Official Directory. [Slater's

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Official Directory. [Slater's 2110 OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. [SLATER'S COU~CILLORS. WARD. COLLEGIATE CHURCH WARD. Hinchcliffe Thomas Henry. ••.•.••.• St. Luke's Alderman. BinchlifIe lsaac.•.•.•• ,.•.•...•.... St. John's I:John Royle, 36 Dantzio street Bodkin Henry ••••••••••••••••••.• Longsigllt Holden Wllliam.................. .• Hll.rpurhey Councillors. Howarth l}eorge ••••.•••••.•••...• N ew Cr(J~s !John Richard Smith, 27 ~hfield road, Urmston Howell Hiram .J:;;dward •••••..•.•.. ClteethRJn "Ernest Darker, 26 SW!ln street Hoyle Thomas ••.••..•...•..••.•.• St. Michael's tJohn J,owry, Whol8l;ale Fish market, HiJi(h street JackJlon William Turnt>r...... •••. .• Harpurhey CRUMPSALL WARD. J ennison Angelo. ••• .. ••••••.•••.•.• Longsight JohDBon James ••••••• '...... .•••.• St. Luke's J ohnston J a.me8.. .• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• .• Blackley and Moston IIEdward Holt, Derby Brewery, Cheetham J Olles John ••••••.••••••.••••••• I• Longsight Councillors. Jone8 John T •.•.. "' .....••.•..•.• New Cross tHarold Wood, The Wichnors, t3ingleton road, KerBal Kay William •....... _........... .• St. Georgc's -Frederick Todd, Waterloo st. Lower Crumpsall Kemp Jamea Miles Platting tFrederick John Robertshaw, Ivy House, Kea.rsley rd. Ol"llmpaall Kendall John James................ Oheetham DIDSBURY WARD. Lane-Scott William Fitzmaurtce.... Rusholrne Langley J ames Birchby •• ..•..••• •• St. Clement's AlcUrman. LecomtJer William Godfrey ••••••.• Medlock Street 11 WaIter Edward Harwood, 78 CrOSl! street Litton John George •• •••• .• •. •• .• •• St. Ann's Oouncillorl. Lofts John Albert.................. Gorwn North tJohn William Cook, 18 Exchange street Lowry John.. ••• ..• ••••. •••••.•••. Collegiate Church .William Booth, 78 King street Lowtb Thomas ••.••.••••.••••••••• Gorton South tJoseph Swarbrick, Winter's bUildings, St. Ann's si Yakeague John. •••••••••.••••••••• Exchange EXCHANGE WARD. Marr Thornas Robert ••••••••••..•• New Gross Meadowcrofc N athan ••••••••.•••.• New Cross Alderman. MegBon Albert Henry.. •• .• ..•••• •• St. J ames's IISir William Henry Vaudrey, Winter's buildings, St. Ann's lit Mitchell Miles Ewart •••••••••••••• Levenshulme South Oounci!lor8. Morris Thomas Bradford tVernon Spenoer Weon., 53 Deansgate arcade Moston J oseph Arthur ••.••••••••• Newton Heath -John Makeague, 61 High lane, Uhorlton-cum-Hardy Oddy George •.••.•..••.•.........• St. George's tWilliam Dent Ratty, 7 Market street O'Loughlin Michael John . _........ All Saints' GORTON NORTH WARD. Pierce Edwin ••••••••••••.•••••••.• All Saints' Phillips William Henry ••.•..••••.• Blacldey and Moston Alderman. Porter Alexander ••••••••••.•.••••• St. Ann's NFred Pogson, Albert place, Longsight Bedford Jane •••••••••••••••••••• Chorlton-cum-Hardy Councillor8. Robertshaw Frederick John .••.••.• CrumpsalI IWilliarn Davy, Fernles., Knutsford road, Gorton Rowlands William •••••••••••••••• Moss Side West Thomas Higginson, 46 Elysian street, Openshaw Royse Samuel WaIter ••••.••.••••.• St. J ames's tJames Greenall, 650 ABhton Old road, Openshaw SlIlUIn Sir Thomas 'l'hornhill .••••••• St. James's Simpson Harry Derwent •••••••••• Withington GORTON SOOTH WARD. Singleton Oharles Copley.. .• •• •••• •• St. Michael's Alderman. Smith John Richard .............. Collegiate Church tWilliam Walker, Cedar Villa, Hjde road, Gorton SturgeJ3S Fred .•..••••.••• •• •• •••• Ardwick Councillor8. Swales J ames Henry.. ••••••.••••••• St. George's tThomas Lawth, 27 Green street. Ardwick Swarbrick Joseph ••.•••••.•••••.•.. Didsbury -Thomas Reuben Day, 63 Central road, Gorton TBttersall William •••••• •• •• ••• ••• Oxford tSamuel Hague, il Hyde road, Gortou Taylor .A.rthur ••••••••••••.••••••• New Gross Thewlis Ja.mes Herbert St. Luke's IlARPURHEY WARD Titt George Frank •••••••••••••••• Openshaw Alderman. Todd Frederick ••...••..•......••.. Crnmpsal! tJohn Richards, 30 Shude hill Turner John . "" I................. Chorlton ..cnID-Hard,J Councillors. Turner Robert ••.•••••••..••.•••.. St. Mark's tWilliam Turner Jackson, The Glen, Ohurch la. Moston Wallwork Ja.mes Longsight -John Hargrrovcs, Weber Btreec, Uoilyhurst Watmougb Thomas.. •• •• .• •• •••• •• St. John's tWilliam Holden, 47 Church lane, Harpurhey West FrederickJOBeph.............. Newton Heath Wilson Thomas. •.•••••••.••.•••• •• New Cross LEVENSHULME NORTH WARD. Wood Cha.rlcs Arthur •.••.•..•••••. Cheetham Alde/man. Wood Harold ••.•.....•••.•.•.•.•.• Crumpsall tRei Alfred Dea.kin Carter, 12 Rushford avenue, Levenshulllul Wood Vernon Spencer ••••••••••.. Exchange Councillor8. Woollam Samuel ......••.•..•••••• Medlock Street tLindsay Dobson, 4 Farmside place, Levenshulme Wynne J olIn Moss Side East -Frederick Fenn, 11 Ohapel walks ALl. SAINTS' WARD. tRichard Stephenson Harper, 9 Slade lane, Levenshulme Alderman. LEVENSHULME SOUTH WARD. UJohn Robert Wilson, 20 Oxford road, Chorlton·on-Medlock Alderman. Councilwrs. IIRichard Bnrtles, 48 Windsor road, Levenshnlme !Mil'hael John O'Loughlin, 139 High street, Chorlton-on-Medlock Councillors. -Henry ROBS Clyne, 25 Ackers street, Chorlton-on-Med1ock !Frederick W. W. Breakell, 149 Stockport road, Levenshulme tEdwin Pierce, IlIA, DeansgBte .John Harrison, 230 Stockport road, Levenshulme t Miles Ewart Mitchell, 26 Milwain road, Levenshulme ARDWrcK WARD. Alderman. LONGBIGHT WARD. !Samuel Dixon, Moston Hall, MOilton Alderman. Councilwr8. !Charles Jennison, Belle Vue, Manchester !Fred Sturgess, 16 Royal street. Ardwick C01J·ncillors. "'John Edward Chapman, Trafford House, Derby~hire lane, Btl'6ioford tJames Wallwork, 309 Dickenson road, Rusholme tAugllstine Hailwood, Kandersteg, Pine road, Didsbury -John Jones, 56 CroBS st tAngelo JenniBon, Brookfielo. Ho.Holly Bank, Pink Bank la. Longslghi BLAOKT.EY AND MOSTON WARD. MEDLOCK STREET WARD. Alderman. :l:John Ward, 11 Stevenson square Alderman. tWilliam Bridgett Pritchard, 10 St. Ann's square Councillors. Councillors. !William Henry Phillips, 8 Orescent road, Crumpsall !William Godfrey Lecomber, The Limes, Lymm -James Johnston, Oak Bank avenue, Moston -.Arthur Wilson Chapman, 6 Vine street. Hulme tG€orge Bennett, Willow BaIlk, Glenfield street, Blackley tSamuel Woollam , 34 Ma.nley rd. Whalley range BRADFORD WARD. MILES PLATTING WARD. Alderman. Alderman. tWllliam Thomas Rothwell, 800 Oldhll.m road, Newton Heath IIJames Bowes, 286 Oldham rd. Newton Heath Councillors. Oouncillors. tTom Fox, 6 Repton street, Upper Brook street tJames Kemp, 546 Oldham ro.. Manchester --rhomas Morris, The Lodge. North road, Clayton -Richard Chesters, White Hart Hotel, 1 Oldham road, Milea Pla.ttlng tJOIleph Billam, 41 Port street tJohn Hamnett, Rose Lea. ter. Moston la. Moston CHEETHAM W ABD. Moss SIDE-EAST WARD. AlrUrmalt.. Aldn'17lan. tThomas Smethurst, 26 Pall mall IIHenry Richard Box, 155 Moss lane East. Moss Side Councillors. Councillors. tJohn James Kendall, 30 Delaunays road, Ornrnpsall tJohn Wynne, 2 Oooper street iCha.rles Arthllr Wood, Hill Grange, Crumpsa.ll crescent, Hr. Orumpsal! -Williaffi ThoIDas Dagnall, Leaf street, Greenhey& tHiram Edward Howell, 14 Marshall place, Cheetham tJames Bowie, 102 Market street CHORLTON-CUM-HARDY WARD. Moss SIDE-WEST WARD. Alderman. Aldlt1-ma7l. UFleteber Mosi!, The Old Pal"llOnage, Didsbury Vohn Frowde, 4A St. Mary's Parsonage Oouncillor8. OounciUorI. :l:John Turner, Egerton House, Wilbraham rd. Chorlton·cum-Hardy tJoseph Harold Blrley, Elm Bank, Eccles ~rge Howarth, III Beech mount, Rochdale road, Harpurhey .William ll'lanagan, 29 Heywood street. Moss Side tJane Bedford, il Whitelow road, Ohorlton-onm-Ha.rdy tWilliam Rowlands, 78 Clarendon rd. Whalley range.
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