoler Dogtooth tuna 327 1.8 1,999.2 4.2 fi.1 Other Unidentified 256 1.4 905.6 1.9 3.5 Sub-iolal 1,099 6.2 4,728.4 10.0 4.3

GanpyHn Pramcthichlrr/s promttfuns Snake mackerel OlMshet, Snake mackerels Rweltia prttiotus OSEsh Other /luiidenlificd 167 0.9 574.3 1.2 3.4 Sub-total 1(7 0.9 574.3 1.2 3.4

MbceUf-iuwus bonyfbhei Sphyisenidie Birncudu Other bony fishn Sub-total

QudurttidK Gan&ir&iniu albmarginaius Wh kr>tip shirl: Starbi Carcharkiruu ambiyrhynchos Gtcy reef shirk CarchathitaamsJancpttnis BUck-tip shark Triatnodon obetux Rccr white-tip ihuk Gibe /unifcifliGed Sub4oU

Grand lotah Bony fishes 17,736 100.0 47,343.9 100.0 2.7 Sharks All aperies 17,73« 100.0 47,343.9 100.0 2.7 213 TOKEIAU Tokelau consists of three atolls (Atafu, Nukunonu and Fakaofo) extending in a chain 160 km in length and with a total land area of only 10 km2. The total length of the 100-fm isobath around the three atolls is 56.4 n.mi. SPC masterfishermen have made two visits to Tokelau to survey deep slope resources. Fishing was carried out at all three atolls on the firstvisi t and atNukunonu only on the second visit. Catch rates were uniformly low, ranging from 1.9 to 3.0 kg/line-hr with an average of 2.5 kg/Line-hr. Eteline snappers comprised 22.0 per cent of the catch (Table 2) with other major contributions from carangids/scombrids and sharks.

If the deep slope stocks at these islands were to be commercially exploited, the CPUE would decline to about 1.3 kg/line-hr at the MSY. The estimated unexploited biomass is 991, with a predicted MSY of between 10 and 30 t/yr. Given the poor CPUE values actually experienced in Tokelau, however, these empirical figures for biomass and yield may be overestimates. 214

Country/ Territory: TokeJau Q Fishing sites Location: Atafu Fishery status: Unexploited Reference: Taumaia, P. and GX. Preston. 1985b. Deep Sea Fisheries Development Project. Report of visit to Tokelau (21 May-22 September 1982), South Pacific Commission, 8°35'S Noumea, New Caledonia, 27 pp.


Fishing dates: From 12 August 1982 To 10 September 1982

Fishing vessels: LOA Number Name Type (m) Engine of reels Catamaran 9.0 25 hp petrol outboard 4

Fishing operations: No. of trips 9 No. of trips spent bottom fishing 9 Total hours at sea 82 Average hours at sea per trip 9.1 Total hours DB fishing 33 Average deep-bottom Gshing hours per trip 3.7 Total reel-hours 117 Average reel-hours per trip 13.0 Total hand line hours Average handline hours per trip

Catch (kg): Total (all fishing methods) 430.0 Deep-bottom fishing 228.0 Deep-bottom catch (kg) Average per Average per Total trip reel-bour All species 228.0 25.3 1.9 Excluding sharks 223.0 24.8 1.9 Excluding sharks and locally unsaleable species

Comments: Vessel name was not recorded. 215 Species composition of the deep-bottom fishing catch

Nutter »nnter Wdgitftg) %vrigM Av.«elght

Lu^nUv-VbdkkK Apharau fitncaita GroyjDbfuh Dtqv-nnttr tmppm Aprion vwttcau Green jobfiih 1 0.6 4.0 1,8 4.0 Aptmiwu rtfUaru SniaU-too& jobfiih 2 1.2 4.0 1.8 2.0 Etetis tarhmadiu Sbort-taltott snd mpfwr 19 II.S 29.0 12.7 l.S Etttii cotitscani Long-tail mapper 7 4.3 34.D 14.9 4,9 EicttMnadfofut Pale mapper Paraaiafahaaiaiv Saddled fusilier PristipamouicM amxiua mapper PnsSipamaltksauridlJa Gald-IubdjobGA 10 6.2 12.0 i.3 1.2 Pristipcmoidttfiiameniaatu Rtwyjobfoh 11 6.S 1S.0 7.9 1.6" Pristipomo'\dtsflavipinmi Yellow jobfnb PrisiipamoidtM multUeiu Parple-dinnlmH jobfjah Pruilpamaidis tonalia Banded flowermappe r 34 21.1 22.0 9.6 0.6 Oilier/unklantined 2 1.2 5.0 2.2 2.S StaVto&l » 53.4 121.* 56.1 1.5

Lut^nldae-UiUumM Lutjauu oryfltfwwitfrtlHi Mangrove jack Shallow-water mppen LMjaiaa bohar Redeem 1 0.6 2.0 0.9 2.0 Luljaittu gibbur Paddle-ndl 5 3.1 3.0 1.3 0.6 Luljanaj biwniiu Blue-lmed anappor iMtjatuamaiabariau Malabar anapper [MJatua motvatigrm One-lfpat anapper Lutjawa nafefriea/ut Rufnu aetperch 3 1,9 5.0 2.2 1.7 Other ^mirfrntififtfl 11 6.S 4.0 1.8 0.4 SiaVUal 20 11.4 14.0 CI •.7

LebMdat GymnacrwiStujtyoniaa Iodine bream Enkpenn LethriHMs ckrytoiionutf Red-throet emperor Ldhrituu kallopitrtu Yellow-spatted emperor Lelhritaa mniatui Loag-naied emperor Lttfeiruu rttkuiaiuj Reticulated empnor Lclkrittm variegaius V unogatod wpptwar 1 0.6 2.0 0.9 2.0 Wmvda mouarabha Laigc-cyc beam 1 0.6 2.0 0.9 2.0 CKhCT/unidentified Sub-Ma) 2 1.2 4.0 l.S 2.0

SHWIMK Ctpftalapfolis oisufKu Otange rock.cod 3 1.9 2.0 0.9 0.7 Gnaptn AreoUfcd grouper •' EpiiupMelux tMarostigma Brown-spotted grouper Epinephtltu canelac Snakeakm grouper Epi/icpfKltafasaaSus rUd-bandocI groupDr Epirupttdusflatocoenileui Purple grouticr Epwephtlta magwsatttis Speckled grouper Eptnepheha miliaris HonGycorhb grouper 11 6.8 7.0 3.1 0.6 Girve-tifndad grouper EpituptttlHs niauil Brown-Backed grouper Epincpfietuf atpitnfasdatus Seven-banded grouper Salaptia pemdfi Goldntiiah Variola laud Lunartailed cod Omcr /unidmtuled Sub-lotaJ 14 (.7 9.0 3.9 0.6

Cariir«kWSaanbrUae Conanr igHobSa Lowly tavally TrtvaflJa, Jado, nmei Carattxlugubris Black trcvatty 21 13.0 2S.0 11.0 1.2 SeribtKupMrifi' Arnherjack SeTTolapurpiraaanf AiDbcrjedc Arobonack Gytmatarda wdcalor Dogtooth tuna Other /unldontjijed 2 1.2 16.0 7.0 8.0 Sub-total 23 14.3 41.0 1».0 1.8

Gtnav/Mae PramUudid^s prvmethcui Snake mackerel 2 1.2 12.0 5.3 6.0 OtaMo, Snake nacklRal Suveltui prea'oiia Ofl&h OmerAmHwrifwd I 0.6 2.0 0.9 2.0 Sub-total 3 1.9 14.0 6.1 4.7

MkceteieutK bony flat*. Sprtynenidae Barracuda! 4 2.5 9.0 3.9 2.3 Other bony Dane. 8 5.0 4.0 1.8 0.5 Sub-total 12 7.5 13.0 5.7 1.1

n. t a •• •-•_ - Carckatfutuaalbmtargiaatits While-tip ahark LaWUuaiJinBB Sharif CdrcnarhiFHU amWyrrijncnar Oreyteef ahark Cercharfcinur mtkiuifltnu Blade-tip ahark Triatruidon obelus Kicfwbit-llr.ibaii Other/unidentified 1 0.6 5.0 2,2 5.0 Sub-fatal 1 0.6 5.0 2.2 5.0

CrmdTotat Bonyfltha 160 99.4 223.0 97.* 1.4 Shark! 1 «.< 5.0 2.2 5.0 Ailipedti 161 io«.« 22C0 100.0 1.4 216

Country/ Territory: Tokelaii Location: Fakaofo 9°20'S — fishery status: Unexploited Reference: Taumaia, P. and G.L. Preston. 1985b. Deep Sea Fisheries Development Project. Report of visit to Tokelau (21 May-22 September 1982). South Pacific Commission, Noumea, New Caledonia, 27 pp. Q Fishing ni'itrw

Fishing dates: From 28 May 1982 To 7 July 1982

Fishing vessels: LOA Number Name Type (m) Engine of reels Catamaran 9.0 25 hp petrol outboard 4

Fishing operations: No. of trips 12 No. of trips spent bottom fishing 12 Total hours at sea 283 Average hours at sea per trip 23.6 Total hours DB fishing 85 Average deep-bottom fishing hours per trip 7.1 Total reel-hours 340 Average reel-hours per trip 28.3 Total handlinehours Average handline hours per trip

Catch (kg): Total (all fishing methods) 1,126.0 Deep-bottom fishing 1,055.0 Deep-bottom catch (kg) Average per Average per Total trip red-hour AH species 1,055.0 87.9 3.1 Excluding sharks 732.0 61.0 2.2 Excluding sharks and locally unsaleable species

Comments: Vessel name was not recorded. 217 Species composition of the deep-bottom fishing catch

Number fenunber Weight (kg) *w4ghS Av. weight

Lutyuildtt-EteltnK ApftamafimxUHS Grcyjobfish Deep-wafer snapperi AprioHvirtsccni Green jobfrah 1 0.4 2.0 0.2 2.0 Apttartuari£ilata SinaU-toolhiobfiah 25 9.0 64.0 6.1 2.6 Eldh cariuaadia Short-toiled led mapper 35 12.5 108.0 10.2 3.1 Etdis amuauu Long*tail mapper 6 2.2 22.0 2.1 3.7 EitEs wdjosut Pale mapper panMcatsio Jbuuforil Saddled fusilier 10 3.6 19.0 IX 1.9 Pristipattwks amoctaa Flower snapper Pristipcmoiacsaurialla Gtad-tailodjobEiSl 9 3.2 7.0 0.7 0.8 Prutipompidtsfilammkmu Raryjobfiah 6 2.2 9.0 0.9 1J Pristipcmotduflavipiliiui YellowJDbfiah Priittpattouiei miiluffcMr Rupte-cbeelfEdjabfEh Prittipomouki xcnatvz Banded flower snapper 3S 12.5 34.0 3.2 1.0 Other ^Iudc^1ified St*-tat>J 127 45.5 265.0 2S.1 2.1

LutjuMte-LaljuAac Lu^aausargtii&naaJaha Mangrove jack ShaUmr4nler napttcn [Mjamabohar Kedbaaa Lujaiita gibbus Plddle-vul iMjatuahuttwa Bfae-liaed snapper LuljaHusmahbatieui Malabar mapper LvljaWM irtonotligma Oiavupot snapper 2 0.7 2.0 D.2 1.0 Rufous Beeperdi Other Amitoltifiod Sub-Mai 2 0.7 2.0 0.2 1.0

Ldtafcfae GyiMocraniiujaponiau Iodine bream Qraienn Ltlhrinm chtysafiomia Red-throat emperor Letitrinnj katloplena Yeliciw-spcrtted emperor 11 3.9 19.0 1.S 1.7 Lt&mnus mniatta Long-nosed emperor 9 3.2 12.0 I.I 1.3 LetAriniu retfculaiur Retkaihnedcinpcior Ltthrinusvaritgatta Veriegalsdemrjerar Waltjaamouambica LargB'Cjv bream Odrc/unidentified 4 1.4 3.0 0.3 0.8 Sub-Mill 24 «.£ 34,e 3.2 1.4

SmwidM Ccpfalophotia amantia Ormge rock-cod Gtnipen EputephthuarcalatMs AnwUlod grouper Epi/upkelm ddarostlgma Brown-ipotlod grouper Epinephelm camslae Snaiisikin grouper EpirupttcJiafojaatus Rcd-budcd grouper EpineptielusjtiTvocaefttteus Purple jronpw Efiituphehu magttinctttiis SpoddwJ groypw Epintpfcbu nuGatin Honcyconib grouper 14 5.0 9.0 0.9 0.6 Epiiuphchamorriuia Curvc-bmood grouper 2 0.7 20.0 1.9 10.0 Epiitephcius rtiottti Brown-bickcd grouper Epincphcltit xptemfasaatus Sevon-brndod grouper Saloptia povtlti Golden fiih VanoiahuH Lumr-tiflod cod OthvAimJcntified 21 7J 55.0 5.2 2.6 •Sub-tot*! 37 13.3 84.0 8.0 2.3

CuuvJcWSDmbrhiK Carartz ignobBu Lowly tnvally TmiUlej, Jacks, boi Canualusubris Black bevally 12 4.3 20.0 1.9 1.7 Striata dumcrifi AjntcrjVfc Striata purjvraxxns Amber] BGE Seriotariyotuina Ambetjack 3 1.1 22.0 2.1 7.3 Gyntosarda laiicolar Dogtooth tuna 1 0.4 79.0 7.5 79.0 Other /unidentified 3 1.1 14.0 13 4.7 Sub-total 19 6.1 135.0 12.8 7.1

Gernpyldee PramtthidukfipnimtlheHS Snake mackerel OIKbhci, Snkentackereli RuvtUuipretiotia OiU»h 5 1.8 135.0 12.8 27.0 Odtf/unidentified 10 3.6 21.0 2.0 2.1 Sub-total IS 5.4 156.0 14.8 10.4

MbcetumeDUB bonyflenea SphyracnidaG Barracudu 10 3.6 31.0 2.9 3.1 Other bony fiahei 37 13.3 25.0 2.4 0.7 Sub-total 47 16.8 56.0 5.3 1.2

Qweharhhkiat Cdrcfeuftisuralfemirgiiujur Whise-t^i shark Shnki CanJiaHdniu ambtyiityhchas Grey reef ifluuk CeTdmHtfaumtbuttptmu Black-up shark TriaeitodaH obtain Reef whik)-tip shark Other/unidcnliujed a 2.9 323.0 30,« 40.4 Sub-total • 2.9 323.0 30.6 40.4

GnndTotak Bony fishes 271 97.1 732.0 (9.4 2.7 Sbarlu S 2.9 323.0 30.6 40.4 AUapedet 279 100.0 1,055.0 100.0 3.1 218

Country/Territory: Tokelau Location: © O Nukunonu Fishery status: Unexploited 9°10'S — Reference: Tautnaia, P. and G.L. Preston. 1985b. Deep Sea Fisheries Development Project. Report of visit to Tokelau (21 May-22 September 1982). South Pacific Commission, Noumea, New Caledonia, 27 pp.

Q Fishing sites

Fishing dates: From 20 July 1982 To 10 August 1982

Fishing vessels: ._. _. , s LOA Number Name Type (m) Engine of reels Catamaran 9.0 25 hp petrol outboard 4

Fishing operations: No. of trips 6 No. of trips spent bottom fishing 6 Total hours at sea 68 Average hours at sea per trip 11.3 Total hours DB fishing 30 Average deep-bottom fishing hours per trip 5.0 Total reel-hours 106 Average reel-hours per trip 17.7 Total handline hours Average handline hours per trip

Catch (kg): Total (all fishing methods) 352.0 Deep-bottom fishing 274.0 Deep-bottom catch (kg) Average per Average per Total trip reel-hour All species 274.0 45.7 2.6 Excluding sharks 263.0 43.8 2.5 Excluding sharks and locally unsaleable species

Comments: Vessel name was not recorded. 219 Species composition of the deep-bottom fishing catch

Hate *»•** Wefchtfkg) fewatfif Av. weight

IUVMHW-EUIH* AphwVMtfiiriatia Greyjobfiib D«p-*abr mapftn AprioHvirtictni GmonjotrfMi 6 4.1 13.0 4.7 2.2 Aptomuniilaiu Smll-toribjobfilii 3 2.1 9.0 3.3 3.0 EteliiCarbtmaHiu Sbatt-UlDd nd nmppa 10 6.9 8.0 2.9 0.8 EleRs corusauut 11 7.6 49.0 17.9 4JS Etdutadiows Pile upper ?wouu htsakuni Saddled btfilibr 2 1.4 3.0 1.1 1.5 Pristipamoides amoaua FIDWDT rapper PristjnpHottej auridHa Gdd-teiledJDbrMl 30 13.8 11/) 4.0 0.6 PrMponwdufikHtcnttma Kuyjabfilh 3 2.1 3.0 1.1 1.0 PriatifuKUMdufiavipuuds Yellow johTnh PruttpomoukamidtideHS PujpLe-cbwkrjd job&h PristipatnoMcs xanatus Btufod flma supper ie 11.0 11.0 4.0 0.7

Sub-Mel 71 49.0 107.0 39.1 1.5

Lu^uJdK- Lusaka* £jifJMtinaryntuwacw?ntilJ Mengrowjedt SlKBoriKhT maaen LuOfttiu Infer Kedbaa> 2 1.4 18.0 6.6 9.0 LHfjuuiugfAbux PliUc-Hi] 10 6.9 8.0 2.9 0.8 Zjttfaitiuauiiimi Blue-lmed mqipar 7 4.8 1.0 0.4 D.l Littjanta tnatabaricuj MMKW Mpper Lutjatvu moiuatigma OrjB-epotnHprjer 6 4.1 9.0 3.3 1.5 iMjaiuu ntfotincatus Rufau Htperdi Otber AuutenrJEed SimVMal 25 17.2 36.0 13.1 1.4

LfefaLfe GymnocnatltaJapoHiaa Iodine braun &nwn Lelhritua ckryjosiotraa Rfjil-throttrntipcror Ltthrimu kotlcptcrus Yol1oW-*pfllted emperor 6 4.1 15.0 3.5 2.5 Lttkrinui niniaiut Lung-uowd emperor 17 11.7 36.0 13.1 2.1 Lttftrirmi rcfimtotitf RctJciditod emperor L£thriniu varicgaSta ¥ WBBtfSu DXDDBTDF Wattriamouambka l^^ge^ye DBH Othac fttaHaatiGod SuVtabl 23 15.9 51.0 1M 2.2

SemnldK Cepkdopfulii awatttia dim HP rock-tod 1 0.7 1.0 0.4 1.0 Groupers Epitytpfidiuarcoiahu Aredntod grouper Epiiuphcliu ddorotiigma Brown-ipattod grouper Epinepfteba camelat Snako dan grouper Epituphxltafasdalus Kod-bvtd&d grouper EpiMptelttrjlnoaurvlciti Piimje grouper Epineptuluj magnijcuais 5 padded grouper Epiruphttus mlim Hotkeyccmb grouper 7 4.S 3.0 1.1 0.4 Epifitpfiehu morrfua CurvD-bsidbd grouper 2 M 13.0 4.7 6J Epintphthu rttoHli Brown-bickod grouper Epituphctta xplarjajdaius Sevco-boided groupef ' Sakp&tpawtUi Golden &h Variola faiti ljmu^t&fled ood Othv /unidoxttiljod Sub-total 10 6.9 17.0 6.2 1.7

CtaanidWSambrldK Caranxignob&U U?wty twvelly 3 2.1 8.0 2.9 2.7 TrroWa, Judo, turn Canuix/j^Keri* BbdcweUy 10 6.9 30.0 10.9 3.0 Striata tkwmrili Atnborjudc Striata pvpurtuanj Anfcorjldt Striata motions Airinjadc Gytftunarda uiu'mbr Dogtooth tuni Other/unidentified 1 D.7 12.0 4.4 12.0 SifcjDod 14 9.7 50.0 18.2 3.6

Ganpfttdu Promcthichihys promeihetu S alloc nudcBTcl OUfbtai, SMkcnuKkcrtk AIAVUKT prttioxw Olfah OtittrAuudentJiiBd Sub-Mel

Mbteumtow bauf Ikhu SphynenxJeD Bancuaei 0.7 2.0 0.7 2.0 Other bony fufeei SuMatel 0.7 2.0 0.7 2.*

OnhrhMdH Carcforfcbutfdftftflarg'nariu While-tip ihi* Sarin Canhariwuti ambtyrhyhdtoi Drey reef ebirk 1 0.7 11.0 4.0 11.0 CoKharhvnurxlaxopttriu Bkck-tipilwk Triamuioii obenu Keefwhrta-trjrthttfc ri|tp»/.manT*inBj Subtotal 1 9.7 11.* 4.0 n.e

Grind TUtl: Bony twin 144 ».3 263.9 9*.0 1.8 Shuts 1 6.7 11.0 4.0 11.9 Alljpeda 145 1M.0 274.0 100.0 1.9 220

Country/ Territory: Tokelau Location: 0 Nukunonu Fishery status: TJnexploited 9°10'S - Reference: V Taumaia, P. and P. r Cusack (in press). Deep Sea Fisheries o U \ Development Project. Nukunonu ,SV\ Report on second visit to Tokelau (13 August-22 December 1986). South Pacific V Commission, Noumea,New Caledonia.

Q Fishing sites 169°50'W 1

Fishing dates: From 25 August 1986 To 15 October 1986

Fishing vessels: __. .T , LOA Number Name Type (m) Engine of reels Catamaran 8.9 35 hp petrol outboard 3

Fishing operations: No. of trips 14 No. of trips spent bottom fishing 10 Total hours at sea 152 Average hours at sea per trip 10.9 Total hours DB fishing 31 Average deep-bottom fishing hours per trip 3.1 Total reelrhours 119 Average reel-hours per trip 11.9 Total handline hours Average handline hours per trip

Catch (kg): Total (all fishing methods) 1,171.3 Deep-bottom fishing 319,7 Deep-bottom catch (kg) Average per Average per Total trip reetbour All species 319.7 32.0 2.7 Excluding sharks 228.7 22.9 1.9 Excluding sharks and locally unsaleable species

Comments: Vessel name was not recorded. 221 Species composition of the deep-bottom fishing catch

Number %numaer W«tgW(kgl •*wd|d* Av.wdght

Lu&nldae-Eldbae Aphartm fitraatul Groyjobuan Deep-iaalar awpptrt Aprion virticem Green jbbftah 2 I.Z 7.0 2.2 3.5 Small-tooth jobfuai 9 5.4 21.0 6.6 2.3 Short-tailed red mapper Ettlis ccruntmr Long-tail aDapper Eltltsradioaa Paleaaapper PanaaauioInaaJcarff Saddled hlt3ier PrhlipomouJts amaaua Flower mapper PrisSipomaifojtuiridQa Gold-tailed jobSah PrutipentotoeijUanuittasvs Roayjobnab PrixipcnaMcj flonnpinnij Yellow jobfiali 4 2.4 6.5 2.0 1.6 Prislipcmaides mubu&RJ Plttrie-chfiekcdjobEiah Pristipcmavica JOMJKT Baadfid flower inBppBr 1 0.6 6.5 2.0 6.5

Subtotal 16 9.5 41.11 IX* 2.6

Lu£uUae-lj4huatae f Bah^^'lM«ltllhlf Mangrowjuck SbaUtnMiaatr mapperi Latfpjuaittfar Rod ban Zjtfjaiurrgiseiu PadrSe-Iail 1 0.6 0,5 0.2 0,5 iM/fajuv aovnfc-u Btue-lawl anappnr 26 WJ 3.7 1.2 0.1 Malabar anapper 7 4.2 3.0 0.9 0.4 Lurjafliu- nunoaa'am One-epot knapper Ijtfpruu n/offnedfiu RufQUI teapercta Other/uni

LetMaMae Gymruxmtfits joponicus Iodine brum En^rtfun Letkrima cktyite&onua Ilfid-thrwt ernporor LeArirau kallaptena Yfjllow-ipotod cmpgor 3 1,8 4,5 1.4 1.5 Long-nosed emport* 12 7.1 16.0 5.0 1.3 lafthn'riur redfuloiki RsticulMfid ernporor ttikrinaj varitgatiu Variegited emperor Waitsa mossambica Large-eye ucim Other /unidBntified Sub-total IS S.9 20.5 £.4 1.4

Senufthe Ctphalcpkolu airaniia OnnfiprQGk"God Grvupm Epincphduiareolalui Andatad grouper EfAtttpttetta chlorostigma Brown-jpotfed jnnqpBf Epifupheluj cvnttae Sutlaakm grouper Red^banid&d grouper Eptrupfitlusflavocacrvleus Purple grouper EpinepfuhumagrdacHOts 5 pedded grouper Epincpttehts miUarii 8 4.8 5.0 1.6 o^ EpitupfiehamorrJuia Curvc-bnded grouper Epiiuphehu Ktovti Brown-backed grouper Epinephtliti xptenfasdatta Seven-unaed grouper SekptiapewcHi Golden Gih Variola hud Jjumr-tuJbd odd OtWv/uiiiikntified 37 22.0 23.0 7,1 0.6 Sub-total 45 3£t 2 Ml s.a o,*

CararajjoWScomhrioar. Carwtx ignobQia Lct*ly trevally Trtnlba, >cka, tunas Coram lugubris Black wvally 49 29.2 115.5 36.1 %A Smoiaduwrdi Ambcrjack StxitHa pKrpvajoens Amberjack SertohrivoSaaa Atnberjack 1 0.6 1.0 0.3 1.0 GymKMardo umaAar Dogtooth tuna 3 1.8 7.0 2.2 2.3 Other /imidentiOod 1 0.6 8.0 2.5 8.0 Sub-fatal 54 32.1 131.5 41.1 2.4

GernpyMae Prvrnflhidttltyi prortttAeta Snake rnac«Bnil OJWahea, Snake madiereb Riavltia pnti&MM OJfiab Other /unidentified Sub-Mai

Mbxatlaiiaoui bony flahei SphynenklaD Barracudas 0.6 0.3 0.2 0.5 Other bony fiabea Sub-total 0.6 0.5 0.2 0.5

CandsarhHdae CarekaHwuuelbmtargiHalus While-tip (bark Sauin Oreyjsef abark 3 l.S 91.0 2S.5 30.3 Black-up ahark Trioenodtm obejHi Ree f wh]le-up ahark Ouier/unidnitified SuWrtal 3 1,S 91.0 •...- 28.5 30.3

GrardTorat Boarrflshffl 165 9S.2 228.7 71.5 1.4 Shark. 3 l.( 91.0 28.5 30.3 Alljpedes lt« 100.0 319.7 100.0 1.9 223 TONGA Although the Tongan archipelago is composed of small islands with a limited land area and coastline, the fishery is based on the numerous sea-mounts within the country's exclusive economic zone (EEZ). The majority of the sea-mounts in Tonga he on a submerged ridge, running in a north-east line parallel to the Tonga ridgeo n which he (he islands of the archipelago.

Commercial exploitation of Tonga's deep slope stocks commenced in 1980 as a result of the activities of SPC masterfishermen during 1978 and 1979. Further impetus for the development of the fishery came from the United Nations Capital Development Fund, which subsidised the construction of small fishing vessels. By 1989 a fleet of 45 vessels powered by inboard diesel engines was fishing for deep slope fishes in Tonga (Latu & Tulua, 1990).

The growth of the Tongan deep-water fishery was stimulated not only by a strong local demand for fresh fish but also by the development of an export trade of eteline snappers to Hawaii. Annual catches of the Tongan deep-bottom fishery between 1986 and 1989 ranged from 136 to 5701, with a mean of 4101, approximately 30 per cent of which was destined for the export market.

Collaborative work between the Tongan Fisheries Department and the Honolulu Laboratory of the United States National Marine Fisheries Service has focused on the assessment of deep slope stocks on the sea-mounts. The methods employed to monitor these stocks were summarised by Langi and Langi (1987) whilst preliminary results of depletion studies and other investigations were given by Langi et al. (1988a & 1988b). Further studies on the deep slope stocks of the sea-mounts and an estimate of the MSY from these fisheries is given by Latu & Tulua (1990).

Four visits were made to Tonga by SPC masterfishermen. Fishing on the first three visits occurred mainly on the slopes off Nuku'alofa, the Ha'apai group and Vava'u, while the fourth survey was designed to concentrate specifically on sea-mounts. Catch rates on the island slopes ranged from 2.6 to 7.6 kg/line-hr, with a mean of 4.6 kg/line-hr. At MSY the average catch rate would be expected to decline to around 2.3 kg/line-hr in these areas if the SPC catch rates are indicative of those on virgin stocks. The average CPUE on the sea-mounts during the fourth SPC survey from 1985 to 1986 was 18.3 kg/line-hr, with catch rates of teleosts averaging 13.6 kg/line-hr. Langi and Langi (1987) quote an average catch rate of 6.71 kg/line-hr for the commercial fishery on the sea-mounts and suggest that this might drop to about 3.5 kg/line-hr at MSY. Eteline snappers comprised 49 per cent by weight of the catches made during the SPC surveys (Table 2), with other major contributions by the lethrinids (20.2%) and serranids (13.8%). Catches from sea- mounts, however, contained a greater proportion of eteline snappers (77.2%) than those from coastal shelves, and a smaller proportion of lethrinids (5.6% as opposed to 27.5%). According to Latu and Tulua (1990), the catches from the commercial fishery between 1986 and 1989 contained 44 per cent eteline snappers, of which 19.4 per cent were Pristipomoides filamentosus. Lethrinids made a substantial contribution to commercial catches from the sea-mounts, and were dominated by a single species, Lethrinus chrysostomus, which alone made up 17.5 per cent of catch weight.

Estimates of biomass have been made by Langi et al. (1988a) and Latu and Tulua (1990) for several sea-mounts in Tonga, using the depletion method outlined by Allen (1966). Biomass estimates ranged from 2.1 to 7.5 t/n.mi, with a median of 2.4 t/n.mi. Latu and Tulua (1990) computed an MSY range of 71 to 212 t/yr for the estimated 294 n.mi of 100-fm isobath around sea-mounts. In addition there is a further 599 n.mi of 100-fm isobath around Tonga's emergent islands. Using biomass of 0.7 t/n.mi for the emergent islands and including this with the seamounts increases the estimated virgin biomass to 11251, and the MSY to between 113 and 338 t/yr.

Annual landings between 1987 and 1989 were nearly twice as much as the upper limit of this estimated MSY range. Polovina et al. (1990) suggested that this might mean that catches would decline towards a lower figure if effort remained unchanged and the production from the fishery achieved an equilibrium. As the time series is rather short, it is difficult to comment further on this. However, catches did indeed decline from 5661 in 1987 to 4501 in 1989, while effort remained more or less constant. 224

Country/ Territory: Tonga Q Fishing sites Location: Nuku'alofa o Fishery status: Unexploited « Reference: • • Mead, P. 1979. v* tj? Report on the South /•*£

»* 175°W 1

Fishing dates: From 13 June 1978 To 8 September 1978

Fishing vessels: LOA Number Name Type (m) Engine of reels Takuo Monohull 16.5 240 hp inboard diesel 4 Monohull 7.4 Inboard diesel 2 Ava Monohull 6.2 Inboard diesel 2 Kahikahi Monohull 15.4 Inboard diesel 3

Fishing operations: No. of trips 11 No. of trips spent bottom fishing 11 Total hours at sea 555 Average hours at sea per trip 50.5 Total hours DB fishing 225 Average deep-bottom fishing hours per trip 20.5 Total reel-hours 138 Average reel-hours per trip 12.5 Total handline hours Average handline hours per trip

Catch (kg): Total (all Fishing methods) 2,545.4 Deep-bottom rishing 2,131.4 Deep-bottom catch (kg) Average per Average per Total trip reel-hour All species Excluding sharks 2,131.4 193.8 15.4 Excluding sharks and locally unsaleable species

Comments: Not all boat names and engine horsepowers were recorded. Catch total excludes sharks and possibly some L. bohar. 225 Species composition of the deep-bottom fishing catch

Numhr ttnunaw Wckdit(ko) fevelght Av.wrfghl

Lu^mUu-lCldkiu AphartHjfitttatMf Qrmyiahfah 38 3.7 144.0 G.8 3.8 DeqHnttr awppcn Aprion viresctnr GtunjobQih 33 3.2 9S.0 4.5 2.9 Aphonuari*3a/v SmaU-toofcjcbiub Etelis avtiinadta Short-tailed roduppe r 17 1.7 110.0 5,2 6.S L>CX]g-tlfl FTIFTTUT 3S 3.4 164.0 7.7 4.7 Etelis radiants Pale snapper Paramaiobaakmi Saddled fuulior Pristipamoitki mtotnus Flower uappor 2 0.2 1.0 0.0 0.S PristipameideiaBridiia Pristtpamoidtsfihmenlaius RoeyJDbFah PristipamQidaflavipirws Yellow jobfiah Pristlpamoidtx mutddens PilrpJe-choclitd job6ah Prittifiomoides lonatus Banded flmwsr BUBppBf 3 0.3 2.0 0.1 0.7 Other/inudeotified 355 14.7 448.0 21.0 1.3 Subtotal 4*3 47.2 964.0 «,2 2.0

Lu^uiWse-LutJirinw Lutjamu argatilMirvUitwi Mangrowjack Shallow-mttr mm/fat Uujanus bahar Red bun 10 1.0 50.4 2.4 5.0 lidjatnu tfbbut Peddk-tail 1 0.1 1.0 0.0 1.0 Blue-lined anqjper 12 1.2 5.0 0.2 0.4 Malabar tnapper Ltajaruu monottigma Onc-^ot mapper Lutjanus nfoiiuealus Rufouj aoapcrch Oflwr/unidonliDod Sub-total 23 2.2 S6.4 2.6 2.5

LctfafHdie Gymnaeratiius japoaiaa Iodine bream Etnpcmn LethriHUM cttrysostomtu Rfid-throateuapefor 384 37.5 501.0 23.5 1.3 Lclhrituu kallcfrtcrHS Ycllo«-Bpotted emperor Ltfhrirua rmnialux Lang-maoa emperor 9 0.9 25.0 1.2 2.8 Letftrima reticularw Reticulated onqxrar Lethrlnitivariegalus Vflric gated o&q*r0f Wattiiamoaambioa Lw^-eye bacim OUBr/anideMiliod Slit-fatal 393 38.4 514.8 24.7 1.3

Semmkfe Cephalcpkotuairaniia Ontagp racked Grouper* Epintpfithaanoiatus Aieolalcd grouper Epinttphttus ehtowstigma Bwjwn-jpotbd grouper Epiiuphtlut cawte SnaksBldn grouper Epintyht}u$fasdalus Red-banded grouper Ef^HaphdusflavocaemUiis Purpk grWlper MpirtcphchiimzgniiaiBit SpeddedfittagBr EpifKphelus rtdHaris Honsycottib grouper Epintfhtlnsvorrkua. Curve-banded Epiruphtltts relouti Brown-bacfced Epinaphiius teptatfasdalus Seven-banded grouper Salpptia poweili Golden fish Veriota iatdi Lunar-larfedcod OOii*/unidentified 73 7.1 271.0 12.7 3.7 Sub-total 73 7.1 271.0 12.7 3.7

Cans*!**' SombrtdM Caranx ignnbffli Lowly trevally Tmollla, jBcki, tunu CaranxlHgnhns Black lievally Striata dwienti Ambajack Striata pvrpurasccru Aroborjack 1 0.1 10.0 0.5 10.0 Seriolarhnaana Ambcrjack Gyrrmoaarda umcoJor Dogtooth but Other/unidentified 5 0.5 100.0 4.7 20.0 Sub-total 6 o.< 116.0 S.2 18.3 •

GonpfMn PronKlhicklkya promeihtus Snake mackerel OUHlnM, Snake mackerels RnveWttpntiojiw Mfi.h G 0.6 no.o 6.6 23.3 Other/unktenufied 4 0.4 28.0 1.3 7.0 Sub-total 10 1.0 168.0 7.9 16.8

Mlacellaneouf bonyflahes Sphyiaenidie Barracuda! Other bony fuhc 3S 3.4 36.0 1.7 1.0 Sob-total 35 3.4 36.0 1.7 1.0

OnhertMdM CanAvAuuu albmargjnatui Whitc-upahark Shark! Cardiariiinus andHyrhyndtas Grey reef abark CarcAarnuuu melaiioptrmr Black-lip abark TVueiia&it ebejltf Reefwhilctip abark Other/unidentiSed Sob-Iota]

GrandTDtat Bony fish ei 1,023 100.0 2,131.4 100.0 Sharks All spades 1,023 100.0 2,131.4 100.0 2.1 226 I Country/ Territory: 9 o Tonga O Fishing sites Location: Kao, Tofua, Nomuka, o Fonua Fo'ou, Hunga O ' Tonga, Ha'apai, Tongatapu and Eua Is Fishery status: * Lightly exploited Reference: 20°S- Mead, P. 1980a. -V l Report of the second 0 ^ visit of the South 0 Pacific Commission Deep Sea Fisheries Development Project to the Kingdom of Tonga (15 June-25 August 1979). South Pacific Commission, Noumea, New •' Caledonia, 18 pp. 175°W 1 -

Fishing dates: From 29 June 1979 To 16 August 1979

Fishing vessels: LOA Number Name Type (m) Engine of reels Kahikahi Monohull 15.4 Diesel inboard 5 Manga Monohull 8.6 20 hp diesel inboard 4

Fishing operations: No. of trips 7 No. of trips spent bottom fishing 7 Total hours at sea 240 Average hours at sea per trip 34.3 Total hours DB fishing 69 Average deep-bottom fishing hours per trip 9.9 Total reel-hours 231 Average reel-hours per trip 33.0 Total handline hours Average handline hours per trip

Catch (kg): Total (all fishing methods) 2,761.5 Deep-bottom fishing 2,450.5 Deep-bottom catch (kg) Average per Average per Total trip reel-hour All species 2,450.5 350.1 10.6 Excluding sharks 1,363.0 194.7 5.9 Excluding sharks and locally 1,313.0 187.6 5.7 unsaleable species

Comments: 227 Species composition of the deep-bottom fishing catch

Number %IBeiJuT W«lght(kg) ft weigh! Av.wdglil

LuQuitdv-EldkiK Apttanusfumilus Greyjobfhh DttfHTCiter auppen Aprion vinsetHS Green jobEih 1 0.2 3.5 0.1 3.5 ApliamunA8atu Small^toadijabBflh 51 B.7 243.0 9.9 4.8 Etelis carbunaitiu Short-tiHed icd mapper 11 1.9 18.0 0.7 1.0 Ettlis coruicans Long-lul uppsr 7 1.2 2S.0 1.0 3.6 Etfiisrodioaa PtlcRuppoi Ffirr'fiTm'f? btxikpn* Saddfed funlfar 20 3.4 71.0 2.9 3.6 PriatfparruAdes awwu Flower I 0.2 0.5 0.0 0.5 G aid-tailed jcbGih Prislipcmaidesfilamentoaus Rosyjubfish 95 16.2 193.0 7.9 2.0 Pristipctnoidaflavipinjiis YDUDW jobfidi 52 S.8 65.0 2.7 1.3 Purple-cheeked jobfxth 20 3.* 64.0 2.6 3.2 PristiporrtobUa ionaius Baoded flower mapper Othsr^nidavifiat S3 9.0 79.0 3.2 1.5 Sub-total 311 as 7*2.0 31.1 2.S

Lutjmldae-Lu^ntoBf Lvtpnks tirgenuWeuftUlu Merjgrowjack Slimllaw-vmlcr snappere Lu/jamabc/kr Bedim 10 1.7 JOLD 2.0 5.0 Luljanm gibbiu Paddle-tail 3 0.5 4.0 0.2 1.3 Lutjamuhastura Blua-lipsd Buappnr 1 0.2 0.5 0.0 O.S Lutjaiua Maiabariaa Malabar upper Lutjamu moiwttgma 0»-*pot snapper Luljanm rufoExniiu Rufotu scapcrcn I 0.2 0.5 o.o 0.5 nihrr fmiiA*rtiifirA IS 2.6 5S.0 2.2 3.7 Sub4otal 30 5.1 110.0 4.5 3.7

LrJhrHdae Gymtucnvuiu japaaau lodioe bream 7 1.2 §.5 0.3 1.2 IbnjMDn Lelhrittia chryioStawa Red-throat emperor 68 11.6 162.0 6.6 2.4 YeUqw-Bpotted emperor LiArimis nuaidfiu Long-nosed emperor 1 0.2 5.0 0.2 5.0 Ltlhri/uu rericuainir Reticulated ernperar Lctkrhaa variegatus Varitigated Ea^Eitf 5 0.9 4.5 0.2 0.9 Wattaamossambica Laige^ye laueui 10 1.7 26.0 1.1 2.6 Olhrr/unidentified SutHDOd 91 1S.5 206.S 8.4 2.3

SrsranldK Ctpfuicphotisawutlia Qnmgc rock-cod Gnupn Epvupticuuartebtus Areolated grouper 10 1.7 8.5 0.3 0.9 Epihtpjulua cfcfon>£fema BrDwn

Cuu^WSamibrldM CanwxignabBu Lowly CrevaHy Tmrilles, Jacks, tuns Catwixlugubris Black frevalhi 7 1.2 29.0 1.2 4.1 Striata dmvritl Amtxajtdc Serio1apHTpnrasce>n Ambcrjack Scriotarwoliana Arubcrjack 8 1.4 4S.0 2.0 6.0 Gymnoxvda micohr DogloouiTuna Other Amidentined S 0.9 18.0 0.7 3.6 Sub-tobl 20 3.4 9S.0 3.9 4.)

Gonpjldae PromeAichtipfs prtmctheuj Snake mackerel OUBsha, Stmke mackerels XtcvetturpK&trta 02Bh Other /unidentified 2 0.3 1.0 0.0 0.5 Sub-total 2

Miscellaneous boro1 (fates Sphynerudm BBnuudu 7 1.2 35.0 1.4 5.0 OtiairbanySshel 1 0.2 1.5 0.1 1.5 StxVtutal 8 1.4 36.5 1.5 4.6

OrriflrhHdee Can^utriwwjaibintargiKttvt Whilc-ib tlaik Sharks Grey reef shark CarcJtariwiartielarujpttrtts Black-tip ibark TTiatnodon obeita Reef white-tip shark Other /mudentiQed 43 7.3 1,087.5 AAA 25.3 SubJotMl 43 7.3 1,087.5 MA 25.3

Grand Total: Bony fishes 545 92.7 1,363.0 55.6 2.5 Shirks 43 7.3 1,087.5 44.4 25.3 A!! species 588 100.0 2,450,5 100.0 4.2 228

Country/ Territory: * Tonga ft Fishing sites Location: 4$ Tongatapu, Ha'apai 0 Islands 1

Fishery status: m Moderate to heavy 0^f •" ."Jt Reference:

Mead, P.D. 1987. Oj%*$ 20°S- Deep Sea Fisheries Development Project. •ft -w- : Report of the third visit to Tonga (6 September 1980-7 o ° May 1981). South 0 Pacific Commission, a Noumea, New 0 Caledonia, 44 pp.

175°W 1

Fishing dates: From 29 October 1981 To 25 April 1981

Fishing vessels: LOA Number Name Type (m) Engine of reels Malolo Trimaran 7.8 15 hp petrol outboard 0 (Sailing whaler) Monohull 9.0 Sail powered only 0 Fqfakitahi Catamaran 9.9 30 hp petrol outboard 3 Tut Punga Catamaran 9.0 2 x 6 hp diesel inboard 3

Fishing operations: No. of trips 19 No. of trips spenf t bottom fishing 19 Total hours at sea 715 Average hours at sea per trip 37.6 Total hours DB fishing 126 Average deep-bottom fishing hours per trip 6.6 Total reel-hours 114 Average reel-hours per trip 6.0 Total hand line hours 233 Average handline hours per trip 12.3

Catch (kg): Total (all fishing methods) 1,366.2 Deep-bottom fishing 370.5 Deep-bottom catch (kg) Average per Average per Total trip red-hour Ail species 370.5 19.5 3.3 Excluding sharks 340.5 17.9 3.0 Excluding sharks and locally unsaleable species

Comments: Deep bottom fish catch refers only to fishes captured with handreels. 229 Species composition of the deep-bottom fishing catch

Numher feaunaier Weight (kg) %wHsht Av. weight

Ltukuudae-Qelkac Apharvutfi&aliu Greyjobuah DajMaatermppera AprioHvireicttu Gnenjobnah Aphonia ndUaHS Small-tooth jofaEah Etelis carbunailus Shon-buled red mapper 1 0.6 11.0 3.0 11.0 Etelis ajriaava Long-tut supper 6 3A 2S.0 6.7 4.2 EtcUsradtosm Pale mapper PoTvatvunhuakarii - Saddled fvmjlcr H 7.9 62.3 16.8 4.5 Pristipomoldei anuxnus Flavor mapper 7 3.9 3.0 0.8 0.4 PrutlponuadesaundUa Gcld-tailedjobfiau Prulipomoidesfilamaittxuds Rosyjobfiah 7 3.9 8.0 2.2 1.1 PruiipamaidaflavifRmil YcUowjoHiab 24 13.5 24.5 6.6 1.0 Pristipertuiide* muttuklts Purple-cheeked jobfiih 8 4.S 20.0 5.4 2.5 Pristipomoidei Tomtits Banded flower atupper 3 1.7 2.0 0,5 0.7 Other/onidentified Sub-total 70 39.3 1S5.8 42.1 2.2

LuOmkhe-Lutliuiaut Lutjamu argmlimaadahis Mangrowjack 6 3.4 43.8 11.8 7.3 Shallow-water Happen Luijanus bailor Rcdbeea Lutjanui gibba Paddle-ndl Lutj&uubatiim Blue-lined mapper 15 8,4 6.0 1.6 0.4 Lutjamu matabanaa Malabar mapper LutjaHitj monosSgma One-spot mapper Lutjoniis ntfoKncaluM Rufbua aoaporch 2 1.1 1.0 0.3 0J Other /unidentified 4 2.2 Z5 0.7 0.6 Sun-fatal 27 1S.2 S3.3 14.4 2.0

LethrHdae GymfiocTOfiHa japontcus Iodine bream 1 0.6 2.0 0.5 2.0 Emperors Ltthrinia dirysoslomiu Red-throat emperor 12 6.7 30.0 8.1 2.5 LsArima kallopttrus Yclknv-aponed emperor Lt&rimu mijuorw Lorj^-rmed emperor Lttknnsa neaculafiu Reticulated emperor Lelhrima variegatus Variegated eropeit* 14 7.9 12.0 3.2 0.9 WalfsiamossajHbiai Large-eye bieam Other /unkkntuficd 3 1.7 5.0 1.3 1.7 Sub-total 30 M.9 49.0 13.1 1.* semnMee Cepfalop/iolii amutlia Orange nick-cod 1 0.6 2.0 0J 2.0 Graups-a EpintptuluLartolaua Ansdated grouper 8 4.5 5.0 1.3 0.6 Epinepfulus dtlorostigma Brown-apaoed grouper Epitujjtuha constat Snakeakin grouper Epinepfulusjasciotiu Red-handed grouper 5 2.8 1.3 0.4 0.3 Epinsphttusflavooasnilsus Putple grouper 1 0.6 3.0 0.8 3.0 EpitieptieJus tnagiuinttth Speckled grouper Epinep&elus miSaris Honeycomb grouper Eplnephthu nuwrkua Cone-banded grouper 6 3.4 13.8 3.7 2.3 Epineflteha netouti Brown-backed grouper Epinqihelia stptcnfasciatits Seven-banded grouper 1 0.6 21.0 5.7 21.0 SatopnapovftlU Golden fiah 1 0.6 1.0 0.3 1.0 Variola ioitti Lunar-tailed cod 1 0.6 1.0 0.3 1.0 Other /unidentified 4 2.2 6.9 1-9 1.7 Subtotal 2* 15.7 55.9 14.8 2.0

OuvngldW SeombrinV Canvtx igHobUis Lowly tievaUy TrewUlka, Jack*, tunas Caranxlugiihris Black tjevally Striata dmuriii Aioborjack Striata pwjMtrasalu Arnberjeck StriotarhoUona Arnberjack 2 1.1 11.1 3.0 5.6 Gymnosarda wucolor Dogtooth tuna Other /unidentified 1 0.6 5.0 1,3 5.0 Sub-total 3 1.7 l«.l 4,3 5.4

Gctnpyaoae Prome&iddttys promttiuus Snake mackerel 6 3.4 4.8 1.3 0.8 OUfanej, Snake matktreh SweUlU prctiosits Oilfflih Otticr/unidentified Sub-total C 3.4 4.8 1.3 0.8

MiaceHuieoiH botr/BthH Sphyreenidae Barracuda! 1,7 4.0 1.1 1.3 Other bony fiahep 1,1 2.5 0.7 1.3 StaVtotal 1.8 &5 1.8 1.3

CkniwhMdae CardtarfwwjatbmstrginaJus White-tip abark Shtrlo Cardiartwuu ambfyrkyruAoi Greyieef ahark Cardariiinas jiwloneprerur Black-tip ihark TViaenoden obttus Reefwhies-tipihirk 6 3.4 24.0 6.5 4.0 Other/lininentifW 3 1.7 6.0 1.6 2.0 Sub-total 9 5.1 30.0 8.1 3.3

GnuxJTntat Bony His 169 94.9 340.5 91.9 2.0 Snarlnt 9 5.1 30.0 8.1 3.3 AUfpecka 178 100.0 370.5 100.0 2.1 230

Country/ Territory: * Tonga Q Fishing sites Location: Sea-mounts Fishery stems: o Moderate to heavy '• Reference: %' \*& o- Mead, P. (in press). *; *-r Deep Sea Fisheries o i'%&y o 2o°s- Development Project. v*>. Report of fourth visit y to Tonga (27 April '0 -' - 1985-8 February 1986). South Pacific rt 0 Commission, ^Q Noumea, New Caledonia. * ^ 0- o 0- o »• 175°W 1

Fishing dates: From 5 June 1985 To 13 December 1985

Fishing vessels: LOA Number Name Type (m) Engine of reels Albacore Monohull Vete Monohull 8.0 24.5 hp diesel inboard 4 Monohull 6.0 20 hp diesel inboard 2 Monohull 9.6 30 hp diesel inboard 6

Fishing operations: No. of trips 16 No. of trips spent bottom fishing 16 Total hours at sea 79 Average hours at sea per trip 48.7 Total hours DB fishing 177 Average deep-bottom fishing hours per trip 11.1 Total reel-hours 443 Average reel-hours per trip 27.7 Total handline hours 80 Average handline hours per trip 5.0

Catch (kg): total (all fishing methods) 9,045.0 Deep-bottom fishing 7,795.5 Deep-bottom catch (kg) Average per Average per Total trip reel-hour All species 7,795,5 487.2 17.6 Excluding sharks 5,507.5 344.2 12.4 Excluding sharks and locally unsaleable species

Comments: Some details of vessels used were1 not recorded. Shark weights were adjusted from dressed to whole weight. 231 Species composition of the deep-bottom fishing catch

Number feranfar Weight (kg) «wdgif Av. might

LulJmldN - EteUrae Aphamujurcatui OnsyjobGib Deep-mler Mppcn AprioHvireietttl Gncnjobiuh 1 0.1 3.5 0.0 3.5 Aphareutrulilaia Snull-lnnUijcWiih 26 2.2 121.0 1.6 4.7 Eteiis earbwtailia Short -tailed red nqTH 122 10.2 1,047.0 13.4 s.e Eteiis cotuscaia Long-taD snapper 469 39.1 1,580.5 20.3 3.4 EteUsntSonu Pale snapper 6 0.5 35.0 0.4 5.8 Paraaierio huakaru Saddled funlBr 23 1.9 77.5 l.D 3.4 Prislipomoidel amoema Flower rapper S 0.7 2.0 O.D 0.3 Pratipamoidci awialla Gdld-tiilcdjoMiih 1 0.1 1.0 0.0 1.0 PristtpoMotfufibmentwiB Rosyjobnah 149 12.4 401J 5.2 2.7 Prutipcmovta ftavipirotit Yellow jrWah 78 6.5 93.0 1.2 1.2 Prixtipamwiis nwltidcnj Purple-chcdredjobfiah 5 0.4 17.0 0.2 3.4 Prisiipatioukr Kttatui Bindcd flower anapper 32 2.7 44.5 0.6 1.4 Other/unidentified 5 0.4 6.0 0.1 1.2 Sub-tadd MS 77.2 3,4».5 44.0 3.7

LuguudK - IjutJarJne LxtjatuatygenlimnrultihtT Mangrove jack 1 0.1 8.0 0,1 S.D ShaHotMialer snapper! LidjaiuubcJw Rndbaal 6 0.5 30.0 0,4 5.0 Lutjanw gtbbia Paddle-nil Lutjeuauiaanira Biue-Zmed anapper 2 0.2 0.5 0.0 0.3 Lutpiutj matabariaa Malabsr snapper One-spot snapper 1 0.1 1.5 0.0 1.5 Lutjaiua rt^aHmatus Rufous Bcsperch Otaer/unidentified SuMndtf 10 o.s 40.0 0.5 4.0

LethrHdaf Gyrmacraraiv japomctu Iodine bream QiQMiun Lethrinui daysostotwu Ked-thraalcnnKror 55 4.6 122.0 1.6 2.2 Lt&riiua jta//qptena Yellow-spotted einouui Lelhrima ttiimatus Lorjg-nnBodclnporar 1 0.1 5.0 0.1 5.0 Lithrimu Ka'ciilanu' Reticulsted flamerar Letkrmtis variegalus Variegated emperor Wattsiantossambica Luge-eyes bream OTw/unidnililied 11 0.9 18 J 0.2 1.7 Sub-tuill 67 5.6 145.5 1.9 2.2

SemnidK Ceptkdcplnlis airoAlla Orsngc rock-cod Gmu|Mffl Epmephehaarcobtus Avealstedgrcuper 3 0.3 2.0 0.0 0.7 EpinepAelus dtlorostigmn Brawn-spotted grouper Eplrupfitau comttae Snakcskin grouper Epirxphcliafasdatus Red-banded grouper EpintpkelusfkivaoaeTvleus Purple grouper 3 0.3 12.0 0.2 4.0 EpiiuphehuMagHljaittis Speckled grouper EpintplKlus miliaria Harjcyconib grouper Epbuphchumonwia Curo-bcnded grouper 24 2.0 100.0 1.3 4.2 Epttupkdui reloHti Brawn-becked grouper Epintp/tehu jepfefrfSuatiju' Seven-banded grouper 87 7.3 1,647.5 21.1 18.9 Safoptt&pawdii Golden fish Variaialouti Lunar-taDed cod 10 0.8 16.5 0.2 1.7 Oth7/unidentified 34 2.8 24.5 0.3 0.7 Sub-total 161 13.4 1.W2.5 23.1 11.2

CfcaqgldJt'SaniMdu Canuvc igndb&U Lowly trevaUy TrewlllH, Jacks, tows Caranxlugtibris Black trevmlly SerioJa dumrffl Amberjock Serbia purpuratEcHS Ambenack Serbia twoEana Amberjack Gymuuartk wlcabr Dogtooth [una 3 0.3 46.0 o.e 15.3 Other/unidentified 2 0.2 32.0 0.4 16.0 Sub-Mai 5 0.4 78.0 1.0 15.6

Gempjfcke PrometJucMrjfs promei}ieus 5rj»ke mackerel OUnsbcijSriiikeirjKkareli Rmieltua prea'ojur OJdsh 04a- /unidentified SuMotal

Mbcellantouj bony ftthM Spuyrscnidae Barracudas 0.6 9.5 0.1 1.4 Other bony fishes 0.1 25 0.0 2.5 Sub-Mai 0.7 12.0 0.2 1.5

CanfearHtadse Cattharhbuv oibtrrtarghaiuj Whih>-up shark 2 0.2 140.0 l.S 70,0 Sarin Carcharfurau amhtjrkyndtoi Grey nef shirk CardiariBtaamelaMpttnu Black-tspshsik TriaenaJon obesus Hocf while-tip shark Other /unidentified 20 1.7 2,148.0 37.6 107.4 SixVtoU! 22 1,8 2,288.0 2.0,4 104.fl

Grand ToW: Bony fishes i,m 98.2 5,507.5 70.6 4.7 Sharks 22 1J 2,288.0 29.4 104.0 All species 1,1»8 100.0 7,795.5 100.0 t.s 233 TUVALU Tuvalu consists of an archipelago of 9 atolls in a chain about 700 km long and oriented in a north-west direction. The total land area amounts to 26 km2. The sum of the 100-fm isobath around the islands is 128.2 n.mi. There are several sea-mounts within Tuvalu's 200 runi Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ), but the total number and size of these sea-mounts is unknown.

SPC masterfishermen have made four surveys of the deep reef slope stocks in Tuvalu. Most fishing activity has occurred around Funafuti, but fishing has also been carried out around Vaitupu, Nukulaelae, Nukufetau and Nanumea, Catch rates ranged between 6.1 and 16.3 kg/line-hr, with a mean of 9.8 kg/line-hr. These figures do not include the CPUE of 2.5 kg/line-hr reported by Eginton and Mead (1978) since in this initial survey no records were kept of shark catches.

Overall catch composition for Tuvalu is given in Table 2. Catches of eteline snappers amounted to 17.1 per cent of landed weight, with other major contributions coming from the gempylids (32.8%), carangids/scombrids (12.6%) and sharks (15.2%). The eteline snapper catch was dominated by Pristipomoides zonatus, Etelis carbunadus and E. coruscans on all visits except the last, where these were partially replaced by Aphareus rutilans and Pristipomoides filamentosus.Th e majority of the gempylid catch was made up of oilfish, Ruvettus pretiosus, with an average weight of 14.2 kg. Lutjanine snappers formed 8 per cent of landings but were composed mainly of Lutjanus bohar, which is considered to be poisonous in Tuvalu.

The empirical estimate of unexploited biomass for Tuvalu is 224 t. The MSY is therefore thought to lie between 22.4 and 67.2 t/yr. If the stocks of deep slope species were fished intensively, the expected CPUE at MSY would be expected to decline to between 3.0 and 8.2 kg/line-hr. Caution must be exercised with the upper limit of this range, however, since this is based on only 35 hours (68.5 line-hrs) fishing around the atoll of Nukulaelae. A total of 345 hours (860 line-hrs) was spent bottom fishing around the main island of Funafuti, where catch rates ranged from 5.0 to 11.1 kg/line-hr, with an average of 8.5 kg/line-hr. At MSY this might be reasonably expected to decline to about 4.2 kg/line-hr. 234

Country/ Territory: Tuvalu Location: Funafuti Fishery status: tjnexploited Reference: Eginton R.E. and P. Mead. 1978. Report on the South Pacific Commission Outer 8°33'S — Reef Fisheries Project in Funafuti, Tuvalu (21 September 1976-28 March 7977). South Pacific Commission, Noumea, New Caledonia, 19 pp. Q Fishing sites 179'02'E _J

Fishing dates: From 21 September 1976 To 28 March 1977

Fishing vessels: LOA Number Name Type (m) Engine ofreels Norman Kirk. Monohull 7.3 70 hp diesel inboard 2 Tangaroa Monohull 7.3 70 hp diesel inboard 2 Viking Monohull 8.5 35 hp diesel inboard 2

Fishing operations: No. of trips 53 No. of trips spent bottom fishing 53 Total hours at sea 781 Average hours at sea per trip 14.7 Total hours DB fishing 557 Average deep-bottom fishing hours per trip 10.5 Total reel-hours 1,114 Average reel-hours per trip 21.0 Total handhne hours Average handline hours per trip

Catch (kg): Total (a0 fishingmethods ) 3,511.0 Deep-bottom fishing 2,785.0 Deep-bottom catch (kg) Average per Average per Total trip reel-hour All species Excluding sharks 2,785.0 52.5 2.5 Excluding sharks and locally 2,245.0 42.4 2.0 unsaleable species

Comments: Catches of sharks were not recorded. 235 Species composition of the deep-bottom fishing catch

NumVr % tartar Wdghdjiftl ftwrigtt Av.wdght

LuguMK-EteUniK Apharewtpuvatia Greyjobuah DcqKWttranarjptn Aprion virtsctta Glfcenjobfilfa. 17 2.6 13.D 0.5 0.9 Apfumiariditma Small-tooth jcb&ah 2 0.3 8.0 0.3 4.0 Ettliicarbvitcvliur Shnt-taBod red rapper 40 6.1 198.0 7.1 5.0 Etelis conucato IXDg-tlil EDAppBT 8 1.2 4S.0 1.7 5.8 Et&Usradiana Pale mapper Pamoatsiohuakaru Saddled fusfler Hattttranappcr Prutipamoidesaanalla Gdd-uil«ij

Sub-lutal 23* K.0 562.0 20.2 2.4

Lir^nldK-Lii^nrae LMpma argattitnaailaha Mangrouejaclt Srallow-valcr mappers Lulpfuubotnr Red bin 141 21.3 540.0 19.4 3.8 Lutjanui g\bhw Paddfe-lail Lutjaruakambu Blua-linod snapper Luljauuamalaiariau Malabar snapper Lttljatau monosligma Ono-Bpat snapper Rulhus scapercti Oilier /uiudaittifkrl Sub-Wal 141 21.3 548.(1 19.4 3.8

LdhUdu G^miiDCT^urjiapenurHi' Iodine breun EmfHToq Red-throat emperor I*rtrtHitr fct/IqpieT-tU YeHow-»potfed emperor LcihriuMts mniatua Letkrima KtiaJatui Reticulated emperor Leihrinus variegaius Variegilcd Etpporar Wattria moss&mhiatt ChhcrAffifcteMffioa' 19 2.9 21.0 0.8 1.1 Sub-total 19 2.9 21.0 0.8 1.1

SemrnWie CcpkalcpfoluatrwAlia QrwBprock-^od Groupcri Epincphffoaarcviaiut AieoUtod grxjuper Epinzphclm ddcrostlgma Brown-spotled grouper Epxruptielus comciat Snilawkin grouper Epinzpkeliufasdalus Rcd-biirdcd grouper ISpititpftelusjInvacaarvIau Purple grouper Ep'mtphthts magitisattits Spe elded grouper Epintptulus niliarit Honeycomb grouper Epiruphchamotrhua Curvc-bmded grouper Jzpiruptulus ttlouli Brown-tucked grouper Epincpkelus Kpianfasdatus Scvan-bttidcd SaloptiapowcHi Galdoafiih Variohbuii Lunartailod cod Other/unidentified 56 8.5 362.0 13.0 6.5 Sub-total 56 8.S 362.0 13.0 6.5

CarangUW Smsnbridae Coram ignobHis I^owiy trcvally 1}icvsWes,Ja£fc<; tuns CtuvnxlugiiiitU Black !rcvj% Striata dunerili Amberjadc Striata puryurascau Anixajadc Striata motuwi Ainbcn'adc Gymnosaraa unicolor Dagtrjotiituns. 8 1.2 133.0 4.8 16.6 Ofher /unidentified 42 6.4 104.0 3.7 2.5 Sub-total 50 7.6 237.0 8.5 4.7

Gfnpjtfdu Pr&ntiMdtllyjpnmclhtus Snake maGcBre] OMIbho, Snaltetmckerebl Rwtltui prtSosm Oilfiih 50 7.6 877,0 31.5 17.5 Other /unidentified 42 6.4 81.0 2.9 1.9 Sub-tola) 92 13.9 958.0 34.4 10.4

Mbcdlaneoul bonj tbbes Sphyraenidae Barracudas 25 3.8 69.0 2.5 2.8 Other bony fisbes 40 6,1 36.0 1.3 0.9 Sub-total 65 9,8 1OS.0 3.8 1.6

GuchvlUdK CarcharhtHux idbimar^iwtus Wliiic-tip shirk Sferti Carcharhltu* ambfyrhynehss Greyrtasfaihark CarchartanrntmlanopierUS Black-tipihirk Tria&todon obtjus Reef while-tip abode Chhff/unkisrjtified Sub4DUI

Grind ToUi SonjIWia «61 100.0 2,785.0 100.0 4.2 Sharks All specks 661 100.0 2,785.0 100.0 4.2 236

Country/ Territory: Tuvalu Location: Funafuti "Fishery status: Unexploited Reference: Taumaia, P. and M. Gentle. 1982. Report on the Deep Sea Fisheries 8°33'S — Development Project in Funafuti, Tuvalu (18 November 1980-15 February 1981). South Pacific Commission, Noumea, New Caledonia, 29 pp. O Fishing sites 179°02'E

Fishing dates: From 3 December 1980 To 11 February 1981

Fishing vessels: LOA Number Name Type (m) Engine of reels Monohull 8.5 20 hp diesel inboard 3 MonohulL 4.9 40 hp petrol outboard 2

Fishing operations: No. of trips 46 No. of trips spent bottom fishing 46 Total hours at sea Average hours at sea per trip Total hours DB fishing 190 Average deep-bottom fishing hours per trip 4.1 Total reel-hours 400 Average reel-hours per trip 8.7 Total handline hours Average handline hours per trip

Catch (kg): Total (all fishing methods) 5,003.0 Deep-bottom fishing 4,316.0 Deep-bottom catch (kg) Average per Average per Total trip red-hour All species 4,316.0 93.8 10.8 Excluding sharks 3,089.0 67.1 7.7 Excluding sharks and locally 2,963.0 64.4 7.4 unsaleable species

Comments: Vessel names were not recorded. 237 Species composition of the deep-bottom fishing catch

Number Ifcimbr Weight (kg) %wHgW Av. weight

Uitynldet-beanie ApharcuxfitrcaiHj Gtvyjobfuh DHp-nbr •aappen AprianvirclUM Green jobliab 10 1.1 20.D o.s 2.0 Aptiamto rvtSata Smill-loath jobfiih 56 6.0 113.0 2.6 2.0 EAtHis awbuKaJia Shaft-Uiled red BDappcr 95 10.1 576.0 13.3 6.1 Etdis conucmu Long-tajl rapper 28 3.0 147.0 3.4 S.3 EteSi radieaus Palenftpper PanoatJno Jbmfcarii' Saddled fii&lbr 5 0.5 19.0 0.4 3.6 Prittipanoukl mtouua Flower mapper PristiparnoldaaiaricSIa Gdd-tauedjobEab 26 2.8 17.0 0.4 0.7 PristframoititafiLimeHIOiiis Roiyjftfiih 24 2.6 49.0 1.1 2.0 Prhtiponuudesflaviptmu YcUoWjabrah PristtpatuMcj mutiidtns Puiple-rJirjclmd jobbjui PristiponauUt tettaha Banded flower anapper 232 24.8 198.0 4.6 0.9 OaurAmionllined Sub-toM 47S 50.8 1,13».» 26.4 2.4

Lutluilthe-UlttutnK f wffrrffHf nfgfiffi'rtwrT^J'HT Mangrove jack 40 4.3 X24.0 2.9 3.1 Sbalkw-iMter gnappin LiitJfWUbofcr Red ha* LutJaMU gibbui Paadtotail 33 3.S 21.0 O.S 0.6 Luljatua feumira Bluo-lmed mapper £ji(/tniu Malabdnciu Malabar amurpar One-spot mapper Rufoui seaperd] Olhor/uni-initiflod Subtotal 73 T.8 14S.0 3.4 2.0

IdbnUd* Gj/rouvTwuiu^fqeoiiicKT Iodine bream l&npam Lefftriruu chr>jajtomitf Rcd-duntt empsrar fethnjutfkaifoeaenu Yellcm-fponBd ongwrcn1 5 0.5 9.0 0.2 1.8 £< Iftrijutr mWflfuj Long-noBed emperor 6 0.6 10.0 0.2 1.7 Reticulated OfVfieror I^AHma variegoats Variffttted emperor J o.s 8.0 0.2 1.6 Waltiia moaanbica Large-eye bream Ollxr/ujiifciitiliod 14 1.S 16.0 0.4 1.1 Syb-lobU 30 3.2 43.0 1.0 1.4

SHlwidK CeptalepAolu oisaxlla Orange rack-cod IS 1.9 19.0 0.4 1.1 Grouptn Epuuphthu anclatus Aiedafctd grouper S 0.9 18.0 0.4 2.3 Epineplwliu cMerostiffna Btown-Bpotlcd grouper Epineptieha comelai SnaketHan grouper 3 0.3 3.0 0.1 1.0 Epmtplubuftwatua Red-burKfcd grouper Eptnepluiusflavocaendeia Purple grouper 1 0.1 2.0 0.0 2.0 Epinepiuhu mogiusaltlts Speckled grouper Epineptuhts mSani HoDeycomb grouper Epiluphtbamonhsa Curve-bended grouper 31 3.3 156,0 3.6 5.0 fylfuplttlta Ttbstitt Brown-bucked grouper Epintplitltu Mpttirjasdatus Seven-banded grouper ScSop&o pw/tHi Golden 0ih Variola fori Lunar-tailed cad 4 0.4 4.0 0.1 1.0 Other/unJoVDt]fted 88 9.4 181.0 4.2 2.1 SuMotal 153 K.3 383.0 8.9 2.S

QnrtfaW Sacenbrtdte Catatccigmobilb Lowly treveUy 9 1.0 29.0 0.7 3.2 TrenlUta, Jedu, tuna Coram lugubri* Black trovaUy 20 2.1 49.0 1.1 2.5 Striate dmerili Aronerjaok SeriolapirpuM3aeiu Ainbcrjeck Striata rrmHana Anforjack 1 0.1 1S.0 0.3 15.0 GymHosarda umoolar Dogtooth tune Ofljer /unkkqftuled 22 2.3 21.0 0.5 1.0 Sub-Mai 52 5.5 114.0 2.6 2.2

Goiw*du Pranetfiiditkyxpramttfttm Snake mackerel 65 6.9 139.0 3.2 2.1 OUfbhei, Snake tnackereb Rwcttiu pntiosuj Ouflnh 68 7.3 1,083.0 25.1 15.9 OttxtfvrOMifiai Sub-total 133 14.2 1,222.9 28.3 9.2

MlacdUrwut bonj Mica Spbyreenidae Barraoudu 0.1 2.0 0.0 2.0 Other bony Sasaf 0.4 41.0 0.9 10.3 Sub-total 0.5 43.0 1.0 8.«

OrAarhHrke CdrcharkuwsalbvnorgiHalus While-tip abark 4 0.4 208.0 4.8 52.0 Sbarla CorcrWu'nia ambtyrhynchos Grey reef ahark 1 0.1 96.0 2.2 96.0 CarduHutaamclanopttna Black-tip ibark 1 0.1 91.0 2.1 91.0 TViacntvEea oevjlu Reef whito'tip shark Other /uokkuilijed 9 1.0 832.0 19.3 92.4 Sub-total 15 l.t 1,227.0 28.4 tt.t

GfarrflWat Borrymha 921 W.4 3,089.0 71.6 3.4 Sharto 15 l.t 1,227.0 2S.4 81.1 Alltpeda 937 100.0 4,316.0 100.0 4.( 23.8

Country/ Territory: Tuvalu Location: jiff^>fegflllui||l_in Funafuti *-* Fishery status: Lightly exploited \ Reference: Chapman, L.B. & Funafuti P.Cusack (in press). ° \ Deep Sea Fisheries Development Project. r^ 8°33'S — Report on second visit to Tuvalu (30 August-7 December 1983). South Pacific Commission, Noumea, New Caledonia. 0 Q Fishing sites 179°02'E 1

Fishing dates: From 30 September 1983 To 7 December 1983

Fishing vessels: LOA Num&er Name Type (m) Engine of reels Monohull 8.5 20 hp diesel inboard 2

Fishing operations: No. of trips 17 No. of trips spent bottom fishing 16 Total hours at sea 221 Average hours at sea per trip 13.0 Total hours DB fishing 95 Average deep-bottom fishing hours per trip 5.9 Total reel-hours 238 Average reel-hours per trip 14.9 Total handline hours Average handline hours per trip

Catch (kg): Total (all fishing methods) 2,534.6 Deep-bottom fishing 2,214.3 Deep-bottom catch (kg) Average per Average per Total trip reel-hour All species 2,214.3 138.4 9.3 Excluding sharks 1,794.3 112.1 7.5 Excluding sharks and locally 767.8 48.0 3.2 unsaleable species

Comments: Vessel name was not recorded. Fishing at Funafuti occurred during three separate visits (5-29 September, 17-31 October & 28-30 November 1983) interspersed with visits to other atolls. 239 Species composition of the deep-bottom fishing catch

Mmbgr ft timber Wdghl(ki) % might Av.wdght

Luy.nUK.EWkw Apturtusfiiroalia Grcyjobfish Petp-wter anappen AprioK vlrcscttu Green jbbtlah 3 0.6 8.9 0.4 3.0 Ap/ianianSilata Small-touthjoMiiili 15 2.8 47.7 2.2 3.2 Etelis carbmailus Short-tiilcd red upper 59 10.S 184.2 8.3 3.1 Eiclis conaaaa Long-tail snapper 19 3.J 97.0 4.4 5.1 £tea'j ruduuiu Pile m^per Paraoatso JbuuJbzrit Saddled fiiatlier Prisl pwmoiaej amoeniu Flower Bmppar Priilipatvidcsaiiridfla Gold-taOedjobuih 11 2.0 7.3 03 0.7 Priatipamaidafihwulttoaia Roeyjobfiah 11 2.0 20.2 0.9 1.8 PristipanDiduflavipiruiis Yellow jobfiah 6 1.1 7.2 0.3 1.2 Prlstipomoida MtdtuknJ Purple-cboefced johusb. Pristipanoidea xanafou Banded flower snippor es 11.9 S4.0 2.4 0.8 Ottier/taudontifiBd 1 0.2 2.8 0.1 2.8 Sub-fatal 190 34.9 429.3 19.4 2.3

MpnkUe-Lu*!*™ Lutpnus orgeruinticufeuur Mangrove jack ShaHow-wiiter trappers ZjtJjoiuu ecAor Red baa 10 1.8 25.7 1.2 2.6 Luljanus gibbks Paddk-tiil 34 6.2 22.0 1.0 0.6 Lutjamakawwra Bluo-tincd snay|HJ' 3 0.6 1.2 0.1 0.4 LvljatuismaialKmtHS Malabar snapper Lutjaiudj msjuungnu One-apaC smtppor 1 0.2 0.S 0.0 0.5 Lutjamu ritfcluuaiui Rufous seaporch 1 0.2 0.3 o.o 0.3 Other AmUeTTiiijrxi Sub-fatal 49 9.0 49.7 2.2 1.0

LrthrHdjK Gynwxrwihu japoniats Iodine bmtm e^nperant L^Aruua chryiostomus Rjed-thraat emperor LelhriruulcaJlcptcrtt* Yclkiw-spotled emperor 3 0.6 4.5 0.2 1.5 LcAriniu nvmatua Long-tiwcd emperor 4 0.7 10.0 0.5 2.5 Ldkriraa reticutotut Reticulated emperor Lethruuu varUgalta Variegated emperor Wattsia mossanirica Large-eye bmam Other /unideniaiod 3 0.6 1.7 0.1 0.6 Sub-total 10 1.8 16.2 0.7 l.«

Semnkhe Ctptudopholis awaMia Orange rock-cod 1 0.2 0.7 0.0 0.7 Groupers EpiiuptuhuaMelotus Aieolilcd grouper IfyxHephtlus ddorojtipna Brown-sported grouper Bpihcphthu cottatae Snakeskin grouper BpitupheliafojrialJU Red-handed grouper Purple grouper Epwephelv* magiuaatttij Speckled grouper Epittephelus mUarii Honeycomb grouper 23 4.2 19,6 0.9 0.9 Epinepiuhis rnorrhua Curve-banded grouper 2 0.4 7.3 0.3 3.7 Epiiuptuha rttouti Brown-backed grouper Hpincpkclia jrrJterrsWcteJur Seven-banded grouper Salapdapowtlli Golden Gah Variola toufi" Lunarm3ed cod 8 1.5 5.7 0.3 0.7 Other AnudentlfiDd 16 2.9 14.1 0.6 0.9 Sub-fatal 50 9.2 47,4 2.1 0.9

QrangUa^Sambrklee Caranx ignobilis Lowly ucvally 76 13.9 206.5 9.3 2.7 TnyauHjufctituniu Camnxlugukris Black WwaUy Serioia dumeriti Arnbcrjack Striolapwparasaia Amberjack Striata rivoUana Ambcrjack 5 0.9 14.7 0.7 2.9 Gymnosarda umtxiler Dogtooth tuna 1 0.2 7.0 0.3 7,0 Other/urjidentilied Sub-total 82 15.0 228.2 10.3 2.8

Genpyadu pTomciiddilkyi pmmeAeus Snake mackerel 80 14.7 165.5 7.5 2.1 OlhUhM, Snake rjiatkereb /? uvei/HT pre tiosHs 62 11.4 S30.3 37.5 13.4 Other/unidentified Sub-total 142 2(5.1 995.S 45.0 7.9

MbceuueMubonytbhei Sphyraenidae Barracuda! 7 1.3 19.2 D.9 2.7 Other bony lubes 4 0.7 8.5 0.4 2.1 Sub-total 11 2.0 27.7 1.3 2.5 anJiarbMnto Cardiarhmitsalbiniarpmius While-tip shark 1 0.2 50.0 2.3 50.0 Shark] Carcliarhitws amblyrtiynchoi Grey reef shark 4 0.7 20.0 0.9 5.0 Cardiarfiuvarxhiuyitents Black-tip shirk Triaenodan cbtiui Reef whhc*tip shark Outer/unidentified 6 1.1 350.0 15.8 58.3 Sub-total 11 2.0 420.0 19.0 38.2

Grand-Total: BonylHhei 534 98.0 1,794.3 81.0 3.4 Sharks 11 2.0 420.0 19.0 38.2 All speck! 545 100.0 2,214.3 100.0 4.1 240

Country/ Territory: 1 Tuvalu 0 Q Fishing sites Location: Nukufetau jf • jt\/!t£i'*Jft Fishery status: Unexploited Reference: °J^L Chapman, L.B. & P.Cusack (in press). (,?&&&£ Nukufetau j Deep Sea Fisheries Development Project. Report on second visit to Tuvalu (30 August-7 December 1983). South Pacific Commission, Noumea, New Caledonia.

178°20'E ® 1

Fishing dates: From 17 November 1983 To 25 November 1983

Fishing vessels: LOA Number Name Type (m) Engine of reels Tut Punga Catamaran 10.0 2 x 18 hp diesel 2 inboard

Fishing operations: No. of trips 5 No. of trips spent bottom fishing 5 Total hours at sea 60 Average hours at sea per trip 12.0 Total hours DB fishing 13 Average deep-bottom fishing hours per trip 2.6 Total reel-hours 26 Average reel-hours per trip 5.2 Total handline hours Average handline hours per trip

Catch (kg): Total (all fishing methods) 916.5 Deep-bottom fishing 160.0 Deep-bottom catch (kg) Average per Average per Total hip red-hour All species 160.0 32.0 6.2 Excluding sharks 125.0 25.0 4.8 Excluding sharks and locally 102.0 20.4 3.9 unsaleable species

Comments: 241 Species composition of the deep-bottom fishing catch

Nunber %ruriber vrtWOti %ndeW Av. weight Lu^anidic-EUkuc Aphamupaattta Grcyjobfob Dup-mler ^tappers Aprion viKicau GnsnjobGA 4 5.4 9.5 5.9 2.4 Aphonia r&Qwu Snull-lDOdl jobfuh 4 S.4 9.5 5.9 2.4 Etdbcarbmailia Shoft'tiSbd nd supper 9 112 17.0 10.6 1.9 Eldis Gonticam Loqg-lail mappBr 3 4.1 14.0 8.8 4.7 Eielis radiasus Pale snipper Parnmejlo haaJami Sc&flcdfurilicr PristipanouttJ amoeiaa Flower trapper Prisliponvidiiaiirialk Gold-uilodjobOih 1 1.4 1.0 0.6 1.0 Pristiponutidtsftiamtntosas RoiyjobTBh 4 5.4 9.0 5.6 2.3 Priit\pxmoidajU™pitms YdlowjoWsll Pristipemotdes miift&enf Fiupta-chwtodjobftlh Pristipomoidci xonatus Brtjded flowermappe r 19 25.7 14.0 8.8 0.7 Olhcr/unkimliDn) SuMibl 44 59.5 74.0 46.3 1.7

Lutfrnkfa*- Luftnhw Laipnus argen&naosiatuj Mangrove jick Sh*Hcw-w*trr suppers Luijamttbaiujr Red lun 7 9.5 210 13.8 3.1 LutjaHiu gibbtti Piddb-bul LMtjatias kasmra fttua-lmftH impper

Lutjanits monoxtigma Oos-qHt nuppsr LutjanuirxfolirualHs RuTaujeiierch Olhcr/urudontifxxl SuMobl 7 9.5 210 13.8 3.1

UOrUdae Gymitacramia japonkux Iodine brcun Ekupcnn Lclhrinui dtrysastomus Red-throat emperor Ltthrinm katlapttrus Yellfjw-ipotted empeaw Lc&riiuu mtftiaius Lonft-iuBcd emperor Letfoinus rcticubtus Reticulated empwor Leihrirua varitgatta Variegated emperor Waitsla mossambica Large *eye brera fhfrjy .^Lnidmrif'"^ Sub-WftJ

Serraridie Ctpttalopholuaiiwilia Orange roct-cad Grouped EputaphehaareoJaOa Aiwdated grouper Eptntpfwlux cMorosligma Brown-ipottod grouper Epttuphehis cameiae. Snakeakin grouper EpintjjitliLifaMdatw. Rod-banded gjotnjcr Epinepkdusjfavo&xtYidtxu Purple grouper Epincphelus magniseuttis Speckled grader Epi^rpfttlas miHafis Hofleycomb grouper Epinepktha nuwrfma Curve-b«ided grouper Epincpfcius rctouii flrawn-h*cked grouper Epinepfulux teptenfasdaiux Seven-beaded grouper Sakpttnpovttlti Goldenfiih Variota Iouii Luntr-tiiksd cod 6 8.1 7.0 AA 1.2 Other /unWenUGod 7 9.5 7.0 AA 1.0 SuiMotol 13 17,6 14.0 S.8 1.1

CuiflghW SambridK Caranxi'gno&ftii Lowly ttevilly Trevalllcj, JKIO, Eunu CannxlugHbru Bl«kmw«Uy 6 8.1 14.0 8.8 2.3 SeHobt dumeriti AnfccrjidL Saiolapurpyrauxiti ATrfccrjadt ScriciarwatSara Arrterjack 1 1.4 1.0 0.6 1.0 Gymtutsarda wuootor Dogtooth turn OttH/unidentilied Subtotal 7 9.5 15.0 9.4 2.1

GBITCUOM Promzthkittkyi pramtthtus Slttkc mackerel OUnsbo,Siu)ienuclanb Ruvctltu pntiosvs OSGsh Oihcr/iuiifailifcc SiaVfctol

MbccUineota bony IWies SphynemiK Bftmaidu Other bony &*M Sub4oM

GardarhHdae CanchvAilw albtrmrginatus Whin-tip shirk Starta Carcharhiraa ambfyrhyrichos tjToy reef shark 3 4.1 35.0 21.9 11.7 CarchaHiinns melanaptmv BUck-tip shirk Triaatodon obtiui RM f wfailc-tlp sbuk Odicr /uxo4mlii»d Sub-fatol 3 4.1 35.0 21.9 11.7

Grind Tbbh Vanytiaha 71 95.9 12S.0 78.1 1.8 Slarta 3 4.1 35.0 21.9 11.7 AlLsptdei 74 1WMI 160.0 100.0 2.2 242

Country/ Territory: Tuvalu 0 Q Fishing sites Location: Nukulaelae Fishery status: Unexploited 1 % 9°22'S - Reference: o \§l Chapman, L.B. & P.Cusack (in press). Nukulaelae >i Deep Sea Fisheries Development Project. Report on second visit to Tuvalu (30 August-7 December 1983). South Pacific Commission, Noumea, New Caledonia. Pf-k*'J 179°50'E 1

Fishing dates: From 3 November 1983 To 11 November 1983

Fishing vessels: LOA Number Name Type (m) Engine of reels TuiPunga Catamaran 10.0 2xl8hpdiesel 2 inboard

Fishing operations: No. of trips 6 No. of trips spent bottom fishing 6 Total hours at sea 67 Average hours at sea per hip 11.2 Total hours DB fishing 35 Average deep-botfom nshing hours per trip 5.8 Total reel-hours 69 Average reel-hours per trip 11.5 Total handiine hours Average handiine hours per trip

Catch (kg): Total (all fishing methods) 1,192.9 Deep-bottom fishing 1,113.4 Deep-bottom catch (kg) Average per Average per Total trip reel-hour All species 1,113.4 185.6 16.1 Excluding sharks 1,023.4 170.6 14.8 Excluding sharks and locally unsaleable species

Comments: 243 Species composition of the deep-bottom fishing catch

Number ftnmtor Weight (kg) %wdght Av. weight

LuQuitdM-Ettanw Aphartuijuroattu GreyjoHEah Dee^mter snappers Aprionvirejam Green jobtiih 6 2.1 22.0 2.0 3.7 Aphonia ndHuu Smiu-tocshjobEih 4 1.4 6.5 0.6 1.6 Elelis carbunadia Shorl-lailcd led uupper IS S.3 165.0 14.8 11.0 Eul'a carusaua Long-tail anepper 7 2.5 63.0 S.7 9.0 Elelis radiants Pill supper 1 0.4 5.0 0.4 5.D PjHW/yi^nVi htivilttirli Seddlod nieuier 14 4.9 64.0 5.7 4.6 PristipamaidtJ atHtxtaa Flower snapper PrislipamAka atridlla Oold-tmiledjahSrit 1 0.4 1.0 0.1 1.0 Prislipamouittjttutmtosia Racyjabfah Priatipcnaldafkriripituils Yellow jbbfiab 4 1.4 6.0 0.5 1J PristipcmoiAtM muftubru Purple-cheeked jobash Pristipcmouitj ewulju Banded {lower upper 20 7.0 14.0 1-3 0.7 Ocber/urtkksilinBd Sub-total 71 25.4 346.S 31.1 4.8

Lu£uittaf:-lJUt)ume Luljgjtm arytHftWculrttMT Mangrove jack 7 2.5 34.0 3.1 4.9 ShaDow-waler snappers Lntioitiuboka- Rod bus 18 6.3 15.0 1,3 0.8 Laitjamu gieeu? Paddlo-tail Lulfciuu iastura BLue4ined snapper 1 0.4 0.2 0.0 0.2 r ulinana MwhfciHVu. Malabar snapper Luljatnta moHtutigma One-spot snapper Rufous scaporcb Other/unidentified Sub-total 26 9.2 49.2 4.4 1.9

LcthrHdM Gyrrwocranuu japonims Iodine broam finperors Ltthrinu chtyjoitturua Rod-throat emperor LcArimu kaUapitria Yellow-spotted emperor LtArifaa mnialiu Long -mod emperor 6 2.1 16.0 1.4 2.7 Lil/trimu rttiatioiiu Reticulated emperor LeAriwa variegains Variegated emperor Wattiia mttaambico Laree^jn bream Other Auiideruuiod 1 0.4 l.D 0.1 1.0 Sub-fctal 7 2.5 17.0 1.5 2.4

Setnttlaat CephdapMis amsitiia Oreoae rack-cod 5 1.8 3.0 0.3 0.6 Groupers Eptiup/tdux mtelatui Ateolated grouper 2 0,7 6.0 0.5 3.0 Epintphttus chhtvsUgmo Brawn-spotsxl grouper Epuuphdus comtlat Smkcildn grouper EpinepfuhufaidatHS Hjed-bendod jumper Epineptulmflavocoendau Purple grouper Spaaphthtsmagiaaaittis Speckled grouper Epinephcba mffiaris Honeycomb grouper 4 \A 4.0 0.4 1.0 Epttuphtbiswtrhua Curve-bended grouper 8 2.8 3S.0 3.4 4.8 EptMphtbt* rtttntii Brown-becked grouper Ep*Mph*h& Hptettjiixaaiux Sevcn-haoded grouper 3 1.1 200.0 18.0 66.7 Salnp^a fxwdii Golden Csh 2 0.7 1.0 0.1 0.5 Variola Joan' Lunar-tailed cod 1 0.4 1.0 0.1 1.0 Ouier Auudentified 17 6.0 19.4 1.7 1.1 Sub-total 42 14.* 272.4 24.5 6.5

CumngloW Saanbrldue Coram ignobiftr Lowly Ircvally Trtntlles, Jacks, tuna Caranx Juguhris Black trevatly 124 43.7 316.3 28.4 2.6 Serbia dttnerUi Ambcrjack SeriolapurpwajUhJ Ambcrjack SerioJarhoHana Anibeneck 2 0.7 17.0 1.5 8.5 Gynvuaarda auoolor Dogtooth tuna 1 0.4 4.0 0.4 4.D Other/muVfciiuTped Sub-total 127 44.7 337.3 30.3 2.7

Gempyldae Prcmctidditkys prwrmUteus Snake tneckorbl OWMw, Snake rneclcereu Ruvettiu prttiosiu Oil fijh Other /unidentified Sub-total

MlsceUaneoua bony fishes Sphyraenidae Barracudas Other bony fubes 0.7 1.0 0.1 0.5 Sub-Mai 0.7 1.0 0.1 0.5

(irdnrtwrndW Carcharhhuaalbmargiraius White-tip shark 8 2.8 90.0 8.1 11.3 Srarks Carcharhiraa ambbpkyndux Grey reef shirk CardtarrJiuumclanaplcnis Black-lip shark Triaentxlon obciHj Reef whits-tip shark Olh=r/unidentified Sub-total 8 2.8 90.0 8.1 11.3

GtvtdTotac Bony fishes 276 »7.2 1,023.4 91.9 3.7 Sharks 8 2.8 90.0 8.1 11.3 All species 284 100.0 1,113.4 100.0 3.9 Country/ Territory: Tuvalu o Q Fishing sites Location: o Vaitupu Fishery status: Unexploited 7°28'S — Reference: Chapman, L.B. & Vaitupu J P.Cusack (in press). V Deep Sea Fisheries \ Development Project. Report on second ^xX visit to Tuvalu (30 August-7 December 1983). South Pacific \ Commission, Noumea, New Caledonia. o o 170o41'E 1

Fishing dates: From 6 October 1983 To 14 October 1983

Fishing vessels: LOA Number Name Type (m) Engine of reels Tui Punga Catamaran 10.0 2 x 18 hp diesel 2 inboard

Fishing operations: No. of trips 6 No. of trips spent bottom fishing 3 Total hours at sea 69 Average hours at sea per trip 11.4 Total hours DB fishing 11 Average deep-bottom fishing hours per trip 3.7 Total reel-hours 22 Average reel-hours per trip 7.3 Total handline hours Average handline hours per trip

Catch (kg): Total (all fishing methods) 397.5 Deep-bottom fishing 180.7 Deep-bottom catch (kg) Average per Average per Total trip red-hour All species 180.7 60.2 8.2 Excluding sharks Excluding sharks and locally 29.7 9.9 1.4 unsaleable species

Comments: 245 Species composition of the deep-bottom fishing catch

Number %iuriur Wdght(kg) %«4ght Av.wdght

Luthnkbe-EtenftM Aptereus fiircntia QteyjobEsh Dup-nater nippers Aprion vinactnf Giemjohuah Aphonia rutHaia Small-tooth jobGlh Etclb coreuif odfu Short-tailed rod supper 2 6.9 2.0 1.1 1.0 Etetix eariuazM Lona.tail nnw J 3.4 11.0 6.1 11.0 EleUsraduata Pale snapper ParacaesiohixAa^I Saddled fusilier PriatipcmouUj omeetua Flower snapper Prixftponuu&j auridlla Gold-tailed jabEdi 2 6.9 2.0 1.1 1.0 PrutipanoLUjfilamenlotui Rosyjobfiaa Prifiiptsnuiidafiavipiruus Yellow jobfiah Priitiponuufer rnultu&B! Purple-cheeked jobush Pristipemuadu tonalus Bunded flow? snapper J 6.9 2.0 1.1 1.0 OcKr/unidentifiod Sun-Mai 7 24.1 17.0 9.4 2.4

UijpnldM-Lu^m* Lutjaiuaargatiimaatlatta Mangrove jack Shalkm-wmtrr mappers Llrtjarua bakar Red baas 4 13.8 10.0 S.5 2.5 iMjtmuj gibbm PaddlC'taH LMtjamutoamra Blue-lined mapper 1 3.4 0.2 0.1 0.2 Lnljaiuamalabanaa Malabar anappor Luljamts monostigma One-spot anappsr Lutjama nfoGiualiu Rufoui seaperch Other/uiudsntifiod Sub-fend 5 17.2 10.2 S.« 2.0

LrfttUdat Gjmtiocranuu japaiucui Iodine boaim Emperors Rod-lhi^tempert* IflAn'flKr kallopterus Yollow-flpotted erapatat Lctkrinus mliuatus LoDa-noaed Bnoperw Lctftriiuu rvticitlatus Reticulated emperor Lclhrinux varicgatus Varicgntod omporor Walisia mouambica fhhfj jfrm uirtntitirA 1 3.4 1.0 o.e 1.0 Sub-total 1 3.4 1.0 0.6 1.0

Semnkfae Cephalaphotis amntfia Orange rock-cod Graven EpinepfulujareoiatHS AiDdatcd grouper EpiwptitItU chi

Caw^ldWSmrnhrloV Catanx igMobHu: Lowly nuvally TrraUKJaekMiinai Carottxlugubris Black family Seriola dwivrQi Ambcrjack Striata purpuratotn* Amberjack Smolanvdliana Ainaerjack Gymnojarda unicotor Dogtooth tuna 1 3.4 6.0 3.3 6.0 Other/unidentified Sub-total 1 3.4 6.0 3.3 6.0

Gaqr/idu PromeMdiihyj prwwWKW Snake mackerel Oltflshcs, Snake mackerels RuHiwpnliosvs OilDsh 9 31.0 141.0 78.0 15.7 Other/unidentified Sub-fatal 9 31.0 141.0 7*.0 15.7

Miscellaneous bonyfbfaef Spfayracnidac Bmicudu Other bony fiahes 3.4 0.S 0.3 0.5 3.4 0.5 0.3 0.5

QnriurhHoW Core*arftiM£iB)WM^g)'"flJio White-lip afauk Sharla Carcharimau anMythynelita Grey raf shark CardarKnmmtianepliTio Black-tip shark Triaaiadoa obtsus Reef white-tip abide Other ^mifcntified Sub-fatal

Grand Total Bon? fishes » 100.0 180,7 100.0 6.2 Sharki Allspecfes 29 100.0 1S0.7 100.0 S.2 246

Country/ Territory: Tuvalu Location: Funafuti Fishery status: Unexploited Reference: Taumaia, P. (in press). Deep Sea o Fisheries Development Project. 8°33'S Report on third visit to Tuvalu (12 October 1985-6 June 1986). South Pacific Commission, Noumea, New Caledonia. © Fishing sites 179°02'E I

Fishing dates: From 22 October 1985 To llJanuaryl986 26 February 1986 12 May 1986 Fishing vessels: LOA Number Name Type (m) Engine of reels Monohull 8.5 20 hp inboard diesel 2 Monohull 36 hp petrol outboard 2

Fishing operations: No. of trips 29 No. of trips spent bottom fishing 29 Total hours at sea 343 Average hours at sea per trip 11.8 Total boors DB fishing 60 Average deep-bottom fishing hours per trip 2.1 Total reel-hours 222 Average reel-hours per trip 7.7 Total faandline hours Average handlioe hours per trip

Catch (kg): Total (afl fishing methods) 1,981.0 Deep-bottom fishing 1,462.0 Deep-bottom catch (kg) Average per Average per Total trip reel-hour All species 1,462.0 50.4 6.6 Excluding sharks 1,244.0 42.9 5.6 Excluding sharks and locally 1,160.0 40.0 5.2 unsaleable species

Comments: Some details of vessels used were not recorded. 247 Species composition of the deep-bottom fishing catch

NiatMier fenttfer Wdght(kg) %wrlght Av.wdahl

Lu4uiidK*£tdbM Aphareusjurcatux GityjobOfh Deep-water mappers Aprioti virt sctns GrttfHjobfbh 9 1.1 21.0 1.4 2.3 Aphonia niilans Snull-toothjoWUh 49 6.2 136.0 9.3 2.8 Elelis carimnailus Short-tailed nd supper 22 2.8 74.0 5.1 3.4 Ettlv oar means Lang-toil mapper 9 1.1 3B.0 2.6 4.2 Etelij mdiosHJ Pale supper Saddled fun. kr Prisiipommdes axiociuu Flower PrisSipcmoideseutridtia Gold-tailodjobfish 3B 4.8 20.0 1.4 0.5 PristipatuiidesjtLimcHlosus Roeyjbbnsli 32 4.1 63.0 4.3 2.0 Priaiipomoidtapavipinnis Yellow jobTnfc 5 0.6 3.0 0.2 0.6 Pristipamoidci Tnultidens PurrMo-crjGckodjobfnh PrisiipomoideM zonaius Banded floworsnappe r 112 14.2 88.0 6.0 0.8 Other ^mkbntified Sub-Iota] 176 34.9 443.0 30.3 1.6 lii^nUK.LuUuftme f iitjtTnw ffrcf Tfi'rrvrnifrirrfT Martgrowjack Shallow-water uppers Ljilpnus botiar Rod but 21 2.7 79.0 5.4 3.8 Lulyauu gibbus Paddfe'bul 108 13.7 56.0 3.8 0.5 Luljaniu iartrura Blue-lmed mapper Lutjjtau rwkhariciis Malabar snapper Zjifloruu monostignu Orawpot snapper Luljarou ntfoli/uatus Rufous seapcrca Other ^nuocntificd Sub-Mai 129 16.3 13S.0 9.2 1.0

LcthrHdac Gymtiacramur japonicur Iodine bream I&npcrov Lethrirtus chrysostornur Red-throat emperor Letkriniakallcpterus Yellow-spotted emperor 4 0.5 7.0 0.5 1.8 Letitrirws mniatur Long-nosed emperor 20 2.5 17.0 1.2 0.9 Lelhrima retiatlalus Rcticulalcd emperor Lc&rbua varkgotta Variegated emperor Wallsia mouatnbica Large-eye bicim Dtl»/.iTiLhiifSR»1 29 3.7 28.0 1.9 l.D Sub-Mai 53 6.7 52.0 3.C l.ft

SOTUMK Cerjfarrjnfafir airartiia Orange rock-cod 10 1.3 5.0 0.3 0.5 Groupers EpinepluIiaaKolahu Areolaled grouper Epineplulys cMoroxtJgMH Brawn-spotted pauper 2 0.3 3.0 0.2 1.5 Epinepteliu cctHclae Snekesldn grouper Epinephthafaraattu Red-handed grouper EpincplteliuflinHKaervleus Purple grower Epauphtbtsruagrdstxttis Speckled grouper UfAnsphehis miliaria Honeycomb grouper 46 5.8 27.0 1.8 0.6 EpuurJtclurmceriuia Curve-banded grouper ID 1.3 43.0 2.9 4.3 Epiiupliehu rtlouli Browii'backed grouper Eptnephelus aepttjfftadaivi Seven-banded grouper Salaptid powelti Galibi full Variola JrHtfi Lun&mailed cod Other/unidentified 125 15.8 123.0 8.4 1.0 Sub-Mai 193 24.4 201.0 13.7 l.D

C^ranghWScorabrktai Caranx igrtobilis Lowly trevally 2 0.3 S.O 0.5 4.0 Trevallles, jacks, turns Caranx lugubris Blade trevally 95 12.0 186.0 12.7 2.0 Seriola ditwruV Amberjack SerieJapHrpurascens Amberjack Striata rivoKana Aniberjack Gymnosarda urucohr Dogtooth tuna 11 M 54.0 3.7 4.9 Other/unidentified 1 0.1 131.0 9.0 131.0 Subtotal 109 13.8 379.0 2S.9 3.5

GsnpyMhe Promcthickthyi promcthtus Snake mackerel 8 1.0 10.0 0.7 1.3 Oufbhes, Snake mackerels Ruvtltiu prtfojHs OlBsh Other /unidentified Sub-Mil 8 1.0 10.0 0.7 1.3

Mbceuaneausbonyflthet SphyraenkUK Barracudas 6 0.8 22.0 1,5 3.7 OOcTbcnyluhd 2 0.3 2.0 0.1 1.0 Suo-Mai 8 1.0 24.0 1.6 3.0

Ciurlurtankbe Corcriarnifutr albimarginatia WhiD-up shirk 3 0.4 47.0 3.2 15.7 Sharks Carcharhinus ambfyrhyruJios Grey reef shark 11 1.4 171.0 11.7 lSJ Cardtarhwamtlanapttnis Black-tip shark TriatnodoH obtna Reef whito-tip shark Other/unidentified Sub-Mai 14 1.8 21S.0 14.9 1S.«

GrandTofak Bony fishes 77« 98.2 1,244.0 85.1 1.6 Sharks 14 1.8 218.0 14.9 15.6 Ailspedes 790 100.0 1,4*2.0 100.0 1.9 248

Country/ Territory: Tuvalu Q Fishing sites i Location: Nanumea Fishery status: Unexploited ^)r-^^ 5°40'S - Reference: 0 ^ Taumaia, P. (in press). Deep Sea Fisheries Nanumea ^^v Development Project Report on third visit to Tuvalu (12 October 1985-6 June 1986). South Pacific Commission, Noumea, New Caledonia. 0

neno'E l

Fishing dates: From 30 January 1986 To 7 February 1986

Fishing vessels: LOA Number Name Type (m) Engine of reels Monohuli 8.0 28 hp petrol outboard 4 Monohull 25 hp petrol outboard 3

Fishing operations: No. of trips 6 No. of trips spent bottom fishing 5 Total hours at sea 53 Average hours at sea per trip 8.8 Total hours DB fishing 25 Average deep-bottom fishing hours per trip 4.2 Total reel-hours 85 Average reel-hours per trip 14.2 Total handline hours Average handline hours per trip

Catch (kg): Total (all fishing methods) 1,481.0 Deep-bottom fishing 896.0 Deep-bottom catch (kg) Average per Average per Total trip reel-hour All species 896.0 149.3 10.5 Excluding sharks 718.0 119.7 8.4 Excluding sharks and locally 591.0 98.5 7.0 unsaleable species 249 Species composition of the deep-bottom fishing catch

Nuba- Smmba- WdgitQig) % might Av.wdght

Iji^bnidae-EldkiM Aphareus fitrcalia Greyjabfiah Deep-mler rapper] Aprion vinsccns Gteenjobfiih 7 2.6 25.0 2.8 3.6 Apfuirtusr&ilaju SmiU-wrtlijolrfiili 11 4.1 39.0 4.4 3.S Etdb aubimaduj SharMwled nA vsppor Eitia oonaana EtelismdioMs Pale mapper Ptjmrnfiif} Ajuu&ani Saddled fmakjr Prijtipomoitks amoc/uti Flower nappes Prijtiponv&Uj aundlla Gdd-tailodjob&>h S 1.9 2.0 0.2 0.4 PrislipamoidtifilaHtcHiosus Roayjobfiah 21 7.9 40.0 AS 1.9 Prisiipcntoidisfl&iripituus Yellow jobfiah s 1.9 14.0 1.6 2.8 PristipanoUkj imiltidetis Purple-cheeked jobfuh Pristipcmoidts lonatus Banded flower Bupper 17 6.4 11.0 1.2 0.6 rtthrr/iinirfn^Finl Sub-total Hi 24.* 131.0 14,6 2.0

T .nfriilrtHi - I^fr1**"1 £jif/Mmargwi/inMfiJfl/m Mangrove jack ShaUon-ralcr nnm 25 9.4 127.0 14.2 5.1 fjirjofuu gibbiu PadrLe-luil Lutjajuu komura Brae-lbed Knappcr Malabar mapper Lutjama monosdgma Ooc>«pot mapper iMjaiua ntfoKnealtis Rufous seaperdi Other /imidoirifiod Sub-Mai 25 9.4 127.0 14.2 S.1

LMrinUtt GyHuwcruRtaf j^unurui Iodine bream EfckjKron Lcthntaa ckryxo&omus Red-throat emperor Lelkntw Iwttcpleriu Yellow-spotted emperor 1 0.4 2.0 0.2 2.0 Lefhnituj mutants IjQng-nDicd Dicpciar 9 3.4 28.0 3.1 3.1 LeOvinUi rtGctdatKI Reticulated npiij.Mui I* thriiuu yariegalus Variegated emperor Waltaamazum&im Large-ewe bream Other /unidentified Suh-tata] 10 3.8 30.0 3.3 3.0

Semnhbe CcpftalcjAolis awanlia Oiragp rock-cod Groupers EpuupbeUaareokttus Aiwilitod grouper Epi/upftelus chloroMigma Bitwn-i>patfed grouper Eptiuptiehu canttac Smlceiilcin grog|cr Epltttphtlusfasdatus Rcd-bwdcd ftrtJU{*T EpinspiKlvrjtavac&nileta Puiple grouper Epintpfithi&magHiswmtt Speckled grouper EpiHtphcUs milfarit Honeycomb jreuper 11 4.1 4.0 0.4 04 Epinepheluimorrkui Curvc'bmded grouper Epiiuphtlus retouli Brown-btckcd grouper Epinepkelui mpttirfasdatus Seven-nmded grouper SakpHa peweltf Golden iiih Lunirtiilod cod Olhcr Auiidoxftified 40 15.0 141.0 15.7 3.3 Sub-total 51 19.2 145.0 16,2 2.S

CkraEddK/SanibridK Caranx ignobWj Lowly trevally 2 0.8 5.0 0.6 2.5 Ttovalka, Jsuki, lum CaraHxIugubris Black trevally S3 31.2 147.0 16.4 1.8 Seriola dunmli Striata purjaovuotns Arnbcrjack Senda rooKaru Ambcrjack 7 2.6 54.0 6.0 7.7 Gytittosardii ttmcotor Dogtooth hraa Oilier/unidentified 9 3.4 13.0 1.5 1.4 Sub-total 101 38.0 219.0 24.4 2.2

Gernpylkau PrcmethkhAyi pnwti£lheuj Snake mackerel OUfleba, Snake mackereb RuvtHusprtliouu Oilfliih 5 1.9 49.0 5.5 9.8 Oujcr /wudentiGed Snb-tabd S 1.9 49.0 5.5 9.8

Mlfcellatieouf bonyflabti Spbyraenidae Barracudas Other bony fishes 1 D.4 17.0 1.9 17.D SuWoOd 1 0.4 17.0 1,9 17,0

anJaridnidiK CarcfarbuuuGlbBX&xinalux White-tip ahark 2 0.8 48.0 5.4 24.D Starts Canhariwvu embtyrhyrtchoi Grey reef shirk 5 1.9 130.0 14.S 26.0 Qffthathbwwclwptma Black-tip shark Triaettcdon obe»u Reef white-tip ihuk Omcr Auiidentilied SurMnW 7 2.6 178.0 19.9 2S.4

GmndTotit Bonytbhei 159 97.4 718.0 80.1 2.8 Sharks 7 2.€ 178.0 19.9 25.4 AUspeda 2« 100.0 896.0 100.0 3.4 251 VANUATU

The deep slope stocks of Vanuatu have received considerable attention from both SPC and ORSTOM (Brouard & Grandperrin, 1985; Carlot & Nguyen, 1989; Carlot & Cillaurren, 1990). The impetus for this research was the implementation, starting in 1982, of a fisheries development project whose initial aim was to establish 25 village-based fishing enterprises. The rate of expansion exceeded expectations and by 1986 there were 80 such enterprises throughout Vanuatu, although the numbers have since declined.

Brouard and Grandperrin (1985) looked at various aspects of fishing for deep slope species, such as influence of depth and time of day on catch composition and catch rates, and also studied the biology of the dominant species. Brouard and Grandperrin's study covered the years 1980 to 1984 and incorporated data collected prior to the inception of the village-based fishery in 1982. By 1989 a sufficient time-series of data had been collected to permit preliminary investigations into the effects of sustained exploitation on deep slope stocks in Vanuatu. These results were presented by Carlot and Nguyen (1989) and suggested that, in the fishery as a whole, catch rates (measured as catch per trip) had declined by about 30 per cent, accompanied also by declines in the maximum size of the dominant species. A further study on the same time-series of data was made by Carlot and Cillaurren (1990), whose objectives were to develop biomass estimates where depletion over time was observed at different locations in Vanuatu. Biomass estimates were made for two islands, and Ambae, where virgin standing stocks were assessed at 2.3 and 0.7 t/n.mi of 100-fm isobath respectively.

Average catch rates from survey fishingb y SPC masterfishermen ranged from 2.7 to 11.9 kg/line-hr, with a mean of 7.2 kg/line-hr. Brouard and Grandperrin (1985) reported a mean catch rate of 3.0 kg/line-hr for sustained dropline fishing in Vanuatu over the period 1979 to 1984. If the longer-term fishing records of BrouaTd and Grandperrin (1985) are representative, catch rates at MSY might be expected to decline to about 1.5 kg/line-hr. The 100-fm isobath extends for about 1,400 ami around the various islands of Vanuatu. On the basis of an average stock density of 0.7 t/n.mi, the total standing stock can be estimated at 9801 witii an MSY expected to lie between 98 and 2941

Brouard and Grandperrin (1985) estimated that the MSY of Vanuatu's deep slope species lay between 147 and 380.8 t/yr, on the basis of comparisons with yields from Hawaii presented by Ralston and Polovina (1982). As it is impossible to quantify the catches made by the sizeable recreational fishery in Hawaii, Brouard and Grandperrin thought that the estimated yields for Vanuatu were in fact underestimates. They proposed doubling the MSY range to account for this, so that the potential yield in Vanuatu lay somewhere between 300 and 760 t/yr. By contrast, Polovina et al. (1990) suggested that the MSY for Vanuatu, based on the results of Carlot and Cillaurren (1990), lay between 113 and 119 t/yr. Present landings of deep slope fishes amount to between 30 and 40 t/yr from the village-based fisheries. Brouard and Grandperrin estimated that a fleet of about 120 small fishing vessels would generate MSY if each vessel fished for about 150 days of the year, using three reels, with an average trip length of 4.5 hours. Using another approach based on mortality rates and catchability, Carlot and Nguyen (1989) suggested that MSY for Vanuatu's deep slope stocks would be generated by a fleet of between 55 and 138 vessels. 252

Country/ Territory: Vanuatu \ o 1 Location: tf Lamap, Malekula 9 ; Fishery status: Unexploited Reference: ^T?«-\ 15°s ~ Hume, H. 1975. Malekula ^^9. Q Report on the South Pacific Commission ,-.-Epi Outer Reef Fisheries Project in the New <& Hebrides (1 August 1974-28 February 1975). South Pacific Cs Commission, Noumea, New

167°E 1

Fishing dates: From 1 August 1974 To 28 Febraary 1974

Fishing vessels: LOA Number Name Type (m) Engine ofreels Norman Kirk Monohull 7.3 105 hp diesel inboard 2 Manulele Monohull 7.3 135 hp diesel inboard 2

Fishing operations: No. of trips No. of trips spent bottom fishing Total hours at sea Average hours at sea per trip Total hours DB fishing Average deep-bottom nshing hours per trip Total reel-hours Average reel-hours per trip Total handline hours Average handline hours per trip

Catch (kg): Total (all fishingmethods ) 5,733.0 Deep-bottom fishing 4,725.0 Deep-bottom catch (kg) Average per Average per Total trip reel-hour All species Excluding sharks 3.5 Excluding sharks and locally 53.4 unsaleable species

Comments: This was the first deep reef slope fishing survey mounted by the SPC Fisheries Programme and the reporting procedures that were to become standardised in later reports had not been adopted at this time. 253 Species composition of the deep-bottom fishing catch

Number % number Weight (kg) % might Av. weight

Lu^DldK-Ddbw Aphnrtusjui'calys GreyJDbfub Deepen ter auppcn Aprionvirtscau GtecnjdbHib 17 1.3 0.0 AphareusrttSans Snull-toodijabBih 10 0.7 O.D Etelis carbunculus Short-Uilcd red mipptr 24 1.8 0.0 Etelis corHJcans Long-tifl snapper EieSsradiojus Pole snapper Pimnf}f..fif> faftiJbrrir* Saddled funlsar Prisiipamoidts amacnus Flower snapper Pristipcmoidcs aurictlla Gold-taJlnlJDbash Pristtpanoidcsfilamenlasux Rosyjbbfish 427 32.0 0.0 Pristipamaidtsftavipiiuus Yellow jobfisli PristipaHaidts nudtidfu Purple-cheeked jobQah Prisiipamoidts jotuttus Banded flower snapper Other/unUendfied Sub-Wat 478 3S.B 0.0 bO^bttM'Lui^nfciK aLufjUKKJ OfgtntifTKKldoi*ilt Mangrove jtdt ShaJkrw-tnfer snippers Lutjmus bohr Redbtum 97 7.3 0.0 Luijanus gibbus Paddle-tail Lutjatuu kajmira Blue-lined mapper fjitjftnm ituil/itnrictvT Malabar snapper Lutjcums monostigma OiM-apot snapper Lutja BUT rMfaUftaius Rufous itcaperch Other /unidentified 611 45.8 0.0 SutMoM 70S 53.0 0.0

LctttrioUK Gymnocratuui japonicus Iodine bream Jfritpcmn Leihrinui chrysosiorrtus Red-throat emperor 7 03 0.0 Lelhrimu kaltapierus Yellow-spotted emperor Lcthriniu mtaiatux Long-nosed empenr 24 l.S D.O Lahrituts rclicidalus ReticulatBd emperor Lethriniu varirgplut Vtuiegaled ernperor Watlsia mossambica L*ige-eyo beeam Ouicr/urudcnlifkd 23 1.7 0.0 Sub-toijl 54 4,0 0.0

Smvntdu Cepkdopholis airattlia Orange roefc-ood Gmupen Epiitipfulusortotaiiis Area. &led grouper Epinepfuluscktorostigma Bnjwn-spotfcd grouper Epi?uphe.hti comstae Snakrakm grouper Epituphelusfasdatiu Rcd-hmdwi grouper Epinephelusflavocaerulcus Purple grouper Epinephehu magnisatais Speckled grouper Epi/upheUts miliaris Honeycomb grouper EpitupfaUu mavrhia Curvcbunded grouper Epinepktius retauti Brown-backed grouper Epintpfalia scptaHfasdalus Seven-banded grouper SaJcpGa pcwdil Golden fish Variola tend Lunar-tailed cod 6 0.4 0.0 Other /unidentified 54 4.0 0.0 Sub-fobf 60 4.5 0.0

CuangloW Srambrlda* Caranx igndbUxs Lowly UevaUy TKWIIIH, jacks, tunas Caranx tugubris Blade trcvally Striata dmerili AiiaJUJBQE Striata purparoMtiu Amberjeck 12 0.9 o.o Striata ritohaMa ArDherjeck Gyrmotaraa wticalor Dogtooth tuna 2 0.1 0.0 Oiha/imidrnrifiwl 17 1.3 0.0 Sub-tobl 31 2.3 o.e

GernpyMdae Promelhictttkyt prametktuf Snake mackerel Ollfbhea, Snake mackerels Ruvcltusprcliosiis OuDsh Other AuudentiOcd Sub-total

Mlacdliweoiu bony fanes Sphynenidae Barracudas . . Other bony iiahes 3 0.2 0.0 Sub-total 3 0.2 0.0

OarchartiWdae CarcblHuHvsatbbtargitntus White-tip thark Shvkt Carcharhinux arnbtyrhytuJtas Grey reefshar k Carcharturudx rnelanapterus Black-lip shark Triaatodon obeim Reef while-tip shark Oliw/unidentified 1 o.i 0.0 Sub-lotaJ 1 0.1 0.0

GnndTofit Bonyruhes 1,334 99.9 0.0 Sharks 1 0.1 0,0 AUspedei 1,335 100.0 o.o 254 . Country/ Territory: A Vanuatu a Location: 4Cfe Pacific Commission *, • Deep Sea Fisheries Development Project <5 visit in Tanna, New Hebrides (11 September-S December 1978 and Q. 12 February-16 March 1979). South Tanna w Pacific Commission, Q Fishing sites a Noumea, New Caledonia, 11 pp. 167°E 1

Fishing dates: From 19 September 1978 To 15 March 1979

Fishing vessels: LOA Number Name Type (m) Engine of reels Nikoisala Monohull 6.0 15 hp petrol outboard 2 Naurien Monohull 4.5 15 hp & 25 hp petrol 2 outboards

Fishing operations: No. of trips 42 No. of trips spent bottom fishing 42 Total hours at sea 359 Average hours at sea per trip 8.5 Total hours DB fishing 222 Average deep-bottom fishing hours per trip 5.2 Total reel-hours 321 Average reel-hours per trip 7.6 Total handline hours Average handfine hours per trip

Catch (kg): Total (all fishing methods) 999.0 Deep-bottom fishing 861.0 Deep-bottom catch (kg) Average per Average per Total hip reel-hour All species 861.0 20.5 2.7 Excluding sharks 784.0 18.7 2.5 Excluding sharks and locally unsaleable species

Comments: 255 Species composition of the deep-bottom fishing catch

Nunbtr %nntor Wdght

Lu^uldu-Etdbue Apharcusfiircatus Greyjobfiith ])f£p-WlwupperB Aprion vire&ceru GiQtmjobfrh SraaS-lootbjobBak S 2.S 19.0 2.2 2.1 Eidix carbunadus Short-tafled ied rapper Ettlls conuauu Long-1iiL snapper 43 13.6 142.0 16.5 3.3 Etetis radiorvs Pole snipper 39 12.3 180.0 20.9 4.6 Saddled fufclL W1 Pristtpomxndcs anKxrum Flower snapper Pristipamoides cuiriaUa Gold-tailed jobEah PristipamoidafilamcHiasus Rosy jobfiab Pristipanoidcsflavipinnis Yellow jobfuli Pristipamoida muitidtns Puiplo-clmlocd jobHub Pristipomoides zonatui Banded flower nipper Olher /unidentified 114 36.0 255.0 29.6 22 SuWot»l 205 «.7 5WT.0 69.2 2.9

Lutjwifcte-Lu^htae ZdH/jiamu'arvuitinuoiZoXHf Mangrove jack ShaJIftw-water snappers Zjtfjanurferiur Red bud Luf/onnr^i'Wmr PaddLe-tnil Luljcuotskaawa Blue-lined snapper TiUtytnttf TH/iIfihti ricttf Malabar mapper Luijeutus mooostigma Oat-spot imapper Ltttjama ryfotittcaifis Rufouu neapo-ch CrifaerMMenlified Sub-total

Lethrimd* GymruMTVuuiujdponiiciu Iodine bream ILtaperon Lctkrinia chtyjostomiu Red-throat emperor Letkrinus kelkpteria Yellow-spotted emperor Le&rinMX miwiy* Long-nosed emperor Lethrimts rcliadatus Rcticulitodtrapefor Le&rirwsvarkgatia VsricgEted1 eiiipcfur Wattsia massambica Large-GVC nearo OtiMff/unidentified Sub-total

SenanWH Ccphaiopftolii airaniia OntngP rock-cod • Groupers Epinepftdmanolatas ArDolafcd grouper Epiruphclits ddorosiigma Brawn-spotted grouper Epinephehts cometae Snake skin grouper Eplntphtlusfasdaius Red-banded grouper EpinepHelusfkjvoGezrricitS Purple grouper EpinepheUts magniscullit Speckled grouper Epinepheha tmUaris Honeycomb grouper Epituptulusrnorrkua Curve-banded grouper Epirupttelus rtloaii Brown-backed grouper Epinephelus septemfasaattu Seven-banded grouper Solcpuapowclli Golden fish Variola lautf Lunar-tailed cod 24 7.6 23.0 2.7 1.0 Other /unidentified 73 23.7 147<0 17.1 2.0 Subtotal 99 31.2 170.0 19.7 1.7

Cirimg^Scornbrldu Caranx ignobSis Lowly tnsvally TYlnWes, JxJa, tunas Cwanxtuguhris Black Devilry 6 1.9 18.0 2.1 3.0 Serivta durrtcrVi ArnfcGrJBck Serbia purjmrascens AnvScqvk Striata rivo&ua Airibctjack Gynvjosarda vmcokrr Dogtooth Tuna Other /unidoiuiijoj SlMotal e 1.9 1S.0 2.1 3.0

Ganpyttdu Prancthichlkyi promtlhcus Snake nuckotcl OIK&ha, Snake nuckenb*sppcilt,iux Oufiih Other /unidentified Sub-Uil

MJxeUiuiBDUfl bony Abes Sphyiacitidac Barracudas Other bony fiahea Sub-total

CwdiarhHdur CarcharhmadtbimargiKtius White-lip shaik Sarin Carchailunia ambtyrhynchos Greynsefshai-k Carchorhiniii meJanoptems Black-tip shark Triatnodon obuux Rcefwlufc-tipihirk O&cr/unidentified 7 2.2 77.0 8.9 11.0 Sub-Mil 7 2.2 77.0 8.9 11.0

GnmdToW: BwijfWiH 310 97.8 784.(1 91.1 2.5 Sharks 7 2.2 77.0 «.» 11.0 All specie* 317 100.0 S41.0 100.0 2.7 256

Country/ Territory: Vanuatu \ o Location: oV Lolowai, Ambae A Ambae Fishery status: Lightly exploited Reference: 15°S- Fusimalohi, T. & Q.L. Preston. 1983. Cfe Report on the South ». • Pacific Commission Deep Sea Fisheries «. Development Project's second visit to the Republic of Cs Vanuatu (12 August 1980-14 June 1981). South Pacific

Fishing dates: From 1 March 1981 To 22 March 1981

Fishing vessels: LOA Number Name Type (m) Engine of reels Samcat Catamaran 8.5 25 hp petrol outboard 3 Aika Catamaran 8.5 25 hp petrol outboard 4

Fishing operations; No. of trips 5 No. of trips spent bottom fishing 3 Total hours at sea 56 Average hours at sea per trip 18.5 Total hours DB fishing 24 Average deep-bottom fishing hours per trip 8.0 Total reel-hours 54 Average reel-hours per trip 18.0 Total handline hours Average handline hours per trip

Catch (kg): Total (all fishing methods) 729.0 Deep-bottom fishing 576.0 Deep-bottom catch (kg) Average per Average per Total trip reel-hour All species 576.0 192.0 10.7 Excluding sharks 523.0 174.3 9.7 Excluding sharks and locally unsaleable species

Comments: 257 Species composition of the deep-bottom fishing catch

Number * lumber Wright (kg) %wdsht Av.welght

JjirJinldae-EteHnae Aphonia fitrcatui Groyjobfish Deep-TOter snappers Aprion viwctns Green johfish Aphamvrttihuis Srnsn-loorhjobfiBli 3 2.2 16.0 2.8 5.3 Elelis carbttttailus Sbart-lsjlod ted snapper 5 3.7 63.0 10.9 12,6 Etetis coru&wu Long-tail gosjtper EttUs radiosus Pidc snapper Pumouaio huoiorv Saddled fusilier g 5.9 40.0 6.9 5.0 PrtetipoHtoidea amotnus Flower snapper Pristipomoi&saitridtia Gcld-uilcdjobflsh Prtstipcmoldesfilamaitoius RosyjobEish Prijtipamo'ldajJavipwus Yellow jot-fish Pristipamobki multibus IViple-checEDdjobfoh 20 14.7 47.0 8.2 2A Pristipomaidu zofloru* Bonded flower snapper 1 0.7 1.0 0.2 1.0 rnlwAinidmrifind Sub-tatal 37 27.2 167.0 29.0 4.5

Uil)mldii.UH&>n»»o Lutjatati argaiSmiadafuj Mangrove jack 17 12.5 119.0 20.7 7.0 SbatiovMraler sndftperfl Lutfwus htjiar Red bun 7 5.1 21.0 3.6 3.0 Lutfrmu gibbut Paddle-nil 1 0.7 l.D 0.2 1.0 Lutjoiuulaisrwrti Blue-lined snapper Lutjamvmllabariav Malsbtr snapper 26 19.1 97.0 16.8 3.7 Lutjanits irumtatigrK* One-spot snipper Lutjarua rufdintatvs Rufous scapcrdi 1 0.7 1.0 D.2 1.0 Other/uniden£iGDd 2 1.5 11.0 1.9 S.S Sub-Mai 54 39.7 25D.D 43.4 4.C

I/4rfnUtt Gymnacrnrdus japonicus lodinsbretm a 5.9 20.0 3.5 2.5 Empcrorr Red-throat empa-or Letkrinus ktdlaptcrus YeUaw-npatfad emperor Letkrinus mtaialus Long-noBBd emperor 6 4.4 24.0 4.2 4.0 Lclhriiua rtticulaius Reticulated emperar Ltthrinus varkgaiuf Vniiegrtcd emperw Wattsia mosjambica Laigc-cye HCIID Other /unidentified Sub-fatad 14 10,3 44.0 7.6 3.1

SemmUfat Ccphalophalu wrvnlia Orange rock-ecd Groupers Epuupfulusanolatia Arcolated grouper EpSncpheUis chloroaigma Brown-spotted grouper 2 l.S 4.0 0.7 2.0 EpincplvhiS amine Snakoskin grouper Epimptitlusjajriaiia Red-banded grouper Epincphdusflavoaurvlaa Purple grouper Epinepfiehif faagtujcuUis Speckled grouper Epincphelu! ndliatij Honeycomb grouper Eplruphtha morrhua Curve-banded grouper 5 3.7 15.0 2.6 3.0 Epirupfuha nioHt'i Brown-backed grouper Eplnephdus stpttn^ifdplus Seven-buttled grouper 2 1.5 16.0 2.8 8.0 Saioptia pawelli Golden fish Variola hurt Lunar-taQcd cod Other /unidentified 3 2.2 S.O 1.4 2.7 Sub-total 12 S.S 43.0 7.5 3.6

Cmrtidirf SoombrUlK Caruax igttobitis Lowly ttovnlly Travallta, JRCICS, twiM CmurxtuguMs BiaEktrcviily Striola {taittrM Ambcrjadc 1 0.7 7.0 1.2 7.0 Serioia pitrpurnscens Ambcajfldc Scricfarivotteii& Amherjadc Gymnosardc U/tiCotor Dogtooth turu. Other /unidentified Sub-total 1 0.7 7.0 1.2 7.0

GanpyUdu PromtUiichttiys promeiheus Snake mackerel S 3.7 12.0 2.1 2.4 Ollflsha, Snake nuclcerels Rwftltuiprtdosus OUCih Otber /unkjentined Sub-loud 5 3.7 12.0 2.1 2.4

Miscellaneous bonynshes Spbyracnidse Barracudas Other bony fishes Sub-Ma!

CerdurtWdK CtmJiarhuuualbimarsinatus White-Dp shark 13 9.6 53.0 9.2 4.1 Shirks CoTcharMnui ambfydiyitdtos Grey reef shark CorcharfunuswlaJiaptavs Black-dp shark TriarModan ohtsus Reef white -tip shark Otrrc/urnnenlified Sub-total 13 9.6 53.0 9.2 4.1

Grand Total Bony Ashes 123 90.4 523.0 99.% 4.3 Shwto 13 9.6 53.0 9.2 4.1 All specks 136 100.0 576.0 100.0 4.2 258

Country/ Territory: Vanuatu \ Location: tf Luganville, Espiritu & \ Santo f\jvr ft Fishery status: Espiritu 1 \ _\J Lightly exploited Reference: 15°S- Fusimalohi, T. & , «•». G.L. Preston. 1983. •L " Report on the South Pacific Commission

Fishing dates: From 26 March 1981 To 30 April 1981

Fishing vessels: LOA Number Name Type (ra) Engine of reels Samcat Catamaran 8.5 25 hp petrol outboard 3 Aika Catamaran 8.5 25 hp petrol outboard 4

Fishing operations: No. of trips 8 No. of trips spent bottom fishing 7 Total hours at sea 50 Average hours at sea per trip 7.1 Total hours DB Fishing 24 Average deep-bottom fishing hours per trip 3.4 Total reel-hours 71 Average reel-hours per trip 10.1 Total hand line hours Average handline hours per trip

Catch (kg): Total (all fishing methods) 451.0 Deep-bottom fishing 366.0 Deep-bottom catch (kg) Average per Average per Total trip reel-hour All species 366,0 52.3 5.2 Excluding sharks 261.0 37.3 3.7 Excluding sharks and locally unsaleable species

Comments: 259 Species compositioii of the deep-bottom fishingcatc h

Nmfar % lumber Weight (kg) %wdjjH Av.wdghl lutJanloV-EtdhM Aphwiirfi/mstus 6zvy}obn& Deep-mer mappers Aprhn vbtMcta Gieenjobfiah Aphonia ru/Utois Small-tooth jobEm Elclis carbuttadui Short-tajled rodmappe r 3 3.8 8.0 2.2 2.7 Etelis corusaua Long-tail mapper 2 2.5 6.0 1.6 3.0 EteEswdiBSas Pale snapper Pamtnzsio Jtuajnrci Saddled niiil)Br Pristipomouks wnoenus Rower snapper Prislipcmoidestaoialla Gold-tailed jobGah Pristipamoideifilamailosju Rosyjabfbh Prislipamoiiiaflavipinnii Yellow jabfah - 2 2.5 2.0 0.5 1.0 PrUtipomoidts iradSdttts Purplccheeked jobEah 60 75.9 210.0 57.4 3.5 PriMipornoidts toHotta Banded flower mapper Other /unidentified Sub-total «7 M.S 226.(1 ffl.7 3.4

Uii>nkkr.Lul^j_n»e LiiitjnnTa efrgenlifKicfTJtffMt Jvfcmeiwc j*ck Shilbwr-mter supper* Lstjaraabohar Red tan LuijoAia gibbus Paddlo-tiil Lutjamtsiasnara Blue-lined mapper Luljaniumahbaricus M-labar nuppcr Lxtjonits moHasrigma One-spot mapper LidyttutS rufotitvialilX Rufous seaperdi Qltlff /iinHwnri-fwH Sub-total

LrthrfaU-e Gymnocranius japonkut Iodine bream Qitpffoo Lelhrinus chryiostorrws Red-throat emperor Ltlkritaa fudlcpta-us Yellow-spotted emperor LtthrtHus ttiiniatus Long-nosed emperor Lttkrinus redcuJatus Reticulated emperor Lelhrwus varkgaiux Variegated emperor Waitsk?Kvt$arr&i&i Latge-eye bretm Olfaer^ritdBTitified Sub-toUl

Smsnlifae Ctpfalaphnlbairtittlia Orange rack-cod Groupers Eputzpiitlitf attolaiua AreoliJed grouper Epinepkelm chlorostigma Brown-iprtfcd grouper Epiwphehis CQHX.1O£ Snakeskln grouper Epitapkelitsfittriatus Red-banded grouper Epinepfidusjlavocaendaa Puiplc grouper Eptnephelus magniscuttis Speckled grouper EpinepSelus mifiaris Haocycomb grouper Epitupfiehts matrkua Curve-braded grouper Epittephelus rttouti Brown-backed grouper Eplntptalus atpitmfasdaius Seven-bmded grouper Saioptia pemclli Golden fish Variola iouti LtuiEr-uiled cod 0th4/unidemifkd - SuMabl

CanngloW Sumbridac Caranx ignobUir Lowly bevally Trevalllea, Jacks, tunai Canutxiugwbris Black beviuly Striata dwxriU Ambcijack 3 3.8 14.0 3.8 4.7 Seriolapurpunxxns AmberjaGk. SaiolnmoKaiia Ambcrjack GytnHosarda tuucolor Dogtooth tuna Other/unidentified 1 1.3 1.0 0.3 1.0 Sub-total 4 5.1 15.0 4.1 3.S

Gonpylidae Pramtthiclukyj ptvtneAau Snake mackeni OUfunes, Snake mackerels Ruvittus prttiosss oan»h 1 1.3 20.0 5.5 20.0 Other/unidentified Sub-toUl I 1.3 20.0 5.5 20.0

Mlacdlancoifa bony ftfbcf - SphyreenJdae - Barraaidu Other bony fishes Soivfatol

OrcharhUdu CarthaMnuxalboNirghatux White-up ihaik Shark! CaKjiarhitua cntbfyrhynchos Grey reef mark Cardartutuis nteJanoptena Black-tip ihaik TrktenodoH obeslts Reef whiB-lip ahark Other /unidentified 1 8.9 105.0 28.7 15.0 Sub-total 7 S.» 105.0 2S.7 1S.0

Grand Ton* Bony flabe s 72 91.1 261.0 71.3 3.6 Sharks 7 S.S 105.0 2».7 15.0 Allspeclea 7» 100.0 3«.0 100.0 4.« 260

Country/ Territory: Vanuatu X Location: o0 < Lakatoro, Malekula Fishery status: Lightly exploited Reference: Malekula £?*?<\ 15°s~ Fusimalohi, T. & G.L. Preston. 1983. Report on the South ck Pacific Commission Deep Sea Fisheries %, Development Project's second visit to the Republic of Vanuatu (12 August 0, 1980-14 June 1981). &" . South Pacific Commission, Q Fishing site ^ Noumea, New Caledonia, 41 pp. 167°E i 1

Fishing dates: From 2 May 1981 To 3 June 1981

Fishing vessels: LOA Number Name Type (m) Engine ofreels Samcat Catamaran 8.5 25 hp petrol outboard 3 Aika Catamaran 8.5 25 hp petrol outboard 4

Fishing operations: No. of trips 10 No. of trips spent bottom fishing 10 Total hours at sea 103 Average hours at sea per trip 10.3 Total hours DB fishing 58 Average deep-bottom fishing hours per trip 5.8 Total reel-hours 146 Average reel-hours per trip 14.6 Total handline hours Average handline hours per trip

Catch (kg); Total (all fishing methods) 722.0 Deep-bottom fishing 690.0 Deep-bottom catch (kg) Average per Average per Total trip red-hour All species 690.0 69.0 4.7 Excluding sharks 447.0 44.7 3.1 Excluding sharks and locally unsaleable species 261 Species composidon of the deep-bottom fishing catch

Nurber Smarter Wright (kg) *> Wright Av.wdght

LutjwddK-Eldkufi Apharcusjurcatui Grcyjobfuh Deep-mbr awtpfMni Aprion virtsctns Gncnjabfuh Apfmreus ntihia SmaU-too(hjobE»b 4 1.9 24.0 3.5 6.0 Etelis carbunadia Sbort-tnjlbd ted tnwpper s 2.4 23.0 3.3 • 4.6 Etelis oarusams Lmg-laiL snapper 1 0.5 10.0 1.4 10.0 Eletti radiosUi Pale mapper Pamcaedo huakarii Saddlsd fmilier Pristipomoides omoeruu Rower supper Pristipamaidcs auridlta Gotd-laikdjobftsn PristipamoidesJUamentosta Roayjobfuth PrssiipomoidesJJavipi/tnis Yellow joWith 10 4.7 11.0 1.6 1.1 Pristtpattoidts wuItUeu Purplo-cbeokedjobfiah 111 52.4 195.0 28.3 1.8 Pristipcmouks totianu Banded flower snapper Other ^uudentified Sub-tnta! 131 61.8 261.0 3S.1 2.0

I_iHJuiW»t.Luijar*iM! fiHljlffHI ffrpfffff'ffWfTfffffttr Mangrove jack S 2/* 25.0 3.6 5.0 Srmllt«-™tff snappers Ltiljaiuu bdtar Red bus Luljanus gibbus Paddle-tsil LufiaJiurtasnird Blue-Hoed mapper Luljtuuu molabaricuf Malabar snapper One-spot snapper 35 16.5 54.0 7.8 1.5 iMijama rufa&ntalus Rufous scapordi Other /unidentified Sub-luW 40 18.9 79.0 11.4 2.0

LrihrHdae GymaocrafDus japatiiau Iodine bn5*m JuniKrors Lethrinus chrysostamus Red-lhioat emperor Lclhriruts kallcptcna YelkurV-BprtfeJ enperor Letk riraa nuniatus Loug-noosd emperor 1 0.5 3,0 0.4 3.0 Leihrinus nticuiaius Rctiiculitfed emperor Lclhrlrw •uarkgatus Variegated emperor Watisia tnitusan^ica Large-eye uuvsm Other /unidentified Sub-Into] 1 0.5 3.D 0.4 3.0

SemnUoe Ctphtdophdu atrontia Orange rock*cod Gtoupera Epmephebu areolaius Aioaliled grouper Epiatphelus chJorostigma Brown-spotted grouper 2 0.9 2.0 0.3 1.0 comeiae Sn&knAin grouper Epincphclus fascial tu fted-banded fironptr Epituphtlusfiavacacruleux Purple grouper Epawpturbtt magttwaittis Speckled grouper Epintphetia miliaris Honeycomb grouper Epinephelus morrfuta Curve-banded grouper 2 0.9 5.0 0.7 2.5 Epiruphetus ntoufi Brown-backed grouper 1 0.5 1.0 0.1 1.0 Epiruphelus xpterr/asdalus S*ven-bmded grouper Salopda powdli Golden Huh Variola louti Luiux-taited cad Other /unidentinnd 4 1.9 33.0 4.8 8.3 Sub-tod 9 4.2 41.0 S,* 4.6

Onangtdae/ Kmmhrtdu Cattuac ignobUis Lowly IrcvaUy Trcvallles, Jacks, tuna Caranxlagubris Black trcvolly Striata dummli Amberjadc Z 0.9 s.o 1.2 4.0 SerioJa purpvnucens Arriberjack SaiotarivoHana Arnberjack Oymnosarda umcolcr Dogtooth tuna 2 0.9 25.0 3.6 12.5 Oilier/unidentified Sub-iotai 4 1.9 33.0 4.8 S.3

GmipyJdat Prontttidchihys prometheus Snake mndterel 2 0.9 8.0 1.2 4.0 Ollfbhes, Shake uinektreb R Hvcttus prvtiosus Oflfab Other/unidentified Sub-total 2 0.9 8.0 1.2 4.0

Mlscdlanenus bony fisher Sphyraenidae Bartacudu 3 1.4 10.0 14 3.3 Other bony u«be« 6 2.8 10.0 1.4. 1.7 Sub-load » 4.2 20.0 2.9 2.2

OrdwraMdae CarchartoSjuualbimarginalus White-tip ab»* ' Sarin Carchatiurau ambfyHtynchas Grey reef shark CarchariwiitsmchnopteTVS B lack-tip shark Trtactiodon abesw Reef whifc-tip shark Other/unidentified 16 7.5 243.0 35.2 15.2 Sub-total It 7.S 243.0 3S.2 15.2

Grendlbtat Bony fishes 196 92.5 447.0 «4.» 2.3 Sharks 16 7.5 243.0 35.2 15.2 Allsptdel 212 100.0 690.0 100.0 3.3 262

: : :; " . •;•'..> :.''•'' •'-.••' y: ;' •; •;.-.? '•• \ •. , v. J ' :....-, , Country/ Territory: I Vanuatu ":;: ; V. ... Location: & Tahi village, Paama & -, Fishery status: Lightly exploited Reference: 15°S- Fusimalohi, T. & "SN,-

Deep Sea Fisheries ••<* Development Project's second visit to the Republic of C5 Vanuatu (12 August 1980-14 June 1981). fc . South Pacific Commission, Q Fishing site 0 Noumea, New Caledonia, 41 pp. 167°E 1

Fishing dates: From 29 August 1980 To 5 November 1980

Fishing vessels: LOA Number Name Type (m) Engine of reels Samcat Catamaran 8.5 25 hp outboard 3 Aika Catamaran 8.5 25 hp outboard 4

Fishing operations: No. of trips 17 No. of trips spent bottom rishing 11 Total hours at sea 136 Average hours at sea per trip 8.0 Total hours DB fishing 57 Average deep-bottom fishing hours per trip 5.1 Total reel-hours 125 Average reel-hours per trip 11.3 Total handline hours Average handline hours per trip

Catch (kg): Total (all fishing methods) 1,819.0 Deep-bottom fishing 1,154.5 Deep-bottom catch (kg) Average per Average per Total trip reeHiour All species 1,154.5 105.5 9.8 Excluding sharks 917.5 83.4 7.4 Excluding sharks and locally unsaleable species

Comments: 263 Species composition of the deep-bottom fishing catch

Nianhcr *ia*nh»r Weight (kg) %wekjnt Av.wdght

LuqankiK-EftllnH Aphonia fitroutus Grcyjobfish 1 0.4 s.o 0.7 8.0 Deep-wter suppers Aprion vtrescens GrconjobG&h Aphonia nations Small-tooth joefimli 3 1.1 24.0 2.1 S.O Eltlis carbunailiu Short-tafled ted mapper 25 8.9 112.5 10.6 4.9 Etells curiucaHj Long-tail snapper Eli&smdtosiu Pole snapper Paraateno bwtarii Saddled fusilier 1 0.4 4.0 0.3 4.0 Pristtpcmdidei amtxnus Flower snapper PrislipanoiiksauriaHa Gtad-tailodjobfish Prislipomoidtsfilamenlosus Rosyjobfish Pristipanoidtsjlavipinnis Yellow jobfiah 4 \A 6.0 0.5 1.5 Prislipomoidfs nutltidcns Puiplc'ChDoscdjobfisb 71 25.3 214.5 18.6 3.0 Prislipcmoides zonaliu Banded flowersnappe r Other /unidentified 1 04 3.0 0.3 3.0 Subtotal IOC 37.7 382.(1 33.1 3.6

LuJJsJikUe-LutfenkuK fjupuiu d7£crttimacu&tAic Mangrove jack 2 0.7 14.0 1.2 7.0 Shallow-water mappers Lwjatwbohar Red bass LuljaRus gihbrs Paddk-taut Luljanus JcojnuVa Blue-Iked BD&pper IS 6.4 27.0 2.3 1.5 Litljatws TTtaJabaricus Malabar snapper Ijiljattus tHoitaitigma Oae-apot snapper RtlfoU* tiUpC* dl Other ^midcDbTiDd 95 33.S 273.5 23.7 2.$ Sub-fatal IIS 40.9 314.5 17.2 2.7

LrihrUdas Gymnocranias Japotiicia Iodine bream lumperars Lelhrinus chrysoslomta Red-tbroatompGrar LcAnnus ialiopterus Yellow-spotted empaor Le Annus mimatus Lflng-noaed emperor 8 2-8 35.0 3.0 4.4 Letkrinus vcticulatiu Reticulited emperor LetkruuuwritgdJus V ttrie gated attpera 4 1.4 8.0 0.7 2.0 Large-eye bream Other/unidentified 4 1.4 9.0 0.8 2.3 Sub-total 16 S.7 52.0 4.5 3.3

SaranUK Cephalaphotb tarantia Onmge rock-cod Groupers Epuuphtlusareotatus Aieolafcd grouper 3 1.1 4.0 0.3 1.3 Epinephelus chlanostigma Brown-spotted grouper 4 1.4 15.0 1.3 3.8 Epiiuphtuu coMctac Snakeskin grouper Epineplttlusjasdatus Red-handed grouper Epintp/idiaflavoDoeruleus Purple grouper Epinephehn magniscuuls Spcclded grouper Epintphehu mitiaris Honeycomb grouper Epinephtbu marriuia Curvs-banded grouper 2 0.7 7.0 0.6 3J Epirup/ulus rdatill Brown-backed grouper Epinephelus xpttmfasdaius Seven-banded grauper 3 1.1 23.0 2.0 7.7 Sateptia powdli Golden fish Variola bull Lunar-tailed cod OttwAtnakaitified 4 1.4 11.0 1.0 2.8 Sub-total 16 5.7 60.0 5.2 3.8

CanmiddW SoombrWae CdraixJt ignobUiS Lowly bevaily 1 0.4 20.0 1.7 20.0 Trcvalhcf, Jacks, tuiuu Carani lugubris Black Sevslly 3 1.1 12.0 1.0 4.0 Senokt dumerili Ambcrjack Seriotapurpurascens Amberjack 4 M 26.0 2.3 6.5 Scnatatwatuma Ambeijack Gymnosatda louailar Dogtooth lima 2 0.7 40.0 3.5 20.0 Other /unidentified 2 0.7 4.D 0.3 2.0 Sub-total 12 4.3 102.0 S.S 1.5

GctnpyHdu Pranuthichthys prometheus Sitako mackcral OlJtbbeSjSrwkemackereb Kuveitus prctiosus Oitfish Other /iinidentiGod Sub-total

MbKcUuwHH bony fishes Sphyreenidae Barncudju Oihcrbonyfiihci 6 2.1 7,0 Q,fi 1.2 Sub-lota] 6 2.1 7,0" 1.2

GardiarhalfcBH! CarcharbbiMX albonargimlux While-tip shark Sharks Carcharhinia ambfyrhymAor Grey reef shark Carcharhwiamchnopferus Black-up aha* Triaenodon abesus Reef white-tip shark 3 1.1 20.0 1.7 6.7 Other /unidentified 7 2.5 217.0 18.8 31.0 Sub-total 10 3.6 237.4 20.5 23.7

Grand Totah Bony fishes 271 96.4 917.5 79.5 3.4 Sharks 10 3.6 237.0 20.5 23.7 All specie* 281 100.0 1,154.5 100.0 4.1 264

Country/ Territory: Vanuatu \ Location: Abwatuntora, .* -, Pentecost Fishery status: Lightly exploited Reference: 15°S- Fusimalohi, T. & GX. Preston. 1983. a. ' Report on the South Pacific Commission <& Deep Sea Fisheries Development Project's second visit to the Republic of Q, Vanuatu (12 August 1980-14 June 1981). fc' - South Pacific Q Fishing site ^ Commission, Noumea, New Caledonia, 41 pp. 167°E

Fishing dates: From 24 November 1980 To 12 December 1980 3 February 1981 19 February 1981 Fishing vessels: LOA Number Name Type (m) Engine of reels Samcat Catamaran 8.5 25 hp petrol outboard 3 Aika Catamaran 8.5 25 hp petrol outboard 4

Fishing operations: No. of trips 11 No. of trips spent bottom fishing 9 Total hours at sea 88 Average hours at sea per trip 8.0 Total hours DB fishing 58 Average deep-bottom fishing hours per trip 6.4 Total reel-hours 91 Average reel-hours per trip 10.1 Total handline hours Average handline hours per trip "~ ' : Catch (kg): Total (all Ashing methods) 1,140.0 Deep-bottom Fishing 1,074.0 Deep-bottom catch (kg) Average per Average per Total tnp reel-hour All species 1,074.0 119.3 11.8 Excluding sharks 889.0 98.9 9.8 Excluding sharks and locally unsaleable species

Comments: 265 Species composition of the deep-bottom fishing catch

Number %nurnbtr Wdgltttkg) %mlgM Av.wdght

LuyanUae-EUtaK Aphamafiircalia GreyjobQah ]>ecp-mibr auppcn Aprion viresaas Green jdhuah Aptiareus rutSani SmaU-toothjobEjli 1 0.4 13.0 1.2 13.0 Etelis carhunadia Short-tailed rod anapper 4 IS 40.0 3.7 10.0 Etelis carwaua Long-ndl Kappa 3 1.1 25.0 2.3 8.3 EteUs radiants Pale snapper Paracaesio haaiarii Saddled fujiller 11 4.1 37.0 3.4 3.4 Pristipamaidti tmuxnm Flower artflprjer PriMipamoiata auridlla Gold-taOedjobGah PristipamoidtijilatMntosus Rosyjobfiah PristipojfiaidaJIavipifiais Yellow jobfoh Pritiipamoidrj twdluteiu Putple-chbekedjobGah 43 15.9 73.0 6.8 1.7 Pristipomoidts xonatvt Bgrtded flower snapper 1 0.4 2.0 0.2 2.0 Other/unidentified Sub-toll] 61 zw 190.0 17.7 3.0

Lu&uuoK-Utganlniie Luijanas argenSnaeuJatus Mangrove Jack 2 0.7 16.0 l.S 8.0 Shalkw-waler mappers Lvljanusbohar Red ban JDuljonicx gibbus Paddle-tail Luljaiuu iaxrNra. Blue4ined snapper [Mjtumxtrialabaricia Malabar anapper One-apot snapper 86 31.7 226.0 21.0 2.6 jLufb ma rufoKiualus Rufous seaperch rMinr/iinUmtSn^ Subtotal as 31.5 242.0 22.S 2.S l^hHntkc Gymnocramusjaponkits Iodmebtoam Etapcrore Ltihrinus chrysastomus Rcd-tiiroat cmpcti* emperor Ltth ritws rnadaius Long-nosed empcror 5 1.8 24.0 2.2 4.8 Rericulated emperor Le Armas varkgalua ViuioglMdemperor Wattsiamosscmbica Large-eye bream 20 7.4 54.0 S.O 2.7 Olhrc/unidentified 1 0.4 3.0 0.3 3.0 Sub-total 26 9.6 81.0 7.S 3.1

SamnldM Cecvtabpfohj omnia Orange rock-cod Groupers Epiiuptttlui artatana Areolated grouper Epiiuphelia t&lorosligma Brown-spotted grouper 21 7.7 5S.D 5.1 2.6 Epinephebis comeloe Snakcskbi grouper Epituphelusfasriotus Red-banded grouper Epintpfulusjlawocatndaa Purple grouper 1 0.4 8.D 0.7 8.0 Epwphtha magtiisaiais Speckled grouper Efnnepti*U& miliar!* Honeycomb grouper 4 l.S 20.0 1.9 5.0 Epinqihehu morrhua Curve-banded grouper 12 44 43.0 4.0 3.6 Epinqjiuba rrtotai Brown-backed grouper 4 l.S 8.0 0.7 2.0 Epinephelus septcmftwriatits Seven-banded grouper 3 1.1 90.0 8.4 30.0 Saloptia powtUi Golden Gab Variola loun" LuruMafled cod Other /uiudentifiad 5 1.8 25.0 2.3 S.O Sub-total 50 18.5 249.0 23.1 5.0

QirangtuW SaanbrkaHc Caranx ignobiUs Lowly trcvally Trevallfcgj Jacka, tunas Caranx lugubrix Black trcvaily 1 0.4 5.0 0.5 5.0 Striata duntcrili Amberjack 6 2.2 36.0 3.4 6.0 Seriotapurpurasoens Ambcrjack Striata rivoSana Arnbarjack Gynvtoaarda wucoior Dogtooth tuna 2 0.7 15.0 1.4 7.5 Other Airudsntiuod Sub-loud 9 3.3 56.0 5.2 6.2

OmpyUdu Promethichthys SnsIoB mick^td 17 6.3 35.0 3.3 2.1 OIHbhes, Snake mackerels Ruvetlus pre ttosKS oaruii 1 0.4 30.0 2.8 30.0 Olr«/imfclentiBcd Sub-total IS 6.6 65.0 6.1 3.6

Mbcdbnetnubonylbhcs Sphyrscnidic Barracudu 3 1.1 6.0 0.6 2.0 Other boayfiahea Sub-total 3 1.1 6.0 0.6 2.0

CarcrarbHdK Cardwrtwtus oibirwrpnatidS While-tip thark Sharks Cardharhimv ambfyrhynchoi Grey reef shark Cardiar/tiluismcIaitoptaTts Black-tip ahark Triaaiodon obesus Reef whifc-ltp ahark Other AmidentlGed 14 5.2 185.0 17.2 13.2 Sub-total 14 S.2 1SS.0 17.2 13.2

Grind Total: Bonyfliho 257 94.S «8».0 S2.S 3.5 Sharks 14 5.2 185.0 17.2 13.2 All species 271 100.0 1,074.0 100.0 4.0 266

Country/ Territory: Vanuatu \ Location: **. Port Olry, Espiritu Ss> 't Santo Fishery status: Espiritu 1 \ >U Saato V~£ w ft Exploited Reference: &v ^ 15-S- Chapman, L.B, & P. Cfe Cusack (in press). c • Deep Sea Fisheries Development Project *> Report on the third visit to Vanuatu (10 January-5 April and 8 Oi May-22 July 1983). South Pacific

167°E I

Fishing dates: From 17 June 1983 To 24 June 1983

Fishing vessels: LOA Number Name Type (m) Engine of reels Cap Qjuros Monohull 5.5 25 hp petrol outboard 2

Fishing operations: No. of trips 5 No. of trips spent bottom fishing 5 Total hours at sea 49 Average hours at sea per trip 9.8 Total hours DB fishing 23 Average deep-bottom fishing hours per trip 4.5 Total reel-hours 45 Average reel-hours per trip 9.0 Total handline hours Average handline hours per trip

Catch (kg): Total (all fishing imethods ) 735.8 Deep-bottom fishing 652.6 Deep-bottom catch (kg) Average per Average per Total trip red-hour All species 652.6 130.5 14.5 Excluding sharks 566.3 113.3 12.6 Excluding sharks and locally unsaleable species

Comments: 267 Species compositioii of the deep-bottom Jishing catch

Number % number WdgMfkg) %wright Av.wdght

UKJanldae-Eieuna* Apliaraisjurmlus Greyjabfian Deep-mter meppm Apriott vinyans Qicenjobfiah Aphamundilam SmalMoolhjocinah 2 1.3 19.S 3.0 9.8 Eletis carbvxailiu S hort-taued icd mapper 11 6.9 64.4 9.9 5.9 Etelis caruscaia Lang-tell mapper 13 8.2 159.4 24.4 12.3 EltKsjadionu Pale mapper PoracatBO kwntktini Saddled fusilier Prislipomoides amoenus Flower anapper 4 2.5 1.3 0.2 0.3 Pristipanoidesauricflta Gdd-tei]cdjnl>Mi Prlslipotu&iojilatttinloxus RasyjobJlah PrislipotuikUsflavipinws Yellow jobftah 42 26.4 41.3 6.3 1.0 Pristipomoides mxlSdens Purple-checked johuah IS 9A 31.0 4,8 2.1 Prislipaiwidcs lanalvs Banded flower sniper 22 13.8 20.0 3.1 0.9 Other /unidentified 2 1.3 3.8 0.6 1.9 Sub-total 111 69.8 340.7 52.2 3.1

LutjanklM* LuQiinfrae f iHlfrTFlJK tltVFfttJnVirtllft/lU Mangrove jack ShalkrW-mter Happen Luljanus boiar Rfdbaai Lwjanus gtbbui Paddfe-tail Luijatwlcamru Bluc-lkml mapper UtijatWTTXtiabarictu Malabar mapper Luljaruu monostigma One-spot snapper Lutjaruis rufoUncattu RLL&JUI scaps-ch Other /unidcnUlled Sub-total

LrihrUdae Gymnocranlus japan feus Iodine brenm Fxnptrtn Lclhrinus chrysostomus Red*throat emperor Lclhrinus hdtoptcria Yellow-spotted Lclhrinus nvnuttus Lon£-noBcd emperor 2 1.3 8.1 1.2 4.1 Letkrinus reticuhfus Reticulated emperor Lethrirau vortegalus Variegated eropeiec Watbiamoasaivbiea Lanje-e^ bream 4 2.S 10.0 1.5 2.5 Other/unidentified 7 4.4 17.5 2.7 2.5 Sub-total 13 8.2 35.6 5.5 2.7

Serranldae Cepfk^cpfidls avnanlia Orange rock-cod Groupers Epiruptulus areolatus Arcolatcd grouper Ejxnepfulai chlorostigma Browm-spotted grouper 4 2.5 S.l 1.2 2.0 Epinephthis comeSae Snakcskin groupct Epinipfulusfasaatus Red-bondcd grouper Eptnepfulusflavocacrvlcus Purple grouper Epinephelas /aagnisaittts Speckled grtJiipct Epint.pfu.hts miliaris Honeycomb grouper EpiwpheUts nwrthw Curve-banded grouper 2 1.3 3.1 0.5 1.6 EplrKpkthu rYtotf i Brown-backed grouper Epincpftelus szptemfasdaius Scvcn-bandcd grouper 3 1.9 26.3 4.D fi.B SaiopliapowcUi Golden fish VariatatouH Lunar-tailed ood Other /unideiitiCed 10 6.3 37,5 5.7 3.B Sub-total 19 11.9 75.0 U.5 3.9

CuwtfdaVSmmhrMM Carwtxigrufbttu Lowly Irevally TrevaHles, Jacks, turns Cttmnx Ittgttbris Black ticvally 7 4.4 21.9 3.4 3.1 Scriola dwKrifl Arohajadf Striata purpwrasans Ambcrjack SeriohrwoEana Arnbcrjack 3 1.9 40.6 6.2 13.5 Gymnosania unicofor Dogtooth tuna 1 0.6 52.5 S.0 52.5 Other /unidentified Sub-total 11 6.9 115.0 17.6 10.5

GempjUdu Pramctkicftihys promeiheus Snake mackerel OHfbhe3,Sruikeiiwckereb Ruvettux ptttionux Oflftuh Other Affiideraifttd Sub-total

Miscellaneous bony flahea Sphyraerudae Bimcudu Other bony Gibes Sub-total

OrchirhMdu Cancharbirutialbimaiginatus While-tip shark 2 1.3 75.0 11.5 37.5 Sana Carchariunja arnbtyrhyndtos Grey reef shark CarchaHuFOUTnclanapteTUSBlack-ti p aha* Reef whhB-tip shuk Oifaer/unidentified 3 1.9 11.3 1.7 3.8 Sub-total 5 3.1 86.3 13.2 17.3

GruidTotil! Bony flints 1J4 ft.* JM.3 8o.» 3.7 Shirk! 5 3.1 86.3 13.2 17.3 AU specie* 159 100.0 652.6 100.6 4.1 268

Country/ Territory: Vanuatu \ a Location: Hog Harbour, & -, Fishery status: Espiritu y^o J§ Exploited Santo V-^f Jl Reference: 15*S- Chapman, L.B. & P. ML Cusack (in press). Deep Sea Fisheries Development Project.

167°E f

Fishing dates: From 10 June 1983 To 15 June 1983

Fishing vessels: LOA Number Name Type (m) Engine of reels Lathi Monohull 5.5 25 hp petrol outboard 2

Fishing operations: No. of trips 4 No. of trips spent bottom fishing 4 Total hours at sea 50 Average hours at sea per trip 12.5 Total hours DB fishing 23 Average deep-bottom fishing hours per trip 5.6 Total reel-hours 43 Average reel-hours per trip 10.8 Total handline hours Average handline hours per trip

Catch (kg): Total (all fishingmethods ) 362.0 Deep-bottom fishing 346.8 Deep-bottom catch (kg) Average per Average per Total trip reel-hour All species 346.8 86.7 8.1 Excluding sharks 296.8 74.2 6.9 Excluding sharks and locally unsaleable species

Comments: 269 Species composition of the deep-bottom fishing catch

Numbtr * number Wdght(lig) Studs}* Av.wdght

LUIJUIUK • Elclhsc Aphpwufircalwf Grcyjobfiah De&p-toaler snappers Aprioit viivsctni Gnwnjobfiah Aphareusridilata SmaU-tootbjobDah £ io.s 59.5 17.2 7.4 Etriii aubunadus Snort-taDcd red snapper 4 5.3 3.8 1.1 1.0 EitJii amtscaiu Lang-lail snapper EleUs radtana PMcansppcT Parpomlo haakarii Saddled fusQjcr PriHtpomoidet amocnus Flower mapper PnttqxjtnnSdes auridlta Gold-tailed jabfian PritfipamoidajilanuHlasus RneyyMJah PrijIipamoltiaJJavipmrus Yellow jobHah Prisitpfrrvuiej nwltidenj Puiplo-choeksdjobfiah 14 18.4 4.5 1.1 Pri&iponwides zonalm Banded llowor aoappsr 25 32.9 53.1 15.3 2.1 Other /unidentified 1 1.3 0.3 0.1 0.3 Sub-total sz «.4 132.3 3*.I 2.5

Uujuute-Dujuanae Luijcaats arga&nactdatus Mangrove jade 2 2.6 8.8 2.5 4.4 Shallow ^wtar snappers Lutjanusbcivr Red baas Luljanus gtblna Paddb-tail Luljarua kamim Blue-lined mapper Lwyuwitmlabariau Malabar mapper iMtjOMUX tHOHOMtigHa One-apot aaapcer 7 9.2 125.6 36.2 17.9 Lmjamu ru/outttofus Rufoua aeapcrdi Other /unidentified 4 5.3 1.5 0.4 0.4 Sub-fauU 13 17.1 135.9 39.2 10.5 lAMnldu Gyrtwocra/iius japonicux Iodine bieani Empowv telkrinus chrysostomia Red-throat emperor LelMriiaa icallppt&ujt YelJaw-t^oocd emperor Lelhntats ndttiaiux Lcmg-noaeid emperor Lethritua rtHcuJaltu Reticulated cnapDrU LetftriniiS varkgotus Variejjited emperor

Other /uiudentifiod 1 13 1.3 0,4 1.3 SllVtllfe. 1 1.3 1.3 0.4 1.3

SenwIdK Ctphalopholu atwunlia Orange rock-cod Groupcre EpifupttehuajvohSus Aieolited grouper 1 1.3 0,5 0.1 0J Eptfltpkelui chlorosligma Brtwm-npaited ptmper SnakEnkin grouper Rcd-bandcd grouper Eptutpheliajlavoaunileiu Puiplc grouper EpincpJuhts magnisatitis Speckled grouper Epijtcpttehu nuUaris Honeycomb grouper Epincpkthu tiuwrhm Curvc-bindcd grouper Epiiuphetw: ntaiii Brown-badted grouper Fplnx.pkf.ius aeptcnfasdalux ScVcu-brodcd gTPUpcr SeHapSa poweitt Golden fish Variola toutf Lunai-tiilod cod Other /uiudcmiBod 2 2.6 S.6 1.6 2.8 Sub-total 3 3.9 6-1 1.* 2.0

Onu^grdfltV Smmhrkke Caranx igfiobilis Lowly trcvnlly Trcwllla, Jvka, tinm Cartmx lugubrix Black tacvilly Serioh dumerUi Atnberjack Seriate. pwpuraxaMS AnJjajflck Striata nvoilaw Ambajad: 2 2,fi 1B.1 5.2 9.1 Gyrtmotortia urucofor DogUJCrthuma Oho- Atnidentified Sub-total 2 2.6 18.1 5.2 9.1

Gempyildae Pratnclhichlhyspromelfieus Snake mackerel OUflsnca, Snake mackerels Rwcttuspntiojus OQfuh Chher/unidentified Sub-lnial

MbceUuieoui bonytbhei Sphyrsenidae Banssldu 1 1.3 3.1 0.9 3.1 Other bony fishes Sub-total 1 1.3 3.1 0.9 3.1

Qrdiarhradoe Carrharhbtnf atbirnar^iitatus White-tip aba* 1 1.3 9.0 2.6 9.0 Sharks CarcfurbitwsiBribtyrhyncluM Grey reef shark CorrharhitatsmckltopttrKt Bkxk-up abark Triaoiodon obetus Reef whib-tip shark Other /unidentified 3 3.9 41.0 11.8 13.7 Sub-total 4 5.3 50.0 14.4 12.5

GrandTcfat Bonjrljhej 72 94.7 2M.J »S.6 4.1 Sharks 4 5.3 SCO 14.4 1Z.S AUspedu 7« 100.0 34C.8 1D0.D 4.6 270

Country/ Territory: Vanuatu \ o Location: Luganville, Espiritu & -, Santo Fishery status: Espiritu \ \ ^\ Exploited Santo \g§Q k 6 Reference: 15 S- Chapman, L.B. & P. ML Cusack (in press). Ob Deep Sea Fisheries a. " Development Project. <5 Report on the third visit to Vanuatu (10 January-5 April and 8 May-22 July 1983). ft South Pacific &' - Commission, Noumea, New Q Fishing sites Caledonia.

167°E I

Fishing dates: From 27 June 1983 To 1 July 1983

Fishing vessels: LOA Number Name Type (m) Engine of reels Monohull 7.0 25 hp petrol outboard 4

Fishing operations: No. of trips 5 No. of trips spent bottom fishing 2 Total hours at sea 25 Average hours at sea per trip 5.0 Total hours DB fishing 10 Average deep-bottom fishinghour s per trip 4.8 Total reel-hours 17 Average reel-hours per trip 8.5 Total handline hours Average handline hours per trip

Catch (kg): Total (aH fishing methods) 594.1 Deep-bottom fishing 242.2 Deep-bottom catch (kg) Average per Average per Total trip reel-hour All species 242.2 121.1 14.2 Excluding sharks 180.2 90.1 10.6 Excluding sharks and locally unsaleable species

Comments: Vessel name was not recorded. Species composition of the de$p-boltom fishing catch

Ninlar ttn»far WdsJit(kg) femtgtt Av. weight

LuUuiMat-BtettiK Apttamafimaiiu GrcyjobEuh Dttr>mter supper* Apnan vintcew Giccnjpbfffli Snull-tootfajobQdi 2. 2.6 xa,o 7.4 9.0 Short-tailed red mapper Etetis oonwanu Lcng-tail anappn EtcEs radtonu Pale mapper Sidled fuailvr Prutipanotda amoema Rower mapper 1 IJ 0.4 0.2 0.4 PratqKttioldtj tuaicQti Gdd-tiflodjobfiih PrhtipemouUrfilanieniosui RxKyjobTHh IS 23,* 44.5 . }*•* 2.S Pristipemciiiajkntpimu Ycllowjobfijli 1 1.3 0.8 0.3 0.8 Prist yxururides muft&bu Puiple-cfaDeked jobQdl 43 53.8 67.3 27,8 1.6 PristipatKK&rxoiiatia Banded Eowar •nappeo*


ttfir Luljnnkke »tu^bfaittfi TiUtj/tHiu titvfMtir yfatHJ WUngrove jack Shstiwr-vnlfr supper* Lulja/ua boiur Redbtw Luljaniis gibbus Peddle-hil Lutjanta karmra Blue-Imed mapper LufjamuTfiaiabaricHj Mal*b*r mapper LutjatuLi monojtigitvt Om-wpot nutppar Lutja/uu rufoiituaius Rufoui mpercli OrtyX^iinvWitifwa1 Sub-total

i • LrttwWd* Gynuuxromas japan ieus Iodine brum Emptforfl Red-throat emperor Lctkrinus koHopterns Ycllow-ipotteJ ampcrmr LtlHrinui nvnialus Lang-noacd emperor 1 1-3 3.9 1.6 3.9 Lethriiuu rttiatlalio Rcticui jtcd emperor Ltthrbuts voritgatux Variegated emperor Wottaamoxsambiai Lugc-cyc W*n Other/onidrtitifittl Sub4obd 1 1.3 3.9 1.6 3.9

StrnuitdK CtphtAapholbairtutifa Gunge rock'-cod Gfwptn Epmephebaanoiaiuf Ajeolifcd grouper J U 8.6 3.6 8,6 Epiaephelia chlorvxtignta Brown-i-potted grouper axnclac Sjukeakin grouper Epiiuphelusjasdalus Red-bunded grouper grouper Epitttphtluf magmxeuttis Speckled grouper J^MjataiWfluiiaWj Honeycomb grouper ^NrrV^AeiWin0iTAih9 Curve*bmded grouper Epinepfuhis retouii Brown-backed grouper Epin&ptselus seplemfasdalus Seven-bmded grouper fdlqptui^dwJ/i Golden ftfb Variola /oftf Lunu-uiled cod Chher/uiudctHiGed Sub-fatal 1 1.3 8.6 3.6 8.4

Qnm^dW SambridK Coram tgnobMs Lowly bcvplly TrewUle^Jftck^ IUIDH Caranxlugubris Bttcktrevilly Striata dumtrUI AiDbcrjidc Striata purpunijaHx Aibbetjitdc Striate rivelioita Ambcrjid: GymnetArda umooior Dogtooth tutu 2 2,6 33.6 13.S 16.8 Other /unidentified Sub-total 2 2,6 33.6 13.9 16.8

Gempyldae PrameUuchUrfz promtlhcus Snake madmrol OtKWia, Snake mulonb Suvcllus prclimm OlOih Other/unidentified Sub-total

Mtttdlaneous botifflahef Sphyraenidae Barracudai 2 2.6 3.1 1.3 1,6 Othsrbony tube. Sub-total 2 2.6 3.1 1.3 1.6

QirJurhHoW CanJwMuualbvttirgtKltus White-tip atark Shark! CarchaMiuisamtiythyathos Grey reef ahark CardiarbwdlmdaKpteniS Black-tip «ha* TnacnoetoR obtsvs Roof white-lip ihirk Other/unidentified 6 7.8 62,0 2S.6 10.3 StaVIatal « 7.8 . (2.S 2S.S 10.3

CmdlUnfc Bonyfbtia 71 ».2 180.2 74.4 2.5 Stario 6 7.8 62.0 25.6 10.3 Allvedes 77 100.0 242.2 100.0 3.1 272

,: Country/ Territory: •• ••> ' •.;••:••' : V-v .:-;• •':; - . • . -..-•> ••:•-• . •• j Vanuatu : v::,.V,.. Location: oo * Lamen Bay, Epi . S3> .-• Fishery status: Exploited Reference: 15°S- Chapman, L.B, & P. Cusack (in press). Deep Sea Fisheries m. — Development Project. *2t Report on the third *& visit to Vanuatu (10 - January-5 April and 8 f May-22 July 1983). South Pacific ft Commission, :• . <&.' . Noumea, New Caledonia. Q Fishing site o

167aE - . . ""'

Fishing dates: From 18 May 1983 To 30 May 1983

Fishing vessels: LOA Number Name Type (m) Engine of reels Sululusi Monohull 5.5 25 hp petrol outboarc 4

Fishing operations: - No. of trips 9 No. of trips spent bottom fishing 9 Total hours at sea 65 Average hours at sea per trip 7.2 Total hours DB fishing 43 Average deep-bottom fishinghour s per trip 4.7 Total reel-hours 15? Average reel-hours per trip 17.4 ' Total handline hours Average handline hours per trip

Catch (kg): Total (all fishing methods) 762.1 Deep-bottom fishing 736.2 Deep-bottom catch (kg) Average per Average per Total trip reel-hour All species 736.2 81.8 , . . " " 4,7- Excluding sharks 647.8 72.0 4.1 Excluding sharks and locally 641.6 71.3 4.1 unsaleable species

Comments: Species composition of the deep-bottom fishing catch

Number % timber WrfghlQtg) »»dghl Av. weight

Lu(|inldii-Eldkne Aphonia fidrcalui GrcyjobGsh Deep*tater snappers Aprinn viresans GieepjbbEah Aphama ri&Qaiu Sir^-loolhjabElh 2 0.5 12,0 1.6 6.0 Etiiii tmhwiadus S bort-lailed rodsnappe r 1 0.3 2.5 0.3 2.5 Etttis corusamx Long-tail snapper 1 0.3 3.1 0.4 3.1 Eteiis radiosus Pale snapper 1 0.3 1.5 0.2 1.5 Paraausio htsalaru Saddled fusilier Prislipamoidcy atHoenus Flower snapper PrutiportiaultseitTidlla Gold-tailodjobEsh Prisl^anoidtifikuncntosia RoryjobEiah 1 0.3 1.4 0.2 1.4 PrisiiponioMes fiavipimus Yellow jobfiih 94 25.8 92.3 12.5 1.0 Pristipomoidss mullidtHS Purple-cheeked jobfuli 133 36.4 250.3 34.0 1.9 PrlstipaKxdts sormttu Banded flower wiaja^ef Olber/unidentified Sub-toM 233 63.8 363.1 49.3 1.6

Lu^nldae-Liujanaue LutpnusgrgcnHmacitlntirt MdHgrcnvjick 2 0.5 7.9 1.1 4.0 ShalaMMmter snapper* Lutjanusbohar Red ban 1 0.3 6.3 0.9 6.3 Lutjaiua gibbui Paddte-bul Lutjatuukasmm Bluc-lmed mapper Lutjanw maiabariais Malabar mapper 75 20.5 168.1 22.8 2.2 Ljttjaniu monosdgtta One-spot snapper Lutja ma ndo&neaius Rufous seapercu 1 0.3 0.3 0.0 0.3 Other /unidentified 2 0.5 8.4 1.1 4.2 Sub-total 81 22.2 191.0 2S.9 2.4

LettaMdae Gymnocranita japonicus Iodine bntam junperora Lctkrinus dirysostomus Red-throat emperor LtthrtHiu kallopicrus Ycllow-spottad emperor Lang-rased emperor Lcthnratf nttcvbifu Rrticdrtcd erapcror Lethrimavariegaius Vftocgstcd emperor Waltsia rnassambiea Large-typ bream 15 4.1 33.4 4.5 2.2 Other ^dde^rif]e(I Sub-loW 1? 4.1 33.4 4.5 2.2

StfrikhLtta Ccphatcphc&v awatttia Orangp rock-cod Ghrtipo-s Epineptielus areohtus AnMhted grouper 6 1.6 3.1 0.4 0.5 Epinephdlus chlorestigwi Brown-spoted grouper Epinephtius comelat Snakwlrin grouper Epinephtius fasdatta Rcd-binded grouper EpiMphdusJfavocaendats Purple grouper EpinephcUis magnisatttis Speckled grouper EpitotphcUis tuitions Honeycomb grouper Epinephelusmorrhua CurVc-badded grouper Epinephtius relouli Brawn-backed grouper Epinephrine xpteirfosdaius Seven-bunded giouper Salaptia powtffi GoldenfJBh Variola loud Lunar-tulod cod Otta/iinktaitif»d 6 1.6 21.1 2.9 3.5 SUMDUU 12 3.3 24.2 3.3 2.0

QvwgUue' Sombridat Ctawtx iguibUu Lowly trovally TrevaJllei, Jacks, tunas Black trevally SrnrJadumerill Arnbajsck Seriola pwrpHrasccHS Atnberjack SeriotarivolaBia AmbcxJKk 8 2.2 36.1 4.9 4.5 Gymntaarda unicoJor Dogtooth tuna Other/unidentified Sub-Mai 8 2.2 36.1 4.9 4.5

GanpjVdae Prarruthichihys promelhcus Srinke mackerel OllflsbeL. Snake mackerels Rmcttusprctiosus Oilflah OTho/unidtniilicd Subtotal

MbcellBUieous bony ttiha Sphyiaenidae B«mcudas Other bony fishes Sub-total

Cardial Aldae Cardiarfuma albimarginaiiu Whito-lqi shark 3 0.8 37.5 5.1 12.5 Sharks CartAarhiiuu ambiyrkynchos Grey reef shark CardvuMmumtJanaptenis Black-dp mark Trwznodon cbesus Reef white-tip shark CHber/unidentified 13 3.6 50.9 6.9 3.9 Slavtond 16 4.4 88.4 12.0 5.5

GmndTotsb Bony fishes 349 95.6 647,8 88.0 1.9 Sharks 16 4.4 88.4 12.0 5.5 All species 365 100.0 736.2 100.(1 2.0 274

Country/ Territory: Vanuatu \ Location: a* Port Vila ss> •, Fishery status: Lightly exploited Reference: 15°S- Chapman, L.B. & P. Cusack (in press). Deep Sea Fisheries Development Project. © ^e Report on the third visit to Vanuatu (10 January-5 April and 8 May-22 July 1983). South Pacific Q. Commission, Noumea, New ft".. Caledonia. Q Fishing site 0

167°E »

Fishing dates: From 15 January 1983 To 5 April 1983

Fishing vessels: LOA Number Name Type (m) Engine of reels Samcat Catamaran 8.9 25 hp petrol outboard 2 Aika Catamaran 8.9 25 hp petrol outboard 4 Niwon Catamaran 10.0 2x10 hp petrol o"board 4 Monohull 5.5 15 hp petrol outboard 2

Fishing operations: No. of trips 19 No. of trips spent bottom fishing 10 Total hours at sea 425 Average hours at sea per trip 22.4 Total hours DB fishing 395 Average deep-bottom fishing hours per trip 3.7 Total reel-hours 110 Average reel-hours per trip 11.0 Total handline hours Average handline hours per trip

Catch Okg): Total (all fishing methods) 4,954.2 Deep-bottom fishing 955.1 Deep-bottom catch (kg) Average per Average per Total trip reel-hour All species 955.1 95.5 8.7 Excluding sharks 895.8 89.6 8.1 Excluding sharks and locally 672.2 67.2 6.1 unsaleable species

Comments: 275 Species composition of the deep-bottom fishing catch

Ntcnbtr %iuikf Weight (kg) % might Av. weight

UiUanMat-Edkiat Aphonia Juratius GreyjobEsb D«p-n»(cr snappers Aprionvittscais Green jobfish Aphnreus raSans Small-tooth jdbflsh 2 1.0 8.0 0.8 4.0 EitJh catbutiadux Short-tailed ted jeuppor 35 17.9 184.8 19.3 5.3 Elda cenaauts I^ong-tail snapper 8 4.1 17.1 l.S 2.1 EtcKs radtona PHIE snapper 2 1.0 8.9 0.9 4.5 Ptvttmftdt* Jntythtrii Ssddlcd fusilier 2 1.0 4.7 0.5 2.4 Prislipomotdat amoenus Flower snapper 20 ID.3 7.S 0.8 0.4 Pruttpomoida avridlJa Gold-tailed]obfisb PristipnttoidtifUamcnloxui Raayjobfiah PriatipaHoidesJIaidpiiuus Yellow jobfiah 3 U 3.t 0.3 1.0 PristipanuHdet maWdttir Puiple-cheekedjobfish 1 0.5 2.0 0.2 2.0 Prixtipomaidet toHtttus Banded flower snapper 2 1.0 1.3 0.1 0.7 Otlier/unidentified 1 os 1.4 0.1 1.4 Suo-latel 76 39.0 238.8 25.0 3.1

Ludanldae - Lutkibkuc Luljxnus argatiimiadatus Mangrove jack Shallow-naltr mappers Luljaruu bohar Rod ban 20 10.3 57.7 6.0 2-9 lidjanus gj'eom Paddle-tail 8 4.1 6.7 0.7 o.s Lulyuua Jbumfrtt Blue-lined snapper Malabar snapper Luljamts morvaSgma One-spot snapper 2 1.0 1.3 0.1 0.7 Lot jama rttfoKiKatus Rufous seapereu Other /unidentified 2 1.0 0.6 0.1 0.3 Sub-total 32 16.4 66.3 6.9 2.1

LcthrMdac Gymnocrwdm jap&tkut Iodine bream Jfrnpcrors Lcthrinus ekrtsostomus Red-throat ernperor Lcthriwii itdlapltriu Yellow-sported emperor 1 0.5 2.5 0.3 2.5 Lcthriruu mnlalus Long-nosed emperor Lethiiuu retiadatus Reticulated omperor Lcthrbau varicgtfus VaiiegalAd emperor Wattsia mossambica Large-c^K bream Other/unidentified 9 4.6 12.3 1.3 1.4 SUbrtDUd IP 5.1 14.8 1.5 1.5

SernraoV dcptialofAoIisairoMki Orange rock-cod Grouper* Eputophztes tfUMtaau Areotaled grouper EpUu.phelus dttorostigma Brown-spotted grouper Epincphthu conetae Snakeskin grouper 4 2.1 8.0 0.8 2.0 EpiitepJielitsfasciattis Red-banded grouper Epuupkclusfimocaendtus Purple grouper Epinephehds magnisaiais Speckled grouper 4 2.1 19.9 2.1 5.0 JSpiruphelus ruffians Honeycomb grouper 1 0.5 2.4 03 2.4 Eplntpluhamorrhua Curve-banded grouper 8 4.1 20.1 2.1 2.5 Epinqthcka nUmii Brawn-backed grouper 9 4.6" 329.3 34.5 36.6 Epintpktlus xpiemfiudalus Seven-bonded grouper Saloptia pcnvtU* Golden flab Variola fcurff Lunar-tailed cod Odier/ilrndentUW 4 2.1 11.0 1.2 2.8 Sub-total 30 15.4 390.7 40.9 13.0

CtavngkboT Snubrkhr Caranx SgnobSis Lowly tnsvally Trewlllcet Jacks, tunas Carnnx lugubris BLKIC travally 1 0.5 2.9 0.3 2.9 Striata, dumerili Amberjiclc Serbia pitrjxBwtxn£ AunijeaJBck SeriotarivotuBta AiHsberjadc Cymnosarda vtvcolor Dogtooth tuna. Other /iinidtmiified Sub-totBl 1 0.5 1.9 0.3 2.9

Gonpyliuae: Pramcthidtlkyj promethtfu Snake mackerel 9 4.6 149.3 15.6 16.6 OllflsbcitSiukeinackertb Ria/etliu preliosus OEflsh 2 1.0 8.0 0.8 4.0 Other /uiuoeiiufjrjd Sub-loud 11 5.6 157.3 16.5 14.3

MleeeUanuusbonyltaltes Sphyraentdae Barracudas Other bony fishes 19 9.7 25.0 2.6 IJ Sub-total 19 9.7 25.0 2.6 1.3

OfdMrbUdat CarcAarhiw albbwrgittatw Whne-tki shark Shark! Cardvrtuniiiambtyrhyflrftox Grey reef shark CarchanVnustTekiitiptenu Black-up shark Triacnodon obesia Reef while-tip shark Other /unidcrui&cd 16 8.2 59.3 6.2 3.7 Sub-loud 16 8.2 59.3 6.2 3.7

GrandTnoil: Bony flat] el 179 91.8 895.8 93.8 5.0 Shark) 16 8.2 59.3 6.2 3.7 AD species 195 100.0 955.1 100.0 4.9 276

Country/ Territory: Vanuatu V Location: o Island, s> % Malekula Fishery status: Exploited Reference: Malekula W^f «~\ 15°S - Chapman, L.B. & P. Cusack (in press). Deep Sea Fisheries Development Project. %> Report on the third visit to Vanuatu (10 January-5 April and 8 May-22 July 1983). Q, South Pacific Commission,

167°E «

Fishing dates: From 3 July 1983 To 5 July 1983 Fishing vessels: LOA Number Name Type (m) Engine of reels MaluaBay Monohull 5.5 25 hp petrol outboard 2

Fishing operations: No. of trips 3 No. of trips spent bottom fishing 3 Total hours at sea 18 Average hours at sea per trip 6.0 Total hours DB fishing 12 Average deep-bottom fishing hours per trip 4.0 Total reel-hours 24 Average reel-hours per trip 8.0 Total handline hours Average handline hours per trip

Catch (kg): Total (all fishingmethods ) 62.5 Deep-bottom fishing 53.9 Deep-bottom catch (kg) Average per Average per Total trip red-hour All species 53.9 18.0 2.2 Excluding sharks Excluding sharks and locally unsaleable species

Comments: 277 Species composition of the deep-bottom fishing catch

Numha- %iuiter Weight

LiiVanldK'EldbK Aphaneiafunxitui GtayjohBsh Deep»icaler snappers Aprion virescens Green jobfixh Aph&mv rutibms Small-tooth jobfish Eldif a&bunadux Short-tailed red snapper 3 8.8 S.6 10.4 1.9 Ettiis corvscaia Long-tail snapper 2 5.9 9.4 17.4 4.7 EteEsrndbnu Pale snapper Paraaujio hwkaru Saddlod fusilier Pristipamoidts amociuu Flower snapper Prvtipomniitsevicilla Gold-tailed jobfuh PristipomitiJea/ihuwntosus Roayjobiuh h-islipM&jlitripwuj Yellow jabHah 1 2.9 1.3 %A 1.3 Pristipanrndcs mid&dcns Purple-cheeked jobfjsl] IS 44.1 16.9 31.4 1.1 Pri&ipanoidcs zcmatus Banded flower nurppcr Other /unidentified SuWolal 21 61.S 33.2 61.6 1.6

IjiL>nidBe-tulJti^nK Lul/Miisargcnliiniailatus Mangrove jack SLwIlm-TOter snapper* Luljanits bohtr Red baas Luijattus gibbus PaddlB-lBll Lutjania kasmira Blue-lined soap-pa Malabar mopper Lutjanus mormstigrrta One-spot snapper 10 29.4 15.0 27.8 1.5 Rufous scsperdi C)il,c=r/unLtn:ify5d Sub-fatal 10 2M 15.0 27.S 1.5

leUvUdw Gymtuxreniusjaponicus Iodmo bream Emperors Lethrinus ckrysostomus Red-throat emperor L*Annus kailopia-us Yellow -spotted emperor Lcihrtmis ttdniatus Long-nosed emperor Lctkrinus nticulatui Reticul tiedempero r Lelhrinusvariegattut Variegated ernperor Wetub moASdTa*icfl Large-eye btcam Other/uiaidentified 1 2,9 1.9 3.5 1.9 Sub-Wat 1 2.9 1,9 3.5 1.9

Semuidae Ctphalophotis turtuttia Orarige. rock-cod Groupcn Epinepfulux cmolaius Areolated grouper Eptrvpkelus ckiartntigrrtu Brown*apotod grouper Epirvpfutus comclat SnaltBildn grouper Epin^phtluifasciaius Red-banded grouper EpincpfisiHsjlavocaerfdats Purple grouper Epiruiphelus magtascuUis Speckled grouper Eptnephelus miliaria Honeycomb grouper Epitupheha marrtua Curve-tumded grouper Epinepfttbts rttouii Brown-backed grouper Epittephelus septanfasdaJus Seven-banded grouper Salaplia pawelH Golden fuh Vnrida louii Lunar-tailed cod Other /unidentified Sub-toto]

CaaTtnfddWSmmbrtdae Caranx ignobilu Lowly fcevally Trmllltt, jacka, tunas Carrvtx tugvbris Black trevally Striata dvmlili Amberjack Striata purpurasoens Ainbcrjaclc Striata rwaVana Ambexjack 1 2.9 1.3 1A 1.3 GymnosanSa lmicofar Dogtooth tuna OlW /unidentified Sub-total 1 2.9 1.3 2,4 1.3

GcmpyMac PrcnKihichllqs pmme&cits Snake mackerel OIHlshts, Snaltemackereb Rmctuu prttionu O Irish Other/unidentified Sub-total

Miscellaneous bony flahes Sphyraerudae Barracudas Other bony fishes 1 2.9 2.S 4.6 2.S Sub-lolal 1 2.9 2.S 4.6 2.S

OtnJwhbitdBe QxTThathitiiisaibinarginatus While-tip limit Sharks Card*arhit)iis atnblyrhyttdtos Grey reef shark CenfeithiHiis ttidlanopierus Black-tip shark Triacncdo-n obesUs Reef while-tip shirk Other /unidentified Sub-total

Grand Total: Bony fishes 34 100.0 53.9 100.0 1.6 Sharks All specks 34 100.0 53.9 100.0 1.6 278

Country/ Territory: Vanuatu \ o Location: 9* Tahi village, Paama JS> -, Fishery status: Lightly exploited Reference: 15°S- Chapman, L.B. & P. Cusack (in press). Deep Sea Fisheries Development Project. Report on the third & visit to Vanuatu (10 January-5 April and 8 May-22 July 1983). South Pacific Q, Commission, Noumea, New V • Caledonia. Q Fishing site a

167°E 1

Fishing dates: From 31 May 1983 To 7 June 1983

Fishing vessels: LOA Number Name Type (m) Engine of reels Yeakall Monohull 5.5 25 hp petrol outboard 4

Fishing operations: No. of trips 6 No. of trips spent bottom fishing 6 Total hours at sea 28 Average hours at sea per trip 4.7 Total hours DB fishing 27 Average deep-bottom fishing hours per trip 4.5 Total reel-hours 58 Average reel-hours per trip 9.7 Total handline hours Average handline hours per trip

Catch (kg): Total (all fishing methods) 548.8 Deep-bottom fishing 450.7 Deep-bottom catch (kg) Average per Average per Total trqp reel-hour All species 450.7 75.1 7.8 Excluding sharks 430.7 71.8 7.4 Excluding sharks and locally unsaleable species

Comments: 279 Species composition of the deep-bottom fishing catch

* number Weighty fewdght Av.wdgM

Luguildac-ESdhae Aphareiafitrvatu* Greyjabfiih Dup-wnbcr snappers Aprion viresans Green jobEuh Aphonia ridilans Small-taodijobOih 2 2.3 13.8 3.1 6.9 Etelis cajijwiadux Shatt-taDed nd mapper 48 55.2 265.0 58.8 5.5 Etctfa conacans Locj$*tail snapper 12 13.8 74.4 16.5 6.2 Eteliic radlosta Pole snapper 2 2.3 10.0 2.2 s.o Paruauzriti imaitini Saddled fusilier 2 2.3 7.5 1.7 3.8 Pri&ipamnidtt dmdOUr Flower snapper Prislpomoidei auricula Gold-tailodjobfish Prittipamoidixjitamehlosus Roayjobfish PristipomDidaflxvipinrus Yellow jobTah Pristipawtidcs mjtMdtots Piuple-cheeksd jobfiih 3 3.4 3.0 1.1 1.7 Pristipontotdes xonaluj Banded flower snapper 2 2.3 1.9 0.4 1.0 Oiier/lIiliJniuSai 2 2.3 3.0 0.7 is Sub-total 73 83.9 380.6 84.4 5.2

LuyinldBe-LutianlruK Lutjanusargen&naadettus Mangrove jack ShBlkwTOtcr mappers Jjiljaruu battar Red boa Lutjanus glbbus Paddlo-Tail Lutjoniis komura Bluet-lined mapper LuljanusmaJabaricus Malabar mapper Luljaiius tnonosdgnia Dm-spot smppw Luijama mfeJi/ttaius Rufou* sttptreta Otfacr/mUAiriUfiod Sub-lDfil

UhrHdK GynmocrawusjapoHiciu Iodine bream Dnpaws Lclhrittiu chrysoitontiu Red-throat emperor Ltlkrimu kollopterus Yellow-spotted emperor Ltlkriroa naiaaius Xanj-noacd eropsror Ltlttriruu rttladlaltu Reticulated emperor Lithrnau varicgptMS Variegated emperor Wattsia mossombtca Large-eye bnam 1 1.1 3.8 0.8 3.8 Otb^/unidentified 1 1.1 1.9 0.4 1.9 Sub-Mil 2 2.3 S.7 1.3 2.9

SerruddM Ccphalopholu euraniia Oranjjeiodc-cod Groups* Epinepfului artolaius Aiedaa^ grouper EpinepJufta chlcrostigma Brown-spotted grouper Epinepfuhts ametac Snakeskin grouper EpinephelvsJostMtttS Red-handed grouper Epitupheltisfiavocatndttu Purple grouper Epintpkeha magm&atilU Speckled grouper Epincphehu miUaris Honeycomb grouper Epiatpheha marrhua Curve-banded grouper 3 3.* S.6 1.2 1.9 reiouii Brown-barked grouper Epiaepkeius sepieff^udaiiv Seven-banded gnjaper Saiapth powetti Golden full Variola iWf Lunar-tailed cod Olha-/unidcntifipd 4 4.6 23.1 5.1 5.S Sub-lotal 7 8.0 2S.7 tf.4 4,1

CaningWac' ScombrWa* Caranx ignobilis Lowly trovally TreralllM, jacks, turuu Caranx lugubris Black trcvally Striata dttntcriJi Amber] ack Seriolapurpurajctns Atpberjack SctidavwcHuina Arhbojack Gymnatortk umcolor Dogtooth tuna 2 2,3 14.4 3.2 7.2 Other /unidentiriDd StcVlobI 2 2.3 14.4 3.2 7.2

Gempysdne Pranethichlkys promelheits Snake mackerel Ollflshes, Snake mackerels Rwtltus ppctionu Oilfbh Other /unidentified Sub-total

MbccllaAeMH bony fishes Sphyraenidao Barracudas Other bony fiahei 1 1.1 1.3 0.3 1.3 Sub-Mai 1 1.1 1.3 0.3 1.3

GutharhUdae Gxrcfcirfciniadie&ncirgi'fuJur Whim-tip (hark Sharks Grey reef shark CanAmMiutsmekHi&cnis Black-tip ihark Triaenadon obesui Ree f white-tip shark Other/unidentified 2 2.3 20.0 4.4 10.0 Sub-total 2 2.3 20.0 4.4 10.0

Gnndlbtab. Bony fishes 85 S7.7 430.7 9S.6 5.1 ShnrJa 3 2.3 20.0 4.4 10.0 All specks S7 100.0 450.7 100.0 5.2 281 WALIJS AND FUTUNA

The French Territory of Wallis and Futuna consists of two groups of small high islands. The Wallis group consists of the island of Uvea, which has a barrier reef and lagoon within which are several smaller islands and islets. To the south-west and separated from Wallis by about 220 km of ocean are the islands of Futuna and Alofi. These do not have barrier reefs but instead possess small areas of fringing reef. In all cases the shelf slopes are precipitous beyond the reef margin. The 100-fm isobath extends for 70 n.mi, with just under 50 per cent of this around the Wallis group. Two visits have been made by SPC masterfishermen to Wallis and Futuna. Catch rates varied from 6.6 to 9.3 kg/line-hr at Wallis, with an overall mean of 8.0 kgAine-hr, and from 5.6 to 8.7 kg/line-hr at Futuna, with a mean of 7.2 kg/line-hr. Catch composition data are given in Table 2. Landings were dominated by eteline snappers, which formed nearly 57 per cent of the catch weight. Other important catch contributions were made by the serranids and the carangids/scombrids. Greater relative amounts of etelines were taken at Futuna (68.3%) than at Wallis (51.3%), although at both locations the pattern of eteline dominance of the catch, followed by serranids and carangids/ scombrids, was more or less the same.

No commercial fishingfo r deep slope species has followed from the activities of the SPC masterfishermen within the Territory of Wallis and Futuna. The catch rates experienced by the masterfishermen would typically be expected to decline to between 3.6 and 4.0 kg/line-hr if fishing was pursued to the extent that MSY was achieved. The MSY, from an empirical estimate of 102.2 t of unexploited biomass, would be expected to lie between 10.2 and 30.7 t/yr. 282

Country/ Territory: Wallis and Futuna Q Fishing sites Location: Futuna o/ Fishery status: 14915'S _ Unexploited ©\ ^ Futuna \ Reference: 0 Fusimalohi, T. & R. ^^0 Grandperrin. 1980. ^i Rapport sur le projet de developpement de 'oJp>- lapeehe profonde a "X__? Wallis et Futuna (13 J> 0 fivrier-2 juillet 1980). Commission du Pacifique Sud, 7 0^ Noumea, Nouvelle-CaleViome, 25 pp.

178°10'W 1

Fishing dates: From 20 May 1980 To 10 June 1980

Fishing vessels: LOA Number Name Type (m) Engine ofreels Catamaran 8.6 25 hp petrol outboard 34 Catamaran 8.6 40 hp petrol outboard 34

Fishing operations: No. of trips 13 No. of trips spent bottom fishing 13 Total hours at sea 108 Average hours at sea per trip 8.3 Total hours DB fishing 58 Average deep-bottom fishing hours per trip 4.4 Total reel-hours 207 Average reel-hours per trip 15.9 Total handline hours Average handline hours per trip

Catch (kg): Total (aJ! fishing methods) 1,502.0 Deep-bottom fishing 1,164.0 Deep-bottom catch (kg) Average per Average per Total trip reel-hour All species 1,164.0 89.5 5.6 Excluding sharks 1,079.0 83.0 5.2 Excluding sharks and locally unsaleable species

Comments: Vessel names were not recorded. 283 Species composition of the deep-bottom fishing catch

Number S number Wdgh((kg) •Swdjjht Av. weight

Uiganldac-EIdkaK Apharaufiimalm Greyjobriau btepmltr anappcra Aprion virejtxnt Green jobfiah 5 1.2 20.0 1.7 4.0 Apbarvwridilaiu SmrjMootbjobfiih 45 10.8 196.0 16.8 4.4 Etelii carbunadus Short-taJlBd led snapper 31 7.4 214.0 18.4 6.9 Etdii cortaaajis Long-tail upper 25 6.0 117.0 10.1 4.7 Ettlisradtotus Paleanapper PaTocaejiti laatji&ii Saddled fusilier 2 0.5 4.0 0.3 2.D Pr'ulipcmaidej (Uiwwu Flower mapper PrutipattaMuauricHla Gold-tailed jobfiih PyiftipatuAdejfiJsmeitkaiu Rosyjohfua 79 18.9 141.0 12.: 1.8 Prittipatnoidesfiampiiuus Yellow jobTab 123 29.4 121.0 10.4 1.0 PristipcHUiMts HuifrLdeiLi Puipie-chBdosd jofruah Prist ipamoidtj temaiia Budcd ilowca-suppv 28 6.7 34.0 2.9 1.2 Other /unidentified Suh-tocjl 338 80.9 $47.0 72.8 2.5

LuUuililH-LlU>nlM» Lutjgjuu arggnfljwiirVri t*i Mangrove jack StaUow-naler snappere Ltitjcuuubotw Rsdhus 1 0.2 S.O 0.4 5.0 JUajanv tfbbuj Paddfc-tau Lutjwakaidra Bluo-lmod snapper LHljaiuumaidbariaa Malabar snapper Lujaiajtnoxu&gma OnB'jpot mspsper Ltujcuuu rijfolM&iiia Rufous Beaperob Other /unidentified Sub-ioW 1 e.l 5.0 0.4 5.(1

Lrtrttttt Gjwnof^i^jtf japtwicw' Iodine hreim EtapAtn Lcihruuu ckryjojtortmt Red-thmit emperor Lelhrinus koiloptems Vollow-Bpottod emperor Lelhrinus mtuotiu Long-imsd emperor Ltthriruu retfcidafttr RcticuLihsd BDOfBrar Lelkrinuswricgatv* Vam £astr\f| fi|L||*f irT 24 5.7 45.0 3.9 1.9 Wattsiam&ttomirfca Otbar /unidentified SuMntaJ 24 5*7 45,0 3.9 1.9

Cqihalcpttolis airaitiia Orange rock-md Groupers Epbupheliuatvalatiu Areouued grouper 2 0.5 3.0 0.3 1.5 Epmephelm ddonjtigma Brown-ipotfed grouper 5 1.2 14.0 1.2 2.8 EpaujAtUa canebe Smtoiilfin grouper EpihqAehujasdaha Rcd-btmfad grouper Epifuphettuflovoaundeus Purple grouper EpiNcphciusmagiujcuUis Speckled grouper EpitKptiehu mKarti noncycomb grouper Epiiupkttus MorrAm Cunv-balded grouper 11 2.6 35.0 3.0 3.2 EputqAebts retouti Brawn

Onngkl^SinnfaridK Carwvc IgjtabQJt Lowly trcvaliy TrrolUH, Jacks, twin Camnxlugjdwu Black trevally 14 3.3 48.0 4.1 34 Serbia dumnJi Araberjack 2 0.5 9.0 0.8 4.5 Struma pttrpvrtutxns Amborjaak SeriolaTjuoiia/ta Ambcrjack Gynwuaf&i umcolar Dogtooth tuna 1 0.2 18.0 1.5 18.1) Other Amkkntified Subtotal 17 4.1 75.0 6.4 4.4

Goiroldu PromcihxchAys promttktus Siulccirackcict Ottflatr^SniikCTiiKkcRb Rwcltia pntiotvs Oafish


Ot^bctyfiihei 1 0.2 4.0 0,3 4.0 Sub-total 1 0.2 4.0 0,3 4.0

OnharHnUac CdWhofftnai albvrurgiHfMr Whie-upthirk Shark! CdKMorAiur amofyrnjncfcoj Grey reef shark Carckattouv mebnoptena Black-tip shark TrHeaoaon obtsta ReerwhiB-tip shirk Other /unklenufied 3 0.7 85.0 7.3 28.3 Sub-total 3 0.7 85.0 7.3 28.3

Grand TWai Bony fish ei 415 99.3 1,079.0 92.7 2.6 Shark. 3 0.7 85.0 7.3 28.3 All specks 418 100.0 1,164.0 100.0 2.8 284

WallisandFutraaa Fishing sites

WaUis Fishery status: Unexploited

Fusimalohi, T. & R. Grandperrin. 1980. Rapport sw leprojet de developpement de lapiche profonde & WaUis et Futuna (13 fevrier-2 juillet 1980). Commission du Pacifique Sud, 13°20'S — Noumea, NouveUe-Cal&lonie, 25 pp.

'176S30'W I

Fishing dates: From 18 February 1980 To 5 June 1980

Fishing vessels: LOA Number Name Type (m) Engine of reels Monohull 9.0 2x 40 hp petrol 2 Monohull 5.1 25 hp petrol outboard 2

Fishing operations: No. of trips 26 No. of trips spent bottom fishing 26 Total hours at sea 204 Average hours at sea per trip 7.8 Total hours DB fishing 111 Average deep-bottom fishing hours per trip 4.3 Total reel-hours 222 Average reel-hours per trip 8.5 Total hand line hours Average handling hours per trip

Catch (kg): Total (an fishing methods) 2,118.0 Deep-bottom fishing 2,074.0 Deep-bottom catch (kg) Average per Average per Total trq> reeHiour All species 2,074.0 ~ - ... V 79.8 . 9.3 Excluding sharks 1,939.0 7,416.0 8.7 Excluding sharks and locally unsaleable species

Comments: Vessel names were not recorded. 285 Species composition of the deep-bottom fishing catch

Number % mortar Weight (kg % might Av.wdghl

Luljiuikbe-Blllue Aphonia furcates GreyjobEah Deep-mter snappers Aprton vinscenx Green jobEah 11 1.6 38.0 1.8 3.5 AphanmmiUata Stoall-toodj jobfish 70 10.4 256.0 12.3 3.7 Etrlh car&URcWm Sbttt-tafled ted taapper 34 5.0 217.0 10.5 6.4 Loog-tail snapper 12 1.8 73.0 3.S 6.1 EJeUs roditma Pale snapper Paraaaesa haakarii Saddled ruiuior 6 0.9 21.0 1.0 3.5 Pristlpomoldss amocniti Flo wea-mapper Prhiipanadesauridlla Gold-tailed jobush Priftipattaio'ejflfamtHtosia Rooyjobftah 98 14.5 219.0 10.6 2.2 PnxtipamoidaftovipiRMS Yellow joWkh 149 22.0 173.0 8.6 1.2 Prijtiponwdcl mvMdcRS Purple-cheeked jobfiah Prislipomoidci lonatiu Banded Qowcr anappcr 34 3.0 36.0 1.7 1.1 Other /unidentified Sub-tote] 414 61.2 1,038.0 50.0 2.5

Ijl^mlde-Ijiyutlet Lutjamu argatimaaiiaJus Mangrove jack 1 0.1 7.0 0.3 7.0 ShaJknr-mfer snappers Imjaiuu bo/or Red bus 33 4.9 142.0 6.8 4.3 LuijaHiu gibbta Paddlo-tejl Lutjanus ftafriira Blue-lined tnsppcr [jtlkutuM Hufahari&u Malabar snapper Lutjaruts moaosdgma Onc*vpcC snipper Laljonia ro/oluieanu Rufous seapcrch Other /unidentified Subtotal 34 5.0 149.0 7.2 4.4

UtMrirfse Gymnocrwdus japonicta Iodine bream Emperors Lzthriniu chrysostomus Red-throat emperor Lt&rimisltallepteriu Yellow-spotted emperor Letkrimu mmiaifcr Long-nosed emperor 44 6.S 148.0 7.1 3.4 Letttrvpui rep'culalia Reticulated emperor LeArinia variefatus Variegated emperor 4 0,6 5.0 0.2 1.3 WaUsiamassaniiica LMI^-CyC ISBBUi 41 6,1 73.0 3.5 1.8 Olber /utuaentififid Sub-total 89 13.2 iit.a 10.9 2.5

Semrddsi Ctpkataptulu asraniio. Orange rock-cod Groupers Epuupheuaareolatus Anolated grouper 49 7.2 80.0 3.9 1.6 EpiiupkeluM cMomilignta Brown-spotted grouper Epinsphehu comstae Snct™Vhi ]fii«j« i EpinepheliuJasaatHS Red-bsndod grouper Epinep/utiuflavacaervlats Purple grouper Epuiephduj rnagnisaittis Speckled grouper Epinephtha iw&aris Honeycomb grouper 1 0.1 1.0 0.0 1.0 EpinqptrehanKwrhatt Girc-btnded grouper 38 S.6 114.0 5.5 3.0 Epinephebwnttwti Erown-bscked grouper Epinephtlus xptertjascialwr Seven-banded grouper 3 0.7 141.0 6.8 28.2 Soiaptia powdli Golden fish Variola faun' Lunar-taBed cod Other /unidentiUDd 3 0.7 9.0 0.4 1.8 Sub-total 98 14.5 345.0 16.6 3.5

Qraiigkta^Sajmbrkfat Caranx ignobUu Lowly bcvilly TreulUe^jBcIa, lunma Canmxlitgubns Blade trcvalty 31 4.6 124.0 6.0 4.0 Stvisia dufntrOi 3 0.4 17.0 0.8 5.7 Striata purpwa&xru

Striata rivoliana II I Gymnosarda imoohr Dogtooth tuns 1 0.1 5.0 0.2 5.0 Other /unidentified 1 0.1 35.0 1.7 35.0 Sub-local 36 5.3 181.0 8.7 5.0

Garpy%fkt Pranclhich&yipromethcus Snake mackerel Oltflsho, Snake mackerel! Ruttutu prttiostu OafJuh Other fmadaniiStd SiA-lotat

Mlttdluifious bony Arties Sphyraenidae B uTaoidM Other bony fishes Subtotal

CxrchsrhHdK Carcharhiiuualblmorgiiuttu Whito-up shut Stastrfcs Carchariwmj ambifTitynchos Grey reef shark Cardtarhwu tncJanoptcrvs Black-tip shark Trtatnodoh obaus Reef whiaa-up shark Other Anudcntined 5 0.7 135.0 6.5 27.0 Sub-total 5 0.7 135.0 6.5 27.0

GrandTotst Bony fishes «71 99.3 1,939.0 93.5 2.9 Starts 5 0.7 135.0 «.S 27.0 All specla «7< 100.0 2,074.0 100.0 3.1 286

Country/ Territory: WaDis and Futuna © Fishing sites Location: Futuna fishery status: Unexploited 14°15'S - ^ Futuna \ Inference;

Taumaia, P. and P. >•£ Cusack (in press). H. Deep Sea Fisheries 0 Development Project. Report on second visit to Wallis and V Futuna (4 November 1983-22 March v/ ° 1984). South Pacific c Commission, Noumea, New Caledonia.

178°10'W 1

Fishing dates: From 22 November 1983 To 3 December 1983

Fishing vessels: LOA Number Name Type (m) Engine of reels Catamaran 8.5 2

Fishing operations: No. of trips 3 No. of trips spent bottom fishing 3 Total hours at sea 32 Average hours at sea per trip 10.7 Total hours DB fishing 10 Average deep-bottom nshing hours per trip 3.3 Total reel-hours 28 Average reel-hours per trip 9.3 Total handline hours Average handline hours per trip

Catch (kg): Total (all fishingmethods ) 267.0 Deep-bottom fishing 160.0 Deep-bottom catch (kg) Average per Average per Total trip reel-hour All species 160.0 53.3 5.7 Excluding sharks Excluding sharks and locally unsaleable species

Comments: Some details of vessel and engine were not recorded. 287 Species composition of the deep-bottom fishing catch

Numbar ftnwhber WefehKks) %welfiM Av.wdghl

Lu^uildK-Etettne Apharctafiavalus Grcyjabfish Dcsp-mler arappen Aprianvsrtsttas Green jobGah Aphartux ridUani SmiU-tooflijoblUh 2 3.2 3.0 1.9 1.5 Eietiiaubujtaduj Short-tailed red snapper 7 11.1 24.0 15.0 3.4 Eitlir atruxant Loruj-tsil snapper 16 15.4 35.0 34.4 3.4 EteHs rodiona Palo snapper Paracatjio kuxtkarii Saddled fusilier 1 1.6 3.0 1.9 3.0 Pristipemoidts amxraa Ho wor mapper Prisliptxttoidcaainidlla Gold-tailed jobfish PrijtipatioidcifiltBruntosus Rosyjobfiah PristipaHoidujbinpinMj Yellow jobfish 17 27.0 19.0 11.9 1.1 Pristtppmo&ei multvlclw Ptirple-cbeekBdjobGsh I 1.6 2.0 1.3 2.0 Prbtiparruwkj lonatiu Banded flower mapper Other/uniimliGod 5 7.9 20.0 12.5 4.0 Sub-fatal 49 77.S 116.0 78.8 l.t

Luijuildjit - Luyarkue iMjaJua argcnJJMtrulfitui Mangrove jiclc ShiUnw-rafer nfeppen Luljtuuu boitar Rodhu. Luljanus gtbttus Piddle-UU Luijamn kamins Bluo-lned nuppcr f.Htjtit,ut "tutJiihttrintf Milihtr ro±ppor Luljatuts monostigna ODD-spot nuppcr Lutjarati rvfolituatus Rufous seapcrdi Other /unkfcmifiod SUWDUI

L4hrfeU* (jymhncraniitM japofiicUS Todinc tnln) Bittparcin LciMHfua (JtrysasiofMts Rad-dirtmt ctppefor Lclhriruis kalloplena Yellow-spatted empoior Ltlfirirua mininlus Long-nawd empercr Lelhrinus reticuhiui Reticulated emperor Lelkrmm vwugatus Viricfiited emperor Watlsh fnossofnbica LuHO-cjt bicnn Other Anudcntir»d Sub-lobd

SmmdhK Ctpbalaphatuaxranlia Onngp roclc-cod Gniupcn Eputepkelusartoiatiu Aieolited grouper Eptnepketta cklcrojttgma Brown-spotted grouper EptnephtUn cometac Sbikcildn grouper Epincphcltutfaxeiaius Rod-banded groupet Epincpheiusjfavocaendeus Purple grouper Epmtphcltts magmidiBis Speckled grouper EpinephciusmiUaris HorKywmb grouper Epitupfulus mcrrhua Curvc-binded grouper 1 1,6 5.0 3.1 5.0 Eptnephchis rettsuti Brown-backed gnuipor Epiruphciui xpterrfasanius Sevcn-b-Dded grouper Salop&apcwelli Golden fish VtUTvbltHiti LlUMlHldlcd COd OiW/uTiitkunitiod 3 4,8 5.0 3.1 1.7 Siij-total 4 6.3 10.0 £.3 2.5

C^nrajkbe1 Sunn bridle Coronx ignobHii Lowly trcvally TnvslUes, Jacks, tunas Copooxlugubtis Black trevaily Seriola dioxrHi Amberj&dc StriolapurpuraictRi Amberjack Striata rtvoluma Amberjadc 6 9.5 22.0 13.8 3.7 Gymnosardn umcolar Dogtooth tuna Other/unidentified Sub-Mai 6 9.5 22.D 13.8 3.7

Gonp>*ie Prcmttfuchttryj prometfwus 5 nuke mackerel Olifttitt, Snake mackerels R wtttus predawn OZ fish Odre/unidentified Subtotal

Mbcdlaneoui bony fishes Spbyraenidae Bamcudaa Otbfirbony fishes 6,3 2.0 1.3 0.5 Sii-total 6.3 2.0 1.3 0.5

CtafasrhWiitt CarcharfUnusatbinurgirutui WhilLvup shark Smria Carcksrttimu ambfyrhynches Grey reef shirk Carcharhiwa mclartcptcrus Black-tip shirk Triacnotton aixsus Rnf while-tip shirit Otfaff/luiidentified Sub-toto]

Bon; Ashes 63 100.0 160.0 100.0 2.5 Starts AHspedu 63 100.0 160.0 100.0 2.5 288

Country/ Territory: Wallis and Futuna. © Fishing sites Location: Wallis Fishery status: Unexploitsed Reference: Taumaia, P. and P. Cusack (in press). Deep Sea Fisheries Development Project. Report on second visit to Wallis and Futuna (4 November 1983-22 March 13°20'S 1984). South Pacific Commission, Noumea, New Caledonia.

176°30'W _l

Fishing dates: From 8 November 1983 To 9 November 1983 7 December 1983 28 February 1984 Fishing vessels: LOA Number Name Type (m) Engine of reels Monohull 7.3 2 Outrigger canoe 2 Catamaran 8.5 2

Fishing operations: No. of trips 17 No. of trips spent bottom fishing 17 Total hours at sea 229 Average hours at sea per trip 13.5 Total hours DB fishing 81 Average deep-bottom fishing hours per trip 4.8 Total reel-hours 226 Average reel-hours per trip 13.3 Total handline hours 99 Average handline hours per trip 5.8

Catch (kg): Total (all fishing methods) 1,562.3 Deep-bottom fishing 1,346.8 Deep-bottom catch (kg) Average per Average per Total trip red-hour All species 1,346.8 79.2 6.0 Excluding sharks 1,037.8 61.0 4.6 Excluding sharks and locally unsaleable species

Comments: Some details of vessels and engines were not recorded. 289 Species composition of the deep-bottom fishing catch

Number %lUriHT WttyMGcK) %*d«W Av. weight

LIILJUIMH - Etellnw Aphan usfarcalus Grcyjotrfiah Decp-mler anappen Aprion vtrescens Green job Dih 9 l.Z 20.0 1.5 7.2 Apkareus rutUaM Smill-toocfajabfuh 37 4.9 94.0 7.0 2.5 EttJix atrbutiadus Short-taHed ted snapper 32 4.2 80.0 5.9 2.5 Ettfk asrioBaw Laig-iiS mapper 14 1.8 23.0 1.7 1.6 Elelis radiums Pale snipper 10 1.3 47.0 3.5 4.7 Pif tvjtxi ff.rif* frp f w} ^nrrff Saddled fusilier 15 2.0 53.0 3.9 3.5 Pristipamoida amoenus Flower mapper 4 0.5 0.8 0.1 0.2 Pristipomokkr auric*!fa Gold-tailed jcjofiah 10 1.3 5.0 0.4 0.5 PriiiiptmcridtsfihmentQJius Roayjobftsh 5 0.7 13.0 1.0 2.6 Pri&ipcmetia Jlavipiws Yellow job Huh 187 24.6 205.0 15.2 1.1 PristiparwidcM nadddens Purplo-chDckEd jobSth 8 1.1 6.0 0.4 0.8 Pristipamouks jonofiu Banded flower mapper 30 4.0 16.0 1.2 D.5 rhiKnT^iinMnrrtifiB^ s 0.7 14.0 1.0 2.8 Sub-Mai 366 48.2 576.8 42.8 1.6

Unjuildae- Lutyudme TjlthnttT >"y»*im«i^Tiryihj> Mangraw jack 3 0.4 12.0 0.9 4.0 Sbalkwr-water suppers Lutjaiuu bobs' Red boas 18 2.4 40.0 3.0 2.2 Lutjtmta gibbiu Paddle-tail 99 13.0 63.0 4.7 0.6 Lutjaiuv humra Bl»-lbed snapper & 1.1 2.0 0.1 0.3 Lutjaiuu maJabaricia MslritrttnajirBr Lutjanusmonasdgma OnD-TOOt SDtppDT Lulja wis rufoKruatus Rufous scspordi 19 2.5 6.0 0.4 0.3 Other /imideraulod 18 2.4 4.0 0.3 0.2 Subtotal 165 21.7 117.0 9.4 0.8

UhMkt Gyttwocruniur japaniau Iodine bream UIBjJBUB Lethrinus dirysoslomus Red-thioatempcrar Lttkrihiix kailspttfia Yellow-spotted emperor 4 0.5 12.0 0.9 3.0 Long-nosed emperor 11 1.4 26.0 1.9 2.4 Lcthrinw rttlcvblus Rtticul sted emperor Ltlhriiuu wriego/xu VariogatDd emperor Watlsia mossartibica Large-eye bream 13 1.7 19.S 1.4 1.5 Other/unidentifjed 20 2.6 35.0 2.6 1.8 Subtotal 48 C.3 92.S 6.9 1.9

StrrsrJdw Ccpfo/opAofr owwifM Orange rock-cod Groupers Epsncp/uha nrrobluj Araiafcd grouper Eptrttphelm cMcrorfjgma Brown-spottod groupor 3 04 5.0 0.4 1.7 Epiruphtha comtlat Snakoskin grouper £pmepheltufaadalvs Red-bended grouper Epimpheliuflavocaindaa Purple grouper Epuuphehu magrascuBis Speckled grouper EpiMplteliu ruffians Honeycomb grouper 52 6.9 37.0 2.7 0.7 Epiiupkclus morrtwi Curve-bended grouper 3 0.4 12.0 0.9 4.0 £pft]ephWuj rr-ftwrf Brown-hacked grouper Epinephetta arpfenfforciafuj Seven-banded grouper Saloptia ptnvtlti Golden fish Variola touti Lunar-tailed cod 3 0.4 5.0 0.4 1.7 Other /unidentiued 62 8.2 79.5 5.9 1.3 Sub-total 123 16.2 138.5 10.3 1.1

CmnglaW Sntmnrtanr Cornnx ignobtiu Lowly itevally 1 D.l 9.0 0.7 9.0 Tnvalllcs, Jack*, tunas Caranxlugubrii Black uevaUy 5 0.7 13.0 1.0 2.6 Seriola dwnrruV Amberjack Serioia pvrpKNuauis Ambcrjadc StriotamotiaM Amberjsck 11 1.4 33.0 2.5 3.0 Gynouaarda umcotor Dogtooth tune Othts /urikhmtiucd 4 0.5 11.0 0.8 2.8 Sub-toud 21 2.8 66.6 4.9 3.1

Goiaqfdtu Prontithichthys promeihtus Snake mackerel Ollfbbo, Snake mackerels Ruveftm prctiosus oarpii Olhir/untdcnilGBd SutMotai

Mbcetuuieoiw bony fbbes Sphyraeiudae Bunuaidu 27 3.6 26.0 1.9 1.0 Other bony Gahes 4 0.5 11.0 0.8 2.8 Sub-total 31 4.1 37.0 2.7 1.2

CajifesrhHuae CartJmttiutusalbfairgitalus While-tip shark 2 0.3 169.0 12.5 84.5 Sharks Grey teef shirk 1 0.1 90.0 6.7 90.0 CartJiatiuHits rttthnaptenu Black-rip shark Triatncdon obesw Reef whifc-tip shark 0*Vr/tuudentlBed 2 0.3 50.0 3.7 25.0 Sub-Iota] 5 0,7 309.0 22.9 61.8

GrandTotab Bony fishes 754 99.3 1,037.8 77.1 1.4 Sharks 5 0.7 309.0 22.9 61.8 AUsBCdea 759 100.0 1,346.8 100.0 1.8 291 WESTERN SAMOA Western Samoa consists of a group of small high islands with a total 100-fm isobath length of 243 n.mi. Unlike other small high islands, Western Samoa has a considerable shelf area which extends 5 to 16 km offshore. This estimated length of 100-fm isobath includes two prominent submerged banks to the west of Samoa, the Pascoe Bank and 17-Fathom Bank.

Exploitation of deep slope fishes in Western Samoa is a traditional fishing activity, although between 65 and 75 per cent of fishing effort is directed towards trolling for tunas and other pelagic species (Preston et al., in press). During the early 1970s, attempts were made by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) to improve local methods of bottom fishing and thus direct more effort towards these stocks. Gulbrandsen (1977) gives a summary of survey fishing by the FAO project

SPC masterfishermen have made two visits to Western Samoa, fishing on the shelf around Savai'i and Upolu. More recently Crook (1988), Anon. (1989), Sua (1990) and King et al. (1990) have reported the results of surveys conducted by the Western Samoan Fisheries Division around the coast and the offshore banks. The average catch rate of the FAO project in Western Samoa was 3 .0 kg/Line-hr around the coastal shelf areas, hi the same location, the SPC masterfishermen experienced catch rates of 4.1 to 5.1 kg/line-hr with a mean of 4.6 kg/line-hr. Crook's (1988) report of fishing around the coast and offshore banks does not give catch rates per line-hour but in terms of catch per trip. Each trip was of 2-3 days duration and the vessel was equipped with four Samoan handreels. Catches varied from 78 to 304 kg/trip with a mean of 167 kg/trip. Sua (1990) reported catch rates varying between 0 and 6.84 kg/line-hr on 17-Fathom Bank with a mean of 2.4 kg/line-hr, whilst the average CPUE in Western Samoa for survey fishing throughout the same period reported by Sua, was 3.46 kg/line-hr (Anon 1989). Given that there are no long-term records of catch and effort in Western Samoa, the CPUE at MSY is estimated to lie between 1.73 and 2.3 kg/line-hr, on the basis of the above survey figures.

The catches experienced by the FAO project contained 28.4 per cent by weight of eteline species, comprising mainly Pristipomoides typus and Apr ion virescens. Other major components of the catch were the snapper Lutjanus malabaricus (10.4%) and sharks (32.0%). Catch composition data from the SPC data set (Table 2) refer solely to the second of the two visits, as catch composition was not recorded in the first visit. Catches were dominated by the eteline snappers (32.6%) and gempylids (36.4%), specifically the large oilfish Ruvettus pretiosus. As with the earlier survey by FAO, sharks were a major component (20.5%) of the catch.

Catches reported by Crook (1988) were composed mainly of eteline snappers (84.1%), with the remainder of the catch made up of lutjanines, lethrinids and serranids in approximately equal quantities. The figures given by Crook, however, do not record the quantities of sharks, gempylids and eels, which are quoted as being shared amongst the vessel crew. Similarly, Anon (1989) and Sua (1990) reported only the catches of teleost fishes from the survey of 17-Fathom Bank and elsewhere in Western Samoa, of which the eteline and lutjanine snappers comprised about 70 per cent and 10 per cent respectively.

Gulbrandsen (1977) made an empirical estimate for deep slope fishery yields in Western Samoa of 1,000 t/yr, based on comparative data from the Caribbean. None of the data sets for Western Samoa have proved amenable to fitting depletion models. In the absence of standing stock biomass estimates, a value of 0.7 t/n.mi was used to predict an MSY range of 17 to 51 t/yr for the coastal shelf and 4.5 to 13.6 t/yr for offshore banks. King et al. (1990) estimated an MSY range of 88 to 118 t/yr for the island slope and outer banks combined. These are clearly much more modest estimates than that given by Gulbrandsen, and, while also empirical in nature, are based on observations of indigenous stocks and yields of similar species elsewhere in the South Pacific. 292

Country/ Territory: Western Samoa Location: Asau, Savai'i Fishery status: Unexploited Reference: Hume, H. & R.E. Eginton. 1976. Report on the South Pacific Commission Quter Reef Fisheries Project in Western Samoa (1 April-31 October 1975). South Pacific Commission, Noumea, New Caledonia, 19 pp.

Fishing dates: From 1 April 1975 To 31 October 1975

Fishing vessels: LOA Number Name Type (m) Engine ofreels Norman Kirk Monohull 7.3 70 hp diesel inboard 2 Manulele Monohull 7.3 135 hp petrol inboard 2

Fishing operations: No. of trips No. of trips spent bottom fishing Total hours at sea Average hours at sea per trip Total hours DB fishing Average deep-bottom fishing hours per trip Total reel-hours Average reel-hours per trip Total handline hours Average handline hours per trip

Catch (kg): Total (all fishing methods) 7,229.6 Deep-bottom Fishing 6,370.0 Deep-bottom catch (kg) Average per Average per Total trfy reel-hour All species 82.7 Excluding sharks 4.1 Excluding sharks and locally unsaleable species

Comments: The second deep reef slope fishing survey mounted by the SPC's Fisheries Programme. The species captured are listed but no details of number or weight are given in the report. 293 Species composition of the deep-bottom fishing catch

Nimtar «nmfcir WVjghKkg) %*dgfrt Av. weight

Lutja&ldM-Etdbw ApkntciilfurcatUi GrtyjofafUh Itap-TOter aqoppen Aprion virtxani Green johfith Apharevs rutUans Small-tooth jobfiah Etelis carbunadia Short-toiled red mapper Etelii conacans Long-tlil HUppST Etetts radiants Pale mapper j°^mp^*fl'rt VittAlfttAi Saddled ftunHer Prirtipomovits ortutwix Rawer Pristipcttaidca auricil!a Gold-tailed jaibfisli Prislipanauiesjilamenlasui RoayjobDih PristipanaidesJIavipinnis Yellow jobfiih Prisiipanaidei rtudtuiens Purple-cheeked jbb6ah Prialipomoidei xoaaius Handed flower supper


LuQuikbe - Lu^urine [iHliflnit? (trsttttittyirwIfittiT Mangrove jack Shallowwinter mappers Luiyvws balia> Red bus Lutjanus gibbus P*ddfc-Hil LHtJatws ka&nira Blue-lined mapper LuSjatuitmalobaricuX Malabar mapper Lutjarais monosdgma OnC'SOt mapper Luljaruu ntfaliruatus Rufous Kstpa-ch Q&er/nniilmitfrVd Sub-total

LdlrMdie GryAtuMraiuurJdiponiciu' Iodine htcam JuiaMro^ Ltthritua chrysostomiu P p-A-thrym f r-i i »iwrar Lslhiitms katiapUrta Yellow-spotted etsperor Lcthriftfa miruafMi Long-no»d empcror Lctkrinus tctictilaiui Reticdaiedcrnpcror Lelkrbuu varugotia Variegated emperor Watisiamauarr&ica Luge -eye bream Other /unidentified Sub-total

Serranidae Cephalapftoiia aurantia Orange rock-cod Groupers Epinephelus arecAahts Arcolsiod grouper Epinephelus dilorostigma Brown-apotted grouper Epinephelus cattetae Snalceildn grouper Epinephelusjasdaius Red'bandbd grouper EpiwphttiixftntocacntltMt Purple grouper Epi/KpfutHS magnhcvftij Spnctted grOUpc* Epinephelutmilumj Honeycomb grouper Epinepheku morrfoa Curve-banded grouper Epinephehii relouli Brown-backed grouper Epinephelus leptentfasdalus Scvcn-bandcd grouper Saioptia powelli Golden fob Variola loud Lumr-tafled cod


CbrwiglaW Sawhrldae Catnnx ign&bilis Lowly trevally TrtvulHa, JMICJ, turns Caranxtttgutitis Black tRvally Scrioia dWneriK Ambc^jack Seriolapurpwascens Ambcrjack Scriolarwa&ana Amberjack Gymnamidi loucolor Dogtooth tuna O&tff/unkfenti&d Sub-total

Gcnijiyldat Pr&ttethidtthys prametheus Snake mackerel OUfbr^SnakeRibckenb RwttlHs prctioiru 03ft»b Other /unWendfiod Sub-total

MJacdbuieouf bonjtbhei Sphyneoidae Barracudas Other bony Gabei Sub-tDtal

OvcbarhWdac Carcharhhatsalbmargtnaius White-tip ahuk Sharks CoTdiarhima afnbtyrfiyruJtos Grey reef ahark CanJiarhifaa meia/iaptervs Blade-tip ahark Traenodon obcim Reef white-tip abut Othw/iroidaffliDsd Sub-total

Grand Tbtah Bony fishes Sharks AllspecJei 294

Country/ Territory: Western Samoa Location: Upoiu Fishery status: Unexploited Reference: Preston, G.L., P.Taumaia & L.B. Chapman (in press). Deep Sea Fisheries Development Project. Report of visit to Western Samoa (1 — 14°S November 2982-3 January 1983). South Pacific Commission, © Fishing sites Noumea, New Caledonia. 172DW

Fishing dates: From 8 November 1982 To 20 December 1982

Fishing vessels: LOA Number Name Type (m) Engine of reels TautaiNioue Catamaran 9.0 25 hp petrol outboard 4

Fishing operations: No. of trips 11 No. of trips spent bottom fishing 11 Total hours at sea 202 Average hours at sea per trip 18.4 Total hours DB fishing 101 Average deep-bottom fishing hours per trip 9.1 Total reel-hours 339 Average reel-hours per trip 30.8 Total hand line hours Average handline hours per trip

Catch (kg): Total (all fishing methods) 1,748.2 Deep-bottom fishing 1,748.0 Deep-bottom catch (kg) Average per Average per Total trip reel-hour All species 1,748.0 158.9 5.2 Excluding sharks 1,389.1 126.3 4.1 Excluding sharks and locally unsaleable species

Comments: 295 Species composition of the deep-bottom Ashing catch

Nunber % number Wright (kg) %«dght Av.wdght

LuyanldW.HriJnM ApharctafurauuM Greyjobfijh l>fiq»-VBVler snappers Aprionvirtsctns Greenjobfish 1 0.3 3.3 0.2 3.3 ApkareusridUara Small-tooth jobfiah 14 4.1 27.6 1.6 2.0 Eltlis corbunoilus Short-tailed rod snapper 23 6.7 101.7 S.8 4.4 Elel'u conucau Long-1ail supper 66 19.4 382.9 21.9 S.S £le£tnx£ruiu Pale snapper Paraoatjip iwofcu-u Saddled nuttier 6 1.8 13.6 O.S 2.3 Pristiptvrtaldxj tmoemis Flower snapper 2 0.6 0.4 0.0 0.2 Prutipomoidcs amdRa Gotd-tiilod jtibfiih PritiipomoidtiJilamintosHj Rosyjobfish Pristipamoidcsjlavipinias Yeliowjobftsh 25 7.3 27.7 1.6 1.1 Prtatipomaidei ma&ufens Putple-chrdkedjohfish Prislipcmoides xonaliu Banded flowersnippe r 19 S.6 12.0 0.7 0.6

Sub-total ISC 4S.7 569.2 32.6 3.6

LmJuiidK-UHjillkHe Luljama argtx/imacttlaliu Mangrove jack 1 03 S.2 0.3 5.2 Shalter-intcr snappers Luijanusboltar Red buss 2 0.6 4.4 0.3 2.2 Luijtuuu gibbus Paddle-bul 5 IS 6.0 0.3 1.2 Litijatvu kajnura Blue-lined snapper £iuAutui nialattancuj Malabar sntppar Ltujarptf rrtorwa'gma One-xpat snapper Lvljanns rttfoHiKolta Rufaus seaperca 8 2.3 1.8 0.1 0.2 Other /unidentified 8 2.3 4.S 0.3 0.6 Sub-total 24 7.0 21.9 1.3 0.9

LrthrWiW Gynuuxramia japonicus Iodine breim Ejnperoti Lethrinia chrysajlomtB Red-throat emperor Lethrima kaJIoptenu Yallow-spotted eiupum Ltlkrituu mrdatus Long-nosed emperor l^lkrixus jYtiadaiiu Reticulated emperor Le/Arinur variegains Varie gated enKtoror WaUaamossambica Ltrrgc-qe Tataro 3 0.9 3.5 0.2 1.2 Other Aui identified 1 0.3 0.5 0.0 O.S SlaVaobsl 4 1.2 4.0 0.2 1.0

SrmrJaW CcphalapkJu awaxiia Orange rock-cod 2 D.6 0.7 0.0 0.4 Groupers Epattpiuiuxariobiia Areolabd grouper 3 D.9 0,9 0.1 03 Epipepkclux tJilanostigrna Brpwn-spcrtted grouper SiMkeskin grouper 6 1.8 16.7 1.0 2.8 Epnnepfulusfiudahu Red-bunded trouper Epitup/ulusflzvocaenilcus Purple grouper Epbupkebu magnlscuais Speckled grouper Epinephtlus miliaria Honeycomb grouper Epintphtlus nuxrhua Curve-banded grouper 2 0.6 10.5 0.6 S.3 Epinephebv rttonti Brawn-backed grouper Epinephelnj xplerrfoxattlwi Seven-banded grouper SahptiopowtJli Golden fish Variola hurt Lunar-tailed cod Other /unidentified 6 1.8 3.S 0.2 0.6 Sub-total 1» 5.6 32.3 1.8 1.7

CmngkW SoombridK Cara/tx ignobUU Lowly trevally TrtvalUei, Juki, limn Cdaamciugubni Black trevally 3 0.9 S.8 0.5 2.9 Striata tbdrrttrili Ambsrjack Seriolaptffpierascens Airiberjitck SeriolarwoHana Ante] act 3 0.9 23.3 1.3 7.8 Cyrtsuuarda vidcoJar Dogtooth tuna 5 1.5 34.2 2.0 6.8 Other /uiuaentified 6 1.S 7.4 0.4 1.2 Sub-total 17 5.0 73.7 4.2 4.3

GempyUae PrometludiSkyj prametfieus Snake mackerel 30 8.8 543.6 31.1 18.1 OUflshes, Snake tnaclwell ttwcltiuprtfosuj oafish 32 15.2 77.8 4.5 1.5 Other /unidentified 3 0.9 15.2 0.9 5.1 Sub-tntil 85 24,9 636.6 36.4 7.5

Miscellaneous bony fishes Sphyraexudee Barracudas Other bony fishes 13 3.8 51.4 2.9 4.0 Subtotal 13 3.8 51.4 2.9 4.0

CardiarhWdoe Carcharhiaiualbimarginaiiu TVhilo-uj) shark 1 0.3 83.0 4.7 83.0 Sharks Canhartarua ambtyhynchos Grey reefshar k 1 0.3 91.0 5.2 91.0 Cardtarhimamelatioptaia Black-tip shark 7Vu enedan dbeiui Reef whiks-lip ahark 1 0.3 6.4 0.4 6.4 Other /imidentiGad 20 5.9 178.5 10.2 8.9 Sub-Mai 23 6.7 3S8.9 20.5 15.6

(band Total: Bony fishes 318 93.3 1,389.1 79.S 4.4 Sharks 23 6.7 358.9 20.5 15.6 All species 341 100.0 1,748.0 IDO.a 5.1 296

Country/ Territory: Western Samoa Q 17-Fathom Bank Location: Q Fishing sites Savai'i and 17-Fathom Bank Fishery status: 0 © Exploited o Reference: Savai'i Crook, M. 1988. Final report: Preliminary bottom fish assessment for o Sj^v, waters surrounding Savai'i, Western — 14°S Samoa and the 17- Fathom Bank. Unpublished manuscript, pag. var.

172°W 1

Fishing dates: From 12 November 1987 To 22 December 1987

Fishing vessels: LOA Number Name Type (m) Engine of reels Leilani Monohull 12.2 Inboard diesel 4

Fishing operations: No. of trips 6 No. of trips spent bottom fishing 6 Total hours at sea 427 Average hours at sea per trip 71.1 Total hours DB fishing Average deep-bottom fishing hours per trip Total reel-hours Average reel-hours per trip Total handline hours Average handline hours per trip

Catch (kg): Total (all fishing methods) 314.8 Deep-bottom fishing 814.8 Deep-bottom catch (kg) Average per Average per Total trip reel-hour AH species 814.8 135.8 Excluding sharks Excluding sharks and locally unsaleable species

Comments: 297 Species composition of the deep-bottom fishing catch

Number %ramb(r W*l#i((kg) Swdg* Av. might

LutJanklM - Etdlnae Aprtanurjwrcatvj GreyjobGiih Dttpro ler snapper* Apfion vinfrtns Groen jobfi&h 1 0.3 2.0 0.2 2.0 AptiamurtiHaxs SmiH-loathjobEsh 24 7.S 7Z0 8.8 3.0 Etelts anbuiiadja Sharl-uiled red mapper 51 1S.1 212,8 26.1 4.2 Etelv ajmsaov L™uj-ta3 mapper 24 7.6 95.5 11.7 4.0 Etct'tsradiasus Pole snapper 2 0.6 8.5 1.0 4.3 Paracoesio thuoAoru Saddled fusilier 49 15.5 188.8 23.2 3.9 Pristipanddes amocnus Howcr anappor Pristyxmtoidts autidlla Gold-toiled jobfiih 5 1.6 2.3 0.3 0.5 PristipanoidexfikaturUosus Rosyjobfah PrUtipanoidts flaviplmij Yellow jobfisli /V&ipano&&f ffiitltidtfLj Purple-cheeked jabfkh 30 9J 36.0 4.4 1.2 PristipcnK»det ionaitu Banded flower mapper 40 12.6 30.7 3.8 0.8 Hllwr ftiTiiAwtrifinH 50 15.6 85.2 10.5 1.7 Sub-fatal 276 87.1 733.8 90.1 2.7

Lurjuildu- Ijitjanfaae Lutjataaargtn&naailatia Mangrowjack Shallow-water mapper* Luljanui bailor Rod baas Lutjantu gibbus Paddle-tail 10 3.2 15.8 1.9 1.6 Lutjtvuu Aojmira BluG'lincd anappor 3 0.9 0.7 0.1 0.2 £jj4jbxRjtf jmlaiunciu Malabar snapper Lutjaiuts mtmostigna One-spot snapper Lutja ma nfoKruatuj Rufous ceapardi 1 0.3 6.1 0.7 6.1 Other /unidentified Subtotal 14 4.4 22.6 2.8 1.6

LathWdat Gymnocramia japonicus Iodine bream XanfMra* Lttkrinus chrysostomus Rcd-lhroat emperor Letkriimskalltpftnu Yellow-spaaed emperor Lttlmtwr mmfiius Long-noted emperor 2 0.6 9.5 1.2 4.8 Lethntuu retfeiilorui Reticulated emperor Lethrintis variegaJta VariG gated errjperor Wattsia mossa/nbica Largc^c bream 10 3.2 14.8 1.8 1J Other Amkfcmificd Sub-totel 12 3.8 24.3 3.0 2.0

ScnwtldK Ctphalaphclis au/anlla Ormge rock*cod Groupers EptHtpkelui areeiona grouper Epinepkeita cMorostigma Browra-iptftod grouper Epineptietus come toe Smkniflrin grouper Epintph&liufasdaiVf Red-b*udwl grouper Epinepfttliisflavocaeniieus Purple grouper Epinephtlusmagmscuttis Speckled grouper Epinephihis milaris Honeycomb gnw pot Epiiirphelui morrbttti Curve-baidcd grouper Epiricphelus retouti Brown-tucked grouper Epif&phtlus fcptenfasdalus Seven-hmded grouper 6 1.9 2tf,0 3-2 4.3 SaloptiapawetU Golden flih Variola laud Ltuur-tauked cod OmfflAiniAmlifiod 7 2.2 7.0 0.9 1.0 Sub-total 13 4.1 33,0 4.1 2.5 rhrangkiWSambrldK Canjrvc ignobffis Lowly ttcvtlly TrevmillM, jaclti, Uinu Caraia Jugubris trevilly Seriota dumsriii Ambajadc Striata purpMraj&M Arcfcerjidt Seriota rhoitana Atrhe=f]vk Gyrmosarda two?for Dogtooth wna Othor/iiiudciilifjod Siij-total

Gcmprtdoe Prametiudtikys promelheus Snake mackerel 2 0.6 1.1 0.1 0.6 OIKbhts, Snake mackerels RuMltus pnSoius oaruh Other /unidentified Sub-toiai 2 0.6 1.1 0.1 0.6

MtocdlmnHHad bonf fhhea Sphyiacnidac BarraQitUs Other bony fijihw Sub-total

CMnhMfriaa* Carctauiwaii albvnarginatus Whito-tip .thirl &*ria CartJiarfurua ambtyrhynzhos Grey reef ihirk Carcharitinm mtianapterus Black-tip ihark Triawodan ah*jus Reef white-tip ihuk Other /luadentified SulvlDtal

Grand Total: Bony fishes 317 100.0 S14.8 lMf.O 2.6 Sharks AU species 317 100.0 814.8 100.0 2.6 298

Country/ Territory:

Western Samoa . O 17-Fathora Bank Location: Q Fishing sites Upolu, Savai'i, Pasco Bank, 17-Fatfiom Bank o o Fishery status: Moderately exploited Savai'i \ Reference: 0 Anon. 1989. Offshore bottomfish stock 0 assessment project in Western Samoa — 14°S USAID project report, mimeo, pag. var.

172°W 1

Fishing dates: From 29 November 1988 To 20 October 1989

Fishing vessels: LOA Number Name Type (m) Engine of reels Tautai Matapaiapala Monohull 13.1 Inboard diesel 24

Fishing operations: No. of trips 21 No. of trips spent bottom fishing 21 Total hours at sea 1,857 Average hours at sea per trip 88.4 Total hours DB fishing 562 Average deep-bottom fishing hours per trip 26.7 Total reel-hours 1,717 Average reel-hours per trip 81.7 Total handihie hours Average handline hours per trip

Catch (kg): Total (all Fishing methods) Deep-bottom fishing 5,939.0 Deep-bottom catch (kg) Average per Average per Total trip reel-hour All species Excluding sharks 5,939.0 282.8 3.5 Excluding sharks and locally unsaleable species

Comments: All fishing carried out during day. Shark catch not recorded. No details were available of the number of fish captured. 299 Species composition of the deep-bottont fishing catch

Number ftnuruber Wright (kg) %\™1g)«\ Av. weight

Uujanfctac-Eielfeixe Apliarvusfiirvatus Grey jobE*h Jfttp-mitr jmappcfr Aprion virerceru GiconjdbOsh 106.2 1.S 0.D Aphonia niHaas SmElMoodijobOih 526.1 8.9 D.O Elelis carbunculus Short-tilled redmappe r 899.7 15.1 CD Elells cawsavu Long-tail znappcr 743.9 12.5 D.D Etelis fttt&oaa Pale mapper 4.6 0.1 0.0 Paraaaeiio Jbuajbru Saddled fiiiQier 509.4 8.6 0.0 Pristiptmoidcs amotnits Flowor snapper 3.5 0.1 0.0 Pristjpatioittcj tuiridlla Gold-tailodjobErii 13.1 0.2 0.0 Prist\pomoidaj\iamt»losus RaByjobfiah 147.4 2.3 0.0 Pristipomoidaflavipinmi Yellow jobfiah 241.1 4.1 0.0 Pristipomoidea multidtns Purple-drakEd jobfiab 24.4 0.4 0.0 Pristipamoidcs zonaius Bmded flowermappe r 142.S 2.4 0.0 Other/iinHnntifinn 190.1 4.9 0.0 Si±-tatol 3,651.8 61.5 0.0

LuyanldM - LuUatdne. F ul|*nnjr.i»n«h'i«*n^iryifijr Mangrove jack 12.7 0.2 0.0 ShsHow-WBler mappers Lvtjamis fccrtar Redbua 442.8 7.5 0.0 Imjotiui gibbus Puddle-tail 13.6 0.2 0.0 Blue-lined uapptr 2.0 0.0 0.0 Luiyaatxntalfibaricus Malabar snapper LutjanuimoKOjtigma One-spot snapper 0.6 0.0 0.0 Rufous seaperch Other /unidentified 524 0.9 0.0 Suh-lutal 523.1 M 0.0

LdbtiUi* Gyntnontadui japonkus lodiEic bream Ennpwora Lcihrinui ckrysasiotttiis Red-throat emperor Lclthrinus iallaptents Ycllow-ipotfcd emperor Lelhrinus mimatui LongH¥»cd BrrJpB.•or Lclhriiuu redculasui R£tii^.u^eIIipc^a^ Lelhrirua wwiegatus Vlirieg•^ed emperor Waitsia moxsatnbica LArgc*eyG uosm 1S4.7 2.6 0.0 Other Aiiudentified 97.0 1.6 0.0 SikMotal 251,7 4.2 0.0

SerrairioW Cepfialopholis amudux Orange rock-cad Groupers Epinephehisareoiaius Arealnled grouper Epifiephtlus cftltDtvftigtna Btown-ipottod grouper Epituptahu camtae Snilceridn grouper Epiitepktlusfasdatus Red-banded grouper EpifKphelusjlavocacrvleus Purple grouper Ep'inephehij magnisatuh Specified grouper EpiiKpheha ntilwis Honeycomb grouper Epinephelus morrhua Curve-bmded grouper Epinephthu reiauli Brown-backed grouper Epinepkclus xptartfasdalus Seven-banded grouper Sabpda powdtt Golden Mi Variotalmii LunwHuBed cod Oftter Atiidnntined 305.0 S.l 0.0 Sub-lotal 305,0 5.1 0.0

CarangioW Scombri da* Caranx IgnobUis Lowly trcvally TrevaUlcs, Jacks, tunu Caranxlugubris Black trtrvally 299.0 5.0 0.0 Scriola dumerHi Amberjadc Striata putpuKucttti Amberjack SeritJarvMiiattn Amheijack Gymnowrda uiucofor Dogtooth tuna Other /unidentified 500.0 8.4 0.0 SiaV-otal 199,9 13.5 0.0

GocpjMu Prcmethichlhys prtmetheus Snake mackerel 57.8 1.0 0.0 OIKbba, Snake iwkenb: Rwetius pnSasux ODfijih 68.8 1.2 0.0 Other/unidentified Sub-labl 126.6 2.1 0.0

Mbcduuteous potty flshes Sphyiaenidac Barracudas Other berry fishes 281.0 4.7 0.0 281.0 4.7 0.0

QudyrhUdM Carcfiarkvuts albbrargimtus White-tip ihirk Shuio Carckarhitms airtbtyrhynckos Grey reef shirk CarcKsrhinitsmctaJwptcrus Black-tip iharfc Triatnedon obe/IUS Reef while-tip shirk 0±>er/unidentified Sur>-tDtal

GnmdTooit Bony fbhes 5,939.0 100.0 0.0 State Allspftcka 5,939.0 100.0 0.0