Harrow Urban District Council
3ist July, 1934. Vol. 1—No 6. HARROW URBAN DISTRICT COUNCIL, MINUTES of the Monthly Meeting of the Council held in the Technical School, Station Road, Harrow, on Tuesday, the 31st day of July, 1934. PRESENT: Councillor Mr. T. Charles, J.P. (Chairman). „ Mr. G. F. Telfer (Vice-Chairman). Councillor Mrs. M. E. Webb. Councillor Mr. T. A. Ellement. Mr. W. T. Adams. Mr. A. G. Elliot-Smith. Mr. G. VV. Alien. Mr. D. C. Ellis. ., Mr. A. C. Andrews. Dr. R. Forbes, J.P. ,, Mr. C. Brown. ,, Mr. J. Greer. ,, Mr. A. Buttle. Mr. J. E. Ousey. Mr. F. A. Coles. Mr. D. J. Pratt. Mr. F. P. Cope. Mr. S. J. Rust. ,, Mr. H. Cornish. Mr. J. V. Smith. Mr. R. W. Cowan. ,, Mr. E. G. Swann. ,, Mr. E. L. Cridford. Mr. H. Walker. ,, Dr. N. Crosby. ,, Mr. W. Weston. ,, Mr. H. Dawson. ,, Mr. J. Wibberley. Mr. G. W. B. Wilkins. (131) MINUTES.—The Minutes of the Meeting of the Council held on 3rd July, 1934, being printed, were taken as read and the file copy signed, attention being directed to the following :— (a) an inaccuracy in Minute No. 118, which should refer to children at Roe Green having to attend the new school at D'Arcy Gardens, Kenton ; 3ist July, 1934. 274 (b) Minute No. 119, Resolutions Nod. 664 and 665, page 239—Councillor Cowan not shewn as voting against; (c) Minute No. 105, Resolution Nod. 521, page 202— the grounds for the proposition not stated, i.e., on a point of equity, having regard to the Council's decision to supply surplices for clergy ; and (a) Minute No.
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