
increased catecholamine metabolism) in pocampus (20); when administered to Himwich, J~ Pharmacol. Exp. Ther. 180, 531 (1972). the central nervous system (10), the rabbits, 5-hydroxytryptophan results in 7. R. L. Buckingham and M. Radulovaeki, Brain Res. 99,440 (1975). hippocampus could be one of the sites the most marked rate of increase in 5-HT 8. A. K. Sinha, S. Henriksen, W. C. Dement, J. D. of this restoration process. being found in the hippocampus (21). All Barchas, Am. J. ~hYsiol. 224, 381 (1973). 9. B. E. Jones, P. Bobillier, C. Pin, M. Jouvet, The electrical activity of the hip­ these findings point to the importance of Bf{iin Res. 58,. 157 (1973). pocampus is unusual. While the rest of a serotonergic mechanism in the hip­ 10. E. L. Hartmann, Int. psychiat. Clin. 7, 308 (1970); W. C. Stem and E. L. Hartmann, Proc. the brain shows a desynchronized EEG pocampus, and a possible role of this Am. Psychol. Assoc. 7, 308 (1971). pattern during attention, learning, and area in SWS. The specific increases in 11. E. Grastyan, K. Lissak, I. Madarasz, H. Don­ hoffer, Electroencephalogr. Clin. lVeurophysiol. paradoxical sleep, the hippocampus dis­ the metabolism of 5-HT and the concen­ 11,409 (1959); W. R. Adey, D. O. Walter, C. E. tration of DA in the hippocampus during Hendrix, Exp. Neurol. 7, 282 (1961); E. N. plays a syrichronized electrical activity Sokolov, Annu. Rev. Physiol. 25,545 (1963); M. of four to seven cycles per second (theta SWS indicate that the hippocampus func­ Radulovacki and W. R. Adey, Exp. Neurol. 12, 68 (1965); M. Jouvet,Prog. Brain Res. 18, 20 rhythm) (11). It is suggested that the tions as a subsidiary sleep structure to (1965); A. Routtenberg, Psychol. Rev. 73, 481 hippocampus, through synchronizing in­ the raphe system and the nucleus locus (1966); W. R. Adey, Prog. Brain Res. 27, 228 (1967). fluences on the neocortical and subcorti­ coeruleus in the brainstem. We also sug­ 12.P. L. Parmeggiani, Prog. Brain Res. 27, 413 cal structures, counteracts the effects ex­ gest that the obtained decrease in DA me­ (1967). 13. H. Noda, S. Mahonar, W. R. Adey, Exp. Neu­ erted by the ascending reticular-acti­ tabolism in the striatum and thalamus rol. 24, 217 (1969). during SWS may be related to the sleep­ 14. E. V. Evarts, Fed. Proc. Fed. Am. Soc. Exp. vating system, and that the functional in­ Bioi. 19, 828 (1960); P. R. Huttenchlocher, J. terplay of the hippocampus and reticular generating mechanisms. Neurophysiol. 24,451 (1961); E. V. Evarts, ibid. 27, 152 (1964); E. Bizzi, O. Pompeiano, I. So­ I RUZICA KoyACEYIC* system seems to be of importance with mogyi, Arch. Ital. Bioi. 102, 308 (1964); H. regard to the rhythm of sleep and wake­ MIODRAG RADULOYACKlt Sakamura, Jpn. J. Physiol. 18, 23 (1968). 15. P. J. Morgane and W. C. Stem, in Serotonin and fulness (12). Spontaneous activity of the Department ofPharmacology, Behavior, J. Barchas and E.. Usdin, Eds. (Aca­ hippocampal pyramidal cells in cats with College ofMedicine, demic Press, New York, 1973), pp. 4~7-442. 16. P. J. Morgane, in Sleep and the Maturing Ner­ permanently implanted electrodes sharp­ University ofIllinois at the Medical vous System, C. D. Clemente, D. P. Purpura, F. (13), Center, Chicago 60612 E. Mayer, Eds. (Academic Press, New Ybrk, ly decreased in SWS a phenomenon 1972), pp. 141-162. ' observed in other brain areas (14). It may 17. C. Kim, H. Choi, C. C. Kim, J., K. Kim, M. S. References and Notes Kim, H. J. Park, B. T. Ahn, Electroencepha­ be that the electrical activity of specific logr. Clin. Neurophysiol. 38, 235 (1975). brain structures duririg SWS is keyed to 1. A. Dahlstrom and K. Fuxe Acta Physiol. 18. L. M. N. Bach, In Hibernation and Hypother­ Scand. 62, Suppl. 232 (1964). mia, Perspectives and Challenges, F. E. South, local chemical processes. Our data re­ 2. M. Jouvet, P. Bobillier, J. F. Pujol, J. Renault, J. P. Hannon, J. R.Willis, E.T; Pengelley, N. garding the chemical changes in the hip­ C. R. Seances Soc. Bioi. Paris 160,2343 (1966). R. Alpert, Eds. (Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1972), 3. M. Jouvet, Science 163, 32 (1969). pp. 535-550. pocampus during SWS indicate that the 4. Since dura mater contains pain receptors, re­ 19. N. K. Popova and N.N. Voitenko, Dokl. Akad. moval of the dura prior to the experimental Nauk SSSR 218, 1488 (1974). 5-HT and DA systems become activated procedure was an important part of the tech­ 20. F. Okada, Y. Saito, T. Fujeida, I. Yamashita, at this time. This is of interest because nique. It enabled painless cutting of the brain Nature (London) 238, 355 (1972). tissue and ablation of the left hemisphere with 21. E. Costa and F. Rinaldi, Am. J. Physiol. 194, current hypotheses propose an increased the least disturbance to the animal. 214 (1958). activity in the 5-HT system of the raphe 5. The striatum-thalamus included the putamen, 22. W. J. Dixon and F. J. Massey, Jr., Introduction globus pallidus, tail of caudate nucleus, claus­ to Statistical Analysis (McGraw-Hill, New York, nuclei during SWS and an increased ac­ trum, and thalamus. 1969), p. 119. tivity in the catecholamine system of the 6. C. C. Chang, Int. J., Neuropharmacol. 3, 643 23. This work was supported by PHS NS 10921. (1964); F. A. Gerbode and M. B. Bowers, J. * Present address: Institute of Physiology, Facul­ nucleus locus coeruleus during para­ Neurochem. 15, 1053 (1968); J. Korf and T. ty ofMedicine, Belgrade, Yugoslavia. Valkenburgti-Sikkema, Clin. Chim. Acta 26, t Reprint requests should be sent to M;R. doxical sleep (3). Because of the recipro­ 301 (1969); A. S. Welch and B. L. Welch, Anal. cal connection between limbic-forebrain Biochem. 30, 161 (1969); H. S. Alpers and H. E. 4 March 1976; revised 4 June 1976 structures (including the hippocampus) and the raphe nuclei, the latter are poten­ tially modulated by limbic-forebrain mechanisms (15). When 80 to 90 percent Island Biogeography and Conservation: of the raphe system is destroyed, ani­ mals enter a state of permanent arousal Strategy and Limitations that lasts 3 to 4 days; SWS returns par­ tially within a 3-week period (2), and a As human destruction of remaining conservation strategy have concluded near normal sleep profile (16) appears by natural habitats accelerates, biologists that some large.refuges are essential to day 30. This indicates that other brain have felt intuitively that most existing minimize extinction rates and to ensure sites functionally compensate for the wildlife refuges are too small to avert certain species any chance of survival at loss of 5-HT neurons in the raphe. Fur­ extinctions of numerous species. How­ all. These conciusions are based not only thermore, since hippocampectomy was ever, because there has been no firm on studies of oceanic islands but also of found to reduce significantly both SWS basis for even approximately predicting habitat "islands" on mainlands, as well and paradoxical sleep, the hippocampus extinctions in refuges, biologists have as ofrefuges themselves. has been implicated in the facilitation of had difficulty convincing government Simberloff and Abele (7) argue that both SWS and paradoxical sleep (17). Al­ planners faced with conflicting land-use these applications of biogeographic theo­ though hibernation differs from normal pressures of the need for large refuges. ry to conservation practice are pre­ sleep in many respects (18), it has been Recently several workers have recog­ mature and are based on insufficiently reported that when animals are entering nized that a predictive understanding of validated theory and possibly also on hibernation, the concentration of 5-HT extinction might be obtained from island idiosyncratic results. These authors increases in the hippocampus several biogeography, since refuges of natural show that, given certain assumptions, times more than it does in other brain habitat in a sea ofhuman-altered environ­ several small refuges may contain more areas (19). Also, when 5-hydroxytrypto­ ment behave as islands for species depen­ species than a single large refuge of phan, an immediate precursor of 5-HT, dent on natural habitat (1-6). All these equivalent area. Their reasoning from is administered to rats, the highest con­ investigators attempting to understand their assumptions is correct but· mini­ centration of 5-HT is found in the hip- implications of the "island dilemma" for mizes ignores much more important 10 SEPTEMBER 1976 1027 conservation proiJJem~'~; Becallse those teror alien habitat.· Such species include 'human activities, and retain the rapidly ind~fferent to piological, coriservation not, only flightless org(l.nisms but also dispersing successional and edge species may seize on 'Simberloffand Abele's birds that-are, strong fliers. For example, that need no protection. For instance, report as . s~.ientific· evidence that larg~ many Californian bird species have·nev­ small forest reserves in New Zealand refuges are not needed, it. ~s important to er been 'observed ,on islands or desert gradually lose an bird populations be­ understand the flaws in their reasoning. oases 20 'km from their breeding sites longing'to old endemic families and re~ Human. activities t~reateri some spe­ (10); 302 of the 513 breeding land bird tain a standard quota of birds that are cies and habitats' more than others. Hu­ species of New Guinea have.never been also widespread in suburban gardens, mans are 'h.r:~ferentially destroying some observed ona single oceanic island, not mostly species that recently immigrated habitats (for example, primary tropical even large islands 8 km from New or were introduced by Europeans to rain f~rest) and creating others (for ex­ Guinea (4); and 55 of the 127 breeding New Zealand (6)'. ample, roadsides andpastures).~naddi~ land bird species of New Britairi never Simberloff and Abele (7) suggest sev­ tion, species of high dispersal ability and appeared,.even asvagrants,on an8-km2 eral reasons that they believe argue for high reproductive potential, living in suc­ island ()km offshore during' several dec­ small refuges under some circumstances. cessionalhabitats, can survive huma'1­ ades' residence by Meyer, a keen observ-. 1) Their main argument is that, de.;. related environment~1changes much bet­ er (3). Since there are no immigrations to pending on species pool size and relative ter than c.ari sedentary species of low reverse extinction on an island or habi~at areas of refuges, several small refuges reproductivepoteritial that are confined patch for such species, minimum area sometimes contain somewhat more spe­ to more mature habitats. Thus, con­ requriements. are. co~siderably .. larger cies than an equivalent area in one large servation strategy should not treat •all than for species capable of dispersal. refuge. This argument is scarcely rele­ species as equal but must. focus on spe­ Thus, New Guinea· is surrounded by vant,st~ce species must be weighted,. cies and.habitats threatened by human many "land-bridge islands" thatformed not just" counted; the question is not activities~ .W.hat t:lre,the ,area require­ part .of New Guinea during low' sea level which refuge system contains more total ments and dispersal· abilities ... Qfthese of. Pleistocene times up to .. 10,OOO~years species,bui,whichcontains more species extinctiori-prone species? ago. At the present time, 32 'of the 134 that would' be doomed to' extinction in First., consider area requirements of ~ew Guinea lowland bird speciesthat do the absence of refuges. A ref~ge system species that can disperse'among islan,ds not colonize overwater have disappeared that contain.ed many species like starling or habitat' patches. Despite,their ability from all.land.-bridge islands, even ones as and houst;, rat while losing only, a few 2 to disperse, such spe.cies are.often found large as 8000 km • These extinction­ species like ivory-billed' woodpecker and to be corifined to islands or~patches much prone species with large area requir~­ timber wolfwould be a disaster. larger than, the·territory size of a single ments include some of the most dis­ 2) "For 'fugitive species' adding up to pair [see (5) for summary]. For example, tinctive New GUinea bird species, such a small fraction of a regional biota a minimuJ}.l are~ requirements of popu­ as the vulturine parrotPsittrichas ful­ single large refuge could be exactly the lations of those southwest Pacific land gidus, , Harpyopsis novae­ wrong straiegy~' (7). This argument is bird species' thatcancoloniz~ islands guineae, and shovel-billed kingfisherCly­ also usually .irrelevant, since fugitiv~ spe­ overwater range up to thousands of toceyxr~x (4). Yet few proposed refuges cies of·high dispersal ability will often square kilometers,for. species whose ter­ exceed 8000 km2 in area. survive well in the absence of any ref­ ritories are measured in hectares (3). Si~ilar patterns of differential post­ uges. Iguanid lizard' populat~ons of the Baha­ pieistocene extinction on' real laIid­ 3) Catastrophes like, fire or disease mas are confined to islands large enough bridge islands In the ocea~, or.on virtual could affect populations in the whole ofa to support ~bout 100 liiards (8). Sin:tilar ones in seas of alien habitat, haye been large refu.ge but might not reach some of examples of minimum area requirements described for west Australian macropod a n.etwork of smaJI refuges.' This argu­ have been reported for North American marsupials, southeast Australian marsu­ ment is valid. ants, North American birds, and Bfitish pials and' rod~nts, North American ­ 4) Implicit in a comment by Si~-· bi~ds (9). These requirements res')lt from tane mamm~ls, neotropica). birds, Bis­ berlotf and Abele (their. sentence "More several factors (3, 5). (i) Some ha~itats marck, Archipeiago birds, Solomon Is­ realistically,' we would hypothesize exjst only on iarger islands or patches; hind birds, and Australiar:t lizards (2-5, ~ ..") is the reeognition that each smali (ii) :spec:ies with seasonally or spatially 11 ).' In all ofthese studies, most bird and refuge might save·a different member of patchy food suppiies musl integrate re­ mammal species incapable of interisland a set of tnutuaUyexclusive competitors, sources over large.areas; (iii) species that dispersal were found to disappear from of which one would come to exclude the live ~t 'Iow densities, and hence often all islands smaller than a few liundred others from a single large reserve.. This become extinct,ori small islands but rare-:­ square kilometers, and some species dis­ arg~ment"is also valid. Iy.recolonize, have low probability of appeared even from all islands of many ,Against the two valid arguments for occurrence at equilibrium except on thousand square kilometers. While these multiple refuges must be set the clear large islands; and (iv) "hot spots" of patterns are the product of population message of the island diienima: different locally high resource production may be fluctuations foraboul10,OOOyears, stud- . species'have different Olinimum area re­ important hedges against extinction but ies in this century on many New Zealand quirements, while cases of maximum area may, constitute only a small fraction of forest reserves(6) and on Panama's ­ limits are extremely rare, and the spe­ breeding territories. ro Colorado reserve {2} show that many cies most in need of refuges are doomed For species capable of dispersal be­ extinctions occur within a few decades, ina system of small refuges. The ex­ tween "islands," extinction of a popu­ especially in smaller refuges. tinctions in the New Zealand forest re­ lation in one refuge may possibly be As a result ofthis differential suscepti­ serves and on Barro Colorado· warn us reversed by colonization from another biJityof species to extinction in isolated how rapidly the ecosystems of under­ refuge: the island dilemma is posed in populations, small refuges or islands sized reserves can collapse to an inevi­ more acute form by species that are un­ mainly lose the sedentary species of ma­ table final solution. If the best solution of able or unwilling to disperse across wa- ture habitats that are most threatened by a system of multiple large refuges cannot 1028 SCiENCE, VOL. 193 be achieved, the best compromise would by .channels' wide·enough to reduce the foraging ranges. Population densities of be o~e refuge as large as possible plus dispersal of some of the arthropod spe­ such species are low, ·typically on the 2 some smaller refuges. This recommenda­ cies present. After an e"quilibration peri­ of one individual per 10 km •. To tion is not based on j'diosyncratic taxa. od ofJ years', a census was again made protect representative samples of com­ but on a variety of taxa on at least four of the uarchipelago" for its arthropod. plete ecosystems, areas of hundreds or continents. Nor is' this recommendation fauna, with the result tllat the collection thousands of'square kilometers are es­ premature, in view of the clear message' of separate islets contained a few more sential. and the rapid pace of human destruction species (81 as .compared to 77) than did An optimal system ofpreserves should of natural habitats. In the absence of .the onginal intact copse. From this they be designed to minimize· extinctions, a 'input from biologists, developers may conclude that ""the' more (and smaller) matter that Simberloff and Abele pass often prefer small refuges as being, easier ~efugc=s posited, as an' alternative to ~ over lightly. Much of our knowledge of to create and as leaving· more :Iand for single iarge one, the more· likely is the extinction rates comes from the study of developm.ent 'goals:' of'obvious'-'pol-itical archip~laio of small refuges to contain. land-bridge islands, islands that were cut

significance. Biologists should familiar­ more species.U off from the adjacent mainland by rising ize themselves with the island dilemma" A key feature of their experiment was water levels at some known time in the so that their arguments for ,large refuges the presence' nearby of large continuous pas't (frequently the end of the Pleisto­ will be explicit and persuasive:' stands of mangroves. containing a 'rich cene). Kinetic analys·is begins with the JARED M. DIAMOND "source" fauna of hundreds of specie's assump'tion that land-bridge islands ini­ Department ofPhysiologyt University of arthropods,' many. of which were ca­ tially contained a species complement ,o/California Me'dical Center; pable of invading tiny outlying islets. equal to that of an equivalent-sited seg­ Los Angeles 90024' Indeed" in discussing the experiment, ment ofmainland. Whendispersal is shut they' recognize that "'possibly the in­ off·or severely restricted by the jnter~ . References creased extinction rates· on the individual· position of a water barrier, the high­ 1. F .. W. Preston, Ecology 43, 4JO (1962); R. M. diversity ecosystem ofthe newly created May; Nature· (London) 154, 117 (197S). islands in this mangrove archipelago are 2; E.- O. Willis, Ecol. Monogr. 44', lS3 (197"); J. more than compensated for by""the pres­ island begins to "rel"ax," and eventually TerborBh, BioScitnct 2', 71S (1974); in Tropical sOurc~s Ecological Systems, F. Golt~y and E. Medina, ence ()ftheotherislands as nearby converges toward the' low-diversity con­ Eds.. (Sprioger-Verlal, New York, 1975); E. O. generating high' pr()pagule .... inva­ dition. ofa strictly oceanic island of Wilson and E. O. Willis, in Ecology !J"d E11.olu­ tion 01 Communities,' M. L. Cody and J. M.. sion rates!' .In contrast, those· of us equivalent size, climate,- and remote­ Diamond, Eds. (Harvard. URiv. Press,'Cam- who have argued the essentiality of large ness·. Several studies of land-bridge is­ bridge, Mass., 1975).· . 3. J. M.· Diamond; in Ecology af,ld E"oIuriOl.l '0/ pre.serves have imagined quite a different lands have been completed; and the re­ . Communititl. M. L. Cody and J. M. Diamond. scenario 'one in ·which most. Qf. the land­ sults. are gratifyingly concordant (3~5). Eds. (Harvard Univ~ Press, Cambridae, Mass., f 1975). . scape has been preempted by agricultur­ The following conclusions appear to be 4'. __., Proc. Nat'. Acad..Sci.. U.S.A. "~ well substantiated. 3199 om);· Bioi. ConsefV. 7,' t29 (l97S); ill al .or other human lises•.and in which Proceedill8s of. the 161h .ornilhology Congress•. scattered .parks 'remain' as the only 1) Species loss is area dependent. An 1974, H. J. Fnth and J. L.. Calaby, Eds. (Aus­ to~ 2 tralian Academy ofScience, Canberra" iii press). . redoubts' for species that are unable island of 250 km is estimated to lose· 5. __, in Rehabilitation ofSeverely Dilmaged adapt to degrad~d. habitats. Th~ islands about 4 percent of its resident bird spe­ Land and Freshwater EcosysltmS in Temptratt Zonts', M.. W. Holdgate and··M. J. Woodman, . considered by·: Simberloff and Abele cies during the first century, while one of Eds. (Plenum, London, in press). were· at equilibrium, meaning that extinc­ 5000 km2 10ses only 0.5 percent (4). 6. C. A. Fleminl,For. B'rd. No. 196 09.'75), p. IS. 7. D. S. Simberlotf and L. G. Abele .. Scienct '1'1, tions' were. in balance with' recurrent im­ 2} Extinctions proceed rapidly at first .285 (1976). . as the ·most vulnerable species drop out, 8. T. Schoener, personal eommunic:ation. . migrations from a rich exte·mal ·s·ource. 9. E. L. Goldstein, Evolution ~, 7S0 (1976); .A. E·. ·However, .the dynamics of equilibrial and then. at a diminishing pace as the . Galli~ C. F. Leek, R. T. T. Forman,Auk 93. 3.56 (1976); D. H. Morse, Ecolog, 5~, 216 (1971); N. systems are simply not germane to the community approaches equilibrium. ··W.,Moore and M. p. Hooper. Blot COIISBV••~ problen:t of isolated. parks se~ in an in­ 3)·Among the first species to expire are 239.(1975). . to. H. L~ Jones, thesis•.University of- California at tens'ively .exploited" landscape'; rather, those on the highest rungs' ofthe trophic , .."Los'Angelts (197S).· .. .' " theappr9priate-..conteXt is that Qf land­ ladder, .and the iargest members of feed­ 11. A. R. Main and M. Yadav,Bioi. Cons~rv. 3, 123 . '.(1971); J. Hope. Proc. R.·Soc. Victoria IS·; 163 bodge islands in which the: source· has ing guilds.' The' implications of this are (1973); J. Brown,Am. Nal. 105,467.(1971).' .. '., been ·removed. and: only islands remain. uncertain, because the.. effects of top ,JMatch 1976;'revised 8 June 1976 Under thesecircumstartces~'logic calls predators, .or even herbivores" on .the for a strategy orminimizing extinctions, interactions of species in. the lower tro­ C'ertain interpretations in the report by . and this, I contend, is best accomplished. phic levels of terrestrial ecosystems are Simberloifand AbeJe (l), if-accepted un-:- with .large preserves. As' I ·shaU 'explain poorly' understood. In some aquatic eco­ critically, could be detrimental·to ·efforts below, "there are circumstances in which systems, however,. it is known that the. to 'protect endangered wild·life. large preserves are neither·necessary' nor· . removal of ..keystone" predators'·. can Following a now well-established prac'- appropriate', but these are special cases lead to dramatically: altered, usually less lice ~ .Simberlotf and Abele' use results. directed toward particular 'species, rath­ diverse communities·(6)'. from island biogeography.·to draw .infer- er than toward whole ecosystems. 4) Where it has'been possible to exam­ :ences about the efficacy ofisoiated .parks· .If it·is' agreed that the'. primary objec- ine 'replicated groups of land~bndge is- and refuges as' reserVoirs'ofnatural diver-· ... tive .. of, a:_ ·.rational conserva~ion policy 'lands, the ev'idence suggests that the or.. '. sity ~ .How.ever't. some of·their conclu'stans '. should,be to preserve v·iable· Populations' der of extinctions is, highly consistent. are contrary to those espoused by others,'. Qf as many a.s possible of the'species. that One can infer from ihis that .the·· individ-' : who have considered the same. problem'. inhabite~ 'the pristine landscap.e, then at· 'ual units' of a scattered park system (2-4).' least sc)me large reserves are a necessity. would lose very· similar sets ofspecies. .SimberIotf and Abele' consider an ex- . 'This is immediately evident from the fact 5) As relaxation goes.to completion, .periment in' which very .small «0.05 ha), that species. at the ·top of the trophic the chamcter of land-bridge island avian' isolated· cops'es of. mangroves. were'dis- ladder (such as wolves" , eagles, "communities is gradually transformed sected into several' Jesser units separated and' mountain )"..require ·extensive from one typical of the dominant vegeta- 10 SEPTEMBER 1976 1029 tion (such as primary rain forest) to one ber on a large island is higher than the propose that an entire mangrove commu­ typical of successional vegetation (even number on an ecologically similar but oity, including vertebrates and larger in­ though the quality of the. habitat appar­ smaller island~ because the immigration vetebrates, could be preserved in re­ ently remains unaltered). In other words~ rate of new species is lower and the serves the size of the intact islands (0.02 the end point of relaxation is a commu­ extinction rate ofresident species. is high- to 0.05 ha) studied by Simberloff and nity composed largely or entirely·ofwide­ 'er on smaller islands. In addition, be- Abele (1), much less in the tinier archi­ spread Hweedy" .species which are of cause immigration rates decrease with pelagos created, even if many islets were negligible interest to conservationists. distance, classical models also predict involved. In conclusion, I can affirm that exten­ that more species should be maintained Human impact is often a serious practi­ sive areas are needed to preserve exam­ on islands close to continental source cal problem in natural areas because rec­ ples of intact ecosystems and to forestall areas. Simberloff and Abele accept these. reational activity is 'usually programmed the extinction of species having large predictions but present. computations into the reserve from the outset, or if not space requirements. This is not to say, that show that a given refuge area may programmed, is difficult to prevent. The however, that sma)) refuges may not be . support more species if it consists of a effects of such activity can be severe adequate to serve more limited pur­ 'number of smaller units. To obtain this even in gigantic national parks (12). In poses, such as protecting the habitat of. result, they propose a model in which all small reserves, human influences can be localized endemic forms or the nesting of the species in the pool have equal disastrous.. sites of colonial species. In enacting a: dispersal and survival abilities or in . Island area, isolation, and human dis­ comprehensive conservation policy we which strong interactions between spe- turbance may interact in complex fash­ will have to be sensitive to the distinctive cies make it likely that different sets ·of ion. Although SimberlotI and Abele refer features ofparticular species and ecosys­ species will survive on different islands, to a critique by Lynch and Johnson (13) tems and intensify the search for ways of or both. However, there is no evidence 'of reported high avian turnover rates on protecting wildlife that do not conflict that such extreme 'conditions are in fact islands, one of the main points of the excessively with society's needs for approached in complex communities (4).. critique was that many insular extinc­ space and'resources. . For example, different reptiles, ,birds, tions and. colonizations have beeri re­ JOHN TERBORGH and mammals require different minimum lated to human disturbance. However, Department ofBiology, insular areaS for long-term survival (5); the perturbations thatresult from habitat Princeton University, families of birds differ in their species-' alteration and destruction, introduction Princeton, New Jersey 08540 area relationships (6); extinction rates on of nonnative species, use of pesticides, References land-bridge islandsdiffer among taxa (7); or other stresses are becoming increas­ l. D. S. Sirnberloff and L. G. Abele, Science 191. forest-interior bird species, especially ingly important determinants of species 285 (1976). 2. J. M. Diamond, Bioi. Conserv. 7, 129 (1975); A. those nesting on or near the ground, tend compositic)"n and turnover. These inftu­ E. Galli. C. F. Leek. R. T. T. Fonnan. A.uk 93. to disappear most rapidly from smalJ for- ences will intensify in the future and will 356 (1976); R. M. May, Nature (London) 254. 177 (1975); E. O. Wilson and E. O. Willis. in ested areas in both tropical (8) and tem- have greatest effect on small preserves. Ecology and Evolution of Communities~ M. L. perate (9) latitudes; and even mangrove Therefore, the most prudent preserva­ Cody and J. M. Diamond, Eds. (Harvard Univ. Press, Cambridge. Mass., 1975). arthropods differ in their ability to estab- tion strategies are those that insulate sen­ 3. J. M. Diamond, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. Jish and maintain populations on small sitive species from the effects of human 69. 3199 (1972); E. O. Willis, Ecol. Monogr. 44, 153 (1974). islands (10). The diversity of species sen- disturbance by setting aside large contin­ 4. J. Terborgh, BioScience lA, 71.5 (1974); in Tropical Ecological Systems, F. Galley and sitive to effects of area and isolation uous natural areas.

E. Medina. Eds. (Springer-Verlagt New York, demonstrates that, contrary to thesug- Classical theory (3) predicts high tum­ 1975). .5. J. H. Brown. Am. Nat. 'IOS, 467 (1971); D. A. gestion of Simberlotf and Abele, such over rates on small isolated islarids. To Hooijer, N~th. J. Zool. 25.46(1975). sensitivity is not a taxal idiosyncrasy. emphasize the reality of such turnover 6. J. A. Estes and J. F. Palmisano, Sci~nct 185, 1058 (1974); R. T. Paine, Am. Nat. 100, 65 The inevitable conseq'uence of such di- on mainland "habitat islands7' we cite (1%6); O~colog;a 15, 93 (1974); __ and R. versity ·in the context of the proposed results of Kendeigh's annual censuses of L. Vadas, Limnnl. Oceanogr. 14, 71(}(l969); T. M. Zaret and R. T. Paine, Sci~nc~ 182, 449 series of small preserves would be the breeding birds (14, 15) for Trelease (1973). preferential extinction of the more sensi- . Woods, a 22-ha deciduous forest pre.. 23 February 1976 tive species and the emergence on each serve in Illinois' that is surrounded by .Simberloff and Abele (1) have' ques­ island of a species assemblage whose agricultural land. Several patterns' are tioned recent recommendations (2) that members can utilize disturbed habitats evident. (i) Annual turnover, computed faunal preservatio,n can best be accom­ and therefore are destined to survive by the method ofDiamond (16), was high plished by establishing single large re­ even in the absence of preserves. . (mean = 13.6 percent; range = 5.3 to serves. Instead, they conclude that theo­ A second inadequacy of individual 27.3 percent for the years 193~1975). Of retical considerations could in certain small faunal preserves, or series of such 62 breeding bird species, only nine (17) circumstances support the sequestering preserves, is their fai~ure to provide a have been present in each of the 48 cen­ of a series of smaller reserves, and they reasonable facsimile of the entire func- sus.es since 1927. (ii) Three forest interior present experimental evidence in sup­ tioning ecological .community they are specialists characteristic of the Eastern port of this view. However, their propo­ intended to represent. In fact, Simberloff deciduous forest (14) have not bred in sition depends on biologically unrealistic and Abele agree with Sullivan and Shaf- the woods during the census period; six assumptions and should not be applied to fer (11) that the preservation of entire others (18) have bred only sporadically any practical problem of conservation communities rather than single endan- for a year or two at a time. It is reason­ without expliCit proof that the assump­ gered species is a highly desirable goal. able to assume that some or"alJ of these tions are true. If a functioning community is to be pre- species nested regularly (19) in the pri­ Simberloff and Abele address them­ served, it must be acknowledged that ·mordial forest prior to European settle­ selves mainly to predictions arising from some ~ecies, particularly large ones and- ment, but had been extirpated by the classic mathematical models of the spe­ those at higher trophic levels, require time ofthe first census in the relict wood­ cies-area relationship' (3). According to extensive areas of continuous habitat for land. (iii) Ecologically generalized such models, the equilibrial species num- survival. For ,example, no one would ("weedy") species, many of them per- 1030 SCIENCE, VOL. 193 manent residents or short distance mi- . which, even at its lowest ebb, was never all practical purposes, irreversible. Sim':' grants, now dominate the Trelease much below half of the original area. berloff and Abele's concern about the Woods ·avifauna. (iv) Between 1934 and Today the Eastern forest is an archi­ "cost and irreversibility of large-scale 1953 t the mean species richness of the pelago of second growth woodland frag­ conservation programs" (1) ignores the avifauna in Trelease Woods was 23.3 ments that vary greatly in size, and it is fact that it is much easier to convert a (standard deviation = 4.9). By about therefore possible to determine whether natural area into a housing development 1953 the thir:d most abundant tree, Amer- subsets of these fragments are in fact than vice versa. Therefore, the most pru­ ican elm (Ulmus americana), had begun acting as preserves on a contemporary dent strategy is to maximize reserve to die from Dutch Ehn disease. The basis. Breeding bird censuses and sur­ size. If, as Simberlo1I and Abele pro­ years 1954 through 1975 then witnessed a veys in Eastern North America (24, 25) pose, an alternate strategy proves more highly significant (P < .01) increase in sh9W that avifaunal composition of for­ useful in specific instances, we anticipate avian species richness to an average of. est fragments depends on their size. In no shortage ofeconomic interests willing 32.5 (standard deviation = 2.8), but pre- extensive forest tracts, up to 92 percent to fragment the preserves at a later date. dictably (20), the birds that profited were of the breeding individuals are neo­ We feel some.responsibility to suggest forest-edge species. Thus, an additional tropical inigrants (26). However, many orders of size that are relevant to the inadequacy of small preserves is their 'neotropical migrant species disappear design ofpreserves. Optimal size for pre­ sensitivity to destabilization. from small isolated forest tracts such as serves varies with geography and the Many of the edge species that colo- Trelease Woods, and the avifauna' of kinds of communities involved, but the nized the interior of Trelease Woods in such tracts tend to be dominated by spe­ history of. Barro Colorado Island in the spectacularfashion during its destabiliza- cies that are ei.ther permanent residents Panama Canal Zone is a stern reminder tion also colonize the edges of ~rtificial or short distance migrants (9, 25). Exten­ of the irreversible losses that might oc­ swaths cut through forest (21). In such sive census and survey work (27) in cen­ cur if the size of a preserve is in.;. cases, the overall avian species. richness. tral Maryland shows that small (less than adequate. In this instance (8, 31) an area in an area is increased, but only at the 22 ha) tracts have a depleted 'avifaunal of nearly 1500 ha was insufficient to re­ expense of .forest-interior species. We composition also characteristic of sub':' tain the characteristic avifauna of the therefore' hope that the experimental de- urbs and parks (9), but that deteriora­ larger tropical forest from which the is­ sign (4) of Simberloff and Abele, in tion has not occurred in fragments of land was separated by canal construction which such ecotonal effects may have similar size and vegetational composi­ in 1914.. Our analysis of the Trelea.se been absent, will not be used to justify tion adjacent to extensive forest (28). Woods data shows that 22 ha is hopeless­ disastrous fragmentation of existing for- Also, countywide mapping projects (29) ly small, even for preservation of small est by roads, pipelines, or similar proj- have demonstrated 'that some neo­ forest-interior birds. We agree with the ects. Our objections to the creation of tropical migrants~' apparently. no longer principle suggested by Sullivan and Shaf­ long strips of edge within a single pre- breed in agricultural regions where forest fer (lJ) that primary reserves should be serve apply even more strongly to series fragmentation is most severe. Loss 'or of sufficient size to support stable popu­ of small forest preserves. In areas where reduction in breeding densities of neo­ lations of large mammals, and with Ter­ forest is reduced to isolated woodlots, tropical migrant individuals has occ'urred borgh in his estimate that thousands of avian brood parasites, egg predators, in a relatively undisturbed mesic forest square kilometers may be required to and nonnative nest-hole competitors are fragment that is hundreds of years old reduce extinction ~ates to acceptable lev­ usually abundant (22) in the surrounding (20) and in large urban parks of second els. If such· sizes are involved, there agricultural and ~rban environments and . growth forest (27, 30). For example, in a seems to be no need for controversy. often invade small tracts. Even acting' forest plot within Rock Creek Park in the about the optimal size of forest pre­ singly, such species can exert intolerable District of Columbia, the percentage of' serves, since we are unaware of any pressure on other bird species (23), and neotropic migrant breeders declined plans or opportunities to sequester areas their combined impact may be a major from 87· percent in 1948 to 35 percent in that would be inappropriately large. force in the avifaunal changes that suc- 1974 (30). The rapidity of decay of the An acknowledgment of the need for ..ceed forest fragmentation. original avi(auna in urban parks, in con- large preserves should not be miscon­ We .now wish' to apply our general trast to slower decays (20) in relatively strued as' an argument against smaller reasoning to preservation of the Eastern undisturbed forest fragments and lack of ones. Certainly, small reserves are better . deciduous forest, a system with which .' perceptible decay in 'nearby extensive than none and can accomplish such pur­ we have considerable firsthand experi- homogeneous forest (28), implicates hu­ poses as (i) preservation of taxa that can ence. Simberlotf and Abele cite Ter- .man perturbation as an important factor survive in small areas, (ii) preservation borgh's statement (2) that re~uction and contributing to the deterioration. Thus of unIque microhabitats, (iii) provision of fragmentation of the forests of Eastern the available data for the Eastern forest" Ustepping stones" between larger re­ North America calised the extinction of, far from demonstrating that large faunal serves, and (iv) provision of local educa­ at most, two bird species. Although it is preserves are unnecessary, describe a. tional and recreational benefits. We do, troe that few North American birds have troubled system in which local and re­ therefore, encourage the sequestering of become extinct on a continental scale .gional .extlnctions of forest interior spe- . small reserves whenever the establish­ Within historic times,: we contend that· cialists are commonplac'e and in .which ment ofa large reserve is not possible. optimism about the avifauna of the East- large. series of existing small, isolated In summary, we urge that the size of ern forest is warranted only as long .as . forest areas have failed to preserve, even ecological preserves.be maximized be­ extensive areas of homogeneous forest in contemporary time, many of the small cause (i) large areas have high immigra­ remain standing. In fact, Terborgh'point- avian speci'es that once dominated the tion rates and low extinction rates; (ii) ed out correctly (2) that important fac- forest. some taxa require very large areas for tors in avian species survival were (i) The final argument 'against fragmenta­ survival; (iii) preservation of entire eco­ the ability of most forest birds to utilize tion of our rapidly disappearing large logical communities, with all trophic lev· middle successional second growth and areas of relatively undisturbed habitat is els represented, requires large areas; (iv) (ii) the retention of a total forested area, the unhappy fact that the process is, for large preserves are better buffered 10 SEPTEMBER J976 1031 against human pertlu"bation and natural IS. __. Audubon NOles 2, 232 (1948). with Diamond (2) and Terborgh (3) that The other 26 annual censuses are published disaster; (v) large areas are necessary to in No.6 of Audubon Field Notes. volumes their data are adequate to support the 3 through 29 (1949-1975). The extensive data minimize' the pressures of predation, available for this plot deserve lengthy future hypothesis of high extinction rates for parasitism. and competition exerted by treatment. birds on islands. With one exception, the abu~dant 16..J.'M. Diamond, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. species in the disturbed'areas M. 57 (1969). . "evidence" from land-bridge islands surrounding the reserves; (vi) failures of 17. These species were: downy woodpecker

1032 SCIENCE. VOL. 193