Rocky Mountain Governmental Purchasing Association

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N o t e s C o n t e n t s Issue II, Year 2005

√ Letter from the President √ Achievements √ Programs √ Free Conference Registration Offer

√ Treasurer’s Report √ P-Card Audits √ Pro-D News

7 Letter from the President Tim Wellmann, CPPB [email protected]

Hop in and hang on! Summer is already upon us and sometimes I feel as though I’ve stepped into a time machine.

The Summer Conference this year was held at the Historic Hotel in beautiful Glenwood Springs. For those who were able to attend the Summer Conference, it was great to see you and I hope it was an enjoyable experience. Both days were filled with many educational and networking opportunities. In addition to the excellent speakers, we also had the honor of a chapter visit and two presentations by Rick Grimm, CPPO, Chief Executive Officer, National Institute of Governmental Purchasing (NIGP).

I am privileged to have an outstanding Board of Directors to work with this year. It has been a busy and challenging year. I’m extremely happy to report that as a Chapter we already have many accomplishments to make note of:

™ The new Chapter website was released in May ( The response from membership has been very positive and this new tool will benefit the organization for many years to come. If you haven’t already, we encourage you to check it out and be sure to update your very own personal profile.

™ The Chapter has launched the RMGPA Rewards Program. Information on how to participate is now available on the chapter website. This program was created to provide additional professional development opportunities and NIGP certification assistance to our membership. Be sure to apply and be one of the first to receive RMGPA Rewards!

™ RMGPA has been selected for Chapter Showcase Recognition during the NIGP Annual Forum and Products Exposition in Anaheim, . Our Chapter's showcase information will be listed in various promotional materials and also in the official forum program. Stay tuned for a full update!

™ If you haven’t noticed already, our Treasurer, Lynn Baca, has created and continues to provide comprehensive documents for the reporting of treasury (newsletter and quarterly conferences).

In addition to these accomplishments the Board is exploring how our Chapter can conduct elections via the web. A committee has also been formed to research Chapter successes so we can apply for Chapter of the Year in 2006. All of these accomplishments were based upon the Strategic Plan and Board Goals, both of which were developed directly from membership input. We encourage you to continue to share your ideas so we can continue to grow as an organization.

If you haven’t already done so, there’s still time to register and “Celebrate the Magic of 60 Years” during this year’s NIGP Forum, July 30 - August 3, 2005. NIGP has secured Erin Brockovich for the 60th Annual Keynote Address to be held July 31st immediately following the Opening Breakfast. Ms. Brockovich replaces Ben Vereen, who was originally scheduled to speak at the breakfast. Erin’s diligent investigating inspired the hit movie, Erin Brockovich released in 2000, starring , which highlighted her legal victory and personal challenges. Erin’s topic for NIGP will be The Power of One and will highlight her personal and career triumphs.

Hope to see you at the Fall Conference which will be held on Thursday, September 8, 2005 in Greeley, Colorado.

It’s been quite a year so far; thanks for the ride!


Dedicated to Excellence in Public Purchasing

7 Achievements March and April 2005

New Certifications

Recertifications Timothy Massangale, CPPB

Colorado Department of Publ ic Health Colorado Traci Burtnett, CPPO, CPPB Candice Davidson, CPPB Thompson School District R2-J Colorado Department of


Alan Piper , CPPB Thompson School District R2-J

Clydette Renee Robinson, CPPB Colorado Department of C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S Transportation

Mike Roper, CPPB Town of Castle Rock

JoAnne Stone, CPPB El Paso County

That's Not My Job by: Author Unknown, Source: Internet

This is a story about four people: Everybody, Somebody, Anybody and Nobody.

There was an important job to be done and Everybody was sure that Somebody would do it. Anybody could have done it but Nobody did it. Somebody got angry about that, because it was Everybody's job. Everybody thought Anybody could do it but Nobody realised that Everybody wouldn't do it.

It ended up that Everybody blamed Somebody when Nobody did what Anybody have done.

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7 P r o g r a m s Cindy Joy, CPPB [email protected]

2005 Summer Conference June 2nd and 3rd, 2005

RMGPA convened a full conference agenda at the Hotel Colorado in Glenwood Springs. What about that ride up? Wasn't it just beautiful?! A few members took advantage of the nice warm pool, as the weather was cool and rainy. Other members went by foot to see part of the town of Glenwood. A fun time was had by all.

We started our conference off by having Rick Grimm, CPPB, CPPO, Chief Executive Officer, NIGP, update us on the exciting things going on with NIGP. The 60th Annual Forum is in Anaheim, California in August. NIGP will be helping Mickey celebrate Disneyland’s 50th Birthday!!!!!

We also had Mike Stopnick who showed our "NEW" web site. He tried to connect to the internet. However, being at a hotel that is 100 years old and having just gotten the internet hook up a couple weeks before we arrived, they hadn't quite gotten the bugs worked out yet. Look at our new site at

Our speakers ™ Brian Long, Megatrends for Internet Purchasing, looking at how purchasing has changed and where it is going.

™ Jep Enck, Personal Balance, Communication and YOU. Talked about we handle stress and how it affects our lives and the people around us.

Great way to end the conference.

Breakouts ™ Dr. Brian Long, Fifteen Point Program for Promoting the Purchasing Function

™ Rick Grimm, NIGP's web site, Navigating the Resources and Tools for the Public Procurement Professionals

™ The Rocky Mountain E-Purchasing System - Bidnet's Solution for Comprehensive Solicitation Management, and More

Did I mention we were awakened each night with the fire alarm? The first night some of us thought it was a car alarm and just ignored it. That night there was a fire in the kitchen. The second night we did not ignore it, but by the time we got clothes on and heading for our room doors, it was over. Just for your information, for those that stayed a third night, there was no fire alarm that night.

I think everyone who was able to attend the 2005 Summer Conference had a wonderful time.

2005 Fall Conference is Sept. 8th, 2005, City of Greeley RVTS, Nov. 30, 2005, Antler's Hotel, Colorado Springs 2005 Winter Conference is Dec. 1 & 2, 2005, Antler's Hotel, Colorado Springs 2006 Spring Conference is March 16, 2005, Lakewood Culture Center 2006 Summer Conference TBD Cindy Joy, CPPB Programs Chair

Dedicated to Excellence in Public Purchasing

~Great Speakers ~Great Material

~Priceless Networking

~Good Eats

Dedicated to Excellence in Public Purchasing Dedicated to Excellence in Public Purchasing

Dedicated to Excellence in Public Purchasing

7 P r o g r a m s Cindy Joy, CPPB [email protected]


The Programs Committee is excited to announce an opportunity for up to 2 individuals per each member agency to attend a 2005 RMGPA Conference without having to pay any conference registration fee.

This would apply to all current RMGPA agency members for either of the 2 remaining conference events: • Fall – September 8 in Greeley • Winter – December 1 & 2 in Colorado Springs

To take advantage of this limited offer, agencies just need to register as a Committed Agency Participant in the 2005 Reverse Vendor Trade Show (RVTS). The event will be held during a portion of the day on Wednesday, November 30th in Colorado Springs, prior to the Winter Conference.

The RVTS is a vital component in RMGPA’s continuing effort to offer both quality and cost effective programs to its members. From the numerous educational classes held throughout each year, to the 4 annual conferences, to other chapter-related functions and features, like the new, more interactive RMPGA Web Page with its enhanced tracking and registration features; they all benefit significantly from the revenue subsidy that the RVTS generates. For the first 2 Reverse Vendor Trade Shows, that amounted to more than $34,000 net to RMGPA.

But this RVTS money doesn’t come to the Chapter without some effort, and that’s where member agencies such as yours can contribute. Like the RMGPA organization itself, and every hosted activity that occurs, nothing happens without one essential component – VOLUNTEERS.

Individual members step up to serve as officers in the Chapter, to participate in various committee efforts, or to develop and present workshop sessions. For agencies the opportunity to volunteer is best served by one annual event – the Reverse Vendor Trade Show.

By the time you read this, invitations for the 2005 RVTS will have been issued to the Key Contact Individuals for each RMGPA Member Agency. This will also include information about the Free Conference Registration Program.

In order to effectively market the RVTS to vendors, the Free Conference Registration Program is a limited time offer, with a deadline of July 8, 2005. Please encourage your agency’s Key Contact or leadership to register as a Committed Agency Participant for the 2005 RVTS, so that you or other staff members can realize the benefit as early as this September’s RMGPA Conference, or the Winter Conference, instead!

Remember, it takes more than Chapter dues – it takes Volunteers!

Pete Toth, CPPB City of Arvada Program Comm. Member

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7 Treasurer Lynn Baca [email protected]

As the Board strives to promote and meet the educational needs of our membership, and enhance communication and registrations with the “kick-off” of our new website this spring, we also need to consistently review the financial viability of our Association.

One of the goals in 2005 is to disclose and review the financial activity of RMGPA and in the spirit of the Summer Conference speaker, Jep Enck, “we would rather watch gutters rust!” Why? Honestly, after finishing my managerial and accounting courses in college, the next time I needed to compile financial reports would be too soon in my book! However, we all have the responsibility and opportunity to review the financial reporting of the board (whether this board or another). Although, I can’t guarantee fun and exciting financial reports, I am able to guarantee that I will provide reports that are easy to understand.

If you require any on the information below, please do not hesitate to contact the Board or email me directly at [email protected].

Everyone have a great summer and for all the members heading to the west coast for the 60th Annual NIGP Forum, have a safe trip!

Net Variance Report by Committee End of 2nd Quarter

2005 Budget Total 2nd Quarter Net Variance Expenditures

Awards $ 1,200.00 $ 424.25 $ 775.75 Elections $ 300.00 $ 0 $ 300.00 General Fund $ 9,750.00 $ 3,320.75 $ 6,429.25 Historian $ 150.00 $ 0 $ 150.00 Legislative $ - $ - $ - Membership $ 1,200.00 $ 0 $ 1,200.00 Newsletter $ - $ - $ - Pro-D (Education)** $ - $ - $ - Programs** $ - $ - $ - Public Relations/Website $ 6,500.00 $ 5,546.20 $ 953.80 State/Local Coordination $ - $ - $ -

*This reflections financial information through June 17, 2005 **For the first two quarters in 2005, Pro-D and Programs were directed to break-even, their financial information is as follows:

Pro- D (Education) Programs

Introduction to Procurement Class Spring Conference -10 Participants -92 Participants

Cash Inflow $ 5,950.00 Cash Inflow $3,680.00 Cash Outflow ($5,577.01) Cash Outflow ($3,698.93)

Difference $ 547.99 Difference ($ 18.93)

CPPB Review Summer Conference -7 Participants -65 Partcipants

Cash Inflow $ 350.00 Cash Inflow $ 4,850.00 Cash Outflow $ 1,002.53 Cash Outflow ($ 4,425.98)

Difference ($ 652.53) Difference $ 424.02

Dedicated to Excellence in Public Purchasing



By Joe Pucci C.I. A., NIGP Consultant

Does your agency’s Procurement Card Process get regular audits by outside auditors or consultants? If not, your agency may have interesting transactions that hit the TV or Newspaper “Headlines.” It is not uncommon for an agency to have employees who use the P-Card for questionable transactions or irregular procurement practices.

NIGP consultants have worked on several P-Card reviews and audits for various member agencies. The audits did reveal significant questionable transactions, employee abuse and weak program monitoring by the agency’s assigned program monitor. In addition to the audit, the NIGP consultant works with the agency’s P-Card Program Monitor to assist them in establishing electronic transaction monitoring approaches to help detect possible questionable transactions.

NIGP can help your agency better monitor the P-Card Program. The NIGP Procurement Management Assistance Program (PMAP) has consultants who can review and audit procurement card programs. The cost of an overview audit/review is minimal when compared to the potential risk involved by inappropriate public dollar expenditures and adverse public headlines.

The standard NIGP/PMAP procurement card review/audit scope of service provides the following: 1. Review and test P-Card policies and procedures. 2. Interview selected management staff, users and the program monitor. 3. Review 100% of electronic transactions provided by the bank. 4. Sort the electronic transactions in key worksheet formats to identify potential “questionable transactions.” 5. Analyze the potential “questionable transactions.” 6. Summarize questionable transactions in worksheet format for agency staff to accomplish a detail review of support documents and reasons for the questionable purchase. 7. Provide a written report of findings and recommendations.

The overview P-Card review/audit normally takes from 100 to 120 hours of which 32 to 40 hours are on-site. The normal cost of the review/audit would be from $17,500 to $21,000 plus travel and related expenses for the on-site portion of the work. NIGP can provide a firm fixed price contract based on the agency’s desired scope of service. If the agency requests the standard review/audit, the consultant does not provide detailed support document review of the questionable P-Card transactions within the hours and cost identified above. Detail support document review could be accomplished by the NIGP Consultant, but it would require extra Consultant hours and travel expenditures for additional on-site time.

NIGP is available to serve you. For further information, contact Donna McCarthy – email [email protected] at NIGP or Joe Pucci email [email protected].

Pain is temporary. Quitting lasts forever. ~ Lance Armstrong

Dedicated to Excellence in Public Purchasing

7 Education Nancy Trontell, CPPB [email protected]

Hello everyone! I hope you’re having a fun and enjoyable summer!

This year has proven to be a challenging and frustrating one for the Professional Development (Pro-D) Committee. We implemented NIGP’s LEAP program and have successfully held 2 out of the 4 LEAP classes offered.

Pro-D launched a very aggressive class schedule for 2005. Our intent was to offer as many educational opportunities as possible to our members. Unfortunately, out of 14 classes being offered in 2005 we’ve already canceled 6 classes, 2 of which were LEAP classes.

Why have we had to cancel so many classes? RMGPA members continue to battle limited agency budgets and increasing course costs. On July 1, NIGP again increased its National, Chapter, and Non-Member fees across the board--by $25 for 3-day classes, $50 for 2-day classes, and $25 for a 1-day class. Since early 2004 NIGP has raised its seminar fees 3 times. This has placed an increasing burden on agencies wanting to educate and certify their employees. To offset some of these costs to its members, RMGPA offers scholarships and has implemented the REWARDS Program.

Another reason is lack of enrollment. Most of the classes on our 2005 schedule are co-sponsored by NIGP. The course instructor determines the minimum number of students needed in order for class expenses to “break even.” A majority of the classes this year (the exceptions are the LEAP classes) have required a minimum of 20 students.

Pro-D understands how discouraging it is to get agency funding approval to attend a class, only to have the class cancelled. To help alleviate this problem, beginning in 2006, we will be exploring alternative educational resources outside of NIGP, including on-line courses. We will continue to offer the LEAP courses annually, along with classes that don’t require a minimum attendance. If any member is aware of an educational resource that you think would be of benefit to RMGPA, please contact a Pro-D committee member.

It’s been an honor to serve as Educational Chairperson for the last 4 years. I’d also like to thank Terry Dooley, Anna Forristall, Marcia Sieben, and Karen Devereaux for their help, expertise, and advice. You have our commitment that we will continue to actively pursue quality educational opportunities for RMPGA members.

Dedicated to Excellence in Public Purchasing


RMGPA BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION OFFICER AGENCY PHONE President Tim Wellmann, CPPB City of Arvada, Colorado (720) 898-7094 Vice President Dirk Banks, CPPO, CPPB Northern Colorado Water Conservancy Dist. (970) 667-2437 Secretary Linda Trimble, CPPO City of Wheat Ridge, CO (303) 235-2811 Treasurer Lynn Baca Adams County, Colorado (303) 654-6049 Past President John Stephen, CPPO, CPPB City of Fort Collins, Colorado (970) 221-6777

STANDING COMMITTEES POSITION CHAIRPERSON AGENCY PHONE Awards Mary Kirschmer, CPPB Douglas County Schools, Castle Rock, CO (303) 387-0396 Education Nancy Trontell, CPPB Colorado Lottery, Pueblo, CO (719) 546-5211 Elections Linda Meserve, CPPB Colorado State University, Ft. Collins, CO (970) 491-6611 Historian Susan White, CPM City of Thornton, CO (303) 538-7588 Legislative Liz Estrada, CPPB Adams County, Brighton, CO (303) 654-6052 Membership Terri Kindsfather, CPIM, CPPB City of Lakewood, CO (303) 987-7673 Newsletter Fran Mueller, CPPO Jefferson County, Golden, CO (303) 271-8589 Programs Cindy Joy, CPPB Jeffco Public Schools, Golden, CO (303) 982-6757 Public Relations Victoria Weskamp, CPPB Jeffco Public Schools, Golden, CO (303) 982-6763 State/Local Susanna Lienhard Colo Divn of Local Government, Denver, CO (303) 866-3005 West Slope Julie Hendricks, CPPB City of Grand Junction, CO (970) 244-1484

Dedicated to Excellence in Public Purchasing