
© 2015 Nature America, Inc. All rights reserved. Institute Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Leipzig, Germany. should Correspondence be addressed to L.A.F.F. ( California, USA. Laboratory for Archaeology and History of Art, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK. 1 regions core of number limited a from out diffuse forms domesti cated that and rare are episodes domestication that shows that species multiple in origins domestication cally divergent wild populations as of evidence frequent, independent of with multiple, animals geographi domestic affinities phylogenetic interpreted have geneticists model, this under instance, For forms. wild and domestic from data genetic of interpretation the eases tion domestication are well defined. The assumption of reproductive isola of timeframe and origin geographical as the such events key because geneticists for framework theoretical attractive an provides model forms domestic and wild between isolation reproductive and of domestication) beginning at the individuals few a only of selection the to due events founder to (corresponding tion popula in the domestic by humans and strong bottlenecks involving directed being as viewed been often has process this Traditionally, progenitors in wild their to changes comparison in behavioral individuals and domesticated morphological striking to domes led animal of tication process The societies. complex of development the in resulted ultimately which lifestyle, agricultural sedentary a to mal led species to a major shift in from subsistence, a hunter-gatherer of plant the domestication and Revolution, the Neolithic ani During history human in transitions important most the of one was ago, years 10,000 approximately occurred which agriculture, of rise The not major the selection the assumptions whether isolation Traditionally, Yogesh Paudel Laurent A F Frantz domestic genomes domestication from analyses of Eurasian wild and Evidence of long-term and during selection Nature Ge Nature Received 21 November 2014; accepted 10 August 2015; published online 31 August 2015; Animal Animal Breeding and Genomics Group, Wageningen University, Wageningen, the Netherlands. However, this view conflicts with zooarchaeological evidence evidence zooarchaeological with conflicts view this However,

homogenizing genetic assume



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4 the Department Department of Genome Sciences, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington, USA.


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1 2 4 ------ Department Department of Integrative Biology, University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, . . .



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were transported by early farmers from the Near East into Europe Europe into East Near the from farmers early by Europe transported in were domestic first the that found (mtDNA) DNA drial present the before domesticated were Pigs in independently boars. wild and pigs domestic modern of data genetic using domestication of origin chronological and spatial the infer to attempt that studies for ramifications major has and of domestication models traditional of assumptions the violates populations domestic and wild between flow gene extensive Moreover, domestication. of more models with traditional contrast that framework new this from predictions key progenitors and wild a lack of bottlenecks strong domestication and animals their domestic gene flow between of post-domestication relationships human-animal tiple, -specific between wild and domestic populations ess proc diffuse a long-term, as seen is domestication Instead, previously thought. as widespread and crucial as been having as viewed are selection intentional strong nor isolation reproductive neither and unintentional as having been tion of is mainly viewed animals domestica prehistoric models, complex more new, the In models. theoretical and empirical of body archaeological work growing a is there Moreover, ‘islands , , Hendrik-Jan Megens

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© 2015 Nature America, Inc. All rights reserved. understand the early understand process we of sampled domestication, a range of ( (ASD; pigs domestic and Asian (ASW) boar of wild Asian populations tiple ( (EUD) breeds domestic historical) or (rare (EUW) non-commercial and boars wild European genomes 103 on from focused analysis Our Asia. and Europe in pigs of domestication the for models multiple of support the Weevaluated RESULTS bottlenecks. strong and isolation reproductive involving domestication of model tional (Western) of domestication Anatolia in pigs restricted geographically single a for data. More generally, we assess whether the zooarchaeological evidence modern the fit better process reticulation a more complex, involving those or explanation linear traditional, a test following to models is whether aim main Our pigs. domestic and wild 100 over from set forms wild and domestic differentiate that traits of maintenance the behind mechanisms the regarding questions raises also pigs domestic and boars wild between flow gene unintentional record zooarchaeological the in as as well animals modern in evident is that pigs domestic and between boars wild dichotomy behavioral and morphological clear a is there tion and is thought to have mainly unintentionally occurred between pigs and wild boars confers no clear advantage to pig produc interbreeding intentional donkeys, and horses with unlike addition, and resolution the of analysis Inby nuclear markers. afforded the large-scale confidence with tested be to yet has pigs in domestication of complex hypothesis the Thus, hypotheses. to these test it impossible making flow, gene of impression limited very a provide markers of because mode of and inheritance limited resolution, mtDNAsmall Moreover, boars. wild from flow gene post-domestication of result domestication of a population of European wild boars rather than the mtDNAthe observed turnovers could also be interpreted as a pigs. domestic of modern genome the in boars wild from flow of gene signal strong a to have left We phenomena such herding. swine expect mobile and was the result of post-domestication gene flow, loose pigpigs management Anatolian and European ancient in replacement mtDNA tion, century nineteenth the in Revolution Industrial the until up selection and management limited as well as evidence, historical and archaeological both with Anatolia and Europe throughout herding swine mobile extensive by were This result suggests replaced European haplotypes. strated that, by 2,500 years before the present, local mtDNA haplotypes domesticated. independently process domestication Anatolian flow the in involved not were gene that populations boar wild from post-domestication experienced populations domestic boar wild European local in found haplotypes mtDNA acquired instead and signatures mtDNA Eastern Near the lost completely had Europe in pigs domestic tion, pigs domestic for evidence logical a single domestication origin of western Eurasian zooarchaeo with concordant present, the before years 7,500 around s e l c i t r A  from boar populations, Asia wild and all major European Pleistocene Supplementary Table1 Supplementary Sus verrucosus Sus

Here we fit models of domestication to a genome-wide data data genome-wide a to domestication of models fit we Here However, although unsupported by any zooarchaeological evidence, demon material Anatolian ancient of analyses mtDNA Further Supplementary Table 1 Supplementary 2 1 ) as an ( outgroup an as ) . However, a few thousand years after their introduc their after years . However, thousand a few 12 , 13 23 , 2 , 2 1 4 is compatible with the assumption of a tradi a of assumption the with compatible is 12 . Thus, under a complex model of a . domestica model under complex Thus, , ). In addition, the data set comprised mul comprised set data the addition, In ). 2 1 and that European was not not was boar wild European that and 21 , ). We also included a Javan Wartya pig We). included also 2 2 . These findings suggest that early early that suggest findings These . Supplementary Fig. 1 Fig. Supplementary 6 and European commercial commercial European and 25– 2 8 . Thus, the possibility of of possibility the Thus, . 1 8 . 2 2 ). To better Tobetter ). , consistent , consistent 1 8 de de novo . . Lastly, 2 9 ------

Fig. 5 Fig. EUW; to EUD from rate the than higher much was EUD Europe to EUW in from rate pigs migration (the domestic asymmetrical and strongly was boars wild between found we flow Moreover, gene pigs. that domestic and gene boars involved wild further that between process flow provide domestication findings complex a our of Instead, evidence restricted domestication. spatially of linear, a model of assumptions the with reconcile to difficult are ASD and EUD of ancestry and substructure , ( ASW and EUW shared a large amount ( with populations wild of ancestry than substructure more displayed ( ( Asia Europe in in and forms components wild and first domestic the between (PCA), discriminated analysis principal-component our 4 Fig. Supplementary ( monophyletic was EUW whereas paraphyletic, both were ( the in as populations same array PorcineSNP60 on the the genotyped were that data) genome-wide (from pigs as 600 well over as of set sequences data genome a our using pigs, domestic and boars and wild forms (within Asia and and different forms Europe) (within as wild well as between models, we found that a model involving gene flow domestic between forms, etc. domestic ( and wild between (iii) populations, pig domestic within (ii) lations, of continuous mixture, including gene flow (i) within wild boar popu patterns different involving models five to model null this compared ( Europe and Asia from pigs domestic or between isolation) (reproductive forms domestic and wild between flow time at place events parallel in Asia and Europe. In this model, domestication takes as is two modeled in domestication model fit which of the traditional the evaluated first we this, Toaddress China. and Anatolia in ently independ twice, only domesticated were pigs that evidence logical of wild boars and pigs domestic was compatible with the zooarchaeo domestic pigs. More and precisely,boars wild we askedbetween whether flow reproductive gene of isolation hypothesis the tested Wefirst Gene Methods). Online the genomic data set using approximate Bayesian computation (ABC; to models but informative simple we fit above, described framework Asian pig breeds. To test key predictions of the complex domestication refugia of Chinese pigs during the nineteenth century to improve European European improve to century nineteenth the during pigs Chinese of importation European of result the likely most is and studies vious pre with consistent is finding This material. genetic exchanged pigs ( among pig breeds observed structure population gent of boar, populations wild have could to contributed the complex in different breeds. Thus, admixture, from differential multiple diver our current data However, set does not allow us to Europe. conclude the extent of admixture and Asia in domestication after and during ductive isolation between wild and domestic forms was not maintained explicit modeling framework provides very strong evidence that repro gene no ( flow with model null the to comparison in fit of improvement gene that including flow in all models study this provided an extreme in tested other model study this ( any to compared when 0.93) = (PP) probability (posterior support domestic populations (between Europe and Asia) received substantial Supplementary Note Supplementary To further assess these findings, we evaluated the ancestry of wild of wild ancestry the we evaluated findings, these Toassess further Lastly, we also found evidence that Asian and European domestic domestic European and Asian that evidence found also we Lastly, Supplementary Fig. 3 Fig. Supplementary

and and flow 6 , , non-commercial and commercial European pig breeds Supplementary Note Supplementary

between t 1 in Europe and time time and Europe in a Fig. 2 Fig. DVANCE ONLINE PUBLICATION ONLINE DVANCE Supplementary Fig. 2 Supplementary

wild d ). Our analyses showed that EUD and ASD ASD and EUD that showed analyses Our ). ). In addition, we found that EUD and ASD ASD and EUD that found we addition, In ). and and

boars and upeetr Note Supplementary Fig. Fig. Supplementary Table Supplementary 2 ).

and t 1 2

, middle). Moreover, , middle). we found in Asia and involves no gene gene no involves and Asia in domestic ). ). By six comparing these Fig. Fig.

pigs Nature Ge Nature Figs. 2 Figs. Supplementary Supplementary 1 ). Moreover, in in Moreover, ). , top). We then top). , Fig. Fig. ). ). Thus, our Fig. Fig. and Fig. 2 Fig. Fig. 2 Fig. n 3 2 3 2 ). ). The etics ) and and ) ). 9 and c b ------) ,

© 2015 Nature America, Inc. All rights reserved. under a simple model involving human-driven domestication. data pigs from genetic can domestic Thus, modern wild populations. boar domestication. different of human-driven genetic a are breeds pig involving domestic Instead, expected model be simple would a as group, under genetic homogeneous a constitute of sides both on pigs ( Eurasia domestic and boars wild flow gene between that occurred conclusion our on influence little had populations pig domestic Asian and European between admixture that populations suggests pig domestic between flow gene of amount small this pigs domestic Asian with to admixed be likely less are that breeds domestic European non-commercial on focused Note ASD; and ASW between between wild and domestic populations (between EUW flow and gene EUD and to relative limited very was ASD) and (EUD populations breeds commercial applicable. not NA, Asian; AS, European; EU, model). ghost the without and (with comparison each for model likely most the indicate values Bold (bottom). model ghost the including total, in models seven with computed were second appearing probabilities the and total) in models six (comparing model ghost the without computed were first appearing probabilities the notation, probability posterior the In (bottom). population ghost a and populations domestic and wild the between flow gene with model in displayed are study this in tested models additional four the middle); model; (full populations boar wild between and populations pig domestic between as well as EUD) and (ASD pigs domestic and EUW) and (ASW boars wild between flow gene with one and top) model; (null flow gene without one displayed: are population ghost the including not Two models six the of parameters. continuous independent, two as modeled were that migrations represent arrows Double-headed models. seven or six compared approach 1 Figure Nature Ge Nature c a

PC1 PC1 not do pigs domestic that demonstrate findings these Together, –20 –40 ). This result is not surprising given our sampling strategy that that strategy sampling our given surprising not is result This ). 20 40 60 40 0 0 –80

–40 Schematics of the models tested in this study. The model-testing model-testing study. The this in tested models the of Schematics Supplementary Note Supplementary n S etics upplementary Figure 2 Figure upplementary –40 –20

24 PC2 PC2 ADVANCE ONLINE PUBLICATION ONLINE ADVANCE , 4 0 30– 2 0 3 2 Supplementary Fig. 5 Fig. Supplementary . . However, the gene domestic flow between 0 0 ). . A seventh model comprised the full full the comprised model . A seventh b d PC1 –20 –10 10 20 0 EUW EUD ASW ASD 24 and and , 2 0 2 9 . . We that conclude Supplementary Supplementary

PC2 4 0

0 component 1; PC2, principal component 2. component principal PC2, 1; component principal PC1, pigs. European in ascertained SNPs chosen randomly ( pigs. Asian in ascertained study. ( this in outgroup) the for (except used sequences genome the between relationship the depicting Methods), (Online matrix distance (IBS) ( set. data genome ( 2 Figure ing the 1,000 simulations closest to the observed values and 85% when N the that found we Nevertheless, ( themselves by However, the wide 95% HPDIs make these results difficult to interpret population size of EUW ( effective the twice than more was 3,724–73,907) = (HPDI) interval ( of EUD size population in EUW than in EUD ( boars glaciations resulted in long-term population decline in European wild that Pleistocene demonstrating evidence, as as well historical results, ( EUD and EUW both decline in population a with consistent are results our Overall, tions. popula domestic in bottleneck strong a expect would we humans, by selection intentional and no strong, with flow gene domestication of model linear simple a of assumption the Under 2,000,000. of out bution of using parameters simulations 10,000 retained demographic ciated with domestication. To do so, we estimated the posterior distri We also tested for the presence of a strong population bottleneck asso No populations. domestic and wild domestication process if modeled with continuous gene flow between restricted a for evidence zooarchaeological with reconciled be only a ) Results of PCA using 500,000 randomly chosen SNPs from our our from SNPs chosen randomly 500,000 using PCA of ) Results e e EUW

evidence Time Time 30 Time c , t t in 66% of the 10,000 retained simulations (77% when retain when (77% simulations in retained 66% of 10,000 the

t t 32 ) PCA for Asian samples using 500,000 randomly chosen SNPs SNPs chosen randomly 500,000 using samples Asian for ) PCA t t t 1 0 1 0 1 3 0 Ancestry of wild boars and domestic pigs in Europe and Asia. Asia. and Europe in pigs domestic and boars wild of Ancestry , 3 3 . . However, was decline more this population pronounced N N N EUW EUW

EUW of Supplementary Table3 Supplementary

b a ) Neighbor-joining tree, based on an identity-by-state identity-by-state an on based tree, ) Neighbor-joining

N N domestication N EU EU EU Fig. Fig. N N N ... (4models) d N N EUD EUD ) PCA for European samples using 500,000 500,000 using samples European for ) PCA EUD Fig. Fig. e e e 4 EUW ). ). In addition, we found that the effective EUD 4 = 8,497, 95% HPDI = 1,555–33,873). = 20,563, 95% highest prior density density prior highest 95% = 20,563, ). These findings support previous previous support findings These ). N N N N ghost e e ASW

ASW bottleneck EUD and and parameter was greater than than greater was parameter N N AS AS N ASW Supplementary Note Supplementary N N ASD ASD PP NA/ PP PP <0.01/<0.01 s e l c i t r A N AS

0.93 t t 2 2 0.85 /0.1 N ASD 3 t 2

). ). 

- - - -

© 2015 Nature America, Inc. All rights reserved. in in European domestic populations. We therefore tested the hypothesis found variation genetic the of source sole the be to unlikely is EUW ( EUD in observed of substructure degree high the However, domestication. the of to source the related constituting closely population be to assumed we that boars reproductive wild of ulation assuming pop a from flow gene hypothesis modeled only we fact, this Despite traditional isolation. a than evidence flow 2 Table gene Supplementary continuous 0.99; > (PP significantly was pigs incorporating domestic and boars wild model between a that showed We Gene ( species divergent with admixture of possibility the and ASW in draw strong conclusions because of the highly heterogeneous ancestry us to not allow does of and ASW ASD,sampling case the our current In one. of existence the support not does data the of explanation ous parsimoni most the however, bottleneck; completely domestication not a out do rule results our Thus, domestication. of time the at higher much been have well may EUW of size population effective and substructure apparent ( the population this within increased likely most EUD into EUW from flow gene of words, EUD. In size other population effective the wild boar populations likely distinct inflated and cally geographically geneti multiple from flow gene continuous that contention the port domestication bottleneck in European domestic pigs and instead sup habitat suitable of loss and in bottlenecks the wild European populations, caused by overhunting EUW in inbreeding recent with consistent are homozygosity) of runs long as (such heterozygosity of patterns that findings previous corroborates retaining 100 simulations). Moreover, our low estimate of ( error. validation diverse for errors validation ( PCA. in as SNPs chosen randomly 500,000 same the using ( clusters of number optimum the estimate to performed 3 Figure s e l c i t r A  Fig. Fig.

Density Density strong a of existence the support not do results these Together, 7 0.4 0.8 1.2 0.4 0.8 1.2 4 ) and probably affected ) our and current probably affected 0 0

flow and and

3 Model-based ancestry analysis. ADMIXTURE analysis. ancestry Model-based 4 –1.0 –1.0 . This low low This .

Supplementary Note Supplementary from b ) Ancestry of each sample using using sample each of ) Ancestry

–0.5 –0.5 a

second N e value is most likely due to a series of strong strong of series a to due likely most is value e Figs. 2 2 Figs. ) more compatible with zooarchaeological zooarchaeological with compatible more ) k 0 0 values. As shown, shown, As values. 24

population , 30 , 34 and log log 0.5 0.5 , ). 3 10 10 5 (relati (relati

. 3 , and and , ve ve

1.0 1.0 N of

N N Supplementary Figs. 3 Figs. Supplementary e estimates. e Moreover,estimates. the e e

) ) wild k = 4 minimizes the cross- the = 4 minimizes k Fig. 2 Fig. = 4 clusters. = 4 clusters. 1.5 1.5

boars 7 4 analysis was was analysis k ) in the data set set data the ) in d ) suggests that ) suggests 2.0 2.0 a EUD (20,563) EUW (8,497) EU ASD (24,947) ASW (35,933) AS N ) ) Cross- e e in EUW 2.5 2.5 33 , , 3 6 6 - - - -

prior distributions. prior ( size population effective the of 0 ( time before size population the to size population current the of ratio (the proportion population relative the as shown are sizes Population 4 Figure pigs in the face of gene flow, we conducted a scan for positive selection pigs. domestic and boars wild between differentiation behavioral have could counteracted the selection effect of gene flow and artificial resulted in morphological and unintentional, or Intentional boars. and pigs wild domestic between observed differences and behavioral morphological clear the of maintenance the behind mechanisms the into boars wild from domestic flow pigs during gene and afterextensive domestication Thus, raises pigs. questions in regarding processes forms was a ubiquitous feature of domestication and post-domesticationthat Our demonstrates and analysis wild gene flow domestic between Positive Anatolia. in process domestication the in involved population least one wild boar population that was divergentgenetically from the pigs across Europe domestic in most resulted likely gene flow from at Supplementary Table 2 0.85; = (PP support posterior high received and tion (migration ASW Pleistocene ( the during branch EUW-EUD the from split that ‘ghost’population similar to our best-fitting model ( was that model a used we testing, this For pigs. domestic European of modern pool gene the to contributed also have might sample) not did we where Eurasia, central from populations wild example, (for hunting pressure and habitat or loss) was not in sampled our analysis to (owing extinct either is that boars of wild population another that b a To assess the importance of selection in the genome of domestic domestic of genome the in selection of importance the Toassess ↔ ASW EUD). This model provided a substantial improvement in fit improvement a substantial provided model This EUD).

t Cross-validation error

0 0.55 0.45 0.50 0.60

Posterior density distributions of demographic parameters. parameters. demographic of distributions density Posterior ); ); selection Fig. Fig. Fig. 1 a ). Each value in parentheses corresponds to the mode mode the to corresponds parentheses in value Each ). 1 ↔ DVANCE ONLINE PUBLICATION ONLINE DVANCE 8 6 4 2 , bottom) and acts as a step between ASW and EUW

ghost population counteracted ASD ). ). This result shows that the mobile herding of Clusters N e ). The dashed lines represent the the represent lines dashed The ). Fig.

( the k ) EUW 1 ↔ , middle) but had an additional

effect EUW but also ghost popula


gene Fig. Fig. Nature Ge Nature 10 EUD 1

flow , bottom, and and bottom, , n etics



© 2015 Nature America, Inc. All rights reserved. EUD (>72% of the total EUD haplotypes) and 2 haplotypes from EUW (<4% of the total EUW haplotypes). The shaded area on the right (Asia) contains contains (Asia) right the on area shaded The haplotypes). EUW total the of (<4% EUW from 2 haplotypes and haplotypes) EUD total the of (>72% EUD from haplotypes 64 contains (Europe) left the on area shaded The sweep. a selective of result the are that lengths branch short very the highlight areas the of upstream basepairs thousand in region swept parallel the of position the indicates area boxed The respectively. 0.01, and 0.05 5 Figure ( and scores conservation between correlation negative ( Browser Genome UCSC the from downloaded scores conservation with populations and population each in (DAF) frequency allele derived correlated we Toso, do selection. and purifying selection artificial investigated the between interaction Wealso pigs. domestic and boars wild of genomes the in segments ( Table 4 respectively pigs, domestic Asian and European with considered) regions 216,062 and Note and Methods (Online genome in the values CLR cal the compute to CDF this Weused details). the (see distributions posterior the from ( population ghost the without model, best-fitting our under Mb) (3 distribution function (CDF) of CLR cumulative by simulating 10,000 large genomic expected fragments an generated we effects, of types be sensitive very to demography and migration (CLR) of a selective sweep model over a neutral model. Such a test can SweeD using Nature Ge Nature haplotypes. ASW no and haplotypes) ASD total the of (>54% ASD from haplotypes 24 Fig. Fig. upeetr Note Supplementary b a CLR ). ). We identified 1,953 and 1,014 10-kb regions (out of the 214,007 1,000 1,500 2,000 1 500 100 , middle). The parameters for these simulations were drawn drawn were simulations these for parameters The middle). , 30 60 90 20 40 60 80 50 ), providing conservative identification of positively selected selected positively of identification conservative providing ),

0 0 0 0 Example of a parallel sweep in ASD and EUD. ( EUD. and ASD in sweep a parallel of Example 82.3 n etics CLR 37 100 200 300 400 100 , 3 30 60 90 20 40 60 80 50 8 0 0 0 0 . SweeD computes the composite likelihood ratio ratio likelihood composite the computes SweeD .

82.35 Supplementary Note Supplementary 82.4 ADVANCE ONLINE PUBLICATION ONLINE ADVANCE F ST PENK ). These results suggest that derived alleles alleles derived that suggest results These ). (fixation index) between wild and domestic and domestic wild between index) (fixation 82.36 SDR16C5 82.5 CHCHD7 PLAG1 82.37 PLAG1 82.6 region. ( region. P < 0.01 in the genomes of of genomes the in 0.01 < RPS20 Position onchr.4(Mb) ). We found a significant significant a found We ). Position onchr.4(Mb) 82.38 Supplementary Note Supplementary P values for all empiri all for values 3 9 82.7 c . . To correct for these ) Genealogy of phased haplotypes ( haplotypes phased of ) Genealogy 82.39 a Supplementary Supplementary Supplementary Supplementary

) CLR values in the the in values ) CLR LYN F 82.8 ST 82.40

or DAF or


EUW EUD ASW ASD for for c -

PLAG1 unknown. One possibility is that there was recurrent selection selection recurrent parallel was in resulted have might there phenomenon This traits. that similar for is possibility One unknown. genome. of the parts certain in flow of gene continuous effect in Asian and European domestic pigs and most likely counteracted the cation selection for behavioral and morphological traits was important and APBA2 directly influencing behavior (for example, aggressiveness and feeding; ( UKP1B ( pigs in height to related candidates gene multiple ous ( system nerv the and teeth bones, for processes developmental multiple to significantly enriched ( were that genes contained ASD) and (EUD pigs domestic in regions ( population each to private tion) lower by the indicated (as selection artificial by by affected less expected are sites than conserved highly that conserved and chance less are frequency high at occurring NRTN PLAG1 However, the mechanism behind this maintenance remains remains maintenance this behind mechanism the However, We then examined swept regions (indicating positive artificial selec 8 ). ). These results suggest that domestication and/or post-domesti region. Dashed blue and red lines represent represent lines red and blue Dashed region. , , , , in ASD) and nervous system development and maintenance maintenance and development system nervous and ASD) in , , SEMA3C MC4R NCPAG S upplementary Note upplementary Supplementary Tables 5 Supplementary , , RCAN1 , , , , b PENK PLXNC1 . . ( b ) CLR values in the parallel swept region a few a few region swept parallel the in values ) CLR P and < 0.05) for Gene Ontology (GO) terms related , , RPS20 , , ) for the swept region in in region swept the ) for BAIAP3 AAK1 and and Supplementary Note Supplementary , , RAB35 F ) ST 56– and LYN values). 6 3 6 ( in EUD and and EUD in and ). These terms comprised comprised terms ). These Supplementary Tables 7 Supplementary Outgroup EUW EUD ASW ASD P FRS2 -value thresholds of thresholds -value s e l c i t r A 40 b , . The shaded shaded . The 4 ) 1 44– and and ). The swept swept The ). LEMD3 5 5 and genes and and 42 , 4  3 - - -

© 2015 Nature America, Inc. All rights reserved. in body length between wild boars and commercial EUD breeds EUD commercial and boars wild between length body in particular, variation in this region explains up to 18% of the difference and in on stature height pigs body strong effect CLR in shown to has EUD) been the highest have (with region This a ( methods haplotype various using region swept this of ( EUD in value CLR highest the with region the of upstream kilobases few a just is region the gene, ( see example, (for interest that ASD seems to have been swept independently and in EUD and ASD EUD 8 Fig. Supplementary between introgression with consistent signal a showed regions these of some of genealogies The ( separately region each in analysis genetic phylo a conducted we signal, significant overlapping an observing ( but ASD and EUW and EUD not ASW in regions in CLR ( value the genome with a significant two the for We selection EUD). and (ASD identified episodes domestication independent parallel of signals for looked we this possibility, investigate To EUD. and ASD both in loci same the at sweeps s e l c i t r A  although although the phenotypic effect of this swept region is still unclear, this Thus, Asia. and Europe in episodes domestication independent two some of convergence the morphological within as well as the between at the same locus. Parallel selection of this form may be responsible for traits in Asian and European domestic pigs resulted in sweeps parallel pigs EUD commercial in morphology for region this of importance the Given genes that influence anatomical and nervous system development, development, system nervous and anatomical influence that genes candidate at selection of evidence extensive shows study Our pigs. domestic in traits behavioral and morphological of maintenance the dogs as as in in (direct, rabbits, versus commensal, pigs and domestication of mode as well as (behavior) specificity biological the with related that the appearance and maintenance of reproductive isolation is cor and horses dogs in suggested was it as taxa, other in hypothesis this test to ies stud future stimulate should here presented flow gene widespread zooarchaeologists by predicted as population is most likely the result of mobile domestic swine herding, quite divergent from the source of domestication. Gene flow from this was that boars of wild population extinct) even (possibly unsampled second a least at involved likely most flow gene Eurasia, western in Moreover,evidence. with the zooarchaeological we demonstrate that, data genetic modern to reconcile is necessary pigs to domestic boars wild from flow gene continuous that shows approach model-testing of evidence a geographically restricted domestication process in pigs. Instead, our zooarchaeological the with incompatible are tlenecks, traditional of such models, as assumptions isolation and reproductive strong bot domestication the that demonstrate we study, this In domestication. animal of understanding greater a and tested be to cal and empirical perspectives are allowing more sophisticated models more fully appreciated. The commensurate advancements in theoreti resolution is allowing the complexity of the domesticationgreater ever with processdata genomic toof amounts be larger of generation The DISCUSSION EUD. and ASD between convergence of possibility the study further to candidate interesting particularly a provides region Fig. Fig.

To rule out admixture between ASD and EUD as the cause for for cause the as EUD and ASD between admixture out rule To Extensive gene flow from wild boars raises questions regarding regarding questions raises boars wild from flow gene Extensive 1 5 5 ). ). Interestingly, although this swept region does not overlap any ) in different domestic species. domestic different in ) 4 Supplementary Figs. 9 Supplementary 1 6 , it is possible that human-mediated selection for similar similar for selection human-mediated that possible is it , 6 . It will be interesting in the future to test the hypothesis hypothesis the to test future in the . interesting Itbe will ). However, we found one region of particular particular of region one However, ). found we Fig. 5 Fig. and 18 , 2 2 10 . The unequivocal evidence of evidence unequivocal The . a ). We validated the presence presence the We validated ). , , and Supplementary Table 4 Supplementary 6 Supplementary Note Supplementary Supplementary Note Supplementary 4 and frequency-based frequency-based and 40 , 4 1 and cattle P < in 0.01) both 42 , 4 3 . . In 4 6 ). 0 ). ). ). ). 5 - - - - - .

role in counteracting the effect of gene flow. Nevertheless, artificial artificial Nevertheless, flow. gene of effect the counteracting in role hypotheses. these test further to means the with studies future provide will that genes of candidate a list highlight results our wild boars or are the result of from selection in variation genetic standing from haplotypes different of selection boars. wild from flow gene However, by it is unclear whether these swept regions involvedaffected recurrent less thus are that traits tic domestication’, which we define as genomic regions selection governing domes of ‘islands genomic artificial created have flow, farmers gene for through allowing but traits similar for selecting recurrently By domestication. pig during place took process analogous an that hypothesize we Here ’). of ‘islands genomic (constituting characteristics of species-specific maintenance for the allowed likely and flow gene to resistant be may regions such that suggested have divergence interspecies excessive show that regions genomic identified have common is flow gene which in systems on in allel Asia and Europe. In the context of studies focusing speciation, in par to selection have subject traits been morphological governing domestic pigs. In addition, our results show that regions and close to boars genes wild between observed dichotomy behavioral and logical morpho for the basis genetic the maintained and flow of gene effect homogenizing the counteracted have may selection that suggesting o Note: Any Supplementary Information and Source Data files are available in the accession under (ENA) Archive Nucleotide codes. Accession the t of in version available are references associated any and Methods M process. evolutionary fascinating this of knowledge enhance substantially ultimately will and domestication tion for and involved genes during plants animals but to also identify not only and origin to the time geographical determine of domestica such as the one presented here, will provide the necessary information frameworks, modeling realistic more with DNA, together sequencing ancient of future However, animals. domestic mate and wild genetic from modern rial of analyses comparative conducting when parameters graphical geo and time infer to used be could that signal the of most eroded and likely models of traditional assumptions the violates clearly flow gene extensive Indeed, domestication. during involved genes the ing identify in as well as animals, for domestication of time and origin the determining in models domestication traditional and sequences pigs. domestic and wild between backcrossing adaptive of interbreeding capable pigs domestic of ancestor given range the by Nevertheless, wide geographical occupied the wild boars. wild modern in diversity genetic ancestral of representation introgression in domestic pigs is of because challenging very the poor traits domestic underlying tectures archi in to a genetic the complex assess given broad context difficult mammals domestic diverse horse in blindness night with proposed associated was loci for phenomenon a Such were forms. that wild alleles from of introgressed retention the favored have also may selection nline version of the pape et In this study, in we selection the context only artificial discuss of its Lastly, it is important to underline the limitations of modern DNA Lastly, of modern it the limitations to is important underline h ods he pape he a DVANCE ONLINE PUBLICATION ONLINE DVANCE Raw reads have been deposited in the European European the in deposited been have reads Raw r . r . 71– 7 33 3 . It is therefore important to apply caution caution apply to important therefore It is . , 6 3 as well as the many closely related taxa taxa related closely many the as well as 6 6 , future studies may unravel examples of examples may unravel , studies future 9 . However, such a hypothesis remains remains hypothesis a such However, . 7 0 . Moreover, assessing adaptive adaptive assessing Moreover, . de de novo PRJEB992

6 8 Nature Ge Nature and immunity in in immunity and . Thus, 6 7 . These studies studies These . 2 . n online online etics ------

© 2015 Nature America, Inc. All rights reserved. 24. 23. 22. 21. 20. 19. 18. 17. 16. 15. 14. 13. 12. 11. 10. 9. 8. 7. 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. reprints/index.htm at online available is information permissions and Reprints The authors declare no competing interests.financial all authors. scan. L.A.F.F., J.G.S., G.L. and M.A.M.G. wrote the manuscript with input from J.G.S. performed the modeling. L.A.F.F., J.G.S. and A.C. performed the selection L.A.F.F., H.-J.M., O.M., M.B. and Y.P. andaligned filtered the data. L.A.F.F. and M.A.M.G., L.A.F.F. and G.L. the designed study. R.P.M.A.C. provided the samples. Science Foundation postdoctoral fellowship DBI-1402120. was supported by US National Institutes of Health grant R01-GM40282 and National (SelSweep), grant agreements 249894 and ERC-2013-StG 337574-UNDEAD. J.G.S. European Community’s 256 Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007–2013)/ERC This project is financially supported by the European Research Council under the with the figures. We thank B. Dibbits for his help during the laboratory work. for his insights during the conception of the project and D. Caspani for his help for providing us with the latest version of ABCtoolbox. We also thank K. Lohse analysis as well as for kindly sharing his code. We are also indebted to D. WegmannWe thank B. Peter for his help and guidance during the model-fitting step of the Nature Ge Nature COMP AU A c

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© 2015 Nature America, Inc. All rights reserved. simulations that were closest to the observed data and applied a standard standard a applied and approach data ABC-GLM observed the to closest were that simulations data simulated and observed the least- in partial 10 ( extracted Wecomponents (PLS) model. square best-fitting the under simulations ABCtoolbox in as implemented simultaneously libsequence using data simulated and observed ms were computed on statistics Summary model. per simulations we ran 200,000 using performed ( were models seven under recombination with simulations coalescent Backward loci. unlinked 10-kb 100 on performed were Simulations analysis. computation. Bayesian Approximate calls heterozygous of probability the for 0.01 (ref. 2.8 version Analysis UnifiedGenotyper (GATK) Toolkit Genome using called were Variants 10.2. build genome reference to porcine option alignment unique the with (v.1.1.0017) Aligner Mosaik the with than 45 if bp.shorter was performed and discarded Alignment basepairs consecutive three over >20 quality Phred minimum for trimmed were Reads were sequenced to approximately 10× coverage ( coverage 10× approximately to sequenced were calling. variant and Alignment animals culled within wildlife management programs. fromanimalsobtained fromslaughterhouses boar,wildor, of casefrom the in collected by veterinarians according to national legislation or from tissueanalysesdisplayed in samples Note ing kits. The resequencing data were used for modeling (ABC; out on an Illumina HiSeq platform with the 100- and 150-bpaccording paired-endto the Illumina library preparation sequenc protocol. Sequencing was carried preparationLibrary bp). conducted300–500range ofwas size libraries (insert Note displayed in BeadChip. This data set (60K) was solely used for the PCA and TreeMix analyses (Invitrogen). SNP genotyping was performed with itythe and quantityIllumina of the DNA extracted werePorcine60K checked on a Qubit 2.0 fluorometeriSelect from the blood samples with QIAamp DNA Blood Spin kits (Qiagen). The qual full description of the samples, see wild boar tic pigs, 103 European wild boars and 23 Asian wild boars (including a Tibetan total of 622 individuals comprising 403 European domestic pigs,Sample collection92 and AsianDNA domespreparation. ONLINE doi: 10.1038/ng.3394 ). For genome resequencing, we used 1–3 ), the selection scan analyses and the PCA, phylogenyanalysesPCA,selectionscanandthe the ), andADMXITURE 3 6

) and a Javan Warty pig ( MET Supplementary Figures 3, 6 79 H using a standard ABC-GLM general linear model approach approach model linear general ABC-GLM a standard using ODS Figures2 8 2 Supplementary Fig. 2 Fig. Supplementary . Supplementary Fig. 11 Fig. Supplementary and 8 All samples selected for genome sequencing sequencing for genome selected samples All 0 . For parameter inference, we ran 2,000,000 we 2,000,000 ran inference, . For parameter Supplementary Table 1

S. verrucosus 3 . DNAobtained.samples wasfromblood We used 104 genomes for the ABC ABC the for genomes 104 used We and Blood samples were collected from a 7 (described in the 34 8 µ ). For model-testing purposes, purposes, model-testing For ). 1 , g of genomic DNA to construct . We retained a total of 10,000 10,000 of total a We . retained 7 ), used as an outgroup 6 78 . , . We compared all models models all Wecompared . Supplementary Table 1 Table Supplementary ) from the 93 summary summary 93 the from ) 7 5 ). We used a prior of of prior a Weused ). . DNA was extracted Supplementary Supplementary 3 3 . For a 7 ). ). 7 - - -

86. 85. 84. 83. 82. 81. 76. 75. P the with from regions All approach. PPS derived the from obtained CDF was that the distribution CLR using population each in values CLR observed MACS using simulations). run were (20,000 analysis Simulations ABC our from simulations retained 10,000 closest the of parameters the using each Mb 3 of replicates 2 Wesimulated ( values scan. Selection SNPs ( 500,000 same the using also samples 103 our of ancestry the assess to and set data our in clusters of number optimum 500,000 randomly selected SNPs. We also used ADMIXTURE PLINK with computed SNP data sets. We built a neighbor-joining tree based on an IBS distance matrix SNPs; selected randomly 500,000 (using wide highest the with flashpca using run performed was PCA the score. likelihood selected and seeds) different (with replicates ten Wegenerated set. data SNP 60K the from tree population mum-likelihood pigs. Asian and European of Ancestry 80. 79. 78. 77. < 0.01 were selected for further analysis. further for selected were 0.01 <

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19 h Gnm Aayi Tokt a aRdc faeok for framework MapReduce a Toolkit: Analysis Genome The vlto o Tbtn id boars. wild Tibetan of Evolution


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20 , 289–290 (2004). 289–290 , PLoS Genet. PLoS 8 6 . We derived a critical threshold for for threshold critical a derived We . We used TreeMix We used e novo de Supplementary Note Supplementary

3 8 Supplementary Note Supplementary 8 8 eoe Res. Genome , e1002967 (2012). e1002967 , . . To obtain critical threshold 5 ( . Fig. 2 Fig. a. Genet. Nat. 8 4 for both the genome- the both for BMC Bioinformatics BMC Nature Ge Nature b 8 3 ), using the same same the using ), to build a maxi a build to 74

20 to estimate the LS Genet. PLoS

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