
NAME ______BLOCK ______

WORLD II – EUROPEAN THEATER TEST MATCHING ______1. Location of Pearl Harbor a. Ardennes Forest ______2. Policy of giving aggressors what they want in order to avoid conflict b. Josef Stalin ______3. Leader of Fascist Italy c. ______4. Leader of the USSR d. Holocaust ______5. Symbol of women’s’ effort during WWII e. Okinawa ______6. of f. Dachau ______7. “lighting war” g. Berlin ______8. Successor of FDR h. USS Missouri ______9. i. Benito Mussolini ______10. The deliberate and systematic extermination of a of people j. Appeasement ______11. Deliberate extermination of European Jews, “sacrifice by fire” k. Oahu Island, Hawaii ______12. Location of Hitler’s bunker l. VE Day ______13. First Concentration Camp m. June 6, 1944 th ______14. Location of the of the Bulge n. Dec. 7 , 1941 ______15. May 8, 1945 o. Harry S. Truman ______16. Japanese suicide pilots p. Genocide ______17. Development of the atomic bomb q. Kamikaze ______18. Created by the “Big Three” at the Yalta Conference r. Project ______19. Location of the formal Japanese s. Rosie the Riveter ______20. Potential “jump off” point for the invasion of Japan t.


______1. The first turning point of in Europe was the Nazi invasion of ______. a. Great Britain b. USSR c. France d. Germany

______2. was the codename for the liberation of ______. a. Holland b. Great Britain c. France d. USSR

______3. ______was the worst death camp during . a. Dachau b. Munich c. Auschwitz d. Landsburg

______4. The Munich Conference was an exercise in a. totalitarianism b. neutrality c. appeasement d. isolationism

______5. Britain and France declared war on Germany after the invasion of ______. a. Czechoslovakia b. Poland c. Russia d. Italy

______6. The Americans entered into WWII after a. Germans attacked Poland b. Germans bombed Great Britain c. Italians invaded France d. Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor

______7. The last German operation of II a. was the air war over Britain b. was the battle of Bulge c. took place in the d. took place at Normandy in France

______8. At the ______Conference, FDR, Stalin and Churchill met to discuss post-WWII Germany. a. Munich b. Casablanca c. Paris Peace d. Yalta

______9. The first peacetime draft was created by a. Roosevelt’s executive order b. The Selective Service Act c. Eisenhower’s appeasement order d. State laws

______10. The World War II included a. Austria, Germany, and the Soviet Union b. Spain, Italy, and Germany c. Germany, Italy, and the Soviet Union d. Italy, Germany , and Japan

______11. The invasion of Normandy was given the codename of Operation ______. a. Fortitude b. Torch c. Market Garden d. Overlord

______12. Who was the leader of the French Revolutionary forces? a. Charles de Gaulle b. FDR c. d. Neville Chamberlain

______13. Who was NOT a part of the “Big Three”? a. FDR b. Joseph Stalin c. Neville Chamberlain d.

______14. What event led to World War II? a. b. Battle of Marne c. Treaty of Versailles d. Yalta Conference

______15. During World War II, the government set up detention camps for a. Labor protestors c. Japanese Americans b. d. German Americans

______16. Who was the in Europe? a. Dwight D. Eisenhower b. Douglas MacArthur c. Patton d. Erwin Rommel

______17. FDR and Churchill began the initial planning of D-Day at the ______Conference. a. Munich b. Casablanca c. Yalta d. Potsdam

______18. The Evacuation of ______led to France falling to the Nazi regime. a. Bastogne b. Normandy c. Paris d.

______19. In what country was the WORST Nazi death camp located? a. Poland c. Germany b. Austria d. France

______20. Which of the following was the codename for the test bomb set off in the NM desert? a. “” c. “gadget” b. “widget” d. “” ______21. Which of the following was the codename for the atomic bomb dropped on ? a. “gadget” c. “little boy” b. “fat man” d. “widget”

______22. During World War II, the government set up detention camps for a. Labor protestors b. African Americans c. Japanese Americans d. German Americans

______23. Who was the Supreme Allied in the Pacific? a. Douglas MacArthur b. Dwight D. Eisenhower c. Harry Truman d. Neville Chamberlain

______24. Who was the leader of the Nazi SS? a. b. Herman Goering c. Heinrich Himmler d. Adolf Eichmann

______25. Who was the scientist that was in of the project that built the atomic bomb? a. Roosevelt c. Truman b. Oppenheimer d. MacArthur

FILL IN THE BLANK 1. The two American beaches on D-Day were: ______and ______2. The attack on Pearl Harbor came on what day of the week? ______3. How many waves of Japanese planes were PLANNED to attack Pearl Harbor? ______4. The ______Acts kept the US out of the war in Europe before the attack of Pearl Harbor. 5. List the three main Allied countries: (HINT: this doesn’t include any country overtaken by the Nazis) a.______b.______c. ______6. Who is considered to the mastermind behind the Pearl Harbor attack? ______7. How many US airborne divisions jumped on Normandy? ______8. The ______Trials was the prosecution of top Nazi officials for “crimes against humanity”. 9. What country liberated the FIRST concentration camp? ______10. Hitler’s book Mein Kampf translates into “______” and describes Hitler’s beliefs about the human race. 11. ______was considered to be one of the best German leaders and nicknamed the “desert fox” but was implicated in the assassination attempt on Hitler. 12. Why did the Japanese attack Pearl Harbor so early in the morning? ______13. The President of the at the end of World War II, who gave the order for the atomic bombings on Japan, was ______. 14. What was the nickname of the bomb dropped on ? “______” 15. How many flag raisings were there on Iwo Jima? ______


1. What did the “Big Three” decide about Germany at the Yalta Conference? (2 points) a. ______

b. Use a drawing to show what was discussed at Yalta. (2 points)

c. Explain how decisions made at the Yalta Conference contributed to the beginning of the ? (2 points) ______

2. Why did Japan want (or need) to expand throughout the Pacific? (4 points) a. ______b. ______BONUS (1 point each) 1. Who was the wife of Adolf Hitler? ______2. What was the codename of the Canadian beach on D-day? ______3. What were the 2 British beaches on D-day? a. ______b. ______4. What was the for the invasion of Africa? ______5. What was the other location discussed at the Casablanca Conference? ______6. Who was the leader of the German ? ______7. Who was the SS doctor who performed experiments on prisoners of the camp? ______8. What was the puppet government in occupied France known as? ______9. What ship was hit FIRST in the Pearl Harbor attack? ______10. Where does the USS Missouri sit now? ______